Ol) THE OarAIIA DAILY BEE; SFISDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1000. IN SCIIOOI.UIIU, FASHIONS. Simplicity nnil Smnrlnr. In .Mnnr (,'linrinliiK Continue. NEW YOItK, Dec. 7. Tho young girl of fourteen or thereabouts seems to enjoy as wlJo a cholco In fabrics and models for her winter wardrobo as any of her elders of the well dressed sisterhood. At tho furrier's tho misses' coats and muffs and collars are an thoughtfully plnnned as for tho most fashionable debutantes, and tho ono and only strictly Juvenile tnodo that Is borrowed from no rnaturcr original Is tho wide felt or vel vet hat. School girls cling with commendable tenacity to sheltering wldo brims and slm plo crown garnitures and a broad red, sap phire blue, or golden brown velvet cbapeau decked with a crown band and big bow of Persian-figured pauno or worm-tinted Ori ental satin, Is tho wisest possible crown for bright young hair. Kor every day servlco an ankle-long skirt of tweed or Bcrgc, a prettily figured flannel shirtwaist and a smart coat of material that happily contrasts In wcavo and color with the skirt seems to bo the outfit pre ferred. Tho skirts arc plain enough oven when a bit of braiding or a kilted effect Is Introduced, nnd they arc all short enough to fully display tho cloth-topped shoes or tho gaiters that tho smart damsels affect. To tho fancy of tho H-year-old miss there Is a delightful novelty about tho buttoned shoes with their round toes, extension soles and black nr tan cloth tops. Tho patronage of theso shoes by these Very young ladles Is a proof that early In llfo tho American girl knows what she wants to wear and wears her choice with delightful Independ ence. I'rrltj- Conls.i In all about a dozen pretty and original cuta of coats aro worn by tho Juvctillo half of well-dressed humanity, and sotno of the girls have even found the cmplro long coat to bo a good thing. In tho group of thrco girls given this week a very nice blue braided melton long coat Is shown. To break any long dreary lines tho maker of this typo of wrap wisely added a bolero effect In front, turning bncl: tho rovers nnd collar with faclnga of very dark mink and tho muff used with this Is of tho same rich brown fur. In tho second nnd larger group Is a con spicuously attractlvo and modish calling, church or holiday toilet for a niles of fif teen. Cornllowor blue corduroy is tho ma terial nnd with gray lamb It Is trimmed Hero wo have a dress distinctly rich In Us appearance, durnble, too, and not contly for parents of modorato means. Stitched bands of cornflowcr-bluo silk anil small silver but tons ndd greatly and Inexpensively to the decoration of coat and skirt. Under tho coat Is worn a shirtwaist of French gray taffeta set off with narrow bands of Persian em broidery. Tho noxt neighbor to this corduroy cos tume Is an Ideal gown for a girl Just topping Into womnnhood. Soft gray camel's hair, trimmed with baby lnmb nnd fcllago green panne picked out In blnck dots Is tho well thought out combination AN OVEItSICIItT EFFECT FOIl AN AWlC- waiid aint,. of fabrics nnd colors. There Is a certain degree of maturity In tho design of this gown that makes it nono tho less graceful and girlish, though wholly different In charm from tho captivating and youthful shophcrds plaid In tho noxt group. Utility t l'lnldn. Aftor all why aro not tho shepherd's plaids used oftcner for young peoplo, now especially when they aro dyed not alone In moll black and white checks, but In softer black and gray, In gray and brown, gray and green, and gray and bluet Next spring undoubtedly thoso soft-toned and small figured goods will rccelvo Just apprecia tion at the hands of tho purchasing mothers and selecting daughters, but at the moment wo seo only a few of them realized In house and school costumes. For on over grown girl, whoso physical latitude refuses to keep psco with her physical longttudo, this particular design In dress building Is ardently recommended. Tho doublo skirt with bordering nnd front band of stitched solid gray broadcloth, and the gracious llttlo