14 TUB OMATJA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1900. FASHIONS l'Olt T1IU NUW YliAH. Vur ntid l-'entliors, Clinrmliiu Wrnpej, Uutvns mill Hosiery. NCW YORK, Dec. 21. Cock plumes, though prlmo favorites of tho hour, havo no exclusive claim In the natter of decoration, for owl, gull dove, pralrlo fowl, i;utnca fowl, whlto goose, pigeon anil turkey feathers aro all pressed Into service. Two vory handsomo fowl and fur sets nro Illustrated this week. Ono Is built chiefly of gray fox nnd garnlehad with owl plumage. On tho left breast of tho capo's front a small owl's head la mounted 'AN ASTRAKHAN CAI'E TRIMMED WITH GULLS, and u duplicate of this handsomely orna 6nientH tho muff. Another splendid examplo of this huppy combination Is a white nstrukhnn wrap with gracefully mounted ruIIs on both muff nnd neck piece. Into tho ht'iids of theso fashionable birds gleaming Jewel eyes nro set nnd tho beaks aro often mado of gun metal, tipped with gold or silver. (lories of (lie l.otmn Clunk, Krom short and sweet neck comforters to long nnd clinging evening nnd empire pollsscs Is tho untuiul transition when discussing winter wraps. Verily tho glory of tho long coat Is moro genuine und dazz ling than over before and It Is a fact well known that many women who attend after noon entertainments rofuao to tako on their gorgeous circulars or velvet clonks at nit, since tho whole richness of their eoa tumcs lies In theso outer sheathlugs of chiffon, fur, spangles, laco and flowers. Two typically lino wraps nro sketched as n sort of substantiation of this assertion. Tho first, to which tho reader's attention Is directed, Is a rat gray panno earrlago coat, edged all about with nu Inch wldo band of Hudson Hav sable. Over tho shoulders turns a collar of gold tissue on which blnck silk gulpuro Is laid, and upon tho guipure weo black and silver spangles aro applied. In front, over tho bust only, Is this wrap fastened and two Jeweled buckles servo as latches. Tho underslceves aro of the thinnest, s; ftest cream whlto silk muslin frilled upon straight Inslilo cuffs of gold tissue nnd tho wrist bands nnd muff are of tho soft brown sable. In Intcstcstfng contrast Is tho Itojann opera ccat, cut from rich Ophelia red vclvot. Its broad nnd edging bands nro of ermine und It has numberless I'lcrrnt frills of sil ver chiffon, a now goods, by tho way, of which nny fulry queon might reasonably wish to havo u gown. Chiffon given both body nnd brlllinnco by tho insertion of a silver woof, Is tho nearest explanation that words can givo of Its quality and beauty. Hero let It bo said that never beforo has chiffon prevailed to tho extent notlTablo this season. It Is tho foundation not only for tho lnco gnwps, but of tho laco coats nnd evening enpes as woll. Coats thcro are indeed of solid lace Russian, ronnls sance, gulpuro, Malteso nnd Arabian that fall to tho heels, and nccordoou-plented chiffon Is tho solo outer nnd In terlining material for those. It forms ns well nil tho puffs nnd .fullness of tho dear llttln capes that hnvc hoirMer pieces and tall collars of gold thread stiffened laco that look so smart excopt merit. A OI'KI WU 1 for years is worthy to live. Hostetter'9 Stomach Bitters I STOMACH 1 strengthening tho stomach. All druggists and dealers Bell it. BWIlBam 01 m voiuo. IN THE DOMAIN Of WOMAN. and can be so readily put together at homo. Below tho shaped lace collarette, however, as an accompanying Illustration shows, an clghtoon-lnch ruche-edged Ilounco of chif fon must fall, showing, In Its cloud-llkn masses, tints of color that accord sympa thetically with tho panne or satin that underlies the lace incrustations of tho collar proper. Unique TflllR Arc Imperative. One can hardly call the long basque tnll an old familiar face nnd yet we have been intimately concerned with It before. Hardly ten years ago tho waist of every gown dis played a tall Hint n cavalry horso might envy and braided nnd buttoned ns gaily as ono sees them