Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ureal 01
scooo! Sale in Progress
Unusual Attraction
Oy Twenty
I I I.J 1 I ..
On our t'utirt' stock of Colored Dress (loods.
On our entire stou of Evening Shadow.
On our on tiro stock of Hlack Dress Goods.
Ou our ontiro stock of Hlankets.
On our ontiro stock of Colored Silks.
On our entire stock of Ulack Silks.
On our entire stock of Colored and Black Velvet.
On our ontiro stock of Furs.
On our entire stock of Ladies'. Misses' and Children's SJioes.
On our ontiro stock of Hlack Silk Waists.
On our entire stock of Colored Silk Waists.
On our entire stock of French Flannel Waists.
353 so andaD,
Per Cent
On Onr Entire Stock of
Ladies' Misses' and
Automobile and Long Coats
Kelley, Stiger & Co.
Oliainnxn of tho Bupnblican State Contra.1
Comnrittco OoIIb cm tho PmsHent.
Itlver mid Ilnrlior mil Curry llir Cn
tonuir)' Amount In Mintjilai tlic
CouiuiIkhIuh During tlie
Coinlucr Vrnr.
WASlcTor,, Boc. 21. -especial Teie-
xrnm.j 1L G. Lindsay, clialnnnn of tho ro-
jDlJlwin state commlttiMs of Nebraska,
cfiHtid on Jrrwldrat -McXlnlrj today, accorn
jircnied It Assistant Secretary of War
Jterklcjaltn. The lntonicxr vrrjn short, but
SjjirBlrMitisfa.etarjnto frit. iJJiuUay, who
"Tbo president cnrpllmcnicd tho rank 1
uni tor of tiro party on tho victory von.
Ho crprcased himself along lines similar
la -what 1ms appeared In the public prlnta
owr tho result and hoped that Nebraska
noulfl remain In tho republican column,
wlirb. he bllPTcJ Is possible through n
i5ks and coTiscrvntlTo stale admlnlstra
tiar. U wns my first tIjK vllh Mr. Uc
Klnliy since ho entered tho Whlto Houso
mifl 1 apprrclntod greatly tho opportunity
1.-3 liav a talk with tho chief cxccntlro of
ilka gristf. republic
I hair no business In Washington." said
Mr. llndsiT In rrply to a question. "I
TMindtvJ rt.Fl and thocghj tho best way to
irt away from politics utr.iM bo to como to
.WabJngt.nn beforo thj legislature convenes.
3 m not p at tho inansuratlon of Prej
Jdrnt McKmley. but It is understood that
Ccrcmcrr Dietrich will bo here, accom
panied by hit entire stair." Lindsay lraies for Nebraska
.laniorrow and will In all probability bo
xtirampanlpd by Secretary MciXleJohn.
.Malar lliirrlaon'a IIdi r taenia.
Major and Mr, llussell R. Harrison ar
rived from rorlo Rico to-lay and arc guest
nf Alcnzo Stewart of lona. Major Har
rlma laid hU tutnrs raovcnionu were un
emalr. his discharge from tho army coming
mast unrapectwlly.
Mlmminrt Illyer luiprUTrnirnln.
Tbs Mluaari river U taken care of to tho
rajent of fSOO.OM for grncral Improrc
ehoU rel-oero Slous City ami th.) mouth
2i Is appropriatrd la tho river
aaij barliJT bill, vrhlri la ready to be re
jisrtaid ltaiDodlatrly after tha holiday, for
lit rcmoral of obstructions above Statu
City. U ti-as thouRht fcr a timj that the
Mltitmrl rlviT c-ommlKuloa ttouIJ ha wholly
Ml cat. but It -was fotml that to lo tliat
vwaH probably endanger thj bill, so the
AESiulllt put In tho Item for the Missouri
rtrr that has own la etery rirer and
liirtisr bill for yearn.
Tio Monrr for IlnrrTnln.
Tbi hou rivtT and harbor committee
h rtfumid to InMTt in ths bill an Item
of KlS.t'OO pitijostd by HcpreaicntatlTj Mon
dtiJ the roni.tructlon of an experimental
Come a StiirtMnp, Story An Open
Letter 'lliat Will CnitBc a
LINCOLN. Neb.. DJ. 21. (Spo.'Ial.) At
Xx 1115 O tlrevt, this city, Is tho II. & II
"Wail Faper Houte. "II. Jk M." aro tho
Initial inters of tho proprietors, Mr. A. C.
