Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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A Big Increase Shown in Our
Daily Sa'cs During This
Great Special No
vember Sale.
Irresist'b'e and Unmatchable
Values Await Your
I'or Nnliirilnj'n ipcIiiI SHIlim
.aine n l of tin- r- MiitII Ar
(IrlrM Ml hpi-i'liil n i'MiImt I'rli'P"
for Miiliinlft y.
ItoRUlor II. " 21-Inch Honaro top Parlor
Bland, nlco Kolden finish. ha very pretty
bolf November Kpoclal prlrp. $1.00.
$1 25 Folding, BewltiK or CultlnK Table,
with full yard mcnMire btamped on top, 18
lnehra wlilc, lltti-d with cantors, nicely fin
IbIipiI November Hpeclal prlre, Sjc.
"So Tnborot very pretty pattern, nicely
IlnlHhed Hpeclal November sale price, 40c.
ItlK Pillow and .lattrenn Bale; another
larKB Imolrn tf special I'lllnwa ust re
celved. they aie covereil In fancy figured
art ticking: G pounds of fvathera to the
pair, regular $2.50 pillows special No
ombcr sale price, per pair, $1.60.
tegular $2.23 MnttrcHU, well filled, with
t;ft top. good ticking, uny uUu Hpeclnl
November sale price, M.05.
Hair MattreHH nur great leader 10
pound of good curled horsehair, made up
In best quality of tic kins, tmposnlblo to
duplicate It under $15.00 anywhere our
hpeclal November salo price. $11.7f.
$8.f,0 Ctuch, rovcred In high grade ve
loura, uny color, tufted top, full spring
edgo and end, very pretty pattern special
November Bale, $5.00.
$18.00 Wardrobo tlox Couch, deep tufted
top with pleated and valance, sides and
end, Inside of box Is lined, soft sprint;
edge und end, upholstered In tapestry
special November sale price, $12.60.
Wonderful vnluea In dining room furnl
!."c solid oak Dining Room Chairs, cane
(eat, nicely Kolden finished special No
vembcr sale price, !oc.
$1.:I5 Dining Chairs, four patterns to se
lect from, made of solid oak, well braced,
cano seatspecial November salo price,
each, $1.00.
$20.00 Sideboard, highly finished, made of
select golden oak, very richly ornamented
with carving, has largo oval mirror spe
clal November salo price, $15.00.
$13.59 dining room tabic, of heavy mas
slve, design, with heavy moulded rim all
round tho table; large turned and (luted legs,
mounted on best castors, highly finished,
an extraordinary table at special Novem
ber salo price, $10.00.
$22.50 tied Room Hulls, mudc of solid oak,
nleo'y finished, richly carved, extra valuo
at November salo price, $16.75.
Klogant select golden oak lied Room
Suits, highly hand polished, richly orna
menteil with hand carving, has large bevel
mirror, 30x24 Inches, dresser and wash
stand fitted with solid cast brass handles,
dresser has full quarter sawed swell front,
Impossible tn duplicate suit eleswhcro ua
dor $32.00 our special November salo price
WALK IN AM) 1,1)0 K AHOt'ND.
Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet Co,,
I II I, t llll, HIS DoiikUk Street.
Weak Nerves
People cannot help worrying when
their nerves are weak. That feeling of
languor, dullness and exhaustion is
the fearful condition which often pre
cedes Infinity The power to wort or
ttudy Ulinluiihea and despondency de
presses the mind night and dy.
If you are suffering the tortures of
Nervous Debility, there is no knowing
how soon you may decline to something
more horrible, llut you can getwelb
The youthful strength, buoyancy and
happiness can be restored by the use of
They have cured thousands, and we
h.ivesomuch conidence in them that
we give an Iron clad guarantee with a
W OO order.
lent anywhere In plnln package, $1 00
r Ikx, 0 boxes for V 00. Hook free.
Douglas was elected coun'y attorney over
J J Carlln, tho candijatc- of the tusionlsts. , MA
Popocratic Patriots in tho Dumps Over the
Result of Election!.
