Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Appropriation!! to Be Aiked from th Next
General AiMtnblj.
Almost Kvcry Avrnnc of Krxpcime
BhoTra nn Incrrnar In I'roapect
and Ihr Ileturiia Arc
.Not All In.
LINCOLN, Dec. 7. (Special.) For main
taining all stato ofuces and Institutions, for
ropalr and construction of buildings, and
for nit other MDcnses of conductlliC the
state government for tho two fiscal years
beginning April 1, 1S01, the legislature n
hn .aVnit tn nnnrnnrlato S2.7S1.001. This
amount Is il2,G2S In excess of tho total of
all appropriations made by tho legislature
of 18D3 and does not Include n lot of de
ficiency clalina thai will bo presented frsm
various Institution!!. Neither doea It In
f 120.000 mado by D. I..
Thompson for tho transportation of the
Tlrst rcelmint home. It is estimated that
the total of claims yet to be presented w
amount to possibly J300.000, which will
l.rin,, ih. .mn.l total un to nearly $3,000,000.
The legislature will b? nsked to approprlato
money for bounties of Innumerablo varloty
nnd this item alone will form a large por
tion of tho balanco of appropriations yet tu
bo asked for. .,.,
Ti.n leelalntlve ntinroprlatlons of 1509 in
eluded approximately 1300,000 for now build
ings for tho various Uto Institutions. This
year the donand for mo'jey tor mat pur
nosn will not bo nulto so heavy. The unl
vnraltv will aak for a new building for tho
department of physics and several of tho
other state Institutions will ask for the
contsruotion of addltloral buildings, but
... a rf.r
the total will not far oxeceu isu.uuv
Difference Made Uy Klrctlon.
Many of tho estimates filed with tho ntnto
auditor -wtro prepared before election,
which probably accountn for tho fact that
they nro so largo. In locklnc over tho flies
It Is notlceablo that many of tho cstlmatej
filed boforo olectlon nsked for Increased
nimrourlatlons. whllo thoeo filed alter eioc
tlon asked for decreased appropriations,
Aa a rule tho stato officers ask for about
the name amount of money that was allowed
by the lest legislature. For tho support
of tho Nobraska National Guard Adjutant
General IJarry asks for an lncreaso of $16,-
447, a portion of which, however, will be
for deficiency claims.
Tho university asks for the largest appro
Drlation. $015,600. but of this amount only
hllghtly over $300,000 Is raised ny taxation,
the balanco coming from the various trust
and endcnment fund. Tho next largest
appropriation la aBked for tho Hospital for
Incurable Insane at Hastings, tno total
amount being $271,000. Tho district court
comes third on tho list with n request lor
an appropriation of $224,000, being the samo
aa tho appropriation of two years ago. Tho
Hoard of Haalth asks for an Increase from
$200 to $5,000. Tho major portion of this
amount la for services rendered by physl-
clans In diagnosing supposed smallpox
cases !n various localities during tho last
two years.
T.i.nlat.n of H.tlmatm.
- ,
Tho following shows the appropriations
mat win do aKeu ior nnu mo uppruprm-
tlons that wero made by tho last legls-
Fund. Asked For. ln ISM.
I.oElslntivo expenses $ 130,000 $ 130,000
flnvrrnor's offico 21.000
Hoard of Publlo Iatids and
. Hulldtngs 23.1M
State pmilterrtlory ..!;.:..; 31,210
. National Guard , 4S,cno
Bocretary of stato 1S.SV)
Auditor 5,400
Insurance department 9.000
Btate treasurer 14, COO
libor commissioner 9.6W
Attorney general 11,300
Btuto superintendent 1S,(X
Itnd commissioner 31,wi0
Hanking board 7.S00
Hoard of Transportation.. H.200
District court 221,000
Supremo court 31, too
Htato library 16,511
Hospital at Norfolk 80.400
Hospital at Lincoln 212.S00
Asylum at Hastings 2i2,b00
Girls' Industrial school,
Geneva 35,005
Industrial Homx. Milford.. 1,250
17.850 I
os : jqq I
School for the Ullnil, no
tinuka Cltv
Bchool for Feeble Minded
V,.,,ll, Tlarl. 140 inn
School ior Deaf, Omaha.. 92,760
fltate Normnl, Peru...' 60,140
nduatrlal School for Boys,
Kearney 97,000
Stato university 615,600
uoiaiers a u u nnnors
Home. Grand Island ....
Soldiers' and Sailors'
Homo, Milford ,
Fish commission
Hoard o f Educational
Lands and Funds
Hnard of Purchuae and
Historical society
Hoard of Health
Food commission
1 n f
Hoard of lrrlcatlnn....
Homo for Friendless..
