rr NiivciiiIht IS, lltOO. THE ILLUSTRATED HttK. Big Money in China-- Rich Coal Fields fur from thu upper Yangtso, uiul there art. d munitctt I'onl boils all along the Yungtse valley. 1 hmsikviimI tin am tohl they uro to bo found nrar Nan- upon II an holding a iUmiiuii. kin, Hankow ami from Chin Klang to tin1 , , . . , , , ,, ,, . CimmI ns I'i'iiiii; miiiiIii. borders of Thibet. Mrs. ltishop visited a coal mine In it ou will tako your mai of China and Slohuon. on tho Ynngtso. about L'.OOO miles look at llu province lying west of Chili Ll, (ConyrlBht, 1W0, by Kmnk G. Carpenter.) there Is a boil Ihe feet three In. hos thick " frmti tho sea. Sho sios tho seam was boidotod on l ie north by Mongolia and on . SIIANtillAI. Oct. :!. KiOO.-(Speclnl Corrc which could bo worked on the shares and ' ""' s of a hard bllnu.l- the west by the winding lloungho ou will H.ondohco of The llee.)-Tho mineral re- three miles away nn.thor whbh has Just nus nature. It was reach, d by a tunnel six see tho lVnnsy Ivan la o tl u n sources of China will form an Impoitnut been sold for $l,:,00 to tho Ccmn.hs. One tvel long. In which was a wooden tramway, pin;. It Is he v ovli.ee of M. a . s . wh eh Is consideration In the payment of tho war In- of tho mines of this rogl..t. Is already turn- '"! "' ''""1 ""Hod out In baskets on mild to ......a In the creates, t . cl.es coal demnlty. Thu Chinee will not stand nn In- ,ml i.oeo tew if mil exery ,lay and "heels. The mine was wc.k.,1 day and area of the globe It Is just about as big as crease of taxation, tho reformation of tho ()ther has pr.duced o.ml to the am. unt of '""t of twelve hours, the miners Illinois, and It has four I hues as ,m ty ..,.,.. ...11,.l,.lu la n ,..l, of i-nnra ,t tl... ,l boltlU' IUl.1 II COIltS tl ll.V. Will till lllloW- people. It Is lit IHUcIl tllf Hllllll' KllllpO llfl most of tl... moi.ev .n.ni.m.le.l will i.rolmldv Ti, i,... , a m i t...... auce of three meals of rice. The coal costs Illinois, and like Illinois lias a Meat river .... i .... -p. ...... . ... .... ... iihnnt 10 cents a ton In Inline and n short running about Its western and southern 11,11 u iii uu ivmitii u) vuukL-DsiuiiD. tuviu mm uro omen nouei inaii I II IS, suiiiu ui --- - . , . . , ,,,.,,,, n Is no doubt but China has enough minerals which tho Chinese have been working for distance away from the mines II was selling sides. I oniul.s Ron id . umIo no to pay Us war debt a thousand times over. ages. In the mountains just back of Kino tw " , , V"H ." 1,1 '" V , ."' , ' , ' ' It has long been considered the richest coal Chan then, nr., thousands ..f Chinese mln- ' "1'1'er Ynngtso, near Suel.au. there p.obahly bo ihe g.oat. st n.anuf.i. lutlt.h and country III tl... world ami the inllr.md siir- I.... rnnl Tl...... u-,.,1.- lu-..Iv.. 1 ,.r .I,.v ro coal mines III the side of a elllf. which sIcel-milMllg feci Ion ot Hie won.. inrara l.i.v.i .ll.ri.r.irml mini ,,M,I Iran ullon.l f-.,. .! ... in ...,.., 'CI,.. ,l,.l.,.r la lUlVO 1)0011 OpOllcd 1l V KIlUl'I'IcH llllllg fllUU H'lS IIIIVl.ie( .wuiu lnnv ,t.ui..,v.v.t v.'i.i linn ii.'ii iii.iivuv ,U. I.UIII J l IV.,!..!. ..,1- .....1.... . - i mm... ........ i .1... ..-i... i. i .. i ..i.i. ..i .... I lie tot. Willi nines of t. In ted luiniiio. I ho ' v vi ) h i.e. i-. i ne viuiiiiiins ii.t.u mum. ..ui- iiriuuiive. lilt! c.iai is ung inn un iii'ii .. ,n,. r m'i M'uin 1l utie.la nf (lin rawhido ""nors iir.ng ine ceai oui upon me guui'iien ....... ... - - and tl.enco slide It down in liasuets lino .iniiiiiui.e m.