Fred Jewell Insists That lie Can
Count the Hoirrniir In ami Tlutt
ItnU'lnl I'luurr. Will Mum
ll- In IIIkIK.
LINCOLN, Nov. f' (Special.) The polltl
cal friends of Oovenor Poynter In this city
havu announced positively that .they will
not concede the election of f'hurles II. Ulct
rich until the ofllclal vote Is canvassed und
It Is shown that he has n majority over
their own candidate. Secretary Fred Jewell
claims to havo discovered errors In the
returns published In the nowspapers and
Insists that the ofllclnl and final count will
show that Poynter ban won by a plurality
of from 400 to 1,100 votes. Chalrmnn VM
rnlstcn and it corps of assistants are still
at work tabulating figures at headquartors,
hut Instead of making claims, he privately
admits to associates that he has no In
formation which Indicates that any of the
fuslnu candidates fur state unices were
elected or that there will be n fusion ma
jority In the legislature. At tho stato house
It Is now generally admitted that the
fustonlsts aru left without any of the state
offices. Many of the state homo employes
were expecting appointments, but they hav
given up hoptj and without an exception
they have declared that politics Is un
profitable, business.
Tho ofllclal vote will ho canvassed at the
state house on November 19. Returns from
ten counties were received at the secretary
of state's olllcu today and It Is expected that
most of the state will bo heard from by
Saturday evening. If tho county clerks fol
low the Instructions of the secretary of state
they will forwatd a duplieato abstract of the
vote, to be opened when received. The
ofllclal returns cannot ho opened until Ihe
cnnvuhtlng hoard meets, but the duplicate
returns may be opened at nuy time, coun
ties heard from today nro Keith. Stanton,
Ornnt. Jolinton, Thurston, Sarpy, Phelps,
Dundy, (larfleld and Snunders. Tho llgurcs
contained tn the duplicate returns from
these counties do not differ materially from
thoso printed In Tho Ilee.
Orllllcute of Klectton.
Certificates of election of tho following
legislative candidates have been (lied with
tho secrolary of stato:
Sixty-third District neprescntatlvo C.
O Olson (rep).
Fifth District 8enator Cleorge W. Mori-
dlth, float, (dem).
Ninth District Itopresentatlve Claus
Orcll (dem).
Thirteenth District Senator Frank
Campbell (fusion).
Twenty-ninth District Representative
Frank Fish (rep).
Thirtieth District Senator Elbrldge B.
Owens (rep).
Fifty-fourth District Representative Or-
rln Reed (pop).
Eleventh District Senator W. W. Young
Seventeenth District Representative
Lewis Smlthbergcr (rep).
Preference for United States senator:
Saunders Rosownter, 771; W. V. Allen,
71; Hitchcock, 44; Ad. P. Smith, 1; John L.
Webster, 2; Tom Majors, 1; M. 11, Reese, 3;
Thurston, 3; Ilryan, 1; Halner, 3; W. H,
Thompson, 1; Molklejohn, 4; D. E. Thomp
son, 6; A. Laverty, 2; scattering, 18.
Stanton Rosowater, 300; AIUj, 37; A. A.
Kearney, 17; Hitchcock. 12; W. W. Young,
5; Ehrhardt, 3; scattering, 25,
Grant Rosewater, 61: Thompson, 4;
Thurston. 2; Hitchcock, 2; Allen, 4; W.
II. Thompson, 1.
Dundy Rosewater, SC; Allen, 42; Hitch
cock, 26; I). E, Thompson, 5; Sutherland,
12; Thurston. 1; Norrls Brown, 2.
rhurston Rosowater, 240; Holcomb, 1;
Hitchcock, 20; Allen. 3; Thurston, 2.
Keith Rosewater, 92; Hitchcock, 13;
Allen, 12; Thompson, 6; Thurston, 1.
Garflleld Rosewater. 92; F. M. Currlo, 1;
Thurston, 2; Hitchcock, 4; Melklejohn, 3;
Allen, 10; D. E. Thompson. 3.
Sarpy Rosewater, 421; Allen, 57; Hitch
cock, 69; Charles flreen, 3; Thompson, 10.
