Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim C7MAHA Daily Dee
B IlOSKWATEIlj Editor.
Dally Heo (without Sunday), One lear.M.M
Dally Heo and Sunday, one Ynr I.W
HUstrated liiu, one Veur 222
Hunday Uee, On? year J-W
Haturuay Uee, One Year LM
Weekly Bee, Ono Year
Omaha: The Hoc Building.
, South Omaha City Hall Building, Twen-ty-llfth
and N Streets
Council Bluffs. 10 Pearl Street.
UiituKo: 16 w Unity Building.
N-w York. Tempi Court.
Washington: Ml Fourteenth Street.
Hloui Ciiyi fill Park Btrect.
Communications rotating to news nnd cll
torla! matter should bo addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
nualnrn.i tetter and remittance should
bo addron.sqd: The Uee Publtahins Com
pany, omuha.
Hemlt Hy draft. express or postal order,
payable to The heo 1'uhllnhlnK Company.
Only 2-cent stamps nccenf-d In payment or
mui nccountn. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or Eastern exch:iriKs. not arccvica.
Rtnte of Nebraska. Doug us County, n.t
Oeorpo 15. Tzwchuck. secretary of Tha Ba
Publishing Company, belns duly sworn,
i-nys that the acttiul number oi full ant
omplctn copies of The Dally. Mornlnif,
Evening and Sunday Uee nrlnted during tno
month of October, lono, was no follows:
1 27,T10
2 7,ltlO
it ss.jiai
4 27,010
i 2s,.-.ou
t ST.1MM)
7 -7,1 10
9 ".T.oSO
10 Sir, 111
II S7..-.S0
12 Sir.iirO
13 l!7,lail
14 211,7211
15 27, 100
23 2S.7IMI
J4 20.0.10
:n .to.ono
', :in,:wo
r, :io. mo
2 2H. i:tn
29 :m,i:n
M '. 110,770
at no.nso
IS 27.U70
Total SH'J.Tin
Less unfold and returned copies,,.. ll.Nll
Not total snles .870.K7S
Net djlly average aH.iHrta
Subscribed tn my presence and sworn to
before me this llrst day of November. A.
V., 190). M. B. HUNGATB,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
The bnttlo of 1000 lina pnaactl Into
Tho campaign for Omaha's progress
nd prosperity never stops.
You will have to depend on Tho Bee
If you want correct election returns.
Tho election returns offer a much
nafcr proposition than Bryan's prophe
cies. Tho game of foot tjatt will wow tiavo a
chance to occupy a top pluco on tho
The chances are gooa mat sovern!
popocratlc fakirs with clastic Imagina
tions will soon be hunting Jobs.
Omaha challenges St. Joseph to test
tho population llgures by tho election
returns. St. Joseph dare not nccept the
As If preparing for Una) collapse; our
amlublo popocratlc Contemporary re
marks on the morning of election dny:
"Tho Lord loves a cheerful loser."
In addition to the vast sums In the
national banks of Nebraska there is on
deposit lu tho state banks 5-0,805,Q84.
Ncbrasku people are doing quite well.
The force of habit is so strong that It
Is hardly to be expected that democratic
papers can fall Into tho way of telling
tho truth Immediately after election.'
Tho spectacle of a sheriff hiding to
evade servico of nn order of court,
whoso orders ho Is himself sworn to
enforce, Is reserved for tho present
fusion Incumbent In Douglas county.
The English have Invited the Chinese
to resume the government of Manchu
ria at once. As the end of the poker Is
in the Russian fire, tho Ohinaman Is
not likely to make any serious effort
to grab It.
Russia also tights shy of the third
clause of tho Anglo-German agreement
regarding Ghlua. Tho powers all pro
tend to be opposed to any division of
Ohlna, but do not care to bury tho carv
tng knife 'bo deep that it cannot be
found lu case there Is something to
pass around.
Tho queen of Portugal has demon
strated that royalty can mako Itself
useful If given a chance. Her boatman
was dumped Into the water and was
Ukoly to drown, when tho queen
plunged Into tho surf and rescued him.
It Isn't every follow who Is lucky
enough to have a queen haudy when ho
falls into the water.
The weather man has made himself
solid with the politicians by serving up
one of his best brands for election day.
If ho will only bold his grip for a few
days and givo people who have been
putting off moving until the head of
tho bouse could cast his vote he can
provide against trouble in case tho
.women ever get a vote.
The auditorium project has had an
excellent start nnd can be pushed to
ucccssful fruition before the building
season arrives If tho proper action Is
taken by tho committee, which con
slsts of some of Omaha's most pushing
and enterprising citizens, and their ef
forts should be seconded by every man
woman and child tn tho community;
Tho Cuban constitutional convention
was opened amid scenes of the greatest
enthusiasm and evidences of a dlsposl
tlon among the delegates to work bur
monlously toward the accomplishment
of. the object for which they have as
tmbled. .If they tto their work well
nnd proceed to build on the foundation
laid a government of order, In which
tho rights of all (.hall bo recognized and
protected, no one will have causo to
regret tho sacrifices made to relieve
tbciu of tho Spanish lncubui.
Tno Intelligence, the Integrity nud the
patriotism of tho American people linve
triumphed. Tho re-electlou of William
McKlnley attests tlio satisfaction of a
mujority of the people with the Indus'
trial and business condition!) that have
prevailed under a republican adminis
tration and their desire for a continu
ance of thoso conditions. It reaffirms
the populur demand for a sound and
stable currency nnd for the maintenance
of the llnanclal credit and honor of the
nation. It demonstrates that a majority
of our people Is not In sympathy with
appeals to class prejudice, with assaults
on tho Judiciary nnd with the fostering
of discontent and dissatisfaction.
