Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
JSSTAJJLISmi:!) JUiS'E Ji), 1S71.
sixgljo copy rivjjj cents.
Powera Evince a Disposition to Bo Merciful
Toward tha Chinese.
Wiidom of Delivering an TJltinmtnm to
Envoys at Pekin Under Debate.
France, Uniria and Japan Said to Have
i Followed American Lead.
taleaninnllhe Stimtl of Seoretnry
finy liiiluorn Alllea to ltefrutu
from Hsiiotliiw llcinilrc inrnU
Xcxl to Impoaalhle.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2S. It developed to
day tliut tha chief point In tho exchanges
concerning China, which havo been going on
during tlm last low dtiyH nmong tho powera,
rolutcs to tho wlHdom of delivering' an
"ultimatum" to China, using tho express
word "ultimatum" In tho text of tho Uotr.nnd
to bo handed to tho Chinese envoys, In
volving tho possibility of a resulting de
claration of war ngultifit China In c;tHo tho
demunuu of tho ultimatum ho not compiled
with. It nppcars that somu of tho powcr3
desired tho express uso of tho wonl "ulti
matum" In tho demand relative to the dc
cnpltntlon or other extreme punishment of
tlevcn of tho princes and other high olll
dais responsible for tho outrages, and
this vlow of using tho most cxpresslvo
term of diplomacy ncoms to have found
favor with tho ministers at Pckln.
Whon It heenmo known at tho sovcral
topltnls conslderablo dissent becarao manl
fist. About a week ago Japan took tho
Initiative lu tn appeal for moderation ond
this received tho favorablo consideration
of tho United States, Trance, Uussla dnd
probably Oreat Ilrltaln, although a posi
tive Btatcmont ns to Great Urltaln cannot
bo made. About tho samo tlmo Secretary
Hay took steps to express tho views of
thlc government that It was Inadvlsablo to
proceed to . tho extent of an ultimatum
against China, but that tho demands
ehould not bo beyond what China reason
ably might havo tho power to comply with.
Tho magnanimity of sentiment nmong tho
powers gives grounds for tho belief that
tho demands of tho ministers will bo modi
fied by tho omission of an ultimatum, al
though It Is not yet clear what tho final
nttltudo of the remaining powers Ger
many, Austria and Italy will bo. Tho
negotiations In this particular wcro car
ried on In London through Ambassador
Choato and It Is regarded as significant
that one of tho parties to tho Anglo-Ocr-mau
alliance should glvo Us adherenco to
the modornte position advanced by tho
United States.
PAIHS, Nov. '28'. It Is said on high au
thority that Germany has assented, without
modification, to tho Jolut nolo prepared by
tho ministers of tho powers at Pekln and
that Franco has also concurred.
The. ofllclals of tho Foreign oOlco dony tho
itatomont from Pekln that Franco has
lelied torrltory at Tien Tsln for tho purposo
it tripling tho slzo of her concessions.
ttireiUeneil Stopimnc of Suppllea on
YiutK Tae Klnuic In Ilnvlns
Itn Uflect.
LONDON, Nov. 28, "Tho roprescutatlons
if Prluco Chins, LI Hung Chang and others
to tho Chlneso court that tho powers aro
Uaeatlsfled and aro threatening action on
tho Yang Tso Klang to stop supplies," says
tho l'ekln correspondent of tho Morning
Tost, wiring Tuesday, "are reported to bo
having an effect and It is said that tho
court is likely to tako measures to meet
tho powers.
"An American correspondent reports
from Too Ting Fu that 3,000 Germans un
der Oonural Kottlor and 2,000 French
trcops under General Ilnllloud concentrated
there rocontly for tho winter with tho
Intention of making frequent expeditions
to tho north'nnd to punish IJoxer villages.
"I'rlnco UkhtomBkl 1b In daily conference
with LI Hung Chang and occasionally
meets Prince Chlng. Ho regards tho out
look as dark, even If the powers agree, for,
he says, China may reject tho terms and
thru will como war, rcbolllon and famine.
Princo Ukhtomskl favors nllowlng China
to govern herself, tho powers holding tho
ports until sho doca reform herself and does
undertake to protect foreigners.
"Hussla, ho asserts, has no Intention of
annexing Manchuria, although sho will havo
to havo moro CosHacks theru In order to
maintain a dominating Influence. He Is
convinced that, even If others make war
on China, Hussla will not."
SHANGHAI, Nov. 28. Advices from Stan
(Fu assert that tho empress dowager has
.consented to tho return of Emperor Kwang
8u to l'ekln, although sho will remain at
Blan Fu.
It Is reported from the same Bources
that tho announcement of tho suicide of
Yu listen, former governor of tha prov-
luco of Shan SI, was rorrect.
Lieu Sha Tang, governor of the province
of Clio Klang, has been dismissed on ac
count of tho Chu Chau Fu massacres. Tho
provincial treasurer of Clio Klnng, Yun
Tnuy, succeeds him. Tho latter is a liberal-
mludod reformer.
Hoard m Chlnmc Vrxnrl, lint I' I nil tlir
Valuable (lone-Conllaeate
the I p.
NEW YORK, Nov. 28. It Is reported hero
from l'ekln that tho Germans have boarded
a Chlneso vessel and demanded troa Hiiro
consigned to an English company at Tlpn
Tsln. As the boxes of treasure had been
landed, tho Germans could not got them
Thoy then hoisted tho German (lag on tho
vessel ami confiscated Its cargo.
Militate C'lnlni Authority.
PAItlH, Nov. 28.--A dispatch from Pekln
to tho Havas agency says the ministers of
me following powers dcclaro they nro au
thorlied to sign tho Joint agreoment to be
presented to China: Germany, tho United
Btntcs, Great Ilrltaln, Austria-Hungary,
iioisium and Italy,
Rlllllviltl'M l.nHt 'I1..