now. Only tho women who get their gowns from tho Huo do la Palx, before tho basting threads are taken out, nro displaying tnllod basques ns yet, but theso aro straws enough to show which way tho trade winds of fashion nro blowing. It Is tho very, very modish thing to wear a cloth skirt with a basquo of velvet of tho fame color ns the petticoats nnd with tha tails of that basquo cut spoon-shaped and falling to tho knees. It Is also equally smnrt to havo the back of the bnsquo cut In two short, uquaro tails and weighted with gold braid and gold buttons, Nono of tho tails are box-pleated or frilled in tho lrast anil whllo tho velvet wnlat and cloth skirt display great enter prise nnd Inspiration they are no more admirable than the contrary combination of a silk velours or English corduroy skirt with a wnlst of cloth. Artlstlo Inventions. Whllo the question of novelties is up wc may as woll mention painted chiffon and Jeweled slippers among tho Inventions of artistic minds. Tho dressing for dnlnty feet In tho evening grows every year more luxu rious, but a debutanto, who would rather danco than oat nnd who had a pair of ridic ulously small foet to bo shod for tho waltz, can expend $10 on each foot and yet not touch tho highest point of extravagance. Tho highest point Is reached with a pair of hoso mado sololy of chantllly or Spanish thread laco. Only tho toes and soles nnd heels nnd back upper halves of these stock ings nro mado of spun silk; all tho re mainder Is laco; pure costly black laco Is tho most delicate fern or trefoil pattern ar ranged In a design that contributes greatly to Hid slender aspect of foot and anklo. Upon tho foot that wear sUch hoso must be drawn a pair of very hlgh-heoled patent leather slippers, powdered at short In tervals with minute rhlnestones of tur quoise that nro set deep In tho leather, nnd nt the point where sntln or lnco bows would bo fnstened a smnll bow of rhino stones Is set In tho leather to twlnklo like dewdrops nt every motion of the foot. MAKY DEAN. CIIHISTM.VS STOCKIMiS. Wonderful Ilniiie-Mnde Souvenirs Heady to Uuiiif Hp. When Santa Claus slips down the chim ney on Christmas cvo he will probably stare with amazement and admiration at tho row of stockings swinging from the mantel shelf, for tho like of theso up-to-dato receptacles for presents ho probably has novcr Been before. Thoy nro nil made oy ono woman, irom whose factory, a boarding house hall bedroom, something llko 700 pair havo been turned out to meet tho holiday demand. It wouldn't bo safe to say Just how much money she cleared on her sales, but, at any rnto, her profits far exceeded hor expectations. Sometlmo In Into November sho made up a lot of this special unristmaa hosiery. Almost any materials that enme to hand were avail able, from bluo denim to brocaded satin, and, with .1 big pair of scissors and n sew lug machine sho was soon ablu to manu facture ns many as fifty a week. An ordinary stocking sufficed as n pat- torn, but she cut out theso special hose on a vory much lnrgcr scale; cut them In two pieces; made tho leg long and generous nnd then decorated them III a bewildering vnrloty of styles. Sho put on her blue nnd whlto and pink satin stockings tho most gorgoous gold braid clocks, nnd finished oft tho tops with elnstlc ribbon garters and daunting bows, run through coquettish gilt bucklos. Sho made cheerful looking rod calico stockings, big enough to hold every thing a boy's heart could wish nnd trimmed tho tops with wreaths of nrti flclnl holly, nnd on nearly all the stockings Intended for children she worked. In gll or whlto braid, a Christmas greeting. Homo or nor stockings wero ns big as pillow cases and their charm dwelt as much In their Inftntto variety of decoration ns in their roominess and rooderato price Hut she did not content herself with only making stockings for Santa ClauB to nil sho turned out at least n bnkor's dozen of protty silk nnd satin hoso to bo packod to tho brim with