TIIE OMAHA DAILY MMJSt WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, tnoO. GIRL MEETS UNKNOWN FATE Misa Broderick, Mentally Unbalanced, Flees From St. John's, HYPNOTISM UNDERMINES HER REASON illrRra IIIkIi I'rlmf of Jttrrloun Cult In In .lull (o Await Outcome of Ni-nntli o Cine to Ml liiK One. Nine months np;o Miss Mary Ellen Ilrod r.ck, who lived with her parents at 2520 Chicago Direct, was hypnotized at a spir itual scanco and since then she has been of unsound mind. Thanksgiving morning ho attended services at St. John's church; that Is tho last her family has seen of her. The matter was brought to tho attention of tho police and Tuesday James K. New man, chomlst, tho man who Is alleged to bavo exerted tho mental Inllucnco over tho girl, was lodged In Jail. Tho whereabouts of Miss llroderlck Is still a mystery. Miss Droderlck Is a comely young woman of 23, petlto of figure, with brown hair, bluo oyca and plump, rosy checks. In splto of tho warnings of her father, who Is a practical man, Miss Droderlck for a year or moro has been attending spiritual aeunccn. All last winter and until lato In tho spring she went as often as two and thrco times a week. At first It was merely as a spectator, then sho began to tako Interest In tho "work." Tho so-called "materlallisatlons" had a wonderful fusclnatlon for her. Sho bought books on spiritualism, transcendentalism and other "isms" nnd would sit up lato at night reading them. Sho attended every meeting of tho cult. In tho courso of her associations with members of tho spiritualistic organization of Omaha she beenmo acquainted with James K. Newman, its secretary. Ono night last March sho attended a private sennro nt tho homo of a family named Haines, near Twentieth nnd llur dottu streots. Naturally of a modest dis position, Miss nrodorlck had novcr pushed herself forward nt theso gatherings, hav ing played purely n passive part, but on this occasion thcro wcro comparatively few present and sho finally, ylolded to their entreaties to sit as n hypnotic subject, (ilrl Vlclilx to Influence. It Is alleged that Jamds K. Newman played tho rolb of hypnotist nnd that he found tho girl so suscoptlvo that a few passes of the hand and a moment's steady gaze of his black eyes sufficed to bring on unconsciousness. The coma was followed almost lmmedlntoly, however, by n spell of tho wildest delirium. Sho sprang upon her tutor and screaming as If In agony tore at his ocs and would havo dono him injury had not others interfered. From that moment tho young woman's reason has tottcrod. " ,1 havo kept hor under conBtnnt sur vclllanco," said her father yesterday. "Wo mndo it n rule never to let her got out of our sight, her mother, brother, Blstor and I taking turns as her guardian. At times she would becomo violont and smash things, but generally speaking sho was calm. Sho would spend hours rocking in a chair and talking to herself. Her moodr. would vary. Sometimes sho would laug'a and appear happy and again she would brood, as It over some secret sorrow. At table, whero sho sat with tho rest of tho family, sho would appear absent-minded, would staro vacantly into space, toy with her spoon or fork and whisper to herself. Wo could never mako. anything out of thoso remarks, as thoy wcro" Incoherent. "Thanksgiving morning she "went to St. John's church with hor mother and sat throughout tho service. At its conclusion my wlfo turned to speak to some ono and when sho looked again tho girl was gone. "So far ns I know positively sho has not been seen or heard of since. There was a report that sho called tho following day at tho homo of a spiritualist, n Madamo Palmer, nt Seventeenth and Dodgo streets, but tho woman donlea this. Sho says my daughtor was nt her house Wednesday, but sho has not seen hor since." Version nf the Chemist.. James K. Nowman, tho chemist, spiritual ist and hypnotist, boarded at tho homo of Mrs. J. Carrlgan, 1811 Lnko street, nnd has boon n resident of Omaha sluco October, 1899. He is of German extraction. "I am a chemist," said Nowman, "and sometimes I glvo attention to massaging and rubbing. Dut chemistry is my pro fession and I am interestod in soveral mines in Colorcdo. I havo mado a llfo-study of hypnology and may havo acquired some skill In its practice As to religion I am a spiritualist. "I know nothing nbout tho disappearance of Misa Droderlck, save what I havo been told, and don't see how I can be held re sponsible for her vagaries. I know her, cortalnly, Sho used to attend the spirit ualist' 'seances. Tho' only obc'perlenco I over had' with hor wob' last spring, or late last winter, whon at one of our sittings, Bho lost control qf herself and attackod