TILE OMAHA DAILY IJEEi THUJIROAV, DEC EM HER 27, 1000. 0 V ') SPECIAL NOTICES AdvertUementa for these colnmnt will hi tnkrn until lil in. (or the enlng edition and nntll 8 HO p. an. for raij-nldK unit Snnrinr edition. flntea, 1 J-2o m rrord flmt Insertion, lo a rrord thereafter. Nothing tnken for leaa tuun 2&o for the Aral tnacr tlon. Thtm adTertlaeanaata aaaat be rum consecutively. Ad vertlarra, by reqnaatlaaj a nnm fcercd etirck, can linve answers ad elreaaed to a numbered letter In care of The Dee. Acarrera an nddr'jaaed will be delivered am reaentatlo af tha cheek only. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION wanted by competent printer Address A. lng Hotel, cor Jncksoti and 13th Sts., Otnaha. Neb. A-503 26" WANTED-MALE HELP. WANTKD, wo havo stondy work for a few good hustlers of good habits nnd appear ance. C. F. Adamj Co., lt6 Howard St. 11437 BARHER trade taught thoroughly In hort time, cataloguo and particulars free, Address Western Darhcri' H"H"i Omaha, Neb. n 133 WANTKD, a good experienced clothlmr solicitor. Apply 1314 Karcam St. Go.id munition to rigm party. WANTKD. eood man to do canvassing In inu country, goou pay tor rigin '"" 'V dress E 4, Lee. n M1K) BAliKNMKN. 1rv inm!. traveling salesmen to mi vacancy Ih Nebraska. Will con tract for year 1901 with right party, Per mnniint nnatffnn tin.! rnmllnprnti Ve COm pensatlon. Itoferences and stamped en velope. D S3, Hce. u MS.u-JU- W A -VTtrT nn.l nrlpn ftll ....... t, "J IV... h ...... . - traveling salesman acquainted with the siovo iraui ill .cnr.tsKn nnu wmi"n Iowa, to sell Ecllpso stoves aid ranges in noovo territory; repository in wiuuim Address, giving experience and references Tho Eclipse Htovo Co., MuitHtlcld. O. B-MH2 23 WANTKD. mpti td learn barber trade: com paratlvely no expense: we will guarantee IIS weekly to any moil graduating at our college cltlier in cnicago. si. i.ouis or Minneapolis, and agree to teach them thoroughly In two month!): wo furnish ire transportation 10 our mom conveu tpnt lmirmVi n ml Imve nilviintniren of con slant nriiiitli-p. ete.. thai cannot be had elsewhere, Apply by mall today to Moler Jiaruer college iiepresenmuve. nam Ht., Omaha. I1-M4M 27 MKCIIANICAli or archltoctual draughts man. Apply tlmo keeper's olllcc. Swift & o Houm umaniu u oai-su WANT1CD, experienced operators on pants and overalls. Apply at llyrno & Hammer ury uooiin co., jziii anu iiowani sis. H-M5.-7 27 WANTKD, men to travel. Address H. It, Bcnmmon, 107 S. 17th at., Omaha, Neb. 11-MK4 Sl WANTKD. mechanical or archltocttiral (irartsman. Apply at timekeeper b oiiico, Hwirt. ana company, anuin uniana. 11-M5C 27 STKNOOHAl'HKn and typewriter, for railroad oiiico; goou opening ",r curaira tent young man: utati age, experle.ieo anil salary expeuicii. Auuressi u ii, uea It- .Willi J MOW TO OHTAIN A COMl'KTKNCY IN THK UU8INK8S OK UFK INSUKANCK. Address Jno. I. D. Hrlstol, No. 1 Mndlson Avnnuo, Now York City. II- WANTI'lU FKMALK llKI.r. WANTKD. 200 girls. 1524 Dodgo. Tel. C 410 80 girls wanted. Canadian office, 1522 Douglas GOOD girl wanted for plain washing and ironing ot Tho Creche. C-6.iO.2G WANTKD, neat, intelligent woman for general housework In small family. Oood wages, good homo and easy place, for right person. Call or address 14.T2 N. 26th street, souin umuna. .mow ArJlCNTS w.inted for Ilnllpek's pxtracts pormanent, prolltablo, easy work; refer eneps rcnulrpd. Tho Ablleno Drug Co. Abilene. Kansas. u HUM W.4TK1. WANTKD. bovs and Klrls to work for lis send 10c for merchandise certltlcalo and how to get a 10K gold pen and holder frpp. Northern Illinois Supply Co., Drawer no, sycamoro. in. mho l" FOR UKXT HOUSES. IF you want your houses well rented place mem wnn itenawn a vo. u n AIAVAYfl moving H. H. goods. Pianos Office, mift Irarnam St. Tel. 1553 or SSJ. I 443 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. D-444 1IOUSK8, stores. Tlcmls, I'axton block. D 445 BKK HENRY B. PAYNB, 601 N. Y. LIFE. U 447 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Dougla. D 143 HOUSES nnd flats. Ktngwalt, Darker Blk. U 450 J-ROOM .ouse, 27th and Famam Sta.. all moaern. .au iw runiuin or pnono 6SS. D 451 HOUSES wantwt Wallace, Brown blk. D 152 BA11N, 2024 St. Mary's Ave. D 153 fOR ItKNT. 12-room houso, heated with strum, mouern convoiuencua, gooil bain, Aaurrss c i, uee. - d 178 KI.EQANT 10-room all modern reslilpne hardwood finish, porcelain bath, luundry, i nis nouse is in gooa condition ana Willi in ten minute wain oi tne center of th city; In a very ne;ect neighborhood, nea 24th and St. Mary's Ave. Kent, ili OMAIIA LOAN & TRUST CO., 10th and uouRios air. u arJ FOR RENT, 5-room cottage, Iflth an inonao its., .ppiy rt twj n. :9th Ht. D-M100 S-KUOM modern house. S52fi North nth. US also & rooms, corner 27th and l'lnkuev, inquire tc-i uougias. i.auer uros. D-7J3 Jjll Seward St. new five-room cottugo mrreni; booh uarn anu ciiy water; rent OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and UOUSJUIB OIB. L) ZU FOR RENT, about Dec. 25. new 6-rnom rof tag. 10th am' Arbor; city water and nam; very convenient lor small family will sell, part down, balance monthly pay menta. 506 N. Y. l.lfo building. D M314 FOR RENT. Bakery In first-class condition large storo room, continuous oven. ie Also S-rooin house, with barn for S horses and large wagon shod. All for moo per uiuuiii. . ii. iiuacn, i.d namgp mug n iiu FARMS FOR RKST. 23-ACRE gnrdan and fruit farm for rent on i.aiuoun roan near i-lorpnce. in fine con union, uenus, J'axton inocK. 791 FOR RISNT FURMSIIBD ROOMS. STEAM htnted rooms at Tho Thurston. E 454 FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1722 Dodge, DEWEY Euvopean hotel, ISth and Farnam, V UMJ ROOMS. 1!VJ Capllol nve. K-M51S 29 FITRN1HHHD ROOMS, modern. 1910 fa pi lOl ave. li .MK5 31 FIIRMSIIEI) ROOMS AM) HOARD. aLENCAIRN.triiilsleiits.11.25 day. lbest Dou F 455 Tho Morrlam, good, winter home. 25 & Dodg F 157 FI'ltMMIF.I) ROOMS AM HOARD, THE PRATT, nlco south room. 212 8. 