Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1900, PART III, Page 27, Image 27

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End of Season Findi th Toot Ball Situation
Somewhat Muddled.
la the Went, However, (he Clinnitilnn
hlt I'ciiniinl In lleintr Torn fii
ahrriln In the Clutch of Sev
eral I2nner Clalntnnta.
The foot ball Beacon carao to an end on
Thanksgiving day with a number of bril
liant contests and (he usual surprises that
mako.i championship figuring a perplexing
matter. About the. situation In the cast,
whero Vale la Indisputably a gridiron
Colossus, thoro la tittle to be said except
ing In tho way of pralsu of ono of the
trongest elevens that lias played and made
foot ball history, nnd to mention Pcnn
ylvanla'n final brncn and the lamentably
poor showing of tho oneo powerful Indian
In Jbo west things aro different and to
pick a winner Is n task llko tho thirteenth
labor of Hercules. Not only aro there
several legitimate claimants for tho honor
o tho chnmplonaulp to bo reckoned with
In selecting tho lenders, but the determining
of n grado of cxcollcnco anions the tall
ndcr with any degree of satisfaction Is out
of tho question, for the reason that three
of tho strongest tenma failed to schedule
engagements with ouch other, and thcrn Is
no basis on which to cstlmato rclatlvo merit.
Yalo profited well by the lesson of tho
preceding reason, when, In tho match with
tho Tigers, the sonn of Kit had tho leather
on tho seventeen-yard lino with down num
ber ono and treated the Bpectatora to an
exhibition of thrco futllo attempts to ad
vanco tho pigskin the necessary dlttance.
This yenr tho men from New Haven had
power In tholr attack, ncqulrcd by shifting
beefy players from tho lino to tho back field
nd drilling for speed. Tho result was ap
parent In tho championship contests when
tho Klls Invariably battcrod down their
opponents' forwards nnd carried tho ball
across tho last chalk marl; for scores
greater In tho ndgrcgato than any former
tram In Yale's history had been nblo to
run up.
' Other Tenuis Compared.
According to comparative records Prlnco
ton has a shade tho better of It In tho com
petition with Harvard. Against 'Harvard
Yalo made 28 points. Tho Ynlo scoro against
Trlnceton was 23, but tho Tigers retaliated
by registering G points on n drop kick from
the Hold, whllo tho men from Cambrldgo
wcro unablo to earn a single point. It Is a
matter of doubt If at the end of tho season
Pennsylvania was not nbout ns strong as
either Harvard or Princeton, although over
whelmingly defeated by tho Crimson to
ward tho mlddlo of fall. Cornell outplayed
tho Tigers early In November, and on
Thanksgiving day, when tho Ithacans lined
up against tho Quakers, thoy wcro badly
beaten, tho scoro bolng 27 to 0.
Critics who admlro the Pennaylvanlans'
stylo of play will undoubtedly argue that
Harvard and Princeton, being practically
evenly matched toward tho end of the
eason, as Indicated by tho common con
test against Yalo, nnd Prlncoton havln?
been defeated by Cornell players, who In
turn wero overmatched by Pennsylvania,
Indicates pretty plainly that tho Quakers
aro entitled to rank below Yalo, In second
place, nut In concocting such a. mlxturo of
gridiron "dope" they will have no associ
ates other than their owu followers.
Three Trunin .re Clfiliiinntn.
Tho situation In the went is a tangled
skein, with but few lend threads protrud
ing. Thrco teams put forth pretensions to
championship honors nnd each of the trio
has a splendid record of games well won.
They nro Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Technically tho Northwestern lads have tho
right to pose ns premiers, having tlod with
tho Hawkoyos on a memorablo occasion at
Rock Island a fow days ago, when there
was money gnloro up on wagcra that tho
Illlnl would not scoro, 'but only tech
nically, ns on any consideration of tho
enttro season's work tho Evanutnn men
will ba but Uttla better than "also rnna."