Phelps Rosewater, 386; Allen, 47; Hitch
cock, 20.
Servltius Kitzlnger committed suicide,
this morning by hanging himself at tho
homo ot his daughter, Mrs. Charles Long,
at Stockwell's brickyard. The man had
suffered for several years from a chronic
ailment and It Is belloved that he took
his life to end his sufferings. Ho was 87
yearn old and had lived In Lincoln twenty
In here by local republicans last evening
A monster bonfire was kindled on the main
street of the city and nolfo was rampant In tho third commissioner district, J T,
Hut the republicans nro feeling so decidedly Johnson idem ), was elected comailssloner
good over such an unprecedented victory that ovor O. E. Kendall (rep.).
they do not propose to stop ratifying yet. "
Tomorrow night another big demonstration , J!"" '"'ef Appointed,
will be Indulged In. Tho band has been 1 , HASTINGS, Neb.. Nov. 9.-(Spcclal.)-
socurcd, all tho noise-producing Instruments Lou rl,l resigned his position yesterday
of. the community will be pressed Into chlp' o ,"llce of Hastings. Mayor
terv ce and n tiroeram of "whooti 'or un" . " ipuiuieu uun oauter 10 nn
features dab been provided. I
I'lnu 'llu Cclplirnllon.
YORK, Neb.. Nov. P. (Special.) York
county will ratify tho republican success
all day Saturday and Saturday night ot
this week by roasting nn ox and having
good speeches by prominent speakers. Yorrt
county, under the elllclent leadership ot
Chairman Mcf'loud anil his able assistants,
did noble work and have reason to rejoice
over the su.-cess ami lnerciso In York
county's vote. About $200 was raised at
Wednesday night 't meeting to pay expenses
of the ratification. The money donated
was part of tho fusion money bet and lost
to republicans.
tho vacancy. Mr. Wanrer held this position
four or five years ago.
Moms. utility.
HARRISON. Nib.. Nov. (Special Tele
gram.) Sioux county, ofllclal, gives: McKln
ley, 199, Ilryan, 217; Dietrich. ISO; Poyn
ter, 2)9; Savage, 175; (lllbert, 243; Marsh,
177: Svoboda, 244; Weston, 170; Orless, 2tJ;
Stuefcr, 178; Howard, 243; Fowler, 172;
Deck, 241; Prout, 177; Oldham. 244; Foil
mer, 177: Corey, 243. Congressman : Kin
kald, 177; Neville, 241. Preference for sena
tor: Rosewater, 91. Stato senator: John E.
Vnn Ilosklrk (rep.). 173; W. F. Hayward
(fusion), 213. Representative: A. O.
Fisher (rep.). 145; ('. F. Coffee (fusion), 25S.
Mirrltlnn Ciiiinty,
RI'SVII.LE. Neb., Nov. 9. -(Special Tele
gram.) Sheridan county, complete, gives:
McKlnley, 2t, Ilryan, 703; Dietrich, 593;
Poynter, C99, Savage, 575 ; Gilbert, 081;
Marsh, 6SS; Svoboda, C72; Weston, 621;
Grless, 050; Stuefcr, 5S3; Howard, 705;
Fowler. 593; Heck, 694; Prout, 59S; Old
ham, 705; Follmer. 692; Corey. 700; Congressman-
Klnknld, 57S; Neville. 65:1.
State senator Vnn lhisklrk. 611; llnyward.
721. Representative: Charles F. Coffee,
715; Fisher. 529.
Dale for llnlrj int'it'a McetlllK.
GinilON, Neh Nov. 0. (Special. ) Tho
sixteenth annual meeting of tho Ne
braska Dairymen's nssoclatlon will be
held In the dairy building on tho State
University farm, Llnroln, December 18, 19
and 20. Eminent practical dairymen will
present subjects of Interest nnd Import
ance to tho dairy Industry. There will bo
an exhibit of butter nnd cheese for which
liberal premiums will be offered.