25th. ! 181 UTOriA, 1721 Davenport SL F-456 iLEOANT large stenm-hontpd front ronm, Willi boortl. iva uitpitoi iiv. 1'-,mi ! FOR HKNT rM'I'RMSIIIlll ROOMS TWO unfurnished rooms. 1057 Park Ave. U MS ARLOH lloor, 4 rooms, with light and hput; also oni nicove room, partly rur nlshpd, for light housekeeping. Inqulro 23S0 Harney. O M56t) 1 FOR R13.NT.-STOR10S AMU OFFICES. .'Oil RENT, noro In first clans location: rent reasonable. Apply it. c. Peters St Co., ground Moor, lice Hide 11 SPLENDID building In commission district lor lent juii. i, i-. u. Wend, 1DZ4 Uoiigm. I-MSI7 J6 roil RENT, the bulldlnu formerly oceuplad lit Tim ll.m ni l.lrt -. . . - ' T I. M ..vw ,iv UIV A-lllliUIll BllUVti &h .;, four stories and a basement which w.ts formerly usod as Tho Bee press room This will be rented very reasonably If Interested apply at onco to C. C. Roso water, secretary, room 100, Bee Building. I HI LAROE double room In Continental block! can bo made Into very desirable office nd reception room for physician. Will ar range to suit. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 18th & Douglas Sts. I 837 AFTER January 1st will havo fine store una uascmcnt for rent IN this ucn iou OF mMMiqmN dihtrict. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th ana j;ougi.is sts. 1-251 GROCERY, corner: factory or laundry ou iici ng. u. c. I'atterson. rnonc, in I-msj.i WANTED TO RENT. STI'DKNT desires to work for board whlto attending school. Uoyles- college. Tel. 19SI. K-652-30 WANTKD. furnished room, all modem conveniences, near omana ciud. Aciaress STORAflE. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehotue Co., 912- vis Jones, general sioratfo anu lorwannns. 45. OM. Van Stor Co.. 151114 Farn. Tols. 1559-S(a ij WANTED TO BUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.. in largo nna smau quanmies. (jnicago Furniture Co., 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-461 WILL purchase a limited number ot umanti uavings uanK ncsounis. urennau. i.ove Co., 309 so. i3tn. va HOUSES to move. Wallace, Brown Blk. IN Ki WANTED o buy, $1,000 of Omaha Savings oanK accounts ror cann. auui-pss a i'i, Bco olflcc. N M548 HIOHEST prlcos paid for furniture anil SIOVPS J. IvOVin, 301 IS. IBlll HI. JM li.l FOR HAI.E HORSES, VKIUCI.ES, ETC, VKHICLES, finest In city: repair work, tho pest; try us,, it. frost, mil t Leavenwtn FOR SALE MISCKI.LANF.OUS. HARD and soft foundation piling; hoe 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1110 Farnam, SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 So. 13. ti 157 HERTFORD & CO.. 16th llworth. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING. Q-377 TIMOTHY hay and all kinds feed and coal M,m,nn jC I ' n r W . 1 ,? ........ J1 . .I11IU I HAVE a sure permanent euro for warts no pain or scar; send l and a 2-cent stamp ior memento nnu tun uirocilons, ueo. Kiiccra, western, iseu. Q-M437 J21 FULLY paldup scholarship In Omaha's best business ana snortnnntl collego at .1 big discount ror casn. Auurcss &i. ilea, Q-TllS 11PM iwn'rrtM o.i.i a.iiiiAMin . .....iii.ii. . .... ....u ,.(,.,.-. 4f;iiiiri iv Willi:! llll Dlll.1 uii-ns Atmivpn J. QJ. lice, W-MMS J'l WANTED, two strictly high class solicit ors 01 Konu uuiiruBa 10 puctire aaia, pic. from business and professional men fo LInMnnMn. ... ...... w , n O . n . n T I . . ijii?ki .i-i'ii.n ... ..,.v-u, .ii ninin xiiniiiij nnrmattnlil linalttoti rnfi.rfftif.A4 mimlKiil t .1 tr. f.tl T1..A r r-A a Q 570 ao MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers, Sdhand furniture ana stoves at lowest prices, onnona lota cr less, unicngo urnuure wo,, iws-10 nodge, it 403 SELL cheap beautiful Upright piano, manogany cine, tuny Kimruniacu, bargain tun r. iia nu n ri-jy.i OLADISH pharmacy, !3 A Dodae, rellabla dntg ators. R 724 Jl CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. E19 North ICth 8470 MMK.QLYMER gnnulno palmist, 1605 Dodfte a Mu EI.KCTUIC TRliATMRMT. MABEL GRAY, 317 N. 15th St., flat H. T 1C167 JIT ELITE parlors. 015 So. 18th, second floor. T 146 S MMK. AMES. 1C13 Howard, 21 floor, room 1 thermal batns. T M418 27 FERHONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & suparfluoua haur removed by electricity. It, 12, Fron sor Blk. U 472 TURKISH baths, massage baths, electrlo i.nivia fnr Indlea onlv! 1c11Ia.i U.., - . ' . HUIUCI muune operators: finest eaulDtxiil hnih. In tho city. Renstrom Bh Company; nnnrM 21 S to 220 lieu Bide. ulLnj" VIAVI. woman's wnjr to health. 348 Be MSg u i j LIEBEN. theatrical, mawiuerado costumar. IU1S runiuui. U 175 ..... . m n l.ni... l n fi m n n .1 .1 . I v "- uiiiiHu cunnne. ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burcet, aj-j) llnrilnlln. FT ... SEWING machlnes ranted and repaired rnnt S3 tier montn: supplies for nil kinn: of machines. Tho Singer ManufacturlnK wo. ivit wuuni"u m. u.ctJijuiiu iia, U-47J tiitvate hospital for ladles beforn Ar lug confinement; bablos adapted. UtS N. 17 U ITT FURNACE ACE work. STOVE work, tln.shoet Salvanlzed Iron, rlno and copper one; cheapest place in ths city. Iron. Savago's Tin Shop. 2823 Farnam St. U-3S $05 STEINWAY upright piano. latest style case for sale cheap. Address D IS. Bee. u ju-jy.i FRENCH accordion pirating; Ivory rim but tons; man oruers. umana I'icating Co 1K! UOUgias. i;4S COSTUMES for rent. S31S S. 20th. Mrs. 8 BUCK u M Jll M'KINLEY reaches the White House hnw This satin finished aluminum puzile com nieto only one aune ny man, wnite Hou ruxcie co Z4 Washington St.. Boston ,ila8. Ageius wanted, u M434 88 JOHN M. Macfarland has removed his law omen 10 Hiuie aw .