Minnesota bases a claim to be top
notchcrs on tho dofcat of Wisconsin on
Novembsr 3, when tho Radge accumu
lated five points to the Gophers' six. Tho
only comparison between Minnesota and
Men, many of you are now reaping the result of your former folly. Your manhood la
falling and will soon be lost unless you do something for yourself. There U no time to
lose. Impotoncy Is never on the standstill. With It you can make no compromise. Either
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Itscrlbable wot, I have treated so many cases of this kind that I am as familiar with
them as you are wtth the vary daylight. Ones cured by me, you will never Main b
bothered with nervousness, falling memory, less of ambition, or similar syaaptams which
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Every Indication of Varicocele soqn vanlrhm, uini In Us Httcacl comes the
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Otrififtll'S 0ur curo dissolves the Stricture completely and removes every ob
w""w""" structlon from the Urinary pawnees. lUay nil Inflammation,
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the bladder and kidneys, Invlrort'js the sexual orisons, and restores health ,ind
oununeaa 10 every pari or we uoay
Syphilitic Blood Poison
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contain no danieroua drugs or Injurious medicine of any kind. It goes to the
very bottom of the disease and forces out every particle of Impurity. 3ion
every sign nnd symptom of Byphlllt disappear completely and forevor. and the
whole systum Is cleansed, purified and restored to as healthful and pure a con
dition as brtore contracting the disease.
NOrVO'SfiXUdl DGbilltV Lur ?UT for woak mm "P "very drain
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HOHI6 TrOStftlfiilt ne Pr!?nl visit is preferred, but If you cannot call
wissv , at my office write me your symptom fully. Our
homo treatment 1 successful and strictly private. Our counsel is- free and
sacredly confidential.
Iowa Is taken from the games with North
western, the scoro In the Northwestern
Iowa match being 5-G and In tho Northwestern-Minnesota
contest 0-21.
Had It not been for be Thanksgiving day
slump in tho Northwestern Rami) Iowa
might have taken tho championship title
without reasonable question. Under tho
circumstances there Is little to choose from
among the three elevens mentioned,
Again resorting to comparative scores,
there Is llttlo doubt that Nebraska leads
the class composed of Chicago, Northwest
ern, Michigan and Illinois, The Wolverines
havo been defeated decisively by Chicago
and Iowa, Stagg's proteges have gone down
beforo Northwestern and Mlnnesotn, In the
latter Instance by a larger score than that
made by the Gophers against Nebraska,
Illinois has been prey to all tho elevens of
this class excepting Michigan nnd la not
entitled to consideration, If Nchrnalia has
n rival In tho group It Is Northwestern and
tho Minnesota score ngalnst tho Kvanston
men, 21-0, Is much moro declslvo than
that which tho same team In Its best
plityltig condition could make against the
men from Lincoln,
' Heeorrt or .elirnnUnns.
Under Coach Ilooth the university lads
have mado a record during the season that
brings credit to their foot ball Instructors
and athletic honor to the Institution of
learning. Until tho contest with Minnesota
tho eleven had guarded tholr goal lino from
tho attacks of opponents In each of the half
dozen Important mutches preceding, Kan
sas and Missouri played n tic game, 5 to G,
and Nobraaku beat Kansas 12 to 0. Their
old rivals from drlnnell wero defeated, 33
to 0. Tho prowess of the team Is to bo
found us much In a new spirit that Is being
manifested among tho players as In tho
coaching. It la tho spirit of fight with
every man shoulder to shoulder, and may
be an Inculcation of tho Princeton methods
brought Into tho west by Coach Uootli.
The success of tho eleven has beon ap
parent In Its effect on the undergraduates.
New Interest has stirred the hope of secur
ing u moro prominent place among tho
foot ball leaders In succeeding years, and
to attain this end unusual efforts ar.o being
made to procure better foot ball facilities.
A petition is bolng circulated among tho
buslncas men of Lincoln and the university
students and professors, having In view tho
retention of Coach Ilooth In the capacity of
bend foot ball counselor, and his Installa
tion ns a faculty member for tho depart
ment of athletics. The prospects are that
tho friends of the Prlncotoulan will havo
their way and that bo will bo given the
placo asked for him. Ilooth Is a veteran
player, having acquired his first gridiron
experience at Andovcr, tho school which
sends so mnuy remarkable players to Yale.
Ho was a member of the Princeton 'varsity
squad during his tour-year college course,
having played at center for tho Tigers
three years, and on two championship
Iitcltlentn of the Sermon.
In reviewing tho foot ball season ono or
two Incidents uttrnct attention as being too
singular to bo passed without comment.
