The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED J CINE 1!. US 71 OMAIIA. "WEDNESDAY MOBXiyG, 2COYEM3JEK 7. 1900-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS IS SAfE fOlraPD MONEY QoTCTmEDt of United States Still in Hands of Ecjmblicaa Party. 1 iAL VOTE. NEW YORK ANSWERS NOBLY TO THE CALL Empire Etato Polls Up Magnif cent Vote fcr McZinley and Eootevoli. ILLINOIS STANDS STEADILY BY THE FLAG J Alabama J Arlcunnns j Culiiornia ... I Colorado J Connecticut .. J Delaware .... !' J Florida I Georgia ITtjoiity of 1B96 is Eetoc Handsomely J Idaho Itcriarcd in Snciei Ettte. Illinois . . . ! Iowa Mi K. Br;. an. V btf 1. . .. 11 .. 4 33 OHIO CCMES OUT STRONGER THAN EVER 24 Eesnlt in Bnckcye Etate ii lie Only Qucrticn of Kajerity. 1 PENNSYLVANIA STILL THERE FOR OLD GLORY All Sort of Mejoritics Eolled Up for the EepnUicnn Ticket Thwc SOLID PHALANX OF STATES FOR M'KINUY lleporil of l'ntir lrnr Abo l More Tiinn Kr,irultU H ic Viilrrn Who 1 or Tlivlr Country. Sl'Kl.NLItY AJOHITIi:i. JVr" nrk Am Ilanipkhiro Mnoiirliu.rltii f ouiirrt l'ii t ... . Illlnolt. Slarylanil Ohio "Wlneoimlii fcew Jcrncy ( uiincclli-iit ICboilr iNlund ... Vermont . 2oi til Dnkulii ... Minnesota ...... ltftimnn . 3Iuiur j: .,iii.i '.M.IrtIO iui: 1(15. : S.WH -.)ll .HIM) ii.rioii IIO.OIU) no, nun u:.:to i tn NEW YOltK. Nov. G. At 9 30 p. Treasurer Cornelius r-?. Bliss of the r... tlonal republl an committee, tniide tb fol lowing statement- "McKinley and Rooa -roll are unquestionably elected by a irurh larger electoral vote than McKInley re ceived four years ago. New York will si.- at leust 125.000 plurality for the national ticket, Illinois, 100,000; New Jersey over 4a000 and Maryland from 8,000 to 10.000. Mr. Odell's election an governor Is equally certain." NEW YORK. Nov. C At 12:30 this mqrn-Jiirj- National Committeemen. Manley. Gibbs and Bliss held n conference at the conclu sion of which the following statement was given out' "On the returns received at republican.! headquarters up tu IhU htur tne republican national committee claim to have elected KeKlnley ttni Roosevelt by an electoral veto of 2S4, with the possibility of 21 votes in addition, making a total of 3(0. There 1 votes consist of the 13 rotes In Kentucky and h in Nebraska. The states vo surely claim for McKInley and Rccse velt are California. Connecticut, Delaware. Illinois, Indiana, Maryland. Iowa, Kansas, Maine. Massechusetls. Michigan. Mlnne l.cta, New Hampshire. New Jersey, New York, North Dakota. Ohio. Oregon, Penn sylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota. Utah, Vermont. Washington, West Vir ginia) Wisconsin and Wyoming." Tho committeemen then closed their desks and left for their homes. t Indiana 3f . . . . J I Kansas 30 . . . . J iventucky 1'J J t Louisiana S ' . . t vlaine . J Maryland .... S . . . . J lasn sctt.s ..!" . . . J 1 Michigan 34 , . . . . J i Minnesota ... 1) . . . t .! issisippi t j ! .Missouri 37 . . ! ..I out una '' . . i Xcbraslca v? i I Xcvada ' 4 i Xow I lamp . . 4 . . . . J .New Jersey . . 10 . . . . J ! X?w York . . . HO . . . . 1 No. Carolina ... 11 . . i i So. Dakota . . '.I . . . J J Ohio -H .-J UiX'pni 4 . . . . J I'cnnsylvanin . 3- Hhode Island. 1 . . . . 4 So. Carolina ... 0 . . I I So. Dakota . . 4 . . . . J Tt'tint'ssce 1- . 1 t'.vas 3.r J rtah :i ..I Vci-niont .... 4 . . . . t'innnia 32 . . "Msliin'non .4 . . . . W. Virginia . . 0 . . . . isconsin ... 32 . . . . i Wyoming .... 