-New vorK Life Hide. U MIB0 30 Bl'PPLIKS for all machines; manhlnes for rent, wnite. cowing Aincnine, irao uoug ins. lei. ii. l.' Cv, BABIES nnd children cared for. M3 N. 23d U .M5T6 JM- MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 6, 6H. 6 per cent; no de lay, uarvin iiroi,, itu r imani, w uv MO.M1Y TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western lowti farms nt o per cent; borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. llrennan-Lovo Co., 309 ho. J3iii m., unianu, rnu. w ns MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, urennati-i.ovo co., wj ao. utn. W IS3 RIVATli money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas W 191 $1,000 nnd npwnrd to loan on Improved city &roperiy anc rarms. v. tarnnm nmnn v o., 1320 1'nrnnm. W 1SI WANTED City loans, bonds and wnrrants. George & Company, liJOl Furnnm i stregt, W iJ WANTKD City nnd furm loans; also bonds ami wnrrants. it. u. rotors im. Farnam St., Uee Bids. W-490 MONEY to Mtn on farm and city proporty, lowest rat . O. F. Davis Co., 1M5 Farnam v 4I MONEY to tan at 5 nnd 5V4 .per cent on Omaha vcjeny. V. 13. AIC1K1C, 4U1 a. lulll W (33 riVE pot cent money. Bcmls, Paxton block. MIA MONEY to loan on Drst-ctass Improved city property or ror binming purposes. I'ayne Knox Co.. New York life. W-4M PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sharwood, 939 N. Y. Life. vV-44 $1.M0 TO LOAN on real estate :cill at once. m. j. Kenn&rti sl son, sio-3u iirown diock. W-485 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. THE OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN CO. I Established 1S32.1 Will make you a loan on furniture, pianos, live siock, etc. iou Keep tne properly, Or If you havo a permanent position we will make you a SALARY LOAN without Indorser or mortgage. We loan from $10 up. You can get the money In a few hours nftor making application and you may pay It back In 1. 2, 3, 4. 5 or 0 months. Others claim lower rates, but all wc ask Is a chai'CH to make comparisons. We charge nothing for papers or filing and wo givo you the full amount of the loan In cash. Wu are the oldest nnd largest loan company In Omaha. Our motto Is "to try top loase." Telephone 2205. 306 South 16th St. X-496 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser of mortir.iiro reoulred LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and a 1 1UU ll,y UUIN r'l 1 JI'JIN I I A 1.. OMAHA nlltOIHT m.. Room 026,. Fifth Floor, New York Life. BltU. A. l "SALARY LOANS" TO EMPLOYER NO CHARGE DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE NO CHARGES FOR DRAWING PAPERS. "QUIET" MOFFICE," "ISAMIIjY" "FOUND." "AMERICAN" "LOAN" "CO," Room 601, Ueo Building. Open S n, m. to 6 p. m. and noons. Rebato when loan Is paid Defore due. X-M735 FOR furniture nnd piano loans. Uergers i.ua.11 kjv., ian 1'iirnam si. a amis MONEY loaned salaried neonlo boldlnir nor mullein iiuamun wun responsiDie concern upon incir own nntnes wiiimut security; caBy payments. Tolman. 706 N. Y. L. bldg. JV uu- MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lev;- clry, horse3, cows. otc. C. F. Reed, , 319 3. IS. X-501 SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LOANS. J, vv. TAiLUli, sis First Nat. Ilank Bldg. X-505 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horsrs. cows, jewciry. uiiu ureen. 11 s, unrKer tint LOANS on furniture, nlanns. diamonds. Jewelry nnd salaries; cheap rates. BOS- 'Iun I.UAN uo,, it. 21, iTen7.er blK., 15m and Dodge, opp. old P. O. Open evenings. A M17U JIZ LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, vlth partlnl payments on note; r.o mort fage or security: abrolutely confidential 'flSITIVELY LOWEST RATES; loans Ml other companies taken up. Room 303, Pax ton Block. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. X-507 CHATTEL and salary loans. Joe H. Plens ant, m uarKor diock. a JUST J12' CHATTEL and salary loans. .Too II. Pleas nnts, m unrKer iiiock. a aitsT J13 BUSINESS CHANCES. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly lawiui tnicKC 1 sint macnines ror iirinKS. clgnrn of cash; will earn $2 nnd upward wcejwy cucii, i'.,iri, uniri uo,, i urni turc .-uaiiuiaciurcrs, unicago, 111. Y-B01 WANTKD. good man to do canvassing In tno country; gooa pay ior rignt man. au aress k i, uee. y mi'jo WANTED, by January 1. reliable nnd Indus triotis young man wun capital from JZ.ooo to xs,wio, to become partner in established manufacturing and Jobbing business: a good bookkeeper preferred. Address E 42, nee. v anal WANTKD, partner, good rustler, engage In cnatiei loan misiness in southern or west rrn city. K 5T, Bee. Y M574 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. C, F. HARRISON, BARGAINS. 91.1 N. Y. L, ltl'i 1Z1 J9" HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also Are insurance, uemis, i-axton oik. iik oi'i PROPERTY bought and eold; mon-jy loaned: rents collected. V. L. Johnson Co., 314 SO. loth Ht. RE 102 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the union paclllc itailroaa company. H. A. McAllaster land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, umaha. Neb. RE-fil4 LAND. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebraska. CI IAS. E. WIIjLIAMSON, 1303 Farnam St, 1115 il& SEE HENRY D. PAYNT. 601 N. Y. 1,1 FE, JIU S12 EQUITY in wholesale district. G6xl32, bring ing in gooa rental, iiargain. Aiiures E 36, Bee RE-412-3 GOOD INVESTMENT. 13 Per Cent Interest 13 Per Cent. Three two-story six-room houses, newly paporoa ana pnintcn, ursi-ciasx repa'r, tiirtlv modern, ono block from car line. Prlco. $4,000. Tho Byron Reed Co.. 212 B. 14th Ht. JIK M5T:i OANCINCT. AFTER tho holldavH. What? You can lol In ono of Morand's clasros In dancing and combine plcasurn with instruction ill a mixlumtn nrlce. Call on him at Crnlghtou hall nnd you will hear of tho advantageous terms you can mnKo. uiosses uiways open for boglnners. Children Wednesdays and Rnturdnvs. lutulls Tuesduvs nnd Frl i ivs. Prlvnto lessons dally ami evenings. Hlh school claiB Saturday evening. .mh 0 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief, Box 233. omasa, rseu. connucnuai. -518 VIT4TUAMA cures Impotoncy resulting from inaiscretions or aomiuy, gives vi talltr. vliror. roatorlnic desires, ambitious aaptrations of youth, health. Ilttlng for auccenn, nappiness in nuninenni (iruica. slonal, social, married life;; $2, or 3 for $5 Bent anywnere Drepam on rocoipi oi price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. Ill American Office, retail, wholesalo, Myers, Dillon Dm it Co.. Omaha: M. A. Dillon South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Councl liiurrs. Full lino rapper gooos. LADIES. I nosltlvelv guarantee Qoldo Seal, never falling femalo regulator, will rellnvn most nhullnntn casps of dolaved ' periods In live hours. Sent secure from observation, i. nr. Aitnio rowier, ;i unve St., at. iouis. .mo. OSTEOPATHY. JOHN8ON Institute. 