Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1900, PART II, Page 17, Image 17

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Largest Demand for IHgh-Priced Holiday
Qocdi in Many Yean.
Receipt of I'onttr)- for the Wrrk tlic
Largest oft Record unit I'rli'e the
Lowest for Thin Sensim of
the Yeur,
Tim condition of trndo In this locality last
week wan most satisfactory. The fuct that
thero were only tlvo business days In the
week naturally had a tendency to reduco
tho total amount of business transacted,
but ut tho sumo time cnouKh was done In
thoso flvo days to neurly make up for the
loss of tho sixth. Hensonnble goods nro
now moving out nt n rapid rntc nnd not
nearly ns many complaints nre heard on
that ecoro us was the case a shaft time
go. Tho general belief ftma to be that
when eevero winter weather docs arrive the
demand for heavyweight, Roods will be some
thing enormous. For that reason rnerchunts
re anticipating their wants to a groat ex
tent. Tho healthy condition of tho market
makes them willing to buy for further re
quirements, as thero Is llttlo danger of
lower values rulliiK for some tlmo to como.
Tho demand for holiday gods so far has
been phenomenal nnd It Is a noticeable fea
ture that tho higher priced lines have, been
tho best sellers. Thero arc not many of
what might ha called novelties this year,
as such lines do not take as well during
rrosperous times ns when money Is scarce.
When times nre good people seem to tnko
more readily to staple lines of good qual
ity when selecting their Christmas gifts
than they do to tho cheaper novelties us
ually offered.
Tho market on practically all linen of
foods remains In a good llrm condition,
leports received from eastern points show
that tho demnnd at tho hands of manufac
turers Is greatly Improved nnd that they
now hnve about all tho business they can
handle. Tho outlook for future trade Is
also considered most favorable nnd as a
result the tendency on tho part of manu
facturers Is to hold tholr lines nt Rood
s( route prices nnd In some cases aro begin
ning to advance their quotations. Hunlncsn
In u Jobbing way Is also on tho Increase
and In fact every department of business
scorns to bo In n moyt healthy condition.
As long ns such conditions last thero Is of
course no chaneo for prices to tnko a drop
and people in general nrn counting on the
present wave of prosperity being perma
nent. If their predictions are truo tho
trend of prices will necessarily bo upward
nnd merchandise for thut reason will be
good properly.
Coffer Mnrkrt Weak.
Tho coffee market last week took a still
farther dron. green stock going off Me dur
ing tho earlier part of tho week, but later
on firmed up n trlllo. Package oolTeo de
clined a full cent, owIub to tho rivalry ex
isting between tho Lyon nnd Arbuekle com
panies. Tho Lyon people wero tho first to
break tho price, but their lend was quickly
followed by Arhucklc. Tho market on cof
feo of nil grades continues dull nnd com
paratively llttlo business Is being trnns-
Thero Is nothing new to be snld regard
ing tho situation In sugnr. ns the market
remains In n good strong position.
Farinaceous roods remain the same as nt
Inst report with tho exception of oatmeal,
which eased off tho tlrst part of the week.
The loss, however, was partly regained tho
latter part of tho week. The demand for
such lines as nuts, candles, raisins, canned.
oofls, dried fruits, etc., continues very
eavy. owing to tho near approach of the
holidays, nnd It Is thought that there will
be nn enormous trndo In thoso lines during
tho next two weeks. Prices have shown no
quotable change during tho week, nil lines
remaining good and llrm. Owing to the
high prlco of corn syrups nro nrmlng up.
Hardware Market AdvnneliiK.
Local Jobbers report a good active mar
ket on all seasonable lines of hardware.
Considering tho fact that thero hns been no
very severe weather the demand for winter
Roods so far has been exceptionally heavy.
This seems to be the case not only ati.thls
point, but nllj)ver tho country as welh and
as a result tho market Is firm and a number
of lines nro being advanced. Onlvuntzcd
Iron, for example, 1ms been marked up 10
fier cent nnd black sheets have advanced
Oo per hundred. Another lino that has re
cently advanced Is carrlaga bolts, which
lmvo been ninrked up 10 per cent. Ropo Is
also going tip steadily, present quotations
being nbout lMc higher than thoso ruling
thirty days ago. These nre somo of the
mora Importnnt changes that have taken
plnco In tho last few dnyB, but they nro a
good Indication of tho general trend of
prices. Tho Iron nnd steel market In hard
ening up, which, of course. Influences, more
or leSB, nil lines Into which those articles
enter. Taking everything Into considera
tion, then, tho market Is In a good healthy
condition with every prospect of present
prices being malntnlnod Indefinitely.
Dry (ioods Market Firm.
Thoro boa been a good actlvo market on
all seasonable lines of dry goods tho last
wk. Thoro has, of course, not boon as
ninny sorllng-up orders ns would havo been
tho cojio had tho weather boon more scvero,
but at tho samo tlmo Jobbers havo had
enough business to keep them busy. '1 he
demand for high-priced dress goods and
parltcularly for silks has boen quite a
feature of tho trado. Merchants evidently
aro counting on selling a good many hlgh-
iirlced dress goods between now and tho
lolldays. Trade at this season of tho year
a gonerally good on those lines, but this
year has been ubovo the averuge.
Tho market Is still being well maintained
on pructlcally all lines. Tho cotton situa
tion Is no nearer a settlement, apparently,
than It was several weeks ago, but tho
tendonoy of prices on fabrics Is unques
tionably upwurd. Tho print goods market
Is firmer nt the advanco of He, which took
effect November 22, and Indications are
that It will go no lower for somo tlm to
come. Fancy prints In particular aro firm
and predictions aro bring made that still
higher prlccu will rule In tho near future.
Tho woolen goods market and the silk
market remain unchanged.
Leather fiood n Little Quiet.
As has been tho case for some time post
tho leather goods market Is a little quiet.
Thero havo been snows nnd cold weather In
somo parts of tho territory tributary to
this market nnd from those localities & fair
amount of business has been recolved. As
a general thing, however, sUIng-up orders
aro disappointing this year, both in siro
nnd number owing to tho fnct that mer
chants havo not sold out as much of their
stock as usual. Jobbers think, however,
that before the winter Is over their sales
will compnr favorably with Inat year or
any other year. Hprlng business Is In a
vory satisfactory condition and traveling
mon nro lauding a good many advance or
ders, From this. It would seem thut re
tailors havo no fear for tho future regard
less of what present conditions may be.
Tho firm condition of the leather market
mnkct) It practically contain that prices
will go no lower and as a result thoy aro
aro in placing tneir orders now,
Ilubber goods Jobbers aro having' somo
trado as a result of storms In different
localities and a good deal of their business
has como in oy teiopunne nnu toiograpn,
showing that stocks In tho country aro not
very heavy Thut being tho case tho rush
of business which would fo'low a general
storm of considerable; severity would bo
something enormous.
Fruits and Produce.
Fruit and produce commission men havo
done a big business tho past week. In
fruits the demand has been principally In
cranberries, apples and oranges. As an
ticipated apples hnvo again been ad
vanced. .Kastcru stock Is now being hold
at 13.00r3.25, California orangeii are arriv
ing In large quantities and as tin- quality
Is satisfactory they aro mooting with heavy
salon. In vegetable! thero Is not m.ich to
bo snld, us no change of Importanca has
taken nluce.
Tho principal feoturo of tho trade has, of
course, neon tno ueiuuml Tor poultry. Ono
of tho oldest commission mon In tno city
remarked that ho hud never seen a year
when receipts of poultry wero so large and
prices so low as they wero this year. Tho
supply seemed to bo turgor than tho do-,
maud all over the country and ne u result
prices havo boen abnormally low. A good
shnro of tho tlmo thero wns llttlo or no dif
ference between Chicago and Omuliu prices,
which Is a good Indication that this mar
ket was well In line,
Uggs havo nlso gone off. as tho quotations
will show, nnd tho samo Is truo of butter.
Condition of Trade nnd ()uotnt Inu on
Ntniile and Fitncy I'ro.liu'e,
EOHB- Receipts, light; good stock, ISfiflOc,
LIVH I'Ol'l.TRY-IIens, HjtfBc: reostcis.
Siftci spring chickens, SfTMje; ducks, B'fctjacs
geese, SUtlOa; turkeys, e.
FRIiSU UllKSSKI) I'Ol'LTRY-ltens. P4
4l0c, roosters, 4jt6a; ducks nnd geere. ',r(tHo;
spring chickens, per lb., (Vfitjc! turkeys,
OA.MK Prutrla chickens, per doa.. $VO04f
5.&0; milliard ducks, per doc Jt.tXHi.l V); ti r,v.;i rn. ml...! ti .!7i -r. . ... t.
...... vi .'vi. . iu, iiii.m-ii, ?t.u..i in, j.ivn
snipes. $1,2.1U.50: nuull. 1160, Jack rabbits,
V1"44' t'llllUHiMHB, iluwe
XUTTEK-Coinmon to fair, 12c; choice,
164J16o: separator, 25c; gathered creamery,
FRK8II OYBTKR8 First grade, solid
packed. Now York counts, per can, 38c! ex
tra selects, 32c! standards, 25c; medium, 20c.
Second grade, slack filled, New York counts,
per can, 30c; extra selects, 2Cc; standutds,
20c: bulk standards, per gal., 11.25.
l'lonoNS- I.lve, per doi., UCo.
VnAI.8-Ch.olce, 9rtl0c.
HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholtnnla
Hay Dealers' association: Choice upUnd,
19,60: No. 1 upland. 19; medium, H.60; conrse,
IS. Ro straw, JO. 60. Theso pi Ices nro for
hay of good color and quality. Demand
fair; receipts, 0 cars.
OATH No, 3 white, 200.
CORN-No. 3, SSc.
TURNIPH-Wr bit. basket. We.
r,EfiT3-Ir bu 00c.
CARROTS Per bu. Wo.
I.KTTl'CM-Pe. doi., 30iT33c.
ItADIHIMCs-Pcr dox.. 55e.
UKANH-Wos, per 1-3 bu. bnBktt $li
string, Mc
POTATOES-Pcr bit., 40fl50c. Idaho, per
bu., fro
SWKRT POTATOK3-I'cr bbl., $2.001f2.a.
CAHHAOn-Hollnnd seed, 2c.
TO.MATOKS - California, per 4-hnsket
crate. 12,
ONIONS Per bu.
cni.nnY-Cnllrornln, ns to size, ffTCc.
CAULIFLOWKH-Cnllfornla, per crntc,
PRAHS Per box. J2.0)fi2.23.
OltAPKR-Mnlngn, nor keg, iH.xm'.V).
, APPr.RS-Nutlve, Tocfll.'X) per bu. t per
bbl.. J2.50. eastern, tuivnva; California
Urllflowers. per Imx. WMIiX.V).
, f 11ANIIRIUHKS -hell and nuglo V per
bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., JS; per crate. 12.75.
OnANOKH California seedlings. $2.M:
navels. I3.W; Mexicans, 3.fi0; Floildns. it.
I.RMONS-Callfornla, extra fancy, 3.twyi
3 7S; choice, 3.25.
PANANA8 Per bunch, according to tio,
Flc.a California, now cartons, fcOe: lay
ers, 75c,
DATKS Persian, In 0)-lb. boxes, CHo per
Rngllsh walnuts, per lb., 12c: fil
berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb , lSIfWo,
raw psanuts, per lb., 51i5'.ic; roasted,
7Mc; Drazlls, 13c; Pecans. 10ifl2c. Colornno
honey, il-secllon case, J3.75; cider, per bbl.
Ki', per half bbl., S.I; saucr krnut, per bbl.,
Hi per half bbl.. S2.:0.
HItiKB No. 1 green, ;ic; No. 2 greer,
BHc; No. 1 salted. 8'4c: No. 2 salted. ;Ho.
No 1 vel cnlf, 8 to 1? lbs.. bic; No, 2
calf. 12 to 15 lbs,, dry hides, s'Jl.ic;
sheep pelts, Z5fr75c; hoiso hides, ll.bJiJ2.i5.
mjw Yoitic (;i:m:hai, maukijt.
(Imitation of the l)nr ' Various
NRV YOIUC. Dec. l.-FI.Ol'Il-Itecclpts.
21,uCli bbls.; exportn, 21,52 bbls.; easy nnd
itetierally fiSTIc lower, wltn deinatnl poor;
winter patents, winter straights,
J3.IOl73Kij Mlnnetotn patents. ,1.JOTJ 1.25; w u
terextrns, J2.C0i)i2.W; Minnesota baHers. Jul '
3.25; winter low grades. J21r2l. Ityo
flour, quiet; fair to good, J3.0Qifr3.2U; ch"lio
to fany, Jv'.25i3,(M, lhickwheut Hour, dull,
m?ClCVHRAT-Qulet, W63o. c I. f New
COUNMRAIy-Qulot; veliow western, Wc;
city, SSc; llrni'dywlno. J2.lof;2.&).
UYR-Qulct; Nlo, a westvin. CJitfc. c. I. f
n limit; state, 505751c, a I. ., New York car
lots. IIAKIjKY Htcntly; feeding. 42f(6c. c. 1. f.,
Murrain; malting. IMIVSc, o. 1. f , Ilurfalo.
HA HI.IJY MALT Dull: western,'J7r.
WHEAT-Hoielpts. 125,225 bu,; oxpons,
S.11S bu. 8pnt, steudy; No, 2 red, 77Hc, f. o.
b., afloat: No. 2 red, 7Cc, elevator: No. 1
northern Duluth, 82c, f. o. b., alloat; No. 1
hard Duluth, f6c. f o. b., afloat. Options
opened steady nnd advanced a little In spite
of rather liberal deliveries on Docemb'r
contracts nnd lower rubles, being stim
ulated by further unfavorable Argentluo
news nnd rumors of export bttsln 'ss, A
dnal reaction, duo to prcssuro In tho Into
closed. 70c.
COHN Heec nts. bu.: exnorts. M.7S5
bu.: sales. HO.COO bu. futures and &2.000 ill.
spot; No. 2. 45ic, elevator, and A5c, f, o. b..
nuoat. upuoti murgct opened dim ami
barely steady, influenced by continued lino
weather, with Its suggestion of Increased
receipts, tho lower cables and moderate un
loading, I.nter It rallied on sharp covering
of December, helped by small deliveries.
Closed firm on covering nt u partial net ad
vanco: Mny, 41 13-lfWM 15-160: closed, 41T4c;
December. 43 !-l&S43,c: closed, 43c.
OAT9-Itecolptt. 103,600 bu.: exnorts, 12.S90
bu,. Spot, dull; No. 2. 2Hc: No. 3. 2i;c; No. 2
white. 2ac: No. 3 whlto, a;p; track mixed
western, 3Gfr27V4c; trnck white, 2SV4W3IC.
Options qulot nnd about steady.
HAY Quiet; shipping, TiVKjSOc; Bood to
choice, SSflSlc.
HOPS Stently; stato common to choice,
lfiOO crop.M6121c: 18P9 crop, 11015c; old olds,
2lCc; Paclfla coast, 1M0 crop, 15yia; lb
crop, iwna: out oius. zruc.
HIDK8 Flrmf Oalvcston, 20 to 25 lbs.. 1RV4
4119c: California, 21 to 25 lbs,, IDc; Texas
dry. 21 to 80 lbs.. J5e.
LEATHUn Steady: hemlock solo. Iluenos
Ayres, light to heavyweight, 21825c: acid,
Lt unlet; uomcfliic tieece, 3t"i2uc;
Texas. HRlCo.
PHOVISIONR-Heef, firm:
11.75: mess. 19.0Mi9.5O: beef
family, J10.60ra
nams :o wu
20.50: naokot. J10.O0fllO.50: extra India mess.
Jlfl.0orn7.OO. Cut meats, quiet: pickled bel
lies, WWflOo: pickled shoulders. 6c; pickled
hams. SU3f9Uc. Lard, firm: western
steamed, J7.60: refined, llrm: continent. J7.C.0;
Houth Amorlcn, J7.35: compound, Ji.S7H7'(i l0.
Pcirlt. Htefldv: familv. JI5 5OTfl0 50: short
clear. J14.OOU17.00; mess, J12.0)(ffl3 00.
HUTTKii Kirm; creamery, njioc; rac
tory. 1201DV4c; Mnto dairy, 10B23Hc; Imltn
tlon creamery, 17019c.
CHI2129Ii-Flrm; largo September, lOMft
11c; small September. HftUUc; largo, late
mess, 10!ifrl0Vc: smnll, Into made, lOic
EOG8 Btcady; stato nnd I'ennsylvnnla,
25i23c: western, regular packing, 2)C21o;
western, mss on, iic.
TAl.liOW Nominal; city, 7ic; country,
HlUli-I'irm; aomcsiic, iuir iu tura,
6Ho; Japan, 4'iH5c.
TA1.8 Tho brokers' price for lead was
J4 and for copper J17.
JJHY UUUI-'S nio weeK closes wun n
quiet business In progress In cotton goods
generally nnd & Black demand for woolen
worsteds. In cotton fabrics tho tone con
tinues generally firm without further
chnngo In prices. Cotton yarns nro castor.
Wltll some pressure iu m'ii mini tui'uit aim
morn disposition to nccept orders for for
ward contracts. Woolen and .worsted yarni
dull und Irregular.
HOHIN yuiet; sirniueo, common m guuu,
FKRD-Steadv: spring bran, JiaoVjT16.35:
middling. J17.dMM9.B0; winter bran, J17.00
18.50; city, J16.50tri7.00.
St. I.nols tiraln and Prnrl!on,
BT. LOUIS, Dee. 1, WHEAT Lower; No.
2 red cash, elevator, 69c; tracic. fl171Vjc;
December, C9Wo; January. i04o: May, 73Vsc;
No. 2 hard, RSo: receipts, 41,595 bushels.
CORN Higher; No. 2 cnsh,,3."o; track,
35V43&Hc: December, StfiMKc; May, 35UC.
OATH-Hteady: No. 2 cash. 2.l'c; track,
23Ui'.'4o: December, 23c; May, 24Hc; No, 2
white. 26Hc.
HYE-Dull. 4SISUo.
FLOUR Dull nnd barely steady; pntonM.
f3 5Vff3.05: extrn funry nnd straights. Jl.l1t
3.21; rlenrs. J2.fi3.10.
SEEDS-Tlmnthy. steady at. J3,75fll?0;
flax, no mnrket.
COHNMEAISteady nt J2.
HH AN Firmer; wicked cast track, C'iff
HAY Firm; timothy, Jll.oofiis.W: prntrio,
WIHSKY-Stendy at $1.37.
PIIOVIBIONS Pork, steady: Jobbing, J13.
Lard, nominal, u.i. nry sa't meats tiox?n).
easy; extra shorts, 17.25; clear ribs nnd clear
sides, J7.B0. Hacnn tbnxedt, o lower; extra
ehorts, JS.25: clenr ribs nnd clear sides, J.50.
METALS-U-ad, steady, JI.23; spcltr,
POULTHY Dull; chickens, Bite; turkeys,
5Ke: ducks, 7o; geese, BVifiGo.
lll'TTEH Dull; croatnery, lStf2c; dairy,
EnriH-Di'l nt 18He,
KECEIPT8 Flour. 9.0f) bbls.; whent, 50,
(X bu.: corn, bu.; oais. 31,fi0i) bu.
HIIIPMENTS Flcur. 17.000 bbls.: wheat,
no.OOO bu.; corn, 149,000 bu.; cnts, 1S.C00 bu.
Kuimns City (Jr;iln and Provisions,
cembor. iviVjc; Mny. 66ic: cash. No. 2 hard,
4ffUc: No. 3, CitfMc; No. 2 red, tniMflSc:
No. 3. ill''nlSc.
COUN December. .t!ic; May, Sltte; ensb,
No. 2 mixed, 33u; No. 2 whlto, Slc; No. M,
6.VTS-N0. 2 white, 2jc.
HYE-Nn. 2. 41c.
HAY-Stoudy; chnlco timothy, JIO.OOQIO.BO;
chnlre prnlrlo. J9.5W10.00.
lll'TTHH-Creninery. 19fi23o; tlolry. 17c.
EOC1S Firm: fresh Ml-sourl nnd ICunsns
stock. 19o dciz., loss off. cases rcturnod;
now whltpwnod cases Included, Uo more.
HECEIPTS-Whent, 07,600 bu.; corn, 51,
500 bu ; o'lts. n,o.m bu.
HH I I'M ENTS Wheat , 60,110 bu.: corn, 12.
O'X) bu.; oats, 4,000 bu.
Mloiieiitiolls AVIieut nnd Flour.
I't'liiin'i . miv. ijii.t, 111;. nil irii'ivi iii, 1
hurtl. 7IHo: ,No. 1 northern, ?2lo; No, 2
orinern. vniii'c,
FI.Ol'R-Flrst patents, 14.CXVfT1.10 swonrt
stents, J3.7.r4(3.S"i: llrst clenrs,;
econd clears, J2. (i&tl'i. 15,
I'eorln .Mnrtcet.
PEORIA. Dec. l.-CORN-Steady: new
No. 2. id, c. '
OATflSteady; No. 3 white, 234c, billed
the basis of J1.27 for
finished goods.
deliveries, mauo mocioo easy at yiYiC nti
decline. Jahunry, ICMtTi'ic: closed, 76',c:
March, 78T173-lr; closd, 78Hc; Jlav 7SH
U79Wc: closed. 7S?ic: Docomber. 76fiii3HO:
Wheit Declines Early on t3pecultlT Dull
neta, but Closes Steady,
ProrUlon Are AfTectcd for n Time by
T11IU of the Ciidnhy llrothora
UvtlliiK a Corner on l.nrd
Outs (lutet 1111 it Unsr,
CIHCAaO, Dec. 1. Wheat declined on lib
eral receipts nnd speculative dullness to
day, but closed steady, January Ho lower.
May corn closed unchanged and Mny oats
HQlJo down. Provisions at the closo wero
unchanged to Bo depressed.
Wheat formed n dull market of tho va
riety known ns "changing," which Is to say
that traders wero getting out of their De
cember denls Into later ones. January
opened n nhndo higher nt 70Ho nnd sold
early to 70Hc. There was no particular
demand, but offerings wero light becnuso
of fairly stently cables nnd light deliveries
on December contracts. Between 400,000
nnd 600,000 bu. wero tint out early. The
belief that tho December liquidation had
nbout exhausted Itself nlso tended to hold
prices, Later, however, tho liberal receipts,
the. speculative dullness nnd a bit of fog
end liquidation sent January down to 701ic
At this point tho mnrket steadied on tho
Now ork report of 63 loads taken for ox-
li".ri,-"Pl1 ll.'J'. clc"u wus "" 'o down at
0-VHiOHc. Llovutor Interests brought De
cember ngnlnst Jnnuury und May sates.
Heaboard clearances In wheat und Hour
weru equal to 218,000 bu. Primary receipts
aggregated 811,000 bu compured with 973,000
bu. last year. Minneapolis and Duluth re
ported. 491 cars ngnlnst 497 last week nnd
m u year ago, Locul receipts wero 130 cars,
3 of contract grade.
Corn was fairly nctlvo nnd higher early,
but dull and lower later. Shorts covered ut
tho stnrt on tho light deliveries, M.UOO bu.,
nnd light country acceptances, but when
this demnnd was satisfied prices eased off
on tho slnckncss of speculation. Receipts
hero were 4US cars. May sold between 3i!4c
and SoKo and closed unchanged at 3jTitt3tic.
Oats wero quiet nnd easy on tho delivery
of 1,000,000 bu. on December contracts.
Thero was only a small trade. May sold
between 2.1V- nnd 2:iyo nnd cIobciI 'MUc
lower nt 231nft2594c. Receipts wero 210 tars,
Provisions wero firm curly on the deliv
eries, only 1.7C0 tierces of lard, and talk of
a lard corner by tho Cudahy Pros,, who
continue to buy December nnd sell Jnnuury.
Later, however, prices eased on-. Tho close
wus fairly steuiiy. January pork sold be
tween Jll.&iVj, nnd J11.8) und closed un
changed ut Jll.90: January lard, between
SC.MI und i!.7'.i.. closing 2',Jc down at
$t.,24, nnd January ribs, between J0.25 and
itl.l ;li'i.l"Vj, with the closo Bo depressed at
JO 15$i;.17H.
Eo'uiiiated receipts Monday: Wheat, 100
curs: com, 270 curs; outs, 135 cars; hogs,
12.(io head.
M'lirt Ilnr. - 3 r.. 1 1
ivmiiiih .u.uicn i.iiki:u un luiiutvn
Artlcles.i Opcn.l High Low. Close, Yes'y.
69)iW'i 70'J C9; 70 6W
To1!; 7CJi 7o(, 70riii;;',ri
Wu'ft WiU:i 73(i 73!fa, WA(t,
35MiH '35vH33Viifm S5S 35
3i-4 3i1iV 31- 34i i)5(k
35!kfl3t! 3614 35T4 JBTi'uM 35"t'u-fl
21Hf7.i 21i 2l?i 21V, 21V4
23ift 23 23 a, 23Ht! t Wi
11 P2V4 11 97'.4 11 SO 11 90 It 25
1185 11 90 11 80 11 16 11 !B
8 95 7 07H 0 95 6 97V4 C '5
tk.72 C 723 G 12 6 72 6 77'5
6 SO C SC.s 0 i0 U IsV.i 6 il'A
0 22V4 6 25 6 15 i 17!4 fl 22'4
6 22H U 32 6 25 6 25 6 -J
Dec. Jan.
Jan. May
Jan. Dec.
Jnn. May
No. 2.
Cash tiuotntlons wero ns follows:
FLOUR-Dull: winter patents. J3.651T;1.S0;
straights, S3.lOfJ3.G0; clears, J2.wif3.30; spring
specials, 14.30; pntents, J3.40i33,!i5; stralghtB,
J3.oai3.40: bilkers. J2 20712.75.
WHEAT No. 3, Otiff72c: No, i red, 71fr73cJ
COHN-No. 2, 35V4o; No. 2 yellow, &Wf
OAT8-N0, 2. 22V1T-i3c: No. 2 whlto,
20ic: No. 3 Whlto, 2t,f26V,c.
UARLEY Fair to choice malting, SDip
8EEDS-N0. 1 flux. Jl.r.Ui; No. 1 north
western. 11.64; prime timothy, J4.20.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, tier bbl., JU.OOJr
11.12VS. Lard, ier 100 lbs.. SiMi7y4fl7.00. Short
ribs sides (loose), J.&0ff7.f0. Dry sailed
shoulders boxedj, J5.S7144j6.12V4. Short clear
sldc (boxed), J6.C0fJ6.70.
WHISKY-Hasls of high wines, per gal.,
Following aro the receipts and shipments
for todny:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 2),000 15,10
Wheat, bu 152,00) 101,100
Corn, bu 349.000 331,000
Oats, bu 156.0CO lSVO
Rye, bu 2.000 41.000
Hurley, bu 130,000 28,000
On tho Produco exchange today the but
ter market was" dull: creameries, 15'T23c;
dairies, 13ft20o. Cheese, active, lOViti 11 Vis.
Eggs, qulot; fresh, 22c.
Narrow Market vrltli Tone Indefinite
ThrmiKli Whole .lesslon.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. There was a com
paratively narrow market for stocks today
nnd tho tono was not well defined at any
time. Largo and confidential buying of a
few railroad stocks was In evidence, but
this was partly offset by tho sharp weak
ness of a number of Industrials and rpo
clalttcs and the whole market turned down
ward with tho appearance of the bank
slntemcnt und with tho additional Influenoo
of a 3-polnt bronk In sugar. Tho notublo
demand for railroad stocks looked to shares
of companies operating In Ilia southern r6
glon. Chesapenko & Ohio and Southern
Hallway stoclts were taken In largo blocks
and Mobile & Ohio was moved upward 3V4
points of a dormant stato. Sugar wis
heavy throughout on doubts regarding tno
npprnnchlng dividend, which rumor has
proclaimed would be Increased. Reports
current of a projected now refinery near
New York hud a marked effect on the
stock and helped to brrnk the prlco in tho
final tleullngs. People's Ons. Glucose. Smolt.
Ing nnd Anaconda also weakened enrlv In
tho trading, American Tobacco showed 11
strong recovery from recent depression nnd
tho coalers had a rlso on tho cold weather.
Tho bank statement was a surprlso. Tho
heavy loan expansion Is supposed to be duo
to foreign Intercut requirements for Decip
her 1, but the usual preparations for Jan
uary 1 are expected to become eftcctlvo
soon nnd the revival of the Interior demand
for currency toward th last of tho week
suggested caution In the borrowing of
money for speculation. Tho gain In cash ut
l,S42,30O was unexpected und served as a
welcomo offset to the Increase In reserve
requirements of J3.I51..W5, growing out of tin
largo addition of JU,77S,OijO to deposits. Tho
Inroad of Jl,142.ono upan tho surplus wou'd
otherwise have been much larger. The con
tinued lurgo demand for bonds ut advanc
ing prices wns n noticeable feature of tho
trading. Tho trading In Morks has boon
011 a diminishing scnlo this week No
rhnncn In flmitielnt nr bllftlneKR nnmllt!nrij
' nn ,1 hn iianlrrni. Qa tlin nnllffn it (l.ln
sened speculation, It 1 rather the natural
polso bound to como aftr nn outburst of
great and unwonted activity In human af
fairs, Tho same thing is seen In tho busi
ness of the country where buying wns ex
cessive immediately nftor election, repre
senting tho loosening of flood punt tin
pending the Oeclslon of that event; whllo
now tho animated demand f..r products
thowi) some natural reaction. This Is esne
clally noticeable) In tho Iron trade. The
stock market was csrcelnlly tcnsltlvo to thu
conrso of events In trndo.
Tho relatively high money rntes abroad
hnvo tho natural effect of tleprerlng the
prices of foreign Investment pecurltlps nnd
tho consequence Is a constant stream of
American securities returning to tho prollt
utile homo mnrket This represonts In nn
Indirect way reluvoslment of American cap
ital In homo cnttrprhes. Hut the profits of
tho country's foreign trado nre n small por
tion, oven now. of tho Increase of capital
growing nut of prosperous business nt
homo. With tho ussurunco of abundant
capital nnd cheap Interest rates, It la evi
dent that bonds nnd mortgages bearing
lit It rates of fixed Interest, as thy mature,
will either bo paid off or converted Into
few bonds bearing lower rates of lnterst
Tho bonellts thus promised to fhuroholders
nro icrvlng to at tract capital Into tho
shares of companies where senior bonds
have enrlv muturltUs. It Is such substan
tial considerations ns tlicso that htvo
caused the llrm undertone of the stock
mnrket, so that buying orders, nro found
below the mnrket on anv t'onslderHbio re
cession, which absorb offerings and ch-'ck
tho prices' roceaslon. Exceptions aro Btocks
under suspicion of firmness by reason of ex
eesnlvo t'lipltulUutln-i, diversion of profits
with proper reinvestment In maintenance
into unwarranted dividend distribution.
The bond market hns ben lesi unstt'i'.l
this week than stocks. liulnuai lnm Ir-
creased and prices havo advanced, Junior
or rerunning una i.'ornanizatiou uoutw iiuvo
been tho faverltfB. especially now Irisus
t'nlted States refunding 2s advanced H. the
old ss and us "4 unu ine i and now in 'i
per cent over the call prices of a week i$o,
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says. Tho murKots
hre wero less uctlve today und tho move
ment wus Irregular, lnvcstmont securities
were dull, though tho averago price ob
tained for tho exchequer bonds, Ci lod, wns
slightly better than that reported yosterdjy
afternoon. Americans opened firm, but sa.ii
cased off, some dealers anticipating an un
favorable bank stiilemvut. Money wus
plentiful. The price of bare- and eagles uu
The following aro the closing prices on
tho New Yorn Stock exchango:
Atchison 40U
do pfd bl
Hultltnoro & O... 81'i
Wabash ,
do pfd
Wheel. At L. E.
tlo 2d pfd
Wis. Central ..
Third Avenue .
II. Ai O, ptd
National Tube,
do pfd
Atlnms Ex
American Ex...
I'. 8. Ex
. 2t.!k
. lu-sj
. 2N'
. 10,
. tV4
. 61
.1 15
Canadian Pnc... hyt
Canada 80 B.'-Vj
Ches. & Ohlo......xu
Chicago U. W... llyk
C, R. & 14 l:tJL
Chi. Ind. & L.... : I .
tlo prtl E7'i
Chi. E. Ill 97 i
C. A N. W 107
C, H. 1. Ai P llVi
C. C. C. ii St. L. tO',4
Colorado So 7 I
do 1st pfd I2J4
do 2d pfd l.l4
Del. oi liudsun...11ta
Del. L. A W Ul
Denver At R. a., ij'i
do nfd IK':
Wells-Fargo Ex.130
Ainer. vol. uil .. 31
no pin
Amor. Malting
do pfd
Amer. S. Ai R.,
do pfd
Amer. Spirits .,
do pin
Amer. 8. Hoop
tlo pfd
Amor. S. At W..
Erie 14U
do 1st pfd li'S
Ot. Nor. pfd 1S1V4
iiocKing uoni ... uv4
Hocking Valley. Jf
11 Inols Central.. .121'i,
Iowa Central .... 20
tlo pfd 45
Lnko Erie & W.. 35VI
do prd 10; (i
Luko Shore ......
L. & N S4
.Manhattan L I'J
Met. St. Ry 171
Mux. Conlrnl ... l.t',4
Minn. K- St. 1;.... r,i
tlo pfd 9.1V4
Mo. l'ttclllo 60b
Mobile A Ohio... 414
Mi. K. & T 12
tlo pfd 87;
N. J. Central ....1I9&
N. Y. Central ...lttij
Norfolk At W 43
du pfd )U',j
No. puclllo 71
do nfd Ki".
110 pin
Amer. Tin Plato. 414
tlo pfd M.'fc
Amer. Tobacco. . . l')7'.ti
tlo pld Ki)
Anac. Mln. Co... 49
Itrooklyn R. T... 7;"a
Colo. Fuel Ai I... r,l4
Con! Tobacco .... S3
tlo pld W
Federal Steol .... 49'i
do Jifd 70'
Hon.- Electric ....107!i
Uhlcoso Sugar .. 53
do pftl lw
Inter. Paper 23
do pfd 73V4
LuclcUo lias 70
National lllscult. ?7'.4
do pfd 90
National Lead .. 194
uu .id 93
National Steel... St,Vi
00 nid !)'
Ontario & W 2o',
Oro, Ry. & Nuv. 42
N. Y. Air llruko.lOS
No. Aluerle.m
tin put ,1;
Pennsylvania ...142i
Pnclllc Coast ..
tlo 1st pfd
tlo Zd pfd
Pacific Stall ...
People's (las ..
Reading 19
tto 1st pfd
do 2d ptd..
;ti .v
Rio O. W...
67 I
lTessoa a. L'ar.
tlo nfd
do pfd
HI. L. & 8. F.
ji.'v I'liiiiiiuu 1, ar...ii;
7PV4IS. R. Ai T 6',4
4 ISUgar 130,Sj
do 1st prd...,
tlo 2d nfd....
8t. L. Soilthw
li.ijl tit) pin ll'J
tlo nftl
Tciiu. Coal & I.. 7l'(i
U. 8. Leather ... 1314
tlo prd 75
U. 8. Rubber 2S14
tlo prd MS
Western t'nlnn... W
Republic 1. At S.. H'.;'
tlo pfd tf.Va
p. c. c. Ai st. l. rr.
Amul. Copper ... 9.14
St. Paul
tlo nfd
St. P. At Omaha. 12.)
So, Puclllo 42 A
80. Railway 18U
do pfd 67
Texas ti pacific.. 114
union I'aclllu ... i-'ii
110 pin..
Jfetr York Monej" Stiieltet.
NEW YORK, Dec. l.-MONEY-On call,
steady at 314 per cent; prlmo mercantile
paper, iU per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills nt $I.Sj-'-H
Zi4.83',4 for demand, nnd nt J4.SlV!J4.&li for
sixty dayB: posted rates, t4.S2Vj and J4.S014;
commercial hills, Jl.SO'lti-l.SlU.
SILVER Certificates, 610oc; bar, 61Ho;
Mexican dollars. 50c.
PONDS State, Inactive; railroad, strong;
government, strong; refunding 2s, reg,,
104: coupon, IO.'i'j; 3s, coupon, 100; 4s, reg.,
i:Hi; coupon, l.tSVi; old 4s, reg., 115; coupon,
116: 6s, reg. and coupon, 113VJ,.
Tho closing prices on bonds today aro us
U. 8. ref. 2s. reg.lOI54"N. Y. C. Is 109i
do coupon
num'iM, j. yj. gen. 0S..IJJ
do 3s, reg.
..110 ,No. Pacific 3s.... 7t",4
do coupon 110 1 tlo 4s 1U5
do new 4S, reg.lSSli N Y. C Ai Bt L 43.107
do coupon 138V4 N. Ai W. con, 4s. l'94
tlo old 4s, reg. .115 lore, Nuv. Is luv'
tlo coupon 116 1 do 4s 104V4
tlo 6s, reg 11314 Oregon S. L. 6s..l27V4
do coupon 11314 do consol r.H....ll!',j,
D. of C. 3 05S....124V4 Reading gen, 4s.. 90li
Atch. gen. 43,..J102 Rio O. W. Is 100
do adj. 4a W St L & I M c. 5s.. 11314
Canada So. 2s....l0t St L Ai 8 F g, Cs.VJS
C. Ai O. 414s 102?, st. Paul consols.174
do 6s 118 8. P. C. & P. Is. .119",
C. Ai N. W. c. 7S..1H9 do B 119i
do 8. F. d. 03...119V4 So. Pacific 4s.... (S3
Chi. Tor. 4s K?,4So. Railway 6s...tl2?4
Colo. 80. 4s R4 "8. R. Ai T. 6s... 70
D. & R. a. 4s. ...101
Tex. & Pacific ls.117
Erlo general 4s.. 75V4
do is J
t'nlon l'aclilc 4s,107
Wabash Is I10H
do .1011b
West Shoro 4s.... 114
Wis. Central Is.. SOU.
F W & D C Is. 75
Gen. Elec. 6s. ..143
Ir. Central Is. ...11(1
I,. & N. unl. 4s...l00n
..... .. . ..,,1
-uo is vi 'i
Va. Centuries ... Pl
Ex-lntorcst. Offered.
Iloston Stook )notntlona.
HOSTON, Deo. 1. Call loans. 3fT4 per
cent; tlmo loans, 4ft5 per cent. Ofllclal
T. & S. F
do pfd
, 40J4 West End
81i Westingh. Elec,
13014 Atchison 4s
117 N. E. O, & C. 5s,
101 14
Amer. Sugar ....
do pfd
American Tel....
1)SV4 Adventure
219V4 AIIouok Mln. Co.
,19514 Amal. Coppor ...
136H Atlantic
Iloston Ai Alb-y..
Iloston Ai Mo....
C H. & Q
Dominion Coal..,
. WV4
, 17
, 71
, 49
ll'silloston & Mont..,
11214 llutto At Uoston.
, 49l4lCiil. & llecla....
1 76V4ICentcnnlnl
do nfd
Federal Steel ....
tlo pfd
Fltchliurg pfd...
Gen. Electrlo
,i3t Franklin
Humboldt ..
do prd
V.d. Elec. Ill
, 13V4
, 30V4
, 2S
Mex. Central
Mien, rciepnono,
N. E. O. & C...
Santa Fo Copper,
Jiimarncu ..,
Utah Mining
Wolverines .
Old Colony ,
Old Dominion ,.,
Union I'acinc ..
. 7214
Nevr York Mlnlna: Stocks.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. Tho following aro
the closing quotations for mining shares
Chollar B
. 70
. K
. .10
. 10
. 15
.. 11
Crown point i"
Con. Cnl. & Vn..125
Deadwood 6
Quicksilver ....
do pfd
Sierra Nevada
I'nlnn Con ,
Yellow Jncket ,
Urunswlck ....
Gould & Currle.. B5
Halo & Norcross, id
Hotnestako 6500
Iron Silver 80
Mexican 25
Ontario COO
London Stoek lnotntlons.
LONDON, Dec. 1. 2 p. m. Closing:
Consols, money,
. P?H Erlo
.. 14
110 nccouni ..
Cnnadlan Pac
8t. Paul
Illinois Central
Union Pnc. nfd
fls. no 1st prd....
. 41ii Pennsylvania .... 73'i
8Mi Rending
.1314 No. Paclrio pfd.,
.12S'4iOrand Trunk ....
, seiAnaconda
. SJ'iUiuul Mines
N. Y, Central...
RAR RILVER-Steady at 29V1 per ounce.
MOrfEYltfiS per cent. The rnto of dis
count In tho open mnrket for short bills Is
ViiH3 15-16 per cent und for throe-mouths'
bills 3 15-16 per cent.
Ilnnk Average.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1, Tho weekly state
mont of averages of tho Associated banks
for flvo days shows: Lonns, JSfi4,49S.100; In
crease, JU.77S.O00 Deposits. 1814.110,900; In
crease, $13,019,000. Circulation, J.10,670,000 ; do
crease, S18.20O. Legal tenders. J0O,O73,40fl; tle
crease. S319.:00. Specie, J160,895.O0O; Increase,
12,182,600. Total reserve, $22S,96!I,400; n
creaso, Jl,892,30i). Reserve required, 1210,102,
725; Increase, J3,25t,9X). Surplus reserve.
J10R05,C75: tlecrcnso, 11,412,600,
Tho roservo requirements of tho New
York clearing house banks wero Increased
over J3,250,ooo Inst week through a heavy
addition of J13.019.OJ0 to tho deposit total and
this explains why, despite 11 gain In cash
holdings of Jl.8l2.300, tho surplus reserve
fell oft Jl.412,000. The expansion In doposlts
wns caused nltnost wholly by tho Incrcnso
of $11,778,000 In lnnns, tho latter raotor nrov
Ing tho most significant featuro of tho
week. It has not escaped attention that tho
loans of tho banks since election tlmo have
not responded to tho heavy volume of busi
ness noted In every direction. This has
caused a great deal of discussion and much
theorizing, but ns a muttor of fuct tho
banks nm now beginning to show In n be
lated manner tho drains mudo upon them.
The guln In loans lust week was the heuvl
et noted In months, tho closing week In
July having exceeded It slightly. Tho cur
rency statement Is better than anticipated,
ns It hns been figured that the banks hud
lost 1111 amount In ensh larger than the no
Mini totals revealed. Tho clearing house In
stitutions In their operation with tho sub
ttcuBilry hero were debtors to a largo extent
and tho Interior mndo unexpectedly heavy
drafts for funds, Nevertheless tho excess
reserve stands nt nearly Jll.000.000 nnd as
tho season Is at hand when tho natural
trend of money Is In this direction fears for
tho futuro hnvo been nlluyed, An unalysh
of tho individual bunk reports for tho week,
however, show thut the changes havo been
confined to a few lnrgo bunks and theso In
stitutions hold tho greater pnrt or the ensh
Increases noted, Tho circulation Item Is
bflng watched rather closely In financial
circles, in oro as a mutter of curiosity to ob
serve tho workings of the new law than
with tho Idea that tho changes will affect
tho situation. The banks seem to have at
tained maximum circulation ricures at pres
ent nnd slight decreases aro the rule from
week to week. Tho present volume of cir
culation reported by tho New York banks
Is J30,G;o,0W. It will require a rather power
ful Incentive to stnrt un upward move
ment. The circulation Is less than half thut
Permitted by law. Thero Is reserve
In this fact, but officials do not apprehend
tiny condition that will lead to 11 general ef
fort to Increase present figures.
riiiniu'lnl Note.
v ,iiv.liv, ll'l,, 1, V llii 1 IIIK, ff,UOI,V-",
balances, JJ,B02;9,J8. Posted exchange, JI.S214
f6H.M!4. New York exchangoi 20o discount
PHILADELPHIA. Dee. l.-Cleitrlncs, 122.
771,879; balances, J2.719.395. Money, 4i(41i per
CINCINNATI. Dec. l.-CIenrlngs, 12.057.
2o0. Money, 3V4r(! per cent. New York cx-
.ll,.r,ll,.t fl.l,A,l
, 1103 ION. Dec. l.-Clenrlngs, J34,669.!'r.j
balances, Jl.217,021.
NEW YORK. Dec 1,-Clcarlngs, J250.693,
680; balances, J12,304,:'65.
Foreign Financial.
PARIS. Dtv. 1. Prices were Irregular on
tho bourse today. International were firm
under tho advance In rentes. Knfllrs opened
strong and closed steady. Rio tlntos and
1 urks opened with un advance, which was
afterward lost. Industrials were pressed
for snlo und declined. Credit was In strong
demand nnd Improved, Tfiroo tier cent
unites, 101 r 41V. ror the account; exchange
on London. 25f l5o for checks; Spanish 4s
closed nt 7O.07I4.
BERLIN, Dec. 1. Prices wero firm on
tho bourse hero today, tho featuro being
tho buoyancy of Argentines. Chlncsn were
higher. Locals were fairly active on como
bear covering. Hamburg-Ainerlcuns rose
In conseqiienco of 11 rumor thnt they hail
been Introduced on tho New York Stock
exchaii80. Exchange on London, 'J0m
4l'.4pfff for checks. Discount rates: Short
bills, 4 per cent; threo months' bills, 4V4
per cenL
LONDON, Dcm. 1. Oold premium quoted
at Duettos Ayres, 132.
Imports nnd Export,
NEW, YORK, Deo. 1. Tho Imports ot
siiecln this week wero 145,693 gold and $71.
1.30 silver, F.xtiorts of gold und silver from
this port to nil countries for this week ag
gregate $916,113 silver Imrs nnd coin and
J2.000 gold. Tho Imports of dry goods und
merchandise to tho ixirt of Now York for
this week wero valued at $12,201,535.
Condition of the Trensnry.
WASHINGTON, Dec. I Today's Btntc
tnent of the treasury balances In tho gen
eral fund. uxclut4vo of the J160,(.X)OW gild
roservo In the division of redemption,
shows: Aviillublo cnuh balances, Jl39,176,7ul;
gold, J93.235.735.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Dec, l.-Tho cotton mnrket
opened quiet and steady, with prices 2475
polnto lower, tho decline being more of u
sympathetic move with Liverpool than tho
result of Inherent weakness, Tho English
cables wero disappointing, Inasmuch us
thoy Indicated a not loss of lft2 points,
whereas a slight gain had been expected In
retmonsn to last-hour developments last
night, Tho usual private cables explained
tho heaviness ubroud us duo to tho tre
mendous "amount brought Into sight for
the week" figures. These wero 116,000 bales,
as compared with 372.000 last week. 363,000
lust year, 603,000 In U98 nnd 605,000 In 1897,
us made up by Hester, and Included mouth
end corrections nnd additions. Tho Chron
icle named 406,000 bales. Tho local bulls
wero optimistic as concerns the course of
prices In tho near futuro of small receipts,
political prospects and growing accounts
from southern spot markets. Tho latter,
from all outward signs, wero yot In the In
fancy of their strength, with buyers dally
growing more alarmed by the scarcity of
offerings. Following tho call tha market
rallied on room support and abated ufter
profit-taking tales of commission Interests.
Europe wus a light buver of the .March
und May contracts. The market closd
quiet, with prices net unchanged to 6 points
snlcs. 3,210 bales; ordinary. 8S-1c;
good ordinary, 8 13-lCc; low mld lllng, 97-llu;
middling, 913-lOc: good middling, lOl-lOi;
middling fair, 10)io; receipts, 10,492 bales;
stock. 277.105 bales. Futures, rtendy: Decern
ber, ii.62Q9.0lc; J.inunry, 9.fW9.60c; Feb
ruary, 9.6ss9.69o; March, 'J.5HJ,59c; April,
9 67'00.69c; May, 9.67J9.58c; June, 9.66S97a;
July. 9.B3Q9.54C
quiet: prices l-32d lower; American middling
fair. Oil; good middling, 5 11-16.1; middling,
519-32d; low middling. 5 13-32tl; good or
dinary, B5-32d: ordinary, 4 29-32d. The Fates
of tho day were 6,000 bales, of which WO
wero for speculation nnd oxport and In
cluded 5,CflO American. Receipts. 2,0x bales.
Including 1,10) American. Futures opened
qulot and cbsed quiet: American middling
1. m. a: December, 5 31-Gld, buyers; De
cember and January, 6 2S-6P1, seller; Jan
uary and FoDruary, 5 2ii-fild, sellers; Feb
ruary and March, 6 23-04f(6 24-Old pell?r.i:
March and April, SSI-Old, buyers; April nr.d
May, 5 19-Clil, buyers; May anl Juno,
5 16-dld, buyers.
Liverpool (Irnln nnd Provisions.
stently; No. 1 California, 6s2'4d; No. 2 red
western, winter, 6s: No, 1 northern spring,
steady, 6s 3d. Futures, quiet; December,
6s 10?;d: March, fl.s,
CORN Snot, qulot: American mixed new,
quiet, 4s V4d. Futures, nominal: November,
4s214d; December, 4i?id, January, 3s Olid;
March. 3s 914d,
PEAB-Conodlan, 5s SV4d.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, steady,
Sh 6d.
- HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady,
5wj;:i 6s.
PROVISIONS-Ileof. extra India mess,
easy, 69s; prlmo mos, nominal. 6js. Pork,
prlmo mess western, firm. 72s. Hams, short
cut. 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 46s Cd. Hueon, Cum
berland cut, 16 to 30 lbs., llrm, 17s 6d. Short
ribs. 18 to 23 lbs., strong, 4Ss6d; long clear
middles. Ilcht, 30 to 35 lbs., firm. 48s9d; long
clear middles, heavy, 40 to 45 lbs,, firm, 4'i.s
6d; short bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., strong, BSsOd;
shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., strong, 33s
9d- short clear backs, 16 ti 20 lbs., firm, 4K
Lard, prlmo western, In tlr.rces, quiet, ifs
3d: American refined, In palls, steadv, 39s Sd.
Hl'TTER Finest United Staten quiet,
P6s: good United Stntes, dull, 81s 6d
TALLOW Firm: prlmo city, 23s Cd; Aus
tralia, In London, 27s Od.
CHEESE Easy: American finest white,
616d; Amerlcnn tlnest colored. 62s fid,
Tho Imports of wheat thinner tho last
three davs wero 77,000 centals, Including 65.
000 American. Tho Imports of Amerlcin
corn during the last three days wero 151,000
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. l.-COFFEE-Htendy;
No. 7 Involco, 7'Jc; mild, quiet; Cordovn,
9' iit 1 314c. Futures opened sternly ut an nd
v'onco of 5 points; later tho advanco wns In
creased to 15ff20 points on active local cov
orlng nnd European buying orders, which
followed much better cables than looked
for, a moderating movement In Hrnzll and
steadier spot holdings. The mnrket closed
llrm nt 15fJ20 points net advanco, Sales
wero 32,250 bags. Including: December, 0.10c.
Janunry. 0.20o: March, 6.30flC.r,0o; May. G.45iT?
fi.OOe: July. 6 (Ptnl.Ojcj September, 6.C0O6.70c;
October, 0.65t?C.S0c.
Oil .Market.
NEW YORK. Dec, l.-OILS-Cottonseod,
dull; nrlmo crude, 28',do; prlmo yellow, 31V4c,
Petroleum, dull; refined Now York, J7.25;
Pennsylvania and llnlttmore, J7.20; Pennsyl
vania and Haltlmore, In bulk, Jl.63, Turpen
tine, dull at 42l4T43c.
LIVERPOOL, Dec. 1. OILS-Cottonseetl,
Hull rellnetl, s'.iot. quiet nt 20s 9d. Tur
pentine splrltH. dull nt 31s. Rosin, common,
steady nt Is 7'4d, Linseed, stently at 32s od.
Petroleum, refined, quiet nt 7s,
LONDON. Deo. l.-OILS-Llnseed, 31s llftl.
Petroleum, 9 l-16d. Turpentine spirits, 30s 6d.
Ciillfornln Dried Fruit.
APPLEBTh? mnrket for r.vaporated
apples ruled rather unlet, but about steady
at old prices on tho basis of 4(fI5o for st"te
common; prime, 4446140; choice, B'ifMlfco;
fnncv, cnsUc.
Prunes wero quoted nominally nt 3141t'(.4o
per lb., ns to size nnd qunllty. Apricots,
Roval. lUMle; Moor Park. infflSc. Penchos,
peeled. 10'(?20c; tmpeeled. 6f(9c.
Plillndi'lpliln Produee Mnrket,
and He higher; fancy western creum
erv, 25'4c: fancy western prints, 28c.
EGOS Firmer; fresh nearby nnd west
ern, 27c; fresh southwestern, 2Cc; fresh
southern, 2ji
CHEESE Firm: New York full crenms,
fancy small. ll'4c; Now York full creums,
fair to choice, 10!4ftllc.
Mllimnkee (irnln Market.
lower: No. 1 northorn, 73lW7lo; No. 2 north
ern. 70HW72V4O.
RYE Firm: No. 1, I914fi50e.
HAHLKY Steady; No, 2, BOiTCOc; samplo,
OATS Firm; No). 2 whlto. 25V4(Tf3lc.
niilutli Market,
DULUTH. Dec, 1. WHEAT No. 1 hard,
cash, 72c: December. 72Jc: Mny. 764c: No,
1 northern, cash. 7334c: Docomber, 70?4c:
May. 74Tio: No, 2 northern, 75'4c; No, 3
spring. 71'ic,
OATS 23141 23'4C
Wool .Market,
ST LOUIS. Her. l.WOOL-8teady: me
dium grades. Hir21c: light fine. 14n7o;
heavy June, HSflOoj tub washed, 18029VJC.
vimiiKi'. iuir mm ivc premium.
. ST. I.Ol'IS. Dec. I.-Clenrlngs, J5,660,743;
balances, J59S,MI. Money 4fjf per cent,
Vrw Vurl nfliii.itr Ril. .1l0,.,i.ff 1,1,1
Ohoic. Cattle of All Kindt Ten to Fifteen
Oents Higher for the Weok,
No Shrep on Snle Today to .Make si
Test of the .Mnrket, but for (be
Week (he .Mnrkrt on Fat
Start' I Strong.
Tlerelntii tviA!
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
.. 1,787 4,t9S 3,865
.. 4,777 14,2b8 6,18i
.. 2,010 11.7f0 1.613
.. WJ 5,846 4,liM
.. fl?4 6,737 3.670
.. 682 h.W'J
oniclal Monday
omclftl Tuesday ..
Ofllclal Wednesday
Official Thurtuay ..
Ofllclal Fr.d.ty
Ofllclal Saturday....
... total this week 10,153
Week ending Nov. 24....21,oi
Vtck ending Nov. 17.. ..20,161
U eek ending Nov. 10.... 8.3H
Vrlr Ahilltii 1 f ill
Average prlco ptd for hogs fof the last
levtral days, with comparisons:
I 1900. 189.1S3, 1897 ':8fC.lS95.lf94
4 ei;
4 60
4 41
4 43
4 39
4 41
4 60
4 65
4 42
4 28
4 41
4 43
4 64
4 34
4 17
4 45
4 48
4 61
4 64
4 37
4 41
4 it
4 40
4 26
4 30
4 40
4 39
I 41
Itldtrilfea Rmwlnt, IhImI.. Vinllrtnv
Tho official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
P..M.B. .. .... CaltU!' H0P- ''
o. & st. lrv..
