Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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'Herat of New Extension to Salt Laks it
Nm Plainly Indicated.
rropom il Mno Cut Directly TlironnU
Totrn of nouutlfttl to DUiuay
of CIlleni (iurriney In
SlartluK r Int.
Uurllngton surveyors aro now In tho Held
engaged In selectlns a route for tho now
western extension from Guernsey to Salt
Iko City, tho building of which la now an
open secret, ulthough no nlllrniatlon of the
report lias as yot been inado ut general
headquarters In this city. Tho now route
starts from Guernsey and crosses tho stnto
of Wyoming to tho north of tho Union
l'aclfir. crossing that road west of Kcho
and the Oregon Short Mno above Nutria.
A most dealrablo entry luto Salt Lake
City Is reported to have been aecurcd. Tho
preliminary survey Into tho Mormon city
provides for tho lino to leave tho mouth of
Wotior canyon, near Uintah, thenco following
tho old stage road to Salt Lntto City ovor
tho bench and then south along tho edge of
tho foothill's, striking all tho towns, but
keeping to tho cast until near Ilountlful,
where tho lino turns to the Bouthwost and
shoots right through tho heart of tho town.
Tho preliminary survey shows tho accom
plishment of two Important results first, a
lino directly through tho communities al
ready settled and well populated, and,
second, an entranco Into Salt Lako City
cast of all existing tracks.
(.'Itlzenn In Dlmimr.
Tho pcoplo of Ilountlful aru said to bo
considerably exercised over tho fact that
tho stakes for tho Ilurllngton's proposed
extension arc driven In tho center of thriv
ing orchards, In streots and ovon at tho
corner of a school houso, loavlng tho Im
pression In tho minds of tho residents that
the railroad conatdors Itself as having tho
right to remove tho school house, destroy
tho orchards and monopolize tho streets
Breaking concerning this phaso of tho caso
a Uurllngton olllclnl said:
"Tho peoplo of no community nocd fear
any encroachment by a railroad for which
full compensation la not made. Stato lawa
provido that a railroad must obtain fran
chises and Is responsible financially for.all
damages. Preliminary surveys aro nt all
times merely tentative, for tho purposo of
seeking tho best route, nnd any ilamago to
property caused by subsequent construction
Is at all tlmc3 Justly compensated."
Union I'noldo I'lnil I.nrgo Increnso
In Nuriiliin for Four Month.
For tho four months ending October 31
tho Increase In surplus of tho Union Paclflo
over n similar period in 1809 was $502,307.21,
or an avcrago Increase of $125,599.31 por
month. This showing Is mado In tho finan
cial report compiled by Secretary Alex
Millar and forwarded from Now York to
stockholders of tho company, under dato of
November 23. Tho constantly Increasing
business of tho Union raclfle and tho con
tinual incrcaso In profit, when compared
with 1899, considered to have leen an ex
ceptionally good year In railroading, la a
sourco of great satisfaction to interested
parties. Even though tho percentage of
gain is much in excess of a year ago, tho
lmprovomonts of nil descriptions that aro
being provided do not bring tho percentage
pt Incrcaso In expenso up to tho pefcentago
of lucrcaso In revenue, and stockholders
nro naturally Jubilant with tho manner m
which tho attaint of tho company aro being
Tho financial transactions of the company
during 1900 follow:
lncreaso month of October:
Oross receipts rjr- .,, m
Expcnsos, including taxes 2G0jli?7 h
' Surplus 105,190 80
lncreaso four months ending October 31:
Oross recolpts $1,792,782 43
Expenses l.VJO.&Z O'J
Surplus 502,337 21
llnllrond ClniiiK on the Count.
