Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells ulnss.
"Mr. Ililcy," 6-ccnt cigar.
Fine Missouri cnk. Gilbert Ilros.
Gns fixtures and globes nt Olxby's.
Kino A. II O. beer, Ncumnycr's hotol. 1
Wolltnmi, scientific optician, va H'd'y.
Schmidt's photos, new nml latent styles.
W. J. Hosteller, dentist, Haldwln block.
Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens.
See Bchmldt for I'lcgunt holiday photos.
Drink Hudwclser beer. I Hoscrtfold, ust.
Loffcrt, Jeweler, optician. 236 Uroadway.
O. V.. Alexander & Co., 533 Uroadway, .arc
open evenings. 1
W. K. Oraff, undertaker And dlslnfector,
101 Houth Main street. 'I'hono COC.
Oct your work done at tho potiiilar Kngle
laundry, ?2t llroadwny. 'I'hone 107.
V. C. Estop, undertaker, 28 I'onrl ntreot.
Telephones: Ofllce, 97! residence, 33.
H. 8. Chapman Ims Bono to Hood lttver,
Ore., with a vlow to lociitltiK thort-.
Mrs. O. M. llrown has returned homo from
a visit with relatives In Kansas City.
Morzan & Klein, upholstering, furniture
repairing, mattress making. 123 9. Main st.
Agent 8. V. Bhuart of tho Adams Bxpr.Vss
company Is confined to his home with sick
ness. Mrs. A. C. Davis, ovnngellst, will preach
ftunday night at tho Iowa Holiness mis
sion, 146 Hroudway,
Thero will bo a special mfetlng this oven.
Ing of Kxcelslor Mnsonlo lodge for work
In the third dcrre.
James Cunning of Indianapolis, Ind !s
a curst of Captain George J. Cm no and
family on Park avenue.
V. P. Kvans of 1816 Tostevln street was
reportrd to tho Hoard of Health yesterday
as suffering from rcarlct fever.
A marrlago lleenso was issued yesterday
to Joseph J. Martin, need 20, and Molllo
Mlcstier, aged 19, both of tills city.
Your wlfo will lovo you If you buy Sheri
dan coal. Smokeless, no clinkers. Boot nor
sulphur. Fonlon Xc Foley, solo agents;
A want add In Tho Ilco will bring results.
The same attention given to'a want add in
Council Bluffs as at tho Omaha olllce.
Council UluffH Itobekah lodge will moot
this afternoon nt 3 o'clock for drill. The
election of olllcors will bo held next Mon
day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Latham Davis of Albion,
Nob,, who aro on their wedding tour,
spending u few days in this city nt the
Grand hole!,
Ilcv. Albort Venting, who has been vlilt
Ing his fattier hero for tho Thanksgiving
holidays, returned yesterday to William
Jewell co I logo nt Liberty, Mo.
llev. G. V, Snyder will preach nt Kdfte
wood church Sunday afternoon. There will
bo no evening services at St. John's Eug'
Ilsh Lutheran church tomorrow.
Umll Aukemlller, In advnncc of tho Al II.
Wilson company, Is In tho city arranging
for tho appearance of his company at the
Dohany opera houso In tho near future.
St. Albans' lodge and tT.S. Grant com
pany. Uniformed Hank, Knights of Pythias,
will ho.d u special meeting tonight. After
tho business siflslon u lunch will bs scrvoJ,
M. O. Gray, who has succeeded J. II.
Itlshel as ngent of t)io Hock Island road,
has secured a rcsldenco on Fifth nvenue
nnd will removo nls family from Fairfield,
la., to this city next waek.
Complaint Is inado that a gang of bovs
has been killing tho squirrels In Hnylls
park. Tho boys aro said to cntlcrv tho
squirrels within striking (llstnnco by offers
of nuts nnd then clubbing them.
Attorney Hewitt announces that the suit
of tho State Liiwl and Improvement com
pany atcalnst tho city of Council H!uffs, In
which u. Jury returned a verdict forthe
city Thursday, will bo tuken to the supremo
"The Urownlcs" at Dohany's Saturday,
December 8; spectacular, melodious chor
uses, catchy music, witty lines, beautiful
costumes: tho most popular play on the
stage. Matinee, 10c, 20c, 30c; night, 15c, 23c,
35c, 60c.
Thero will bo a special meeting of Trua
council, Knights and Ladles or Security,
this evening In Iloyal Arcanum hall, when
nil members uro requested to bo present,
as thoro Is business, of Importance to como
up for action.