Totals 2,72l,001 $2,591,873
The miscellaneous expenditures estimated
Itovonuo books dud blanks
Transcribing nbstracts ot land...
.. 350
Advertising ror mate priming
Ijiws, Journals, printing let by con-
trnri. n ericai nom una cxnenscs or
printing board 15,000
Vrintltiir Huuremo court renorts 6.000
Support Hoard of Agrlculturo 4,000
- . . h.
The degression which attacks vou in
frequent tits Is caused by trouble with
your Kidneys. It is n symptom of u
serious iulment. If you nave uackacne.
discolored urino, too frequent n voiding
ot same, or dlniculty in doing so, it con
firms the symptom. You are in dancer
but still nave time to recover yourseu.
will cure any disease which is derived
frnm Disordered k'idnevs or Bladder.
This is guaranteed by a forfeit of $50
for any case tney win not cure.
pcaplerartdbv In writing thrri
v PIMK CKl'lvac "."F" .uum.cM VM.r.w.v.
Mrs. Kobfrt IU ndf rson, W. Market t llmtrlce
Mm. Kmmii Wilcox, 3Z W. Court t llf atrlrc
Henry Wlppnn, U Coutt M. nmUIr
Mjs. ()rurr .Swclltrr. Klk & Mill Ms. Hratrlc
Prrdtrlrk Klmi. Mr.. 1010 M. Dratrlre
I. C Thoravin. 1'alntf r, SohIIi I!t llealtlc
Wm. r. Knoblock. Ml N. MMn t. ttfmnnt
It, P. Mathra, 4S4 Jrnnfn sf Krrtront
Mr. IJUlf Prall. loin t' st. Unoi'n
A. K. Mnfler. Itoom &B Ilrownf H JIlocV, un coin
I',. J, Kurhrra. IBSlOst IJnmln
Urv 11. Hoffman; ft N lata at, IJncoln
Morrow's Kid-ne oids aro not pills,
but Yellow Tablets, and sell ot fifty
cents a box at drug- stores.
State Poultry aeaoclatlon.
- v . j 9 fill " WlftWftC a a a r uuau '
RSTr,",0? ? mile:::::" 1W Sheldon farm a few mlloa out of town, nnl It Is understood that Mr. Koutsky will rop
KuKltlves from Juatlce and officers' being quito hard of hearing, did not heed resent to the court that Uio city Intends to
fltatutpa f'nr officers and legislator... 1.CC0
teea 's'Sjc
Deficiency, fugitives rrom justice...
fllntflal aurvAV ... ....... ....
Doard or Horticulture .w
Ilecelrer Aaka Pay.
S. A. I). Shilling this afternoon filed
claim In the district court for t,205 for
services rendered as rccolver of the defunct
Merchants bank of this city. He Informoi
tho court that ho was constantly engaged
In closing the affairs of the bank for three
and ono-lmlf years.
Deputy Superintendent Dock, Secretary ot
State l'ortcr, Auditor Cornell, Jamen Whlt-
akcr, Frank L. Mary, C. O. Bcntley, Joo
Fisher and J. C. Dlshop, all officeholders
at tho stnto house, who will lose their po
sitions through tho chango In the adminis
tration, will depart December 14 for a
land inspection tour over the southern
portion of Indian Territory and northern
Snpen (Union of Pintle Center Dlen
from Injurlea Itccrlvcil In llecent
Sliuotlnir Affray.
COI.UMI1US, Neb.. Doc. 7. (Special Tele-
gram.) Soren Oleson, who was Gentleman's
first victim In the shooting affair at Tlatte
Center Wednesday nftcrnoon, died this
aftornoon at 3 o'clock. Ocntleman will
now have a charge of murder to face.
Oleson was 05 years of ago, unmarried anil
His narenta 1 vod at rreraont. no wsa ,
known as n quiet and peaccablo man, Bobcr
and Industrious, and the people nro very
Indignant over tho affair. 1
nick uentieman, wno am me wnoicsaio
shooting at riatto Conter Wednesday, Is
still In Jail hero. Ho has engaged counsel,
but has so far mado no Btatomcnt In his
own behalf and what his defense will be
Is not known. Henry Tnnga, who was the
most seriously Injured and who was brought
10 mo nospiiui jicro, is nam 10 uo in b
serious condition. Tho bullet haH been
loented with tho aid of X-rays nnd Is lodged
closo to tho spine In tho mlddlo of the
back. It may be removed later on, but It
Is believed that Tanga will bo paralyzed
In tho lower limbs oven If ho rocovcrs.
Gentleman will probably bo arraigned for
preliminary examination tomorrow.
O. W. Nelson of Florence Itellevrd of
One Hundred Dollar on Ilia
Way Home from Oninlia.
