Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Jeta Ho Support in Hii Attack on Dietrich's
Srercdirr Jim IMgfrlnn In Flatly Op.
posed to n Co n I rut ami llrynn nml
Fojniter Sny Tlic-y Know
.OtlllllK of It.
LINCOLN, Nov. 27. (Spcclat Telegram.)
J. A. EJgcrton of Denver, secretary of
the populist national committee, conferred
with V. J. Ilryan this afternoon and It Is
aid that among tho things discussed was
tho advisability of beginning contest pro
cccdlngs against Governor Charles II. Diet
rich. To a friend Mr. Kdgcrton was out
spoken In condemning the proposed con
test, but ho would not say whether Mr.
IJryan entertained a similar opinion. It
Is known, however, that Mr. IJrynn Is op
posed to tho plan and tomo of tho fusion
lsts look for him to Intcrfcro If Kdmlstcn
finally decides to begin tho proceedings.
Governor Poynter today denied that ho had
been Instrumental In causing the contro
versy concerning Mr. Dietrich's qualifica
tions. "I know of no contest or proposition to
contest," ho said to tho reporters, "and
consequently can't dlscuBs tho matter."
Fred H. Nagel, ono of tho proprietors of
tho Frelo Prcsso, Is made defendant In a
sensational breach of promise caso .begun
In tho district court this afternoon by
Holona B. Stone, of 226 North Ninth street.
At the samo tlmo another suit was begun
by tho samo porson to recover II.OGO, al
leged to bo due on promissory notes. Tho
petitions were removed from tho flics Im
mediately after they were filed and nothing
is known of tho matter they contained other
than that one of them alleged that' Nagel
promised to murry the plaintiff and the
other that ho owed the amount named on
promissory notes executed within tho past
four years. Mr. Nagel was out of the city
today and his attorneys refused to discuss
the case.
Will Roost Iiiillnn Territory.
Sovoral of the outgoing officeholders at
tho state houso are planning to organize a
promoting Byndlcato for operation In un
developed portions of Indian Territory.
Deputy Superintendent neck, who returned
rocontly from a tour over tho southern
portion of tho territory ,1b endeavoring to
Interest his constituents In the scheme and
already Secretary of State Porter, Henry
Ilium and David McKnteo of tho governor's
omce have signified a willingness to share
tho responsibility of forming a stock com
pany for tho purposo of buying a largo
tract of land In that country. Tho plan
contemplated la to buy or securo posses
sion of 30,000 acres of land, which can be
bought at tho rate of $25 for forty acros,
start a boom In that partlculur section by
means of advertising and then sell tne
land for tbreo or four times Its purchase
"Any porson who has watched tho devel
opment of this western country knows that
there Is a great futuro In store for Indian
Territory," said Mum, tho most enthusi
astic of tho promoters, '.''(hey tell us that
the Territory Is as rich as a gold mining
country nnd that tho peoplu there ore rap
Idly growing wealthy. Wd hnven't fully
doclded whether to locata thcro, but a
number of us will look over, tho ground
and consider tho prospocts and It we think
tho outlook encouraging wo will organtzo
for business and push tho schemo for all
It Is worth."
Tho fact that all of the persons Inter
ested In tho movement aro' known as poli
ticians would Indicate that they had some
Intention of entering tho field of politics
In the Territory, Tho officials nnd other
officeholders who retlro January 3 have
said that thoy would have nothing further
to do with politics, but since tho Indian Ter
rltory schemo was proposed they said that
thoy referred only to Nebraska.
Pressure for Pardons.
Governor Poynter has been besieged for
soveral days past by persons requesting
the perdon or parolo of penitentiary con
victs. Today ho listened to flvo appeals for
tho pardon of as many convicts nnd several
potltlons wero received by mail.
In speaking of the many requests this
afternoon, Governor Poynter said thoy were
ulll due to tho republican newspapers. Ho
said thoy, had given him tho reputation of
bolng an"easy man," by charging him with
unjustifiably pardoning or paroling several
Tho State Drnnd nnd Mnrks commis
sion, which was In session slnco the day
after election, adjourned to meet Decem
ber 31. The commission has examined
3,020 applications for brands nnd has
granted noarly all of them. A few of the
applications were returned bocauso the
brands thoy contained had already beeni
Tho State Canvassing board met today
and began the official canvass of tho vote
for presidential electors, congressmen and
Judges of tho supremo court. Only about
half of tho counties were completed. The
official vote for the stato candidates wllhuo
canvassed only by tho legislature.