mo. I suppose sho was In a trance. "The first I knew that I wns to figure In. this affair waa last Sunday when two doteetlves cttlled mo put of a mooting of tho Philo sophical aocloty at Labor Temple and ques tioned mo about it. Thoy told mo I'd bet ter produco tho girl or suffor tho conse quences. I was never so surprised In ray lifo." Newman was arrested Tuesday In his rooms, 1811 Lake street, by Detectives John son and Heelan. Wheh Miss Droderlck disappeared sho wore a blue sorgo tallor-mado suit, n blnck hat of latest stylo and hand-sowed shoos of uiacK kid. Bho carried with her a table scarf sho was engaged In embroldorlng and a hymn book. The Dent Salve in the World. Is Banner Salvo. It is mado from a pro scription by a widely known nltln mnKUii.t and positively is the most healing Balve for inice, ourna, scams, ulcers, running sores and all skin diseases. There is nothing so good. Dillon's drug store, South Omaha; era-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. a. . - ; - tiauncntu. Capital stock In the f,?in..SJr; issued. The business -of tie company 1 Riven oa the manufacture, leasing nnd sell ' j Y uumiifc. ice, I lift In. corporators are: John M. Larson. It San- It Won't Do A "may-cure" cough medi cine won't do. If it will " per iapt do its work," it's worse than worthless. If it's positive and certain, it's worth ten times its price. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral is the cough medicine. with a record of sixty years back of it. It's the kind that cures cotds and coughs. Tire iliui 16c.. enough for an ordinary coldiMc.. jut riant for uthiua. brourtiltli, hortroeti, whooping, count, 'hard rotdi)' 1.00, mott economical for curoolo cue. HOME FOR NEBRASKA A. O.U.W. Nrlirnnkn Mrnnil I.oiIki Ik HrckltiK l.oriitlun for lit I'erninnent Until fliinrtcrn IlullttliiH, Tho special committee of tho Nebraska grand lodgo of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen appointed to recommend n loca tion for the permanent headquarters of tho organization nnd to report upon plans for a building for tho same, held Its first meet ing at tho Merchants hotel yesterday after noon. M. K. Sliultz of Dcatrlcc, grand master workman, nnd nil tho members of tho committee, which Is composed of H. . Laflln of Wymorc, W. A. Ilosford of Al llauco, F. K. Dccman of Kearney, W. L. Hoes of Dakota City and C. 11. Schncffer of Fremont, were In uttendnncc. Tho commit tee was organized by tho election of Mr. Laflln as chairman, Mr. Dcomnn as secre tary and Mr. Schaeffer ns treasurer, after which the work to be undertaken wns dis cussed, it Is tho purpose of the committee to recelvo and consider propositions from tho various cities of tho state In regard to the location of tho headquarters. As far as Is known Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island will enter tho comptitlon, tho latter city being tho present placo of business of tho grand lodge. The sccrotnry will notify the local lodges and board of trado throughout tho Unto that tho commltteo Is now pre pared to receive propositions, nnd It may bo that a number of cities will within n short while appear In tho contest for tho prize. Tho grand lodgo contcmplato tho purchaso or tho erection of n building nultablo for tho transaction not only of Its business, but of that of tho Dcgrco of Honor as well. Thcro aro 23.000 members of tho Ancient Orer of United Workmen In tho stato and mo DtisincBS operations oi mo organization amount to more than $300,000 annually. Tho Degree of Honor has a membership of 13,000 and a correspondingly largo volume of busi ness. To accommodate tho twe orders a building with at least 6,000 squaro feet of floor spaco nnd with considerable vault room la ncccsssary. If tho commltteo Is ablo to find a building mooting theso re quirements In tho city In which It Is finally decided to locato tho headquarters It mny bo purchased outright by tho grand lodge, but the probability Is that a now otructuro will havo to bo built. No formal propositions havo yet been submitted to tho committee, but It Is known that tho people of Lincoln will mako nn organized effort to securo tho headquarters and that Grand Island will not loso It with out a struggle. Tho committee, which wns appointed by Q rand Master Workman Shultz. has tho power to recelvo nil propositions nnd Its findings and recommendations will bo re ported to tho annual meeting of tho grand lodgo next May for approval. LAST OBSTACLE IS REMOVED Wny U Xow Clenr for the Krectlon of VlnUuct Ordinance to Cover Untiling AnIicn. With last night's meeting of the city council tho final obstacle to tho construc tion of tho Twenty-fourth street viaduct was romoved. A resolution was adopted which repealed the resolution providing for tho construction of a viaduct with dirt approaches and substituted tho plan which replaces tho embankments with steel spans. Interestod property owners have signed a waiver of damages and tho viaduct will bo constructed without further dolay. Councilman C. O. Lobcck introduced an ordlnanco which provides that ashes and moiiuro may bo hauled through tho streets without securing a permit from city health commissioner. The ordinance Is Blmllar to the O'Malloy .ordinance,, which was de feated In 1897. A resolution by Burkley waa adopted, which Instructs tho Advisory Board to In vestigate charges which havo toon mado con- corning violations of tho garbage contract. City Comptroller John N. Westborg re ported that tho total amount of funds In the city treasury on December 1, was 1272, 626.53. Of this sumo $4,010.77 was In cheks for deposit .and J2.312.H was in ensh. City funds on doposlt in various banks amount to S127.784.15 and tho school funds on do poslt amount to $131,290.93. In tho pollco rollet fund thcro Is f6.128.G4 and special funds on hand amount $1,000. John O. Detweller, St. A. D. Dalcombo and Edgar Znbrlsklo, wore named as a com- ralttoo of appraisers to put a prlco on lot 2 of block 318, a plcco of ground which M. A. Dlsbrow & Co., deslro to purchaso from tho city. WOMAN IS FATALLY BURNED Mm. IVnner Attempta to Urge on the Flame In Her Cook Stove with Dlimntroua Itcanlta. Mrs. Mary Ponnor, 3514 Charles street, wife of Henry Ponncr, a clerk In tho Dos- ton store, died at 0 o'clock Tuesday ovenlng from sovore burns received In tho morning while .attempting to light a fire In tho cook stove by means of keroseno. Tho burning os very nearly uniform over tho entire body, being cspocially severe nbout the faco, arms; legs and stomach. Her 3-ycar-old son, Oeorge Penner, Is also severely burned about the head and face, but his condition Is not dangerous. About 9 o'clock In tho morning neighbors heard screams emanating from tho rear of tho Penner homo nnd several women rushed thither to ascertain their causo. They found Mrs. Penner lying on a bed in a room leading off the kitchen. She was rolling herself in quilts and blankets and was writhing in agony. In splto pf tho pain sho was ablo to ox- plain In brokon sentences how tho acci dent happened. Sho was trying to light a fire In tho kitchen stove, sho said, and to do so poured somo coaloll on tho kindling- wood. Thero happened to bo somo live coals underneath, which caused the oil to suddenly flaro up, and beforo sho had time to protect herself hor clothing was aflame. TELEPHONE AS LEGAL TENDER Talking- Machine la Frenaed Into Service un Medium of Exohunire (or Cocktail, i A. L. Sldnor was left to watch Isaac Card's express olllcc, 215 North Sixteenth street, Monday whllu tho proprietor wont to lunch. All went well for a whllo, but finally Sldnor found waiting rather thirsty work, so took tho ofneo telephone from Its place on tho wall and sallied forth, In tending to pawn It. Ho could find no takers, however. After trying at a half dozen saloons and pawn shops 'ho re turned with tho Instrument and nttomptcd to replace it. Ho was engagod In twisting the severed ends of tho wires together when 'Mr. Gard returned. In police court yesterday Sldncr wob arraigned on n charge of vagrancy. As he had returned tho fixture, a chargo of larceny would not He. Hu soberly de nied tho facetious accusation of tho ar resting offlcor that ho hrtd taken the 'phono out In tho street and attempted to order up two cocktails with It, and said he was merely investigating the mechanism of tho device. Ho was sorry to learn that tele phone No. 1022 had not been working since, Ho was given thirty dnys. Uneful nud Novel, The iipw playing curds Issued by tho An-hcusor-Dusch Brewing Ass'n, St. Louis, Mo., are as practical as the old stylo card with tho added novelty of heroes' faces on rourt rarda, 25 cents a pack. Address Malt-Nutrlno Dept. f"so"tli Omaha Ne ws"! Ij An effort Is to bo made at onco by the municipal authorities to remove squattors from public ground. Two or thrco years ago steps toward this end wcro taken In order to prevent squattors from acquiring tltlo to city streets nnd alloys by ten years undisputed possession. At this time the council authorized the city nttoruoy to cntor Into leases with tho squatters, a list having been furnished the legal department by tho elty cnglncor. Tho provisions of tho resolution wcro not cnrrled out to any ex tent, as only a few lenses wero made. It wns not tho Intention "of the authorities at that tlmo to oxact a high rental, tho objoct being to prevent the city from losing pos session. Now tho attention of the city officials has been called to the matter agnln nnd this time propor stops have been taken. Under a susponBlon of tho rules the coun cil on Monday night passed nn ordinance prohibiting tho building or tho occupying of buildings or structures of any kind on tho streets, alleys, sidewalks or public grounds of tho city. A penalty Is nlso pro vided for. Tho first section of this ordi nance reads ns follows: No person, corporation or association shall p:nco or cause to bo placed, occupy or permit to bo occupied, u. building or struc ture of nny kind, upon any streot. alloy, sidewalk or public ground, and nny person, corporation or association occupying nny building or structure now built or to be built In tho future sliull bo guilty of a violation of this ordinance. The Intontlon Is that when, any provision of this ordinance Is violated It shall bo tho duty of tho chief of police to glvo written notice to tho person committing BUch vio lation to removo tho building within a rcanonnblo time. A failure to comply with the written notlco will lay the offender lla blo to a flno of $20 nnd $5 for each day the structure remains on the ground nftcr the limit of tlmo montlonod In tho notice has elapsed. CoiiiplMnir MlHilemennor Ordinance. A much-needed revision of tho misde meanor ordlnanco of tho city Is nbout to bo mado. Soma tlmo during tho week a com mittteo of thrco will Investigate tho prob able cost of printing tho book, bids per pngo being considered tho best wny of get ting at tho cxponso, as It cannot even be estimated how many pages thcro will be In tho book. In this connection City Attorney Lam bert said that tho last compilation of mls domeanor ordinances was in 1895. Since, thut tlmo dozens of ordinances havo been passed nnd nearly ns ninny repealed. In somo Instances sections of ordinances have been repealed. Very few of theso changes havo been marked on tho ordlnanco book, bo that It will bo almost an endless task to go over tho records and mnko correc tions. Mr. Lambert says that this work will havo to bo dono by an nttoraoy and that ns all of his tlmo Is taken up with tho cases cow ponding It will bo necossary for the city to employ an attorney to do the work. Probably threo weeks or n month will bo occupied in preparing these ordinances for publication, and then as much moro tlmo may bo spent in sotting up and printing tho book, bo that If work Is comonced at once It will be February 1 beforo the books are' ready to distribute Prosecutor Murphy Tnlka. City Prosecutor Murphy said yesterday that ho would not pay any nttcntlon to the petition filed with tho council by T. G. Illco, tho oil man. He Insists that undor tho ordinance nice Is a peddler and should bo compellod to pay a llconso fee tho same as other piddlers. "Unless the mayor so directs," said Murphy; "I. shall -continue to prosecuto nil poddlers who do not com ply with tho ordinance. In my opinion no exceptions should be made. Thcro was a demand made by business men for tho or dinance and now they want exceptions mado tho first thing." Pnckera (iettlno; finny. Duslness at tho packing houses Is in creasing and laborers are now putting In nearly full time. When so many feeder cattlo wero bolng sent out thero was llttlo doing, but now that tho recolptB of corn fed cattlo have Increased, along with hoavy shipments of hogs, a great many men who have boon temporarily laid off havo been given omploymont. Merchants nbout tho city say that packing house paychecks aro now bolng Issued for largor amounts than for somo tlmo past, which Indicates that tho men aro getting in good tlmo all around. Snloon Ordered Cloned. At tho suggestion of Councilman August Miller tho council nan directed Chlof of t.-ii-n 'iPnii to cIoro the pnloon at Thirty-fifth and U streets, as no license hns nuuu issued for this place. Tho atten tion of the Board of Education has been called to the matter nnd In case tho orders of tho council aro not complied with it is understood that members of the board will tako steps to either collect the license or closo tho place. Huwar Ueet Factory Mtart Again. Tho sugar boot factory nt Thirty-Blxth and M streeta stnrtcd up again yesterday nfter a few days' idleness. John Carsten, a Douglas county farmor, sold to the fac tory 100 tons of beets, which he had stored for feeding purposes. Tho good price paid induced Mr. Curat en to sell his beots in stead of feeding them. There Is n rendy market at South Omnlm for all beots raised In this vicinity. Tbo average price paid Is $4.25 a ton. Ward Arrented Aicnln, Charles Ward, who was found in Omaha ono night a short time ago with ono of Chrlstio Bros.' horses and