waist, with Its shoulder widening collar of gray silk and ecru lace, arc all ably considered schemes for making art conceal some of tho freaks of nature. Then, too, for a sparo, Mat-chested girl tho llehtly pouched front opening with three straps on a cream flannel shirt and dull green silk necktlo aro sumctent with their runvo lines and easy fullness to persuado an obBorver that tho wenror Is as prettily y developed and rounded ns n girl need bo. With such gowns ns havo been described whlto gloves aro tho adopted hand cover ings, when a formal appearance Ij mado it church or rontlnee or at tho foot ball tames. Heaviest whlto dogskin stitched Some Soon tobe Mothers" QR axd niSAxe it and others havo months of neaco nnd comfort nuslnir "WtlUMtntr nJr' THE DOMAIN OF WOMAN. broadly In black down tho back of the hand Is tho way tho momentary preference turnB Just as every miss has mado It In her set tho fashion to wear n silver muff chain with bright colored bends strung on at In tervals and tho chocolate cream and soda GRAY CAMEL'S HAIR, OUTLINED WITH 13 A BY LAMB AND DEC ORATED WITH GREEN PANNE. water ullowanco Is carried In n gruy Bucdo purse with tho owner's Initials thereon In teel beads. MARY DEAN. AJ( IMI'KKIAI, TOll!K. A White Tulle Contention ,for After noon Trni, The tulle hat has a stouter constitution than wo thought for. Last winter It reigned supremo as tho full-dress hoadgcar, but ono winter of popularity by no. means exhausted Its charm. This season it Is tho white tulle toquo that holds an Imperial placo In feminine affections, and though Boino of them look a great deal llko coro nets wrought of well-whipped whites of egg, there are others of distinguished loveliness. The whlto tulle toque is par excellenco tho bat for grand attornoou teas and luxu rious luncheons and afternoon weddings, and tho general preference seems evenly divided between tho tulle crown with a gilt lace border and tho gilt laco crown with a tullo border, which last looks very like a snow wreath tied about a gulden spider web. Somo wonderful fabrications have crowns of tulle, about which go a scarf of the finest Russian sablo or royal ermine, and the scarf fastens In front with a grin ning animal's head shining with diamond eyes. A tullo toque, therefore, which In ltsolf Is as fragllo as a dried dandelion head and which could bo blown about llko milk-weed Ilk, commands one's respectful attention by costtng sometimes as much as $200. The tulla Ib nothing for they sell theso toques at tho department stores nil made and waiting only for a band and ornament, nt the lowest figure. Ono of the most chic and novel ways of decking a toquo is to wind round Us crown a wondcrous ostrich feather. Becauso of tho lato unpleasant ness in South Africa ostrich plumes are way up, and a truly lino feather, that will wind completely around u toque, eustly commands 25. However, thero are other ways of trim mlng tho. ubiquitous whlto toque, nnd that it with silk tulle flowers that look llko spun glass, and that shine with diamond powder which Is blown on them when tho stiffening dressing Is yet damp on tho web. With frost, and snow, and dew and tho spider's own loom, nature never produced tuiy more exquisitely fragile creations than theso last; but, beware how you carelessly wear Buch a head piece, for thore Ib a talo going around of a woman, who set Just such a hat on her ambrosial curls, and on tho misty, molsty ovenlng of a thraw drove to tho theater. Sho put down ono window of her cnrrlago, and when sho got to tho theater ovcrybody smiled broadly and somo cruel spirit nsked whoro did sho get nor hat Tho fog that camo rolling In tho car riage window had eaten It up, "all en tirely," as tho Irish woman snld, and only the naked wire tramo was left of tho melan choly ruin. WOMUK AS HKKOllMHHS. Ilrmarks on n Heocnt Exhibition ut lleuUlnir, I'll. Certain public-spirited women of Reading, Pa., living on ono of tho principal residence streets of that borough, havo for some time boon dissatisfied with tho manner In which It Is cleaned by the city authorities. Their complaints not bringing about tho reform desired, sixty of them turned out with brooms, fire shovels, mops aud other do mestic Implements, swept the street from end to end, washed the crossings nnd tele phoned tho city englneor to scud carts to remove tho piles of dirt they had collected. "This was extremely entorprUIng," com ments the Now York Times, "and no doubt It cleaned the street as it had novcr been through tho weary tlrao beforo confinement. 