THE OMAHA DAILY HER: SAT TH DAT", f ISCEMJJ lift 22, 1000. 0 - - CAUSES DEMOCRATS TO TALK Various Opinions Expressed of Ex-Preeident Cleveland's Letter. BRYAN'S FOLLOWERS DO NOT LIKE IT Men Fnrinrrlr .ctlvn In I'nrty I'olllli'n Kiiiliirxi- It i;ctirrnl Trniir, lull Moinn Think It In Itiili-flnllr. NEW YOHK, Doc. 21. Tho Hernld today publishes tho following comments on ex l'reililent Cleveland'!! statements In regard to tho democratic party: Illcbard Olney, secretary of etato In tho Cleveland administration: "I havo read an abstract of tho article, but I do not caro to discuss tho subject now. I would prefer to wait until 1 havo read tho article In its entirety beforo expressing nn opinion, If I havo any to express." J. Sterling Morton: "I fully ncqulcsco In tho opinions of Mr. Cleveland as to tho causes of tho defeat of the democratic party In 1S0S and nlso as to tho reasons for Its bltlngly accentuated and vehemently emphasized walloping in 1M0. Until nil tho heresies of Ilryntiarchy nr renounced by tho democracy It will remain n minority. I ohould profer n realignment of American voters tinder a now name, which Its opponents could tnunt with no past." Heprcsentatlvu Do Armond of Missouri: "I think tho former president Is correct In his conclusion that it Is not necessary for tho party to put Iteelf for reorganization purKises Into tn hands of nomo of thoso who deserted It. When ho Informs us at what time In Its history tho rank and fllo of tho democratic party were consulted moro fully than In 1890 nnd In 1900 wo shall know hotter how to estlmato his epitome of his own deliberations." Hilary II. Ilorbcrt, who was President Cleveland's secretary of tho navy: "I In florao tho nrtlcln heartily, oxceptlng Inso far os It may bo a criticism of tho net of tho democratic party In supporting Oroeloy on tho liberal republican platform of 1S72. If Mr. Cluvoland hod meant to sny that tho Oreeley movement was, taken nn a whole, unwise, I should put In my emphatic dis sent. Tho. times In 1S72 were abnormal. Tho southern dlntes wero In tho throes of jarpotbag misrule. For tho southern people It was a question of llfo or death. Tho noutli turned to Oreeley In Its dlstrrm nnd ho became, In fact, tho cnndldnto of tho southern, rathor than of tho northern democracy. Tho effect of thlB support wns tn open tho eyes of northern voters, nnd In tho 'next elections enma tho tldnl wnvo of JP74. "Still, Mr. Cleveland Is right In sny tng that tho rank nnd fllo of tho demo rrnts could not bo brought Into lino to support an old antagonist. Taken alto gether, thero Is no answering Mr. Clevo- Innd's arguments." John Do Witt Warner: "My Idea Is that democrats can best help tho party by taking every opportunity to work ngalnst tho re publican party. 1 ngroo with Mr. Cleve land that It Is not so much tho reorganiza tion of tho pnrty that Is necessary ns tho return to old principles, the first of which I bcllovo Is to make n decided stand on behalf of tho people against any fresh at tompt by tho syndlcnto that oxplolts Me Klnley to loot tho American people for Its boneflt." Edwnrd M. Shepard: "I will mcroly say that I wctcomo any utterance of Mr. Clove land's; It will do good, As to tho criticism that he has not sufficiently pointed out what steps should bo tnken by tho democrncy In tho direction of reorgnnlza tlon, I would sny I supposo Mr. Cleveland wishes to sit people -thinking right beforo they tako nctlon." Howard It. Ilayno: "Wo all reallzo tho facts as they havo been set forth by Mr. Cleveland, nnd many persons havo said substantially tho snrao thing before. I do not think that among democrats thero can be any difference of opinion ns to tho necessity for reorganization. Mr. Clevo- land'n reconciliation schemo nil gold demo crats will acqulesco In, but If I may bo permitted to crltlclso ccrtnln parts of his nrtlcle, I would say that they aro too gen eral tn bo of nny practical benefit In the reorganization of tho party." FINANCIAL PLANK TOO HEAVY Kllloft llniifortli Nnjx I'm- Silver Ile- fnited Dciiiofrm)- In (lie l.iint Tiv CiiiiiiiuIkiik. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Dec. 21. Klllott Danforth. ex-chntrmnn of tho New York democratic committee, called on Mnynr Thomas Taggart thU afternoon. Concerning politics, ho said: "I havo n great ndmlrntlon for Mr. Hryan, but I havo no hesitancy In stating that the flnanclnl plank of tho democratic platform was responalblo for tho defeat of the party both In 18116 nnd 1900. I hnrdly think it Is politic to continue a policy which has re suited In tho defeat of tho party twice In succession." Mr. Danforth, when asked about tho rumor to tho effect that Senator Jones would scon resign ns chnlrmnn of tho national demo emtio commltteo, said: "All I know Is what I have read In tho nowspapcrs." "If Sonalor Jones resigns who, In your opinion, will bo sclocted to tako his place?' "Mnyor Taggart of this city Is very prom IRRITABLE TEMPER is not always a sign of bad disposition lu man or woman, but of unstrung nerves duo to Kidney Trouble. Fain in Hack, Dizzinesa, Urine which smells, Deposits in tlio Urino, Night Sweats und Swollen Feet and Hands aro tho symptoms to watch for carefully. Thero is however, no need to suffer nor to causo unhappiness, ainiiitows KID-NE-OIDS will stop the disease and restore tho sufferer to health under $50 cash guar antee and tho solemn assurance of their originators, under oath. Mnilt.Y.SKA people cured by Klil-nr-oliti. In writing thrro please enclose stamped nudieueil envelope, J. II. Huclt, Painter. IBS I T it Lincoln It (I, Wood, ICS S. ilth st Lincoln Urs. A. S. PiiHcll. ISM II t Lincoln M. K. Nultlnif, CflriwnlM. Sitt S. I lib st I Inroln Mm. J. K, Kirk. l2 O t. Umiln 0. It OVs, Prop. Motion Hotel, Nebraska City Urs. John ,rwmn. S12 -llti Cnrso Nehrixka City 1. MM UthNL NVtimsUA C IV W. .'. Thurman, Hi Oor cuMili st.NVblitskrvWty rrcu reiinonsef. Din air. mi uti .rui It. I. .Small. IMoOhloot ('mails. ,W. It l'.IUnson,2:0 S. 10th t' Omaha Morrow's Kid-nc-olds are not pills, but Yellow Tablets and soli at fty cents a box at drug stores. JOHN MORROW & OO,, OPRINQFIBLD, O. Incntly mentioned all over the country for that position and In case Senator Jones re igns I do not believe tho chairmanship of the national comtnlttco could bo placed In better hands. It Is tho democrats of Oio cast who will support Mr. Taggers for the national chairmanship." JUDGE DEEMER IS WANTED (Continued from Eighth I'age.) their store when they wero notified by little Otto. Coroner Whltnall was called and held nn Inquest and decided that the child had aken her own life, using her own Jumping rope for tho purpose, No causo can bn given for tho act. Inez was a very bright nnd Intelligent child, rather quiet, but well beloved by nil her playmates nnd classmates. Her homo with her undo was exceptionally pleasant und comfortable and all pleasures aud comforts which money could buy or heart could wish wero Inv- shed on tho llttlo girl. Hcnco, her action Is more than usually unaccountable. Wedncsdcy evening about 6 o'clock Mrs. J. C. Urown, ono of the most prominent women of Malvern, dropped dead of heart Unease. She had Just returned from Olenwcod, whore she had been making some Christmas purchases, and her husband hKd ust driven her homo from tho depot when sho was tnken suddenly 111. Ho assisted her Into tho houso und sent for a doctor, but sho died In five minutes In great agony. Her funeral took ploco today from her beuuttfut homo In North Malvern. llriiiluuto lit Amen, AMES, la., Dec. Ill (Special.) At tho Iowa Stnto College of Agriculture and Mo? chnnlc Arts class day exercises wero held yesterday and commencement exercises last evening, President Ucardshear awarding de grees to forty-eight graduates, among whom wore four postgraduates. Tho retiring stu- lents wero addressed by Hon. W. D. Thompson, president of tho Ohio Stnto uni versity. This closes commencement week nt tho college and Is In fact the last exer cises of tho kind which will bo held at this time of tho year thero, tho collcgo coumps having been readjusted to conform with tho3o of tho high schools nnd other col leges of tho stnte, so that graduates may tiiKo their degreeu In Juno hereafter. Tho senior-Junior smoker was hold on Wednesday evening, when nn Immense pipe, which had been mado In tho shops, wns pre sented to tho Jutilots. When the Juniors become seniors they will present tho plpo to tho new Junior clnss. BEAT THE PROHIBITORY LAW Miliior Seller Avoid l.iienl Option by liifiirporiit In 11 n "Clubs" mill "AnituolllllOM." lMKItlti:, S. D., Dec. 21. (Special.) Ar ticles of Incorporation have been Mod for tho Coyoto I'leasuro club nt Canton, tho trustees being D. W. Dennett. T. II. Shan and K. Sanderson. This Is an Ingenious method of avoiding local option. A number of such clubs have incorporated within tho past few weeks, all coming from Cor.ton, whero liquor selling Is prohibited by local option. Tho clubs all come In under tho charter act of benevolent nnd chulrtablo as soclatlotiB und sccuro their charters under tho reduced fco for that purpose. After their Incorporation they aro used ns ro- sorts for tho