bonbons. For tho tops o theso sho made really exquisite gnrtcrs Into tho centers of nny ono of which costly brooch or buckle could bo fastened tho wholo to form a most acceptable Christ mns gift for n grownup. A few of her bonbannlercs had their satin Ili9teps smartly spangled. Tho foot of the gay bag was thrust Into a vory tiny high neoicu supper. Tho leg was stiffened to stand erect and lined with waxed nano and the costliest sugar plums in tho mar net wero used for the filling. Sho sold a nan nozen 01 tnese and had orders for twice as ninny more as she could fill; but tho production of pincushion nnd sachet stockings Interfered These last she cut out nnd sewed un her self, or bought a few pairs of stunning embroidered nnd open-worked French hose nnd stuffed them with violet-perfumed pink cotton, 'ino top or oncu stocking was fin Ishcd off with a protty doll's head and then tho most fnnclful clocks and instep deco rations were worked out In pins, of every longtn nnd color of pearl, bead or glai head, lly a ribbon loon In tho Btocklnc top this qunlnt cushion could be Rwung up beside a dressing tnblo to nil tho doub' olllco of use nnd beauty, whllo tho sachet wero usually made of gay golf hose ond filled entirely with tho bcBt English laven dcr. Finally sho mado tiny little souvenl stockings, to bo employed at Chrlstma dinner tnhles and on Christmas trecB. Som of them wero surprises on removing the Nothing Lasts The medicine which has lived is half a century old. It carries behind it a record o f absolute success. In all cases of stomach trouble, such as Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Nervousness, Liver and Kidney i rouble, it has cured invariably. It goes to tho roo of theso troubles, cleansing the blood and See that a Private Revenue Stamp coven tha top - garter n mlnlaturo Jack-in-the-box Santa Claus camo bouncing out. Others wero In tended for uo as stickpin cushions, others were plump with wee peppermint tablets and some wero stuffed with cotton to give the shapo nnd then decorated with minute holly or mistletoe sprays, whllo tho pur chaser could if he or hUo preferred secrete .Lt YEAR omo lnexpeuslvo trllto In tho depths of tho filling. A KKATIIltn (IF WO.MAX Sl FFlt ACII. 'olltlritl ViiKiiilex of St 11 ten Win-re It Hun Keen Kntnlillnlieu. Womnn suffrago was established In Colo rado In 1S93. Until this year thoro has been no accurate menus of separating the mnlo from tho female vote, says tho New- York Sun. This year In Arnpahoo county, which Includes tho city of Denver ami whl.-h casts moro than a qunrter of tho whole oto of the state, such a division was mado by the county clerk and ns a result of his computation It was shown that of tho total voto of Denver, which wan C5.000 on presi dent this year, 32,000 votes were cast by men nnd 23,000 by women. The percentage of women residents and presumably women voters is much less In tho mining districts of tho state of Colorado than In the capital city of Denver and a local estimate of tho CRAY FOX l'LUMAOE. GAUNISHED WITH OWL probable dlvlsiou of tho voto of Colorado makes It 70 per cent enst by mou nnd 30 ner cent cast by women. In this year's presidential contest Colo rado cast 122.CCO votes for Ilrynn and CI 000 for McKlnley nnd there doesn't 'nppeur to havo been nny serious dlvergcnco be tween tho percentage of women who voted for Drynn ns compared with tho number of men nnd of tho number of women who voted for MrKlnley ns compared with tho number of men. If anything, tho proportion of women voters for Ilrynn seems to havo been larger than the ratio for McKlnley and it Is a sotnowhat curious circumstance, for which sundry explanations are given, that tho stntcs which havo adopted woman suffrngo nro usually those which either by accident or design have been on tho wrong sldo of nubile questions. In 1S9G there wero threo states In which equal suffrage, without rt strict Ion ns to sex nrovnlled Colorado. Utah nnd Wyoming All three wero