3 . . . . wblle Chairman Goldsborouch of the re-lubll'-an committee tays that Mr-Klnley'c majority will reath 11,000 at least It is also certain that the republicans have elected four out of the six concrestmen, ' while the remaining two will probably bo democratic, although later returns may . I chance this outlook. I IlALTlMOKK. Nov. C Thlrty-ttve pre- I clurlj out of 3f'4 In Maryland, outside of Baltimore phc McKinley, f,S7; Dry an, i f.,w: I BALTIMORE, Nov. f. McKInley con- tlnues to make unexpectedly larce gains In Ilaltlmore. With but six precincts mUslng J the vote Is: Uryan, 4 HG and McKinley , SC. 79. indicating a plurall:y for McKInley j of about T.:00. UU majority In the state , win almost certainty reacn n.wu, me ngurc J set by Chairman Goldsborcugh of the re i publican central committee. ! UALTIMORE. Nov. . Forty-elpht out of SC4 precincts In Maryland outside ot ' Baltimore plve McKInley hMh and Ilryan , 1 7.700. . BALTIMORE, Nov. 6 Murray Vandlver. I chairman of th democratic state central ! committee, concedes Maryland to McKInley. WILLIAM MKiLEY IS AGAIN ELtCTCD PRESIDENT OHIO. I Tutals .. .2S1 342 24 t : e. t'll feature of the election here was a mistake 'rhleh happeued lu the Eleventh ward, and which may result In the throw lne out of 326 rotes. Tho city clerk lu 4tatrlbutins the ballots smt thonc marked for the Tlrst election district of that ward to the Third election district, and the bal lots for the latter dlstrlrt to the former. The mistake was not dlscoered by the ballot clerks until 1S6 ot the ballots had been cast In the First district and 140 In the Third district. The democratic workers and watchers filed with the Inspectors of elec tltn In both districts a protest to the count lnc of these votes. ROME. N. Y., Nov. 6. The city of Rome complete ple McKInley 2.0C6 and Bryan 1.6SS: republican loss, l!it. Odell. for gov ernor, hag 1,PC! and Stanchfield 1,717. The returns were in fifteen minutes after the clore of the polls. Voting machines were uted. BUFFALO, N. Y.. Nov. . Buffalo city complete gives McKInley 34.673 and Bryan 31.SMS. AUBURN, N. "i.. Nov. C This city com plete gives McKInley 4,112 and Bryan 2.00. For governor Odell received 4.047 and Stanchfield 2.t'23. ELMIRA. N. Y., Nov. C Elmlra city complete gives McKInley 4.1&S and Bryan 4.370. For governor Odell received 3.S72 and Stanchfield 4.C&5. Compared with the vote of Ifcye. the republican loss In Elmlra Is 1.7C9. NEW YORK, Nor. C At S o'clock Na tiunal Committeeman Manley estimates from the returns received at that hour that McKInley will carry New York state by 110,000 majority. He concedes New York City to Croker by 1D.O00. He claims tl?At all the states that went for McKinley In 1SPC have been carried for him again, but some of them by reduced majorities. CHICAGO. Nov. C At 7:30 tonight James K. Jones, chairman of the democratic na tional committee, said the returns from New York Indicate that McKInley has carried the state. "1 do not concede a victory to the republicans," he said. NEW YORK NEW YORK. Nov. fi. Senator Thomas C Piatt gave out the following statement at 10 30 tonlrht- At this hour It is at'psrent that the plur ality for Mt Klnly atid toui-evelt above tin pronx river is not lens than IM.iKXi and mav raslly exceed that figure by lli.Oyi). Greater New Tork Is airalnst us In the neighborhood or nn.000 and therefore we are confident of the state by neurit- lW.OOO for the national ticket It may sllcluly exceed that amount. Mr Odell has nn-mrently not reortved in Greater New- York as many democratic vote as the nnt'nt'iil ean'l 'ates. but In the ofhrr ro-uitten there Is little variance be tween ht vote and MeKlnlev s His Plur ality will not be more than sf..nno less thtn the president's. Both branches of the leirli lature nre republican by Increased majf-rl-tlrs. There hove been elected four addi tional republican congressmen. NEW YORK. Nov. C At 11 o'clock the indications are that President McKlnlev has carried New York state h- a raajorl'v over Bryan of over 1D0.000. compared wlt'i a republican malTity in the last pretlden tlal election of '.'CS.48f. Tho total vote 1n the eltv of New York Is annroxlmately 60.000 larger than it was in lsM. and up iuujv, .ov. u ine ,c iort th state the Increase Is about 30.090. In 1 World concedes McKlnley's election. .Nine nunarea ana lorty-slx election dis tricts out of 3,124 In New York state out Blde of Greater New York give McKInley US.740; Bryan. 