Ono Is the deterioration In tho playing of
tliu Carlisle Indiana. A fow years ago tho
Hedsklns seemed In a likely way to over
take tho palefaces In the science, and tac
tics of tho gridiron. It was said by many
of the critics that all the men from the
reservation needed was a llttlo longer tlmo
to master a system similar to thoso In
vogue at Yale and Princeton. With tho
pnBHlng of a few seasons, and tho loss of
many of tho old player? the Indians havo
gone back on tho ncalo until their playing
Is no better than would be expected of men
who have tho strength and agility and
endurance, but lack the science and the
power to grasp a system which men of In
ferior physique possess. The copporsklns
havo had Yalo and Princeton coaches, but
thuy aro not playing so well today as thoy
did several years ago when their strength
lay In having an cloven of sturdy men who
had the advantage of many seasons work
together. Another of tho unusual occur
rences was tho defeat of Princeton by Co
lumbia and by Cornell for tho first tlmo In
gridiron history.
(iuon siiowim: ok high school,
Local I'lnycra Tie vrtth Lincoln for
State Chnmploimlili).
With the Thanksgiving game against the
Genoa Indians, the Omnha High school foot
ball team clcsed ono of tho most successful
seasons It has had since, the pamo was first
Introduced nt tho school ten years ago. The
wearers of tho purple and white have played
six games during 1900. In four of theso thoy
Searles & Searles
Successful and Reliable
Specialist In Diseases of lYIer..
anuctea uy tne aiseuse.
Ojr special form of treatment for Syph
ilid ! nrnntlrfllli ttif. rfttilt nf mv llf
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Dr. Searlas & Searles. Omaha, Neb.
were victorious and In ono neither they or
their opponents wero nblo to score. They
woro defeated, but once nnd then by the
narrow margin of one point. The result of
ono game, that with Dunlap, ta., which tho
refereo declared a draw, Is disputed by tho
Omaha boys, who claim that they scored
threo touchdowns fairly, whllo none of
them were allowed by tho referee.
During tho season the High school team
scored llfty-seven points, whllo but seven
teen points wcro made against them by op
ponents, When the fact that moro than
half of tho boys played this soasou for the
first tlmo Is taken Into consideration, tho
showing mado by tho team of 1900 Is a ro
markablo ono and reflects no smalt amount
of credit upon tho ability of Coach Pcarso,
who has, with moro than half green mate
rial to commenco with, brought It up to Its
priacnt standard of efficiency.
Tho stylo of play used has been of n
mlxod order, copied from that used by tho
foot ball teams of Yalo, Prlncoton and
Pennsylvania unlvorsltlcs, Tho tenm's de
fensive play ha boon of tho open stylo usod
by Yule nnd Princeton, whllo on offensive
tho Pcnnnylvanla guardsback, both for end
runs and lino bucks, has Iwen used almost
exclusively and with telling effect. Double
passes wcro used frequently nnd olmo3t
Invariably proved ground galnors. Whllo
each Individual member of tho team Is en
titled to praise, tho most brilliant work has
been dono by Tracy, Engluhard, Marsh,
Scchrlst, Mullen, Str.ndovnn and Lchmcr.
Several of this year's team will graduato
rrom' the school the coming spring, but not
withstanding this fact. Cotch Pcarsa says
that next year's team will bo n record
breaker and If an association Is formed, will
bo High school champions of the west. Tho
team this yenr played a tie with Lincoln
for tho state championship.
Tho following la ihe record of the team
of 1D00:
Omnhn. B: Croiahton college, n.
Omn in, 12: 2d tarn Stuto university, C.
Omolin, 0; Dunlap, In., o.
Omiilni, lo; York, Neb., 11.
Omnha, o; Lincoln, o.
Ornuhn, 30; tlonoa Indians, 0.
Yniinu; I'hynlclntin Only .Meet I)fent
Twice Iluihii ttrnmnii.
Strongest among the local teams wnq tho
oloven of tho Omaha Medics, which Jumped
Into prominence early In tho season by
remarkably good playing nnd continued on
n Riicce&sful career till tho last eamo had
been played. Tho men of pills and plnsters
encountered somo of the best collegiate
trams or the TransmlsBlsalppl bailiwick nnd
mndo very creditable scores against them.
