Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Another Eaturdaj of BigEargalni in Under
wear and Hoiiery.
J'rliTS I.oirrr niul More AHrnotlve
Til an I2vor In Wmra'( Hoys
Mini Children's t'ntler
rrmr nnd lloslrrr.
Ladles' and children's hosiery nnd un
derwear; particular people- will find under
wrar nnd hosiery tbat In satlsfuctory In
every respect In our dopartmcnt. Wo carry
in stock tho celebrated Munslng underwear
and other well known brands.
IJo I.adleH (;xtra heavy flccco-llned fast
black hose, doublo sole, heel and toe, regu
lar 35c quality; our sale prlco, 25c pair.
2Cc Ladles' black cashmcro hoio, double
merino ln:cl and too, closing out cntlro line
Saturday 25c pair.
35c, 3 for Jl Ladles' winter weight best
n,oco cotton fast black hose, also an excel
lent lino of Bllky-flccccd, black, lino cotton
hose, high-spliced heel and too, doublo sole,
35c, 3 for 1.
60c Ladles' lino black cashmoro hose,
doublo merino heel and toe, extra quality,
Saturday, 60a pair.
25c Children's ribbed black woolen hoso,
doublo knen, heel and toe, special Height
for school wear, all, C to 814, our price
only 25c pair.
Wo ha'vo u npcelal lino of extra heavy
ribbed black woolon school hoso for boys;
doublo thread, doublo knen, heel and too,
noted for wear, sizes 7. "Va at 35c; 8, SH,
40c; 0, 0V4, 10 nt 45c pair.
Our ladles' nud children's underwear Is
well made, reliable, comfortablo and very
rcuuonabln In price.
26c Ladles' ecru and natural color fleeced
vests and pants, silk crochet neck, silk tape
French band, finished soams, a very good
Karmont, nil olzcs, 3 to C, Saturday only 25c
60c Our extra heavy silky-fleeced vests
arid punts for Indies, best finish, Egyptian
cotton, pants with yoko bands, nil sizes, 50c
50c Ladles' combination suits, cold
weather comforts, ecru or natural color,
oponod across bust or down front, very
good value, all olzcs, Saturday 50c suit.
$1 Ladlts' natural wool vests and pants,
non-shrinking, vory nicely finished, heavy
and warm, pants with extra largo flap, Sat
urday tl each.
Wo uro closing out u lino of ladles' nat
ural wool ribbed combination suits, silk
finish, gonulno bargains, all sizes, while
they last only $1.15 suit.
There Is no high grado underwear so In
expensive and thuro Is no low-priced under
wear so good as tho "Munslng;" fits well,
looks well, feels well and wears well. The
"Munslng" heavy fleeced combination suits
for ladles, ecru or natural color, opened
bust or down front, all sizes, only $1 each.
Ladles' "Munslng" half wool combination
suits, natural color, opened bust or front,
all sizes, 1.50 each.
Ladles' "Munslng." very fine, light weight
ribbed wool non-ahrlcklng vests and pants,
pertal quality for ladles who cannot wear
wool, docs not Irritate, very warm, beau
tifully finished, whlto or natural color, all
Blzes, J1.3r each.
Children's "Munslng" combination suits,
heavy lleece-rlbbcd cotton, drop Beat or
open, tho best wearing, best fitting suits
made for children, all sizes, 1 to 7, 76c each.
Wo havo placed on our counter for Sat
urday's salo an odd lino of sizes In chil
dren's heavy-ribbed winter underwear,
pants, shirts, all reduced to 2Go each.
Cor.-Farnam and 15th Streets.
It's right on page 7 Hayden llros.' big ad.
Cripple Mull Child on Her AVny to
Huy the Crisp Accessory of the
TIiuiiUnkI vIiik Keast.
Tho Kottlcr family of 120S Davenport
troet had no colory with their turkey and
cranberry sauco Thursday, becauso llttlo
7-year-old Helen, who had been sent to
market to make tho purchase, was held up
and robbed on tho way. Tho amount was
only u quarter, but before Helen could got
back to tho house to report hor loss dinner
was over.
Holon says sho was tripping along tho
street near Twelfth nnd Douglas when n
beggar, minus both legs, hobbled up to her
and asked an alms. She reached Into her
pocket for n penny and produced, besides
tho copper, a nickel and a quarter.