PORTLAND, Ore., Doc. 5. Tho only
ofllclal news regarding tho withdrawal of
tho Union Pacific and Oregon Short Lino
offices from Portland that has yet bcon
mado public Is n Joint circular ovor tho
names of tho traffic managers of tho Union
Pacific, Oregon Short Lluo and Oregon Rail
way nnd Navigation company, recommend
ing such action. This is regarded sufficient
nnd nobody doubts that tho offices of tho
two roads will bo closed Jnnuary 30. A
very roport baB gained currency
that in tho adjustment of railroad affairs at
tho beginning of tho year Richard U. Miller,
assistant freight agont of tho Oregon Rail
way and Navigation company, who has been
acting general frolght ngent slnco tho de
parture of Mr. Woodworth a year ago, would
bo appolntod general freight agent, nnd that
J. II. Lathrop. now general frolght agent of
tho Union Paclflo In Portland, would tako
tho position of assistant frolght agent of tho
Oregon Railway nnd Navigation company.
H is nlso Bald that W, E. Coman, now gon
ral agont of tho Oregon Short Lino In Port
land, will go to Pugot Sound as agent of
tho frolght department of tho Oregon Rail
way and Navigation company, and that E. E,
Ellis, who is general agent of tho company
here, will confine- his attention to passenger
Snntit b'ci Dividend.
NEW YORK, Doc. 6. Tho directors of tho
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Vo Railroad com
pany havo declared tho regular semi-annual
dividend of 2 per cent on tho preferred
etock, but took no action for a dlvldond on
tho common stock.
llr. (IrorKo I Miller Spcnkn of the
City' lteaouroen Which lie llellevrs
Still Vlrtuully Uiitonoheii.
Dr. Oeorgo L. Miller addressed tho Omaha
Real Estato exchango at Its regular weekly
mooting Wednesday noon. Dr. Miller took
an optimistic view of Omnha's future, de
claring that tho city lmd but begun Its
growth. Among tho factors for the up
building of the city tho speaker referred par
ticularly to tho railroads, tho Increasing
trado for Jobbing houses and tho natural
advantages for manufacturing enterprises.
Ho thought tho tlmo would como whon
the splendid water power near at hand
would bo utlllzod, and with such abundant
nd cheap power nothing could provent
Omaha from becoming one of tho greatest
manufacturing centers in tho country.
Dr. Miller exprosscd Ills confidence In
Omaha realty by declaring that If ho had
tho means today ho would buy acres upon
acres of land nnd fcol certain of reaping tho
benefit of ndvauclng vnluo.
Kill derma of IHhcuic.
The modern way to euro disease Is to de
irtroy Its gonns. Cascarets Candy Cathartic
are niodorn germ-killers and cleansers.
Druggists, 10c, 25c, COc.
Thtui Hull Hate
Port Arthur, Houston and Galveston,
Texas, on sulo December 10th, only via O.
& St. L. Ry. All Information at city ticket
offico, 1415 Farnam St., (Paxton Hotel
I block), or wrlto Harry E. Moores, C. P. &
T. A Omaha, Neb.
Parties having 'Washington stato Trans
mtnslBstppl exposition commission scrip
will please communicate with us.
Collarette, Skirt. Jacket and Tailor
Mado Suit 1'rleed Hemnrkablr
$2.00 FUR SCARFS, 98C.
French sealskin scarfs, trimmed with
largo tails, worth $2.00, at 98c.
Electric seal scarfs, trimmed with 6 big
tails, worth J 1.00, ,U $1.98.
Largo collarettes, electric yoko and tabs,
worth $3.00, at 98c.
Flno China seal collarettes, tab front,
trimmed with fur, at $2.50.
$3.50 DRESS SKIRTS, $1.39.
Ladles' appllqued dress skirts, mado of
good material, worth fully $3.60, tomorrow
Ladles' nil wool golf skirts, mado of heavy
matorlal, with 8 rows of stitching around
bottom, worth $7.50, tomorrow $3.98.
Ladles' tailor-made suits, with fly front,
well lined, $7.60 values, tomorrow $2.98,
LADIES' $6.00 JACKETS, $1.98.
Cholco of this special lot of Jackets of
heavy cheviots, and Jerseys, high , rolling
collar, well lined, $6.00 values, tommorrow
$1.98. '
Special lino of Jackets mado of heavy
chovlots and kerseys well lined, storm and
coat collars, worth $8.00, tomorrow $2.98.
Flno kersey coat and golf Jackets, nil
colors nnd sizes, mostly silk or satin lined,
nlcoly trimmed, worth $10.00, tomorrow nt
Tomorrow wo placo on salo 600 dozen
ladles' nnd misses' silk boso supporters, all
colors, fancy buckles, worth up to 76c a
pair, at 13c. Theso havo been displayed In
our window.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
More Strlnn-ent Hule Are Adopted liy
Ofllclal to (Innnl AHninit
IllcKiU Importation.
Persons contemplating a trip to Europe
will bo Interested In a recent decision of
tho Treasury department of tho United
States which has been sent to nil collectors
of customs In this country for their in
struction In collecting duties and In pro
hibiting tho Importation of certain articles.
Tho most Important decision Is that which
refers to tho Importation of wearing ap
parel and nrtlclcs for tho personal uso of
travelers. Undor former decisions any
nrtlclo of porsonal apparel purchased
abroad for tho uso of tho purchaBor, or
nrtlclcs of porsonal use, such as toilet
cases, etc., could bo brought to this country
without tho payment, of duty, nlthough they
might not arrlvo In tho personal chargo of
tho traveler. Undor tho recent decision this
privilege la denied and In order to cscapo
taxation tho goods must arrlvo on tho samo
vessel with tho owner.
When a purchaso of sealskins Is mado
evidence must be secured that tho articles
wero mado from tho Bklns of seals not
killed In tho waters of the Northern Pnclflc
ocean slnco tho year 1897. Thoro havo been
several cases whero pooplo havo lost hun
dreds of dollars by making such purchases,
as nil sealskins, manufactured or unmanu
factured, Imported to this country are sub
jected to a rigid examination nnd should It
appear that they como from animals killed
In tho Northern Pacific slnco 1897 they nro
confiscated and destroyed by the govern
ment. Omaha stands high in tho ranks of tboso
cities which furnish annually a largo num
ber of visitors to Europe. Last year at
least 300 residents of this city visited Eu
rope nnd not one of them but roturncd with
somo memento of his trip, whllo ono of
tho visitors suffered tho confiscation of a
sealskin sacquo.
Announcement of the Theater.
Tho box ofilco man at Mlaco's Trocadero
is earning his salary these days,
for he Is kept busy from onrly morning
until Into at night selling tickets to tho
Dainty Pareo Durlcsquers' show, tho cur
rent attraction. Tho Dainty Pareo Dur
lcsquers are moro than making good all
that was said in their favor in advanco an
nouncements. In nddltlon to tho scrnmblo
for seats for this attraction tho box ofilco
man Is also busy filling advnnco ordcro
for next week, when Sam Scrlbner's Gay
Morning Glories make their nppearanco for
a wook's engagement, beginning with a mat
lnoo Sunday afternoon. This Is tho show
that set nil Now York talking and kept It
going for Blx months and It will make
Omaha talk, too. Just watch It.
"On tho Quiet." Aueustitn Th nmna nan
comedy, which William Collier will present
nt Doyd'a theater Friday and Saturday
night nnd Saturday mattneo, rcqulros a
Inrgor company and moro oxpenslvo equip
ment man nnytning Mr. Collier has over
A Moler Collcjje n Omaha.
With halrdrcsslng colleges in all tho
principal cities In tho United States tho
Molors hnvo opened a collego nt 1623 Far
nnm street, whero ladles aro taught hair
dressing, manicuring nnd facial massago In
four weeks. Students havo constant prac
tice, expert Instructions and actual expe
rience. Miss Jessie MacDonald, formerly
with tho Denver collego, Is superintendent.
