Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1900, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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Former Oitj Olerk of South Omihn Shot bj
Drunken Man.
(tunrri'l hi Dolr-anTa nloiHi Hilda In
ItcvlilrHn Klrhm mill the llnr
trndrr In the Only Oni
lit Mil IT it.
Joseph J. Maly, formerly city rlcrk and
for tho last year n bartender, was perhaps
fatally Injured In a shooting nflray that
occurred about 8 o'clock last night In Frank 1
Dolozal'H saloon nt Twenty-seventh and CJ
streets, South Omaha.
The shooting was ilono by n man named
Btogcman, an employe of Armour ft Co.,
nnd was not directed nt Maly, but at rati
lllckey, with whom Stegemnii had somo I
troublo before he entered the saloon. 1
lllckey and Stcgnman entered tho placo '
together, both showing signs of Intoxica
tion, nnd quarrelsome. After standing nt
tho bar together n couple of minutes Stogo
man wnlkcd back to tho front partition
door and stopping suddenly drew u rcvnl
vcr from his hip pocket and fired flvn shots
In rapid succession at lllckey. All of tha
hots, however, missed the Intended mark , Omaha. Should a newspaper refuse to print
unit two of them struck .Maly, who was! tho advertisement at the price offered by
standing with his face to tho bar nnd his tho municipality, tho posting of the notice
back to Htegcmau. ! on tho board will answer nH well.
Ono shot entered Maly's back just below I When President Adktns of the council
tho eighth rib nnd nnother pierced his appointed his commlttco of nlno on charter
right heel. Tho Injured man was promptly revision ho named two well-known labor
removed to tho South Omaha hospital, (leaders as members. These members have
whllo his assailant escaped In the ex- suggested that all work on the streets bo
cltemont. Ulotio by union men and that not less ths.n
At tho hospital Maly was attended by u day be paid for labor, skilled labor to
I)rs. Curtis and Schlndel nnd It was found i bo paid for at union prices. There Is, so
that tho wound In the back was of a lia-
turn that will probably prove fatal. Tho
doctors probed for tho bullet, but could
not locate It, nnd they are of tho opinion
that It Is either lodged In the lung or, hav
ing spent ItH force In passing between thu
ribs, dropped Into tho stomach. Dr. Cur
tis stated nt 11 o'clock that Maly was rest
ing easily, but tho chances for his recov
ery were but ono In u hundred.
Tho Injured man llvod with his wlfo and
two children nt 205 North Nineteenth
Btrcot. Ho was not acquainted with tho
man who shot him.
Stcgoman Is described ns being nbout
six feet In height, smooth-faced and of
light complexion. Up to n lato hour last
night ho had not been apprehended. Chief
of Pollco Mitchell gavo his personal at
tention to tho caso and Is making every
effort In his power to bring tho man who
used the gun to justice.
Tho sub-committees of tho threo charter
revision committees met yesterday after
noon at tho ofllco of tho mayor for tho
purpose of tnklng up and discussing somo
of tho disputed sections of tho threo char
ters now In evidence.. These committees
were mado up as follows: Commercial
club P. A. Wells, A. M. Gallagher, J. S.
Wallers. Citizens A. II. Murdock, J. J,
llreen, T. J. O'Noll. Council W. C. Lam.'
bert. W. P. Adklns, Ed Johnston.
Tho charter drawn by tho sub-commttteo
of tho couucll wan produced nnd read, sec
tion by section, nnd qulto a number of sec
tions woro adopted by tho Joint committee
without Bny extended comment. Whore n
section was read that did not meet with
tho approval of tho majority It wus passed
nnd will bo taken up later nnd cither
adopted or discarded.
In tho council charter provision Is mado
for six wards with ono representative, from
each. A three-year term Is provided nnd
provision Is mado for tho present officials
to hold over. Undor tho suggestion of tho
council commltteo all city officials will bo
required to glvo a surety bond, tho pre
mium to bo paid by tho city. In caco such
bond cannot bo given tho tltlo to tho ofllco
must necessarily bo forfeited.
Itomovul from ofllco of city officials Is
provided for by n process of tho district
court. Any threo councllmen may fllo
charges against tho mnyor, whllo tno mayor
ind any threo members of tho council may
Mo charges ngalnst nny other official of tho
city. Or, again, nny seven freeholders may
(llo charges against city officials uuder cer
tain conditions and restrictions,
No bonds of tho city nro to bo sold ex
cept nt public nuctlon or through an ad
vertisement published In ono of tho largest
dally papors published In Douglas county,
llonds representing $5,000 or Icbs will bo
sold nt auction, whllo securities above this
nmount will be advertised for.
Anothor good provision which hns been
suggested by Member Johnston Is tho tac
tion providing that no ordinance shall pr.sB
tho samo day It Is Introduced, nnd cs
liecially nouo grnntlng a franchise or tho
renewal of tho same, for one week. Ono
more Important point In this section Is
whoro It is provided that no frannhlso bo
grunted or ronowed whero tho city docs not
reap u roveuue therefrom.
Streets or parts thereof must not bo
vacated until after tho uppolntmont of three
disinterested freeholders, whoso duty It
nhnll bo to vnluo tho property to bo va
cated. In this connection tho value of tho
property abutting on such strcot must bo
taken into consideration.
