Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1900, PART III, Page 26, Image 26

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Practical Suggeillons About Food and the Preparation of It.
Dnllr Mrnna.
Cereal. Cream.
Sausage. Raked Potatoes.
Fried Mush Honey.
. Potato Omelet. ltolU.
Btewed Fruit. Wafers.
Krult' Cocoa.
Vegetable Houp without Meat.
Vakcd Hi'iiu Croqueuen. Tomato Sauce.
HtufTed X'otatoes. Spinach.
Fulry l'uddlng. Yellow Bauce.
Cereal. Cream.
Frizzled Hcef. Stoned Potatoes.
Milk Hlacult. Coffee.
Fried Oyster. Celery.
Thin lircml and nutter. Fruit.
Ilarley Uroth.
Tot Roast. llrowned Potatoes.
Stewed CarrotB.
Uect and Undlsh Halad.
Tapioca Custard. Coffee.
1 Cereal. Cream.
Meat Cakes. I.yonnalse Potatoes.
Hulls. Coffee.
Hcaurcgard ICbrt".
Milk Hlscult. Btewed Fruit
Potato Soup.
rollcd Ham. Hcnlloped Sweet Potatoes.
Pickled Heels.
Caked CuEturd. Coffee.
In Itefrrriicr to Mentt.
When arranging menus for the week that
aro to bo used In widely different sections
nnU under very vurlvd tondltlons oho must
first consider the most avnllanle dUhcs to
present suited to tho season and calling
for materials readily obtainable In almost
any part of tho country open to commerco
In fresh food materials.
Ono must of necessity lenvo much to tho
tood Judgment of tho housewife In regard
to detail, as It Is not possible to bo ac
quainted with every existing condition.
Tho prlmo object Is to glvo an Idea by
the selection and arrangement of dishes
how to proportion the ncccBsary food sub.
stances required for each day's meals.
Also to suggest now ways of serving and
methods of preparing the everyday ma-
- fr---
Pure Food
1 None but Advertising of Thoroughly Re
liable, Pure and Healthful Foods Will I
Be Accepted for These Columns.
Gladstone Bros & Co.
....Importer of....
Fancy Groceries,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
1308-1310 Douglas St..
Telephone 2.18.
No Imitation Goods Handled.
p i
Ln bUMd aver tthln and or ttitn nni
luMrtp hsi dtoi ill iMUliif wrk. It rmlni
wt, ivt anL cUanWth )ul nl At nl
chtnjt th (Uw ( to (coda eka4 U It.
It you aro willing to tent our state
ments you can quickly settle the beer
question, Vn claim to give you bet
ter and purer beer than any other
browery. Wo believe our claims aro
based on fa-nts, You'll get wise In a
minute after tho first trial. Our beer
Made by
A. J. SHOUT. Manager Omaha
Branch, C2-2fi South 10th Street.
Telephono 1124.
tcrlals In order to avoid monotony, which
Is not conducive to good appotlto with a
dainty eater. Whllo tho menus arc seem
ingly elaborate, .the dishes aro with but
few exceptions composed of tho plafciest
and least expensive materials. Th.
variety conveys tho Impression that they
aro beyond tho means of tho average house
keeper. The aim Is to strike a happy
medium and suit a very great many tnstes
and needs, (liven the proper arrangement
of classifying tho dishes In order It Is a
very simple matter to add to or curtnll
theso menus. The simplest dinner menu
must have tho following courses; Soup, a
meat dish or Us equivalent, with accom
panying vegetable, a salad and dessert,
with coffee, or It Is not a dinner. From
this plain foundation Wo build up, first
adding tho fish course, then relishes, en
trees and so on, until we got to the formal,
ceremonious dinner.
The menus do not glvo many of tho cx
pcnslvo roasts or Joints, having In view
tho fact that any ono is more or less
familiar with theso cuts of meat and how
they arc used, but may bo entirely In
Ignorance of the cheaper and oftlmcs better
parts of tho nnlmal, Thero Is difficulty In
disposing of theso largo and expensive
pieces when tho family Is small. And un
less a rdast Is of considerable thickness It
Is not satisfactory. Tho desserts uro nlso
selected with a vlow to economy as well as
variety. When tho family Is very small the
dessert question Is moro of n problem.