Flies CnnipnlKtt Account!.
FREMONT. Neb., Nov. 27. (Special,) L.
D. Illchards, treasurer of the stato repub
lican commltteo, has filed In tho office of
Mo External
The blood may lie in bad condition
jet with no external signs, uo skin
eruption or sores to indicate it. The
Tinptoms in such cases belug a variable
appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable
weakness nnd nervousness, loss of flesh
and a general run-down condition of the
system clearly showing the blood has
lost its nutritive qualities, has become thin
and watery. It is in just such cases that
S. S. S. has done some of its quickest nnd
most effective work by building up the
blood and supplying the elements lacking
to make it strong and vigorous.
" My wife tiscd sev
eral bottles of S. S. vS.
as a blood purifier und
to tone up u weak and
emaciated system, with
very marked effect by
way of improvement.
"We regard it a
freat tonic and uloort
purifier." J. V. Dui'F,
Princeton, Wo.
is the greatest of all
tonics, and you will
I find the appetite im
proves nt nice, strength
returns, and nervousness vanishes ns new
rich pure blood once more circulates
through all parts of the system.
S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable
blood purifier known. It contains no min
erals whatever. Send for oir free hook
on hlood and skin diseases and write pur
physicians for any Information or advict
wanted, No charge for medical advice.
the county clerk of this county the sworn
account of the committee's receipts and dis
bursements for the campaign. Tho to al
amount received was $08,076.41, of which
amount $30,000, In round numbers, was given
by tho national committee. Tho disburse
ments were $36,367.08, leaving a balance on
hand of $1,708.33 The unpaid bills are $1,
361.13. The Items of disbursements covered
thrco solid typewritten pages of legal cap
paper. There were many liberal contribu
tors to the party funds outside of tho can
didates and prominent politicians.
Paul Colson, treasurer or the county com
mittee, also died bis sworn statement of te
celpts and disbursements. Ho received and
paid out $1,043.07.
Murk llunnn nnd J. Sterling Morton
Write to the IlnstliiRn
HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special.)
Tho following letters will bo read with In
terest by Nobraskans. They camo In nn-(
swer to Invltatlnna sent out by tho Adams
County McKlnley nnd club to nt
tend the ratification meeting held Friday
evening last:
CLUVKLAND. 0 Nov. 17.-Mr. C. J.
Miles, Vice President McKlnley nnd Roose
velt Republican Club, Hastings, Neb.: My,
Dear Sir My regret at being unable to at
tend tho Jollification meeting (it Hastings
November S3 Is, I assure you, deep nnd
most sincere.
Tho toBto of Nebrankan hospitality nnd
tho closer acquaintance with your people
formed cm my recent trip thero havo given
me u new and strong admiration for tho
stnto. 'I he good Judgment of your voters,
ns expressed nt the polls, has continued
that opinion nnd augmented thnt nffectlon.
Ab the pleasuru of personal attendance is
not possible I wish you would convey to
your peoplo this message of my most cor
dial grretlngs. It Bhould be n most nappy
nffalr, this rejoicing over the redemption of
your mnnlflcent state. The result nation
ally certainly Justifies Jollification, but you
have special reasons for ("pedal plmisuro.
In addition to meeting the legitimate Is
hups of the campaign and dispelling; the fal
lacies of the opposition the republicans of
Nebraska had to meet an uncertain and
usually powerful factor the Intlticnco of a
"favored son" and to overcome the ex
traordinary efforts naturally made In his be
half In his home Mate. Tho result shows
an ability to rise above n plea for the mere
gratification of persotml ambition. It shows
also an ability to Ignore all fatso Issues nnd
to decide fairly und honestly tho great
questions affecting the material Interests of
tho wholo country. No greater blow wus
Htruck for good government nnd against
dnngerous Issues than that which the re-
Cubllcuns of Nebraska recorded Novcm
cr 7.
I congratulate you most heartily and
hopo thnt this rally at tho homo of your
worthy governor-cloct may bo In keeping
with the lmportanco of tho victory It cele
brates. Yours truly, M. A. HANNA.
J. Miles, Vlca President McKlnley-HooMO-volt
Republican Club. Hasting, Neb.: Dear
Sir I nm ulejned to ncknowiedgc your In
vitation of November 18 to be present en
November 23 at Hastings, when your c!ub
proposes to rejoice because of tho reront
election of William McKlnley to tho pros.