There Is a section for tho paving, curbing
nnd guttering of street upon a pntltlnn
of one-halt of tho owners of foot frontage.
The signers, however, must bo actual resi
dents. After the receipt by tho couucll of
such n petition iVo council muy order tho
wesk (Tone. Thirty days will bo given for
remonstrances nnd tho selection of mate-
J"soitth OmalmNew's1! "1
On this 17th of October, 1900, before me, Thos. W. Foleom, a notary public, person
ally camo Dr. A. T. Sanden, to me porsonally known, and who, being duly sworn, de
clares tbat be will give to any sufferer of either sex his new Herculex Electric Belt on
r and spirit.
Which Is tho newest and moat perfect self-tppll-cation
of galvanic electricity In the world. It con
tains Improvements over all other electrical belts
and lends a pleasant soothing stream of the life
giving eloment through the aystera all nlcht while
you sleep. No burning or Irritation, It glvei
weak men new Strength and Is used by women af
well as men for Nervousness, Rheumatism, Lame
Duck, Constipation, Kidney, Liver, Stomach Blad
der Dliordera, etc. Remember, not one cent to me
Dr. A. T.
rial. There Is, of count, a tax commis
sioner and hU duties nro defined at length.
Ono new fenturo Is tho Issuing of certifi
cates of Indebtedness In anticipation of the
collection of taxes. This scheme, It Is as
serted, v. 1 1 1 virtually cnablo tho city to
pay cash and will cut down tho Interest
now being paid on warrants. Now tho city
pays 7 per cent on Its outstanding war
rants. Tho council committee proposo to
reduco this Interest to 6 per cent on ac
count of tho good tlmcH now prevailing.
This alono will result In a big saving In
tho courso of a year.
A levy Is provided for the repair of paved
streets. 1,'ndcr tho present charter tho city
has no way of paying for Improvements to
paved Htrcets tiniest) tho amount be taken
out of tho general fund, In connection with
sidewalk repairs It In suggested that all
pUc0 officers report dally to tho street
commissioner nny defects In sidewalks on
their beats. In this way It Is thought that
the wooden walks can bo kept In good re-
pair and many accidents averted.
one point of great moment Is brought
out and that Is tho reporting of council
committees within thirty days, Undor the
existing system ordinances go to u com-
mitteu nnd reports nre delayed from week
to week and some times until the original
ordlnanco Is worn out by being carried in
the pocket of the chairman of the com
mittee. In rofcrenco to city advertisements these
will b paid for at a stated price and also
posted on a bulletin board, as Is dono In
I'ar as known, no objection to this section
To laborers In the employ of the city tltno
checks will bo Issued each Saturday nlsht
and theso will be cashed by the city treas
urer. Levies will be made as follows: General
fund, fire, police, lights, hydrant rental,
sinking fund, library fund, judgment, repair
paved strcetB nnd parks.
Warrnnts may, If this charter Is accepted
by tho legislature, be drawn for 00 per cent
of tho levy, Instead of SD per cent. Hoards
of Equalization will sit two days, Instead of
One important fenturc Is tho giving of tho
council power to mako Improvements on
strcetB whero there nro no resident free
holders. If this Bcctlon Is approved J
street, from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth
streets, will bo Improved.
Tho city treasurer, under tho proposed
regulations, will bo required to turn In all
Interest on dally balances to tho city and
will receive a rcasonnblo compensation for
his services, thus making him Independent
of ofllco fees.
A most Importnnt feature Is tho provision
preventing tho council from confessing
Judgment under any circumstances, Tho
Idea Is to fight all cases brought against
the city to tho highest court in tho state.
It Is expected that the revised charter
will bo presented to a meeting of taxpayers
somo evening this week.
Hoy Aeoldciitnlly Kllrtl.
Clarenco Shaffer, 13 years of age, acci
dentally shot himself yesterday nftornoon
nnd died soon nftcrward. Tho lad lived
with his stepfather, Thomas O'DonnclI, nt
Docrfleld. At tho time of tho accident the
boy was driving a bunch of hogs Into a pen.
He hnd a small-caliber rifle In his hand and
In somo way, ns yet unexplained, tho gun
went off, sending tho bullet through the
boy's lungs. As tho ball lodged close to tho
heart life was extinct before medical serv
ices could bo secured. Morgan Heaffy has
tho remains In chargo and notified the
Cnni' nf Smallpox.
Manley McCarthy, an employe at Cudahy's
offices, Is reported to bo down with small
pox. His condition was discovered lato Fri
day evening nnd when two physicians pro
nounced It a well-developed case of small
pox McCurthy wont to work nt once to ar
raiigo for his own welfare. Ho remembered
thnt his mother owns a vacant house near
Fifteenth nnd Monroo streets and ho was
taken thero by tho authorities, who are
providing for him to tho best of their
Ilonpltul Soelnl.
Members of tho Hospital association will
hold n pound sccal nnd recortlon r.t the hoi
pltul on tho afternoon of Now Year's day.
Every member of the association ns well as
all friends nro Invited to attond this func
tion and Mrs. Holmes says: "Don't forget
to bring a pound of something."
.Inck .Mm In-r Wire.
J. J. Maher sends tho following message
from Chicago to a friend here: "There Is
no truth In the report that I have skipped
out. Please hnvo Tho Deo deny It."
