THE OMAHA DAILY 1JI313: SATUHIUY. .DECEMBER 12 L 11)00, K - ( 10DCE REVIEWS SEW TREATY' If-.. 1 . c . ti i km . . Idasjacliusetw benator Explains Meanine of . I Davii Amendment. RIGHT OF NATIONS TO ABROGATE COMPACT Consent of (Jrrnt llrllnln Would .Vot "live Hern Ankcil llnd It .Not lloen for Claytim-llulvter Aurrr ment, Sim Out of Date. tVAtjmvn-rnv n- 01 c.- t .i wtr treaty In the most friendly way pos vtAsitianTON. Doc. 21. Senator Lodge, 1 u,(,i .... ... .,,, ,,.. 'rii.n. ho had chargo of the llay-l'aunccfoto treaty In the senate, today mado the follow ing statement: The senate amendments aro very lm Jiortunt, but they nre also very simple, ut though there seerim to lit, anmn tnlHUtidcr standing In regard to them, owing to the juui mat uu tno debate.! upon tlie treaty took place behind closed doors. Now that mtuto. whose natrlotlsin. nurltv of tiuruoBC. knowledge, accomplishments and high uchlevcment In dealing with our foreign relations, especially In China, aro fully nnd cordially recognized by men of nil Tho voto by which thoy wero adopteii mmiwm huh. j iio seconu, or uavis, utnutiu- Siffir TSiWt Tho Ilrst amendment Is a slinplo declara- Hon that tho Claylon-Dulwer treaty ceases ftunXc5foto w.VJr2.l.?.,'"l V " "T :l. ' .r..u . to tlio construction of tho Isthmian canul. Homo good Judges thought that Iho liny- "'""" win iiiiiiitir iin uu uimuuuu - it mmX Others Sieved tluUctalnor- Hons of the Cliiyton-Uutuer treaty mill re- inulned In force. To allow this doubt to continue! would havo been ll grave mis- take. Tho American people desired to be rld of the Clayton-Ilulwer treaty lltmlly nnd beyond iiuestlon. Thin Is a reasonable ",Ml Proper wish and to fulllll It Is the pur- pnso oi mo nrst amendment. ...... . JlrnnltiK f DnvU' Atueiulnieut. rV,!'i,lor,.iir1,,lcJl,...'li "f...1!!" ''n?::.,IV.VniC',.(!. ;r ongaged In war,' to permit n hostile licet; u u succeciieii in getting insula me tliree- in lie zone, to pitHH unmolested through the :anal. This may or may not bo u practical question, nnd II Is of no consequence 'llllrtlril whothcr It Is or not. It was u solemn promlso to permit a IiohIIIo Meet to two iendTo'-kee1,!,"1 V"w? 'TuJ lug that under the utress of war we should break It. If we meant to keep It, then It was ll promise no nation ought to make. Jf wo knew that wn should not keep It ln uran or war, men it was oniv nonest nnd fair to relievo otirselveH of the obligation In tho treaty tsolf. This was the tiurmisu of the second or Davis amendment: wl.lch entirely illHtioses of miiv hiicIi iroinlL nml which follows exactly In principle, and inn. ii i-xuuiiy in wuriiH, nriirie x in tno Huez conveiitlnn. which reserved similar rights to Turkey, whoso Interest In the Hue, canal Is trivial compared to ours In Vm l,r,,;n,,!!,, ' Nicaragua I ho third nmeudment sir ken out art e e ill. by which we engaged to Invite other nations to adhere to the treaty and thereby liecomo purtleH to It. Had there been no i.7iYi .7r mid Nicaragua iih to liulldlng the canal. "IJIi iireat Hrllaln, owing to the Clayton- Illllwer treaty, wo Wero obliged to treat. but as we expect Kuropn to keep out nf this hemlHDhero It seemed to the seiinto blli 1 y mrder of the , "2W "ma" to bo doubted that' te ng ish mlnlHters U' former river and harbor Lu , , nl 1 !i,,i,, Jh.., V.h 'mI " whose ability, experience and reputation present is the second largest Let mo say Ilrst thai the amendments 'Tf """wn to ,l.M 'io world, will (luiv w-eign ,! nftcr tno scnatc has added a huid' anu ft'Ti? 'VnSyW yEu0: ShnTlS,n,;; ,Roe, U is expected to be well up to, I, JV. .. ..i.fH,.8 yi!l.!,!?L ,.f menta und the spirit In which they ure pre- of, nil previous records. Benntc. Tho umendments wero mado by tnnt Hates for CurryltiK .Mnlln Hint largest eastern Items shown by tho state- of .the f01,pral cllrts on,.,, ""ilgntions. a(tcr ,, ox.,rp(,alon lg ratller n nmtter fa fa, mcel, tho senate solely because. In lis opinion, ,,.. ,, .n-,....! , , ..,- fniin.. nnd many peculiar conditions havo nrlscn ' . fopm (hnn nf ,,...,- fnr .iiriin,-v J T . , au,lul1 ' , , . they were necessary for tho Interests of lWrn '"'"H' " ment aro as follows. Missouri with efforts to enforce them. , than or substunce, ror diplomacy 3ecretary Hay's action In Instructing Mr, tho United Htatcs. for the avoidance of .Massachusetts: ln I1BS0,lrl un cnuria u uhuri. unni. known no Biich thing H3 "Irrevocable agree- Conger to sign thp lolnt note was ntmrnveil uny .piestlon h , to aha Control of Urn canal WASHINOTON, Dec. 21.-The commission itostou harbor, new project, cash...