12 THH OMAHA DAILY" HEK; Til L'H.SDA V, 'NOVfiMnnH 15, JHOO. HIGHER SALARIES ARE PAID The United States Loads All Nations in Ekillod Mechanics, LEARN THE GREAT SECRET OF SUCCESS Tlio OpiHirtunHy l.lfc-Tlmr It Oil or fit In Prcc .'ifluilnrihlp Con test of lliu liitf-rmit Itiniil C'tir rrxiioinlriici! M'liouli. All liberal-minded persons agree that tlio boat wealth to acquire u an education that can be used au education that will not only ranku your incomo larger, hut nso make your work lighter and nioro ploasuni. Several renders of Tho Uto fully rcallzo this fact and havo taken tho opportunity of the I'reo Scholarship contest, lu wh.cli tn course of tho world-famed Interna tional Correspondence School of Scranton, J'a., will ho Blveu to tho ten successful conteHtantP. Althouf h tho tlmo li about half Konc, Mr. L. O. Woods of Tckamah, Neb., dlarta In the race today with tho determination of carrying off one of tho valuable prizes. Tho following; la tho Htandlnt; of the con tcalnnlH up to 4 o'clock Wednesday: W. II. Uoynolds. HiistltiRS, Neb 0,113 V. Ilonzltu;, Oratid Island, Neb 1,820 L. (5. Wood, Tckamah. Nrb 1.000 Henry I,. Cassell, 5230 Meredith uvo.. S.203 Wutson 11. l'crklus. 11. 11. Hruee & Co. 2.r.3C 11. K. Muller, Fisher & Kawrlc 5,350 Frauk A. Pecker, Council Ulurfs, la.. 2.26.1 John W. Mulr, Omaha Maclilno workn. '.'.070 John Haynos, Dewey & Stone 5,035 '. W. Ilolbrook. 1108 Harney at 1.S9I John C. Allen, 2550 ChtcnKO Ht 1.0.0 II, C. Van Avery, K10S Capitol nvo.. 1,2I Will A. Drown, Fullcrton, Neb 1,101 Albort Sesmnan, Murray hotel 1.1S0 V. W. IlartlltiB, Nebraska City, Neb.. H33 Av V. Hatch, 1010 Spencer st WJ 1. awrcnco Wlllltims, Council Muff.i, la. !H" Uoas Morgan, Orand Island, Neb.... $j2 A. J. Van Antwerp, Lodl, Neb fTn William Kohlur. 2621 l'arkcr Bt 781 Tllancho WIrkh, Millard hotel 452 Charles I). Cole, box 063, Omaha 407 J. W. Woods, Council HlutfH, la CS0 Hmma Hood, Telephone) exchange.... !533 Daisy Hickman, Dennett's Dept. Htoro K01 John Kurbush, 101S North lGth st.... SCO (leorgo L. Fisher, U. P. supply house. 172 Theo. Schnotz, 2021 Howard ht 153 Carl Heuch, 1109 South 27th at S3 Winifred LlniliKcr, 1117 South 0th St.. 31 REAL ESTATE CONDITIONS Henry AV. Antes ( onllileiit (lint Oinnliit (ii'iiuiul Will Simiii He lit Valii ntite tin in Clilt'iiico. Henry W. Yates addressed a largely nt trnded meeting of tho Omaha Heal Katnto exchange at the Commercial club at noon yoatcrday. Mr. Yates spoko conccrnlnn real estatn mutters. Ho asserted that lu order for Omaha to enjoy tho full measure of pros perity that Is certain to sweep over tho country oven to a Krentor extent than dur InK the laBt two or thrco years real estate conditions must bo Improved. Ho advo cated certain legislative reforms In order to Improve tho methods of taxation and collection. Mr. Yates made a roscate-hucd prediction In his declaration that tho tlmo waa not far distant when business property In Omaha would bu as valuable as It Is lu Chicago today and residence property will be Bclllnif for $500 per front foot on West Kanutn street Instead of 9100 us at present. H. H. Harder, a former member of tho exchango who Is now located In Salt Lnko City, was a visitor at tho meeting nnd de livered an entertaining address. Next week'a meeting of tho exchange will he addressed eithor by Herman Kountze or W. S. I'oppleton. I'ltAi.ns iii:i.; i'i:hi'i:thati;i). A Menace to Health Tlml hi l'ulillo .Should lli-lp hiiiirtMH. Everyone knows more or less nbout Buf falo Mthla Water. This famous water has undoubtedly tho endorsement of more phynlclans In tho United States and (Jrcat