1S0.SCS. Same in l$i56, Mc KInley. 1S4.424; Bryan, 110,354; Palmer. S.123. Eight hundred and clncty-four election districts out of 3.124 in New York state outside of Greater New York give for gov ernor, Odell, 177.426; Stanchfield. 133.52:.. Same districts In IRKS gave Roosevelt 23,SCr. majority. Eight hundred and fifty election dtstrlc's out of the l.f.22 In the city of New York gave Odell 140.743: Stanchfield, 160,695. One thousand and eighty districts out of 1.S22 lu Greater New York give McKInley 1SS.171; Bryan, 20P.S9. One thousand one hundred and fifty-two districts out of 3.124 in New York state outside of Greater New York give McKIn ley a majority of G7.GS7, as against SI, 502 In ISM. One thoi-sand two hundred and sixty elec tion districts out of the 1.L22 in the city of New York give Brvan a majority of 25.KS2. NEW YORK, Nov. C Of S.1,'4 election districts 1.42S in New York state outside of Greater New York give McKInley a ma jority of &M51. SYRACUSE. N. Y Nov. C.-Plxteen wards out of ulnetoen In this city give McKInley 13,12,'. aud Bryan 7.&SS. OSWEGO, N. Y., Nor. C Bryan carrlea Otwcgo by 44t. COLUMBUS, O.. Nov. 6. At 10 o'clock less returns were recehed than at any previous return in Ohio up to that hour Tblt Is attributed to the umiirnltr 1.irr. ote and the full eouatv arid dlrtrlrt tli-Vt I There were nrven tickets of presidential electors and five state tickets. Out of 3 109 precincts in Ohio the state committee had heard at 10 o'clock from less than 200 pre cincts and from very few county committee men, indicating no material change in the vote of Ibl'ii. when McKinley had a plurality of M,30i. McKlnley's home county gained 1.000. COLUMBUS. O.. Nov. C Although early reports from cities Indicate democratic gains, rerubllcan managers claim Ohio has given McKInley over 60 000 plurality and, with the election of Tompkins here ovur Lentr. at least seventeen congressmen. CINCINNATI. Nov. 6. Hamilton county, twenty preclnt . out of 2.r.3. gives McKIn ley 3,277 and Bryan 2, MR. The same pre cincts In ISfO gave McKInley 3.4C7 and Bryan 3,062. COLUM BUS, O.. Nov. r.. Reports from different parts of Ohio indicate the largest vote ever cast, larger Uian cither state committees expected, with McKInley rain ing in rural districts and holding his own In the cities. CINCINNATI. Nor. 6. Seventy predncU out of 204 In Cincinnati show Bryan gains of f.00. but Indicate McKlnley's plurality In the munty about 17.000 or lfi.000. COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 6. Chairman Long of the democratic state committee says there were frauds at the polls In Conneaut. near the Pennsylvania line, and has In structed the committeeman there to In vestigate. He has not changed his ante election prediction that Bryan would carry Ohio "If there were no fraudt " COLUMBUS. O.. Nov. 6. Republican State Chairman Charles Dick has given out the following statement: Returns received up to this hour, 11 p. m.. Justify th iluim that Ohio has given McKInley a plurality of from 7.1.000 to so,. l and the ejection of seventeen and pos sibly eichteen out of twent v-one congres rnen. being a gain of two. and probably three members or congress. CHARLES DICK, Chairman. WISCONSIN. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Nor. 6. Election re turns received up to midnight Indicate thai Wisconsin has gone for McKInley by from 101.000 to 115.000 plurality. The republican state ticket, beaded by Robert LaFollette, will reeetre n similar plurality. The legis lature will be overwhelmingly republican and the congressional delegation 1b also cer tainly republican. The congressmen elected are as follows: First District Henry A. Cooper (rep.). Second District Herman 11. Dahle (rep.). Third DlBtrict Joseph W Babcock (rep.). Fourth District Theodore Bal Otjcn (rep.) Fifth District Samuel S. Barney (rep.). Sixth District James H. Davidson (rep.). Seventh District John J. Esch (rep.). Eighth District Edward S. Miner (rep.). Ninth District Webster Brown (rep.). Tenth District John J. Jenkins (rep.). At midnight General George E. Bryant. T r- j - - " - -.i : - --"-i in- -" T " ::.J.y j I i J Jt I fit SI All Portions of the Ettte Eiow a Hcatj In crease in the Vote. RETURNS REPRSENTS ALL SECTIONS Ket Eeenlt is a Ettady Gain for the Etpnb lieu Candidates. COUNTRY SHOWS IT LIKES PROSPERITY Ontadt PoinU b tie Eute Blow b Oonnt bg the Long Ballot. CHAIRMAN LINDSAY IS VERY SANGUINE Claims that MeEinlry Will Get the Bute by 5,000 to 7,000. RETURNS POINT TO THAT RESULT Etate Ticket rolloring Close on the Vote for K&tional Candidate. LANCASTER SHOWS A BIG INCREASE Gnln of Mt llnndred on the Tote of Four Vrr Alto In 1'romlnril from the CupHnl City. WnXIAM MdONLEY, OMAHA DOES ITSELF PROUD City Gives IfcEbley a Ifajority of Orer Eighteen Hundred Votes. MAGIC CITY, HOWEVER, PULLS DOWN LEAD South Omaha Mnken nn Inerrnsjetl t-hoiilnK for Hrjiui, 1'lilch I 1't.rttallr Offnet by the Ciinntrj I'rei-lnc-tn. The returns from the city of Omaha came in slowly, particularly on the officers be low the presidential electors, and those for South Omaha more slowly.. In sume of the Second 115 78 1H3 65 1 Third 144 131 12S 116: Fourth 1S1 ir 161 1 Fifth 114 93 106 M Sixth 131 110 111 12C I Seenth H9 13S 89 HO Totals 957 S45 K73 'tis Majority 142 107 SIXTH WARD. Frecinct. McIC Bryan. McK. Bryan. First ITS 13a 1 11C Second 112 61 SS i. Third 217 US 212 13 Fourth K 127 ! 112 Fifth 231 142 170 124 sixth 112 i nr. Seventh 1(0 M Hi 98 Eighth 261 186 230 181 Ninth 170 IDS 150 134 Tenth 11 W 1 100 Eleventh 127 136 107 139 Total .1.7S0 lTsTI 1.5S5 1,299 Majority 436 2M ! DETAIL VOTE ON GOVERNOR IteturiiB Show that Itlrtrlrh la Gain. In it I"at on the Ha;, ward Vote. Fifty precincts outsldo of Douglas county give Dietrich C316; Poynter, 4,214. Same precincts in 189S gave Hayward 4,816: Poyn ter. 3,f.96. Dietrich's net gain, HO, or 3 3-5 to' the precinct. Outside ot Douglas county the figures received give the following: i'.a." "J" r?ub"an stt"" ce"l precincts the election boards Precinct. SEVENTH WARD. -1S96- perBisted in Firt I almultaneous counting of the rotes for 1 5,Vc,0Jfd McK. Br'an- McK. Bryan. committee, gae out the following state- Kinler br from 105.000 to 115.000 TFoliette ?" candidates. The returns on president Ff,,.rth .. .. ... . . .. . or tne city or uruana are. nowercr. com- r-lfth ion running even with McKInley and their 1 i.. ,.i . .. Pluralities wtll not differ materia. We TrZl kX. ,1 f i"i have stopped receiving returns, but have c0la, ''a' the city Bryan wiped out the plurality of 60,000 tfhlch McKInley had four yesrs ugo and took on a plurality for himself of about 25 000 Up the state McKInley barely held the vote which ho had In 3S96. tho added vote going to Ilryan. The rote for B. B. Odell. Jr.. republican nominee for governor. Is considerably larger than that for McKlnlev In Brooklyn particu larly the