Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1900, Page 15, Image 23

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From tho New York omccg of W. A,
Brudy, proiirlctor of tho so-called rural
flrnmn, " 'Way Down Kaat," comes tho fol
lowing communication written by nn Omaha
clergyman, with u re.jucst that It ho pub
lished In this column.
OMAHA. Dec. 4, 1000. W. A. Rrndy. enro
Con ton Thenter, Kansas City: Dear Sir
I nm Indebted to you for your kindness In
affording mo tho oiiortunfty of witnessing
your very Inten-Htlug 11 ml Instructive piny,
" Way Down Mast." Tho emphasis which
It lays on moral right and Justlcu should
bo very siiggcsllvo food for thought for tho
eorlnl world
That tho morals of what wo call tho so
clcty set aro not of tho highest order one
can seo without careful Investigation, but
that they aro beyond tho hopo of redemp
tion we do not believe.
If the lesson taught by your play could
bo learned and society would placo the
tnnn and woman on tho same moral plat
form and Judge them by the xnmo standard
nodal reform would be begun by this very
uct. Thanking you for your onerous treat
ment 1 am, yoiirH truly,
Tho critic of Tho Ilco gives tho above
letter ns much promlnenco ns possible for
two reasons; lit tho first place, ho Is al
ways glad to learn from those whoso btudlcs
havo catrled them beyond tho point to
which ho has been ablo to attain, and whoso
perspicacity exceeds hla own. It will prob
ably surprise even the author of tho plcco
In question to learn that It "lays emphasis
on moral right and Justice" and that It Is
"suggestive food for thought for the social
world," hut Inasmuch as such has been de
clared to bo the case by a competent au
thority thcro need bo no further doubt en
tertained on this point. Tho Information
that tho play contains a lesson other than
It is tho easiest thing In tho world to bilk
tho public out of Its money Is another sur
prise, hut this need not bo espectall)
dwelt upon.
In tho second plnco, tho critic of Tho Deo
Is glad to learn of tho existence of this let
ter because ho was consulted before tho
invitation to ntteud tho play was sent to
lis writer. Ho was shown a pans for two,
bearing tho reverend gentleman's name and
vns asked If, In his opinion, thu recipient
would "mako good" and glvo tho show tho
right kind of a sun doff. Ho declined to nil
swer tile question and told tho business
inniiKger that ho himself must run tho
chances. Evidently that astutu personage
tr.ndc no mistake.
It may seem llko obstinacy for ho critic
of Tho Hoo to reiterate tho opinion ho' ex
prctErd when tho bIiow was given Its first
performance an opinion which was con
curred In by every other critic In tho city,
as well as by tho regular patrons of Iloyd's
hut ho Is not yet Inclined to change tho
Judgment expressed at that time, that it Is
about tho worst thing In tho shapo of a
play that ho has ever seen upon a local
Tho past week has been tho most barren
1 of tho season ns far as theatrical attrac
tions nro concorned, and Malinger Uurgcss
is congratulating himself thnt such Is the
ease, It Is accepted ns a fact by nil theat
rical managers that tho week preceding
Christmas Is ono of the worst In tho whole
year for traveling companies, nnd that thoso
that hrenk even oti tho week nro particu
larly fortunate. Then, In most of tho cities,
nt Lnst, the shops nro open nt night and
tho thought of presents for loved ones, to
gether with tho necessary expenditure
which tho giving Involves, Is enough to
turn tho footsteps of tho patrons of tho
theater In directions other than thoso thnt
lend to Its doors. For tho present week
comedy will hold tho boards, and a Mood
of mirth befitting tho Christmas season Is
promised. ,
Mttlo Francis Kcpplcr, tho Omaha child
artist, has apparently graduated from vau
deville and It Is not llkly that this kind
of amusement will know her no longer. Slio
has been offered a very deslrnblo position
In a now extravaganza, which Is now In
rehearsal In Now York City, and will ac
cept. Karly In tho spring Bho will appear
ns "Puck" In n mngnlllcent revival of
"Midsummer Night's Drenm," which Is
now lu tho course of preparation In the
Itnbhl Joseph Krauskopf of Philadelphia
recently had an Interesting nnd npprottlnUvo
essay on tho theater, entitled, "Tho Stago
ns n Pulpit," In tho North American of that
city. Among other things ho said:
I am not a frequent vlfdtor at the theater.