LONDON, Nov. 2S,8lr George Clement
Martin, tho organist of St. Paul's cathedral,
has In his possession the complete scoro
or a "juanusgiving To num." composed b
tho latii Sir Arthur Sullivan nt tlm reques
of the dean ond chapter of St. Paul's, suit
able for the termination of the. South Afri
can war aud dedicated to "Quecu, Church
ana uouniry.
in pi
ii i
lion th pi i-i'e nt llrrlln In-
linhle Aoeeptiinee of
nnitLiN, j
scml-oniclal IJor-
liner Post, In the
vldently In-
tplred artlclo, rrplylft
of more lenient pun!;
(illlclah In China mado by
gowrutneiil, says.
d StuteJ
"Slnco doubt3 havo been expressed hero
ntul there as to Whether It Is advisable to
Insist upon death for tho ringleaders of the
antl-frcIgn movement as nn irrevocable
decision, It should be pointed out that such
doubts cannot be traced to considerations
of humanity, If tomo power regarded
such n punishment as too Bovcrc. Tho fact
Is, rather, that nil tho powcr3 nro con
vinced that tho rlnglendorB deserve death,
but tho question has been raised on vari
ous sldc3 ns to whether such n measure
Hhould bo Insisted upon from'tho standpoint
of political expedience)'.
"bo far as Germany Is concerned, sho his
never Insisted upon tho execution of spe
cific persons, but has repeatedly declared
that sha laid chief emphasis upon the har
monious action cf nil the powers In punish
ing the guilty. This nttltudo correspond!!
with tho guiding prlnclplo of Germany'
policy, which seeks abovo all clso to pre
servo tho harmony of tho powers."
Tho rrel33lgnlgo Zcltung describes tho
Post's declaration ns "Germany's rotrent
from tho demand for tho death penalty."
Tho Mllltnlr-Woehcnblntt, discussing the
charges of cruelty on tho part of Germans
In China, Hiiys:
"Tho usages of civilized warfare nro not
nlwnys applicable with the hnlf civilized. A
commander must devlato from the laws of
notions where observance of It Is rendered
Impossible through tho behavior of tho en
emy or his own sltuntlon. In n critical sit
uation, where caro for prlsonero would en
danger self-preservation, prisoners must
either not be taken or must bo gotten rid
"Tho German nrmy," the paper adds,
"I'hould" not bo nccured of cruelty without
considering tho facts In tho light of tho con
Tho papers this evening resume their
criticism of the course of tho United States
government, based on tho intest news from
Washington. Tho Herllncr Ncueato N2h
rlchten says:
'Tho United States, with Russia, Is
China's chief defender."
Tho Loknl Anzclgcr sees "renewed ovl-
denco of tho scpnrato policy of tha United
The Frcls8lgnlgo Zcltung Infers from Am
bassador White's visit to tho Foreign office
and Dr. von Holloben's call upon President
McKlnlcy and Secretary Hny, that serious
differences of opinion exist botwoen tho
United Stated and Germany.
Ambassador White reasserted today that
In his recent Interview with tho secretary
of foreign affairs, Huron von Rlchlhofcn, he
did not present tho now American note, but
only mado Informal suggestions which did
not require an nnswer. Ho doubts that
Germany will glvo an nnswer to those sug
gestions. His Instructions from 'Washing
ton directing htm to Book tho Interview
with tho foreign secretary wcro not, ho Bays,
a repetition of tho Conger Instructions.
The central buretu for the preparation of
commercial treaties points out today that
tho leather and Bilk trades havo been seri
ously hurt by tho recent trouble lu China.
LONDON, Nov. 29. The Berlin-corre
spondent of tho Standard sayB ho hears
that Gcrmanyhas notified tho United States
of her willingness to waive the demand for
tho execution of thq Chinese officials.
Tho Tlmen, dealing editorially with tho
Chlneso problem this morning, says:
"It seems entirely superfluous for tho
United Stntes government to flout Its own
plenipotentiary where thcro wns not tho
least probability of his having an oppor
tunity to sign nn agreement. The action
of tho Washington ndmlnlatratfon Is chiefly
Interesting becauso it was oxpoctcd that
nfior tho nresldentinl election a moro
doflnlto nnd stronger lino would bo adopted.
It rany, however, bo urged that tno unncu
States only publishes and does not crcnte
the differences which undoubtedly exists
nmong tho European powers."
Ilelny unit Illacnril of rowers In
China the Cnnac of 10m
liiirniiaiiiriit, YOKOHAMA, Nov. 10. (Correspondence
of tho Associated Press.) A speech mado
by Mr. Kato, tho nowly appointed minister
of foreign affairs. Indicates that Japan finds
itsolf Involved In tho samo difficulty In
tho diplomatic maneuvers now progressing
in China that It underwent In lta military
operations. Just ns tho supposed necessity
for concorted action caused the disastrous
delay thon, to this country finds Itsolf ham
pered becauso of having to wait upon the
action of tho allied powers with all tho
Impossibility of their coming to an agreo
ment. Tho enormous commercial trndo which
it haB nt stake In north Chlua, as well as
tho patriotic sentiment which will bo
aroused upou tho IcaBt encroachmont upon
Its rights in Corea. will make It incumbent
upon tho western powers to be very cautious
about slighting tho counctls of tho nation
holding the bnlauco of power In tho
Comment Is rife and much sympathy ex
pressed concerning tho almost Itnpasslblo
tnsk Imposed upon Count von Walderseo in
China, while ho Is practically left without
command or sufficient authority to enforce
It. Itussln, France, Japan nnd America
practically Ignored his credentials and
numerous rumors are rife that ho has naked
for his recall.