Injureil by MdvIiik Car.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) J. J. Hersman, nn employe of tho
Dempster Manufacturing company of this
city, was badly Injured whllo switching
cars In the company's yards by being
squeezed and rolled about six feet between
tho warehouse platform and n boxcar. Mr.
Hersman sustained a fractured arm nnd
several broken ribs.
i'ritln I.rnve Hie Trnck.
ST. EDWARD. Neb., Nov. 9. (Speclnl.)
A wreck delayed tho 3:30 p. m. train on
this branch last night six miles east of
hero for several hours, Tho tender
and baggngo coach left the track and ran
along on the ties and across n brldgo for
fifteen rods, tearing up the tracks as It
went. Tho passengers were, considerably
shaken up.
Wrecked by Open SitKcli.
SUPERIOR, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special.) An
open switch In tho Ilurllngton yards wus
the cause of n wreck yesterday. An engine,
belonging to train No. 66, ran Into the
switch and struck a box car. The car was
wrecked and the englno was rendered uso
less and bos been tnkon to tho Wymore
shops for repairs. No ono was hurt.
(iSKP Conntr Will Celebrate.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Gago county republicans will hold
n grand ratification tomorrow night which
will bo participated In by tho entire county.
Tho official count of Gago county Is pro
ceeding rapidly and will bo completed by
tomorrow noon. The unofficial count will
not be changed materially.
IloiiKlnn Klei'tetl County Attorney.
I1ASSETT. Neb., Nov, 9. (Special.) At
the recent election In this county J. A.
Cn nil I ilit I en Hun Kten Haee.
YORK, Ncb Nov. 9. (Special.) In the
Third supervisor district, which consists of
Brown, Henderson and Hnys townships,
this county. C C. Ncilfeld (rep.) nnd Lewis
Wnlbrecht (dem.) tied, each receiving six-ty-3l.x
Cherry County Hoiul I'ns,
VALENTINE, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special
Telegram.) A proposition to bond Cheirv
county In tho amount of $15,000 for a
county court house was submitted at tho
election Just passed and carried by forty
six majority. .
For n Cold In I lie llentl.
t.yuiuiiNltini at Voire Itauir,
SOUTH BEND, lnd., Nov. 9.-Flre, which
started about 3 o'clock this afternoon In
the gymnasium at the University of Notre
Dame, destroyed the structure. Two alarms
wero sent In, but all tho firemen could tin
was to protect adjoining buildings. The
building was of steel and brick anil was
ono of tho largest college gymnasiums In
thu world. It was erected In IS98 ami 1899
It was largo enough to permit foot ball ant!
baso ball practice, had a track, baths and
In every way was perfectly equipped. While
tho flames wero still raging tho university
trustees held a session and voted to re
place tho structure with nndthcr gymnasium.
Tho loss Is about $20,000. with Insurance
for full amount. Origin of flro unknown.
Ilnrn Hi V more.
WYMORE, Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special.)
Fire broke out In a barn located near the
elevator of the Central Granaries company
and Just back of tho big Stevens lively
barn at 6 o'clock this morning and for a
half hour It looked as though a big fire
could not possibly be averted, as thero was
no water pressure. However, by hard work
the flro was confined to tho barn, whlrh
burned to the ground.
Tells How Peruna Restored His Health.
Captain R, E. Tull, well-known In Chesaneako Bay nnd all along out
Atlantic coast, Is a man ot splendid phjslque and now excellent health, II
Is also a friend of Peruna.
Aruoig the many things which h has said about the world-famous ca
tarrh remedy, Peruns, may b cited Ihe following letter written from Nor
folk. Va , to The Peruna Medicine Company, of Columbus, Ohio
"After stilViTnu for years with cat.iirliu ami bronchial
trouble, 1 advised hy u frieml to use Peruna, mul after the
use of one hottle I was relieved of my trouble. 1 take pleasure
nnd feet it is tn iluty to recomtuci cl this n mei'y to nil fellow
sutVerers. I etiiles elni nn absolute euro for catarrh, It is one
of the best of tonics." K. I'.. 'l l'LL,
Sleeker Sugar Itellnery,
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 9. Tho Meeker
sugar refinery at Meeker, eighteen miles
from Alexandria, was destroyed by flro
today. Loss, $200,000; Insurance $140,000.