FLORENCE, Nob., Doc. 7. (Special Tele
grara.) O. W. Nelson, liveryman of this
place, was held up by three men as he was
returning home from Omaha at 6 o'clock
last nignt. inoy naitea mm at the north
nldo ot -Miller s parn, on Thirtieth stroet,
and secured about $100, but overlooked n
pocketbook containing $150 which was lying
in the uuggy seat, mo man who went
through Mr. Nelson s pockets wore a mask
and was a medium sized man; tho other
two wero some distance away and Mr. Nel
on could not clvo a very good description
of them, bb it wos very dark. Ho thinks,
howovor, that they did not have any masks
on nnd both seemed to bo tall men. Tho
pinco whero he was hold up Is about three-
quarter" of a mile north of old Fort Omaha.
crrtli t Analiist Sheriff Wheeler.
tu inwnniintttnii r-t. . m .
i tn0 tCB0 ot Mi Howitzer against
i'lai lomuuiii, iicu,, ucc. i. tapeciai.;
sheriff W. D. Wheeler nnd his bondsmen
tilc jury returned a verdict of $2,200 for
piaintirt. in is ueorge Tourteiot sold
. . . .. ... 1
his slock of aonoral merchan.!lnn ln thl
city to W. W. Coatcs and about one week
later Mrs. L. M. Ilowltzer of Omaha pur-
chased tho Stock from Mr, Coatos. Tho
goods Jiad only been In her pomesslon a few
hours when they were attached and. taken
..un k.. c im nn i .... I
jiusoudoiwh vi ujr DUUllil iv.iuts.ur 1 U I tut'
western vva soumcrn Aicrcauino company
and Barton Bros, of KansaB City. This
suit was brought against the sheriff and
his bondsmen for the value of tho stock
and damages for being deprived of snme.
Tho defense sot up tho claim that the stock
was purchased for tho purposo of defraud
ing Tourteiot a crcd tors. of Profensor Wllllnma,
COLUMBUS, Nob,, Dec. 7. (Special.)
The remains of Prof. W. J. Williams, who
died Wednesday night, lay ln stato at tho
opera house this forenoon and wero viewed
by hundreds of people. The entire schools,
under direction of tho teachers, passed ln
1 a mli 0f .na noera house between 0
1 i JI 11. .A k k , -1 ,L. I. .
waa closed and tho remains taken to tho
Union Pacific depot, whera, at 3 o'clock,
tho funeral party started for Franklin,
Ind., whero he Is to be laid to rest beside
his drat wife, who died In November, 1893.
William J. Williams was born near Gran
ville, 0., June 4, 1845. In the fall of 1894
ho camo to this city and was engaged as
BUDerlntondcnt of tho cltv schools, which
1 nnninM u ,nn i. i n . w .i . Li.
I IIUDUIUU UV MD uuilllllft L m 111UO Ul it IS
I . ... ...
death. He was married hero to Mrs
R tlnnrtoh In
Osceoln Fire I.oiiarN Adjusted.
OSCEOLA, Nob., Dec, 7. (Special.) The
dlffcront fire Insurance companies that car
ried ricks on tho stock of merchandise be-
longing to Isaac Krnsna, destroyed last
Sunday morning by flro In the Odd Fellows
block, have settled tho loss satisfactorily
Mr. Krasna had Insurance to the amount
or ;u,t,uu ana tno adjusters allowed him
St. BOO. Tt Is t hmi nil t that the dnmrnrn In
tho bulldlne can bo remedied for about 1S00
, .. ... ... ' . . .
i it un 1 1. win un in an ii iih l: i i i i ; i nn iifinrn ine
nro. when It was tho best bulldlne in town.
At a special meeting of the council last
evening a contract was entered Into for
tho establishment of n pest house a mile
and a half from tho city, and everyone
nflllcted with contagious dlseaso who vio
lates tho strictest quarantine, regulations
will bo confined there. Tho conditions hero
aro much Improved. There aro searcoly
any really now cases and thn danger ot
contnglon Is being avoided by the council's
vigorous action In tho matter.
JuilKC fSrlinra AiUuuriiN Court.
SIDNEY, Neb., Dec. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Jurors In tho Watklns al
leged cattlo stealing caso were unablo to
agree nnd Judge Crimes discharged them
this morning. They stood nlno to for
conviction. Tho caso will again bo tried at
the spring term of tho district court. The
caso against John Hurtling, charged with
horso stealing, was' continued to December
26, owing to tho Illness ot one of tho prin
cipal wltneFses for tho defense. Judgo
Crimes adjourned court to that date.
I.ii.t llltrN f Glenn ltoynl.