$ 600.0W The United States supreme court has ruled ,,... n' ' 10 1 J"1"1""" )ouay uid ronseciuenlly for the sake of peaceful mndo up of members of tho senate and Hton harbor, new project, con- that mandamtiB against tho local tax ofll- A (o tll jjrii8h condition that the oc- memos iouuj. lllld hurmonlniiH relnllntm with tin. rout nf . . . .... . . truct a.OOO.OJO i .i ... i... . . . V ....... - " . . .. ;r.i ' uouse or rcpreseniatives. Known us mo ti,.,,. i,-k ,,.,..., i i,.,.;.,,: cer m cuuipvi im m mt "m"'n eunntinn nf ini n and rti i. u to runt niie rKftMiian Kin a i;m i i:ii. vi:tijiia.s unwise, however excellent and liberal the not yet clear that the report will bo iinnnl Xroi,, f The question of postal them tho right to meddle ln Amcrlcun cnr rentals Is being treated as a part of minim nt any point, ,...,'!- L.".!' 1 .,.,;..i,.'r,,."ai'." V....""? .,1,r?1' from the Intention of the trhftcd States that this cnual idiall bo a neutral highway "v " cuinitierce. I. nod lieu no iin for n 'I rent y. I think I enn with propriety say a word as to our view of the amendments, It Is well recognized In International law that when the conditions under which u treaty lias been made have radically changed and new conditions and new ileiniiiiilH have urlsen this fact Is uu ample ground for Heeklug an abrogation or modlllcutlou of tno original instrument. Tlio American people desire to build and mean to build anil control the Isthmian canal. They recognno in. it me (. inytoii-iiuiwer treaty nrolects Itii- treat es. They choate. In the exercise of Its undoubted rights, without tho slightest reflection .....I ...l.l.n..t 1...U.I1I,.. rt .. ,gn n the lll'KllllIttlun UI'KUH II) nil. IIULl " llliva new propositions to Knglund. It nsks her H,,,,h ,wr,.?.lir.s"r,l!t,,u,licV,CrherltitUt"i? lll-Klllinuilll UI-KUII ") . I II, llilj, imnniiimii It nsks lier to conform to our desires by Hgreelug In unmistakable language to the upercession or lue uiayion-uuiwcr treaty by thu Hay.Pauneefoto treaty, which Is tho whnlo purpose of the negotiation. It asks her dually to accept In this trenty tho .ZXlJ'Xo' Hon, und where, as the present protector of Egypt, she Is now herself tho benellclury. Propoxltliiiix Are All Kiilr. Theso propositions uro nil essential to American Interests and are fair, reasonable, frlomlly nml In no nosslble sense offensive. Kng:and's Interest lu having the canal lullt, bo It great or small, Is second only to thnt of the I'nltcd States, for she alone has, llko the United States, large posses sions In North America, and both on the Atlantic and Paclllo coasts. We agree that nil vessels ot commerce and of war shall pass through the canul on the same terms as our own, und In war between other pow- SyrufoRgs ActrfJcasMty andfivmptfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. JWsentsJtt tho most acceptable font the Jiurxti'ye principles of plants Jcnotfn to act most leneflciul(y. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. san rrtANcisco. cm. lOUISVIUF. . KY NtW YORK. N.Y. For ulc ty dru fitr - prkr S0 per bottt ill Jer It nmU , ti,,, w v ?i,ni! of 1,10 president pro tern of tho senate, was Tlllumock bay and hnrbor, cash have no desire to clear It from their path conveyed ofllclnlly to the body and out of n,:"X nffl)r cnRh In u violent fashion by formally denounc- respect to her memory Immediate adjourn- Vieoinn cash Itlg It or by passing laws uml taking lie- ment wan taken nnl II Jnninrv I lnnt 3.i i"l-u""1. ............. ...... tlon III contraventtoii of Its provisions. They nient w.ns taken until January 3, 1901. Son- Appropriation for lllvrr., wish to it-move it by amicable arrange- ntor I-alrbanlis of Indiana called tho body ., ,, k, TlmVavipuu& lo n,Cr 0ml Ur" W" " M"b !'r- Hudson river, cash frorhlnVbUct,C Tho" MMiaio is'Vurt'of'Mie nouncert a beautiful Invocation. Kast river and Hell Onto, cash treaty-maklng power ana treaties sent to Tho secretary then read a letter from TJ, " !!.,: ?.. Tersev nml U"r .I"11!1.'1' l!ut,nH.,.rl.V,l: !.'" Senator Krye appointing Senator Fairbanks 1 Pe, Wva tila.' canh .. . . ??... I'.IL ,mji; nil ii rn i it-n. . nr nil; nu.i in- i ,.,i m ., , , , , . i ers we ngree to preserve the neutrality of the cunal tovvant nil belligerents. In defer ence to the wished of Nicaragua anil Costa Jttcu. In regard to thin treaty, anil not to any we may hereafter make with them, we "ii'lumn tlie riKiu m ereci permanent formications, ami. although them ih no nf atlpli frf tlHtltlnn (hn rl(tt In erect them Is an Important Item uml Its relinquishment goes to the lust verge of concussion. The expense of the cannl lit ours, the maintenance anil defense) of It aro ours and thu American peop'e will never permit a canai mere wnirn mey uo not control, because the defense of the I'nltcd States overrides every other con sideration. In constructing and maintain ing thu canal we assume the great lunlcn of which the whole world will benefit nnd If we bear the burden alone the tiower of control must no ours aione. Knutnud'x Duty li to Accept, We desire to dlsnose of the r'ln vtmi.Iitil- dlsponltlon of It. England does not Intend 10 go to war wmi us to prevent our uuuu- lmr tho