carried by Hryan against McKlnley, nnd by considerable majorities in tho case of Colorado and Utah. In the Drcsldentlal election of 16UC nn amendment was submitted to tho voters of Idaho so altering fho stnto constitution that, if adopted, women In Idaho would vote on eoual terms with mon therenftor. It was udontcd by a voto of nearly 2 to 1, 12,000 mnlo electors In favor nnd 0,000 malo elec torB opposed. Tho stnto election for governor of Idaho In 1S0S was held subject to tho nowly es tablished rulo ns to suffrngo nnd women voted for presidential electors on tho Bamo terms with men this year, but tho ex pected reversal of political sentiment In favor of tho progressive policies represented by tho republicans did not materialize. In 1890, with only malo voters participating Idaho cast 23,000 votes for Ilrynn. Thl3 yonr with women voting ns woll ns mon tho Ilrynn voto In Idaho wns 20.000, nn lu- creaso of 0,000, though In tho neighboring states of Washington, Oregon anil Mon tana the Hryan voto fell off. In Wyoming with woman sulfrago In forco this yoar ns four yenrs ngo, tho Hryan voto was substantially tho same ns In 1896. Idaho was tho only ono of tho western stntes of tho country In which tho nrynn vote wns Increased. Why states In which fomnln surtrago is established by lnw have usunlly been on the wrong sldo politically Is a debatable ques tlon. Tho advocates- of woman suffrngo say that tho western stntes which hnve thus far ndoptcd femalo suffrngo nro In the group of mining states, tho politics of which havo been transformed by tho con stdcrntlon of the sliver Issue, Dv tho mm ilr i) Jii liWff v 11 1 ,ipononts of woman suffrage It Is con .uded that tho failure of tho states where .,ual suflrago prevails to got upon the ight sldo of Important questions Is nn unereut effect of tho system itself, their .ucory being that tho practical effect of the extension of suffrago Is to Increase, to tho sitent of the number of votes cast by women, the normal majority for the domi nant political party. MOlllfsII MUFFS. Cxunlsltc HmulMiirnierH Carried to the Opera unit Theater. Tho fluffy muff of long-haired fur and the olaborately decorated chiffon, vclvot or birds' brent muff aro ftllnraer than ever MUFFS. thi!) season. Tho modish woman carries a muff with nil savo her dinner nnd dancing gowns, nnd If It is to tho opera or theater sho Is going her muff Is of pineapple or dlnmond-plcated silk muslin garnished with chenille or ostrich feather clipping and resplendent with n knot of really exquisite artificial flowers. Theso aro the mulfa that accord with tho laco und chiffon evening coats nnd it Is no unusual sight to see n woman sweep Into tho piny house carrying u muff of ash gray chiffon, from which n shower of bright flowers and gold-tlppcd ribbon ends drop nearly to the lloor. Such muffs do nlso nppcnr at the afternoon re ceptions, though n trllle more fnshinnnblc nro largo trumpet-shaped handwnrmcrs that glory In frills, but not In (lowers and dlngle-dnngle3. They nro strictly earrlago muffs with narrow waists and cuds During widely open, and it Is very obvious that they aru Invented to hnrmonizo with tho 1SC0 savor so visibly Influencing ull depart ments of dress. When sloping shoulders, iindorslceves and small waists wero es teemed big bcllmouthcd muffs prevailed nnd they aro now making theso In fur nnd cloth. A iloth muff, If It is properly shaped nnd trimmed, goes Just ns far toward es tablishing Its owner's reputation for care ful dressing nnd general elegance as docs a round linger comforter of sable, seal or broadtail. Tho cloth muff must, however, boast elnborato ornamentation. Its two ends should show wreaths of laco frills, and 011 tho exterior of Its shirred or puffed body n flashing high nrt buckle, through which Liberty ribbons nro drawn, must appear; or a handsomo knot of violet floworH be longs In this post of honor. When ribbons play an Important part In tho decorntlonB tholr ends aro tipped with gold