In Do.ino, Drake and Hastings thev wcro
pitted with elevens of their own class, but.
when they tried conclusions with their
medical contempornrIe8 from Chicago they
wcro playing one of tho beat organizations
In the mlddlo west, as the Hush team had
met many of tho university teams early In
tho season nnd In several Instances played
closo contests.
The IlusU game showed what tho texturo
of the tenm was, In spite of the ono-slded
score. Thero wcro fow weak spots In
dividually, and tho chief fault of tho eleven,
If It ran bo called a fault, was lack of
avoirdupois. It was In this respect that tho
Illinois men had tho advantage Coach Dan
Taylor spent n good deal of tlmo with the
plnyer.i and can find causo for elation In
tho team ho turned out. It wns better con
slderably than any of Its predecessors, and
there aro enough of tho old men who will
return to play next yenr to mako the
prospect of a still stronger eleven for 1001
exceedingly bright.
Stout of the FInyer, However, llrrote
Their Enorsry to Pinna for
Another Scikoii.
A good many members of tho Country
club took advantage of tho splendid woather
on Thanksgiving day to visit tho golf lluktt
and take a run over tho course. Of late
chilly weather has mado playing uncom
fortable for all but the athletic members
and there haa been a falling off In tho
crowds which used to frequent tho links
In summer. The green committee plana
to keep tho course In good condition all
winter for the benefit of tho enthusiasts
who haunt tho links In splto of snow-
covered ground and Icy blasts.
The green committee has under consid
eration several plana for the enlargement
and improvement of tho courso beforo noxt
season. Somo of tho mombers think It ad
visable to combine tho nlno-holu course
with tho smaller slx-holo courso for wo
men, making one of fifteen holes, which
can he converted back If necessary. An
other contemplated Improvement Is tho
sinking of n well to keop the greens watered
tnrough tho hot weather.
Among other arrangements the club has
In mind for noxt season Is a golf tourna
ment open to all tho clubs of tho Missouri
region, correspondence has been In nro
gross for sovcral wooka looking to such n
gathering, nnd tho prospect for perfecting
mo pian scorns moro than favorable
Among tho cities which havo clubs and
nre likely to Join In tho competition are
bi. josepn, bt. Louis, Sioux City. DubnmiP
Lemars and Des Moines. A part of tho
coniempinieu program will bo a match hn
tyoen professionals after tho manner of
eastern tournaments.
Southern Chr Playcra SIiiitt Iletter
l ornt Than Their Opponents
In Xebrnskn.
The scores In tho twontv
between Nebraska and Mississippi so far
"lira"' aiississinni. six: Noliraskn twn
Tho prospects in tho games unfinished do
not promise well for tho northern playors
Tho last game reported Is between D. h
llecco of Yazoo City, Miss., and C. O. not
toemayer of Aracadia, Neb. Tho score
was as follows:
White Fleece,
l.-P-K 4.
2-K Kt-Il 3.
S-n-Kt 0.
4 Castles.
B-I'.Q 3.
G-P-Q H 3.
7- B-U 4.
8- I1-K 3.
9- P-O 4.
10- P.Q 6.
11- Q Kt-Q 2
12- P.Q Kt 4.
13- Ivt x Kt
Black Ilettenmayor
1- P-IC 4.
2- Q Kt-H 1
3 lvt-H 3.
4-P-Q 3.
6-P-K It
o-p-Q n
7-n-ic s.
8 H-K 2.
0 II-O 2.
11-H-Q Kt 4.
J2 lit-Q B 5.
13- 11 X B.
14- P-Q Kt 4.
16 P X Kt.
16- Cnstles.
17- Kt-Q 2.
15- Q-Q Kt sq.
19- Q-B sq.
20- K-K sq.
21- P-Q II 3.
22- Q X P.
23- Q-Kt 2.
24- K H-Q n sq.
S5n.ll s.
14-Q x B (ch.)
15 Q. Q
ltt-Q x
ICt 3.
H 4.
19 1C It Q-Kt ia.
20-P.Q P. 4.
it B.
Kt C.
Kt a.
22-P x
?G-P-Q 11 5.
J7-Q.Q 3.
is Kt x P.
L'9-P-K 11 4.
B 3.
271' X
;-tj.y u 4.
31- Kt x K B
32- P-K n 6.
80-Kt X
aiK- v
P (a)
) t.