canal, and If It Is tihvslrnllv nos- slble to bulM It we mean In any event to do so. In these clrcumstanceu we are very clear that It Is ns much for England's In- Sr.'rrr.! C. ,no.,,neA.V,r,0V: J aro offered and thus end a controversy oyer tin outworn treaty, w itcn is oniy a mi nnr-n rr- imr nnnTAIIirn CHARGES ARE NOT SUSTAINED postal commission, has about concluded its lubors and will procauiy mauo us re- Prt "b,0Ul JlW,Ua,ry NUmC,r10,UntChan1na navo lvvtt ma,X(S ot exorbitant suma charged tho government for carrying tho by lh0 rallradS and ,0r lh U3 ' mnll ears. etc. Concress committed to th Is I Joint congressional commission tho duty ( making a thorough Investigation of - - - - . - - - - . . . "toB paid railroads for mall transporta- Hm - Tho senators on the commission arc Wolcott. Allison, Chandler nnd Martin and llln ri,nn.Hentntlvp-i I mui Mnmlv fnteh- J110 rtprtscntallvcj I.ou.I, Moody, Latcu- lB8 and Fleming. Tho Investigation fus been In progress during the last two years all(i ,. half ..n,i llaa ,.,. exhaustive In all . . . , , ,, , . uium uvn. i uu uuiiillllBHiuil lla viam-u 01111 ,,.rnn,-r ,.,,irnI.n Vnrt Ili.ffMo nnd Iloston, taking testimony of railroad offl- "f "H others who could shed iignt on tho subject. Meetings were neia vesterilnv nml 0"lt?,n, nn" ORrocliiK on a today for the purpose of . . i 1 1 . i . . .. , ihiiiH ii'imil, iviiltllivu uiaiin u. reports being mndo by members. No offl- 0lal agreement was reached and tho com- mljoumed until January n. when It l expected the matter will bo so far along that a report can bo mndo by tho 10th. , tindnrstnnil the rnmmUslnti In nnnnl- 11 " ""''oraioou tno commission is unani- ' vmw iuui me npeciiicuiioiiH ot exorbitant railroad mall-carrying charges .. .. . .. . . ..... i", u""""K lr"' or ' lr ! I value havo not been sustained by the testl- mouy. Ono of tho specifications was tlmt iho ,'OHt nf railway rnrrlnmi In hn mv. L", , "r . , eminent ould bo cut 25 per cent ut once nnd that Investigation would show tlmt a reduction of 75 per cent could bo mnde. so ,, .,, ,,, .'.,.., , . ,u lnnt lUv ,0,nl "nntinl cost to tho govern- ment would be about $8,000,000. Instead of upward of $33,000,000. It Is this speclflca- 'I I" understood the commls- ln ' unanimous In not sustaining. its members aro not yet agreed ns to ,vhfther there Is miv nvrrehnrirr. nn.1 thin w'tctner is any overcnargo nnd thin Is the chief point yet to be decided. It Is tho general subject and the report will In- KlU'Iu hls with tho deductions on carriage charges In gencrnl. Tho testimony will cover several thousand pages, but the re- ,)0rt WIII bo comparatively brief. BOTH HOUSES ARE ADJOURNED Nutlounl l.cucl.liitW llodles C'eiiNe Labor I'ntll .liiuuiiry tt Mem liem Are Storting Home, WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. No bublncsB was transacted by the sennto today. The news of tho death of Mrs. William V. Krye, wife presiding ofllccr during his nbsenco from tho senate. Meantime, n conferenco of sena- . ... ... ... 2T - " o - - - -- - a " suspended and nt 12:05 p. m., on motion of J5r- !,oar' th0 journcl until Jam,- nr' ' 1901. I In (lie llon,-. When the house met today there were . " ' ,"vnn 7",, ''r':r "Th CBI1 tu"n 100 members on tho floor, Tho majority of the members already had do- U,elr homes to spend the holiday recess. The chaplain, In tho morning prayer, referred to tho death of Mrs. Fryo, wife of Senator Krye, nnd of representative Wlso of West Virginia. After tlio approval of tho Journal some routine minor business was transacted by unanimous consent. Bills were pafsed to fix tlio times for sessions of tho district and circuit courts for tho eastern district of Texas. Mr. Jones of Virginia then announced the death of Representative Wlso of Virginia, which occurred at Williamsburg, Vn., this morning. He offered tho customary reso lutions, which wero adopted, and tho speaker nppolnted tho following committee of seventeen to nttend the funeral: Messrs. n tllnklnnn Aln.l.l. Vtooks ot Michigan, Alnrlrh of Alnbama, Kohu of California, Hobcrts of Massachu- .,0 Ml. nl 1I'I0I Illl, T...1I ...... u u. .. ..,.n., .,,.Ln .j. minium, jones oi Virginia,, tiwnnson ot Virginia, ... - . .1 v. . . . Otoy of Virginia. Hlxey of Virginia, Hay of Tennessee river. Chattanooga to Virginia. Ural) of Virginia, Quarks of Vlr- Tenne?"' river,"' 'abo-e''chatta-glnlii, Ithea of Virginia, I.asslter of Vlr- noogn, cash glnla. I.loyd of Mssourl and Gaines of Ten nessee Then at 12:25, us a further mark of respect to tho memory of tho deceased, the house adjourned until January 3, 1901. iitlnunl l'nrk In ,rw Mexico. WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. Representative I-occy of Iowa todny Introduced a bill pro viding for a "Cliff Dwellers' national park." It provides for setting aside a largo tract of public land In New Mexico for tho pur pose of preserving