Tho funtral services over tho remains
tho lato J, Glenn Itoyal wcro held in tho
Christian church in this city this afternoon
nnd Interment was mado In Oak 1 1 111 ceme
tery under tho auspices of tho Modern
Woodmct of America, of which order the
deccared was a member. Tho ii. & M. band
acc.oinpi nled tho cortngo irom the residence
to tho church and fro u there to the ceme
tery. Hot .lr lloya nn Iloat.
WEEPING WATEIt, Neb., Dec. 7. (Spe
cial.) Tho young men who constitute the
membership of Droller lodge No. 1,000, Hot
Air association, entertained forty frlrnds ct
tho fairer ser last evening at tho Gibbon
hotel with a banquet, musical program and
cako walk.
Cranlird liy Kullliiar Tree,
COLUMBUS. Neb., Dec. 7. (Special Tele-
gram.) Joseph KraBer wna badly injured
today by a falling tree Ho, with others,
the I
the wnrnlnc of his fellow worKmen ana ww
caught by tho tree. One leg and foot were
badlr crushed. He vu brougnt noun, oui
the extent of his Injurlea cannot do aen
nltely itattd tonight.
Ilnrar nml Itlder Killed.
m . m I
pi.ATTSMOtlTir. N'flb.. Dec. 7. (Special
Toleernm.l When tho son of Wash Young,
who resides about four miles west of this
city, did not return to supper last ovenlng
a search was made, which resulted In the
flniiins nf hi iinnd hodv and that of his
horse. Tho horso had fallen In such a way
n. n .rpnk hntti nf Ihnlr necks. Tho young
mon wn. ?i vnnr nfii.
NOIITH LOUI', Neb., ec. .. i&peciai.j
Tho cattlo dlseaso Is working sad havoc In
this section of tho country. Farmers and
feeders report tho loss of from three to
twenty or moro out of tneir ncras. it is
nlso rrportod that forty-five hides per week
havo beon brouKht ,nt0 0rJ (or "evcral
weeks, an taxen irom camo tnni uico, in
stalk llclds.
For a Cold In the Head.
W3 Si
South Omaha News
Mcmliers of tho fire and police depart-
mcnts nro wondering how thoy aro going. I
i,v 0i tnn, nml ninth n? this winter,
JJotn of trieso funds nro exhausted and
Uiere Is scarcely any chance now ot se-
curing tho monoy needed to carry tho do
partments until next August,
At tne commencemnnt of tho flRcat year
,nsl August tho amount avallablo for pollco
pUrposes ,vna ;s,S30, and for tho malnto-
nam,0 o tho nro aCpartmont $5,025. A
nnr,inn nf Mi nf thean funds were used
ln inklni: un an overlap and this accounts for
,hn 0imllati0n Df tho funds. Just
now tho pollco department is costing $1,200
a n.onth. nnd tho flro department $550 a
... .i... i. .i.-. in i.
monwi. it ... i .u - , .
needed to carry tho pollco until next Au-
gust, when tho 1901 Iovy will bo available
ami "m 400 for the flro department. With
nnu i,iuu ior mo nro ueparumui. nn.
tho Installation of a new lire hall tho ex-
t . t.n InprMRHil
fully ono-thlrd. so that at tho conclusion
of tho flBcal year thoro will doubtless be
What is worrying tho members of these
two departments Is tho fact that tnoy can-
not sell their c alms. Nono of tho hanks
... .. ..
ln tho city will discount tno paper, ns
hn in piininmarv ln tlin nost. neither
,uin whn. u Mtv ivnrrnnta nn snncu-
. .V J ji - ii M,nru.
To mako matters
In tho spring from tho
wilt bo no revenue
saloon occupation tax. This will leavo tho
city with $18,000 less revenuo than It usually
has. Frequently this occupation tax, which
Is paid In May, has been used to pay fire
men nnd policomeu, but as thero can bo
no occupation tnx next year, on account
of tho license being raised to $1,000, theso
two departments will suffer. Warrant
buyers seem to bo afraid to tako hold ot
city securities Just at this time on account
of tho feollng of Insecurity which sur
rounds tho municipal officers. No ono seems
ablo to tell whether thero will bo an election
ln tho spring or not and this uncertainty
has scared buyers of municipal securities.
The fnct thllt lho '0'000 ln 'uninB bon(la
navo "ol utu" BU1" 48 "llB" ,u"-u
sidcratlon. Under existing conditions tho
1 n.f D,nnl pmin r fund will nnnn f nl -
and the street repair iiina win soon 101
lowj unle8s money from the county road
iunu can 00 sccureu. ""uerstoou mat. tno cuy oniciais
wl" raBKO an eH.rl lo ""')' "'
80,ne source ln order to carry on both tho flro
nnrl nnllnn ilnnnrtmentn until relief rnmpti
I -
cither from thu legislature or tho 1901 levy.