32-Kt-K 11 3.
.Tl-K-ll sq.
S3-u x U (ch.)
3ft It
11 C.
11 (ch.)
P (ch.)
11 (cli.)
Q (ch.)
U sq.
3!-Kt X
37 B'lnterposea.
a-1 w x v
XiW v
3 II
(a) After my thirty-first I think blaclc
niiuutu IHI7 li-Bi,iii-M, iv.
The Ilcut 8nlv in the Worl.l
Is Banner Salve. It Is made from a pre
scription c-y a widoly known skin spoclall
nnd positively Is the most hoalt
piles, burns, scalds, ulcers, running sores
ana an sum diseases. There Is nothlnc
good. Dillon's drug store, South Omahai
aiyera-uuion Drug Co., Omaha.
Ejan Qhei His Views as to Proper Way o
Defeating JeffneB.
UroiTlnjc Popularity of HoxIiir Con-
teti U Shown !' Intprent In
Ilecent llout Meet of Jit
Uotern nnd Jorilnn,
Whother or not Tommy Hyan was
prompted by personal fccllug lu making
tho statement, It is a fact Incontrovertible
riverthelets that his opinion ut the rhuuees
of I'Mtzslinmons against Champion Jcflrlca
la of moro than passing interest. Hyan
has come to occupy u promluout position
lu tho ranks of pugilism nnd It Is hardly
likely that ho could mako himself liable
to adverse criticism by suggesting that
which ho doeB not bellevo merely for tho
sake ot venting a personal spleen.
But bo tho motives actuating Ryan's
statement what they may, his expressed
opinion relative to tho merits of Hed Hob-
urt nud tho champion Is possessed of an
nifcumcutatlvo fabric entitling It to con
sideration. In Omnha tho llttlo bomb Hyan
baa thrown Into tho pugilistic camp Is
given the more attention and attracts tho
greater Interest because tho author Is
scheduled to participate In a boxing match
hero December IS with Churlto Burns.
Hyan asserts tho belief that If Fltzslm-
mens should ever meet Jeffries and light
hlm right ho will havo tho bcttur chance
ot winning tho bout and regaining unco
mere tho championship. The rcdoubtablo
Tommy proceed to argue la favor of hla
opinion In this wise:
"Thero la only ono way to fight Jeffries
nnd that Is to fight hlm clever, as Corbott
did. Thoro ta no doubt whatever but that
Corbott would havo sccurod tho decision
over him down at Coney Island only for
that lucky punch In tho twenty-third
rouud. Tho ox-champlon hod a marked
advantage on points and I ought to know,
for I was in Jeff's corner. Tho big fellow
was doing well, but he wna us slow ns a
cr.all compared to Corbott, who would land
ropcatcdly without a return, and that left
hook of Corbctt's would catch Jeft many
times beforo ho even thought It wau corn-
'As I Bald before, I was In Jeffries' cor
ner, and when the light was drawing so
closo to an end and Corbett wns doing so
well I told Jeff that ho would havo to let
out and try to land a deciding punch and
this ho did. Corbott, In Binding hla left
hooks, draws hla arm away bock before ho
lots go. 1 noticed this from tho start nnd
told Jeff repeatedly to carry his left high
and when Corbett Btnrtcd his left to hook
In a short ono nnd get thero first. This ho
did In the twenty-third round and it was
all off with Corbett.
"I will give Jeffries credit for hl3 great
fight with Sharkey, for ho was no fit man
to enter the ring that night. His condition
was the worst nnd a lit pluco for him was
his bed. I do not want to detract credit
from Jeffries In nny way, but I am simply
saying thnt I llko Fltz'a chances, should
they meet again."
No moro convincing proof of tho growing
popularity of tho fighting game In this city
could bo cited than the big crowd which
filled Washington hall Tuesday night of laat
week to witness tho second fistic enter
tainment given by tho Omaha Athletic club,
with Young Peter Jackson of San Francisco
and Perry Quccnan of Chicago ns the prin
ciples In the main event. The exhibition
afforded by tht so men was most satisfactory
and tho extent to which scientific boxing
was Indulged was Indicated by tho condi
tion of Jackson and Quecnnn when thoy
left the ring nt tho end of twenty fast
rounds. The colored fellow bad a slight
cut on hla Hp and Qticenan's noso nnd ono
of his eyes wero slightly damaged, but
beyond theso minor Injuries nolthcr showed
the effects ot their sixty minutes of pum
melling each other.