The rebuke to Uryanlsm Is over
whelming. To the political fortunes of
br.vnn himself his defeat must prove
disastrous. It seems hardly possible
that he can ever again secure a nomina
tion for tho presidency or even be per
mitted to assume political leadership,
since he can n6ver entirely free himself
from the Btlgmn of the unpatriotic and
dangerous teaching which for four
years ho has been Imparting. Ills
record us a reckless agitator cannot be
effaced and the party that should here
after make him Its leader would Invite
Inevitable defeat. No party can be
successful In this country which stands
for principles and policies hostile to na
tional integrity and national honor, as
does tho Hryanlte party.
Republican victory means a continu
ance of the conditions which have given
the country prosperity and a stimulus
to enlarge Investments nnd new enter
prises. It means the strengthening oi'
llnanclal confidence. It means further
Industrial nnd commercial development.
It meuus greater prestige and Inllueucc
abroad. It means n policy In respect
to our new possessions tluit will bes',
conserve the welfare of their people
and safegunrd American Interests.
It Is u glorious triumph for national
honor and patriotism and a splendid
tribute to William McKlnley.
Experience, has shown that It takes
two and sometimes three days for the
people of Nebraska to secure complete
returns of their election. This Is due
to tho fact that many of tho election
precincts nro entirely without communi
cation by telegraph or telcphono and
some of them without mall facilities.
In a presidential year, with a large
nnd complicated ballot nnd an unusual
number of olliccs to fill, tho work of
tho canvassing boards Is necessarily
protracted and delayed. Should the
election bo closo tho result cannot be
accurately anuouueed until the complete
returns are nt hand, although by sta
tistical comparisons, based on the per
centage of gains and losses, as tested
by the figures of former years, sub
stantial estimates can bo niado for the
entire state when one-third of tho pre
cincts arc heard from.
In view of all these facts nud the In-
tcuHe interest bearlug on the outcome
in Nebraska, the people uro admonished
lu advance to be patient. Great Im
provements have been made In the In
troduction of the Australian ballot and
the erection of safeguards to Insure the
secrecy of the ballot, but tho problem of
the count has yet to be solved in tills
as well as In many other states.
For tho present patience Is .the only
rellnblo prescription.
Ono of tho subjects which congress
will probubly tako up immediately
uftcr the opening of the second session
next mouth Is that of the merchant
marine, for the promotion of which n
bill is pending, President McKlnley re
ferred to this matter In his letter of ac
ceptance, pointing out that 01 per cent
of our exports and imparts are now
carried by foreign ships nnd that we
pay annually to foreign ship owners
over $100,000,000. He said: "Wo ought
to own tho ships for our carrying trade
with tho world and wo ought to build
them In American ship yards nnd man
them with American sailors. Our owu
citizens should receive the transports
tlon charges now paid to foreigners."
Ho reiterated tho views contained in
his last annual message, lu which he
said that our national development
will bo one-sided and unsatisfactory so
long as tho remarkable growth of our
Inland Industries remains unaccom
panied by progress on tho scbb. He dc
clarcd that wu shall fall to reall.e our
opportunities if wo complacently re
gard only matters at home and blind
ourselves to tho necessity of securing
our share of tho valuable carrying
triido of the world.
This Is purely a business question
and should be considered solely from u
practical Ht midpoint. Shall we continue
to be dependent upon foreign ship own
era for ocean transportation, paying
them nu enormous sum annually fur
that service, or shall we build up
merchant mnrluc equal to the demands
of our foreign commerce and keep at
homo the nearly two hundred millions
of dollars that now go abroad In pay
mcnt for transportation? Another Con
stdcratlou rolutes to tho disadvantage
at which we are placed In the competl
tlon for trade by reason of our depend
ence upon foreign ship owners. This
has been conspicuously shown In the
South American trade nml there Is
reason to expect that It would be no
less manifest In connection with the
Asiatic trade, If we continue to depend
upon foreign snips for carrying our
products to thoso mnrlcets.
The bill In congress proposes to en
courago the building 6f an ocean ma
rluo by the payment of bounties, tho
only way In which the desired result
can be nttalncd, unless tho free ship
policy bo 'adopted. That policy would
perhaps, give us tho required shipping
but It would not give us the great ship
building Industry that the other plan
would create. That Industry, nlready
extensive, would bo vastly Increased
under tho operation of such lpglslntlon
as Is proposed, giving employment to
a very large amount of capital and
labor. We ought to have this Industry.