dircecratlc nominee for govertn.r. Mr Stsnchflold, appears to have ben scratched. The election passed off quetly both 'n tho city nd stnte. There were no mere than the usual number of arrests of men accused of attempting lllegiH voting n city elections and where the accused made U clear that they were Innocent they were permitted to return to the polltnr places and rote without further tuolnatutlnn. Returns from congressional districts arr scattered and incomplete. On Long lklse.1 McKInley and Bryan are running so close together that all estimates are valueless. On Manhattan Island. In the "Wall Street" district, which includes the borough o' Richmond, Staten Island, Nicholas Muller. democrat, is elected, probably. Repub licans coneede the election of William Sul rer, democrat. In the Eleventh district and dctnorrats admit that John Spruut Hill hn been beaten by William H. Douglas, repub lican, in the district new represented 1 Captain William Astor Chanler. Amos J. Cummlngs and George B. MeClollan, both democratic members of the present house, have undoubtedly been returned Interpir centers tn a large extent in the "anvasvw of O. H. P. Belmont In the Thirteenth dls- enough to show that Wisconsin will have a solid republican congressional delegation and that the state legislature will be over whelmingly republican." Chairman A. F. Warden of the democratic committee deserted his headquarters before midnight. He concedes the state to the re publicans by 75,000. as does also National Committeeman Timothy E. Ryan. E. C Wall, ex-natlonal committeeman, concedes the state to the republicans by 110.000. and all three gentlemen concede the election of ten republican congressmen. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. C. Returns from Wisconsin up to 10 o'clock, though comparatively few, show on their face, when compared with the vote of four years ago, that McKInley has carried the state by a large plurality, equal, if not exceeding the figures of HOC, which were 102.C12. Robert M. La Follette, the republican candidate for gorernor is running about equal with the presidential candidate and is likewise sure of carrying the state. While few returns hare been received from the congressional districts, these show the republican candi dates for congress to be running equal with McKInley and the Indications are that Wit cousin's delegation will be solidly repub lican MILWAUKEE, Nov. 6. ri'ty-one scat tered precincts In Wisconsin give McKInley, 6.73?; Bryan, 2,531; u net gain for McKIn ley of SOS. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 6 Roturns from .ice-twentieth of the precincts In Wiscon sin, including a few precincts In Milwaukee, inleste that McKlnley's plurality of 102.C12 In H1'6, will be more than equalled. ILLINOIS. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Midnight Chairman Roe of the republican state central com- preclncts 3 againu Bryan of 8.902. McKlnley's majority In the city being oier 1.S00, a substantial' gain over his majority In 1696. From Seuth Omaha reports Indlcnte that Bryan's majority there Is largely Increased and when offset by the cruntry precincts will reduce McKlnley's lead In Omaha by several hundred. The vote far other officers is guaged largely on that for pres dnt. alth-ugh the cardldntes run ahead or below in dlfforcnt parts of the city anfl county, nccordlng to local conditions. The fltrures on the local ticket will be tabulated before morn ing. The fololwlng are the tables: FIRST WARD. l?v Sixth Tolals Majority Precinct. First P'-eond .... Third Fourth .... Fifth Blxth Seventh ... Eighth .... Totals . Majority .. - 1K9C McK. Brysn. McK. Bryan 12S 57 100 93 1H) M 10O 78 7B9 IV 96 176 lf 121 111 If 104 247 SECOND WARD. -19'" 137 i3 57 hi 1ST. k5 70 "736 179 76 201 144 11 116 137 111 1M 345 Precinct. Flrt Fwond ... Third 171 Fi'irth 94 Fifth 173 Sixth W Seventh 130 Eighth ... 