Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1900, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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BuiHas Men Sacrifico Their Own Interests
in Aruiitorium' Behalf.
lt l l)lild! Into OlMlrUMi In llr
C'nn viinm'iI Uy iUr Millcltur lit-
liliimtliir) l.i-llrr HrrnM
'I'licir A iiriini'li.
Tneuty-Qve members o( the board of II
rector) of tho Auditorium company have
consonted to devote all of thetr time this
week to the salo of stork lu tho new proj
ect. Beginning at 9:30 o'clock Monday
morning they will make a thorough canvass
of nit thu business section of the city and
before Saturday night they espect to secure
subscription for nn additional 73.00O worth
of stock. Special committees have been
Holcotcd to visit the Jobbers, manufacturer
mid retailers and nn effort will be made
to reach every business man who ban not
already boon Interested In the new build
in p.
Klectlon excitement In orfercd tempor
arily with (ho solicitation of funds, but
the work will now be tn ten up with re
newed vigor and with the continuation of
prosperous, conditions usstirtd tho directors
ar confident Hint they will sccuro even
better results than wero attained In tho
previous canvass. Seventy thousand dot
lam has been subscribed and an additional
130,000 has been promised.
Ilnnliif nn Men I'urfii arnril.
A latter explaining tho plans of the direc
tors has been mailed to business mcu of
thu city that they may be fully Informed
as to tho progress of thu auditorium pro
ject beforu tho committees wait upon them.
This was dune that partners might confer
and have their minds made up. so that thu
directors will not be delayed In the run vans,
Tho director:! who have consented to give
ono week's time, to the work nro men
whose own affairs demand their tlmo and
they hopn to dlsposo of the matter lu ono
week If possible. An estimate has been
made as to tho sum that different llrms may
bo expected to Rive and In caso tho sub
scriptions fall Mhnrt of the report of the
estimate committee tho matter will be re
considered by the directors and the plans
will be revised.
"It Is tho duly of every business mun In
Omaha to subscribe for stock lu the new
building," said a promli.ent business mnti
who Is one of tho ardent supported of tho
auditorium. "Theso men who have con
sented to glvo a woek of their tlmo to
putting the project on Kb feet aro making
a great Micrlflre. Citizens should respond
liberally to their requests for mibscrlp
Hons, Wo aro all agreed that Omaha must
bavo nn uudltorlum and If tbo new structure
Is to bo one that we will bo proud of It Is
necessary that every man In tho city put
Ms shoulder to the wheel and help the
cause along.
Information Siircntl Aliroitil. "
"The plans of tho directors of tho com
pany havo been given publicity and every
limu In Omaha has hud tlmo enough to mako
up his mind how much stock he will take.
When tho directors begin their canvass they
should bo greeted with liberal subscriptions
and should not be compelled to waste thetr
tlmo In giving Information which has al
ready been put lu tho hands of ull prospec
tive stockholders.
'"The directors nro not expecting to da
voto tholr efforts to sotting forth the great
need of an auditorium that Is conceded.
Omaha has spent several yenrs lu dls
ciiHslngtho matter and now the tlmo lias
come when tho talk muBt bo backed up with
fundti. Tho projoct Is no longer In tho air
and public spirited citizens will no doubt
do nil In tholr power to mako tho erection
of tho building posslblo betoro another year
rolls around."
Uil Hound 11) rr Collide nith Rn
Otnnlin Trnlft ilirouuli a Sivltoli
mnn'a IllimUer.
I-Ast night at 9 30 the N'orthwcAtern'a
Chicago limited train, No. 2, and Chicago,
St, t'aul, Minneapolis & Omaha train No.
10 collided In the Missouri Valley yards.
A tramp on the head-end of tho baggage
car of tho Chicago train had both legs cut
off nnd Is bo badly Injured that he will
probably die. John Wells of Boone, In.,
engineer on tho Omaha train, hnd ono hand
badly crushed nnd Fireman llobert Klrlln
of the St. I'auI train sustained a had cut
on the head.
Tbo urcck wan the result of a switch
man's mistake. The at. l'aul train started
south from the depot for tho purpoBo of
getting on a sidetrack A switch was
thrown wrong and as soon as tho crow
discovered this the train was backed up
in tho nopo of getting out of tho wny of
the Chicago limited. The two trains wcru
running north when tho engines collided.
Moth engines were badly damaged and tho
mall car and tender on the Chicago train
telescoped and wero derailed. Tho coaches
wero slightly damaged, but noun of the
passengers sustained any serious Injuries.
Tho St. I'auI train stayed on tho track
and tho coaches wero but llttic the worse
for tho Mnash-up. CJoorgo Hoyce of Council
muffs was the engineer on the St. l'aul
train and, although ho stayed with his
engine, ho camo through tho wreck with
out a scratch. Klrlln, tho fireman, was
thrown from tho train and his head was
Injured when he struck the ground.
Peterson, the Injured tramp, has not been
nble to tell the doctors anything about
himself. A letter was found In his pockot
bearing the name Peterson, but It con
tained nothing which gave any clue as to
his residence.