With every resource for ship building.
there Is no reason why we should not
levolop the Industry to as large or
larger proportions than that of the
United Kingdom, to which it Is a great
source of wealth. Tho probability Is
that the bounty bill, which has been
ery carefully drawn, will be passed
early in tlio session, as there is no
doubt a majority lu both the senate nml
house that favors It.
he convention to frame a constitu
tion for an Independent Cuban govern
ment assembled In Havana Monday.
dispatch from Governor General
ood states that perfect harmony pre-
lied at the odcuIul' and that there
us great enthusiasm nnd cheering for
United States. This Is gratifying
and shows thnt tho reports which have
come from Cuba of a strong hostile
lellng there toward the United States
ore exaggerated. Some of tho poli
ticians' undoubtedly have been dls-
tlstlcd with American occupation and
have been industriously endeavoring to
:rcato populnr sentiment ugalnst the
erclso of American authority, but It
now shown that they have not been
;ely successful. Tho more Intelligent
the people, It appears, appreciate
hat has been done for them by the
tilted States and are not disturbed by
the presence of n small military force1
inch is Blmply performing police duty
nnd does not Interfere with tho affairs
the people or In any respect oppress
It Is the understanding thnt the de
liberations of tho constitutional cou-
ntion will be largely In secret, ex
cept for the presencu of a few specta
tors to be admitted by, card. How long
time will be required to complete Its
ork can, of course, only be conjec
tured, but It would seem that two or
three weeks should be eulllclent. Tlio
Idea seems to bo to put nn Independent
government lui operation at the begin
ning of next year and as tho constitu
tion to be framed must bo submitted to
tho vote of the people, tho convention,
Is to be presumed, will push Its work
as rapidly us posslblo without slighting
any of it. The constitution will proba
bly bo to a considerable extent mod-
iled upon that of tho United States, and
1th that admirable Instrument before
them the representatives of tho Cuban
people can hurdly ilnd tho duty of
framing n constitution a dllllcult ono.
W Idle tho Cuhau people uro more or
less dependent upon tho United States
for their future form of government,
we are not disposed to give any cred
ence to reports of n purpose on tho
pnrt of our government to insist upon
conditions which would not bo compnti
ble with Cuba's Independence As the
United States will bo responsible for
the future security of tho lslnnd, the
Cuban people ought to be willing to
make nny fair nnd rcnsouablc conces
sions to this country that may bo asked,
but It would be unreasonable to expect
them to allow us to maintain forts and
garrisons In tho Island, as it has been
said Is Intended, nud to Insist upon
doing so would bo to Impose a restric
tion upon Cubnn Independence which
wo do not think the American people
would approve.
Tho United States is nledsed to let
Cuba havo complete Independence and
It cannot honorably demand or exact
unythlng of tho Cuban people that
would placo the least restriction unon
their Independence. Wc do not bellevo
thero Is nny Intention or desire to do so.
A London correspondent, referring to
the decline In Britain's naval strength,
eaya thero arc five causes which have
contributed to it. These are that the
naval program for men, ships nnd ma
terial Is Insufficient, tho program pro
posed by the responsible minister and
sanctioned by Parliament as the least
compatlblo with safety hns not been
curried out, tho work of nuval construc
tion has been so delayed that tho ships
building will be obsolcto before they
nro completed, other nations have sue
cossfully increased their program of nn
Tl construction, thus still further di
minishing Brltnln's relntlvo strength.
nud finally a new and resolute clnlmnnt
for sea power Germany hns arisen.
Tho correspondent says: "Tho unlvcr
sal untipathy of tho German people to
ward England has already found cx
presslon In tho doubling of their fleet
Within u few months tho Reichstag will
again be asked to Increase tho German
fleet by DO per cent A Germnn combi
nation with Prance and Russia Is not
outsldo tho region of practical politics.
The three powers nlreudy combined to
exert pressure on Japan may do tho
sumo against England tomorrow." It
Is something of a surprise to. read of
Britain's decline In navnl strength und
yet when tho great strain which tho
South African wnr hns Imposed upon
tho government Is considered, It does
not appear remarkable that there has
been somo abatement of enro for the
navy. It Is to bo expected, however,
that there will be u change from this
under a reorganized ministry, now being
effected, for It Is not to be supposed that
Great Britain will abandon the policy
of maintaining her navul supremacy
As to any danger of a European combl
nation against England, u appears ex
tremely remote. Them seems to be tho
most cordial friendship between Ger
many nnd Grent Brltnln, so far as the
governments aru coucemed, uotwlth
standing tho fnct that tho German peo
pie nro quite generally unfriendly to the
British. Thero Is nothing to Indlcute
that Englaud lias need to fenr n hostile
Europenu alliance.
Prom n local standpoint the political
cnmpalgu Just closed has been remark
able In several respects, chief among
which Is the uon-lntcrruptlon of bust
ucss. Omaha's manufacturing estab
llshments havo gone right nlong turning
out goods and Its mercantile houses
have continued selling their wares as If
nothing unusuul were occupying the
public mind, One single business
house In this city which did ?100,000
worth of business in October, 1800, did
5150,000 worth of business In October,
1000. Thjs may be exceptional, but all
lines of trade have shown moro vigor
nnd steady gains. Omaha is Hiiro to
go constantly forward while Its mer
chants and manufacturers are nblo to
make such gratifying exhibits.
:'ho ship on which President Kruger
enroute to Kuropo Is to bo held at
Port Said until the Dutch government
can deckle what Is best to do with him.
Long range sympathy Is n tine thing in
s way and usually one of the most
lentlful of articles, but when It comes
doing somethlmr tangible that Is an
other story. Oom Paul should box up
his big pipe and ship his herd of cattle
the prairies of tho west, where he
111 find people who will not bo nfrald
receive him.
The Interstate Commerce commission
has set n dato for the hearing of the
Norfolk rate case. Perhaps the State
Board of Transportation can show some
signs of life now thnt the members and
tho secretaries have finished their cam
paign work. It will bo necessary to
convince the legislature that an uppro-
prlntlon to pay salaries Is advisable.
flomr Connotation In This.
Detroit Tree Press.
What's belter still, wo shan't have to go
through It again for four years.