sale of liquor and complaints nro oomlng to the secretary of stnto In ro gnrd to his Issuance of such charters. While tho complaints havo been sent In by Individuals tho omen Is powerless to tako any nctlon, ns all tho articles (lied nro In regular form nnd comply with tho require tnents of law nnd In such enso tho nctlon of tho ofllco Is purely clerical tp Issuo tho chariot1' bn tbo papers presented. Tho re lief of tho citizens who object must como through tho courts. Other articles filed wero for tho Stnto bank of Urandt, Deuel county, with a cap Itnl of Illi.OOu; Incorporators, J. G. Lund, J. C. Mulkham and II. V. Holem. l'or tho California Advanco Mining and Dovelopmont company nt I'lorre, with a cnpltul of $2,500,000; Incorporators, Anthony I'. Morris, Hiram U. Tarr and T. V. Kstcs, Kor the Hluo Grass Oil compnny nt Pierre, with a cupltnl of $500,000; Incorporators, Itobert Kolly, Hiram Knox, Wnltcr Fowler, II. C. Cooke, T. I. Kstcs nnd L. Tnylor, Kor the Consolidated Victoria Mining nnd Milling company nt Ilrooklngs, with n cap Ital of $1,000,000; Incorporators, II. E. Cover, 15. W. Sheets, Julius Simmons nnd others. For tho Golden Kaglo Oil company nt Pierre, with a capital of $500,000; Incor porutors, Dr. W. D. Clark, F. II. CroBby nnd G. V. PattlBon. Mil) IXrimm- Tim in veriinr. AIIKUDKKN, S. I)., Dec. 21. (Special.) Tho caso of Carl Dansllcld, Involving tho nrrest of Sheriff Axlell of Kllendalo ut Mllbank, S. I)., Is becoming much tnlkcd ubout, as It seems to threutcn to create trouble between tho governors of tho two Dnkotns. It Is told that Dansllcld stole property at Kllendalo, In Dickey county, North Dnkota, and lied ncross tho stato Hue to Mllbank, where ho was cnught and hold for his pursuer, Sheriff Axtell, who sought to tako li tin back homo before tho requisi tion pnpors, then on tho way to Governor Lee, had been received. Governor Leo llatly declined to sign tho papors and Ax tell was tried nnd fined $10 nnd costH for Illegal arrest. Ilansfleld also Is bringing action ngalnst tho sheriff for falBO lmprls nnmont. Governor Leo has requisition papers out for n man in North Dnkota, but It Is thought that Governor Devlno will refuse to honor thorn unless Dansllcld 1b returned to Kllendalo under urrrst. Ilnnril Itet'oiiinieiiilN I'liriloim, PIKHHK, S. I)., Doc. 21. (Special Tele gram.) Tho Stnte Hoard of Pardons today roeommended pardons for Fred HurJIug nnd John Smith, sentenced from Ilrooklngs county on a grand Inrceny charge; for Clnronco Allen, sentenced from Sanborn county for grand larceny, and for II. N King, sentenced from Spink county for manslaughter. ComitloN 'In I.' e School 1'iinil, PIKHKK, S. 1)., Dec. 21. tSpeelal.) Within tho lust few days there havo been cnlls for $11,600 of tho pormanent school fund. Of this Clark county took 43.000; .Marshal county, $3,000; Hrule county, $2,000; Kingsbury county, $2,000; MePherson county, $1,000; Miner county, $100, nnd Deuel county, $200. Nmv Clerk of t lit Court, PIKHHK. S. D., Dec. 21. (Special Tele- gram.) Miss Jessie Fuller resigned hor position ns clerk of tho supremo court, to tako offect March 1, nnd Frank Crane of Watertown, chairman of tho republlcnn state central committee. Ins been appointed to tho place. Keep tho bowels active If you would pro servo your health. A doso of Prickly Ash Hitters uow and then does this to per fection. Till'. HIJ.VI.TV M.sllKKT. INSTHl'.MKNTS tiled for record Friday December 21. U00: Wnrrnnt)- DeeiU. K. S. Westbrook to J. H. Illnnrhnrd. lot 22. block 2. Iliinscom Place J1.S0O 1;. i. jouen mm wire 10 i ,, .Met oy, lots hi und 17. block 2. Halcyon Heights 3S0 u. v. iienry 11 ml wirn to w. It, An thony. w lot 21, block 2.1, Spring Val ley' udd 750 s. I-;, iiurniinm to nertlin Peterson. lots 1 to I, block 5, Hurnham Plnce.. &0 l.ester faiterson to it. K. LlnU and wife, eU lot L A, II, Sunders" ndd.,.. 400 J 11. KtltennrinK and wife tn Matt e Klewlt, lot 9, block 26, South Omaha,. 