"Turn Yonr Iluck"
on tho cold, dlsagrccabla wcathor of tho
north and spend your wintor in tho sunny
south. Tho Illinois Central railroad has
tourists' tlckots on alo to Now Orleans,
Florida, Nassau, Cuba, Porto Rico and
other winter tourist points, good for ro
turn until Juno 1, 1901. For Information
regarding tho "Dixie Flyer," tickets and
hotels, call on or address W. II. Brill, D. P.
A., I. C. R. R., Omaha, Nob.
Mortality StatUtlc.
Tho following deaths nnd births wero re
ported to the city health commissioner for
tho twenty-four hours ending ut noon
Dontlis Frank Kroft, Twonty-slxth and
Ilancroft, nged 25: Mrs. Irclo Hulstedt,
Presbyterian hospital, aged 3S; Mrs. Pau
lino wltglg, Twenty-sixth nnd drover,
nged 39.
Ulrths-Olaf Londln, 1151 North Nine
teenth, girl: V. II. Banton, 230S North
Twenty-fourth, boy; Albert It. Gorman,
4201 Charles, boy.
The ladles of the First M. E. church, 20th
and Davenport streots, will glvo a bazar
Thursday afternoon and evening, December
6. Thero will bo served a turkey dinner
at 6 o'clock; price, 35 cents.
Sam'l Duma, 1318 Farnam, "Louvre-"
Jardlnler and pedestal, $2.50.
Only Costs 20 Cents
One of tho best cough syrups sold today
Is tho ono wo make. Of course wo don't
ask Doc If ho likes us to do It. Thero is
u wholo lot of tilings we do that "Doc"
don't llko. Uut wo nro not losing any
sleep on ucount of grafters. This cough
syrup will relievo you from coughing Im
mediately. Cramer's Kidney Cure t;0
Carter's I.lver Pills i5o
Stuart's Tablets too
liar Hun , 400
Prrunn 760
Hostotter's Bitters 75a
Duffy's Malt Whiskey 85c
1 dozen 2-grnln Quinine Capsules 7c
1 dozen 3.grnlii Quinine Capsu:eB I0a
1 dozen d-KrrUn Quinine Capsules J 5c
Bromo Quinine isc
Schaefers Cough Cure 20c
AJax Tablets too
Uudynu Tablets 400
Formnldyhldn Hitters Wc
Old Olory Hlttera eo0
Wyoth'H H.-ef Iron nnd Wlno 7Jo
Shrnder Fig 1'owdor 25o
Heott'H Emulsion 73c
Physlclno J'.'.ty
Pierce's Prescription IZo
i. W. Cor. ltb Chicago.
Tx Oommiuloher More Than Doubles Their
Fenonal Assessments.
Wnter, MkIXIiik nnd Street Car Coin,
pintle' 11 nd Their Tax Burden
llenvlly Inerened liy Commis
sioner Fie 111 Inn' Entlmnte.
Tax Commissioner William Fleming's ro
port on tho nsscssed valuation at personal
property In Omaha for tho yenr 1901 shows
that tho amount will bo about $9,000,000. A
partial report shows a total of $3,925,503
nnd tho commissioner la confident that an
additional $75,000 will bo turned In during
thu next fow days. Tho assessed valuation
for 1900 was $6,000,000, or $2,400,000 less than
for tho coming year.
All property Is assessed for 1901 on a
basis of 10 per cent of tho actual value,
whllo tho por cent was only 33V4 for tho
ptesent year, but this small difference In
tho pcrccutngo of valuo taken does not ac
count for tho great Increase In tho total.
Tho chango la In tho prlco which tho com
missioner has placed upon tho proporty ot
tho Omaha Water company, tho Omaha
Street Hallway company, tho Omaha Qaa
ccmpny, tho Ncbrsku Tolcphono company
and other corporations.