Cntliollo I'nrlxhra of City Ci.nduut luff
u Knlr tor llrnellt of Home
of i.uutl Mlirplirrd,
Schlltz hall has been transformed Into a
veritable fairyland by tho Catholic parishes
of the city, which aro conducting a fair for
tho benefit of the now Home of tho Oood
Shepherd at Fortieth and Jackson streets.
Uy means of draperies the hall has beon
divided Into booths, In which all sorts of
beautiful nrt work aro offored for sale.
The fair opened November ft and will
continue until November 17. Slnco tho
opening night tho crowds have been large
nnd Father Olauber and rather Jennette,
who ore In charge, nro much pleased with
tho large nttendanco and expect to not a
comfortable, sum for the worthy charity.
Different pnrlshes have assumed tho re
sponsibility of earing for tho booths and
tHbles In the dining hnll. Dinner Is served
each day at noon and the following women
preside over the tables of tho various
St. John's and St. Cecellu's-Mrs. William
iiayuen. Ai m. j t. llurke. Mrs. llaiinnn,
airs. I'.u iinyueu, .Mrs. I'aytie.
St. I'hllomena'H and St. Peter's MrH. T
J. liUmorrls. Mrs. o. MeCnrrrev.
at. .Mary .Maguaionu s ntm Hi. jnsopn s
Miss Annln Frenzer, Miss Mary Flcorsch,
.Miss Annie HcliciiKler.
South Omalm Mrs Oeorgo Parks, Mrs.
,nern, mo .miss morm.
St. l'ntrlek's and St Wenceslnu's Mrs. J
Mulvlhlll, Mrs. I.ynuin, Miss Med lire. Miss
A diamond ring and revcral other valuable
articles have been offered in voting con
tests which aru attracting much attention.
Musicians havo volunteered their services
and concerts aro In progress much of the
A petition was presented to tho city I
council the other night containing fifty-1
four signatures, requesting that the smoko
nulsanco nt tho Armour plant bo nbnted. I
It was asserted by tho petitioners that when
the wind comes from the north the smoke
from the six stacks at Armour's drops down
on Q, street so thick that It Is Impossible
to see but a few feet nhead.
A commltteo wns appointed by tho mayor
to Investigate nnd It has been found that
there Is very llttic cause for complaint on
account of smoke, except on certain occa
sions when the wind happens to he from
tho north, At tho tlmo this potltlon was
Introduced lu tho council the time-worn
topic of smoko consumers was brought
forth again nnd discussed at dome length.
Some of the members of the council thought
that tho pnekers ought to be compelled to
provide their furnaces with smoko con
sumers, while others said that they wero
glad to sec smoke Issuing from the stneks,
as It Indicated that men were being em
ployed and that business wuh going on nt
a brisk rate.
Ilegarditss of tbo report the Investigat
ing committee may make, It may bo stated
that tho Armour company proposes to erect
an Immense smoko etoek to carry away
the smoko from ull Its boilers as noou as
arrangements can bo perfected. This stack
will bo by far tho highest In the city nnd
will bo built of brick upon a uolld concrete
foundation. Plans for this proposed big
stuck wero drawn sonic tlmo ngo, but on
account of other building operations bolug
uaucr contemplation the work was de
layed. Now that winter has virtually ret
in nothing will bo dono until spring, ex
cept to purchnse tho material to bo used
and have It unloaded on tho ground. All
of this will bo dono during the winter
months, with a view to commenclnc tho
erection of tho main alack as soon as the
weather will permit In tho spring.
Foreign Mlsslonnry I'onvnitliin,
On Thursday last the Woman's Torelcn
Missionary society of tho Omaha district
held n convention at tho First Methodist
Episcopal church, Twenty-third nnd N
HtrcetH. Forty dolegntcs wero present and
the session lasted nil day. These officers
wero elected for the ensuing year: Mrs.
Chaffee of tho Hnnsrom Park church, pres
ident; .Mrs. Cole of the South Tenth Btrcet
church, vice president; Mrs. Realty of the
Seward ntrr-ct church, second vice presi
dent; Mrs. (Milan of the Walnut Hill church,
recording secretary; Mrs. Porter of Trinity
church, treasurer, Mrs. Harman of the
Seward Htrcot church, corresponding secre
tary. Addresses were delivered by Mrs.
v. l'. Harford of Omaha, MrH. Ida J. Moe
of Fremont and Ilev. Edwin Matthews, n
returned missionary.
Hot Air Vlrtmmo Wauled In OniHlui
for AIIfrimI Theft of Hump
Mild niiKK).
The police aro looking for a man known
as "Curly," wanted on a chargo of horse
stealing. "Curly" lu tho upteler for the
Nebraska Music hall. Friday night, about
1:30, It Is nlleged, he called nt Solon
Walker's livery barn lu South Omaha nnd
told the man In charge that Walker was
In Omaha and couldn't get home, as tho
earn had stopped naming, nnd so wuuted a
horso and buggy sent for hlin. lie
("Curly") had been detailed to deliver tho
vehicle. Ho was given a One bay horse
and new top buggy for tho purpose.
About 8 o'clock yesterday morning Walker
dropped Into his place of business as uiual
and was much tiurprlsed to learn of
"Curly'a" errand, ns ho (Walker) had been
at his homo In South Omaha all night.
