CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Demand for Nearly All Classes of Goods Bhowi Eomo Decrease, FEW PRICE FLUCTUATIONS DURING WEEK ChrLtmns Trnde Ilns Hern of Satls fnotury Proportions, but Lnck of Senaonnlilc Weather I AlTiot Inir Jobber nnd Retailers. Trado In a great many linos has shown Bomo decrcaEn the past weoK. That is doubtless owing to the fact that merchant! had previously bought must of tho Roods they needed for their Christmas trade and wero too busy to llguro on futuro require ments. There were, of course, a good many nmall orders for Christmas novelties and for other lines tho supply of which had been exhausted, but ut the iwuno time thj wholesale business as a whole was not as heavy as It has been In tho past. Jobbers aro beginning to do considerable complaining about the weather, and so also aro tho retailers. There Is no doubt but what the long continued warm weather has erlously curtailed the volume of budnes for tho year, and unless thu next two months should be extremely sevcro It Is thought by many that merchant will ex perience somo dllllculty In cleaning up their stocks In as good shape ns thuy usually do. That being the case, Jobbers, of course, no not look for any great volume of winter buslneen for the remainder of this season In tho way of sorting up orders. Tho outlook for spring is most encourag ing, and Jobbers now have a better line of advanco orders than they ever had before ftt this season of the year. They nlso look for u good business after the first of the year, as soon as retailers get their stocks straightened around after tho rush of their Christmas trade. Tho markets havo not fluctuated very much the past week, though the feeling nil along the lino Is good and llrm. There seems to lw no evidence of weakness In any line, but on tho conttary all Indica tions point to good healthy markets for some time to come. llnrdivnro About Sternly. Knxdwnre Jobbers report a very fair amount of business for last week, though, of course, they have not been exnctlv rushed. Tho warm weather Is cutting oft the demand for winter lines, but at the sumo time It is helping out the demand for somo classes of goods that are usually tmsensnnahlu nt this time of year. For example, them Is a greater demand for barb wiro than the manufacturers are nblo to supply, nnd local Jobbers aro experienc ing some dllllculty In getting enough to '111 their orders Promptly. Farmers, it seem, (xro building fences and stringing the wires, the same us they do In the fall. Thero has been no change of Importance In the market during the week, all lines remaining good and firm. Jobbers do nor anticipate any Brent advanco for tho near future, but at t tin same time they look for a uood. llrm. healthy mnrket to ruin for some time to come. They consider thu outlook for futuro business most encourag ing, and n the demand all over the couu trv will nrobnhlv be be.ivv. It looks ns though tho mills would have nil the business mey can natvuie, wnicn means goou, nnn markets. Dry (iooils n Mttle Qnlet. . There was not a very rushing trade In dry goods tho past week. Very llttlo has been doing in winter goous. ns oruers havo all been rmall. There havo been a few rush orders for Christmas lines, but they, too, havo been rather small. Thero Is no doubt but what It will reoulro a drop In temperature to Improve the situation very much, ns merchants will not buy winter goods bo long as tho weather remains worm. Thnv nre. however, nlaclncr their orders for spring lines In good shape, and Jobbers nro well pleased with tho amount of ad vanco business they have captured, As a lnreo nrotiartlon of the retailers havo not bought as yot, Jobbers anticipate a nice business after tho first of the year. Interest In tho market still centers around cotton. Tho raw material Is fluctuating back and forth, but tho manufactured rubrics remain nrnctlcnlly unchanged. Confidence In tho future of tho cotton goods market has by no means been shnken and those best posted on tho situation still predict a good, llrm, healthy market for the future. Thero is no change to report In the Tirlnt mods market nor In tho woolen or silk market, as all lines remain Just about steady. I.licht Demand for I.mtlier (iooils Tho leather goods trado haH also been rather limited tho last week. Tho causes aro tho samo ns for tho light demand for other lines. Tho few orders for winter goods that nro coming in nro small and mostly for odd sizes. Spring business, how ever. Is In as good shape afl ever and no complaints on that score nre heard. Job bers all say they havo moro spring goods than ever boforo at this time of tho year and think tho prospects for tho futuro aro also brighter than usual. Tho rubber goods trado Is In tho samo condition as tno boot ami snoe iraue. joii- bers are experiencing somo diiiicuuy wun their collections, but nt the samo time tho number of failures among retailers lo very small. It Is not thought that thero will be many after the first of the year, for, In most cases, tho Christmas trado will bo ufnclcnt to tide them over until colder weather will enable them to clean out somo of their winter goods. Iioir (iriule Coffees Wrnli. Tho market on Ilrazlllan coffees Is weak and Jobbers are predicting lower prices. According to advices received tho crop Is something enormous and tho tlnnurlal con dition of the growers Is such that they can not hold onto their stock anil are forced to throw It all on tho market at once. Tho receipts being largo naturally makes buyerB show about taking hold, and. ns a result, the market Is dull and weak, Hlgh grude coffees, on the other hand, nre hold ing Just about steady. Thero Is no change to report In tho sugar situation, ns tho market Is active but steady, The cheese boards are now closed for tho winter and It Is claimed that fancy October stock Is very scurce and for that reason tho market la good and llrm. Fancy hand-picked beans nre still ndvnnclngiand prices nro now 10fll5c higher than they wero at last report. Dried fruits nre mov ing rather slowly owing to the warm weather, but prices remain tho same. Thero was. of course, considerable Christmas trade, but that, too, was moro or less affected by the unseasonable weather. Canned goods aro also a little iulet, as Is generally tho case nt this season of tho year. It Is thought, however., that after January 1 there will bo a decided Improve ment In the situation and Jobbers are predicting higher prices on a number of lines. Fruits nml Produce. Thero was a good lively trndo the InBt week in all Christinas lines, but thero was at tho samo time considerable tendency on tho part of buyers to put off making pur chases until tho last minute on account of the worm weather. Tho last of tho week commission men had ull the business they could handle, both from the city dealers and also from the country trade. Apples sold In good shape at tho quotations given in nnother column nml so also did crun-..,i-Hnu nml nrnni'ps. There Is no particular change In the prices on vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, which nee a llttlo higher. ... , Tho poultry trndo has, of course, been nbout tho most Important feature of the week. Commission men wero loaded down with chickens and hens, but turkeys were rather scarce. As a result the market went off on chickens and hens, but held tip In good shape on turkeys. The demand was of very satisfactory proportions and deal ers did a nice business bIbo took u slight drop, as the quotations Tlie'demand for oysters for the Christmas trndo has been very dl?appolntlng this year owing to tho wurm weather. That class of goods never takes well except In cold weather, and, as a result, local dealers have had a very light trade. OMAHA Wll01.n3Al.I5 SlAIlICETS. Conditions of Trnde nd Quotations tin Stnule mid Fnnoy Produce. EOaS-Hecslpts, light; good stock, lSfl-O;. POULTItY-Henr, 5o: spring chickens, nc; roosters. 