UoeUrfi'lIrr mill IlliodrR Credited with
llrliiK IntcrcNtril In Glifuntlo
LONDON. Nov. 20 The Dally Express
this morning publishes a rumor that a gi
gantic gold mine trust has been formed,
Including Mcsars, John D. rockefeller,
Cecil ItuodcH, Alfred licit and Joseph lien
Jamin llobluson.
Tnlim mi Anierlemi Ilrlile.
LONDON, Nov. 28. IJaron Speck von
Steinberg, tho former first secretary of tho
German embassy nt Washington, recently
promoted to consul for Germany at Cal
cutta, has written to the United States am
basBador here, Josoph II. Chcntc, asking
him to procure a special license for his
marrlago to MIhs Lillian May Lnngham, a
uleco of Arthur Langham of Louisville, Ky.,
to whom ho will bo married as soon as ho
arrives tn this city.
American Itullwuy Cnnohea Alirnnil
LONDON, Nov. 2'J. Tho government of
Now Zealand, according to a dispatch to tho
Times from Wellington, Is Importing sixty
modern railway carriages from tho United
Hull Put on lliiheuilnn mill 1'ollnli,
HEMLIN, Nov, 28, The Thurlngian BtnteB
of tho German empire havu forbidden tha
holding of religious sorvlccs In the Polish
and Bohemian languages.
ii in
American Cruucr Gees Down in Storm Off
Isknd of Guam.
Anvy llpftlMer Shorra the Veaacl
Curried it Cuniilcnient of .enrly
Three lliinilri-it .Men ilm
MANILA, Nov. 29. Tho United Stnle3
auxiliary cruiser Yosemlto parted hor cable
off harbor of Snu Luis d'Apra, Island of
Guam, drifted llfty miles, struck a reef and
wns wrecked.
Five of tho crow wero drowned. A col
lier rescuod tho remainder.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2S.-Tho Yosemlto
wns first commissioned April 13, ISM. She
had been station ship at the Islund of Guam
slnco the days of tho Spunlsh war. She la
n Blxtocn-ktiot converted cruiser of 0,179
toni displacement nnd Is provided with a
main battery of ten 5-Inch rnpld-firo guns
r.nd n secondary battery of six alx-pounders
nnd two Colt rifles. Sho has u complement
of eighteen officers nnd 207 men. Hor
measurements nro 391 feet In length by
forty-eight feet extreme breadth. Sho
has a mean draft of twenty feot ono Inch.
Just before tho outbrcnk of the Spanish
American war tho vessel was bought by the
Navy department, fitted ns nn' utixlllary
cruiser nnd rendered effcctlvo service uh
one of the patrol fleet, being manned partly
by tho Michigan naval militia. It Is suld
that her anchorage nt Guam was oft the
harbor of San Lula d'Apra, and that
owing to her draft she was obliged to lie
six miles offshore. The harbor is a par
ticularly daugcrous one, owing to tho ex
istence of it rocky shonl In the middle nnd
a particularly crooked channel.
According to tho nnvy register the
Ycsemlto was manned by eighteen officers
and 2G7 men, but In her capacity of station
ship not nil of these were required, nnd
undoubtedly a part of them wero ashore
engaged In duties nt the naval station.
This probably would bo true of her com
mandor, Seaton Schroedor, who also Is
governor of Guam, and who probably left
the nctlvo command of tho ship to tho
ranking lleutonant, Augustus N. Mayer.
Tho other officers accredited to tho ship by
tho register aro: LloutcnantB W. E.
Safford, Albert Morltz. U. U. Hlcrcr; En
clgns A. W. Pressey. H. L. Collins, A. N.
Mitchell nnd F. T. Evnna; Assistant Sur
goon F. M. Furlong, A6ststnnt Paymaster
P. W. Dolano, Chaplain L. F. Rennol'ls
and eight warrant officers.
Neither tho naval or war officials had
received anything up to n lato hour to
night regarding tho loss of tho cruiser
Yosemlto. Tho presumption hero Is that
the news of tho disaster was brought to
Manila by tho War department transport
Sherman, which Is due at that plnco about
this time. According to an arrangement
with tho nnvnl officers a War department
transport calls monthly nt Guam to de
liver mall matter Intended for tho pcoplo
thero and ns the Sherman left San Fran
cisco about November 1 with the expecta
tion of stopping at Guam sho probably
learned of the wreck on hor way over nnd
reported It on her arrival at Manila.
CruUrr'a lom Aro Crunlird In.
NEW YOIIK, Nov. 29. Advices havo been
received hero from Manila that the Island
of Ouira was visited by a terrific typhoon
on November 13, which wrecked thousands
of houses, nmong Horn being tha head
quarters of Governor Schroedor. Tho towna
of lndrojan and Terraforo wero swept away
and It is estimated that hundreds of tho
native population in various parts of the
island mot their denths. The cocoanut
crops wero rendered absolutely worthless
and tha vegetation of tho Island killed by
salt water. Tho storm came up In the
forenoon and swept across the Island with
nmazlug rapidity. The United States aux
iliary cruiser Yosemlto, which was an
chored adjacent to the collier Justin,
dragged Its anchor and was driven nground
150 yards from a reef, her bows being
crushed in. A launch with a crew of five
men had previously left the ship to en
deavor to find a safo anchorage for tho ves
sel, the Indications being that the anchors
would not hold where It was. Tho mc.'i
were not seen after thoy left tho ship and
It Is practically certain that tho heavy
sea which the storm kicked swamped tho
launch. Tho bodies of Coxswain F. Swan
son nnd Seaman Georgo Anhel were recov
ered after tho typhoon subsided.