As an external application to heal cuts,
wounds, bruises and like Injuries there Is
nothing so good as Chamberlain's l'aln
Balm. It causes the parts to heal without
maturation and In one-third tho tlmo ro
quired by the old fashioned treatment.
I'liyliiK n I'rruk Klrctlon llet.
DEADWOOD, S. D Nov. 9. (Special.) -A
unique election wager Is being carried
out In this city. .Miss Mario Knowies,
daughter of Freeman Knowies, ex-cotigrcbs-man,
wagered with a young man that In
case of McKlnley's election, sho would
walk from tho city hall to tho Bullock
hotel every day for a week, wearing a frock
coat und silk hat. In case ot Bryan's elec
tion, tho young man was to wcar her
Jacket and summer hut, walking the same
distance the samo number of days. Miss
Knowies Intends to carry out her part of
the wager.
Tho life of the hen captain especially ex- ' Its onset may be gradual. Its develop
poses him to catarrhal ailments. Day and mrnt Insidious, nnd at last the victim 11 nib
night he Is exposed lo tho fiercest gales himself In the clutches of u tenactous eMa
il ml storms. ease.
A slight cold, a tendency to sneeze, n
is the first
month of the
inter c.itarrii seiisou. Catarrh ot
the heavl anil uiturrh of the throat
are pre vu'dit itiirmu this month.
At the appearance of the s Subtest
NJr nluua r f mnn imtirnKi if n mnrit 111
v,in t t.. i. ..... it,.,.,, PUlllncss lu the nose, stringy mucous In
when n cold hHs' thoroui-hlv settled ,ho l!,,ont.' s,lht cm,Rh or "h.-czlness- hy ,,. ptoni of Co il, Perillla slu.UlU be
in head, throat or lungs, but a proper use "V,1' or these symptoms should he re- tieu. 1 Ins will prevent n lonK
of Peruna prevents them from taking those ";'!''' " n wimilim. iiieuc ot he.ul mu tliront catarrh,
co,d8 What can bo cured In the beginning In which iiiav I ist all winter ami per-
" a week or two, by using Peruna. If nllowed Imps a lifetiiu..
( nptaln mil has commanded some of tho ,,, IPCOmP chronic, may require months of -a stu. ii tn time saves nine." One hot-
iniKeni vesscia mill cross me Aiinntic, faithful treatment.
and Is personally known to thousands ot Peruna Is tho remedy for Mich rases: nl
people who have met him nn board of ves- ! mPHt everybody knows that by hearsay,
sels. He Is now cnptaln of tho big Chesa- mj thousands know It by blessed expert
peako Hay steamer Norfolk. . utlPL..
Chronic catarrh often makes Its approach You had better take Peruna now, for
In disguise. Before a person knows It he by nnd by you may be obliged to take It
may become a victim of chronic catarrh. a long t'me in order to get well.
He of IVruna tnltin nt the onset of catnrrli
is worth !'s weight in gold to tiny man or
woman Thero au no tuhstltutcH for Pe
runa. Peruna has been Dr. Hartman's only
remedy for catarrh for the last forty years.
Address The Pernn.i Mtdlclim Co., Col
umbus, O , for n free copy of their new
iiitarrh book.
Perumi has been endorsed by over 50,000 prominent citizens of the United
States, including the following prominent persons :
neautlful Lnkra, riacltl Itlrern and
I.ofty MountaltiH.
abound In tho region traversed by tho Le
high Valley railroad between Chicago nnd
New York and Philadelphia ' via Niagara
Falls and Buffalo.
Stnnley County.
PIERRE, S. D Nov. 9. (Special Tele
gramsReturns from eight prcclpcts out of
thirteen In Stanley county glvo n majority
of 8 for McKlnley. Tho county will go for
fusion on stato and county tickets. Tho
Legislative ticket will be republican house
member and fusion senator. Sully county
gives ubout 140 majority for McKlnley nnd
republican state ticket and republican bouse
member. County ticket all fusion.