A Favor Writ limtowed.
New York World.
Once In a while a corporation does a
happy thing. The Pullman company, In
tendering a private car to carry Clara
llarton from (lalvcaton to Washington, de
serves tlio thanks of tho country.
Pntrlotlc Hnly .NvRtrctrd.
Ho.ston Qlobo.
Tho fact that tho percentage of tacrcaso
of population In tho United States by re
production hr.s dropped from 32.0G per
cunt in 1820 to 14.82 per cent In 1900, Is
certainly significant In more ways than
Very Hard o l'lrwor.
San Francisco Cull.
Cecil Rhodes Is chagrined, It Is said, bo-
causo ho can expect no very warm recep
tion when ho reaches London. And yet
when ho could havo had tho wnrmcst kind
of a reception from tho Doers ho employed
every means In his power to shun tho
More- Kluli, I,em Fur.
Philadelphia rtocord.
Notwithstanding th activity of tho seal
hunters In DerlnK sea, It Is stated that tho
cutch of seals this season will bo C,000
less than that of last season. Thero lu
HomethtuB. however, In the consideration
that tho fewer the seals tho greater will
be tho supply of salmon and other food
fish In tho waters of Alaska.
Clever Deal of it .Sport.
Loulsvlllo Courler-Journnl.
Sir JThomas Upton cleared a cool S350.-
000 lu tho trifling operation by which ho
put October pork up from $11 to $20 n
barrel. Sir Thomas as a yachtsman has
so far met more than his match in this
country, but u man who cau go to Chi
cago and beat tho best that can bo brought
against him in tho speculative ring must
navo genuino sporting blood in bis veins.
Tho New Yprk Yacht club might mako a
noto of this.
American Competition Abroad.
I'nlladclphla IeclKcr.
Tho Importation of Amorlcun nti1 nlntno
has so greatly affected tho steel making
inuusiry in Scotland that the Scotch rankers
havo reduced thulr prices 15 shillings a
ton within a fortnight. They hopo in this
way to "fully moot tho American compett-
non, dui mo very rac( that they have
had to rc3ort to such heroin
shows tho gain of American steel in the
original nomo of that Industry In a very
graphic fashion, It hai a most Important
bearing on tho nuostlon of
petition which is now agitating the British
metallurgical world.
Senalble llrtrnlntlon of Liquor Troflllc.
Minneapolis Times.
Mrs. Jano Boldon Carre, a prominent
Womai's Christian Temneranco union
worker of Nebraska, has taken tho troublo
to learn something about the army "can
teen" or post exchango and gives it as her
opinion that It is hotter for tho govern
ment through its army ofllcers to regulate
tho supply of liquor to soldiers than to
oncourago tbera in buying It promiscu
ously, as would bo tho effect of tho abo
lition of tho exchange. Mrs. Oarro ob
served tho workings of tho "cantoon" in
Porto Illco rnd her experience has
prompted hor to say: "My opinion is that
better illRclplIno can be maintained nnd
less crime will result when the Quantity
and quality uro regulated by military law
ana it is used by the eoldler when ho is
under tho control of his suporlor officer.
This is tho in anlmous opinion of all Amer
icans in San Juaa."
Yellow Peril U Heal.
Lesllo's Weekly.
Tho potential strength of tho Chinese
and thotr peculiar characteristics, which
havo led them to offor such a challenge to tho
world as thoy havo Just made, aro admlra
bly shown In an article an "China Against
tho World." Tho writer of tho artlclo lived
for years In China, and is woll qualified to
speak with authority. Mr. Walker shows
that China's population Is greater than
that of Russia, Groat Britain, rjcrmany,
Franco, Japan and tha United States com
blncd; that China has a population cap'ahlo
of bearing arms of approximately 100,000,-
000; that In thoso other elements that go
to make up a nation's potontlal strength,
vitality, enduranco, Indlfferenco to discom
forts, ability to subsist on the smallest
ration and to thrlvo amid unsanitary sur
roundings, tho Chinese aro unmatched. Ho
declares that tho Chinese aro not con
quered, but will mako pcaco tn order to
prepare for another lssuo of strength with
the outBldo world and 'that with character
istic patlcnco and persistency thoy will
master the art of nindorn war as they havo
tho problem of handling modern weapons
Hank la Pnnulntlou Aiiiotiur the Na
tion of llir World,
. flunffo Hxpress.
With a population of 76.000,000 tho United
States contains moro Inhabitants than any
other homogeneous country in tho world
except the Russian empire, Including both
European and Asiatic Russia, tho Chinese
omptro and India. Tho European country
which comes nearest to us is Germany,
with about 62,000,000. Yet so great nro tho
opportunities for Individual advancement
here thnt tho United States urnw immi
grants from all other countries and loses
practically nothing by emigration.
Under tho ratio adopted In tha congress
apportionment in 1801, 173.901. the number
of representatives would bo raised as a re
suit of this census to inn present
lumber Is 357, Vhlch Is generally consld
ored too large for tha most effective legis
lative work. The Increase rondo by tho
last apportionment was twenty-four. Con
qipsn probably will not adopt tho ratio of
1691, but will more likely flu up upon a
figure which will keep the bouse as sear
Its present sue as possible.
I2nnuluii of Anierlean Co in in p roc In
the Itlalit Direction.
Now York Tribune.
