21 TITE OMAHA DAIIA" BFKt SI'NDAY, DECEMIVRR 2.., 1000. SALE ENDS MONDAY NIGHT $3.00 Dressing Eacquei, $1.25) $1.75 Wrappori, 69o) $1.25 Undonkirti, 49c. $20 LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS, $3 75 jar. sun-Muni .tnekrt, ijimihi i snu WnUlK, lfa.H Imported Hvpii- Iiik WnlNlN, Ijil.llSj V.!0 rnllcrn Unix, lf.l.7.- $1.0 (.ni-, 9.1tH. v. ii. iii:.m:tt co. Atl ItriMiriln Itrokrn. Tim last chance before Christmas to ae- euro nil tho necessaries for a feast nt low Hundred Articlei Qlren Awny at Ben- ,11 llVfli Tbo money-raising salo ends absolutely Monday night, so Monday Is positively your last chanco to get $3. yes, worth of goods for about $1. What Is ono per son's loss Is nnotlicr's nnln. It would not only bo stupid, but a reflection on nnyone s common sense to go- clsowhcro Monday and pay full up regular prices when they can go to tho I'eoplo'a storo and get what thoy wunt for almost a song. It took until midnight Saturday night to empty the stock rnnm nnd nrranco its contents for the wind- tip salo which takes place tomorrow. Stacks of tho cliolco goods that wero thought to bo sold, were found, ami go on sale to morrow at a fraction of their worth. How fortunate, that this salo has happened Just beforo Christmas. Tho ladles of Omaha feel Indeed grateful for tho many bargains they havo secured. How can ono make nwmnv ennlrr than by saving It? Here's how vou can savo It tomorrow: Cliolco of all tho 3 elegantly trimmed riilnnlnwn clrcssltiir saccules Monday for Cholcn of all tho wrappers that were formerly $1.75 to $2.50, In 2 lots Monday, C9e nnd 9Sc. Choice of nil thn satlne underskirts that wero formerly $1.25 and $2.75, Monday In 2 lots. 4'.'c anil $1.29. Choice of tho entire stock of ladles' silk lined short Jackets, worth up to $25, for $3 98. Cliolco of rntlro stock of silk waists, worth up to $15, for $2.98. Cholcn of entire stock of Imported even Ing waists, worth up to $30, for $4.08. Cholco of entiro slock of plush, golf or cloth enncs. worth up to $20, for $3.5. Cholco of cntlro stock of $10 and $12 trimmed hats for $2.75. Cholco of entire Htock of $15, $18 nnd $20 Parisian pattern hats for $3.75. Cholco of all tho flannel waists that wero formerly $2.50, $4 and $5, In 3 lots, at 98c, $1.98 and $2.25. FUHS! KUnS! FUKS! Come and tako them nway at your own price; sealskins, collarettes, muffs, scarfs etc. CHILWtKN'S JACKETS HALF PIUCE. Porno nnd tako awny all tho children's Jackets at Just one-half tho marked price, They must bo closed out Immediately. LADIKS' MACKINTOSHES HAM' PIUCE Como and tako nway all tho ladles' mnck lntnshcs, latest style, at Just one-half tho marked prlco. Wo must got rid of them. Salo beglrs nt 0 o'clock sharp. Open Monday night until 10 o'clock. PEOPLE'S STORE, lCth and Farnam Sts CLOSING OUT SALE Never beforo during our business career havo wo experienced such enormous trado In all our departments. All previous rec ords nro broken ami Insignificant compared with tho present Immcnso trado wo have had this season. A look at these prices tells tho whole story. GROCERIES. Dennett's Capital pnnenko flour, 2-pound package, 10c. Mlnco meat, per package, .c. Salad dressing, per bottle, 15c. Stuffed olives, per bottle, 12',4c. Chill sauce, per bottle, 10c. Pickles, assorted, per bottle, 9c. Preserves, 1 pound Jar, 10. Chocolatlna, per can, 10c. Cream cheese, per pound, 124c. Lemon extract, per bottle, 5c. California prunes, per pound, 5c. Maplo sugar, per pound, 12',Sc French mustard, per bottle, 5c. Dennett's Capital coffee, 1 pound pnekago, corn 28c. Sweet oranges, per dozen, 15c. IIUTTER DEPARTMENT. Fresh country butter, puro nnd sweet, nt 18c, 17c, 15c nnd 12c. MEAT DEPARTMENT. Turkeys, 11c. (JCCSO, O'iC. Ducks, 914c. Chickens, 74c. Hulk oysters, per quart, 35c. Hulk preserves, nil flavors, 3 pound for 2.c. Sage, celery nnd nil good things to make up n good dinner. CANDY. Stick candy. 