Tho funeral of tho late Oliver Lower will
bo held tomorrow morning. Tho cortege
will leave tho residence. 1023 South Main
streot, at 9:30 o'clock nnd rervlces will bo
held nt St. Peter's Catholic church nt 10
o'clock. Interment will bo In tho Catholic
John P.. Jepson, a young man whoso homo
Is In Pottnwattamlo county, nnd who .has
been working on tho Shorman cut on the
1'nlon Pacific road, has been brought to
this city suffering from n severe attack of
Inflammatory rheumatism. Ho ban been
sent to St. Uornard's hospital lv tho au
thorities for treatment.
Owing to tho success of the mooting Inst
Bundny Miss Herrlck will, by rpeelal re
quest, address another meeting for men
only tomorrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock at
Trinity Methodist church. Another moth,
era' meeting will bo held this afternoon nt
3 o'clock, and tho regular revival services,
which closo Sunday night, will be held to
night. .
Tho mombers of tho Hoard of Directors of
tho Hrynn-Stovunson club hay In regard to
flio suit brought for payment of rent of
hcadqunrters in the Ogden house that It
would have been paid before this only tho
funds In tho hands of Treasurer Davis have
been tied up by garnishment proceedings
brought by tho South Omaha Coal nnd Ice
Contractor Wlckham commenced work
yesterday on tho paving, of North First
street from llroadwny to Washington
avonue. Tho lower course will be Council
HIuffH brick nnd tho upper rourso le
Moines product. The laying of the lower
course on Hryant street was finished yes
terday morning and work has been sus
pended thero until tho arrlvnl of the Oales
biirg brick, which Is expected hero Monday,
Tho personnel of tho cast producing
"Where is Cobb?" which Is to bo presented
hjro toniorruw night, embraces soma clover
people of long experience nnd repute, who
-are said to do charming specialties and
hnndlo their respective partn in nn admir
able manner. A hugo heap of hllnrlty Is
promised, as tho llnce and tho situations In
tho piny nro said to bo very funny. The
piece is frnmed to suit tho populnr car. .
H, M. Hawthorne, city mnrshnl of Ke
waneo. III., him written to tho police hero
asking them to try to locate A. Iluchcson,
nn o'.d Scotchman, 60 years of ape. who left
Kewiinco two weeks ngo on his way to
California. On November 24 ho was In
Tiurllngton, whoro ho was given n night's
lodging at tho pollen station. Iluchcson Is
without inenns nnd Mnrshnl Hawthorne
stntesMlrtit It In very Important that , ho
Phnuld bo locnted. but falls to explain why.
Ono of tho prettiest entertainments of tho
season promises to bo that of "Tho
Hrownles'' tonight at tho Dohany theater.
Its spectacular effects aro snld to bo
beautiful and the performers Include somo
of tho best locnl talent. The choruses nro
well drilled and tho music, it la snld, will
bo exceptionally fine. Tho entertainment
will doubtless bo given nn enthusiastic
welcome by a crowded house. It Is given
under the auspices of tho Fraternal Union
of Amcrlcn.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
Lost Between General Dodgo's residence
on Third street nnd Mrs. Dentilngs' on First
avenue, a sable fur boa trimmed with head
on tails. A handsomo reward will bo paid
for return of samo to C05 Third street.
Dnnco at HurIics' hall tonight.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa, Jamci N. Casady, Jr..
lie Main St . Council Hluffs.
Savi Your Monty
HAVlMiS, LOAN AM) 1UJ1 1,1)1 .V
With th
lilU 1'curl Street, Council Uluffs, In.
I torn, $175 Youth's I
Sizes, $1.50, at
H tllOK STOItn. B
Work on New High School Building Has
Progreued Rapidly.
School Director Art-unite for .the
Formal Observance of the Im
sortnnt ISretit itHIi Fitting;
I'ulillo Ceremonies.
Tho corner stone of tho new High school
building will bo laid with approprlato ex
ercises either Wednesday or Thursday of
noxt week, which of tho two days not hav
ing yet boon determined on. This was
decided upon at a special called meeting
of tho Hoard of Education held yesterday
afternoon In the ofllco of Superintendent
Clifford. Preliminary arrangements for
tho ceremony wero mado at this meeting.
Tho purchase of the corner stono, which
It Is estimated will cost about HO, was
loft to tho commlttoo on buildings and
grounds. Tho arrangement of a program
for tho exercises, In which all tio children
of the city schools will bo Invited to tako
part, was entrusted to a special commlttoo
consisting of President Henry, Members
Sargent nnd Cooper and Superintendent
Clifford. With tho favorable weather that
has prevailed Contractor Hughes has been
nblo 1o rush tho work along and the build
ing has begun to assume shape. Tho walls
aro up to tho first story and tho first story
Joists aro now bolng placed In postton.
