THE OMAHA DAILY 3J13K: TTESDAT, D15CKMIJKH 2r, 1000. 5 SOLDIERS' RETURN DELAYED UghUn In Philippine. Will Not Eo Back on Time. WAR DEPARTMENT IS IN A PREDICAMENT Valium of fonKi-RNM to l'rovldc fur Frrli Troop. MnUrn II Inipo.illile to Ilrllevc I'rment Unea nn Soon an llipccteil. WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. As a result of ft conference, between the secretary of war nil Quartermantor General I.udlngton, it baa been decided that no further action enn bo taken with regard to the return of the volunteers from tho Philippines until con Kress shall make provision for their re placement. Tho War department Is con nldurahly embarrassed by tho falluro of con gress to mako provision beforo the recesi for tho relief of tho military situation 'n tho Philippines. Actlnc upon representa tions mako by Ocncrul MacArthur. tho de partment ht.i concluded that It Is absolutely necessary "to maintain an army of 00,000 men In tho Philippines until the current policy of establishing municipal govern ments throughout tho archipelago has been executed. It Is mated at tho department that with nny reduction of the military strength be low that flguro existing conditions would doubtless provo most disastrous to tho In terests of tho United States. Thero aro now about 00,000 troops, regu lars and volunteers, In the Philippines, nnd arrangements havo been made already for bringing homo U.000 of that number. No further reduction will bo inado until the War department Is advlHed fully of tho purposi) of congress with regard to army legislation. When the nccccssary authority has been given It Is tho purpose of the de partment to bring homo as rapidly bb possi ble all tho volunteers and regulars whose terms of enlistment expire on June 30 next, but not beforo It Is possible to replace them man for man with new recruits enlisted under the terms of the new army bill. It 1h expected that congress will net promptly on tho nrmy bill soon after 11 reassembles In January, but even In that event, It Is sold nt tho War department, It will not bo possible to get tho fresh troops to tho Philippines Insldo ot two months' time. Tho general homecoming movonmnt of tho mass of volunteers, there fore, will havo to bo postponed until nbout February 1. That will gtvo tho quarter master's department but llvo months' time to bring homo tho remainder of tho vol unteers and tho regular troops whoso terms will expire at tho samo tlmo, aggregating nbout 40,000 men, beforo July 1. This un dertaking Is believed to bo beyond tho ca pacity of tho transport servlco as nt pres ent organized and may necessitate the charter of nddltloual steamships. Hcccnt cabin advices from General "Man Arthur tndlcnto n strong desire on the part of tho volunteers generally to return to tho United States and that comparatively few of them aro likely to re-enllst unless tho most liberal inducements are offered. It Is understood that General MacArthur has recommended that n bounty of $250 bo allowed to each soldier In tho Philip pines who ro-enllsts for another term and tho plan Is said to meet with the favor of tho ofllcialn of tho War department. INVOLVES A FORMER CONSUL IrrPRnlnrltlr In MIiiIiik Clnlmm l'lli-il In MhiiIIu trull for I'xpliuin t Ion from linear Wllllnm. WAViflOfON",i'l)oc. 24. Inquiry ii tho Stato department discloses tho fact that no olllclni uotluo over was taken by tho de partment of a statement nffcctlne In tome measuro Oscur F. Williams, who had been consul to Manila, beforo tho Spanish-American war. Captain Ilurrltt was tho author of this statement nnd, being In chargo of the mining bureau In tho Philippines, In tho courso ot his annual report to General Mac Arthur, commenting upon tho filing In nn lrrcnular fashion of an enormous num ber of mining claims, said: "Tho record dlsclnsos an undollned, but apparently close relation of Hon. Oscar F. Williams, ns United States consul, with tho Inspectorate of mines, thnt Is of such u until ro ns to aeom to require a statement of tho facts appearing in tho records of this bureau." Captain Ilurrltt then recites some eases whom tho consul had certified to certain claims some tlmo after tho claims had al ready been mndo by tho Spanish mining ofllclals. Tho statement In tho report Is that certain mining men, foreseeing tho overthrow ot Spanish sovereignty In tho Philippines, had tiled claims upon every thing In sight In u mining way. Hut Con sul Williams Is no longer United States consul, nor Is ho an olllclni of tho United States government, so he has no longer au thority In connection with this matter. Tho