516 N. Y. L. Bldg.: Tel 1601 ; Alice jonnson, i. u., inaieu aept, uia 1.. jonnson, usteopainist, mgr. CIS M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O.. of Still school Klrksvllle, Mo., 604 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1J67, . 019 ACCORDION PLEATING, ACCORDION and side pleating, cheapest nodi, quitncai, HIV. s. mniAi 9 x Ml tereon uik., 17 Hi anu i arnuni bis. 21 SHORTHAND AND TYIMJWIUTINO. A. C. VAN HANTS School. 717 N. Y. Llfo. -023 BOY LI'S' College, court reporter principal. ueo mag. mi NEB. Bus. & Shorthand college. Boyd's Theater. (tfi OREaa Bhorthand. Om. C. Col, 10 &. Doug. s:s I'I'RNITIilin IIARtJAINS. Wo havo bought the entlrs stock of Wotf- z.acharia, uT Farnam St., amounting to $.1,000. nt 50c on tho dollar. Tho larger portion being holiday goods, wo aro will ing to closo them out nt 15 per cent profit. Don't f.i'.l lo Inspect this line beforo pur chasing. Remember tho placo. Entsr prlso Fumliuro Co., 102-101 South 14th, corner Dodge. M SOS 31 JUNK. I).,1M. Junk house. J. Milder, Prop., dealer in an mrtitis. ooiues, etc. uarioaai a specialty. ,JCl-R03 Farnam, Omaha. Tel. 2378. -521 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil. bin. woo Farnam. reiopnone 751 wi LOST. MONDAY evening nt Haydenia, purse .con taining money ana papers, rinuer piensj return pnpers to Lois J, Caldwell, county clerk's olllce. Lost 571 26 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 70s N 10. (Ml IIOHSSS WINTERED, HORSES wintered, $4 pfr month. J. W. aTHCH'Ba S.JI A1 1 illU UlUfii tlUilU JVJI. M-783 JJ PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Olflce, rollablo accommodat ing; ail business connueniiai. iwi uoukios. 628 FURNITURE REPAIRINtl, TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St, 05? BIRDS ANU TAXIDERMl. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Lcavqnworth. DRESSMAKINO. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 818 B. 80th st. M977 JSV LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars. 2o; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tei.17 CARPENTERS AMI JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter wntk and repairing promptly nttenuea to. j. 1. ucniureo, mii nna i.nKe his. am STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. w SUES fc CO . Patent Lawyers Bee Bldg., Omiht, Nek PATENTS GUARANTEED Patent BookFre RAILWAY TIME TABLE. FREMONT, KLKHORN A Missouri Valley Rnllroad "Tho Northwestern Line" General WTlces United States Natlona Bsiik Bldg., 8. W. Cor. Twelfth nnd Fornm sts, Ticket Olllcc. 1401 Fnrnnm St. Tel., 561. De pot; 16th omi Webster ts. tci., nos. ' i.eavc. Arrive. Illnnlr TTIItq Tlnnil wnnil. Hot 8nrlng8 a '3:00 pin a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and. IJOUginB 11 .w pin v uiuu )in Hastings York, Davia i:nv Hitrierior. ucnuvu. Exeter and Seward....!) 3:00 pm b D:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgre nnd Fremont i T:ao nm bios.'j am t.lnrnln. U nhno and - Fremont b 7.30 am bl0:23 am TTroinnni Loenl o 7:30 nm a Dally, b Daily except minuuy. c sun- day only d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tho Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Office, 1401 l'arnnm St. Tsiepnone, 501. Depot. Tenth am Marcy Sts. Tclephono 629, t.eave. Arrive. rinvllirli CMIrnen Snec- ciai a 7:00 nm nll:36 pm Chicago Passenger ...,n 4:15 pm a 8:40 um Knstorn i-Jxpress. ues Moines, Mnrshnlltown, tv.inr itnnlds and chltago ;il0;55 am a 4:03 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and East a 4:5.) pm a 4:05 pm Fnst Mall. Chicago to nmnln n 2:45 nm Omaha-Chicago Limited. a 7:15 pm a 8:00 pm Fast Mall a s:3u am Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm Eastern Kxprflss u :ou pm a Dally, b Dally except Saturday. SIOUX CITY k PACIFIC Rai road The North western Line" General Olllces, United States National Bank Bulldlnc, S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Fnrnnm Sts.. Tlolcp umce. nm i-arnnm Ht. Telephone, 501. Do pot, Tenth und Marcy 8ts. Telephone, 829, l.e.ivn. Arrll'n Twin City Express a 6:55 ain al0:25 pm Twin City Limited ii 7:35 pm n 8:15 am Kloux City Local a 8:00 tun a 3:50 pm u iuiiy. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Hallway "The North western Lino" General unices, iNcnniHKu uivf slon, 15th and Webstui Sts. Cltv TieUot mnno itui rarnain nt. leiepnone, Mil. Depot lain anu i eunur nis. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Pnscngnr...a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha I'usscncc. a 11 '.10 am Sioux City & North cast Nebraska a 3:45 pm a Dally. Chicago; irocic isr.' and & Pnclllc Hnllrnad "Tiie lireat llock Isl nnd Route" Cltv Tlnk et Olllce. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone, 42J. Depot, Tenth & Marcy ou, i cii-iiiianir, tc.i. Leave. ArrlvA EAST. Des Moines and Daven port Locul a 7:25 nm blli35 are Chicago Exprrw ., blLinjun a 8:10 r.m uva muiuea !..icisr, ,i t ?j pm u 4!la pm Chicago Fust Express.. a 6:00 pm a 1:25 pm Des Moines, Rook Isl and and Chicago a 7:10 pm a 9:35 pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblu- nnd West ..a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 3:20 pm a 9:50 nm ILLINOIS CENTRAL liauroaa city Ticket Of ftce, H02 Farnam Street Telephono, -215.