1 ii-i.TllS.'"ttJ'J'nlurn tbis ea!l0 bv " externally the uniquo : Unlment, Moihea frlOnd" Its beneficent Influence makes child bearing a plaasnre. as it relieves all nervomnes, headache, pains and nausea, "A timonier, whtw wift uw.l Mother FrUnd.' ml tktt If the had to so rtrouch lh, ,o,dl . n..ad but four Uitl,.ioUiiSM.r,?i ."m I"" V' 1'U. I "ould Utit thtm. CEO. LAYTON.brureUt. Dtn. Scat t.jr oiprtu paid m mtlM el jil ;.. 1 tMlr battle. Back fot aijxctant nothtn, mimed'1 Mothili5il," ni,itd (tel. THK BRItinEIiO ttKCl'IiATOn CO.. Atlanta. Co. Mvtker'a fries, i Jd "y JiUruaVt" cleaned before, bnt wo arc not qulto sure It represented the best expenditure of en ergy on tho part of tho vomen, who, no doubt, 'couldn't stand It another minute.' To do their work for them U not, perhaps, tho best way In which to rebuko or punish A CORNFLOWER BLUE CORDU ROY, TRIMMED WITH GRAY LAMB. negligent public officials. It Is exactly what thoy would llko to havo dono In every case. To see sixty women of locnl social prominence, with tucked-up Bklrta, aun bonnets and kitchen nprous, sweeping street mud into equidistant cones Is not an edify ing spcctnclo, and thoso it wa3 Intended to impross aro likely to bo more amused than Instructed by It. Thero uro other waya In which the influcnco of women can bo profitably exerted than In doing gratuitously tho work which men nro paid by the city to neglect. Thoy .will ilnd tho men ox" tromely accommodating In this matter. "Our public-spirited matrons would do well to tako a, lesson In tho management of public affairs from tho way In which English women carry a point. They simply wear out tho homo Eccrctnry, or other public functionary having Jurisdiction In the case. Ho cannot escape them; his courteous ovaslons are useless; It profits him nothing to loso his temper. He has tho cholco between doing what tho womon want or being talked to death, and ho usually surrenders unconditionally as soon as ho seos that tho women aro in earnest. Hod tho sixty Rending women who cleaned Jeffe son street entered Into a solemn league ana covenant to mnko life a burden, in season nnd out of season, to tho mayor, aldermen, commissioners and district attorney, thoy would (not only have had their street cleaned, but It would bo kept clean. It might havo taken longer, but It would havo accomplished more. Tho potentialities of sixty determined women with' a specific ob ject In view are boyond computation. Thoy could chnnge tho policy of tho federal administration If they sot about It." HOLIDAY HOUVI'MIIS. Home Iiioti)piiI vi- Trifle thnt Are Welcome ('lirlMiilmi filflii, There aro a thousand and ono trifles that can bo mado nt small exponso for Christ mas gifts. Deft fingers and a few clever Ideas are tho principal requirements. In theso days of machine-made trinkets, so many of which nro bo worthless, a hand made gift la always acceptable The endless llttlo trifles for a bedroom, laundry bags, shoo bags, bureau covers, toilet sets, llttlo bagB for small pieces of soiled linen, such ns handkerchiefs nnd collars, that nro always getting lest with tho larger plcceB. All kinds of duster bags and work bags. They all help to keep a room tidy and will surely bo appreciated by any one who docs not happen to possess them. Tbcsu can bo mado cfj any kind of A BLUE BRAIDED MELTON LONO COAT. linen or silk, but the linen alwnvs ifmn so much more satisfactory, ns they can bo washed and kept fresh, whllo the silk aro api to sou more readily ana arc not so easy 10 Clean. Tho Mikado baskets and n Japanese doll each of which may bo bought for a few- cents, make