mining claims llled In tho Irregular fashion roferrod to aro, however, yet within reach, nnd, It Is said at tho War department that tho Phlllpplno commission Is nbout to take thorn up with a view to passing upon their validity. Mr. Williams Is now at his homo In Syracuse, N. Y. Supreme Court Adjourn. WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. After handing down a number of opinions today tho United States supremo court ndjournod until January 7. , Tho court today advnnced two mnro cases Involving tho question of tho rolntlonshlp between tho United States and tholr Insu lar possessions, to bo heard on tho 7th ot January. Thero nro now eight of these cases set for that date One of tho enscs advanced today involves tho collection of duties on goods imported from Hawaii. Fight Your Liver If you want to. But look out, or it will get the start of you. If it does, you will have dys pepsia, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, poor blood, con stipation. Perhaps you have these al ready. Then take one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. These pills gently and surely master the liver; they are an easy and safe laxative for the whole family; they give prompt re lief and make r. permanent cure. Always keep a box of them in the house. 25 cents a box. If your druggist ennn t supply you, we will mail you a box direct from thin office cpou receipt of the price, as cents. Ad. d'cu, J.C. Ayk Co., Lowell, Mass. BELIEVES IT'S EXAGGERATED (Irnrrul l)ul Think Dr. William Itcport on I'urto Hlco'n Con dition I Uvenlrnwn. WASHINGTON', Dec. 24.-Gcneral Davli, when seen at tho War department con cerning the report made public today by Dr. Williams, a contract surgeon In tho Department ot Porto Hlco, setting forth an appalling stato of affairs among the. coffee planters' of the Island, said that from his knowledge of affairs In that section of Porto Hlco, ho should charactcrlio Dr. Williams' statement ns much overdrawn and exag gerated. That thero was suffering In the coffee planting section of the country, tho general said ho had no doubt. The heavy losses incurred by tho big hurricane, ho tnld, could have no other result than to gicatly deplete tho means of tho planters, who had $12,000,000 worth of coffco swept away by- tho big storm. When General Davis was mllltory gov ernor of the Island tho War department IskumI rations to tho pcoplo of Porto Hlco In order to help them to weather over the evil effects of tho hurricane. When tho government passed under civil administra tion, however, tho Issuance, of the rations was discontinued, ns It was believed the Islanders had suillclcntly recovered. The general said that Dr. Williams was nn acting nsslstant surgeon In the department and accompanied n small expedition under command of Mnjor Watt, Fifth cavalry, which, on a march across the Island, trav ersed tho coffee planting region. The doctor presented a bad state of affairs In this sec tion, In tho wny of sickness and want of food, nnd was nuked for a fuller report by General Davis. This was turned over to Dr. Allen. General Davis leaves Washington this morning for San Francisco, where he will take pasrrpo for Manila on tho transport Hancock, sailing January 1. He has been ordered to duty ns Inspector general of tho division of tho Philippines. PRESIDENT TAFT HAS A PLAN Chief of ('otiniil.Nioiie r I'roi'OK'n Xrw Ciirrrney Synteiu for Philippine In ItcpliM-e I'orincr One. WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. President Taft of tho Philippine commission has como for ward with unothcr suggestion for the set tlement of tho Phlllpplnn currency ques tlon, which Is now pressing urgeutly for adjustment. Ho discards tho two former plans of coining something like n trade dot lar nnd of maintaining by tho credit of tho United States a tlxed ration between the Mexican dollar and American gold nnd pro pones to adopt United States money pure and simple ns the money of tho Philippines. Ho points out that radical ns Is tho move ment It must bo made sooner or Inter If the Islands nre to remain under control of tho United States nnd that delay only serves to nggravato tho evils of tho present confusion of systems. PHNSIO.VS l-'OK WHSTKIIN VKTI2HA.VS. Wnr Survivor It enir nilirrcil by the lii'iirrnl (iovt-riiineiit. WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. (Special.) The following pensions have been granted: Ichup of December 7: Nebraska: Increase Ml Itronpon. Alex andria. $10; John M. Pollock, Lincoln. $8: wiiiium i. liornuouy, t'otter. jiu. original widows, etc. (Bpecint Dec. 