Under tho pressnt charter 3 mills only can
bo levied for flro purposes and C mills for
pollco protection. This Is not enough, ow
ing to tho low valuation, nnd all tboso In
terested ln tho framing of n new charter
proposo to ask for an Increased levy ln
thoso departments.
Vlnduct Work Delayed.
Chlof Englneor Klnc of tho Union Stock
Yards company Is complaining about Uio
delay ln receiving oak planking for Uio Q
stroot viaduct. Timbers for tho supports
wero ordered from Oregon at tho samo
tlm Inn nlnnklncr wnn nrilnrnrl frnm Attn.
aourl. Tho timbers have been here for
some time, but work cannot commence
vnttl the plank reaches here. In speaking
of this matter yesterday Mr. King aaia
that ho was anxious to commence work
on the bridge before real cold weather
sets ln. All arrangements havo been mado
for labor and material and It is now eighty
days since tho oak planks wero ordered.
It la tho Intention of Mr. King to place
these planks on edgo so as to mako a
1 rnnrlwAV which will last fop n nuinhnr nr
I . w.
I T AMA. . n .ui- i .
years. In order to support this weight
great timbers ot extra length wero sent
from Oregon. When the rcpalrr to tho
brtdgo commence tho bridge propor will
bo closed to traffic, but tho footpaths will
be kept open. Tho running of main line
motor trains on West Q street will havo
to bo discontinued whllo tho repalra are
In progress, but It Is presumed that a stub
lino will operate from tho west end of tho
bridge to tho end of tho lino at Thirty
ninth street
tiospuni meorporntion.
I Thn u-nmpn rnmnniilnir tlia RniiH,,.
i - ............ -.. wUv.. uuuuiu
Hospital association will meet on Tuesday,
Iueconuier is, tor tne purpoao of talking
over tho matter of Incorporation. Articles
of Incorporation wcro drawn recently bv
city Prosecutor Henry C. Murphy, but have
rot yet been approved. Thero seems to be
a dcslro to have tho Indebtedness limited
and as no such clauso Is Incorporated ln tho
articles, some suggestlcns and changes may
bo at tho coming meeting. Those who
compose tho nesociatlon are willing to be
liable for a limited Indebtedness, but do
not cure to go into a deal without fully un
derstanding tho matter. When a clause
limiting tho liability of tho Incorporators
Is added to the articles already drawn It
will most likely bo signed by thoso Inter
ested. In tho meantlmo tho salo of buttons
for tho hospital building fund goes on and
monoy hi coming ln every day from this
source. The hcrpltal has an unknown
friend who for two months past has sent
jr0 In cash to tho association. This dona
tion ot $50 a month along with tho f25 given
by tho city each month assists greatly in
keeping up tho work of tho association.
Xrwaiairr Cuiinultdutloii Off,
It Is understood that tho proposed con-
.. ,,H .1 t .. t n1 . 41,A t, . .
, , ;,C"',"'U'H
of " .. ' ..T ...'.."., 7 .
sqlldatlon and unless ho Is paid his price
will rcfuso to enter Into tho agreement.
Mayor Kelly Is nt tho head of tho move
ment nnd It Is understood that ho wants n
sheet which ho can control. All tho talk
about having an Associated Press report Js
considered na bosh, because no paper pub
lished ln South Omaha can afford to pay
for these reports If It could securo them,
which Is doubtful.
Koataky tn Contempt.
City Treasurer Frank Koutsky will ap
pear beforo Judge Keysor today to answer
for contempt. Somo tlmo ago the court de
clared llleral the special taxes assessed for
Ihe paving of Twenty-fifth street from I,
to 0 streets and ordered the treasurer to
caucol tho same upon bis books. Acting
upon the advice ot Mayor Kelly and City
Attorney Lambert, Mr. Koutsky declined
to cancel the taxes and the attorneys rep-
reseutlBg the plaintiffs ln the case hare
caufctl ronlemnt nroceei.lnrs to bo brouoht.
r.ppcai tne case m mc supreme couri auu
for this reason ho declined to caacel tho
ies orneieu.
Charter Meetlnar Not "Wfll Attended.
The Joint meeting: of the charter commit
tees called to meet at the council chambor
last night was not the success predicted.
Two or threo officeholders wcro present
and ona or two people who soil supplies to
tho city. Colonel Hunt pushed himself Into
tho chair, but thero was no occasion for
this, as thero was not enough present to
mako a quorum, consequently the meeting
tell Hat.
Wells, who Is apparently getting up the
I charter for tho Commercial club. Is doing
little, If anything, nnd bb the Citizens' club
failed to meet last night, It remains for tho
council commltteo to do the work and sub
mi. hn rcnlin to n. mass meetlntr. n wan
proposed seme tlmo bko.