Tho bulging, except for somo slight
changes mado necessary to conform with
tho topography of tho ground, will .bo tho
samo as planned at tho time the board In
tended erecting It on tho Oakland nvenuo
site. Architecturally tho building will bo
sovcroly claRslo and tho 'outside, while
presenting a handsomo appearance, will bo
(".ovoid of any ornamentation, In order that
tho cost of construction be Mcst as low as
possible. Tho plainness of tho oxterlor or
tho front of tho building, however, will
bo rclloved nnd sett off with a handsomo
nnd ornato porch entrance of ntnnp Tho
outer walls of tho structure will bo of
buir pressed brick with stone trimmings.
Tho Windows will bo largo nnd of a design
that will add greatly to tho appearanco
of tho front facing on Fifth avenue ana
tho side facing on Hluff street.
The main ontranco on Fifth avenuo will
lead directly to tho first floor, on either
side of tho entrance being broad stairways
leading to the main floor and these give
tho entrnnco or vestlbulo a decidedly Im
posing appearance.
On tho first floor will bo tho drill hall
for tho cadets, which Is C5x6S feet, four
class rooms each 25.6x32.6, arranged to ac
commodate flfty.puplls each. On tho main
floor Is tho auditorium, tho samo slzo aa
tho drill hall, rising clear to tho roof nnd
capable of seating BOO persons. At the cast
end ,wlll bo a stage. The auditorium will
bo lighted by a doublo row of windows on
the north sldo. Running around tho auditor
ium Is a wido corridor, from which the class
rooms open. The class roqms, or
which thoro will bo seven on
this floor, aro arranged along tho cast,
south and west sides of tho building. Thoy
will bo each 23.6x32.6. nnd will ori,
commodato fifty pupils. In addition to those
cioss rooms, there will bo ono recitation
room on this floor 23x25.6, capablo of seat
ing thirty pupils. At the right of tho head
of tho main stairway will bo tho principal's
On the third floor will bo six recitation
roomB, each 23x25.6, nnd four laboratories
for the sclenco department, with one demon
stration room .between. Tho hallway on
this floor will form a gallery on throo sides,
looking down Into the auditorium. Tho
laboratories will each bo provided with
fire-proof vaults for tho storage of chem
icals. In tho basement the steam-heating plant
Is located, also tho coal room. Tho build
ing will be ventilated by tho fan system.
Commonwealth 10-cont cigar.
District Court Notes.
The trial of the suit of Andrew Nealey,
colored, against Jacob Neuraayer, propri
etor of tho Neumayer hotel, was completed
In the district court yesterday afternoon
nnd tho caso given to the Jury about 2
o'clock. At 10 o'clock last night tho Jury
brought In. a verdict giving Nealey $20.
Nealey sued for $7,000 damages for being re
fused ndmlsslon to tbo dining room at
tho Neumayor hotel ono day last January.
Following tho Nnnl AV.Msiiia-nr.itn-. it..
enso of Mlko Kodcl against deorgo Kasslng
v,....., in mis suit Kadcl asl.s
for $1,000 damages for allegod libelous
statements made by tho defendant concern,
ing him. Both parties, are residents of the
German settlement In York township aud
Kndel contends that by reason of the llbol-
ng (hls (Kadcl's) moral character ho has
been ostracized In tho community.
PlCobk'ntl! wob granted a divorce yes
tcrday from Mlnnlo Coblentz.
oMhn 'XL 'I"?" JhnRon' "OmlnLtratop
snir confess,nB
O. S. Cox, against whom tra F. Hendricks
secured n Judgment, has been ordero to
nppcar next Monday at 10 o'clock before
Judge Wheoler of tho district court to no
oxaralnod as to his property.
Davis Bells paint,
R-umliurer'M Local llceortl.
Jncob B. Kmmlnger, the Insurance mnn
niiii t, . Ine" CQm'1ftnr. maintained an
km. her. ln ,h0 0mier & Tusey lank
building but did not make his homo
aLUu 0t 22- Shprnmn vonuo Tn
Omaha. He was state agent for somo In
surance company and his work was chlclly
confined to northern Iowa, where h I vod
most of tho time. Outside tof Insurance
Our Armored Cruiser Shoe
For Boys' Wear
CI ETS, which protect the bottom and
assure tho wearer double the service
o any shoe made for boys.
Sign of the Hear.
circles ho had very few friends or acquolnt
ances In this city.
When hero a tew days after his reported
purchase of tho Des Moines company, ho
appeared to bo In the best of health physic
ally and mentally and showed ho signs of
being In nny way mentally deranged. He
spoke about his new venturo nnd expressed
tho opinion that he would retain the head
quarters of tho company In Des Moines,
although it had been suggested, ho said, to
remove them to Council Bluffs,
Aiitlinrltlm llnve flnnrnntlnc Estab
lished on nn Affected Yiiniisr Man.
A third coao of smallpox was discovered
by tho local health authorities yosterday.