thu prehistoric caves nnd ruins of tho cliff dwellers and other rellc3 thereon. Mr. l'erea of New Moxicn Intro duced a bill authorizing tho sale nf ccr- talu New Mexican Innds for the benefit of tho territorial university. Clilni-Ni- to Have It nt Once, LONDON, Doc. 21. A representative of the Assoclutcd Press was Informed at the rnrelirn nfllcn hero toil. iv that tho Inlnt note of tho powers, which Iibb been signed by ail tho ministers ut I'ckln, will bo pro- tented to rrlnco Chlng and 1.1 Hung Immediately. The text will be published its nnn n It In il ol I vi.rnit . Would lletlre Two llrlKUd lers. WASHINGTON. Dec. 21 Senator Danlol today Introduced tho amendment to tho army reorganization bill allowing the presi dent to select from tho volunteer brigadier genora's two for retirement regardles ot ago. Anlmieil to Their StntlniiN, WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. Commander Hanford baa been ordered to command the Cnvlte station, . vice Lieutenant Commander J, C, Fremont, ordered to command tho Culgoa. Tor n Cold III Hie llenil, LAXATIVE UROMO-QUININS TABLETS, SECOND LARGEST ON RECORD Only Once Hu B Tcr and Harbor Appropria tion Bill Carried More Money. SENATE IS LIKELY TO ADD TO ESTIMATES .Missouri lllvrr (liven $100,000 In Hound .Numbers, Willie About ifl), 000,000 U Met Aside for the I'ntber of Witters. Sra harbor bill Chairman Ilurtou gave out a statement showing the amounts appropriated. The total Is approximately J60.000.000, of which 23,00.000 Is In direct appropriations and about $37,000,000 In tho authorization of contracts for continuous work. Compared bills the on record mendmcnts not ahead Tho bill of 1900 carried $39,198,365 and that ul isi, nuicn nua iuu nirgesi. on rrcoru, Lamed 172,275,954. The appropriations and contracts are over ment 11,0U0 mow lorn: Tonawaudu harbor und Niagara T-ll',!,. riflMll . O.",? Tllrt Huttermllk channel, cash aoo.WJ lluttermllk channel, contract 1,500,000 H(Xl,aVborr e cash HitTalo. ut Erie biu nullum, Ol r.uc uiinui mm mtlCK flSll V1K1 NK1 I biusln nnd ll'jick - ni, nnn,..i. itii itii j.wn, u"-."--- i:rie!'caHlV"! "1 1K.OO0 Mitrvland Spring (Jartlen, southwest Balti more, cash Spring Garden, southwest Balti more, contract Virginia; Norfolk, removal of Hospital l'olnt, SS.0O0 2il,lKi0 cash .' .' 10.000 Norfolk, removal of Hospital l'olnt, contract Mlddlegroutul bur, Newport News, cash Mlddleground bar, Newport News, contracts Georgia ; 10,000 215,000 Savannah, new project, contract,... 1,000,000 Alabama: Mobile, cash 4UU.0O0 Louisiana: Southwest I'axx, Mississippi river. cush MO.OOO BoiuiiwcHi i-ass, .Mississippi river, contracts :',9&0,0O0 Texan Onlviiston harbor, cash 500,000 tlalveslon harbor, contracts 1,000,000 nablne rass, cash Aransas I'ukh, cash Sabine 1'ass extension, cash lOoilOO "SJ'iSS Suhlne Ohio: AHhtabulu, cash Cleveland, cash S0.000 600.W0 r,!ove!un!-. contract 2,200,000 Cleveland harbor, dredging, cash.... Fulrport, cash Huron, cash Sandusky, cash Conneaut, cash Conneaut, contract Illinois: Waukegun, cash Waukegaii, contract Michigan: Frankfort, cash (rand Mnrulw, Harbor of Refuge, cash Manistee, ensh Holland, Black lake, cash Muskegon, cash Portage lake, ensh Marquette, cash Marquette, contracts l.udliiKtnn. cash lL-i.OlO iw.twj .IM) mimil Ts.O'io 3I2.0H) noma 21.1,000 lil,oW 70.0110 l-.jjoo 7'!'om 33.WW In'nltn M.lO) I.udlngton, contract 1X5,00.) Wisconsin: Milwaukee, Hnrbor of Itefuge. ensh Milwaukee, harbor, cash Sheboygan, cash Sheboygan, new project, cash Ashland, cash Sturgeon Buy and I.nke Michigan ship cannl, cash Sturgeon Bay and U'tko Michigan, contract Manitowoc breakwater, ciihIi port Wing Minnesota. Burlington bay, cash Burlington bay, contracts California: San Diego, cash Sail Diego, contract i San I.uls Obispo, cash 119.01)0 51,001) 30.101 18.100 73,9)0 17S.0.H) 37,00) 25,000 200.1 W 235,000 50,000 217.S5) 50,000 uregon: " ' w" 23,000 30,000 200,000 W,UIV COO. 000 Delaware river. New Jersey and Pennsylvania, contract 2,400,000 Mononguhela river, cash 200,000 rt W llln,.n rlv.r nnll 7f. IKIO ii. ,,. yn.pJ nnull virHniu" JarMer. cash . ,V,VVU 250,000 fieoru'la: Chattahoochee river, Georgia nr.d Alabama, below Columbus, cash.. Florida : Rt .inhn'H river, from Jacksonville 85,000 to the ocean, cush 33.001) St. John s river, rrom jncKsouvmu to the ocean, contract ti& Alabama: Warrior river, cash 350,000 Warrior river, contract 100,000 Mlsslss ni)l: Yuzoo river, cash 45,000 Bed river. Louisiana and Arkansas, cash 100,00) Texas: Trinity river, cash 150,000 Trinity river, contract 6W.OO0 (Inlvcston sliln channel and liurfalo bayou, cash 310.000 Galveston shin clinunel and Buffalo bayou, contract 300,000 Brnzos river, between Velasco and Blehmoud, cash 50,000 Arkansas: Arkansas river, Arkansas, cash .... 75,000 Aritansas river, removing oosiruc tlons, operating snag noats, caan. .T7.000 270.OJ0 'M'" White river, cash cutXrhlnd river, above Nashville. I. cosh 103,000 cumberianu river, neiow .