The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET, g PAGES 13 TO 24. EST A J J L I SI I B D JUXE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SUXDAY !EO HXIjS'G, 2sOVJ3MBJ31l 13, 1000. SIXULJO COPY IMVE CENTS. HAYDEHs Closing Out Sales of the Surplus HAYDENs Mill Purchases and the Last Shipments of the Gigantic New York Bankrupt Jobbers' Stock This week we close out all the small lots, odds and ends remnants and the entire balance of our recent $225,000 purchase of silks and dress goods, nv tlons, linens, blankets, draperies, cloaks, etc, PRICES WILL BE LOWER THAN HAVE EVER BEEN NAMED BY ANY HOUSE IN AMERICA, EVERY STOCK WILL BE REPRESENTED IN THIS GIGANTIC BARGAIN SALE, The great moving sale of furniture, carpets and wall paper is now at its height, Buy and save twenty five to fifty per cent, Hnil (rArrn nrnmntlif Tillnrl Afrntltn fnr DnHnrinl DnHnrnn TLo new Economy 15nr;nin Koom lms create J a sensation. Thousands of new bargains every day. ,loin the crowds and get the mall UluBlS riOHiPllj rlllGDi AgBIHS lOl tjUTTcl IGK raiieillSi advantage of these big bargain offerings. . MONDAY WILL BE THE GREATEST BARGAIN DAY IN OMAHA'S HISTORY Colored Dress Goods IliUli Crude Tailor Suitings 100 PATTERNS OF MARCHEAL'S HIGH grade French VenctlatiH, GO-lnch wldo pan no finish, 6 yards in pattern In nil tho lendlm? full shades. Kvcry Omaha lady known this line. Wo bcII them nt $1.9S per yard. Theso 100 put terns will go on .Monday nt only, per ynrd 3.50 lSVKRY LADY KNOWS OUR $2.50 1'01'U lar brand of French, Venetian It Is satin flniahed heavy enough to bo made up without Itntncd. and far superior to any thing uold In thin town at $3.50 but on this Bain wo will sell all colors nnd black for Monday only at, yard 1.50 ANOTHER FRENCH VENETIAN, MADE by tho samo manufacturers, wo Bell It at $1.50 yard. JiiHt thu sarao thine that oth er ntores aro allowing you ns an extra value, at $2.50. In older to Just uliow what wo can do on a Halo wo will Hell you all colors and black on Monday only, nt, yard 98c WE HAVE 64-INCH STRICTLY ALL WOOL Suiting In all tho ulco shades of fall gray 1 tihades of blue, 4 shades of red aud all tho now mixtures that came out this fall. You can find this cloth In ' this town in othor storcB at $1.60 nnd 1.23, which 1b really tho right prlco of this extra lino eloth, but In order to bIiow what a Bale Is wo will let It go on Mon day, at, yard, only 75c WE PLACE ON SALE 1 CASE OF 50-INCH tttrlclly all wool homespun, extra heavy, 3 shade of gray, ami defy any house- In Omaha to duplicate this grade for 9Si You can havo it for Monday only, yard 49c MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Wo wl "v 111 not Bend sampleB of goods advertised free to any address. Dress Goods Sale In Our Economy Bargain Dept. Again we announce 25 rases of strictly new fall of 1000 dress goods, that were made to sell up as high as f 1.50 per yard. We bought them from the mills so that we can sell them so cheap that you will really wonder how we can do it. HEAD THIS. 250 pieces of half wool mixtures, 2S inches wide at 5c yard. 35 pieces of blue novelties, all one color, at 5c yard. j5c half wool, yard, 6c. 20c half wool, yard, 10c. 35o all wool, yard, 15c. 40c silk and wool, yard, 16c. 40c novelties, 19c. tiEc tioveltles, 19c. 75c novelties. 