Tho patient, J. C. Burns, a young man 20
years old was last night placed under quar
antine at 020 Avenue A and Officers John
and Ed Smith placed to watch the premises.
Tho Hoard of Health anticipates placing
under quarantine tho family of Grant
Shoup, a motorman, living al 2409 Averue
A, where Burns has boon stopping for somo
tlmo past.
Hums after eating supper at tho homo
of tho Shoup family Thursday night went
to Omaha. Yesterday morning ho called at
tho olDco of Dr. Jensen there, who told
him ho had smallpox, Burns at onco re
turned to this stdo of tho river. Tho
health officer In Omaha notified Mayor Jen
nings by telephone about tho case and a
watch was sot on tho Shoup residence, ex
pecting that Burns -ould turn up there.
Instead of going to tho Shoup homo .Burns
went to 020 Avenuo A, where ho and on
aunt hod been living up to a short time ago,
when tho aunt met with an accident re
sulting ln tho fracturo of a leg, since when
alio has been stopping at the Shoup homo.
Burns' whereabouts wero discovered by
tho authorities Into la tho afternoon, but
not until ho mado several trips up town,
purchasing supplies. Ho was at onco placed
under quarantine and nn officer stationed
to watch tho houso. The young man was
examined lost ovonlng by tho city physician
and Dr. Cleavor, who pronounced tho case
ono of smallpox. Tho caso Is (thought to
bo a mild one, as Burns 14 experiencing
no sickness ln connection with It, although
badly broken qut over tho faco nnd boy.
It Is oxpectod that ho will bo removed to
tho city pesthouse this morning, as soon
as tho necessary arrangements can bo mado.
Gravel rooting, a. H. Head. 41 Broadway.
Funernl of Snmuel Ilann.
The funeral of the late Samuel Haas will
bo held Mondny morning at 10 o'clock from
tho family resldonco on South Sixth streot.
Hov. T. II. Clolland of Duluth, Minn., n
former pastor of tho First Presbytorlan
church of this city add an Intimate friend'
of tho deceased, will conduct tho services.
Interment will bo ln Falrvlow cemetery.
Samuel Haas was born at Sunbury, North
umberland county, Pa., September 6, 1S33,
and came to Council Bluffs In 1853, whero
ho secured employment ln a mercantile es
tablishment. Six years later tho whole
sale grocery house of Stewart & Haas was
organized, the partnership existing for al
most a scoro of years. In 1884 the, Harlo
Haas Drug company tfas established nnd
slnco then Incorporated. Mr. Haas wi.s
president of tho company at tho tlmo of
hfs death. In 1860 Mr. Haas was married
to Miss Jane McAfee, who survives him,
togothcr with ono daughter, Mrs. E. W.
Hart, and throo sons, Charles, Harry and
Frank, all of this city.
Bankruptcy Proceedings.
Three petitions ln voluntary bankruptcy
wero filed yesterday ln the United States
district court here.
David II. Hardraan, senfor member of tho
firm of Hardraan & Trautman, formerly In
the grocory business at 744 Broadway, has
filed a petition on his behalf and for the
firm, his partner having refused to Join ln
tho application. Tho securod liabilities of
tho, firm are placed by Hnrdman at $1,026.24
and tho unsecured debts at $481.96. The
Arm, Hardman says, has assets amounting
to about $1,200.
William F. Scorggln, a salesman of Mas
Bonn, Cass county, has debts aggregating
$1,432.93, of which he wishes to be rellovod.
His assets he lists at $800, all of which he
claims as exempt.
Wyllls Plorco Walkor, a farmer of Car
son, this county, has secured debts amount
ing to $463.10 and unsecured liabilities ag
gregating $741.11. He says his assets are
worth about $360 and claims them as ex
empt. Danco at Hughes' hall tonight.
Tax Ferret's Form of Notice.
Tho following Is a copy of tho notice sent
to certain taxpayers by F. M. Cunningham,
tho "tax ferret:"
Denr Sir I have a contract for this
county for tho purposo of listing property
which has beon omitted from the tax list.
Thero Is an apparent discrepancy betweon
tho amount of moneys1 nnd credits held by
you and tho nmount listed by you.
I will bo glad to have you call at my of
llco In tho court houso nt your earllout con
venience nnd go over the matter with mo
beforo I make my report of samo.
Hoping to see or near from you In the
noxt few days I am, yours truly,
When shown a copy of tho notice yester
day both County Auditor Innea and County
Treasurer Arnd expressed tho opinion that
under tho terms of his contract Cunnlns
ham should report to tho former whatever
ho may discover as a result of his Investi
gations, leaving It to tho county auditor or
tho treasurer to send out tho notices to the
persons Interested. ,
Danco at Hughes' hall tonight-
Such the City.