-Nasnviue, CUBII .lOV.UW 'jnnesHco river, uoinw ittvcrtoti, casn 25,000 PO.000 60,0)0 Kentucky: l.lck ng river, contracts tWW Ohio- nver' lUS" 1W,WJ Ohio river, cash 400,)0 pam at culloins Hippie, cnsii ....... loo.v Dam nt Culloms Ulpple, cash Dam nt Culloms Ufptile, contract.. Locks Nos. S. 11 and 14, cash Locks Nos. 8, 11 nnd H, contracts.. Mlchlgnu: Saginaw river, cash Grand river, cash Detroit river, cash Dntrnlt river, contract iw!ono iftO.Ooij 4nonn 125,o(W 1,230,000 St. Clair Plats, canal, cash mono West Neeblsh. cash 5f.0n0 West Neeblsli. contracts 4,0W,W0 Wisconsin: Vox river, cash Indlnuu: Wnbash river, below Vlncennes, cash Illinois: Calumet river. Illinois nnd Indiana, cash Illinois river, cash fiO.000 a-i,ooo '5,000 5,0)) Survey deep waterwuy, cash 200,000 .Mississippi: Mississippi river. reservoirs nt headwaters, cash 300,000 Mississippi river, from the head of hVcass'h ' lh m ' Mississippi rlveri'from'uie'lientl'iif tho passes to the mouth of tho .',500,000 Com) . -'nio, contract Now Orleans, hnrbor, cash Natchez, Miss., and Vldnlla, I.u., harbors, each Rectification of lied nnd Atchafn- lio.uoj 50,000 luya rivers, cash 25,000 Tennessee: Memphis, harbor, cash 70,000 Miscellaneous: Between Missouri river nnd St. Paul, Minn., cash Between Missouri river and St. 1,300,000 Paul. Minn., contract 2,00.000 Missouri river: General Improvement between Sioux 'ohStVuctions-' aboVe Sioux City, cash 4I,0 urenon: Columbia river nt the Cascades, cash Mouth of tho Columbia river, cash, Mouth of the Columbia river, con- 'iii.fino 400,000 tract 1,500,000 Lower Willamette and Columbia r vers, be ow Portlulul, ensn -.-.WW) Willamette river, above, Portland and Yam III1I river, cash 70.000 Cotiullle river, general improve "''SI! i ment Mouth of Slnslaw river Kxaminnlions, surveys and contln .Ann Ad ,f iHt,,rd nnn i riinm. in spection of bridges", etc., cash .. . 200,000 L,u provisions of legislation, as these features are not yet completed and probably will be given out tomorrow. The appropria tions mndo for Galveston ship channel anfl Buffalo bayou aro not to be expended unless the projects receive the approval of a board of engineers to bo appointed to examine and report upon them. MAKE CITIES PAY UP House Judiciary Conimlttrr Working on 11 lllll (living; Federal Courts l'unrr to 1'iifurt'c Judgments. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. The Judiciary committee of the houso has fixed January 11 for hearing the representatives of mu nicipalities relntlvo to the bill proposing to give the federal courts power to enforce their Judgments against any municipality. An important ncpari.iie num thiamin m-v Is Involved In tho proposition, and one nt- I fectl eDy oan bonds9 oTotherwl,eWh At p'rZTt lrJTlVjytV:i:nA monoy on tho tax rolls Is tho only way to over come tho difficulty. Several exciting Inci dents bavo occurred In some of tho cases. tho local authorities taking to tho woods to avoid Bervlce. , ,,,, I,.,,.,1tlnn la (r nil, u,v.v " thorlze tho United States district court nt .. . . .. ........ tn0 piaco wnero n municipality is in nciauii aml tho local officials fall to act to appoint a special tax officer to nssess the tax. Rep resentative Jenkins of Wisconsin, chairman of tho subcommittee having the matter In charge, says It is tho first Instance In which tho power of tho federal courts Is sought to bo extended to municipalities. Aside front tho many millions Involved Mr. Jenkins Bays tho matter Is specially Important not only to municipalities In default, but to thoeo desirous of protecting their credit Bnd se curing low Interest rates. COMMITTEE SETS ITS LIMIT lllvrr nnd llnrlior lllll Not In rniinse ApproprlutlniiM Amounting; to More Thnii l(10,000,Uin. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. The river snd harb'or committee continued hard ut work today In the hope of completing tho bill and has reached a positive determination not to let the total run nbovo $00,000,000. nr im. nmnimi en nnn nnn u in iiimot nn. . .. . 17 Dnn nnn i. l" uuiiumn.o i,u t.uuui ui,...,v ., tu- tracts. Tho cliangcs now going on win not . 1 !.. 