nooor and Mr. 0, It. Mycre. Thj eu!or
patUM?, Mr. Ilcntor, Is a vrcll known and
blji)! respected clttzon and no oao haa
ercr doubted his truthfulnra. U Ij, therc
ti, ttis pronounced opinion la Lincoln ad
tha itatc gznerally that tbo siznlllcant and
irtry iirniw; etatemenu m.u1o la Mr, Don
or'j Jelter will go unchallenged. After
esplalalns hli wllllngnris that tho matter
t tiT?u tbo fullest poislblo publicity lu the
ptiblU tatcuut, Mr. Ilotucv prococdj,
1 havo eullered untold misery and pain
tar ow ten years. My klduoya wcro dla
eajutl, I tr!l many so-called remedies,
hut tb7 did me no good. I saw an adver
tlnnut of IXxljVs Kidney Pills and bought
oaa and commenced to uao thorn nt oa:c,
1 had not bam taktns thont threo days be
for I K-san to Improve, For yan I had
not had ono good night's Bleep and beforo
tl'.o flmt box of tho Uodd'n Kldnoy Pills
wcro nil tiicd I could slcc? nil night
vllbaut pnlna. 1 nnj now completely cured
and ba-ro not rln r neha loft. I cannot
recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills tco hlsnly
i)r H107 aro unexcelled an n kldacy ram
edy, Your truly, A. 0, noNEOIt,
No. 2lJ6 O Gtrost.
Lincoln, Ntt.
Dodd's Kidney P11U always euro, 60o a
bos. All dealer.
OS Twenty
2 Per Cent
and a Third
Per Cent
Children's Jackets,
storafcu reservoir on tho headwaters of tho
Missouri river and tho survey of tho roa
ervrlr sltca In western status. Chalrmtvn
' llorton of thu commlttoo said tonight:
"Tberu will bo no legislation through tho
rivor ami harbor bill for tho construction
of reservoirs In tho arid regions of tho
west. Wu defined our position on this
question two years ago, whon tho senate
taeknl to tho bill a similar amendment
Introduced by Senator Warron of Wyoming.
We defeated it In conforenco and tho hotiso
refused to recede from this action. Wo
sUll opposo tho reclamation of tho arid
lands through tho medium of tho river
and hnrbor bill and will defeat any prop
osition advanced with this object In vlow,"
Conncll lllnrrn' l-oniolller.
Rcprcscntativo Smith of Iowa has intro
duced a bill authorizing tho purcbaao of
additional adjacrnt ground for tho accom
modation of tho court house, postofflco and
other government offices in tho government
building at Council Illuifs. Tho limit of
cost of this land la fixed at $JO(000.
Stmt Jlrw Appointment.
Nobraska poatraafltera appointed: H. A.
Lowry. at- Iluilcy, Custer county, vlco A.
Hendricks, resigned, and K n. Weaver, at
Whitman, Grant county, vlco A. S. Cham
berlain, resigned. Also W. P. Cnmpbell, at
llrookville, Jefferson county, la., and An
son Young, at llunnlng Water, Ilonhommo
eounty, 3. 1).
V. It. llrown Is appointed rural delivery
carrier at Nichols and Elmer H. Whitney
at Wintered, In.
Mrs. O. M. l'ratt of Crand llapids, Wis.,
has been appointed seamstress at Shoshono
Indian school, Wyoming.
II las Oral Armstrong of Shenandoah, In.,
la appointed teacher at Umatilla Indl.n
school, Oregon, and Miss Maud K Van
Wagoner of Chicago at Kcsobud. S. I).
Miss Joo M. Cunningham of Manchevitor,
In., is appointed aesletant matron at Fort
liewls, Colo.
Want m I.nrKcr lont.
At tho rcqucft of Senator Warron and
ltoprcsentatlvo Mondoll of tho scnato and
houso commltlccn of military atlnlra, re
spectively, tho War department has recom
mended an appropriation of (101,000 to build
at Fort McKenzic, Wyo., a larger military
post than contemplated by tho bill which
passed at the drat session of this con
gress An amendment will bo raado to tho
sundry civil appropriation bill to provide
tho appropriation thus recommended.
ConrernluK Itenervnlr Niton.
WASHINGTON, Doc. 21. Tho commis
sioner of thu general land oMlco has ren
dered a decision holding that tho filing
of reservoir slto declaratory statements In
tho west upon tho public domain with tho
Intention of constructing rcsorvolrs Is done
with tho understanding that tilings of other
adverse entrlca will bo allowed by tho
general land office during tho pendency of
tho reservoir declaratory statement and
take precedence of it in the evont that tho
party Hrnl flllng doeB not comply with tho
This ruling cn thn part of tho jommls
sioncr la tho result of Information reaching
him of alleged abuses of tho existing law
permitting tho filing of declaratory state
ments. It is said that many persons avail
themselves of the right merely to ap
propriate land thereunder, having no In
tention of constructing reservoirs, thus
preventing in tho meanwhile tho initiation
of othsr rights subject to non-compllanco
with the law under tho first filing.
To I'xMiiKUlnli Poreat Fire.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. The secretary of
th interior ha- recommended to congress
that $6,750 be appropriated as an emergency
fund to extinguish forest flrcn on ceded In
dian rrservatlona In Minnesota, which
threaten to destroy the lumbor on tho lands
desired for a national park In that section.