Tho rig had not yot returned and "Curly,"
tho hot air virtuoso, was uot in his ac
customed place In front of tho Nebraska
theater. An hour Inter a telegram was
lecelvcd from tho police nt Glcnwood, la.,
saying that two men wero thero trying to
sell a horse and buggy at cut prices, Tho
description of tho equlpngo corresponded
with that of the stolen rig and the
Olenwood police were requested to arrest
tho men and nn officer was Immediately
rent for them.
Morrlssey Locked Up,
M. K. Morrlssoy of m Webster ntrel,
a man who seems to Inko a particular de
light In abusing his family, was arretted
lust tilxht by Patrolmen Goodrich in I Mur.
Dhy. Is under the ban of a re
straining order from tho district court to
cease Interfering with tils fumlly tieudlng
tho decision of thu divorce suit wh'ch his
wlfo has brought against him, but ho bar
repeatedly violated the order Thu policy
lmM been looking for Morrlssey for a long
nine, uui ne nan niwnys einueu tno oineert,
Against Disease Germs.
swim Ihn destruction ot nil germ, ulilrli
c:i line,
It lh tho only remedy known which will
do this.
Thu only germicide which Naturo per
mils tn enter the bronchial tubes and
Your money Is refunded If It fulls to
cure any diseases of thu respiratory or
sans. Five days' treatment and medical ndVi?
Hold by all druggists or sent by mail,
Complete outtlts 11.00. Trial outfllM Sc.
TUU It. T. BOOTH CO., Ithaca, ,. V.
Ilrnl Kxtntr Men Will l.Uten tn K
pert Tentlntnny from Henry AV.
Yntrn nnd Other Authorities.
At the regular meeting of tho Omaha
Heal Kstato exchange to be held as usual
at thu Commercial clubs Wednesday noon
Henry W. Yatex will deliver an address on
tho subject ot "Omaha Ileal Kstate." Mr.
Yutes' remarks will be thu flrst of n series
of talks from prominent Omaha real es
tate men and property owners and In each
caso tho subject will refer to questions
of paramount Interest to real estate dual
'Tho Omaha Ileal Kstato exchange has
dono a great deal of good for tho city ot
Omaha," said a prominent member yes
terday, "and the new officers will endeavor
tn tho future to placo It on even a higher
piano than it has reached during tho year
past. Tho enthusiasm and good feeling
among thu members wero never better and
that fact Insures a united front for tho
real estate business and thu upbuilding
of Omalm,
"Tho eichango has some very Importnnt
matters on hand that will bo pushed to
completion, which will mean much to
Omaha and our citizens. Wo havo arranged
a surprise for each future meeting of the
exchange and It Is our hopo that evory
member will bo present. That thero will
bo a large crowd In nttendanco upon
Wednesday's meeting to see what tho first
surprise will bo is evldont from tho In
terest already manifested."
(Irnfter in .lull.
A smooth man with a smooth graft ran
rigiu lino me arms or trie police yester'
day afternoon while worklnir th cltv lin.ll
Z. V. Good Is what ho calls himself and he
certullllv Is "cood." I Id izaen from nlllnn
to oftlce In each city he works exhibiting
a uogus lou'Krnm purpnriiiic to como from
eastern rniauven, which uilortiiH liliu Ilia
run daugntrr is iinneerous v ill nnd tlia
he must coinu at once if lio wauta to pee
her alive. Then he to'.la a hard luck story
and winds up with an appeal for funds
to neip nuy iiih way uuck lo the old liomo,
'J lie ponco Knew uooo wt;s Headed thl."
way and they had a description of him
consenueiitlv when ho entcrtd the oillr.. ni
Wljllam KlerHtead, necretary of tho Flro
ana l'ouce inmrn, ami commenced opera
lions ne wiih received wim open arms,
ivicrsicaii rnneii i mei iionauue, who sen
uood to inn city pan, when lio wi
searched some duo burular's tools wn
found In his clothing, which will bo sum
clem to givu mm a penitentiary sentence.
South Omaha News .
In Arrcnr on Special Tniri,
City Treasurer KoutBky asserts that the
money duo on tewer district No. 107 and on
tho grading of Twenty-second and Twenty
third Btrtets Is coming In very slowly. The
llrst payment on these special districts camo
due on September 10 nnd since that tlmo In
terest on this assessment is piling up nt tho
rate of 1 per cent a month. Mr. Koutsky
thinks that If the property owners In theso
districts knew that tho Interest was piling
up so rapidly they would come In and settle.
Sfw HIiikImk Society.
Thero Is a movement on foot for the or
ganization of a malo chorus in South Omaha
to bo known as the Harmony club. Tho ex
pectation lu that fully 100 members will bo
Hccured and an effort will he made by those
Interested to start out on a firm bnsls eo as
to form a permanent club. If those who arc
Interested In such an organization will eeud
their names to K. P. Maker at room I0S Ex
change building full details will bo given.
.nv MethndlKt 1'nrMiiiinnc.