2,noo Total amount of transfers ,I5,tQ SSouth OmalmNews". Ij I'rom now on until after January 1 tho Ity treasurer and his deputy will be kept busy making up tax statements, receiving taxes and giving receipts. All city taxes bee c mo delinquent on January 1 nnd from that time on Interest Is charged nt tho rate of 1 per cent n mouth. Very few, If any, tho big corporations puy their taxes until tho latter pnrt of December and tho railroads also pay during tho latter part of tho present month. So far only two rail roads havo paid, tho Hock Island nnd tho Uurllngton. Next week It Is expected th:it II of the pncklng houses nnd the South Omaha Land company will send cheeks tu tho city trensurer for this year's tuxes. ust now tho recolpts at tho treasurer's oOlco amount to about $1,500 u day, but next week this amount will bo moro than doubled, When this money Is paid Into tho treas ury Mr. Koutsky will Issue a call for war rants us soon us hu can flguro up tho bal- nccs In the funds. A great, ninny people put off paying their tnxes until tho last moment, but n great majority nmnago to get In beforo tho close of tho year In order to snvo Interest, which Is charged when taxes are delinquent. The last statement Issued by tho city clerk shows that tho funds aro nearly de pleted, but tho payment of tuxes at this lmo will allow tho treasurer to call In a largo number of outstanding warrants and thus put n stop to tho payment of Interest on these outstanding warrants. lli'Bij lima lt-f'lii. The olllclul records at tho stock yards show that thero has been n notable ln creaso lu receipts of live stock from cast of the Missouri river within tho Inst week or two. This Is especially true ns to hogs, tho Iowa shipments constituting about one- third of tho total receipts dally. It Is tftutcd that tho reason tor these recent heavy shipments of hogs Is tho high prlco paid hero by tho packers. Chicago formerly got tho bulk of tho hogs raised In lown, but of Into moro equitable railroad rates have been mado and these, with the good prices paid, cause the shippers to send tholr stock to this market Instead of to Chlcngo. It la stated that nt tho present prices Iowa shippers can snvo money lu freight charges nnd shrlnkugo by sending their hogs here. Work nf II11111I M no hi lie. Street Commissioner Clark says that ho has laid tho road machine up for tho win- or. This mnchlno was purchased slncu layor Kelly was Inducted Into ollleo nnd, according to Commissioner Clark, It has moro than paid for Itself. A great deal moro work can bo done with tho machine than by tho old system nnd tho grading when completed Is much more satisfactory. n addition to tho better work the ma chine saves n great deal of labor und docs tho work of several teams lu much less time. litiliro vriii-iilN In ItorNi- llnrn, A new brtek (lnnr In lmtnc f n 1,1 In Vm horso nnd inulo burn nt tho stock yards. When this work Is completed tho bnrn will bo ono of tho best of Its slzo nt nny stock market. Owing to tho largo Increnso In the horse business ltnrn th ninnnenmpnt of tho Stock Ynrds comnanv iirotinRpq tn erect an addition to tho present big barn witnin n very snort time. .Mnitie City Cii-mlii. Mrs. K. A Chafn. Is rennrt,.,t in ho erl. ously 111. Hose enrt No. 1 Is nt Meudlmlier'H iiiutr. going repairs. Chief of Police Mitchell spent yesterday In Plnttsmouth. Mrs. Georiro MoHrlde. Nineteenth .-mil M streets, Is seriously II!. J. II. WatklnH und wife arc irntni? In Clin. tun, lu., to spend Chrlntmun. J. J. Muher bus mine tn llammnml. lml to visit ro!ntlves for a few days. .Mr. and Mrs. K. Munnhuw are l-oIiut to Klgln, III., to spend tho holidays. Mrs. Corn A. Ktnlil of Chleaeo Is hern tn upeiui mo iioiiuuyH with relatives, Tho banks, city offices nnd thn stm-lr yards will bo closed nil day on Christmas. May Carlln left Inst nlKht for Minne apolis, where she will spend the holldnys. Mrs. Ida A. f'ifton hns conn tn Chtenirn. where she will remain for several months. Mattlo Dnlley. colored, wns lined 15 hv Judge King yesterday for disturbing the peace. A sidewalk Is being laid on thn enst side of Thirty-second street, between L nnd K Btreets. Oscar nrown of tho Cudahv comnanv has gono to Kansas City to look uftcr business mailers. James McGulrk. who Is employed nt tho Cudahv houso lu Kansas City, Is homo for uio nouanys. Maruaret Halcv has sued tho cltv for $1,0"0 damages on account of tho grading of S street nt rsineteentli street. Tho Htreel commissioner Is luvlnir n side walk on the west sldo of Twentv-thlnl sireei, oeiween w nnu tj streets. Tho Younir Men'M Christian association nntertnlnnient ut thp Presbyterian church last night wns n very pleasant uffnlr. Miss Florence Smith bus returned from Peru, whero she is attend tic tho Htntu Nor mnl school. She will spend Christmas week with her parents, .Mr. und mth, l-Ted .M Smith. C erk Shrlclev Is dlsnnnnlnted hecnusn hp received only 11 very few bids for supplies which ho hud ndvertlsed for. It Is stated that the city's llnnuclul condition prevented dealers irom tunning. I'nr a Cold In the Henil, LAXATIVE I1UOMO-QUININK TAHLKTS PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. C. F. Way of Lincoln Is at the Her Grand. Joseph Zovodsky of