19c. 49c storm serges, 19c. $1:00 novelties, 25c yard. ' $ti25 novelties, 25o yard. $1,00 all wool Buttings, 25c yard. $1.50 all wool suitings, 25c yard. $1.75 French fancies, 25c ynrd. 7Ec homespuns, 25o yard. w Great Drapery Sale 50 patterns in Nottingham curtains, fish net cable net and Arabian, from $1.00 to Ilurssels, Irish Point, Tnmboured. Swiss ami musiin curiam... go uv suen rcmarnHo o low figures that It will pay you to Invcstl - ga(0i COTTON FOR FALL AND THE OERMAN AMOSKEAQ APRON CHECK GINGHAMS, yard 4ftc Everything now In Fancy Swansdown for dressing sucqucs and wrappers, yd 19c Fliiunelettu of Fleeco Suiting, 500 styles to rhoose from in best quality made.yd.10c Kxqutilto combinations In French Flan nelette Effects, Pcrslaus In dark grounds, dots, etc., finest washablo cloth for for waists, yard 20c Yard wide Comfort Cloth, fast colors, soft In Our Bargain Room, Monday. Thousands of remnants of all kinds of washable cotton fabrics from our own stock on bale at less than half prlco, Tho best Apron Gingham made, "Amos- keag.'1 In nil colors, yard 4ic Ten caso of wide French Flannelette, In all tho new styles, worth 19c yd 9Vic Leading dress goods house of the west over 40,000 styles to select from dress goods nt wholesale and retail On Monday we will give another one of our Champion Dress Goods Kales. Every lady in Omaha knows that when wo say wc give a. dress goods sale we give a. genuine one read carefully every item and you will find them exactly as advertised in our high grade dress goods department. Black Dress Goods OUR $4.98 PEBBLE CHEVIOT IS THE finest artlclo ever shown In Omaha no other holme has anything like It. On Monduy It will go ut, yard 4.25 Our 3.98 Cheviot will go at $2.93 Our $4.DS Furhalr will go nt ?3.tS Our $3.98 Furhalr will go at $2.98 Our $3.50 Furhalr will go at 12.50 Our $2.98 lino blnck Crcpon 85c Our $1.98 silk top Crepous 75c Our $1.50 silk top Crepons 60o Our extra heavy $2.50 Sicilians $1.50 Our black purolas $2.50 Slcllllans $1.50 French Flannels Wo havo long been recognized tho lead ers and headquarters of French Flannels. The most that aro Bold in this town as French Flannels aro only domestic, but wo ylll show tho largest lino of genuine French Flannels over shown In this town. Wo Import them direct and sell tbem cheaper than you can buy tho flimsy Im itations. Shearor Louth's plain cloth In all tho leading colors c5c Stripes and dots CSo Persian, Yleur do Alccso Wc Persian, Royal "Sc Persians, Flannelo Super S3 Seo our now lines of French Chudda Cloth, French Cliallls, French Plaids, etc. Hero 1b tho place to got wants material as well as dress goods. 11 fill mall orders in this department, but but will send samples of our regular stock SOc cashmorcs, 25c yard. C9c storm serges, 25c yard. 500 dress patterns, In storm serges, 44 Inches wide, all colors, for pattern of C yards, 9Sc. COO patterns of goods that sold at $2.00 per yard, entlro pattern for $1.98. 500 patterns that sold up to $3.00 per yard, entire pattern will go at $2.98. 