ferrets. On tho street tho fur mull is naturally onough nt onco tho most elegant nnd uso- ful protector for tho hnnda. Tho most splendid effect In fur Is still secured by tho uso of tho ever rarer and costlier fox though nny cleverly dyed fox fur given this magic name answers almost ns well, and costs one-fourth tho price, of tho right rare nnd roynl reyunrd's coat. Tho proper fox muff is ample In girth with tho silken brush of the benst hanging from ono end, nnd his bend nnd fore paws depending from tho other. A lamb skin mult Is gracefully finished with clusters of flno black fox tails drooping from a hnndsomo Jeweled ornament In tho center of the capacious cosy sa-.ln lined fur cylinder. Some gor geous snhlo muffs display n cascade of $S0O or 900 worth of flno tnlls falling In an expensive fchowor to tho kness of the luxurious ownor. It Is n special fancy of many women this season to carry fluffy fox or Alaska sable or lynx muffs with their Persian lamb coats A HALL AND OI'EKA CAPE OF CHIFFON nnd tho most charming muff for Its vory moderate prlco Is mado of black silk and then roverod with countless looplngs of black silk choullle. From tho center ot this a mnss of chenille lengths drop their ends finished with loops or gilt ferrets, I'AVS TA.Yr.S I.Minil I'ltOTHST. Snn 1'rnnelNco Wiiiiuin WmiiIn the I'ul l'il ll-K- of ritlzenhlt. Hccnusu sho Is deprived by law of the right to voto Mrs. Ellen O. Sargent hn asked that tho taxes Fho 1ms bcon cnmpcllo to pay In years gono by bo refunded by tho Hoard ot Supervisors of Han Francisco Mrs. Sargent Is tho widow rl tho lato A. A Fr.rgent, former United States senator from California. Sho hns been a strong ndvocato of tho rights of woman and agitation nn tho privileges of voting has been her spe clalty. In her petition to tho Hoard of Supervisors regarding her assessment, which amounts to 1110.91, sho snyst "1 claim thnt tho whole of the nbovo as sessment Is void nnd I paid tho snmo under written protest to the tnx collector upon tho following grounds. First, thnt all po litical power Is inherent In tho people nnd that government is instituted for tho pro tection, security nnd benefit of the pen plo nnd thnt they havo tho right to niter or reform tho snmo whenever the public good may requlro It. Secondly, thnt In splto of the provision aforesaid I am de prived of the right of suffrage by renson of my sex, that the exercise of the right of suffrage is tho only mnnnor In which tho nbovo Inherent political power enn bo ex ercised nnd mado effective. Therefore, I petition that your honorable board mnko nn order directing the tnx collector to ro fund mo the above amount paid ns tnxes ns oforesald." Oeorgo C. Sargent, the ntlorncy In tho enso. Is tho son of Mrs. Sargent. Concern ing tho petition which has been filed he said: "Wo shall follow this with a test suit and aro prepared to enrry tho enso to tho supreme court of tho stnto. Ordinarily thcro can bo no repayment of taxes, but the lnw of Cnllfornla Is peculiarly fnvornblo to tho Interests of Justleo nnd provides thnt nny person deeming himself nggrloved mny pay tnxes under written protest, Btnt Ing his grounds, nnd thnt Bull may bo brought Vflthln six months and If the pro test bo sustained the taxes shnll bo repaid. Anothor nectlou of tho political code em powers boards of supervisors to return axes If wrongly collected nnd wc nno, therefore, presented this petition so ns, o Iofo no ,olnts. Tho ground wo shnll take in this suit Is thnt the stnto consti tution in limiting suffrngo to moles con flicts with another section of Its own, In which It dcclnrcs all powers inherent in tho people." FrllU of FiiMtilnn. Clocks nro to bo peon on most of tho fine stockings now. A tirettv Ittlo trnvoler'ii lnkstnntl nn.i n leather ease In tho shapo of u man a hat case. Vlolots nro still tho most popular flowers worn: they are tied with gold ribbon, the ends tlnlshcd with violet silk tassels. Colored veils dotted with chenille In a