William Dobson, an cmployo of tho Il
linois Central railway, filed wjt tho city
clerk yestorday a clalnl for $1,000 against
tho municipality for Injuries received
Thursday night by running against a pro
jecting studding ln front of the Wlckham
building, now In course of erection on
Broadway," opposite Pearl street, Dobson
states that tho studding, which was nailed
to a telegraph pole, was not notlceablo In
tho .-Inrkncss and that ln stopping onto the
stdownlk ho struck his face against It,
causing a dangorous and painful wound
to his faco In clo3e proximity to his eye.
Ileal KMtute Transfer.
Tho fnllnwlnp trnnsfrs were fllod vester-
day In the nbstract, title and loan office of
J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl stmot:
Council Muff a Heal Estate and Im
provement company to Stnte fla'
lugs bank. 15 lots In Mornlngsldo add
to Council Hluffs, w.d $2.50)
Exchanifo Btnto bank to L. A. Carey,
lot 5, block 1, town of Walnut, w d..
Annlo Harry and husband to James F.
Hunt, lot 11, block 10, Colby's Walnut
Grovo add, w d i
Snmuel D. Toboy to Emollne .Slocum,
lnts 14 and 15. block 1, Oates' add to
Onkland. w l x
Emelln.) Slocum and husband to 8am-
Onkland. w d 500
Unrbara Geppner et al to Ilena Gepp
ner. lot 9, block 9. Evana' 2d Hridgo
ndd; lots 6 and 7, block 13, Cochran's
add, q o d , , 1
Six transfers, nggrogatlng $3,216
Wanted Girl for housework. 339 Scott.
Howell's Antl-Kawf" cures coughs, colds.
Danco at Hughes' halt tonight.
Mnrrlnire Licenses.
Tho following licenses to' wod wero Issued
at tho pilico of the county Judge yesterday:
Name nnd Address. Age.
Charles F, Nelson. Omaha 43
Lottie Mystrom, Omaha 3
Percy II. Dontsthorpe, Omaha 11
Muudo Morritt, tiloux City , i9
Oonnoil Bluffs- Man Kike Trouble for Des
Hoinei Mayor.
Friendly Act of Mayor Hartenbovrer
Fnllovred by StrnnBje Talk nnd
Almost Murderous Threats
from Knnmlnger.
DES MOINES, Dec. ".-Special.) J. B,
Emmlngor, who camo to Des Moines this
week from Council Bluffs' to complete a
deal for the purchase of a controlling In
terest In tho Fidelity Llfo Insurance com
pany, Is giving his friends cause to fenr
that he has become mentally unbalanced.
Ho Is an old acquaintance of Jerry Hnrtcn
bower, mayor of Des Moines, and a few days
ago he asked Hartcnbower to go security
on a note for $400 at tho bank. This was
done by the mayor for old friendship. To
day Emmlngcr called on tho mayor and be
gan acting strangely. Ho seemed to think
tho mayor ftured his recurlly was not good
nnd finally ended by drawing his check for
tho amount of tho note. Later ln the day
he went to the mayor and demanded that
he go to a bank and vouch for him, but
tho mayor won busy. Emmlngcr almost
threatened his llfo If ho did not go nnd
finally the mayor becamo alarmed and
went with him, Emmlngcr has given tho
mayor much nnnoynnce this evening and
he fears he is unbalanced.
Illinois Central Plans.
Thero Is a well defined rumor that the
Illinois Central purposes gaining an cn
tranco to Des Moines. Tho Central now
controls tho Iowa Central nnd tho Minne
apolis & St. Louis. Tho latter road runs
to within thirty-eight miles of Des Moines
and stops at Angus, whero there Is practi
cally no town and no business. Either this
branch of the Minneapolis & St. Louts will
bo oxtendod to Des Moines or a now lino
vlll be built. It Is now belloved that tho
Iowa Falls & Northern project for building
a lino from Iowa Falls to pes Moines by
way of -Nevada, Story county, Is backed by
tho Illinois Central. Mr. Ellsworth of Iowa
Falls, who Is at the head of the project,
has built several lines of railroad which
have been turned over after being built to
old companies. Tho activity of promoters
In laying out sovoral lines northward from
Dos Moines Is believed to be In the Interest
of different compnnlos wishing nn entrance.
Will Itebnlld Historic Hotel.
Tho historic Klrkwood hotol In Des
Moines Is to bo torn down within three or
four years and a now nnd larger modern
hotel .will bo built ln Its place. Tho oalo
of tho property to Frank Kauffman nnd
Harry Phillips has Just been announced.
They nro young men of Wealth. The price
paid was $190,000. The hotel had been
owned many years by eastern men. It was
tho old Savcry hotel, which was for many
years the center of all prominent Iowa po
litical gatherings. About fifteen years ago
It was ohUrely rebuilt and nnraod tho Klrk
wood ln honor of tho Iowa governor and
senator of that name. Tho now proprietors
say they will tear It all down and build
from tho ground.