10) Mnrtlia rc, Mlttan. Iiluo Spring. $3. Wnr with Spain, widows, etc. Kllzabetli A. Kelts (mother), Moiun umntin, Iowa: Henewnl Curtis Is. Snyder. Dav enport, $12. Increase Joseph w. Kuapp Hoblns. $12: Peter Hurley, l'eostu. is: Wil liam J. Hull. Ankeny. $10. Original widows, etc. Margrlth I.ouenberger, Solon, $S; i.ouiMt J. urown tmotner). Iiamtiurtr. J12: tspcclul accrued Dec. 10) Nancy Price, bear ing, v:; i.ucliuia l'ltts, Knoxvllle, 512; I'helm K. Tllton. Wlntersot. $S; KlUaueth Ashley, Macedonia, $12. Colorado: Original William H. Covert. Crlpplo Creek, $0. Increase William Mc- i.orti, Homiers mm sailors Home, Monte VIHIII, . South Dakotn: Original Martin J. Math- ennn, Hummlt, $0. ihhiu' or Dceemncr s: Nebraska: Original (sneclal Dec. 11) Jur. urn Will (dead). Harrison. JS. Increase- John II. Suerlder, Monroe, $10; John Spraguo, Kimball, $17. Original widows, etc. (special use. iij vina win, Harri son, $3. Iowu: Orlclnnl James 13, Francis. Yale JS. Increase Ferdinand U. Soles, Mount Ayr, no; .Martin jessup, .vtackslmrg, J12; John Kogcrs. Dunrentli. $10: Hceso James. Vllllttcii. $S; Wllber MeCnbe, Malvern, $10; John II. Sweeney, Webster City, $S. I'oinrnuo: original Kicnnru it. iiyrne, Iloswell, $(I; Samuel McGlbbons. Denver. $6; Francis M. Crosson (dead), Idaho Springs, $G; John Q. Potter. Colorado City. t6-. John Peterson, Denver, $fi. Original wiuowh, eic iiriaget .Myers, Denver, fa. Ilnwlry Still Clone In I.noiiiln, WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Captain Hawley cabled tho Navy department Inst evening that ho had sailed with tho Hartford from l.n Gulra to Curacoa. It Is said nt the Nuvy department that this docs not affect tho execution of the Instructions sent to Captain Hawley n few days ago to look after American Interests In Venezuela and co operato with Minister Loomls. Curacoa, only a short distance from La Gulra, directly across tho channel, Is a cnblo end nnd the Hartford Is consequently still In good position to executo Its trust. Admiral Heiney cabled tho Navy depart ment this morning from Manila thnt he had sent tho cruiser Albany from Cavlto to Hong Kong to bo docked, for tho purpose of ascertaining the extent of tho Injuries, If nny, received by tho thlp through touching bottom In Sublg bay Inst week. Intermit lli-vi-iiur Collci'tlonn. WASHINGTON, Dee. 24. Tho monthly statement of tho collections of Internal revenue show that during November, 1900, tho total receipts were $25,344,2S5, an In crcasn as compared with No ember last year of $SSfl,sr.l. Tho receipts from tho several sources of revenue aro given as follows: Spirits, $10, 750,320, an lncrcaso of $728,144; tobacco, $4,1)03,067, a decrease of $205,209; fermonted liquors, $5,417,7S7, nn Increase of $1SS,CS6; oleomargarine, $238,627, a decreaso of $20, 532; special taxes not t-lsewhero enumer ated, $36,374, a decrease of $11,077; miscel laneous, $3,966,190, nn Increase of $209,477. For tho last llvo months tho total re ceipts woro $131,279,187, nn Increase over tho cortcsponding period last year of $3,718,76S. ) vi-rcoii In for Soldier. WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. The secretary of war lias made n decision that In cases where tho post commander certifies that It Is necessary arctic overshoes, fur gantlets and caps and woolen mittens may bo Issued at cost prices to enlisted men. It Is also pro vided that canvas mittens, blanket-lined canvas hats and blankot-llned canvas over coats may bo supplied to troops serving In extremely cold regions aud also under certain conditions to troops nt West Point, N. Y. Tho overcoats aro to bo Issued only to men performing guard duty or Hold serv lco when exposed to wenther which would Jeopardlzo llfo or limbs by freezing.' These overcoats may bo fur or blanket-lined can vas. Cnpe Nome Allnlnir Cane. WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. The United States supremo court today denied tho pe tition for a writ of certiorari In tho case of Chlpps against Ltndcrberg. This Is a famous mining case from Capo Nome, In volving tho regularity of tho nppolntment of a receiver for n gold mine In that dis trict by District Judgo Day, Tho effect will bo to leavo tho caso for trial In the cir cuit court. Secretory (iiiKn Seen "Hnnho." WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. Miss Nothersolo appeared nt tho National theater tonight In "Sapho" to a packed house, Including Secre tary Gago aud party and members of tho French and Italian embassies and of the Japanese legation. WARREN SURE OF MS SEAT riftj-Thres Out of riftj-Six Members Give Him Tbeir