"Thank you, nilsslo," said tho cripple,
snatching the quartor from her hand nnd
striding away with steps fully six Inches
Helen tried to explain that she Intended
tho penny for him, not tho quarter, but he
couldn't understand, so bus told her
troubles to a policeman.
"Stump" llenson was arrested for tho
theft and yesterday was arraigned on u
chargo of larcony from tho person. Ho
pleaded not guilty and bis case was set
for Docombor 6.
l''or it Cold in the lleud.
VotliiK Content.
Ceo. niinoiiii, SIIHO lliirnry St..ftT,7.TI
Bernnrd KluoU, iir,i: H. 14th . . . .aT,r7T
l.d Jmnrinn, U4'H 1'rnuklln Ht. .2(1,(101
Karl llcvlua, i!7i!i: Ilimnril St.. 27,08(1
AV. II. Itcjruolils, lliiMtliiKH, .eb.,17,10S
I (S. WimiiI, Tekiiniuli, cb. ... 18,7.111
John Hnrrl, H. 1-lth 10,1.-80
Will A. llr.Mvn, I'lillrrton, cb. . 10,00(1
Dnlfcht ('miner, HBK! .luoKnon . . T.ftdl)
J. 13. Miller, SUM N. until St.... 7,0!13
ltoss Morgan, Grand Island, Neb.. 6,937
1'. A. nockor, Council Uluffs 6,203
D. E. Muller. Fisher & Lawrlo 6,205
P. llcnzlng, Grand Island, Neb 4,826
H. L. Cassoll, 2230 Meredith avo.... 4,V7o
Itobort Hlsdon, 1819 Plnknry st.... 4,901
J. W. Mulr. Omahn Mnchlns works.. 4,376
Watson U. Perkins, E, E. llruco & Co 3,830
William Kooher, 2621 Parker St.... 3,694
Emery Smith, 213 No. Sixteenth St.. 8,315
John C. Allen, 2220 Chicago st 3,185
John Ilest, 6C8 So. Twenty-sovonth st 2,493
Albert Scssmnnn, Murray hotel... . 2,135
H. C. VmiAvery, 100S Capitol ave.... 2,347
P. I). Holbrook, HOS Harney st 2,2,13
John Haynes, Dowcy & Stone 2035
W. E. Hatch, 1919 Spencer st 1,745
P. W. Ilartllng, Nebraska City 1 033
John Purbush, 1618 No, Slxteent'h st. l',i23
Lawrence Williams, Council Illuffs.. 1,090
Charles D. Cole, box 963, Omaha.. 1,106
A. J. VanAntwerp, Lodl, Neb 600
J. W. Woods, Council muffs t'O
Illanohe Wlggs, Mlllnrd hotel 485
Emma ltood, Telephone Exchange.. 333
Daisy Hlckmau, Bennett's store.... 831
Theo Schultz, 2024 Howard st 323
Carl Rouch, 1109 So. Twonty-Beventh 321
Wlnlfrod Llnlnger, 1711 So. 16th st.. 193
Geo. L. Klsher, U. P. 8upply house. 172
Henry Majors, Gretna, Neb 82
W. E. Gocdmau, Telephone building. 18
Vlu Itoi'U Inland Houtr
On salo Tuesday, December 4, to points In
southern and western Kansas, Oklahoma,
Indian Territory, Texas, Arizona, Colo
rado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
For full lnfoimatlon rail at city ticket
oince, 1323 Far nam street,
"WEEKS Mrs. I P., need 43 years, No
vember SO. 1
Funeral from tho res'Cence, 622 North ?3d,
Bunday ut S o'clock Interment at Aurora,
1U. v
Dptfcllvm Are So Fur AVIthont Trace
of Allsslnir .Ainu mid Doubt
HI Good Faith.
Nothing new has developed during the
last twenty-four hours In the Ray Illrum
case. Detectives aro at work searching
for tho mysterious "Dr. Guer," but havo
found no trace of him as yet. All police
ofllcer to whose attention It has been
brought ngrce In declaring It tho most
peculiar stato of affairs that has over come
to their notice.
"Thero are two theories In connection
with tho Illrum enso upon which wo are
now at work," said a dotoctlvo yester
day, "Ono Is that tho young man was
murdered near Omaha nnd robbed and his
body thrown Into the river. Tho other Is
that Illrum Is still nltve nnd well and that
ho sent his bloody shlrl nnd vest home to
glvo out tho Impression that ho In unable
to keep his appointment with his tlanco
In Wisconsin.