Idency and Theodore Rnn-eveP t" t'io vice
presidency of tho American republic.
Tho event you propose io celeb hou'd
be regarded by all patriotic citizens as
something morn than a mere pan nan vie.
torv. It nhmilil be rpmemhereil tint nv n
liere In Nebraska thero wero ub Into as 1552
mora than 40,030 vnterx who gave noli h v
l i to i avowed .old stii ilinl 'ern o"-t
for tho office of governor. That was boforo
fusion nnd contusion to Uou.l.i.Uu
tho old-line demrcrntlc organization of tilj
stnto. Later on, In 1837, the tamo gold atond
. i.t ilcniucrat war. nominated by the gold
standard men of that party for regent of
the State university nnu received, ns I new
recall It, something less than 1,500 volca.
In the meantime the candidate had not
changed his views, character or conduct ns
to political faith or principles. The gold
standard voto of 1S97 beenmo an object of
ridicule and derision among the moro ar
dent nnd enthusiastic adherents of Hryan
nrchy. The candidate w.ii reviled as lli
most unpopular und -unworthy disciple of
democracy it! all tho northwest. Hut when
you look at tho returns of the recent elec
tion und obEorvo that tho majority of Diet
rich over Poynter Is less than the number
, -nil (i-.Tmc-'tl" votcq plveii for a re
gent of the university In 1S97. you miy
..i u . H.4 y c.hly cone udo Urn
tho victory over Poynter Is not entirely-duo
to strulght -republican Votes. On tint con
trnry, the victory In this state and the vic
tory for McKlnley nnd Roesevelt through
out tho country may be largely attributed
in tv-f '-nlppetT'et't nnd pat I ilo bellnve'a
In the gold standard who could not be ln
(Ii.luu, uuer uy intuury, uul ylug or wneid
ling to adopt nnd endorse tho fallacies and
dangerous doctrine taught by th nom'-n-of
tho populist party at Sioux Falls, who
was subsequently warmed over at Kanw-d
City and put Into circulation as tho candi
date of a democratic rarty. Tho good
faith, Integrity and honor of tha American
rt'publlc are of far greater value than any
mere partisan, paramount issue which may
be created as only a talking horse behind
which skulks the freo coinage of silver. In
unlimited quantities, at the ratio of 1C to 1.
Therefore us n lover of my country, proud
of Its honorable and glorious cureer, I ro
Jolco with you In tho downfall of hoe who,
t..i,.liln(- .llcnnnlont nmlpnvrtr t nrmv nnn
class of citizens against another ciua, a il
sought power merely for the purp ' "t
pi rsonul promotion, public place and plun
der. iNover can any iioiuieui oraniz in u
Jietnme dominant In this republic wlilch Is
Inade up of men of opposlto ways of think
ing upon nil economic questions nnu wiiu
combine merely for the purposo 'of obtain
lI1B power ""P'nte ffiff
Mensem, l'ront and Fowler Select
Their Chief Asitlstiuit In
LINCOLN, Nov. 27. (Special Telegram.)
AV. B. Rcso of this city hao been selected
for assistant to Attorney Gcnoral-olect
Prbut. Ho nerved for ten years as doputy
clork of tho supremo court under D. A.
Governor Dietrich was In tho city soveral
hours this afternoon, stopping here en
routo to his homo In Hastings. Ho called
at tho stato houso during his brief stay
nnd divided his tlmo theru botween tho
secretary of state's olllco and tho oxccutlvo
department. His object In visiting the
capltol wns to obtain Information relative
to tho detail work of his ofllco and the
form of official bond which ho will be re
quired to file beforo taking tho oath of
I) LA IK, Nob., Nov. 27. (Special Tele
gram.) W, IC. Fowler, the Incoming state
superintendent of public Instruction, to
day announces tho selection of J. L. Mc
llrlon of Geneva to bo his deputy. Mr.
Mcllrlen Is one of Nebraska's best known
educators. He has had normal university
training, with a degrco In tho Teachers'
course, fours years' cxperlenco In coun
try and vllago schools, four years' oxporl
enco ns county superintendent, four years
at tho head of an academy and four years
last past as tho head of tho schools of
Geneva. Ho has also had considerable expe
rience as nn instructor In teachers' county
Institutes. Superintendent Mcllrlen Is a
gruduato of one of our own High schools,
has served on tho executlvo committee nt
tho Southeast nnd Southwest Teachers' as
sociations, was president of tho Nebraska
Stato Teachers' association In 1892, and
secretary of the Superintendents and Prin
cipals' section In 1S99.