Pledge. WYOMING SATISFIED WITH HIS RECORD I.egUIn tors-I'lrct Axxnre Their Sena tor 1 1 In Absence from Cheyenne Will .nt Affect llln Clinnce for lle-lllretlon. WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. (Special Tele gram.) Senator Warren of Wyoming, whoso present term ns senator will explro March 4, 1D00, today received letters from each county delegation to the Sixth Wyo ming legislature, numbering In the aggre gate flfty-thrco of tho fifty-six members, nscurlng him of their support for re-clec- tlon. Tho letter of tho Laramie, county members, following generally tho support of all, Is In part ns follows: "It Is recognized by all thnt your pres ent high standing as a public olllccr 1b In a lnrgc measure duo to tho ability and fidelity with which you havo nt all times enred for tho Interests of your constitu ents. Whllo It would bo a great pleasure to us to havo you present at our session, yet, should matters Important to Wyoming bo hotter served by your attendance in Washington during tho short session of congress, wo desire to say that wo will, with your other friends In this state, sec that your nbsenco from Wyoming shall not In any way put In Jeopardy your re-election, nnd pledge to tnko care of that matter when tho proper tlmo comes." Di'lnirtini'ii tnl .Vote. Tho postolllcc nt Itlzors, Marlon county, la,, has been discontinued; mall to At tica. Lewis J, Patterson is appointed mailing clerk nt Council Illuffs and James 12. Hob bins nt Dcs Molncs, la. Samuel N. McCormlck Is appointed rural free delivery carrier at Illoomllcld, la. W. H. Wilson was today appointed post master at Glen Hock, Nemaha county, Neb., vlco K. Illshop, resigned, and Charles llraun nt Wabash, Cass county, Nob., vlco S. Hulflsh, romoved. Also W. N. TIppctt at Clay Mills. Jones county, la.; J. S. Stephen at Delphos, Hlnggold county, In.; F. H. lloyd at Horton, llrcmer county, la., nnd W. J. Conbcry at Templo Hill, Jones county, la. Tho Merchants' National bank of Omaha was today approved ns reserve agent for tho Farmers' National bunk of Pawnco, Neb. Tho application of W. F. Cody, Hubert II. Hake, C. 13. Haydcn, J. W. Chapman nnd llcnjamln F. Hnko to organize the First National bank of Cody, Wyo., with $2.1,000 capital, has been approved, GERMANS' CLAIMS ARE FILED 13mliiNy l're.cnt Nlnto Department it llli 1IIII for DiiiiitiKcK to Property In Colin. WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. The German embassy has laid beforo tho Stato depart ment tho claims of n number of German subjects for dnmages to their Interests In Cuba, as a result of tho Spanish-American war and tho Insurrection which led up to tho wnr Itself. This uctlon of tho Germnn government lias raised a most Important Issue, and tho Department ot Stato has given It tho closest consideration. It has been concluded, however, that tho United States government cannot accept re sponsibility for tho claims. They nro re garded as practically the samo in principle as tho claim of Porto Itlco against Cuba for $2,500,000 on account of a wnr loan. Although In that caso Governor Allen of Porto Rico represented tho United Stntcs government in preferring tho claim, that government was obliged to deny Its liability, or tho liability of Cuba under present conditions. Tho answer to tho German presentation will be based upon the reply to Governor Allen, recently made. It Is known that other governments besldo Germany havo claims aggregating n very largo sum, all based on tho Cuban Insurrec tion nnd succeeding events. They will not bo nbandoned on account of tho attltudo of tho United States government, but on tho contrary probably will bo held In abeyance until such tlmo as Cuba shall havo becomo Independent, when they will be presented directly to tho government of tho Island. GETS HER CLOTHES BACK Trennury Department Decide to Allow Ml UN Conillt-Smltli'N AVnril rolie to Come In l-'rco of Duly. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Assistant Sec retary Spalding today took favorable ac tion on tho nppeal of Miss Condll-Smlth from tho uctlon of tho customs authorities nt New York In seizing her trunks on her arrival from China. Tho basis for tho action is set forth in the following statement mads by Mr. Spalding: Regulations provide for freo entry of tho persona: i-ITectH of United States ministers and their families returning from abroad. It nppenrs that Miss Condlt-Smlth was at Pekln nt the tlmo of the siege, n guest of tho minister of tho United StatCH. Her enllrn wardrobe, with tho exception of tho clothes sho wore, was either destroyed or used to clothe others who had lost everything, or torn up for bandages or otherwise used for the wounded coiillued In tho legation; that the clothing contained In her two trunks brought by her to New York nro duplicate both in value anil umber of tho clothing purchased abroad for tho necessities of her journey, and to replace what who lost or charitably do nated during tho siege. Am she wan a uuctit of tho minister and a member of his household during tlm siege, tho privilege of freo entry of per sonal effects accorded to tho Immediate members of tho fnmlly of a United States minister is uccnracil to tier. ChrlntiuiiN l'entl vltlen nt Hie Cniillnl WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. Tho Christmas festivities wero begun this evening at the embassies. Tho German minister gavo a dinner party to members of tho embassy nnd official families. A largo party gathered at tho legation of Austro-Hungary, where Minister and Mmc. Ilengcnmuller had a Christmas party with a largo and band soiuely decorated tree. Among tho com pany wero tho Hrltlsh nmbassador and Lord Paunccfoto nnd Lady Pauncefoto, tho Misses Paunccfoto, tho German ambassador, minister from Spain and Duchess do Arcos, and Belgian minister and Countess Llchtor volde, the minister from Portugal and Vis countess Snnto Thyrso, and most of tho attaches of the legation, Verdict In JVorrln Murder. WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. Tho coroner'i Inquest In tho caso of Frank H. Morris auditor of thn treasury for thn Wnr .in. partment, who was killed nt tho Winder uiiiuiiiiK oiiiuruuy ujiurnuua uy satllUCI MeDnnulil. former disbursing odlror nf hii bureau, was held today, Tho verdict was tnai .MorriB nan como to ins aeatn by rea son of a pistol shot wound inflicted by Mc Donald. McDonald, who l In n nrennrlnna nnnrtl tlon at tho emergency hospital suffering trom ecu. mulcted wounds after killing MorrU, Is somewhat Improved und has a chanco to recover. A cold, cough or la grlppo can be "nipped In the bud" with a doso or two of Foley' Honey and Tar. Beware of substitutes, Dillon's drug store South Omaha; Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Steamer linn I'reeloun Frelnlit. 8YDNKY. N. R. W.. Dec. 24,-Tho steamer Mariposa, which sailed from this port for emu riwitmg louuy, iius ;w,uw sovereigns U.l VVUIU. I LAST GAME OF THE SEASON Omnlin nml Lincoln IIIkIi School, Will Try to llrriik I hi Tie. Tho last gridiron battlo of tho season will bo played this afternoon nt Vln toJ street park when tho all-star teams ot Omaha nnd Lincoln will attempt to solve the prtblcm of supremacy which stands now In dispute, for the reason that the teams havo played two games and In both neither side has scored. It Is n foregone conclusion that today's struggle will be a brilliant exhibition of tho great col logo game. Tho teams nro so excellently matched that It would be presumptuous for ono to attempt to forecast tho result. Captain Trncy, however, fs confident that his mon wilt win. The team has been prac tising for tho game with nil possible dili gence and no member of it lacks anything of confldenco or determination. Tho game will bo called promptly at 3 o'clock. Will Plxley will net as umpire. THREE RACES FOR HILDRETH On i-tiilioro, .Meolinnu ami Trlninon Win for MiiNtrm Turfman nt Timformi Truck. SAN FHANCISCO. Dee. 2l.-llorses from the stable of Sam Hlldreth won three rnccs at Tatifornn today. Ills colors were carried to victory by owensboro, Meehatius nnd Telamon unci nil were strongly supported In the ring. In tho opening event Tho Hobby, a 15 to 1 shot, led nil the way and bent llangor, tho 1 to 2 favorite from tho Hll dreth stable, a head. Tho defeats of Tho Tory ami True illuo were costly to tho public. A good curd was presented and thu betting wns lively. Weather tine nnd track good, llesults: First race, ono nnd one-hnlf miles, purse: Tho Hobby, 9S (Domlnlek), 15 to 1, won; llangor. 112 (llullinnn), 1 to 2, second; I.o coehce, lw (O'Connor). 10 to 1, third. Time: 2:3M4. Acrobat and Florlzar nlso ran. Second race, ono and onr-elghth miles, selling: Owensboro, 101 (Coliurn), 3Vt to 1, won; Campus, 104 (Domlnlek), fl to 1, sec ond; Morluel, 114 (O'Connor), a'.fc to 1. third. Time: l:.r.i'.i4, Lothian, Topmast, Koentg nnd Limelight nlso rim. Third race, six furlongs. Owners' handi cap: Mcchntiux. S5 (J. -Martin), 14 to 5. won; Hermoso, 97 (Domlnlek), 4 to 1, second; Theory. SO (J. Walsh), 13 to 10. third. Tlmo: l:11'.i. Kenllworth ulso ran. Fourth race, one mile, purse: Telamon, f7 (J. Martin), 9 to 10, won; Gnlanthus, St (J. waiyi, i ui j, second; nam i-iiiicu, UJ (O'Connor), S to 6, third. Time: liWi. Free l.nnco ulso ran. Fifth race. Ix and onc-linlf furlnncs: Headwnter. 