Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1900, Page 17, Image 25

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Indian. Ohate th Blight of a (June from
the Rtumtion.
Selection of it vr Clilpf AVIio Inherit
the I'nmllr mill Oilier Trouble
Of Ilia I'rcdcccsxnr l.iint
of ItH Klml.
With nil tho mysterious and nnclcnt rites
of tho sun worshipers tho Sac and Fox tribe
of Indians on their reservation In Okla
homa, where they stilt practlco tho pagan
rolllon of their fathers, has recently In
stalled a new chief to nil tho placo left
vacant by tho death of Nah-mal-way, who
sickened nnd died In tho growing season.
Nah-Mal-Way, the Spirit Chief, he who hod
passed through many wars without so
much as a scratch, ho who had been deco
rated by tho great palefaco soldier for
quelling nn uprising among somo yount?
braves whoso hearts had been made bad
by firewater, he who could command the
evil spirits to depart and tho good spirit
to arlso, had at last fallen n victim to his
own will. Ho had sipped too freely from
tho bottlo that makes tho old young again
nd with n vision of serpents before him
looking at her, but If tho sun was angry
with tho trlbo then ho would strike the
squaw dead lied Kox went about order
ing the braves to proparo for tho dance
anil Instructing them how to dress and
One morning when the sun had scarcely
peeped over tho trectops lied Kaglo camo
bounding from his tepee blowing fiercely
upon his medicine whistle. Tho braves, who
had been painted and dressed for this signal
for nearly a week, were out of their tepees
In u few moments nnd racing toward the
danco grounds, to the toutheast of the
Indian village. They ran with nil their
might In order to arrive before tho sound
of the whistle had died In tho echo. Hastily
forming a semicircle, tho medicine men
waited for a second signal. Ited Eagle
called In a shrill volco for his squaw to
follow him. She kneeled Insldo tho curve
of tho circle, while the braves danced and
chanted this appeal:
Ah. ya, tho crow says,
The fox says nh, ya,
)u vll not kill our squaws,
Oh. 1 Hther, do not kill our squaws,
"A1.1 'n'V'o the Sundance,
A e will do right.
Finally Ucd Kaglo stopped his dancing
nnd went with his squaw to tho outer edge
of the dance circle, where he gently shoved
her toward tho tepee. Tho redskins yelled
Joyously, for they knew tlu curse bad bien
removed from tho heads of their squaws.
H still remained to tho tribe, however.
Medicine Mini Decrees the Ilntivp.
Two weeks had now elapsed since tho
death of Nah-Mal-Way, and yet no chief
mm WwwM
Sift wmmv
ho had pnssed on to the happy hunting
ground. Nab-Mal- Voy was n victim of
temptation. Ho luuld not resist tho cup
that cheers.
Tho taking off of Nah-Mal-Way by nn
ovll spirit was tho causo of squaws la
mentations for many sleeps, nnd tho brave3
went about silently with tho black paint
of sorrow spread freely upon their naked
breasts. Tho mcdlclno men cut their
wrists nnd studied tho (lames from the
sacred candle. Hatlons camo with unusual
regularity, and yet a sense of Impending
ovll darkened tho existence of tho Indians.
The dead chief had surely left a curse upon
them, said Looking Class, an old chief of
tho Fox clan. So Looking Class was called
upon for nn explanation of his words, and
he said:
"My brothers, Nah-Mal-Way was a bad
had been named. Whenever a chief dies
and leaves his curso upon tho trlbo the
selection of a proper man to succeed him
Is Indeed n delicate problem. This curso
must bo removed by tho head medicine
man beforo a now chief can be selected.
Ka-Wan-So, tho head mcdlclno man of tho
tribe and master of ceremonies at all Im
portant dog feasts and mcdlclno affairs,
was not In attendanco at tho sun danco,
having gone into tho hills to commune
with tho Great Spirit relative to tho ap
pointment of a uew chief. Upon his return
ho called tho redskins in front of his lodge
nnd spoko to them In n loud voice: "I havo
talked with tho Great Spirit about this
matter and ho snys I must order a dance
,to mako you all good again. Ho says we
must bury tho dead chief with proper cere
,mony nnd In the meantime I will choose
raised the body nnd carried It to a small
hut, which was to be Its last resting placo.
Tho American ling was hoisted over the
hut to distinguish It from others. Then
tho 200 Indians, as If relieved of a great
sorrow, sang:
Our, Father, hnvr pity on us.