Peter Peters, tho Tama county farmer
who was burned to death In nn emigrant
car at Rcfnbcckwbjlle on his way to South
Dakota with a " load of goods and stock,
left a widow and1 seven children. An ef
fort to make' It appear that he was mur
dered had no foundation', but ho had on
his person a draft for $700, which wob de
stroyed, but the money will be secured for
his family. Good pooplo at Helnbeck nnd
at Gladbrook havo been subscribing lib
erally to a fund for 'the widow and have
ndded over $400 to tho little fund left her.
College Cadets' Commissions.
Adjutant General Dyers will soon make
out commissions for the officers ln thf.
Junior aud senior class battalions of cadets
at tho Iowa Stato college, as recommended
by General Lincoln, commander of the col
lege troops. Tho following will got com
missions: Mnjor First battalion. Ira J. 8cott, Story
county; major Second battalion, Henry It.
Porter, Hnrrlson county: major Third bat
tal on, Alexander T. Jenkins. Cherokee; bat
talion adjutants. Guy S. Gearhart of Hamil
ton. i,11""?,1'. Holmdale of Hoone nnd Al
&erJ; ?r 0( Wayne; captBln Company
E, Gerlt N. MereneHs, Carroll; captain Com
pany U, Paul Honsen, Crawford; captain
Company O, Ernest Hall, JohnHon; cuptuin
cbmpany F. Ernest Btlvers. Cerro Gordo;
captain Company .C, Lincoln P. Bennett,
Polk; first lieutenant Company I, 11. A.
Bonnott, Story; first llouter nt Company K,
T' tC.' 1.ckA Sa! "rst Heutcnnnt Company
A, Lloyd II. Moore, Story: first lieutenant
Company H, Edgar-H. C. Myers. Franklin;
tlrst lieutenant Company D. Charles A.
Welch. Hoonc; second lleutenantB, Homer
W. need, Polk; W. C. Hue, Wuyno; n. L.
P.1"?".6"' Mitchell; Charles F. Gecsman,
Madison: Ernest 0. Itltzman, Jackson; C.
M. Morgan, Humboldt.
Tho dote for tho meotlng of tho general
synod of tho English Lutheran church In
the United States, which Is to moet n Des
Moines noxt year, has been fixed for May
29 and ten days following. About 300
church representatives are expected.
The Iowa Stato collego at Ames lost ten
valuable horses, which wero killed by" a
freight traln'on the Northwestern near tho
college farm. Thoy.had escaped from tho
farm and wero on tho track and all of them
wero mangled and killed. They were nil
valuable horses, none of them being worth
less than $150,
OsUnloosa Is Improving.
OIUNNELL, la., Dec. 7. (Special.) In
addition to tho new $50,000 government
building secured by Congressman Laccy
and a now $25,000 Jail, tho city of Oskaloosa
Is planning for still other improvements.
Ono Is to bo tbo erection of a lighting
plant and the other U the construction of
sixteen miles o( electric road threading tho
streets of the city nnd extending to Loconta
via Beacon, two nourishing suburbs. This
last project has not yet reached a stago of
absoluto certainty, but is to be submitted
to tho peoplo of the city and thero seems to
be no reasonable doubt but that It will be
accepted by tho cltlzons. This will mean
tbo Investment of about $300,000.
Deemer's Frlrnds Are Hopeful.
dlTY, la., Dec. 7. (Special.) It
Is rumored that at tho coming meeting of
tho Board of Regents Judgo Dcemer will bo
elected to the chancellorship and, further
more, that the ralary of tho position will
be raised to equal that of a Judgo of the
supreme court. It Is generally understood
that Judge Deemer would accopt If tendered
tho place by tha Board of Regents. His
friends here ore very anxious to see him
as the new chancellor and since ho has
always taken great pride ln the Institution
and is a mnn or flno literary tastes and
would appreciate the charms of a univer
sity amospharo.
Omaha Liquor Anents Fined.
AUDUBON, la., Dec. 7. (Special.) Al
leged violations of the law that makes It a
crime to take ordors for Intoxicating
liquors from private parties are coming to
grief In this county pretty fast. Two men
bavo been arrested In the last few days for
this offense and paid fines. Thomas Chris
ti)8en of Omaha was taking orders at Bray
ton when .arrested. He paid $50 and costs.
Sol Klein, also from Omaha, tried Exlra for
orders and his flno was $60 and costs.
For n (.'old In the Head.
The Secretary's
H OsnKoan, Wis., Sept. 22, 1900.