The cause) that keeps nm from It, however,
Ih not that which generally keeps preach
ers from Hh doors. Ono of tho reasons is
that such busy fields us mlno havo been,
slneo In tho ministry, havo afforded mo but
few lelsuro evenings for tho enjoyment of
dramatic performances. Tim other mason
h that almost every time that I have wit
noHKeil a powerful nlav lllion tho stlluo I
havo been discouraged from coming again
by a considerable tee'lng of humiliation
caused, for tho most part, not by a recogni
tion of the hIiih of the stage, but by a con
sciousness of tho wenkness of the sermon
when compared with tho power of tho
drnma, and of the blindness of pulpiteers
in antagonizing one of the most helpful
allies of tho p.ilplt. One who loves his pro
fession as dearly as I love mine, one who
appreciates the moralizing and elevntlng
lntlujnccH of the pulpit as strongly as I
do, ono who sees ns llttlo of tho theater
and Its representatives ns 1 do. can cer
tainly not bo charged with a hatred of the
pulpit or with an undue love of Hie stago
when I say that there are times when, as a
mora'lzer, the preacher seems to mo but a
blunderer nlongaldo of tho actor, and the
nermnn but a faint echo of tho powerful
renllty of the drama; when, Instead of look
ing upon tho actor as of another nnd In
ferior profession. I feel llko taking him by
tho hnnd and calling him "Hrother
Preacher," "Hrother Toller In the Vineyard
"u'hetheMi'e would permit nio to address
him thus, or whether hi; would feel' himself
nt all honored by such an appellation Is
very questionable. Reason enough ho has
for loathing and hating tho o orgy. ho
has so degraded his profession as the
clergy? Who has so ruthless y persecuted
him us tho preacher? Who haR ho hopo
l" "sly exVomnv.mlcntod him as tho church?
Who has ho shrunk from his sight and
touch ns clergy-ridden communities?
I Iml tho actor 'been a tra tor ot countries
or a slaver of people, had he boon a walk
ing pestilence or the fiend Incarnate, ho
could not havo been mure loathed and
shunned, moro cruelly condemned hero nnd
liere after, than he and his profession havo
Loo.,. Imrrloir a few exceptional intervals,
from tho rlso of tho modern era,
and even
Tell your druggist that
you want Blatz,MaIt-Vivine.
If he hasn't it, send or tele
phone to us and we will
deliver it direct. But under
no circumstances accept a
substitute, as this extract
has no equal as a nerve and
stomach tonic and is a non
intoxicant. Val B 1 a t z
Brew. Co., Milwaukee. All
1412 Douglas HU Tol. 1081,
Jong before It At the very cradle of tho
bistrlonle nrt wo una its pursier bent upon
throttling It.
I havo strong suspicions that envy Is still
the cause of much of the church's persecu
tion of the stage. Tho stage Is moro popu
lar man tne puipii. ,nu ueservi-uiy so.
Compare the average puritanic church with
the uvernge legitimate theater, and you will
find eontrust enough, lho one repels; tho
other attract. The ono Is nscetle; tho
other Is aesthetic. Tho ono chills: the other
cheers. Tho one bores; tho other enter
tains. The one depresses, tho other recre
ates. The ono scolds; the other pleases.
Tho one surrounds Itself with a cemetery
atmosphere; the other delights the eye nnd
ear with beautiful scenes and strains, Tho
ono Is dogmatic unit dictatorial; the other
teaches without the prod or rod, and
prenches starch or choker, nnd cor
rects without threat or censure. Tho one
concerns Itself largely with the past and
with tho future; thu other deals Inrgely
with the present, shows present misery,
or present Joys, and, without mouthing or
moralizing, shows how misery may be
avoided or endured, how Joy may bo gained
or retained.
Take the best sermon nnd see how dull It
is alongside a good play. What Is a
Reedier alongside a llooth? What a Tal
innge alongside an Irvlng7 Words nro
never ns forcible as actions. Precepts are
never as powerful ns examples. 'I he en
acted sinks deeper Into the mind nnd henrt
and Is longer remembered than the heard
or read. I have heard it said that criminals
who wl!l listen unmoved to sermons which
depict and condemn their crime will trem
ble when their crime Is enacted before their
Co III I ll UT Uvelit".
Tho stneo of Hold's will bo occupied tho
first threo nights of this week, opening
with Sunday mntlnce nnd a special matineo
Christmas, by tho Irish comedians, Murray
and Mack. This year, it Is said, they havo
Burrounded themselves with a better com
pany than usual, nnd havo selected for n
vehlclo upon which to hang their mirth
mnklng a fnrco cnllcd "Shooting tho
Chutes." written by Georgo II. Kmorlck.
The play Is said to havo a plot and every
act Is filled with songs, dnnces nnd spc-
claltles. Among assistants to the Irish
comedians nro John McVeigh, Kitty Heck,
Ocorgo llctts, Kd Jolly, Tonnlo Deans and
Mona Carrlngton.
l-'or tho week nt tho Crclghton-Orpheum,
beginning with n matinee today, the man
agement has Bccurcd a bill made up of the
established favorites of tho vaudeville
stage. The comedy horizontal bar per
formers, Stclllug and Itcvell, aro tho latest
aspirants for honors In their lino of work.