3c: ducks, Sfilio; geese, GV,i).o; F 1 1 E S H I P 1 1 E S a E D POVLTHY-Hens. filj 6V4o" roosters, 4fi5c; ducks. CMitlTp; uceso, a 7?ci spring : chickens, per lb tic; turkeyn. 10aAME Pralrlo chickens, per doz.. IS: ir.allnrd Oucks. ner doz.. f;l.noii3.50; teal, S1.5' 7b; mixed. 11 50411.75; Jacksulnes. :qu. S 3S?h.W Jackrubblts. Jl.Oo'al.25: cottontallf., turkeys, mi ic. HUTTEU-Comnion to fair, llHc; choice, 14R15ci separator. 25o; gathered creamery. FiIk'sH OY8THHS - First grade, solid nicked. Now York counts, per can . u. Second grade, slack filled. New loru counts per can. 30c; extra selects. 16c; Mandardi. Mc; bulk "standards, per Bal.. ''jlXy-Prlce quoted by Omaha Wholerale EggS tOOK 11 lirojl WHS fr uhmik i perceptible Increase In tho receipts of fresh stock. Tho high prices also seemed to ..... .t,....r, iii. iiuiii.l The nr ccs of butter I . n I A n UK. D"-' " association: Choice upland. 3. No. 1 upland, . medium. $7.50: coarse. fi Rye straw, IS. SO. These prices are 'r imy ui goon r-'iiur ami quality. Demand fair PIOEONB-Llve. per doi 30c. VEALS- Choice. 9W0C. OATH--NO. 3 wiiltc, 26c. CORN-No. 3, 32c. nitAN-JIXCO, VEGETABLES. ' I'AnS.NII'S, per bu.. Wc. TURNIPS-Pir bu, basket, 40c I1EET8 1'er bu 50c. CARROTS-Per bu , 40c LETTUCE Per (lot., 35ffW& RADISHES Per dor., 30c. IIKA.NS-Wul. Dcr 1.3 t, it i,.i, .,. string. Wc. - - , bu. Mc. ' UWci Il5ah' pcr SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl.. P CAHUAOK-llollaiid seed, 2c TOMATOES Callforniil i.i.-.i... crate. U. ' u.viu.-ss-i'cr bu., Mc: Colorado, per 13. nln' ,,er cratc. FRUITt PEARS-Per box, S2.00Q2 23 bbl.. $2.50; Vis frU ' i.ii,',..VBr,.VHvLP?r DclllloweM, per box 114041 SO ' CllANllEtnilMf4tiin T.. . bbl.; JerseysVer bbXrisVnerf" n,, .vo THOIMCAL FRUITS. ORANOEH Cnllfnrnln .ll...- navels, 13.60; Mexicans, $2.i5ft3.00; Florldas! '-EMONS-Callfornla, xtra fancy, 13.50; V.')-VwNASrer fcunch, according to slzo, FlOS-Callfornla, new cartons, SOc; lay era, 5c. riJiATnrpc1',n- ln 'b' boxes. Salrs, lW per lb ; Halloween, 6c per lb. ,,,,, JHHU'EbLANEOUS. 1 1 1 1) 1. H N f) 1 iirnn f.l&n W. n rrrnnr RVie; No, 1 salted. 7Ho: No. 2 salted, 6Hc! iu. i vem can. o lo J- ius.. 4C; xo, 3 veal coif. 12 to IS Ihs . r.iir-- firv 1,1,1,.- unii- the.'P pelts. 2.',B75c: horse hides. SI.G0f2.2n. NUTS English wnlnuts. per lb., 13c; fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lsoive: raw peanuts, per lb.. SffaUc: roasted. 6'4 ii4c; Ilrazll!. 3c; pecans, luitlSc. IIONEV Colorado. 21-sectlon ense, 13.75. CIDKK-Per bbl., 15; per half bbl.. 13. 8AI!M11KIIAIIT Pit hhl.. ll nZ hnlf bbl.. 12.W. ' ' UllUlHTMAH DECORATIONS. TIIHES I to 6 ft., per doz.. 12; 6 to 8 ft., per doz.. 12.50; 7 to 9 it., per doz., 13.50; S to 11 ft., 11.50; 12 to 21 ft., each. I2.004t4.60. EVEHOHEEN WUEATHING-l'er 20-yd. col!, 11. llOl.I-T AND CALYX WUEATHS-Per doz., 11.50. HOLLY rmANVlircS Per M-lli. rnw. 14.50; per bbl , 11.5012.00. LONfJ NEEDLE PINES-Por doz., $2.50. MISTLETOE Per 5-Ib. box, 11.50. m:w yohic (ji:.m:hai MAHKlVr. Quotations of the Day on Vnrloits ('ominodltles. NEW YORK. Dec. 22.-FLOUU-Uccelpts. 17.538 bills.; exports. ll.KS ;bls.: neglected and nominal: winter patents. 13.C0fi3.l0: winter straights. 13.40fl3.55; winter extras, l2.&Cfl2.W; winter low grades. 12.45Ir2.fc): Mln-m-sotii patents, U.SOlf 1.23; Minnesota bakers, 3.(?f3.2:. Hye llour, steody: fair to good. t2.MVTf3.iri: choice to fanev. 11.15'if 3.50. liuchwheat ll.our. steidy, SJ2.10if2.2V. HrCKVIlEAT-(Julet. &X62c, c. I. f New York. COItNMEAI-Steady: yellow western, S7c; elty. S9c; Hrandywlno, J.'.40fi2.5"i. 11YE Dull; No. 2 western, 5Cc, f. o. b, afloat. HAltLEY-Qulct: feeding, 4246c. p. I. f., UiitTnlo; malting, K3itne. c. I. f.. Uuffalo. HAHLEY MALT Dull; western, CVTi'TSc. WHEAT Uecelpts, M5.025 bu.; exports, 105.1W) bu. Spot market Arm; No. 2 red. 7s'4c, nflont; No. 2. 7SV4C. elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth. &34c. ntloat; No. 1 hard Duluth. t.7V.o, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened steady and were sustained most o; the forenoon on local covering, due to fears of unfavorable crop or otfier condi tions before the markets opened again next Wednesday. Close firm and partial Uc advnnco: March, ?JHff7DV5e; May, 7S 10-16 li7! ll-16c; closed, 70c: December closed, 77c. COItN-Hccelpts, 120,1km bu,; exports, 101, P2i bu. Spot, dull: No. ?.. 45Hc. olevntor, lie. f. o. b afloat. Option market Inactlvo and barely steady, on account of lower cabtoi and fnrger western receipts, Closed easy, partly '4c net lower. Janunry closed, 43-fc; December closed. 46Hc. OATS Receipts. U.WO bu.; exports, S.OV) till. Spot, steady; No. 2. 21ic: No. 3. 27ic; no. - wnue, ai'Ttsso; no, .i wniie. aundJic; track mixed western. 27'4M2S4c; track white. 20435Vic. Options dull but steady HAY Quiet; spring. 7iV4UsOo; good to choice. M!fc KEED-Steadv; snrlng bran. JI6.00O1G.35: middling, J17.0019.50; winter bran, 117.000 lif'O; city, jiu.6oyii w. HOPS Onleti stnte common to choice. 1900 crop. 16i?21c; If 99 crop. 19p25c; old olds, tSfiWc: 199 crop. 10iil4c; old olds. 2f(6c. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 2 lbs., lSi,H?19c. California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19ifl3Hc; Texas dry. 24 to 20 lbs., 15c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock tnlo. Ruonos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 2423c; acid, 3Uii244c. TALLOW Firm; city, 4Tc; country. 4 SCc. WOOI Quiet; domestic fleece, 243K; Tftiin. UOlfie. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family. Ill 00 (!rl2.00; mess, $9.0009.50: beef hams, f9.W( 20.50; packed. S10.00B10.50; city, extra IndH mess, $14. fxwi 10.00. Cut ments. dull; pickled bellies. 7iJj9c: nlckleit moulders, O'uhc; pickled hams. St4i9c. Lnrd, steiuly; west em steamed, $7.33, retlned. quiet; continent, 17.40: South American. SS.13; compound. B'iflCc. l'ork. steady: family, J14..VKI15.W; short clear, iii.wiin mess, luvnin POTATOES Quiet. Jeiseys. tl.TO1.17'i: New York. $1.25iil.G2'4; Long Islnnd. $1,508 1.75: Jersov sweets. $1 7."iri2.25. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, OMc: Japan, 4447e. BU TTISIl lieceipis, pugs.; su-iiny, creumery. 175323c; Juno creamery, 17(fi23c; factory. ItHttKc. CHEESE Receipts, 752 pkgs.; quiet and tlrm; fancy, large, fall made. HUGllHcj funr-v smntl. fall made. HiTfl2c. EOOS Receipts. 