Frlonds of Maher assert that ho will return
within tho next few days.
Ma tcli- City (ioanlp.
Seo 13d Munshnvv Sc Co. for lumber. Tel 15,
Tho Methodist church directory for l'JOl Is
Mrs. William Guthrie Is reported on the
sick list,
Scott Dunn hns nbout recovered from his
recent Illness.
Cottages built to suit buyers, Jno. J. Ryan,
Frank N Foote of Nevada, la., hua taken
up his residence here.
It I si reported that several gambling
houses urn now In operation here.
Wilt Wheeler of Wukelleld. Neb., Is tho
guest of Hev. Dr. it. L, Wheeler.
I 'so Meleher's Golden dross Cough Syrup,
It absolutely cures roughs mid hoarseness,
A sunrlso prayer meeting will be hold nt
tho Prosbytcrlun clurch Now Year's morn
ing. This afternoon tho regulnr men's meet
ing of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion will bo held nt tho First Presbytciiun
absolute free trial, without one cent in advance
he agrees to forfeit $5,000.00 if this offer is not
Sworn to bfor m this 17th day of October, A. D. 1J00. THOS. W. FOLSOM,
(Seal) Notary Publlo (87).
The above otftr holds good for my 189$ Electric Belt, ai well my latest Invention, the Herculex
Dr. Sanden Electric Belt,
Sanden, 183-185 S. Clark
THE OMAHA DAILY 1113.13: StrypAV, 1) KCEMKEK JJO, 1900.
church Instead of nt the association rooms,
Dr. Jamison, an nvangellst, will speak
Pastor Johnson of the Methodist church
Is preparing for a series of revival meet
Hev. It. W. Jamison will hold revival
services nt tho Presbyteilan church this
Henry Elsfelder Is golnrr to Lincoln to
spend a week or two In the Interest of bin
Mrs. L. A. Davis Is at Elgin, III., whero
sho Is spending some tlmo with friends nnd
relatives. ,
Tho lllirmoliv club Will lint meet nn Man
day night, as announced In The Ueo of
Watch night services will be held at tho
i-irsi .vieuioiiisi ijpiscopal enurch on Jlon
day night.
Washakie tribe of Hed Men will give n
mosnucrado ball at Workmen hull on New
eur s eve,
. The foundation for a number of new
dwol Ings nre being laid nt Twenty-fourth
and F streets,
llert lloobuck. Twenty-second nnd .1
ruiriH, ims returned rrom nn extended
Luropeun tour.
Storm sash. Howiand Lumber nnd Coal
company, Twenty-fourth rtrect, between M
and f streets.
Chief Mitchell says thnt he understands
'hero Is a ens of smallpox nt 213 South
Twentieth street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wake, 2208 J street, have
returned from Cozad. where they spent
Christmas with friends.
Migtc City council. No. 370, Knights nnd
', "i necuruy, wi:i meet .Monday even
ing at Modern Woodman hnll,
Hepreseiitntlvo I). R Wilcox linn ar
ranged for rooms ut tho Llndoll hotel dur
ing tho session of the legislature.
City Treasurer Koutsky Is grading tho
property at Twenty-third nmf O stree s
preparatory to tho erection of a lino res!
uenco. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Wilcox of Ida
Orovo nro here to spend the winter with
Airs. n. h. Wilcox, Twenty-fourth nnd J
. "Si' p- MncDonuld writes from Dublin,
to Treasurer Koutsky asking for a state
ment of his taxes on the property he owns
in this city,
Martin Jo. tor of Aurora. III., will come
hero to tako the placo nt the South Omuha
brewery inodo vacant by tho retirement of
F. J. Freltng.
Tho King's Daughters of the Presby
terian church will meet on Frldny, Jan
uary 4, with Mrs. R A. Kclls, 723 North
Twenty-first street.
,Kor 'V3'!'.1 two f00'1 six-room flats near
55th ?.2U..N "twets. 15.00 each. George Sc
Co.. 417 North 25th street. H
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Jones and Mr. nnd
Mrs. AJ Hunter hnvo returned from Al
bany, Mo., whero they went to spend
Christmas with relatives.
,T.'l Vin'nn I'orelgn Missionary society
of tho Methcdlst ohurch will meet Wednes-
J;' .lfrnoon wl,1 -Mr"' W. Smith, C21
North Twenty-slxth street.
Co'incllmnn Fitlo leaves on Wednesday
for Lincoln, where ho has n position in alio
of tho departments. a Wll. however
maintain his residence hero. "cvcr,
.,JJ.i forcc tho treasurer's olllce was
lS, ! '"l'5T'"crl,a.y taking In money nnd
making ut tax statements. City taxes bu
como delinquent on January 1.
"Twentieth Century Christianity" Is tho
morning themo of Hev. .1, A. Johnson nt
tho Methodist church today. In the even.
Ing tho pastor will speak on "Resolutions."
xrTi'. "A1.1"!'1, reception of tho local Young
5!.cir cl"rls,m".n!aocl!ltlnr will bo given
an Monday evening from 8 until 10 o'cTocI
mints auxiliary will servo rcfresh-
.n?iY Irvtnts ,V- Jn!1"8f,n will preach today
at tho following places: At U u. m.. St.