104 (O'Connor). S to 5. won: True Ulue, 99 (Mounce), S to 5, necond: Olb- riiunr. iui (Minimal)), .i to i. limn. Time: 1:21, Pupil, February and Del ltlo also ran. Sixth race, seven and oiie-hulf furlongH, selling: Lady Meddlesome. 104 (O'Connor). fi to 5, won; Alas, HO (Waldo), 7 to 1, second; uoiiy woitnorr, n'3 (coutirn), u to ttuni, Time; l:3G'fe. Coming Event, Mereorlto, Airnia, snips ami jingle Jingio niso ran. AVuInIi Hide Throe AVIiuu-rn. NI3W OHLI3ANS. Dec. 21. Weather flno and track good. Hollo ot Klgtn, Ijidy Con trary, (leneral Mart Gary and Sakatuck wero winning favorites. Summaries: First race, one mile, Felling: Castlne, 101 (Mllex), L'O to 1, won; Kltholln, 110 (Her man), 13 to 1 and 5 to 1, second; Domadge, 99 (Wonderly). 12 to 1, third. Time; l:!3fc. i.iuio iioy iiiue, purH. uovernor iioyo, Itedticer, Hlsinc-rc, I'lildlan, livable and Hodd nlso ran. Second race, five furlongs, (tolling: Hello of Klein. 102 (T. Wn'.sh). 4 to 1. won: St. lllurf, 101 (Cochrnn). 9 to 2 nnd S to 0. sec ond; Eisio dm, iw (iicrmnn), v) to i, third. Tlmo: 1:03. Hed Signal, llondelle, Hrumblebush, Merrlmnn, Henry Clay, ltyo, Hean, Plrato's Queen, l'hospherous nnd Slroster also ran. Third rare, nix furlnncs. selllnir: Ladv Contrarv. 103 (T. Walsh). 1 to 2. won: Dlggs. lie (A. weneri, u to - nuu oven, nrainii; Kiss Quick. 97 (Wonderly). 15 to 1, third. Time: 1:M. Alpaca, Quaver, Freehand. Frank Ireland, Magglo Y tind Otrud nlso ran. Fojrth raco, handicap, mile nnd seventy yards: General Mart Gary. Ill (T. Walsh), even, won; Annoy, lu" (Tully), 13 to 1 and r. to 1, second; Alex. 105U (Mitchell), 3 to 1. third. Time: 1:47V4. Pneemnker. Chorus Unv, Zack PholnH and ."Althea nlso ran Fifth race, selling, six furlongs: Sacka tuck, losj (Dupee), C'to 5. won; Larly Illrd, 103 (Cochran), 20 to 1 mid 8 to 1, sec ond; Mordelmo, 102 (Hrcnnan), 60 to 1, third. Time: 1:1(1. Midsummer. Lovnlettn. Davo Waldo, Fluko and Shrovo Tuesday nlso ran. sivtii rnce llvo fiirloncH. tielllntr: I3n. lfio (Cochran). 7 to 1. won; Kducate. 1W (May), 5 to 1 nnd 2 to 1. second; Synco pated Manny, t.MiiciiiMii. j iu j, "' Tim. 1-a:ii'. Provost. Alatln. Hob linker Quito Right'. Fnnnlo Maud. Illustrious, Hilly l'atterson anu w iiicrpmui aisu run. IIo&Iiik Mnteli Xmr l'nrls. pa tits. rw. 25.-5 a. in. A boxing match nt tho Hlppodromo yesterday between Georgo Golwln nnd Ted Cantrll for francs resulted in wio ueu-ai oi umuu, who was knocked out at tho conclusion of tho second round by a blow tinder the heart. Tho police commissioner, who wns present, announced tnai ne wouiu ituiu pru cecdlngs ugalnst tho pugilists. Sloan In Hide nt Tnnforilli. nniinred that Tod Sloan will ride vesuvlnn n.Y t t.JV - . r .1.1,- nt Tnnfornn on Christmas, under tho license .-.1 1.1... 1... 41. a Unn T,-r,i,ilDn TnnlAO KrUmi'U llllll 'i . ...... cljb. It Is possible that he may continue lO IlCCepi IllUUIIVB uuhiih ..iu uhiio tULvi meeting. l.oril llercNfnrd III. LONDON, Dec. 21. Lord William Bres- ford Is suffering from peritonitis. This morning his condition Is reported as slightly Improved. In consequenco of Iord Ileres ford's Illness tho Christmas festivities nt Deepdcne. his scat at Dorking, hnve been abandoned. Tho kidneys ache when they arc other worked nnd tho troublo gets serious unless promptly removed. Prickly Ash Ulttcrs Is a rellablo kidney tonic nnd bowel regulator, Frnti-lelli nt ClirUtimm Time. MIDDLI3POUT. O.. Dee. 21. Lester Ito- mluo died lit his home, north of here, this uftemoon from tno crteetH or n millet wound Indicted Inst nlsht by his brother. Herbert Ilomlno. Herbert, who was under the Inlliicnco of liquor, became enraged be causu IiIh brother snatched his cap from his head und declnred he would shoot If the act was repented. Thinking his brother was joKing i.esior snuiriien wio cap again, whereupon Herbert pulled a revolver and shot Lester Just below the henrt. Herbert Is under nrreHt. (rcctlnKN to Knitter. GItAND HAPIDS, Mich.. Dec. 21. The mitn nil nf llllu (ltv 1 1 I. II ,1 1 111 n I lul . W-fllUII.