Npeelnl Meetlnirn nt York.
YORK, Neb.,. Nov. 27. (Special.) Spo
clal evangelistic meetings nro being held
in tho First Presbyterian church of this
city and aro attracting great crowds. Sun
day night tho auditorium pallcry, lecturo
room and every other part of tho church
was thronged by a vast audience. The pas
tor, Rev. Dr. A. T. Wolff, is being assisted
by Rev, Chester Ulrch of St. Louts, an
cvangollst, who leads the music with a
splendid gold cornet that was presented
him by tho churches of St. Louis. The
meeotltigr. will continue over next week
It la understood that the pas'or la con-
sldcrlr.g n call from a prominent eastern
church which has twice tried to get him
In the last few years'.
v Think They Ilnve u Home Thief.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special
Telegram.) Charles Drandt, residing near
Nebawka, had a horso stolen last night
Tho thief wns arrested In South, Omaha this
aiternocn anu Drought to this city this even
Ing by Sheriff W. D. Wheeler to languish
In tho county Jail until tried.
Artificial Lake's Waters Inundate Banki
and Do $20,000 Damage.
Illsnster Corned Just After Intensive
tiiiprot ementn llnil lleen Mmle on
the Plant nml JSe-r Mnohlnery
Installed In Povfcr House.
KEARNEY, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special Tel
egram.) Tho large brick power houso of
the City Electric company Is tho sceno of
a gravo disaster. Its site has beon de
vastated by water from Lnko Kearney, nn
artificial waterway north of tho city.
Twenty thousand dollars Is considered tho
extent of the damage.
An nlnrm was Given this morning at 9
o'clock from tho power house. Many citi
zens hurried to the sceno and havo bten
working nil day In tho hopo of saving part
of tho building and machinery. When
workmen went to work this morning they
discovered an Inflow of water nt tho mouth
of tho Iron flumo that supplies n small
water wheel In a building west of tho main
part of tho power house. Tho flow In
creased rapidly, though repeated nttcmpts
wero mndo to check It. Tho alarm was
then sounded. When tho citizens arrived
at tho power house they cut the canal In
pevcral places west of the wasto weir to
lessen tho Inflow, but afforded smnll re
lief. As tho volume of water Increased
a wide chasm oponed up from the canal to
tho power house, through which there was
a fearful outpour of water. It flooded tho
valley and toro up tho first and second
floors of tho power house, making short
work of the annex, which contained a small
turblno and an arc light dynamo. Tho
west wall of the basement story of the
power house and a portion of Its north
wall wero swept away, leaving that corner
of the building with two stories' weight
nbovo It depending apparently on nothing
for support.
The cnuso of tho disaster Is attributed
to laying a pipe from tho lnko to connect
with the steam plant nhlch was used when
water could not bo obtained for power.
The plpo started from tho lako botween
two largo flumes and for months tho water
had gradually worked into tho soft dirt
surrounding tho plpo. When tho recent
rlso occurred It wns short work to under
mlno tho pipe Its cntlro length and causo
tho damage.
Tho new and costly electrical machinery
Is probably wrecked boyond repair. The
water has not been checked, although
great care has been takon to bridge over
the fearful chasm. Extenslvo Improve
ments had Just been mado on the plnnt
and tho latest patterned machinery had
been placed In tho power hoUBO. All tho
business places In tho city reverted to oil
this evening nnd tho principal street of
tho city Is dark and will remain so for
some tlmo to come.
Value of the Shipment from the
Stnto IlurliiK the l.ust CI
emlur Yenr.
LINCOLN. Nov. 27. (Special.) Figures
compiled by tho Stato Bureau of Statistics
and mado public today show that tho sur
plus products exported from Nebraska
during tho last calender year, amounted
In value to $173,819,207. Thcso statistics
woro gathered primarily by tho various
railroads and transportation companies and
nro supposed to bo very nearly accurate, as
they are taken from a record of every ship
ment to points outsldo of tho state. A com
parison with previous statements shows
that tho exports were about 2 per cent lower
In point of voluo than thp tho exports of
1898, which was a banner' year. This Is
largely because of increased homo con
sumption of coronls and other products,
which is Indicated by other figures com
plied by tho board. The oxports of corn
woro nearly $3,000,000 moro in value than
during tho proviouB year. The following
shows tho amount and valuo of tho ship
ments: Kind. Amount. Value.
Horses nnd mules, head. fA370 $ 2.nic.8ft0
Cattle, hend G9S.181 32,814,(V7
Hogs, head 2.21S9I2 27.0".1.9'iO
Rheop. head 737,357 2.B80.7K0
j.iiAi-u Biutn, nenu Bl.biH 1,713,138
Packing houco products,
rounds TM.R'ivifi-; m rid jr.?
wheat, bushels 21.S12.019 12.0is!cw
Corn, bushels 77.77J.W.1 is (vrn ins
Ontfl, bushels 17,591.31.1 2.811,455
Harley, liunliels 4n,143 3PS.370
Hyp. bushels 1,219.81.1
Hay, tons 92,903 m.m
Flax, bushels 9S0.074 97fi.l73
Flour, pounds 8G.SB2.7M 1.737 '.!;
Other mill products,
pounds 71,2113.000 631,742
Grnln not classified,
bushels 31.77s 111
Live pnultry.-roopn 211.015 1,8'8!6I3
ureBsed poultry, pounds l,5!).S,ni2 137,840
Eggs, cases 4f,7,813 1,403,409
Tiutter, pounds 20,491.478 3,K9S.lSrt
Cream, pounds 4,41S.8"0 3:3,rr08
Cheese, pounds 189,013 is Ml
Piunr beets, tons 32,309 133i4M
Strawberries, eases 3,107 7,otf
Grapes, baskets 9,820 1,W)
Apnies. uarreis 7G.1 1,912
Peaches, enses 4S0 432
UlneK nnu raspberries,
cases 4 1.0 it 1
Clierrles, cnFes 4,171 7,833
Kruit, pounds 2,37"i.o: r3.m
Coonernco. Hounds l.7uR.R8n ss.iot
name, pounds 22S.9.1S 22.50.1
Kur. pounds 12,909 4,017
Potatoes, bushels 271.WO Sl,4r0
nuney, pounus 3r,s
MSIl, pounds ,. 263
Wood, ears 29il IR.110
Cold 2.8SC.VW
Mivcr 4.734.9SS
ice, rars fill 32,0V!
lirlek, thoiiKnnds 28.517 214,1
Fnnd and grnvel, enrs.,, 2.7SI 20,70-1
Mid'!.. DUUUdH a.fitll.KM ?.h71.:7l
Celery 907.183 30,287
VOKCtamex, pounds 148,733 1.487
nroom corn, tons 1,271 88.970
Tirooms, dozens 44,315 1 55,101
Stone, cars (1.30.1 llfi.fVP
lleer, kegs 27,543 65.08A
Lime, cars 19 2.735
Straw, tons 780 3,020
Millet, tons ) 19;
Hemn. pounds 20(5,88.1
Wool, pounds 110,085 ll.Sm
Feathers, pounds 1,714 857
iircnu. pounos ,. 727
Vitriol, pounds 1,78.1.300 98.211
Alcohol, pounds 72.800 18,7,7)
flvriiu nounrti 159.300 2.SO0
Oil meal, pounds 190,000 5,400
Oil. nounds 51.000 "ion
Spirits 12,500
iron 11.200
Miscellaneous, pounds. .. 85,417,480 1,222,330
Totals $173,819,207
firnhnni AViints Dnrnnirrs,
ASHLAND. Neb., Nov. 27. (Speclal.)
Leonard Graham, a horso trader of this city
has begun nn action against Henry W.
Mayer, a farmer living near Lincoln, for
false arrest, claiming $10,15G damages. A
few days ngo Grab a 111 traded a horso for a
mule with Axel Johnson, Mayor's hired mnn,
Johnson did not own the mulo and Graham
was arrested on Mayer's complaint, chnrg
Ing him with stealing the animal. A hear
ing was held In Lincoln nnd Graham dls
charged on ovldcuco furnished by the prose
Tho carpenters nro putting tho finishing
touches to the new engine and pump house
this week. Tho building is of brick, one
story u'Rh nnd 40x43 feet on tbo ground
Rooms nro partitioned off for the englna for
hn water works, with coal and pump rooms
adjoining. Tho other room will bo used as
a meeting placo for tho city council.