arrested on tho chargo of horse stealing was discharged by a Jury yesterday. Immediately aftor his release Chief Mitchell arrested Ward and brought him here, whero a chargo of break ing and entering In tho night tlmo will be preferred. It Is asserted that Ward broko Into Christie's bnrn in order to get the horso out. Mitchell Oeta Tips. Chief fit Police Mitchell Is In receipt, almost dally, of anonymous communications giving him tips on tho men who have been committing robberies hero lately, Tho lat est effusion recolvcd tells tho chlof that the work Is being dono by persons who want to see him removed from tho position of chief. Mitchell pays no attention to theRO communications, as ho Infers thoy aro written by cranks. Another Iteforni, And now the heads of departments who aro called upon to uso Uvory rlga will bo compelled to file with tho city clerk a written Btntement showing from whom tho conveynnco was hired, tho tlmo used und tho cost of the fame, This is supposed to bo a check on llvory blllB. Clerk Shrlgley Imo been directed to notify tho heads of departments of the new ruling. lllds Wanted. Within tho noxt day pr, two bids for threo sower district bonds will bo advertised for. The saw or In district No. 109 cost $3,800 nnd the one In district No. 110 the same amount. In district No. 103 the cost amounts' tn $1,000. These bonds rijh for flvo years nnd draw 6 per cent Interest. Mnujo Cty tSoaalp, George Mllo nf tho Armour company Is back from n trip to Chicago. Itupalrn will be made at onco tn O street between Seventeenth nnd KtghteeiUh streets. Tho sum nf 1700 has been transferred from tho special license fund to the gen eral fund. Street Commissioner Clark lias born di rected to make a 1111 at Seventeenth nnd S stroMs In order to allow the wnter com pany to Iny mains. William Clifton left Inst night for thu sand bills country to loolt nftcr somo bus iness Intercom. Tho women of St. Martin's church will glvo uti oyster supper nnd doll snlo this uvonlng nt Twenty-fourth nnd Ij street. Sidewalk rut the cast sldo of Thirty third street from l to U street, unit on tho west side of Thirty-second street, from J to L Rtrcets, nro to bo repaired. Tho boiler inspection ordinance Is now" beforo the Judiciary committee or the coun cil for exnmltmllon. It Is understood 111 it several ninendinents will be made. FAVORITES NOT IN FORM l'"lve of the six Hiutk lit Ncv Orlenua Aro 'Won liy Vnexpccted llorneH, NI3W OKLKANB, Dec 4. Weather cloudy nnd truck heavy. Spirited Mulshes marked each event on tho curd and or the favorites only .one, frangible, finished llrst. C. K. liurdeuj claimed Strangest out of the third race nt 7&. Summary i First race, six furlongs: Caatlne. 102 (Lyons), 12 to 1. won: Armand. 99 (Coch ran), 12 to 1 und 6 to 1, second; Made Marie, W (A. Weber;, 2 to 1, third. Time: 1:21, Kiss Quick, Dlvertlsement. Mister Boss, o . rH inu jireniiuru uinu run. ' 'ry i-nnce, Julius Werner, Irving a: mi . ilccum nnu jnnowoou aiso ran. Third race, one mile and twenty yards, selling: Frangible, 10) (Hansom), 6 to 6, won; Strangest, 114 (Weber), 9 to 2 and 8 to 6. second: Dan Cupid. 105 (Walsh), 9 to 2, third. Time: 1:63. Bright Night, Hlshop Heed, Bister Kox, Plnar del Hlo nnd Helen I'axton nlso ran. Fourth rnre, seven furlongs, handicap: (Ben Lake, 97 (Dalo). 13 to 1, won; Moroni, 107 (Jebcr), C to 6 and 2 to 6. second; Actishln. 90 (May), 20 to 1, third. Time: l:25?. Tom Collins, Jfonkwnyinau, Knight V.i , wiu uutiic uipo ran. . I' jrth rnce, six furlongs: Lady Cu llfn ilibnm.i ..I "'. """" man run. Hixtn nice, seven furlongs, selling: Old f,5tj 10j,(W. Dale), 15 to 1, won; Scrivener, 08 (Cochran), 4 to 1 nnd 3 to 2, second; Dick Furber, 9S (Wllkerson), 10 to 1, third. Time: 1:37. Orion. Snuber. Dandy II, Dousterswlvol, QckkI Night. Blocker, Veto Be, Isen nnd Doc Fnrrlsh also run. REDEEMED BY HIS GOOD WORK Markamiin'H Clever Shnotlnir Mako Acceptnlile from Viewpoint of Sport. The defeat of tho Omaha Gun club team in its nnnual shoot with the Kansas City team la commented on by tho St. Loultf aiobe-Demoerat as follows: 1 ..'U1.'"u! cltJ' marksmen wero successful m their Intercity llvo bird mutch with umaha at tho Inttcr placo Saturday, but bt. Ixiulcnns nro surprised that the Ne. braskiins permitted D.ivo Klllott, who hns tie en 11 St. Loulnun for tbo last year or more, to compete with tho Kansas City ?. ,V,'.l,V0 18 n brother of Champion J. i," V,F,,"0.tl 1111,1 '"is been mnnuglng Du .I1 Shooting park ever sinco Jim Corrny Jl11" that place. Ho left tho city quietly lust Thursday, accompanied by bis brother and Messrs. Herman nnd Gottlieb, to Omahu, nnd did his bit In winning tho match, which was decldsd by tho narrow margin of four birds. Davo killed forty 11I110 out of fitly and finished second to his brother, who made a clean score." The, mnjority of tbo members of tho Omaha tenm knew that Duvo Klllott hnd not been with tho Kansas City team for over n year, but somo of them would not belloyo that Kansas City was trying to ring in a foreign shot upon them. Tho raco between Elliott nnd Smead wns tho bent or tho series nnd every one at tho groundj waa well satlsflod to seo him shoot. One Favorite Win at Oakland. SAN FKANC1BCO, Dec. 4.