-M 1,'...,... ....... ....... -.".J adopted a resolution tonight extending President Kruger an olllclni welcome to tho freedom oi me eny. in ni-i-oriianco wiin this action the city clerk, Lnmnrcnux, sent the following cablegram to President Kruger at Tho llngue: "We extend greot- Ixi.j ftti.l .iiiial lirinlltll r.MltlfiRt vnn In vlult our city und meet more than 30.000 of vour countrymen, inignciij oiniuun council, f?.,lll,l Tf11,lllu " MlNxInmtrleN Itetiirn to Clilnn. TACOMA. Wiish . Dee 24. Tho steamer Olympla sailed for tho Orient tonight Its cargo consists- of about 2i'.50j) saekH of WiiHhlngton iiour, tnimcen, ncer mid mer chandise. Amnnir Its misHeiiL'ers are John Wimdborrv. Dr. 1. WoilK and Miss 13. Jones. missionaries from New York, who returned to this countrv nt the beginning of tho troublo In China last spring. They nro now returning to contlnuo the work which wes Interrupted ny tno noxer uprising. 1. title ItoyN Horned In Dentil. L1TTLI3 HOCK. Ark.. Dec. 24.-Three boys of Dick Itmbcrson wero burned to death In their home In North Little Hock this afternoon. Their father had locked them In the room on tho second storv whllo ho went to tho dopot. Thov sturtcd n flro whllo playing with matches and wero burned to death before tho tlremen could rescue them. Their ugeH wero 9. 7 and 5 The fnmllv moved to this city four duys ago rrom Tennessee. Ai-kniiNiiN nanter ANsnmiliiiiteil, TI3XAHKANA. Tex.. Dec. 21. Infonon tlon reached hero today from Garland Cltv. Ark . a small station nbout fifteen miles enst. thnt a prominent lied IUver nlnnter and merchant or thnt nlace. named Owens, Was assassinated whllo walking along tho rnuroati tracK. inero is no ciue. elioy Tliron-n Onl of Work. CL13V13LAND. O.. Dec. 24.-Orders have been Issued abolishing tho tralnboys or nows tiutciiers-- on tin trains or tno isrio railroad system west of Salamanca, N. Y.. nfter midnight, December 31, and on all lines east of that point niter midnight, Jan uary 31. Mrx, Kelly Green Mity Lowe, ninc.tnn. Dee et iinliiii i Hr.nv.mii vice president of the Hrowncll Improvement company, men a petition in nanKruptcy to day. LlahllltlcH aro placed at Jira.fx) nm luisots i,wo. ;urs, ueuy ureen or ruw xorit la ono oi uio largest creditors. CONGER HAS SIGNED NOTE American Minister at Pelt in Reporti His Action by Cable. CHINESE LIKELY TO SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE llnvnjn Seem Illntnctlucil (n I'nrley for Amendment (o Agreement, Whether They l.lhp It or ot Step Considered Important. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2I.-Secrctnry Hay has received n cablegram from Minister Ccugor, at Pekln, announcing that ho had signed tho agreement reached by the foreign ministers, but had done so with a wrltteu explanatory statement netting forth tho exact position of his government. Tho text of tho statement Is not forwarded by Mr. Conger, but It Is understood to bo bared upon tho last Instruction ho received from tho department, which, whllo (Unap proving tho Inclusion In the agreement of some of tho more cevcrc language, ncceptod It ns the best arrangement that could bo mndo nt this time. It Is believed that the United States, also. whllo sanctioning tho provisions ot tlu agreement relative to tho maintenance of permanent Hues ot communication, legation guards nnd prohibition ot tho Importation ot arms Into China, Indicates clearly that con (tltutlonnl reasons prevent tho cxecutlvo from making nny pledge to taku part In tho execution ot these plans. Tho signature of tho agreement by tho ministers disposes of what Is regarded hero ns tho (lrst, tho most Important nnd the most dllllcult phase of the negotiations ns to China, for It is not doubted that tho Chlneso envoys will subscribe to tho agree ment without amendment. Its conclusion has been marked by ono ot tho most curious mistakes In tho history of International ex change, for by a cipher error, tho majority of the last signatories found that they did exactly what they did not Intend to do, nnd moreover, that tho error was Irretrievable. JAMAICAN LABORERS REBEL llnllrontl CoiimI riietlon finiiK" Are ArmltiK lo .VtnUe Trouble fur Amer ican L'ompnny'N Foremen. KINGSTON. Jamaica, Dec. 21. Letters JUBt received hero from Kcuador, report In creasing trouble between tho American foremen and the Jnmalcnn laborers, who aro constructing the railroad In that country under tho concession obtained by James McDonald & Co. of New York. As n result of thu disturbances several Jamaicans liavo been shot and ono of tho American foro men had to take refugo elsewhere The laborers aro now arming and serious trouble Is expected. REGULARSERVICET0 ALASKA Vancouver .tiny llonim Northern .Htenmlili I. tin- In Operate Con nection llh Yiil.on Port. VANCOUVUIl, II. r., Dec. 21. Tho city will submit to tho taxpayers ti proposl- sal to bonus or guaranteo a northern steam ship servlco to Alaska aud connections with Yukon ports. Tho terms aro not settled, but tho schemo probably will Involve n civic guaranty for a term