! 10 PureWhiskSl Direct from ffSfi I TUB ILLUSTRATED BEE. December 10, 1900. Exercise as a Fad- (Distiller fo Consumer 1.20 POUR Full Quartt Eiorcii Paid. Saves Middlemen a Profits. Prevents Adulteration. Oil thirty. thrmtiiWHwn IiiitihIIhIIIIimI tlmlM'Kt whlnkny Hindu iuiiImdIiI it direct t " oon mminrn. Wh Iiiivh tlionft. mihIh (if c'linlnin trH in every Mate mill want iniirn; wo tlmritfore Olll'lll tho f ol. liming Proposition: We will Atnd ynu fmir full quart bottles of Mayncr s Seven Year Old Double Copper Distilled IM 1 Mi )J In plulti pa f,j contents. Kilt It Isn't 2VEN- y ear "5fl JAVA a J WW Uyc for $j. 10, Express Prepaid. Wc ahlp packages-no marks to inmcats When you net It and test It, satisfactory return It at our expense, and we will return your IJ.ao Such whiskey cannot be purchased else where for les.t than Sg.oo. ItKFritKNCKH: Htto Nnt'l Dunk, St. Louis, Jlilnl nut I imnK, Uiivton, or any of 1 1 in KxprotiH Companion. WRITR TO NBARBST ADDRESS. THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO. '305 307 S. Seventh St., ST. LOUIS, MO. 226-232 West Filth St., DAYTON, OHIO. P. H.-OnlMfnr Arls.,'ol..C!l .Mnhn.Mont., N.. N. .Mm.. Orn.. Illah. W'u.li.. Wo.. mutt ho fur ') IIk tir Irnlglit prepaid. Christmas comes but once a year Hut you can got Mutz Door, just about tho best boor on earth, all tho year 'round Spring, Summer, Autumn nml Winter Its always refreshing, palatablo, appottto-brlnglng, nourish ing, because It's mado from tho purest materials, by tho cleanest methods, by skillful browors. Mako Santa Claus glad and bring good choor In tho shape of Motz Door Into your home. Order from your dealor or Metz Bros. Brewing Co Telephone 119. OMAHA. Pertinent Remarks According to a special dispatch to tho Now York World of tho 3d Inst. Or. Al bort II. Hoy, a Chicago specialist, has ex pounded "a now and startling theory" con nected with health, vitality and hygiene. Dr. Moy has spent years in a searching and Intelligent Investigation and has at I last reached the conclusion that cxcrclso for men ongaged In nctlvo business or Idle men past middle ago Is detrimental. This theory may bo startling, but It is by no means now, comments tho Washing ton Post. Dr. William A. Hammond, the course at six as "aged." All nnlmals, human or brute, that habitually undergo so-called training another term for exer cise nro mado prematurely old. They ara tho easy victims of every disease. Thoy hove not tho vitality of any ordinary boy or girl of twelve. When Yotisouf, tho Turk ish wrestler, visited this country nnd let It become known as was tho fact that ho never "trained;" that ho lived n life of Idle ness, smoked cigarettes without number, ato anything that struck his fancy and drank bier by tho bucketful when these thing's WoKnnrnutPiiiiti vo firm wIIIiIohh tlmv hudm -ho ILER'S PURE MALT WHISKEY rForGenllefolhJ Purity above Suspicion- soid by Druggists and Deafer. WILLOW SPRING DISTILIERV, OMAHA .U.S.A. lBIBBBMsllBlE,HBiB ' sssssssssssssssssssssss I assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB I MISS JESSIE E. SAWMILL WINNEIt OF1 FIRST PRIZE AT MASQUERADE BALL MYRTLE HALL. OMAHA DRESS MA DE OP ILLUSTRATED DEES. formerly surgeou general of the army nml a man of brilliant aud profound attain ments, preached tho same doctrine for years beforo his (loath. Ho was an in tellectual giant, broad-minded, deeply read, original and forceful. Ho nlways Insisted that a man pust 40 who haU any regular occupation Involving physical or mental strain nnd who, notwithstanding, tcok "exorcise" as such, wns a foot who needed tho most watchful cure and linn restraint. His reasons for this opinion wero very much tho same ns those now advanced by Dr. Hoy of Chicago. Ho main tained thnt bodily exertion, attor tho efforts of one's dally pursuits, was a dangerous aud foolish blunder. It may bo Interesting lu this connection to quote from Dr. Hoy's stutemont bb reproduced In tho World: 'A business man should get all tho ox- erclBe he needs from tho requirements of his business. A long walk only further 'calls upon his reserve. Violent golf or tennis only puts n greater Btralu upon his system. If he says he needs fresh air, oxygon, ho can got it in his office, If tiio latter bo proporly ventilated. Ho doesn't nood to oxorclso to breatho frosh air. "John D. Rockefeller drives a fast horBO. That gives him air, but It doesn't glvo him oxorclso. Joseph Chamberlain takes no ex orcise, oxcopt what ho gets from stepping (rem his olllce to his carriage. Ho Is never sick. Senator William M. Evarts is a vory old man. Ho never exercised, That Is his boast. "Dut business men say: 'Hut 1 need exercise. I do not fool well unless I havt. It.' That moans gonornlly that they eat too much. You can poison your system by eating too much, putting into yoursolt more than tho kldnoya enn eliminate" Dr. Hoy then tnkes up an aspect of tho question which has been dismissed for many years past. Wilklo Collins, tho greatest storyteller known to tho English speaking world, onco wroto a novel and It was ono of his best to Ulustrnto tho prop osition that athletic training makes men old boforo thoir time, shortens their lives and roduces vitality in tho process of build ing up nervo muscle. Tho book was named "Man and Wlfo" and the description of Qooffroy Dolnmnyn, tho Illustrious athleto, contained a world of wisdom. Wo seo the demonstration of this Immortal truth In a thousand