Martin's, Twenty-fourth nnd J streets- nt
0:30 ,.. m., ,u St. Edwards Tw-entv-sfx 1
and Adams: ftt 8 p. m.. nt Bt. Clomenti
an?.l,r,i",n,lli,"m,, 8, H,r; Bormo""?,:
lie preached clofll,"' f century will
A cold, cough or la grippe can bo "nipped
In tho bud" -vlth n doso or two of Foley's
Honey and Tar. Dcwnro of substitutes.
Dillon's drug store, South Omaha; Myers
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha.
I'l Inltlntory Ceremonies.
CAHHONDALK. 111.. Deo. 29.-Al.out four
months ago It. p. Denson, n saloonkeeper
of DeSoto, In this county, met his death as
a result of being Initiated Into a secret
order known us the KnlghtB of tho Royal
Arch. During tho Initiatory ceremonies a
poddlo about eighteen Inches long. In
which was a blank cartridge, was used.
Tho usur mado a mistake and usod tho
wrong side, tho result being that tho wad
of tho cartrldgo was Imbedded In tho thigh
of Deason, causing his dentil through blood
poisoning about fifty hours later. Thedenth
caused u sensation nnd as a result tho
ritual of the order had to undergo a change
nn regards the use of a paddle. Mrs. Dea
son brought suit to recover damageii
against those, who participated In the affair
and hua received Judgment for Jl.OOO. The
result of tho trial Is not ncceptablo to
either party nnd tho courts of last resort
will bo called upon to scttlo the matter.
Southern Stntc In IteliPlllan.
UOSTON. Dec. 29 -Tho Middlesex club
had Its monthly dinner nt Young's this
afternoon, at which tlmo former Governor
Urackett, Its president, made a remarkable
sixech In discussion of tho subject of "Elec
tion Iiws." tho selected topic for the oc
casion, lie referred to the now apportion
ment of tho states for natlonnl representa
tives and in quoting tho constitutional re
quirements for such apportionment said
that congress cannot Ignore th action of
four southern states In disfranchising
negro citizens. Ho snld that the repre
sentation from those stntes would bo red-iced
und tho states themselves In throw
ing out tho negro vote, he maintained, were
in leuiNiiuji iiKuinsi ma unueu mates.
Collem- (iymiifialtim Director.
NEW YORK, Dec. 20. Tho second and
last day's session of tho fourth annual
meeting of the Society of College Gym
nasium Directors was held todny nt Co
lumbla university. Several nancrs were
read behind closed doors, tho contents of
which. In accordance with a resolution of a
former session, wero not made public. The
following officers wero elected for the en
suing yenr: President, Dr. R. Tnlt McKun
zle, McGlll university, Montrenl: vice presi
dent, Dr. Cnsper W. Miller, I'nlverslty of
Pennsylvania: secretary-treasurer. Dr.
"lunuti i it ouwiKt.', iuiiiiai)iii university ;
members of tho council, Dr. Paul C. Phil-
litis. Amherst co'.leire. anil
Prof. Alouzo
Stagg, Chicago university.
Dentnl PriliiKOKiu-N KU'ot onieers.
NASIIVILLK, Tenn., Dec. 29. Tho Instl
tutu of Dental Pedagogics closed its hcs
slons hero today. The following ofllcera
wero chosen: President. Dr. Oeorge R.
Hunt, Indlannpolls; vice president. Dr. liar
ley O. Oeslee. Chicago: secretnrv-trenHiiree
Dr. 11. R. llleston, Louisville; member of
the executive commltteo for three years,
W. II. Whltsloy, Cleveland, O., succeeding
Dr. II. W. Morgan of Nashville. h
Two Killed lu Terrllnrr Klirht.
ARDMORI-J I. T., Dec. 29. In a pit-bed
battle between Sam Ounn und Jim Lovo on
ono Hiiio nnu jjiiicii jncKSon una Phlll
Franklin on the other, near Tntnm
Inland town, Lovo ami Gunil were killed
outright. Jackson surrendered nnd Is In
Jail. Franklin CHcnped. hut olllcers hnvo
lilm located In a swamp and troublo Is
or on deposit, and that
lived up to in both letter
until you are satisfied with resulti, Note: The
word "Herculex" has been trade-marked legally
by me according to act of U. 8. Congreei, and no
one nlae dare uae It. When you aee tho worda
"Dr. Sandon'a Electric Herculex," together with
factory number etaniped on a Belt; you may know
the article la genuine.
Write for iny new Illustrated dcicrlpttve
boo!.-, "Health In Nature," sent free by mall, or
drop la at my efflca for free eonaultatloa.
St., Chicago, 111.
V n1 TT At n . t
new uncans uanuicap uapiurea n weuer s
Mount bj Half-Length.
Slnrler Chris FlUm-rnld Arrives nt
Crescent City Track After I.oiik
ni unit Will Airiiln
Wield (he 1'Iiik.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 29. Young Weber
wns forced to ride Moroni out to win today's
stake, tho New Orleans handicap, at soven
furlongs, nnd he was but a scant half a
length to the good at tho end. Charllo
O'llrlen, a mild favorite at L to 2, could not
negotiate tho going, and except Alpaca, who
was a strong second choice ut 13 to 5, nnd
who led all tho way to tho stretch, the oth
ers wero never dnngcrous.