of years of fi or 6 per cent dividends on u capital of $1G0,00U. It Is hoped also to secure a liberal subsidy from tho general government. l'nlille AVeleome lit 'Winnipeg. WINNIPEG. Man.. Dec. 21. Klabornto preparations nre being mndu to glvo n pub lic welcome to tho soldiers who will re turn from South Africa this week. Tho train will bo met by Lieutenant Oovornor Colonel McMillan, Premier Hoblln and members of tho local government, members of tho city council, school nnd park boards and a number of military bodies. With tho returned soldiers, they will parade to Holy Trinity church, where tho primate of Canada, Archbishop Mnckroy of Ruperts- land, will conduct short thanksgiving serv ices for the safo return of tho general. This will bo followed by a banijuct and in tho evening a promenndo concert nnd ball will bo held. All of the soldiers who iinvo previously returned will tako part. Veiier.iirlnn Seeri'tnry Itcvolt. CUHACOA, Dutch Hulana, Dec. 21. (Via Hnytlen Cable.) Celestlno Peraza, for merly tho secretary general of President Castro of Venezuela, has revolted against tho Venezuelan government near Lozema, In tho Guarlco district. A force of 2,600 Venezuelan troops, under Genera Arlstldos Fandeo, has been sent against Peraza. llui-iied to Dentil. TORONTO, Ont., Dec. 24. At n flro which destroyed the storo and dwelling of Robert Llthco, on Queen street, today his son, Henry, was burned to death and his wlfo so severely Injured by Jumping from a window that her llfo Is despaired of. The other members of tho faintly saved them selves by Jumping. Senate I'iinnc AmncNty Hill, PARIS, Dec. 21. Tho sennto this after noon adopted tho amendment to the am nesty bill by u voto of 201 to 11, nftor au exhortation by tho premier, M, Waldeck Rousseuu, to voto for tho mensuro und "do llver tho country from the nightmare of tho Dreyfus affair." Meals a Day How many years of licr life does a woman spend over the hot cook stove getting those three meals u day? Hack aching-, head throbbing, nerves twitch ing, it's all the same, there are three meats a day to he prepared. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cannot lighten woman's labor, but it can nnd does in crease her strength. It cures those dis eases of thu womanly organs which un dermine woman's vitality. "I cannot pralvr Dr. Pierce's I'avonle Pre Bcrtptioti too highly as a tonic for tfrcd. worn out women who arc nfillcted with female weak ness," write Mr-. Ira V Holmes, of Cedar Kaplds. Iowa "it ha helped me very much and a skillful physician oner Raid to ine in answer to my question as to iu efficacy. ' I know of cases where it hat really worked wonders,' 1 Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do not re-act upon the system, They nre a good thing to keep in the house. One ' Pellet 1 is a laxative, two a cathartic dose. The medicine for every woman. J IIS. S. Kirk & Co., Chicago. i HnrFHAHETTE I IU 1 11 11 I THE BEST LJ IU FFMAHETTE ALLEN BRPS. CO. OMAHA, NEB. J 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 77 tf V - an 5 - As nvestment z fs l te t c i v. i- t- sh- v.-1-I-ve t 1 Vf t V." t Vt t- l- t Vf -V? J ei I There is nothing like an Education A college education costs a groat many dol lars, but the man with a good dictionary at his elbow has a good education behind him. ir. ' a THE Vif i Vf - Is the Latest and The cost is low only $7 The book is new. It is well edited some of ablest men contributed to it, Itiscomplete 000 words, & 3 . I j 1- V.' v.' -t v I . i- i e i V.' t Uf i .' i- tr t c I-I-(. I fr I ff V.- I Z . iff - Hi - !" (.' v i- u -r - U.' i- ary has so many, It is standard can be relied upon for both definition and pronunciation, There are a great many other things which could be said of the work, but if interested, call on the Mer;eath Stationery Company, 1308 Farnam r-treet, and examine a co)y. You will agree with ua in admiring the work. LlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLiiilLLLLlLLLLLLLLliLL'.LLLLLLLLiLLLLLl Z Z 1fUDCMANrl. SOAP. The Ideal Toilet and Bath Soap. LOOKS LIKE GLASS FEELS LIKE VELVET IS wm DISTRIBUTERS -k1 Vj -1 - -I fl -1 V i y. -t v i '' " 'ft -i -fj i : J 9 -1 .VI 1 -4VJ -1 J) I .o 7 - -y Vji r ! -I'i v -y A - f J 1 ! I V 1 -1 J" ! tft - "7 -I .' I -fi -I -VJ -1 -v -I -I 4V0 -I -' 1 -I ft -I Sfi 1 ii - ! v J 'f r y r ' J -') 2 Ji - -.1 v .i VJ -1 A -1 -I tb X v -I .70 -1 l'A I -I Sfi -I tS -I -1 V l -Vj I , -i -v I 'U X i --i v -j H " - - y 'f 2 f I, A r i ' - "fi j -1 ft Best Dictionary. the of the day have time and ability -containing 300, No other dictions i m S3 STANDARD f