everyday experiences. We hear pugilists and oarsmen called old and "stale" at thirty. Wo see racehorses retired from leaked out nnd wero to a certain extent corroborated by Yousouf's personal appear' unco as an enormous, soft, fat and llabby porsou all tho knowing ones declared with scorn that ho would bo nn ensy prey for tho thoiughly-condltioncd champion of Amorlcn. When tho two came togethor, however, the fat and tlabby Turk took Roe- her up as If ho wero a raper bag of pea nuts and Hung htm nbout with striking lluency. Tho Gorman was as a trivial shuttlecock bct.woen tho gigantic battlo- dores of his Homeric hands. YouBouf never exorcised Roober was forever at It. Of courso Dr. Hoy's proclamation will set In motion a tremendous controversy, but It will shortly bo reduced to n choice be tween two standards that of tho trained athloto ut twenty-five and that of tho nor- mnt man who attains the highest physical development at forty or forty-live and who Is a bottor man at sixty than tho worn-out athloto at thirty. Tho individual will de- cldo something to his tnsto and fancy, but Bolemn fncts and tho lessons of observation leave, for ratlonnl human beings, at least, no sort of choice. Flight of a Ticket A recent number of tho Railway Jdur- nal contains a story of n railway ticket which took a suddon Journoy on Its own account. As tho northbound train on tho Colorado & Southern rond passed ono of tho a.ta- tlons a passongor in n forward car raised n window, and In an Instant his ticket was blown from his hands out of tho doors. Tho pnBsenger naturally gave It up for lost, and was very much surprised when tho baggagomastor handed It to him a little while later. It appears that whon the ticket flew through tho window a southbound train was passing. The auction of that train, which was moving at a rapid rate, drew tho ticket along with It, and as It passed the rear and of tho northbound train it blew Into tho door of tho smoking car. Thoro It war found by the baggagemaster. The Plums Are Ripe Positively tho finest photos made In Omnha at Hutchlngs' Studio, 1406 Farnara street. Hand-painted medallions in geld plated framed free with ono dozen best photos. James Matzen, operator. REGENT BOOTEES $3.SQfB M ailHH THE FAMOUS REGENT BOOTEE wlilc-Ii litis never boon surpassed In price, tone or quality, Is only one of the numerous styles of these Justly cele jnited Regent $3.50 Shoes as they aro made up In every known stylo nnd quality of leather, Including the new patent viol kid and nny color of tan. A shoo that has nil the tone and stylo of shoos others ask $5.00 and $0.00 for. Shoes sold to you direct from the factory at factory prices no middleman's profit but nn nctunl saving to you of $l.no or $2.00 on each pair. Tho style Is guaranteed tho wear is guaranteed tho fit Is guaranteed. Regent customers are nlways sntlsflod customers we have no competition where values are con sidered. Nothing makes a nicer Christmas present. Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. 1 5th St. KLEIN'S ii APEX RYE 4 full quarts Direct From Distiller to Con sumer to Save Middle man's Profit. for $VI5 3 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all. From Dec. 10 to Jnn. 10 PDFP A. bottlo of choice I KL.L, vvine with n purchase of $2.00 and over of Whis kies, Wines nnd Liquors, (beer and nlcohol excepted.) Orders for tho Dakotas, Wyoming, Montnnn, Colora do and Arizona must call for 13 quarts In order to be pre paid. References-Merchants Nat. Bank, Omaha; Packer's Nat. Bank, South Omaha; South Omaha Nat. Bank, South Omaha, and all Express and Ralload Companies. Klein's i III. kt , U KM Ml II. KLEIN Out nun -o Imporuh I umaha SouinUmacaHis mm Express Charges Prepaid. City Ordora $275 gallon Hi'nil en rt fully Wc will send 4 Full Quart" Unities ol Klein's Apex Rye, 9 years old, extra copper dis tilled, for S.I. 15, express pre paid We ship In plain pack ages - no marks to indicate contents. When you get it and test it, if it is not satisfactory return it at our expense and we will refund your $3.15. This same grade of Whiskey we offer for $3.15 can not be pur chased elsewhere for less linn $5.00. Orders for the Dakotas, Wyoming-, Montana. Colora do and Arizona must call for 12 quarts In order to bo jtro- paiu. J. KLEIN, WK1TI3 TO EITIII2K ADDIIKSS, WH0LESAL 1 523 North 16th Street, Omaha, Neb. LIQUOR DEALER, 1 N. v. Cor. 26th and N Streets, South Omaha, Neb. Y? guarantee above firm will do ns they ugreo. Editor. VflsHlsatk, ' JMasssssssWk"Jt S..1J. . - X. Swansdown,,,, Prepared Cake Flour Makes Delicious Angel Pood and other Cakes. It you like delicious cake, write us the NAME OF A LEADING GROCER and we will send you, FREE, our book, "CAKE SECRETS," now ro clpM and ldeaa in cako making; will nable you t servo Bome very attrac tive ud delicious dainties in your home. Addrees IGLEHEART BROS. BVANSVIXI.E . . INDIANA. Department C. RED CROSS WHISKEY $31 A FULL QUARTS BTSBBTSTSBI fOT DlrAnf fn rnnnifmop Express charges prepaid Recommended by leading physicians. A puro nnd nutri tious stimulant for family use. Such whiskey as we of fer for $3.00 cannot be purchased else where for $5.00. Wo ship In plain packages no mark to Indicate content and If not per fectly satlsfactorj return at our ex pense and we will refund money at once. Kcfcrcnccs: First Nutionitl Bank of Dm ilia or any Fx press t.oinpany. WESTERN DISTILLING CO Sole Owners ... Omaha 1 i .1. 7