Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Fleu for Placet at Lincoln
Disturb Him.
Fail to
J'nlnre A t i I n t in o 11 ( Will llr Miule
r ci in (Mli)'r .Sect I on of llic
Hlu( ViiuiiK Mm Will
ll! Preferred.
Oovornor-olcct Dietrich, who spont n few
hours In tlio city yesterday, la not being
worried by olUcn-scekers. "It's as easy
for mo to nay 'no' iih 'yes' when I wnnt to,"
said tlio governor, "and for that rcasou tho
office-seekers, of whom there nro n grent
planty, nro not giving mo anything like
mental anguish. I have taken tho position
thnt only good men who nro fitted morally,
mentally nnd physically for the particular
places they seek shall be appointed, nnd I
have nlpo made tip my mind to Infuse new
blood Into tho stato government by Riving
profcronco to young men In making np
rolntmeiits. Tho nppolntmontn from Doug
las county already reported ura nbout nil
that will bo Riven to It. Any other np
polnttncnts from thlu county will bo held
over for somo time. It must bo remem
bered that I have but one pluco to give out
for ovory four counties, and I nm endeavor
lug to distribute tho appointments through
nut tho stnte as equitably ns possible.
tninK Hint Douglas lias been treated very
to outi.i.m: this riTt'iu: i'iii,u;v.
Colmirl llrjnn Will Hup (hit Pimm at
(III- .llll'I.KIIIllllll Cllltl lllllMIIK'l.
Colonel W. J. Ilrynn, who will bo the
principal speaker nt tho annual banquet of
tlio Jacksonlnn club, to bo given Monday
evening, Jnnunry 7, hns announced that ho
will on this occasion talk about tho future
policy of tho democratic party. As this will
bo tho first public declaration, slnco tho
election, of the Into presidential candidate's
Ideas on tho futuro policy of tho party, tho
speech will bo ono of national Interest.
Tho other speakers on tho program, which
hns been completed, will bo Governor Heck
ham of Kentucky, J. Hamilton Lewis nt
Washington, Congressman Hhnllcnbergcr of
Nebraska, Will II. Maupln, who will speale
for tho press, and Harry O'Neill, who will
make tho response for tho club.
General Kltzhugh I.eo and Senator J. S. 0.
Illaekburn of Kentucky will be among tho
guests of honor. Tho speakers nnd
distinguished guests will bo cntertulncd nt
luncheon ul tho Omnhn club at noon, and
during tho entlto afternoon a public recep
tion will bo In progress nt tho rooms of
tho Jacksnnlnn club.
I'niHifrntn ('Iiiiiiiii' for Spoil ItcKliril-
ll'HH llf I'lllllll! IlltCrt'NtN.
Then) nro signs to Indicate that tho fu
Flonlsts nro going to grab every crumb on
tho local plo counter within their roach
noon after tho first of tho year. A couplo
of county olllcers of tho popocratlc faith
havo persisted In retaining republicans ns
chief deputies on tho ground that tho com
petency of tho men made them preferable
to nny now appointees, Hut tho leaders of
tho local democracy havo kept up n con
tinual cry of "tho spoils nnd all the spoils,"
nnd tho otllro holders are about to yield to
tho party clamor. A. Stcere, Jr., tho capa
ble chief deputy In the ofllco of tho clerk
of tho district court, Is slated to go In
order to make a vacancy for Andy Gnlla
gher. It Is understood that Clerk Ilrond
well has promised tho party managers that
this change will bo mado In tho very near
Mmiiis 111 to is Tim wix.Msn.
IlntTnln County .Mini Appointed
Di'inil)' Allnriu-)' (ienrrnl.
Tho announcement comes from Lincoln
that Norrls Drown of Kearney has been ap
pointed deputy nttornoy general. It was
rumored a fow days ago that Attorney General-elect
I'rout was disposed to select his
deputy from Douglas county and n number
of Omaha's aspiring lawyers wcro looking
hopefully toward Lincoln and Beatrice. Tho
appointment of Mr. llrown, who Is ono of
tho leading members of tho Huffnlo county
bar, will glvo general satisfaction to re
publicans generally nnd relievo tho nnx
loty of tho Omaha candidates for tho posi
tion, who were Charles II. Morgan, A. W.
JelTerls, C. V. Miles, Carl Herring and
Ccorgo A. Day.
Hint 111k FnllltiK Hnlr .Stopped, nnil
DiinilriilT Ciireil, Without Faith.
If. II. rietcher, Iiutte, Mont., Oct. 20,
1893, Bays: "Like many other people, I
havo been troubled for years with dandruff,
nnd within tho last fow months my hnlr
eamo out so badly that I was compelled to
havo what I had left clipped very close. A
friend recommended Newbro's Herplcldc. I
confess Hint I doubted his story, but I gavo
Herplcldo n trial; now my hair Is as thick
ns ever, nnd entirely free from dandruff."
"Destroy tho cause, you remove tho effect."
At druggists, $1.00. Herplcldo Is n delight
ful hair dressing for regular uso .
Vln Itiirk InIiiiiiI lloiite.
West of tho Missouri river, ono faro for
tho round trip. Hast of tho Missouri river,
ono nnd one-third faro for tho round trip
to points within n dlstnnco of 200 miles.
Tickets on Biilo December 22, 2.1, 21 23 nnd
81 nnd January 1. Oood for return until
January 2. City ticket oiricc, 1323 Farnam
hoi. in.vv n.vrns
Vln AllNNiiuri I'nrlMe Uy,
December 23, 21, 2C. 31 and January 1.
For further Information call at com
i pany's oflleo, southeast corner Fourteenth
nnd Douglas streets.
, W, Attention.
a meeting of tho
A. O. I),
inero win uo a meeting of tho stock
rubserlberu at tho building nt 110 and 112
North Fourteenth street on Tuesday, Do
crmber IS, nt S p. in. Ily order of tho con
tral committee.
Iti'liiovnl Not Iff.
Tho Keeley Institute formorly located nt
nialr, Neb., has been removed to Omaha,
corner of Nineteenth and Leavenworth
streets, whoro our patients nro cured of
alcoholism, cocaine, morphliio and opium
Siunllinit nt St. I'iiiiI.
St. I'aiil. Neb., has taken n position with
North linttu unit Urtuul Island ns u ills
trlbutor "f smallpox. Alfred llalleiuan
rnnw to Omaha from 8t. Paul a fnw days
ngu to visit relatives, llo was suffering
with ii slight colli when ho loft home, but
lioforo ho had been In Omaha three, days liu
hail a well tlollncd case of smallpox, Sun
day evening ho was removed to tho
emergency hospital, llallemau Is n young
man about 23 years of age and woh em
ployed nt husking corn beforo ho eamo to
Omaha, llo says that there nro sovernl
rases of smallpox: In St. I'nul, but that ho
Hit not know ho was exposed to tho
MurrliiKC I. Ionium.
Tho following licenses to wed wero Issued
at tho olllco of tho county Judgo ycBterdny:
Name and Hesldonce. Age.
Henry 13. Lvdow, Omaha 31
Annie Martin, Omnhn ! 25
George Myers, Omaha 20
ltnehael Olllver, Oimilm 33
Miller L. Durham, Omaha 29
Nettlo Tnlmaii, Davenport 24
Happiness ts hut another name for per
fect health. Use. l'rlckley Ash Hitters and
bo happy. It keeps tho vital organs healthy i
and, well regulated.
Committer on Ml-u'ellnnrotin Hrvnine
Appro rn Mrnlx" Submitted unit
Order ".0,000 Shlpprd.