Many of theso dishes nro best made In
moderately largo quantities. To avoid left
overs In this linn select desserts that can
bo mado In very small proportions, like the
various egg custard preparations, Jun set,
gelatine, fruit tapiocas and dishes of llko
""vheri fruits nro enjoyed they aro the
best desserts for small lamm. u.m
cither fresh or stewed. This dessert can
So disposed of. except for special occasions
,lk Sunday. If, Laving aufflc lent other
viands to supply the proper a raoun t of ood.
tho dessert Is added only as a nn Unlne
touch. Hut In most families tho "hcre
attcr" I. a groat consideration. A separate
chapter will bo devoted to the subject of
dUhos mado from the left-ove h ch
usually perplex tho housekeeper with but
ono or two In to cater for.
... . . .. i. ,k ni.i.ther two level
FlSn 1 lulUB l"o -n , n,,
tnblcspoonfuls of butter and same o flour
to a smooth paste; add ono cup of hot milk
and stir and cook until it comes to , bo , lnK
tiolnt. Season w th nan " . ..
Lit a da.b of cayenne, half a tca.pooaful
of lemon Julco and a teaspoontul of ilneiy
mlnccTparsley. Add a cup of co d cooked
S" mlSced fine: heat thoroughly: add
ks of three eggs slightly beaten and take
rom tho lire. When cool to u i
of tho eggs beaten to a . Iff p,
tlmbalo molds two-uiirus
the ovon for fifteen or twenty mlnut".
Oyster Saucc-Mako a white sauce, but
using tho heated strained oyster liquor
Instead of milk, adding a cup of oysters,
parboiled In their own liquor, tho muscle
amoved and cut. Into small pieces. Season
with salt, white popper and a tablcspoonful
of Worcestershire sauce.
Chestnut Stuillng-Uonst ono quart of
Italian or French chestnuts until thoroughly
well done. Uctnovo the shells and skins
and mash smooth, adding a tablcspoonful
of molted butter or rich cream, a teaspoon
ful of salt and threo dashes of whlto pep
por. Mix well together and stuff tho
turkey. You will rcqulro moro for large
turkey. If preferred tho chestnuts may
be used, in tho gravy and turkey stuffed
with sausago or served au naturol.
Frozen nico Pudding Wash well half a
cup bf rlco and put It tn a double boiler
with ono pint of cold water, cook half an
hour; then drain and cover with a pint of
milk and cook until tender. Whip a quart
of gcod, swoet cream and stand lu a cold
place to drain. When rice Is tender rub
It through a slovo and return to tho boiler,
neat together until light ono and a halt
cups of sugar and yolks of six eggs and add
to tho rlco. Stir and cook for a tow min
utes until It begins to thicken. Ilciuovo
from tho flro and when slightly cool adl a
tablcspoonful of vanilla and turn out to
cool. When perfectly cold turn Into a
freerer and freczo same as lee cream.
Servo with a compoto of oranges, peaches
or apricots. This makes a largo quantity,
Orango Compote Use ono dozen Bwcet
oranges, carefully removing all tho whlto
part. With a sharp knlfo cut Into slices
quarter of an Inch thick, removing tho
pits and core. Put one pound of sugar
In a saucepan with half a cup of wnter and
stir until ougar Is dissolved; then boll ten
minutes and skim If necessary; add Julco
of half a lemon. Put in the sllc-js of
oranges, a few at a time, and let them
cook a moment, then lay out on a flat
dish. When all aro done, pour tho re
mainder of tho syrup over them and let
them get perfectly cold. Heap the orange
slices around tho baso of the pudding and
pour tho syrup over nil,
RqnnU Threo Pound of Derf.
Those who desire a tempting and nutri
tious menl that can bo served In a second
at a cost of 1 cont a pcraon'nbould buy Gran
ola, It has a rich, nutty flavor. One
pound packages contain as much nutrition
as threo pounds of beef. It Is thoroughly
cooked and ready for Iromcdlato use, with
the addition of fruit Juice or milk.
Headers of this paper who will send the
namo of a grocer who does not soil Granola
to the Sanitarium Food Co., Battle Creek,
Mich., will recelvo a freo sample.
In ordering of your grocer be sure that a
picture of tho Battlo Creek Sanitarium Is
on each package. The genuine Granola
bears this picture.
The actions of(a rat led N. R. Ingoldsby
to the discovery of a rich gold mlno In
Arizona. Mr. Ingoldsby, who was on a
hunting trip near tho San Podro river,
was tor a long time puzzled to explain the
dlsappearanco of small articles from his
camp. Investigation showed that tho tbtot
For the stomachs salke
NM Yj R I Ul t
Thorouehlv cooked I
Ready for instant use I
Delicacies at all seasons and
for all ages l
Children love these foods
because they are crlsn. tooth
some, and in the case of
Granut delicately sweetened.
Mothers like Granut for their
children because it is
sterilized, pre-digested,
and its sweet is not
cane sugar, glucose, or
other cheap sweets
made from corn
by chemical pro
cess, but '!
turt's sit'eet in
tention," produced through
the digestion of starch by our
exclusive process.
Caramel Cereal is the
original and genuine succes
sor to Coffee, has delicate
aroma and agrees with the
most sensitive stomachs.
Ak lour urocer for "luttle
Crook BAMTA1I1UM Vooit
do col be ImpoMil upon
by toe roinr foods sola on
oar ropuuUon.
f 1
Battle Creek Sani
tarium Food Co.,
was a rat. Ono morning a piece of gold
quartz was found after tho rodont's vtslt,
and, tracing his visitor to his hole, Mr. In
goldsby found a rich gold deposit.
When Mr. Bryan was nominated tn 1S36
Daniel Bcottcn, the millionaire tobacco
merchant of Detroit, deposited almost
$1,000,000 In Canadian banks. Uo died be
fore he withdrew all the money and then
the Ontario government endeavored to col
lect death duties amounting to SSO,000.
The trustees resisted and tho case has been
before the courts for two years. The gov
ernment won In all the lower courts, but
the highest court has decided In favor of
tho trustees.
Ono day In the spring of 1884 Mrs. Fred
crick Whlto of Coventry, N. Y., asked her
husband to bring her a sack of flour from a
nearby store. Ha started to do so and
that was tho last shu saw of him until ono
day last week, when he walked Into the
houso with a sack of flour on his shoulder,
saying, as he set It down, that he had not
forgotten the errand. Ho has been In tho
far west, has accumulated a good deal of
money and will take Mrs. Whlto to his
western home.
An old sailor, Incapacitated for sea duty
by ago nnd long years -of rough scrvlco,
was recently appointed sexton of tho chapel
at tho naval academy at Annapolis. The
bureau of equipment and supplies at tho
Navy department In Washington furnishes
books as well as coal and "salt horso" to
the sailors und tho new sexton applied
thero for n blblo. Thore wore plenty of
them In tho pews of tho chapel, but he
wanted ono for his personal use and speci
fied In his application that It should be "a
good, religious bible."
Among tho most curious election bets on
record Is ono made by John P. Courtnoy,
democrat, nnd Harry Wallace, republican,
two plumbers doing business tn Minneap
olis. Tho agreement was that tho loser
must for llfo cast his vote as the winner
shall dictate. Courtney, who was a candi
date for alderman In tho recent campaign,
was, of course, tho loser und Is now en
gaged In earnest but so far unavailing ef
forts to substitute somo other penalty.
Wallaco Is obdurato and swears thnt Court
noy must In future voto tho republican
Tho Loulsvlllo Courlor-Journal says:
" 'Tom' Keating, tho California horseman
who died recently at Lexington, left a will
directing that ISO should bo set aside for
women clnlmlng to bo his widows. This bit
of news was published over tho country,
and now an Oakland dispatch saya that It
has been misunderstood, nnd tho estate Is
flooded with lettcrB from widows of other
men applying for that S50. Oentlomcn who
contemplato putting California Jokes In
tholr wills should not aim thorn at widows.
They aro not usually In a Joking humor."
"Apropos of funeralB," writes a London
correspondent of tho Boston Transcript, "I
noticed In Ilolborn a showcase full of
strange looking pictures. Upon Inspection
they proved to bo photographs of cadavers,
laid out In full mortuary Bplcndor. Under
neath ran tho lcgund, 'Economy In funerals.
Try our three guinea respectable Interment.
Ono trial only asked.' Scarcely less grow
some was tho display of Mr. Smith, surgeon
dentist, a few dours beyond. A small show
case Inclosed a complacent Bkull, grinning
perhaps to think his dentul trials wero
over, sot with nn imposing array of pink
gummed artificial teeth, at IB shillings tho
sot. Over tho top of the case wore painted
theso alluring words: 'DlBc'olored and de
cayed teeth mado whlto and stopped.' "
An English couplo, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Charaborlaln, who are traveling In this
country, wero recently tho victims of a
heartless practlcnl Joko on tho part of nn
American whom they met on a train lu the
west. Ho told them that If they wished to
seo a typical frontier town they ought to
stop at Denver. Upon his ndvlco they pur
chased ouch luxuries as would be needed In
that crude village, such as a prlvato bath
tub, with alcohol lamp for heating tho
water, etc. Tho wag Informed Mr. Cham
berlain that guests at tho Denver hotel wero
supposed to wash In a tin basin on a bench
In tho back yard. When ho saw Denver ho
was astounded, and, as ho explained to tho
hotel man tho reason why ho brought along
tho prlvato bath tub, ho was unable, to un
derstand tho mirth of that gentleman or to
fathom tho motives of his Informant.
Ah Bin's propensity for walking In wnys
that aro dark has been demonstrated tn
Now York's Chinatown, whero nlno Mongo
Han merchants and restaurant keepers havo
been nrrcsted for stealing several thousand
dollars' worth of electric light from the
Edison company. Tho theft was accom
pllshed through the uso of an Ingenious de
vlco arranged by an expert electrician, who
farmed It out to tho Chlncso at UO per
"Somo months ago," says Youth'H Com
panion, "a Now England society for the pre
vention of cruelty to animals sent to Porto
Iltco a largo number of circulars, A special
paragraph referred to tho cruelty of using
a frosty bit In horses' mouths and advised
warming It carefully. Inasmuch as most of
tho people had novor oven seen lee, tho ml
vice was somewhat misplaced. A good
many years ngo somo clever Yankee built
a houso In sections, took it around the
Horn and set It up In Hawaii over a caro-fully-made
cellar. The cellar still exists,
a monument to tho inappropriate It Is a
good place for centipedes to build their
homes, but beyond that as useless as an Ice
chest in Greenland."
The shipyards of Great Britain, all work
ing together, could turn out ft big steam
ship every day In tho year.
The constant labor of four persons for an
ontlro year Is required to produce a cash
mere shawl of tho beBt quality,
A biographical work recently published In
Knnsus contains tho biography of a well
known republican politician, written by
himself. It says: "On October 25, 1SS7,
Mr. lost his wife." This was the dato
when his wlfo secured a dlvorco from him
on tho grounds of abandonment.
Ono of tho most frequent uses to which
tho telephone Is put ly French country
subscribers Is that of an alarm to wake
thorn In tho morning, Thoso who wish to
be aroused at n given hour have only to
udvlso the telephone administration the
night before of tho hour at which they
wish to be rung up.
Attempts will soon be mado by California
merchants to put fresh aspnrugus on the
market In London nnd other places In Great
Britain. Tho California navel oranges are
growing In favor In England mid nro being
much appreciated. It Is expected that Cali
fornia asparagus will compete with French
asparagus, which is sent to England in
large quantities.
Recent estimates nro to the effect that
asphalt Is being dug out of tho famous tar
lakos of Trlnluad tho most notable exist
ing sources of the material In the world
at the rate of 80,000 tons per annum, Thero
aro Htlll 4,ri00,000 tons in Bight, but at this
rata the supply could not Inst long wero It
not that tho lake of bitumen referrod to Is
receiving u constant accretion from the
bowels of tho earth.
An Irrigation canal about twentv miles
"long, twenty-two feet wide at tho bottom
una carrying rour rem oi water naa jusiDeen
completed In Teton county, Montana, by
which 100.000 acres will bo added next year
to the cultivable urea of that state. This Is
u manner of presenting tho Irrigation ques
tton which, Innxmuch un It carries solution
with It, Is by no means to be despised.
During the pnst year tho Btate of Penn
sylvania has purchnsed more than 100.000
acres of land to bo used ati u forestry
reservation. The policy of using land that
Is not adapted to agrlculturo for tho pur-
1oso of limber culturo has been ndopted
iy both Pennsylvania nnd Now York, tho
obJectH being to Insure a necessary measure
of rulnfall to preserve the purity of moun
tain streums, to provide for the even flow
of Btreams tho power of which Is utilized
by manufactures and tho like.
About a year ago a seventy-pound. Mis-
A woman is sick ; some disease peculiar to her sex is
fast developing in her system. She goes to her family
physician and tells him a story, but not tho whole story.