12Vic. Mixed candy, per pound, 124c, 10c nnd Sc. Fruit rock, per pound, 1254c Ciumdrops, per pound, Sc. Dates, per pound, 10c. Figs, per package, 10c. Mixed nuts, per pound, 15c. English walnuts, per pound, 15c. Fresh roasted peanuts, per pound, 8c, An elegant assortment of cream bon bont nnd chocolnto frappes, put up in rancy boxes, per box, 50c. CKlARS AND PIPES. A smoko after dinner aids some helpers: Pipes from $9.00 down to sc. nett's Btore Tomorrow. LARGE AND MEDIUM DOLLS AT COST Tomorrow Wo Will Olvr Awsr it Set of Clilnn Dishes or n Tin Stove or a Wooden Pnll Full of IMucnrn M-ltli livery !i."o l'tirelmse. Wo will give nway 600 nrtlcles tomorrow on our Second Floor. Wo havo an endless variety of holiday goods which will bo sold out tomorrow. To every person making a purchaso of 25c on our Second Floor Santn Claus will present them with n set of china toy dishes, or a tin stovo or a pailful of pop- lllll,l. IIAII'.S Yin ItlioU Ulitml Itmilr, West of tho Missouri river, one fsrn for tho round trip, East of thn Missouri river, ono nnd one-third faro for thn round trip to points within u dlstancti of 200 miles. Tickets on salo December ?J, 23, 21 25 and 31 nnd January 1. (lood for return until January ii. City ticket office, 1323 Fnrnam street. mm I CLOTHING Open Monday Evening. Prices on Toys Cut In Two. Attention, I n n toll llrodicrliooil. All members of lodge No. 1 of D. II, S. aro requested to meet nt Washington hail Sunday nt 12.30 to attend tho funeral of our lato brother, I.. M. Hansen, from Sixth nnd Pacific streets. Members of other lodges invited. PETER HANSEN, President. CUT PRICES ON DOLLS, Wo will havo threo managers on our sec ond floor who will cut prices on dolls Re gardless of Cost. Wc aro going to sell them tomorrow. CUT PRICES ON ALtlUMS. To rcduco this stock we arc going to sac rifice tho prlco on albums. Theso nro nil new goods fresh from tho factory and would mnko n beautiful present nt llttlo cost They will bo sold tomorrow regardless of cost. Oreat and sweeping reductions will bo made In nil our holiday goods, In Jowclry, drug sundries, hardware, furniture, carpets, rugs, couches, rockers, crockery, china nnd, In fact, everything In holiday goods will be sold. W. R. DENNETT CO., Fifteenth nnd Capitol avenue. At Less than Cost l'crlinpK it is .vour husband, your futlier or your brother (or yourself) you wan! to please at Christinas. Something useful, yet not extravagant. Our Suggestion is Clothing. Knocial offers for Monday. The most stylish assortment, in every conceivable pattern of Men's Suits, Overcoats, Odd Trousers, Fancy Vests, Men's Storm Ulsters. , . , it No matter how low our prices, our clothing is thoroughly tailored and perfect lilting. Kvery garment is guaraiueeti 10 uu aH rT'!.!TSu ,. sr. nn. sr,.7. S7.no. sn.no, sio.oo, srj.no, sjn.oo Hamilton warren. M. D.. eclcct c and ........ n ,. magnetic physician, olllco at tho Central nnd 918.00. A SllVillg Of L'i) to JU per ceill un imuij buu ui juwi cmii.vri.v ui.nrf i:n hatkn. Vln .llllvmiiLce llnllwny. On December 22, 23, 21, 25 and 31, nnd on January 1, tho Chicago, Mllwaukeo & St. Paul rallwny will cell excursion tickets to points within 200 mllrs of each other nt rnto of faro nnd one-third for round trip. Theso tickets nro good returning until Jan uary 2. City ticket office, 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. For Sale $300 mahogany upright piano for $150. Oreat bargain. 