Mary Wcntworth, PattI Ilosa and company,
ono of tho most picturesque organizations
In vaudeville, will bo seen for tho first
tlmo In Omaha In ono or moro of their
comedy sketches. James II. Culler, tho
singing comedian, will have something new
In tho topical line. Dick and Maud Gar-
ncllas will bo seen In their sketch entitled
"My Iltother Johnny," which is said to be
excruciatingly funny. Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Esmond will present tho comedy skit, "Illll
Toodle's Ileccptlon," during which Mrs.
Esmond will lntroduco some popular vocal
selections. J. v. Crosby, jr., nnu Inez i- ore
man, tho society sketch artists, will pre
sent a now comedy entitled "A Girl of
Qunllty." Animated pictures projected by
tho klnodroma completes tho offering. An
extra matlnco will bo given on Christmas
For tho Christmas week attraction Mana
ger Rosenthal has secured Phil Sheridan's
Ulg City Sports Hurlcsquo company, which
opens an engagement today, beginning with
the usual mntlnee. Tho performance opens
with a aklt named "From Hroadwuy to
Pckln," with Crlsslo Sheridan as the star,
and Is followed by nn olio of unusual merit,
Introducing some of tho best vaudeville
artists In tho country, nnmcly, tho Threo
Jossellns, Mark nnd Kitty Hart, Hrnndon
nnd Claro, Crnlg and Ardoll, MItty Mlley,
Sheridan nntMlenly, tho Magnollo Trio and
Mile. Funchettl In a sensational barefooted
dancing net. Tho evening's eutertnlnmont
concludes with n ludlcrouB nnd side
splitting hurlcsquo entitled "A Hot Night In
New York." Special features will bo Intro
duced Chrlstmns matlnco and evening.
A now comedy success will bo presented
nt Iloyd's thenter Friday and Saturday
nights nnd nt tho Saturday matinee. It Is
a comical story of domestic life, entitled
"Miss Hohbs," depicting tho family tiffs of
tho Klngscarls, a young couple but six
months married, and tho amusing Interfer
ence of "Miss Ilobbs," a badly trained now
woman and manhater, who, In tho end,
falls a victim to tho natural tendency to
emulate tho relations of tho vino nnd oak.
Tho story Is replete with Interesting and
delightfully amusing complications; Is told
In nn unconventional manner and its char
acters nro clearly nnd forcibly developed.
This piny comes hcrnlilcd iib ono of tho
coiredy successes of Now York nnd London.
It Is from tho pen of Jcromo K. Jerome,
tho English playwright, and while It re
sembles snmowhnt Shakespeare's "Taming
of tho Shrew," In theme, Its treatment nnd
development nro said to bo nlong wholly
original lines. Tho assurance that It Is
something now In comedy Is not tho least
ot tho merits that may bo promised for It.
In tho midst of n full week of comedy,
appropriate to tho merry Christmas holt
dny srnson, will come to Iloyd's theater
I)u Snuchot's great piny, "Tho Man from
Mexico," n comedy depicting tho humors
ot prison llfo. Georgo C. Honlfaco, Jr., ap
pears in ino iiuo roie, surrounded ny a
company which Includes (Jus Plxley, II. D.
llcckert, F. W. llernnrd, Hohort Deshon,
Will II. Veddcr. Arthur Vlllnrs, I). H. I.nn
don, D. . Slegrlst. Dorothy Armstrong,
Agnes Hurke. Adeline Mann nnd Illldreil
Klcth. Tho Imslo Idea of tho play Is that
of an ordlnnrlly correct nnd well-behaved
gcntlemnn being arrested for a trivial of-
fenso and pretending to his wlfo thnt ho la
going on n Journey to Mexico, when ho Is,
In fact, going to servo out n short sentence
In prison. It Is tho complications which
nrlso from this little domestic deception
Hint glvo rlso to the funny situations,
which this company Is credited with bring
ing nut to tlio very best ndvnntago. Mnn
of tho Bltuntions nro ridiculous m the ex
freme, especially In the recounting of prison
life nnd discipline. Them arc tho usual
Counterplots of delicious lovo nffnlrs, which
formlnato to tho eminent satisfaction of nil
concerned. Tho engagement Is for three
performances, beginning Wednesday night.
A matlnco will bo given Thursday.