Make us to be wise.
Moke our new chief a good man.
Instiillltiir thf .mv Chief.
Tho chant rang out across the plains
until the wooden grave had been nailed
securely fast, while tho guests of this
strange burial ceremony sat around with
bowed heads. Then Ka-Wan-So gavo a
piercing cry, known as tho "death cry,"
after which all adjourned to tho dancing
circle. This was n smooth place, about a
quarter of a mile square. The Indians lost
no time In getting Into the dance. The sun
was now directly above them and very hot.
They formed a clrclo around two big flres.
Two tom-tom, or drum, beaters sat near
these fires and beat Irregularly, making
no effort to keep time with each other.
Then tho leading medicine men, aided by
tho 200 voices of the braves, chanted an
other opi-cal to the Great Spirit, while the
dancers hopped around tho fire, their bodies
swaying nnd tho paint rolling
from them In tho flood of perspira
tion. Tho fire blazed high as tho Indians
plied on the sncred wood, blessed by the
medicine men. Tho dancers grew moro ex
cited. Somo fell to tho ground. Others
went Into the mcdlclno lodge and were sup
posed to bo very sick. They went through
all sorts of motions, depicting their ngony.
Later possessors of the sacred otter skins,
which most of the dancers wore about their
loins, tore the skins from their bodies and
went about pointing them at tho Indlnns
who were shamming sickness. Theso were
then shot at with tho sacred beans, after
which they aroso and wero pronounced
cured. This celebration lnsted until late
that night nnd was supposed to be the
real Irtroductory to tho Initiation of the
new chief. After tho danco they all bathed
In the river near tho village.
Early next morning tho Indian medicine
men from surrounding tribes began to ar
rive. From tho east came Itunnlng Elk of
the I'oncas, from the south Whistling Dear
of tho Arapahoes, and from tho west Dig
Heart of tho Osages. All of them brought
the sacred paint along, so that they coull
take part In tho ceremonies If Invited.
Other redskins came, until there were S00
In all. Kn-Wan-So called them together
on tho open prairie to tho south of the
grounds used for tho dances. Tho night be
foro a number of sweat lodges had sprung
up near tho place, and In these lodges were
tho new chief nnd his family. After tho
Indians had all seated themselves Ka-Wan-So,
In an Impressive voice, announced
tho natno of the uew chief and called him
forth. Up to this tlmo nobody had known
who was to be chosen. The cholco was a
surprise to all.
Pnrlor .MukIc by the Chief.
Wa-Po-Kc-Sek, n well known medicine
man, nnd quite Influential among his follow
tribesmen, was tho new chief, and when he
appeared there was a general silence. The
new chief was short nnd fat, but quite
weak from threo days' fasting. Ho had been
In tho sweat lodge sweating tho Impurities
of tho common Indian out of his system.
Ho was clad only In a breechclout. Ono of
tho mcdlclno men near him threw a sacred
white otter skin at him and tho new chief
fell as If dead. Then tho two men who led
him In grabbed him by the feet and uncere
moniously dragged him around the lodge,
whllo all tho spectators threw their otter
skins at him. Suddenly ho Jumped to his
feet and, reaching up Into tho air, brought
out n tom-tom. Where It came from no ono
could tell. It was merely a feat of Jugglery
which tho Indians would not try to solvo If
they could. They wnnted to think the Great
Spirit handed tho drum to their new chief,
and tho delusion was accepted as a fact. Ho
then went to tho center of tho danco
grounds und there, with two hugo American
flags flontlng over him, Ka-Wnn-So declared
Wa-Pa-Ke-Sek chief of tho Sac nnd Fox
trlbo of Indlnns and a member of the Otter
Skin degree of mcdlclno men. With bowed
heads the Indians sat around and listened.
When Ka-Wan-So had finished tho tribe
and Its guests adjourned to a big dog feast
nnd ato their fill at tho expense of Wo-Pa-Kc-Sck.
In addition to receiving tho chieftaincy
Wa-Pa-Ke-Sck fell heir to the family of tho
dpnnrted chief. cnnalstlnfT nf thrpn nnunn'e
and six children, which, with his own family
I IV-.!.,
. I . ' . J , . 1 ! i ,VIt
mcdlclno chief. He drank tho wblto man's
flrownter and blamed us for his dylnij. I
told him tho palefaco had put snakes la
It, and ho would surely die. but ho laughed
at me and said I was no prophet. I tell
ou, my brothors, that ho has left hU
curso upon us nnd wo must havo It tuken
nway or wo will dU."