010 N. 2Cth Bt. IIOMKSIII.ICIIIIS' HXCUHSIONS. Vln MUmuirl l'ncllle Ilnllrrny. Round trip tickets will bo sold at very ingestion low rates to points In Kansas, Arkansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma nnd Indian Territories, Texas, etc.; also to certain Tho wonderful enrtridgo pipe, 25c. Cigar cases, 25c. Cigarette caBes, 18c. Tobacco Jars, 10c. Cigar holders, 4c. points In the Bouth nnd southeast. Dates of sale first and third Tucsdnys in the rarnths of January, February, March and April. For Information, pamphlets, etc., call or wrlto company's agents, S. E. Cor. Clears "5 In box. $1.25, $1.10, 90c, 80c, 50c. Hth and Douglns Sts., Omaha, Nob. Cigars! 60 In box. $2.00. $1.50. $1.25, 00c, THOS. F. GODFREY. P. & T. A. 60c. . J' ' rllIU'n,I,I A- - v- & A' W. R. DENNETT CO., Fifteenth nnd Capitol avenue. Christmas cigars at Myers-Dillon Drug company. Nutter. Everybody Bays Orchard & Wllhelm havo Mm best nnd argest stock or toys ana noi- Idav coods In tho west. Handy, too 1st floor. HALF ri5i hotel, corner North Fifteenth and Dodgo streets, till n suitable location can be found. Spcclnl attention to nil long standing or lingering diseases and to diseases of women and children. beavers Wanted, a good man to do canvassing In tho country. Good pay for right man, Ad dress E 4, Dec. iiii:d. SMITH Mrs. Mnrv A., mother of Howard H. Smith. Mrs Mnrv H. lipid nml thn Into Watson 11. Smith, died Frlduy, December .1, ngeu tij years. Funeral services nt the residence of Mrs. Wutson 11. Smith, No. 221S Cnss street, nt 6 o ciock auntiay interment private. KI'KNHTHR-John A., need 2 yenrs and 3 moutliH. Funeral Stindnv. December 23. nt 2 p. in., from residence, 4CH2 lzard street. Interment at Council Hluffy. HANSEN Lnurs M.. December 21. 1000. nged 47 yenrs, proprietor of the Hotel Denmark, an old resident of thn city mul one of our best known Danish citizens. Funeral Hnmhiv. D.wi.inhpr '211. nt '1 n. tiv. from lute residence and hotel, 1101 South Sixth Htrcet. Interment at Sprlngwell cemetery. Jiuruct & uouuer, unuertait' ers. WINDOI.PH-Mrs. Gertrude, of Lend. S. 1)., December 17, daughter of Captain W II, Itlggs of this city. money back'. ai,...v ( iviu'emi I h. n no vicunas, raiinis, kimi-. and covert cloths, at ?l.nu. .fb.iiu, si.mi, .71", Men's Ulsters at , r,.75, i.t.O, ?10, .M'J.uU ami i. Men-s line Odd Trousers at SI. 50, .?1.05, 2.fi0, $H.7 and .?;. iinv Vni,o Suits sizes W to S, at SS.iiO, ?2.0r., .S.",.7.- and 3. oys' Double-l?reasted Knee Tants Suits, sizes 7 to 10, at or-.,, si vr. nn Mini f?;?.7fi. ' ' ...... it . nn n on r- OOrK Hovs' Jveefers and Top -Overcoats at -.f", and ?.". TCV'iMtA SPECIAL SALE on men's stouts, slims extra sizes in Suits and Overcoats for Monday at S7.i)0, i?10.00. Slii.iiO and Sin.00. ICvery garment won't h double. Attend the tremendous sale of Toys Monday. HEAD CHRISTMAS SALES OX PAGE 13. HAYDEN BROS. To ICnnxnn City nnd Ilrtnrn. On Bale December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25tfa, Slst, and Jnnuary 1st, via Omaha ft St. Lculs railroad. All Information at city c.n..i ti. .me 1110 T.'nrnnm. In making especially low prices for Monday in all ticket office ,1415 Farnam street (Paxton holiday goods. hotel block) or wrlto Harry E. Moores, Omaha, Neb. C0NNELL WOULD DELAY LEVY City Attnrno)- UrKf'n tlint No Money lie 1'nld Scliiiol Hoard Until Xrit Vfiir, "It Is a mlstuko for tho council to nt tempt a levy this year to pay tho claim