Rev. J. A. Johnson sayB: "Tho contract
for building tho new Methodist parsonage
has been let to Carter fc Alcox. who were
the lowest bidders. A large force of mea
Is now nt work and tho building will be
pushed to completion with ull tho rapidity
possible. Tho contract cnlls for the com
pletlou of tho structuro by January 1, ns
tho Intuition Is to havo tho pastor located
In his now home on New Year's day."
I'lornl Clnli llrxniilird.
A number of young people have organized
what they call a Floral club, with Mrs. Al
Hunter as president nnd Mrs. rtalph Hnll
secretary and treasurer. The obteet Ib in
supply flowers for sick peoplo and especially
to tno patients nt tho South Omaha hospital.
Committees will be appointed to nttend to
the furnishing of flowers nnd funds for this
pu'rpofe will be raised by tho levying of a
small assessment.
ot thUi social wltl be published within the
next tor days.
Jewelry Msite to Order,
W manufacture. Jewelry aud mount dia
monds to order. Stono settings of all kinds.
Ijot us give you an estimate. Do not put It
off until tho Christmas rueh. Wo do tho
watch work. That Is evident. Telephone
3389. Godfrey, the Jeweler 2413 N street.
South Omaha, Neb.
Mnnle City (1okIi,
See Kd Munslmw & Co. for lumber. Tet28S. I
Mayor Kelly Is expected homo from his !
eastern trip this evening. ,
There will be no evening service nt the
First Presbyterian church.
Mrs. II, U Hiiggles Is quite sick nnd un
able to leuve htr npartments.
W, (1. Sloane I n the western part oj
the stnte on a lit 0 g trip,
There will be communion service at the
First Methodist church thlt, forenoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Combs. Thirtieth nnd
Q etreets, unnounce the birth of a non.
Mlsa Knnleo Knsor entertained a number
of her friends at whist Frfdny evening.
Cottages built to suit buyer. Jno, J. Mynn
A sldewulk has been ordered constructed
on thu east side ot Fortieth street front I lo
L tUrtetfl.
Mm. M. M. CreKH has returned from
Pennsylvania, whero alio vlslteu friends for
some time.
Tho Hogan ptopcrty at Twenty-sixth aed
A streets has been sold by T. J. O'Ncll lo
N D. Truer.
ltev. Howard Crumblet, pastor of the
Christian church, has recovered from hla
recent Illness.
This morning Hev. Dr. Wheeler will
J reach a sermon uu thu "Landing of the
'Ugrtm Fathers."
T. IJ. Scott has returned from Missouri,
whero he spent three wevkn looking itftcr
buulneas matters.
Itevlval services will be held at the Chris
tian church every evening this week by
ltev. H. T. Martin.
The Knights and I.ndleB of Security will
rive it dance on Tuesday evening ut Mod
ern Woodman hall.
Kpworth league devotional exercises will
bo livid nt the Method. st church al C.30
o'clock this evening.
"Puul's Great Question" Is Tho topic of
Ilev. Cramblut'H sermon at tho Christian
church this morning.
Fire by d runts have been ordered located
it KuveuleentU and S HtrtetH und ut Thir
teenth and N streelH.
Josenh Harlow ban returned to Montana
after a visit with IiIh daughters, Miss Nel
Ho ami Miss Neva Gnrlow.
Mr. nnd Mrs, llradley of Chicago are thu
k-uests of Mr. and Mik. U. I,, Ilolnus,
Twenty-fdutth and 13 streets.
W. 11. Thompson of tho Hammond Pack
mg compuny, with headquarter lu Chi
cago, spent yesterday In thu city.
Kay W. Hunt, son of Colonel C. M. Hunt,
left lnat night for Colorado to look after
thu mining interests of the family.
On thu evening of November SO ltev. Mar
tin will sneak ut the Christian church on
"Tho Devll'H Work In South Chnaha. 1
Mr. U. K, Stewart of Ogden, Utah, and
iillns Oraco Mosely of Ashland, Neb., nro
the guests of Mr. ami MrH. Harvey 1).
The choir of the First Methodist Epis
copal church in to be reorganized. 'I'Iki
hcrvlces ot .Mr. Campbell have been secured
us leader.
There will be a meeting at the Maptlst
church tonight In the Interest of the Autl
Snloon league, ltev. H. N. Spear will bo
tho speaker.
Last night the drill team of Nebraska
lodge. No. ?X, Ancient Order of I'nlted
Workman, gave a social and ball which wh
well attended.
"The Mission of tho Individual Christian"
Is thu subject of the Hormuii to be delivered
at St. Martin's: Kulscopul church ut 11
o'clock today.
Storm sash. 1 lowland Lumber nnd Coal
company, Twenty-fourth street, between M
ami . streets
ltev. S. T. Martin, nn evangelist, will
penk to men only ut tho Young Men's
Christian association meeting at 3 o'clock
this afternoon.
Peter S. Stout of Omaha has Just pur
chased three houses ot Twenty-fourth and
Q streets from Mrs. Lewis, tho considera
tion being 3,W0.
Tho property at Twenty-fourth and II
streets has been cold by Thomas J. O'Ncll
to C J. White, who proposed to erect llvo
dwellings thereon.
ltev. Martin, pastor of tho First Chris
tian church, Omaha, will assist ltev. How
ard Crumblet lu a ecHcs of revival serv
ices In the near future.
The fall work of tho local Young Men's
Christian association lu opening up In good
shape, with good prospects for a contluj
nncu through tho season.
Charley Akoffer hauled David Ander
son In a cart along Twenty-fourth utreet
yesterdny In payment of an election bet
on tho result In Ntbrnsku.
On Tuesday evening the Kpworth league
will hold a social and business session at
the Methodist church. A literary and
musical program will bo given.
Olllcer Nowman went tn Olenwood yes
terday afternoon to bring back a man who
rented a horso nnd buggy from Solon
Walker nnd forgot to return It.
Ilev. J. W. Jennings, prcnldtrig elder of
the Omnha district, will preach at the First
Methodist Episcopal church, Twenty-third
and N streets, Sunday morning.
All of tho Protestnnt churches will ob
serve Thanksgiving this year In a union
servlco to be held at tho Christian church,
Twenty-third and K streets ltev . lte -wlek,
pastor of tho United Presbyterian
churili, will preach the sermon. At this
ser lea n c dleollon will bo taken for tho
South Omaha hospital.
The Ladles' circle of the Methodist church
Is culled to meet nt tho homo of Mrs.
Heavers, 42S North Twenty-second street,
Tuesday artemoon ut 2:30 o clock.
William Helser, one of the foremen
Armour's, entertained u party of friends
nt his home, Twenty-seventh and Jeffer
son streets, on Thursday evening.
Several horses uftllcled with glanders
have been shot recently by the city au
thorities nnd nn effort will be made to ex
terminate the disease as noon us possible.
The King s Daughters circle of the First
Presbyterian church held an uunlversiry
ten at the home of .Mrs. Cyrus Wright,
Twenty-fifth und II street, Friday afternoon.
Tho womnn'H auxlllnry of the Young
Men's Christian nssoclutlon will hold a
meeting Tues lay afternoon at 3 o'clock
with Mrs. W. IJ. Wymnn, Twenty-first ami
11 Ktnetp.
Tho Junior league, under the superlu
tendency of Mrs. N. Fenger, will give n
social lu the partem of the Methodist clinch
on Thursday evening. Refreshments will .
be served.
At the request of tho transportation linen
the government Himllary Inspector will
continue to Inspect cars In which llvevtock
Is shlped until December 1. Ah n rulo this
Inspection censes on November 1. i
Monday night the stewards nnd truotees
of the Methodist church will meet us an
ofllclnl board. Huslness of Importance Is to
be transacted and every steward and trim
lte Is requested to make u speclnl effort tn '
bo present. i
Mr. Jennie Itaymur and Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. W. Jones desire to express thanks to I
the Degree of Honor, tho Itoyal Neighbors i
and the employes of tho Armour company
tor courtesies snown ui tno mnerni oi
Charles K, Raymond.
A. C. Cass of Denver Is In the city.
W. M.Itlch of Ames Is at tho Murray.
Kx-Qovernor Crounse Is at thu Iler Grand.
W. It. Stanhope of Lincoln Is nt tho Mil
lard, J D. Mucfarland of Lincoln Is at the
Judge William Neville of North I'latte Is
In Omnha.
It. S. Ileal of Sheridan, Wyo., Is a patron
or the Millard.
l'aul G. Koehn of Sheboygan Is quartered
nt thu Hcnshaw.
John Ostcrberg of St. Louis Is n patron
of the Merchants.
K. C. IlarneH of Malcomb, 111., Is u patron
of tho Iler Grand.
John S. Hoover of Itlue Hill Is registered
at the Her Grnnd.
Mrs. M. F. Cory of Ilcatrlce wits at the
Murray yesterday.
Tho Merchnnts Is entertaining W. V.
Hubbntd of Lincoln.
A. N. Hose nnd wife of Kansas City are
visiting friends In tbo city. ,
A. It. Katz, a sllverwnre xnleaman of
New York. U nt the Millard.
C. l Potter, clerk of the district court
at (Kenwood, Is In the city.
Lew Thome and wife of Wabash, lnd.,
are gucatH of the Merchants.
Herbert Andcrton of Idaho Falls, Idaho,
Is putting up at the Merchants,
W. P. Miles nnd J. L. Mcintosh of Sidney
arc stopping at the Her Grand.
Chnrles 13. Mngoon nnd K. .1. Flick of
Lincoln aro Htopptng nt the Millard.
W. F. Norway, a lumberman of Chlppewu
Falls, W it., is staying nt tne .-uuiaru.
Nobraskitns ut thu Merchnnts: W. C
Kerr of t'entral City, W. Hobertson of
Coznd, .1. K. Young of Stanton, II. W. Den
ton of Waterloo, C. H. T homa of Lincoln,
and D. I). Hall of Norfolk.
SiiKnr fleet Hnrvent.
Tho crop of sugar beets on Ilellcvuo iBland
planted" by South Omaha buslneBB men Jh
being harvested as rapidly as possible. H.
M. Christie, who Is president of tho local
company, said yestcrdoy that tho beets sold
so far had brought $1.25 a ton, which Is 25
cents more than tho uverugo. This ad
ditional prlco Is pnld on account of tho ex
cellent quality of the beets.
ItCKlNtrnllmi Hnok.
Copies ot tho registration books used prior
to the recent election are now being mudo
and a great Improvement is noticed. Last
year the books wero lu hnd shapo nnd when
tho condition of affairs was noted tho mayor
and council revised tho hoard of registration
list with it view to Improving the service.
ThlB has been dono and bo far very few er
rors In tho books havo been found.
Hpworth I.cnuue I'lnns.
Tho Epworth league Is planning to bo at
homo and keep open house on Thanksgiving
day from 7 until 10 p. m. A speclnl Invita
tion and welcome Is extended to all young
peoplo In tho city nnd especlnly those wht
are boarding and will not be able to spend
Thanksgiving ut their homes. Tho details
Tobacco Cure
How a .Mother H.itilslicJ CiRSircttoH
ami Tobacco With a Harmless
Kcnietly Costs Nothing to Try.
The remedy Is odotless nnd tnstelcfcs can
bo mled with coffee or food nnd when
taken Into the system a man cannot use
tobacco In any form. The lemedv contains
nothlmr Hint could nosslblv do Intury. it
Is simply nn nnttdote for the poisons of
tobneco nnd Inltes ntentlno out of the sys
tem. It will cure even tho confirmed cig
arette fiend and Is a God-send to mothers
who hnve growing boya addicted to tho
smoKing oi rinnreucH Anyone can nine u
fren trial naekairo bv addressing ltnfrer
Drug Ac Chemical Co., 1(12 F'fth and lUce
Sts., Cincinnati, O., an) rnslly drlvo foul
tobacco smoke and dirty spittoons from the
General Debility
World Famous Mariani Tonic
sinco 1MJ:K V lulu iced by Medical Profession
mediate, lasting, efficacious, agreeable
At Uruffffists hveruwkcre. Jiejuse Substitutes.
James Usterlund. accd 3.1. died of nn
pendlcltls nt the Presbyterian hnspltal and
ins remains were umeu to wanuington
iseu., lor interment.
During tho past week the enrollment
at tlio nlKht miinol lu the Cuss nullum
inert iiFfd to 120 und the number of nunll
al the Comenlua night school was about
'1 he row Lake school annex Is now In
i.laeu tm tho northwest corner of tho school
lot Workmen are ciiKatced in n ucinir
foundation under tho building and hope to
l.nvc It ready for uso lu two weeks.
Adjutant Cnrrlo Judd Montgomery will
conduct special services nt tho Salvation
Army barracks. 1711 Davenport street, this
afternoon ut 3 o'clock lint evening at s.
Adjutant Moi tgomery Is editor ot "Ti
umphs ot Kaith "
The heating plant at Snundors school Is
now In charge of experts sent from Chicago
by thu company which Installed the fur
nace lu that bjlldlng. Fans ure lined for
toning hot nlr through the building and
so far the system has been satisfactory.
Tho experlso of voting the High wchool
bondi amounted to more thnn 2,ou0. KIvc
Judges und two clerks were employed in
each of the seventy-six preclnctH of the
city und tho salary of enrh of theso was
U per day, making a total amount of
tl.MMi. I'nll books .advertising und print
ing cost KiS,
Supplies for Gaivealou sufferers uro stll!
being received by the custodian of the city
hall, who will muko a llnal Hhlpmeut early
next week. Woman's llellef rorps No. RS
conttlbiited a large amount of bedding anil
many gifts of clothing havo been received
since the tlrst shipment wus made to Gal
veston two weekn ngo.
A twii-sinr- ,minu store building and
dwelling -it :i7H North Thirtieth street,
owned and occupied by Joseph H. John
son, was bad'y damaged by lire at 1:50 a. m.
yesterday. The blaze originated In tho attlo
and Its cause Is unknown. The damage,
which will amount to about J'-W, Is fully
covered b Insurance,
Hikaiclc JuMniMe "So.
Parlor Furniture
The very latest designs
at a big tut in price.
Onu of the largest sinlo purclmpes ovor mado by this houso, received last
week bopyht from ono of tho leiulinir mnkors of jmrloi' poods nt n (ireat Reduction in jirlco for
Spot Caul). If joiioxticut to yot any tliliifj for tho jmrlor or .sittiiifr room tills fnll theso bargains will
internet you.
o. Ilin-lttOIA.V HKAT. I Xn. 005-1' Ull.Oll 8HT, fi nieces.
?aMIwdto, k.i is .oo ; Ariiihn
Sn. llt KAXUY I'.UW.OIl CIIAlll.
Solid mahogany, real marauotrle inlaid
buck, full Hiring seat, hand polished, u
chair worth S.!5.0o genuine f 4 Eft
barguln at I.OU
.No. lltl-l' Wtl.OH t'llAIH.
Gold leaf, lk tnpesty tlpnolsterlng, dulutv
dcflgn, regular U.'iO A
value, for 6J
Mnhogany tlnlsh, genuine mahogany pan
nel back, silk tapestry, upholsterud
tprlug seat, an $18.0") rr 7c
chair at O
No. 110 ODD I'Altl.tlU t'llAIH.
Spring seat, upholstered back, genuine
maniuetry Inlaid French legs, carved and
Inlaid back,. value Q gQ
.No. Alt V t'llAIH.
ilenulne mahogany, hand carved drngon
heftds. spring seat und luck, up
holstered In Veronu velottr. dark red on
dark green. S2 Inches wide Inside arms,
11 very tine S'.0.0O chair gg qq
.Sec our addon py
if. trtliiHj (thnvl
the big values in Utcc
.Nn, Olr.U-IMItl.Olt .vll.1l L'liAllt.
Mahogany tlnUth, solid mahogany punuels
In back, spring seat, upholstered In silk
tapestry, round teat und round Q OR
back, high urine, J1S chair for ....0-C
Nn. l.SIOlUi llAVn.VI'OHT.
Mahogany frame, highly polished, extra
fine upholstery, 6.00 article, oti OC
blr bargain at OO.tfD
Nn, ist rni:cn i n 1,011 an at.
1 Kino hand carving nnd highly pollshe.t,
genuine mahogany, best spring 10
seat, a H0.00 value for lOtOU
I n. S7 MOItltlS ( II A lit.
I Talent ndjustnble back, mahogany llnln't,
Uncut revcreablo cushions In high gra If
velour, nicely carved, regular : 75
113.00 chair for O. O
'A flnoil Leather C'oueli rv
I fr 2O.00
&hwmek Jwimwis Go
nn&mMtimvwA vial
iMr tt rwi 1 m
nllk daniat.iv upholstering, sprlniAQ
seittu, a J12J 00 suit for . . OO.UU
No, li.llOJ-l.llllt Alt ItllCKIllt.
Maliuguny llnlnli, hand carved, uphol
stered tn HiIIMi lapeatry, spring seat,
a voiy heavy and mas'lve rocker. JlS.f)
article, with the other (A a
Very tine make, stuffuj with Jinlr. up
hol.itered with puff 011 enge, 32 Inche3
lonir, O.S Inches long, regulnr flH
J3VO0 couc'.i for ""'W"
I'llie I'ailtlxole f'onoli ms
fur 1m. OU
No. :i(ini4 vr.1,01 11 coiirn
Rxtra wido, extra soft, tlnest velour.
mado up with hulr and steel cprlng.
golden oak frame, a JSO.OO -tit if
couch for 1U.UU
Stc ouv wld on
?J - Ulliuy ubovt
the, biy vuIwh in hue
car (a int.
of mm
tiik ruoi'iavji ri n.NiTi hi: anii cahimit cojitany.
Thousands of buyers in the past .1.0 days can testify to
the bargains they have received at the Peoples Store. No
letting up here. We continue to offerat this Manufac
turers' OUTLICT y. MO values heretofore unknown. This
iH truly the SAIdS OF SAIdOW and deserves your earnest,
- N
We Head the Bargain List
With somo raro l'arlor Kunlture Inducements an aggregation of Tnlucs
(real good furniture, not cheap goods) that Is seldom offered anywhere. Call
and ask to see thctn.
Uenulno Leather Couch rococo olive or maroon closely tufted-nn Cfl
oak or mahogany finished frame Manufacturers Price ddlUU
Davenports mahogany finished frame highly polished upholstered In Orlenlnl
patterns 7 feot long very handsome OO TK
Manufacturers' l'rlce fcUtlM
Couches 30 Inches wldo fringed or rococo oak or mahogany finished-six
rows of tufts nowest French velour covering n
Manufacturers' l'rlce wi'
Odd Divans mahogany veneered Inlaid or plain backs silk velour A
or silk tapestry upholstery raro values Manufacturers' l'rlce . ..
Odd Divans highly finished In mahogany upholstered in solid colors of
velours or new pntcrns of tapestry T DC
Manufacturers' l'rlce lvU
5-pleco l'arlor Suits, beautiful quarter sawed oak or niahogauy llnlshed frames
with marauetry upholstered In (Inn silk tapestry nfa "R
Manufactirora' l'rlco 6wIC
3-pleco quarter sawed golden oak or mahogany finished l'arlor Suits up
holstered In velours of newest shades OI TfK
Manufacturers' l'rlce . fclalM
5-pleco quarter Bawod golden oak oSols Inlaid back upholstered InAO llffl
silk velour or silk tapestry worth $37 Manufacturers' l'rlce XfciUU
3-pleco mahogany llnlshed l'arlor Sets upholstered lu damask or IQ fiti
velours frames highly finished Manufacturers' l'rlce IfciUU
Morris Chairs ouk or mahogany finished frnmcs comfortablo, de- K flth
tachublo cushious In seat and back Manufacturers' l'rlce Vwll
-Bedding Draperies Carpets.
Nowhero will you find such bargains as these All tlrst-dnss goods at
prices that must appeal to all thinking persons right In the heart ot the sen
son, too Just whtn you most need them.
Fancy Quilted Comforts, filled with puro white cotton both sides I OQ
Bllkollne alio 72x78 Inched Ilfaw
13xtra largo Homc-Mado Comforts hand knotted very close Just O tJK
like you mako yourself mm i t
Nice Fleecy Cotton Blankets full 10-4 tilzc In light tan nnd
4-lb, Mixed Wool Blankets largo size In gray, with fancy
22x28 Ued Pillows all good feathers Auioskeag A. C. A.
Ticking For pair
60-Inch Nottingham I.aee Curtains full .Hi yards long button hole
edge whlto and ecru
Beautiful designs In Tupcstry Portlers two and three tone mixtures
,1 yards long -top nnd bottom fringed per pair
Heavy Chenille I'ortlers fringed double dado full width and 3 1
yards long Per pair
All Wool Rxtra Super Ingrain Carpets latest colors and
SMITH'S AND STINSON'S Brussels CarpctB without borders
In parlor nnd bed room deslgUR
Velvet Cnrpets, with and without borders beautiful rug designs
and others ..
&xl2 Brussels Ruga In parlor and library designs mado without
. 8c
More Furniture Bargains-
Bedroom Dining Boom Parlor and Hall Furnlturo of all gradea all sub
mltted for your Inspection Invebtlgato and wo are suro you will pronounco
each aud every Item ns being as big a bargain ns ou ever saw.
Combination Hookcnsc nnd Writing Desk, golden oak or mahogany finish,
r rencu uevoi pattern piaie vorypretty design -
Manufacturers' Price
Hall Tree, golden oak, with box, 12x18 French beveled pattern plate,
large tancy uouuin hooks .Manufacturers' Price
Bedroom Suits, flnlshod In mahogany or golden, 20x24-lnch, fcovoled mirror
pinto, top of dresser 40 Inches, bed six feet six Inches high, com Jfi J?
pletc Manufacturers' Price IVSi fu
Dining Boom Chair, cano Beat, solid goldon oak, high braced arm, six cplndles
ami Birctcucr in nacx, skirting under scat
.Manufacturers' Price
Kxtenslon Table 42x42 top, golden finish, has 4 extra leaves, ball bear- Kf AC
lng casters, highly polished manufacturers' prlco JfO
Kattan and Itced Sowing llocker, whlto, with green enameled trim- I "TTK
mlngs; In two lots, assorted patterns, at each $3.24 and , 0
Wardrobe, slzo 7 feet 4 inchos high 38 Inches wide, double door, well construct
ed ana goou design, tias two drawers below
Manufacturers' Price.
patent sliding II "TC
Chlld'B Iron Crib, size 30 or 36 Inches wide, brass trimmings, white enameled
complete witn woven wire spring v
Manufacturers' Prlco luU
Odd dresser, golden, beveled plate, swell top. has
drawers that cannot stick, largo and roomy Manufacturers' Prlco
non iop umco uosk, solid oak, four-foot, two rows of drawers biiIC "tC
perlor inside fittings Manufacturers' Price IV
Chiffonier, solid oak, has 5 commodious drawers, bovoled plate slzo "IB Aft
10x17, a grand bargain Manufacturers' Prlco iU
iron liens, wnue enameled, roversiulo sldo rails, good design
.Manufacturers' Prlco
Baby Carriage Salo, a roraarkable bargains, 7C Heywood carriages IK "II?
all high grade Manufacturers' Prlco. M, f ft
Odd lot of kitchen tables, 27x42-lnch top, oak legs' und sides, leas' Aft
bolted on Manufacturers' Price otC
Mattresses, cotton top, bound edge, good ticking, well filled, any'Vlzo I 1A
Munufaeturcrs' Price . B, jM
Woven Wire Springs, closely woven and tight, heavy hard wood fra'mH" A A
Manufacturers' Price UHfi
Our Busy Stove Department.
Our Stovo Department represents nil that Is best in stovedom
mtr l.into Mteel iiangcs, olc.
Bane Burners, Kstato Oalt Stoves
9 75
26,50 1
nn 7c i
Noto these
For Cook Stove guaranteed
baker heavy castlnirs ann won
For Cast Iron nange-largo oven and full
uiunoi irimincu weight 32G
pounds large
For Estate Oak Heater-guaranteed to hold
fire forty-eight hours with soft
Or PoulnBUlar Base Burner finest
heating stovo made fully nlcknl tr'i m tnuil
duplex grate, etc. '
or Star KBtate Steel 71 ft n tr 1 1 n n ,1
hroughout wi'th asbestos double i.m
plates squaro oven.
For Coal Oil Heatcr-Hellablo mako very
ornamental and useful a big bargaln-salo
price, $3,!0.
We Give Credit.
To those who desire it we offer our easy PAYMENT
PLAN, enabling you to purchase what vou want on these
10.00 worth goods, $1. 00 a week, $ 4.00 a month.
4 25.00 worth goods, $1.25 a week, $ 5.00 a month.
$ 50.00 worth goods. 1.50 a week, $ (J. 00 a month.
$ 75.00 worth goods, $2.00 a week, $ 8.00 a month
$100.00 worth gooil 8, $2.50 a week, $10.00 a month.
$200.00 worth good-?. $.00 a woek, $12.00 a month.