(Jreen Itninii (ioxxln,
i.oiiir James una i iinrvu Kidder enn
tlnuo to havo ureal success In Wnuenhniu
and Kemners' costly revival of "A Mid
summer iigui m t.irenni.
Harry A. .Smith, for mnny years business
manager inr i.oiunii need, has Keen en
ragfd in a similar capacity for "My
1An .. .... ... T ..,. ...... ..
Hlnnehe WnNh. who Is stnrrlnir In "Mnm
Than tjueen, ' is one of the youngest Amer
ican siars. sno ce eiirnteil her 23th n i.
nay in uome. uaiy, in September.
Chauncey Olcott has comivosed the fnl
lowing snncs for tils new play: "Onrrett
O'Magli," "Ireland A-Orn-Mn-Chroo." "My
Sweet Queen." "Paddy's Cat" nnd "Tho
l.nss i i.ovo.
In Detroit. Cleveland nnd Toronto (ho
critics were unanimous In proclaiming tlio
acting of lllanche Walsh in ".Moro Than
Queen" to be far superior to that of Julia
Arthur in uio sanio piny.
Manager Augustus Pltou has purchased
several hundred acres of land In Florida.
where he proposes to spend n part of ench
winter. He has as uolnhbors Joseph Jeffer
son. Charles H. JelTorspn und Joseph
Thomas Jefferson, who Is successfully
stnrrlng In "1 tip Van Winkle." Is In New
YorK. wuero lie is restlng-for a week be
fore Christmas. Ho resumes his tour De
cember 2o, und will continue on tho road
until J tine.
Maude Odell has resigned ns lending
inuy wun ine imperial -i neater biock com
pnny, St. I.ouls. Sho will appear In
Chtcugu Christmas wceK, singing tho con'
tralto lead In "Hob Hoy," with tho Castle
Square Opera company.
Ono of tho conditions of Mm. Mod
Jeska'8 arrangement with Mnnnrers iv-
niihals and Kemper was that ho should
mako a tour ot the south, a teiiuoi, . u
has not covered In four years, ller trip
through this section will begin In the
middle of Jnnunry following her engage
ment In Cincinnati. Only the briefest visits
will be made to each city and only the
InrirpKt Inwna snlertert. Tho tour will, of
course, Include New Orleans and the
iirinclpal cities of Texas. The feature of
her repertoire will bo her much-talked of
revival of Shakespearo's tragedy, "King
f3ic2b iv3h tZitSa
So tomorrow will bo Christmas evet
And how It affects one, this advent of tho
Christmas season! Tho choristers will sing
their carols and the organists cause their
mighty Instruments to peal forth Jubilant
paeans of tho happiest music, and tho bells
will chlmo right merrily bceuuso of tho
birth of tho llttlo child who grow ud to
manhood nnd lived a llfo such as wo all
would llko to Hvo (but mako dismal failures
of, perhaps), and who was conspicuous for
ono fcaturo abovo all creeds, all churches,
all sects nnd denominations namely, a do
Elro to help people, to heal people, to en-
courago tho discouraged, to glvo faltli to
tho faltering, and to pardon tho penitents,
Today and tonight churches will teem with
pralecs of tho llttlo child who was called
Jesus Christ, nnd who was born In n mean
manger In Dethlehcm, lulled to sleep by
tho scrcnado of tho angels and guarded by
tho starry sentinels of heaven. Other
churches will colobrnto tho event on Tues
day, but whether the services aro antici
patory (as In tho first cose) or contempla
tive (as In tho latter case), tho result will
bo tho (atno to 111m. Churches aro on an
d'luallty at this time that'ls, thoso churches
whoso members bcllovo in Christ. The
Song of tho Angels will ring In all ears,
nnd It would seem that earth and heaven
must surely meet at Christmas time.
Tho following thoughts suggest them
I'm going to bed right early tonight,
i ii nso wun me morning sun,
I know that old Snntv
come to-
And drive his old sleigh o'er the roof to
And bring mo n sword und gun.
I never enn see him: I've found that out,
For no wnlts until I'm asleeii.
So I'll trust him to fill up my stocking
r cut
And give tne the things that I wnnt tonight,
as unoer mo quins in creep.
Christmas tlmo has como ngaln,
Hero I nm, quite Btrandcd,
Oh I If I could get a "ten"
I would then be landed.
Father's present, mother's too,
Sister's, yes, and brother's,
Cousins must bo kept In view,
uncies, minis nnu otiiersi
When I've peon tho storcsi well thronged
With excited cnllers,
Oft I've wished und oft I've longed
For unending doiinrs.
Hut. alas! I'm broko tonight.
(Pledgo me, you won't spread It.)
I will got my things all right,
uuy them an on credit.
Oft have I sat bcsldo her nnd have said.