a useful and decorative hair rocclver. Another decorotlvo article to hang on the side of the mirror Is a big crimson pin cushion made In the shape of a huge 8trawborry. Tho husk Is made of green ribbon. Little cases made with com partmcnts nnd labeled with tho days of the week are always nice to give to people who SHEPHERD'S PLAID COSTUME. have any engagements to keep track of. A Japauoso or Indian grass basket, rigged with cottons of various numbers, scissors and n thimble, can easily be converted Into n useiui unnstmas gift. Thero aro endless little contrivances for keeping bits of Jewolry In, all of which nro better than a Jewol case. Long strips of firm silk lined with elder down, with little pads for pins and pockets for other articles, mako n compact and very handy way of keeping trinkets. Ono clover woman haB a very good Idea for Christmas gifts this year. Sho has not mUCh monpV In Rnpnrl nnil Vino 4- .......... . . - "' ..MO IU UUIDI qulto a llttlo ground In tho rolo of Santa' lyiaus. bno is making lamp shades, waste paper baskets end plcturo frames out of large decoratlvo wall paper designs. First sfio makes tho frames In pasteboard and covers, thom with tho paper. In many cases she has gone to tho peoplo to whom sho Intends tho gifts and beggod a few yards of tholr wall paper, in order to have the gift match tho room. In some cases sho has covered tho shapes with burlaps nnd then cut out the wall paper and ap plied tho design. Theso aro very pretty and can bo made by any one. They havo the effoct of water color paintings. SHIUOVg THOUGHTS FOR lUSIIlESSES Ml Helen Gould' Idea of tho Use of Wealth. Helen Gould, daughter of tho great flnon cler, Jay Gould, and tho wealthiest young woman In tho United States, received re cently a lotter from tho editor of the Chris tian Herald nsklng her to write her views on "How to Mnke tho Most of Wealth." Heretofore Miss Gould haB politely de clined to wrlto for tho newspaper or maga zlno press on matters pertaining to money or tho obligations Its possession entails. To this latest request, however, MIbs Oould replied: "It is a topic on which I am not well qualified to speak, ond I would suggoat that you mako this saruo Inquiry of somo of our leading clergymen, whoso vlows on the sub ject would be a great inspiration to us all. ."Tho Christian Idea that wealth Ib a stew ardshfy, or trust, nnd not to bo used for ono's personal plcasuro alone, but for tho welfare of others, certainly seems tho no bloat, and those who have more money or bronder culture owe n debt to those who havo had fewer opportunities. And there aro so many ways one can help. "Children, the sick and tho aged espe cially havo claims on our attention, and the forms of work for them are numerous from kindergartens, day nurseries nnd Industrial schools to 'homes' and hospitals. Our In stitutions for higher education requlro gifts In order to do their best work, for tho tui tion fees, do not cover tho expense of the advantages ofored, and certainly such so cieties as those in our churches and the Young Women's Christian association and tho Young Men's Christian association de serve our hearty co-operation. "Tho earnest workers who so nobly and lovingly give their Uvea to promote the welfare of others give far more than though thoy had simply mado gifts of money, bo those who cannot afford to glvo largely need not feci discouraged on that account. After all, sympathy and good will may be a greater forcq than wealth, and we can all extend to others a kindly feeling and cour teous consideration that will make lite sweeter and better. "Sometimes it seems to me we do not sufficiently reallzo tho good that Is done by money that Is used In the dlfforent Indus tries In giving employment to great num bers of peoplo under the direction of clever men and women, and surely It takes more ability, perseveranco and time to success fully manage such an enterprlso than to merely make gifts. "You will, I am sure," says Miss Gould, In conclusion, "be sorry you havo mode the Inquiry of me, since I have given