Full returns of foreign commerce for nine
mcnths give a satisfactory Idea of tho ex
tent to which American commerce Is ex
panding In the right direction. In the early
days this country shipped large quantities
of farm products, but outside of cotton,
grain and live stock thero was Itttlo occu
pation provided for tho people beyond mak
ing goods for homo consumption. Exports
of manufactured goods wero valued at $?S,-
lul.ouo lor the first nine months of IS 3",
and modcrato growths during tho next nlno
years brought an Increaso to I1S1.S07.004 In
1890. Four years under the present admin
istration havo niudo a much moro remark-
iibii. record, thu manufactures sent abroad
being valued at I33S.C7S.243, an Increase of
1153,871.230 over lSDti, whereas the gain for
the preceding nlno ycara was only $S6,70j,
401. Theso figures mean much to all class s
of people, nud It must bo remembered that
such a heavy gain in the valuo of products
sent abroad dqes not lntcrfero with tho
steady growth of manufactures tor use at
homo. Tho unparalleled llgures of tho
current year Indicate that thousands moro
men havo received steady employment at
good wages, and this Increased ability to
purchase tho necessaries of 1 If o menns good
business for storekeepers of all kinds nnd
a better demnnd for tho products of fnrm.
Tho enormous expansion In manufactur
ing Is largely responsible for tho great In
creaso in tho number of concerns In busi
ness, which now I aggrcgato 1,2S5,91$,
against S94.2S1 In 13S7.
Exports of agricultural products this year
wero valued at J194, 126,496, or slightly moro
than half tho total, but much of this now
properly comes under the houd of manu
factures nlno. Formerly this country sent
abroad largo quantities of wheat, but In
rccout years tho profits of milling havo
been largely retained at home, and tho
finished artlclo Bent abroad in tho shape of
flour. Exports of flour have averaged $51,-
000,000 In vuluo for each of the last throe
yours. Similarly under tho heading of oils
tho shipments this year of rellnod petro
leum, lubrlcntlng oils and naptha were
worth 161,022.899, all tho cost of tnnnufac-
turn being retained In this country und only
J5.C7C.C01 worth of crudo oil going abroad.
In tho sunio way exports of wholo animals
In tho live stock class wero valued at only
$23,907,1S5, willo prepared meats. Including
canned, suited, smoked, pickled, etc,, wore
worth $127,14G,614. Although this country
continues to send out three-fourths of Its
raw cotton, oven In that direction thoro are
Blgns of progress, and each year tho num
ber of spindles in operation exceeds all
previous years. Tho growth is moat
noticeable at the south, where tbo
cotton can bo taken from the planta
tion to the mill with least expenno
for transportation. Exports of cotton
manufactures averaged $17,600,000 for each
of tho last two years, and when tho Nlcu-
raguan cnnnl opens quick transportation
to tho far est It will bo still easier to com
pote with European mills, in splto of their
cheap labor.
Another pleasing feature Is that whllo
tho total value of Imports Is less thun it
was ton or twelvo years ago the amount
of raw materials has increased, providing
work for American manufacturers. Tho
bulk of Imports In crudo condition, more
over, is freo of duty. In this class may
bo mentioned for tho first nine months of
1900: Coffee, $11,039,198; furs, $5.O87,90S;
goatskins, $14,950,557! hides, other than
cattle, $10,768,509; India rubber, $21,554,804;
silk. $26,684,397, and tin, $15,281,577. rea
sonable duties on manufactures of these
articles havo developed domestic Indus
tries that wero unknown a few roars ago
and In tho moanwhtlo tho cost to tbo con
sumer has decreased Instead of advanc
ing, as was predicted by opponents of n
protoctlvo tnrlff. Tho largest single
dutlahlo artlclo is sugar, of which $62,938,-
263 worth was Imported, besides $9,169,432
from Hawaii, which Is now on the freo list.
The small tariff on this product Is not felt
by the consumer, who cannot And any fault
with tho present cost of sugar. With tho
nld of state bounties rnther than govern
ment support the production of beet sugar
is slowly Increasing, but tho entire yield
of farms now under cultivation, together
with the cano crop of Louisiana, is In
significant compared with the annual con
sumption of this country, which is apprdx-
lraately 2,000,000 tons.
Tho other largo items of Imports were
$39,418,789 worth of chemicals, of which
$23,105,287 wore freo; fiber manufactures,
$25,673,947; Jowelry, $11,407,265, of which
$2,427,982 wore uncut stones and froe;
manufactures of silk, $23,527,464; tobacco,
$10,568,397; wool, $16,696,445, and manu
factures of wool, $13,207,648.
These returns show that there has been
no decreaso in tho quantity of luxuries
Imported, but tho Improvement lu manu
facturing has cut off this market from for
eign muk'ers of tin plates and other forms
of Iron and steel, whllo American manu
facturers have stendily secured customers
abroad In this ono lino alone until ship
ments for the nine months Just ended wore
valued at $97,313,060 utmost equal to tho
entire exports of manufactured articles In
1897. Tho shipments of Iron and steel
products went to twenty-four different
countries nnd new customers are being so
cured each month.
London, with twenty-eight mayors, would
probably bo willing to loan a tow to othar
cities on application.
Coventor Ilooscvclt finished his campaign
of 21,209 miles at Owogo, N. V., which Is
really significant when you come to divide
the name of the town Into Its thrco sylla
bles. t
William I''. Reward und his wife of Scran
ton township, near Urbana, 111., havo given
tholr 600-acro farm, valued at $6,000, for
tho founding of an Institution dovotcd to
tho education of colored people In tho
"black belt" of tho south,
A Cleveland man has agreed, In the event
of Bryan's election, to stand on his head
and hnnds for a period of bIx hours In front
of Mark Ilanna's otllce. Ho Is to stand
In that Inverted position for a period of
two minutes and then ho Is to rest for ono
mlnuto. At that rnte it will take him
nine hours to finish tbo Job.