Tho storm veered around after the Yo
semlto grounded, and It was driven oft and
carrlod onto tho Somaye cliffs, where her
rudder and propeller wero broken. Heat
swain Sweeny and twelve of tho crow vol
unteered to take n llfo line ashore. A
boat was lowered for this purpose, but it
was immediately swamped by a big sea that
swipt over It. All Its occupants were car
ried away from the boat, but they miracu
lously succeeded In reaching tho land after
nn hour's Btrugglo with tho waves.
Drift llelpleamly lleforc the f!lc.
Meanwhllo tho atmosphero had bocomo
of Inky blackncsB and tho Yosemlto, which
had again been blown off tho land, was
drifting helplessly beforo tho gale, which
was blowing at tho rato of 100 miles an
All hopo of saving the cruiser was aban
doned nnd tho officers nnd crow propnred
for tho death they thought was surely
staring them In the face. A majority of
tho bontB had been elthor smashed or car
ried out of tho davlta and thoso that wcro
left could not accommodate half tho crew,
even If It had been possible for thom to
Hvo In Iho enormous bcos that were by this
tlmo runutng.
A sen anchor had been put out nnd this
hold tho Yosemlte up Into tho teeth of tho
storm and prevented it from falling oft Into
tho trough of tho Ben. Tho vessel rodo to
this anchor and drifted rnpidly until C
o'clock In tho evening, when the weather
cleared. The cruiser was then sixty miles
north nnd forty miles west of Guam. It
had labored so heavily that It had sprung
a leak and nil hands, including Its com
mander. Lieutenant Ilrlef, and the chief
engineer, worked hard in trying to clear
tho vessel of tho water that was pouring
Into and rapidly tilling tho forward com
partments. CrnUer In Scuttled.
After the violence of the storm had 8ub
blded efforts were made to start tho en
gines. They wcro finally got to work and
tho Yosemlte, with Its damaged propeller,
strugglod landward at the rat of two
knots an hour. The water kept gaining
In tho hold and the ship was gradually
At 1:30 p. in., November 15, tho Justin,
which had atnrtcd In Bearch of tho
Yosemlto, picked It up and attempted to
tow It back to Guam. Two hawsors wcro
broken and it waa then decided that It
wob Impossible to take It Into port. Tho
cruUer was then scuttled, ufter which It
was abandoned, all hnnds going aboard tha
Tho Yosemlto sank, bow first, at 3 o'clock
and tho Justin stood away for Guam. Pay
muster Mallard saved ICS, 000 Mexican
money from the sinking Bhlp.
Increnxeil liiipiii'lntlon of Aiiii'rli'tut
I'ooil Product t'l-cntct Alurm In
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2S. Consul Gen
eral Mnsou ut Uerlln has submitted his
annual report for 160'J to tho Department
of State. Ho saya that it notable Increase
In tho Import of American corn nnd oats
has Inspired great uuensltiesB nnd certain
Germnn economiats of ngrnrinn tendencies,
who hold that In respect to food products,
forego grains nnd certain other materials
Germany Is becoming altogether too depen
dent upon tho United States. He points out
that in tho reciprocal trado between the
United State and Germany for tho last
decade a balnnco of over 2CO,000,000 rests
with tho tepubllc r.galnst tho empire. "Ger
many," he says, "is still !oor In accumu
lated wealth In comparison with Franco
and England. Writers In other countries
havo painted tho situation in Germany In
bomber colors nnd havo pradlcted a stormy
sen ahead for certain German Industries In
the shnpo of tho lncl cased cost of fuel and
tho overshadowing competition of tho
United Stutes. Whlto theso general as
pects of tho situation nro clearly recognlred
in Germany thcro Is no outwnrd symptom
of trepidation or panlo ond business men
of all cliuscs face tho future, with apparent
Tho coudltlon of German ngrlculturo la
said to bo still unsatisfactory. Tho most
important agricultural product. In a com
mercial bcuso, beet sugar, hns Buffered on
tho wholo, although its exportation to thu
United Stuten has Increased of late. Con
Mil General Mason says: "Tho tlmo Is
rlpo for n calm, deliberate nnd dcteutlflc
revision of tho pre?cnt obsoloto and Im
perfect treaties botween tho United States
and Germany."
After Xrnrly Four Hundred Men Hnrc
Ueen llcjceteil Jury In Komid to
Try .Ml Morrison.
ELDOKADO, Kan.. Nov. 2S. Twelve
farmers will decldo tho fafo of Jesslo Mor
rison, churged with muraer In tho first
degree for having killed Mrs. G. Olln
Cnstlc. The last man to moke up tho Jury
was securoJ this aftornoon. All tho Jurors
nro married men over 30 years of ago and
all llvo outsldo of Eldorado, whoro tho
crlrao was committed. Ono of them Is a
cIobo personal friend of Judge Morrison,
father of tho woman on trial, and has
known tho Morrison family for fifteen years.
Ho was objected to by tho stato's attorney,
but tho challengo was overruled by Judge
Shlnu. The taking of testimony will bo
Kin on Friday morning, to which tlmo the
court adjourned. Tho efforts to secure a
Jury to try tho caso has extended over a
period of seven days, during which tlmo
over 400 veniremen have been examined.
Jesslo Morrison's comfort and support
during tno trial Is her oli father, former
Probato Judge Morrison. -He has been by
her sldo in the court room constantly nnd
uutll today has Invariably accompanied her
to and from tho Jail. This morning whon
tho jailer opened tho door of her cell and
told her to come, aho pleaded: "Watt a
minute; father will be here(noon."
"No," eatd tho Jailer, '"yo must como
now," and she followed tfm'dly after hes
itating a moment.