you so llttlo Information, but I think you can easily obtain opinions that will probably be far moro helpful than mine." FrllU of Fashion. Speclnl favor Is shown to black In gowns, costumes, elnth nnd vulvet wrnnu. ulovcs and simple elegant millinery for the winter, Silk petticoats are being supplanted to a jrreat extent by the wash skirt of dainty white, lawn trimmed elaborately with lace mid embroidery, Hoslerr to match the dress Is the latest fad and nH If this were not enough It must be Insnt with little motifs of lace like the trimming on the costume. Cloth with n. knit finish Is verv much usel In the neutral colore for street gowns. It has a soft velvety surface and nil the v inning qualities wiucil insniun requires, A novel bolero Is mailt nf mink, with col lar nnd re vers of old lace. It Is short emugli to show a wide, drnped belt of black lace over white chiffon fastened with long scurf ends of luce uiul plaited chiffon fringed with fur talis, Tho woman who has cameo nnd various other old-time brooches In her possession Is in luck this season, for they ore In great demand for tho centers of black bows on fur and laen rnllfirtt,a. ntul tlia rumen brooches mako very pretty belt buckles set iu silver ur koiii. The gorgeous nrrny of boos and fancy neckwear Is tievmui nil nrmmlnt thU ph. yon, varying in every sort of manner which Is possible to clilfTon, chenille, lace nnd fur. Tho ono point In their make-up which seems iu no miiiuruiive in iiint tney must oe very largo and full., with rather Ionic ends. Oold ntld silver rnriln ntul vrv unrrnw flat gimps nro Insure! fashionable favor for uio winter. Tne new trimmings of tills lo SCrlntlon nro whnllv tinllkn thn cnrUli ila vices formerly so popular among prevailing iiiiniiicr) niyii'H, ninny or tue now nesigns being cleverly Intermixed with bits of color. Stylish young women nro ntrnln wearing iiu iiicir BiiirtwnistH or sort uiuc, siik various shades of red nnd other fashionable colors, tho folded stock of our Revolution ary ancestors sen In miniatures nnd lnrgcr portraits. The style Is repented not quite literally but effectively In black satin or velvet to wear with every sort of waist, Jet and gold passementeries nnd appliques In designs both simple- und extremely or nate uro uned with very artistic effect on a urn ,i-r in evening- gowns and wrap. Black chantllly or Flanders laco dresses made up over golden yellow Batln or moire are trimmed In a lavish manner with dell- ariiuesnue novices, girdles, Jacket pieces und flaring Queen Bess collars, iviiniru ui mi tinu koiu nenuworK. htVervtlilnir In fpivnlrv i.vmit &lld cnrrlnir. nwina i. ).,. ti.. r,iii,., i. .h long gold chains set with Jewels an' very ii.utu num. nniiiu nns oi pnnmcuvd goiu set In nt Intervals tho cntlrp length form Ono VftrletV. U-hlrh (a anl f.iftli n a .,,. l.nt Jewels nro moro attractlvo, and It Is' not iiin-i-nsiiry mat tncy siioiild be all of ono kind In one chain. Young girls delight in a Chain Whlpll In Immr .. III, an, nil given to them from time to time by their 4, iv.iun. Tnllc About Women. Out in New Mexico a woman Is a train master on tho Southern Pacific. Tho wife of Lt Hung Chang Is something of a business woman und herself keeps de tailed accounts of the expenditures of her turn, iiimni'lium. Mark Twain's daughter has become, In a limited degree, a professional singer. Her namp Is Miss Clara Ulumcns. She has studied In London and Berlin and Iter nitiu-HU(iraiio is soju to do ncn anu strut lng. Miss Annn PnrM nnntnll -I,-!,,! ened the new United Stnteo monitor No. S ui umn tne outer uay, is Herself something of a sailor and ono of tho best ynchts- WOmon ill 1SOW Ellirlnnd. Hrr fntli..r lh congressman, Is also fond of tho sea. In splto of. MIbs Helen Gould's clrculnr sent out to discourage undeserving nppcals for charity sho continues to dispense nld to a constantly growing number of persons, and (luting tho lust few months has given to inaiviuuais ainne considerably over ja,0W. Tho old ladv who ri-npnt'v illo1 nnd Ipft President Loubet of Frnnen n lrirnev nf Jl.000,000 gavo away great sums In charity iiiinnK uer uio. un one opphh nn n ninn in whom she hnd irlvon a larirn . nn for ehnrltv sum in ii, i.ouuei: "in very ueed sne uarriPH ncr neari in ner nann. uno. presi dent's ready reply wns: "Impossible, my friend her heart Is too largo for that, and her hand Is too small." Mrs. Plerro Lorlllurd rtonnMs. thn Amr. lenn lady to whom Sir Arthur Sullivan has tieitueatneu a legacy or .'