Mnalc City lo.lp.
Itev. Italph Houseman Is here visiting
Tho Knslorn Star will meet In regular ses
sion tonight.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Blow will shortly re
movo to Chicago.
Ed Heboid, the check artist, has been sent
to tno county jail ror ininy uays.
A cltlz
Tngg and W. H. Cheek nro In
attending tho International cnttlc
A citizen said last night that the charter
revision problem begins to look llko n
, ' i.
slio spent several months visiting friends
nnu relatives.
Cmitnln William Kelly Is an MP'"",0'
imWl l for.
homo nt Milford.
'i'lirn unrmn in he somn cnmnlalnt nbotlt
the prices charged by tho Thomson-Houston
iciectrio l.itrnt compuny ir iikius i".-
t ii cr,,nv ... Hint he L-avo un his po
sition with tho Union llenderlng works In
Chicago because ho could not Btand tho
chango in climate.
i.i,p Conveiitlon Kudu In "Wnlkont
NKwAltK, O., Dec. 7. nio unio eocrn.-
Ion of Labor convention camocioso
t0n9 wlilch ever marked a session of that
i,.wiw tinvimi. Mmint Vernon. Newark nnd
0,-um,;u-' -,CYP5 ttteS withdrew from the
""n"" and from tho federation near
tho closo of tho proceedings,
A peculiar condition existed, In that n
mlnorjty of delegates haxl a majority of
volPH nmi n that manner controlled tho
wnrlr ttf thn IhmIV. It WOB dlttitlK nil nt-
" thi 1 condition of affairs that
h0 jnnl uproar and walkout occurred.
N FriANCISCO. Dec. 7.-Pre..ldent
whaler nf tho t'nlverslty of California
states tnnt tne announcement um i-.u..
U' (--nmnliell has been cliosen to SUC-
t,o inte Prof. James E. Keeler ns
,nnini nf ilm I.lck observaton wna
premature. Ho declares that no definite
action has yet been taken.
Weather Ilarrnu Forecasts Increase
In Temperature tvIIU Fair
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. f orecasi ior aai-
unlay and Sunday:
For Nebraska .Norm uaKoia, aouiu
kota and Kansas Fair Saturday and Sun
day; warmer ln central nnd eastern por
tlons Saturday; southerly winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair and wnr
mcr Saturday; Sunday fair; winds shifting
to fresh southerly.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Satur-
day and Sundny; variable winds.
For Montann Fulr; colder Saturday and
Sunday; brisk west to northwest winds.
I'nr llllnnli Pnlr nnd warmer Saturday:
s,ln,iay fair; winds smtting to rrcsu soutn-
I i
For Oklahoma and Indian Territory and
Arkansas Fair Saturday and Sunday;
warmer Bundny; varlablo'-wlnds.
Fa,r S(lturday nmJ Sunday-varlablo winds.
Local ltcconl.
OMAHA. Dec. i.-Ofllclnl record of tern- .herover located. Thousands of families
pcraturo and precipitation compared with , " " , ,,,, a.. , nP
the corresponding day of the last thrco lr. all parts of tho United States aro pro
years; tccted each winter by Peruna. Once ln
1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. tnB family. Peruna always Btays. No homo
Maximum temperature... 41 4 19 41 ",' rllnn nr tnn . tr,nl nf .
Minimum temperature .i i ;a
Precipitation T .00 .00 .00
Uncord of temperature nnd precipitation
at umuna ior una uuy mm ninco amrcn i,
Normal tompemturo 2S
Excess for tno day 8
Total excess since March 1 9J2
Normal precipitation 04 men
DeHcluncv for tho day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since Mnrch 1 29.78 Inches
Kvpi-bh ninco Atnrcn l tvi mm
nnclencv for cor. period. 189.8... 4. Clinches
Decency for cor. period, 183S
i.ii incites
Rcpart from Stations at
8 P. M.
I nmna ..lnni
: 3 i S
. : 3
36 41 .00
40 52 .00
4G 6G .00
38 44 .00
44 66 .00
34 3D T
88 42 .00
36 38 .02
36 38 . 01
20 26 .00
30 34 T
34 30 .00
44 60 .00
62 62 .00
36 40 .00
68 62 .00
I Xlnrtli Plnttn.
worm i-iauo, uicui
sanyi"iko' City "Vfeaf
ltaptd City, clear
Huron, clear
Wllltston, clear
Chicago, cloudy
St. Louis, cloudy ,
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear ....
Helena, partly cloudy
Havre, clojdy
Hlsmarck, cloudy
Galveston, cleur
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Foroeast omctal.
It makes muscle by making health.
It makes health, by curing the dis
eases which undermine the strength.