276 164 13J J5H 141 1.075 35S ElGirrH WARD, -lfi-jo- 175 110 77 237 fJ 14S 173 120 182 121 15" 127 121 7S US 7f. 707 975 626 319 l"fn. Wti. i r c i 1 i 2 COUNTIES. r- re I S k "IP- -1K96- McK. Bryan. McK. Bryan ... 212 IK Precinct McK. Brrn. McK. Bryan Flrt 1ft 154 12' IV, P'-eond Iffi 137 IX J """hlrd 1S7 IfB IWi 1 Fo-'rth 97 145 ( J44 Fifth f.0 1SJ K 111 lxth M 121 US 9-. Pvpth 90 1&7 711 IfK '"i-hih fc 17 9? 18? Ninth r0 115 74 131 Tenth 14 20S J06 1B Eleventh 199 IPS ! 172 Totals .L2K ur liioo m Majority 4 404 THIRD WARD. Precinct. Fin-t P-cond ... Third MoK. Brj'an. McK. ilryan MARYLAND. BALTIMORE. Nov. C McKInley has carried Maryland beyond the shadow of a trlrt and at 12 cVli-rfc h was severe 1 hun- doubt, the only question to be settled crcd votes ahead of his rival. William u. being the sire of his majority. With prac uicox. in ine up-rtste nistrtets uenirat 3, H. Ketiham has besn re-elwted. the democrats Having jtwde no nomination from the state scattering returns indicate there, in an of the ether districts up the an additional turplus of 2.500. making hb state, with the possible excentten of the ! total malorltr In the state ubmn lA.nnu. Troy and Albany Beet Inns of the stnte, the ' There Is no reason to believe that the final mltlte gave out the following statement. 1 Fo-.rth I see no reason at this hour to change the figures of the state central committee issued before the election. McKInley has carried the state by 80.000 outside of Cook county. In Cook county the Indications are that both McKInley aud Yatts will have a majority, with MiKlu'ty In the lead by about 15.000. I estimate his plurality in Cook county at 25,000." Chairman Watson of the democratic ttr.te committee refused to concede the state to McKInley and Yates uud claimed that Alschuler (dem ), candidate for governor from the atate scatterlns returns indicate ' .1 .1. a .v... .i.. .. Fl'th Sixth Pventh .. F'rhih ... Ninth Tenth Totals Majority . 1W 171 10! 'is i;te 4f5 in 174 'w 1W 'si 75 republican candidates are sure of nn elec- tlen. ALBANY, N. Y . Kwt 6. The only spe- figures will vary greatly from these. Chair man Vnmlivrr of the democratic state com mittee admit Bryan's defeat In tho state. Watron also claimed that the democrats would have's wcrktrg majority In the lorcr boukf of the legislature. Judge Yotea. xho vas at republican stste headquarters all evening, elaiined his elec- Preclnot. First 1 Peeond Third l Fourth 1 Fifth 1SS Plxth its i Sventh 1W Klchtb 1H Ninth -Si FOURTH "WARD. -10H- ltt W its lift 7i 11 85 IK m uw its i;k i 177 1 SI IT US 9i5 Totals Majorlt- . Precinct. First Second .... Third Fourth .... Fifth Sixth Totals . Majority .. Ward. First Second .... F'"trth .... Fifth Sixth Seventh ... Elehth .... Ninth Precinct. Firt Second .... Third ...... Totals . Majority .. .Precinct. First Second .... Third Totals . Majority .. Prelnct. First Second .... Totals . Majority .. 2M . .1.3-3 143 177 135 12S 147 129 133 140 124 86 101 SI 111 167 120 104 162 87 129 HIS 147, 159 190 1 27 "995 1.1 82 918 234 NINTH WARD. -19VW- -1896- McK. Bryan. McK.. Bryan (Continued oa Fifth Page.) McK. llrynn. m 11 77 jai 76 122 II ! McK. Bryan. in 1M Iff Its 17J W 122 191 131 .. 173 .. 2S1 .. 1M .. IMS .. 193 ..L050 .. 431 109 1112 99 116 76 117 619 S7 139 189 143 133 176 879 88 106 in 97 75 95 "t54 llerepltnlntlon. McK. Bryan. McK. Bryan. .. 789 ..1.252 ..1,530 .. 987 ..1,780 ..1.0C9 . .1.321 ..1.050 -l'jm 1,036 1.737 yj 845 1,344 710 993 019 South Oniuhn. FIRST AVARD. McK. Bryan. S'x. 388 .