In 1900 tho Omaha Water company paid
taxes on a valuation of $420,000. Tho com
missioner has Increased this sum to
$1,000,000 for tho year of 1901. Tho Omaha
Street Railway company's assessed valua
tion has bcon raised from $425,000 to $1,000,
000. Tho Omaha Gas company paid taxes
for tho present year on $380,000, and this
amount has been swelled by tho commis
sioner to $750,000 for tho year of 1901. Tho
amount on which tho Nebraska Telephone
company will pax taxes has bcon doubled
and will bo $150,000 for tho coming year.
Tho New Omaha Thomson-Houston Elec
tric Light company's assessed valuation has
also been raised.
All tho banks of the city will pay taxos
upon n valuation about 20 por cent grcnter
than that of 1900. Tho assessed valuation
of tho personal property of theso institu
tions for tho present year was $932,000 nnd
tho valuation for tho Incoming year is
slightly In excess of $1,100,000.
Tho assessed valuation of porsonal prop
erty for 1900 was greater than In 1899,
when tho nmount wna $6,118,581. For tho
year 1S98 tho sum was Btlll smaller, being
only $5,025,533.
Alleo-ed Appronch of Six Hundred
Afrikander Fniiillle Cutine An
other Stir Anionic Itullroad.
Tho wcll-nuthentlcated report that 600
nocr families nro now on their way from
South Africa for tho purposo of making
settlement In this country has the
stir mado In rntlrond circles saveral months
ago, when a similar roport was in circula
tion. At that tlmo both tho Burlington and
Union Pacific wero known to bo laying plans
for securing the settlement of tho Afrikan
ders in territory contiguous to their lines.
Tho Information comes from reliable
sources that such effort will bo ropeated In
case tho migration of tho Boers Is of ns
great extent ns reported.
General Passenger Agent Francis of tho
Burlington wns the father of the move
ment to securo tho settlement of tho Boors
In Nebraska or Wyoming, and tho land de
partment of tho Union Pacific has in mind
tho mnklng of liberal offers to the Boers
In case they wish to sottlo In any ono of tho
numerous localities tributary to that lino,
offering Inducements to tho homcscokor.
Besides these roads representatives of the
Santa Fo, Milwaukee, Northwestern, Rock
Island, Northern Pacific nnd Oreat Northern
aro particularly actlvo In preparation for
tho arrival of tho Boer families, and the
newcomers will lack no Inducements to
settlo In whatever portion of tho country
may best suit their fancy.
Tho unrivalled boquot that Cook's Im
perial Extra Dry has, has made It a fa
vorlto with all good Judges.
nnce for Deputynlilp.
Comptroller Westberg Is still halting be
tween many opinions In tho cholco of n
deputy to succeed Fred Bnekett. Tho de
cision mny not bo announced until tho holi
days because of tho embarrassed condition
of tho funds. Tho candidates believed to
bo first in tho ruco at present nro Henry
Sick Dogs
Are unnecessary ovlls. They can all bo
cured, and It Is tho duty, of everybody keep
ing dogs to sco that thoy are freo from
disease beforo cold wcathor sets In.
riOo Clayton' Illntcmperlnc. . 40c
fiOn Clayton' Miiiiku Cure 40c
2ric Clnyton' Cerllnc fot Ilea.. liOo
ROo Clayton' VermlfiiKC 40c
BOo Clayton' Tonlo Till 40c
noo Clayton' Laxative I'll 1m I0o
liOc Clayton' Soap.... lOu
14th n-irt Uoneln St.
Open All Mht.
('swfi) o a
Something Like
u Christimis Gift
To tho mnn or woman of refined
tastes Is one of tho flno porcelain lined m
bath tubs tbnt wo put In when wo w
equip your bath mom with new open
X plumbing. Our bath rooms nro things j
(S of beauty when wo havo put In open r:
(A plumbing, with nickel plati-d plpos and
j, besides, wo do steam and gas fitting ut t)
cost. It not only means
0 comfort, but health.