The starting place of physical de
terioration and weakness la generally
the stomach. The " Discovery " pos
itively cures diseases of the stomach
and organs of digeition nnd nutri
tion. Take "Golden Medical Dis
covery" and you'll) get well and
"I wish to express mV thanks to you for
your wonderful medldof," writes hit. Oco.
lagan Doggrt, of Pledmcnt, firecnville Co.,
6. C, Dot 167. "I waaUlraoit paat work
suffering o much from dircuic catarrh and
lndlgction. Your ' Ooldtn Medical Discov.
ery' waa recommended. . I used it for three
month, and wu completely cured of indi
gestion and greatly relieted of catarrh."
-' . r r - r " '' ?
This Beautiful Mother
"I Cannot Help But Praise
"I Am Never Without It.
"As soon as I Find the
C hi 1 d r e n Have the
Least Cold. I Give
Them Peruna.
A pAiir Mocps Hplflu
Ono of tho greatest foes with which every
lamuy nas 10 cui.iu.tu uur KimuRi-auiD
-llmate. To nrotect the family from colds
and coughs Is nlwayB a serious problem and
often Imposslblo.
Rnnnnr nr later It Is the Inevitable fato
of cyc ono to catch coldi Caro ln av9j
jnK exposure nnd tho use of proper clothing
will protect from tho frequency and per'
haps the severity of colds, but with tho
eroatcst of precautions they will come.
This Is a settled fact of human experience.
Especially Is this truo during tho stormy
nn(j unsettlcd weather of early winter.
Evorybody must expect to bo caught aome-
wnero or somehow,
rerhaps It will bo wet feet, or cold
draught, or damp clothes, or maybe too
closo confinement In hot rooms and then
i ,.. 1 1 , rnlH rnrolpnnlv. nr it
rany bo ono of n thousand otner utile mis
r ...
haps, but no ono Is shrowd enougn to ai
ways avoid tho Inevitable catcning com.
Sometimes colds comes like an epiuomic;
evorybodynseoras to hBVe ono nt onoo. Tho
-very air 'about' us Is poison to tho head,
throat and lungs.
There is no fnct of medical scienco Doner
known than that Peruna cures catarrh
.' . V.r, .... , ,
1 A splondld oxamplo of this fact Is found In
h hxniiHful homo of Mrs. Paul Peschol of
oultman street. Newark. N. J,
her letter":
A Splendid
Wholesale Location
The building formerly
916 Farnaxn street will be vacant November list.
It has four stories and a basement, which was
formerly used as The Bee press room. This will
be rented very reasonably. If interested, apply
at once to O. O. Rosewater, Secretary, Boom 100
Bee Building. u ,
Ready November First
Best Dining Oar Service
Cured While
You Sleep
In Fifteen Days
aran-8lvnt" dltioWea StrlcUr like now b-
talk lb tun. rrducat Kalarato rronaw aoo
ttnnttbeni ib Henlnal Duett, (topping Uralat and
Kmlttlont In jrifiwn I)a.
k. nf lm n
antf to narrow at to pait th cIomu Htrieiura.
Every Man Should Krww Himitlf.
m. 11 janaa lui.. ruix mi. claclanatl. O..
.Janet Aua., ni tM. Claclanatl. O.. bat
arvMrtd atirtal niitM an aihawM aafiri I
iTairiaitraMS Traaflai untin ibt male LULL
Ituw. which ihr will Bd w an
I llkkl
rain tucauw
V it ITSL nirilHIVUrrn.J vir iJn
kit KKB 4 t)U Btulli. Mtl4
r wiu uuniM, Tak a ataer. KcTiiu
I Batccraat Kabttltatlaat aa Imlta-
UB. Otif r jr Omgitil. r tAij
,um!:'.J!. I'artitolar, TnUmaalaU
ul "IIcllerrLa4ln,laluiar,t; r.
lura Mall. 1 a.UOO T..tlB,Mi&l.. Kklt
t . ia
ftll lira. ri.i. I'lku,. .('kul.-I
Mtaota UU MaaJtaa IKaare, l'tULa-, t'A.
NEWARK, N. J., Juno 17, 1900.
Dr. S. 1). Hartman:
Dcnr Sir "My three children were
Hick nnd my husbiinil hud an at
tack of la grippe. I Have the Chil
dren Peruna, and now they look as
if thoy hadn't been Hick ut all. I
also nave it tu my husband until he
was good and well. 1 do not know
how I could have stood taking care
of them and being up night and
day, had it not been for Peru na,"
"Last winter was the first winter
in sixteen years that I did not nave
a cough. It is impossible to explain
my thanks i words. I never look
ed us well as 1 do now.