Soon after sho had been seated In the
court room Judgo Morrison entered nnd
took hla accustomed placo at tho prisoner's
Olln Cnstlo, widower of tho murdered
woman, hns arranged a hunting party for
Thanksgiving day and invited sovernl news
paper men attending tho trial to accompany
him. "I wish this trial would end," ho
said today to n reporter. "I'm getting
awfully tlted of It."
Pin In Clothe Men AVIio Try to Get
a Caae nn AV'lly William Aro
NEW YOUK, Nov. 28. Billy- McGlory's
saloon on West Flftocnth street was to
have been opened tonight by a big ball.
Tho pollco wore notified and nt tho last
moment tho ball wna called off. This even
ing six plain clothes men took their places
In front of tho hall, but they found noth
ing to do. A dim light burned In tho bar
room, but thoro was no sign of llfo within.
Michael Davis, proprioter of tho "Ulack
Rabbit," tho most notorious den in this
city, wna permitted to plcnd guilty today
beforo Recorder Goft, In general sessions,
to keeping a disorderly houso. Ho was
sentenced to eight months' Imprisonment
In tho ponltenlnry. Two other Indictments
against tho prlBouer, each charging a
felony, tho maximum penalty of which
would havo beon twenty years nt hard labor
In stato prison, wero practically quashed by
tho district attornoy'B recommendation that
tho prisoner bo discharged on his own
recognlznnce. Paulino Shelbcn, who was
prosent during tho orgies when tho "niack
Rabbit" wns raided, also escaped with eight
months' sentence. In contrast with th
sentences Julius Dumont, employed ns n
noor manager ny Davis In tho "Ulack Rab
bit," tried and convicted beforo Judgo Cow
ing last week, was sentenced to fourteen
years' In Btato prison. Edyth Myrtle Lynch,
a performer nt tho "Ulack Rnbblt," tried
and convicted before Judgo McMahon, got
soven years In stnto prison.
Conlrnct Cnlllnir for Expenditure of
lf(l,(MIO,)(l( on Uiidri'ttriiiinil Ny
tem Signed lu New VorU.
NEW YORK, Nov. 29. Tho World saya:
"ContrnctH wcro Blgncd yesterday
(Wednesday) In London nnd ratified lu
Wall street for the equipment of tho Char
ing Cross, Euston & Hnmpstend Under
ground railway with electricity at n cost
of about $20,000,000. Americans will fur
nish all tho capital for the enterprise.
"Tho contracting parties wero: Charles
T. Yerkcs, II. C. Davis, A. U. Houscmun
and others of Now York, J. J. Mitchell of
Chicago aud tho firm of Prlco & Reeves
of Westminster, England, electrical and
general contractors.
"The contract provides for tho excavation
ns woll ns tho electrical equipment of tho
road and Its various offshoots from Chnrlng
Cross to Hnmpstcad, n dlstanco of about
seven miles, Including tho contributory
"This Is an advance for rapid transit In
London, though there are two underground
systems already In operation.
"Tho new road will probably ho In op
eration boforo New York'B underground read
la completed."
Indleled for Dnrtorluir Hurley,
CHICAGO, Nov. 28,-11. II. Htuhr of
Davenport, who wns Indicted here yester
day on u chargo of doctorlim hurley with
milnhur, camo to Chicago today and guvo
bntl for hlB nppenranco fur trial, llo enld:
' Tho cliurgo in ridiculous. I have been
In tho grain business for twontv-seven
years and havo mado a specialty of barley,
llfre I adopted this process of puiifylni?
th grain I experimented with It thoroughly
und found that It would mnko It much
sweeter In the malt und retnlu If not
strengthen all its other qualities,"
Actual Gain in Population Shown by the
Census Figures.
AKHcuMiirn! Section Miiiit n 1'lne
lucreUMu In .Niintlit-i- of 1 pie Over
the lU-turii Miide Ten
Voitr Alio.
Careful examination of the census figures
published in Tho lleo will reassure the
friends of Ncbrasku who may be uppro
henalvo from the showluz made thnt tho
stnto has not made the progress one would
naturally expect from the groat and fertllo
legion embraced within Its borders. As
a matter of fact, Nebraska has made much
progress, in order to comprehend the
llguios which nro given In connection with
this article, It must be understood that In
somo sections of Ncbruska tho cciihuh ru-
turns for I&'jO wero enormously tmddcd.
This was especially true of tho larger
titles Omaha, Lincoln, Ueatrlcc, Hastings,
iNeurnsua City, Kearney, Grand Island nnd
others. Just how much of the lucre. me
shown for 1S90 was fictitious will never bo
known. Another contributory feature to bs
recalled is tho drouth yenrs of ls'JO and
ISO I, which drove so many settlers out of
the sand hill" counties und tho counties
In tho southwestern part of tho state.
Many of theso havo returned. When thosn
things aro understood, the public will np
preclato tho fact that a great growth hus
been mndo In Nebraska and that In having
to faco the puny nine-tenths of 1 per cont
Increase credited to tho Btnte by the census
bureau, tho people of Nebraska aro but pay
ing tho Inevitable penalty for tho extrava
gant Inflation of urban population returns
for 1890.
"Where Growth I Shown.
In 1890 tho following flfty-flvo counties
(CI. 11 per cent or tho Nebraska total) re
turned a population of 487,722, or 46 per
cent of tho total population of tho state.