- IJepot Tenth nnd Marcy Streets Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express Chlrnno Limited , a 7:00 am a 4:03 nm a 7:45 pm u 8:03 um MlunenroliH nnd Paul Express Minneapolis and Paul Limited Fort Dodge Local St. b 7:00 am St. a 7:15 pm from b 9:40 pm a 8:05 am council iiitiHH b 4:30 pm b 8:15 am Fort Dodgo Local from Council Bluffs ..b 7:45 nm a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, union PACIFIC'THE ovnn iii,il ....M.i. -. .... N. K. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam Htreets, City Ticket omco, 1321 ln.,,1 Until,." flannrnl rfltna arnam mreet. i eiepnono, ;no. Depot, Tenth nnd Murcy Sts. T,. ...IAtiii tt-TI Tho Overland Llmltcd-n 8:20 um n 7:20 pm i nu juuiiKu-x'uriiuiui Special n 8:20 nm a "j.TO pm The Fast Mali n 8:50 um n pin a 4:25 pm The Mall nnd Express. ,all:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Kxpress,,b 4:o5 pm The Pacific Express,,, .a 4:25 pm Tho Atlantic Kxprejs... riruntl tklnnrl t.nnnl I. KVh,n pm 1)12:30 pm a 6:50 nm a Dolly, b Dally except' Sunday, u v;a am RAILWAY TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON Mis souri Rtvor Rnllrond -"The Burlington Route" Genrrnl Olllces, North, wrst Corner Tenth mid Fiiriiniii Streets. Ticket OIlIco 15U2 Farnam Street. Burlington Station, Tenth nnd Mason Stresls. Telephone, 123. Leave. Arrive. Iscoln, Hastings and McCook a S:40 nin a 7:3j pm tnroln, Denver, Colo rado. I'lnh. Callfomla.a 4:25 tim a 3:0 cm Lincoln & Black 1 litis. .n 9:00 tun a 0:15 nm Montana, Ptigct &uuna..n 9:w pm r. 6:43 am Lincoln Fast Man.. u a:uu pm a a sit am Wymore, Beatrlco and Lincoln a b:iv nm oh:m am Denver, Colorado, Utah and California a Cltj am South Bend, Louisville, Piattsmouth i 3:3i nm bii:05 am Ft. Crook, l'lattsmouth nnd radio Junction. ..n, 7:00 pm a :20 am Bellevua, Piattsmouth and paciiio junction. .au:io tun a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qtilncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route' Ticket Olllco 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone, 250. Depot, Tentn and Mason Streets. Telephone, iSS. Lenvo. Arrlv. Daylight Chicago Sno- ciai Chicago Vestlbulod Ex. .a 4:0' pm Chicago Local Express. a 9:30 nm Chicago Limited a 7:59 pm Fast Mall a i;uu nl0:25 pm a 7:48 ani n 4:03 pm a 7:45 am a 2:13 pm a uauy. KANSAS CITY, ST. Jo seph St Council Blufls Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Tlckot Olllce, 1503 Farnam Street. Teli- phonn. 290. Depot, Tenth ana Vinson Htreets. leio phone, 123. Leavn. Arrlvo. Kansas Cltv Day Ex.... a 9:M nm a 6:11 nm lvansas city mignt cx.,aiu:jj pm a vua am St. Louis Fiver for St. Joseph nnd St. Louis.. a &:io pm aims am a Dally. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rallwny-Clty ULWAUk j ickoi uiuce, isii i' nr ... m,.n. 'r..! .,i, .... ,. 281. Depot, Toitth and Muson Streets. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:00 pm n 8:05 am Chicago & umaha i;x..i (:n nm n jmu pm a uauy u uauy except .innuny. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllces nnd Ticket Olllces, Southeast Corner 11th nnd Douglas Sts, Telephone, 104. Depot, Union station. i.cave. Arrive. City Express a)0:00 am a 6:30 pm K. C., St. L. Express... alQilO pm a 6:15 nm imu .ui. .-,.. Lave from 15th and Webster Streets: Vn.n.bn T.nnnl. VIlL Weeping waior u s-.i inn nm a Dally, b Dally except nununy. OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL rond Omaha. Knnsns City & KaBtern Railroad "Tho uulncy Routo" Ticket Of- tin. 1415 Farnnm St. Tele phone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy 'directs, Tele phone. 629. i.e.ivc Arrive. SI T.niiln Hnnnnn Rail Express a u;uo pm u a:ni am lfnnsns Cltv nnii OuhlCi Local a i;w um a a:w pm a Dally. WABASH RAILROAD - Ticket Olllce, 1415 Farnam utrr.t Telnnhone S22. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone, 62. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis ' 'Cannon Ball" Ix press Dally. a 5:05 pm a 8:2u am r.r auiBt IN CONNECTION WTnl SPltSDID StRVICC 1MH08IUlOHIOII. ALONG THE NORTH SHORE HAVANA, MATAN'AS, CARDENAS, SAUIJA, CA. UARIEN, NtEVITAS, OIIIARA, nd BARACOA, and other porti. MtWSONf STEAMSHIP l,INi:..27 WIIUamfiL RAYMOND & WIHTCOMI1, SB I'll In Squnrc, Neiv Yiirk. For Tickets. Stateroom Reservation and General Information of the MO BILE SERVICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobllo & Ohio R. R. nnd South ern By. POSTOFFICI; NOTICE. (Should be rend DAILY by nil Interested, as cuauKt's iiiuy occur in itny lime.; Foreign malls for tho w'k ending Decern ber 29, 1900. will close (PROMPTTA" In all easesl nt tho Qunernl PostoIIleo as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing tlmo shown bolow. Parcels Post Malls for Germany closo at 6 p. in. December 26th, Regular nnd Supplementary Mnlls closo at Foteign urancn nnir nour laier man cios Ing tlmo shown below. Trniian t Imif lo Mnlla. THURSDAY At 10 n. m. for AZORES iriiiAisiin. per s. s. irojnn iTince. HAT IMJllAVAt r.!3ll i tn tnr TU A liavre tmiiii ror otuer ports or Kuropc must be directed "per s. s. In Norman. rlln"l! nt 7:30 n. in. (siiDLlemeiitiirv fi n in), for EUROPE, per s. s. CampnnU vhi Oneeiistown: at 8 a. m. fnr MISTIt. ERLANDS direct, ptr s. s. Amsterdam (mail must ue uirecica -pfr s. , Am sterdam"); nt 9 u. m. for ITALY, per h. s. Allcr. via Nnples (mall must be dl- . 1 .. .. A 1 1 ....' . .. . a . reuieu i-i o. p. filial t .v u, ui, tor SCOTLAND, per s. s. Anchorla (mill must bo directed "per s. s. Anchorla"). PRINTED MATTER, KTC.