For n Colt! til the tiend.
Old Sloek 'l'lpker (,ne, Involving
12,0(10, IOO, In Decided In Fuvor
of the Hell Compiiiiy.
BOSTON, Dec. 21. .lustlco Colt In tho
United States circuit court today decided
In favor of the American Boll Telephone
compony In the royalty suit brought by tho
Western Union Telegraph company. Tiso
caso Is known as the "Stock Ticker" case
nnd has been in tho courts since 18DI. Tho
amount Involved Is $12,000,000.
Tho Western Union sought to recover
$12,000,000 rentals or royalties under a con
tract between them and tho National Bell
Telephonn company, the defendants' predo
censer, made on November 10, 1S79. Tho
case was mainly based upon n claim of 20
per cent of tho profits received by tho do
fondant In return for the telephone buul
ncss of tho Western Union, which, under
the contract, wns turned over to the tele
phone company.
Society of Labor and Industry of Nobrarta
lormed at Lincoln.
II. fudrcrnfT Ilends tlx I.lst of Of
ficer (.'hum n for the Society,
Wlilch MeeU .Next In
LINCOLN, Dec. 21. (Special Tolerant.)
Tho Society of Ibor mid Industry of
Nebraska wus formed hero today by dele
gates representing twenty-eight labor or
ganizations. The society will hold Its next
moating In Omaha In September, 1901. The
following officers were elected: President,
0. II. Updegraff, Omaha; flrst vlco presi
dent, W. J. ltoche, North I'lntte; second
vlco president, C. A. Powell, Lincoln; third
vlco president, A. J. Donahuo, Omaha;
fourth vlco president, Thomas Healoy, Nor
folk; secretary nr.d treasurer, Fred lawman,
Omaha; assistant secretary, II. P. Stlnc,
Lincoln. Commlttoo on legislation: Hurt
Hush, Omaha; Harry Stuff, Lincoln; I. A.
Willis, Omaha; Harry McVea, Omaha; U. S.
Swisher, Norfolk.
Smyth Mount linker.
Attorney General Smyth today mado pub
lie his report to Governor Poynter. In
It ho complains In bitter terms of tho trials
and tHbulutlomi of his oQlco during thu
last four years. He said his term of office
had been a stormy one. An uttack against
Judge Haker of tho district court of Doug
las county occupies several pages of tho
report. Smyth accuses Judgo linker of
violating tho mandate of the supremo court
In tho Omaha National bank and Inti
mates that his decisions huvo been Influ
enced by prejudlco, friendship or sympathy
for tho peoplo of tho bank. After this long
attack, which amounts to a tirade of abuse,
the attorney general Bays that Inasmuch
as thoro la a law prohibiting Judges from
practicing luw there should bo a law pro
hibiting Judges from practicing politics,
Ho Insists that In many of tho cases In
which ho represented tho state ho was
pitted against from two to eight lawyers.
Tho civil suits prosecuted during his last
term Involved nearly $2,000,000, but on
tho Judgments recovered only $50,000 has
been paid Into tho treasury. Ho reebm
mends rollof for tho supremo court nnd
an appropriation for houso rent for tho
three Judges, on condition that they mako
their homo In this city.
Mueeenjior itt l.ou Mny.
Governor Poynter today appolntod John
H. Hulff, editor of tho Anzelgor of Nor
folk, for member of tho Stato Fish com
mission to 1111 a vacnncy caused by tho ex
piration of tho term of W. L. May of
Omaha. Tho commission Issued by tho
govurnor extends until January, 1D0S. Tho
power of tho governor to nppoint employes
for a torm boyond his own administration
1ms been seriously questioned, but In his
defenso It Is urged by the fuslnnlsts that
no appointment can bo mado for less than
two yenrs. Several Important offices havo
boon (Hied recently by tho appointment
of tho governor and In all cases tho com
missions given extended for a period of
two or moro years.
Itrenril It nn n I'nke.
Tho police authorities havo received an
nnonymous communication concerning tho
attempt to rob thu stato treasury yesterday
morning. Tho letter conveys tho Informa
tion that tho men who Intonded to rob tho
treasury wore concealed In tho tenement
houso on Thirtieth street, to which tho
bloodhounds twlco lod tho officers from
tho capltol building. Chief Hoagland' said
that If this letter had been signed he would
havo considered It as having some bearing
on tho case, but ns It Is anonymous In na
turo ho paid no nttentlon to it and would
not follow tho tip contained In .It. Thn
authorities look upon tho affair as n fake
and aro making no effort to catch tho sup
posed burglars.
Calln for llnnlc Statement.
Secrotary Hall of tho Stato Banking
board hns Issued a call for a statement of
tho condition of stato banks at tho closo
of business Dccombor 13.
IlolilierH Hold lip Kit r liter, lint llefratn
from MolentliiK 111" Mother, Who
Onrrlen the Money.