Claims He M'n Held Up,
ASHLAND, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special.) A
man giving his name as W. S. Witters nnd
claiming Weeping Water, Neb., as his homo.
avs that whllo crossing tho Main street
brldgo over Salt ereok last night about fi'-H
tbreo men accosted him with the command
to throw up bis hands. Two of tho men
covered him with revolvers whllo tho third
went through his pockets, securing about
$S5. He stated that two of the men woro
masks and also that tho third, who was un
masked, wore n blue necktie. Marshal Cor
win asked him how he could distinguish the
color of tho necktlo In tho dark, which ho
explained by saying that ono of his alleged
robbers struck n match. Tho local officers
are Inclined to doubt tho stranger's story.
Slnte Normal Not",
TERU, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special.) Many
Improvements nro being mado about the
buildings nnd -grounds. A new Icehouse Is
being built for tho dormatory, whllo tho
drives havo been much Improved.
Two new sections wero recently placed in
tho library to relievo the congested condi
tion. The present building Is entirely In
adequats for the purposes, besides being a
flrctrap. Thj library Is thought to bo tho
best normal library In tho United States,
being also larger than any other In tho
mlddlo west.
Prof. Worley, tho veteran muslo teachor
and formerly professor of muBlo nt tho
normal, was pleasantly surprised on tho
77th anniversary of his birth.
The first number of the lecture course
was given by tho Doston Ladles' Symphony
Among thoso from out of town present at
tho muslcnlo wero Rev. Van Fleet, Ne
braska City: Preston Carr, Shubcrt; Super
intendent Parrctt, County Treasurer Cod
dlnglon and Prof. McGrow, Auburn.
Tho Juniors nnd Bcnlors contested for foot
ball supremacy, but tho seniors wero out
classed as tho scoro of 18 to 0 Indicates.
Last evening, In tho chapel, the elocution
department gvo a recital to a crowded
hou-e. Tho entertainment nlso Included a
club swinging drill.
Fin d- Hotel Keeper cJnllty of Annnlt.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Nov. 27. (Spe
cial.) Tho enso of tho State against A. It.
Smith, a hotel keeper nt Union, chargod
with assault and battery, which has oc
cupied tho attention of tho district court
tho last two days, was given to tho Jury
this afternoon. After deliberating a few
minutes the Jury brought In a verdict of
Tho next csbo called was that of the
First National Rank of Omaha agnlnst tho
Rank of Cass County, of Plattsmouth,
Humboldt Kleven Not Afrnld.
HUMBOLDT, Nob., Nov. 27. (Spcclnl.)
Responding to tho challcngo In laBt Sun
day's Hoe, Captain arlnstcnd of tho local
team today sends an nccoptanco to the To
cumsch manager and If tho arrangement
of minor dcalls aro satisfactory tho teams
will meet on the Tablo Rock grounds on
Wednesday, December C, and play for $50
a stdo and all gato receipts to go to tho
winners. Ono stipulation is that the ref
eree, umpire, timekeepers, etc, shall bo
selected from Tablo Rock men.
CilKnr I4xpreHNeH II- Klntlon.
EDGAR, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special.) A rat
ification of tho recent election was con
ducted last evening by tho Edgar McKlnley
and Roosevelt Republican club. Tho dem
onstration In tho Btrcets from 8 to 0 o'clock
consisted of tho firing of cannon and all
klnd3 of noisy rejoicing, mingled with the
constant blnzo of pyrotechnics. At 9
o'clock tho crowd was Invited Into tho
opera house, whero a program was pre
sented. Olierfeliler llnj-n Fine lines.
MALCOLM, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special.)
John O'Ccmnell, vice president of tho Na-
tlonnl Poland China Record association, dls-
p-sed of four of his best Poland China bears
today to Robert S. Oberfeldcr, the well
known ranchman of Sidney, Neb. This
stock was all prize wlnnors at tho last
stato fair.
Better Hurry
If you want to get In our Talking Machine
Club as per our proposition In Sunday Ilco
of Nov. 25th.
and Lincoln. Nob.
KI21 Knrnnm nnu ...... .mi. i.tli Sts.
Phone 10.15. Oueu luvculims.
Snys Dr. IlciiiirCC, ".liny Almost He
Made Perpetual II y the Proper Ap
lilleiitlon of Klectrlelty Immedi
ately Upon Its Applleallou Ihr Step
HceuiiicN Elastic-, the niscstluu liu
provm, Headache, FIiinIiIhk anil
NcrvoamieuM Disappear, and the
Wesk Man or Womnii Tnkes a Xcw
Lease I'pon Life" The Doctor
Ciuarantrcs III" Klrotrln licit to
Cure All the KUcunen for Which
He llccommciids It, nnd If It I'alln
Will Itetnrn the Price Paid for the
licit Write for Expose of "Free (f)'
Trlnl" and "Pay When Yon Aro
Cured" Concerns.