? Free St Black,
Phone. 1019 1800 Farimm
Sharp and needier lilgby. Khnrp has
served In tho snipe capacity beforo nnd la
familiar with the routino of the ofilco.
lilgby s oxporlenco consists of two terms'
occupancy of tho city clerkship.
irtillilliiK Penult.
..Th.n..c"y bulldlnsr Inspector has Issued
tho following permits: C. II. King, Twenty
eighth ami Luke, frnmo dwelling, ji.jou;
S. A. MoWhorler, Twenty-ninth and Har
ney, framo dwelling, $oOtf.
ClTimY Daniel, nged 70 yenrs, at his
home, 2711 Doiiglns street, on December
5. Funcrii! notlco later.
Not n
thing to content
slate. But when
i-ou havo a tooth
uche, eararho,
backache, "toin
iich ncho or neu
ralgia thero l:i
nothing that
Klves quicker
relief than a b.ig
tilled with
Hot Water
and nppllcd to tho
pnrts. Wo sell n
icood 2-quart Hot
Water Bag for f.Oo.
Our very best for
75c. Tho Virger
sizes uro Just a
trlflo higher.
Write for Rub
ber tiooils cata
logue. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co
Southwest Cor. ICtli and Dodgo Sts.
dren's Underwear
25 cents.
Ladies' heavy
and pants
price, 35c.
Children's flno
lar price 25c special sale price 10c.
Ladies' heavy natural wool vests and pants in
worth 1.00, at 49c.
fine ribbed
Men's heavy wool fleeced lined shirts and drawers at 35c.
Men's 50c shirts and drawers at 25c.
Men's 1.50 and 2.00 sweaters at 98c.
Men's 1.50 and 2.00 underwear, at 75c.
Special sale on ladies', men's and children's hosiery at about one
half price.
Children's line ribbed full seamless hose worth 20c at 74c.
Children's 25c wool and fleeced lined hose' at 15c.
Ladies' 25c wool and fleeced lined hose, at 15c.
Ladies' heavy fleeced lined hose, at 10c.
Ladies' 35c wool and fleeced lined hose, at 25c.
Men's 20c hose in black, tan and fancy colors, at 10c.
Men's 25c wool hose, in black and blue, at 15c.
Men's 35c and 50c cashmere hose, at 25c.
flannel Bargains in New Economy Bargain Room.
One case California embroidered skirt patterns, each, 19c.
Two cases 10-1 extra soft and downy cotton Bed Blankets, fancy
border, 59c per pair regular price 75c.
Ilemnnnts30-inches widecotton flannel, 4c per yard.
All 35c and 40c eiderdown, 19c per yard.
Itemnants of wool flannel Shirting, Ticking and Outing Flannel
less than cost.
0 'O PICTOr11
Business men and others recognize the im
portance of this combination by selecting the
New tJity Ticket Office 1324
Vitalized Air for Painless Extracting.
8.00 BtBt Set Teeth $8.00.
All work warranted to glvo satisfaction.
1517 Duugliis Street.
in California
If you havo never been to California
you can havo no Idea of how agreeably
you can pass tho winter thoro. Tho
wenthor Is perfect not so warm ns to
bn enervating nor so cold as to bo
if you tako tho Burlington nouto
you will reach California thrco days
nfter you lenvo Omaha. No changes
of cara nro necessary, and tho cost
of tho trip Including railroad fnro,
berth In tourist car, mcnls, ot cetera,
Is Mbont Ko.
Thro' tourist-cars for I.os Angeles
leavo tho Burlington Station every
Tuesdny morning nnd evening and
every Thursday afternoon.
TEL. uao.
TliL. 128.
Special on Ladies',
Men's and Child-
at half price.