1... , ,nr... I,.ni, .. I,,,, . I n I l(1 J limnv luitii-i, nub .iji.j ui.nh Muv,,,b . renujusiineni, inc cuts muuo on sonio ueui being added to other projects felt to bo moro In need of aid. Ono of the most lm 1 portnnt projects now settled Is that for Improving tho Sault Stc. Murlo river, con 1 .if. tnUrtt Rntierlnr iitnl tlllrnn. l-'fir this $4,500,000 Ih allowed, of which $500,000 a direct appropriation and $4,000,000 ln continuing contracts. Another Important featuro relating to tho CJrcat Lakes Is a provision authorizing the president to enter into uipiomatic negotiations wun inc iiru Ish authorities relative to a Uaniulliui com mission which shall act with an American commlssloi relative to JhC.,'41uctuatlon ot the level of the lakes and their tributaries. A subcommittee has this lu chargo nnd It will undoubtedly go lu the bill. Tho work last night and today Is bringing about many changes ln specific Items and thi will go on until tho final statement la given out. One of tbo chnnges is that on Boston harbor, tho amount now standing at $3,COO,000. InniiKurnl Hull Aeeoiiinioilnleil. WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. Secretary Hitch- nn.'li tmlnv irrnnted the Inaugural cammltteo permission to hold tho tall und entertain mcnts incident to tho coming Inauguration 0f president McKlnley in tho pension build ing. The spacious court of the pension office, with its architectural beauty and enormous proportions, is well fitted for tho I Innimnpnl li.ill If liiin linen iihpiI nn former occasions, limits nnd Locks for Hilt Snndy. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Tho secretary of war today sent to congreus tho report of survey of tho Big Sundy river ln Kentucky and Wcsf Virginia, Involving nn extensive project of Improvement. Tho plan contem plntcs the construction of twenty-one locks and movable dams. Tho cost of the work Is cctlraoted at $1,275,000. nu Airaini orr AkiiIu. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Tbo Navy dc partraent received n cablegram from Ad mlral Hemoy today saying that the crulsor Albany wont aground In Sublg bay, but has been floated. Tho extent of the damage to tho ship is not stated. (ienernl fJrernr' to lie Chief Mil rutin I WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Senator Hamia chairman of tbo republican national com mlttee, has nnnounced tho appointment of Ceneral Frnncls Vinton tireeno of New York to bo chief marshal of tho Inaugural parailo on March K. A Box Pleases Her- That's why she looks so good-natured sho has Just received a box of those dell clous chocolate bon bons made by llaldun Every ludy Is pleased when she gets Hal duff's candy nml now that Christmas Is nenr at hand, you can't send anything nicer thnn ono of our beautiful Christmas boxes nr hiKtiPts tilled with our puro and whole- Bomo cp ndy These boes ure made for either 1. 2, 3. 5 or 10 pounds and you can any kind of candy she likes best- ,,V1, nm1 i, i.v Pnress If you desire Just reraomber us for Christmas candies wo'vo got every kind you ran Imagine and wo make It fresh every day-and Its all pure candy. W. S. Balduli 1520 Farnaiii St. Dus I Look Like Santa Claus Dat's what my girl scd anyway an' she ought to know Deso odder stores has got a Santa Clans, an' I dun set! to my boss I'no goln' to see how I'll look dot's why I fixed myself up My boss ho s got lots o' 0Y) tlnKd what do peoples want far ChrlstmaB socn as iron wagons lor uc sieus lur zoo 11. & B. skates fur 60c toolchests fur 25c voloclpedej fur $1.48 pockctknives fur 10s or $4.00 Dcu tiers dialing dishes for $2.60 karvlng sets for $1.00 raror sots for $2.00 shears and scissors for 25c fancy tea and coffee nots for 9Sc ond do bestest nlatcd knives and forks what's sold Never you let go o' your money till you seo ray bosies goods and gets his prices. A. C, Raytner 1514 Furnam St. CONGER INSTRUCTED TO SIGN Agreement Not Exactly to American Liking bnt Delay 11 Dangeroni. OF THE UNCERTAIN CONDITIONS I lilted Stales Will ( online Its Military Puree In ('til mi to u Simple l,t untlou (iiinrd o Army if Occupation. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Instructions have beeti sent to Mr. Conger nt 1'ekln to sign the agreement which, accord ing to Pekln advices, already has been signed by all of the other ministers nt the Chinese capital. This Instruction Is sent with some reluctance becauso tho agree ment ns It now stands docs not completer)' represent tho view of tho t'ulted States government. Hut It Is believed to be the most favornblo compromise that could be reached unless the negotiations are to be drawn out to a dangerous length, for all reports Indicate a growing spirit of unrest ,.,.,,. .... , ,ho , , .. ,-,,, , " . ... ,.. , . .. .. . , of native sovrrninent In Chi 1,1 nnd the ad Jl,ccnl prov"1""- So ,hc l'nUc'1 S,!ltr9 ac' h "irrevocable" condition imposed until China has given satisfactory proofs f Its Intention to comply with the condi tions laid down In tho agreement. It Is said that this will not nffect tho status of the United Stntcs. Mr. Conger has, by direction f his government, notified the other min isters that the United States forces will not again bo called Into China for the pur pose of occupation: that nothing more than a legation guard Is to bo maintained by us, and tho powers have accepted this con dition. It, therefore, Is agreed here that tho ngreemcnt will be signed before the end of tho current month. STATISTICS ON 0LE0 BILL Armour Itcpt-cM-ntHtl ve Slimn Wliut I.iinm IIn Piimnhkc Would Htitnll nu licet