She hold3 something back, Jose's her head, becomes
agitated, forgets what she wants to say, and finally con
ceals what she ought to havo told, and thu3 completely
mystifies tho doctor.
Is it any wonder, theroforo, that tho doctor fails to
cure tho disease ? Still, wo cannot blame tho woman, for
it is very embarrassing to detail somo of tho symptoms of
her suffering, even to her family physician. It was for
this reason that years ago Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, at Lynn,
Mass., determined to step in and help her sex. Having had
considerable experience in treating female ills with her
Vegetable Compound, she encouraged the women of Amer
ica to write to her for advice in regard to their complaints,
and being a woman, it was easy for her ailing sisters to
pour into her ears every detail of their suffering.
In this way she was able to do for them what the phy
sicians were unable to do, simply because she had tho
proper information to work upon, and from the littlo group
of women who sought her advice years ago, a great army
of her fellow-beings are to day constantly applying for
advice and relief, and the fact that more than one hundred
thousand of them have been successfully treated by Mrs.
Pinkham during the last year is indicative of the grand
results which are produced by her unequaled experience
and training.
No physician in tho world has had such a training, or
has such an amount of information at hand to assist in tho
treatment of all kinds of female ills, from the simplest
local irritation to the most complicated diseases of the
This, theroforo, is tho reason why Mrs. Pinkham, in
her laboratory at Lynn, Mass., is able to do more for the
ailing women of America than tho family physician. Any
woman, theroforo, is responsible for her own suffering
who will not take the trouble to write to Mrs. Pinkham
for advice.
The testimonials which wo are constantly publishing
from grateful women establish beyond a doubt tho power
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to
conquer femalo diseases.
" Dear Mns. Pinkham : I was n Buffcrcr from female weakness for
about a year and a half. I havo tried doctors nud patent medicines, but
nothing; helped me. I underwent the horrora of local treatment, but
received no bcneUt. My ailment was pronounced
ulceration of the womb. I suffered from intense
pains in the womb and ovaries, and the bnckauho
was dreadful. I hnd leucorrha-a in its worst
form. Finally I grew no weak I had to keep to
my bed. The pains wero bo hard as to almost
cause spasms. When I could endure the puius no
longer, I was given morphine. My memory grew
short and I gavo up all hope of frettlnir well.
Thus I dragged along. To please myl sister I
wrote to you for advice. Your nnr.wer came, but
meantime I was taken worse, and was under
the doctor's caro for a while.
"Afterrcadingyour letter, Iconolutled to try
your medicine. After taking two bottles I felt
much better; but after using six bottles I was
cured. AU.of my friends think my cure almost
....1 .. T .1 1- . .
umuvuiuiio. j. uuiiiK you very mucn ior your
timely advice and wish you prosperity in your noble work, for surely it
is a blessing to broken-down woman. I ltnvc full and complete faith in
the Lydia 12. Pinkham Vegetable, Compound." GRACE B. STANS
BUHY, Ilcrington, Kansas.
" Dear Mrb. Piitkiiam: I havo been thank
ful a thousand times since I wrote to you for what
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
done for me. I followed your advice carefully
and now I feel like a different person.
"My troubles g were backache, headache,
nervous tired feeling, painful menstruation,
and leucorrhcea. I took four bottles of Vege
table Compound, one box of Liver Pills, and
used one package of Sanative Wash, and am
now well.
" I thank you again for the good you have
done me." ELLA E. BRENNER, East Roches
ter, Ohio.
" Dear Mrb. Pinkiiam :-I want to tell you what your medicine has
done for me. I believe it saved my life. I had womb trouble and in
flammation of the ovaries, and was troubled with flowing too much I
had two doctors, but they did mo no good. After writing to you, I began
tho uso of your remedies, and to-day I am well. I cannot say enough in
llalrshAl!t alWRys, Prn,so vour Vegetable Compound." MRS.
FRED. LEO, Box 520, Skowhegau, Maine.
December 28, 1899.
"Dear Mrs. PineiiAu : I feel that It Is my
duty to write and tell you of the benefit I have de
rived from the uso of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. I wrote to you last June and
described my sufferings.
" I took seven bottles of your medicine and was
cured of my troubles. Last .September I was taken
with a very bad kidney trouble. I was away from
home and was obliged to return. 1 btarted to tako
your medicine agnin and was soon well.
