Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1900, Page 15, Image 45

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    December 10, 1000,
Wheeler & Wil : on Ball-Bearing
Sewing Machines.
Or miy other tnnko you nmv want for
cash or
$5 Down and 75c Per Week.
Nei-illoM for nil iiiiii-IiIiii-n.
We rent niiicliliM-M nt 7."i! per wi-k.
We i-i-pulr iiiul Nell piirlN for nil
Milken of iiiiioliliu-N iiiiiiiiiritftiiml.
Monday forenoon wo will glvo one-half
dozen mnchlno needles to nny Indy who
asks for them nt our store.
Si:(.M)-ll..M) Sinvi(i MACIHXKS.
From December 17th to 25th wo will sell
sccond-lmnd mnchlnes nt less thnn hnlf
their rcgulnr prices. This Is nn opporlun
Ity to get your wife a Xnins present thnt
alio needs.
Below 1b a spcclnl list for Monday:
rormcr price. Now.
2 Singers $ 5.00 $ 1.00
1 Wheeler & Wilson No. G..$ 0.00 $ 2.00
1 White $10.00 $ 4.00
Now Home $10.00 $ 5.00
1 Domestic $12.00 $ COO
1 Household $12.00 $ COO
1 Singer, high arm $15.00 $ 7.00
Wheelor & Wilson, No. !)....$lc.00 $ COO
Singer, modern $25.00 $12.50
Standard $25.00 $12.50
3 modern drop head machines, STAN
DARD and SINOKIl, slightly used, at half
regular price.
Hurg-ains in Iiioyolea in order to reduce
oui' stock.
2 Remingtons, No. 2, S.'JO.OO each.
2 Culif-raphs, $12.01) each.
Wo ronl typowritor.s at $.'1.00 per month.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Cor. 15th and Harney.
We make and quickly furnish
on order, a fine line of
V"H have recently instnllud in
our Kloctrotyplnj,' Dupurtniont
lnuuhinory of hi,rh snulu and late
development, whioh ives ih tins
boat if not tlio largest IOleetrotypo
Foundry in tlie vo-it. Send for now
Every kind and any quantity of
Ulcctrotyplnji done promptly,
Thone 1076. Ill Howard St.
Tnhan tic Arnlcn.
Snvnti Uvntltrlco WArnlca
itlfrice. I
Arnica s.nnu ftole.
The Only International Dentifrice.
The Standard (or jo years.
ProxprvpH nnil w nitons tlio toctti, BtrenKtlions
mi' khiim tiHi'OU'iin urn uruuiu.
25c st All Druggist'.
C II.5TKONU &CO,,lrip3.1Clilcaso1U.S,A.
VOnUni LnOl Uold, Hllver, Nickel, MU
I rutins. At bomt or trt'.llnt, uIij
orutra. using .01 Miuof rroi. vruy't
Machine. Pl.t. W.tebti, Jwtfrj,
r.bltw.r., Hleyetft aol tit niettl gola.
No exprrlrnre. Hcmj put,. MM-rn
mrthMt w. do putlog, icoufMiur.
oulOn, .11 ill,, Ont.ntf-4 (Inly out.
Oil fomplati, .11 tool,, lath, I, matrll.ll,
w.i tttit for ork We tecb w
tb .rt, furnliCi irorrti .ol fortnu'.ti
av. P.mnhlrt. itmnlai ftr I'lll!.
L liliA V & CO-
I'Utlnff Work, Cl.NClJiNAl I. O
Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Fourteenth Page.)
should consider It a compliment If the best
of It found Its way to my yumon." Tlio di
rectors durcd not affront the groat lceroy.
Thoy said they would lie delighted to mnko
him such a present, and the furniture fol
lowed him to his house.
Among thu other troubled that tho com
panies have is that every olllclal wants freo
transportation, not only for himself, but
for his servants. On tlio Pekln-Tlcn Tsln
road tho native soldiers have been demand
ing free passes, and some wore recently
discovered tnklng other passengers with
them under tho name of servants and col
lecting from said passengers two-thirds tho
regular fare. "Truly the heathen Chinee Is
Miiiili-lliiillth'M mill Public U'iii-Kn.
At present the Chincso towns and villages
are not allowed to Issuo bonds to construct
public works. This Is donu entirely by thu
. it
general government, mid In lnws recently
issued ns to foreign loans such bonding U
proliiblled. It may bo that the now trontlea
will change this, nnd If so China will be a
profitable Hold for tho public works pio
molcr and speculator. The municipalities
aro now practically freo from debt. Thero
aro cities hero ranging from 100,000
to 500,000 In population which do not owo
a cent. They nro without water works,
sowers, gas, electric lights or street cars.
They should bo improved and bonded, so
you sco tho Held for tho financial mission
ary Is large.
Tho same methods thnt aro used In tho
United States for getting concessions and
working tho municipalities will avail here.
