Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1900, Page 16, Image 16

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Extraordinary Bargains in Womon's and Chil
dren's Winter Underwear and Hosiery
ITor tlir Quiilltlon Offered Oar 1'rlcc
Arc Limxiinllj- I, on Some
Items Hint Will lu
ll I ,
terent Yon,
Special Attractions in Men's Underwear and
Night Bhirti.
Heavy l'nmrl' llnlr, Very Durable,
for ? 1. l,nrr l.lnr nf Inloii Sulfa
nt Oullue 1'lnnnel
Mlilit Shlrta, r.Oc.
Practical stylcfl at bargain prices.
L'6c. Women's lull fashioned black rash
rnero hose, double sole, heel and toe, fully
Morth 35c; Saturday's price, 21c pair.
35c. Women's fast black cotton lioso,
oxtra heavy and a blc lino of extra heavy
fleeced hose doublo tole, heel and toe,
duiablo and very warm; our prlco only 35c
Novelty hoso for women, a lurgo and woll
aolcctcd stock of this BCBon'fl choicest pro
ductlous, ppcclnl styles and weight for
winter wear, newest effects In stripes and
dots; special prlco for Saturday, only 60c
25c. Children's heavy ribbed cashmere
lioec, fast black, doublu kntc, heel and toe,
u very serviceable quality, 25c pair.
2uc. Chlldren'o extra heavy, fast black
cotton, fleeced hose, doublu knee, heel and
too, cannot bo equaled for less than 3Do
pair; nil sizes, 0 to SH; our Saturday's
tale, only 25c pair.
35c. Children's extra heavy ribbed black
cashmcro school hoso, noted for wear and
warmth; special prlco for this sale, 35c pair
Now Is tho times to mako a change of
weights In underwear. Wo Imvo In stock
u complete line of women's and children's
union suits, vests, pants und drawer: nt
lowest prices.
Women's heavy flecco lined, silk finished
vests or pants In ecru or gray, regular 40o
troilo; Saturday, 25c each.
Womon's extra heavy fleeced vests nnd
pants, very ulcely finished, pants with
French bands, (lap full and large, bleached,
ecruo or nutural; all sizes, 50c each.
Women's nutural wool ribbed vests or
punts, best finish, non-shrinking, all sizes,
3 to 6, 85c values; Saturday's salo, COc each.
Wo havo placed on our counter for Sat
urday a slcuvclces vest for women, flno
Hwlss ribbed wool, special stylo for corsut
rovers, slightly soiled, regular $1.00 Roods;
Saturday, 49c each.
Women's natural wool ribbed combina
tion suits, lit well, look well, made well,
all sizes; this Is a genulno bargain; 11.50
quality. Saturday's prlco only $1.15 suit.
Wo are Oniuliu agents for the celebrated
Munslng underwear for women and chil
dren, may bo had In most any stylo nnd
ut prices to suit all. It comes In light,
medium and heavy weights and In several
different qualities. Women'n Munslng, extra
heavy fleeced union suits, opened across
bust and down front, fits tho form llko a
clove, ull sizes, SI. 00 suit.
Women's Munslng half wool ribbed, nat
ural, union suits, nil styles and sizes, fully
worth $1.75, our prlco only $1.50 each.
Women's Munslng union suit, extra flno
fabric of great durability, will not Irrltato
lho most scnsltlvo skin, cream or natural
wool, two-thirds wool, one-third cotton,
will not shrink, high neck, short sleeves,
nnklo or kneo length at J2.50 per suit; high
neck, long slcoves, anklo length, at $2.65
per suit.
Tho Munslng union suits for boys and
girls, heavy fleeced, nutural ribbed cotton,
all sizes, 75c per suit.
Hoys' nnd girls extra heavy fleeced ribbed
oats, pants und drawers, 85c and 50o quali
ties, closing out an odd line of sizes, Sat
urday only 25c each.
Corner Farnam ft 15th Street,
i Vou alwuys sdvo money whon you buy of
us. Hoyden Bros., with a big ad on pago 0.
CllrniN "Walt In Vnlu for Horoscope
for Wlilfk They Una 1'ald
In Advance.
rrof. Irwin Flint, clairvoyant, has disap
peared from his accustomed haunt, 1707
Cass Btreet, aud his largo clientolo is left
to mourn tho loss of sums ranging from $0
to $50. For flvo wucks ho has been doing
ti land ofllco business at tho above number.
IIo read horoscopes, found hidden treaBuro
nnd gavo lessons In bla art, for nil of which
bo charged generous fee and always In ad
Wednesday of this week waa tho day ho
was to "deliver tho goods." All his pa
Irons weru asked to call Wednesday morn
lug and lio would toll them what they
wanted to know. Thoy called fifteen of
tucui, twclvo women and three, men but
found hla rooms vacant. Tho bird had
fiacli received a note, however, saying
tbo profossor hud gono to Canton, O., and
woum return lit ten clnys or two weeks. Hu
had been summoned thero to tho bcdsldo of
his sick mother. N'ono aro so credulous aa
to boliovo this story; thoy do not expect to
boo him again. Most of his dupes aro poor
Among Flint's cffect3 left nt tho Cass
utroot uddrcss la n clulrvoyant's license
Issued for six mouths "by tho city of Omaha,
wuicn uous not explro until Ducombor 21
FOR $1.00.
A flno lino of wool underwear, non
ehrlnklng and warranted to be satisfactory
in every respect for $1.00 a garment. Also
a lino of bcay Jersey ribbed cotton under
wear for $1.00.
FOR $1.73.
Nothing llko a union suit of underwear
for cold weather. Our lino of $1.76 fleece
lined union suits are tho best on tho market.
Our heavyweight, flno Merino underwear
$2.25 is the best values that money can
buy. Dark brown color.
Nothing compares to the famous Munslng
union Bulls, wo carry them in four grades.
A Muntdng fleece lined union suit for $1.75.
A -Munslng heavy wool union suit for
A Munslng medium weight union suit for
Munslng, best all wool union suit for
Wo carry a completo lino of the Sterling
mako of union Bulls,
Don't freeze theso cold nights when you
can buy n good, warm flannelette night shirt
for GOc. o carry a large lino of them at
his prlco nnd o better grade at S5c. Rest
grade, $1.00.
Wo havo tho largest assortment of men's
gloves In tho west for street, driving and
church wear, lined and unllncd.
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Streets.
Work of the Amtocluteil Clinrltle
llnmneretl liy l.nck of Tund
for Itn 'Work.
At a meeting of the board of trustees of
tho Associated Charities Thursday night a
commlttuo wus appointed to nomtuato a
new board of trustees, as tho present mem
bers feel that they cannot hnndlo tho busi
ness of tho coming wlutcr without as
sistance Tho committee was requested to
report at a meeting to bo held next Thurs
day evening. Tho committee consists of
Dean Campbell Fair, Thomas Kllpatrlck,
Rev. E. II. Jenka aud Iter. Mr. Mooro.
Tho Associated Charities is passing
through ta crucial titagn of Its existence
Tho debts which havo hung over it for tho
last year havo been paid by tho aid of tho
city council and tho organization finds it
self frco of liability, but at tho samo time
it fools tho uocd of new blood In tho work,
pcoplo who havo ttmo and inclination to
devoto several days In tbo week to tho
charity, and tho trustees uro experiencing
tho greatest dlfllculty In securing Its de
sires. Tho board recently moved Its ofllco
to tho court bouso to savo tho cxpenso of
rent and has not yet decided upon tho
location of its storehouse. Tho Brst days
of winter finds It without menus to enro
for tho poor who apply for clothing and
food and tho only aid It can render is of tbo
most temporary character.
With tho first cold blasts the unfortunates
appeal for assistance, but no systematic
work can bo dono until after the meeting
of tho board of trustees Thursday evening.
AiiiioiiiiceinrntN of tl.u Theiitcm.
Tho fourth edition to tho album of Or
phcum celobrlllos will bo given to tho
women who attend tho I'utiico souvenir
mntlnco today. Tho subject for this pic
turn will bo tho pretty and tnlented Pa
trice. -This week's bill will bo brought
to a cioso tonight.