-.i ua ...... ....... ,sitiif, senators are next has been recently visited lirake of th Imperial Chinese moiids in Shan Tung and mines of gold and nnd carried from the mine in silver nro being operated In several places sacks on the backs of men. It Is then put tit a prollt. HUH, no one knows what Into baskets on wheelbarrows, from two to China contains and the powers should un- four baskets being fastened on the shelves doubtedly take advantage of the situation which Jut out on each side of the wheel, and ib-mund a careful geological survey of It Is In such barrows, pulbd and pus'ied the n.pii. Suih a survey would be in by m n that tho oral Is ink- n mi the mar- 11 the hunts en the Ynllgtso. relinsylvania anil estimates inai u con- Thero are thousands of abandoned mines tains nioto than COO.OOO.OOO tons of conl. both 'ilong the Yangtse and In other parts There Is unite as much bltutnlnouH mi of China. One of the greatest troubles Is anthracite, and the dopoaltn of both kinds water. The Chinese have no good pumps nro beyond description wonderful, and as soon as the water conies Into the Shan SI Is n mountainous country with a mines they leave them. Shafts are seldom great table land In its center rising moro tun down more than 200 feet. 'ban a tulle above tho sea. This tablo land In Shan Tung tho experiment of trying l niado of sandstone, shale and conglotuor- niodorn pumps was attempted. Tho pumps ate of as many different colors as the cliffs were -ir.lored from Knglnnd and weto of the Colorado canyon. The top of the brought Into tho coat regions at great cost. They were allowed to Ho there and ru.it until thieves had stolen many of tho pints. Then nn engineer was brought from Shang hai to put them up, but was unable to do so. The old Amerlcnn llrm of Russell Co., when they owned tho Bloat. iois on tho Yangtso, got all their coal from Kuklnng tdnteau Is covered with a rich loess do posit, a bed of clay or dirt from fiOO to 1,(100 feet deep, which Is gtllloyed with water courses. Under the dirt there are vast deposits of coal and Iron, exposed by tho water. Thore Is a great deal of coal about tho edges of tho plateau and In tho mountains. It lies at an elevation of about "..'.00 feet in horizontal beds, and Is There was nn explosion from fire damp and to bo seen wherever the rivers have cut the Chinese tin light the devil had gotten through. Into the mine and It Is shut to this day lion Wilier Demon I'l.iiuleil n Mine. Another Instance ef Chin, so sup rstli.on i ceurreil in one of the Kalpiug iniucM, whli h lies near Ting Shan, in the Tien Tsin-Shanhaikwan railway. These mines are the greatest it. ( hum. They employ Tho anthracite seams are unbroken over nn area of more than 13,000 siiuarn miles. They are of a thickness from twonty-llvo to llfty foot nnd of an average of forty feet. Tho nnthraclte gives from S to 10 per cent of ash, and It Is but slightly impregnated with sulphur. The bituminous coal Holds of Shan SI have hvhry concession mcst inclcdh a school i'or yoi no chin hsh mlninti i:nc,ini:i:rs. about 10.000 men and have an oulp.lt of an area of U',000 square miles, or as great 1 ..-.00 tons of coal a day. I have visited as that or .Massachusetts nun i oniieciicui. them and can n.'iv that thev are mi to date They lie In the western part of tho prov- In their machinery and iiicdein methods of Inco not far from tho Yellow river, and working. nf" spotted hero nnd thero with deposits Tho mines at Kalpiug are operated by nf petroleum or limestone nnd rich iron Wo Scarcely Finish One Political Tight Until W Ilnter Another. R0SEWATEK, MERCER AND MEIKLEJ01IN 'liiese i'll.ve Norlli I'llllle VI en In1 lrenil) Nnnieil im I'no I III 1 1 1 le mill file V iiiiiIx In' Not ll'l lll'llxlie.l. When a campaign for the presidency ends Ihe people generally rest for il