Pluttsmouth Is ut the .Milium. H. K. Valentine of West Point la nt tho Her urnnd. Isaac Shepherd of Illverton was nt tho Murrny Friday. Mrs, O. M. Mulllns of Pnpilllnn registered Friday at tne .M.irrny. Colonel C J. Dills of Fairbury. Neb.. U registered at tne .Milium. J. M. Cunningham, the agent fo- n Now York woollen factory, is at the Millard Grant Slmnson. u prominent merchant Sioux Fnlls, S. I)., Is registered- nt iho Mlllnrd. William Johnson, representative nf tho Schlltz Interests In Milwaukee, Is ut tho Her urnnd. City Trensurer A. II. Hennlngs. Mrs Ilcuulngs nnd daughter, Miss Kttn, left yesterday for Loa Angeles, ( nl. Itev. H, F. Trefz nnd Mrs. Fltzhugh Lee returned yesterday from Knribas t'lt General Lee went to St. Louis nnd will not return to umalia for severui nays. Leo Cleary. n student of Notro Dntno university, visited Omaliu friends Frlduv while enroute to his home at (Srutid Islund to spend the holidays. William Olmsteod of Guernsey, wyo., Is nt the Merchants tiuvlnc merchand se for n syndlcnto which has recently been orga nized in me new Wyoming country. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Megeath of Hock Springs, who have been visiting for n few weeks with Mr. nnd Mrs. Mel Hoerncr, have returned home. They will spend Christmas with sons who uvo in cities in tno west. George L. Krhard nnd Phil Ryan, two t the well known commercial men who travel out of Omaha, nro In the city from their headquarters at Denver for a brief ili They aro enroute to Chicago to spend tho t nrisimas uoiiunys. Nebrnaknns at the Merchants: f!. W Hnrnulns und M J. Wilcox of (Hand Island Mrs. W. M. Ilusonetter of Llnwood. Ilunrv Perrlne of Wlsner. G. K. .Hummers of (enevn. w. 1 . Ar or ucnniugluu uiul jolin M. wciuing of Hooper. P. Dlnnd, cigar salesman repreientlnn tho Moos company of OiIcuko. Is nt the Mlllurd. "No mutter what the census report inny ;iny about this city," said Mr. Dlnnd, "I re.illzo 11 to no one or tne nei points in my territory Mv sales hero are Indicative it local nrobtierltv. und I feel certain that my houso will nmko Omaha ono of Its main uistrinuiing points. Frnnk MncDonnRli of Chicago, passenger ngent of tho Florliln Knst Coast rullwny, Is In Omaha, preachln tho charms of Florida as a summer resort in winter. .Mr. .Mac Donngh Is nn Omaha boy, son nf "Llttlo Mac, one or me pioneer newspnper men 01 the west and nubllsher of the Watchman now the Omaha Mercury. Frnnk grow up ntnnng the newspaper men of Omaha, went to Chicago with tho family six yenrs ago, and switched from tho newspaper offices to railroading, Omaha weniiiUiitunces gave nii a coraiai welcome. CENTRAL LABOR UNION MEETS Aiiilllnrliiiii I'riijei't I'resenteil mill it MlKH''Hllini for Stiliiorlpllnn Acted nil by Die .Mellllier-i. At tho meeting of tho Central Lnbor union last night W. W. I'msted of the Omaha Auditorium company was present nnd uddrcsscd the union upon tho subject of tho now enterprise. Tho company had ppcalcd to tho union tu usslst lu raising funds aud the union had replied with n request that none but union labor bo em ployed upon tho work. Mr. I'msted stated that $103,000 had been ub8crlbed nnd that, tho shares being $1 nch, every person could havo a share In tho enterprise. Ho wanted to answer ques tions und suggested that each union take tho matter up with n committee empowered to solicit shares, as tho enterprise cannot bo made n bucccss without the co-opcrn-tlon of tho wage-earners. Ho stated that It had been decided that tho building should not bo located cast of Thirteenth, west of Klghteenth, nor more than two blocks from Furnam or Douglas streets. Mr. umstcd paid there ts no doubt that tho board of directors will provide that union labor only should bo employed. George KlelTncr moved that the Central Labor union endorse the Auditorium project nnd request tho delegates of tho allied unions to solicit stock subscriptions among the members of their several unions. J. Kerrigan knocked the motion out on a point of order until It was amended so t lint thu endorsement will not be effective until ho board of directors of tho Auditorium ompnny pledges Itself to Insert n clniuo n nil contracts specifying that nothing but union labor shnll bo employed In the construction of tho building nnd that all supplies be purchased from linns cousld- red fnlr by organized labor. The steum engineers' union reported n new scale, effective January 1, by which ho minimum wages of men employed on single drum hoist engines will be 30 cents per hour und engineer!) on double drum engines nnd pile drivers will receive 35 