"For thee alone my heart has rondiy
Hut Christmas means n gift for tho fair
'Twill tnko tho last "denarius" I've
What boots It, to Implore my lndy fair
That Bho should llvo with mo nnu bo my
When all I have Is atmospheric air,
And nil I bono for Is the sky nbovo.
Yet surely will I try my lovo to show.
Aim Hwcnr to ncr i m pierced wun vjupiu b
Then she will sco that which I trills' know,
Slio is tlio solo possessor or my ncnri.
On sentry duty out, alone,
Tho winter skies aro drear.
Ami not a single murmuring moan
Comes to my listening ear.
The stnrs nro lurking up above,
Ah thnnirli nfrnld tn shine.
Hut what of that? for lovo Is love.
And ono I know Is mine.
Tomorrow I may have to light
in haltlo time a snare,
Hut love will arm mo left nnd. right
And I can all things dare.
And If perchnnce I fall or fall,
My love will still bo true,
Anil men will say. "Ho no'er did quail;
Ho fought his battle tnrougn.
Oh. what a Chrlstmastido Is this!
So dark, so desolate!
The song of "peace the bullets hiss,
'Good-will, now turned to naie.
Oh! Christ nbove, If thou nro He
Who mnketli wnrs to cease,
book down upon this enrth nnd bo
A Iiethlenem stnr or pence.
And If I die on battlefield,
llv shrapnel, sword or gun.
Do Thou to my tried soul a Shield,
And say to me, -won uono.
I don't believe In Santa Claus,
I don t peitevo in gins. .
I don't believe In heavenly laws
Nor that a heaven exists.
I don't believe In telling lies
To please somo utile ioiks.
Our common sense most sure denies
The aiinioii cnristmnn nonx
Of Santa Claus and reindeer sleigh
And other stun iiko uini.
I don't believe what people say,
It much resemiues - ciiai.
Now, ss for all this Christmas cnoor,
It's nothing Dili a uream, .
Ono cannot o or be happy hero,
For sorrow is supreme.
1 don't believe that 1 m alive.
1 here is no i arisimas nay,
Hut Just December Twenty-live,
Thai H nil. an wny uu K" "
I don't believe in things mm were
Or things mai aro 10 ui-.
I don't believe in nny tiling
Savo one, nnu mai is inc.
Pin gradually going to
tho setting of tho
And I think my. "merry
Chrlstmases" nre
pretty nearly limn-,
Hut yet I'm not repining,
for my Journey
mis nt-en inir,
And storms havo always enneu wun a
minnow in inu mi.
Rnmetlmes I tlllllK. When I00K1I1R Oil mo
races illicit whii kii-u.
Perilous we'll all meet yonuer round our
i.-,., ...
l.'nf i it T H I II rift 1 II 111 rt liti i
WO tiro only vjmm t-n, mu" tnuuiuu,
nt'orv nnt ;
wo think our journey s enueu wuen u s mai ill-mill.
We. feel at t lines iiiscnurngcii nnu uown-
lw.nrifii anil inriurii.
Wo think that all our Burrows nro 100
.nitiriii in ne inline
Wo say our Father s liming irom our inais
and our worn.
Hut al' the tlmo lies waiciung us wun
,ittviimi lie Kiiuitsi.
All. mo! Just seo thoso eniiuren nanging
roind that Christmas treer
They arft full of hnppy joys and conscious
not. 01 cures i" u, ....
Hut when enres do come to try them nnd
tUlllCllOU milKe.i uii-iii Dim
They will hear the angeis singing none
For tho Btnry of the .Shepherds nnd the
1 1 1IM WHIM. Illltl llJ hlUlli
Miii?i niui inn uiiuii.
Of good will nnd loving Kindness, "peace
nn nriri i nnu men-v num.
Will be always with tin people, with tho
Children ot llie iwiiH.
And they'll lovo to tell ino story, "iiarK
tn iiern ,1 ahl-i- a nil k.
Hut 'tis twilight now linn sureiy i negiu
tn feel llie neneo
Of a iiulet winter ovcnlng when tho tons
nr iiuvuphi cease.
I can hoar the Joy Dells chiming; not ror
vnn hut lust for me.
Anfl I'll wait for vou up yonder, 'round
our Father a i nrisuuua iree.
A merry
Christmas to nil who bellevo
In It!
Copper lint 'I'll em llotli,
When 13. Hansen wns arrested on North
Htxiccuiu street inie i-ruiay i.ignt ny
I'airoimnn .iiunsiieiu mr iiimirueriv con
duct ills menu, jonn ionnors. uttumnte
to taie mm away irom ino nmcer. Then
thero was n short tlKlit. a nroken hend for
Connors nnd both were sent to Jail. Con
nors wns iiooxed ror interfering with and
resisting nn otilcer.