Tho auditorium brick, which Is expected
to mark tho coat lapel of every man Inter
ested In tho progress of Omaha, will muko
Its HDPearancu within tho ensuing fortnight
After two mouths of consideration nnd
after careful Inspection of n Bcoro of mod
els submitted, tlio auditorium commit'
teo on miscellaneous rcvenuo reported yes'
lerdny that It had decided upon a design
for tho brick badge. Chairman Fred Pat
ftnrath held n model of tho favored design
beforo tho ndmlrlng eyes of the auditorium
directors yesterday and they voted unanl
mously to accent It nnd to nuthorlze the
chairman to order a first shipment of 20,
000 nt once.
Tho design selected has tho brick bus
ponded from a pin button. Tho button hns
n rich royal purple background, upon which
appear tho words: "I own n brick In tho
Omaha auditorium." The lettering Is In
a circle around the edge of the button and
across the center runs A white bar, In
which tho badge Is numbered In red figures.
Tho suspended brick is mndc of celluloid,
Is brick red, nnd Is "half as wide ns It Is
long and half ns thick ns It Is wide." On
tho brick tho words, "Ono sharo stock,"
arc embossed.
Tho bricks nro to bo sold at $1 each nnd
with ench brick goes ono share of stock In
tho auditorium company, llrlcks hearing
favorite numbers will bo sold at auction
and nro expected to bring handsome pro
mlums, I'resldont Sanborn yesterday put
In u bid of $100 for brick No 1, but Mr,
1'nnVnrnth said ho would probably havo to
bid higher to get It.
Omnhn llonded Wn relimme Filled tn
OverllouliiK with the l'rnnrnnt
Chlnexe Product.
Tho bonded warehouse at Omnha Is filled
to ovenlowlng for tho first time In several
months, nnd If tho Increase In tho volumo
of business is maintained tho olllcers Inti
mate that additional warehouse spaco will
bo required.
Tho greater part of tho Importations now
In the building consists of ten, of which
thcro aro over 6,000 chests to bo drllvcred
to Importers upon tho payment of tho duty.
Tho last consignment to arrlvo was tho
largest over received at this port, consist
ing of 4,130 chests, or ten carloads. Up at
tho customs houso tho clerks nro now en
gaged In calculating the amount of duty to
bo paid. This will require a dny or two,
ns tho tea Is In several grades with vary
ing tariff charges. It will, however, bo tho
largest amount of duty ever paid on nny
ono consignment nt this port.
Tho customs officials nro highly gratified
with tho present showing, ns Omaha Is ono
of the few towns approximating 100,000 In
habitants, ns given by tho last census re
ports, whero a bonded customs wnrchouso
Is maintained nnd where importers can ro-
celvo their goods from foreign ports and
withdraw them as they desire. Each year
tho location of theBo bonded warehouses
comes up for tho constderntton of congress
and from tlmo to tlmo efforts havo been
mado by eastern congressmen to have bov-
cral of tho warehouses nt western ports
discontinued. Olllclals of tho Omaha ofllco
aro confident that they will bo ablo to
mako a showing that will Insuro tho re
tention of tho ofllco In this city.
Ijxlfimlnn of Ilertlllnn .Syntrm in In
KflTeet nod n AVomnn In the
First Victim.
Tho police department yesterday in
augurated tho change In tho nppltc. .Ion of
tho Ucrtlllon system, promised somo tlmo
ago, whereby local offenders are to bo
photographed and measured according to
methods formerly applied only In cases of
confirmed criminals of moro or less national
repute. And, oddly enough, the first person
to experience tho effects of this new ruling
was a woman.
Mrs. C. U. Payne, tho shoplifter, with a
police escort, called about 9 o'clock at tho
gallery which has tho contract for doing
tho city's photographic work. and. as if
from forco of habit, began primping beforo
tho largo plor glass. She arranged her
pompadour with great care, applied n llttlo
powder from n chamois Bkln puff, and gave
attention to tho symmetry of hor tie. Then,
when It eamo to tho pose, sho Insisted upon
holding hor head so a llttlo molo on ono
sldo of her noso would not show In tho
Tho photographer didn't havo to ask her to
look pleasant, for by tho tlmo he was ready
to press tho little rubber bulb her hend was
poised coyly on ono sldo and hor
countcnanco wreathed In smiles. Oscar
Karbach says this "prettygraph" will bo
nn Interesting addition to his art gallery.