cents per hour. Tho new scale was en dorsed. It. G. Davis of Council Illuffs, nppolntcd fraternal delegate from tho Trudes and Lnbor assembly, filed his credentials tuid tho credentials of J. C. Terry, (I. IJ. ltus- sell nnd W. J. Wales of the electrlcnl workers wero laid over until January, u.i wero thoso of J. K. Kyan, L. V. Guyo nnd II. G. Hatimnn from tho barbers. George Kleffner, delegate to tho Amer ican Federation of Labor, filed n report from the twentieth annual session of the fcderntlon. A report from the delcgntcs to tho Lin coln meeting, called by Sid J. Kent, was passed until u special meeting. John Pollnn's appointment as fraternal lelegato to South Omaha was confirmed by tho union. The organization committee reported that next Sundny tho dancu prompters would organize n union. Tho secretary was Instructed to request he ofilcers of the American Federation of Lnbor to cancel nil credentials now granted to residents of Omaha. C. K. Wntson tendered Ills resignation ns Rccretnry-trensurcr and action on tho matter was deferred until the books nro audited. Work nn Ilor 1 1 n 1 1 l 1 ti u". Tho members of tho llulldlug Trades council havo resumed work on tho new Her building, despite tho fact that tho electric wiring In tho building was dono by tho Now Omaha Thomson-Houston Klec trle Light compnny, which Is employing nonunion electricians. Tho electricians' unlon mado n strong effort to keep tho light out of tho work, but that company had a eon liact ivlth Mr. Her, wiileh- was Ironclad nnd which It thrcatoncd td onforco In the courts. Tho Hymn-Hammer Dry Goods company, which hns n leftso on the new building, nttemptcd to sccuro tho work for union men without success and before tho matter wns finally ndjuutcd tho nrehltect nnd owner promised that In futuro eacn contract for construction nnd repefrs would specify that the electrical work bhould not bo dono by tho lighting company. Ilntifp Tonlirlit. Washington hall. 18th and Harney streets. Jolly Eight's lively hall this ovenlng. Clark's union orchestra. A grand good tlmo for you. Yes, gents 25c. AVelcotne. LOCAL BREVITIES. Diphtheria Is under uunrantlne ut 2i29 South Fifteenth street Tho llourd of Klre and I'ollee t'ornmlssl in. crs will not meet Monday night IV O. Anderson has been grantetl a build ing permit for an i0O cottage to lie erected nt Twenty-fourth and Kim streets Antono Scalzo, an cmpluye of the Itunr-I of Public Works, who Is sick ut St J -seph'a hospital with typhoid fever. Is re ported to bo some better. Thu olllclul report of the destruction of mall ut tho wreck of the Uurllngton fast mail estttnutes the unrulier of snckx !. stroyed nt l,f00, only 1W! sacks being saved. The report stutes that these sacks con tained papers nnd packages for Omaha, tho stato of Nebraska and tho stutes west of It. Tho exact amount cannot bo determined. Judgu Kstollo has Issued u. writ of habeas corpus commanding H. It. Wober, superin tendent of the Olrls' Industrial school ut (ienevn, to bring Into court Lizzie Kurd, nn ls-year-old girl, sent to tho Institution from this clt) two years ago. The supreme court recently declared unconstitutional a statute providing that girls 18 years old or younger can bo confined In Institutions of this kind. Tho only law now In forco hns an ago limit or Hi years, so inai legnuy tne young woman Is wrongfully detained. The hear ing on tho nppllcatlon will bo on December 21. If the man docs not stop the cough the cotiKh stops the man; stops his an petite, his sleep, his pleasure and lna work. So called "cough remedies" sometimes relieve but they don't go deep enough to cure. Dr. I'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures coughs nnd diseases of the respiratory organs per fectly nnd permanently. It stops the cough. It heals the lungs, Mops the hemorrhage, if the lungs are bleeding, and hy purifying the blood and increas ing the nctlon of the blood -making glands enriches every organ with the good blood which alone will make a good body. "Sly husband had been coughing for years and toplc frankly told wc that he would go into consumption." writes Mrs. John Shiremau, of No. :6j 35th Place, Chicago. III. " He had such terrible cotighlns spells, we not only grew much alarmed, but looked for the burMlng of a blood visscl or a hemorrhage nt nlmot nuy time. After three days' coughing he was too weak to cross the room. The doctor did him no rood, I htateil the case to a druggist, who handed me a bottle of I)r Pierce's Golden Medical Uiscov. ery. My husband's recovery was remarkable In three day after he brcrm using