I'artlnlaiiK at Hartley Quarrel
Kml the Illaputc rrlth Fist
and Knlven.
Address, I'kai. Mbdicinb Co., Clevc
I Innd, Ohio.
Bold by Kuhn ft Co,, and Douglas,
ami J a, iniuer & ic. iitr. auu uougias
Geo. 8. Scally of 76 Nassau St., New York,
s.iys: "For yetira I have been troublod with
rheumatism and dyspupsla and I eame to
tho conclusion tn try your pills, I Imma
dlately fsund grout relief from their me;
I feel like a now man since I commenced
taking thrm, and would not now be without
them. Tho drowiy, slrupy feeling 1 uimi to
linvo lufl entirely rihutppenrod, The dys
pepsia ha left me und my rhaumatUm Is
Kiine entirely I am sutlsfled If any one so
filleted will glvo Railways Pills a tilat
they will surely cure them, for I bollcvn It
II comes from the system being out or
order- the liver not doing Its work."
BARTLEY, Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) S. C. Wolfe's restaurant furnished
a (juarrel this afternoon which may result i
fatally. Jacob Kern, tho B. & M. section
boss, and Luther Bush had a few words .
over politics and went outside to settle .
their differences. Bush had one arm dls- I
nbled by a broken bone, but made up tho j
deficiency with a knife, which ho used freely, )
Inlllntlug several serious wounds on Kern,
ono barely missing tho heart and penetrat
ing tho left lung, which may provo fatal.
cure all Disorders of the Stomach. IJowels,
JJ.'.dn8yJ: . M'ii,,(,;f. DUzlness. Ctntlvnes.
Plies. 8lck Headache. Fomule Complaints,
Ittllousne', Ilidlxeatlon, Constipation uiui
all disorders of the Liver: '.'5c per box t
DrugfUia or by mall. Radway & Co.. r,5
Elm Street. N. T Be wre to get "find
way's" and so that the name Is on what
you buy.
Cook's UuclipM Tain! reMieccifull,
used monthly byiiTcr 10.000 ladies. Price,
til, Hy mail, $1.08. bond 4 cents for
'MTntu and particulars. ThsOookCo..
V l I . iMmit. llch.
M In Omaha y Kv ba X., U Douflaa,
Shunts from Anilinsh.
TECUMSEH, Nob., Nov. 9. (Special.)
William Madden, a youug man who resides
near Crab Orchard, has been shot at twice I
within thu last wcok. Mr. Madden Is a
member of tho band at Crab Orchard, nnd, as
ho was returning homo after band practlco
Thursday night last somo ono fired nt htm
from behind a hedge fenco and escaped In (
tho darkness before his identity could bo
learned. The offense was repeated Sunday
night, Mr. Madden's assailant firing nt him
from nmbush again and again evading
Identification. The shot fired Thursday night
missed Mr. Madden entirely, but Sunday
night tho bullet punctured his hat and i
barely missed his head. :
I'nylnu llleetlim llelo,
WYMORE, Neb.. Nov. 0. (Special.) In !
payment of a freak election bet Joseph
Women who work
Thes Letters Prove that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Makes Women Strong.
Two Letters from Mrs Costa
" Dkau Mkh. I'inkiiam : I luive decided to write
and ask your advice in my case. I liave been sick
oft anil on for about eighteen years and have been
dootoring with different doctors, also been to the
hospltul but got no relief. I urn at present in bed
with womb disease. I hope through you to find
relief." Mns. L. Costa, llroderick, Cal., Septem
ber 21, 1899.
" Dhaii Mns. Pinkiiam : I more than thank vou
for tho advice given me in your llrst letter. I used Lydia
K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound and it did me more
r good than all the doctors. I nm now a well wo-
y man and am able to do all my work and rest well
r at night. Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Com
y pound is tho best in the world." Mns. L. Costa,
r Ilroderick, Cal., August 1, 1809.