Ilrltalu than any thing of a similar naturo today on tho market. HufTalo Llthla Water has gained a re markable reputation as a solvent and elim inator of Henal Calculi and as a preventive of Calculi. Its favorablo action In Uric Acid Diathesis, Oouty Hheumatlo conditions, Albuminuria of Drlght'a Disease and Preg nancy la well known. Somo unscrupulous dealers seeing an op portunity of enriching themselves at tho ixpenso of tho public, and to tho detriment of their customers' health, havo resorted to rolllling Duftalo Llllila Water bottles with ordinary water. Dy doing this they nro not only Injuring tho good uamo of Duffalo Mthla Water but aro often creating seri ous trouble In giving patlcntB, who need tho ii edlclnnl effects of Duffalo Llthla Water, t water that uot only will fall to accomplish tho results looked for. but ottcu In Itself will create harm. Tho proprietor of Huffnlo I.lthla Springs, Virginia, has offered a reward of $500 to anyono who will give him sufficient evl donco of fraud tn bring nbout tho convic tion of anybody offending in tho abovo man ner, nnd cautions tho public to bewnro of buying Huffulo Mthla Water from any but dealers of unquestioned character and ro hPouslblllty. It should bo bornu In mind that Huffalo I.lthla Water Is sold In half-gallon bottles and no other way, and that water told from tho siphon, or In goblets, or In any other May whatsoever, Is uot tho genuine. F.vcry ork of tho genuine Buffalo I.lthla Water Is branded either Spring No. 1 or Spring No. 2, aud upon oach cork Is tho seal which bears tho trade mark, aud again tho num ber 1 or 2, according to tho Spring from which that bottlo has been lilted. "Wo beliovo that It Is tho duty of all, nsldo from tho reward which la being offered, as a matter of self-prcservatlou and for tho general good of tho publlu to co operate with tho proprietor of these famous wrings In the llrst placo to assure them selves that thoy aro really Rotting tho genu Jno Duffalo I.lthla Wator when they ask for tho fame, and in tho tecond plnco to report jiromptly any caso that may eomo to their notlco whore dishonesty that Is apt to pro duce taich serious results, Is being prac ticed. Nc-tn llluli Stuiiilurit, In grndlm? pupils of tlio commercial do- iiurtment In tho High school. N. li. Van dnlre, who has cliargu of tho work, has refused to glva credit for matliemutl"al work which l uot nbolutely eotreet In every detail. Ho has udop-.od tlio standard et by business men ana maintains that work which Is wrong In any particular Ij not worthy of contddornilon. Somo puplla objected to such a unlet system and tie idared It unjust, but Mr. Van.Matre adher?d to his original plan and has dcmotntratcl to hla elass.'s that persons who expect to Micreujd In the business world must ublilo by Its standards. Mnjur I'liuiM lli'nuliiiloii, "When nuked If he will mIiiu tlio resolution passed by tho council which empowers tho Hoard ol l'ubllo Works to dialu tho tlats north of Nicholas street and east of tho tracks of tho Omaha Hue, Mayor Jloorrs paid that ho Is heartily lu favor of this jdan anil will do everything In his power to carry It out. As soon as the mayor ut tr.ches his slgnnturo to tho resolution, tho city engineer will put men to work drain ing the ponds, nnd more than twenty acres of valuable warehouso property will bo re claimed. The Ideal l.ii.vutlve. No more ancient pill poUons and black draughts, but up-to-date, scientific, harm less, palatable, potent Cascarets Candy Ca ttartlc. DrugRlBts, 10c, 25e, COc. nosTox sroitr: .iacki:t sam:. f, rtnueiielirln A Co.'n () erloitc of AViiiiien'N no it Ml)-' .IneKet. ON SAI.H TODAY. AT 50(1 ON THK DOMiAIt. Thli Is an unusual opportunity. Tiles'; garments were made for this season's trad' and represent the newest and mokt ap proved Btylca. I. Hoieneheln & Co. wen forced to B'.ll these jackets at a great sac rifice on arcount of the unfavorable trade conditions duo to the warm weather. I.ADinS' $5.00 JACKKTS FOU J1.9S. This lot conBlata of fluo kersey, bottcles, frler.es, etc., In u vast assortment of styles, $5.00 values, all sizes, at J 1.08. J-.ADIHS' $6..0 JACKKTS, 3.9S. Fine kersey, heavy Irish frieze and curly bouclo Jackets, lined throughout, high col lars, newest styles, J5.G0 valtfs, for J3.PS. LADIES' JS.CO JACK UTS, ;1.0S. Hxtra fine kersey, frieze, cheviots, Vene tians, coverts, etc., silk and satin lined, now haudtome designs, JS.f.O nlues, ut $I.9S. I.ADIKS' $12-50 JACKKTS, $C.0S. This lot Includes fur trimmed kerseys, velours and novelty garments; nlao all wool kerseys' with applloucd collars and reveres, nobby box front effects, hand somely lined, new bell sleeves, notually J12.C0 values, ut J'J.OS. The highest grades of Jackets made, such as tho finest Kngllnh kerseys, meltons, Per sian carls, vicunas, etc., will be sold at the following low prices: J9.S0 FOU LAWKS' $17.30 JACKKTS. tll.r.O FOU LAWKS $20.00 JACKKTS. $11.60 FOU LAWKS' $53.00 JACKKTS. Once more we advice you that these values ate exceptional; come and profit by this fortunate purchase. IIOSTON STOKK, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 10th und Douglas Sts. LOOKING FOR SEWER OUTLET Wnlinit Hill Addition i-rrnrnt n Proli lem fur the City IliiRlncrr' Department. The tity engineering department Is con fronted with n serious proposition In af fording sanitary sewerage for Walnut Hill and adjoining nddltlons. Tho territory Is located so far from the river that It Is not possible to secure nn outlet to tho east. Saddle creek could be utilized were It larxo enough to enrry oft tho rofuso without be coming badly contaminated. Surveys were made some time ago nnd It was thought at that time to be Impossible to dispose of the sewerage without using garbage consumers or vats In which the refuse could be decom posed and put In such condition that public health would rot bo endangered by using Saddle crock- as un outlet. A new survey will bo made by tho city engineer, In nccordanco with recent action of the ceuncll. and Mr. Hosowater will make a careful study of conditions and report to the council tho best plan for construction a system of sewerage for that part of the city. AtiiiiinnceiiiciitN of I lie Tlienft'rn. Tho Orphcum Is drawing the usual big house with a bill that Is pleasing every body and possesses tiomo exceptional acts. Tom Nawn nnd company In "Pat and the Ocnll." aro delightful. Our little Omaha boy. Master Arthur Ooff, Is meeting with great success and will havo llttlo trouble lu getting right to the front among comet virtuosos. Tho amateur show tomorrow night will pack tho house, as most of the good seats will he gone before noon. Tlio period In which the story of Kleanor Merron's successful play, "Tho Dairy Farm," which comes to the Doyd tonight for four nlghtn and matinees Saturday and Sunday, Is laid between tho years of 1831 and 1&5C In the picturesque old village of Hurley, deter county, N. A"., "beforo the war." Tho quaint costumes of that period. I Including tho old-fashioned hoopnkirtn. ' chignons nnd pagoda alecvcs, aro worn by tho women who Interpret female characters In the play, and many old songs, Including "nosln tho Dow," "The Needle's Kye, ' ' "Hackward. Turn Ilackward, O Tlmo In ' Thy Flight!" and many old-fashioned games and pastimes of tho country people aro In troduced. Mlaco'o Trocadcro continues to have record-breaking crowds, both dally matinee and night. The "Llttlo Egypt" company has proven to be a big winner. Next week, beginning Sunday matinee, comes the Parisian Delles, another burlesque com pany. A series of moving pictures showing scenes at tho (lalveston flood will bo shown as an extra feature of the Parisian Holies burlesque show. Theso pictures aro cor rect portrayals of tho Galveston illsaf In addition to theso there will bo other pictures representing a parade of firaud Army men, an nutomobilo parade, a Mil waukee fire engine parade, firemen in ac tion aud other topics of general tntcrcbt. Thin Is tho first time the Clnlvestnn pic tures have ever been produced on any Btage. BUSINESS MEN WAKING UP SiiliicrlptlniiN for Auditorium Fund onilnu In Itiipldl) llvprjr One I'm or tlio Project, Tho auditorium directors held a meeting jesterday and reported moro than Bal Ufactory returns from their campaign of subscription soliciting. Omaha business men, thoy declare, are beginning to nwakcti to their responsibilities In this matter and liberal subscriptions are being madovut a lively rate. "There Is no reason for doubling our ability to pass tho $100,000 mark this week," said President Sanborn of tho board of directors. "Wo havo discovered In get ting out among tho peoplo In senrch of subscriptions how popular Is tho plan of building an auditorium here. Thcro have been fuw declinations to subscribe and the majority of tho men whom wo have ad dressed on the subject seem to consider It n privilege to bo able to secure stock In the Great enterprise." Sliol'tnlilcu (IiiIiik Allele!. AVItli tho advent of cooler weather the sportsmen nro 'olng out utter quail and other birds. CJeorgo Klbouruu returned Tuesday evening front cVdumbtn with .i lino bog, containing elght-tour quail thirty-six prairie chlekriM und ttilrtv-slx ducks. The best kill of tin Reason by Uninha hunters, so far us iinrted, Is that of Henry Iloman. who one i,iv lust week at Clarks hugged seveiity-tlv,' mnllards. Prickly Ash Hitters can b depended on to euro tho kidneys, corrects tho urine, strengthens the stomach and relieves backache. AVIVlKIt TOLUIST ll.VTHS. A'in AVn tin ill Itnllronil. Now on salr, good returning until Juno 1, 1901. Special tours to Florida, Cuba, Key West and Old Mexico. Ask your nearest ticket ngent or wrlto Jos. Teahon, Trav. Pass. Agt., Wabash It. It., 1415 Farunm St., Omaha, Neb. See C. F. Harrison's special real estate bargains. On the Ice M. Tho Ico man left tho Ice. The collector tried to collect. The lady said she did uot owo tho bill. Tho collector brought tho Ice man to tin lady to tlnd out about It. The lady said she gave tho Ice man somo lem onade und her bill was J5.61. Tho collector told us that was tho hardest proposition ho ever struck. i.... 100 7do 50e 15c Me 15c "Be 75o 7."o .Tc fie? 1 A.1 "1.1 1 n 57 Fitting Up a House With Stcani Heat totus Cream Cramer's Kidney Cute Hehnefer'a Cough Syrup Peruna , Duffy Malt Whiskey Cartel's Liver Pills Wine of Cardul Pnlne's Celery Compound S. S, S Bvrup of Figs Hlrney's Catarrh Powder mcih catarrh Powder , llromo Quinine l.V 1 doz 2-gr QuinliiB Capsules "e 1 doz. 3-gr Quit Inc Cnpvi'os ire 1 doz. B-gr. Quinine Capsules 15e Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills ...$ino Lincoln Tea 20c Cnrlleld Tea 50o SCHAEFEB wr b. AV. Cor. ltltli nnit Chlenao. t ( ( (f 0 In a sclenlle and expert manner, so- g that It will work mnootbly and glve 't )r warmth and comfort without dirt or,;, dust, Is wnt we are bttsv at ow. (V Prepar.' your hinisc for cold weatii 'V) ,7, now and you will not act caught nnp-zn pine by Old Dorcas when he makes tin fi ( vlolt. We will do your work satis- w 1 O1 1SUU I'arnum. lactorily and reasouabi). "Free & Black, I'lu.nc. KIT.) S CD 0 c HAVnFNt Great Sale of MENS' FINE SHOES CliniiKO itf 'lime- liy (tic I'ciiiih.vI vnnln liliiCN from ChleiiKO. Taking effect November 23, tbu "Keystono Express" of tho Panhandle Iloute of Penn- i fijivaula Lines, now leaving Chicago at 0:30 a. in., will start from Chicago Union Station every day at 10:05 a. m., running through to New A'ork In 28 hours. "Differ- , cntlal" fares apply via this train and route, j "Fort Wnyno Houte" train now leaving Chicago 12:30 p. m., will, on nnd after No vembcr 25, atnrt from Chicago Union Pas Bongcr Station at 12 o'clock noon bceom- ' Ing n twenty-six hour train to Now A'ork, with extra fares reduced. Call upon or j address H. H Derlng. Asst. Oen'l Passen ger Agent, 2lS South Clark St.. Chicago, 111. 11 II 1 li 14 I'erniltn. The city lutpeetor of bulldlngB has Issued tho following permits: Edward AVeleb, Thirty-Unit and lavenwoi Hi, frame dweP Ing, J5.C00: A. Ml. lard. 2Wtt Farnrtm. repairs :ts J. It. Illanehnrd. Twenty-ninth und Pacific, framo dwelling, J2,0u0. HOT-IRYX Hy this wo mean HOT drinks aro now bclug served at tho ONA'X QUEEN at Sher man & MtConnell Drug Co.'s HOT COCA COLA HOT COCOA HOT IIOIU.IO.A hot oi.n-FA.Miio.vi:n c.i.achu ri:i- HOT l'Hi:CII t IH'FIIIV- HOT LF.MO.NADi: HOT ClIKKItA SMNO HOT CLAM HOI 1 1. 1.O.V Ice Cream Soda All Winter. Slierman &, McCannall Drug Go. Iliiiur of the Onyx Cluetn, the Hnoat niln fouutnlii 'west of Nciv A'orli. New Locntlon, 1 II It nnd Doitur. mis S-A-I-N-T L-0-U-5S Ilcst train to St. Louis Is tho Durllngton'a St, Louis Flyer. Leaves hero 4:60 p. m. (lets thcro 7:19 a. m. Clean cars good track very fast time very few stops. Olad to soil you a ticket or rcservo a berth for you, TICK KT OFFICI2. 1502 FART AM STREET. TICL. '-'SU. IIUtlMN'nTON STATIOJf. (OTH AND MASON STS. ti;i.. 18, few IpMlPIt Men's Tan tho different and now styles of inen'a tan shoes for winter wear, In single, doublo nnd triple soles, plain drill und leather lined, mado to re tall for $3, $1 and $5, all clzes and widths. on sale at J1.9S. $2.50 ni)d $3.00. Men's Patent Leather and Enamel th uewoBt and latest atyle of patent leather and enamel Bhoes for dress wear, street wear, mado to re tall for J3 and 10, a I 1 sizes and widths, go at $2.50, $3.0") and $3.60. Men's Velour Calf Shoes 23 different styles of nieii'u flno ve lour calf, welt solo shoes, slngli, double and triple soles, tho softest und most beautiful leather, all tho new atylen of toe, laco congress and but ton, worth up to J8.00 per pair, go at $3.00 and $3.50. Men's Box Calf Shoes Full lino of singlo doublo and triple polo allocs. Men's box calf uhoes, Trostler'ti 1: 1 d shoes, willow calf shoes, French calf HhooH, all welt olcH, all sizes, nil widths, worth up to 50.0O. go at $3.00 and J3.50. MICHES Tho chilly wcathor will drive tho roaches Into tho pantries, closets and around the sinks und water pipes. A'ou will havo no trouble ridding tho houso of the pesfs If you will uso FF0 This Is almost un Infallible remedy. Many Omaha people can testify to Its efilcary. Try It ouco nnd you will be pleased with tho results. Sold lu largo cans for 50c by J. A. FULLER&GO. 11 111 n. n". Uouiflim Sta. Oiifi Ml Mulit. The Clothing Crash Has Conic One man's loss is another's guin--niunufm,turers have suf fered unusually this season. The weather the Avealher the cause nothing else -we made the most stupendous purchase in our history -nearly IT, 000 garments, at a price 01' course the price tempted the pur chase a daring purchase, but Ave fuel avu'vo got something so out of the ordinary in clothing baigains that the quantity will not last long enough to supply ihe increased demand this ale Avill create. This mammoth stock at the present writing is being pre pared on our fourth floor to be put on sale tomorrow. Men's Fine Suits Men's Fine Overcoats and Ulsters Boys' Suits and Reefers. 3 Men's kersev overcoats, in lilno. hhirk- iv-' A Si."!! mill 1,1'nu'ii sill wiifil in'iiln v-i w .,,liw vT3 resiuiar irarmenr a rm sale )rice 31en's vicuna overcoats sale price Men's 1." black frieze ulsters sale price Men's 810 lino suits sale price Mee's 15 to SIS line over coats sale price Men's ?25 Raglan overcoats at Men's $18 to i0 line suits at . rn. ' .... t f (i L) Men's Fine Fall Suits In all llio prevailing styles, in gonuino Hnglish worsteds', in Etripes, chocks, broken ell'ecls all fho nowest cre.at ona in fancy rougli cheviots and homespuns, best grade vicunas in oxford and gray. Tlu lilch priced custom tailors enn't prodtico bottur fittln$ 1' butter inudo ftinnentH than nro in t. Is sluwinfj. $8.50, $10.00, $11.00, $12.50. Men's foJl O'costs Let this one roprc?ent a dozen others all of extra good values This one is Covert, reinforced, satin yoke, satin piping, fancy lining, satin sleeve lininc silk velvet collar. handsomely tailored, and perfect in stvle. iMorchant Tailors' Price $20.00. y pv n Other Stores' Price $12.00. J hfc The Nebraska's Price Jr Pages of honest praise would not convince you so quickly as a briet visit to our clothing department, where you can try on and try on, examine and exam ino, compare and compare we'll put our time against yours you're not compelled to buy it all rests with yourself. (01 A7 a ' r 7.50 ..5,00 oney Saving items In Ovir Cloak and Suit Department. Women's Stylish Short Jackets One of tlio greatest jacket bargains of tho'season, and the ladies of Omaha who want to get doublo jacket val ues will Und them in this up-to-dalo and well made garment, made of tho finest kersey, handsomely strapped and stitched, lined with the best fancy taffeta silk, garments in this lot worth from (Q $12 to $20 -Choice O 15.00 IBs Jjl lO 75 for stylish blouse suits mado of vorv Great Manufacturers S Clearing Shoe Sale $27,500 worth of Flno Shorn closed out factory floors. THE LOWEST CHICKS SAI.n THIS AVHB1C AT HW CHICK OH to us at Iobs than httlf prlco to Hpiui nj) tho KVKH MADi: ON (1001) SHOI3S ALL ON I.IJaa in our Now Rconomy IlarRaln Hnoui. S20 naliH of laillrs' JIl.OO aud $3.50 vlci ltl.l I.nco anil Iliittnn Shoes at $1.38. IfcO jialrs mlsseb" School Shorn, worth up to $2.00, lu klil. grain and calf, bIzvh 12 to 2. at ttSo. 2tl0 pairs children's $1.00 kid Laco and Dui uni Shoes, sizes ii to &, nt fiOc. 3tIo pairs Infanta' lino 7i"c Icld and patent Ica'hcr Ilutton Shoos, sires 2 to fi, at S.'ir. 20 cases women's $1.00 Kelt Houso Slip pers at 49e. nne voneuan lacicet taitota lined and taffeta strap peda suit that sells in most stores 1 0 7 for $18.00 our price lW. A D Fur Facts. Mr ncy Snvintr items that should interest every fur needing customer. Sheared Coney Collarettes, heavy fcatin iined, trimmed l" (f with tailfi, worth W.On i.iU Sliettrcd Coney Collarettes, with ionir tails, edged with A f( bear fur. a eoiltirotle wortli $7.SIJ db.U (Jniy I'ox Ilettel Scarfs, 45 Inolios lou(, with largo tail, Q QO sold every whore for 57.50 O.tU lied Fox Head Sarfn, 15 incites Iotit;, with lareo tall nnd on natural head, worth 310.00 " O.iU Heal Murten Scarfs, trimmed with six tails. A rr worth $7.60 ; .JHJ Heal Marten Derhy Collarette, with clustor of tails O 'K othors ask $ir.00 for them . t d 1 IJDIJB ill VITAUZD m for palnlcs3 extracting, n'.tuto fresh every day. Making it, wo know what Ingredients IT contains. Nothing strong or Injurious, or anything that could adversely effect you, enUT3 Into Its composition. Talt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, CO dozon women's 50c 7-button OverRalt crs nt 23c. 10 caeca boys' $1.50 satin calf Laco Shoes, sizes a to 13, at SDc. 2S cases men's $2.00 nnd $2.C0 Shoes, In calf and vlci kid, at 51.50. Shoes on snlo In main Shoo Department. "Ilrooks Shoes" for ladles. "Ultra" Shoes for ladles. "Stetsou" shoes for men. Suits, Jackets and Furs.... Wo havo Just welved from our New York buyer 17i ladles' high class tallor-mado hillts. They too mado by tho well known, and ono of tho best manufacturers In Nov,' York City Messrs. H. Conhelm & Co., 11th nud Hroadway. They aro mado up lu the very newest styles. They nro mado to fit. Thcro aro u great many of them silk lined throughout. They nro beauties, every ono of them. They aro mado to sell for $IS.00 to $35.00 Thurbday's talc prleo only 200 ladles' Jackuta, Skinner's satin lined throughout, mado from finest Washington mills kerseys; they mo offerrd for salo In two Omaha houses us big values at $12.75 Thursday's sale price. . 11)0 ladles' kcraey Jackets, they aro silk lined throughout; advertised nnd sold In this town as a bargain for $S.50 wo will sell them Thursday for only 500 silk waists, made from tho famous Winslow taffeta - warrantod to wear and not to crack regular retail prlco $0.50 Thursday's sale prlio only 215 Ind ' iul"v-day skirts; they aro worth $ j.t'O Thursday sale prlco only 0 chlhlrcu'n Jnckots-sizes i io '-""' " " - .irrti,.,t m ihia town for $.0S- Thursday s said price, only Specials for Thursday Ladles' plush rapes- 2. 98 ' -for". f.U.'.C"n.,.r.1.1": 7...!!'. 98() uL'blio ;.;pes.'20 inclu.s I OR TT 29C toni.' for I Ladles' pettlcoa.s-each- 29G I -"S ?or".C !!"'!. ".T, ouiy Por Thursday Only in the New Economy Bargain Room Mcn'3 $1,0 and $,00 Due, coats -Jjg M S nt Thursday only uuw Watch for Our Grand Jewelry Sale Saturday, HAYDEN BROTHERS. QVEMBER EX00RSI0NS. November 13, 20, 27, 1900, the on PACIFIC OMAHA OMAHA OMAHA OMAHA OMAHA OMAHA OMAHA OMAHA Will make the following Kcdnccd Kates, TO OGDEN AND SALT LAKE CITY, ONE WAV, TO 0GDl!N AND SALT LAKE CITY. ROUND TRIP, TO BUT Tb AND 111 LENA, MONT., ONE WAY, . . TO BUTTE AND HELENA, MONT.. ROUND TRIP, . TO SPOKANE AND PORTLAND, ONE WAY, . TO SPOKANE AND PORTLAND, HOUND TRIP . , TO TACOMA AND SEATTLE. ONE WAY, . TO TACOMA AND SEATTLE. ROUND TRIP. . . , O J2J.00 28.00 40.00 2J.00 40.00 28.00 45.00 45,00 (lew City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St, 10.00. : I 4.75! ZfTXX 2 50i MR-BHIB 1,00 - i i Round Tflp Tickets Limited Thirty Days from Date nf Sale. Telephone 316. CAN YOU EAT your Thanksgiving dinner, and nil other meals lu comfort? TKUTII In condition to permit thorough mas tication and complete enoymcnt'.' If uot put yourself In our hands. Wo will romovo useless teeth, till those that need It or Kiippty COMI'I.I.'I 13 SJ.TS Olf THI5T1I. All our work Is very high grade. Our charges aro not. BAILEY, the Dentist Itrifiini ;il--.'tt;! I'aitoii lllook. 1(11 li Hint I'ariiam. IMiuno HIS.'.. l.iuly Aticnilant Smoke the best. Ask y nr dealer for a IT OOSTS YOU NO MORE THAN INFERIOR BRANDS. F. R. RICE N. C. CO., Alfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE' St i j t V i )