-Only ono fa vorite won at .Oakland today mid tho rlns recovered from, tho hard blows which It received recently. Gauntlet established a new const record for a mllo and a quarter, running tho distance In 2:06.. Weather clear and track fast. Milton 8. Latham will succeed D Lynch Prlngle ns secretary of tho San Francisco Jockey club. Results: .JT'rSL.1 race, futurity course: Herculean. 10!) (B. Jones);' 10 to 1, won; Dlomed, If.) (J. Wooda), mo 1, second: Decoy, 109 (Coburn), ;,to.J, third. Tlmq: 1:10V4- Is aando. Matlhepnn, Bogus Dill. Foul Play, Klorlnel..irKiUy Kelly, Harry Thatcho?! Ned Dennis nnd Dnclcey also ran. 8ocond race, nix furlongs, maidens, purso: Jim Hale, 105 (Domlnlck), 7 to 1, won; Itavelllng, 113 (Wedderstrand), 4 to 5, sec ond; Kstullada,. 110 (Klynn), 8 to 1, third. Time: l:14V4. Little Lundy. Infra, Mary Alice. Lordly and Foliow Mo nlso ran. Third race, one mile, selling: Sir Kings ton, 101 (J. Martin). 6 to 1, won; Campus, 107 (Domlnlck), 15 to 1. second; Alee, 107 (Mounco), 2 to 1, third. Time: 1:40. Mit ten. Cromwell, Bell Punch, Sllvertonc, Wyoming, Unrda nnd Essence, also ran. Fourth race,' ono and ono-qunrter miles, selling: Gauntlet, 104 (Mounce), 8 to 1, won; Opnonent, 9s! (J. Daly), 8 to 1. second; Koenlg. 103 (J. MIIIer),5 to 1, third. Time: 2:0614. Ulm, Lochco, Topmast, Tho Baby, Dr. Marks, Owensboro und Colonel Hoot also ran. Fifth rnce, six furlongs, purso: Bedeck, 94 (Coburn), 4 to 5, won; Gold d'Or, 117 (Wedderstrand), 3 to 1, second: Prejudice, 107 (J. Martin). 2 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:13. Irato. Tenny Hello nnd Scallywng nl3o ran. Sixth nice. seyen furlongs, selling: Man tallmla, 9S (Mounce), 15 to 1, won; Edgardo, 101 (O'Connor), 8 to 1, second; Lena, 102 (Hausch). 15 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:20. Mon tanus, Sybarlfl, Hlnaldo, Bouudlec, Mike luce, urununf anu lorxiua niso ran. ItemiltH nt UoiiiiIiik. WASHINGTON. Doc. 4. Tlalnv wenthsr kept down the nttendnnco nt Bonnlngs to day. Tho track wns a ten of mud, but tho under surface was hard enough to mail a tho going fairly good. Throo favorlten won. uesuita: First race, handicap, elx and one-half furlongs: Carbuncle, 110 (McCuei), I to 5, won: Godfrey. 102 (Booker). 9 to 6 nnd 1 10 2, second; llultzllopochtl, 112 (P. McDer- moii;, a 10 1, iniru, rima: i:;i. -Morueimo alxo ran. Second rnce, tnnlden 2-ycar-oldH, llvo fur longs: Beggar Lady, 100 (Hrlen), 5 to 1, won: Proteire. 100 (Booker). 7 to 1 nnd n to 2, socond; Dactyl, 101 (P. McDermott). 4 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:05 3-5. Zenntde. Alllono Abbott, Curtsey. Anna Darling. Gnlllmoor, woisn uiri, inrauinie, nniiywoou, uurn Dum nnd I Know also ran. wn ...nl.l.nu ...If. mlln n...t 4 IIMU mkCi ,." '...., It..." IIIIU tlll. yards: Charley Moore, 104 (P. McDermo't). 3 to 1, won; The Driver, 100 (Hrlen), 3 to 5 nnd out, Hecond; The Outcast, 101 (Miles), 30 to 1, third. Time: 1:51. Hawk and Os- cenia also ran. Fourth rnce, 2-ycar-old.i, six furlongs: Badlo S, 10G (McCuo), 3 to 5, won; Tho Rhymer, 103 (T. Burns), 9 to 6 and 1 to 4, second: Dandy Boy. 105 (Wulters), 30 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:181-5. Tho lloguo nlno ran. Fifth rnce, sailing, ono mile and 100 vnrds: Templar, 101 (Walters), 8 to 1. won; Tyrah ona, 100 (Phelan), 6 to 5 nnd 1 to 2, sonnd; West Haden, 105 (MoDcrmott), 7 to 1, third. Time: 1:55 3-3. Boniiman, Olive Order, J. II. Sloan, Ringleader and Momentum also "sixth rnce, handicap, one nnd three, quarter miles: Magic Light. 112 (Miles). 7 to 6, won; Draughtsman, 122 (McCue), 9 to 5 nnd 1 to 2, second; Bosphorus, 108 (James), 30 to 1, third. Tlmo: 3:20 3-o. Sir Dick and Silver Fox nlso ran. atlonnl Trottlnic Association, NRW YORK, Dec. 4. Members of tho Vi.iinnnl TVntifnir rtHHOclii tlon to tlin num ber of a score or more met nt tho Murray Hill hotel, whero they will bo In scesslon for sovernl days. President P. P. Johnson of Lexington. Ky.. acted ns chnlrman. The first work of the day wns tho taking of testimony In tho matter of disputed and contested races during tho last season, cases of entering horses out of class, the matter of fines and expulsions from the association of horses and their owners and fhi. Tnntlflr nf reins tatcment of their horses having been under suspension for a greater or less length of time. Tnffy to Captnln fJrliinell. ORINNKLL, In., Doc. 4.