A l l
Can bring no happiness to you, your friends, or your family, but one of
Wittttian's genuine Talking Machines can, It will make for you and yours, the
most Merry Christmas and Happiest New Year you have ever enjoyed,
hat can you select that
What can there be on any shop counter so fascinating
Come in many eizes and at prices varying from 1.50 to $150
The Toy Graohoohone L0S.ror5cMiddrgnit
never fails to entertain,
little people aro quite at home with it, in every sense of tho
word. The winter is the season when rain and biiow and wind
bring to our minds tho thought that there is no placo like home,
and the brighter and more interesting the home is, tho better
for mankind.
The Talking Machine Is the most versatile of all devices for making home attractive, it has made its way faster
than all other mechanical entertainers added together. It has taken a permanent placo in the affections of all
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teaches the children the newest and brightest music. Nothing can be more interesting than to make records at home.
Tho words of tho children and tho songs of your friends aro well worth preserving.
Don't fail to get one of our little Booklets, "The Secret of Making n Phonograph Record," a most Interesting treatise on
the art, and valu ible even to those not poss sslnn machines, and lndispcnsiable for those owning machines FREE for the asking-
at our Emporium. RK.U1-.MHER, you arc under no obligations to spend one penny in visiting our Uutporiuiu. l-'UKK exhi
bition all day. Come when you like and stay as long as you like, U'c have thousands ot newest and latest records to select from.
1621 Farnam and
305 S. 17th St.
PHONE 1955.
Talking Machines Automobiles
Ante Room Echoes.
Last Tuesday ovenlne tho members of
tlio Ancient Order cf United Worktnon lodgoj
of tho city perfected arrangements for tlio
purchase or construction of a uullulne to
bo used ns a meeting plnco ny tlio various
1w1kcs of tlio order in Omaha.
Tho meotlnc was held In tho now Odd
Fellows' hall, with about 150 persons pres
ent. " Thoso present wcro nil stockholders
In tho entcrprlso, nnd articles of associa
tion wero adopted and a board of directors
elected. Tlio directors nro Lyman Scarl,
I-'rank M. HnmlinK. Kdward L. Uly, Ilyron
K. Knowlton, William A. Wyatt, Wllllnm
Wcnham, James W. llaldwln, Charles A.
Wagnor, Honry Ylugling, Charles A. Sher
wood, Peter Melchlors nml John C. Daublo.
Tho directors Immediately organized by
electing William A. Wyatt president and
Henry Tingling secretary. Tho articles of
association provldo for a capital stock of
$30,000, divided Into shares of $0 each, which
can bo held only by members of tho order.
Shares aro sold at par, 1 per shuro to
be paid at tho tlmo of subscription and CO
cents per shnro ench month thereafter until
the fnco vnluo has been paid, is further
provided that when a shareholder desires
to dlsposo of his Btock ho must first offer
it to tho association or to tlio lodge of
which ho Is a member. In tho by-laws ft
will bo provided that when a lodge desires
it can call upon Its members to sell Its
stock at par, tho Intention being to ulti
mately have tho building owned by tho
lodges of tho city nnd not by tho indi
vidual members. It Is furthor provided
that bulldlne shall not be commenced bo-
foro $-',500 has been received by tho treas
urer. Tho association has In contemplation tho
purchase of tho new Odd Fellows' hall, n
mortgago on which Is now being fore
closed in tho federal court.
Klkn (ilve Curd l'nrty.
Tho lodgo of IJllts In this city enter
tained at n proRreFslvo hlgh-flvo party In
their rooms In tho Wnro block on Tuesday
evening last. Tho spacious lodgo room was
filled with enrd tables, and extra tables
wore necessitated In the adjoining regular
card room of tho club. The women's prizes
wero won by Mrs. C. J. Frlco, Miss Casslo
Arnold and Mrs. Frank Cond, nnd tho men's
prizes wero awarded to .Mr. Kd Schneider,
Mr. Hobcrt Hayes nnd Mr. H. T. Ledwlch.
Tho entertnlnmcnt wns In chnrgo of tho
samo committee which so successfully con
ducted tho first part In November.
I.nilui-n In I'lirnKraiilm,
Monday night tho Scottish Hlto Mnsons
worked In tho fourteenth degree, advanc
ing llvo postulants through tho Lodgo of
With tho Initiation of thlrtv-llvo enn
dldates Thursday ovcnlng Oato City Tent.
K. O. T. M., will Decomo tlio largest tent
in tlio staiw.
Monday night tho consistory of tho Scot-
tlHh Hlto Masons will elect otllcerH anil nn
Friday night olllcors will bo elected by tho
Mystic Hiirino.