4 yard skirt patterns of high grade silk crcpon, worth $1.98 per yard, entlro pattern for $2.98. NO MAIL ORDERS FILLED IN THIS DEPARTMENT. I TAPESTRY PORTIERES 100 pairs In all ncw co)ors dMgMt ffom tQ Tassels for portieres at 23c and 35o pair. -5 paIrs ropo portlores. all latest styles, at 1 Jjusi js moir lormrr price. FABRICS WINTER WEAR. as sllkollne and tho samo weight as batten, yard 10c Fancy designs in best grado Drapery sateen, yard 15c Host grade heaviest German Blue calico, yard 10c Special Skirting sale Monday on English mercerized moreen In stripes and plain colors, worth 75o and S5o yard, Mon day's price, yard 39c (Fancy Dress Plaids, worth 15c aud ISo yard, on salt) Monday at, yard 9 He 1,000 pieces of heavy Twilled Serge Top Fleece Suiting, worth 15c yard, on sale Monday at, yard S'jc Standard Dark calicoes 2ic and 3c yard in full pieces. Sheet Music Monday we will place on sale some of our best selling se lections at only 10c per copy; regular price, Hoc. Such big sell ers as "The Hluo and the Gray." both the song and march; "I Can't Tell Why I Love You, But 1 Do;" "Just Because She Made Dem Goo-Goo Eyes;" "Lam, Lam, Lam;" "That's Where My Money Goes." The above nil day Monday at only 19c; by mail, 20c. Cull nnd see the nice sheet music we can show you at only 10c and lot? per copy. Linen Dept Sale CO-lnrh Red Damask, Monday 18o yard. 60-Inch Fancy Colored Damask 274c ;ard. 64-Inch Croam Damask, Monday 35c yard. fiC-inch Wenched All Linen Damask, 69c yard. 72-Inch Heavy Cream Damask flOo yard. 2 yards long Bleached Pattern cloths 98e each. 3-4 slzo All Linen Napkins, Monday $1.25 dozen. 18-lnch All Linen Crash extra heavy), 8',c yard. 18-inch Cotton Crash, 23-yard pieces, at SOc bolt. Remnants of Damask at less than cost. 36-Inch Drown Muslin (lino), at otto yard. 36-Inch Bleached (Lonsdalo mills), at 6VjC yard. 36-luch Brown Muslin "LL" at 3 3-4c yd. 9-4 Brown Sheeting at 17c yard. 9-4 Illeached Sheeting at 19c yard. 8-4 Brown Sheeting at 15c yard. 8-4 Illeached Sheeting at 17c yard. 11-4 Crochet Spreads at 79c each. 11-4 Crochet Spreads at 9Sc each. 11-4 Fringed Crochet Spreads at 98c. Flannel Dept Sale 1 caso All Wool Flannel, fancy plaids and stripes, 25o per yard. 1 caso extra heavy Fancy Feather Tick ing 12Vjc per yard. 3 cases extra heavy Mattlcd flannel, plain colors 6c per yard, worth 10c. 1 caso fancy Skirting Flannel lOo per yard; cheap at 15c. 36-inch wldo fancy Outing Flannel 10c per yard. Plain and fancy stripe Wool Eiderdown per yard 25c; regular prlco 40o. Bed Blankets 2 cases 11-4 extra heavy and extra. large White Cotton Red Blankets, regular price $2.00 on nalo Monday at $1.38 a pair. 1 caso Manila Cream Wool Blankets $2.25 a pair; regular prlco $3.25. 11-4 Pelham Gray Wool Extra Fine Blankets $5.50 a pair. 11-4 nil wool, blue, gray California Blank ets $4.25 n pair. 10-4 nil wool giny $3.25 a pair. 125 dozen homcmado Bed Comfortors to select from, $1.43, $1.85, $2.25 and $2.50. Carpet Sale MOVINO SALE OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTH AND MATTINGS. Closing out all drop patterns and short lengths. Short lengths of best all wool Ingrain carpet 25c. Short lengths of Brussels, Axmlnsters and Velvets, 49c. All drop patterns of Axmlnstors and Vel vets, plenty of each pattern for a room, worth $1.23, nt 09c. Drop patterns Brussells carpot, worth $1.00, at 59c. Odd size Oil Cloth stovo rugs 25o. SOc quality floor oil cloth, 20c fine Jap matting, sold at 45c and 50c closing out prlco 25c. Millinery Sale Monday wo offer some very special val ues In ladlus' exquisitely trimmed hats, copies of imported models and also directly Imported pattern hats. Hats worth $10,00 and $15.00 on sale at $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. The seasons very swellest crea tions. Astonishingly low prices on street hats, trlmuilng3 and ornaments of all kinds. China Dept Satin opal hand decorated enft boxes, col lar