Then tho Hed Eaglo wns told In a dream
that tho Sun spirit would take tho tribes'
sqaws. Ho mndo a prayer to tho Sun spirit
and wns told that his squaw must lo sncrl
flced to savo tho other squaws of the trlbo.
To mako this spiritual sacrifice ho was to
order the sun danco and placo hlB squaw
In tho midst of tho danco clrclo as nn of
fering to tho sun. If tho pun was not nngry
with them ho would order tho squaw to
got up and leavo whllo tho dancers were
ttho chief ho has Instructed me to. He
1 said that our old chief was a false man
nnd wu must bury him good or ho would
come back again."
' As master of ceremonies he then ordered
tho braves to put on their black paint nnd
i assemble at tho burial grounds at sun
I rlso. There, with tho principle medicine
j chiefs forming u circle about him and the
younger members of tho trlbo seated
' around tho outer edge, Ka-Wan-So called
I upon the Great Spirit to hear them In their
i deliberations. A berry tree, which had
been cut for tho purpose, wob brought for
ward and each ono ato a red berry thcre
' from to drive nway forever the evil curse
of tho departed chief, whoso remains lay
wrapped In a blanket In tho midst of tho
clrclo. After an Invocation tho young men
'of five squaws nnd ten children, will make
up quite a gathering In the Sac and Fox
Whlto House. Hesldes this ho will have the
i nlno members of tho council to feed and
, clothe. As tho Income of tho chief is de
rived from tho rental grounds of tho tribe's
land, ho has sufficient to support his official
household In princely stylo without work.
Not In a quarter of a century, nnd per
haps necr again, will a clan of sun wcr-
, shlplng Indians chooso a now chief. Those
of this clan aro rapidly dying off or being
crowueu rrom tncir reservations Into the
schools set nsldo for them. Some havo been
forced Into allotments whero an Indian soon
loses his Identity. The government agents
havo dealt harshly with thoso who kept up
their ancient customs, until today there arc
few tribes who aro free to hold their serv
ices without interruption by tho whites.
Combination Game Boards.
We are headquarters and can show more varie
ties and a greater range of prices than any one else
in this city. See the list below. Prices from $2.25 up.
Megeath Stationery Co,
1308 Farnam Street.
Store will be open .Monday Evening and until Noon on Xmns.
qn:i-:.v victoiuavs haul
It I'rnfiiKlnii, nt Her A lie, linn Alrtnya
lleeu n Wonder.
Over SO years old, Queen Victoria yet
has luxuriant hair, which has for years
been a marvel. Tho court physician, fol
lowing Prof Unna's discovery, lias treated
her majesty's scalp with a germ-destroying
preparation which ho has always kept
secret. It Is now known, however, that the
remedy for dandruff, the germ-destroying
element, Is embodied in Newhro's Herpl
clde, tho only hair preparation on tho mar
ket that doc3 destroy tho dandruff germ.
Without dandruff hair will grow profusely
nnd falling hair will bo stopped. "Destroy
the cause, you rcmovo tho effect."
The Right Rev. A. N. Uttlejnhn, Proles
tant Episcopal bishop of honu Islnnd, cele
brated his 76th birthday on Thursday. He
was consecrated bishop of Long Island In
Tho Kev. A. M. Pa'mer, tho oldest mem
ber of Newark conference of tho Methodist
Episcopal church, died on Thursday tnurn-
Have Been Wrecked on the Rock of
Sexual Vice.
Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both Medicine and
Electricity in Our Electro-Medical Treatment.
Specialist in Diseases of Men,
Of tho State Uoctro-Medleal Institute, 1303 I'artiatu 8f
Oiiiahu, Nob.
I iiinkr no ci(rnnmuit insertion when I anvr thnt million of turn lnivp been vrroUct1 nn the mek of ae xnnl vleo. The trouble Is not ao
much Mint they net dlscnnc, but rntlier Mint lliry iiIIimv it to (,'rinv uorn' tlirniiKh neglect ir Improper t rent men t. This fnct Is responsible In ninny
ense for iiliic-tcn til of Mic anrTrrl n.