14.7SS pkgs.; easier; western, regulnr packing, at mark, lSS22c; western, loss off, 21c. METALS Conditions! In tho local metal markets were practically unchanged nnd nlmnst en tirclv of a holiday character rtonornl BPtitlmi.tit. however, hud a benrlsh effect. Huyers and sellers were holding nloor until litter tno npproncninu nouuuvn. Tin wns quiet nnd aoout steady on tno nominal bnuls of $30 5"). Lead ruled dull it ti 37U. Rtii'lti'r wns nlso dull but steady at S4.12Hif 1.174. Lake copper ruled nominal nt $17 for Lake- Superior and $10 624 for cast ing and eleetropytlc. while domestic Iron markets continue dull nt the old basU of linns. llir iron warrants')- northern foundrv. $15 ("Vrtlfi.00: southern foundry. $14. 600 15.75: southern, $13 0VS13.,3. St. l.onlw CJrnln mid Provisions. or T.nms Doc S3. WHEAT Hotter: No. 2 red, cash, elevntor. 71c; trsck, 7141C 72Hc; December. iu'e; January, uie, aiu, 721it?72'tc: No. 2 hard. WiWc. . CORN Lower; No, 2 cash, 314c: track 3S4fi3534c: December, 3l'io; January, 34,c SIOATS En4y; No. 2 cash. 23c; track, 234c December, 23c: Janunry, 23Uc; May. 24hc No s, white. 204c, rtvfc Firm at 60c. ri.omi-Htcudv: natents. $3.50f?3 C5: xtra fancy mid straights, $3.1003,25; clears, $2 CO O2.K0. SEEDS Timothy, nominally firm nt $4.2Hf 4.50, at overagt' receipts; primo worm more tlax. no mnrket. rnilNllKM -Stendv nt 12. URAX Higher; racked, east track, Mfi C7c. ii vv Tlmnthv. Rlendv. S19.00,13.uO prairie, easy, $9.&wiio.6o. IRON COTTONTIES-11.25. WHISKY Hteany nt HEMP TWINE 9c HAOOivn 7iS7,c pnnviSIONS Pork.nulet: lobblne. 112.5) Lard, nominally lower, y'.Vi. Dry salt meats (boxed), quiet; extra shorts. $0 B24; clear ribs. $6.75; clear sides. $K.S7'i. Ilacon .1 IV . I . . . .I.n.l. C?--. I .. rlhs. 17S7U: clear sides. $S,12S. METALS Lend, nominal at $4,224. Bpcl tur. nominal at $4. CO. POl'LTHY Steady; chickens, 3c; ttirkoys 5Vc; voung, Be; iiucks, ic: geese, rivjo lll'TTlSH UUli; creamery, ioo-ic; uairy 15ti20c. KflOS- liwer at ISc. RECEIPTS Flour. 5.000 bbls.: whent, 30, 0i) bu. : corn. 116.0") bu.; cats, RZKV) bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, S.CO) bblu : wheat, 01,000 bu.; cum, 78,000 bu.; oats, 5,v00 bu. Kansas City (irnlu and Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Dec. WHBAT-tMWc; cash, No. 2 hard, QM4c: No. 3, 62ff63c; No. 2 red. 690c; No, 3, BMJOSc. CORN May, 344c: cash. No 2 mixed, S34c: No. 2 white. 344c; No. 3, 34c. OATS-No. 2 white, 244c- RYE No, 2. 46c. , , HAY Choice timothy. J10 tCtill.00; cholca prairie. $9.5010.00. RUTTER Creamery, 19tJ23c: dairy, fancy, 16c. EGOS Steady; fresh Mltisourl nnd Kan sas stock, 15c per doz.. loss off. cnes re turned, new whltewood coses Included, 4c '"RECEIPTS Wheat, 133,tJ00 bu.; corn, 75, 20) nil.; onts, 16.000 bu, SHIPMENTS Wheat, 4,000 bu,; con. 21,600 bu,; oats. 6,W0 bu, Mlnnmiioll AVIient. I'lour nnd llrnu. ' MINNEAPOLIS. Dec, 22. - 1 1 EAT Cash, 724c; May, 74tT744e: July, 75f?iVic On track: No. 1 hard. 71ic. No. 1 north em. 72He; No. 2 northern. 6SHil69"c, FLOt'R-Qulct: tlrst patents, $4.0034.10; second p tents. $3.S0fi3.!): first clears, $2.90 S3.0), second clears. J201O2 10. BRAN In tmlk, lU.sogilJ. frilE OM-ATIA DAILY COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Holldaj Recess Preceded by Usual Dull Session on the Board, HILLIPS AFFORDS DAY'S ONLY FEATURE Lets Loose of May und Jnuuiiry Corn l'ro Uloun flmre In (lenernl In netllty, but Are Steadied lij Light llojr Itevelpt. CHICAGO. Dec. 22.-Doard of Trade mar kets wero dull today because of the coming holidays. May wheat closed unchanged. December corn closed le, January So nnd May 4c lower. Oats closed unchanged nnd provisions practically at yesterday's final figures. , Preceding three days' suspension of busi ness tho session In the wheat pit was ex tremely dull. The Inclination of traders to keep out of tho market over tho holidays was not affected 'by the news, which was colorless, Tho market was Inactive. North west receipts wero ISO cars. Minneapolis contlrmed reports of a heavy flour business for export yesterday and milters were Bald to be buying wheat. Arcentlno news was conflicting, May opened 4QUc lower nt 72c, sold between 12rinc and 734c and closed unchanged at 734c. New York re ported 4 loads taken for export. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour were equal to iiis.uw ou, lTimary receipts were 7i,ooo mi. Minneapolis nnd Duluth renortcd 524 enrs. against 412 last week. Local receipts wero llo curs, 1 of contract grade. World's ship ments were estimated at uu. Freo country offerings and accumulating receipts had a depressing effect on corn. Phillips' selling of May nnd January was the feature. May held fairly steady and Janu nry and December were weak throughout. May sold between 33c and 35&ti35'V.c and closed 4c lower at 35c. December sold be tween 3S4c nnd 374c closing lc lower nt 37ic. Janunry ranged between 36c and 35Sc and closed 4c lower at S34c. Re ceipts were 631 cars, 9 of contract grndc. uats wero uun anil neglected. There was good shipping demand, but the car scarcity curtailed business, May, sold be tween 23o and 234c and closed unchanged at 234c Receipts wero 24$ cars. Provisions wero dull but stendv on lighter hog recolpts than had been expected. January porx sold between jr.M-'j ana 112.174 and closed unchanged at $12.20. Jan uary lard sold between $6.S24 and Ifl.SO, closing 34c lower nt J6.S0. i:stitnnteii receipts Monday: wheat, loo cars: corn. 610 cars: oats. -10 cars: hoizs. 33,000 head. The leading futures ranged ns follows: Articles. Open. I High. Low. Closc. Yes'y. Wheat I I Dec. 1 69V 7014 69'; 70U C94O70 704'ii-S Jnn. 70411-4 704 70",!70Vri4! .May iiu'uiJi iJ1i..ii-,i 73 3s 3S SOU Corn- i Dec. 3S3SV4 SS'i 374 374 Jan. 36 36 I 334 334' May 334 33Tii33!!-4a; 35V 334U30 Oats- I I Dec. 21'0,:i4'Jl?ti4,21?sti4i21sii5f4 Jan. 214 2141 214 214 Muv 23. 23. 23VM 23- 214 21H 23, 12 20 12 124 7 174 6 S24 6 90 6 3i) 6 33 Pork- III Jan. 12 224 12 224 12 174 12 20 May 12 12!i 12 13 12 12'.!. 12 15 Lard- 1 Dec. 7 20 I 7 23 7 17U 7 20 Jan. C S24 ti S2'M 6 SO 6 SO Ribs- May 6 90 6 90 C S74I 6 S74 Jan. 6 274 8 30 C 274 fi 274 May 6 33 0 374 C 33 6 374 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: FLOUR-Dull: winter patents. S3.63fi3.S0: straights, J3.lfltt3.G0; clears, $2.9CW3.30; spring specials, ti.ju; patents,; straights. $3.00-33 40: bakers. $2.20fi2.75. WHEAT No, 3 spring, 66fJ71c; No. 2 red, ff744c COHN-No. 2, 374c; No. 2 yellow, 379ic OATS No. 2. 22tl22c: v0. 2 white. 23'.A $y264c: No. 3 white, 244026c. HARLEY Fair to choice malting. 52ti5.Se. 8EEDS No. 1 flax. $1.5S: No. 1 northwest ern, $1.60; prime timothy, $1.40. Clover, con tract grade, 110.00fll0.25. PROVISIONS Mess nork. ner hhl.. Jll.l"t4 11.23. Lard, per 10O lbs., $6.90tf6.93. Short ribs slues noose), i..i'o6..i0. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $3 74t6.124; short clear sides (boxed). $0.fi5fj6.75. WHISKY On basis of huh wines, ner gal.. $1.27. Following nro the receipts and shipments for today; Articles. Receipts. Shipments. 35,00") 21,000 , 16S.0O) 12.CH0 494.00) 116.00") , 263,0 92.000 , 6,000 2,000 00.000 14,000 Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu..... Oats, bu uye, uu Barley, bu.. On tho Produco exchange today the but ter mnrket was dull: creameries. I5ti23e: dairies, 12fiT20c. Cheese, dull at lOUtjllc. l-jggs,, uuu; iresn, .uc. MOVi:.Mi:.T.4 OF STOCKS AND IIOMIS. Clirlstmns Merr -Making Ilesnlts In Strange Denis on the Street. XEW YORK. Dec. 22.