Jut Saved II tn Mir,
It was n thrilling cscapo that Chorlcs
Davis of Uowerston, 0 lately had from
n frightful death. For two years a severe
lung trouble constantly grew worse until
It seemed ho must dlo of consumption.
Then he began to uso Dr. King's New Dls-
covory and latoly wrote: "It gavo Instant
relief and effected a permanent cure." Such
wonderful cures havo for 25 years proven
It's power to euro all throat, chest and
lung troubles. Prlco, 50c and $100. Evory
bcttlo guaranteed. Trial bottles freo at
Kuhn & Co's. drug store.v
Pettj Trifles liars Unpleuant Way
Dltappearingfrcm Oloak Rooms.
Vfry l.nrr.
Ratos cast,
west, north,
December 22-3-4-5,
31, January 1,
H01-H03 Farnam St.
Wanted, a good man to do canvassing In
tho country. Oood pay for right roan. Ad
dress E 4, Dee.
Why not trv II bottle of Sebnnfor'a nouuh
byrup"' It has helped others uml It rcr
tulnly won't cost much to glvo It a trial.
Children can take it they like It because.
It's pleasant to take.
Cramer's Kidney Cure "So
Carter's IJver Pills 5c
fltuart's Tablets 40o
Har-Hou 40c
Peruna 7.1c
Hostellers uiuers 75c
DiifTy's Malt Whlskoy Cc
1 dozen 'J-ttrntu Quinine Capsules 7c
1 dozen 3-graln Quinine Capsules 10c
1 dozen (-grain Uulnlno Capsules l5o
Ilromo Quinine 5c
Bchacfer s Cough Curo iOc
AJax Tablets 40c
lliidyiin Tablets 40u
obi Olory Hitters oc
Wyotli's llenf, Iron nnd Wlr.o 75o
Shradnr'H Fig Powder ,23c
rallies celery compound 75a
Wlno of Oanlti I 7.1c
Parter'H Liver Pills lBo
Plerco'B Prescription ,, 7Sc
nurry's Mint wnisKey wo
Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills, ..,$1,00
ouimcrcn druggist
S. W. Cor. Kith nnd Chluuico Htm.
llnther Tlinn I'nr for I, out Villained,
lleftiinrcefnl Student" Find I.rsn
Hxpennlve .Method of
Mentoring; Them.
Tho study of Seneca's Morals has not
kept High school pupils freo from klep
tomania, better known In pollco court ns
petty larceny. Lunches, books, pencils,
gloves, rubbers nnd street car faro havo nn
unplonsant way of disappearing from the
High school cloak rooms, and within tho
last few weeks sovcral offenders have been
called beforo Superintendent Pearso to c.x
pluln how they i-nino Into possession of
property which wns claimed by another.
So fnr this year no pupils havo been dis
missed, but thcro havo been suspensions
nnd a repetition of the offenso will ruenn
Hooks offer tho greatest temptation to
pupils whoso fingers nro adhesive. Sev
eral cases havo been brought to light whero
pupils lost tho books which wcro Issued to
them and appropriated other books found
In tho corridors. Tho erasing of names and
numbers Is tho work of but a minute. All
books used In tho schools nro oxnctlv nllko
ami nro supplied by tho Hoard of Edltca
Hon. llnther than nav for 1 ont hnnkn rd.
ourcerui pupils have adopted n chennor
mcmod oi replacing them. Hut the losers
of books have recently developed tho Shor-
iock Holmes Inst net. Telltale erasure
nave been Investigated and names and num
oors wntcn were supposed to havo been
ouuicrnlcd have caused trouble.