Vim should rciiicinlii'r Mint ni'Minl illNcnc nrc ncser nt n kIiiiuI-.M1I. Neither onn yiiu mnUc nnj- piiniproniUp mIMi ttirtn. IJttlicr jiiii mint
control t It f in nr Micy will control yon nnd render joii utterly unlit for the nrillnnry iltitlcn mill nlriimirc of life,
SpeclHc mill Tree MiiiiiI-n, Trlnl Trciitiiicnt mill Mic IlUc iliiu'f cure cinitii Inti of thli Kind, n nny one Mini lini tried Minn linnii ,
II ii ( If joii lintc Varicocele, Mrl Ottire, Conliiuloiii lllmnl I'iiI-hiii, crt o-!eiinl Debility or nny uicliintc il Ueiic or, j on n e 1 1 to your
self to fully mill freely Intenllmite my treatment, My mitery of Miese ninliidlcn I complete. 1 Iickiiii n xpcclnl uttuly of them noon nfter itriuln
ntliiK: from cnlleuc, nun nearly it quarter of n century nun, mill ilnrliiK nil of Mio years nIiicp then they lime liccn my uliiilj unit iicrftlMcnt prac
tice. I treat iioMiIiik cUe.
Doen It not occur to yon, then, thnt I mil belter prepared to ciimlmt and ciinnticr llrne nnd cnUnc peculiar to men Minn Mie Rrnrnl
pracMMiiner, Mho, Initcml of concentrating hli fncnlllr on n ulnulc clnK of dlnenxcs, cutter them over the entire Held of medicine anil Niirueryf
Whatever may be tho
r.iuso of Varicocele, Its
Injurious effect Is well
Known. It depresses
the mind, weakens the
body, racks the nervous
system and ultimately
leads to n complete Ior of sexual power.
If you aro a victim of this dlro dlscaso
como to my olllce nnd let me explain to
you my process of trentlng It. You will
then not wonder why I havo positively
cured more than TOO cases of Varicocele
during the past 12 months. Under my
treatment the patient Improves from tho
very beginning. All pain Instantly censes.
Soreness nnd swelling quickly subside.
The pools of stagnant blood nro forced
from the dilated veins, which rapidly ns
sumo their normal size, strength nnd
soundness. All Indications of disease nnd
weakness vnnlsh completely nnd In their
stead como the pride, tho power nnd tho
pleasure of perfect health and restored
On aeount of Its
frightful hldeojsnessi
m nnn nnionii contncious mood Pol-
DLUUU rUldUll 3on is commonly called
the king of venereal
diseases. It may he either hereditary or
contracted. Once the system Is tainted
with It. tho illsenso mav manifest Itself
In the form of Scrofula. Kczemu, Hheuma
tlc pains, stiff or swollen Joints, eruptions
or copper-colored spots on tnco or bodv,
little ulcers In tho mouth or on tho
tongue, soro throat, swollen tonsils, fall
ing out of tho hair or evehrown and
finally u leprous-like decny of the flesh
nnd bone. If you have nny of these or
similar symptoms you nre cordially In
vited to consult mo Immediately. If I
find your fears tiro unfounded. I will
quickly iinbjnleii your mind Hut If vour
eonstltutlnn Is Infected with syphilitic vi
rus I will tell you so frankly, nnd show
you how to get rid of It Mv special
treatment for Contagious Illood l'olson Is
practically the reult of my life work
nnd Is endorsed by tho best physicians
of Amcrlcn nnd Kuropo. It contains no
Injurious drugs or dnngeroui medicines
of any kind. It goes to the very bottom
of the disease nnd forces out every par
ticle nf impurity. Snon every sign and
symptom of blond polnn illsnppcur com
plfctely and forever. The blood, the tissue,
tho tlesh. the bones nnd the whole sys
tem nrc cleansed, purltled nnd restored to
perfect health nnd the patient prepared
for tho duties nnd pleasures of life.
It matters not how
low; you have suffered
from stricture, nor how
many different doctors
have disappointed you.
1 will euro you Just ns
certainly ns you como
to mo for treatment. I will not do It
by dilating or cuttlnc My treatment Is
new. entirely original with me. nnd per
fectly painless. It completely dissolves
tho Stricture and permanently removes
every' obstruction from the urinary pas
sage. It stops every unnatural discharge,
allays nil Inflammation, reduces the pros
tnto gland when enlarged, cleanses and
heal9 tho bladder nnd kidneys when lr
rltnted and congested, Invigorates the
sexual organs nnd restores health nnd
soundness to every part of tho body nf
feetcd by tho disease.