ver- mlrplll nnttnrn urn nnp of the winters fnnclcs, nnd brown to mntch tho hnlr, worn wnn a Drown gown, is riecuuij uul. Pretty thlnsn In tea cozies nro In conrso linen In stylish shndes. They nro heavily embroidered. Thero Is whlto upon yellow and upon gray nnd yellow upon different soft shades of blue. Tho now Inekotn. coats, redlneotes nnd costumes mado of rainproof suitings nro very stylish, Theso fabrics now Include whipcords, sorges, cheviots. Oxford tweeds, otc. In black nnd colors, both plain and nnciy mixeu. Tho Drcttlcst thing In nnmo cards for luncheons or dinners nre petals of flowers In tinted cardboard, crumpled exactly ns tho petals of genuine roses would bo. Ono of theso nt each pinto to ngroe with roses, which form tho tnblo decoration, is very pretty nnd dainty. Smnll snuare leather workboxes nro made with spccinl spools nnd In n small compass enrry a largo variety of silks nnd threada nnd nil tho Implements that a traveler who wns not going Into the dressmaking busi ness could need for 11 long visit, trip abroad or winter or summer vacation. Ilnnd-nalnted ovonlnir gowns of mousso- llno do Hole nro one of tim fads of fnshlon not altogether new, but u novel phnse of this sort or decoration wiuon may appeal A RAT QUAY PANNE CARRIAGE COAT EDGED WITH HUDSON HAY SAULE. to tho eccentric womnn comoa in n report from London. The puliitltiK, or a continua tion of It. In done nn the Intro Hhnulderfl after the kowii 1h put on, to extend tho sprays nn th bodice. CYrtnlnly th" crnzo ror novelty huh reaeneu h.n limit 111 iuihuuu fancy. liiinltlrR nf trnlil nlato. lewol-studd?d or In flllKroo eltectH; those of jet and Bold, medal lion nnd cameo centers, irnmcti in opu-.a: French hrllllnnts, enamul and rut Hteel, or rubloH, pearlH and other mock kohis can rnrtainlv ho maclci vers- effective 1IHO of KCt nmld soft folds of Bilk velvet, luce, chiffon, etc., on oieKntu winter nam. Lnppcd dress nklrta buttoned at tho top on eacn Blue 01 tint rroni. wmi teat or HtmiilatiMi liuttonholcH on tho Hllk-llned Hans, will do 11 leitiuro tn many 01 um nnrtni; walklnir costumes. Home of tlio ruMiiitiinirH aro mri'u iutusn wttit m.n uutim inatchlni; tlm Hlinnlo trlmmliiKH on the wntHtH and hIi'cvoh of cloth tailor coHtiimcx. A new development of laco decoration tnkrH thc form of whnt termed tho "nm- Dlro tubller." U Ih essentially for oveiilnw wmir. A leitcth or laco fa Is either from n low-cut bodleo or from the lower edpo of thn voko or a niuii-cui wntst. rjomoumen tlm laco ilrnpeH tb" wearer from yoko to uiriri mlvo: .ii'itln. the Incn folln over a nor- Hull of tlm nklrt and Ih parted nt tho book to u vo freedom to inn tr.iin. mosuion are somotlines initili! In the acn for the arms and under thn arms It Ih drawn very (tmoothly over thn Blove-llght prlncosse Blip of silk or satin. Tnllc About Women. Mrs. Annie flay of Oakland, Cnl., who lately filed suit for divorce, appeared an lmr nu-n nttnrripv and prepared the neces sary papers herself without tho assistance or a lawyer. This would ha'-e been Mary Anderson's "sllvor" year as an actress had sho re mained In netivo servlre In the profession. Her first appearance was made November 27. 1K75, In Louisville In tho churacter of Juliet. Miss Mnrunrot Hawley. eldest dniiKhter of tho Connecticut senator, Is au art stu dent. Sim won tho Corcoran Art school prize Inst sprint? and will shortly, in nil probability, no abroad to pursuit her HtlldlCH. Mrs. Hawley. wife of tho Connecticut sen ator, Is an enthusiastic cluliwninan. Hhe served two terms as president of the Washington club nnd Is prominently con nected with sovorul WnshlnKlon hospltuls and other charities. Mlm Alta Tlnckrfi ller. dauthter of John D Itorkefeller whose nnmo has lleureil In Into dispatches because nf her unfortunate deafness, Is. in spite of that trouble, nn expert musician and plnvs the piano, violin nnd Kiiltnr with euual skill. A bust of Louisa M Olcntt. tho sift and work of Frank Fdwln Klwell. the well