DAKOTA CITY. Neb., Doc. 21. (Spe
cial.) Dakota county's north part Just now
socmB to bo the abiding placo of daring
hlghwnymon. Leas than a week ago Hiram
Lindsay, an nged grocoryman In South
Sioux City, was held up In his Btoro about
9 o'clock In tho ovcnlng by throo masked
men, but by mnklng a hasty exit out of a
Bldo door saved both his monoy and life,
not being hit by tho threo shots tired at
him. Tho bandits escaped on horseback,
having hud their animals tied to a fonco
opposlto tho store.
Last evening about 8:30 o'clock as Don
Forbes, who resides with his mother on a
farm between this pluco and South Sioux
City, was returning from Sioux City, where
ho had marketed two loads of wheat, had
his team Btopped a half mllo this sldo of
South Sioux City by threo masked men,
onn of whom held tho team, whllo tho
others camo up alongside tho wagon and
ordered Mr. Forbes to turn over his posses
sions. Upon Mr. Forbes telling them ho
had nothing they ordered him out of tho
wagon and searched him, gottlng tho sum
total of 5 cents for tholr trouble Mr.
Forbes' mother nnd son, about 12 years o!d.
woro only a short way behind the wagon
lu a buggy and tho highwaymen stopped
her vehicle, but not knowing who sho was
did not molest hor. Mrs. Forbos had with
her thn proceeds of tho wheat sale, amount
ing to about $75, Mr. Forbes having had
n promonltlon that ho might bo held up
ond turned tho monoy over to hor. After
Mr. Forbes was relieved of his 5 cents ho
was ordered back Into his wagon and both
ho and his mother told to drlvo on. They
went toward homo and tho robbers Into
South Sioux City. Sheriff Sldos was at onco
notified by Mr. Forbos nnd ho has been nn
n still hunt, but so far has failed to un
earth any definite clue. It is posalblo that
tomorrow tho dragnot will bo pulled over
tho north end of tho county nnd nil sus
picious characters mado to provo their bus
iness and location.
MelCeli;hnn Monument,
BED CLOUD, Neb.. Dec. 21, (Special.)
Tho monument orectcd to tho memory of
tho late Congressman William A. Mo
Kelghan Is now In placo In tho Hod Cloud
cemetery. It lsnf dark Barro granlto and
consists of threo bases. Tho lower base
is four feot square, tho dlo twenty Inches
iquaro, tho height Ib thlrteon and one
half feet and weight 13,000 pounds. The
cost of tho monument was $562. Tho In
scription Is ns follows:
Wllllnm Arthur McKelchnn. flf tv-second
nnd fifty-third congress; January 19, 1st!
wecemoer lt, 1K.
"Thy day hns come, not gone.
Thy day has risen, not rot."
Erected by tho common people.
On thn second base In raised letters Is
tho family name "McKelghan."
Confenne They Stole the IIok.
BATTLE CREEK, Neb.. Dec. 21. (Spo
clal.) Wednesday morning F. J. Hale of
this place discovered that olght of his
hogs bad been stolen from his yards the
night before. Tracks wcro found showing
tho hogs had been driven from tho yards
Tho tracks woro followed to a place flvo
miles east of here, where It was evident
tho hogs had been loaded Into a wagon
Mr. Halo telegraphed Sheriff Loscy at Mad
ison detailing tho facts of the stealing and
the sheriff found tho hogs nnd tho buyer
there. Mr. Halo went to Madison, Identi
fied tho hogs and from the description given
by tho man who bought 'them decided that
0. K. Spceco of this place had stolen them.
Mr. Halo returned here Thursday, accom
panied by the sheriff nnd tho purchaser of
tho hogs. Speece was found on tho streets
and Identified by the purchaser as the
man who sold the hogs to him. Speece
was placed under arrest and as others were
known to have aided him suspicion fell on
Hob Iivclaco, a young man who boarded
with Speece. On being questioned Lovelace
broko dewn and confessed the whole plot
and Implicated Will Hale, another young
man. Hoth were arrested and with Speece
tnken by Sheriff Losey to Madison to await
Verdict In Illinium Cnno.
COLUMHU3. Neb., Dec. 21. (Special.)
Tho evidence was concluded In the Ua'rnum
ensu last evening and tho case submitted to
tho Jury, which returned tho following ver
dict at 9 o'clock this morning:
In the matter of tho guardianship of Guy
( l!nrmnn.
We, tho Jury In thu abovu entitled ciso.
find on the questions submitted us follows:
Question 1 Is Uuv C. Ilarnum lncaimblo
of taking care of himself? Answer, No.
Question 2 Is Guy C. Hirnum Incapuble
of manugltig his property? Answer, Yes,
SAM UOY1), Foreman.
Two expert physlclnns testified that Mr.
Harnum was afflicted with senile dementia;
other expert physicians sworo that there
were no symptoms of this disease. A
motion will be filed for a new trial.