-Today's specula tion In stocks took on something of the snturnallan spirit that attaches to tho Christmas holiday celebration by inheri tance from nnctent pagan customs.. The day's performance In tho stock market cannot be adequately described otherwise than as speculative orgies. Individual con siderations that might attach to special stocks und affci t their value wero appar ently taken no account of, anil thero was a wild scrumblo to buy nil sorts and condi tions of stocks, as though all futuro hopeu of wealth und property depended on nn ownership of stocks before Christmas. Thero wus no news of Importance to put any new phase on the question for value present or prospective. The buying seemed to represent the cumulative effect upon financial sentiment of tho Imposing rise in prices during tho week nnd tno apparently undiminished confidence manifested by largo capitalists by their continued absorp tion of securities. At tho fall of tho hammer on tho chair man's desk this morning lfl.000 shares of Northern Pacific common were Instantly bought lu a single block. First transactions In a number of other Important stocks ranged from 1.0(0 shares up to 7,20) shares. Willi 11 gigantic Chrlstmns treo decked out with glittering ornaments and festoons of Christmas greens and bjntlng hanging over the floor of the exchange the brokers bought stocks with as much abandon as though they wero a part of the Christmas celebration nnd the gaiety of tho occasion depended upon It. The market apparently ran wild and was only quieted by an ac cession of selling orders Invited by tho ex treme ndvanccs attained by somo storks. But tho buying was resumed in the last half hour after the bank statement ap peared und a number of stocks were rushed to the top level of the day. Tho closing wns animated ami Irregular. Some of the extreme advances were: Sugar 6,, Urook lyn Rapid Transit 44. General Electric 4, St. Paul 24, People's Gas 24 and a very extended list of stocks from 1 to 2 points. The general conditions and causes can nffnnl mleiuiate exD!anat!ons for such u stock us that of the last week. Particular eventu und developments may be accepted as stimjlatlng cause or as unlocking nascent forces that havo a latent growth and gestation and need but a slight Impulse to bring them Into life. Thnt Impulso cama from last Saturday's statement. Ever slnco that time the mnrket has shown con tlnuous animation and variation. The opin ion has been universal In Wnll street that a rlso In price would come In Jnnuury after the yearly financial settlements had been concluded nnd the funds disbursed and dividends and Interest were seeking rein vestment, but thero was a great dread of a squeezo of money rates at the end of the year, as tho requirements to be met nro the Inrgest ever known In our history. Tho nnalogy of tho Inst year's severe panic, when call loan rates rose to 18b per cent and stocks had to bp thrown over at any .rirt,. in meet called loans, was vividly present In tho minds of everybody in toe vicinity of Wnll street. The spirit of caution so evident that even the strong evidence of widespread buying of railroad stocks by bankers and conservative financial Interests failed to attract n general following. The pract col .-n.,.. nf th mnnev market also was '.ooked at with suspicion, and It was alleged to be duo to manipulation with a view to trap the unwary Into speculative commitments In stocks which would have to be sacrificed before the end of the year Last Satur day's bank statement rnmo like a broad d.iir rr unnahine into this rather gloomy ntmosphero and loosened all the springs of speculative enthusiasm. Conditions during tho week hnve grown apprfcuiuiy nuier 111 the money marget. ine ucuyum iur uui rency has continued, but In dlmlnlsheTde nrn T. unlit ri'llHIlrV (1 116 T II 1 1 (I H S llKVO COh tributed to tho money market. Instead of tnklng from It. as last week, Pension pay ments hav reached tho maximum for the montn and mere nave utoi mrsti ments on assav ofllco checks for gold de posited at Pacific coast points, With the nnproach of December 31. which turminntri the nerlod for refunding gov ernment bonds Into the new 2s. there has been a rush of bonds to the subtroasury for transfer and the payment of premiums on these has been un important nem in re plenishing the resources ot the banks. BEE: SUNDAY, . DEOEMHEll 2fl, 1900. Money has been loaned for account of banks nnd financial Institutions outside of New York on n very large scale These Institutions keep a Intge part of their re srves un deposit In New York clearing house bnnks and their drafts on tlvse de posits In the course of plaflng loans ac count for the hettty shrinkage ln tho luait and deposit Items of New York banks. In terior banking Institutions have been con serving their funds In the hope of some such profitable rates for money ns were made In last December. Rut the event has proved that, like cverytnlng clso that Is accurately foreseen, the provision against It has been more than nmple. The supply of funds has consequently been very lib eral and the speculative cnthuslusm has re ceived no check for a tightening money rnte. Sentiment Is not nn entire stranger to Wall street und the holiday spirit and rejoicing In tho prosperity which an active bull market brings to tho Stock exchange district have played their part In keeping up the enthusiasm. Tho market qulto bailies detailed unalysts or description. In the aggregate number of shares dealt ln It has been exceeded on former occasions, but In the breadth nnd variety of the dealings It passes beyond nil previous experience. The number of shares dealt ln has been greater than ever before and tho most as tonishing variety and Irregularity In the tone. Violent brenks occurred from tlmo to time In somo stocks nnd the pressure of liquidation going on side by side with urgent new demand has been constant and steady. The market seemed enpaole of ab sorbing nny amount of offerings without at ull Impairing Its great animation and underlying strength. The buying of mnny stocks evidently shows extensive plans for development and consolidation which ex presses broad confidence In a future pros perity of the country excelling anything heretoforo known by far-seeing and con servative capitalists nccustomed to look Into distant future conditions nnd develop ments. No more Is heard of tho opinions which were frequently expressed early In the year, when prices of commodities top pled over nnd realized, that the high tide of prosperity for perhaps nnother gen eral convention had been touched. The ac tivity of the trade and demand for all grades of commodities have given rlso 'o renewed confidence In the ability nnd permanence of prosperous conditions nnd future Improvement. The railroad bond mnrket has been actu ated by sympathy with the stock market. The lower grade Issues has been the fea tures nnd havo moved strongly upward with occasional reactions from speculative profit taking. United States refunding 2s sold up 4. Tho new 4s declined 4 below the ruling call prices of a week ago. The following art lbs closing prices on the New Y'orK Stock exchange: Atchison G't Wabash 1.' do pfd f"' do pfd 2o Baltimore & O... Pl-S Wheel. . L. E... 134 Canadian Pac. . . K' do 2d pfd 31-4 Canada So &4 Wis. Central ....164 dies. & Ohio.... 414 Third Avenuo ...117 Chicago G. V.. . 