Tho fight was a reraarkablo ono when cer
tain conditions, not appreciated by tho spec
tators of tho bout, are considered. Both
men were reputed to bo determined flghtars
and both had n long string of victories to
recommend him ns the probable winner by
computing tho outcome, ot the fight on tho
basis nf precedents established. It wns not
known, however, that Jackson had sovoral
pounds tho better of tho weight or that
Quccnan was suffering from an Injured right
hand, which mndo Its use for other than
guard an utter Impossibility. In the light
of this knowledge Queeuan s showing was
little loss than marvelous and bis pluck lu
going ltto tho ring against a foeman recog
nized among the welters ns a fighter to bo
reckoned with would have done credit to
the daring Spartans ot old.
Jackson's showing wns somewhat disap
pointing. Ho did not ahow any particular
signs ot brilliancy as a fighter, other than
his dogged determination and his ability to
Etand largo doses ot punlshmont. Aa a
mattor of fact, It Quoonan had not Buttered
the handicap of a useless right hand It Is
moro than likely that ho would have carted
away a victory. Under tho circumstances
the best ho could get wns a draw, nnd
this decision was really the only ono pos
alble In a careful summing up ot the fight
as a whole.
Inasmuch as thero doesn't seom to be
any Immediate p rot poets of tho top-notcbors
among tho heavy-weights agieolng upon
conditions for a match, Interest now con
fers In tho probable meeting between Terry
McGovern and Benny Jordan, the English
champion, for tho featherweight champion
ship of tho world. Such a contest is In
prospect wltliln the next two, months and
negotiations In progress give every In
dication ot bolng successfully closed.
McGovern's manager, Snm Harris, Is moro
than anxious that this bout bo arrangod.
In order to clinch tho meeting ho would bo
willing to glvo tho Englishman a little hot
ter weight than 122 pounds nt tho ringside,
which It would nceestorlly have to bo In
order to doctdo tho featherweight champion
ship unless consent to tho over-weight wero
mado by tho lighter ot tht two flghtors.
Jordan can mako this weight and did so
when ho fought Eddlo Santry In New York.
Tho fight, If arranged between McOovern
and Jordan, will bo for the world's cham
pionship, Irrespoctlvg of tho outcomo of
Terry's fight with Joo Cans In Chicago uext
month. McOovorn Is going out ot his c!a9s
In taking on Oans ami the fight cannot bo
consldorol In tho light of a championship
bout unless, of course, McOovern should
happen to defeat Gans, In which caso ho
would havo a good claim on tho lightweight
championship. Terry Is In high bopos of se
curing a match with Jordan, for tho Kng
llshman Is about the only one of tho bona
fldo feathoru eights whom ho has not do
Martin Judgo, tho Philadelphia man who
wns given a stiff argument In this city No-
vomber 8 by Paul Murrny, wns defeated by
uoti l,ong, tho Chicago colored mlddlo
weight, In tho tenth round of what wai
scheduled for a twenty-round scrap In
Sprlnglleld Monday night. It Is stated that
tho men woro well matched up to tho eighth
round nnd after that Long had tho better of
tho mill. Two ilcrco blows over (ho heart
were employed In putting Judgo awoyl
Throughout tho first eight rounds Judge
was oggrcssivp and at different times buc
ceodoil In whipping sovoral ferocious blows
Into Long's stomach and ribs, but tho col-
oroa renow provod too much for htm. As
a matter of fact, In the opinion of local
fight followers, It wouldn't take an
Tho woni-Mi follows tho man of lior choice though tho path leads out of Eden
into a would untrodden and untried. What is her roward Many a time when
her health is broken by the burdens she has borne for tho man's sake, her reward
is to see him turn from her to seek rosior cheeks and brighter eyes. It is man's
nature to crave beauty in the wifo as in the maid. And what woman is there,
who would not be happy to keep her maiden bloom when motherhood has
crowned her wifely happiness ? Some women seem to havo found this secret of
perpotual youth. " Age cannot wither them." They havo learned that fairness
of lace and form depend upon the health, and that the general health depends
upon the local womanly health. They establish regularity of the periods. They
dry tho disagreeable drains which draw the luster from tho eyes and tho
vermilion from the lips as well as sap the body's strength. They quonch tho
internal fires of inflammation in which the very elemonts of beauty aro con
sumed. They heal the ulcer which gnaws into the very life. They walk tho
world as wonders women exempt from the sacrifice to love. How have they
dono this? By the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which makes weak
women strong and sick women weU. It matters not how weak tho woman is, or
how sick she is, " Favorite Prescription " will cure the womaly ills that vox her ;
will round out the sunken curves of her form, put light in her eyes, tint her
cheeks with health's carnation, and make her a glad and happy woman. Hun
dreds of thousands of women testify to the truth of these statements. "Let every
ailing woman read the two testimonials given below and remember that theso two
women speak for more than half a million other women cured by the skill of
Dr. Pierce and by the use of his " Favorite Prescription."