"Tho trouble with tho first theory Is It
Is not consistent with tho letters written
by tho mysterious Dr. Guer. If ho has
been murdered nnd his body disposed of
why should somo one, who, It r.ot the mur
deror, must certainly know of tho crime,
bo writing letters to members of his fam
ily and thereby cxposo himself to arrest?
"Tho second theory Is tho mora probablo.
My Idea of It Is that young Illrum was
weary of his matrimonial bargain with
Miss Nelllo Jones nnd wanted to got out
of It without appearing to ''crawfish,' so
gave out tho Impression that he was way
laid and severely wounded. This Dr.
Guer, I tako It, Is a straw man Invented
by Ulrum. Illrum, In nil probability, Is
writing tho lotters hlmsolf. Or, If Dr.
Guer Is n man of llesh nnd blood, ho Is a
mero tool In tho hnnds of tho principal.
"Hy tho tlmo you have waded through
tho Intricacies of tho caso you will see
that the 'doctor's' version of this affair Is
very conrso nnd untenable. Tho situation
admits of only tho two theories I havo out
lined." Chief Donahuo has written to Mrs. Ulrum,
tho boy'a mother, for further particulars in
tho case.
Tonderness or aching In tho small of tho
back Is n serious symptom. Tho kidneys aro
suffering. Tako Prickly Ash Blttors nt
once. It Is. a reliable kidney remedy nnd
system regulator nnd will euro the troublo
boforo It develops Its dangerous stage.
ruhllc Sliuivs Uvi-ry Disposition to
Further Auditorium Project
Plans for llcnctlts.
Tho regular weekly mooting of the Audi
torium committee was held Friday, when
another encouraging list of subscriptions
was reported. Tho names of tho additional
subscribers will bo published in tho Sunday
morning papers. It was announced that
Hov. A. C. Hirst will dovote his sermon
at tho First Methodist church on the even
ing of December 9 to tho audltodlum pro
ject. Tho noxt notable helper to tho fund will
bo tho entertainment to be given by the
Woman's Club at Doyd's theater on Do
comber 18. Tickets to all parts of tho
house will bo sold at $1, and may be pur
chased from Mrs. J. II. Dumont or any
member of tha auditorium committee.
Tho arrangements for tho mass meeting
to bo held on December 31 havo not yet
been perfected, but tho ways and means
corcmlttco having tho matter In chargo
promises a rousing rally that will close tho
first calendar year of tho auditorium work
On January 3 Manager J. Rush Bronson
will again donate the cntlro proceeds of an
Orphcum entertainment to the auditorium
A subscription was received for the Audi
torium fund today from Mrs. L. Ollpbant
Dodge, 1022 North Twenty-first stroet, for
$100, which pleased tho board, because it
came unsolicited. Mrs. Dodgo said that
sho had lived In Omaha thirty-two year3
and tbat sho recognized how much Omaha
Is In noed of n building suitable for the
holding of largo gatherings.
A Village lIInekMinlth Saved Ilia Lit
tie Son's Life.
Mr. H. II. Black, tho well known village
blacksmith at Grahamsvlllo, Sullivan Co.,
N. Y., says: "Our llttlo son, flvo years
old, has always been subject to croup, and
so bad have tho attacks been that we have
feared many times that ho would dlo. Wo
havo bad the doctor and used many, medi
cines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is
now our solo reliance. It seems to dis
solve tho teugh mucus and by giving fre
quent doses when tho croupy symptoms ap
pear wo have found that the dreaded croup
Is cured beforo It gets settled." There Is
no dangor In giving this remedy, for it con
tains no opium or othor Injurious drug and
may bo given as confidently to a babe as to
an adult.
Wanted A man to do canvassing In the
country. Must have his own horse. Will
pay salary and commission. Good wages
to a compotont man. Tha Bea Publish
ing Co., Omaha.
ChlcoKo and llrtnrn, 914.7CI.
On December 1, 2 and 3 the Rock Island
Route will Bell tickets Omaha to Chicago
and return for 114.76, good for return until
December 10. City ticket offlce, 1323 Far
nam street.
Chicago and Itetnrn, 914.7B.
Tickets on salo December 1 and 2 at Illi
nois Central ticket office. Call at 1402 Far-
nam for particulars.
Hayden Bros, have an ad on page 7 that
will Interest you.
Do you need a hired girl 7 A Bee want ad
will bring one.
To California
Personally Conducted
Cost considered, Uiero is no better
way to reach California than in a
Uurllngton tourist sleeping car.
It Is Inexpensive, quick, comfort-
able. No change of ears Is neces
sary. There are no vexatious dolays
at junction points.
From Omaha 8:40 a. m. and 10:15
p. m. every Tuesday and 4:25 p. m.
overy Thursday.
Forty dollars buys a ticket.
Five dollars buys a berth.
TEL. 350.
TKL, 138.
Saturday and Monday Bargains ia iht Le
Department Better Than Ever.
All nrokrn Mnrs of Children' fl.Ofl
Shoea Will lie Solil for 2.1c
nrokrn fliers of Children's ana
Misses' fl.r0 Shoes, SOe.
Today will bo bargain day In broken
lots In our shoo department. All broken
lots of women's, misses' and children's
shoes will bo placed on tho bargain coun
ter where you will find tho host bargains
ever offered in shoes.
Our ladles' shoes for $1.98 are broken
lines of 13.00 and $4.00 show, with hand
turn soles and extension soles; can't buy
hotter shoes for $3.00 or $1.00 anywhere.
Remember, tho sizes aro not regular, but
broken; Rome largo, somo small, somo wide,
somo narrow, all go for $1.98.
A good school shoo for girls Is our
volour calf skin that wo axo selling for
Our lino of ladles' extension soles In but
ton and loco for $3.15 Is a regular $3.50
shoe. It's our "leader."
If you want tho very latest thing in
shoes you must get ft pair of theso. It Is
an exclusive eastern stylo and sells for
Wo nro showing a very beautiful 2-strap
slipper for party wear at $2.00 another at
$1.50 with one strap.
Open Saturday night till 9:30.
Corner 16th and Farnam Streets.
Saturday will bo big bargain day at the
big store of Hayden Bros. Read tho ad on
pago 7.
Forty-Two Turkeys.
Tho forty-two cmployc3 of A. I. Root St
Co, had reason to be thankful Thursday for
a gcod, fat, Thanksgiving turkoy, which
each of them wuo presented with by tho
firm. Tho firm knowu how to do a good
deed as well as a good Job of printing and
it is indebted to tho latter that It Is able
to do tho formor. Prosperity, good work
nnd fair dealing are a set of triplets that
are usually seen together, and they are
amply In evidence In tho caso of this en
terprising printing house.
Notice, Traveling Men!
Thero will be r meeting of the McKlnley
and Rocsevelt Traveling Men's club at the
Her Grand hotel Saturday evening, De
cember 1, nt 7:30 p. m. All members are
requested to attend, as business of Import
ance will come beforo tho club.
J. L. HOUSTON, President.
J. M. BUCK, Secretary.
14.75 CHICAGO AMD RETUIlN-f 14.70
Via Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Hy
On November 30 and December 1, the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Faul railway
will sell round trip tickets, Omaha to Chi
cago, for $14.25. The tickets are limited to
December 10. City Ticket office, 1604 Far
nam atreet. p. A. NASH,
Goneral Western Agemt.
80 Cakes of Soap for $1.00
'We still have some of that toilet soap left
which wo are selling 4 cakes for 5c, or 80
cakes for $1.00.
We Mil 60c Society Hyglentque Soap at
29c cake.
We sell 4711 White Rose Soap at 12c 1
We sell Woodbury's Facial Soap at 18c
We sell Packer's Tar Soap at 15c cake.
Wo sell Jap Roso Soap at 7c cake.
Wo sell Small Juvenllo Soap at So cake.
We sell Pears' Unscented Soap at 12c
We sell Big Bar Imported Castile Soap at
S5c. ,
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co
Corner 16th and Dodge Streets.
of peace and content
awatt the man (woman too)
who Insures In the
Its advance state
ment for the year just
closed shows:
Assurance In force
(front which dividends
re paid)
Detter than Ever.
Mnnapor for Nebraska,
200-208 Hoc Hulkllng, Omaha.
The Saver
That is what a "hot water" bag could be
called. Hot applications will often keep
a person alive until tho doctor comes.
Every family should havo one. A hot
water bag costs llttlo, Ours hold water
without leaking and are guaranteed.
A good Water Dottle 50a
A better Water Dottlo 75c
A good Fountain Syringe COe
A better Fountain Syringe $1.00
A good Dulb Syringe 60s
A better Dulb Syringe $1.00
A good Rubber Glove, per pair $1,25
A good Rubber Stomach Tube $1.50
34th a-id Dauclas at.