In 1900 theso same counties show a popu
lation of G7S.CS0, or C3.US per cent of tho
stnto's total. In tho ten years theso es
sentially agricultural counties have mado
a gain In population of 87,928, or an In
crease of 18.03 per cent over tho figures of
1S90. Here nro tho flfty-flvo counties of
Nebraska which show this most satisfac
tory lncroaso:
Hox lllltte
09 J
iiurt ij.uvj
Hutlcr 15,703
Cedar 12.4Q7
Cherry 6,'M
Colfax 11,211
Cuming 14, Shi
Dakota. G,M
Dawson 12,214
Dixon 10,635
Dodge 22,294
Franklin 9,455
Frontier 8,781
Furnas 12,373
Oaiilcld 2,127
Gosper 6,301
Grant 7G3
Greeley 6.C91
Hall 17.206
Harlan 9,370
Hooker 432
Howard 10,343
Jefferson 15,196
Johnson 11,197
Kearney 9,N66
Knox 14.343
Lincoln 11.U6
McPherson 617
Mudlson 16,976
Merrick 8.255
Nance 8,223
Nemaha 14,592
Nuckolls 12.411
Pnwneo 11,770
Pholps lu.TW
Pierce, 8,44j
Plntto 17.747
Ited Willow 9.C01
Itlchardsun 19,614
Barpy 9.0S0
Bcotts Illllff
Sherman ...
Stunton ...
Thayer ....
Thomas ...
Vnllov 7.339
Washington 13.0S6
Wayno 9,Si'J
Webster 11.610
York 18.205
Totals 575.650 487,722 87,928
Where tho Loan U Felt.
Thlrty-flvo other counties, In somo of
which nro contnlned tho largo cltleM of tho
stnto, and somo of which aro In tho area
which has been nil but abandoned for agri
cultural pursuits during tho decado, re
turned in 1890 a population of 671,188, or
D4 per cent of the total for tho state. In
1900 theso counties returned but 492,889
population, or 40.12 per cent of tho state's
total. It will thus bo noted that tho re
lation to tho Btato's total of tho counties
showing gain or loss In population havo
Just boon reversed during tho decade.
Hero aro tho thlrty-flvo counties that show
a loss of population of 78,299 from tho
figures of 1890, or 13.7 per cent of tho totul
they returned for that year:
Uauner LJ1
Kn S
9 722
23. 101
4 tI2
t HUP"
Plieifiinnn It. hi)
Clay 6.i3.i
Custer W.'f'J
Dawes 6.215
Douglas HO.690
Dundy .
Flllmor 16,yS7
nago Wi
Hamilton IjU-o
I la yen fj"J
1 35
1 391
HltchcocK .
Koya Pnha
Kimball ...
Lnncastcr .
PolK ....
Rook ....
Bnllno ..
Hewnrd .
Slnux ....
Totals 102,589 671.183
Connreimloiinl Dlatrletn.
Anntiinr thin it which Is apparent from
theso ilgures Is tho necessity of a renrrango
mont of tho congreaslouul districts, oven
If tho now apportionment does not cut down
tho representation of Nebraslta in tho house,
As nt present arranged the Second dlBtrtct
contains Bcvcrnl thousand less man ono
sixth tho population of tho Btate, whllo tho
Third district has sovera! thousand to
spare. Following is the population of tho
Blx districts as at present constituted:
Johnson ..
Nemaha .
Douglas .,
21,311 Pawnee 11.770
ii,;.w mcnunison Ji(,14
lil.f.Tj .
u:xi Total iw.oso
140,590 Washington .... 13.CSC
,, ;u6'j .-
Total 13:
rsoouo ..
Kurt ....
Cedar ...
Colfax ..
U.StlMndlsou ...
U,ia9Morrlek ....
l. 467 Pierce
11,211 Plattn
ll,6SIHtnnton ....
(Continued on Second Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska
Fair; Westerly Winds.
onnierntnre ut
nr. Den.
11. in ill
n, 111 :u
11. 111 !14
O111 11 lut Yealerdnyt
Hum'. Heir.
I p. in It
U i. in IU
:t 11. 111 .lit
I 11. 111. . .-. . .
r. 11. in -Ill
II 11. in Ill
7 11. 111 II
111 , . . . -H
111 till
111 nr.
1 I
Senulnr Deelnrefi It Ciiiinot llo the
CrimiihiK Clury of Ilia l.lfe to
Sit In I'rcalileiitlnl Cluilr.
CLKVULAND. O.. Nov. 55 A pnmmltlm
representing tho M. A. Ilnnnn ltcpubllenn
club of this city, which recently unRsid
lesolutlons cndurslng Hon, JI. A. Hnntm ns
a candldato for the presidency lu 1904,
rniio.: up tho sonntor today nt his ofllco to
present the Fame. President OnllaghtT of
tho club acted as spokesman. In nn appro
priate nnd strong presentation stieeeh ho
told why tho club members believed tho sen
ntor has well earned tho exalted honor of
being chief executive! of the United Stnten.
The epsaker referred to .Mr. Ilnnna ns tho
licrcuies of tho republican pnrty. "If Mr.
McKlllIev had been defeated." 1i
"Senator Hanna would have been held re.
Bponslbi". Tho victory was n remarkable
one, though not unexpected, nnd tho credit
lay with tho man who i entitled to his re
Tho reception nccorded the rnmmltten hv
Senntor Ilnnna was most cordial. In reply
ing to hla visitors ho laid stress upon hla
appreciation ot tho honor conferred upon
him nnd en Id:
"I bclleo In my heart Hint. T linvn nnlv
done my duty to tho country to my people.
1 bcck no public ofllco nnd 1 seek no reward.
Although I deerdv nnnreelntn Din fenllnirx
expressed by my neighbors nnd friends, it
cannot bo tho crowning act of my llfo to
sit In tho presidential chnlr. I nm growing
old nnd expect to retire after my sena
torial terms expires. Your klndnecs nnd
consideration In what you deem to bo tho
proper course deeply touches me, but my
candidacy for the presidency Is absolutely
out of tho question and la not oven to bo
thought of."