&u,wo, lias lieen a resident of London for thirty years and was ono or tne great composers dearest friends, lt was Mrn. Honalds who brought about a reconciliation between Hlr Arthur anu nis cu.iauorator, v. o. Ullbert. The two geniuses had quarreled and the whole World WIIH In LTlpf. Mm. Ilnnnl.l. nntitwtlu lectured both men separately and then brought them together nt her dinner table. jusk Liiroiino iviiiL-, inn iniellled Iitugh tcr of General Charles King, tho novuli.u, A THREE-QUARTER COAT, TRIMMED WITH STITCHED BANDS. has lately had a crreat honor hpntnwpil nnnn her. MIbs King finished her course at tho corDonne, tne i'aris university, last Juno, and later enteml for competition In tho Alliance Francalse, which meets every summer ana confers diplomas on tnose for eigners who nre capable of passing their nimcuii examinations, Alter attending leo- tures una senoing in ossavji on standard authors and dramatists, Molloro, Racine, Cornell?. La Ilochefnupaulil nnrl TlniiRseaii wore atnlgned Miss King, nnd her essay on uornone was given tne first place uy the Judges, who complimented her accent and tho elegance df tho French, ns well as her thorough knowledge of tho tongue. The class Joined by Mlsi King was com posed of teachers, professors, etc., and numbered fortv-flvo Dersons. Miss Klnv Is aid to bo a highly accomplished young woman. ALWAYS BRINGS BACK YOUTH M color, life and beauty to gray, white o. Man. nvuutci a, new, tnicK crowth on bald heads and Immediately arrests the fat.w out of hair. Cures S dandruff and Itohlne sclp. DOES NOT TAIN SKIN OR LOTHINa. A ch&n, althful hair dressing for men and women! Nothing like It or Just as good. Unequaled as a quick hair grower. XM8 Large Bot. 500 A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER. Htmovei Tan, Pimple. Freckles, Moth Patches, . nana and fikln dli Itane, and (vary blemlah on beauty, im ucura uniec- tlon. It has tooa the teat of i yean, and la to hurmleaa wa taatt It to bo iur It a properly made. Accept no counter feit ot almllar name. Dr. L. A. fa'ayre ald to a la dy of the haut-too (a tiatlentli "As you ladles will use them, I recom mend 'ClOUllAUD'B CREAM' as the least harmful of all the Skin preparations." For ale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dtalers In the U. a. and Europe. FCnn. T. HOPKINS, Prop', 17 Great Jon BU N. Y. . I I m ft II HwSi'tlllllK WHEN YOUR BACK ACHES. By JOAN L. BRIGGS, ' (ALL RIOHT8 RESERVED.) It Ib n fnct t'lmt bouonth every bnckncho there lurks the gravest tionsllilll ties. Yonrs of olTort cu Hie part of jirofessionnl men, nnd column nftcr col umn of newnpnricr In every JournnI In Uio country have failed to Im press on women thnt the It bncknclio is merely n sign, that real troublo exists somewhere. ' Mnny women even now today, with nil tho light thnt hns been thrown on the subject, endure bncknclio rljiht nlonc; dny after day and call It rhcurantl6tn. They netunlly trcnt lt with surfneo nppllcntlons of liniment, nnd go through the dally misery honing thnt a change In the wenthor will relievo them. The Ignorance concerning bncknclio Is not confined to womon themselves, but to their doctor ns well, for, slugulnr ns lt mny seem, ninny practicing physlclnns fnll to diagnose bncknclic ns it symptom only. Tliey do not rccog nlzo theddney or blndder trouble, the womb or ovnrlnn troubles thnt mny be, nnd gnu of which surely Is making the bncknclio, ns n slgnnl to hunt for somlhlng thnt Is going wrong. Of course there comes n time when the cloven foot of bncknclio shown Itself nnd tho struggle then is for life or denth. This Is no exnggerntlon. It Is going on nil nround us, dally, hourly. Women