Ur. I'ierce's Golden Medical Movcry lie was up aud Mound, and lu two more days lie went to work, Two bottles cured him." Dr, I'ierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bili ousness. They produce permanent bene fit and do not re-act on the system. One is a gentle laxative, two u cathartic dose. Toys Prices on toys nro lower hor withstiuuliiiu; all tho newspaper yon boon able to timl the assort injx is too new for ns in toys and made at our toy depart inent by TIIH ASSOimiiONT IS YHT (' Mechanical Toys Man on bicycle, rubber lire wheels, you wind It up nnd It docs the rest, nt is cents Tandem, mechnnlcnl, bicycle rubber tires, CS cents. Mechanical Toys tho bucking donkey with clown nnd chariot, fS cents. Largo mechanical Alligator, 2.r, rcnu. Tops of every description from 5 to 3.' cents, Dolls of Every Description Haby Dolls. Soldier Dolls, Clown Dolls, Chinamen Dolls, Plcknnlntiey Dolls, Kid Dolls, Dressed Dolls and Utidresir.1 Dolls 10 cents up to $0.00. Dishes In granite ware, IS cents up. Pcwtet ut 25c, 50c and $1.00 for tho large sets. Dishes at !)c. 1'ic, up to G."c ami 9Sc for tho extreme tluo sets. Books Hooks for children of ail ages from the picture books, largo pictures, highly colored for tho llttlo ones nt &c, up to the large mammoth story books. Hohlnton Crusoe, nil about anlninls, etc., for the larger ones up to SO cents each. Store Open Evenings Until Christmas. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. 1414-1416-1418 Douglas Street. S6.00 A BflOMTH, In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omaha. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE ured. Method new, never falls, without cutting, palu or loss of time. 55 Y P H I L IJSeured for 11 found thopolsot the system Soon every sign and symptom disappear completely and forever No "HIIBAUINO OUT" ot tl:dlsease on the skin or Traatuient contains un dangerous drugsor Injurious medicines. WEAK MEN rORS t"' Manhood from t-. ocviiai i vr censes or Victims to Ni.uvoud otKUALL Y nimiMTV or KxitAi'srioN, Wastino Weakness Invomntauy Loskfs, with Hmii.y Dkcav lu Yot'NO aud Mipnt.n Aoitn. tack of vim. vigor ami strength, with sexuul orguns Impair d indwenk. STRICTURE Itadlcnlly cured with n new mi r Tan(1 Infallible Homo Treat ana utttl ment, Nolntruments,nopaln no detention from business, Gonorrhoea, Kidney and Illailrie r Troubles critics ContulUtlon Trtf. Treatment by Mall, tall on or address llo S. 14th St. Dr. Searles&Searles, Omaha. Neb. JERVE DEANS, restore i-oak nnrts, make, turn VI iZf N m.irrlrd men. mm Intrnrl. .trimir. vttfiirnti.- rutin. ti Ing to mnrry. rnouM Ukn n hnxt ntnnl'liliic re tain I nlulit losica stopped) power restored; (1 st Mienum A Mct'onnel's. Kiilin A- Co sml other ilruiKlttc or nialiea !iy ten - Demi Co. IluflaU. V P s i in ftEasugsaaBi Failure In life is more often due to exhausted nerve force than to lack of capital Strong nerves arc the capital that helps men conrjuer conditions. When people lose their capital they set to work to regain It. When we lose our nerve force we ought to seek a means of getting it back. There Is a way, certain und scientific. feed the nerves, making them steady and strong as teel. Ve do not elleve they can fail to cure Nervous Debility and physical ex haustion; that's why we agree to refund your money If six boxes do not cure you. 8100 per box! (I boxes $500, mallrd securely scaled iion receipt of price llook free Address, 1'r.AL Mimic inu Co. cir,t1l, f't- 0 Bold by Kuhn A Co., 15th And Douglas, nd J. A Kullur & Co.. litf. and Douglas. The Only Line To... California Tlwt runs Personally Conducted I xciii'mIoiis from Omaha three days each week. 1 hey are in charge oi competent .Managers. Leave Union Station Wednesdays, 1 I'M) p. in. Leave Union Station Fridays, 1:30 p. in. Leave Union Station Saturdays, 5:2 p. m. Ticket Ollleo 1023 Furtium ot. Tel. l-Jb. V nlcn StniUn 10th und Mari-y Sts. Tel. U.K. FREE EIEGTH80 BELT OFFbl. WITHTCHOAV SFRIt WCASIKl -itu TRIAL In yuuj own honiif, ruui uwu noni the irenutne . AIM 5 E T HOIHINQ comiwrci trnfritb f..Mh.8 .Ueib.r.l.r. vilh mist all other trMl trlr WtU. iicbll..pni .. rrrl. fill. . 0 JISK CURE tor niurMhintfi.llMint- II1H Kl 1:1.1 1 UK n lor wi nerron. UUra.'M. wfkiiHp. Ait die rflir. lor rnrnpiri fralc t onf'.drntUi rntalrvl rut IhU .dflbt SEARS, ROEIJUCK A. CO., Chlcrifio. V,mi YOURSELF? I io Jiie 11 for iinnu'iiru 'i.tlidr tntlurtiuis'ioiis. 