Iecn and Hello of Orleans were tho only
winning favorites. Whllo nt tho post for
tho fifth race, Matchlm ran out to a false
break and went nearly threo miles. Tho
horso was ordored to start, but Richards
wisely pulled him up In tho nrst few Btrldes.
Starter Chris J. Fitzgerald, who was 111 nt
his homo lu Canada when tno racing opened
here, arrived today and will probably ns
Btimo tho duties of starter on Monday, re
lieving Jako Iloltman, Tho weather was
rainy and tho track very heavy. Results;
i.,'.r8ti1r'.u:.-'t H? a"'1 11 "Ixteenth, sell
ng: llrlght Night, m (D. Shaw), 5 to 1.
won; Nearest, 101 (Richards), H to 1 nnd 3 to
!'u,8e.con! Juck Martin, loo (Miles), c to 1,
!k'r'' ,Tlmu:.1:5;V Hau'iuo II, lllshop
Torn Cromwell also ran.
Second raie. six furlongs, Belling: Grn-
f Mlir'h? m(Uiul.0) ,9 ,0 , 'ou: Scrlveher. 113
(Mitchell), 4 to 1 nnd 3 to 2. second; Sir
Christopher, tin (Wllkerson), 40 to 1, thlnl
lime: 1:19. Pirate's Queen, Saline. Uteri)
Or on. piekma und Mnroquo so n so ran. '
T ' , sieepiecunse, snnrt course:
;m'"'vU?iLiiwJoh-',)! uv.0"' wn": Harvo ii, ir,
(. Williams). I to 1 nnd to 0, second:
tw. ",!' I3.'.' "'. t to 1. thlnl
r.. ! 1 - '"nikecno and Rrlstol also
ran. Clorolm fell early In thn men
lourth race, Now Orleans hnndleun.
seven furlongs: Moroni. w,i (A. ur Ti
tn 1. tvnn Atnnnn 111 It,... .... 1
i- .. V. lv". ' "ny in ino race.
Io.irth race, Now Orleans hnndleun.
even furlongs: Moroni. w,i (A. Weber) " 4
o 1, won; Alpnrn. Ul (Wonderly), 13 to r,
"' . 0.p,n'.H,r.m,li 01,1 Vax (Cochran), 7
o 2. third. Time; IWA. Charllo ori rlen
, ",",L 4nrl,ot'- T Klngsley and We dc-
matin also run
tiW1 race- .ono mllo: Donnn Seriv. SO
SS (Coehrm.): 8 to 0 and 7 to 10. Voc omY
Gray Dally. 83 (Lynn). 20 to 1. third Tlmo!
...TJ- .a,. l ke, Choice and Matchlm
also ran.
sixth rnce,
selling, ono mile and n six
teenth: Hollo of Orleans, 101 (v a sh 7 to
10. won; Ida Ledford. in WllkerVo n) , t, o 1
i'i" -M1?8! "Cf""'1; I'hldlas. 101 (Co iira i). 2
iniiriif ii man run.
I'rlnor Pint liitovrsk I'm Colt Winn Juve
nile Champion Stakes In
llnnt Drive.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 29.-Hrutul a eolt
thn J, v2,r,!'l of IVnco i:o'lutowHkl?vvon
tlin Juvenllo Champion stokes at Tanfor.i n
f'r'o,na,yiOfr'om,a,Sc00:' W:, ..TO?K8
O'Connor, heat Cnnmor In a ! Irlv by half
n length. Tho latter colt i. nlnl ,L W.'.f
I'avorltes took three of tlm event- i',:,H "T'vcd hero from New York.
H.,. wl.V. b0 .""owed to ride at Tanforan
'A'.'.1.,?:" ';?k lP. hllv f'o ban removed at
Oakland. Results
ll-.VS'.. lvo nnd one-lmlf furlongs,
h,n 1 .'il'V?,'1'.,105 'Domlnlck), 4 to r.
l1100', fJJV'Jmnii). 20 to 1, second
i' irsi race.
iiuiso: iiir
won; Annell
a :.i - - J w.....,,
ovuiiiiu men. nnn tniin . , , .
Rill Gur-
M1mcIi)' ?5 i ""coM: Wooster RoV
103 (IJullmnn). 2 to 1. third. Tlmo: 1:11ft
M'll, J,l I 1 JfllTl 1 n I Plf 1 7 tn in ........ rt-..-
A i i MlM O,"1 Sunello nln rnn.
' ,mu,M-ii,. sieenieciiase Hhorl
(couplet! with Golden Age), lhln,: JTi07
also4'ran. Bt'' Kcnllwort'' "d Dodeek
Fifth race, mile nnd one-sixteenth Rollins
Opponent. 101 (Coburn). 2 to L wo n St'
Wood. 101 (Domlnlck). 2 to 1 eond-' Ed.
gnrdo, AS (Rnusch), 10 to I, third! Time:
i'. i T?e".0"7i"r "J. lr- "e"yH. levator Tmi
It nee
.Mil ill- In
mill nt
n I'lfty-lllril
.At the weekly shoot of tho Omnlm nn'M.V0?inn,Y "fter"" the club
5?,i,,' f0"wing scores wero made on
I.. 111111,1
...2221 52I2 1200'' 'wto o.