-Thls Htenmer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pnnern and Samples for Germany only. The eainn class of mall matter for other parts of ir parts Hlllp uu Europo will not be sent b specially directed by her. less After tho closing of tlm Supplementary TrnnB-Atlantlc Malls nnmcd above addi tional supplementary malln are opened on the piers of the American. English, French and German steamers und remain open until within Ten Mlnutca of tho hour 01 sailing oi Bieunici. Mnlla fur South mill Ceiitrnl America, Writ Inulea, cfo. TlltlRSDAY At 12:30 n. m. for HAN 'IMAGO, per s. a. Sautlngo do Cuba; at 12:30 P- m, for YUCATAN, per s. ts. Dnggry. via Progreso; nt 12:30 p. m. for MEXICO, per s. s, lthaKa. via TumDlt (mall must be directed "per 8. B. Ithaka") SATURDAY At 9 n. m (suiiplemontnry 9:S0 n. m.) for PORTO RICO fvtn Hnn Juan), VENEZUELA. and CURACAO, per r. r. uaraciin ma ior avnniiiii n.nn tjartlingenn must no directed "per s. s, r-nrnens )! nt v n. m. ror ukkiniaiia nm TRINIDAD, per s. s. Maraval; nt 9:30 n. m. tsuppieraeninry w a. m. ior ht. TiitiniAr). nr. uiiuia. urjiuNVAitu ani WINDWARD ISLANDS, and DEME RARA, per s. s. Mudlnna (mall for Gron niin nnd Trinidad must bo directed "tie 1 s. s. Madlana"): nt 10 n. in. (supple montnry iu:au a. m.j tor fortunm ISLAND. JAMAICA. BAVANILLA -md CARTHAOENA, per s. , Altai (mall for Costn Rii?- must bo directed "per s. s. Altai")', IU TO a. m. (supplementary 10,:w ' d, m.) for HAITI, per s. s. Alps; nt 10:3) a. in. for CUBA, per i, s. Mexico, via t t , . n, 1y.or. o ... r .. vi!n a t a k jlti.niii.i ... .w.uv - .... .... . u.,i.,v.., per s. s Pilmu. via Progreso; ut U:50 t). in. to? MATANZ VB, CAIBARIEN, JSriJVlTAH, UlUAKA linu J1AIIACUA, per s, b, Ollndn (ordlnnry mail only which must bo dlreetid "tier s. s. Ollndn: at 11 i). m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, iia, Mnlls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Hvdiipv. nnd thence bv stenmei. close at this olllco dully nt 6:30 p, in. (eonnectlm; close hern every .Mohuav, Weiinosauy nna Hitiirauyi. aiiiiis ror Aiuiueion, ny nin it Unslon nnd Ihenco lit steamer, close n thin olIU'.i dnlly nt 6:30 p, m. Mulls for Ruba, l(y mil to Pnr Tampa, Fin., nnd Ihenco bv steamer, close nt tln ofllrn dallv nt ''fi u. m. (lliii connectlnir closes nre on Sunday, Wednesday nnd Friday). Mnlls for Mexico i ny. overniiiti, unless npecinuy an dresseil for illspnlch by stenmer elnso a Ibis ofllce daily ut 1:30 p. m, nnd 11 p m Mails for Costn Rlpn. He Ire. Puerto, Corto and Ounlemiiin, by rail to Now Or'eann and thpneo by Htenmer, closn nt this nIHco dally nt "i:,in p. m. (coiuiecuiiK ciosii nern jion ilnys for Belize. Puerto Cortez nnd Ounte mnla nml Tuesdays rnr I'osta men). "Keg istrreu mail cicmes at p. in. previous any TriiiiMpnclMK MiiIIn, Mnlls for I la wiill, Japan nnd Philippine Islands. Via Han Francisco, close hern iluliy nt ;; p. m. up to December 'Jltn Inclusive, for dlupnteh ku s. s. Amerlci Mnru. .Malls for ('Una und Japan, vl Vnncouver. closo hero dally at 6:30 p. n St. I.nuts U tuiat III CONktCTIOS WITS I up to uecemner ":otn, inclusive, tor uis POSTO V Fit 1 1 NOTICE, patch per s. s. Empress of India (rrisl tered mall must bo directed .."via V.in eolivrr"). MnlU for Australia (exeppt West Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, FIJI and Snmonn Islands', via Bun Fran Cisco, clno hero dally nt C:9 V- m. nfter Dpcpmber ath and up to December 29th, IncliMlve, or on day of nrrlvul of s. f Ktrurln. due. nt New York December 2nth, for dispatch per s s. . Sononvi. Malls for Atittrnlla (except West Aus trallu, which gues via Europe, ami New Zealand, which goes via Ban Finnclico), mid FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, clou? hero dully at 6:30 p, m. up to January ith, Inclusive, for dlspntch per s j. Wurrlmo (supplementary mnlls, via Seat tle, close nt 6:30 b, m, January th). Mnll for Hawaii. China, Jnpnn nnd Phil- T . I n .1 ..M U . 1.... ...,I,m Hla. ll'l'lllu inuiliur., I m iaii r ituiviii.,, wi... here dally at 6:3d p. in. up to January 3d. Inclusive, for dlspntch per s. s. Peking. Transpacific mnlls are forwarded to port of sailing dnlly and the schedule of closing 19 Ul I illiKL-il Vll llio j'iinuiiiP.vn ji ...... Interrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 0 p. m. previous day. CORNKLIUS VAN COTT. j iisimiiier. Postofflce. New York. N. Y.. December 21. 1900. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. imnpnsAT.H for PAPER FOR THE TUHL1C PRINTING AND BINDING. Sealed proposals will bo received until Janunrj- 10, 1001, nt 10:S0 o'clock n. m., for furnishing the PAPER for tho public PRINTING and BINDING for the year nnrilni? 2Slh nf Whnisrv. 1S02. the snld tiro- posals to be opened before and the award oi contracts 10 oc mnue uy inc juiiu cum mlttee of congress on public printing to the lowest find best bidder for the Interest nf tho government, tho committee reserving to Itself tho right to reject any nnd nil bids, ns Its judgment of tho best Interests of tho government may aicmie. Detailed schedules of tho description. quantity and quality of the paper required, ncrompnnieu uy samples nun maun pro posals, nnd giving the regulations with which blddors must comply, can be ob tained by addressing F. W, Palmer, Public Printer, Washington, D. C. The contracts will be entered Into for sup plying such quantities of paper ns tuny bo needed during the year and no more. The estimated quantities sni rorin in tie tall In the schedule comprise: 80,501) reams maciune-iinisn printing pn pcr. 2lx3S. 20,000 reams innchlne-llnlsh printing pa pur, 38xIS. 31,500 reams sited nnd super-calendered whlto or tinted printing paper, vari ous sizes. 31,000 renms whlto writing paper, vnrlous sires nnd weights. 4,300 renms colored writing paper, vari ous sices and weights. 2,000 renms cover paperi vnrlous sizes and weights. 50,0iX poundB o( best plain paper. 200.000 pounds of best innr) tinper. COO.OoO pounds of nupcrllne (doublo) coated lunik nnner. 3,600 reams mnnlla paper, various slreo anu wciBins. 100.000 bounds liond pnticr, 20,000 pounds nrtlllclnl pnrchmrnt, vnrlous sir.es. 1,000 pounds pnrchment deed. 110,000 sheets cardboard, vnrlous colors, sizes nnd weights. 