WARkkr's Safb Curb Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Genllcttun .'r-Eiglit years ngo I suffered greatly with
kidney trouble. I consulted several physicians but their
, medicines did me no good. A friend of mine in the drug
business suggested that 2 try Warner's Safe Cure. I fol
lowed the suggestion and after using a couple of bottles
I noticed a slight improvement. I continued its use for
about eighteen months and am happy to say that it
completely cured me. I have waited several years be
fore giving this testimonial in order to see if my cure
was permanent. I now believe it is.
Yours truly,
Secretary "OsMosh Times." W. C. JENKINS.
S6.00 A MONTH.
All Private Disuses
aod Disorders of Men
13 Years ln Omaha.
Method new, never falls,
without cutting, pain or
Iocs of timn.
SYPHILIJtcurcd for life and thepolson
1 Wthnrntiehlv drain,! from
thesyxtem. Soon every sign and symptom
dUappeara completely ana forever. No
"UllKAKINQ OUT" of thedlsesse on the skin
or face. Truatment contains no dangerous
drugs or Injurious medicines.
WEAK MEN Lo,M or Manhood from
rvil. l I v WMtsor VlCTlMATO NKUVOUS
sexually debility or Kxiiaustiom,
Wastwo Weakness Invomjntahy Losbkh,
with Uuily Dkoay ln Vocnu and Middle
Aoid. tack of vim. vigor and strength, with
sexual organs impair d and weak.
STRICTURE Radically cured with a new
- JLJ er5 nn Iuflhle Home Trent
ana OLttTment. Nolnstrumnts,Tinpaln,
no detention from business. Gonorrhoea,
Kidney anil IlUdder Trouble.
CMWltrthn Free. Treitmrnt ty Mill.
Gallon or ad.lrees g 8. 4th St.
Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha, Nob.
If tou haTfl smfcll. wr.k orcini.
loit power or wriluntnft drain.,
our acutiBi Organ Dcreiloptr wlli
rf.tore you without drum or
clrclrlcltri t.1.000 In mi not ono
fallnrai nut ono returned i no C. O. D. fraud writ, for
particulars, tent Heated In plain enrelopo.
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO., 414 Charles lldi., Denver, Celt.
The Blues
Is one signal which foretells physical
decny. Another Is pale lifeless akin.
The muscles shrink and become flab
by; the body becomes emaciated, and
there Is an early tendency to round
shoulders. The Etp lacks elasticity,
the nerves become weak; mental and
physical activity are n burden..
This condition is called Nenvus De
bility; It Is cured by the use of
They feed the hungry nerves, revive
the weakened organs and make life
brighter and sweeter to any man or
woman who'has suffered from physical
81.00 per box ; 0 boxes (with legal
guarantee tocure or refuud the money),
lo.OO. Book free. Peal Medici.vk
Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Bold by Kuhn'ft Co., 15th and Douglas,
xnd J. A. Fuller- & Co.. litt: and Douglas.
Restore Vitality, Loit Vigor and Manhood
Curn Impotoncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Men.
orv, nu wasua? diseases,
all effects of self.abnso or
excess and indiscretion.
A nerve tonic and
.blood Duiiaer. tirlu
tho pink
glow to pale
ad restores the
fire of youth. By mall
ISOorarhoi. 6 boxes for
$8.60, with oar bankable gaurantea to onre
or refund the monay paid. Send for circular
and crpj of our bankable guarantee, bond.
Immediate Results
Positively guaranteed core for Lois of Power,
varicocele, undeveloped or anruiikon urgans,
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, NorTous I'rontin
tlon, Hjrstnria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and tRa
Itesults of Eiceailvo Uso of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor, By mail in plain packngo, 81.00 a
box, O for $5.00 with our bankable guar
smtee bond to oure ln UO days or refund
money paid. Address
Otlnton Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
For sale by Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglas
St., Omaha, Neb.; Geo. S. Da via, Council
Uluffs, Iowa.
Twenty Years Ago
Terhaps you'd like to take back that
wutch that you bought at a "bargain,"
It hasn't turned out to be what you
paid your money for.
But tho dealer uldn't gtva you a
And ho hns gone out of business.
Your money 1b gone, the dealer Is
rone, nnd the watch won't go.
If you had bought ono of our
you would have received a guarantee.
And you would have found us hro
at anv time ready to mnke anything'
right that vyas not;
Practical Jewolcr and
Bclontlflo Optician.
400 Brondwyf Council ItlnRH, 1st,
rtouWkf lnutrtwrio. HOrirol
tlucM,ltu W lrd t Its Mbml cJo,
r sivia ny nhtd.
I tkeackDowMrsa STAVDJUU) H Am
OOUlTl(rttSi. t M eully sp.
BtUd, iwalM tha balr soft aait alosiy, la
atMofnftlf arml. fMnulacr hair rob
and trA Corrsaveaasiics Bildentll.