E Two Letters from Mrs. Markert
ijkaii .miis. ri.viciiAM : i nave learlul pain in
lower bowels so I can neither stand or walk. I
have a burning pain in right side of bowels and
have pnin when I lie down. Menstruation is very
painful and lias always been ; am also troubled
with Icucorrhteu, pain in small of back and at
times stinging pain in chest. Would like yonr
advicu in regard to my troubles." Mrs, Minnik
MAitKintT, 10(1 .Summit Ave., Iloboken, N. J., May
3, 1S99.
" Dkau Mm. Pinkiiam : I was very sick when
I wrote to you two months ago. The doctors
Senor Quesnda, of the Cuban Lega
tion, of Washington, D. C.
Booker T. Washington, of Tuskegee,
Belva A. Lockwood, 619 "F,f St., N.
W., Washington, D. C.
Senutor Stephen R. Mallory, of Pen
sacola. Fla.
Ex-Chief Justice William C. Cham
bers, of Washington, D. C.
Congressman H. W. Ogden, from
Benton, La,
Governor Joseph J. Johnston, of
Montgomery, Ala.
Major General Joseph Wheeler, of
Wheeler, Ala.
Governor G. W. Atkinson, of W. Va.
Ex-Governor P. B. S. Pinchback, of
Senator W. N. Roach, from North
Jndson W. Lyons, Register of the U.
S. Treasury, of Washington, D. C.
Hon. H. G. Worthington, ex-Minister
from Argentine Republic, of Wash
ington, D. C.
Congressman Amos J. Cu minings,
from New York.
Governor W. M. Lord, of Oregon.
Hon. S. Smithmcyer, Architect of
the Congressional Library, Washing
ton, D. C.
Hal. P. Denton, Chief National Ex
port Exposition, of Philadelphia, Pa.
Stuin. a blacksmith of this city, sat In it i r said I liadinlhimmutlon of tlie womb nnd ovarii'
big arm chair on top of a Main street It v
cry barn for two hours today and at In
tervals of flvo minutes yelled for William
McKluley. Tho wind was cold, but It did
not keep awaj a crowd of Stein's political
opponents, who had much fun with him In
his uncomfortable position. Had Ilryan
been elected James Olles, tho liveryman,
would havo been seen In Stein's role.
Mrs. William Hamilton, a Ilryan sup
porter, will do the family washing of hor
lepubllrnn nolghbor today as tho result of
nn election wager.
1'rriiKint t'lmrlly Hull.
I'ltRMONT, Neb., Nov. . (Spt:lol.) Tho
annual ball ot the Fremont Ch.trliy club i
was given last night At Masonic hall, which
was tastefully decorated for tho occasion.
Tho color scheme was pink. Tho windows
wero hung with that color and all the
lights thrown through pint: shades. Music
was furnished by I'lambeck's orchestra,
which was stationed behind a screen of
palms and pink chrysanthemums. Itefresh
ments wero served In the 1'rcmont club
rooms, Tho walls of the large hall were
hung with an artistic display of posters.
Over 00 guests enjoyed the occasion,
Treunisrli Itrpulilleiin CrlrbrMle.
TKCUMSKH, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special.)
A bis ratifying demonstration waa indulged.
I was in biieh pain that I eould not walk, stand
r or sleep. I huvo now taken six bottles of Vege-
l'il,l. I'.iiimtiniiil. ttn luiv ,lf l.llnt l'llla nt,l ..c.wl
-( ....... ....w -, until
three paokuge.s of Stumtlvo; also followed
your advice in regard to other things anil am
feeling perfectly well and can do all ruv work."
Mns. Minnik Maiikuut, 100 Summit Ave,, Iloboken, rjCt
N. J., June 2t, 1801. 23
Can Work All Day
" The doctor said my nerves were wenk, blood im
pure. Was troubled witli hands und feet swelling.
also had lemwrhu'u. 1 have taken six bottles of Vegetable Compound
nnd feel well once more. 1 have gained twenty-seven pounds and nm
able to work all day in tho store nntl do not. fWi l
t at niglit." I'ktka M. Loya, earu of L. Woifson, jjan Antonio, Texas.
