Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Minor Mention.
Davis sells gmen
"Mr. Illley," 6-ccnt cigar.
Oaa fixtures ami globes nt Mxby's.
Flno A. D. O. beer Neuttmyir's hotel.
Wollman, scientific optician, 109 H'd'y.
Bchmldt's photo), new and latest stylos.
W. J Hostcttrr, dcntMt, Baldwin block.
Mooro's stock fowl kills worms, fattens.
rrlnk Iiudwelser beer. L. Iloeenfeld, ant.
LctTert, Jeweler, optician 230 Headway.
"Hun Bonnet Unities ut k. Alexander
b Co.'n, 333 liroudway.
. Oot your work dono ut the iiopnlar Eagle
laundry, 721 Broadway. 'I'hoiiu 157.
W. C. Esten. inidertiiker. M JVurl street.
Telephones. Ofltoe 37; residence. 33.
W. V. draft, undertaker and licenced em
balmer, 101 riotitli Main street, 'l'hone Iffi
Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furniture
repairing, mattress making, 122 8. Main nt.
Miss Kate Dullard of First avenue Is
home from a visit with friends In Chicago.
Mrs, James clrahatn of Hastings Is the
Buest of Miss Margaret O'IJomihII of Park
Mrs. M C Kerrler Is homo from an ex
tended visit with relatives and friends at
CrnwforrtMvlllc, lud
The, annual tnei'tlntr of I lie MtiirklinlilerH
of the Odd IMIowm Hull association will
he. hold this evening.
The regular monthly meeting of Hie hoard
of trustees of the public library Is on the
late, for this afternoon.
Miss Olla Jackson, formerly of this rlty,
?ow of Burlington, Is tho guest of MIbs
'ollle Erb of First avenue.
Tho annual meeting of the Young Peo
ple's Christian Tcinpunuieo union will bo
held next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Trinity Methodist church.
Aldorman Lovott t mourning the loss of
his valjablo prize-bred frit, Horuiiril dog,
which win stolen enrly yeHterday morning,
The matter has been reported to the pollen.
John IJucklnghttm of Lyons township.
Mills county, asks to be declared a bank
runt and lists his debts at "ilo and his ns
nets at J2W, all of which uro claimed as
Admeasuring ijnrty wfl he given tomor
row evening by i.iiy camp. Hoyol Neigh
bors of America, at Its hull in the Merrluni
block. Th" l.udy Foresters of Hv ealnp of
Omaha will be prrsent.
The Flower .Mission Maguzlne, which was
Bold to Mm 1. iith of Omaha, has been
liurehiuted by .Mrs. F. P. Hradley ami four
young women of the Council llluffB Flower
mission, who will continue Its publication.
The funeral of the late Or. V. I, ration
will be held this afternoon at ".to o'clock
from fit John's KiikIIhIi Lutheran church.
The services will Im conducted by Hev.
a. W. Hnyder and Interment will be In Wal
nut Ulll cemcter, .
John P. Auppcrle, n farmer of Ktlra,
Audubon county, has tiled a voluntary
Xietltlon In b.mkruiitcy In tho Fnlted States
district court here. Ills liabilities amount
to $2,705, lie lias assets worth 2!Vp, all of
which he claims us exempt.
George Miller, aged 65 years, died yester
day morning at the Woman's Christian
Association hospital from gangrene of tho
ill lie nci't nils after-
om I.unKIey s under
St ftrnntlw.'t v unit In
terment will bo In Falrvicw cemetery.
A aeries of levlvul meetings will begin at
Trinity Methodist church next Hundav.
The pastor, Key. W. II. Cable, will be as
Mlsteu by Mis I.Ida M. Ilerrlck. formerly
of Chicago, now of Omaha, and ltov. M. M.
Cable of Ocllauce, la. Miss Ilerrlck s well
known throughout the middle west as 'i
very ctllclent and thorough evangelist. Tte .
M. M. Cable will render special service In
directing the muMc. Meetings will be held
dally through tho week at 2:.10 ami ":)
p. m.
Clifton Peterson Suffera a Deplorable Mishap
on Motor Bridge,
Oeorgo H. Maxwell, chairman of the Na
tional Irrigation association, will bo hero
Monday to address the meeting
(Continued from First Page.)
Association hospital fr
lungs. Tho funeral wl!
noon at 2 o'clock froi
r inking rooms on Wesi
v ,...... w.lll lw. 1,.
N. Y. Pluinblng Co., flephono 250.
All grocera soil Domestic soap.
Commonwealth 10-cunt cigar.
Moat for your money Uoraestlc soap.
Mount '.Inn Cornerstone.
Tho members nf Mount .Ion Ilnptlst
church of this city, who have been without
a church building for several years, nro re
joicing oer tho prospects of soon having a
bouse of worship of their own. The corner
stone of their now church, which Is being
erected ut tho corner of Avenue P and
Klovcnth street, was laid yesterduy after
Tho ceremonies were In charge of Hebcuo
Mnaonlc lodge, No. 25, of Omaha. (!. N.