..22222 22112 22122 21222 2222' '"'i
...('212 22222 121-2 "1"1 i--'-
...2211 22212 12222 "iy"l ""oT
.. .11021 21112 112M 1M2 11111-22
...11111 21121 21ll l12i 122 -20
...1121 22121 11212 l' 1"--t
...21222 22222 12222 22122 222T2 2,
lionson .
Ilonson .
Hardin .
Hardin .
Rlack ...
Fogg ....
.iii-i suiu L-.-ni n12 2112222
yiii-i van o
inn louowing nave heen selected ns thn
CurrlKiin'M llurKi-fi Sulil.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 29.-I!orscH he
lonullli; to Kilwiinl Cnrrlenn nn.l ,,.,......;.
of the lato Mnrcus Daly weie bold ut uuo
tlon at 'Ianforim today. Tho Corrlgan
horses brought $,f0.
John Mackay of Rniieho del pnBo was tho
principal iiurchaser. I'at Dunno paid Jl.auo
V;' i. b ,,",'"K . Y unsottaw-M ss
Mux in. Tho stallion Montana, owned by
l'1? .VillY eue ww sold to John Mackay
.... ..Mil ,i, uuiui i,. iiocKi'iener, in negot
iiik nir win purcn use or John R. Oentrv
2:0OH. for hls'toek ramii ut Vlcl It ,, ;:
Gentry Is owned by 13, 11, Harrlman.
I.onton .liny It ll o In t'liliruriilit.
LONDON. Dec. 29.-Snm Lontcs. tho
KngllHli Jockey, who wns Relff's closest
competitor last season, has started with
his wlfo for New York, llo is going to
California for thu winter and may be In
duccd to rldc.
IViitnoii Will Help I In ft.
ROSTON Dec. 29.-A statement Issued by
riiomas y. .Lawson tonight says that Cap
tain Hank llalT has been engaged to sail
tho new boat and will be assisted by Cap
tain Nnto Watson as rescrvo muster.
Cold and cough cures are numerous, hut
tho one that lends nil others In merit 1
Foley's Honey and Tar, which Is In crent
demand theso days. Myers-Dillon Drug Co,,
uiminu; union s urug sioro, south Omaha.
Hook InIiiiiiI'm .Vevv TeiiK I. Inc.
FORT WOHTII, Tox.. Dec. 29.-The
Chicago, Rock Island & Mexico railroad was
organized hero today with tho followlug
officers and directors: M. A. Low, Topcka.
Kan,, president; J. II. Conlln, Twist, Tex.,
vice president, chief engineer nnd sunor-
Intendent; Dwlght Ford, treasurer and sec
It was given out that work on tho now
line would bo begun nt onco nnd that it
would bo punned ns fast as possl.'ilo to
completion. There will bo nbout 110 miles
of tho road In Texns, The lino will start
from Liberal, Kan nnd will pass through
the counties of Dallam, Hnrtloy nnd Sher
man in Texas. Connection will bo mado
with tho EI Paso ft Northwestern nt 3omo
point In New Mexico, to bo decided on
i omnn til.
Timo:i:0SH. Lucera Pic lovv. Illus .nj:
tellada. Marlon, Rrlstol, Instante. "an la
Lucas, Luca and Carthagcna also Van
Nestor. 179 Cooped." to second." I n A
,mo: 7.-00, Kva Noe also ran.
"rt.1' r".c.- ovcn furlongs. .Tuvcnlle
Champion stakes: Rrutal. 115 (O'Connor)
7 to 1. won: Canmore, 122 (Mounce) i tn 1
second: Rol Inn- n,mr vrr '! '." '.:
ixin race, nx nnd one-half fnrlniiL-a-Phnenlssn,
107 (Mounce). 3,a to 1. won- Rren'
lllda. 10S (HullmauV, cn,.,Med v th V , S
ssn, second; Onvx. 107 Tiilloy). lo to 1
U'.i ,-.T ".HY M2"4- cUbaccres.0 l.adV
Maud. Light Dollnrs. Hnralamb. William F
Honduran. Sweet Voice. Tho Odyssey ami
nuciiu iunu I it II
Down-f 2M122 22122 (1111) 21121) 22021-18
Lewis 2012' 21221 0221 00o0" "'-ih
flnllagher 01212 10111 01211 " i?
Parmelee 22221 22222
,...11.V. llllU.JJl I 1 I I ' 1)1111 VI
I' llUlf 1 1 L-l llllll
... ti;i,-iiuiiiviM n, mo learn b loot at
Kaunas City January 17. S and 19: (Icorgu
I' klT ?! .S' V,,r,nolS, '""'tn. h Oram"
Rlclmrd Ulmb'e, Junius Kmeml. .1. c. Rend.
. D. Tovvnseiid, Dan limy, Richard Lln
drrmiin and Frank Cntblo. Wntson and
Hardin, extras.
Itnekrfeller .11 nj- llnj .lohn H. Centry.
MIDDLKTOU'N. N. Y.. Dee. "9 n I.
orted at aoHchen that Frank Rockefeller,
I at-
The Business
gTk Is the
Office Open Continuously from 8 a. ni, to 9 p. m, Sundays from 8 a, m. to 5 p. m.
The Doctor's Quick Cures and Low Charges aro the Wonder of All His Competitors.