Electricity does tho work for weak men
and women. It will make you strong.
neuiiuy unu vigor
ouh, ns Nnture In
tended you to be.
As u reward for
my study, research
nnd dUcovery. tho
United States Gov
ernment has slvon
mo tho exclusive
uso of my method
of npplylng Elec
tricity. My Quad
ruple Power Elec
tric Helt Is a ifuar
anteed euro for nil
Ihn Ilia tnr n.hUti I
recommend It. If'iv
It fulls to cnr vnn. 1
I will refund every
cent you pay mo for
tho Holt. Thlu Is
certainly fair! You
tiro tnkltiff no chances nt nil. It Ib not
inconvenient to wear, and, together with
my Electrical Susponsory, which is sent
frco to every malu pntlcnt, will make of
you tho man you ought to lie. Electricity
as applied by my Electric Holt, furnlshea
food for tho nerves and spine mid Imme
diately causes a normal circulation, nml
tho result Is perfect health and vigor. No
ono can even esiimaio mo goon j;iectrlclty,
properly applied, will do until they havo
Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt
Will perfectly euro Lost Manhood, Vari
cocele and n.l Weaknesses In either sex;
restore Shrunkon or Undeveloped Organs,
Kldnev. Liver nnd Illaddcr Troubles.
niieumntlsm In nny form, Stomach Disor
ders, constipation, an I'einaio Complaints,
It has sofo, silken, chnmoln-coveml
spongo electrodes, that do away with that
rrigntrui uurnmg ami numering, caused by
all other makes of electric belts and niinlf-
nnces, If thoy give n current, which havo
tiara menu eicctroues, which wu: accumu
late verdigris, a deadly poison. My Elec
tric Helt enn bo renewed when burned out
for only 75c: when other belts burn nut
tney nro woriniess. aii ciccincni appu
ances will burn out In tlmo.
I have tnUen outh before n notary
public that I always Keep In live of
the best National Hank's of the coun
try ulllcleiit money to make gaail
nny Kunrantre I may jslve iny pa
tients, If I (.cent your ease I tvIII
Kite you an absolute, plain, legal,
vrlltrn Kuaranlee to refund to you
every cent yon pay for my llelt If
It falls to make n cure In your ease.
You cannot asU more than this.
Wrlto or call upon mo today. I havo
written iv book, "Tho rinding of tho
Fountain of Eternal Youth," sent free,
postpaid, for tho a&klng. Honk wl!J toll
you ull. about It. Advica without cost.
boiu oniy oy
fir BEMMETT Electric Belt
Ildoius 1H to -I, Dnlluuln IllticU.,
Dodge wud lUtU Street, Umahu, Neb,
Inclement Weather Begins
The Last ot November.
Inclement wenther begins In No.
vember. I lie ".rent objection to our
c itnnle Is that It ilteriiutcH between
the heat of the tropics mid the rig
ors of the Arctic.
The system becomes rclcxed by
the eirects of the atnl the first
colli snap of November hows the
seed of thousands of cases of chronic
at till wliIJi in a large per cent, of
cas.s will end fatally.
President Win. Ubelnkcr Uses
t'eruiin its a Snfemi ird Against
Inclement Weather.
Wm. Ubelaker, President of the Lakevlew
Lodge of Foresters, writes from 3327 North
Clark street, Chicago, III, the following
Tho Porunn Medlclno Co., Columbus, O.:
Gcntlnmen For years pust when I have
boon exposed to wet or Inclement weather
my chest would hurt me and I would have
serious indigestion, and I would be laid up
for u day or two, causing Inconvcntonce
and pain.
Ono of my lodge friends advised me to try
Pcrunn, ns it had helped him, and I found
that a Lottlo cured mc.
If I feel badly now I at onco take two or
three doses, and I find It keeps me In line
health. Poruna Is worthy of overy ono's
confidence. Yours respectfully,
It Is only just ordinary good common
senso to provide against Inclcmont weather.
If you have the slightest cold, cough, sneez
ing or any other Indication that you are
"under tho weather,'' a few doses of Pe
runa will put you right.