" When I wrote to you last summer I weighed
only ono hundred and five. I now weigh one hun
dred and thirteen. I am very grateful to you for
tho good advice you gavo me, and would recommend
your medicine to all who suffer from female weak
ness." MRS, B. CUNNINGHAM, Oakland, I1L
mI m M if to any person who will show th
Qjpr pr writers' special permission. Lti
Owing to tho fact that some identical people have from tlms in tlm n.nA
the getuimeuess of the testimonial letters we are . cwwtamiy mWlKlZJ1 w
deuoE iti-d with tho National Citv Pnnlr nf T. r p"';,i,,11'1l?l.W8 hT?
Hisslppl river catllnli was taken to tho Now
York aquarium. Kor about nix months It
was nn exceedingly Ini'.xiieiiBlvo hoarder,
eutlng hardly unythluif, Now, however. It
Is (eedliur regularly, tuklng every other day
a single meal of a pound to n pound and n
hair of eels und herring. Tho bottom of
the big cat's tank Is covered with white
Band, In which It loves to rub Itsolf,
The lirltlsh empire will noon need all Its
Inlands for mnroonlni; Its cuptlves, Borne
of tho lloern nro on Ceylon, others on St.
Helena and the ex-klnu of AiOiuutl, the
Infamous Premil!, has been tranH
ferred lately from Hlerni I.eono to the little
Island Mahe, In the uroup known as the
Heychclli-8. This Inland, which wag alo
the home of tho exiled rhlefx from the
Malay peninsula In the early 70s, is about
neventeen miles aeroxs and about 1,600 miles
distant from Zanzibar.
St. I.oula grocery clerks want early clos
ing and no Sunday work.
The London Htatlst predicts a twit boom
for shipbuilding In tho United States.
Hhotland has had tho lnritrHt herring
catch on record, valued at Jl.wO.OW,
The Ilrothorhood of Hallway Truckmen
of America nluces tho number of men em
ployed by tho railways of tho country ut
Canal thnt will beat tho Suez: Uneln
Sam will spend $D.0W,) mi tho S.iult Me.
jMnrle canal and make It the Kreatent aril
llciul waterway on the face of the Klob-
Tho Plumbers, Oas und Steam Kltter.'
aexoclatlon reports that during tho lust
I nine months llfty-Ilve new unions havo bcoi
i organized, seven lapsed, and one withdrawn,
making a total of 211 unions In good stand
ing, with an aggregate membership of 10,791,
showing a gnln nf i',2i2 members dining tin
period stated. They won forty Btrlkeg laat,
year and lout thirteen,
There Is a law On the Ktatuto books of
Ohio making It a misdemeanor for an am.
ployer to dUchargo or to attempt to coerce
employes to restrain them from ntllllatliig
with lubor or other lawful organization
During tho year ended October 30 la't, 1
twenty strikes occurred under tho Jurlsdlc-1
non oi inu iniornniionai ! ypograpnicii
union, of which seven were won and thir
teen endeil In defeat. Tho cost of thesa ,
strikes was 0,00o,
I Prof. Wykoff says; "In tno matter of
, labor organizations thlH country Is llftv '
years behind Kugland. Never In tho hlmory
of the world was thero a syst m nf lubnr
ho grinding is In Hnghu'd nt tho cloi.- 'f
I tho eighteenth century, Uut the working-1
men of Knclund did organize, und today
they nro better fed, recelvo higher wages
and work half as muiiy nours a day as
they did at tho clone of tho eighteenth
Tho largo steel works of Kruiip. In Kssen,
consumed In 1KO no less than IC.OOO.1'0) cubla
meters of water, which equals about the
consumption of tho city of Krnnkfort, with
!20,oii0 Inhabltantn. Tho Kmen works con
sumed, further, l.GSS.fOO tons of coal and
18,000,000 cuhlo meters of gas,
Tho largest casting over made In this
country was recently run Into tho molds nt
u foundry In Milwaukee. Tho easting Is io
he the bedplate for n blowing engine for a
I'lttaburg concern, nnd it welsh-i UO.OOU
pounds all In ono pleen. In rocking It tho
workmen wero retired to pour 12(1.(00
pounds of melal. 'ihu plato will be 2.1 fet
10 Inches long, 9 fret VV, luetic wide ana
live feet deep In tho center,