HiiKlnrrr Will ot It Ink It,
OEIUNO, Neb.. Dec. 21. (Special.) The
section of tho big No. 6 filling In tho bad
lands on tho Gerlng Irrigation canal, which
broko last wook with a volume of water
behind It within six Inches of tho top, will
not be rebuilt. Engineer Miller has do
cldcd to construct n "horseshno" around It
In tho solid rock, which will obvlato all
dangor of breaks hereafter. Water Is now
slto to bo available for Irrigating tho Im
menso vnllcy south of Gerlng next season.
Did .Vol Steal tin- Cnllli',
OEIUNO, Neb., Dec. 21.- (Special.) Dis
trict court has been In progress hero for a
day or two. Tho docket comprised forty
c.iocs, mostly foreclosures. Tho slnglo
criminal action, n grand larceny case
against Alvin C. Welch for cattlo "rust
ling," resulted in a verdict of acquittal.
Tnps a Xetvuiiiipr,n Snfe.
OSCEOLA, Nob., Dec. 21. (Special.)
Somo follow tapped a safo belonging to tho
lato Polk County Independent and Bocurol
$14. Tho sheriff thinks ho knows tho
thief's Identity nnd is after him.
Soon ta Ilnve Now l.lKhtii.
ST. EDWAKI), Nob., Dec. 21. (Special.)
Tho now electric plant hero Is being
pushed rapidly to completion and it Is
thought -wiU bo In operation by January 1.
Itnln or Snow Tndny with Drop In
Temperature, Wlndn IleeomlnK
.orthw pnterly.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Forecast of tho
wcathor for Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska, North and South Dakota
and Kansas Rain or snow and eoldor Sat
urday; Sunday fair ami colder; winds shift
ing to northwesterly.
For Missouri ltnln Saturday afternoon
or night; rain or snow und colder Sunday;
southerly, shifting to westerly winds.
For Iowa and Minnesota Kaln or snow
Saturday and Sunday; cooler in western
portion Saturday; eoldor Sunday; brisk
southerly, shifting to northwesterly winds.
For Colorado Fair Saturday; colder in
central and eastern portions; Sunday fair
and colder; northwesterly iwlnds.
For Wyoming and Montana Fair and
eoldor Saturday: Sunday fair and cold; west
to northwest wlids.
For Illinois Fair, rain or snow Saturday
night and Sundny; cooler Sunday; increas
ing southerly winds.
For Arkansas Fair Saturday, with
warmer In oxtremo eastern portion; Sun
day showors and cooler; southerly winds.
For Oklahoma nnd Indian Territory
Partly cloudy Saturday, with showers and
cooler In central nnd western portions;
Sunday fair nnd cooler; southerly, shift
ing to northwesterly winds.
For Western Texns and New Mexico
Fair and cooler Saturday and Sundny; west
erly winds.
I.noal Iteeord,
OMAHA, Deo. 21. Official record of tem
peraturu and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of tho last three
1SO0. ISM. ISPS. 1597.
Maximum temperature... r.7 45 as 20
Minimum temperature.... 37 23 23 5
Moan temperuturo 47 34 31 8
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Ilecord of temperature nnd precipitation
at Omaha for this day nnd since March 1,
Normal tempera turn a
Excess for tho day 19
Total excess since March 1 1 lot
Normal precipitation 03 inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Total rulnfull since March 1 29. 78 Inches
Kxecss slneo March 1 25 Inch
Deficiency for cnr. period, 1S99... 1.03 Inehm
Deficiency for cor. period, 1898. .. 3.52 Inches
lleportn from Station at H. V. M.
W Till
- On.
: 3 8
Omaha, clear
North Platte, cloudy
C.'lmyenne, clear
48 571 .01
34 52 .O)
40 tn T
40 M M
42 5fi .110
3C 4 .ID
44 48 .00
45 6 ,(!
50 40 .00
4ti fit; .Oi)
51 m .no
30 44 .10
40 50 .01
42 521 M
02 C4 .00
Halt iiko i;iiy, naruy ciouuy.
Rapid City, partly cloudy
Huron, imrtly cloudy
Wllllston, cloudy
Chicago, partly cloudy
8t. Louis, clear
St. Paul, clear
Davenport, clear
Kansas LTiiy. ciear
Helena, cloudy
Havre, raining
Hl.qmarek. clear
aalveston, clear
1 indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
Letter from South Afrlea Iteportn
Seeonil Confession ConeernlnK
.Murder of a AVyomlim Woman.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. 21. Four years
ngo Mrs. Ludwlg Wurl. tho wlfo of a
wealthy German ranchman, living near Tlo
Siding, thirty miles west of Cheyenne, was
munlorcd ono evening whllo going from
tho houso to a barn. Tho murderor used
an ax, with which ho hacked tho body Into
pieces, leaving tho bloody weapon sticking
In thn head of his victim. Tho murdered
woman's husband and a hired man named
HanB Dolfs wero supposed to havo been
on tha road between the rnnch and Lorn-
mlo at tho tlmo tho crlmo was committed.