''Peruna is our family medicine
and always will be. I do, my own
housework aim sewing, anu gei
aloim lovely, now that I am so
strong and well, thanks to Peruna
and votir good advice.
"1 cannot help but praise Peruna.
I am never without it, and ns soon
as I find the children have the least
cold I give" them Peruna. A few
doses h.'lps them, and 1 hope that
everyone who reads my testimony
will try Peruna as it is a friend In
deed.'' Thankfully yours,
14 Quitman St., Newark, N. J.
A Safe family Doctor.
Peruna has been used ln man7 other
homos with tho same results. Tho follow
ing aro samples: Mrs. M. E. Seymour,
Dye, Ga., writes:
"I nm ready to speak a few words In
favor of Peruna and Mannlln. I havo tried
them for nearly every 111 of life for myself
and family and find them to bo nil tho doc
tor claims them to bo. Peruna cured mo
of femalo troublo when my doctor could
not. My advlco to all, suffering women Is,
consult Dr. Hartman. What ho has dono
for me ho will do for you."
Peruna Added 40 Pounds.
Mrs. Mnrla GoerLz, Clco, Oklahoma,
"My husband, children nnd myself hnvo
used your medicines and wo always kocp
them ln tho houso in case of necessity. I
was restored to health by this medlctno
nn.d Dr. Hartman's lnvaluablo advlco and
books. Peoplo ask about mo from differ
ent places nnd aro surprised, that I can do
all my housowork alono and that I was
cured by tho doctor of chronic catarrh.
My husband was cured of asthma, my
daughter ot earacho and catarrh of tho
occupied by The Bee at
Columbia .Desk Calendar
A convenient momorandufn pud with
aeparntn paco for each day of thn
year. Enclosed by handsome Bteol
frame. May b hunr up or placed at
any desired angla on the dak. The
1901 edition has colored cover of new
design and improved binding. Now
Bent la any uddraa on receipt ol
S a-oetit ntampa.
Amerleaii Bicycle C.
Ilartfsral, Conn,
B1V sf t B9991
BHl mmmm
BBBHBafcft . J-i ...-iimmmmrm
stomach nnd my son ot catarrh of tho
throat. When I wna sick I weighed 100
pounds; now I weigh 140."
How a Mother Saved Her Boy.
Mrs. K. I.. Chomer, 6249 Kmcrald avenue,
Chicago, III., writes: "I really don't know
how to explain to you tho benefit your Tc
runn has dono our boy. Wo havo used
thrco bottlcn so far and will soon get an
other. I must tell you nil the good It has
deno us.
"Our boy Is threo years old and was
taken 111. He was going Into n sort ot
decline. He had a cough that sounded
like an old man, lost his appetite, waa rest
less In his Bleep.
"Wo called ln our family doctor and ho
prescribed for him, but ho remained Just
tho same. I
suggested that
wo glvo him
Pcrunn (we had
It In tho house,
but had nover
given him any
before). From
tho first day
wo gavo him
Peruna ho be
gun Improving.
"That waa n
mqnth ago. Ho
can go out now
and thero Is no
danger of his
taking cold, for
wo glvo him a
doso of Peruna
before ho goes
out and whon
he comes ln. It
la tho first
tlmo In two
years that ho
has been without a cough. Ho has had
chronic bronchitis for two years, but ho
Is bottor ot that, too.
"I can, havo and will recommend Po
runa to my best ability, I remain a. firm
believer ln Peruna." ,
Dr. Hartman's latest book on catarrh
will bo sont frco upon request to any ad
cliesn. This book contains ntnoty-flve pages
of interesting reading matter, and will be
found lnvaluablo to mothers In aiding
them to gunrd against and euro tho many
llttlo catarrhal ailments of children that
come with tho Bcvero wenthor of winter.
Can Buy
at a meat market, or you
can hire other people to
think for you, or a nimble
fingered girl to write your
letters,' but do you know a
good dictionary is a great
help in writing or speak
ing correctly?
Probably you have a decrepit
old dictionary ln your office. It
Is so tattered and dirty that you
sldom uia It. Throw It la tho
waate basket and get a
It ii tb latest out and scholars
ererywhere pronounc It the
best. Containing over 300,000
words and having a corps of 240
dltors, specialists and educated
men, costing nearly a million
dollars beforo placed before the
public, It ought to be a valuable
book. It la a valuable book by
far the best dictionary beforo
the English-speaking peoplo.
Like the
Eternal Rocks
It Is built, not for today, but
for tho next century.
If you movo Into
The Bee Building
you can reRt nsmired you will
nover wlult to move out again.
Many of our tenants bavo
been In It Hlnro it wan built
Wlien yon move tnovo to
R. C. Peters & Co.
Rental Agents.
Ground Floor, Bee Building