chnmliiiKne Uf beer 7 L5j?l W it homo i IwflWwl $ I'urc, . jam JJJ HpnrkllhK. i W Mntlo AHk yoUr ,,.tttir fr J. y from It or n tT; j, it U hnpH Telephone 110. f rj selected ja ft !tnr, y MCTZ BROS, tif ;,H BREWING i it co., (f S? want. OMAHA V bssw ibV Swansdown Prepared Cake Flour Makes Delicious Angol Pood and other Cakes. If you like delicious cake, write us the NAME OF A LEADING GROCER and we will send you, FHEE, our book, "OAKB SECHETS," now ro Clpes and Ideas In enko ranking; will enable you to serve somo very attrac tive and delicious dainties In your home. Address IGLEHEART BROS. KVANSVlIiliR - - INDIANA. Department 0. Remington Typewriter . Record AT Paris Expositions t 1878 Gold Medal 1889 Gold Medal 1900 A Grand Prix lllghcit l'orm of Aril, Outrtnklntf All MetUti. jMboa fie Arntca. Savon Dentifrice WArulc. , Arnica Zmha Sclfe, The Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for 30 years. Preserve and whitens the teeth, strengtheni lbs iitttus-awiteUiiis the breath. asc at All Druggists. C. H.5TR0NU ikCO.lProps.,Chlcago,U.5.wA. Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Bevchth Page.) this may bo caused by the orders from tho Stato department, which nro holding back both tho dlplomnts nnd tho army from doing things which thoy naturally would do, Tho Americana bo far aro tho only Boi lers who have not looted I'ekln. Tho Rus- lans havo looted from tho Btart, nnd when disappointed In finding little In a houso thoy hnvc killed tho Inmates without mercy. Tho ItiiBsInn mlnixtcr docs not attempt to restrain them. Ho merely weeps and wrings his hands and says ho can do nothing. It Is tho game with the French, whoso col li orn havo klllol coolies, women, children nd old men without mercy. Tho Japanese captured 2,000,000 tnels, or about $1,GOO,000, In tho honrd of public works when thoy camo In, nnd a llttlo lator on the French. Russians nnd Jnpnneso organized official looting, their ministers ckher not cnrlng or not attcmptltig to prevent It. Tho English troops were at flr3t forbidden to CONSUL OENERAL GOODNOW IN loot, but after two days tho Ilrltlsh officers began a systematic colloctlon of all kinds of treasures and brought them to tho Brit ish legation. They sent out Hindoo slkhs with pack trains and brought silks, tufa, Jowols and silver Into tho legation and sold, thorn thero nt auction. Tho proceeds aro to bo divided among tho British sol diers. Minister Conger nnd tho American officers havo succeeded In holding back our troops, much to tho latter's disgust. Otic day tho AmerlcauH found within their lines 500,000 taels, about 1125,000. Thd French Im mediately declnred that tho lino was wrongly drawn and drow tholr guns on tho Amorlcans. An Investigation was made and tho Americans gavo In and tho French got tho money. In tho samo way our sol dtoro allowed tho Russians to tako tho Imperial pnluco from them after they had dono tho lighting nnd lost eight men In taking it. The Ilusslans also took tho cmprcRs' summer palace, tho railway and arsenal nt Tien Tsln and other strategic points along tho river. It Is a question whether In thoso cases forbearance had not oeuBod to bo a virtue, but nt any rato Min ister Conger probably carried out tho or ders of his suporlors. Tho position ot our minister In tho pence negotiations Is a trying ono. Tho Chinese, tho HiiBslaus nnd tho British nil seem to bo playing tho part of tho moukoy in attempt ing to ubo tho American cat to pull the chestnuts out of tho tiro for their respec tive countries, and vigilance, backbono nnd diplomacy nro required In watching that hey do not. Major Conger has hnd experi ence as n diplomat as minister to Brazil, where ho succeeded well, nnd nlso during tho present administration nt I'ekln. Ho tins been popular with tho Chinese, as well as with tho Americans, nnd especially tho missionaries. Thero nro altogether, not Including tho soldiers, something llko 2,500 Americans In China and of theso 1,700 nro missionaries. Many of thom nro of sterling ability nnd worth nnd they havo, I bollove, been doing much good. They havo colonies at all the ports nnd stations nt many places In the Interior. Minister Conger vlBlts thom and aids them, I havo been told that ha la n Unitarian, but his Ideas as to missions aro strong enough to plcnso tho most cnstlron 1'urltau, Ho makes a good missionary speech, Interspersing hs remarks with iBBanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV. - arWaaaaaaaaaaBBYMBk BllBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBQ? HRaBaaaBBBBBBBBBBBB&BW v NhHiBS&L. H1H9HibbBUbIbbbbbfV7 mmmmmmmmWxmmmVfk. ' BBBBBBBBBBBflHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaK- - - bbHbbV3bS9HH' fe BBB9KBVf99.I..H9'9iB bbbbbbbbbbHbbWmkbbbbbbB( :vkM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKkBBBBBBBBBBBBBa . 'faBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVaafY',tlri BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBv' .BBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBv :M 'SBBBBBBBBH V il bbbbHIIHHE 1 MmaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaattfatfN bsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKbsbbbV 'WPBfy' ' aBaaBBBBBBBBBBaal HmB9 V'Bl-' ""'TaVaBBBBBBBBBBBBaammSBaB mmk' 'bB:Vi"' ' 'IBbHIbIbB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaKBBF"aBa 1 - bbbbbbbh ' v ' aauaaBBBBBBBBBBa9PBBBH HHRpRBaft'A:i 'PV'"''' bVIbbbbbbbbbbbbhIwQMbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&BBBBBBBB''' S' flrfBBBBBBBHIlraXc BBalBBBbBlLSSiHSwl THE I JLLUSTU ATED BEE. anecdotes and ptrsohrtl experiences. One of tho latter which he recently told Is affect Itig as showing tho heartfelt Interest that somo of our children havo In tho Chinese. "Whch 1 left Brazil," said the American minister, "to como to China, I passed through my old town of Dea Moines and whllo there tho good people gnVo mo a re ception. I shook hands with them and was bidden Godspeed on my way to China. There were many children In tho crowd that enmo to say good-bye and among them n sweet little girl whose earnestness I shall never forget. As Bho shook my hand she said: " 'Major Conger, I do hope when you go to China you will take Jesus with you to the poor heathens. " Ah! sny little girl,' said I, '1 don't need to do that. Jesus Is thero already! Ho is there In tho books your Sunday school has sent. Ho Is thero In that noble, army of men and women martyrs, the Christian missionaries, who have gono out Into that benighted Innd that tho poor Chinese may have tho light of our Savior's love' " This HIS OFFICE IN SHANGHAI. story hnd n great effect. Tho skeleton of It Is probably true, but as I heard It I wondered whether Major Conger had not padded tho bones with a little oratorical flesh and blood, for you will ngrec It Was a rather long sjleecil fof n statesman to utter to a llttlo girl In tho Intervals bt handshaking and baby-kissing. Former Minister Dehby will probably havo a big bill of damages against the Ch'neho government for Its' Injuries to tho Amerlcah legation. Colonel Denby owns tile legation building, (to 1 Understand, lie bought it whllo Ho was minister for 135,000 nnd has been renting it to tile gov ernment for a big percentage on tho in vestment. Whon I first visited Canton this year 1 stopped with Hubbard T. Smith, who was thon in charge of tho Amorlcnn consulate, serving during tho Interim between Dr. Ed ward Bodloo and his successor. Every one knows Mr. Smith as tho author of "Listen to My Talo of Woe," "Rwlnglng In tho arnpovlno Swing" nnd Other hymllttl melo dies, but nil do not know that he U Ono of the best officers lit our cotisutar service. Ho Is one of tho few men On tho permanent list, being lit o.l by tho State department to go from place to place, fill all kinds of vacancies and straighten up mismanaged offices. In Canton I found Mr. Smith c!o:o, but not too close, to Li Hung Chang Ho was popular with tho foreigners and successful with tho Chinese. Ho kept bachelor's hall In ono of tho finest build ings in tho foreign concession of Shanghai, which he hnd fitted up with electric lights and all other conveniences for tho Incom ing consul. At Hong Kong 1 mot Ilounsovlllo Wild- man, a young man who Is figuring much In tho papers in his dispatches from Hong Kong regarding matters In Manila and Chlnn. He Is our consul genornl nt that plnco and his position Is said to be worth in tho neighborhood ot $10,000 a year. Mr, Wlldman Is not only a diplomat, but