Ah tho houso was ransacked from top to
bottom Is was supposed robbery was tho
.notlvo for tho crime.
A year after tho murdor HanB Delfs
committed suicide, and until this tlmo tho
authorities had not secured a slnglo duo
that would solve tho mystery surrounding
tho death of Mrs. Wurl, although somo
of tho best detectives In tho country wcro
engaged on tho ease. On hi deathbed
Delfs confessed that ho had inflicted his
wounds bocnuso ho hud murdered a do
fcnseless woman and could not longer Btand
tho thoughts of tho horrlblo crime,
A year ago word waB received from
South Africa that Ludwlg Wurl, who left
Wyoming shortly after the death of his
??T Perunafvr coughs
snd folds in chidren.
Use Peruna for La Grippe and Winter
N EVERY country of the clvlliied world
the SlsUrs of tho Good Shepard are
known. Not only do they minister to the
spiritual und Intellectual needs of tho
charges committed to their core, but they
also minister to their bodily needs.
Whenever coughs or colds, la grippe or
pneumonia make their appearance among
tho children these Sisters are not dlscon
cortcd, but know exactly tho remedies to
With so many children to take caro of
and to protect from cllmato and dlsenso
theso wlso nnd prudent Sisters havo found
ia Ms A
o Peruna Tlrnp, Mfu. Co., Coltimhiis, O.
(jciitlcinon "A number of years un our attention was called
to Dr. H.irtinan's Peruna, and since tlien we have used It with
wonderful results for grip, coughs, colds, and catarrhal diseases
of the head and stomach.
lorrlp and winter catarrh
service to tne inmates of this
Poruna a novnr-falllng safeguard.
Thero It no other disease so many-sided
In all lta effects, so insidious In its ap
proach, so tenacious lu Its hold upon tho
Bystern. ns la grippe. Once thero It stays
until It Is cured. La grlppo Is ono of tho
Ills that time will not cure.
Tho after-effects of la grlppo do not
locnto In any particular organ. It amounts
to a general Irritability of tho mucous mem
branes of tho wholo body a fiabblness
and paleness of tho mucous membrane.
Sometimes thero Is an over amount of thin
watery mucous secreted, and at other times
thero Is a dryness of the mucous surfaces.
Thero Is no remedy In tho world that
meets the conditions produced by la grlppo
better than tho remedy Peruna. Peruna
strengthens ns It renovates, soothes whilo
It stimulates, heals as It expurgates.
Peruna Is not a purgative, or cathartic,
or sedative, or stimulant, nor a vegetable.
or mineral poison. It reaches tho source
of all diseases of tho mucuous membranes
by its action on tho vaso-motor system
of nnrvos
Tho following aro samples of tho letters
received by Dr. Hartman concerning tho
cures Peruna Is making.
Hon. F. Simmons, United States Mar
shal, Mohllo, Alabama, speaks In high
prolso of the merits
of Peruna. He Bays:
"After having used
Peruna for a short
tlmo I find that It
Is tho most excel
lent remedy for the
grip and catarrh
ever prepared. I can
heartily recommend
It to any one." F.
Mr. Frank Bauer,
of Mlnnclska, Minne
sota, In a recent let
ter, says:
'I cannot say anything eiso but good
of your medicines. For soven winters I
havo suffered with la grippe, and by each
attack was confined to tho bed. In tho
wintor of 1898, I was attacked with la
grlppo. I had a terrible cough. I asked
wlfo In company with a Mrs. Kruger, a
rolatlvo of President Krugor of tho South
African republic, hail died by his own hand.
A few days ago a prominent Gcrmnn renl-
dent of Choyenno reculved a letter from
a friend In Germany, which stuted that
Mrs. Kruger had told him that Wurl nnir-
derod his wlfo, bolng assisted by Delfs. On
his deathbed Wurl, who had married Mrs.
Kruger shortly after their arrival In South
Africa confessed that ho committed tho
crlmo. His rruson for wanting his wlfo
out of tho way was because ho was In love
with Mrs. Kruger, and tho latter would
havo nothing to do with him, ns long ns
his wlfo was allvo. Mrs. Kruger learned
nothing of Wurl'.4 crlmo until tho con
fession of tho dying man. nnd like overy
ouo fnmlllnr with tho murder supposed that
Mrs. Wurl hnd been killed by highwaymen.
Tho disclosures havo caused a sensation
throughout this section, as tho Wurls nnd
Krugers wero well connected nnd being
wealthy wcro nmong tho most prominent
citizens of tho southern part of the state.
MlnliiK Town CiivIhk In.