known sculptor, has been unveiled at thf Cnlverslty of Kansas. Miss Olcntt. besldct being a writer nf popular tales. wnH most nctlvn aimlnst the Kansas-Nebraska bill Mr. dwell first studied art under Miss Olcott's sister at Concord, Mnss. "While we wero llvlnu In Knclund " writes the wlfo of thn Chlneso minister In tho Christmas number of Success, "1 was often surprised nt the wnya nf Knjillsh Blrls, but when I came hero I found thnt American irirls enloy a still Krealer free dom Perhaps It may have ftood res-llts In China itlrls are prevented from hnvlni? nny knowledge nf tho world until they aro married and for this reason they are al ways holuless and and thnroiiKlily de pendent. Kven after innrrlut-'o they learn hut little of real life unless they nro very poor anil are oblined to work hurd. Now American plrls stem always to bo able to tnko care of themselves. I am more and moro astonished everv day at the things American clrls aro ablo to do They sav thero Is hirdlv any profession which women tin not follow and that sometimes they nro mnrt successful than men. hen I wrlm thesri thlntrs to my friends In China the-, can hardly bcllcvi inc. 35 runnof Im II. lliouui ten 1 BEFORE DURING AFTER Malaria TRY Since. 18G3, Eudorscd by Medical Profession immediate lasting At J) mants Everywhere. We'll let you in on the ground floor m m There are advantages in being there with your oflicc, particu larly if you are in a lire-proof building like THE BEE BUILDING Wo havo two large ofllcos, ono facirg Farnam Street, thn other Ee.vcntcc.nth street. Iloth have largo burK'ar-prtxit vaults plenty of heat. Tho best Janitor service In tho clt) alwuyH. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents. Ground Floor, Bee Building. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER DR.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER. Hemovco Tan. rimplf. FrecklM, Moth ratcttra. ltuBli und fikln Jli fane, and every tilcmlth on beauty, and dtflea detec tion. It has atood the teat of U years, and la ao harmlcta we tail It to be eure It le properly made. Accept no counter feit or similar name. Dr. u. A. Saj-te aald to a la dy of the haul-ton (a patient): As you ladles will uso them, I recorn- mend UUU11AU1J H (JItHAM' us the icnat harmful of all tho Skin preparations," For sain by all Druggists nnd Fancy Good ucaiers 111 uiu u, a. attu curuiie. FEUU. T. IIOl'ICINS, l'rop'i-, S7 Great Jona Bt., N. T. (EGETABIE WMPBUND. In caeoe of catarrh, conMlpatlon. neuralcla and fe malo troubles this medlclno alwafa proTea eltectlre. It pitta thu f jUm Into potted condition. If you Buffer with nny of thoeeemtnruta try Is remedy. new ' ior inrutni lata tao uvar. In A I learned of tha cre.tt mcrltanf Dr. llurkbitrt'a Veeetablo Compound, Mrejstciii aa completely run down nnd I BiifTctfil with catarrh, cnnttlpiillon, lieu raltiln nnd female troubles. From the first doe I took, however, I brcsn to Im prove, ana inwanya 1 woe contpieteiy re stored to health. Mtuvaretliennt'tf, flnve. nliln. For (ale 1)7 all JrUKirlsfa. Tlitrty tlar treatment forKct Seventy days' traatment SOo: fill tnontht' treatment ft. 00. inrlai't' tnnl Irentmnitfrtt InTnhlet I'nrm-I'lnrwmit to Take. DIl. XV S. IllIltKHAltT, Cincinnati, Ohio. MUNYONS RHEUMATISM CURE When Prof. Munyon says his njieme Main Cure will euro rheumatism tlier Isn't any Kuer-owork about ft there Ian t any false statement about It. It simply rllren It ttnffK 1tlSt CXHCth Wtllt III) BaVi It will do. It cures more quickly tlmn people expect. It curcn without leaving any 111 effects. It Is a splendid stomach and nerve tonic, as well an u posltlv cure for rheumatism. ., , All tho Munyon remedies nre Just as re llabla. Any druKBlst o vial. Tho Oulta . rr.nlth la fren. nn la ntexllcnl ndvlce if you write to Uroadway and 20th St., Nw York, FIKST CI.AS3 I'UI.LnAN SLEHPURS .DAILY liBTWnn.N... OMAHA AND SAN FliANCISCO Without Change GREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE MOUNTAINS