Tho AIVHtlo Slirlno reports that It e eared
over !' on its entertainment in behalf of
tho charity fund. M. 11. Collins will net
hh almoner for tlio society.
.Tnnunrv 7 hnH been llxeil as the tlmo for
linnuni ino joint insinuations or ino loilgos
of tlio Fraternal Fnlon of Umalia and
smith ninniia. .Mominmin 1011:1) will nn.
tcttaln the children of ItH members with a
Chrlstmns treo Mondny ovcnlng. A slmllnr
enteriainmeni ny nanner lougo Timrmlny
ovcnlng wns a pleasant affair. A Hebrew
lodgo or tins oruer -was organized Ttiurs
day nlcht.
Many nnvo lost conuoenco nnu nopo, ns
well as health, becauso they thought their
kidney disease was Incurable, Foloy's Kid
ney Curo Is a posltlvo euro for the dis
couraged and disconsolate. Tnko no other.
Dillon's drug storo, South Omaha; Myors
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha,
FIiiiIh l'oUonrit Cunily,
KVERETT. Wnali., Dec". Il.-An attempt
to poison nt least ono member of the family
of V. 11. Hell by meniiH of poisoned candy
has como 10 light, Mrs. Ilell discovered
In a reft Igerajor the cover of a largo nail,
partly lllled with chocolate drops, nlaceil
exactly where, sho wns in the habit of
leaving a luncheon for her 8-yenr-old son.
Tho candy contained I'nrls green nnd mer
cury, thero being enough In ono plcoo to
kill a man.
Money by
the Barrel
will be so surely acceptable for a
and is bo simple in operation
HILUMiiaiHI ru
A Merry Xmas. A Merry Show. A Merry Wish to All.
Comedy Horlzontnl Uar Artists. Tlio Latest Scnsntlon.
I'attl Rosa nnd Company. in "Toodlo's Reception."
Society Sketch Aartlsts. The Favorite Singing Comedian. I
In "My Hrother Johnny." All Now Pictures.
Prices never changing Evenings, reserved Bents, 25c nnd 50c. Gallery 10c.
Matinee, Wednesday, any part of house, 25c. Children, 10c. Onllery, 10c. Satur-
Iday and Sunday fow front rows reserved, 50c; bnlnnco of house, any pnrt, 20c.
Children, 10c.
A law In Ronton permits residents to keep
street musicians 3J feet from their houses.
Tho canllol nt Albany, which has already
cost In tlio neighborhood of $:0,(A()0. will
need nn Investment or nnnther Jj.uw to ro-.
pair tho ventilating contrivances.
Probably fiO.0iJO.00O pounds of turkoy nro
consumed every Christmas In tho united
States, which, at 10 cents n pound, would
represent n value of $3,000,000, Cranberries
como to at least $50n,0oo more, and It Is
Hiirel not an overestimate to supposo that
ju.uw.wu ininco pies womu como iu
Patrick McCabe, an old man, was tnltcn
to a Now York hospltnl In what appeared
tn bo a destitute condition. Ills wretched
rags wero exchanged for comfortnblo cloth
ing ami 1 11 (Mi tlio astonisneu nitcminiiiH
found that ho had a chest protector inailo
of $,7) bills, tho total amount suwed In
Bldo of his old Jlnnne.nlilrt being $950.
A publishing house in St. Puul has leased
a club Diniiiing ror us iju employes. 1110
dues nro 10 cents a month, entitling a mem
ber to all tho privileges of tho club. Re
freshments nro furnished at cost nnd
storngo for bicycles Is provided, Thero Is a
smoking room mid billiard room and a
gymnasium Is planned for tho basement.
That fccnato customs rarely changu Is
shown by the two old-fashioned snuff boxes
In that chamber. They aru as carefully
lllled today as In tho days when It was
tho fashion to "snuff." Few of the present
mumberH uso tho boxes, though occasionally
0110 of the oliler poutliern members will go
up, tuko 11 "pinch" and calmly await tho
Now stntlstlcH regarding the greatness of
ureaior .-now ion; navo jusi neon mauo
public, A student of municipal machinery
says It Is costing every man, woman and
child J-.';i.9J a year to keen thliius moving.
Tho pollen department nlono costs $:i.Cl per
citizen, wniio mo averago iicm per neaii is
$73.21. On thi' other hand, tho per capita
valuation 01 every resineni is i,iu.v(.