Men, many of yoj
nre now reaping tho
result of your for
mer folly. Your
manhood Is fulling,
nnd will Boon bo lost unless you do some
thing for yourself. There Is no time to
lose. Impotcncy, llko nil sexual diseases,
is never on the standstill. With It you
can make no compromise. Hither you
must master It or It will master you
and fill your wholo futuro with misery
nnd Indescribable woe. I havo treated
so many casus of this kind that I am
as familiar with them as you aro with
tho very daylight. Onco cured by me,
you will never again be bothered with
emissions, drains, premnturcness, small
or weak organs, nervousness, falling
memory, loss of ambition or other symp
toms which rob yon of your manhood and
absolutely unlit you for study, business,
pleasure or marriage. My treatment for
weak men will correct all these evils nnd
restoro you to what nature Intended-a
hale, hearty, happy man, with physical,
mental nnd sexual powers complete.
ALL ASSOCIATE mnen,CUoraBn;nk.,Tl
niCCACCC never fnll to remove
UloCHOLO nil rellex c mpllcn
PIIRCn tlons or associate
UUtlLU diseases. If tho enso
Is Varicocele, tho
'Weakness causod by It dlsappars. If it
is Stricture nnd has developed Into Pros
tatic, Hluddcr or Kidney affections, tho
Injured organs are all restored to a per
lectly healthful condition. If It Is Con
tnglous Illood Poison, nny nnd nil Hkln.
I'.lood nnd Bonn Ulseases arising from
the taint nro entirely and pormanetit'v
eliminated from tho system. If It Is Im
potcncy and many distressing symptom
following In Its train and indicating a
prematuro decline of physical, mental nnd
sexunl power nre totally removed and
rapidly replaced by the youthful enorgv
of robust manhood. Hence, nil rer.ulllHK
Ills nnd rellex complications, which may
bn properly termed associate discuses,
nnd -vhlrli. In fact, are often more seri
ous than tho original ailment that gives
rlso to them all, I say, disappear com
pletely and forever, with the euro of tho
main malady.
HflMF Most cases onn bo
IIUniL treated successfull v nt
home. Ono personal visit
Is preferred, hut If It In
Impossible or inconven
ient for you to call at our
tilllce, wrltn us a full
history of your ense.
your symptoms. rhyyl-
clans having stubborn cases to treat ar
cordially Invited to consult us. Wo muki
no charge for prtvnto counsel and glvo
to each patient a legal contract, bncked
by abundant cnpltnl, to hold for our promise.
nnd unreserved
plainly stating
REFERENCES-Best Banks and Leading Business Men of this City.
OFFICE HOURS From 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, IO a. m. to I p. m.
1308 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
lug In tho 53d year of his nge. IIo had been
a member of tho conference moro than
llfty years.
On the closing dnv of tho session of tho
North Mississippi Methodist Kplscopal con
ference South a resolution wns passed de
nouncing foot ball and demanding the
abolishment of Intercollegiate games hi
Methodist bchools.
Hy tho will of Andrew Sharno of Law
rence, Mass.. $7,0 "J is heujeathed to Baptist
institutions, Including J5.WO to the American
Baptist Foreign Mission society and Jl.OuO
to tho Newton Theological fcemlnary, to es
tablish a Sharpo scholarship.
Tho llnptlsts of Helena, Mont., have Just
celebrated tho twentieth anniversary of tho
establishment of that denomination In tho
state. Tho ceremonies wero held In tho
Klrst Baptist church of Helena, where
soven of the original charter members still
retain membership.
An autograph letter of St. Vincent do
l'aul. the originator In the Roman Catholic
church of careful work for tho uplifting of
tho poor, has lately been ucqitlred by Con
troller Bird S. Coler of Now York City. It
bears dato September VJ. liB9, from l'nrls.
Its chief subject Is the missions of I.oretto,
concerning which he had Just received in
formation, and for tho rest conslstR of per
sonal allusions which requlro a Btudy of
Krench history to understand.
Six Indians i.f the Ponca tribe, from
Oklahoma, went to Wichita, Knn., to nt
tend tho stnto convention of tho Young
Men's Christian association. They wero
only spectators Jntll solicited by tho secre
tary to Join, when all six of them signed
their names to the pledge nnd put on white
ribbons. They are all young fullbloods
with long names. They say they were grid
tinted from tho Carlisle Indian school, but
slnco leaving that institution have been
wild reservation redskins.