ch nnd ling". WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. -The senato committee on agriculture toduy continued Its hearing on the olcomiirgurlno bill, the niv witnesses heard being oppenents of tho bill. Tho first of these wus W. Miller of the Armour Pucklng company of Kansas City, who attacked tho creamery organization as he authors of tho nendimr bill nml nri-imed Hum of furthering ihnlr nut. !.,i..r,f l.v imrtlclnailmr In unlltl I r iinf m.mher of the niv i.iv'n sini, v. change, said that If the fat of beef ruttln ruld not he manufactured into ninnmnr... rlno there would bo an nverairn inm. .if ia per head, and on hogs of 20 cents per head, On the beef cattle of thn United Hint nt this rate there would be n total in nf $55,000,000 on cattle nnd of $7,000,000 on bogs. Ho said that experts had testified that the Ingredients of oleomargarlno avo l,..nll...l .....t ...... 1 1 I I .I..., .,. ..v., ........ ., inuiin nun iuui mn eoior- Ing matter used ln coloring oleomargarlno was used for tho same purpose In butter. Ho pronounced tho bill selfish nnd unjust and nn effort in tho direction of ultra cinsa legislation. Sniiltury Condition of Culm. WASHIN'f'.TOV lion "t :.,..., i ,i rnmniandlmr tin. Ilntnrtmnnt f fl, , ....... . . v....., nritten :i letter to tuo adjutant general or tho army for the purpose, ns ho says, of correcting an erroneous Impression In tbo public mind concerning the existing sanl tnry condition of Cubit. Hu sayn: Tho Island us a whole is frnn frnm mil dcmlc or contagious diseases at present, with the solo exception of Havana, where mere huh remain a inu riiNeM nr v nu fever, thoimh not emiuli tn rei-elv.i t..rinu consideration. The total death rate from nil CHURCH III till, l-ltv llf llnvillm t,r llw. montn or isovemner was tlio lowest of nnv month, without regard lo nensnn, for the last ten years. Inasmuch us apprehensions urlsltig out of the yellow fever situation of the last summer still remain, It may be advisable to give this subject general pub- Mention. In order that full commercial and other relatlotiH with the Island may be re- sinned. Contestant for CoiiKreHNloiuil Sent, WASHINGTON, Dec 21. -Speaker Hen- demon received a telegram tills morning announcing tho death of Dr. Richard A. Wise, the member from tho Norfolk, Vn., dlBtrlct, at his home at Williamsburg, at yond the simple announcement wero received. Tho news of his death cume great Burprise. . 0 was hero a few days ago perform ne h s congressional duties. Dr. Wlso was twlco seated as a member of tho house on a con- test In tho last and the present congress, nnd had given notice ho would contest tho scat in the next congress. He was a mem ber of tho well known Wise family of Vlr- glnla and u brother of John S. Wlso of New ork. Cull I net Appro en Iluy's Action, WASHINGTON, Dec, 21. Tho cabinet meeting today was devoid of any business of Importance. It was said that tho Hay- Paiinccfote treaty, as amended by tho sen- oto yesterday, would bo considered nt the meeting with a view to arriving at a de termination as to returning It lo the British government. It was found, however, that i n i h F O Donegal Faciry TJes By Scumas MacMotiwis A series of tales to make glatl the heart of childhood. They tell of en chanted kings and peasants who lived in Ireland at the dawn of civilization. "They are line talcs and very prettily Illustrated." THE INTliRIOK. With forty Illustrations by Gustavo Verbcelt Cloth. 12mo. f 1.25 INQUIRE OP YOUR McCLURE, PHILLIPS & o document has not yet passed through tho ltamls of ,uo rMM'4lB' clerk8 ot tfie Wnr Murvliom It omeiiilirred liy the (ienrrut (.o verniiK-iit. WASHINGTON. Dec. 21 -tSiH-clalA-The iouowing pensions nave ueeu gran leu issue or uocemncr i: Nebraska: Additional William Itnxn rails i iiy. ju: vt u iuui i: uwens. ,uupn y ti. Increase Charles B. Norrls. Gram island. IS. H',,,1. ,,.111.1 1. . ... I .Tll.'l. I tIT. nl..i....t tlnl.,..l 1 1 1...I . n If.. $8; Orange Hoyal, Blalrshiirg. $rt. Original widows, etc. (Special accrued December i) i:. Simmons, itnietientience. i.v Montana: Orlglnul John B. Itecve. I.olo. $0. Wyoming: Increase D.ivltl Brookmnii, Itock springs, $s; ncnry L'oiiwuy, encyenue Will Counlder KxeluttiKe 1'rlvllrite, WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Chairman South ard of tho house couimlttco on colnago will call a meeting soon nftcr tho holidays to take up tbo bill suggested by tho New York Chamber of Commerce nnd Introduced by Mr. Levy of New York, providing for thf exchangeability of gold for nil kinds of money when presented at tho treasury. It la expected that hearings will be given to Secretary Gage and prominent representn- tlvcs of commercial Interests relatlvo to the proposed change. ' Arlr.oiiil' l-icil lor Miitrlionil. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Tile senato com mlttco on territories today beard nrgu rncntH by Governor Murphy nnd Delegate Wilson ot tno icrritory or Arizona in sup !ort of tho bill for tho admission of that territory ns u state. They dwelt especially upon tue mnmiu increase in inn popiuiuon of tho territory and urged thut It contains ll0t" population nnn weaun sumcirnt to Justify tho change lu form of government for wlllcn lno ul" Provides I 1 r: I)..r..n n...r.. BKKL1N, Dec. 21. A dispatch from Field Marshul von Waldcrscc, dated Pokln, Dc cen ber 19, says: Guendeirs column, marching from Shan Hal Kuan, successfully encountered a force nf HfixprH. December 14. nt Yunir IJiilt. near the eastern Imperial tombs. Fifteen ItnuiTH wero killed. .-"! lliousiillii i mill-Mi reKiiinra imiier i p-ang do nave necn driven out or i.u Tnl. They lied to tlie mountains, north westerly, on tjiieiuieirs upproacii I'optilnlliiii of Indian Territory Towns WASHINGTON, Dee. 21. Tho population of Incorporated places In Indlnn Territory having a population of more than 2,000, but less than 25,000, is as follows: Anlmore 5 tSl I'ureoll 2,277 Chickasaw 3 2l South McAlestcr 3, 173 Coal Gate.. - .117 viiiiiu . "ir. Dlinillt ,. 2.0C) Wagoner .. 4.254 .... 2,371! -wusuiib u TTT . .,. Kvrniiic Nu on III Way to IVWIu. BKHI.IN, Dec. 21. A dispatch from Tien Tsln to tho Vn , ITinco i n rankfurtcr Zcltung dated todny hing asserta that Kmpcror Kwang Su, unaccorapanlod by the empress dowager, left Slan Kit, December 19, bound for Pckln. Remember The Little Toes -Phey Kut colli ami lmvo corns just llko tlio UIK oncH-Utir uoy- Btioos iittou uy Hiilosnil'M that Unow how to lit shoos UV(,nt ,d ftot n(1 c()rH-Tliero Is ' a soinothliiK about these hoys' shoos that ,k, them tho host kind of n Christ- inns present Wo havo, too, a line lino of hoys' slippers that aro inailo just like imtui's, with heels, In tho low cut and i,.lllmr Ht vies -Yon enn havo all Christ ,,n,,..a .nn.i (ni,,.i llllln nuuen nnu bujuh-id iiiiih;iv fiii.w, next week Wo arc open evenings now. Drexel Shoe Co,, Nevr Catalogue Hendy Sent Free for Omnra'a t!p-to-dalt Shoe House. 1-I1U irIlNASI 8THKET. Our Bicycle Man Our blcycio man says "Cut Off lake" is well numed, as tbo Ilrst tnovo ho made on skates nearly cut off his head. In tho futuro ho says ho will stick to his business of riding bis STOVK REPAIR BIKU anil bossing his gang of stovo and furnnco men -Tlmo wns a few weeks ago when It was hard to bo prompt wlh our work, but now wo can do your work without delay and with repairs for 125,000 atovos and ranges, 600 different furnaces nnd over 1,000 gaso line stoves You are suro to get Just what you want. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Telophouo 900. 1207 Douclas tJi. The Pleasure Is All Ours and It Is no trouhlo whatever to show you our Clirlstinus novelties, oven If you don't buy. hrhiK tho chlidren-lf n child shows a leaning toward music It Is one ot tho best possible trnlts of char acter and ns such It should ho eiicour-atreil-Ono dollar will do a whole lot In our establishment Wo lmvo n full lino of Koods that will appeal especially to those who lmvo n long list of presents to buy Don't forget wo nro solo agents for the celebrated Kt'Klnii music boxes play 1.000 tiiuos- 'Wo havo them from $11.00 up. A. HOSPE, IflutlG utf Aft 1513 OqueIii. L K. - L O P E tym Frvm "The AmaJan cf tht Douxh." UOOKSULLIiR OR OP CO., Publishers, New York NERVITA PBLLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor nail Manhood Cure Ini potency. Night Kmilons, Los of Mem. ory, nu wnMiug uisensou, nil effects of fulf-nhiifn or excess nail Indiscretion. A iimrvn tnnto mil 60 PILLS SO CTS. blood bulldor. llrltigs tho wink ulnw tti nn to cheeks nml restores the tire of tntttli. Ily mall uud in-r mix. vj onsen mr $2.60, with our bankable KUurRnteotocttro or rotund tho money paid. Send for circular nnd c-iijrot our bniikabie guarnntca buud. Nervita Tablets I-XTRA STRONQTII (VULLOW I.A1IUD .....v,.w .vv0,...a Posltlvoly gnarnnlreil euro for of l'ower, Vnrlrocole, Undeveloped or Sliriitikrn OrgntiH, 1'nix'sls, Iicomntor Atnxhi, NcrvotH l'nxt-it. lion, Hysteria, Fill, Insanity. I'aralysN nnd tlio ltmultj of llxremho Use of Tobacco, Opium or I.l.juor. By mail In iilaln pnelngn. $1.00 a box, (J for $0.00 with our bankable jntar mtee bond to euro ln ISO days or rofuud money paid. Addrcts NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Otlnton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILLi Kor sale by Kuliu Ar Co. 15th and Dougms St., Oinalia, Neb. ; Geo, S. Davis, Council Bluffs, luwu, Camera and Outfit $1 Just what you want for your boy or girl for Christmas, Wo sell a Ca mera that takes pictures 2V4x2 1-3 inches. A completo developing and printing outfit nnd one dozen plates all for $1.00. Cameras from $1.00 to $50.00. The Aloe & Penfold Go, Amateu1- Photographers' Supplies, 1-ION l'liriiiini Street. UHHavsssassflB9BoiflvinsfliBwxinn