Xn Mciiiin f I'roteetlnic 1'rnpertr.
"It would bo strange if WO were nnf tn
havo troublo of this sort amone l.r.00 nn.
plls," Superintendent Penrso snld in reply
10 inquiries concerning tho thefts. "At ores
cnt thcro Is absolutely no means of protect
ing property left in tho hnl s. Wo linvn nn
locKers and tho Jnnltors cannot stand guard
all tho tlmo. We havo every reacon to bo
llevc that what stealing Is done Is tho work
of members of tho High school. I don't
think that outsiders should bo blamed. In
previous yenrs there havo usuallv been sev
eral pupils dismissed for stenllnir. Wliorn
boys or girls aro known to bo thieves nnd
havo been caught several times wo havo
no hesitation in dismissing them. The nr-
icies taken nro usunlly of small value, so
wo do not report losses to tho police, but
suggest to offenders that they lcavo school.
wncn we get Into tho now Men school
building this pilfering will bo dtno nwny
with. Each pupil will havo a locker and
tho tcmptntlon to steal will bo removed.
At present cloaks and coats nro hung on
top of each other and It Is ImposBlblo for
tenchers to tell whoso property n pupil Is
appropriating. A dishonest boy or girl haB
ovory chnnco in tho world to go through tho
pockets of other pupils.
Many of tho complaints which como to
us concerning thefts aro brought about by
mistakes. Rubbers aro plied In tho corri
dors and In mnny cases they get mixed up.
uplls who aro In n hurry to got homo can
not find their own ruhbers, bo they take any
pair that fits. Tho result Is that an odd
collection of rubbers Is left and tho pupils
who failed to got fitted out think thoy havo
been robbed."
The Mont ImiMirlnnl Fur Kind In (lie
lllntor) of Omnltit'a Itetiillluu.
A Now York maniifneturcr'n stock of furs
purchnscd by us at an enormous confes
sion enables us to offer tho most remark
able bargains over heard of, Hero nro In
stances: 169.00 for $100.00 Persian lamb Jackets.
$35.00 for $135.00 Persian lamb Jackets.
$125.00 for $185.00 sealskin Jackets,
$75.00 for $125.00 beaver Jackets,
$69.00 for $100.00 krlmmcr Jackets.
$22.60 for $35.00 China seal Jackets.
$16.00 for $25.00 astrakhan Jackets.
$4.98 for $7.f0 near marten storm collars,
98c for $2.00 fur colarettes.
$19.00 for $27.60 blended benver storm
$2.60 for $4.50 electric seal stolls.
Fur sets, stolls, scarfs and children's sets
In overy grade manufactured, nit on snlo nt
proportionately low prices.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts
Yon Can Aroid the Btuh of tho Day bj
Oomine at Might.
Two I.nrRP Wholennle limine Clone
Out Their llnllrr Mtnek of 'lojx,
Honk nnd llolldny (JimiiI In
Vm nt n Treiiiendoun Loss.
Wanted, a good man to do canvasslnir in
the country. Good pay for right man. Ad
dress E 4, Uee.
Front Door of I'rnne II rim.' Store t'n
locked nnd Two Hundred Dnltnra
Worth nf (loods i'uUep.
Ponso Ilros.' men's furnishing store, 122
South Fifteenth street, was robbed somo
tlmo Saturday night or Sunday morning of
$200 worth of goods. Only tho most ex
pensive articles were taken and thcro nro
Indications that the burglars wero familiar
with tho Interior of tho store. Entrance
wns effected by unlocking tho front door
with a koy. As this door Is fitted with a
Yalo lock tho pollco bellovo that tho koy
used wns ono which hnd been carried by
an attacho of the store.