Johnson of Hescue lodge, assisted by Hoh
ert Johnson nnd S. (!. Krncst of Western
fitnr lodge. No. 1, Knights of Pythias. The
Colored Odd Follows, Knlghtu of Tabor,
).Adlen of tho Household of Ituth and the
Daughters of tho Tuburnaclc also took part
In tho ceremoulcH.
Rev. Clulo of Mount Morlnh Rnptlst
ohurch of Omaha read the scriptures and
Ite.v. Adams of Mount JCIon church of
Omaha lead In praycrN Itcv. K. Wilson,
pastor of tho local cliuich, through whoRo
efforts tho now building lias been possible,
led tho singing. Tho ceremonies were at
tended by a lnrgii number of tho rolorod
peoplo from this city und Omaha.
Thro it n from the Wtmuti In Which
lie Win Itldlnn lllreetly In Front
of the. Motnr nnd Until
)ln iikIciI,
Clifton Peterson, living at 313 Curtis
street, suffered the amputation of his right
arm at tho shoulder and his left arm be
tween tho wrist and the elbow last even
ing nt tho Woman's Chrlatlnn Association
hospital as tint result of being run over
by a motor ear on the brldgo yestorday
afternoon. Tho attending physicians ex
pected that he would survlvo the shock of
tho operation
Peterson and a rotnrutilon wero driving
to Omaha In a light wagon drawn by one
horso and had Just passed tho toll house
when motor No. f7 overtook them. The
horse becamo frightened and Peterson, who
was driving, lost control of tho animal.
Before .Motottnan Hurler could stop his
car tho horse had backed tno wagon in
front of tho motor. The two occupants
worn thrown out, Peterson right In front
of tho motor, tho wheels of which passod
over both his arms. Tho right arm was
crushed at.d mangled, while tho left arm
was crushed Just above tho wrist. His
companion was thrown clear of tho track
and escaped Injury.
Peterson as placed In an eastbound
motor to tho power house, whore a
stretcher wis In waiting. Here he was
transferred to another motor and conveyed
direct to the hospital, whuro amputation
of both arms was found necessary.
Peterson Is n single man mid as far us Is
known hiiB no relatives or family In this
Itrcriitlon to MawubeeV Coninin mice.
The members of Council Bluffs tent.
KnlghtB of tho Maccabees; are making
elaborate preparations for tho entertain
ment to ho given Friday night of thin week
it tho Dohany opera house In honor of
1). P. Markey of Port Huron, Mich., su
premo i nmmander of the order. City At
torney Wadsworth will preside nnd Mayor
Jennings will deliver tho address of wol
come. The following program has been ar
ranged: Sclecttou, orchestra; welcome ad
drens, Mayor Victor Jennings; selection,
Dudley Buck quartet; reading from "Mer
chant of Venice," Thomas Askln; address,
Hev. (icorge Kdward Walk; selection, or
chestra; uddress, Hon. D. P. Mnrltey, su
preme commander Knights of tho Macca
bees; selection, Dudley Buck quartet; read
ing, "The Yallcr Baby," by llugeno Field,
Thomas Askln; selection, orchestra.
Theso comprise the committee In chargo
of nrre figements: Dr. J. N. Hlco, chair
man; Rev. Oeorgo Cdward Walk, Dr. A. P.
Huuchett, Chief Alhro, O. 11. Brown, I. C.
Wooley and W. II. Rogan.
tho balance per capita and paying each
member of the tribe at certain uges their
share. Second, as a corrollary to this, di
vision of the land belonging to the tribo
per capita. Tho remedy proposed would
almost Invariably Immediately relegate the
Indians to poverty, though tho remoto re
sult might be for them to work to savo
themselves from actual want. Tho general
leasing of their allotments by tha Indians
to white men Is denounced.
Thero wero 230 Indian schools of all kinds
conducted by the government and an In
crease of 1.412 pupils In enrollment and
1,142 In nverago attendance shown over
the previous year. About 8.000 of tha
31,000 eligible school children aro unpro
vided for. Compulsory education of the
Indian children Is strongly endorsed and
congress Is urged to authorize tho commis
sioner to place every one of school ago In
some school, the selection of tho school
to be left largely to educated Indian par
ents Tho report controverts the commonly ac
cepted theory that by constant contact
with the whites the extinction of the In
dian Is only a matter of time. It nays It
can bo stated with a great degree of con
fidence that tho Indian population of tho
United Stntcs has been very little dimin
ished from tho days of Columbus, Coro
nndo, Raleigh, Captain John Smith and
other early explorers.
Poimlntlon .stationary Since '70,
Tho first rcllablo Indian census wna In
1870 and certainly since then tho Indian
population has been nearly stationary,
whatever decrease there Is being attrib
utable to Indians becoming citizens.
Reviewing Infllan Territory affairs the
report rays there are CO.000 children of
hlto parents there who should have
chools and that thousands of theso chll-
ren thus deprived of education aro grow-
ng up In vlco nnd Ignorance, already feed
ug tho United States Jails ut Muscogee
nd other polntu with youthful criminals.