Ladies' heavy merino underwear in natural
gray regular price fiOc special sale price
fleeced lined jersey ribbed vests
regular price 7fic special sale
heavy jersey ribbed vests regu-
The State of the Teeth
Id nn index to tho character. Tho
refined careful individual will not
permit them to become discolored
or decayed without consulting the
Wo mnko examinations freo and
glvo An cHtlmato of tho cost ot put
ting teeth In perfect order.
Is modern, high-class and guaranteed.
BAILEY, the Dentist
Itoam 312-.113 Paxton Dlook.
lUth and Knrnaaa.
Pliuna 1083. Lad? Attendaat.
15 r
Hoars Quicker than
any other Line,
uo I tll Ok.,.. Ik..
oini mno oiiuiioi man
- 64
any uiiw una-
Farnam Street. Tel. 316.
its present trade by enlarging the numbor of con
fiding clients.
Garments ns they should be.
Prices better than, elsewhere.
Thus tho holiday clothing trade increases.
Mets Covert Overcoats . . .
Correctly cut and constructed. . . .cor
rectly priced, at
Meis Overcoats . . .
Irish Frieze and Oxford
looking good wearing
ing. .. .no better coats for real ser
vice, for ,
Aieis Overcoats . . .
Covert re-inforced
nicely finished latest style
at only ,
Men's Overcoats . . ,
A line of men's dressy durable. .. .stylish overcoats
that are Bamples of the highest art -g
in tailoring. . . .choice line to select from. ... iJJX
Men's Raglans . . .
.With all the style and quality possible to put into
them.... good lengths. ..
and plain linings
Men's Overcoats at $17.50, 518.00, $22.50.
Men's Ulsters at $4.00, $5.75, $7.50, $8.00 up.
HAVnEII! Particulars as the
nATUCnS Goods Come In.
Jacket and cloak sales will follow in quick succession and
the prices arc low enough to justify people in coming 500 miles
to get such bargains. Our cloak buyer's trip to New York was
just at the thne.when manufacturers wauted cash, and several
of them wanted it badly. The old established house of Freer
lander & Co., whose stock was sold at ten cents on thq dollar
wanted cash. There were others whosje stocks were not sold at
public auction, that wanted cash.
800 box
kerseys, lined with the famous
storm collar, strapped seams,
this town at $18.00 Thursday,
for only
400 ladles' Jackets, silk lined throughout,
tho greatest values over shown In Omaha,
made to sell at (10 and 12, on salo $1.98.
J6 CArES FOR 11.08.
Ladles bouclo capes, 30 Inches long, worth
)5 and JC, tor $1.08.
Ladles' rainy day skirts, 16 rows ot
stltchlnR, tor $1.98.
Smoke the best.
P. R. RICE N. C. CO., Mfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADB
and. Boys
.... believe in clothing .... tho nutn
ber of such believers increases .... so
tho business grows. . . . "The Nebras
ka" is determined to hold and increase
Grays all wool good
good style good tailor
satin piped. .. .satin yoke....,
We Have Got the Goods
500 ladies' tailor-made suits. They are
made of broadcloths, fine Venetians, whip
cords and other materials. They are made
in all the newest styles, some of them silk
lined throughout, stylish, up-to-date, clean
garments made to sell for $18.00 to
$30.00 during this sale and as long as
they last, at the remarkably Q QQ
low price of.. OavO
100 high class novelty suits, imported
models, they are worth ?45, Qf ff
$50 and $65, on sale at U.UU
Box Goats for $10
coats, made of finest imported
Skinner's satin, with coat or
with 8 rows of stitching, sold in
COO silk waists la all the new colon, In
cluding black, with new aleeve and new
cuff. They arc beauties, made to sell for
$7.50, on sal at $4.98.
800 ladles' silk waists, corded back: aid
front and alcoves, worth IS, for fl.91.
Ladles' silk waists in blues, brawns,
blacky and reds, worth $2, for S8c
Ask your dealer for a