while, but the politicians become more active than ever. The loaves and tlsheH. the olllces and emoluments attract them and tlx eagerness of selllsh amblllon Is whetted to a wire edge. Hence, while 'lite crime nler is quietly musing over results, ami. If lit party has won, Is shaking hands with him self, Ihe active politician Is chasing rain bows and seeking rewards for his services The president Is republican, the state I. republican, the legislature Ik republican and Tin- Nct "el.nliic will bo a republican, because the logls lat me Is or that political faith. Who are the lucky two? South I'lntte nnd North I'lalto will Insist upon one apiece. Tllotnp sou, lletiHhaw and Lindsay are talked of for the south and Rosewater, Mercer and .Melklejohn from (he north, with back couu ties to hear from However, MoKcr Wlilt'li Win, the Hankers Reserve Life Association wll' continue lo write the best policy In tin world upon tho latest plan, containing the most liberal options and opening the way for Nebraska people to keep their savlngi at home lo build up great financial Instltii lions In their own midst. II. II. Itiililsoii, I'reslilenl. Is demonstrating to the people of the st.ite Ihe necessity anil the advisability of patronizing worthy home Institutions. . the same time his corps of underwrlteiH Is writing a prodtnhlc business. Write Mr Roblson, MeCague Itullding. Omaha, for terms and agency contracts valuable to tho scientific and Industrial ket. Some of the wheelbarrows have sails, world. Only little can be carried on a barrow, and O . ,!. 1.1 . ..,...... ,l.n . ..,... ... II nn.tlu o. . uiMw inu.,. u, i.u ' in. a .1 1 1- iii.i . j linn ii ..J Chinese under foreign supervision. Not or. 1 1. eill -ll v illl uiiiiiu iiuiu mu in.-- (u iu ui ins i. mil limn 1111- iiiiu. n 111 mini volopment of China's mines. The country Chnu, a distance of seventy tulles. Coal Is a very envo of Aladdin, which needs only worth $L25 a ton at tho mines sells for $7 the genii of modern progress to display U a ton a few miles away, to mniiklnd. Let mo give you a faint Idea Tho (Jorinnns are now building a railroad of Us possibilities. I have gathered In- to these mines. The roadbed Is almost formation about It from till nvnllablo completed and the cars nro on tho way. sources, f II ml much In the library of tho As soon as tho conditions become settled Shanghai club, which hns papers on China It will bo put Into operation and this corn which nr unobtainable elsewhere, nnd I will have nn outlet to the sea. Mleli VIIiicn Ahum Ihe YhiiuImo. A 'iiieesslini Worlli M IIII.iiin. A part ot this rich territory has been havo much from the mouths of Chinese olll elals and travelers. Some of the best geological work ever done out here was by Raphael I'umpelly, a Harvard professor, who was employed b tho Chinese government as a mining en- long ago a now mining engineer from Lon don was brought to tako charge of them. ll.. ,..,., I 1. .,,,.! tlw. t,,l..u .,,,1 ...fia .1,1 ... l.b IIIIUIII, 11. ,1 ...... ...... .... 1 , ,1 ,, . i surprised to llnd a large block of the best gonnicii np : ' B cap. a..lB. ...... coal In the center of one of them, llo '' "l," ot tho 1!liln '"'llcilt0- asked why It had not been taken out. and !l, ril,,t, f,0,m l,h, "1,crori,a";1 was told that It was the homo of a water llIlv" flir,"l011 oul tlio development of their d.mon. Cpon Inquiry he found that tho mines to tho Anglo-Itallan syndicate, which former engineer had left It partly to please 'lalins a capital of $.!0.000,000. the Chinese directors nnd partly because ho T'lu concessions of the Rokln syndicate thought there might be something In the """''' ll'u r'Kllts to n" 1110 Potroloum of The Yangtso Klang is one of the most thorny. s, to n InrRo part or its coal and wonderful rivers of the world. It is over The now man said: "Hang the water l'- Noah Drako says they have 3.000 tulles long nnd It almost bisects China, demon. Let's get out tho coal." Tho one bed of coal which contains more than Tho biggest ocean steamers can sail up It Chinese still protested, but, ns he Insisted, ""'0(, "l"lon tons of lluo anthracite. Ihe Into China ns far as New York Is distant they put in n blast and llred It. When the '- iwem-i" i.