'rritatl ;i ur Mrtrstlor.l ot u 'i an ni-mlran s ri itim'n., i, ,i a.u:r. IthiE-iiChiu-lCo. K' "r f.nlil hr llrntrlstA. or i-nt n r tcin w rspp-r lY l ri's pi"iai i fj r . r I I , . J 1 AT rJts&rZif fill iQ '' khi-m h-ici uic nut SJi-Jfti" Sa MOW7 In J,.i,. tm b. rtrUM rol ta .truturt Toys Toys KlCHTOBB 0 than it's possible to yet the sumo joods for elsewhere. Not bonibiiH we aro truly toy headquarters. Xover beforo have men! of toys in ono stock .is we lire showing this season. Notli thousunils of little ones will bo inmle happy by the purchases Siima t'laus from now until Christinas eve. COM 10 TO.MOWl.OVV. o.Mi'Lirn;. 3 9 f Iron Toys Knglne, Tender und Car 10 cents Oxen Cart 10 cents Dlephant Cart, with Clown 21 cents Ilorso nnd Cart 10 cents Horso nnd Street Car 10 cents Horse and Fire Knglne 10 cents Fire Knglne, with two horses, largo sIkc 20 cents Highly polished Child's Nickel Iron 9 rents Iron Hnnges 10 cents Klegnnt nssortmcnt of Steel Hnnges, with pots, puns, etc., nt -ISo. T.'.c, !Se, $1.10 up to $5 00. Dtigino with three cars, freight train, nil Iron, 2i cents. Nickel Safe, with key, 2." cents. Musical Instruments Drum, Horns. Singing Tops nnd cvrry thtttg nnd cnythltig that will make noise und music. MS' . .. W T - -jSSS If is not necessary to con sult a calendar to find out when the UNION PACIFIC ORDINARY (Tourist) CARS leave for Pacific Coast, for they run every day. The Cars for Oregon leave Omaha daily at 0:20 a. m., and for California daily at 4:25 p. m. Special Personally Conducted for Portland ovory Friday nt 0:20 n. m Special Poraonnlly Conducted Tor 3nn Francisco nnd Los AnRolos ovory Friday at 8:20 a. m. Spoclal Conducted Excursions for San Francisco and Los AnRolcs ovory Wodnosdny at 11:30 p. m. Thoso cam nro fitted up complete with mattrensrn, curtnlnn, blankets, pillows, etc , requiring nothing to bu furnished by Uio pas.iongora. Uniformed Tortrs und conductors who are In charge of thorn, ure rcqulrc-d to kocp tlictn In good order nnd look after tho wnnt nnd comforts of puHaongcrs. Tho cars nro nnw, of modern pattern, und nro nearly nu convenient und comfortublo us flr&t-claua Palace Sleepers, New City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam St. & 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 As an Investment There is nothing like an Education A college education costs a groat many dol lars, but tho man with a good dictionary at his elbow has a good education behind him. it 9 & z r. ! v." ! V? I- v t- & IE (.' I- &z tf I f. t- o - -v? - f o.- r fc v.- Z S! Hz ('.- - I- tf I ? t- V? I Vf t- e i v.. t-t-tf t- &z tf r Or -tf -Of - z VP , THE STANDARD I Is the Latest and Best Dictionary. The cost is low only $7, The book is new It is well edited some of the ablest men of the day have contributed time and ability to it It is complete containing 300, 000 words, No other dictioiv ary has so many, It is standard can be relied upon for both definition and pronunciation, There are a great many other things which could be said of the work, but if interested, call on the jVLegeutli Stationery Company, l.'iOS Farnam street, and examine aeopy. You will agree with us in admiring the work. Of I-t- Of i : Ot- i. Ur I . i Of U r- Uf I Cfr t Oy 1 Of I- y, l Of I , l- or 1- ti -CA I -V - f. - Of -Of - v-f z Or Of t- i Ut- -V." I cr I-I- I I I I I i i i I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Christinas Tree Ornaments of every description in largo nrlcty. Any- tj thing and everything to tuskn tho treo nt- tractive. Games Nothing Is too new for us In games. W have got all that Is latest nnd newest from the cheapest to tho best that will Interest the tiny ones ns well as the grown ones. Largo assortment of games of man) descrip tions at 5 eciitn nnd n gradual raise lu prlco ns high ns you want to go, at $l.f0. Doll Go-Carts and Carriages Hy far tho lnrgcst assortment ever shown. Pretty Go-Carts, with steel wheels, 2."ir. ISc, 76c. $1.00, $1 SO, $1 7f, and lip to tho really lino ones. Wooden Toys and Furniture Anything nnd everything In Wooden 'Toy. Hlncks, Games, Hrnwnlo lnldirs, Chairs nnd Hockcrs. Tho biggest und best nssntt ment nt prices clearly Impossible to dupl' cato elf ew hero. MW.JJ1M1 1'lteTTlMffraaRl Not Occasionally, but EVERY Ml Tel. .116. - -VJ -1 V5 -1 ) -I I -I -VJ - I -t H -1 -1 '-' -I ffj -I 7J -I ) -I ! -1 V) -1 -VI -1 7 -l y -i n -j ) -J -n -'-j -TAP - -n -'ft Z 'ft Z " -I Z -fi i y - .V7 -i i ) -i -l -I -V) -t n -i n I -'si i i -I .75 -i n -1 -V3 -J in u -J ''n ; 'J ! in "- in ' iJi j in Z v ! in Z if -i , ifl Z if V l Z -v -i in i in - if - in -i -I ift in - i in -I if -t -i '; in -i in in -I Vi -i -i in -i in - ' in Z '' - in Z n - ' ! v . ! in A n in - 'n J if if J in -1 ' in i it i i i i i i i i i i if)