boxes, handkerchief boxes, glove boxes, puff boxes, tio boxes, comb and brush trays, etc. Thcso goods sell regular at from $1,00 to $1.25 each. On sale tomorrow at 29c. Decorated porcelain lamps, with globes to match; good sized burners, 39c. Decorated plates, all sizes, bowls, creams, cups, saucers, fruits, oatmeals, alive dishes, pickle dishes etc., 6e. 10-lnch flow bluo fruit or salld dish. A regular 75c dish, 19c. 9-plece bluo Canton tea seta, 69c. Pianos Never before have prices been so low and terms bo reasonable ns they are at the present time. New pianos from $148.00 up to the prlco of tho Chlckcrlug, Fischer, Haines, Franklin, Keller, llehr Bros, and Jacob Doll, Now pianos for rent. Pianos moved, tuned and repaired. Tel. 16S3. Catalogues furnished to out of town customors on nppllcatlou. HAYDEN BROS. Our Booming Stove Sale Wo are having tho greatest Move sale we over had ran 'savo you ut least 25 per cent on ovcry dollar you Invest. Ccmo nnd reo wo havo stoves for everybody, from the cheupest to tho very best mado In America. Tho RADIANT UNIVERSAL, tho finest nnd best doublo heating base burner In this country. Wo can sell you 15-Inch flro pot, next slzo to tho largest made, which sells regular for $18.00 siilo price, $3S.93. $-Sells on Quality. Tho STEWART PRIZE baso burnor, as II no an silk, 15-lnch 11 10 pot, sells regular for $35.00 salo prlco $29.50. Then Is you want tho SwclloBt Oak Stove Made, buy tho Universal Oak, regular prlco $25.00 salo prlco $17.93. CYCLONE HOT BLAST 20-Inch fire pot, will heat u hall, can burn anything, regular prlco $18.00 Balo prlco $12.95. 15-lnch Coral Oak, lino hcator, burns any thing, regular $14.00 salo prlco $8.95. 28-lnch Air Tight Wood Humors, regular prlco $5.50 salo prlco $3.23. No. 8 Laundry Stove, regular prlco $4.50 salo prlco $2.9d. No. 8 Four llolo Cook Stove with 18-lnch oven; n very good honest mado plain Btovo, regular $15.00 sale prlco $10.93. 6-holo Cast Rango with 20-inch oven; a very good cooker that usually sells for $16.00 salo prlco $12.95. Tho Madalllou No. S cook with largo 20- lnch ovon, with white enameled reservoir, regular $23.00 salo prlco $17.93. Tho Best Steel Rango in Omaha with largo 18x22-Iuch ovon, extra heavy asbestos lined throughout. Gray Iron top, wont crack or warp, with high warming closet, very handsomely nlckol plated, regular price $36.50 salo prlco $29.93. OUR GREAT POT AND PAN SALE WILL BE CONTINUED FOR MONDAY YOU NEVER SAW THE LIKE EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE YOU CAN THINK OF AT LESS THAN 1-3 PRICE. Ladies Cutting System THE "COMMON SENSE" LADIES' TAIL OR CUTTING SYSTEM will bo demonstrat ed nt our Btoro Monday by Mrs. Todd. Her long experienco and Btuuy win ue 01 benefit to every ono Interested in tho making or wearing of dresses. Great Jewelry Sale Closing out prcscut stock to make room for our grent Holiday shlpmontB now ar riving. Oreat values In rellablo watches, sllvorwaro and Jowelry of every description. Visit our engraving department and seo tho latest fad. Pearl "Friendship" charms, gold mounted for braselets or chains; en graved free, 25c. Grand Book Sale Monday Nanscu in tho frozen north tho ncw $1 book for SOc. Tho now BIJou scrlcs-a 23c book for 2Vic. This 1b for ono day only nono to dealers. All tho late books now In stock. Special Ink tablets, worth 10c aDd 15c for 6c. $5.00 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, bound In sheep, only $1.19 Monday. 