Short llnve to Miiuiire with I'lillllpn,
the Corn Cornerer, ut the
liven Hnlf.
CHICAGO, Nov. 28. Finding themselves
unable to produco enough contract corn to
fill sales made to Georgo II. Phillips for
November delivery, tho nhorta, including
several leading elevator firms, It was an
nounced today on tho Hoard of Trndo, hnd
agreed to settle tholr shortage at 50c. Thu
announcement camo ns a great surprlso to
thoso traders who had "tailed" tho Phil
lips operation. At tho moment November
corn A'us selling around 60 cents, ono cent
from tho highest price on tho deal. A
rush to sill followed and tho market mado
no halt until just beforo tho closing bell,
when It rested at 41 cents. It is under
stood that thoso Btandlng short to Phillips
slnco ho began gathering up offerings ot
Novombcr corn, about a mouth ago, ex
hausted every effort to secure enough No.
2 corn to fill their Bales. Tho local stocks
amounted to a trlflo over 1,000,000 bushels
nnd tha new crop of corn wns too soft for
delivery. Plana wero oven considered to
bring back n lot of corn from the east, but
these woro abandoned; nnd, as Phillips was
upheld by tho Hoard of Trado commltteo
of uppeals In his protest against a lot of
klln-drled corn, tho Bhorts finally, lntt
yesterday, agreed to glvo over tho fight
and settlo with Phillips at tho even halt
dollar, whero It was apparent tho manipu
lator would havo no trouble In holding tho
Various estimates woro hazarded as to
the profits of tho "squeeze." As Phillips
Is said to havo accumulated n lino ot moro
than 2,000,000 bushols around 35 cents, It
wns admitted that his profits must havo
reached into tho hundreds of thousands.
On this point, Phillips wns, however, en
tirely non-committal.
Japmieae Offlclala Mnr Hvo Borne
Moro Couatrueted In
BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 28. A party of
distinguished Japaneso officials arrived In
this city on tho Btcamer Nippon Maru.
Captain T. Matsuo and Commander K.
Yamada will Inspect somo of our modern
war vcssols and, provided satisfactory terms
can bo mado, to ncgottato for tho construc
tion of ono or two gunboats or cruisers.
Thoy will then go east and to England to
Inspect tho torpedo boat destroyers now
being built thero for Japan.
II. Koizumi, suporlntondent of tho Yoko
hama warehouse department and chief no
countant In tho Japaneso custom house, Is
on his way to Franco to Investigate custom
houso taxation.
ToraJIro WataBa, a member of tho higher
Imperial Industrial council, Is to mnko a
tour of tho eastern cities, paying special at
tention to agricultural development.
Captain Takenoucho is on his way to
Paris, where be goes ns naval attache to
tho Japanera legation there.
Utah Mnn Htnrt In to lliterml
nute Ilia I'mnllj-lCllla
Hla Hull).
SCOFIRLD. Utah, Nov. 28. Illchard
Smith, a real miner, beat his wlfo almost
lnecnslblo and Htruck his 3-months-old child
on tho forehead, fracturing tho little ono'a
skull so that It died later.
A pair ot twln pomdwhat older, had
been Bleeping in tho bed. Smith wrapped
tho bed clothes so tightly about tho chil
dren that they woro helpless. Then ho
saturated the clothes with kerosene and
set fire, to them.
Tho mother had recovered sufficiently by
this tlmo to scream for holp and neighbors
arrived ust In tlmo to ovorpower Smith
and save- tho children's lives,
Whllo this waB going on Jacob Kangas,
n neighbor, was prevented by timely Inter
ference from killing his wife and threo
children. Tho two men had been drinking
Amerlenna Weur llrltlah Uniform.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 28.-Flftv-elKht
AmerlcaiiH who were with the nugllsh
nrmy In Houlh Africa arrived hero today
on tho steamship Helglnn from Liverpool,
They left tonliiht for their homea In Chi
cago, St. Loila und New Orleans. Their
piiHKage to thlH country wus paid by tho
DtiKllsh government. Thu men left New
Orluuim hint Hummer ns mulcteurn, but In
South Africa thoy enlisted with tho Kug
lish forces ns conductor of armored trulns,
New Seed "When! fur ICnuaiiN,
TOPHICA. Ivan.. Nov. 28 -The HUto An
Bochitlon of Jllllers und Jrnln Dealer his
iindertnkon to Biinnly tho fnrmtrs. of K.n-
tia with 11 new BtcicK of 3eel wheat. They
will Hend lo Turkey for n cargo of IttiKuli.i.
Turkey wheat, which thoy will deliver tn
ineir Jv.nnnn patrons ill 1101 10 exceed
12 25 n bushel, delivered not later tlm'i
fiptemher 1, 1901. The piico to bo paid
will be tho actual cost of tho wheat.
Prcscnco of Arnoriain Tattlenbip at Smyrna
Bakes Great Excitement.
Severance of Diplornatio Relations with
United States Suggested.
Sultan Belies on Europe to Stay Any Hostile
Act by This Country,
Aaaiirnnce Suld to llnve Iieeu (liven
Thnt the Vlalt of the AYnrahlp
Conveyed ,u Memu'c ut
Any Kind.
, NEW YOUK, Nov. 18. Cablo advices say
tho Vienna Tageblatt publishes a dispatch
from Coustautluoplo to tho eifoct thnt tho
Turkish council of ministers has hold u
conference to determine whether or not tho
Bunding of tho United States battleship
Kentucky to Smyrna should be regarded us
cn act of hostility. According to tho Tngo-
blatt's dispatch the homo minister urged
tho Bovcr.tuco of diplomatic relations with
tho United Stntes, and oven went bo far
us to threaten wur unless tho Keutuuky
ahould bo withdrawn from Turkish waters.