16 It. .Vi O. pfd to C. U. & Q 1114 National Tube... 634 Chi. Ind. A: 1 274 do pfd 1034 do pfd 624 Adams Ex 15") Chi. i E. Ill l'l American Ex 1S5 O. & X. W 10S P. S. Ex ES C. R. I. & P HH Wells-Furgo Ex.lW C. C. C. & St. L. 7"'4Amer. Cot. Oil... 31 Colorado So S do pfd 01 do 1st pfd ',4Amer. Malting... 614 dn 2d pfd IS .do pfd 264 Del. & Hudson.. .122 Amor. S. & 11.... 5i Del. L. & W 191 do pfd 964 Denver & R. I).. -mer. hpirus .. do pfd M do pfd... Erlo '-'4 Amor. S. Hoop. 17 764 414 do 1st pfd M'i o pui Ot. Nor. pfd lfSUAmer. S. & W. Hocking Coal ... U do pfd 874 Hocking Valley. 42 Amer. Tin Plate. r..4 Illinois Central.. 130-4 do pfd w Iowa Central .... 20 lAmer. Tobacco. .1114 dn nfd.. 47 do pfd 133 Lake Erie & W. do pfd Lake Shoro L. & N Manhattan L Met. St. Ry Mex. Central ... Minn. & St. L... do pfd Mo. Pacific Mobile Ai Ohio.. M., K. & T do pfd N. J. Central ... X. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W... do pfd . 474 Anac. Mln. Co... 474 .112 Brooklyn R. T... 834 .'J30 Colo. Fuel & I... 644 . 874 Con. Tobacco .... 31-4 .1134 do pfd M .174 Federal Steel .... 6?4 . 144 do pfd 794 . 694 Gen. Electric ....193 .1024 Glucose Sugar... 4"i . Rki do pfd 93 . 46 Inter. Paper 244 . 164 do pfd 7?4 . 454 Lacledo Gas 72 .lt54Xatlonal HIscult. 334 .1124 do pfd 904 . 444 National Lead .. 19U .82 do pfd 92j5 No. Pacific .. do pfd Ontario & W. Mutational meci... 4 ... If 4 do pfd 014 2).; X. Y. Air Itrake.161 Ore. Ry. & Nav do I) M Xo. American.... 194 Pacific Coast .... K14 Pennsylvania ..1114 do 1st pfd 8S .. 214 do 2d pfd 06 .. in Pacitic Mall 41 .. 30 People's Gas . ...1014 .. 6". Pressed S. Car... 49 .. 91 I do pfd 82 Rending do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rio O. W do pfd St. L. & S. F... do 1st pfil do 2d pfd St. L. Southw.. 21 Pullman P. Car.. 200 774 S. R. & T 5 M Sugar 1104 . .. 17H do p"U no ... 4i4Tenn. Coal & I.. 614 ...1364 V. S. Leather ... 11 do pfd St. l'aill ilo tlfll 1!1! uo pin i.i St. P. & Omaha. 121 L. S. Rubber 2S1 Pacific 14?. do nfd. 804 834 9.1 164 61 56 4 0. Railway ... do nfd 2T4 Western t'nlon.. 72 Amal. Copper ... 234 Republic! J. & S.. 74 do pfd S3 P. C. C. & St. L. Tex. & Paclllc. Union Paclllc . do pfd rhe Commercial Advertiser's London finnnclal cablegram says: 'lhe markets here wero fairly active today and the tono satisfactory. Americans were buoyant, opening above parity and closing nt the best. Considerable prollt taking was neu tralized by fresn buying, rue cnier fea tures wero Chesapeake Ac Ohlos, St. Paul, Atchlsons und Southern common. Tho Inst wns largely bought. Money wns steady nnd the bank did a moderate uusiness. it iusi 55,000 gold to India. New York Money MnrUet. NEW YORK. Dec. 22.-MONEY-On call, steady nt 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 44'f?54 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Nominal, with actual business In bankers' bills at $1,844 for demand and at ji.soit' ror sixty davs: posted rates. S4.S14 and l.Soh; com mercial bills. $l.794tt4.804. . . SILVER Ucrtiueaies, wuwc; our, uic; Mexican dollars, SOc. BONDS State, inactive; rnuroau, urm; government, weak: refunding 2s, reg., ij; coupon, 1054; 3s, rcg. nnd coupon, llo; new 4s, reg. and coupon, 13S; old 4s, reg., 115; coupon, 116; 5s, reg. nnd coupon, 1134. The closing prices un oonus touay are u follows: U. 8. rof. 2s, reg.IWi N. Y. Central Ib.1094 iir rnnnnn iu-ji r. j. i. Ken. do 3s. reg 110 No. Paclllc 3s 714 ilo coupon 110 do new 4s, reg. US do 4s 10.VV X Y. C & S L 4B.10S X. & AV. con. 4s.. 994 Ore. Xav. 1b Ill do 4s 102i do coupon 13S dn old 4s. roLT..115 do coupon 116 do 6s. reg 1134 Oregon S. L. 6s.. 129 do coupon U3W do con. 5s 118V D. of C. 3. 63s. ...125 Reading gen. 4s.. l'l Atch. gen. 4s 102. Rio G. W. Is... .101 do udl. 4S 8Mb HI Ij .V 1 M C. te.lWi Canada So. 2s. ...109 St L & 8 F g. 6s.l30 dies. & O. 44s.. .1014 St. Paul consols.. 1m) dO US 1.U-VS). ' i . is..i--"i C fic X. W. c. 7S..1391. do fs u-j dn S. F. d. SS...123 So. Paclllc 4s.. 824 Chicago Ter. 4s.. 93 So. Railway 6s.. .1144 Colorado Ho. 4s... m s. ii. i. us h D. & R. O. Is. ...1014 Tex. it PftC. Is. ..lit Erie general 4s.. 8C4 do 2s 85 F. W .VP. u. is. Mia i nion I'aeiuc 4s..rii( Gen. Eloc. 5s 161 .Wabash Is Ui4 Iowa Cciurul ls..ii'i no . nn L. & X. unl. 4s. ini'i'West Shorn 4 lli'i 714 Wis. Central 4s.. 894 914 Vu. Centuries ... W M.. K- & T. 2s.. do 4s Boston Stock llnotnt Ioiib. ROSTOX. Dec. 22.-Cnll lonns. 441754 per cent: tlmo loans, D4jjj per cent, official closing: A.. T. & S. F... . 464 1'nlon Land 24 . 8S West End 93 .1104 Westlngh. Elec. 534 .1154 Atchison 4s 1014 . 65 X. E. G. &. C. 5s. 44Vi do pfd Amer. Sugar .. do pfil Amer. Tel Kostnn & Alb'y -YI4 Adventure 104 Boston Klevnted.153 aiioucz .-win. i'o. 2 K C, , U. & U. Copper ...93 Dominion coal do pfd Federal Steel do pfd Fltchburg pfd. . . Jl jVUiUUIC .1 . .103 'Hoston H, Mont. 321 .. f54 llutte it Hoston . S2 794 Cal. ,t Hecla S20 .134 Centennial 2H4 Gen. Klectrlc . .I9i.i r raniuin 17 60 734 4 do pfd iv) uumiioidt Ed. lilec III 217 Osceola .. Mex. Central .... 144 Parrot ... Mich. Telephone. k wuincy 171 N. K. a. & C 124 Santa Fo Copper. rti Old Colony Vtl iTamarnck 329 Old Dominion ... Ib4 I'tah Mining 3:4 Rubber 2" IWInona 44 Union Paclllc ... 774 Wolverines 454 Asked. fiv York Mining luotiitlons, NEW YORK. Dec. 22 -Tho following lire tho quotations on mining stocks: Adnms Con 20 Allco 40 Hrecco 2"W llrimswlck Con. .. It Comstock Tun... 4 Con. Cal. & Vn..130 Deadwood Terra (.' Horn Silver 150 Iron Silver G3 Leadvlllo Con 6 I.ltllo Chief .... Ontario Ophlr Plirtenlx Potosl Sa.ago Sierra Nevada Small Hopes Standard .. 13 ..600 .. 53 .. 10 .. 10 .. 10 .. 20 . 55 .,290 Weekly llnnk Statement. NEW YORK. Dec. 22,-Tho weekly state ment of averages of the Associated banks shows: Loans. 1787.09S.700. decrease, $3.6 0,. too; deposits, I'O'S.ull. 100, decrease, $3.f63,700; circulation, $30,9V2,OW, IncreUse, 17,WQ; legal tenders $i,15i KO. Purn!e SSIO."; spei-.e, $"io!.mii, ri-ase. liS 7'V. tniai reserve. 121'M.m l"1 ItuTr.ue. $2 ;K.,fiiv, e. serve required. 12"'.7ol.UVl, ilecrrasr, $'.6i.!,:6; In "urphiB reserve, IMiJTA'), In'-rease, $3,- i;i,s. London Stock liiotiitlona, LONDON, Dec. 22,-2 p. m.-Closlng: Cons, money.. "6 15-16 Erlo do account.. 97 11-16 do 1st pfd. ... Atchison 174 Pennsylvania .. Canadian Pac. ... 91 4 Rending St. Paul i No. Pacific pfd. ll.lm.ila Central. .134 lOmnd Trunk .. Louisville E94 Anaconda 1'nlon Pac. pfd.. SSNlRaiid Mines ... X. Y. Central ...1164 .. If 4 .. ou4 .. 71 P?4 :: 3! .. a4 BAR SILVER-Stendy, 2t O-ldl per ounce. MOXEY-3434 per cent. The rnte of uiscoum in the open mnrket ror short bills ls4tM4 per cent; for tlnee months' bills, 4 J44 per cent. Foreign Flnnnelnl. LOXDOX, Deo. 22.