3,100,000 sheets brlstol board, various colors, mr.PR nnu wi'iuiim. 9,000 reams first-class ledger paper, whltp or blue, Inld or wove, various sles nnd weights. 11 Vfcl ritntna Bnnltlil.rlnRfl Inflizer nnilnr. white or blue, laid or wove, various sires nnu weignis. .700 renins tissue nnd ponying nnner. 25 renmR blotting paper, nny required color nnd weight. 39ii reams plain, .marble nnu comb pn nrr. various sizes. 350 reams typewrltet' paper, various slies nnd weights, 1,115 reams cap. letter nnd note paper. 100 reams white French folio, 17x22. 2 000 sheets parchment. 15x21. Proposals will bp received for one thou sand renmH or more. Ily direction of tho Joint committee of congress on pnuiiu pnnunK; F, W. PALMER, Public Printer. Washington, D. C, Dec. 20, 1900. D2027J3m LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Nntlcn is hereby iclven Hint the nnnunl meeetlng of tho stockholders nf Thn Bee Building compnny will bo hold nt 4 o'clork p. m. Thursday, January 15, 1901. nt tho omco oi said company in i in nw iiuiiiiiiik, Omnlin, ror tlm lection ot a boaru or up rectors for tho ensuing year and the trans netlnn nf such other business as may prop. erly come beforo such meeting. By order o tho president. C. C. ROSKWATKR. secretary. Dec23il2.lt STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Ofllco of tho Leo-Glnss-Andrppsen Hard- warn Co., umana, seb., Dec. x, i:i. Notice Is hereby given to the stockhold ers ot tho Loe-Glnss-Andreesen Hnrdwnr r,y thnt the nnnunl meetlnir of the stock lmlilerH of tbe oomnnnv will bo held nt tho olllces of said company, 1219, 1221 nnd J223 Harney street, In tho city of Omaha, In tho state of Nebruskn, on Tuesdny, January 8, A. u., iixu, nt ;t o ciock p. in. for ihn tiumosn of eleolina: a board ol directors for thn company to servo during tho ensuing year, and to transact such other business aa may do presented ni sucn meeting. . J. t. President. Attest: W. M. GLASS. D9 31tm Socrotary, ONLY ONE WITNESS CALLED Wrlta of Mauilnintia laaueil m Reiinest of KualnnlatM Ilrouaiht Into Court nml lilenllleI. Qeorgo O. Soay, assistant in tho office of tho clerk of the district court, was the only witness called In tho election contest caso yesterday. He merely Identified the writs of mandamus Issued by tho court upon tho application of the fusion legisla tive candidates to prevent the county clork from canvassing tho returns secretly, as thoy Imkgtncd he would attempt to do, The writs wero Introduced in evldenco but an objection to their Introduction, on tbe grounds of "Irrelevancy, was encored by the attornoys for the contestants. Tho hearing will bo rosumed nt 10 o'clock this morning, when tho con testants will begin putting in their re buttal ovldencc, which ts expected to occupy the tlmo until Friday night. Under the law no evldtmco can bo tttkon after Do comber 29, and tho hearing will therefore end on Saturday. SCOURING YOUR SCALP. Will Rcnioti- Loose Dandruff Sen I en but II Won't Cure DnudrulT. If your hair is brittle and thlnlng, you havo dandniff. Tho merely bcourlng o tho scalp of tho looso scales, won't euro dandruff; bocauso dandruff Is nothing but scnleB of scalp bolng thrown up by a pes tlfuroiia llttlo germ in burrowing its way to tho root of tho hair whore It saps tho vitality, causing falling hair and, In time baldness. Now you can't stop dandruff, nor falling hair, nor provent baldness un less you destroy that germ; and tho only preparation that enn do It Is the now scl cntlllo discovery. Nowbro's Herplcldo. In fact no other hair preparation claims to kill tho dandruff gfrm all of them will clean tho scalp; soap and water will do that, but only Nowbro b Hcrplclde geta u thn root of tho troublo and kills tho dan druff germ. BRINGS SUIT FOR DAMAGES Mra. Hnriili . I'Mkk lli'Kliia ApIIoii AKitlnnt Sumy County Fanners for llpfiuiiiitliin nf Clinriiuter. Another dainago suit growing out of tho rccont religious dllllcultlos of tho Flggltes was lllrd In tho district court yesterday. Sarah 0. Flgg petitioned for damages in tho Bum of $2,020 for nn alleged defamation of chnrnetcr duo to her arrest on tho chnrg of insanity. Thn defendants In tho ense nro WoodBon W. Drowning, John P. Honge und Albort Donation, nil ot whom nro fnrm orB living In tho western pari of finrpy county. They nro alleged to have brought Mrs. Flgg before tho Sarpy county insanity loard for examination to dotnrinlnn whntho sho was tnnnne on tho question ot religion Keep the IiovIb active If you would pro servo your health, A doao of Prickly Ash Hitters now and then does this to per fectlon. RAISES AMERICAN METHOD Engliih Corfstpondent 8aj Ytnkeei Con trol Ohlnoio Well. HAVE BEST ORDERED QUARTER IN PEKIN l lie Wnrk Only Itlinleil lij (lint of the .liii Hints of riiciniillnien lur.v llrpurts or Ciinilltlono mi tin- (iermnii Hide, LONDON", He", sc. in tn0 course of a review published in the Morning Post of conditions existing In Pekln, 11. J. Whig- am, a well known nowsp.ipcr correspond ent, irnys thrro nro now 260,000 In habitants punning tliclr ordinary avoca tions In tho American quarter and tho mnr- cts nro In full blast. Ho adds that tho American and Jnpanpso quarters nrp tho best nuinagpd, showing blllty on tho part of tho Americans to handle a subject people which they havo not developed elsewhere to proper ad- antage. Continuing, Mr. Whlghiim says: "This cnorinous portion of tho city is policed by exnetly ono compnny of Infantry ml n few mounted men tinder a provost marshal. If only theso hurd-hended soldiers of the provost marshal typo hud been glvon a freo linud In the Philippines tho task nt ubjugntlng tho unforttinnto Islanders would hnvo been much moro simple. if tho Japnncso hnve come out nf tho muddle, with Hying colors, they nt lenst havo tho Ameri cans close behind, It wnB worth sending an expedition to