0aa All Hicht,
Wreckage Sale.
Broken lines from regular stock.
Ladles' shoes, worth up to $4.00; choice,
Men's shoes, lace and congress, worth up
to $3.60; sale price, $1.18.
Men's and women's Alaskas, heavy fleece
lined, 68c.
Men's and women's rubbers, second qual
ity, 19c and 29c. First quality Uoston rub
bers, 39c.
Children's buckle Arctics, 39c.
Children's shoes, 19c.
Daby soft soles, all styles, colors and
sizes, 16c. Greatest salo In Omaha.
1615 Douglas 13 1,
(Successors to Tho Howo.)
Wanted A man to do canvassing In the
country. Must havo his own horse. Will
pay (mlary and commission. Good wages
to a competent man. Tho Uoo Publish
ing Co., Omaha.
Dance '1'onlnlit.
Washington hajl. Eighteenth and Harnoy
streets. Jolly Eight's lively ball this even
ing. Clark's union orchestra. A grand good
tlmo for you. Yes, gents 23c. Welcome.
Deforo you throw this paper aside read
tho ad on pago 7 of Hayden Ilros.
Arthur Urandcls Meets Accident.
Arthur D. Urafidels of tho firm of J. L.
Iirnndels A Sons of tho Hoston store, mot
Another Big Scoop.
Hard-UD manufacturers unlnnrl in TIip. Dnrttourof T.n.
dies' and Meii'B highest grades Footwear at less price than
ns.n 1... . . "Y 1 "1 11 ....
cvut iviiown m umaua. jiacu ana every pair guaranteed to bo
worth doublo. This salo iiifilnduR Fnsl p.m. TiYirrti TTtr At.
Dunn's Julian &, Kokonge, etc.
Ladies' shoos, including $4, 4.50, 5 and $G r A Q
shoes in the houso. Choice .HtO
Men's Shoes, including all $4, $4. 50. 85 and $6 r f O
shoes in tho house
Boys' Shoes choice of 500 pairs, value up to S3. Satnrdav
$1.38. Choice of Boys' Shoes worth up to $1.75 C Q,
Saturday VoC
Misse.V Shoes, choice of 320 pairs Hn
Saturday i VC
Arctics and Rubbers at One-third Price.
Come Saturday.
The Rochester Shoe Co
Successors to The Howe.
150 Miles Along the Columbia
River by Daylight on the . . .
Leaves Omaha 8:20 A. M. Daily.
Leaves Omaha ut 11:85 P. M. Daily.
Leaves Omahn at 4:25 P. M. Daily.
Suits, Jackets
and Furs
We have just received from our New York buyer 175 ladies'
high class tailor Inade suits. They were made by one of the best
manufacturers in New York City II. Conhehn & Co. in the
very latest style. They aro made to fit. There aro a great many of
them silk lined throughout.
them made to sell for $ 18.00 to
price for Saturday only
out sold by other
-Haydea's prlco
advertised as liargains by otnor bouses at
I12.7C Haydon's price Saturday
100 half fitted
tlbellno cloth
como In hrown
Hayden's prlco
50 ladies' half fitted Box Coats,
throughout In castor, brown, red and blues
worth 112.00 Hayden's' prlco
Saturday only
100 ladies' Box Coats, made of
strapped seams and lined with Skinner's
blues, browns, castors and black worth
Washington Mllla kersoy
satln they como In reds,
$15.00 Hayden's price Saturday only
2S0 .Silk Waists, made from the
taffota, warranted to wear and not to crack
Hayden's prlco Saturday only
400 children's Jackets, sizes 4 to
all wool materials sold olsnwhero In Omaha
,prlco Saturday
Specials "for Saturday
Ladles' Plush Capes O QD Ladles' Wrappcrs
fnr vO each
Ladlew' Bouclo Cfipes-MMn. Oft
long, for s.-o
Ladles' Fur Collarettes worth
J10O for
Read Bij Sales on Page 7.
with a painful accident Thursdny evening
whllu nllKhtlng from n carriage In front
of his .mother's residence, Twenty-fifth and
Furnam streets. Holding a pnekago in
i-iicii imnu, nu nucmpicu to Biei) to the
pavement beforo the horses came to a halt
A ronr wliorl of tho vehicle struck him.
cnUSltll! II m tn Iorh liln linlnnro nlul full
heavily. The left arm was fractured
uio snouiucr.