-Accordlng to tho Statist It Is likely there will be u consid erable outflow of gold to India Already some 2t"0,(K) has been arqulred In London for shipment there, a further considerable sum Is expected to be tuken next week, and larger amounts during the tlrst two or three weeks of January. This o l tllow will somewhat neutralize the effect of tho Inflow from the Interior earlier In January. Silver has been freely offered at a lowering price, at which India Is again buying. Con sequently the prlcu has grown firmer. Thero aro Indications that India will bo compelled to buy u largo quantity next month, probably sufficient to coin nearly four crores of rupees. The amount of bul lion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance today wns 33,(.i". Spanish 4s, 694, Gold premiums are quoted ns follows: Buenos Ayres, 130.S0; Madrid, 34.33; Ameri can eagles, 70s 6d, PARIS, Dec. 22. Prices on tho bolirso today opened llrm. letter, owing to the nbsenco of transactions, there was a slight reaction. A recovery followed and prices closed firm, especially Turks. Rio tlntos and certain Industrials. Tho bo.irse will be closed December 21 and 23. Three per cent rentes, 101 C 3ic for the account; exchange on London. 2.5f 94c for checks; Spanish 4s closed nt 70.43. BERLIN, Dec. 22. Funds wero main tained on the bourse today Chinese were In strong demand. Americans were firm. Locnls hardened on bear coverings In view of tho holidays. Exchange on London. 2i)m 4l4pfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills. 34 per cent; three months' bills, 44 per cent, II n n Iv Clearing" nnd lleluiim, CHICAGO, Dec. 22 -Cleat tugs. 121.I34.S19: balances, $3,309,310; pofcted excbniige. $l.sj0 4.86. Xcw York exchange. 25c premium ST LOl'19. Dee. 22,-Clearlngs, $l,r9i.9.'.. balances, $724,179: money, Xcw York ex change, 5c picmlum bid, 13c premium nsked. CIXCIXXATI, Dec. 22. -Clearings. $2.13t. 050; Xew York exchange, 20't25c discount; money 3Tt6 per cent. XEW YORK. Dec 22. Clearings. $290.6'. 422. balances, $9,231,931. BOSTOX. Dee 22.-CIenrings, $21,001.4(5: balances. $2,151,051. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 22. -Clearings. $19,930,403; balances. $2,329 232. For the ween: Clearings. $119,327,804; balances. $16.2I.5M. BALTIMORE. Dec. 22.-Clourings. $7. 595; balances. $374,559. For the vcek: Clenr ll'gs, 123,402,911; balances, 12.67:.S02, Imports nnd Export of the Week, NEW YORK. Dec. 22 -The Import nf specie this week were fS.823 gold und $27,7'.? sliver. Export nt gold and sltv -r rrom ihis port to all countries for this week nggr -gate $1,167,13 silver bars and coin, nnd 1H2. H) gold. Imports of dry goods and nii'r chandloo to tho port of New York thl-J week were valued at $1,125,099. Con il 1 1 1 ii it of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Dec. 22 -Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $15J.000.fJ0 gold reserve In the division of tedemptlon. shows: Avallablo cash balance, $110,027,971; gold, 19S.013.0S1. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 22.-COTTON-The market opened firm, with prices unchunged to 5 points higher. Although quiet much or the time the market continued slowly up ward urter the call on unprecedented buy ing by room nnd outside shorts, mnde dllll ctilt bv mentrer ofTerlmrs. Small recelnts at Interior town.-! and ports, together with better closing by Liverpool cables than ex pected, did much to decide wnverli.g hold ers In favor of standing firmly bv the bull Mdo over the holiday ndjournmet. Nw Orleans nnd Wnll street bought the March nnd May contracts during the early ses sion. The feature of the forenoon fluctua tions wus u fresh bulge ln December. That option opened at 10.10c. or 6 points abi'-o last night's closing, and at once lumped b points uddltlonul nnd held nt 10.20e during tho forepart of tho seudon. Prlvato wires stated that southern spot markets wero firmer on good demand from shippers and ndvanced bids from New England spinner". Late In tho morning realizing set In nnd carried prices sharply down. The mark"'t closed steady, with prices net 3 higher to 15 lower. Spot closed dull; middling up lands, 10 5-16c; middling gulf, 10 9-16c; Fnlos, none. Futures closed steady: December, 9.90e- Jnnuary, 9.61c; February.. .44j; March. 9.44c: .April. 9.40c; May, 937c; June. 0 33c; Julv. 9.2Sc; August, 9.02c; September, S.S'.V : October. 8C. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 22.-COTTON-Qulet nnd steady; sales, 2,850 bales; ordi nary. 7 13-16e; good ordinary, 8 7-16c; low middling. 9 1-16c; middling, 97-16c; good middling, 9 1l-16c: mlddllne fair. 10c; re ceipts, 11,315 bules; stock. r73.900 bales. Fu tures steady; December, 9.45c bid; Jnnu arv. 9.391(9 40e; February. !.3"!T0 3Se; March, .33fl9.35o: April, u.32K.:o- amy. y..iuyjJic; June, 9.2Sj9.29e; July. 9.27Q9.28C Liverpool Griiln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 22. WHEAT Spot, tlrm; Xo. 2 red western, winter, 6sll4l; No. 1 California. 6s 3d: No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 2s4d. Futures. Inactive; Februury, .slid- Mnrch. Cs Kii: Mav. nominal. CORN Spot, easy; American mixed, new, 4s Id; American mixed, old, 4s 2d. Futures, quiet: January, asuHa: xuarcn. js s-vi PRAS-Canadian, ouiet nt 6s 7(1. FLOUR Steady; St. Louis fancy winter, atnnilv nt 8s 6d. HOl'S At London (Pacific coast), steady nt 2113 lis. PROVISIONS Ueef. dull: extra India mpus. fi7s 9d. Pork, firm: Prime mess, west em, 2j. Lard, quiet; prime western, In tierces, 3Ss 3d; American reuiied, in pans 39s 3d. Hams, short cut, II to 16 lbs., dull, 44s. Bacon, nulet; Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs., 48s; short ribs, IS to 23 lbs., 46s; long elenr middles, light, 33 to 40 lbs., quiet, 4fis 61: lcinir clear middles, heavy. 40 to 13 lbs., quiet. 46s; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 42s; clear bellies, 11 to IS lbs., dull, 43s 6d. Shoulders, square, ll to 14 ius., steady. 34s. BUTTER United States finest, Sos; good, Sis 6d: cood colored. 62s 6d. TALLOW Prima city, firm, 25s; Aus tralian, In London, Btendy, 27s. Ivviiporutcd Apples. NEW Y'ORK, Dec 22 EVAPORATED APPLES The week winds up with a fulrly steady marnet in vogue, wun prices not materially changed; state common wero quoted at 4i5c; prime, 44'g54c; choice, 54 Jific; fancy. 61i7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED Fill' ITS Con tinue active. Prunes wero nominally quoted ut 341S4C per lb., ns to fIzo and quality. Apricots, Roynl, IKTillc; Moor Park. 15f(16c, Peaches, peeled, 16fj20c; unpeeied, ir'u'Jc. Sngnr Market. NEW ORLEANS, Dec 22 -SUOAR-Dullj onen kettle. .TitiSHc; open kettle, centri fugal, 3 13-163 l,c: centrifugal, white, 44ff 4 li-luc; yenow, iiMvjc; second., anio. aio lasses, steady; open kettlo, 23t32c; centri fugal, alible, riyrup, auroiic. NEW YORK. Dec 22. - SUGAR Raw steady: fair refining, 34e; centrifugal, 96 test. -14c; molasses sugar. 3c; refined quiet; crushed, Cc; powdered, 0.70c; granu latcd, 5.C0c. Toledo (irn 1 11 nnd Seed. TOLEDO. Dec. 22. - WHEAT Firm quiet; cash, December and January, i0 1 MHV. TJC. riinv null nnnlnr: rrisb. 36Ue! Herein. her, mc: Mtxy, ..ujic. OATS Dull, steady; cash and December, SHc; .May, .ac. UYK-fifie. SEEDS Clover, quiet, firm; December,; .-vinrcn, tu.sift. Plillitdelpliln Produre Mnrket, PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 22-RI'TTER- Qulct but steady; fancy wostern creamery, Sf.ttr: fnncv tirlnts. 27o. I'OGS Steady ; fresh nearby, 21c: froMi western, 21c; fresh southwestern, 21c; fie-Jh southern, 23c CHEESE Quiet but firm; Now York full creums, fancv small, ll4iil2c; New York full creams, fain to choice, loviUjc. Duliilli (irnlu Mnrkei, Dl'LI'TH. Dec 22.