.Missouri pacific Ry 10 1
Union Pnclfln svntmn .. ir n
C. & N. W. Ry 1
V., E. & M. V. R. R 28
C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. .. C
11. Ai M. R. R, R 1 S9
C. U. U y. Ry 25
G.. R. I. & V. Ry., east.. .. 6
Illinois Central 3
Total receipts...,
Tho disposition of the day's receipts wns
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num.
ber ot head Indicated:
Omaha Pncklnr Co
Cattle. Hoes. IMt'p
O. H. Hammond Co
Swltt and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co
Omaha P. Co., from K. C. 203
1,097 ...
1,378 ....
utner buyers 12 101
Totals "It Jjm. ioI
CATTLE Thero was nothing: on salo to
day but a few odds and ends and con
sequently nothing with which to make a
test of tho markot. The few cattlo that
d d arrlvo today woro mostly consigned
direct to packers.
The receipts the past week have been tho
llehtest on record for some tlmo pnM. but
thut Is, of conrso, accounted for by tho
fuct that peoplo usually avoid shipping
around a holiday. In view of tho light
recolpts the tondoncy of prices han been
upward on all classes of rood cattle. Corn
fod steers ate probably 104fl6c htahor than
they wero at the closo of lust week. Cholco
handy weight cattlo aro the host sellers
and command the jrreatcst premium. The
hlKh prlco of tho week was 15.50, which
was paid on Frldny for a choice bunch of
cattlo of medium weight, Tho half-fat and
common stuff Is soiling very little, If any,
hotter than It was 11 wook ago, as packers
never can tell how thut class of cattle nro
Kolng to kill out and consequently they do
not want them unless they can get them at
a very low figure.
The light supply of cows and heifers has
had a tendency to advanco prices, tho
same ,h was the case with tho stoor
market. It Is safe to say that all classes,
both good and bail, are selling lOgluc higher
than they wero a week ago. Packers
seemed to want a few cows and owing
to tho light receipts they had to pay for
what they got.
Tho feedor trado haa not been particu
larly brisk this week, but owing to tho
very light supply on sulo tho good kinds
sold n llttlo stronger. Choice feeders of
good weight command very satisfactory
prices, but tho light, trashy sttuft Is hard
to move, as country buyers do not seem to
want that class of cattle. Stock cows and
heifers hnvo not beon In good demand and
prices havo not picked up ns much as on
feeder stocrs. Stock calves are about as
slow sale ns they have been of late attd
quotations aro not much different.
. r.,fl. Proportion of western grass cattlo
Included In the receipts Is crowing smaller
each week and very few choice cattle aro
arriving. Reef steers may bo quoted
stronger for tho week nnd cows also, tho
marei. ,12el1B Probably 10fl16c higher.
Feeders, f of good quality, aro also selling
a llttlo higher than they were a week ago"
tho samo an tho nntlvo cattlo. Representa
tive salos:
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 90 6 00 1 nn K no
r.::::::::: SS 1 1270 3 50
2 205PT41?K CALVE8'
HOqS-There was a good liberal run of
h.e.-.L.tid,,y' for a Saturday, and as
ctber markets were nono too firm prlcu
hero went a little lowor. Opening bids
wor?J&"n , CWH 6, but largely nt 11.6214,
or 6W714c lower than yesterday. Sellers
w-ere not exactly satisfied with tho prices
offered and hung on for a tlmo. hoplni
n?.V'Uflr8 nW0U,di ,mv.e 10 rBl8 "'" hands'
but finally wllers began to cut loose, and
everything was sold hi good season. There
was very little chunge In the mnrket from
start to finish, though thero may hnvo
been a weak spot at ono time, whon quite
a few hogs sold at 14.60. The cloio. how
over, was good and strong.
There has been n good supply of hoga
hero all tho week, tnklng everything Info
conidderatlon, though hardly as many as
arrived on tho markot the preceding wook.
The demand has been In good shnpo, but ut
tho same tlmo tho tondanry of prices wns
downward. The week started In with tho
averago cost nt I4.87U and kept golnif down
until Baturdny. whon the market uveraged
about JI.G2V4. or practically 25o lower. As
will be seen from the tnblo of avorago
prices, Saturday was tho low point of tho
month with tho exception of tho llrst three
uuya, Jiuiicciiiuwvn nuicil.
50. .
Av. Sh.
...100 ...
... 80 ...
... 75 ...
... 92 ...
...107 ...
...101 ...
... 96 ...
...190 ...
...299 80
...321 SO
...184 SO
...199 ...
...23S 200
...193 40
...191 40
...213 80
Av. Bh. Pr.
. .2111
72 250
76 186 ...
47 348 ...
74 249 160
60 275 ...
66 304 40
1 ivi'i
4 6214
71 207
70, . .
. . .301
01 203
IS 348
69 265
1 u79
4 625
4 o2V4
4 fL'Vi
4 fi-'14
!X1 ...
IB. .
,t..225 160
. . .296 40
...288 ...
...249 80
...313 160
. . .254 80
...214 80
...819 120
,...244 80
...277 80
C 293
70 262
61 278
10 255
65 261
02 305 ...
57 320 240
61 23(1 120
40.... ,.353 40
50.... '..301 ...
53 318 80
65 321
. .297
. .326
Wi 325 80
..219 ...
.,253 80
..318 ...
,.261 C0
..322 41
..23.1 ...
5., ... ,
62 273
83 207
72 242
83, .,
45 26.1 80
49 296 200
3tl 272 ...
64 308 40
55 271 320
58 228 40
76,,.... 214 SO
61 3.13 120
(0 327 80
. . . ,271
61 357
Vi 311
91 180
65 272
Nov. 1...I
Nvo. 2...
Nov. 3...
4 01 3 tJ 3 2 3 42
4 04 8 45 3 41 3 27 3 44
4 04 3 47 8 43 S 30
4 02 3 61 3 43 3 31 3 33
3 62 3 44 3 21 3 35
4 01 3 46 I 17 3 Sf
4 02 .1 55 3 23 1 46
4 03 3 52 3 64 3 45
4 06 3 45 3 41 3 28 3 3
4 03 3 47 3 31 3 27
4 02 3 43 3 32 3 17 3 38
S 44 3 33 8 22 3 45
3 94 3 34 3 23 3 44
3 82 3 41 3 25 3 46
3 80 3 35 3 27 4
3 84 3 35 3 31 3 18 3 45
3 87 3 36 3 32 3 11
3 86 3 35 3 82 3 14 3 41
3 29 3 34 3 16 3 39
388 3 84 3 13 IU
3 89 3 31 3 16 3 43
.1 88 3 37 3 39 3 38
3 85 3 4 4 8 27 3 21 3 41
3 K! 3 46 a 27 21
3 77 3 31 3 30 3 16 3 46
3233 24 3 21 860
3 70 3 28 3 25 2 43
3 73 3 20 3 32 3 37
3 tA 3 19 3 SD I
3 71 3 21, 3 27 3 .13 3 40
3 74 3 25 I J 23 3 19, I
lOV. 1,,,
Nov. 5... tSV
Nov. .., 4 C4H
Nov. 7... iciS
5?ov. ... 7o2
Nov. ... i
Nov. 10.. 4 73J
Nov. 11..
Nov. 12.. 4 83i
NOV. 13.. 4 731
Nov. 14.. 4 67J
Nov. 1G.. 4 82tl
Nov. 16.. 4 P0
Nov. 17.. 4 82V4
Nov. 18,. "
Nov. 19,. 4 7SS
Nov. 20.. 4 74)4
Nov. 21.. 4 78
Nov. 22.. 4 76
Nov. 23.. 4 78V1
. Nov. 24. . 4 S5l
Nov. 2J..
Nov. 26.. 4 8;4
Nov. 2J., 4 70
Nov. 28, 4 70?A
Nov. 29,. 4 741:
Nov. 30.. 4 Ci'i
Dec. 1 4 62
4 CM
80 4 62'
80 4 12
80 4 62iJ
120 4 K2V5
40 4 C2U
... 4 C2V4
160 4 C?l
4 02 5
4 02Vt
4 0214
i t-ij.
67 291
67 247
6.8 23
49 344
40, ,...,324
68 ,305
46 SC6
69 248
f9 291
CI. ...,.802
258 265
55 .198
48 308
C2 265
67 ,111
... 4 62J
120 4
40 4 S2U
80 4 2V
. . , 4 f2tj
80 4 (!2tl
80 4 CM
... 4 C2U
69 252 ... 4 60
70 296 ... 1 65
65 302 120 4 65
66 218 120 4 65
65 239 40 4 05
76. ... 265 SO 4 K
73 203 80 4 63
60 249 ... 4 65
65 300 80 4 C5
84 207 ... 4 W
63 281 120 1 65
85 190 40 4 63
75 161 ... 4 65
74 28S 120 4 61
72 265 80 4 C5
74 133 ... 4 P5
4 I'Z't
4 62U
4 Gl
4 rat
4 (I2t
4 S2iJ
4 rsi;
4 625
SHEEP There were practically no sho"p
011 sale todav with which to make n test
of the market, The desirable grades of
feeders uro well cleaned up, so that tho
coming week will open with tho sheep pens
practically empty.
Tho receipts or theep hnvo been light all
tno week, there being n decrease ns com
pared with last week nmoutitlng to 1.59 1
head, but us compared Wth the correspond
ing week of Inst rnr there In nn Increnso
of 9,916 head. The dematitt hns been fully
etiunl to tho supply, nnd whllo prices .xi-j
not much different front what tiny were u
weok ago, the market Is strong nnu packers
evidently nro nnxlou for good stuff Weth
ers nnd yearlings brought us high as $1 12'4,
out thoy (-old largely around Jl.oo. nnd somo
at ii.te. There have been wry few Iambs
coming In of late, and the market on that
clnss of stuff Is strong.