There is no alcohol in u Favorite Prescription " and it is entirely free from
opium, cocaine and other narcotics.
" Words cannot tell what I suffered for thirteen
years .with uterine trouble and dragging -down
pains through my hips and back,' writes Mrs. John
Dickson, of Grenfell, Assiniboia Dist., N. V. Ter.
"I can't describe the misery it was to be on my feet
long at a time. I could not eat nor sleep. Often
I wished to die". Then I saw Dr. Pierce's medi
cines advertised and thought I would try them.
Had not taken one bottle till I was feeling well.
After -I had taken five bottles of ' Favorite Pre
scription ' and one of Golden Medical Discovery '
I was like a new woraau. Could eat and sleep and
do all my own work. I would entreat of any lady
suffering from female weakness to give Dr. Pierce's
Prescription a fair trial, for I know the benefit she
will receive."
Wtf If TODAY " yu ar lok ymu mrm Invited to consult Dr.
m Ploroa my lottmr from of ohargo, and so obtain
tho advloe and holp of ono of tho foremost specialists kt tho treatment and
curo of women's diseases. All correspondence n m-r Tr n aiu
Address Dr. R.
especially cupoblo man to send Judge to the
tall timber, If tho scrap ho put up against
Paul Murray can bo token ns a criterion
of his ring methods. Judgo camo withlu
an aco of lottng tho fight to Murray and
won It becaUEo of Murray's bewilderment
and thu rapidity with which tho reforee
counted him out.
Many hnvo lost confidence and hope as
well as health becauso they thought their
kidney disease was Incurable Foley's Kid
ney Curo Is n positive cure for the dis
couraged nnd disconsolate. Tako no other,
Dillon's drug store, South Omaha; Myers
Dillon Drug Co,, Omaha.
Ili'iiiliilwreiiRr of n I.oiieaome Specta
tor nt ii iiiciitilciil Short',
A couplo of actor woro exchanging rem
lnlsceuces at the Copclnnd tho othor even
tug. relates tho Topeka Capital. One was
complaining of the very slim audiences ho
had played to In Kansas this full.
"I thought thero was plenty of prosperity
this way," ho remarked, "but it hasn't
come my way yet."
"What wns tho smallest crowd you ever
played to?" queried tho second actor.
"Oh, a ocore or so of people."
"Well, that isn't near as bad ns a frost
my company mot with up In tho northwest
a few weoks ago. Tho play was a good one,
too, and had boon fairly well billed In the
town, Eight o'clock camo and our mana
ger peeped through the curtutns to sco how
things loomed up.
"Onn solitary man had been seated In tho
parquet. Ho sat thero contentedly, munch
lug peanuts.
" 'It's too early, yet,' remarked the
manager. 'We'll wait awhile.'
"At 8:30 tho manager again peeped
through tho curtnln.
'Tho ono man wns there still In all his
dolllnry grnndeur. Ho did not appear to bo
cither Impatient or worried.
"Another half hour passed by. Still the
leno man remained In tho parquet.
"Finnlly, tho manager stepped forward on
tho stage,
" '.My friend,' ho said to tho lono Individ
ual, 'I havo no doubt you'ro n most esti
mable citizen nnd a splondld gentleman In
every particular, nnd aa such you nro doubt
less n remarkable success; as an audlcnco,
however, you'ro a lamcntablo failure.' "
"And then what?"
"The orchestra tuned up."