The cost of education will not be excesslv
compared with results. School benefits also
hould bo extended to the 4.230 Choctaw
freedmrn. Government control of tho
chools In tho Chickasaw nation Is advo
Premiums given with Domestic aoap.
Ilowell'k Antl-"Knwf" cures coughs, colds.
Will 1'IkIiI (hit Injunction.
Ity Attorney Wadsworth expects to Mo
luy In tho district court u motion on be
half of tho cltv to dlanolvo tho temporary
rest ruining order Hccurcd by tho motor com
pany enjoining tho municipal officers from
interfering In uny wny with Its laying of u
iccond track on South Main street. This
tourso of action Ih expected to open up tho
whole matter und determine tho rights of
ihe motor company to tho street In question.
Tho motor company Is rushing tho work
n South Main Htrect au'd by Saturday night
kad the pavement removed almost to Tenth
Kvonue, It has a force of nearly 200 men on
Iho work.
Trouble nt Culver Aenclrniy.
Harry Van Brunt left last evening for
Culver Military acudemy, the troublo be
tween the cadets nnd tho faculty having
been settled and the former reinstated, In
tnlklng of the trouble, which led to tho dis
missal of over 100 of tho cadets, young
Vun Brunt said the affair had been greatly
exaggerated In tho eastern papers. Tho
fates of the case were, he said, that two of
the cadets wero discharged for an infrac
tion of the mlea and u largo number of tho
students went to the depot to see them oft
and bid them goodbye. One of tho rules of
the academy Is thut tho cadets cannot leave
tho grounds without permission and In
going to the depot without permission tbey
violated the rule. Cadet Van Brunt's father
was one of tho committee which acted as
a board of arbitration between the cadelH
und thu faculty and secured the reinstate
ment of tho former.
srlilii imri I'roetor Confer Tilth I'rrs
iUrnt About Xfoil.i of (lift
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Senator Proctor
f tho senato committee on military affair,!
nnd Adjutant Oenernl Corbln of tho War
department held an Inforninl conference
with tho president yesterday relative to
legislation to bu asked of congress In con
nection with the proposed increase of thu
regular army,
Under tho existing law," said Senator
'roctor, at tho conclusion of tho confer-
nee, "the present strength of tho army of
3,000 regulars and S3, 000 volunteers will
in reduced on the tlrst day of next July to
7.000 regulars. This Is an absurdly small
number and congrosn will bo asked by tho
president to reorganlzzo tho army upon n
larger basis. It will be Impossible to kocp
Any troops In the Philippines unless the
army Is Increased, to say nothing of tho
garrisons for the forts In this country.
"My own Judgment is that congress will
provldo a regular army of about B5.000 or
60,000 men, with discretion to tho president
o ralso tho total to 100,000 It ho finds tho
arger nvmber necessary. I have no doubt
that this legislation will bo enacted at the
coming session."
Ilertlilck Clnli I'roi;rnm.
Tho Derthlck club will glvo Its second
muslcalo for tho present teason this even
Ing at Royal Arcanum hall. Tho follow
ing program Ins been arranged
"Knmennol Oftrow," Hubcnsteln
.Miss .McCabe.
Cradle Hong Wllllnm O. Smith
-Mr. Tremor.
"Ijovo Is a nubble," Allltsen
.Miss culilwcll.
Melody In F
Mr. Potter.
a. "He Not So Coy," ....
b. "(lood Night,'
-Mrs, Hiicrman.
"The Ar-ra,'
Mrs. Milllls.
Mr. Hteckelticrg.
.... Godard
Davis sells palat.
Domestic soap has no equal.
0 ravel roofing. A. II. Read, D41 Broadway.
(iilil of tUp Vote,
Tho Board of County Supervisors will
meet today and tho first business to bo
taken up will bo the canvass of tho vota
east, ut laat Tuesday's general olectlon.
Tho trustees of Kane township will meet
this afternoon In Farmers' hall In the
county courthouse and canvass the vote
rast for township trustco nnd clerk. The
Justices of tho peace for Kano townnhlp
come under the head of county olllcers and
the vote cast for them will bo canvassed
by tho supervisors. It Is expected that the
ntllclal canvass will develop some changes
In tho totals Increasing tho republican
Much Interest Is centered In tho canvass
of tho votn cast on tho poor farm proposi
tions, aa thero has been no means of ascer
taining whother It carried or not.
City t'oniicll llcrltnir.
The city council will meet In adjourned
session tumorrow night for tho purpose of
utreot paving assessment. Hut two objec
tions to tho assessment have been llled. one
by tho late Dr. W. I,, Pntton and tho other
by Leonard Everett, as administrator of the
estate of the late Horuco F.verett. Both oh
jectlons nro based upon tho alleged grounds
that tho assessment Is
that tho property Involved 1b not benefited
by tho Improvement; that a protest was pre
sented prior to tho commencement of tho
work and thnt ut no tltuo hnB consent been
given for asset-sing the cost of the paving
tigulnst tho property.
Best wolght Domestic soap.
Domestic Boap gives bctt satlbfactlou,
$5-00, $1.50,
Olvo us a llve-dollur bill und we
wlh give you J1.50 and u pair of
tho best shoes on earth. Kvery
pair wurranted und your money
back If you uro nut t-utlslled.
Nrgntlutu.1 In I-astern Nebraska
nines N, Casa
Council Bluffs.
Ut' Main St ,
Save Your Monevi
With iIih
1U3 Pearl tftraet, Couaell liluft., la.
Court ut OnavM.
ONAW'A, la., Nov. 11. (Special.) Tho
Monona county district court was in ses
sion nil last week and considerable busl
neM was transacted. In tho Injunction
cat.e of O. L. Richards against William
W Iho et nl, tho Jury took the case under
advisement and by consent will enter Judg
ment In vacation. Tho prosecuting wltnes;
was given a rebuke by the Judge, who said
tho caso savored more of persecution than
prosecution. The caso of the State against
Andy Payne for criminal assault Is set for
Monday, November 12, nt 3 a. m. and
likely to last some days.
Tho grand Jury has been In active ses
slon and Is stirring up tho whisky men In
good shnpe.
Cordon ( ulvrr llndly Hurl.
MASON CITV, la., Nov. 11. (Special Tel
egram.) Gordon Culver, chief clerk for
Superintendent Brudeu of tho Northwest
em railway, with headquarters In this city
was seriously wounded this forenoon near
Odlu, Minn. His right arm was completely
blown off Just above tho elbow and Culver
is in a critical condition, ills parents, who
reside In Chicago, arrived on a special
train at 5'30 o clock this evening.
As an external application to heal cuts,
wounds, bruUea and like Injuries there Is
nothing so good us Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. It causes the parts to heal withou
maturation and In one-third the time re
quired by the old fashioned treatment.
Denver at Irrluatloii Cougrms.
uh.-sv ku. coin., Nov. II. The Denver
Chamber f Commcrco has called a mass
meeting of business men for Mondny for
the purpose of considering the Irrigation
muriiKu iiumiiuii. i ne nuiionai irrigation
l-UUF rutin m iu meet 111 i nicago on isovem
bcr 21, and thu question of securing govern
ment aid In building storage reservoirs it
tho west Is to come up. The last session n
congress appropriated JlOO.OnO to make sur
veys and a number of plans will bn ready
wncii luimrrsn nicris in upceiriner. in
west Is In favor of golnu to concreas wltl
n request for an appropriation of J15,(O),000
as a siaricr una Denver win try to sena a
big delegation to Chicago to boom this Idea
Tho Idea Is to have the government con.
servo the waters near the heads of streams
and leave tho distribution to private capital.
South Omaha News .
At tonight's meeting of tho city counctt
$70,000 In funding bonds will bo uuctlontd
off. As Interest on theso bonds Is now
duo the city authorities dcslro that the
solo bo hastened as much us posslblo and
for this reasou decided not to wait to ad
vertise for bids. City Clerk Shrlgley noti
fied quite a number of bond buyers that
these sccurltles'wlll be sold to tho highest
bidder tonight. In order that thero may
bo no drawback each bidder will bo ex
pected to put up a certified check for
J1.000. A half dozen dealers In municipal
bonds appear anxious to get theso securi
ties and It Is thought that the premium
may bo run up to $1,000. Frank J. Morlarty
offered $700 premium at private sale, but
on account of street rumors to tho effect
that a Job was being perpetrated he with
drew his oiler nnd tho city Is now looking
for buyers.
Interest to the amount of $11,000 Is now
duo on theso bonds, which nro to ho Is
sued to refund district Improvement bonds
and hasto in tho gale of tho bonds Is made
necessary in order that tho city may bo
saved the expense of borrowing money to
pny the Interest. This holders of tho pres
ent Ixjnds nro aw.iro of tho condition ot
nffalrs hero and liavo ronscnted to await
tho now Issue before demanding the pay
ment of tho Interest now due. These bonds
will run for ten years with the usuil five
year clnuso and will bear 6 per cent In
terest. An effort will bo made, it Is understood,
to call up tho matter of vacating certain
stub ends of streets In the northern p.irt
of tho city for tho Union Pucltlc Railroad
company. This question has been before
tho council for the last eighteen months,
but on account ot legal complications has
novor been acted upon. There was a meet
ing a few days ago between some of the
members of tho council ami a legal rep
resentative of tho Union Pacific, but uo
dctlnlto arrangements wero made. In the
faro of tho conditions demnnded by the
council tho represontutlvo of tho railroad
announced that he would luvvo to lay the
matter before President Burt. It Is unders
tood that Mr. Burt stated that ho did
ot proposo to offer any premium for the
acattng of tho streets desired and that
If the council of South Omaha did not caro
for Improvements costing $500,000 ho would
tipcud tho money where It would be appe
lated. In caso arrangements nre mado
or tho vacating of the streets desired by
Mr. Burt tho tracks from Omaha to South
Omaha will bo ro-arrnnged and n new
depot elected near the foot of N si root.
With tho completion of n new depot, a
Induct across tho tracks will be built.
Nothing, however, will be dono toward con
ducting a viaduct to tho stock yards nnd
Kxchango building until tho tracks aro re-
rrunged nnd tho proposed now depot
rcctcd. Whllo there Is a great demand
for a viaduct the railroads Interested will
not do anything In this lino until tho cnun-
11 shows a disposition to grant at least
a portion of tho requests made.
A short timo ago tho Chicago & North
western secured the vacation of sev
eral htreuts and alloys Iu thu vicinity of
the Krlttonbrluk brickyard and a great
many pooplc who uro Interested In tho do-
elopment of tho Maglo City canuot sco
why tho proposition of tho Union Pacific
should be held back so many months.
Onr October Kiports.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Tho monthly
statement of tho exports of domestic
products, Issued by tho bureau of statis
tics, shows that during October tho exports
were us follows, comparisons being mado
with October, 1SI9:
BreadstufT.1 $ 21,918,8."!:
attio unii nogs iw.'.shi
rovlslons 13.Mt.320
."otton 60.391, 1W
Mineral oils ti.129,073
Total for tho month..
Net increase
or tho last ten months
Increase as compared
responding period in
, total....
with cor
$ M.irs.O')
22,01.1,0 k)
. . 23 m t'14
l.onK Ilrtnrnn from Colorado Visit.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Secretary Long
returned to tho city today from his trip
to Colorado, where ho has been on a visit
to his daughters.
IN I'OOT HA 1.1. Illfi.
i Itooier Thnt Tailed
I'lnn to Itcforiii
"Well, what now?'
Tho Hon with long mane and musdo
growled his disapproval at being Inter
rupted from his sporting sheet, relates tho
Chicago News.
'Tom. 1 wish you would rut on your
root nail punts.
"wnat rorv
"To idease m."
Without another word h left the room.
When ho returned his limbs wero Incased
In whlto puds.
.now your encst protector, mm.
'Seo here "
it Is no trouble. Thero It Is under tho
Ho llshcd out a yellow object and at
tached It to his person.
".now your sum guarus.
"HiU" "
"TIihv nre r!rht In thnt corner."
Ilo laced on theso protectors while sho
watched him
"net those arm guards, Tom
"I have not tho tlmo to "
"Then I will get them und assist you In
putting them on."
She had the guards on his arms before ho
had time to protest.
'I tmess l mlglit just as wen submit
fflwt nexC"'
"Hero In the rubber to shield your nose.'
"is til's till?--
"Don't foreet your ear protectors."
He adlustcd tho last of his armor and
waited further orders. She mussed bis hair
with her hand to mako him look all the
more formtduhtc.
"What now?'' . .
"Tom, do you know the little woman
down tho court. The one that comes up to
sc-oti every Saturday ;
"Well, her husband lson nnother bender,
lip up in tied now
"He ought to bo ut work."
"WeP. th last time he wont on a pure.
ho saw sights. Not snakes, but blc demons
with 'one hair and strange noses.
"Did. rh?"
"So sho snyi. And, Tom. If he sees any
more of them tt will frighten nun into sign
inr me pledge.
''Well, how Ih he going to sco them?"
"Look In tho glass,"
"Yes. I mean you must co un In his room
Ono glimpse of yojr wild hair, rubber tins
ami earn unit unnatural size win muKe. him
swear off for life. Hoon after he sees you
glvo that awful collcgo jell. It may cause
him to jumn out or in winnow, nut it wl.
euro him. Will von do this?"
"Well. I guess not I What would tho team
say If It heard Its cantulti wns scurlng
arunK '
And he rushed out to rcmovo his grid
Iron toss.
Knrl I.t nnd I.ulr.
Detroit Journal: Tho emperor, Kwang
su. was turious.
"I deprudo you!" cried his majesty. "You
are no longer the Karl Il Hung Chang!"
The viceroy groveled conventionally.
"Is thut tantamount, he made bold to
ask. "to making mo tho late Hung Chanc?
Fortunately tho emperor was sulllclontly
Imbued with western incus to pcrceivo tn
dellcato wit of this rotort and the rojul
wrath vniiisncu in guies or merriment,
Detroit Journal: Tho Chilr Person struck
the desk v o ent'y w it ii ner gavel.
"Tho club," sho exclaimed, "aro not t
order! The fit of coughing should com
regularly right after the Invocation, and
It Is nothing short of unparliamentary
to try to IntorJect It at this point!"
As for the members, they wero clearly
much mortified to Imvo ulven occasion for
thU Just rebuke.
11IkI School 1'lntl.
Members ot tho Board of IMucatlon aro
endeavoring to ascertain tho wishes of the
peoplo In rotation to the class of building
Is proposed to erect on tho Doctor site.
at Twenty-third and K streets. From tho
feeling so far obtained It Is presumed that
at tho meeting of tho board to bo hold ono
week from tonight the architect will bo in
structed to preparo plana for a High school
building. It is the Intention to draw theso
plans so that ono or possibly two wings
may be constructed, leaving tho main por
tion to bo erected when thero Is money
enough In the treasury, it Is barely pohslblo
that when tho plans uro placed on exhibi
tion tho people may want thu cnttro build
ing erected at onco und In this event It will
bu necessary to vote bonds. It is estimated
thnt tho cntlro cost of tho proposed High
school will bo $100,000. Ono wing can be
erected In tho spring for probably $30,000,
whllo It Ts stated that two rings can bo
built for $30,000, provided tho work Is dono
at the sanio time. Tlila would lcavo tho
coat of tho main portion of tho structure
$50,000. No effort will bo made to do nny
building on tho site this fall and ery likely
Mr. Hoctor will not rcmovo his buildings
from tho Hlto until spring. It Is stated that
tho school district Is in a very fair financial
condition at present.
plank conns he bridge will bo closed whllo'
repair" nro being made I
On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. W, H Wjnn '
will entertain the woman's auxiliary of the 1
Young Men 's Christian association 1
This evening Rev. Sumner T Martin will I
speak nt tho Flrit Chrl'tlan churn on th"
topic. "Tho Church's First Hypocrite "
Inst evening Rev. Crumble! dfllvered an
Interesting sermoif at th Christian ihutvh
on the subject, "Dm Id nnd Jonathan '
An authority on hores sujs Ne
braska farmers should got their Inn i
ready for market early, a tho trading Or
spring will cutnnieuco mii-H earlier than
Trnlnliitt the tltinurr.
Tho method ued in the n..ied States
navy for tho economical tr Ptti ' 'c
gutiuers, relates tho Washington Star, H
very interesting. It Is u well i.uo u ..nt
that the cost of firing one of the large '
guns used In tho navy Is very great, j
amounting i.ometimcs to $1,000 or more.
To save this expense n very simple method '
is employed. In tho case of tho large
guns un ordinary Remington rifle is secured
in tho breech of tho gun nnd directly In I
tho center of the bore, so that when It Is !
fired Its bullet takes tho same direction ns I
that of the regular projectile. The large
gun is sighted In the usual manner. On
ncccount of the lesser velocity of the small
bullet the target is plneed close to tho ship
and Is mado correspondingly small.
The method used for tho slx-poundcr or
other small guns Is slightly different, as In
stead of tho small rifle a wooden or dummy
cartridge, the sanio t-lzo as a regular
cartridge. Is employed. Through the center
uf this wooden cartridge rtius a rifle barrel,
which Is loadeil with a 14-callbcr
cartridge. This latter method has tho ad
ditional advantage of giving tho gun crew
practice In loading as well as firing.
Promise Thnt Storm Coiiti Will t
Ho eefsnrr Klther Toiluy or
To in nrrun .
WASHINGTON. Nov. 11. -Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday;
For Nebraska Fair Monday; warmer in
eastern portion; Tuesday fnlr; southerly
w ltnls.
For Iowa. Missouri and Kansas- -Fair and
warmer Mouday; Tuesday fair; variable
For Illinois Fair Mondny and Tuesday,
wind shifting to fresh southerly.
For Indlann Fair Monduy and Tuesday;
fresh northerly winds, becoming vurlable.
For ArkunsiiB Fair Mond.iy and Tues
day; north to east wind.
For Oklahoma and Indian Territory -Fair
and warmer Monday; Tuesday fair; vari
able winds.
For Western Toxns nnd Now Mexico
Fair Monday nnd Tuesday; warmer Mon
day In northern portion; variable winds.
For Kantern Texas Fair Monday und
Tuesday, except possibly showers Tuesday
on tho north coast; warmer Monday In
northern portion; fresh north to northeast
For North Dakota Fair Monday and
Tuesday; colder Tuesday; south to wc3t
For South Dakota Fair Monday; warmer
in eastern portion; Tueialny fair and
colder; southerly winds.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Mon
dny nnd Tuesday; varlablo winds.
For Montana Fair Monday: Tuesday
fair nnd .colder; south to west winds,
l.oeul Itoconl.
OMAHA, Nov. 11. record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
tho corresponding day of tho last three
1W. JMM. 1S3S. 1SD7,
Maximum temperature ..33 4i 4li fi7
Minimum temperature ... 2S 43 27 37
Precipitation Ot .CO .00 .()
Record of temperaturo nnd precipitation
nt Omuhu for this day und slnco March 1,
Normal temperature 40
Deficiency for tho dav 0
Total excess since March 1 Sfil
Normal precipitation 01 Inch
Deficiency for tho day 04 inch
Total rainfall slnco March 1..S3.K men
Kxcess since Jlarch 1 1.47 inches
Deficiency fpr cor. period, 33 inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 3 93 inches
HoporlN fro in Stations ut S I'. M.
Warner's Safe Cure SYRUP OF FIGS
1 1
will pond to ftnv i crfiiii rcquestl"
s.ttiii', it free HMtnplo of Warner's Sit ft
t'tii't'. Mention this patter. Send Uxln.
Mil tcta UAH
-I Dr. iiftlT
vice, etc, of
SV't'tth-i all Klitnej
Dlse. wcR
aclie, etc. At1ni
slMs, or by wall.
II IVfe book. d
Dr. II. J. Kay, SurH'a, N".
No tlokttnp; in
llio throat if you
ti!o Auti-KiiAf
tt stops It nt fine. All unionists poll it
iSi UUAltAN I ttU IU UUnt Jl...n Innuenai, CaWCiniftfl
vwniinuikuu iw uuitb iiuHnpnr-i, inmirnji, laisrrn, mitt hi i iii
O4 liitiHndtlirnstttouli)r, Wriul li.r proof of tt. It does not tlcken or disagree
tS: with the etumach. Safe for all sges. :
r-'i m& M m m mo m Jir.
Balm. &
M Dr. Kay's Lung
sS: Write u. glliig all jmptom nlnlnlr and our I'll
FIIKK AHVICi:, t sue l,...k of o Sold by Drtu
hylcln will glto
o so it Ii v DriKrlnta or unit liv null. M
recipes nnd a 1'ltF.i: NAM I'M:, ft l'rlce, 10 centji and 3JI cent. JjR
kdAlM Dr. Ft.. I. KAY fUtPtllC Al Rft.. fWlfrn (llHf.l rtmohi Nnh 4fB
y "t has justly won its laurels." Soups,
& Fish, Game, Hot and Cold Meats, etc., arc
it ... i. .iu n i . ....
yivuii i luust uuuuiuiitt n.ivor uy using
Lea &.Perrins'
Thlt !Btute U m ertsj
Special VKent Appointed,
In compliance with tho request of City
Attorney Lambert that a special agent be
appointed to proctiro evidence In tho cihcs
against tho city now pending In the dis
trict court the mayor has appointed W. N.
Kelly to tho position. .Mr. Kelly will re
port to tho city attorney and for tho next
month or two will dovoto his entire tlmo
and attention to the collection of evidence
to bo used In tho courts. In all damago
sultB against the city evidence will be pro
cured as soon after an accident as postilblo
In order that tho legal department may put
up the proper kind of a light In tho courts.
Whero a decision in a damage Milt goci
agulnst tho city un appeal will he talten to
tho supremo court. It will, It Is stated, bo
tho policy of tho administration to carry
every caso to tho court of last resort, In
stead of making settlements, as has been
the custom heretofore.
Feeding; Sheep Corn.
As South Omaha Is tho greatest bheep
market on tho river It may be Interesting
to those concerned in live stock to know
Hint Wyoming flock masters aro preparing
to feed corn to thulr sh't
ler. It Is stated that already one mer
cantllo linn has contracted to deliver 2,000,
000 bushels of corn to sheepmen. This
product will b stored In wool warehouses
at different points In the state. It Is con
tended by breeders of sheep that corn ran
bo fed In small quantities on the range
during bad weather. This feeding of corn,
It Is stated, will bo n cheap Insurance
against loss for want of Btifllcleiit rango
feed. Some dealers predict that thu feeding
of corn during tho winter will tend to stlf
fen tho prices of sheep In the spring. I p
to ani Including Friday laBt 1,106,873 head
of sheep had been received at this market
slnco January 1.
lllnotlrt! Stock hale,
At tho stock yards on November 16 there
will bo a salo of 100 head of Hciefordt.
Uudgell & aimpson and Cornish & ratten
of Independence, Mo., will bring tho herd
hero and ns the salo Is being well adver
tised It Is expected that buyers, from all
over the stato will bo In attendance. These
sales uro beginning to attract a groat deal
of iittonttou. Tho salo pavilion has been
remodeled by tho b'tock Yards company and
Is now adequate for present needs.
it 1 1
Omaha, clear
iNorin j'laiie. ciear
Cheyenne, clear
Salt 1-,-ike, clear
Rapid City, clear ...
Huron, clear
Wllllstoii, clear
Chicago, part cloudy
Ut. l.ouls, cloudy ...
Davenport, clear
Knnsas City, cle.vr ..
Helena, clear
Havre, clear
Ulsmarck, dear
dalvcston, cloudy ...
k.orman Mlshopa' Pills ' t" i t s nn by id t ut Mwd
Church Uti I. ..--ii.. Toi.u... cuiet lb wm IMn In ld J un mlnf lira tCK
of telf itust, dutipaiini, titenti, r tlnrtne taellar. Cum Loit Mnnhood. Im'
potanoy, Loit fowar. NlghtLet, Bpermatarrhoaa) Insomnia, aln
. pi.UncH, 6tl Daslrrti trfiliOT, ajmo SacK, Herroua ua
bllltrt Hntlaoha,Unrltnata to Mnrrr, t-pis of 3Pff emin, VarioooeU,
r wunsiinniioof jop. uuinin ,ui uip kill cnnrni aicci nor
VCUoTvmohlnB Of kralld. IwkU i lniiiea.i'. EA'fl JrowriioT twtciicj to
Cfrrt rnnttlun. t.ri.1 fft dm. nan T. r t . rnM It t limit. TZT411 3 Nr.t.r-i .mfttl. nllmnT
rmi, StlmDlte the Utn mi npre center, toe tt, A f r v nail. iiili-ii A ri -n rtt ftntrt, to curl
i uiuceta.dtj. ,nn cin.ui.ii i.m. ArJUraMi Blehop ISeniaO Co., Ca 1 i neiaco, OaU
FOil hAI.Ii HV M l;lts-i)il.l.n OH Hi CO.. 1UT1I AMU I'AIl.VAit.
40' .01
!R .0i
Eleven years ago tho best office building In Omaha
was built. It is still the best omco bulldllng In Omaha
today. Why? In the first place It was built to lnat ton
lire times not fcr n year or a decade. It has been kept
in constant repair and has never been allowed to go
Many of the tenants who moved in eleven yenrs ago
are fctill occupants. They have boon properly and
courteously taken care of. There Is no better place to
go so the reason
easy to discover. Why not move now Into an office
where you will feel satisfied as long as you are In busi
ness? Wnon you move, move right. Tho place for
you is
Rental Agents Ground Floor, Bee Building
Local Forecast Official.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question nripos in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-duy. Try
n delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two ni'tnitci. Noboiltnp! no
baking' udd bo nnp water and set to
cool. Flavors Lemon, Orange, Rasp-
berry ami .Strawberry, tiet a pacJrago
at your grocers to-day. jo cts.
If You Wish
good reliable dental work at mod
erate prices we can pleane you.
Our methods are the most improv
ed our prices so low they will
surprise you.
. ..Telephone 145
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs-
30 Pearl St. ' Grand Hole .
llutfle t-'lty tJonsln.
There Is extrj. demani hero Just now
for fat younsf rnulcn.
It. T5. Montgomery, former city nttnrney.
Is now located In an elegant suite of orlleoa
In the Glasgow lilock,
Ilev. II. N Spear, superintendent of tho
Antl-Salonn league, ppoka nt the, First Hap
tlat church last nlitht.
The stewards and triistees of the Flm
Jlethodlst Kplscopiil ehur'-li will hold an
Important tneetlns tonight.
Push tho hospital button scheme along
Kvery one should buy a button Iu order
thut a new hospital may be built.
On Thursday evening of this week Pp
church lodge. No. '.'. Degree of Hoinr, will
Mve a social and ball nt Workman hall.
Twenty-sixth and N streets.
The hoavy stringers for the Q street via
duct have arrived and ai noon ai tho oak
W, tha underalgned, do hereby aftrra
to refund tba monty on tO-cent bottla
of Donni' Elixir It It does not cure any
coub, cold, croup, whooplns cough or
threat trouble. We also guaranteo Dotrns'
UlUIr to ourn consumption, when uied ac
cnrdlag to directions, or money back. A
full doto on ioIur to bed and email dosej
durtne the day will cure the roost sever
oold, and vtop the mint dUtresalng cough.
.lira, w luiiiiirii M.itnii -.iiip
Has been Ufed for over FIFTY YI2AKS b)
UU1CN WHU.Ii Tb-KTHINO. wltil 1'iiH
b'Jl'TlCNS the OUMB. ALLAYS all I'AIN,
l U.tKS WIND C'nl.ic. and U the best rin.
fdy for DIAHRIIOKA tiold by Urusglsts
In every part ot iiu world lie sure und
ask fur "ilrs. Wlnalow'a Soothing Hyrup,"
and take no otnor kind, T.'nnty-nviJ centa
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Plfteon lots In a body for sal at a very reasonable price. Theaa
lots are located In Omaha addition and It high and dry. They
will make a iplendld location for aorae factory. Boveral othar lota
sultabl for building purposes on of tnem especially will make
a fins location for a borne, being within one block ot tha motor
line and within two blor.ka of a school houia and church located
la tha waiters part of th city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
lor cnuphs,. co ds.
and thioat u!ete
DAY Sc HESS, 39 Pearl St., Council Bluffs,
Hove fur miIp n laritc I Ih I of improved
vrgi-tnblc liiitdst 11U0 rrnlilenee anil
mill Oiiialin. si) sir, 1'AltMSi
1 CO acres Hazel Dell twp., 11 inllta ne C. B.t
good, HI per acre,
to acres near Crescent, noil improved, 145
per acre
CO actcs 6 nilltn rast, good building and
fruit jr0 pei acre.
CO-acre fruit farm, near city, good Improve-
mentf, $160 per acre,
30-r-r" fruit f-rtn adjoining city. SB.fiOO.
TIip aliovr I only h nmple of onr
0 per eent Intrreat. Telephone :t4,
farms, rlilcUrn ranehro, frnlt anil
h ii hIii ran pro.irrty In Council lllall
lC0-acre3 Mlhcourl bottom land, S miles ii
city, U0 per aero.
COO aero Btock farm near Karllng, Belby Co.,
320 acreH In Sliver Creek twp., HO per acr;
ell lmprovd,
213 aeres ftne bottom land In Rockford twp.,
142.60 pel acre; well Impiovrd.