10c box Papetrles for 6c. 144 best steel pens for 25c regular price $1.00. Grand Embroidery Sale Monday $2.00 per yard Dne all over embroidery for 79c. 25c flno Edges and Insertings, Oc. 20c lino Edges and Insertings 6c 10c flno Edges and Insertings 3c. 8c fine Edges and Insertings 2Ve. Sewing silk He Per spool. Patten Hump Hook aud Eyes lc for 2 dozen. Best qi'nlity Drees Stays 2c set Red blue, whlto nnd black Embroidering cotton, worth 25c for 1 dozen skeins, will bo hold for 3Hc per dozen skeins. The now crochet cotton, Just Ilka silk, ono day only 3c per ball. Eyes Examined Free In our optical dopartmout. Headaches caused by defective vision can often be cured by woll-flttcd glasses. Our prices are much lower than others. Repairs of all kinds. Lenses exchanged. Our Great Furniture & Picture Moving hale Never before have we experienced such really good business an wo aro now getting in our Furniture department. Wc aro sell ing doublo tho quantity wo havo over wold. Our Btock is bright, fresh nnd alt new. All this fall's gleaning from the best fac tories. Wo nro all ready for tho great Holiday time coming. Wo hnvo had to move, mako moro room, chango around and this has caused n lowering of prices. Metal brnss rail beds, full slzo, that sold for $7.60, nro now $4.93. A $5.50 whlto metnl bed, full size, for $2.95. A Uvo drawer, nil oak chiffonier, brass pulls, enso work of tho best, well mado nud nicely finished a $9.00 artlclo for $3.00. Samo chiffonier with mirror for $6.93. Mahogauy music cabinet, worth $6.00 for $3.95 others at $1.50, $6.S5, $7.83 and $9.00. Look these over, wo rnn Interest you. Ladles' desks worth $7.00, now $3.95 others at $4.50 and $5.75 special off oak desk, golden finish, with drawer, plgoon holes Inside, flue, well mado desk, worth $7.50, salu prlco $4.50. New lino of leather rockors and parlor pieces In all tha new frames and most approved coverings. CHINA CLOSETS, SIDEBOARDS, BUF FETS, COMBINATION BOOKCASES, DESKS, CENTER TABLES, PEDESTAL, JARDINERE STANDS, HALL RACKS-all marked at n lower prlco than Is usually naked for similar goods. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY FROM US NOW. Wo guarantee our prices lower than tho lowest, and our goods up to tho nvrrago of exccllcnco In ovcry particular. GREAT PICTURE MOVING SALE. Wo havo opened up a now picture and fram ing department. Tho largest of Its kind, and now offer you everything In this lino at a reduced price. FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. PHOTOS ENLARGED. Call and bco our crayon artist work. Grocery Dept IS pounds grauulated sugar $1.00. 1L bars best laundry soap 25c. Eagle brand lye, can, 2V4c. Monkey brand soap (nothing better, 2 for 5c. 1 pound package corn starch 3c. 1 pound box brown soap flVic. Puro pulverized Italian Savory or Marjo rora for seasoning soups, meats, etc., can 2le. Jollycan In assorted puro fruit flnvors for deserts, tablo Jellies, etc., per packago "Me. Pure ground ginger in shaker cans 2'4c. U pounds package best plcklo spices, worth 15c, at 2'.4c. f pounds new fresh navy beans 18c. 5 pounds new fresh flako hominy 14e. 3 pounds now fresh California prunes 14o. C pounds now fresh Pearl tapioca 22c. 3 pounds new fresh largo sugar prunes 19o 3 pounds ncw bright Yuba county penches 23c. 3 pounds new bright San Jose county peaches 2Sc. 3 pounds now bright 4-crown raisins 15c. 1 gallon silver drip syrup 35c. 1 gallon rock candy drip SOc. 1 gallon honoy drips 75c. 1 gallon excelsior golden drips 95c TOBACCOS. Chewing Tobacco Globo Navy, per plug, 42c. Battle Ax, por plug, 36c. Standard Navy, por plug, 87c. Fruit Juice, per foot, 10c. NowBboy, per plug, 33c. SMOKING TOBACCO. 