"Tho Dairy Farm" company, which will
close its engagement at tho Uoyd thcatev
fiunday night, will clve niatlneea tliln aftnr.
noon und Sunday. Its initial presentation
:ustliicd every promlso made for It as
qualut und pretty pastoral drama.
Mnrtullty StutlMIc.
,iu iiiimniiiH uviiuib Him uinun were rc
ported to the city health commissioner for
tlio twenty-four hours ending at noon
A. I Ull J
Twenty-fourth nml Hpituldhiir; Hurbaru M
Cdwanl Ltnenwciivcr. St. JohopIi'h hosplt
! I..K... .i .-.-..I i-l. -111111 ...
mm inviutr, iihiii M K11UII1 aiCl'JlCrSUIl
lTlllInX Jtlfl 1 1 f(l t naA...... .. n . .
...... ,,,t,m,i, mfiiiTB
Fuller. 4110 Lafavotto avenue, aged 40; M
H, A. Franco, ila South Forty-first uveni
Ulrtlw 11 1.' T.-ii.....!! o ..... 1. n,
xovontli. boy: Oorgo Wallace. ft2 South
Klovcntn, girl; C, It. Johns. 101 South
Pwenty-foiirth, boy; August ErlcUsen, S127
tipruh-ue. Kin; v.-. o. imiumn. UI4 lllunev,
iu , jvuiihi ruivtr, om urin rmrty-iour
lioy; Ooorgo Flrlcter. 19 Twimi
iMke, boy; Claudo Hnlllfr. 3217 MnuderHon,
!oy; Abrnhain Uerzberg, 314 South Twenty-
ntAkii, Kin, i.fccuu fltloiiauat'II, IWl DUUUl
oevcniu, sin,
Unnce Tonliflit,
Washington hall, ISth and Harney streets
Jolly Eights' lively ball this evening,
Clark's union orchestra. A grand good
time for you. ics, Gents, 25c; welcome.
Tho Singer Manufacturing company has
moved from 1(20 Douglas to 1514 Douglas
To Mr.
4, a boy.
nnd Mrs. Oren Marsh, November
jjcnver papers pienso copy,
in'LT.NR-WI'.llHm Mcl'hcrson. November
H, 1900, aged 40 yenrs, 1) months, 27 lays.
Funeral from residence. 4U0 Iifnyitte
avenue (walnut inn), hiuuiny anernoon,
November IS, 1900, ut 2:30 o'clock t. m. Inter
ment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Jiv
vlted. No ilowcrs.
You will find here a low touch to prices.
Haydcn Uros., with an ad on pago 0.
Cliiirlea Itoliertn Attempt (o Commit
Hnlclde lijr SiinlliMvliiR I.etlinl
Doae of .lloriililnr.
Charles Roberts, a Ilurllugton switchman,
swallowed several hypodcrmlo tablets of
morphtuo In u saloon at Sbccley Thursday
afternoon, and when discovered half an
hour later was unconscious und breathing
heavily. Somo friends secured 11 convey
ance and took him to the homo of his
mother, Thirty-first nnd Martha streets,
whero Dr. R. C. Moore attended hlra, At
3 o'clock yestorday morning ho was pro
nounced out of danger.
Roberts, tho son of un ex-pollcemnn, had
been on u spreo for several days and was
scarcely accountable for his act. He nays
now ho is glad tho poison failed to do Its
Sucor.xf ul Comminution Cure.
Tho remarkable success of tho Dr. Stev
ens' East India Consumption Cure tho
Cannnbls Satlva Remedy and tho con
stantly increasing volumo of business, has
mado It necessary to sccuro largo und moro
commodious quarters, with Increased fa
cllltlcs for caring for patients. An entlro
sulto of rooms Is now occupied In tho Tow
ers blocks In Rochester, whero tho physl
clans In charge aro better able to treat nnd
advlso patients personally, an well as by
mall. Tho rcclpo which has been ho
widely advertised for tho past twenty years
may still bo had frco of chargo by all who
wrlto W. A. Noyes, S17 Towers block,
Rochester, N. Y.
Tho big storo of Hayden Dros. has an ad
on pago 9 that will interest you.