of $150,302.01 which tho Hoard of Education hnldH against tho city. Under tho order o Judgo Fnwcctt I do not bcllevo It was necessary to puss an ordinance providing for ii levy of 4.i mills dur ing tho year 1000," said City Attornoy V J. Conncll. "Of courso it is out of tho question to make such a largo levy at this tlmo and tho rouncllmon expect to com promlso tho matter nnd luvy only ono mill for 1000. Even this should not bo done. It will encumber tho books and make much tiscless work which could bo avoided by postponing tho matter until February, when tho general levy will bo made. When asked If tho Hoard of Education can nrcept yearly payments on its claim ngalnst tho city, Mr. Connell said tlint the laws of Nobrasku vest almost unlimited power In tbo Hoard of Education and that it enn do ns It sees lit In tho matter. "Tho members of tho board do not caro to forco tho city to pay this judgment all nt onco nnd nro disposed to accept a com promise. In discussing tho proposed levy of ono mill for each year until tho debt Is wiped out, Robert Smith, member of the Hoard of Education, said: "In my opinion that is tho proper way for tho city to pay off tho Judgment and 1 am canlldcnt that all tho members of tho board will agree to such n settlement. Thcro is no disposition on our part to burden tho taxpayers with a big levy. Wo wont tho money to pay off our floating indebtedness nnd do not caro whuther It Is nil rucolvcd at once." J. J. Smith, another member of tho board, oxpresscd tho snmo sentiment: "Tho mem bers of tho board aro disposed to make this burden an light as posslblo for tho tax payers," ho Bald. "Tho court has decided In our favor nnd, of course, wo wunt nil tho monoy that Is coming to us, but aro willing to give tho city plenty of time," Very I.or. Rates east, wost, north, Decorobor 22-3-4-5, .11, January 1, vln THE NORTHWESTERN L1NB. 1401-U03 Farnam St. Tho Adams and American Express com- Mtiim will ho onencd Sundays. 10 to 2 p. m. Snri'liil .Vttler! Members of Nebrnska lodgo No. 1, A. F. and A. M., aro Invited to attend dlvlno service nt the Seward Street M. E. church this (Sunday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Spu elal sermon to Masons. Members aro re quested to bring their ladies nnd frlend3. JOHN D. HOWE, Acting Master. HOLIDAY It AT US Notlor! A social danco will bo given by tho Georgo A. Custer W. R. C, No. 82, Tues day evening, December 23, at tho Conti nental block. Tickets, 25c. All Invited. Vln MUftourl rnelfln lly. December 23, 21, 25, 31 and January 1. For furthor information call at com- Huy rctnll at wholesalo prices, diamonds, watches. Jewelry, rings, slecvo buttons, scarf plna, umbrellas, pockctbooks, cut glass, Dresden nrt figures, etc. A. I). Hu bermann, 13th and Douglas. Beautiful Weber upright piano for salo cheap; cash or tlmo payments. Address D 18, Heo office. For policies that are alxht drafts at mutiiritv anolv to II. D. Nrelv. nuiniiu pnny's office, southeast corner rourteentn EquiifcDia x-ire, ut ana iva w tiuuuinf. and Douglas streets. Turn Yi'ir !lnel" on tho cold, d'.Bagrccablo weather of tho north and Bpend your winter In tho sunny south. Tho Illinois Centrnl railroad has tourists' tlcket.4 on salo to New Orleans, Florida, Nassau, Cuba, Porto Rico and other winter tourist points, good for re turn until Juno 1. 1001. For Information regarding tho "Dlxlo Flyer," tickets and hotels, cnll on or address W. H. Brill, D. P. A., I. C. R. It.. Omaha, Neb. Iluy Christmas suspenders from Kclley & Hcyden, 16th and Chicago. Dresden art figures, dainty presents for refined people. Hubcrmann, 13th & Douglas Dance programs and wedding stationery, A. I. Root, printer. 414-416 South 12th. Holiday Hntrii lliirllnutou Itnute. December 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, and January 1. etween stntlons not more than 200 miles apart. Oood to return Until January 2. Tickets at 1502 Farnam nd at Hurllngton station. Havo Root print It. A wlso Christmas present to your wife, husband or children would be somo shares In thn Omaha Loan and Iiuildlng assocla tlon to start a rainy day fund. Ofllco, Hce building. (1. M. Nattlngor, Secretnry. 'Phono 103, A. H. Hubormnnn, 13th and Douglas, only Importer of diamonds in tho west. Precious atones sold below all competition and bought back at 00 per cent If desired. Four Children llonsteil Allvr, SAN JOSK. Cnl., Dec. 22. Tho residence of Conrml Huff, a dairyman, was destroyed liy tiro this morning. Four small children perished In the llnmes uiitl two others and Mr. Hurt were noiiiy injured Wanted, a good man to do canvasslrg In tho country. Oood pay for right man. Ad dress E 4, Hce. Our Christmas Offer A Life Size Platino name as samplo In our window FREE -With one iloicn of nur Cabinet I'Uoto. Heat 213 N. 16th Sl Pennyroyal pills OrlaTnaT llr flinalar. K"NnAKi:. AInrtlUt l.a1U. .mrul.l tin it'p.n .it li.ia t,i.imi ui ...in Jj altfc hie. ,lkb... TaL.a.alk.,. Krfu.A VJ nactrU( Mab.lllallMt aail ldta. it.aic. fei rorllniUr. T.llatalal ul " Keller lr Ladle" n I'tlr, 1 re. lara Mall. I U.OOO Toll. tl.ll. S.U ti .11 Orui.t.i.. I'klchr.Ur CWiultal V., ItwUta Uli .,, Madl.ua b.aara. J'HILAm PA. A F KR1STMAS MUSIC For tho past month every church choir i tho city has been getting rendy for Christmas, mul Outturn peoplo will Hear tlio lipxt nuiBlc this year In tho history of n.nniin w't.'ni not a slncer. but wo can wrlto uds, and If wo were ns good n singer ch wo uro un an writer, wo iuuiu euniiuiiuu ii tremendous salary. Cramer's Kidney Curo .c Carter's Liver Pills le Hiuiirt'H Tablets 40c llar-llen ' erillia , 'jo t,iut..ttor'H Hitters "5c Duffy's Mult Whiskey ile 1 dozen 2-gralu Qulnlrio Cnpsulen ,c .inyi.n :i.irrnin LJtimino i.aitFii e iuc lnrpti n-trrulti Uulnlne Capsules 15c Hromo Qulntno IGc Hchaefer's Cough Cure Wo AJnx Tablets 4"c iiimyan iiuiiem Old Olory Hitters ,?c Wyeth's lleef, Iron nnd Ine Yoo Bhradcr's Fig Powder 25c Palno's Celery Compound .c Wlno of Curdul "5c charters i.iver fins ioc I'leree's Prescription 73o Dr Karl i-'rnmcr 8 i-onnyroyai i-iuh....i.w CrUICCCH LU1 I'UK.i; OnACrCfl i)ku(oist S, V. Cor. ltltli mul Clilcnen Sla. Perfume Prices We hare neat packages of Perfumes for 10c. Perfumes for 25c. Perfumes for 50c. Perfumes for 75c. Perfumes for $1.00. Perfumes for $1.25. Perfumes for $1.50. Perfumes for $2.00. We hSTc perfume at the above prices In tho following odors: CHRISTMAS PRESENT Of a pair of our stylish Shoes or Slippers may be a handsome as well as a very useful pres- HAYDEHs Cloaks unnsimas Open Monday Evening - rMirlntmas nnd a Happy " . ... .... .i t,afnrn fMirlstmas imrtralns wo ever otlcrcti lor uiu .. " Wo wish you Collarettes, with cluster of natural tails-worth $10.00 New Year. Somo of the CURSE DRINK cuuiii) HY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY Can bo given In Class of Water. Ten or Coffee Without Patient h Knowledgo. White Ribbon Remedy will euro or de stroy tho diseased nppoiite tor niconoiio mitttuliiittH. whether the patient Is 11 eon llrmeit liiebrlute, "it tippler," eocliil drinker or urunKiiru Itnpossllilo lor any .one to mivo an up netlto for nlcohollo liquors nner u-uik? White Ribbon Remedy lly mall Jl. 