-WllEAT-No 1 hatj ensh, 73c; December, iSc; .xiay, 77'ic; no, 1 northern cash. 71c; December, 71c; May 754c; No. 2 northern, uilwic; jso. spring, 52Hfl594c. CORN None. OAT8-244'a-14Cj Prorln MnrUrt. PEORIA, Dec. 22,-CORN-lnnctlve; No, 5. ate. OATS-Eaay; No. 2 white, 244c, billed through. . WIIISKY-On tho basis of $1.27 for fin Ished goods, MIMvnnkee Grnln Mnrket. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 22. - WHEAT Steady: No. I northern, 724f('e''C; No, northern- 70fi72Hc. RYE Firm: No. 1. bt?i61Uc. UARLEY Easy! No. 2, 60c; sample, iiii l"3C, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Prices of Beef Stem Show Good AdTance Over Lsst Week. HOG MARKET IS SLOW AND WEAK Week's but Supply Wm nt llicesslic, Prleei llntv Uliu'tunted to n t'oimldernbte lltent. SOUTH OMAHA. Dee. Receipts were: Cattle, nog.". oiic i Otllclal M or id ,iv 1.4?" b...s Olllclal Tuesday Otllclal Vedtiedny ... Otllclal Thursday Official Friday Olllclal Saturday Total this week Week ending Dec. 13.. Week ending Dec. 8... Week ending Dec. 1... Week ending Nov. 21. 1 7 11.256 9.752 10.6. 1 9,091 9,993 Is!5l2 61.1SI 47,217 61.2M 67.167 Vsi3 l'374 PV 2h) 'im 17,'639 16,5:t2 21,211 . 2,297 . 1.91S . 1.6S2 . 297 .10.9SS .17,157 .15,1.'J .10.153 ..21,003 Average price paid for hogs tor uiu in... severul das, with comparisons. .... .... 1 IVJV. 15W.lSW.lB3-tft:,'lcw"l" ' Dec. Dee. Dee. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 3 21 3 21 3 17 3 201 3 20, 3 23 1 "i 3 291 3 17 ! 3 27 J 31 3 17' 3 4S 4 13 4 13 I 07 4 11 4 Ih 4 II 3 31, 3 16 3 36 3 1M 3 3 .' 1 lil ,1 .' .1 -01 .1 ! v - 22..! 4 S04i 4 02 ' 3 3l 3 24 3 14 Indicates Sunnsy. The olllclal number of cars of Btock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. H'rs. C, M. A- St. P. Ry. 23 u. ,v nt. 1.. ity Missouri Paclllc Ry 1'nlon Pacific system C. & N. W. Ry F., K. &,M. V. R. R S. C. A- P. Ry C, St. P.. M. . O. Ry.. H. R M. R. R. R C. 11. & IJ. Ry C, R. 1. : P. Ry., K Illinois Central 1 20 6 31 1 G 21 20 6 Total receipts 12 Tho disposition of tho day's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of head indicated: Ruyers. Cattle. Hogs. omana I'acKing t o G. II. Hammond Co 4 6241 J 74 3 251 3 23) 3 19 " " 4l4.!w; butcher cows and heirers, $3.00111.75; 2... 3 76 S 2SI 3 23 3 W J rnnm-rs, $2.501J3, fed westerns, J3.76li5.2i, 4 34 S 3 1! S 23 3 J , fed Texans, $3,001(1.45, grass Texans, JXI.'hC 4 ilil 3 St 3 2913 21 3 16 3 4.60: veal eaWes, $3.;fl1ia25. 4 774 3 SO 3 371 3 09 3 39 J HOGS-Recelpts, toduy. 7.0" head: this 4 8 4 4 3 3 J5 3 25 ! f? 1 week, 76.1") head; market sternly to 240 4 SI 3 si 3 2ii 3 22 3 00 3 36 J lower: prices today tir.u tlrally the same as ?... 4 7S4 3 83 3 30 I 17 1? . V Saturday and Soc hlglior than the cor- 3 V) 3 20 3 14 a n r 10.. 4 S54 3 31 3 l.t 3 21 3 3o 4 20 IL. 4 S2: 3 2 3 15 3 17 3 2J 4 17 12.. 4 77 3 93 3 37 3.- 2 3i -A 4 81 J 3 96 3 IS 3 20 3 ii J 14.. 4 53 3 96 3 33 3 23 S 23 3 3S 4 -5 !;. 4 01; 3 301 17.. 4 ss: 5 7isl IS. 4 73; 3 93 19.. 4 76S 3 92 3 2 2"?. 4 794 1 3 91 3 2S! 3 331 t Ln . j nt 1 a rni m ta n 17 1,02S( 1.26S 51 1.974 1.427 19 2,126 1,611 9S 60 32 263 10.031 Swift and Company uuany rucking un rmour & Co rmoiir & Co.. from Sioux City Swift and Co.. from country.... L. F. Husr. Other buyers Totals CATTLK Recelntn Included three loads f steers nnd two loads of she stock und the supply for the week has fallen about ,i anon ot iu"t weeg. rrires on oect teers show an advance for tho Week of 15W25c over a week ngn, the handy fnt me dium weight grades lending In demand. There has been n lark of matured beeves received the Inst week, the greater part of the offerings consisting of short fed, warmed-up stock of very ordinary rjunllty. The cow market has been In good shape tho last week, prices on toppy grndes show ing nn advance nf 25c and good medium weights ruling 10fl25c higher for the week. Thin, canning stock has sold poorly nnd prices nre wenk nt recent low quotations. Choice heavy feeders have sold closo to steady tho last week, but they had to be choice to hold their own. Anything except the very best sold lC?i23c lower, with some of the Inferior light stuff hard to move ut -1. ...... .i..n ill.- nuiiii ursolic. , Receipts of range cnttlo have been moderate. Reef grades sold a little higher, but tho ordinary run of rnngo stock shows no. mnterlal change for tho week. Rep resentative sales: ih:ef sthkrs. No. A v. Pr. No. Av. Pr. I IDS!) 3 ,5 12 1030 4 33 20 1177 4 23 19 1137 4 V) STEC11S AND HCIFERS. 12 K'J 4 00 COWS. 1 570 3 03 6 93S 3 30 1 1230 3 23 1 910 3 70 ...1120 ...1270 3 00 3 15 1.. ...1490 ...1000 3 23 2 73 1.. ...1320 3 15 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 11S0 2 75 1. ...1230 3 23 1 600 2 75 HEIFERS. .... CIO 3 25 2 523 3 10 1 STOCK CALVES. ....300 3 00 1 310 4 00 ... 430 3 23 1 93 4 53 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . ... 530 3 23 1 fVSO 3 S3 1 1.... 1 HOGS Tho hoir market 111, r 110,1 ra t Ii n slow and weak and closed easy ull around. The supply was not excessive less than S.OiXI on sale. For tho week prices havo llucUutcd considerably, but aro only slightly lower tliuu last Saturday. Buyers sturted In bidding prices steady to a shndo easier and tho bulk of the hogs sold that way, tho long string going at SI.W. tho samo as yesterday, but there were fewer sales at top figures. Trado was moro or less dragging ami closed weak ull around. a giauco ut uiu iuiiio or uverage prices e prlcet tgu aui shows Monday t( to have been the h Tuesday the low day of the week. Prices nnproveu suguiiy until touny, when they again cased on. jiuprescninuvc sales: No. Av Sll. Pr. Av. Sh. Pr. 41... .. 95 ..210 ...230 . .273 ..331 ...2S7 , . .2.XS ..330 ...270 ,..1S8 273 !!!32o ...220 ...177 ... 4 00 .299 40 4 SO SO... 40 4 774 4 724 4 774 SO. . . 50... 54... 5S .. 40 240 SO 120 '40 100 2S0 4 774 4 774 47 4 774 4 so 4 SO 4 SO 4 80 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 tO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 S") 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 0 4 10 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 tO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 fO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 iO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 M 36... 46... 60... 91... 61... 53... 36 .. SO... 9. ...193 63 250 SO 61). 62. . .;.. ..229 . .254 . .269 . .220 . .242 ..280 ..267 ..26S ..1W ..255 . .254 ..sua ..33S ..217 ..290 ..261 ..235 ..261 ..271 ..251 ..ISO ..251 40 80 120 SO '46 ID) 160 40 16") 120 120 40 120 100 SO "so 40 SO 40 120 120 40 SO 160 40 120 20") SO 65.... IK.... '.... 69.... 71,.,. 6).... 71.... S6.... 6S. . . . 69.... 66. . . . 42.... S3.... SO 'so I.... 71.... 0.... 47.... 61.... 6"). . . . 55.... 61.... 40 60 312 53 251 6") 215 51. ..2S1 61... 67... ..211 . .253 ..233 120 64... 66. .211 SO 63 279 67 327 1 240 ..201 ...200 ...301 ...162 ...232 60.. 45.. so 74.. 67.. 122 160 4 80 SHEEP There wero no fresh nrrivnln nn.! none carried over, leaving nothing to make a market During thu past week prices uuvo (lecnneu Hiiarpiy 011 int sneep anil are now 251150c lower on fnt lumbs nnil 20f40c lower on fni sheep than at tho high time, reeding shick nas reit the depress lng Influence of tho weak market on mut ton grades und nro also lower. Dealers anticipate only a sngnt demnnd ror mutton grades untl' ufter tho holiday season and flguro n dull murkot In consequence. Quotations: Choice fed wethers, 13 75f 3."i; fair to choice reu wetners, $3.tyni3.7u: choice yearlings, $4,1071,25; fair to good DO YOU SPECULATE? 