Don't wnlt for tho catarrh to fasten It
self upon you beforo you begin your treat
ment. Pcrunn will cure very old caBcs of
chronic catarrh, but It tnkes much longer
than ns It the treatment had been begun
13ery family should bo provided with a
botttlo of Poruna early In November with
which to successfully meet nnd overcome
tho terrors of tho winter that awaits them.
Ono of tho most common forms of catarrh
among delicate women is catarrh of tho
pelvic organs. This leads to a host of
150 Miles Along the Columbia
River by Daylight on the . . .
Leaves Omnhu 8:20 A. M. Daily.
Leaves Oinuhu t 11:35 P. Al. Daily.
Leuvcs Umulm at 4:25 V. Al. Daily.
maladies, which havo been called tomato
diseases. Hut tho wlso physicians recog
nize In thcso cases tho samo old enemy,
chronic cotnrrh. Catarrh Is catarrh whero
ever located. It requires tho same treat-
ment whether located In the head or pelvic
A groat multltudo of women supposa
thorasolves to bo hopelessly alutctcd, when
Iho fact Is a euro would be prompt and cer
tain If they could bo brought to understand
that tho dlscaso Is catarrh of the pelvic or
gans. Local treatment and pessaries will
do no good In thcso cases. A thorough
course of Internal treatment with Peruna Is
tho only l.cpo of permanent relief.
Mrs. Lnvlna K Walker, who holds tho
highest stato ofllco of tho Ladles of ths
Illinois G. A. R., which Is departmcat chap
lain, writes the following letter:
Wcstorn Springs, 111.
The Peruna Medlclno Co., Columbus. O.i
Gontlemcn "You have my sincere gratl
tudo for placing before suffering women n
medicine which has provem such a blessing
as Peruna has.
"I have used It myself when much worn
out. 'and found most gratifying results, nnd
a number of tho women of our order suffer-
Ing with weakness peculiar to women havo
beon wonderfully helped nnd cured by Pe
runa. enco It has my endorsement nnd
best wishes. LAVINA E. WALKER,
Address Tho Tcruna Medlclno Co., of Col
umbus, O., for a free copy of Dr. Hartman's
latest book on catarrh.
Look at the name in his
coat the chances are it's '
"Nicoll," he makes more
good clothes than all the
tailors-$20 to $40 for
winter suits
Made to your order
they fit your figure,
Pants, $5.00 to $12.00.
Overcoats, $20.00 to
$40.00, and a big
Btock to solect from.
Karbach Block, 209-11 S. 15th St,
The rrentest foot ball game
rr actaeduled in the weat
win be played at Lincoln on
Thanksgiving day.
The Burlington will atell
tickets, Omaha to Lincoln aad
return, for $1.85.
Leave Omaha, 8:40 a. n.
Leave Lincoln, 6:00 p. aa.
ArrlT O nali a, TM p. m.
1502 FA It AM 8TREET.
TEL. 300.
el s 9 D 991
BOILErt Ariii onif lhuN WORK
a Ml ' ' ' i in
ryakt, Wiison
u & Williams
lacccaiori Wllaoai Drake).
Manufacture boiler, smoke etecka and
breechlniri. nresmure. rendering, sheen din
I lard and wator tanks, trailer tuoes con
stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought
ana soia. wpeciai ana prompt aitonuon to
repairs In city or country. 19th and PUrce.
E. Smith t Go.
T Importers ad Jobheraet
Dry Goods, Furnishing Good
U est ern Electrical
vv Company
Electrical Supplies.
Elettrls Wiring Belli aad das UglUs.
Q. W. JOHNBTON. Mgr. 1510 Howard Bt
oAFri Aril) irtOW h 0RK3.
ha Om&ha Safe
and Iron Worlca
G. ANDREEN, Prap.""1
Makea a specialty of
Aae Burglar Proof SaftH & Vault Doors, etc
10 B. 14th St.. Omaha, Neh.
Davis & GowkIII Iron Works.
1101, inoa aa lBOS Jaakeen Street,
Omtt, Neh. Tel, B3S.
. Zebrtskl. Asentj J. B. Cewgtll, Mgr.
Improved Qulok and Easy Rising
Steam, Electric and
Hand Power Elevators.
Send for catnlncue.
10M 9ti Street. Telephone 111.
H. Davis & Son
Agents for tho nichino4
safety Untes onu
''lre Iloors.
Elevator Hydraulic and Hand Elevators.
Elevater repairing a specialty. Leather
Valve Cupa far Elevators, Engines aa
Zrlatln Pruasca.