TMTTSTON. p., i)ec "I The caveln nt
tlui Ravine mlnn of tile Pennsylvania t'oal
company, which begun yesterdny, continued
today, iioioro noun inu principal mreei or
the city for ii distance of thlrty-tlve feet,
fell Into the mines. Tho caveln Is the most
serious tn the history of the anthracite re.
Lion. It Is feared other sections will also
sink. Water nnd glut mains were broken by
today s caveln nun water is nooning tne
mines, Soven houses have been badly dam
aged. It Is stated tho collapse was caused
by tho robbing of the mine pillars,
1'IiuIm I'nlniiiieil (.'unity.
l.n.RPl."lvP tiili tn. M A ,1 ntfnmlil
tn rinlson at least ono member of tho family 1
of W. H. Hell by means of poisoned candy
lias come to light. Mm. lieu discovered i
In a refiiderntor the cover of n Innro nail. !
partly tilled with chncolnto drops, placed '
exactly where sho was In the habit of
ipHVinir a uincueon lor ner n-year-oia son.
Tho candy contained Paris green and mer.
eury, tnero neing enougn in ono piece lo
kill n man,
Don't neglect a
cold. When ex
posed or chilled
take an Orange
inc powder and
repeat in twenty
If your cold
has started fol
low Orangcinc directions, "Oue night
cure," found in every package.
Specimen Expe.rlen-.cs.
"The bet remedy for a cnM 1 nn paw,''
"Oared ietoncmw of (trip In or famllr,"
win. vtauar, nuvtern ueu uuonipinn.
-Wm. T . Dull. Chlraao.
i m, i.
"Oomtiletelr removal mr ottarrh of lon
ttndln." V. T. HlchoU, iniDKr A. M.
IlothicblM 4 Oo.'s grooerr dept., C'htcaeo.
Sold by dmggists generally In 23 and Wo
packages. A trinl pnekago will bo sent to
any address for 2-cent stamp.
Chlctto, til.
Hon. F. Simmons
Coliimhiii. O.. Inlv Kith, man
especially it lias been of emit
institution. "-Sister
:rs of the Cood
my wlfo to get mo u bottle of Peruna, but
ns tho druggist did not have It she got mo
something else that wns highly recommend
ed for la grippe, costlug the same ns Po
runa. I took that, but was not nblo to
leavo the bed.
"I told my wife If I did not get Peruna
runa soon that I would surely bo a grlppo
victim, ns my
lungH felt ns If
1 nlvcs were stick
ing In them.
".My wlfo wen
to town and got mo
a bottle of Piruun,
and I took It four
days nccordlng to
the directions on
tho bottle. The
fifth dny I took nn
nx on my shoulder
and went out Into
tho woods to chop
"I had another
Mr. Frank Unuer.
slight attack, but as I had Peruna In thu
house It caused mo but one trying night.
My wlfo wanted to send for tho doctor,
but I took sma.ll doses of Peruna evoij
half, hour and Improved right along."
Frank Bauer.
Henry Dlsttn, tho Inventor and maker of
all tho band Instruments for the Henry
Dlstln Manufacturing Co., at Wllllamsport,
Pa., Is probably the most active old man
In Philadelphia today. Ho and his wife re
cently celebrated the fiftieth annlversury
of their marriage, at their homo on South
Ninth Street. Mr. Dlstln conies from one
of tho most famous musical families of
tho old world, Ms father and grandfather
beforo him, ns well us himself, having
played at almost all tho royal courts of
England nnd tho continent.
Mr. Dlstln writes concerning Perunn,
tho world-famous catarrh cure, ub fol
lows: 14 11 South Ninth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa., May 0, 1899.
Dr. S. H. Hartman
Dear Sir -"I write to Inform you that
I had a tad attack of la grippe hist De
1 tto.oll l.ww'nliy cla'y'or lilglil.
lends 10 hnernimnrrliu-n and all
I'vit. I he Llcliwvanrt iba utlmrv
and rritoi ps small weH orsnnv .....
Hmrrmon aunrers arc imt cined by Doctors Is bw"ine 90 per rent nr troubled with rrmwuiii.
CncillU.NK the only known remedy to rum without nn opcrnuoo. 6000 tentlmnnUUs. A wrlttjn
ruRrnnlenKiteii ami raniu.y returned If iNnrsiiociuo; effect a peruaueai cum. (LOOK boxIor
ty jr.n.11. nen I fnr khbk mid leitlmcrlnls.
fl KOWIN K l'o f. u. 'or !07, Han Fronchco. ''a
Bjeleiu, which the? trill
Cook's Duchess Tnblrt s are successful! r
used monthly by over 10.000 ladles. I"rico,
. i. ay man, !.. nenn i cents ror
ssmnle srd particulars, The Cook Co..
UA3 Woodward &vn.. Uetrolt, lllch.
Bold In Omaha by Ku tin & Cc., 15 & Douglaa.