Tho inlluenco of most of tho olllcinls A
for sale, and tho man who expects to suc
ceed must spend on tho lobby. Ho will bo
wlso If he handles most of tho money him
self, for some of it is sure to stick to
every Chinese hand through which it
passes. livery olllclal will expect his squeeze.
As an Instance, take tho concession of tho
railroad from Chin Klang to Tien Tsln, a
distance of 400 or 500 miles, which was
granted to Yung Wing, a Chinese capitalist
educated In Boston. Yung Wing agreed to
pay his Inlluentlal backers $200,000 at tho
start and to give tho government 2.1 per
cent of tho gross prollts after deducting
tho running expenses. Ho wns to raise tho
money for building tlio road and was to urn
It and at tho end of thirty years was to
glvo it to tlio government for nothing. Ho
promised so much, in fact, thnt ho was un
able to place tho property in tlio United
States, as ho had expected, and when tho
olllcinls demanded their 200,000 lie did not
have It to give. They were very angry and
1 am told that it was only by tho connivance
of tho Interpreter of our legation In I'ekln
that he got out of that city allvo. I cite
this to show that tlio Chincso hnvo a high
idea of the value of their services In such
Such corruption Is found in the very high
est circles. Take Hu, who stands next to
Shong as tho chief railroad mnn of the em
pire. Ho was recently accused by tho cen
sors of stealing 400,000 taels (about ?300,
000) out of the 2,400,000 tncls that tho I'ekln
Tlcn Tsln lino wns to cost. How ho ex
plained tho deficiency I do not know, but
ho still holds Ills position In t.lio manage
ment of tho Imperial railways.
4 IiIiiii'h 1'IinI I.ik-iiihiiI I vi-.
Speaking of tho Tien Tsln railroad, I saw
in lis enr shons nt Tout' Slum the first lorn-
! motive that ever ran on a railroad In north
China. This was twonty years ago, when
It was dlillcult to get tho Chinese to admit
steam power, and so tho olllcinls had to go
slowly. They built the road from tho Kal
plug coal mines to tho sea under tho name
of a tramway and had sinnll ears pushed
down tho track and back again by coolies,
who woro paid about f cents n day for
twelve lot.ra' work.
Aft'jr a tlmo they manufactured this lo
comotlvo nnd cnlled it "Tho Uocknt of
Chlnn," Thoy did not dnro to order a
steam engine from nbrend. They sent to
tho United States for tho wheels and
patched up tho remainder out of pieces of
scrap Iron and machinery gathered from
different parts of tho country. Tho holler
was from an old stationary engine, which
had been Imported from liuropo, and the
cylinders wero from nnother engine which
had long since been thrown away.
When first put on tho track the locomo
tlvo created such a sensation that tho ;ov-
eminent ordered It (suppressed. It was
used In thu yard and about thu mines for a
whlls, and then, tho people seeing that the
Kong Shul bad caused neither famine nor
pestilence on nctount of It, allowed them
to put It to carrying coal. It did the whole
work of the line for the llrst year, running
70,000 miles in that time. It was kept at
work until other locomotives could be
brought frrm lCugUnd, when It was put
aside as a curiosity. It stands today In the
Tong Shan shops, so near the track that it
can hear the whistle of the American Ilald
wins us they go pulling by.
Hseape a Bunco
"llewaro of the 'hello' man," says tho
Huston and Newlou police, "for the wily
bunco man's latest scheme will 'get you If
yon don't watch out." " It Is a telephone
"ilodgo" and one of tho cleverest and most
orlglnnl confidence tricks now In use, sny
tho police, and It enme very nearly "get
ting" In nil probability tho wife of a prom-
Inent West Newton citizen who Is ulso one
of Boston's leading bankers to tho extent of
$500 worth of diamonds on Friday. Only
her (tilck wit nnd readiness or mind saod
tho diamonds. Her 11111110 Is closely held by
tho police on account of tho lady's ivlsli to
avoid all undue notoriety.
It wns about noontime when tho telephone
boll rang In her residence, rolatea the Bos
ton Post.
"Hello!" cnlled a strange voice. "Is that
Mrs. ?"
"Yes. Who Is speaking?"
"This is Mr. , your husband's partner,
you know. Yes, ha! ha! my volco Is strange
sounding today. I've got a cold.
"Wo all have 'em this weather, you know.
Oh, thank you, I expect It will bo hotter to
morrow. But whnt I wanted to do Is to do
llver a message from your husband, who has
gone out to nttend a directors' meeting.
"Close friend of his has Imported a lnrge
number of diamonds of largo slzo and ex
traordinary beauty and your husband wantB
you to bring to him or Bend n few of your
best Jewels, as ho thinks ho can manngo to
exchango them for some finer ones, por
hnps." Such wns the messnge. For a moment tho
woman pondered It, a trifle doubtfully,
nnd yet not ultngcthcr with suspicion as
"How ninny should I brlng7" she nsked.
"About $500 worth, your husband says,
and ho thinks It would save you bother If
you sent them In by a messenger."
Tills did stir the woman's suspicion.
"I really think I'd better bring them In
myself," she said.
"Oh, very well," said tho other voice
pleasantly, and both telephones rnng off.
Then tho woman, nfter pondering tho mat
tor over, called up her husband's offlco nnd
wns answered by himself. Tho wholo nrtalr,
tho pollco think, who wero notified at once,
was tho clover plan of nn orlglnnl crook
and tho dragnets aro spread for him now.
May Happen Sonic Day
Washington Post: "I can seo a mnrked
dtfferenco between tho wnys of tho north
and tho south, ' ho said to tho policeman
vho had ordered htm to movo on. "Do you
know what a New York policeman did for
mo only six weeks ngo?"
"Hun you In, probably," was answered.
"I wns asleop In a doorway, sir, and he
awoko mo by clubbing me. He felt It his
duty to do so. When I learned how ho felt
I had nothing to sny in opposition. Hut, sir
before whacking mo with his club ho enro-
fully rolled It up in his handkerchief nnd
then struck mo on tho back of the head, so
as not to leavo a spot to disfigure mo,"
"That certainly showed n feeling for you."
"It did, sir. Ho not only did thnt, hut bo
Ilovlng me to bo weary, ho called a wagon
nnd gnvo mo a rldo to tho station, Next day
tho Judge Kild It would bo a relief for mo
to feel settled for thirty days, and ho set
tled mo. Cnn I look for nny such outpour
ing of sympathy In this cold-hearted city?"
"Not by a blamed sight!" shouted tho
pollcemnn, ns ho flourished his club, "nnd
If you aron't around tho corner in soven
Jumps I'll arrest you."
"Oillcer," quietly replied tho man with a
bow, "I go I hasten I lly. Oood night to
you, sir, and should you over coino to Now
York nnd I meet you on Broadway and you
ask mo whoro tho Bowery Is nnd I recognize
your profile, I will lick blazes out of you In
Just two minutes!"
The Whiskey without a head
ache. Awarded (laid Medal at Paris
Used eulushely
by the
To introduce this
celebrated whiskey,
we will send, fur
a short time only,
One Gallon
for $4.00.
Charges prepaid. Where
dlstiineo Is over i!."0 miles or
ders must bo for :t gallons
or moro. (loods neatly pack
ed In plain boxes. Mall or
ders given prompt attention.
M. Wollstein & Co.,
The Remington Typewriter lasts longest. 5o does the Remington Operolorj
VWickoff, Seamans Ik Benedict. 327 Uroaclway. New York. -
1619 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Headquarters for material used by Packers, Con
tractors, Railroads, and all classes of Consumers.
Complete Stock of Goods Constantly on Hand at New Store.
1212 Farnam St. Telephone 1158.
Hnllroad Frogs, Switches. Crossings, Steel Halls, Track Spikes and Bolts,
Nut Locks, Tlo 1'lntes, Hall Brakes, Track Tools, Car Movers, etc.
Blasting I'owdiT, Smokeless Powder, Dynamite.
"Manvlllo" Magnesia Asliewlos Steam Pipe Covering, Hot Wnler and
Frost-Proof Covering, Asbestos and Sheep-Wool Cement, Mineral Wool, As
bestos (Joods of every description.
N. & (J. Tnylor's "Old Stylo" and other celebrated guaranteed brnnds of
Hoofing Tin.
Peerless Uubber Manufacturing Co's, Packing, Belting nnd Hoso.
Pago Belting Co's. Leather Bolting.
John A. Hnebllug's Sous Co's. Wire Hope nnd ICIectrlcal Wire, "Columbia"
Incandescent Lamps, "American" Circular Loom Conduit nnd "ICIectroduct."
"Hoebllng" Fire-Proof Construction nnd Wlro Lathing.
J. C. Pearson Co's. celebrated "Cement Coated Nails."
Telephone, Telegraph, Stie'ot Hallway and Klectrlc Light Fixtures nnd Ap
pliances, Including White Cedar Poles.
Alden Spearu's Son's Asbestine Cold Water Paint.
Steam, Gas and
Water Supplies
Crane-Churchill Company
Our Christmas Offer:
pnep until. Ian. fi,
riI-(C( null. A but.
tie of lino wlno witli each
gallon of whiskey, wine or
liquor. A liuudxotno deck of
playing cards added If pur
cIiiihc 11 1111111 11 1 h to $2.50 or
over. (Alcolinl and beer ex
cepted.) The Celebrated
at all Ist-class bars
Tamily trade sup
plied by
402 N. 16th St.
522-524 So. Ulh St.
Omaha, Neb.
nil U iiuls,