Why not .et theso rules npply lo foot ball
Frames in inn iuiure: mile l ureaK a
man's arm count I. llule 2 IJrenk a man a
fnco counts 2. llttlo 3 Knock a man down
nnd break his ribs counts .1. Rule 4 llrcik
k leg nnd arm counts 4. Rule 6 Kilt a man
ii mi you win mu gumo.
Cramer's Kidney Cure 73
IOtus loa
Duffy's Malt Whiskey Mc
Pcruna 75c
Ilromo Quinine 15c
i ooz. z-gr. wuininu capsules 7c
1 doz. 3gr. Qulnltio Capsules lOe
1 doz. 6-gr. Qutnlno Capsules ISo
Wino of Cnrdtil 75c
H. S. S 7fc
Pierces Preserlntlon 1T,p
Dr, Karl Cnuner'H Pennyroyal Pills.. ..$1.00
Hchnefer's Cough Cure , 20o
Hcotl's Emulsion 73c
DBomuiMon , , ,v
Wlnu nf Cod J.Iver Oil 73o
Hohmder'fl Fie Powder "V.
Magnet Pile Ointment 25c
Mllei' Nervlno Yftc
nuuynii 53c
W. Cor. lUth and Chleaso.
Ladies' shoos, newest Btyles.
They are beauties.every one of
$15.00 nnyden's
90 Indies' Kersey Jackets, silk lined through
Omalin houses at $8X0
200 ladies' Jackets, Skinner's satin lined
throughout made from finest Washington mills kerseys
Box Jackets, made of tho now
Skinner's batln lined they
and red worth J12.C0
Saturday only
, silk lined
the finest
famous Winslow
regular prlco JO.KO
14, made of heavy
for SI.OS Hnyden's
Lndles' l'ettlcoats OOr
lUcli AVI
Ladles' Flannel Lined Undersklrta 4 ff
for, each l.VIU
Who Sells
CKeLpest ?
The merchant who can take the
largest quantities and pay cash is
the commander
The intelligence of this community has put that pow
er in our hands. We are using it faithfully. Thus posi
tions aro reversed.
Time was when the wholesaler thought himself,
par excellence, but now diminished, evaporated, exhaled,
the trade-world forgets him. The retailer is at tho top,
and the grand retailing of this section is here.
theom Cloak Corner
The Avitomo- A 7C
biles at IPlH'. D
Have you noticed the styles, the
quality, the fit of those already sold
you can tell them at a glance,
Jtersey black, navy, brown, tan and castor, strap
ped seams, fancy collar, nobby patch pockets nnd largo
rovers, collar, edges and seams finished with five rows of
stitching, lined throughout with Skinner's guaranteed
satin to match color of cloth length - At 7 Ei
of garment 4,' inches 1 y A O
price , I lisww
Women's Taffeta Silk Dress Skirts
-Made Of good quality taffeta silk cut with proper
hang now bifck nnd trimmed with four 00
rows of tn ff eta niching wort h $12 V J
for Saturday M
ssss VNkVV
Women's Kersey Jackets
Fine Kersey Jackets hundsomely strapped and
stitched lined with best fancy taffeta 7 g?
silk 112.00 values M 1 O
for , pvvr
Women's Swell Box Coats
Made of the best Washington Mills Kersey tan, red,
castor and black, heavy satin lined g
nobby and stylish garment real 1 f x, O
value $17.50, for I
Fur SpecieJs for Saturday
Skunk Opossum Scarfs , $2.90
Ileal Marten Scarfs , ,. . . . $3.90
Gray Fox-head Scarfs , $3.90
Sheared Coney Collarettes , $2.90
Electric Seal Collarettes , .$7.90
Keal Marten Derby Collarettes $9.75
Good Astrakhan Qapes, 30-inches long $14.75
Good Electric Soal Jackets $23.50
$10 Suits
Men's $10
Sincerity in word and deed that is what
makes friends, wins customers, enlarges business
and insures success. Every promise and guarantee
is always
The great values we are offering in Men's
Suits and Overcoats at ten dollars cannot be too
highly praised. More than this, we will allow
you to compare them with $15.00 and $18.00 Suits
and Overcoats sold by other houses. They will
stand comparison. Cut to fit, linings first-class
quality, all seams sowed well, no danger of ripping if given hard
wear. Over ono thousand Suits, embracing every style, cut and
color that you could wish. Mack Clay Dross Suits, heavy
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