The oldest colonial church In tho I'nlted
States Is Bruton Kplscopal church. James
town, Va. It is tho successor of tho llrsf
church built in Jamestown and Its llrst
parish reglMer Is still In existence. The
book Is yellow with ago and Homo of Us
pages are tattered, but tho writing is still
legible. It antedates tho Declaration of In
dependence 111 years. Among tho wor
shlners in Bruton church wero Washington,
Jefferson, Mndli-on. Monroo nnd Tyler. John
Marshall s name Is on Its books. On one
page of the register are the names of seven
teen of tho s'aves of George Washington
who were baptized within tho walls of tho
old edifice.
Tor rneiiiiumlf. .
Dr. C. J. nishop, Agnew, Mich., says: "I
havo used Foley's Honey and Tar In thre
very severe cases of pneumonia with good
results In every cabe." Thero Is nothing
so good. Dillon's drug store, South Omaha;
Myers-JJIllon Drug Co.. Omaha.
tti.N.N tniAi,rrn:s.
The young man who proposes marriage
by letter never knows what a lot of fun
ho misses.
Tho wedding of A. I'. Fryc, superin
tendent of Havana's public schools, on
next New Year's eve, will be made the
occasion forn fcto by tho people of Havana,
Tho engagement of Mlhs Bllrabeth Moore
Flagler to Dr. W. O. McKeen of Bailee k.
Capo Breton, is announced hy her mother.
Tho marriage will take place In June. Miss
Flngler Is a daughter of Brigadier (icneral
Daniel W. Flagter. at one tlmo chief of
ordnance of tho army.
An engagement which, though not for
mally announced. Is tacitly acknowledged
by both families Is that of Miss Vivian
Surtoris of Washington and Timothy
Nichols of New York City. Miss Sartorls
Is the elder daughter of Mrs. Nellie Oram
Sartorls nnd Is one of the belles of AVash
Ington Mr. Nichols r the son of Mr and
Mrs. William Oilman Nichols of New York
City nnd Is a popular young club man of
tho metropolis. The yojng people mot at
the International yacht races.
Fashionable Virginia Is puzzled by tho
family relations brought about by the mar.
rlugo of Mr. John Barbour urgaln unit Miss
Salllo Bell Yancey, which took place In
Richmond recently. Mr. Orgaln's brother,
l'aul Orgaln. wius married to Mrs. Yancey,
tho widow of ono of Richmond's merchants,
two years ugo. Therefore Mrs l'aul Or
guln. tho mother of tho bride. haH for her
sister by marrlago her own daughter, und
tho bridegroom Is tho brother of lis
mother-in-law. whllo his own brother oc
cupies the place of futlier-ln-law. Mrs,
l'aul Orgaln. who, tlu ugh slightly o.der
than tho futher of her husband, retnlns a
youthful nppearanco and Is regarded aa
one of tho hundsomeHt women of tho blonde
typo In Richmond, is not only the mother-in-law
of her brother, but bp marriage her
own daughter's sister und the sister of her
New Discovery By
The Misses Bell
A Trlnl Treatment FREE To Any
One Afflicted With llalr on Face,
Neck or Arms
We bsvo nt lat made the dlvrovcry
which has bullied chemlfts snd nil others
for centuries -thnt of nbtolutelr de-stror.
lng su perilous lislr,. root nnd lirnuch,
entirely nnd termnncntly, and thut too
without impairing In any way tbo flncft
or most MHisitlvu skin, U ii scnncly
posiblB to overtitRto tbo Importance of
thiJdlscovory. or tbo grtst food nnd est!"
faction It nlll bo to thoso ni!cted with
one of tho most disfiguring snd aggravat
ing blemishes- that of "rtluous hair on
tho faca of women, whether it Ihi a tnus.
tacbe or growth on the neck, checks or
Tho Mlsei Bell havo thoroughly tested
Its oiIlcHcy and nro dc,lrous thut the full
merits of their treatment to which tliey
havo iflven tho descriptive umne t f "KII.I.-AI.I-IIAlIt"
bhall bo known to nil nnilcted.
To this end h trial will bo sent frro of
rhariies, to any lady who will write for It.
Without n cent of tost you can see for
yourselves what tho discovery lj tho
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