Dr. McGrew's treiitiiHnl for Viiricot'clo gives absolutely no pain and is the quickest
form of curing this disease that lias ever been discovered. The doctor has devoted 26
years t the treatment of Varicocele, and it is but justice to him to sav. without fear of
contradiction, that, his treat meiil for Varicocele HAS NO EQUAL ANYWHERE. AN
DR. McGREW can give you Hot Springs treatment for Syphilis (except tho
water), anil he guarantees better results mid better satisfaction, besides you can
take his treatment right at home and no one will ever find out that, you have this terrible
disease. It, is quite dilfeuent when you have to go to the Springs, for that trip alone is
quite sullicient to advertise just what your ailment is. Have you ever thought of this? All
external signs of the tlisease disappear at once uuder Dr. MctSrew's treatment and not a
spot or pimple will ever appear to expose the nature of your disease. This fact, alone is a
priceless comfort ami consolation to one alllicted with this ailment. Dr. McClrew guar
antees you a permanent cure for life ami his charges are always reasonable.
Vl ET El A lfflfa cases have been cured of Lost Manhood,
WCI yJyy Loss of Vitality, Loss of Brain Power, Nervous
mmmammmtmraxma mi m lability, Poor Memory, Despondency, Stricture,
Gleet, Gonorrhoea and all unnatural discharges.
Dr. McGrew's treatment for Diseases of the Rectum has proven a wonderful
success- Fissures, Ulcers, Piles, Prolapsus, and all chronic disorders of tho rectum
relieved, almost instantly and a permanent cure is made without cutting or pain.
The cure is quick and complete. Consultation and examinations free. Those at a dis
tance will be treated by mail.
Treatment by Mail Medicines Eent everywhere, free from gaze or break rg
ready for use.
Office Hours g a, m. to 9 p. m. Sunday 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. P. O. Box 766
lutor. It In cxpcctcil that this Improve
ment by tho Hock iHlnml company will he
completed by tho latter part of next year.
'liciii Itntt-H to .Vortlnvi'Kl.
ST. PAUL. Minn., Dec. lit). A few ilays
ngo tho paBsenRer agents of the Northern
Pacific, tho Orerft Northern ami tho Soo
lines met In St. Paul ami decided to abol
ish tho $10 round trip homescolers' rates to
tho west. Today a circular was issued by
tho threo big roads stating that on January
1, 1801, round trip homeseekers' tickets
would bo Issued, but nt n cost of $."2, sec
ond class. It wns only after several meet
ings had been held that tho toads decided
to lssuo cheap round trip rates. Another
reason filvon for tho resumption of the round
trip rates Is thnt rate-cutting was threat
ened by ono of tho lines which from Hip
first was opposed to tho abolishing of the
Con no I 111 ll 1 1 Mlf tin- Slilllliern.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 29. In a scries of
circulars Just Issued by tho Southern rail
way announcement Is mado of tho tnklng
over of tho Louisville & St. Louis Air lino,
tho appointment of George O. Smith ns
general manager nnd tho consolidation nf
the air lino property nnd all tho lines of
tho Southern In Kentucky under tho operat
ing tltlo of tho St. Louls-Louisvlllo lines.
Tho Jurisdiction of tho first nnd second vlco
presidents is extended over tho nir line.
Tho headquarters of tho general manager,
Oeorgo C. Smith, nro established In tho
Chemical building, SI. Louis. Tho vnrious
nudltlng nnd other departmental olllcers
In Louisville huvo their territory extended
over tho air line.
mv liliio I'roKi-riHlnK ltfiilill.
Tho Durllngton hns been making ex
traordinary progress In the const! uctlon of
Its now lino from Tolucn, Mont., to Cody,
Wyo., which has been mado largely pos
sible because of tho fnvorahlo weather that
has prevnllcd so far this winter. Tho grad
ing work has progressed so rnpldly that
track-laying has already commenced far
In advnnco of tho tlmo expected by tho
company. Contrncts for tho transportation
of wool shipments from Cody on or beforn
July 15 next aro now being made.
Southern Itnlliviiy Appointment.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. Tho Southern
Hallway company announces tho following
appointments, offectlvo Jnnuary 1: W. H.
Peddle, general superintendent of trana
portatlon; II. H. Pegram. assistant gunoral
manager; H. V. Ilutchons, superintendent
Memphis division; A. Hamsour, superln
dent Norfolk division.
Theso nro changes rowing nut of tho
resignation of J. II. Tlarrotl as general
superintendent of trnnsporti'tlon.
Xer- Krlo lliilluity Appiilnti-fi,
f'LKN KLANI). O. Dee. 28. II. W. Ed
ward hns been mado assistant general, pns
nnor agent of tho Erlo railway with head-
utors In Chicago. Thomas Heard hns been
nu a
mado foreign frolght agent of the Krlo
with hendiiunrtors In Now York
Clileimii (.rent Western 1)1 rector,
ST. PAUL. Minn., Dec. sn. William A.
Itoed of tho firm of Vermllyo ft Co. tif New
York wns elected to tho directory of the
Chicago Oreat Western railroad at a fnoot
Ing of tho directors here today.
Dan. I will not bo with you tomorrow
night, Am invited tn tho Elks' "watch
meeting." More fun thero. HILLY.
of My Life
Welfare of Men
is the only Specialist in Omnlm who has nlwnys
limited his practice strictly to the treatment of
Diseases of Men Only.