nre 111 with such n com pllciitlon of derangements thnt one who understands wonders how thoy stand on their feet. They keep going, ntiomllng to their duties until the duy comes when surrender must bo nimle to the real trouble. Profound Ignorance causes this neglect. Whnt womnn would knowingly let herself drift Into the grip of kidney comphilnt or uterine disorder? As n mntter of fnct, thero should be n text written on the mind of every womnn In this country: "If your imck nclies write to Mrs. Flnkhnm." You can get moro direct nnd vnlunble ndvlce out of ono letter which will r,n ,,rmMr t reply to yours tlmn you can In years of Mrs. l'lnkhnni Is authority on bnckncho knows whnt bnckncho Is. Her files are hns cured of It. In -curing their bncknclio she hns really cured them of tlm irnnbin,. M.t duced the bnckncho. These troubles nro strictly within the field of work oc cupied so successfully and so long by Lydln K. IMnkhnni's Vegetable Compound. This Is n medicine Which will not euro nil tho Ills thnt flout. i i,in i... for tho troubles orlglnntlng In tho feminine generative, system It hns no equn! In tho world, nnd tho willing testimony of thousiinds of women will nnd does support this statement. Mrs. l'lnkhnni gives nn enrnest Invitation to women to wrlto to hrr nt- Lynn, Muss., for advice about their henlth. This Is surely tho enslest wny to bo helped mid put on the right truck, for no person Is so well minlinod to l-Ivo ndvlco to women who-nro nlllng. When you write to Mrs. l'lnkhnni the correspondence is cnrrlod on by til. 1.1...... 41. 1 , i iiiiiimiii luu murj- oi yuiir imi'Kucnc VOU feel nuzzled nlxint vmirm.lf - - ,. ndvlce the gratefulness of tho women of tho grateful ones yourself. Christmas WARES of all COUNTRIES. Rookwood, Royal Copen hagen, Artistic Bronzes, Lamps, Cut Glass, Pottery, Wrought Brass, Kayser Zinn, Steins, Placques, Vases, Ornaments, etc. No collection in this country includes so many novelties and attractive articles in Din ner Sets, Plates, Table Wares. r CHICAGO. Established 1838. 118 and 120 DISEASED HAIR XAST APPEARS UNDER. XweCRANITOMC TH SAME HAIR AS IT APPEARS 7D THE, A fyAncD EYE. Young' Ladies Like It na a dresHlng becauso It kIvhm the hair a beautiful kIosh lustre. enaureH n brll llant KTdwth, und enables them to dreas It nnd keep It any utyle that may bo de sired. Children Like It bccnuHo It koepH the hair and Bcnlp cool and rleun, al lays Irritation, and keeps the hnlr In whatever poaltion desired. I 1 4 Cranitonic Hair Food Co., WO Temple Court, New Vork City. A tiiuple tottlo of Cranitonlc Hair Food snd sample cake of Ecalp Soap. trial nnd consultation with phvslchins. nnd her medicine Is Its conqueror. She filled with inner fm, ,,,.,.. i. ----- waa MVMIlill DIIU you do SO 111 liprfpft ronflilntiiw tnr nil women, nnd by women only. Tell Mrs. .. ... nnu an me outer peculiarities wnicli ninue V,m will titirlnrti'mwl ....,. II ...!.,,.. I,..- A...a uiniLiniiiim uiu:i 411 111 111 4:4 who write of their cure you will be one CO Wabash Avenua. HUM! Cranitonlc for the Hair Is a clcnnslng, Invlsoniting nrutinratlon, ohuhi'h the hair to stow LUXtJItlANTIA', keeps It soft und pliant, Im parts to It tho I.tJBTltH nnil FUKSHNKBS of YOUTH, eradicates dantlrutT prevents HAIH FHOM KAI.IilNO, Is the MOST CLE AN IiV of all hair pro pnrntlonH, nnil la PHlt FKCTLV harmless. Ilelnit a strong nervo tonic. It Is coollnt and Invigorating to the bruin. Old People Like It for Its wonderful power to Invigorate dlarnned hair, nnd induce an entire now growth when that la poaslblc. Middle Aged People because lt prevents thrm from getting Jlald, keeps dandruff away, and make thn hnlr grow thick and strong. FREE HAIR FOOD To convince every reader of this pnper that Cranitonlc Hair Kood will atop falllnc hair, mako hair grow, euro dandruff and Itchlnir scalp, nnd that It la tho only prep aration fit to put on the hu man head, wo will send by mull prepared to all who will send namu und address unit some of the combings of your hair with a statement us to the condition of your scuId to the