Tho robbory was discovered In an un
usual way about 9 o'clock Sundny morning
A man, evidently n stranger In tho city,
called at n neighboring hat store and asked
whero he could buy a collar. Ho was ill
reeled to tho Pease emporium. Returning
n moment later, ho snld: "Tho front door
Is unlocked, but thcro Is no ono In tho store
to wait on me." A clerk from tho hat storo
being sent to Investigate, found tho
stranger's report to bo true. Tho door
was unlocked and tho goods In tho plnco
wcro In wild confusion. Tho firm wns noti
fied by telephone of tho condition and soon
tho senior member was on hnnd. Susneet
Ing that some of his employes had done tho
job, ho hnd most of them "on tho enrpet"
nil day Sunday, plying them with questions,
but failed to bring out nny facts that
would clear up tho mystery. Ho then
notified tho rollcc.
Oood champngno repairs waste. If you
feel tired try a bottlo of Cook's Imperial
Extra Dry Champagne; bonuet unrivalled.
Announcement!! nf the Tlienlern.
Tho usual big crowds aro attending tho
Orphcum this week nnd their happy ex
pressions nttest their enjoyment. Krelln's
animal circus Is a posltlvo novelty. Tho
dogs nro taught to lmltnto men, women,
children nnd ponies, without barking or
making any sound and havo clover make
ups, counterparts of tho objects they lml
tnto. Krollo Is n ventriloquist nnd delivers
tho speaking partB. Nothing llko this per
formance has over been seen hero. Family
raatlnco tomorrow.
To Kan Kim Clt- nnd Itetnrn.
On sale December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th.
31st, and Jnnuary 1st, via Omnha & St.
Lculs railroad, All Information nt city
ticket office, 1415 Farnam streot (Paxton
hotel block) orwrlto Harry E. Moores,
Omaha, Neb, ""
It Is tho rillo among certain largo wholc-
wilo houses to closo out their entire stocks
of toy and holiday goods about two weeks
beforo Xmas. Their regular wholesale
trade, has been supplied by that time, and
they prefer to closo out such lines then.
no matter at what loss, rather than carry
them ovtr another season.
Knowing tho Immense outlet wo havo and
thnt wo aro prepared to bandlo such large
quantities of toys nnd holiday goods better
than other firms, they mndc us n proposl
Hon, which on account of prlco wo nc
ccptcd at once.
Tho sensational salo of toys, books and
holiday goods which wo held last year Is
remembered to this day, and this snlo will
bo fully equal to It.
Como now beforo tho best nro gone.
Como In tho evening If you think tho
crowds nro too great during the day.
Wo will bo open every evening from now
until Xmas.
Orand sale dress patterns.
Special salo gloves.
Special salo neckwear and laces.
Ornnd sale handkerchiefs.
Dig sale ribbons,
Bargains In fine umbrellas.
nolt pockctbooks, manicure sets, shaving
sots, work sctB, etc.
Smoking Jackets, bath robes.
Suspenders and neckwear.
Slippers nnd fancy shoes.
Open evenings until Xmas.
Teknmnli l'oxtninster Hnjn He
IllKlit In .HtoppliiK (ilove
Mayor Moores received tho following let-
tor from Postmnstcr P. L. Rork of Tcka-
mnh, Neb. :
"You havo won tho good will of all the
best men nnd women of this commonwealth
by tho emphatic manner In which you put
a stop to those brutal encounters that sport
ing men nro pleased to call 'glovo contests.'
'Tho sentiment of all good citizens Is
with you In your fearless position."
Tho kidneys ncho when they nro other-
worked and tho troublo gets serious unless
promptly removed. Prickly Ash Hitters Is
a reliable kldnoy tonic nnd bowel regulator.