1-Pound packago Duke Mixture, 30o. 1-Pound packago Our Pet, 20c. 1-Pound packago Homo, Sweot Home, 20c. 1-Pound packago Capitol, 20c, 8 Packages Durham, 10c Packago Merschaum, 9c Plcknnlny Cut Plug, 9c. Undo Tom, per package, 5c CANDIES. Clean Fresh Goods Mado frosh every day. Eclipse Mix Candy, per pound, 7',jc. Sterling Mix Candy, per pound, 10c. Corona, Cholco Mix, per pound, 15c Clove Cushions, por pound, 8Hc Cream Taffy, per pound, 12Hc Tip Top Caramels, per pound, 9c. Cholco Challeugo CarnmelB, 12V4c. Fairy nilows, 10c. Monday's Low Prices on Meats No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams 11c. Fancy Sugar Cured Bacon 13c. Salt Pork 7c. 3 pound palls Best Lard 28c. Fresh Pork Sausago 8 l-3c. No. 1 Bacon 10c. BonelebH Cottago Hams 11c. Boneless Corned Beef Sc. German Summer Sausugo 15c. 10-pound palls Best Brand Lard 95c. Sliced Minced Ham, cooked, 11c. Headquarters for poultry during Thanksgiving. The Big Silk Sale on Mon- day and nil week will be the center of attraction. Certainly this silk sale is the event of most importance in the entire store. Kecent purchases of immense quantities of tin est silks both from auction nnd mill surplus slock, and while the sale off these silks were most phenoniinal,we find a great accumu lation of broken lines, for instance, there are some -iOO pieces in which we find but several colors in a. certain design and broken lots of all sorls. Now we intend to clear out. every yard of this great lot for go they must and therefore we have concentrated nil our efforts to accomplish our object. The Big Silk Sale commencing Monday morning and lasting all week. 27-INCH WIDE BLACK PLISSE TAFFETA new nnd handsome novelty for either waist or skirt full 27 Inches wldo nnd worth $2.60-on salo In this r O grand silk salo at. VOVJ only All of these silks are of BLACK AUSTRIAN SILK Is a nlco perfect B,au u..u n ... .u .r, g- tj UJ VIUU.U V U b IjUIVIkl j " i J y The lowest prices ever offered in good reliable silk, 50 PIECES 19-INCH WIDE BLACK PEAU BLACK AND ALL COLORS IN A FINE DE SOIE A real flno grade, perfect in 27-INCH WIDU TAFFETA SILK Over everyway, nnd n splendid wearing silk worth up to J J $1.23 on salo at f fj yl C w All the latest styles included in this great silk sale. BEAUTIFUL ALL SILK PERSIAN SATINS all silk Pekln stripe, Taffeta 49c handsome plaid silk all worth up to $1.50 on salo at. HEAVY WHITE HEMSTITCHED TAFFE TA for entlro dresses, waist f"v or yolklng worth $1.50 lVIC! on salo at EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT WINSLOW WEARS THE BEST. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT WINSLOW TAFFETA Is 27 Inches wide EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT Haydon Bros, havo tho exclusive salo for Omaha. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT thcro Is but one genulno Wlnnlow Taffeta. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT wo aro now Bolllug Wlnslow Taffeta for $1.00. ALL MAIL ORDERS 011 auy of tho nbovo special sale silks should ho sent in at tho earliest posslblo moment to sccuro came, owing to the fact that many lots aro broken. GREAT Fine Shoes, Monday All the latest styles for fall and winter wear, in vici kid, box calf and patent leather, for men and wo men. The finest shoes made, by such well known manufacturers as Brooks Bros., the "Ultra,'' son" and Merriam Shoe Co. All these lino makes of shoes on sale at from $1.00 to $2. 00 a pair. Less than others ask for in ferior makes. Mail orders filled. Write for shoe catalogue. Ladies' Fine Shoes BROOKS BROS' MAKE LADIES' FINE Shoos, in vicl kid, valour calf and patent leather, on sale at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5-00. We are solo agents In Omaha for tho fa mous "Ultra" shoo for women all tho newest shapes, In patent leather, valour kid and enamel leather, all sizes Q and widths prlco w Tho "Mcrrlam" children's and misses' flno shoes, on sale at $1-25 $1.50 and 175 Special Shoe Bargains i gain Infants' flno GOc kid shoes, sizes 2 to C, for 25 cents. Child's kid button $100 Bhocs, Blzea 5 to 8, for 69 cents. Women's flno $3.00 kid laco chocs, on salo at $1,38. Men's $2, $2.50 and $3 Underwear at 93c HOO dozen men's line sill wool shirts and drawers, in blue, pink and fancy colors, in ribbed and plain; also natural gray and camels' hair; this line of underwear Is as Ann as anything mado and was manufactured to Bell at $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00; all go at 9Sc. Men's $1.50 underwear at 75c. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL FLEECED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS AT 33c. 25 cases mn's fine wool fleeced lined ablrts and drawers, In all elzes, from 30 to 44, that were mado to sell at SOc, and 75c, all at 35c. MEN'S $1.50 AND $2.00 SWEATERS AT 9?o. The largest lino of men's gloves ever shown by any house In Omaha; prices from 25c to 12.50. $1 2; BLACK :7-l.VH WIDE TAFFETAS lnQ vlcceB of an cxlrH flno Rrn,iC 27 In, ,,., u , .f, " " TV" ' . "lf Si n great salo at VWW the very finest make. W-M BLACK PEAU DE SOIE-A11 pure silk mm 111 1 1 ;:i incncs wiue guarauieca 10 wnll..tho biggest bargain in. 1.00 tho United States worth $2.50, lor 100 pieces Remember 27 In. wldo, and all pure Bilk on Balo 10O pieces Remember 27 In. g wljH anJ u11 rure Bllk 7 m C on Balo w BEAUTIFUL BLACK SILK NOVELTY for waists or sklrtscontnlnB 56 rows of cords and 13 rows of hemstitch worth $2.00on biiIo nt 75c YARD WIDE CHANGEABLE SILK Pretty SILK Pretty 29c rhangeablo silk In latest com bination!; full 36 lnchca wide, 011 salo SALE OF Stet- Men's Fine Shoes Tho "Stetson" hand mado shoe for men, In enamel, valour calf and vlcl kid, with double and heavy ropo stitched soles,, all sizes and widths, for 5.00 Tho famous "Nodyah" shoe for men. In vlcl kid nnd box calf, welt soles, regular $4.00 valuos on salo for Boys flno shoes, on sale ut $1.25, $1.50 and 3.00 2.00 n Our New Economy Bar Room. Ladies Union Suits at 50c, 70c and $1. WORTH DOUBLE. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE AT tto. .300 dozen ladies' and chil dren's line wool and fleece lined hose, in ribbed and plain, thai were made to sell at 2&C and would be j;ood values; this is a chance to buy hose at half their value; on sale at inc. Children's fleeced lined vests and pants at 10c up to 35c. Children's flue wool vests and pants ut 20c to 75c. Ladles' heavy ribbed vests and pants, In fleeced lined, at 25c, 35c and 50c; worth doublo, Ladles' flno wool vests and pants, in natural gray and camels' hair, at 75c and 88c.