-(Speclal.)-The Grlnnell foot ball team has broken train ing nnd tho senson la closed. The showing of tho tcum for thin yrar has been far bo low tho Grlnnell nvcrago, but nn account of tho paucity of tnutorlal ut the opening of tho term llttlo wno expected, ho that thero Is no disappointment over the result. Four men, Douglnss. Follows, Dlgnan nnd Zelgler, go out this year by graduation. Somo good material Is left, however, nnft Grlnnell bhould show up In much betttr form next year. No election has yet been held, but It Ih generally supposed that "Tnffy" Flske will captain tho tenm next year. llyuii and Hoot tn Brittle. CHICAGO. Dec. 4. Tommy Hynn today signed articles to moot Juck Hoot for tbo middleweight championship. Root, through his manager, L. M. HouHemon. at onco ac cepted. The battle probably will take place In Saenerfest hall nt Cincinnati. Dublin Defrntcd Wall. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Deo. 4. Bobby Dobbs, tho colored lightweight champion fighter, sustained his reputation tonight by easily defeating Kd Wall, tho southern light weight champion, In six rounds before the Phoenix Athlctlu club. Mptnn'N Cup Chnllriia-rr. GLASGOW, Dec, 4.-Oeorge L. Watson, designer of Shamrock 11, today said: belim, 102 (Dado), 6 to 1, won: Kducato. 10 (Uo!and), 4 to 1, second; Olenbow, 102 (Wober), 2 to 1, third. Time: 1:54. Vnrro, luyor, piffiness under eyes paii In back sallow complexion loss of appetite sediment In urine The SYMPTOMS OK KIDNEY DIS EASE A HE OFTEN I EMOTE, AND THAT IS WHY many people are misled as regards the nature of their illness until serious organic destruction lias taken place. The above symptoms warn you that a baneful disease is ponding. HUDYAN will cure you. HUDYAN will strengthen your kidneys. It will restore them to a healthy state. GUNNISON. Colo. Dear Sirs I am glad to tell you that I am again n strong and healthy man, tho re sult of your wonderful HUDYAN. I suffer ed from chronic Inflamatlon of the kidneys, and roally thought I could never get well. HNDVAN I? great. JAS. C. PARSON. HUDYAN is for sale by druggists 50c a package, or 0 packages for $2. SO. If your druggist does not kcop HUDYAN, sonil dlroct to tho HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY corner o( Stockton, Ellis and Markot Sts., San Franclsoo, Cat. Consult free the HUDYAN DOCTORS. Call or write to them. Druggists Kuhn & Co., Sherman &. MtConncll Drug Co., Myers-Dillon Drug Co., J, H. Schmidt, Omaha. Camp Bros., Council Bluffs. Dillon Drug Co., South Omaha all "Thcro Is not a bit of truth In tho reports v, will Amltnrlv fttrllclnir novelties. .A cup challenger Is :nreoly tho kind of a boat tho designer would 'choose Tor flucn expenmemn. '"o"" "- will be like some or the otner boats In ..ui.iAnM vtiotni'ir nnvMtlcH there are will be In construction uotaiis.- NO NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Koch of MHwnnkcr 8iy Wlthdrawnl of SIcGroTT mid Ilolilnaon Frnatcd Xew Leaisnc Forrontlon. MILWAUKRU, Wis.. Dec. 4.-As far as Mllwaukeo and other western cities nre concerned, tho matter of establishing a now bnso ball league to b known as the Na tional association, Is off. Kalluro of certuln enstcrn men to co-operate In tho plan of lormation Is given ns tho cause for aband oning tho project. A. H. Koch of Milwaukee, who rcpra sented this city's IntoreiU In the tulked-of now league, when seen today, said: "As far as myself and other Mllwau keonus nre concerned, tho formation of tho biio ball league to be known ns ho Nutlonnl association Is off, for the coming year at least. Everything was going along nicely until McUraw and Itobln.son, In the cast, went back on us. The western olid was solid for tho movement and everything looked extremely hopeful until the chango came in tho east, snd wo wore deserted by McQraw and Ills collcnguo. e havo withdrawn our money, which was on de posit with the Ualtlmore Trust company, and the deal la off." llnlr Defpnta Sloan. NEW YOItK, Dec. 4. Tod Bloun and Phil Daly, Jr., met today ut Interstate Park. L I., to settle the question as to which Is the better wing shot. The match was nt tlfty birds, thirty yards boundary and 11 sldo bet of J500 was wagorod on the result. Tho weather conditions wero anything but favorablo for tho sport. Sloan and Daly wnro In good form, however, nnd mado ex rellent scores under the circumstances. Daly won tho match with kills; Sloan hud 42 to his credit. Skipper lthodes to Sail