nnd SIIIKKA NHVAUA bv OayllKht In both directions? r"',AUA UlNINfl CAR SUKVICR THROUdll. Hcri'nr ijukary cars. Forfulllnformatlon, reservntlonsnnd Itlner Ct' "KO to CallfornlH" address City Ticket Office, 1333 Turnum it., Oiituho, Sirs. WliihMm'N HonllilriK Sjtiik. lias been u,cd for ovrr MI-TV Yl-JAltH by M1LI IONS nf MOTIIKIilt fnr tllt-lr CIIIL. uiii'i.N win 1,1-, ; i-ii-.riii,Mi, wnn I'i'JIt. J-' KCT Sl'UCHSM. IT SUUTIII:H the child. SOFTLNH the (Il'M.S, ALLAYH ell l'Al.N CUKKfS WIND COLIC, and 1.1 thn best renw edy for DIAItHI IOIJA. Until by DiukkIsIs In every rurt of tlm world lie sure and nsk for "Mrs, Whitlow h Hnothlim Hyruti," and tako no other kind. Twenty llvo ccnla u bottle, f. Disaotnfort and Dar.no n r&mMMj Whcrc Mother's 1-rlcnd" is not S! known or used. KT Comfort and Safoiy MmiMS$9Zy where the virtiu s of " Mother's ntz Friend " arc known. ga h UtheoneAtiiloiity liniment In the world that by outward m r-" nimllcatloii tolH clilldbltth of in terror. I very wom.-iti net menu vj .,....... . ..w.. at. World Famous Mariani Tonic FOR BODY AND BRAIN efficacious agreeable Rafmo Subxtiltties. m m m to A BEAUTEFUL COMPLEXION FR UK3C3 B It MB. A. RUPn-RT'S WORLD RE NOWNED FACE BLEACH AL MOST WITHOUT COST NO MATTER HOW HLEMISHED THE SKIN, FACE BLEACH WILL MAKE IT PERFECT if itdamn A. Ittippert sny s : "My race blench is not n ncrr, nntrlH remdy, but Inn txren used by tho best pcnplo for years, und for dlsbolvliiK nnd removing forever pimples, ficeklei, moth patches, bluokhcHds, eczema, tnn, sunburn, sAllownes.1, rottirhneKH or rodnoss of tho skin, and lor brlRlitenliiK r.nd beautifying the coinploilon ir. bus no ruunt. It Is absolutely harmless to the most delicate skin. Tho marvellous improvement after a fow applications is most apparent, for (bo skin Isiuomcs ns nuttirn intended It should be, smooth, cleur nnd white, freo fiom ovory Impurity and blemUh. It en 11 not fall, for Its notion In suuh ttutt It drnws the Impurities out of tho skin, nnd does not cover them up, nnd Is luvlslblodilrlnir lite. This is tho ouly thorough utid pcruiunont way, Durlnp this month, I trill offer to nil n trial bottlo or my world renowned Fare I)lcnoh,sulllclcnt toMiow that It. lsull thnt I claim for it, and nny reader or this can rend mo'-'Sconts In stamps or silver, nnd I will scud tho trial Imttlo, tteotirely packed In plain wrapper, scaled, nil charirea prepaid. My book'ITow lobe neaiitlfiil' trill bo mailed freo to all who will writo for II." rtADAHE A. RL'PPURT, 6 Hnst 1-Uh Street, New York flme. Ruppert's tlray Hair Renter etlve actually i-estnreit Krsyhnlr to it natural color. Can Ixt nnsl on any shade of hn r. and Is not 11 dye. and doe not dttcolor the skin nnr rub off lYrfeotly harmlcM nnd alwnyi irl r snllkfactlnn. Mnte. Ruppert's IVpllatnrv removet suiertlnntis lislr In five minute, ithoitt pnln; will not lujtn tho most delicate, skin. rtme. Rtipfx-rt's I'ej ptlan tlulm forroft. nliitr nnd heHlint, the face nnd hand nie. Rnppeit'a llalr Tonic poitlvelv rrnintosdaudruff. all cftl dlsep.'e. lei- falllnir hair, nnd in many cases reMoic hair Mute. Ruppett'a Almond Oil Completion 5uap, mndn of pure nlmnivl oil and m lclltr!itful fnr tint completion and war ranted not to chnp thn most dollratc sVIn All nf tbenlvivn fnllot preparations am IwnysVept In stock andean behndfioui our local okciiU III II. V , CO., Ilrtmulata, Omaha, m:ii. WINTER TODIHST HATES CnnniOl Toul'3 t" l'lnndn, Key uUuuldl ''Hl- t'ulm ,,,r1"m 1)1,1 r Mexico, tho Medllcrr.iiieun snd Orient. MHutim for the round trln t ninny points soiilh on unit Hist and third Tucsdu) each inoiilh, DofnO Tn 11,11 HprltiK. Ark. tin RdlUD inniotm Winter Heanrt o America, on snln every iIjj In I ho year. Tickets now on sale to ull llio winter ro sorts of tho south, Rood letunnnj- unti Juno 1st. I'joi. For raits, ilescrlptlo mat ler and pamphlets and all other Informutlot call it l O, & St. Louis Ticket Olllco. Ull l-'arnnm at., (1'iixlon Hotel llulldltij;.) 01 wrlto 1