U(ferUlCs.JUXj.,2 WJMSuNcw Vock
Bold by drureista and nnlrdtossera.
(nok'sDuchms Tablets aro snccssefullT
i used monUdrbyoverlOAOpladlea, Prion,
I SI, By mail, SIX. Sand 4 otata for
1 sample and partlculsm. Tbo Cook Co.,
r I l1 WoodwaidoTe,, Detroit, illch.
E14 la Omaha br Kubn Co., IS IXracuu.
Special Sale
for Chrlatmaa
1,000 Salesman's Sample Pocket Knives at
' tbo dealor'a usual cost.
Big lino 2 Razors at $1.25.
Kvery knife and Razor guaranteed on sale Monday.
roco Cnmerns special prices for Chrlstmao.
Kodaks Eastman's latest kodaks as chbap
n a t m try tm t n nf n T V
Browlilo Cameras JI.0O tako a good plo
mres. Wo teach our customers to tako
Fino lino Carvlntr Sots, 75c to $10.00.
Star Safety Itnzors, single and In sets.
Dainty Ladles' Pearl Knives.
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Fifteen lots la ft body for nit at a very reasonable trie. Tkew
lots are located ln Omaha addition aad lie high and dry. The?
will make a splendid leoatien for seme fact err. Several other lata
ultable far balldlag purpeata one ef them especially will make
a fine location for a heme, betas wlthla ene block et the mater
line and wlthla two blooks of a achoel heuie ant church located
la tha western part ef the city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
DAY & HESS, 39 Pearl St., Council Bluffs,
Have for sale a large Hat of Improved
vegetable laudai also residence and
and Omaha. SOB1E KAIlMSi
160 acres Hazel Doll twp., 11 miles no O.
good buildings, $45 per acre.
0 acres near Crescent, well Improved. S4S
per acre.
CO acres C miles east, good buildings ana
fruit, $50 per acre.
10-acra fruit farm, near city, good Improve
ments, $150 per acre.
tO-acn fruit f-rm adjoining city, $C,000.
The above la only a sample of onr
B per cent Interest. Telephoae 344.
Sunday. Dec. 9.
Expert Vaudeville Turns
Wo ndvertlso this ns laughable because It
la funny enough to tlcklo your table de
hoto region. Prices, 2Gc, 35c, GOc.
4 9 (9 B S 99 $0
Hot Springs, Ark.
If You Wish .
good reliable dental work at mod
erate prices we can please you.
Our methods are the most improv
ed our prices so low they will
surprise you.
. ..Telephone 143.....
H. I. Woodbury. D. D. S-, Council Bluffs
30 Pearl St. ' Grand Hotel.
Buck's Steol Ilangcs nicest present in the
world for wlfo or mother.
Favorlto Unso Tlurnprs.
Coin's Hot Tllast Heutcrs.
Sleds and Hkalt-3.
1901 Columbia chnlnlrss nnd chain Bicycles,
ltKXf ladles J2T..C0 Bicycles for $19.60.
Hpauldtng Chatnless
Bicycle a
ivcle Has l.amnH
as Lamps and Cyclomotern.
L. C. Smith nnd Mnrlln take-down uuns.
Double-barrel Shotguns for $11.00.
Main St., Council Bluffs, la.
farms, culoken ranches, frnlt and
business property la Conocll Bluffs
ISO-acres Missouri bottom land, I ratios si
city, $40 per acre.
600 acre stock farm near Railing, Selby Co.,
S20 acres ln Sliver Creek twp., $S0 per acres
well Improved.
213 acres fine bottom land In Rockford twp,
$42.50 pel acre; well improved. '
Cold feet nro poor bedfellows.
You mlulit as well not sleep
ns to Hleep uncoinfortnbly.. A
hot water bug will enablo
you to Bleep In restful com
fort. Ours nro mado of
finest Pnra rubber and aro
guaranteed In overy wuy.
2-quart, 3-quart
Dell G. Morgan's
142 Uroadway, Council Bluffs, Tel. 222.
Ut. Elf for utn.larf
dlichirgri, InfUmm&Uois, ,
rrltstlons or nlurstiost
I h.nous nxnibrsnca.
r.initaa, zni 1101 uiria
(rot ur poIloli.
Maid fcr Bragaista,
or tent In plain wr.pjwr.
tr cxprru, ptrp.ld. In
1.00. or I bottlrt. t,79.
Uustuar wti on rauoosa
"Man wants but
little here below"
Snld tt morbid poet
lofcg yearn ngo,
I'm prone to doubt
that undent sane
When I look at The
Bee's urentWunt
Ad" page.
lat Hi U iUHHM.
Kaf ThcEh'U CtUMicuCa