f i? i? i? tt tt tt" tfc tt i? 3 THE Tr . ... . . '. OUTH OMAHA received 831,841 Cattle year ending November, 1900; Packers and Feeders bought 803,256 over 96 per cent, of all the Cattle were sold here. SOUTH OMAHA received 2,181,000 Hogs year ending November, 1900; Packers bought 2,181,000100 per cent, of all the Hogs were sold here. SOUTH OMAHA received 1,267,685 Sheep year ending November, 1900; Packers and Feeders bought 1,144,80691 per cent, of all the Sheep were sold here. Live stock dealers save money by shipping to their home market. For market letters and full information con cerning live stock matters address Union Stock yards Company ...of Omaha... (Limited) SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA. 4& 4 $& 4& 4& 4& 4& 4& $& tf 4 tf 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 R. J. AITCHISON. A. B. COOK. CHAS. P. SOUTHARD AS. COMPANY X Hard Soft Coal and Coke. Charcoal, Kindling, Wood. 16 14 FARNAM ST. PHONES 268 and 3 I 9. &lie Sreatest 3CaiI Order Office Supply jfcouse in the West. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway THE SHORT LINE TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST. Solid Vestibule Trains, all Heated by Steam and Lighted by Electricity. The Best New Palace Sleeping Cars with Electric Lights in Every Berth. Finest Dining Cars in the World. Everything First-Class. Limited Trains leave the Union Depot, Omaha, Neb. Ticket Offices: 1504 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. TELEPHONE 284. 5 PEARL STREET, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. TELEPHONE 186. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Things Needed by the electrician are the things we carry. No up-to-date workman should think of going elsewhere for his Electrical Supplies because this is the only store in the city where goods of NlCW DlCSKiN and CoNSTKl'CTION are to be had. Western Electrical Company OFFICE SUPPLIES, FILING DEVICES, TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES, OFFICE DESKS, CHAIRS AND TABLES. METALLIC FIXTURES FOR OFFICE AND VAULT INTERIORS. METALLIC DEVICES FOR CITY, COUNTY AND STATE BUILD INGS, BANKS, INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANIES. We can save you from 10 to 20 per cent on all office supplies. Send for latest illustrated Catalogues. INCIDENTALLY THE LARGEST JOB PRINTING PHI TQT7 IM TUB TOUCT Omaha Sprinting Co., 91 S to 924 Barnaul Street, Omaha. fill f- G. W. JOHNSTON, Manager. 1510 Howard Street. We Tell You AH About It In THE BOOK ?LLHE NEW CENTURY THE FINEST CATALOGUE EVER ISSUED IS YOURS ON REQUEST. IF INTERESTED IN TYPEWRITERS, YOU OUGHT TO HAVE IT. UNITED TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLIES CO., 1 614 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA.