T11K ILLUSTKAT101) HKK. Old Grizzly Swears Vengeance on Bears December HI, 1000. Wondering over the mountains of north ern California Old Grizzly has killed bear for forty years. Nearly half a century ago ho vowed nuvcr to eat any meat but bear meat, never to live In a house, never to speak to a man and never to drink another drop of spirits. When he must communi cate ho docs It by writing on a slate he carries tied around his neck. Winter and summer ho wanders over tho hills avoiding the chat co prospector and tho miners and the hunters. Ho has no vow ngatnst woman kind and will gladly talk to tho gentler sex. lie Is an Irishman. Unco a year he conies Into Sonora, sells his bear hides, buys his one suit of clotlas which he allows himself and his small supply of beans and flour. Then he goes on to tho next town, Columbia, and stays all night at the grave of his wife In the quaint old miners' bury- Km-ieKH "OLD GRIZZLY." lng ground where many n man "went In" with his short shrift nnd n long ropo and tho good priests put on his epitaph only "May God hnvo mercy on his soul," nnd tho ouly nnmo they knew for the wnnderer. Doforo any ono Is stirring Old Grizzly, whoso other nnmo has long been forgotten, goes back to his homeless wnndcrlng, hunt ing his enemy, tho bear. I found him, nn old man with long wavy black hair nnd alert bluo eyes, stooped, but strong, nnd glad to exchango a few words with a fel low human being. "Some think I nm a bit cracked. I don't know whether it's mo that's cracked or them. When a man talks for forty years to the stars at night nnd the hills In tho daytlmo ho comes to know things that ho doesn't talk nbout. Anywny, I know I'm getting to bo a better man. I ain't lied to any ono nnd I nln't wasted any time hang ing around nnd talking or I haven't got drunk for forty years, and that Is saying a good deal." (Jrl..ly'H Story. "I'd been In town that day. 'It was pretty cold and I didn't lock forward with joy to riding homo five miles In tho snow with tho wind bio vlng i Ip saws. It was tho year after tho drought nnd tharo hadn't been any mast and tho bears nnd wild hogs came right up to the houses to get food and were so fierce they would attack any ono. Eomo had been killed by them when tho snow came dcop, for there was nothing much for the benrs to eat. My wlfo novor did llko It over thero boyond Sonora. She was dead afraid of most everything. Tho rnttlors nnd Indians nnd wild things that got out In the hills and hollered half the night. Thero was only tho kid with her and I'd uso to go to town nnd hang nround every chnnco I got nnd I'd hardly evor take her becnuso a woman Is In tho wny. "Whon I eomo riding up tho road that night I sco that there was no light In the houso, but It was pretty late and thinks I, 'Bhe's gono to bed.' There was n big flro plnco and the fire lighted up a good deal, but I wondered when I got nenr enough and sco tho door wns open. I looked in quiet llko nnd In tho corner I saw my wlfo nnd somebody with her sitting on the floor. 'So that's what you aro up to, Is It?' I says. You seo I was tho nrnnrlest cuss that over got Hiked. I went In and I heard a queer sound nnd then I was Just going 'o flro off my gun whon I heard a growl nnd I saw It wasn't a man on tho floor, but a big grizzly. Ho growled low and looked at mo and kept his ugly head roll ing and then he tried to sneak out bo hind me, but he didn't make a go of It. for I got li I in . Ho was too heavy with eating to run or fight and It was warm In tho room. "I picked my wlfo up nnd sho Just opened her eyes and sho smiled In my face and said low-like, 'Tommlc,' and then sho gavo a shiver and shut her oyes nnd sho hasn't over said anything slnco, not anything at nil. I knew thero was no use looking for tho kid. "I have been killing benrs over since nnd I'm going to kill them ns long as cvei I live. I hnvo no call ngalnst anything elso In tho world, but tho bears nnd me will never bo quits. They know It. Thoy used to tight and they used to hide, but now they never havo time for anything but Just to get ns far away as over thoy know how. You think they don't know? Why, bears knows things. Just tell me how they know they can't be killed around Lake Ellnoro nny more. It's government reservation now nnd It's only tho aocond year. Inside tho reservation aro young cubs nnd cubs. Just outside nround Straw berry I havo only found ono cub this sum mer. How Is It? They never used to lay up nround Kllnore. The cattlemen don't llko tho reservation, bccnuBo all tho wild things have doubled slnco thoy havo a quiet plnco to breed In nnd when they get big, out thoy eomo nnd then they eat tho cattlo and tfio stockmen don't llko It. "Thoy want mo to kill Hons, too. Now, I havo no grudgo against tho Hons. I keep out from under tho trees at night nnd don't glvo them n chnnco to Jump on me. Tho coyotes nnd such, thoy havo Just ns much n call to mako a living as tho stockmen. Thoy do It Just tho same. Tho stockmen skin tho cattlo and tho folks thoy sell to and tho Hons nnd coyotes thoy skin tho cattlo nnd It's all turn about. "There's one bear that has been coming horo every summer for nlno years. I nm going to moot thnt bear some day nnd I hepo It will bo pretty soon, for I'm get ting old nnd not so spry as I used to be. Them fingers? Yes, ho chewed thoni off, He pretty nigh dono for mo, but God Al mighty know I wasn't ready to go home yet. It takce lots of knocks to mako any thing worth having out of an ordinary cuss llko mo. I nm willing for Him to keep on hammering JiiBt ns long as It's any use nnd I'm glad Ho thinks It's worth while He does It becnuso my wlfo keeps at him, 1 guess. "I nm going to hnvo an overcoat this year though. I am getting old nnd God Almighty isn i nnisned witn mo yet. I'll bo glad when Ho Is. Nobody olso could havo mado nnv- thlng out of mo. I'll bo glad when Ho'b dono with the linmmorlng nnd I guess Mary nnd tiio Kid will bo glad to seo mo. too." The Santa Claus Trust Mary 10. Turnbull. In classic dnys. tho business ways Vro somewhat crude and slow. Haeli snparato god a separnto gift I In il power to bestow. Now, typlc of tho times, 'tis quaint AM gifts wo beg of ono good saint, Who meets the duty on him thrust My forming an enormous Trust And holding nil tho gods In tow. lllVHPVil'NiVVCnNwilf,'' ,KBB. i hbujV KviaHTO INTEMOU VIEW OF You couldn't glvo n sweeter gift than n box of our delicious candy, nnd wo are now rendy for your mall orders. All our candy Is put up In tho hnndsomest of boxes In 1, 2, 3, G nnd 10 pounds. Theso boxes wore mado expressly for our ChrlstmaH trade. Nothing prettier has ever been shown In Omaha. Then wo hnvo n beautiful lino of baskets tilled with our delicious candy nil rendy to send by express as soon us wo get your order. Tho prices range f rom Slic to $C,00 a bnskot. Thore Is nothing thnt will mnko a moro acceptablo gift than a box or basket of our pure and whole some candy. Things that delight all men We nro in misiness to serve men young and old. If wo did not know our business wo wouldn't hnvo been hero 14 years so you may follow our ndvlco of glft mnklng with perfect safety. Wo know tho men, their whims nnd their fancies then why not glvo him a box of Fine Cigars Wo havo hundreds of dlfferont kinds from tho C-cent ouch to tho threo for a dollnr kind all put up In beautiful boxes of 1'G nnd DO. If ho onjoys a plpo why not buy him ono. We hnvo almost every stylo mndc, from thu Mis souri Meorschnum to tho lino Im ported nnd bought especially for tno cnrlstmas trade. Wo know wo can please you whether It's n pipo or cigars. 0. D. Kiplinger Wholesale nnd retail cigars. Uox trade n specialty. 