-.-l mint on mo um-i The 20th Century Beer lllne Ribbon Is the briitid. It's up-ti.-date In every particular. I'.'.ITn, ..!'? TM.iUl, yca ,,"nU,l"fi ,ft front Chicago, and with Its tributaries It wall of coal fell a great stream rushed In, They have other deposits which are. tour around tho world, and much of this time was devoted to China. More recent investigations nro thoso of Haron Rlcht ofen, and, lastly, of tho engineers nnd stir- funilshes more than 12,000 miles of mi vl- Hooding Ihe mine and shutting up access to ,'M1 nioro va.uunn. gnblo waterways. There are vast coal do- many chambers. Since then the water In 'I'hclr concessions Ho In centrnl nnd posits, which could easily bo made access!- that mine has not been conttolled, although southern Shan SI and extend over Into ttl.i tit li ii 'n lining Ti Inmr 'I'll I u let on nf t ll 11 nnul 1 tllUl it tllltllltU llflV'll flflOtl ftllfftllfl uo.i Uoiian niul tho inoinitaf nous rcKlona lirlow m . . . i.i IJ1C IU tliu llllllitnt; mtUlk. IIIIO Iii ow ui uiii li'ihuiiu im miiihi iiuiu iii.ii iihiiiiiuu.ii iin.. I , ' , syn,1.il,iltos 'h,,h the Shan SI coal beds, which I describe fur- Tho block of coal was In reality a great Hu Yellow river. co.n,irlslng a territory ther on. They nro tho greatest In China, pipe In which n subterraneati river llowed gwiior than tno wno.o ot .now r.nginnu nnd n short railway will bring them to the through the mine. The coal bad been cut and running pernaps tno ricuesi col con havo concessions from tho government. CIiIiiu'n IniiiieiiNO Cnnt KleliN First lake tho two great Industrial met- nnn riVcr, which Hows Into the Yangtso out about it, but the pipe had been loft cession over made. nls, coal nnd Iron. China hns ono of tho nt Hankow. The mines of Yunnan are not intact nest labor populations of tho globe nnd In this ago of steel, with coal, Iron and mod ern machinery, It will bo a factor in tho world's manufactures. Pumpclly says It has tho greatest coal fields on earth. There is coal and Iron In every provlnco and several of the provinces nro ns rich as 1'onnsylvanln In these minerals. Not far west of I'ekln there Is a great coal bed which extends along tho frontiers of Chlh Ll, through tho provlnco of Shan Si, nnd thence down through Hoiian nnd Hupeh into another vast coal and iron district in Hunan on tho south sldo of tho Ynngtse. Thero nro Important coal Holds in eight of the provinces below the Ynngtso Klang, and especially In the provlnco of Yunnan. Yunnan is nbout tho slzo of California. It Is almost as big ns the combined areas of Michigan nnd Wisconsin. It lies right on tho border of Hurinah and will bo reached by the railroad which Is projected from Ilurninh to China. Tho Yangtso river forms n part of Its norlhorn boun dary and through It the conl enn havo ac cess to many thousand miles of wntorways, reaching hundreds of millions of people. Yutinr.n has n population of moro than 11,000,000, and with Its coal, Iron, copper and other mlnornls will probably bo u great Industrial nnd manufacturing centor. Tho state haB already n trado of $2,500,000 n year, a pnrt of which Is coal, Tho mines hnve been worked for ages. The prcvlnco Is mountainous and tho conl. both bituminous and nnthrnclto, lies on the edges of a grent plateau In tho centor of Yunnan, nt nn olovntlon of a mllo above tho son. Other beds nro near tho Yangtso nnd Slnng rivers. They nro said to he easily worked. ''ml In (.'eriiiiin (iiliui, Shan Tung, which Is elnlmod by tho Or mans, has rich coal fields. Tho mines be gin within forty or fifty miles of Kino Chnu bay and extend through the mountnlnniiH regie ns line k of it. Our consul nt Chofoo recently received n report tnndo upon some of them by n foreign onglneor. Ho reports a vein of coal four feet thick In Shlntnl county, which ho says Is for nn!o. It is eloso to nnothor mlno which Is now being opornted nt a profit. Nenr this same mlno until Ihe engineer ordered it B; iv OHINKSH MAKU MAONIFIGHNT MONU.M UNTS. I llnd a general belief here thnt China l rich In the precious metals, nnd tho geological surveys mi far mado point to tho same conclusion The Oermans sny that thero Is plenty of gold In Shan Tung nnd that tho Chinese thore tire wnshlng It out of the streams. Cold Is now being mined In Mon golia nnd In different parts of Manchuria. The Moho Mining company is working placer deposits not far from Mukden; It hns nlready .p li.d mmethltig llko f 1 ,000, 000 worth of coarse gold. Thero Is gold In Yunnan, In southwestern Ohlnn. Thoro are placer deposits along the Han river and also along the western highlands on tho borders of Thibet. l'uinpelly found silver In slxty-lhrco dif ferent localities nnd lend In twenty-four In Yunnan Ihe silver Is mixed with lend. Tho provlnco hns also tin, zinc nnd iron Lend is nlso lound In I'liklni, opposite tho Island of Formosa, and In Kwuntutig, not a great distance from Cnnlon. I 'rt ii n os In Cupper. The big dividends now being paid on cop. per mines In tho United Slates mny nt Mime time lie paralleled It. China Tho copper i re Is rich nnd It Is said to exlBt In t.ry piovlnce, It Is being mined In .sheii si. where tho emperor has lied, and also In Kwelcl.au, below the Ynngtso. niiiian has n wl.l'e copper will, ll Is mixed with tin. Iron, nickel nnd lead, and It hns O'Plur mixed with silver, Un nnd lend. The Yunnan copper mines nro now worked by tin' ho companies, who have been paying nboui 1 cent u pound royalty to the gov (vrniiiiiii and four times that amount to tho ow in in nf tho mines. I knnw several Atuoiicans who are study ing the ntoi.es of china with regard to tho Ainirii-an market. I met a gruvestono mini frmii Seattle at I long Kot.g two weeks ago. He had been travelling through tho plot un i of Kwiinluug looking up granites find marbles. Ho told inn lie expected to ohtnbliHh a business In Can Inn for tho mak ing and expnitlng of inmt.stones nnd flno building (-tones lo the United Slates. Ho pnys the granlies and marbles of China aro as fine. If not liner, than ours, and that our workmen nro not so skillful ns tho (Continued on Klghth 1'age ) I Ugliest III quality nnd pilliU. leilteMl I.i popularity iit.d n rl'i it in tn-tr it m the I. wit.il less table lic.-r T. I. phone 12t. Omaha Brewing Association. I It stands aone, 1 4 MUM l Limit's; S; .iiTUb. iLERi PURE MALT WHISKEY is uncondiliondlly superior to I he foreign ariicfe Vou save the import duty of l5at1.ollonwKeq you buy it Purity above jusp'aor. Druijts.Oeoterjjtllit, WltlOWSPRINOS DI5TIUERV OMAHA USA. THE HAIR TELLS ALL. If sick Hon.l a lock of your hair, nuine, age, sex and 4 cts. In stumps uuil I will iliugnoso your case KRION nnd loll you what will euro your ailments. Address Or. J. U. IUtdorf, Dept. Vi, Qraml Itaplds, Mich ,Nnii,iii(iirv ml. rW,s I Ij'-.'fJ -.tU'l 8