'trial package free 1V writing Mrs. T. C .Moore. l."V..B.i. r 'e t VVitlnrri. Cnl fnrnl.1. Sold in Oliinhn, Neb.," by Chun. II. Schuofer, lUtll ntul L'lllCllBO irri!i. I1MJ(B' Last Call If you linvn t got un Acorn Huso Humor in your parlor ntul an Acorn Steel Hango In your kit. hen It Is not our fnult We lt.ne ndl:',ed you dally for tnontliH past 10 ' n i y one. Nearly ono tlinuMtmd pirititiH Imve necepletl our ailvleo dtirluK that time. Why should you not get In line ntul uuy one. ! t ! ! for Christmas. JSurelv nothing could intiko rt morn prat tle.il or njltnble present for tho iiniUliy. I lie" vt' iia'- riii..in-. ...i..a in cutlery, plated ware, etirpet iiweep ers. skates, sleds. et- Vou havo ono moro day to liivesiiBiue. John Hussie Hardware Co, 2407-09 Cuming Street, "If You Ruy It of llussic It's Right." 3(1) (S (i-Cj() nt ent. 6 VIOLKT, CRAB APPI.E, JOCKKY CLUB, WHITK rtOBIC, GARLAND OF VIOLET. NEW MAWN HAT, PARISIAN ROSE, Decide oil a Kodak or Camera for a Xmas present. Theso glvo lasting pleasure, fiom $1.00 up. Our assortment Is tho largest our prices tho lOWCBt. The Robert Demster Go,, 1215 Farnam Street. Wholesalo and retail dealers. LILY OF VALLET. SWIBS LILAC, DAISY QUEEN, PANSY BLOSSOM, CASHMERE EDRNIA LA BOUQUET, FRANCE ROSH, QUEEN OF ROSES, MARY STUART, riUBCILLA, WILD OLIVE, CARNATION PINK, FRANGIPPANI. The above odors of the manufacture of ALFRED WRIGHT, COLQATE A CO.. BEELY MFO. CO. LUNDBORO, DABROOK, SOLON PALMER, ADOLPH BPIEHLER. Hundreds of style of fancy perfume atomizers. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go OMAHA, Cur. lath and Undue. UOWKLIAS Anii-Kawf Cold, raw winds, cold, sore thrjitt mid ttail cough Antl-Kawr cures you, All drUESUts acu it. riicro Is only ono day loft In which to buy your gifts; if you haven't bought them all, come In and sco tho handsomest lino of cxcluslvo stylos in Christmas slippers In tbo city. Beautiful patent leather party slip pers; hnndsomo kid houso slippers, nnd warm felt slippers of bright nnd protty colors and handsomely trimmed with braid or fur. Also patent leather dress shoes; and vicl and patent kid street shoes in all tho latest styles; nil theso for tho ladles. AND FOR THE MEN, wo havo tho finest lino of Christmas slippers In tho city, nnd nt all prices. Tho latest and best patent leather full dress shoes and tho most stylish streot shoes of French enamel, vlcl kid, and box calf, and tho latest patent leather, fxtenulon solo button shoes. CP- Cartwrigbt M. E. Cor. Ifth atl DauglM sts Centra! Market is THE place to go If you want tho choicest things In Omaha for your Christmas Dinner No market In the city will begin to eom paro with thlH old rellnblo place neither In quality or prices. Ulg Fat Turkeys Ho Cholco Fnt Chickens "Ho Geese nntl Ducks t'o Solid Hulk Oysters, qt Wc nnd the choicest Christmas Heef you ever laid eyes on. See this display if you wunt to get hungry. A. M. Lesser Central Market. ICth and Capitol Avo. TeW-iloie J'iKI. 50.00 60.00 lOOO 398 2250 13.50 o no Ladies' mink Collarettes, witn ciu8lc-. u. VO for nn Ladies' silk Underskirts-worth 10.00, ..5.UU, .5U, IU.UU Ladles' Bilk Waists-worth $5.00 to J10.0O- 2-98, 3'98 Ladies' Fur Garments at Less Than Half. Ladles' llcavcr Capo worth i:0.00 for Ladles' Marten Capes worth 1I0.00 ior Ladles' Mink Muffs, at S1G.00, $12.00 and Ladles' Marten Scarfs, cluster of tolls, at Lndles' Astrakhon Jnckots worth $15, warranted for 4 years, for Ladles' Automobile Coats worth $25 for Ladles' Box Coats, raado from tho famous Washington Mills, kersey lined, with heaviest quality satin on salo Q 00 1,500 ladles' Jackets, tho best In America worth up to $2u.00 on salo 4 50 Children's Jackets by the Hundreds. COO children's Jackets, braided and trimmed with fur; in nil colors and mixtures Jackets worth $C.OO and $7.