Chlliit If only to gel a few hints on transport from tho Atuprlcnns. Their scheme of municipal government could not bo bettered by the British, who havo learned the business by experlcnro In every quarter of tho globe. For the point of contrast, It Is only necpssnry to walk down tho avenue of the Chinese city dlvld- ng the United Stntes and Oertiiauy. Tho American side Is simply Pekln In tho ordinary garb of peace, minus Ita variegated Bind Is. Tho opposlto side Is almost do sorted, Tho (Icriuuns havo romo to tho American shin for meat nnd vegetables, and t Is whispered that tho people aro sonio- tlnics robbed as they bring in the produce, except whoro tho gotCB arc guarded by tho Americans or Japanese. That Is why tho markutu In tho qunrtcr controlled by theso natives aro tho best." A dispatch to tho Pall Mall Gazette from Pekln, dated Mondny, December 24, Bays; Much Irritation' has been caused by tho activity of tho German troops in tho Hstrlct under British protection. So acuto hnB been the feeling, tho dlspntch ndds, that thero hus been a question ot tho British seceding ftom Iho nlly compact. (liuillty of CliniuiinKtir. Without nunltty nn article can maintain its prestige, but O. H.' Mumm's Extra Dry did more. Importing several yearn back double tho quantity of nuy other brand, It this year to December 1 Biirpasspd nil records, importing 1011,321 cases, or 72,16'J moro than nny other brand. Special at tention Is called to tho rcmnrkablo quality now imported. INSPECT KANSAS PACIFIC Executive Olllelnls of Union Pnclllo l.onklntc Over Their Linen In Hunflniier Stale. HtppuHvp nmelnln nf thn lTntnti I'nntfirt left yesterday for their annual tour ot Inspection over the Kansas Paclllc that portion of tho system operated through tho state of Kansas. Tho trip Is made nt this tlmo In order thnt thu entire Union Paclfla system may havo been Inspected beforo tho closo of tho year, and tho Knnsns branches havo been left until tho Inst becauso of tho previous Inabllltv of the ofliclals to so nrrnuge their work ns to tnnko tho Journey together. Tho party occupied tho private cars ot President Burt and Gcnerat Mnnnpcr Dickinson nnd besides ihsn two ofllclnls there wero E. Buckingham, iupcr- inicniicni oi irnnsporintion; is, i i.omnx, general passenger ngent; J. H. McConnctI, Mtinnrlnter.dent of motive nower nml mn- chlnery, und J. II. Berry, chief engineer. Freight Trnlllc .Mnnngcr J. A. Munroo Joins tho party at Kansas City, whero ho wont the first of tho week to spend Christmas. I.ueko II I r ik nf Ills Injuries, Edward Locke, tho Missouri 1'acKU: pas senger conductor who was seriously Injured while engaged In switching nt Union early Monday morning, died at his homo In Kun sas Clly Mondny night from tho ('fleets of tho ninputntlon ot his left limb and the shock sustained by his cntlro system. Mr. Locke was ono of tho oldest and most popu lar passenger conductors running into this city nnd hlR death was n matter of sorrow to a wldo circle ot acquaintances In Omaha. Ho had run between Omnha nnd Knnsns City for ninny years. Mr. Locke lenves a wlfo nnd one daughter. Ills body In now cnrotlto to New Hampalilre, where It will bo interred. Volume nf TTnvol In llenvy. There was no abatement yesterday In the unusual volume of travel which has been moving over the railroads entering this city fnr tho Inst few days. Morning trains leaving Omalin bound for Lincoln wero filled to overflowing with tenchers en- routo to tho cnpltal city to attend tho annual mooting of the State Teachers' as sociation. Tho Burlington had to add two coaches to Its regular morning truln In order to furnish accommodations for tho pedagogues. I'liiiliiimlle I'll) Dividend, PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 26, The directors of tho Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louts railroad, otherwise known ns tho Panhandle system, declared a dividend of 2 per cent on tho preferred stock of tho compnny, payable January 1fi, Itnllvtuv .Voir nnd l'emonulii. General Freight Agent Wood of tho Union Puciflo spent Christmas In Chicago. Roy Hoover, chief claim clerk In tho MIb sourl Paclllc local olllces, has returned from Cedar Ruplds, whero ho spent Christ mas. Assistant General Freight Agent '. J. Lane of thu I nlon Pnclllc has gone to his home ut lthucu, Is'. Y., to spend tho holi days. John Mellen, traveling passenger ngent of tho Northwestern, bun returned from Clinton, whero ho had spent Christmas with relatives, Alfred Mead, chief clerk In the division ofUt'ca of tho Omaha line, spent Christmas: In Chicago with his sister. His father, Representative-elect George A, Mead, ac companied lilm. Flrr ii Shut I'll Mill's. The United States will lire a thousnnd pntind shot twenty miles, which will bo a record-breaker for tho dlstuncc. The gun from which it Is to ho fired will bo n marvel of American Ingenuity and workmanship. Another marvel of American ingenuity Is Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. For fifty years It has been the only medlclno to cure con stipation, Indigestion, dyspepsia, bilious ness and by Its direct action on the kidneys prevents rheumatism. Morliilll) Slntlslli'N. Tho following ilenths nnd blrtlm wero re. ported tu thn city health commissioner fnr tho forty-eight hours ending ut noon Wednesday: DmitliR-Mls. Bridget Ryuil, 1411 South ThlrKenth, nged 35, Anton Kment, St. Joseph's hospital, aged 40; L, J. Scott, St, Joseph's hospital, nged 30. Births Andrew Krlcsnn, :ir3 North Twoti-tv-soventh nveiiue, girl; Anton Fornsou. 125') South Fourteenth, bovi (le(irn Prnksel, 1232 South Fifteenth, girl; Jumes AlnHcow, 521 Smith Twenty-sixth avenue, glr'; Henry Christopher, 1122 North Sixteenth, bov; Wil liam Knpp- "11 South Sixteenth, girl: John McGreal, 110K North Twenty-third, girl. Cook's Extra Dry bents 'em all. Couk'H Imperial lias a perfect boquet. Cook's Champagne Ih strictly pure. 1