Feeders nro also selling nbout the samo
as they were 11 week ngo If tho quality Is
desirable Tho demand for wethTS
Is equal to tlm stippiy, nnd prices aro fully
Rtendy hen It comes to common nuiff,
however, such as. old ewes or cull lambs,
tho mnrket is not so gotV nnd might bo
called thill nnd weak. Anything good, how
ever, has mot wiih ready salo nt satlj
factory prices,
Suotatlons; Choice fu wethers, 3.85ff
! fnlr to good fed wetheri, J3.fW3.83:
cholco grass wethers, 13.7SJ(3.W; fair to
good grass wethers,; choice ewes,
J3.25W3 50: fair to good owes l3fW1.26:
choice spring lambs. Jt. 90115 15; fnlr to it od
nprltir lambs, Il.65jf4 90: feeder ewes, j2..5if
S.W: feeder wethers, JJ.60W3.75; feeder Inmbs,
J4.OOIf4.40. .
Cattle Nonilnnll' .tenil IIorh Wenk
to I.iMvur Mieep Act lie.
CHICAao, Uco. l.-CATTLE-Recrlpts,
800 head; nomlnnlly nteaily; natives, good
to prlmo ntoors, J3.S5fi0.00; poor to medium,
J4.W5V5.25; selected feeders, J3.40fi4.25; mtxetl
Mockers, J2.26.j3.60: mixed, J3.60iM.15; heif
ers, J2.G5fll.60; canners. J2.0Ci2.60; bulls, J2.50
Sil.lft; calves, !3.60ft3.60; Texas fed steers,
J3.0OJf4.6O: Texns grass steers, J3.30fol.10;
Texas bulls, J2.60O3.23.
Hoas-Recolpts, today, 20,000 head; Mon
day, 40,000 head, col limited; loft over, 3,000
head; generally weak to 5c lower; top, JI.90;
mixed nnd butchers, JI.53JJI.90; good to
choice heavy. Jt.Wiit.W; rough heavy,
((14.60; light, J4.55tfj 4.8714; bulk of sales, 41.05
SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 2,500
head: strong and active; good to cholco
wethers, Jl.u0jf4.30; fair to choice mixed,
-3.01174.00; western sheep, J4.00ffl.25; nntlvo
lambs, J4.00ii5.55; western lambs, $1.40.
Receipts This week: Cattle, 51,200 head;
hogs, 190,600 head; sheen, 55,700 head. Uist
week: Cattle, 76.600 heud; hogs, 222,600 hcud;
sheep, 61,800 heud.
KnM 4'ltj- Live ."took.
ceipts, 150 head: receipts this week, 40,000;
cholco dressed beef, butchers- und canning
Moors and good Miockers nnd feeders sold
steady this week, medium natives brlng
Inc 1 on; stockors nnd feeders, J3,w?u)
4,50; butcher cown nnd heifers, 53.0041 l.fcoj
canners, $2.60tff3.0O: fed westerns, $3, SOW
6.25: fed Tcxnns. SS.DOtfpl.&O; gruss Tcxans,
JJ.OOft3.50: calves, J3,60if3.60.
HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; markot slow
at 2Hc lowor; receipts this week, G6,0e0;
tho Increased supply caused a depression
of 20o In prices this week; heavy hopf
brought today JI.8714; mixed, J4. 7504. 8.1;
light, Jt.70iJl.85: pigs, Jl.Hiry t.t0.
SHEEP AND LAMliH Receipts, O.tUD
head; tho light supply stimulated vnlnoM
this week and prices for nil killing grades
ruled 15l25c higher: stackers and feeders,
steady: lambs, J4.735r5.50; muttons, J3.80W
4.10: feeding lambs, J3.73IT4.25; fet-dlng
wethers. J3.60fll,00; stockers und feeders,
J3.604i4.00: CUllS. J3,UOfi3.50,
St. I.nnU Live 4tonk.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. l.-CATTLE-Recclpts,
800 head. Including 400 head Texan : stently:
native shipping nnd export steers, J4.90fi3.50;
dressed beef nnd butcher steers, Ji.60ii3.10;
steers under 1,000 lbs., J2.90ifl.75; stockers
und feeders, J2.00ffl.15; cows nnd heifers,
J2.O04.25: canners, Jl.25it2.75; bulls, J1.60If
4.00: Texns and lndlnn steers, J3.C5in,65;
cows and heifers, J2.35ff3.30.
HOaB-Recelpts. 5.10O hentl: market r.JTlOa
lower; pigs und lights, JI.63iH.75; packers,
Ji.76n4.83; butchers, J4.804.87!4.
SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpts, 400 head;
market steady nnd ucttvo; nntlvo muttons,
J3.00fi4.20; Inmbs, J4.75i75.rA; culls and bucks,
l2.7Dii3.75; stockers, J2.00fi2.50.
ew York Live Stoek.
NEW YORK, Dec. l.-IIEEVES-Recolpts,
1,189 hend; no trndlng; fooling steady; ex
ports, 940 head cattlo and 3,710 quarters of
beef: tomorrow. 715 be cattlo nnd 3,73
qunrters of beef, estimated.
CALVES Receipts, l,u head; steady;
venlH. J5.00JI8.00; no cholco bore; grussers,
SH17EP AND LAMUS-Recelpts. 3.201
heud: sheep slow; Inmbs lower; sheep, 82.60
513.60; lambs, J5.005.r0; Canatlu lambs, J'i.60.
HOGS Receipts, 2,58 head; steady; Penn
sylvania pigs soltl nt J5.20.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Dec. l.-(SpecIal.)-Thc
Journal quotes:
CATTLE Receipts. 200 hentl; market
steady and demnnd strong.
HOOS-Recclpts, 5.000 bond; market 214n
lowor: 'all grades, J4.65il4.7714; bul'c of sales,
SHEEP Receipts, 300 head; morkct nctlvo
and strong.
Stoek In HIkM.
Following aro tho receipts at tho four
principal western markets for December 1:
Cattlo. Hogs. Shoop.
South Omaha 682 8,999
Chicago 800 20,000 2.5O0
Kansas City 150 6,000 9,000
St. Louis 80i) O.H'O 400
..2,332 40,099 11,900
Nngnr Mnrkrt.
open kettle, 3 7-16Tc3ic; centdifugal, 8 13-13fl
4 3-16c; centrifugal, granulated, 4 15-lCo;
whites, 414if4 ll-16c: yellows, 4if K'ic: sec
onds, 3i?4c. Molasses, steady; oicn kettle,
18it33c; ccntrlrugul, 8i20c. Hyrup, steady nt
NEW YORK, Dec. l.-SUOAR-Tho Na
tional Retlnlng company advanced tbti list
price of Its line granulated sugar today to
6.63c per lb. Raw, firm; fair refining,
316-16c; ccntrlfugnl, 96 test, 4 7-10c; molasses
sugar, 31-lOc: refined, steady; No. 6, 4,90c;
No. 7. 4.80c; No. 8, 4.70c; No. 9, 4.Ge; Nos, 10
und 11, 4,65c; Nos. 12, 13 and 14, 4JWc; otand
urd nnd confectioners' A, 6.40c; mould A,
5.83c; cut loaf nnd crushed, Co; powdered,
6.70c: granulated. 5.60c; cubes, 6.75c. Mo
lasses, steady; New Orleans open kettle,
good to choice, 42tJ33c.
Liverpool nod London Supplies,
LIVERPOOL, Dec. 1 Following are tho
stocks of brciulstuffs and provisions In Liv
erpool Flour, 81,000 sacks; wheat, 2,585,000
centals; corn, 338,000 centals; bacon, 1,100
boxes; hams, 3.900 boxes: shoulders, 2,310
boxes; butter, G.200 centals; cheese, 121,700
boxes; lurd, 4,600 tierces of prime western
nnd 2v) tons of other kinds.
LONDON, Dec 1 Fo'lowlng nro tho
stocks of wheat and corn In store and on
quays (railway and canal depots not In
cluded); Wheat, 2,910,000 centals; corn,
499,000, centals.
1o to 3 PER MONTH
Our Cuitnniert aro receiving dlvlilenilii of
from 1 lu 8 per dnt, monthly on M-rerMl Mining
Rtoeki wehsnillei lo trnm AO to 100 ior rrnt
prailU In nailing Tiiluinnf otln r, ami Me lia n
iifver jet mil o for n euttomer. If In
trrentrd In sure, blgli Interest henrlng
lnvrlnienl, wltli lurgn profits nn prln
climl Invnl. il, aeiitl for our bnnkleta of
IlWIilrnd Fur," "Special Combina
tion Order Itlunks," obvlntlnc nil rUk of
ln lr illTldlnc Ills liivrntinent. Hint In
snrlnglnrge profit land regutnrlntrrriit.
ankrri. Ortk.rt and llicul Agents,
08 BrnudiTur 17 New Ntmnt, New York.
SRAhClll'.Si CUi,l.nil.n.lH.tli,l,liDj lio.con.
mum nm Hi n si mi
8txri4MrLirnBUQ. crtv- aonst
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Tclphene 1039. Omalia, .Nj
CorrMnocdtnot John A. Worraa C
lurcct wlr to Caico u4 New Taxi