&0 ry Q O Monday nt Z7D Ladles' French Flannel Waists worth $2.50, for Ladles' lino Imported French Flannel waists worth $5.00, for Children's Sets to closo at $1.25, $1.50 nnd 500 Black Taffeta Silk Waists, regular prlco $7 50 at only READ CHRISTMAS CLOSING SALE ON PAGE 13. 98c 108 .2.98 ill TIMELY IMPORTANCE UUY DIAMONDS. WATCH US. Wo nro showing nn ele-1 gnnt nnd comp'.eto lino of watelics -both American & Kwlss mnnufneturo cuseti in solid gold or llllcd. M are sole ugents for I'etek l' i. nnl ii . I Why ilwdU uie Dental Chair when wo will extract your worn-out teeth absolutely with out pain nnd replace them with a durablo set for $S.0O, TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglas Street. ifu! that you know nro good - that have value that you will enjoy owning Wo have only line high grail., qualities sueli as HwIhb watches- who muKO iiie guarantee every (llumoinl sold. Wo show Jlnest and most uri urtiio , ,,,. e.hor ,nojiituI or unmounted will time pieces In tho worm- Inuui,t us desired, fully guaranteed. I MAWH1NNEY & HOLLIDAY, Successors to C. H. Uaymoml Co. Jewelers nml Art Stationers. Tiftcentli and Douglas. -aTV I I mh mm wl 1 i $Ir1 YM VdfhW th sury. CtM44t ! TO YOUR HEALTH FOR THE NEW YEAR e Hiiniiiiry iiniiiioui , .' ",u if tile neiiuii oi '' mm". CO 0 W W (t) a fin i;"rKm.l impve,. opV... PluniblnK u' In. that Ih Imsetl on Hnnltnry " fSm'lentltlc prliiclples. Wo nn. neknowl- E ib" mnslers of this trade, and will do anything In the lino of plumbing. i'as and Hteiun llttlng nt retisoimblo ,r,C08- ffl 1 Free 6c Black, Phone KHO 1S() Farnatn, 0 S Big Cut Prise Sale OF Perfume Kverythlng In tho porfumo and ato mizer lino goes RKC.ARDLKSS OF COST. 1,200 beautiful bottles to select from ATOMIZERS big Bnraplo lino nil styles nil prices at about half what rcgulur drug stores charge Sco us Monday. BOSTON DRUG 'TORE DEPT. Carvers, Chccso Scoops, Razors. Selssorit, Table Knives, Skntes, Sleds, Tool Chests, Scroll Saws, Null Scissors, Tho Comfort oi Our Jn irons Is fully considered. Wo havo robbed DUNTISTKY of all its terrors and to havo a tooth extracted or an artificial set fitted Is not any moro troublo than having n picture taken. Wo keep abreast of recont Improvements in thn profession and are quick to glvo our patrons the benefits. BAILEY, the Dentist Itooma a l'-'-rt i:i I'mton IlloeU. llllh and Karnimi, rbons 1OH0. LaUjr Attendaut. You have missed a liberal education if you are no familiar with the uses of SHERIDAN COAL The best coal mined in Wyoming-a perfect substi tute for hard coal. Finest assortment of I'ocket Knives In tho city. A fancy box with each knife. JAS. MORTON & SON CO. 1511 limine St. OI'll.V I.VIJXIXC.S. Hot Springs, Ark. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Tel. 127. Smoke the best. Ask your dealer for a sheila! tmmmMtJ3Lzjejnviri mumw-v.' IT COSTS YOU NO MORE VHAN INFERIOR BRANDS. p. r. RICH N. C CO., Mfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE The Favorite Winter Resort For tnfnniuit.on pamphlets and books nn thu rprlngs. ''all nt Tlt'KIlT OFI'ICHi .S. i:. HUM. It 1 ITU AM) I)(IL'iLAS. f-. Cool: slnichessTaliletaaroiiucessfully J used iiiomhlyiir over lOXMHadks. I'rlco. ? l. ly inuil, Jl.OH. bond l ctnls for vT HmtilH nnd puriieiilarN. Tli Coalt Co., C; " I WijHlai ' !ve . Detroit. Mleh. tiota in uinaim uy ivunn & Co,, li & Douilut. X X 3?'! J I M.I .'1 4' 'H