"Words cannot express how grateful I am for
your kind advice and your 1 Favorite Prescrip
tion,' writes Mrs. D. B. Harricks, of Perrow3,
Campbell Co., Va. "I feel that it has cured me.
I had been in poor health for four years. Suffered
greatly with my right side, also with bearing-dowu
pains, and my nerves were in a dreadful state.
After using four bottles of your ' Favorite Prescrip
tion' I am now well. I am the mother of two
children. With the first child I suffered twenty
eight hours, and with the second I used your medi
cine and was sick ouly three hours. I believe
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to be the best
medicine in the world for suffering females. I wish
you great success, and hope that God will bless you
in your noble work. ''
V. PIEROE, Buffalo, N. Y.
Why hs Frightful Tension of Stricture is Dissolved Like Snow
Beneath the SunIN FIFTEbN DAYS.
Why Weak Men Are Restored by the Magic St. James Treatment
Applied Locally and Dhectly to ihe Affected Parts.
We answer the ques
tions briefly. If you
cut an urtrry In
your arm you do
not take Internal
medicine to stop the
flow of blood. YOU
illarly when the ure
thral ducts bcomt
weakened and re
laxed It Is ridicu
lous to take Internal
treatment, which muat pass through the
stomach and urine before It reaches thu
eat of disease. The seminal ducts project
Into the urethral cinal through the Pros
tut (Hand, nnd are easily reached by LO
CAL THEATMISNT. The Bt. James treat
ment I prepared In the form of crayont
'.fry narrow, smooth, flexible and wholly
ijinbte, which are Inserted Into the water
Uiis'jk at night, where they dissolve
Und deposit the medication In Its full
strength upon the
Prostate Gland,
SrJUWSUl P& "trengthenlns the ducts,
FOniSVEIt STOPPING drains and emis
sions, and curing- while the patient sleepo
Dr. Carter' "pran-Bolvent" solabln
Uouglei, will dissolve, digest and forever
remove urethral
Every Man Should Know Himself.
. Bpace will not permit a compute description of the Incompar
able Bt. J am mi treatment In urethral dlstaaa. Evry sufferer
from (Stricture and Its otTtprlna, Proatatttl and Srmlnal Weakness.
abould write to the Su .limea AoooUtlon, Hoi 114, Cincinnati,
Ohio, for tbolr wonderful Illustrated wotk tbowlng Iba part of the
human ayuem Involved In urethral ailment, wbUh they will aead securly
vigor lo the whole being. All dralni and lone are cbeckedrrm!imy. Unlets patient
f J0.Pr;Pcr7 cu"'". their condition often worries them into Insanity, Crniumptlon or Death.
Mailed sealed. Price ii Mr boat 6 boxra. with IrAalid leial truarantee tnrnre or r-fund tho
uoney, It.oo, Pd lor Urn book.
Gold by Kuhn It Co.. 15th and Douslas,
In 15 days, without pain, Injury or incon
venience, The bougies are Inserted at
night and act while you sleep, "(Iran
Solvent" removes every 'symptom of
stricture, leaving the canal as healthy
as when nature formed It. NO HHLTaL
James traatment Is local, direct and posi
tive. Varicocele.
Varicocele Is an accumulation of bIdbt
ctsh blood In tho vents of thu scrotum.
du solely to Imperfect circulation, and
has Its origin In a diseased and torpid
Prostate Olnnd. Operations In this dis
ease are only temporary, and no me
chanical device yet discovered has cured
a single case, Gran-Bolvent heals thtt
Proatat and restores healthy circulation.
Varicocele disappears and the sluggish
acoumulatlon Is replaced by pure, healthy,
rd blood.
lD.Sti men strlctured, weak, wasting and
despondent were cured and restored by
thu St. James method last year. A vast
army of men In whom the light of lift
ha penetrated tb fearful nightmare of
stricture and seminal decay,
b ut thk patii.ntas
. y i.
4iid luvo cu.'ctt tnuuiaiidt of
cat: of Nervum Dueatci, tuch
ai Debility. Diuineis.Slceulcu.
"oes and Varicocele, Anophy.&c
They clear Ihe brain, nren(lhca
Hie circulation, make digestion
n.f.. and irah.,, n
Address. PEAL WPr 1 ri,;i,, n
and J..AEullcr oc,Co.Hth-ana UouOaa..