Every woman knows some woman helped by
ll bkkiiiii)tiAWhii lAsil ili - YikiWi ihit k)niii li b a 1 a I T
Ifwff ill- i l wmmm
1 mi 1 1 p -4 w
m in i
1 .
Never mind who Is president, If you can only get nn IHIKII
GIKL. you will havo something to ho hapov for
"Those who Luy It once, buy It fefur,tiy afterwards '
"No man over gut It and romptnlnctl "
"There nevr was a better for the pile of ten ornt
"The HUSH OIKI. (iOAIl ileservcM nil thi- pr.ilsr it ir-is
It Is Cuban H ind Made. The tnlmcros i.seil arc the tli est
nf Old Vculla llnvnnu. Th se t dmics wei-f. pun h.ise.l b
fun. the Spanish .Hid u ktiow thl in 1 1 r mpi rl r '
rneent crops Sold by .ill nrst-iiass ig tr h xmu 1 ili-rs
got them from
hmm brra Tavd thn CRAXD
I'KIX In oumpttiltii rrllh all
other Aanerloaa blnynle at tba
Paris Exposition.
Th UllAND PRIX la. x Its nam ale
nlCaa, thr Grand frlte the high
est award, Oilier bicycles wr
awarded goid, silver and bronio
moduls and "honorable mention,"
but thttro was only one grand
prUa and taa Columbia won It.
Tha Bicycle has
peon In muny
industrial ax
... ... positions and
It haa never failed to win nrat
place whenever and wherovor
Uit'li i ' ben md8 ccord
Nebraska Cycle Ca,, gsW
uraina dicycis uo,, SX"
Distributors. Omaha, Neb.
hi "i'V fcrfl lf:i
A Splendid
Wholesale Location
The building formerly occupied bj The Bee at
Old Faruam street will be vacant November 1st.
It ban four Htories and a basement, which wa
formerly used as The Hoe press room. This will
be rented very reasonably. If inferented, apply ,
at once to 0. C. KoHewater, Secretary, liooia 100
Bee Building.
Acta aa a Tonlo and Stopa Hair fram Falllag
Oul, Curf Dandruff, Urlttla Hair, ltca
lUK and all Scalp Traublas,
Guaranteed to Cure
When all other remedies have ailed
or numty refunded.
Bold everywhere. Eafe, Sura, Kallabla
Trratlae on Hair and Bcalp troubles frat.
A. R. IIULiaiUR CO., - Chteaca.
Far lala fcr
Kherman & M i onnell Uruc CC,
Mytra-lJtlluii Jjrua Co.,
11. A. Dillon. South Umuha.
I'rtiilc Miiiplli'il liy
M. Monnelt llulr lluzuar.
A. 1,. Undelanil,
Klchardiini' jrit Cu.
Pennyroyal, pills
9 vr.-v Urlrlnal cad llalr IJfnnli...
W-f .'i.ixshxrr.. i.Mr.iuii i..ii-, i,,i.t
ioi riiirn rjo i..ui.imii
a M'.O r.l liulil m.iillli tur, .l,4
Hn. rl,. l ull' no ulhrr. llrTit
lliimtrrnuft HubtltHtlii umJ Imlta.
lWfl. liojf ftf yur llrnfi 1,1 rnl4. la
hum ht I'artlriilara. '1'tallm.uilall
tud "ItrlUr Tnr l,allr.''in I'llrr, ra
turr, Mali. in.OOIIi KuMki
'.- i nrttilcai
M..U... , J'IIIIm I'jH
Uiui li(li for unnaliiriil
ill.rhirtrj, Innamuiatium,
IrnUllom or ulraratinnl
of in u cull a P9mbrana
I'Klnl'.i, anit aitrin.
ItHtEvvisCHtMi'-uRo. 'n " vtmn.
, C'NeiNHTI,0,praJ 7 "rniraiau.
w aaaaaikv m al ai ia ,.r k,.
aBBBaaaallP. H lilfcumr aafit ub rmti.'ii,
geady November First, Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
lor ciurIis, cold,
und throat dliciu
I ft