About a mllo south of tho Michigan state
lino and near Cedar lake, Indiana, Is a
small Hpot of land upon which vegetation
absolutely refuses to grow. Tlio surround
Ing soil, though apparently thu same. Is
very productive. The spot Is lens than
twenty feet In diameter and Is located lit a
and nu electric power engine la $C0 a mouth
for mo lormer niui .-( lor uie samo perion
for tho latter. These llgureH hhow a clear
until of t'Xi per month ami HOO per annum
In round llgureH for tho electric power
Tlio liandsomo hronzo tablet 12x5
which tho Htnto of Now Hampshire
presented to tho battleHhlp Alabama in
giving tho oltlcers a good ileal of trouble.
It wiib Intended to occupy u position on
tho exterior of tho forwurd turret, directly
under and between tho two llMncfi
guiiB, Figureheads having becomo obsolete,
that portion of a mnn-of-war Is UHed now
adays to receive tho phlp's escutcheon. Rut
tho workmen llnd It InipocHlblo to boro
holes In tho Ilarveylzed steel In order to
rivet It, nnd It may havo to occupy a leas
conspicuous position.
'I'M le of (In- Rutliliom Property.
CINCINNATI. Pee, IS -Counsel for
1 CountexB von Tlttenuerg (neo tiraco Camp
bell of Hamilton, O.) appeared In tho fed
ernl court hero todny nnd wcro granted
nnother week tn examluo tho tltlo of tho
Rnthbonn property ot Hamilton, for which
thnv hml bid Tho baroness it a
slstor of Mrs. 11, O. Rnthbone, wlfo of tho
I former director ot posts In Cuba.
Dl& u"f "' Duiicoijuu uompany , 11 K. licLLY . . .
dlans. 4 I Tl
Tho chlot engineer of tho Now Orlcann. .Mut. I'rleen llie, ailc. Front Sent JlOe I a
Ln.. tiro department haa figured out Mniit I'rli-.-H-iii,-, ao, Front I Make a apeclalty of
.v.. .v.i.' : : r.. v.i, " "". swim: if voi mici:. i
that tho
Woodward & Burgees
.Mgr.s. i ei, jurj.
Friday nnd Saturday,
December 28th and 20th.
Special Matineo Saturday.
The Great Comedy Success,
As Presented for 30 Weeks nt the
Lyceum Iheatre, New ork.
Introducing the following Well Known
waitkh iionnns
J. 11. IMT.MAN, JIl.
fillOltni: IIM KMAN
111:1,1,1: 2II,lli:itT
FvcnlnK Prices, 25c, fi()c, 75c, SI.00
Matinee, 25c, 50c, 75c.
2250. Miaco's Trocadero
Commencing Mntlnee Today llntlre Week
pun,. sin:itii)A.vs
run hit of tiii:
"Broadway to Peek-in"
''A Hot Time in a New York Hotel,"
HiiM-i'li Olloi
Aerial Artists.
Irish Comedian and Dancing Sotibrotte.
ii.k; ami arii:i,i
In a Novel Musical Act.
Illustrated Hongs.
Klectrlc Sparks.
Wonders of tho South,
Also tho biggest hit on any stago A Has.
ket Rail Contest by femnlo members of tho
company, i'ou must seo this to avoid being
ntrv kuatn i:ari,v.
Special features Introduced Chrlstraau
matinee and night.
I !v Rilii PHn.l. n..l n a. rx r w-u w r
202 S. Ilth and
142-145 S. 10th St.
Woodward & Burgess
Mgrs. Tel. 1919.
Xmas Attraction
5 Performances Commencing
Today 2-.H0
Amorica'H Favorite Comedians
In thoir Ilurricnno lilt of
musical comeily
Shooting the Chutes
By Goo. II. Kraorlck.
A whirlwind of puro wholesome laughter
"m T Mucin
rouiurusn c w -anta
Dnncos 1WTTFrolc
Dazzling chorus of boatity.includinR' tho
latost Europoun novelty, tho
Direct from tho Alhambra, London.
Evenlnn Prices, 25j 50c 75c $1.00
Sunday Matinee Prices. qSl ko.
Tuesday " 25c50c75c
Woodward & Buircss,
Managers. Tel. itil'j.
DEC. 26 and 27.
Special Barpain Matineo Thursday
25c and 50c."
Broadhurst Bros, present tho Tickllnff
Triumph of tho Times
Siiprotno buccoss of tho season.
Tlio ncknoivlodg-ed LAUGH TRUST,
with Goo, C. Bonifuco and u metropoli
tan oust.
Evening Prlcos, 25c 50c 75c 1.00
iM itinee Prices, 25c 50c
Correct Breathing,
Tone Building,
Ease in Singing.
Resident Studio:
Davidge Block, 1702 Farnam
Relieves KidnOV
5t Bladder:
troubles at once.
Cures in
m,f,m IKK