E&tra I''nrri Itediiced liy th Tennayl
vunla I.liH'.
Reglnnlng with Sunday, November 25
New York express train by tho "Fort
Wuyno Route" of tho Tcunsylvaula lines
now leaving Chicago at 12:30 p. m., will
lcavo Chicago Union Passenger Stntlon at
12 o'clock noon, every day, reaching tho
now 23d street Now York station next day
at 3 o'clock p. m. It thus becomes n
twontyslx hour train from Chicago to Now
York and tho oxcess faro will bo reduced
$1.00 on each point, making 1'hlladclphla
$1.00, Now York $2.00. "Tanhandlo Route"
differential fare 0:30 a. rn. train, will, on
and uftor November 25, leavo Chicago
Union Passenger station at 10:05 a. m. For
particulars call upon or address II. IV
Dcrlng, Asst. Gon'l Passenger Agent, 213
South Clark St.. Chicago, 111.
Vln flio Mlurl l'uclflc lliillwity,
Tuesday, Nov. 20, will bo tho next dato on
which round trip tickets at very low rates
to points In Kansas, Arkansas, southwest
Mlffpurl, Oklahoma, Indian Territory and
Texas, and to certain points In tho south
nnd southwest and southeast will bo placed
on salo. For further Information and tick,
ots call on or address company's ofllccs, S
E. corner 14th aud Douglas sts., Omaha,
Neb. T. F. GODFREY, P. ft T. A.
J. O. PHILLIPI, A. G. F. ft P. A.
wivn:u TomisT hatks.
Vln Vnlmh Itnllroad.
Now on sale, good returning until Juno 1,
1001. Special tours to Florida, Cuba, Key
West and Old Mexico. Ask your nearest
ticket agent or write Jos. Teahon, Tray.
Pass. Agt., Wabash R. R., 1415 Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.
On page 9 ta where you will find Haydcn
Bros,' ad.
Men's Fine Fall Suits
In all the prevailing styles, in genuine Eng
lish worsteds, in stripes, checks, broken
effects all tbo newest, creations in fancy
rough cheviots and homespuns, best grade
vicunas in oxford and gray.
Tho high priced custom tailors can't pro
duce better fitting or better made garments
than are in this showing.
$8.50, $10.00, $11.00, $12.50,
Men's Fall O'coats
Lot this one represent a dozen othere all
of extra good values
This one is Covert, reinforced, satin
yoke, satin piping, fancy lining, satin
sleeve liuintr. silk velvet collar. handFomelv
tailored and perfect in stylo. Merchant P-f
Tailors' Price $20.00. Other Stores' 1 T
Price $12.00, The Nobraskaks Price ... .
Pages of honest praise would not convince yon so
quickly as a brief visit to our clothing department, where
you can try on and try on, examine and examine, compare
and compare wo'll put our time against yours you're
not compelled, to buy it all rests with yourself.
Men's Hats.
Go where you will, search the land
over, visit every hat, clothing or any
store whero hats aro for sale, and you'll
lind no such values as we oiler in our
Men's Hat Department.
Our Nebraska Special is a hat well
known for its quality, stylo and Jinish.
It's as good a hat as you'll lind any
where for $2.40. Our price in tho
latest block and guaran- "I EA
teed L.kJXJ
All colors but the off ones. All styles but the old ones.
Children's Winter Caps.
Plush Turbans. 25c,
Hoys and Youths', :15c.
Coif or liriKlitnns, 25c.
Toques, Tain O'blinntcrs, etc,
Men's Winter Underwear.
Men's fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, each jjjj'J
Men's Jersey ribbed Sbirts and Drawers, each 451"
Men's wool finished silk fjced striped Shirts and Drawers, each SO
Men's flno natural wool aud camel's hair plush black Shirts and Drawers, eaclunC
Mod's extra quality Shirts nnd Drawers, extra weight, each 1,00
Men's extra heavy Australian wool, fancy colors, fashioned seams, fast col
ors Shirts end Drawers, each 1.25
Men's tlno quality camel's hair superior finish Shirts nnd Drawors, each. 1.40
Men's medium weight French marluo fashioned seams full regular made
Shirts and Drawers, each o OO
Men's balbrtggan Combination Suits, per suit 1,25
Men's Australian wool Combination Suits, ribbed, per suit 2.00
Wish lnp to tnko Atlvntitnuo f tho un
usiml opportunity for economical pur
c hntin, oflcrecl from dny to day lu this
paper, will obtain quick nnd cut 0 fill
t-crvlco through our ninll order ilupurt.
Our Women's Shoo department has
been n wonder fn m tho vory start. Our
growth hns been phcni'Uienal. Hunt.
teds who havo bought from "fancy
ni lced" itenler have come hero to ftiy.
Those who buy reetnimetiti their friends
tlioro friends rec nnncud othors, aud
so turns tho wheel (f MiecesH, grinding
out tho biggest, values for tho least
Women's Knamel Shoes I'orfcct
In construction and stylo
weights, luaulbh last, latest too, every
jnlr tftuirnntced tegular SC.OO i en
value for J.DU
Women's Ideal Kid Shoes Wo
nien'a I'aleut Ideal KM Button IJoots,
mudo with hlih military heel und illo
latest tee, a shoo that cunnot bo tltipll
inted for less than 0 or (1 dollars i nn
elsewhere our prlco & guarantee J.U
Our uhoca for fall and winter aro bet
ter values than ever. Vou can make nn
mlttuko in mvltig them a trial, Tho anil 1I10 boy will do the rcbt.
livery pair guaranteed,
Hoys' Siitin Cn.f Shoes Good qual
ity, good btyle every pair guaranteed
I'd to U $1.10
to 0 1.25
Hoys' Satin Cult Shoes Solectcd
Kti.ok, solid soles and counters every
pair guaranteed.
Jlii tol! $1.35
liitoO 1.50
Hoys' Scum less Shoes Quilted
soles, genuine wear resistors. Guaran
teed to givo perfect fcatlbfaetlon.
13tu6i $1.50
Hoys' Storm Calf Shoes With
quilted koIcs for winter wear. Thoy will
not rip. 11 you want a thoo to stay with
tho boy let him buy a pair of thebo
I'M to a $1,45
liitotl 1.05
Hoys' Hox Cnlf Shoes Just tho
thing for school. AIndo Just as a boy's
hhoo should bo mudo dressy und ue
birablo. 13 to- $1.75
2Jto5i 1.00
Box Co.t Values
For Satvxrday,
We have just received one hundred now 20 inch Box
Coats. Mudo of lho best Washington Mills Kerrey in tan,
i.nsinr. md mid black, lined v.'ith a hen
- "
vy satin, high storm collar, ten rows of
stitching all around. Perfect in fit
and workmanship. We claim that thero
aro no equal values within your reach
for tho money. ?IQ 7
Saturday J M
lb handsome Uox Coats and Automobiles A fam
nlo lino of tho most prominent oleak houto In New
York City Nought at ubnut nOo ot tho dollar lhey
aro mudo of ohevloti, korsoys, etc Si iub havo
k 1'crIan und benvor fur collars All hatidfOinely
IV J mado and llulshed at prices tdat convince you that
this storo loads In ready. to-wear up-to-dnto gurmvmtB
$16.75 $18.75 $22.50
$24.75 $29.75
Women's Jackets.
Ono lot of Jackets mado of good all
wool, korsov lined with satin Komain.
and good mercerized lining, well made and perfect fitting
garments, would by cheap at 0.50 , Q Cif
For Saturday PJ. VlJ
Children's Reefers.
125 of them made of lino kersoy in castor, red and
blue, mado with silk lined hoods, fur and braid trimmed,
700 2 yCarS' n l)0tt0r 1acket' Bold in 0lual111 for l"s t-i"
Saturday $4.90
Women's Fur Scarfs,
Women's skunk opossum scarf, with six large tails,
worth $5.00 Cist Cf
Saturday ip.VU
Women's Real Marten Scarfs.
With cluster of eight marten tails, worth $12.00
Saturday , $8.75
Fur Collarettes.
Women's skunk opossum derby
collarettes, with cluster of six tails
worth ovory cent of $10.00, SL ff
Saturday ZpO.VVj
Marten Collarettes.
Keal marten derby collarettes with clus
ter of tails, worth $15. 00 Ul O 7 ft
Saturday PV.iO
A "hediru doctor." a kind of nuuck In
Ireland, w.ih bolus examined nt an Inquest
on nlH treatment or a patient wno nnd
dlod. "I kuvo him Ipccacjnnhn," lie cutd,
"Vou iiilKlit Juat 113 well navo bIvqii iilni
tlio aurora boreallB," ald tho roroncr.
Indudo. vour honor, and that a Sum wnut
I should havo Ktvou him next. If liu hadn't
Iotua Cream 10c'H Kidney Curo . Top.
fichuefer'a Couch Syrup I'Oo
I'eruua 75c
Duffy'H Mult WhUkey k3c
Carter's I. Ivor Fllla lto
Wlno of C'nrdul 75c
I'alno'rt Celery Compound "s
H. S. S "Be
Syrup of KIb SOc
nirne.v'H Catarrh Powder S'c
Oem Catarrh 1'owdcr Klc
llromi) juininc inc
1 doz. "-KI' Qulnlna Cupnulen G
1 doz. 3-Kr. gulnlno Capsules ICo
1 doz. C-gr. Qulnlno Capsules lnc
Dr. Karl Cramer's 1'cnnyroyal Pills. ...$1.09
Lincoln Tea 20c
Clartlcld Tea 0c
fi. V. Cur. ltltb and CIiIcbko.
Wc sell Smallpox Vacclno In slender gloss
tubes (xlyccrlnated) and on Ivory points.
Krcsu supply received two or threo Mmc3
dally. Wrlto or telegraph ub.
W'c iiImu liuntlln UIIMITHISKIA
AVri-'I'OXl.Vn frum lin lalioratnrlcn
of II. K. .Ilulfuril nml Pa ike, llavl &.
Co. AVc muke CUT PIUCKS an DIN-
00c Piatt's Chloride, we sell 40c
f 1.00 Usterlne, wo sell 7Cc
75c hlro Anti-Germ, we sell 40c
Chloride Llmo In 5c, 10c and 15c pack
ages. Wrlto for Cataloguo of Drugs and Rub
bcr Goods,
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go
Southvtcnt Corner Kith and Dodge St.
Tho chilly weather will drive tho roaches
Into tbo pantries, closets and around tbo
sinks and water pipes. Vou will have no
troublo ridding tlio house of tho pests It
you will use
"What we have in store for you for Saturday.
A manufacturer's stock of Ladles' Butts. A manufacurer's stock of Ladles' Jackets.
A manufacturer's stock of Ladles' Waists. A manufacturer's stock of Children's Jack
ets. Tho abovo bought by our New York buyer at one-third valuo from leading
manufacturers of that city. The story la told, thn goods aro here. Don't buy until
you seo them.
125 ladles' Sample Suits, a great many silk lined throughout,
made in the new styles values up to thirty dollars
Indies' Samplo Suits this season's styles In fancy mixtures
Jackets silk lined values up to flftcen dollars
THE GREATEST OP ALIj Ladles' Sample Sults-tho very finest
mnde values up to sixty dollars silk lined throughout
lit each '
Ono lot of Long Cloaks In
all wool at
Ono tablo of ladles' Jackets, In kerseys, bcucles, friezes and Per
sian wool, In black and colors, silk lined throughout sold in
this town for $7.60 on sale .
Ono lot ladles' All Wool Jackots, finest Washington Mills kerseys,
Sklnucr's satin lined, advertised In this town at $10.00 and $12.00-
unmatchabls values nt
C70 ladles' Jackets, lined with tho famous Skinner's satin, war
ranted for two scusons, trimmed with strapped scams and pearl
buttons equal to any $16 Jarket In America sale prlco
Ono lot of ladles' Ilox Coats
samples for
.... 98c
1,500 ladles' Uox Coats, Skinner's satin lined throughout, In blacks
und colors, stitched edges and bands, advertised In this town for
$16.00 and $18.00 on salo hero ut
3IAXU I'A CT U 1 1 H 1 11
Ono lot of Jackets
ages i to 12 for
Children's Jackets ages i to 12
In bouclcs nnd friezes
.. 75c
This Is almost on Infallible remedy. Many
Omaha people can testify to Its efllcacy.
Try it ouce nnd you will bo pleased with tho
results. Sold In largo cans for DOo by
14th null IIuiikIh Slli ,
Ouen All Mitlil,
Pennyroyal pills
i iiui(:iii:hTi;Ks knumsii
lln HKIt ml OolJ uiii.llla Una ...1,1
I "ill- Uu.flt.Un. l'Lp.lhrr. Hrfi.
tlunt. U117 f your )ri,i(l.l. r 4e. l
iumr" ' KartlruUr. TrilllaunlaU
an .iriifi rr .! m i.fir. r
...vUll. faail.l..lln..l.l.
1 n .-l . . 1 . ... . '
Children's Jackets, ages K to 14, In frloics, whipcords, bouclcs, beav
ers, in reds, blues, tans and fancy mixtures, Jackets sold In this town
for $5.00 Saturday's salo price r
Children's Coats, K to 14. In kerseys and friezes, nearly all fur trim
med, with tho new box backs, In blues, In cardinals und tans sold in
this town for $0.60 unmatcbablo values for
Ladles' $1.00 all wool Eiderdown Dressing Sacqiics at
Ladleb' $2.00 flannel llued Underskirts for
LadlCB' $4.C0 Dlnck Taffeta Silk Walhts
Ladles' $3.00 Fur Colarettes, each
Lndlcs' Ilalny-Day Skirts, worth $1.60, for
Children's $3.00 Fur Sets each
Ladles' Automobile. Coats at $10.00, $16.00, $20.00, $30.00 and
Ladles' Fur CnpeB, Skluncr's satin lined. 30 inches long nt -each
. 48c
. !)Se
, . HSc
J A Gigantic
S Purchase
And Sale of Men's and Boys' Finest
Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters.
Perfect tit, siylo, qualify and wear guaranteed
The -weather the weather the cause nothing else we
made the most stupendous purchase in our history nearly 17,
000 garments, at a price of courae the price tempted the pur
chase a daring purchase, but we feel we've got something so out
of the ordinary in clothing bargains that the quantity will not
last long enough to supply the increased demand this sale will
create. This mammoth stock at the present writing is being pre
pared on our fourth floor to be put on sale tomorrow.
Men's Fine Suits Men's Fine Overcoats nnd
Ulsters Boys' Suits and Reefers.
Men's kersey overcoats, in bine, black
and brown, all wool, made raw edge
tArrii 1 n t CO ivamnAnf M mm
wens fio vecuna overcoats "j rn
sale price I 0U
Men's $15 black frieae ulHters 7 Cfl
sale price ... JU
Men's $10 fine suits
Bale price .
Men's 15 to $18 fine over
coats sale price
Men's $25 Raglan overcoats
Men's $18 to $20 fine suits
at. - , i
JM pi)
Thousands of men's aud boys' caps in all fabrics and styles,
go on special sale Hat unlay, at J 5c, 25c, Urc and 50c. They are
worth Hoc to i?2. All sizes, liny now. Tage i).
Selecting a Wife.
...and a Stove or Range are quite alike,
The handsomest may not he the
best, but when you do find both
these qualities together...
It's an Awful Nice Combination.
Zo'W Charter Oak Stove and Range .
' 'mum
'I, I t
made Charter Oak Stove & Range Co.
for iiaiulcfH extracting, rcade fresh ovory
dny. SInkliiB It, wo kuow what iugrctllontH
IT contains. Nothlug strostt or injurious, '
or anything that could advursely affect you,
enters into Ita composition,
Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms,,
lull lunula HI,
It btops It ut once. A
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm&-d&A !
tho thmiit If y u
Uha Antl-Kurtf
All tlruijlsta boll it I
i:nUii)rfur ui
. . L . i'tu iiiu.iiiir fail'
urn) molt tiil,hirn ('.' rrllorrtt In 1,-w iI.t.i 11
t hliTintn A .Mrl oniii'll., Killiu A. C. n.l ntlirr
drutxl.'.i or nmUtd bf Uruu Co., N T