1223 Farnam St. First Nat. Hank Hldg. Tel. 17CI. PIANO Do You Want a Gonuim Bargain in a Piano? We have hundreds of Uprltht FUnoi returned from renting by parsoni ruovlni which nuit I dliiond of at onca M we cennot uieke rKiui for them in our ealeirnoiui. Thcee )letni Include hUliiw,Kili, Fiechere, Sterling! end other well known unlet. Meny of thtm reunot he dtttlnguUtivd itoiu new, yet all are bflered M en enoriuuui tllicuunt from ricea Hhen new. Ufrlghte at low et IIWJ Very eaiy terme of payment to rellehle rmni, It would nrril-al y n it lut for freight to tieve one of theie plenoe kliipprd to )ou New Urge kite luthogeny planoi, with mendolln atUchucnt, 1175, ent anywhere on eeiy avnienti Write at mice for rooifdeU Hat and full particular!, l'uu can make a great eating by eerur lng your plana from ui. tery piano warranted exactly ai rep re.ented. LVO.N t 1IKAIV,UI Ada ma Mt., Cbtcujco. The World' $ Lai grit jtfutfo lloutt. CDCC by rfturn mall, fiilldmrrlniiv mLu circuluri cil III (Mill v'n 1 lit -nr..vfl 'lnlliir HVMtiin ui ri-HH mill (iirinetit C'utiiim. Kl Mfil li TO DaIK. '1 no foundation mincin.il nf cientifis garment eul tine nte tniiclit so clraily anil pro Hfi nery that nny laily olorilln.irj m. '"" H't!ei" ra easily mill qulc k wBKtV ly li-.irn ui cut anil make any (jar EjU 1 inrnt In any style, to any meav , uic iui i.iillirH, tuiiuri'iii tjleil mill lloi'H, (Sannenlt iriiaranletd to lit perfectly Willi- our IryinK on. A knoltilne ol the Moody System Itwnrth a fortune to any lady, riiomandu (( eiptrt dressmakers owe tlielr surress to the Moody h) Hem, Anents wanted. ItfOOIIV it CO.. l'.O.Ilox a 100, Olnclnnnd.O, YOUR LIFE AN OPEN BOOK -a-t, . Hy knuwliitf ytuir futurM you twin prn nnd proprityi an antruloKicnl chart o T your lifn will rvtnl Him hiiHiriHfsi vV ohiinvHH you nhntilil uinkH tiow to litkt l t 1 I.I. 1 I,.. !.-.. - I'M I n 1J JIITir Iiril'l l HIM IllftHn lltin wili,to Iovh )ou. To rimnnntttrittH my ft hi Itv to fnrttcHKt lour future, ffinl m1(M . ilntn of hlrth nml htiimii to I'mT WlllurtJ. 71 UUtluw r.t tluflni.nl,. ( W. S. HALDUKF'S CATERING ESTAHLISHME NT. my PaPa caj PHiaT A g f AT mm 3r N AT IT rNVE. HE I US. Y K AND -K IAS PRIaTs. THEY ALL Say Hfc'smr PRlAGE oE PfUiVT S. KUTH (Until forgot to Htntu that her papa Is STONECYIMIEU. Omaha's printer, whoso place of business Is lliOl Howard Street, nnd whoso Telephono Is 1310.) Merry Christmas. Louis Slnvln, proprietor of tho Omaha I'lntlnB Co., tnkes thlH opportunity of ex tending to his ninny customers a "kindly Christmas grcotlng." Ho fully appreciates (ho liberal putronaKo of tho pnst nnd earn estly solicits a contlnuunco of tho sumo. Tho Omaha Plating Company has had n very satisfactory business during Its threo year's extstonco, nml Is hero to stny. for thu benefit of Omnha pooplu who nro not conversant with thu inothodH of electro plat ing, an Invitation is tendered to Inspect tho shop and Its work. Mr. Slnvln has had twenty year's oxporlonco in this lino, and has been connected with somo of tho lend ing plating companies In tho eastern cities, IIo Is known ns nn oxpert In tho nrt of ulectrlc plating. Thero aro at least 1200 people In Omaha and surrounding country, who hnvo been patrons of tho Omaha Hat lng Company within tho pnst fow months, thnt enn testify concerning Mr. Slnvln's ability ns a mechanic arid tho genuineness of tho work ho turns out, Oold, silver, nickel, coppor and brass plating nro most In demand, however, ho Is equally as cluvor at oxydlzlng and lacquering, If yrti hnvo any articles which you aro about to discard, Hint nro In need of being replnted, bring them to tho Omnha Plating Compnny, Ileo Building, and a trial will convince you that ele'otro plating Is eco nomical. &t.u,. .. . J DEM BEl'l tR I ! G AN BUTTHEW HF Has BE- LovtR 1H tsN. R. C. Peters & Company Bonds Loans Rentals Insurance Real Eestate City Warrants County Warrants Rental Agents for Bee Building. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg Waters Printing Co PRINTERS and PUBLISHERS. Now and convoniont locution. In oi'onsoil fuollitiuH for Kino i'rlritinjr. Telephone 'Jl'JO. 422 South 13th Stroot, Omaha. WANTED Helhiblo women or mon to sell our cooiIb tn thn consumer In communities from 1,000 to 10, 000 population; permanent employment at good pay. Address THU Q It lb AT EAST. KltN CQFKKB AND TEA CO., 301 South 10th street, Bt. Louis, Mo.