also an author. Ho has published good bookB about tho Malays nnd Straits Settlements, and hnB Just Issued In a small volume an up-to-dato history ot China. Ho Is a man ot tnsto and culturo with a penchant for Chlneso snuff bottles and curious pets, one of his recent acquisitions being a young ttgor cat, which ho fondles In tho Intervals ot his consular and diplomatic labors. FRANK Q. CARPENTER. PURE RYE Full H TK? Quarts Direct from Distiller to Coraumer. Our entire product Is sold direct to consumers, you thus avoid adulteration and mid dlemen's profits. If you want pure whiskey for medicinal purposes or otherwise, read tho following offer. It will Interest you. We wiH send four fuH quart bottles of Hayncr's Seven-Year-Old Double Copper Dis tilled RyeWMskcy for $3.20, Express Prepaid. We ship in plain packages no marks to indicate contents. When you get it and test It, if it is not satisfactory return It at our expense and we will return ymtt $3.20. Mil an HAYNEfiS geVEN - WRIT! TO NEAREST ADDRE88. TUC UAVMCD nICTII I IWfl I nt I in 1 nun iiwi ikkinu We guarantee tbe above Company "A TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE." COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH SAPOLIO The REAL Shoe for Men's Wear U the REGENT SHOE a shoe with all the tone, style and quality of the shoe others aak $5,00 and $6.00 for at the "live and let live" prices of 12.50 and $3.50 we guarantee the wear. Shoes from tnaher to wearer'8 the secret. REGENT SHOE CO. 206 South 16th. OMAllA. Writs (or lllaatrated CulaloK ur-1 ffr TELLING THE TRUTH When wo tell von thnt mir Ulno Ttltilinn llottlPd IJper Is made from the choicest HoliH c)ijtl)lnd with the highest eruJe cf mlill linil nllf llwn nrtpHln.i wpll wnlpr. wo hm telling .Voll the ililln truth. Tho iibovo combinations in an up-to-dule brewery are bound to make uood brer. We want you to try a case the rest will be easy. Telephone Umatia Brewing Association. Mr a. Wlnalotv'a SnottiliiK rup. has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHING, with PER FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN. CURES WIND COLIC, and Is the beet rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world, fie sure and aak for "Mrs. Winslow's Boothlnar BvniD.' and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a eouie. YOUR WIFE AN OPEN BOOK aJt--- Br knowing your future you enn pr Dura for ouiiortDnitlM tint rnniMtoint.: hmltU. wealth, Iotk, fri.ndahlp auil pruoiMirltri an aitrologloal chart ol four lit. "ill reTfm I the bualneH rh.nvM jou ihoulrt mnk 1 how to lukn cur.of our hra'th nd m.kethoiw 7011, to Iot. rou. To damon.traiK nil anility to lorecHni jrour luiur., viin 10o . date of hlrth anil .tomp to I'ror Wlllard, II HImI.w ..., tlerlnMlU BBaaaaaaaaaaiBBBBBBBV .4saBBBaa 1 lEgSsmmmlSHBBBmS UK December iWM, WHISKEY for $.20 Express Charges Prepaid One hundred and fifty thou sand customers thioughout the United States use our whiskey. Ample testimony as to Its purity ana quality, is 11 not? Save the enormous profits of the middlemen, Such YEAR - t whiskey as wo offer for $3.20 cannot bo had elsowher for less than $5. Our distillery was established in 1866. 33 years' reputation is behind our whiskey. References State Natl Baak, St louU.Thlrd Nat'l Bank, Dayton, or any of the txpress Companies. Order .for Arli., Colo., Cl., luano, aiom., nev.. new rati, J Ire., Utah, Wmb Wyo.,mnt cal or SOquarta br freight, orepald. Pfi 308-307 8. Seventh St., t.Loula.Mo. 1 226-232 W. Fifth St., Dayton, Ohio. will do Joat aa it acreei. Editor. All tbe Laalaa Bat GtM MeM Chocolate Bon Bons Br Bspreaa, 1, St, 8, 5 paaad baxea, 9wm a paoart. W. S. Balduff. IS1S-SO Paraaaa It., Oaaaha. llafc. RED GROSS WHISKEY A FULL 3 00 QUARTS Direct to consumer. Expreas charges prepaid. Recommended by leading physicians. A pure and nutri tious stimulant for family use. Suck whiskey as we of fer for $3.00 cannot be purchased else where for $5.00. We ship In plain packages no marks to Indicate contents and If not per fectly satisfactory return at our ex pense and we will refund money at once. References: First Nutlona) Bank of Omaha or any Express Company. gv 'own aaun S3 WESTERN DISTILLING CO SoleOwners - -- -- cntra 1 enoiT.