21 yearlings, $J'.fMlo. . hulce ewes. $. '.'v, X 4, fair to giKu! ews, $.HXV(fS. choir i spring lambs. l TMTi". ". fair to good spring lambs, $l.i Ow-l Tii, fueder 'etvcs, $:2iu.'. . feeder wethers, $3 5et.1.75; feeder lambs, $4.WM 40. C-IIMAtlO I.I Vll Vl'oiVf MAIUvEI. t'nttle otiilunll! Mendj llnu (leiier nll I'lriii iheep Steiid. rillCAOO. Dor. 21 -CATTLE ltecelpis. 2ul head; inMnliiHllv stendv, kimM In i r urn steers. $5 2tVti6.u), poor to medium. $3(vi.. 2n, selected feeders, U7Vf4 40, mixed stook. rs. $2.60tr3 73; rows. $2 4"gHj, heifers, $2 'vi I t", ennners, ll.75lf2.35. bulls. $2 l"fH 30, calves, !3.754T6.rl; Texas fed steers. $1 0fH Sit; grass steers, $3.2451.0"); Texas bulls, $2.4i'if 35. HOGS-Receipts, today. 1S.0M head; Mon day, 3S,l) head, estimated; left over. 1,5X) head; generally stend . top, ll.Wi, mixed mid butchers, S4.Ofv.i-4 95; good to HmI. heavy, S4.7ftir4.96; rough 1hii, 4ii ;u, iici,t. S4.iUii4.iUVi.. bulk nf l' i sjLuii i i SHEEP AND LAMBS - Itrr.-lnt. 1 mm head; sternly; good to choice wethers, $J TO iH.26. fair to choice mlxeil, $3.1Vn3 63; west- KTn sheep, $3.C"MH.2o, Texas sheep, $2. 2511 3. 3", native lambs, ll.Wtfo 25; western lambs, tt.M, Ifnnsns City Stock Mnrliet. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 22-CATTLE-Re- celpts, today, If) head; this week, 3l.0x) 'lead; prlres nominal; a few Christmas oitvia rum iiiin ,,, Rriulc8 of ,ir0M!,cli i.p( toers and butcher cows slightly lower, while short- wvra soiii mis ween ill inir prices, urn leu, ununisiieit steers were about 25c lower; responding day Inst year: heavy. Jl Siie 4.924; mixed. Jl.SXif t.fA); light, JI.774UI-9"; pigs, $t.254il ". BHKEF-Rceelpts this week. 12.500 head; 1 in; ncuvy snppiy or game anil poultry caused a sharp decline lu prices this week, the shrinkage In values iiiiioiiiiiinir to '.k, on the best grades and 2fr(J30o on the plain- est; lamns, i. .oqiti.o ; muttons, $.1.7011-12:1; stockers und feeders, $3,254(1.00; culls, $2 60 il'J.25. St. I, mil l.ltt Stock ST. LOUIS, Dec. 22-CATTLli-Recelpts, ii head, Including 5" bond Texans; mar ket dull and steady; native shipping and export steers, $l..7vff6.fVn; dressed beef nml butcher steers, $l.5"Vf5.60; steers tinder l.KX) lbs., J3.littlS0; stockers nnd feeders, $2.(X'.i(i 4 40; cows nnd heifers. $2.00414. So; cniiniTs, $I.25if2.73; bulls, $.' oe'u.1.73; Texas and Indian steers, $2.S51j-I.35; cows and heifers, UWiP HOGS Receipts. 3.6m) hend: market sternly to strong: pigs und lights, Jl.Mi474.90., packers, JI.'MM.lin, butrhers. Jl.SStffi iO. SIIP:EP AND LAMMS -Receipts, 100 hend; mnrket nninlnnl; nutlvo muttous, $3.60'H.5i. lambs, $1,23115.3"): culls nnd bucks, $2.ootfl 00, stockers, $2.Wj3.oO. !V York I, It e Storl. MnrLot, NEW YORK, Pec. 22. REEVES Re ceipts, 279 head, all for slaughterers; noth ing doing; cables quote live cattle nt 12 (f 134c, dressed weight, refrigerator beef, 94 4i94c; shipment, S73 herftl cattlo und 2.0" " quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. CS head; stead) veals. $Uiofi7.5'1; no choico liere. SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts, 1.703 head; sheep slow, good lambs steady, others neglected; sheep, J3.Wti3.70; lambs,; Canada lambs, J5.40. HOGS Receipts, 1.S1S heud; no onlcs on live weight; nominally steady. St. Jomi'iiIi I. It i Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo Dec. 22.-(Spc-clal.) Th Journal quotes: CATTLE--Receipts, loo head; mark t steady, demand strong. HOGS Receipts, rt.M hend: market steady to weak; all grades, JI.SOU4.93; bulk of sales. Jl.Viu-5.90. SHEEP Receipts, none; demand strong. Stock In SlKbt. Following nre tho receipts nt tho four principal western murkets for December 22. Cattle. Hoys, sticep. South Omaha Chicago Kansas City.. St. Louis Totals .... 297 9.10S 230 20") 701 18,000 7.0" ) 3.6" W 1,IH) 12,600 10") 1.297 SS.59S 13,830 (III nnd KokIii. t OIL CITY, Dec. 22.-OILS-Cledlt bal nnces, $1.07; certificates closed, $1 lid; shipments. 95.590 bbls.; average. 97.561 bbls ; runs. 127.497 bbls.; average. 92.195 bbls. NEW YORK. Dec. 22.-OI US-Cottonsefd, dull; ptltue crude. 27c; prime crude, yeiluw. 2945f30c. Petroleum, dull; refilled Now York, $7.35; Philadelphia nnd Baltimore, $7.20; Philadelphia nnd Baltimore, lu bulk, J3.63. Rosin, sternly; strained, cnmmoii to good. J1.75. Turpentine, dull. 4041145c. LONDON, Dec, 22.-OlLS-IVtroeum, American refined, 513-IOd. Turpontliio splrltK. 2Ss 9d. Linseed, 31s. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 22.-OILS-Cottnn-need, Hull refined, spot, quiet, 2iH 6d. Tur pentine spirits, dull, 2Ss :l. Rosin, common, steady, 4s 74d- Petroleum, refined, qul"t, 7s. Linseed, sternly, 31s 6d. ANTWERP. Dec. 22.-OILS Pctroloum. IS francs, paid und sellers. Wool .Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 22. WOOI-Medlum grader. 14fy21o: light flue. Il1fl7c; heavy fine, 114714c; tub washed. isy2?e; territory nnd western medium, lOfi'lbo; line, . 13ifl0c; conrsc, 13Tjl5c TIII3 It i:LTV MAHKIIT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Suiu day, December 22: Wnrrnnty Deeds, J. J. Sledentopf nnd huebnnd to A. C. Park, ot 24. block 5. A br c it's an nex S 117 N. M Baker and wife to August Iller- bacll, s 26 feet lot I, nnd 11 40 feet lot 5. block 2. Elkhnrn G. W. Woodbey and wife to J. F. Vila, lot 5. block K. Saunders it- H. s odd. CO N. P. Stilling nnd wife to W. F. Mil ler, w 44 rout lot S. block 1, A. H. Pat rick's mill E. H. Walker nnd wlfo to J. M. Stev enson, lots 1 to 5 and 8, block 70, Florence 40) J. M. Williams nnd wlfo to Jo-jcphlr.o .Miner, s'4 nw 31-iu-iu C. H. Paul and wlfo to William Kelscr, bu 23-16-10 7.2W lleedH. J. E. Byers to Mario L. Fisher, undlv 4 of s 35 feet lot 12. block 9, Sllbdlv of J. I. Redlck's add 1 Total amount of transfers $ 8,744 roTC rasa RRPEWlEYaCO. rinAiN Vm 1 ' B00M4MY LIFE BLDG. OHA11A I1CB. ORAMCH 1030 flit m'.OLt! Ml. JIMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1039. OiimlM, Nob COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS Hud STOCKS BOAHD OF TliAUB. Correipondence: John A. Warren Ca uum wirsi to Chicago ud N Tort: W. Farnam Smith &Go. STOCKS BONDS INV:STMNT SECURITIES i:i20 Piimiini Street. Telepboiin Ultil. OIL .i.n viiyr oil. Greatest op portunity to make n crcut umount of mnnov from small Investment in Oil since the days of Pennsyl vania Oil excitement Wo have l,lJ0 acres of Oil lands near the (treat 7,(KX)-barrel KUSher.H In tho wonderful Sand Fork OU Fields In Lewis County, W. Vu. Portion of our stock offered ut 5 rents on tho dollar. Money to bo used lu drlllliu; wells. Prop erty all paid for. Stocks full paid and non assessable For further particulars ml-dresn- SAND F.-uK OIL & OAS CO. Poabody Building. WhiolliiK, W. Va. If so, speculate mii'ccssfulljr. Send your orders to a reliable house, whero they will bo placed on tho open market. Wn can raako for you In one month moro Interest on your money tbnii any bank will pay you ln u year. Send for our book an speculation It Is free. J. K. Comstock & Co., Room I'll Trader' llldtf, Cblcuuo. i-nnsunas steers, jtumtitiso; medium im- ttv.iM 91 l-JStr. M u..,.,l, t rA.l.. i , , ,, . , i,u,uvi r i n .tin. illiiiti, v' -1