In the rural regions of Maine tho people
waste no money In buying barometers.
They put a pieco of gingerbread out at tho
door and know when 'the glngorbrcad Is
moist and pllnblo that rain may ho ex
pocted, and wbe it becomes orlnp 'i?
dry spoil Is coming. As for thermoma
tors, they Bay: "What's the guuU ul
thorn any fool knows when It's hot or
Tho man engaged In the pleasant nnd
lucrative business of parting fools from
tholr money has turned up ngaln, this time
In Massachusetts, Ah a clairvoyant he
advised wealthy credulous womon to In
vest their Biirplus funds In a phantom land
company and hb drew all tho Intorcst on tho
Investment. Needless to say, he had no
trouble In finding victims till tho police
Interfered. "
"Tho ubiquitous Dowot," ns Lord Mob-
crts calls him, appears to be following the
tactics by which Marlon, "the Swamp Fox,"
worried the British and gained tamo In our
revolutionary war. In ono dispatch Lord
Itoborts reports that "llarton attacked
DoVet and scattered his forces In all direc
tions," and In nnother, Bent about tho
same time, tolls how in a fierce little bat
tie between tho same commanders the
Boer leader Indicted serious losses on the
llrltlslu Dowot flghts and' runs away, but
returns to fight another day, and bis forces
are never fio far scattered that he cannot
get thorn together again in a short ttm
nirrcltiiii of (he Inilunt rli t Current In
South Africa.
New York Herald.
If It Isn't mixing metaphors with a
vengeance, the success of American bidders
for tho 1,000.000 coal wagon contract for
South African railways, as told In our special
canio from London, Is another commercial
straw tn tho wind. It is renewed evidence
of our capacity to provide manufactufed lrou
nnd steel for even tho most dlotaut mar
kets at a price and of a qunllty that cnablo
us to compete with producers that nre much
nearer than wo nro to tho placo of delivery.
It Is only n repetition of what has gono bo
fore, whero American bidders have under
sold foreign competitors, though wo havo
had to add tho cunt of transportation half
way around tho world.
With unlimited supplies of raw material
of admirable quality and nmplo variety,
abundance of skilled labor, Inventive genius
In mechanics and excellent transportation
facilities from mine, foundry nnd factory to
point of destination. It Is no wonder that wo
aro leading the world in manufactured Iron
nnd Btcel, ns we undoubtedly will In ship
building ns well.
This may all sound like a hurrah, llkn
"letting tho oaglo scream," but thero Is good
reason for It we, have had a hnrd uphill
fight lu establishing our export trado aud
now that wo nro successfully pushing out
to other continents with our products wo
can be excused for a tossing of caps over
dur nntlonal success.
Doubtful Value of Kubjeetlnc Cnndl
tlnle to Tent of lindurmu-e.
Hprlngtleld (Mass.) Itcpubllcnn.
Governor lloosovclt has won the long
distance championship In stump speaking
nnd thus Mr. Bryan la deprived of tho chief
glory which his opponents had hitherto
conceded to him. In 1890 Mr. Bryan
amazed tho country by his campaigning,
but Koosevclt hns now surpassed him.
According to tho computations tho rough
rider Iuir n record of 21,209 miles traveled,
twenty-four stntes nnd 667 towns visited,
673 speoches delivered nnd 3,000,000 people
addressed. It Is to bo hoped that Roose
velt's record will never bo beaten. This
stylo of campaigning was inaugurated by
Mr. Bryan bccuuuc, in 1896, ho was without
newspaper support und thero was n great
demand for his appearance nil over tho
United States. Ho was a young man and
could enduro tho strain, lloosovclt is
nlso a young man and able tn enduro tho
strain. Hercutter presidential nnd vice
presidential candidates may not bo so
young aid robust and the cyclone In
Btumplng may disappear from natural
causes. Its valuo to a party or a candi
date can never bo accurately estimated,
yet thero is reason to doubt its efficacy.
Tho long, terrlllc phylcal and mental
strain Inevitably results In a cheapening
of tbo orator's average utterances, how
ever ho may rise to Bpcclal occasions, and
roprr"llv somo costly "breaks" mar his
record bctoro election day.
Dlncorerlm In (lie Itnlim Uncovered tu
the Valley of Hie Knphratc.
Philadelphia Press.
The effect of n picturesque Idea on the
imagination of tho public is seen In the
sudden popular fame that has como to a
navant like Prof. Herman V. Hllprccht. For
many yenrs Dr. Hllprccht and other
archeologlsts worked within u small circle,
whero their accomplished results In the
excavation of historic sites or In the de
ciphering of ancient Inscriptions wero known
to n few. This crypt-llko round of endeavor
gives tbo archcologlst reputation, but some
times little rluo. Suddenly, however, as
the significance of what tho experts wero
unearthing dawned on tho general public,
Babylonian research becamo as a tower on
a hilltop, as the tcmplo of Del tn u flat land,
Tho Eplcndld work accomplished by tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania's Babylonian ex
peditions beenmo known tho world over, and
Sargou and LugaUagglsl threaten to become
household words as familiar us Bclsbazzar
and Nebuchndnczznr, our friends of other
There is unquestionably a profound
dramatic side of tho discoveries mado
through the generosity of Thlladelpblans In
tho valley of tho Euphrates, and In con-
fequenco the return of Prof. Hllprccht attor
u brilliant campaign nt tho site of tho
excavations has a special Interest. What he
and his associates havo dona nnd what
promleo lies in tho recent unearthing of
tho undent library can be appreciated not
only by nrchcologlsts, whoso .estimate of
results will bo exact, but by tho public
which finds Its horizons of antiquity In
definitely extended, slnco, na It were, a new
world sweeps Into Its ken. Thero Is some
thing fascinating to tho popular mind In
remote nntlqultlcs, and many seem to feel
tho thrill of tho explorer himself ns he
catches a suggestion of life nt the uttermost
dawn of clvHIzutlon. And then, In the
cano of both Egypt and Babylonia, there
1b something attractive to many In learn
ing ubout tho doings of kings who were
very much alive nt a time when Bishop
Usher believed the earth was just In mak
ing. ""
And tho work qf the university expedi
tions cortnlrily carries history back to re
moto ages that may well Impress tho Imag
ination. Tho first dynasty of Egypt runs
back to 4777 D. C, and the researches at
AbydoB tnko one back still further, until
the civilization of 7,000 years ngo is in sight,
but the Babylonian civilizations were oven
older, LugalznKglsl himself was a con
temporary of tho first dynaBty rulers of
Egypt, but he Is tho end of n long lino of
kinga, nnd if fortune favors tho explorers
tho horizon of 10,000 years ngo should be In
night, nnd tho beginning of the Sumerlan
and Akkadian civilization glimpsed. Those
who havo mado theso researches possible and
thoso who havo carried on thoNwork do-
eerve tho fullest recognition, and the
popular Interest in tho discoveries Is a hope
ful sign, for it l a dull Ideal or life thai
knows only tho present nnd makes little of
thnt. '
An Kciinomlrol Problem of Oreut Im
uortnncc to the People.
Chicago Record.
A dlsousslon respecting the reclaiming
of arid lands of the United StatcB was taken
up by tho Commercial club at Its banquet
Saturday night. Probably no greater phys
ical nnd economic problem Is beforo the
poople of the United States at this time
and there probably la no other problem
which will bring about such far-roachlng
nnd beneficial results when solved. A fair
OBtlinnto that has been mado of the land
thnt may bo nvallablo for cultivation by
Impounding yatera for Irrigation purposes
places Its area nt 100,000,000 acres. It Is
now practically worthless. With Irrigation
it Is claimed this land would bo worth
from $500,000,000 to perhaps ten times that
amount and If not sold It could bo rented
for $1 to $5 a year per acre. The necessity
for dealing promptly with the problem Is
accentuated by the fact that nil over the
arid region Irrigation companies are now
at, work obtaining control of vast tracts of
land and of the Impounding basins hy
means of which they may be supplied with
water. In many Instances vested rights
In water privileges and land aro being ac
quired by these companies that will bo used
as tho basis for making cxtortlonato de
mands on tho government should soma plan
for general Improvement bo decided on.
Somo Idea of tho Importance of the mat
ter may be gathered from the fact that the
republican national platform strongly pro
nounces In favor of a Bystem of arid-land
reclamation that will leave the dlstrubu
tlon of water on such lands In the hands
and under tho control of the people of the
states and territories whero the land are
Ono of Hie Important features of tho
reclamation of arid lands by means of im
pounding reservoirs Is tho fact that It
would bo Immensely helpful to the project
of Improving the great rivers of the west
Into commercial gateways. A Bystem has
been dovlacd by a number of engineers
well posted on tho subject which Bhows
that Impounding reservoirs built along
tho Mlsslislppl river would save many
acres of land from alternating floods and
droughts and would mako posslblo a chan
nel twenty feet In depth from Lake Michi
gan, If desired, to tho Quit of Mexico. Un
doubtedly tho next great International Im
provement of tho United States will b
plan for tho reclamation of arid lands
which will work harmoniously with the
Improvement of the great rivers.
fihorkluii Crimes Committed hj the
Allies In China.
Philadelphia I-odgcr.
Tho wisdom of Secretary Hay's Chinese
policy becomes moro apparent a the newt
of the doings there reuch tbo world. Our
course has been exceedingly cautious, hu
mnno and Just. Tho State department has
cast the Infltlpnrn nf thin fnnnlrv In fnvnr
of preserving tho territorial Integrity of
uuina, and our activity In tho empire Is
prudently limited to tbo speclllc objoots
of securing reparations for wroug dono and
of maintaining our rights. Our policy was
enunciated by Secretary Hay as early as
July 3, nnd this uctlon probably bad a
powerful Influence In leading England and
Oermany to the recent agreement, which
Is tn lino with Secretary Hay'B original
declaration. Whllo the throe nations arc
In accord, tho United States la acting In
dependently. Thero Is no alliance, and If
the stories of shocking barbarity that arc
ccmlng from China nro true, It Is fortunate
that wo havo no closo "concert," and that
this country has divested Itself of responsi
bility for the cruelty and slaughter which
Ib bulng visited upon tho Chinese. The re
ports of wholcsalo murders by tho Russians
havo been followed by stories of similar
prnctlces by tho Qcrmnns, which aro re
ceiving conllrmntlon by prlvato letters re
ceived In Berlin from German soldiers.
Ono aoldler relates tnlcs of tho murder of
prisoners, and another writes:
"What Is going on hero during the war
is lmposslhlo for mo to describe, for such
murdering and nlaughtcrlng Is awful. Th
reason Is thnt tho Chinese nro outside of
International law, bo no prisoners nro
taken. All arc shot, or, to save cartridges,
stnbbcd. Sunday afternoon wo had to stab
Fevcnty-four prisoners with tho bayonet.
They had shot ono of our patrols, where
upon tho wholo buttnllon was called out
to pursue them, nnd seventy-four wero cap
turcd. It was cruel, und cannot be do.
scribed as It renlly happened. I hope It will
not go on much longer, othcrwlso ono will
forget whether oun was over a human
All wnrs nre demoralizing, but a war
against un Interior or scml-clvlllzcd people
Ih egnpplflllv AsnmAntr Tim nnnnl. ti-Un
i' '"O1 ...v , .
nro "outsldo of International law" commit
nets wnicn lead to rotallatlon tn kind, and
beforo hostilities have lasted lung tho su
perior raco finds Itaclf "outsldo" of all law
nnd humanity. Secretary Hay recently said
thut If our State department hud achieved
any success In deallog with tho Chinese
question It was because tho traditions of
our government had been taken for n
guide. Ho was right. This country has
been the representative of ncarn. Inst In.
and humanity and Its greatest glory Is to
no won in tue paths of peace and not
murdering Chinese.
American Clroun In Oermnny.
HoBton Transcript.
If the tent of tho Arab has hitherto. hoen
a Btandard for speed and silence In steal
ing away it will now be dlsplacod lu Ger
many by tho American circus tent. One
of our "greatest on enrth" aggregations
of tontcd talont Is traveling through tlis
kaiser's domains nnd It is said that his
subjects aro ho taken by the neatness find
dispatch of its movements, an woll as
beauty of It nil, that It Is tho custom for
whole towns to "Bhut up Bhop" the day the
circus shows. Tho arrival of tho circus
hasn't ceased to bo a great day wlthtus,
though tho novelty of It Is nomnwhat
dimmed. But tho Germans nro reveling In
tho newness of the experience.
cmaiw roii this ciiEKitLiis.r
Petrolt Journal: "See Pnrls nnd die" we
exclaimed, quoting the proverb.
"Yes, I'm always dressed to kill!" quoth
Paris, nulvely.
Chicago Record: "I've bren over to se
JoneH; isn't ho an awful talker?"
"Isn't he, though! Hay, how did you get
Detroit Journal: "Strictly sneaking, are
the Filipinos easterners or westerners?"
"BlfHHed if I know. Do they suy depot or
railway ntatlou?'
Washington Star: "One o' An worst
mistakes you kin make," snld Undo ICben.
"Ib to bo bo skynht o' inakln' mlatukes dat
you doesn' do nuffln' at all."
Pittsburg Chronicle: "Do you have much
frost Hern?" asked a visitor of a Missis
sippi planter,
''An occasional white frost only," replied
tho native, with emphasis on tho word
Indianapolis Journal: "Would you like to
know that you had a klog for an an
cestor?" "No: It would bo n. lifelong jrlef to me
that I couldn't show him how our stock
had Improved."
Cleveland Plnln Dealer: "They draw the
clothesline a little tight nt tha Chicago
horHo Hhow."
"How la that?"
"They refuso to permit women to ridr
clothespin fashion."
Potrolt Free Press: "I wish thoso people
arro'i tho wny would movu back to the
"Whut'H the matter with them?"
"Why, filio culls her children In with n
dinner horn."
Wnnhlngton Star: "I suppose you nre
greatly Impressed by western civilisation."
"Well," answered LI Hung Chang, "It has
Hh points of superiority, Ilut I don't see
that uny of your hausen have mndo mora
money out of politics than 1 have."
Indinnapolln Sun: "I wns Hurprlned when
Mrs. llniKRnrioclo called my attention to
tho brightness of the sturs tho other
"From pnst conversations I didn't think
anything, was bright except that little boy
of hers."
Chicago Tribune: "What a beautiful
moonlight scene!" exclnlmed the young
woman who was looking over the collection.
"Whon did you take It?" , , . ,.
"Just two weekfl ngo," responded th
nmnteur photographer, trying not to look
ovcrnroud. , ...
"Why. there was no moon at all then,
Mr. Kcksox!" , , ,, .,.,.
"Woll-er-the nun hndn't quite gone
THAT OI'U.V norm.
f'luvcland Plain Dealer.
An' then aSmSSy onlled a bit an' to th'
"In theso VroChlnese doln'fl we must bat-
Then hupros'e th' iiemperor an' 'oldln' out
lt BavHHn"'oil ,'lrk tnpether an' we'll
save th' Vathen land.'r
So ol' Bnrsburyi(ayB again, "An' 'ow about
"it does'uMCrKOOd," says Vllllnm Rex, "to
know that they are yours."
Then ol' 8n Bbury urnlled once more, "An'
1 "ow about th' Hear?"
"Wftil clip is cIuwb," th1 kaiser says, "an'
cIiubo im to hlH lair,"
"An' 'ow about th' Yankee bird?" Sal'sbury
then exclaims.
"E iloenn't count," th' kaiser says; "we'll
block 'Ih little game."
"Wo'ro goln' to 'nvo an open door," Bal's-
bury saya to Bill;
"We'll keep It open for ub two," Bay BUI,
"You W we w lit"