Why the Frightful Tension of Stricture is Dissolved Like Snow
Beneath the Sun IN FIFTEEN DAYS.
Why Weak Men Are Restored by the Magic St. James Treatment
Applied Locally and Directly to the Affected Parts.
We answer the ques
tions briefly. If you
cut an urtery In
your arm you do
not ' take Internul
niPdlcliiH to stop the
flow of blood. YOU
lllarly when the ure
thral ducts become
weakened nnd re
laxed It Is ridicu
lous to tflltH Intnrnnl
treatment, which must pas through the
tomach and urine before It reaches the
lent of disease. Tho xemlnnl duets project
Into the urethral canal through the Pros
tate tilnnd, and nre easily reached by LO
CAL THEATM13NT. The St. James treat
ment Is prepared In the form of rrnvons
Very narrow, smooth, flexible anil wholly
soluble, which nro Inserted Into tho water at night, whero thoy dlsmilvn
nd deposit the medication in Its full
strength upon tho
Prostate Gland,
S?,1f,t.a.c,t,V,? nndtrengthenlnK the ducts,
FOHKVKK STOPPING drains and enlist
flnns, and curing while the patient slcens
Dr. Carter's "dran-Holvent" noluble
Hougles will dissolve, dlcest and forever
remove urethral
Every Man Should Know Himself.
able St. James treatment In urethral diseases, Every suKerer
trom i Stricture and Its offspring, Prostatitis and Seminal Weakness,
should write to tbe St. James Amoolatlon. Itox Clnolonaii.
(Jhlo, for tlielr wonderful Illustrated ork ihowlnc tb parti of the
human system Involved In urethral ailments, wblch they will send securely
wrapped In plain package, prupald
K- i . .1. . , , . ... ,
at vigor to the whole Lrlnr. All dralm
V- J'c properly cured, ihnr condition ciften
V Mailed jealed. I'nce t per boij 6 boxei,
mour,f. " -i i 'tUi- book.
Sold by Kuhn & Co.. 15th and Douglas,
Mr. WIiimIimv'k HnnlliliiK Syrup. J
lias been used for over F1KTV VISA ItH by
MILLIONS nf .MOT 1 1 HHJJ for their CIIIL
VuVjVi'. ',!? g's
I In every part or tho world. He sure ami
" f. .Mrs. winKow-ssootiiins, Syrup,
and tako no olti-r kind.
Twenty-live cents
a linttlo.
J D jOFj If you ham r mull, e.ik orirain, 1
J lofl nower fir Wl-akenlnr, rinin.
Vjj our Vacuum Urun I)evelr will
VI re.lorn ttiti ivlili...., .t...j
Ua 9 U oleetrirltTi 21.00 In
failure, mt ono rrturnrdi no O O P. fffl.Mj wrltofor
turtlriiUr. ffnt in plain e nHnw.
LOCAL APPLIANCE. CO., 414 Chirlei BI4r, Dnvtr, Clio.
In IB days, without pain, Injury or Incon
venience. Tho bouKlcs ure Inserted at
nlxht and act while you sleep. "Orun
Solvent" removes every symptom of
stricture, leaving the canal ils healthy
ns when nature formed It. NO IHlUrAL
James treatment Is local, direct and posi
tive. Varicocele.
Varicocele Is nn accumulation of slue
Rlsh blood In the veins of the scrotum,
due solely to Imperfect circulation, and
tmi Its origin In n diseased and torpid
Prostato Oinnd, Operations In this dl
euce are only temporary, nnd no me
chantcal device yet discovered hns cured
ii (Ingle caie. Gran-Solvent heals tho
Prostate and restores heulthy circulation.
Varlcocelo disappears and tho sltiEglsh
accumulation is replaced by puro, healthy,
red blood,
19.S4G men strlctured, wenk, wasting and
despondent were cured und restored by
the St. James method lust year. A vast
army of men in whom tho light of llfo
has penetrated the fearful nightmare of
stricture nnd seminal decay.
tier nave itoott trie, ten otycarf,
nil hjYO cured thuutasdi of
caiei of Nenroui Ditcatct, mch
Debility, Dimnen.SleepIen-
uci anu varicoccie,Atropny,&c
They clear the brain, itxenEthta
ine circulation, make dieition
pencci, inn iiapiri a neauny
and laiwi ire rhrrlr.,1 - ,.!...
worrlel them Into Inianity, Cnniumption or Death.
with Iron-clad lef al ruaranirt incnrr or refund the
Addiesi. PFIL M-"' wn m a n
and J, A. fuller & Co.. 14th and Douglas,
Bujjcrlorto A)lol, Tansy, Ptniiyroysl tr hteel.
Suro Relief of Pain und Irregulari
ties Peculiar to tho Sox.
Aplollno Capttilcs for threo months coat SI.
Drug-slit or P. O. JSoz S0SI, Nuw York.
Cook's uurn-i Tabints nrr uccrr.f till v
uted monthly liyovur IU.U0O ladies. I'rlco,
i. Ily mail. J1.0H. Keud 4 cents far
i MipiilM nnd p'trileulniH. ' Iik Oiok Co..
Veilw srd hve , Detroit, MU'h.
cM iu Omaha by ICu Lu V Co., U & Uouglaa.