"Turn Yonr llnek"
on tho cold, dlsngrceablo weather of the
north nnd spend your winter In tho sunny
south. Tho Illinois Central railroad has
tourists' tickets on snlo to Now Orleans,
Florida, Nassau, Cuba, Porto Rico and
othor winter tourist points, good for re
turn until Juno 1, 1901. For Information
regarding the "Dlxlo Flyer," tickets and
hotels, call on or address W. H. Drill, D. P,
A., I. C. R. It.. Omaha, Neb.
new, astonishing
and greater values and display of noli-
main floor will be filled with
gOOdS than ever The entire
the choicest, best and most appropriate and exquisite gifts in books,
pictures, watches, jewelry, silverware, games and toys that Omaha has
ever seen. The lowest prices, the biggest assortment, the
most convenient arrangement, the most complete displays,
enabling you to see and select just what you want and
save fully 50 percent.
Watches and Jewelry Thf moi apprpriat d &rs ot an
gifts. We carry over 300 styles in watches
in all the guaranteed makes, and can save you from $5.00 to 75.00 on a good watch. A beau
tiful showing of rings, plain and set, in great variety and at half the usual prices.
We make a special Bhowing of dainty, desirable novelties in silverware to enable you to
decide what to select. If you are in doubt, you can solve the problem here. Prices will
please you as well as the goods.
Dolls, Toys and Games JTJEt
home, at Hayden Bros., by endless varieties of dolls, iron toys, modern toya, engines, games
and fancy goods of all descriptions. Tuesday we put on sale several big shipments
of exquisite new dolls and toys just received. Tiny things tor tiny tots at tiny
prices. Supply your Christmas wants at the Big Store got what you want and save money.
IXrwI-Srl r r frJff' The wonder of all is a complete lino of hand painted Oollu
XlUllUaj VI 11 IS loid Handkerchief Boxes, Glovo Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Tie
Boxes, Cuff Boxes. Goods worth 50c to $1 your choice Tuesday only 25c. Our line of Cel
luloid Goods never equaled. Beautiful Toilet Sets, 69c, Elegant Manicure Sotp, 98c.
Elegant Toilet Sot's, 79c. The greatest line of Fancy Toilet Boxes at $1, $1.50, $2, $3 .
Albums at Half Price The largost lino of new albums over seen in Omaha.
J 1.00 Albums f0c $2.50 Albums JU0 5,00 Albums 2.50
$1.00 Albums Tfic $3.00 Albums $1.S0 $6.00 Albums $3,00
$2.00 Albums $1.00 $4.00 Albums $2.00 $8.00 Albums $4.00
We havo secured tho groatost sample line of fine Brushes, Mirrors and
Toilet Sets in the country. Read these prices
7Gc puro nrlstlo Hnlr Brushes, only .... 35c $2.00 pure Hrlstle Cloth Brushes, only $1.00 $2.00 Comb and Brush Sets, only $1.00
$1.00 pure Bristlo Hair Brushes, only.. 60o $1.00 pure Bristle Hat Brushes, only.. 60c $3.00 Comb and Mirror Sets, only $1.50
$2.00 puro Bristle Hnlr Brushes, only $1.00 $1.00 Comb and Brush Sets, only COc $2.00 Military Brush SctB $1.00
$1.00 puro Bristlo Cloth Brushes, only .. 50c
The finest and largest lino up of now leather goods in Omaha.
These prices cannot bo equaled
35c Combination Purse nnd Card Case,. 19c $1.50 Combination Purso and Card CaBe 75c A beautiful line of Boston Bags f,0o
COc Combination Purso and Card Case.. 26c $3.00 genulno seal and alligator, seal $2.00 genuine Seal, full seal lined $1.00
$1 Combination Purse and Card Case ...,50c lined $1.60
T i CkC? ck Ck-fC These goods como in fancy glass boxeB
iamefr iiarters and mak0 flll0 glft9
$1.00 fancy Carters, glass box 50c
60c Satin Belt Hose Supporters 25c
No whys and wherefores, just 125
copyright books by Captain
King, 25c. Including "Army Wife," "Fort Frayno," Warrior Gap,'' Wounded Namo," and
"Garrison Tangle," all at 25c,
Th? Trader's
Wc want this store to be the
time of the year it meets its
happiest function, the reaching to
thghighest hopes of the most
hopeful, It's a wonderful store,
this is, for giftgiving, Test it at
every point during this busy
holiday season
Why Open Evenings?