Tho ministers express tho belief that tho
huropcnti powera would not permit tho
United States to attack Turkoy, and that
country, therefore, would be Hafu In tuktng
11 delimit attitude.
WASHINGTON, Nov. IS. All Ferrouh
Ucy, tho Turkish minister here, called on
Secretary Hay today relative to tho visit
of tho big battleship Kentucky to Turkish
waters. The Kentucky Balled from Naples
lost Saturday nnd arrived nt the Important
Turkish port of Smyrna this morning, only
n few hours beforo tho minister's visit.
After his talk with Secretary Hay tho
minister dcclnred that tho Kentucky's visit
conveyed 110 menace, and that It had no
bearing upon tho diplomatic relations be
tween tho Turkish government and tho
United Stntes. Ho nsncrted with great
posltlvcncss that tho sultan cherished tho
kindliest feelings toward Prcsldont McKln
lcy and that tho relations wcro moat amica
ble. Inquiries nt tho Stato and Navy depart
ments today as to tho Kentucky's mission
elicited tho simple statement that tho vlalt
of tho battleship to Smyrna had no hostllo
Meanwhile, It Is understood that tho ne
gotiations botween Mr. Grlscom, our charge
nt Constantinople, and tho portc, for the
settlement of the missionary claims and the
question nn to Dr. Norton's exequatur as
consul at Ilarpoot aro progressing, with
Indications that a compromise will bo ar
ranged. LONDON, Nov. 20. "An Imperial
Irade orders tho Immediate signature at
a contract for tho construction of n fast
cruiser with tho Cramps of Philadelphia."
says tho Constantinople correspondent ot
tho Dally Chronicle. "Tho prlco agreed
upon will glvo a sufficlcut surplus to pay
tho American Indemnities. Thus tho
United States gain nn Important commer
cial and diplomatic bucccbs."
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. Tho battleship
Kentucky arrived at Smyrna this morning.
Tho Navy department haa given no further
orders to tho Kentucky beyond thoso di
recting hor to proceed to Smyrna, for a
flvo days' stay. Tho department haa re
ceived a letter from Captain Chester ot
tho Kentucky, mailed from Gibraltar, toll
ing of a storm which tho ship passed
through on the Atlantic, mid tho opportunity
it afforded of testing tho seagoing qualities
ot tho big battleship. Tho storm nroso on
tho SOth ult., and raged thnt day and tho
noxt. Tho waves tore away tho starboard
llfo boat and beat It to pleccn. This wna
tho only mishap. Captain Chester Bays
that throughout tho storm tho battleship
behaved beautifully and showed oxccllont
seaworthy qualities.
VIENNA, Nov. 28. Tho Vienna morning
papors publish nothing In corroboration of
tho report that a council of tho Ottoman
ministers has beon held In Constantlnoplo
for tho purposo of considering a declaration
of war ngalnnt tho United States In view
ot tho prosenco of tho United Stntos battlo
Bhlp Kentucky at Smyrna. On tho contrary
tho report receives no credenco whatever.
Three Prominent OfMelnla llealun and
May Cn Into lltinliima
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 28. Changes In
Loutsvlllo of great interest in connection
with tho American and Continental To
bacco companies will go Into effect Decern
boi 1.
John Docrhoefcr, one of tho most widely
known tobacco men tn the country, and
cno of tho moving spirits lu tho so-called
Tobacco trust, has resigned ns a mcmbor
of tho board of directors of tho American
company and also as general manager ot
tho company's Loulsvillo establishment.
Dasll Docrhoefcr has resigned as director
ot tho Continental compnny and as general
manager of tho rehandllng plant In this
city. Marcus Docrhoefcr, brother of John
and IJaflll Docrho.cfcr, has tendered bli
resignation as general manager of the plus
factory hero. It Is sntd In LoulsvUlo that
tho threo resignations mean that tho Doer
htcfer brothers, who havo been such n
power In tho affairs ot the trust slnco Its
organl7ntlon, havo severed tholr connection
with tho combine for sond and hereafter
may bo allied against It In the Independent
John Docihoefor refuses to say whether
ho and his brothers bava sold their to
bacco stock or whother thoy will engage In
bunlnrss Independently of the big com
panies. The resignations of the Docrhoofors will
come before the regular weekly meeting of
tho hoards ot tho two tobacco companies In
New York thlH week,
la Conic County' YnuiiReat Murderer.
r'HlOAao. Nov IS.-Ilyo II. Novak, nged
H years, was found irullly of murder
by 11 jury In Judgo Tuley'n court O
Uay. Novak Blubbed nnd killed his com
panion, Albert Olson, durlnir 11 quarrel, Hen.
teniber 1" Novak will lie sent tn tho pon
tine reformatory under the undeternilnnt')
net, whero ho will bo cnuilnud until ho n
relented on parole, or nert to tho Htuto
prison when ln 1h of age Novuk Is raid
to bo tho youngest murderer ever con
victed In Cook county.
Cuttle MiiNt lie luapeoteil Here,
HAMILTON, Ontario, Nov. SS.-Colnnel
Hhepanl. I'nlte.l Stntes consul In this rlty,
1,uh been notllled Hint oftT Haturduy Hh p-
JH-rn of briodlng cuttle to the II".lt-vl
itutfH will ho cempflled to have, their
stock for expert te' ted by ft I'nlted Stated
M'lurimuv niiri:nii. curiiiiny 1110 ivtvi
were mail
L'aiiudlau veterlnurlei,
,110 uy L-u