New Defender. NEW YOHK, Doc. 4. It wits announced! here that W. II. Duncun, Jr.. who will manage tho yacht now bolng built to defend tho Amorlc.i'B cup, has selected Uriah Khoden as captain of the new boat. Cap tain Hhodes commanded tho Defender In Its trial races with Columbia. In 1880. Exposition Conimlsalon itcnortn. PHILADULPHIA. Dec. 4. Tho United Stntea commissioners to the Paris exposition mot horn this morning at tno Hotel Hello vuo und completed the roport which they will submit to President McKlnley tomor row. M. M. De Young, president of tho commission, presided. Franklin Murphy of New Jersey was chnlrman of the commlt teo which prepared the report. After the meeting the commissioners wcro entertained at luncheon by William L. Hlklns, the Pennsylvania representative, ut his handsome country resldenco nrnr this city. Later In the day the commissioners went to Washington, where they will bo tho guests of tho president nt dinner to morrow night. SPEAKING oP QUALITY BLATZ BEER The Star Milwaukee holds fast io publle favor. Tho honest and delicious flavor of malt and hops and the del icate aroma of these beers will satisfy the most fastidious. Blatz Malt -VI vine (Non-Intoxicant.) An Invaluable Tonic All DrugcUta. VAL BLATZ BREWING CO., MILWAUKEE. OMAHA BRANCH, 1112 Douglas St. TEL. 1081. chronic kidney disease emaciation excessive thirst general weakness headaches weak heart Hudyan Cures 50 cents PORTLAND, Or. Dear Doctors Your HUDYAN was tho means of saving my llfo. I was greatly run down, tho result of kidney disease. Doctors told mo I could not get well. HLDYAN promptly relieved tho pain. I soon begnn to gain in weight and strength, nnd In a short tlmo I was well. MRS. ORACK SHAW. I Varicocele DOCTOR TOLSON, Specialist In Dlsoasos ot Men, Of the state Klcctro-Modlcul Institute 130B Knrnain St. Omaha. havo cured to stay cured more than 000 enses of varicocele durlni thu imHt twelve months Under my treatment tho patient Improves from t ho ViV be S H8V"renSs8 .n..d .iulcky subside The ............. ..... ...., unuit'ii veins, wntcn rnpiu ly as- ume their normal size, strength and soundness. All Indlcatloim of the dlseaso and weakness vunlsh completely und forever, nnd In their ntrad enmr. h pride, tho power, und the pWsures of perfect health and reStore7manhood TREATMENT BY CORRESPONDENCE. Most cases can bo treated succecsfully at home. Ono personnl visit Is pre ferred, but It it Is Impossible or Inconvenient for you to call at our oftlce, write a full and unreserved history of your case, plainly stating your vmninm Physicians haying Htubborn canes to treat aro cordially Invited to consult u Wo make no charge for prlvatd counsel, and give to each patient n legul con tract, backed by abundant capital, o hold for our promises. If you cannot call at the Instltuto today, write. Address all communications to "Q1 State Electro-Medical Institute, 1308 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Reference: Best Hunks and Leading Htuinoss Men in This City. CONSULTATION A Splendid Wholesale Location Tfce buildiag formerly oecnpied by The Bee at 916 Farnam street will be vacant November 1st It has four stories and abasement, which was formerly used as The Bee prenK room. This will be rented very reasonably. If interested, apply at once to O. O. Rosewater, Secretary, Room 100 Bee Building. Ready November First MM CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills A, II LLtkll fa. MlflMIVUTIMiiu uu.ii iJh : ' ----'".. rj ...iii.jini, lo UK II tnl U.M intuitu bow ,,,1,1 Ilk kin rlbb.n. TikcBkcr. lUfVii !- HutMlUlitUat mm Jailta. Ummm, llf ! f.ar HrKiiUl. r H 4f . It TV.'."!. I jrlleyUr. TrttlBnalala 'll.f fur I..4I..." tmtr, r. 4 Ian Mall. 10,fOOTillaUlt. hUl; all ni.f.Ui. P"W1 f BfW I Maaiaaa iara, rllLA., fAl A. Fuller & Co.. Chas. H. Schaefcr, J. sell and recommend Hudyan. THE DISEASE An enlargement of the veins of the scrotum, causing a knotted or swollen appearance of the scrotum most fre quently. ITS CAUSE- Often indiscretion, b u t Eometlmea blows, falls, strains, excessive horscbuck or bicycle riding or oxccHsivo dlsnlpa-, tlon. ITS EFFECT A dull, heavy, drag ging pnln tn small of back, extending down through loins, low vplritH, weak ness of body and brain, nervous de bility, pnrtlnl or complete loss of vigor, and often failure of general health. ITS CURE- If you nro 11 victim of varicocele, corno to our offlco nnd let me explain to you my process of cur ing it. You will then noi wonder wny I In Person or En EE Ofllce Hours 8 to by Letter rlYEE 8; Sundays, 10 to 1. i)(t) 0feW9 (s0. 9BS) vy Result (i . (t I Tell 9 9 THE BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS, s ta. eea&lij i