Because it is a public demand. Wo obey tlio
vox popxili whenever possible.
The people our public sustain this storo with ever
growing confidence. It. is therefore but reasonable
that we respond ns best, we can to every popular de
mand. If the people did not care to come here if the
store wns not Jit tractive we would not. make such
preparations. But. this store is different, from others.
A sense of public ownership pervades it, an affinity
exists between the store and the people that produces
reciprocity. There are thousands whose exacting oc
cupation claim nil the day. For their sake this store
is kept open evenings.
Wha.t Shall I Buy?
That's the brain-straining, purse
involved problem. Thousands are
with shadow of doubt.
Men's Winter Suits
4.50 5.00 6.50 6.75 7.75
Men's 0'Coats
4.50 5.50 7.00 7.75 9.00
Men's Ulsters
4.00 5.75 7.50 8.00 10.00
Men's Smoking
2.50 3.00 4.00 4.25 4.50
Men's Bath Robes
1.90 2.00 2.75 3.00 3.50
Men's Mufflers
25c 45c 50c 75c 1.00
Men's Gloves
25c 50c 75c 1.00 1.25
Women's Suits
0.75 9.75 12.75 U.75 19.75
Women's Jackets
5.00 7.50 9.75 12.75 II. 75
Womens Dress Skirts
4.75 6.75 7.50 9.75 19.75
Women's Silk
2.90 4.90 6.90 8.75 9.75
Women's Silk waists
1.90 2.95 3.90 5.00 7.50
Women's Box Coats
7.90 9.75 12.75 14.7524.75
Womens Flannel
95c 1.45 1.90 2.90 4.90
In our show room this week.
Como nnd select
A Beautiful
Christinas Gift
French, German nnd American
Mirrors In any kind of a frame
Hovel nraded Center Piece Mir
rors. Como and sen our display
even If you don't buy.
Midland Glass & Paint Go,
1408-10.12 Harney St.
We preHont below somo of tho lendJni;
brands of Perfume which wo carry In stoclc
In bulk or In dainty packages.
HoKon and Gallct's Vara Vlolutta, bot-
tdo ....11.25
Lo Grand's Vlolot Oxlza, bottln Jt.""
Ilaylny's Ess. Houiiuet, bottle.. T1.00
Plnaud's Violet Sensation. bottlQ......U.2"
Palmer's Fr.inslpnnnl. ouiico bottln.. 7."o
Palmer's Garland of Violet and Hose.
bottle ................... 75c
nrckaecker's Martha WnshlnRton, bot
tlo tide
Dabrook'B Parisian Roso and Violet.
bottle COc
La ZoIPs Husslun Violet, bottlo tl.00
I.a Zell's Persian Pomiuot, bottle. .....J1.10
We carry somethlnK over one thousand
styles nnd odors In Perfume. An Inspecttoa
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go
Cor. Kith and ntlK.
35c fancy Garters, Rlass box ,,...lRc
COc fancy Garters, class box 25u
Holiday Books and Bibles
18.00 set of Dickens' works, in eight
volumes 12.88
$3.00 ehcop bound Dictionary 08o "When Knighthood Was In Flower".. 81c
"Janlco Meredith" 81c "Tho Reign ot Law" Sic
"David Ilarum" Slo
To Have and To Hold" 81c 16 mo. Hooka lc
Tomy nnd Grlzel" 81c $1.50 Padded Poets 790
50c Gift nooks :5c
Toy Dooks, 2c, 5c, 7c, 12c and 15c
Save Your Tooth.
W stop decay li- tin cold MUnK. We sar brofcen
dnwn teeth and nutoro them with u. erown. Wa extract
teeth positively without pain.
1517 DoiikIms Street.
Smoke the best.
Ask your dealer for n
F. R. RICE N. C. CO., Mfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE'