The Omaha Sunday Bee. I PART I. fc I PAGES 1 TO 12. I KSTAIiLlSIIKI) .( LX I I J). IS71 OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKX LlfC, -(VJSM.15MU J 1 , 1 5)00 T W.H.N'TY-Jj'O Ult PA( I3S. SIN G I j 13 COPY VIVli C 10 NTS. LEI) OUT BY lilS EAR All Germany Laughs at Econc Between the KcBier and His Barber. HAIR DRESSER TOO CURIOUS ABOUT CHINA Inventor of VilHam's Fiercely Famous lloustcchios Cast Out in Disgrace. REICHSTAG IS TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY Centrists Will Boncw Their Demand for Etcall of JesuitB. INTEREST IN CHINA DECIDEDLY WANING Urrninii Fnpers !-1 II Filled tilth Coin liieuts on l.nle Hlei-llnn In I lilted Hint. mill its i,iiiii nnr" mi (In- Fiitherliind. NO WORD FOR RATEPAYERS siillhiir.i's speech hI Guild llnll I'nr frmn Wlml Ihn ntmllsli Pilhllc ) Hipi-eled. I (Copvrlgiu. '"' by Prosi Publishing en ) LONDON, Nov. 10 - -(New York World ("a- I . f ll 1-..I........ ... I t11-- ) OieijrRIII---N''- 1.1 1 ll'l'tiinm.) l.uu i-itm..' I htiry's Guild hall speech distinctly dlsap' I HERO TO THE FRENCH LIKES AMERICAN WRITERS KIiik Leopold Mi j 'I'hey Arr llrluhtor 'I'linn tit- IliiRilsh mill Clrnlier 'I'll ft it tin? French. Oom Paul Will Get a Glorious Welcome on Reaching Marseilles. PEOPLE OF FRANCE WILL EMBRACE HIM point im1 public expectations. Ills ricBlrc to smother Investigation Into tho Wiir de partment srandals In deprecated on nil sides, anil his mtert attack on Commander-in-Chief Wolseley, who, nfter having ne ropted an Invitation to the nnilict, ab rented himself at the last minute on tho excuso that ho desired to meet General Duller of thu hitter's arrival at South ampton, elves official sanction to tho ru- innr nf InTHHnnl frlrtlnn between t.nrd UniHitownc and Lord Wolseley. Names tho Date When the Boor Leader is to Then hi, warning against French am. Anive Jn Tmnco, kIoh -though It Is thought to bo possibly ! it more attempt to keep the taxpayers up' Preparations Made for a Great Popular Demonstration This Week. GOVERNMENT AIDS AND COUNTENANCES BERLIN. Nov. 10. Emperor Williams barber. Francois tlali.v, the Inventor of his Majesty's Htyle of mustache, recently ven tured to remark: "What doe your majesty think or China V" Thin bo ruined tho emperor's temper that, taking Hnby by the ear, ho escorted tho barber from bis chamber. The Incident baa been laughed at throughout (ierinany. It Is frequently remarked that his maj esty's raustnrhe Is no ImiKer turned up ward so fiercely us former!), but Is worn nt an uriglo "f forty-live degrees only. wUh tho ends no longer spreading om iiuu.n. It Is added that It Is a fuel that the em peror haa abandoned his former fashion of wearing hla mustache, although all mnlo (lermany adheres to It. one reason being tho dismissal of Hnby. who had "be come impudent and had prcMlincil to trade upon his friendly relations with tho em peror." Lord Salisbury's Guild hall speech Is 1 commented on favorably by the (ierm.m press, especially tho passage anent tho Anglo-Gorman agreement. In which. Infer entlally, Ureal Britain's pro-(!ernian son tlments nro divulged. The Ilrltlsh pre mier's nrmy reform references likewise meet with approval and the hope Is expressed that tho reform will be thorough. Tho passage touching upon the United Stnte.4 waa passed over silently by K majority of the papers. interest In China Is decidedly waning. Thla may be seen everywhere In tho proas aud In conversation. ltrlclixtnir to Open nil Wednesday. Interest Just now renters In the Heleh Btag opening next Wednesday, which will bo particularly solemn. At noon. In tho Rit torsaal of Merlin castle, provlous thereto, thero will bo a divine service, both Cath olic anil Protestant. Tho press generally calls attention to the Importance of tho forthcoming scsalon, whoso Ural part win deal with tho Chlneso policy, the emperor's nud Rovcrument'a hltherl imprehensive measures, InoludluK the creation of a spe elal China army, which the liberal press has boun pointing to as unsuccessful. Finally, tho ltelchstai; will deal with tho 1'asadowBky-llueck matter, which will arouse heated debates. Tho bud?.)t and bill relatliiR to Insurance companies, pub lishers' rights and marine will also re cclvo attention. Tho renter party will iicaln Introduco a bill providing for the recall of tho Jesuits. Tho second part of tho session of tho UelchalaK probably will not bCRin befor April. Tho first work will bo u revision of tho tariff and a renewal of tho commer cial treaties, on tho preparatory work of which tho Government departments urn still far behind. Nevertheless, a discussion on tho whole subject la carried on vigorously throughout Oermany, Including the entlra jjresa and In tho Chamber of Commerce. Tho .central bureau for tho preparation nf commercial treaties today submitted to Count von Iluolow, tho Imperial chancellor, u powerful and closrly reasoned memorial, , netting forth the advisability of maximum i and minimum tarirfs. 1, Tho correspondent of tho Associated Tress asked Dr. von Hollubeu, tho (lerman ambassador to tho United States, who sails for New York November 13, some questions regarding tho Herman-American commer cial treaty. Dr. von Holleben snld; "Tho work Is still being done In tho ministry and hero, but nothing can bo said on tho subject, bocause nothing tangible haa yot been accomplished and nobody knows what tho results will ho." Tho correspondent got a similar reply g trom United States Ambassador Andrew f White. liiiti ini-rteiin Klrrtlmi. Thu press la still devoting considerable pace to llni results of tho election lu tho United States. Dr. Barth, the frelslnnlgo leader, In today'H Nation, and Prof, von Halle, In tho Wocho, publish critical arll liea thereon. Tho VosslHche. Eoltung today expresses pessimistic exiiee.tatlnns regarding further developments In Cuba, Porto Hlco aud tho Philippines. Tho Post oxprrnhes astonishment at the Jlegcd fact that tho United States Intends to dlscontlnuo building torpedo boats, which tho Oerman naval authorities continue to consider a valuable agency lu naval warfare. Tho National Zcltung today thoroughly discusses tho United States congressional project for a Central American canal and an Increaso of tho United States navy, clas sing both projects as being of Immense in torest to Oermany. Tho paper also con demua tho United States" alleged Intention to dlscontlnuo building torpedo bonts. In splto of tho North CSerman (laiette's feml-otllclal statement that the Cierman prcttu, regardless of party, received mout favorably tho uews of President Melun loy'a re-clectlon, tho truth Is that a large part of tho press la commenting hostllely and venomously on tho election result. It Is significant for Instance that tho Cologne o the ''paying point for a prospective heavy Inrreaso In military outlays Is regarded as a most unfortunate expedient at a time when the whole British nrray Is locked up in South Afrlru. The barrenesa of the speech touching all promise of domestic reform enhances the misgiving ntnnug the ministerialists as to the durability of a government which of fers nothing to the country but costly, dangerous imperialism. BULLER GETS GALA GREETING tci'i'U I'll Ciirdlnlly .StititliHitiptnn nml Adtlrrax. Itcpl Inu In CrltlflMiiN, PARIS PAPERS ARE AFTER HIM RED HOT It ii in n r Tli nt Mr lilts a HetHntlnn tn MnUe Mrts tin- .NrM urii tlirrr m tn llnatilnr for l'arl) lu-tei-Tlrtr. (Copyright, l'.'l1, by Press Publishing; C.) PARIS, Nov. 10. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Preparations to receive President Kruger when ho lands at Marseilles next Saturday have been very active throughout this whole week and tho (Copyright. b, by Vrv 1'uWNhlng Co.) I PAH1S, Nov. 10. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) -Commls-' aloner General and Mrs. Peck gavo their last reception this week, closing mo series of American exposition functions. Few prominent persons were present. King Leopold of Belgium, who lives at the same hotel, a lloor bulow, eamo up and chatted for u few minutes quite infor mally. When Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nelson . Page wcro Introduced to JCIrij Leopold he said to Mr. Page: "Arc aSfl"3 author of theso delightful southct&t? I waa ncdlng n book of yours a jK$jRw. What was tho title? It was 'Jwjps. anyhow. I am pleased to bo ublJfcHDpllmciit you personally." uJ'Afi When Page contln-rqiMfalscuss litera ture tho king "'aP'Hf?" acquaintance, with a number of -y?nKnn modern writ ers. William neaj.jjolls and Stephen Ciano aro his favwp When Miss ArllrJSlv ck expressed aston ishment that UicjjgjSf found tlmo to read so much he auswiSWi "1 read very little, but I read tho Americans, who are brighter than tho Kngllsh, nnd not monotonously Immoral, llko tho French. My opinion is that yours la tho most entertaining lit eraturo today." Princess Clementine, daughter of the king of tho Belgians, has taken to auto mnblllsm furiously. Sho and her royal father aro constantly tearing through tho boulevards nnd parks. Tho nowspapeis French public lias been wrought up to a high pitch of expectation and enthusiasm. dally relate new adventures by tho pair. , ; The government has just Issued a note an- i,nPt week a zealous bicycle policeman, SOUTHAMPTON. Nov. 10. This city was , pouncing that the commander of tho Dutch uftur a mad race, insisted on arresting In gala attire today and the tht-usandB of , crucr (jelderland. which Is bringing Oom 1 them for exeesslvo speed only. He de- visnors rrom Delaware anu eisewuerc par- . URIJ .pn rt.(1UL.jted to time his arrival sisto.i upon the princess bravely giving iicip.iieu in uit- icieiuunjr ui euiiu-i i inK i"-- H0 tlH t0 ri,ucn ,)()rl on tlio morning of No fieedom of the city upon General Duller. Vember 17. provided Mr. Krugcr's reported A civic ami military escort led tho way to the scene. General Buller'a carriage was deluged with flowers. Lady Duller accompanied General Duller. Iteplylng to the nddreas on the presenta tion of the freedom of the city, tho gen eral exhibited great emotion and answered his critics vigorously. He declared that when the history of the war was fairly written It would be found that the Brltlsa army In South Africa had confronted diffi culties far greater than nny army operat ing ngatnst an equally civilized euomy had over previously experienced. Ho cited the Doers' superior range of vision and fa miliarity with the Kaffir language and country. On his arrival at Aldcrshot General Buller will be received by Major General Sir Francis Butler, tn command of tho dis trict, and other dignitaries. Ill health doeo not mako greater Bpeed Im pcratlvc. Dr. Leyds, tho Transvaal minister pleni potentiary In Kurope, went to Marseilles four days ago and Is now stopping at the hotel Noallles. Mr?. Kloff, Mr. Krugcr's granddaughter, has Just nrrlved at Mar- thelr names, despite tho collected crowd. Three days nftorward the king and his daughter Informally called upon President I. oubet In their funny automobile togs, whereupon Paris hotly discussed etiquette. Yesterday the Figaro reported that a street sweeper had been swept off his feet by tho princess' automobile and pnld hand somely for not hauling the nuthor of tho MUSOLINO IN A MERRY MOOD iKiinrrn mi Army unit l'rm-ei'iln lo lln III Will tilth MHjnm. .lurtKi-n Hint the l.llic. (Copyright M, by PrcM Publishing Co,) KO.MK, Nov. 10. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) In all the an nals of brigandage It would be hard to find a parallel to the udtorlous h-indit MuaOllno. lln not only escaped from prison, but since ! then hn has killed off all wltncsecs who appeared against him on his trial. Ho U still In tho CalabrJan mountains, although a reward of $7,000 has been ottered for his capture, dead or alive, aud &00 regulars and lfiU gendarmes aro scouring tho country for him. Under Secretary of State Itoumaln Jaur has gone to perboually direct the operations against Musollno. Nothing daunted Muso lino has written to the prefect of Regglo dl Calabria declaring his Intention to kill that functionary unless he releases Musollno's sister, Anna, who was arrested on suspicion of acting as a spy for hor brother. VICTOR EMMANUEL IS IN ROME Annri-lilNlK I'rninlnc to OliNrrvr llli Illi'lluliiy liy AuxlnHlnu 111 nt Tniln). (Copyright, V.W), by Pres.-i Publishing To.) UOMK. Nov. 10. (New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) King Victor Kmmauucl has returned to Dome for the celebration of his .'list birthday to morrow. The queen when driving about wears an anxious, frightened expression. Her nervous movement In returning salutes is generally no ticed and heie demeanor Is Increasing her unpopularity. The late King Humbert nl wayh drove unattended, but King Victor hah a paid corps In plain clothes and cyclist police ahead o' his equipage and behind It. The Itoman municipality is walling up all the cellars adjoining tho Qulrlnal palace and special precautions will bo taken tomorrow owing to threatening letters that tho birth day will to celebrated by the assassination of tho king. scllles from German South Alrlca with her , nreldcnt to court becauso of his slight In- two children and two attendants. Jury. Today tho same pair of royal, but The cabinet, in order to temper French J inefficient inotorneers. figured In u eol sentiment to Drltlfh susceptibilities. haB j Ushed which, smashed a vehicle. decided that Mr. Kruger shall not bo re ceived as the chief of state, but aa u chief of state traveling Incognito meaning that the French authorities, Including President Loubet, will show every consideration to tho distinguished visitor, but that there will be no military honors paid and no official fes tivities provided. Tho prefect of Marseilles has been Instructed to glvo to popular sym pathy freo play, but to rlgorouily prevent tho display of flags, transparencies, lumin ous signs or shouts offensive to England. Additional police have been sent from Lyons onil other southern cities to reinforce thu Marseilles police. Will Jlukf n I. Inn of Hint. Many prominent Frenchmen will go to Marseilles to meet President Kruger. among others thirty senator!, 145 deputies and small delegations from most of the political clubs and patriotic societies. Forty loeiety women are going to present an address In the. name of tho Freuch damea committee for the indepemlinco of the Doers. They loft Paris yesterday lo co-oporato with tho Mar salllcs reception committee. A huge dem onstration is expected. Ouo hundred and elghty-Uve cities, towna and villages havo slgnlllcd their intention of sending delega tions to Marseilles and others aro contlnu lolning tho movement. Desides military associations, secret societies, guilds and con federations of all sorts In every part of tho country will be represented with bands, uniforms nnd flags In the procession. It Is estimated that 3,000,000 people Will be In Marseilles. Tho municipal council has made a special appropriation for en tertaining the multitudes of strangera. Marseilles will bo gorgeous. Posters nro up everywhere cnlllng on tho cltlzeus to decorato their houses with French and South African republic flags and bunting. ri-nuilst-N it lleveliillnn. Dr. Leyds conllrms the report that Presi dent Kruger Is brluglug documents which PARIS CAT KILLS POLICEMAN ('ritpsnnif- Mlor.v nf n Cniiiluit llettteeii h .llmi mill n .11 ml I'llMN.t . (Copyright, 1W0, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov 10. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) A police man was killed by a cat, after a flerco fight with tho animal, which an autopsy shows to havo lucn mad. Tho cat had been terrorizing a tenement hoiiso by Its unearthly cries, wild Jumps .mil ugly convulsions. Tho officer cornered tho cat lu a dark nlley and dealt at it a blow with his saber, but missed. The creature sprang at him, fastening lta elnws on 1,1s coat, biting and scratching his faeo and hands horribly Tho olllcer now yelled In torror and at tempted to escape. Twico he bliccecded In dashing down his assailant, which ri turncd tnoro furiously, but dually ran. Tho police man dropped almost Immediately. It was found that one blto on the neck had severed the carotid nrtery. The man died beforo the ambulance reached the place. John Bull Lenrns Too Late that His Victory is Hollow. SOUTH AFRICA IS TOO HOT TO HANDLE All Sorts of Troublo Enoountered by the Triumphant British. REBELLION IS ONLY SMOULDERING Uitlanders and Capo Dutch Aro the Unruly Elements Just Novr. PROBLEM OF SETTLEMENT 13 TOUGH Sir Mli'hm-l llloks llcneli Is Wiirlilnu mi One l'enturc niul Him Al rniilr Mlrrcil l'i n llnr netn .rt. (Copyright, by Press Publishing Co.) LwNUON, Nov. 10. (New York V orb! Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho South African situation Is developing In a very unpromising way for tho Ilrltlsh govern ment. Tho uilnc-ownljig capitalists who beforo the war predicted that the expansion of tho industry under Ilrltlsh rule would yield enormously cuhnmcd profits aro no' nssertlng that theso anticipations, for which John HayH Hammond Is held re sponsible, were altogether exaggerated. This changed attitude Is duo to tho fact that Chancellor of tho Kxchrquor Beach Is interrogating the great gold-mining com binations with a view to levying a largo proportion of tho cost of tho war olT their earnings. Tho mine owners, Indeed, threnten that If tho government lays a heavy burden of taxation on the Transvaal mines they will take sides with the Dutch. Already tho refugee Uitlanders In Capo town are in a mutinous tuood, seeing that all tho offices in the Transvaal aro tilled by Lord Roberts' military nominees, while tho Uitlanders are prohibited by Governor GonHral Mllner from returning to tho Transvaal, except under onerous conditions respecting military service. In Cape Colony tho Dutch majority la supplying hundreds of recruits to the Boer commandos and organizations to foment tho rebellion immediately upon tho with drawal of tho British army are known to bo spreading. The British army commands the country only within the small radius of Its effective reach. Deaths from cntoilc fover are again growing numerous, while overy day Boer activity accounts for sev eral British soldiers being cither dead, wounded or missing. Unht-rtn' l'onlllnu Inneeiii-r, Laird Roberts' headquarters Is still obliged to remain In Pretoria because It cannot bo safely trusted to tho railroad to Capetown and tho HUbJugatlou of thu republics 1h less cumpleto than when he entered Pretoria months ago. Peril Is looking up Indcllnitely. Virtually tho en tire British urmy in South Africa, for THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska- . . Fair, Coder. Northerly Winds. Page. 1 Hiuprrnr ItrhnUi-s Ills Burlier. I rimer's llri'i-ptlnn ill 1litri'lllrs, SiiiHIi Vfrleiui I'rnnlili- nl Over. Illetrleh's l'lnrnllt nf I.UIIH Sure. - Kit ii H k Ml Hulks mi n Ciinillllnit. etv Tic tif I'M fid (Jim fur .Vrinv. It N-liriiskit Iti'piilillritnn ( elelirnlr. HKe tn l.rnti- .Mi'lvliilr; (nlilnrl. A lli-ports nf Hun) lliirlnr lllsnstcrs. Di-iiinrriits nn Iti-iirnniiliitliiu. FiinIiiiiIiI Seek lu little I'riiiul, (I I. list Week In (liiiiilut Siiolet). 7 lliislnesn Men fur .1 nil I to lin in. Atlntrs nt smith Oiiiiihn. 8 Ciiii lie 1 1 111 lifts l.ncul Mutters, t) Inttn'n Cnrn ('nip n Itmini'i-i'. 10 l'lint Hull Clinics nf Yrslerilny. I, nun Mini Ciinirs Tlirmiuli Winner It Glimpses nf the Sporlllilt IMrlil, 11 Wniiimi Her Wnjs mill Whims, l. Ainiisenieiit it ml .Musleitl Nnlrs, III "I'ntcmon nml the Cenllpeilp." 17 (Jrent llrllitln's i-tr I'lirlliimi-nl. Liiiurlmis l.nlr nf iiuer nt llminen IS Killtnrlnl nml Cniiiiiienl. Ill I'lipekliii; Over the Mute lleliirns. Ileenril Hun Mntlc h The Hit. Oiiiiihn .Itihhern Protest mi Utile. 2i Cn in in ore I n. nml I'M it line I it I rtts. '.'t line Arthur's Itrpiirt mi Philippines I'nlniilhliili (.nt ermiienl lint Pull. 'IVnipernltite tit Oinithn Yeslerilit)! limn- r ii. nt . . . II ii. in ... , 7 n. nt ... H ii. in ... . ft n. in ... . 1(1 ii. in. . . . 11 it. m ... . IU in lieu. 117 ill! :ts :t(i :t :m in , -in llmir. :t p! in. i p, in. l 111 ii p. in. t III lieu. till :t.. :t. :t7 ::. :ii GERTRUDE ELLIOTTS CATCH Forties Itnlierlsmi, KiikIiiiiiI's llnst I'lipiilnr Aetni-, Will llnrry the Msler nf llm I in-. (Copyright, V.'W by Pless Publishing Cn ) LONDON, Nov. 10. i Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Maxitio F.lllott's sister, Gertrude, 1h being over whelmed with congratulations on her en gagement to Forbea Robertson, who Is held In the highest esteem by the playgoers and profession here as being lu thu truest seiisn both an artist anil a geutlemnn. He Is generally designated as Irvlng's successor as an exponent of the legitimate drama. Among a class of cultured playgoers he la regarded as the finest uetor on the Fng lull Ktage. He is alho a musician aud painter of great talent. He wields a rare personal charm olT the stage as well as on. Robertson Is too conscientious an artist to hove mado a large fortune, but as an established favorlto he earns a handsome income. DIETRICH IS THERE Fusion Claims to tho Contrary, He Has Been Elected Governor. PLURALITY IS ABOVE TWELVE HUNDRED Accurate Returns from Eighty-Eight Coun ties Givo Him a Big Lead. MISSING COUNTIES CANNOT CHANGE THIS Grto Hay ward a Majority Two Yoars Ago Uuder Similar Conditions, FIGURES PROVE THE BEE'S ATTITUDE I'orreetness of llcsiill its Ainnmneil hy Tliln 1'nper on Weiliiestln Is ntv llnriie Out h u t.'nniplete Count. All claims to the contrary. Chalict 11. DletrUh has been elected goternor. The Beo presents complete teturns from all but two of tho nluety counties lu the state and of theso sixty are official, twenty-eight complete, but unofficial. The two missing cojiutlec Mii'herBon and Hayes two jears ago gave Ha) ward a plurality of !I0. Tbei cast altogether about CUD votes aud euuhl not affect the result materially elthei way. The eight) -eight counties reported glvo Dietrich a plurality or 1.2-I5, which will probably bo luureaaed to 1.S00. Tho others on tho state ticket run about the same as tho governor, aud there Is every reason to believe that tho entire ticket has been elected. Following are the llgures: Dietrich. Povnter. MiauiH . Antelope I 111 llll.T .. Ulalnu SCORE ONE FOR THE C0RELLI Mm-le's Shriek VrlishlPiii Sir Then ilnre llnltln (till nf the Minkenprnre Cluireh. (Copyright. I W0. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Nov. 10. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Marie Co rolll completely routed Sir Theodore Mar tin, who, owing to her fierce ouslnught, has withdrawn his offer to place tho bust of which an enormous expense has been In- J his late wife, Helen Fnuelt, the Shakes- SALISBURY RENTS HIS VILLA I UiiRllsh I'ri inler Will nt He .Seen nn the Itlvlei-u DnrliiK' (lie Coining Keiisnn. BADEN-POWELL AS REFORMER Ilrlllsh Hern's Kxample llrlnir Iseil tn Inilnee Hoys to Give (her S mo U I nt. (Copyright, V., by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Nov. 10. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Major Gen eral Powell's extraordinary popularity among English boys Is being utilized for an undoubtedly beneficent object. Baden Powell nover smoked. A league has been formed of boys from 12 to 18 years old to sign a pledgo to abstain from amoklng for twelve months. A roll containing 100, 000 signatures will bo given to Baden Powell as a Christmas present. Tho ciga rette habit has been growing nt an appall ing rate among Fngllsh school boys. Rigor ous menhures are advocated by many head masters to stop 1U TO PERFECT MARCONI'S WORK French GnTernntenl Will I'.iperlinonl rtllh Wlrrlrss Trleirrnphy n War .Measure. (Copyright. 1900, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov. 10. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.)-Tho War Volks Zcltung, tho ltMdlug organ of the department has doclded to dovoto SS0.000 to center party, which dominates tne Reich stag, continues tho most bitter comments, dcplorlug President McKlnlcy'a re-election as likely to ro-engender In Washlug ton u policy unfriendly to Germany, roller Si-iiiuliil Kllll Uppermost. Tlio Sternberg trial Is still proceeding. Tho press. In commenting on tho Berlin criminal police corruption, calls attention to tho extremely low salaries paid them, high otilclala receiving barely 11,000 to $2,000 yearly. Tho latest reports show that tho Offen bach disaster was cauted by tho inatten tion of a switchman. The number of dead la now considered to bu twenty-ono and thirty persons wero Berlously Injured. Tlio correspondent of the Associated Tres learua on reliable authority that Ger many's negotiations with tho Turkish gov ernment ou tho subject of a coaling station at Farsan are still pending, but are likely to result faorably. Becret experiments with wireless telegraphy with a view to perfecting lta campaign applications. Count Zeppelin has an agent hero trying tn organize a stock company to build two new and smaller balloons to continue his experiments. Capitalists scoff at the Idea, Zeppelin admits that unless funds aro forthcoming he will be unable to carry his work to a successful completion TRANSPORT CUT DOWN Jitpnnrsr Strnmrr Strike French Vessel, Wlileh (Jnrs Dnttit Tilth All nn llnnrd. VICTORIA, B. C, Nov. 10. The Japanoso steamer Yamaguchl Mam collided with tho French transport Cararano lo tho Inland sea of Japan, tho transport trying to cross her bowb. The French vessel foundered. All on board the transport wrro saved, ex cept three midshipmen, who were drowned (Copyright, two, by Pres Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov. 10. (Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Queen Isa bella, whoso somewhat eccentric life lu her hiQUtlful palace, opposite the United States embassy, Avenue Kleber, has been again amuslug Paris for tho last ten days, haa Eono to the RlWern, where sho has rented Lord Sallsbury'a villa for four months. It la believed that tho English premier, like curred, now estimated nt $000,000,000, is In a demoralized condition. Unrest lu busi ness, Industrial disorganization anil the disaffection of tho Dutch and Ultlandora alike nro elements of tho situation, taxing statesmanship to the utmost and full of ugly possibilities for tho immediate future. Dr. Jameson, who a couple of years ago pcatean actress, lu tho Shakespeare church at Stratfnrd-au'AVon. Corelll, replying to the criticism 'of her method of nlrlng her grievance, says: "I always prefer a shriek to u snuflle." Her shriek In this Instance wnko up tho different literary societies, who persuaded Sir Theodore Martin to renounce the per was so lionized by London society thnt ho mission he had obtained by the payment of J2.G00 to the vestry to place his btatuo opposite Shakespeare's tomb. HIS BAD DREAM CAME TRUE Queen Victoria, will avoid Franco and will throw a new light upon the war and probably spend his winter vatatlon at will exclto such Indignation that tho powers Bredlhcra. had to travel incognito for quiet, has been 1 $2,500 to the vestry to place his wifo's back In London for two wcoka without his presence being even mentioned by tho press. Ho lives off Piccadilly aud Is busily engaged in promoting somo Rhodeslun ex ploration and development scheme. He is rather disheartened by his experience as a membrr of tho Cape Parliament. He re gards tho future of South Africa with gloomy apprehension. Rhodes Is expected here beforo Chllsl- Slnuiiliir Inelileiit Ciuiiieetril ttllli u I'lllnl Mi-eel Aeelilent In London Iteeentlj. (Copyright. Itc0. by Prens Publishing ('.) I LONDON, Nov. 10. (New York World j will bo compelled by public opinion lo provent the annexation of tho Boer re publics to Britain. Dr. Leyds Is quoted as saying thnt tho London Times, despite Its avowed antagonism, approached him to obtalu tho first communication of Mr. Kruger's secret state papers, guaranteeing to publish tho whole. The Paris Figaro, Matin nnd Petit Journal havo representa tives at Port Said, Instructed to get Mr. Kruger's documents. Other newspapers, among them the Patrie, Presso and Kcho do Paris, havo chartered steamboats to meet the cruiser Gelderland and get tho first news and Interviews before the Trans vaal president lands. Tho Paris, Lyons & Mediterranean rail way will provide gratis tho moat luxurious special train ever tieen hero as President Kruger'a special train. It will stop at. Avignon, Lyons nnd DIJon on the way to the capital of France. At each of theso places a big reception has been arranged. The ParlH municipal council, with Presi dent I.oubet's representatives, Premier Waldeck-Rousseau and Foreign Minister Delcaeso, will meet President Kruger at tho railway station, tender him the freedom of tho city of Paris and escort him to the city ball. Mrs. Eloff says that only three persona wero allowed to accompany hor grandfather aboard tho Gelderland her husband, Freleke Eloff, who is 27 yoars old, who Is the president's prlvato eecretary; Dr. Heymann, an oculist, who U treating Mr. Kruger for rapidly falling eyesight, and Prltcl. tho general superintendent of tho Pretoria police, an alert giant, abso lutely devoted to Mr. Kruger, who pro tects him from possible fanatics, nnd who has never left tho old man's side since tho beginning of the troublo with Englaud. LOUISE MICHEL HELPS OUT SuKRrsI I'optilar I'lnn tn Aid lloei-n and IJet r lop MniluKitsenr' llesnurees. (Copyright, WO, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov. 10. (Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Louise Michel, the famous female anarchist, la cir culating a petition to tho government ask ing that freo lands, houses and monetary help bo offered to the Doers by Madagascar to attract them there. The colonial au thorities consider the project excellent and the peoplo heartily support it. A delegation of prominent residents of Nice, headed by tho mayor of tho city, proposes to go to England to remind tho queen of tholr often manifested dovotlor. nnd to supplicate a reversal of her decision. mas to galvanizo tho Rhodesian Bhare Cabli gram -Special I elegram.) Dellevers -I..., ...... .1... . 1 , , I ,........ I...n.,l u ,, .i..ln,.l l,tr II,.. ..v. I lllIirni'L llllll IIIU .HlK-rAil-l-lL-i UUUIII. . iili,i;uhuh;iiio nhmti". ,jj w.. CLIPS CHAMBERLAIN'S CLA W I.iii il SitlUhnry Adjusts His Ciihlitet lo the lllsemiiHturc nf Ills I'nvterfnl lllvnl. PRAISES AMERICAN SURGERY Frrneh ii1hniity l'n.ts lll;h (nnipll nent (n (In- Skill nf Ills II rot In-rs an This Stile. SNAKES FOUND IN IRELAND Irish Killturs, Hint ever, Claim Thnt the llepllles Wrre Imported from Uniilanil, LONDON, Nov 10. St. Patrick's decreo and tho experience of hundreda of yean to tho contrary, snakes havo been found In Ire land. Two specimens of tho rlngsuako havo been found at Drnyl. They Immediately paid the penalty of death aud the skids are kept as great curiosities. The Irish press maintain!) the reptiles wero Imported from England. I ii opyiigiu, i;-w, ny i resn t'uuiifunjg i n i LONDON, Nov. 10. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Lord Sal isbury's prcferenco for his own family and connections as official colleagues shocks even so staunch an ndmlrer as the Times. (Copyright, WW, by Tress Publishing Co.) L-blch sardonically observes that It at least PARIS, Nov. 10. (New York World Uhr.ntcl ennsnln those u-hn fnnelpil Hint Cablegram-Special Telegram.)-Dr. Pozzl, chamberlain was to dominato evervthlmr. the moat famous surgeon in Paris. In a , Salisbury has two sons in Parliament, lecture paid a glowing tribute to American j Th(J r(lurtl, ,,.,, c'ranborne. possesses no surgery, characterizing our operators particular ability and U afflicted with' a "hdentlllcally audacious and tuilllantly i vrrv llnfQr,llnillt, ,,.mllr. .hemline, t.nni cool." Pozzl declared that many Important nu rn i n vmm n,n i,nn i,.uni. i surgical improiemcuia wero soieiy nun io ould make hla mark if ho wero anvhodv. ..,.... . II. UJIJ I irSHit Jrr'i MiMiriiiiih u. LONDON, Nov. 10. - (New York World porunt unilorsecrfitaryslilp for foreign j Fablegram-Spcclal Telegram.) -The Eng- nnaim ami iK'tnnni; mo .vuiuiger, naiisnury traordlnary example afforded by one of the fatal accident!, on the occasion of tho re turn of tho city imperial volunteers. Mall Cart Driver Wilkinson, on the morning of the procession, was awakened by his wife as he was screaming. He said ho had Just dreamed that ho had run his cart over a woman and killed her. That afternoon ho droto his cart through the crowd at Lud gato circus. Several people clambered upon It, the springs broke and tho cart toppled over on tho crowd, crushing a woman named Eleanor Hall to death. He related his dream at tho inquest. l.'.'U U'07 in; i.-. Kooue LKO llux HUtto ... Itoyd lirnwii Billfaln Hurt Blltlel' I '.1KH Cedar "Clmse cherry Cheyenne .... Clay Colfuv Ciunlng Cusiir Dakota Dawes Dawson Deuel Dixon Dmlgii Do.iglas Untidy I'illmore Franklin Frontier I'uniiiH On go (larlleld Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton ...'aii Iluj't- Ililchenek ... Holt Hooker Howard M offers on ..... Johnson Klmliall Knox Kearnvy Kelt II Keyn Paha .. Lancaster .. Lincoln , Logan l.nui Madison .... MePlicraoii .. Merrick Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otne Piiwnin Pet kins Phelps Pierce Platte Poll: It.d Willow . Itli-liarilHoii .. Ruck Sarpy Hallno Saunders Sent ta Blurt Seward Sheridan .... Sherman .... Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thiiistoti Valley W. Islington . Wayne Webster Wheeler York ON RIVIERA AND IN EGYPT Where KiikIIsIi Snelet.v A III Spend (he I'nmliiK Mnnlhs nf ( old mil 1'iikkj' Wenlhee. 7XS :s 1.S75 l.TSt! !'?. vim T!'t ir.ii I.73S Ml i,:no 1,'J'iS ovi ill? 1.212 IV.7 1.1'li 2.111 1W27 is7 1.77S MS ST'.l J.SHI Kit ins IS! us i,;ui l,1l Ml "tie. . 1 ,'-'. i I.IC'i r.ii , i.wc ISO , 217 , fflU , C.U.VI , UiS , 1(11 , i:s7 , 1.S7.'. ! l'.iw U7J , l.i'.vj , l.::ivi , 2,.V5I , 1,571 . 1KI . l,07!l N(0 . . Ml . 1.112 . '.'..'Kl I2i". 72 . 2.072 -'.'J.'!: . 1,7ml . :.!.! . 451 1HI t!S!l . 1,72 J'l 72."i . 7i . i.r.7o . l.H". . i,:ivi . 1:::: . 2.V.IS 1.3.S NU 72 1.11.' I2H 7 lit :1IN 2,075 l.l".".! 2,1111. 2.2' "I l.IdC, 27s IhJ 170 1 ,M'C, 1. :i!' 1,7 1 j 2, ''' 711 lit;. 1. xiv, j.'. 1 1.07."i 2. H1S 12,71". 21' 1S 1.071 mi; 1.2.S.-I 2,rii "I" 5ii; w S."2 ),77:t l.Wt i::i. 'Mr. 1.IW. II l,2l 1.SC0 l.lMi 1:1 1.112 221 II!' r,,:.iT J.i.v: U't 1 Hi 1.717 :m' S.I, 1.7'jJ 1. 2, :ii! l.prj 2i:i 1,012 Sii." 2.ios l.IISJ ids 2.17 2fs t.i2T 2,01 1 2,Sftl 2fi 1.7ST. r,r,!i 2V.i 7M i.r,i - nr, N12 l.KH' :i7'i 1.2IW iss 112,2Sy Totn'.s nil.MI Plurality J.-i) Unofficial. BRYAN DECLINES DENVER JOB llejeels IMIIiillnl (irfer. hilt Work i'miKiie nnd Pen nl Llnenln. Will American discoveries and mado ihe start' ling statement that If tho American treit meiit for appendicitis had been better known Gambetta'a llfo (ould havo been saved. Pozzl Is well known in the United States, which country he visited a few years ago. Ills hooka are an authority. Ho Is young, handsomo nud popular in fashionable so ciety. Sarah Bernhardt, Yvette Gullbert, Sybil Sanderson, Mme. Calve and Maude Qonno havo been his patients. "L'ASSOMMOIR" MAKES A HIT nlit's AVell K mi it 11 Tempeniiiee Slnrr Stirs Purls Mlichd!) on the. Sluice. (Copyright. 1!K), by pros l'ubllshlng Cn.) PAniS, Nov. 10. -(Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The great est theatrical success so far this season Is the revival of Zola'n "L'Assommolr." M. Ouitry, formerly Mine. Rcjano's leading man, and afterward Flambeau In "L'Alg- Ion," takes the part of Coupcau, a good, honest worklngman who, beginning slowly, gruwa more fond nf liquor, till ho dies In a lit of delirium tremons In tho last act. Critics declare that nothing more artistic ally perfect waa ever seen hero than Oultry's work in tho last scene. Men and women nightly faint, whilo watching bis awful agony The drama la lavishly and intelligently staged. Tho cast comprises nearly 200 actors, he stepped on Third rail First FhIiiI Aeelilent nil (he I'nrls I'nderarnnml Itiillttny tins Been lleenriled. (Copyright, 1!"0, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov. 10. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The flrBt accidental electrocution In France hap pened today. An underground train J ii tn 1 ed the track. In tho panic following a passenger climbed out, and, despite the shouted warnings, stepped ou tho third rail. He was Instantly killed. introduced tho good old feudal principle of primogeniture into government-making. He has availed, too, of tho war contract scandals to clip Chamberlain's claws by excluding from the government Howell Wil liams, Chamberlain's confidante and nomi nee, whose favoritism toward Chamberlain companies when financial rccrotary of th War office provoked so much criticism. Austen Chamberlain nlso has been re moved from the admiralty to the onerous and exacting pnrt of financial secretary of the treasury without a seat In tho cabinet, IrEtead of chief secretary for Ireland, which was tho place ho wanted. Anticipations aro freoly Indulged that the ministry will bo short-lived, but, how. ever disgusted tho conservatives aro, thoy always veto straight. Tho tifw Irish party will meet In na tional convention nn December 4, when the flehtlng policy propounded In tho World cable by William O'Brien will bo adopted. This will havo the effect of consolidating mliisterlaluts, if any rhaueo of disrupton existed. OLD SCHEME WORKS IN LONDON Wllllnm IMirnnld "nf Nrvr Tn.-L" Turns 11 ent Trleh In (he Great .lli'tropiills. (Copyright, 1"0, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Nov. 10. -(New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) A month ago W. O. Furnald of Now York opened In Wells street, off Oxford street, an "Ameri can clothes cleaning and pressing agency," which for a small subscription, paid In advance, waa to supply the place of valot and repairer combined. Tho scheme waB perfectly new hero and caught on Instantly. Furnald'a till overflowed with subscriptions nnd his Btore with clotheB, but Furnald suddenly disappeared with about JS.000 nf subscriptions and clothes Intimated to be equal to that sum In value, all acctimu lated within three weeks. llsh Intend to patroulzo the Riviera thla winter na much as ever, deaplto tho at trmptH nt dlsuasion by Iho Jingo press, which continues to foment Anglo-French animosity. Already theru la a brisk do mand for villas by formor English occU' pants, while hotel accommodations aro al ready largely booked. Egypt will also be well patronized. Regularly conducted tours by rail and Hteamcr to Khartoum will bo a feature of Cairo's winter season. HELD THE ST7HUBERTS HUNT F.inpernr 1 1 1 1 it lit heehs Privacy fnr Ills f'uests nt (he A 11 11 mil I'liiii'llnu. (Copyright, 1!"), by Pres. Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Nov. 10. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Emperor William held tho St. Huberts hunt till week In tho largo military grounds at Docberltz. Hereloforo tho hunt has been held annually In Gninowald, nenr Berlin, but of recent years the rabble had grossly iiiHUlted tho oruperor'B gut-stB by ahoutlng 1 opprobrious epithets and making offensivo Je&ts. This explains tho choice of Docbe rltz. Thousands of Berlin excursionists went to Docberltz seeking ndmlsslou to view tho hunt, but they wero roughly driven off. DENVER. Nov. 10 -W. J. Bryan has de cllned tho offer of an editorial position on a Denver afternoon paper at a salary of JIO.OOO a year. In his reply, which was telegraphed from Lincoln, Neb , today he says: "I shall remain here nnd In tho future, as In tho pnst, defend with tongue and pen tho principles which I bcllevo to bo right and the policies I bellove to bo wiso." STILL CLAIM KENTUCKY FOR SCOFFING AT ROYALTY Prnseeiitlniis for l.esn .Mujestr nn the llrereuse In (he Gerinun Umpire. Ajre (Copyright, by tho Associated Press.) BERLIN, Nov. 10, (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Statistics of convictions for lese majesty published In the North German Gazette show that during the yenrs from 1S82 10 JSS!) 2,05'j persons were convicted of this offense. Tho number of convictions has decreased In recent years. From U!M to 1890 only 094 wero convicted, und from 18D7 to 1899, 427. Deiimernls IiihInI 'l'lint llrjllll nnd HeeUhmn llnve Siihslmitldl JI11J11 titles. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 10. Official re turns from all savu about a dozen countle'4 In tho state received by tho Courier-Journal up to 11 o'clock tonight do not materially alter that paper's unolllclal report of the election. Bryan's majority will bo In the neighborhood of 8.000, while tho plurality nt Beckham Idem.!, for governor, will bo about, tho nnnllUliil returns from every county being a.fiiKi. MAY BE WAITING FOR BRYAN Crnher H plmiii I Inn nf Pdjior rne 's lit erlliriitr Is Xnt Itriidjr for I'lil. Mention. NEW YORK. Nov. 10.- Richard Crnktr said tonight that ho wpuld sail for England next Saturday. Ho will make u statement before ho leaves, but lie Is not yet ready to discuss the election, the mayoralty campaign or tho projected revolt against him. Re garding the stato constabulary bill he has nothing tn say at present. Mr. Croker ex ports to return next fcprlug In time for ths city campaign. Mniiiifll lleslunn hv Iteiinest, COLUMBUS, ()., Nov. 10. Attorney Gen oral Monnett has resigned from thu Duck eve Republican dub at tho request of tho iub. Tho action was taken 011 account of Mr. Monnott's desertion of the repub lican party la tho campaign In Ohio,