Columbia Desk Calendar
A convenient memorandum pnd with
separate pngo for each dny of the
year Enclosed by handsome steel
frainn. May be hung up or placed at
any desired angle on tho desk. Thn
1901 edition has rolornd cover of new
dcHlgn and Improved binding. Now
Rent to nny ndilrem on rreelpt of
r. 2-eeut ntnmiia,
American IlloycJe Co.
Hartford, Conn.
VttaAeS Sttimg
I r
--MM I (
cnapei services:
cember which lasted
more than threo
months, and wlilch
left me with catarrh
and Boveral of my
friends advlRcd mo
to try your wonder
ful medicine, Peru
na 1 bcgnn with a bottle In the first
week in March and It certainly did mo
a great deal of good. 1 was so welt
satisfied that I purchased another hot
tie, and followed your directions which
you furnlBh with every bottle, nnd I nm
gad to say that It hns cured me. 1 shall
certainly recommend tho Peruna to nil
my friends." Henry Dlstln.
Mrs. Jnno Gift, of Heblmrdsvllle, O.,
writes the following: "1 think I would
havo been dead long ago If It had not been
for Peruna. Six years ago I had la grlppo
very bad. Tho doctor enmo to seo me ev
ery day, but I gradually grow worBC. I
told my husband I thought I would surely
die If I did not get relief soon.
"Ono day I picked up tho newspaper
nnd accldently found a testimonial nf u
woman who hail been cured of la grlppo
by Peruna. I told my husband I wanted
to try It. llo went directly to tho drug
store and got a bottle of Peruna. I could
sec tho Improvement In u very short tlmo
und wns soon nblo to do my work. I con
tinued using It until I wnB entirely cured.
"I have Induced a great many to try the
medicine and nil havo had the same re
sult. I ha'vo used It In my fnmlly for my
husband nnd children for colds nnd la
grippe. 1 would not bo without In tho
houso. 1 really think It linn added yearn
to my life, and 1 feol that I havo no ono
to thank but God nnd Dr. Hartman. It
other sufferers aro Induced to try this
wonderful medicine they will Join mo in
singing Its praises." Mrs. Juno Gift.
Mrs. Theophllo Schmltt, wife of tho ex
Scerotary of tho German conHiilnte, writes
tho following letter to Dr. Hartman In
regard to Peruna:
3417 Wabash Ave, Chicago, III.
Tho Peruna Mcdlctno Co., Columbus, O.,
Gentlemen I nurtured this winter with
a sovero attack ;of la grippe, and having
repeatedly heard of tho vnluo of Peruna
In such cases, I thought I would try It.
I used it faithfully,
an I hctfan to feel n
chanje for tho bet
ter tho fcccond day,
and In tho courso nt
a week I was vorv
much Improved. Af
ter using threo bot
tles I not only found
tho la grlppo had
disappeared, but my
general health wns
much better. I rtn
satisfied that Poruna
Is n wonderful fami
ly remedy, and glnd-
ly endorso It." Mrs. Theophllo Schmltt.
Address tho Perunn Mcdlctno Co., of Col
unibiiH, Ohio, for n book treating on ca
tarrh. PII - 0TA r'CUPlDENE'
frtd iitaqulrknmvof diclirge. whlrli II ,1101 rlieoard
thn horrors ( Itnpotencr. 'UII IIKfOJclottnwntl.o
nrcaNi i'I ill luiDUrlUea. C'UI'lUl.flKBtrealUienn
tf-;L i i i rm
Mrs. Theo. Schmltt.
"URAN-SOLVENT" Irtwwlvwi Ntrlclurn llko miow taunUli tbo sun, mlucea
KulnrKtrroHiatfl, anO Hlrpnjrtlions Uvo Hcmlrml Duct, k topping Prnlns&ndi
IlmlrVitons In Plfuwn Iay. No ilragK to ruin tint stomach, but a dlrwit local!
hurt foHlve nppltratloii to thu en tiro urnttirai tret. M(lran-HolTont" M not j
liould, It U liropared In thn form of Urnyuns or I'micilrv, smooth and flox
! uJXJX'micVnX. Every Man Should Know Himself.
TllKHr JAMKH AKSK, Kim HI, ClndiinnU, O. ho prepared t .
KTt-Atcipenio an eihauaU Ulnatretrd Treillen on the runlci mm Ka Ea
end lo anr male applicant, prepaid mm
Charter Oak Stove & Range Co.
fiJxS-lHi. '" !H It'll IWTKK'h I'.NUI.lSli
(eieaWvl' KKIt o1 liiM m.uiii, bsi,. ...i.l
Itaaa-rrval aubttllulioul itiia Imllu.
Hon.. r.. f jr llriil, r md! 4e. is
lump, hi I'nrUcul.n, TllranUU
4 Ilf fur I.Aillt,NMb i.ll.r. bt ...
' lurMll. KI.MU T..lin,.l,l, S!tt
til rinillm. I kl. )!. r 'hilal VL
Ml". UiilHi Sausr. !