-9 JhiI -1896- 739 1.084 1.160 1.320 875 975 1.182 879 1,561 75") 76X 628 5.M Furnas. 1 In 20 Lincoln. 1 lu 41 Adams. 3 in 2' Colfax, 7 In 14 Madison. 1 In 19.... Cheyonne, 1 In IS.. Cedar, 3 in 21 Dodge. 3 in 19 Paw-son, 6 In 23 Keith. 2 in 9 Phelps. 4 In 19 1 Merrick. 1 In 11 1 Lancaster, 12 In 52 Otoe, 5 In 23 1 I Tot als 1 2371 Wll 373 232 lEl 396 299; 64 233' 24 1 2,009' 124 133 1 12' , 4!I9 ! Ml IMI I 24l 177 , 262 I 321 62' 226 16 ! l.3ir 302 I 177 76 67", S2f IS i 24, 74 121 1.828 3 4 C.31l 4.214 4.81S 121 30 1 413 550 II' 12 K 54 287 16 20 16 1.177 .4 1.890 HOW M'KINLEY GOT THE NEWS Hear of Ills llnthiislnstlr Hiidorcc ment by the Ainerlc-on People lit Ills Home. Returns from Nebraska precinct outslds of Omaha and Douglas county are compar atively meager, yet indicate steady and substantial gains for McKInley and the republican ticket. The returns from 260 odd precincts outside ot Douglas county are 14,062 for McKInley and 12,799 for Bryan, being a majority for McKInley of L263 These same precincts in 1896 gave McKIn ley 11.242 and Bryan 12,437, or 11 majority for Bryan of 1.195. The change in these precincts, therefore, transforms a Bryan majority into a McKInley majority, repre senting a republican gain of 2,458 out of some 26.000 votes, or nearly 10 per cent. If this ratio of gains keep up throughout the state McKinley will secure the elec toral vote of Nebraska by a substantial majority. On governor, returns are now more In complete, but ro far as received point to Dietrich's election as the republican candi date, by a margin over Poynter, about the. same as on the presidential ticket. On tho other offices no definite flgurcR can be offered At 9:45 p. m. Chairman Lindsay of the republican state central committee tald: 'It is reasonably certain that McKlnlry hat carried Nebraska by from 6,000 to 7,000 plurality, and it may be larger. We have recehed reports from fllty-two precincts from the towns seatte-ed over the .atat" Mid theso gtvr WcKlnUy t.Vfli. Urjan liCLt, ae compared with McKinley 5,140 and Bryan 4,573 in 1896, a net republican gain of 471. This ratio of change, if kept up, will give Nebraska to McKInley. Returns on the state ticket are indefinite, and it looks as if the contest between Dietrich and Poynter will be very close. Both of these, nccordlng to meager reports thus far received, arc running behind tbelr tickets. Nothing has been received nt this hour on the rest of the state ticket or on congressional candi dates that would Juitlfy a prediction. Shortly after midnight Chairman Lindsay said: "Everything goes to indicate that we have elected our state ticket and that McKinley will carry the state by from 10,000 to 12,000. We have received reports up to this hour from 1SS precincts and they give McKinley 17.787 and Bryan 14,168 The same precincts In 1S96 gave McKinley I 15.027 and Bryan 14.671. a net republican gain of 3,263. This shows a change In favor of the republicans of more than twenty-three to a precinct and as there are approximately l.fcOO voting precincts In the state, 1 Indicates a good republican majority. K. porta on tho state ticket are still meager, yet they aro such as to indi cate the election of the entire date ticket. or course, only a scattering report has been received, but I am confident that it takes in such a wide range that it provides a safe and conservative basis for computu Hon as regard's the general result." Chairman P. L. Hall at 10 o'clock gave The Bee the following statement: "At present It looks like McKInley was elected, that he has carried New York, Ohio and Illinois, and that elects him. The returns from Nebraska are too meager to base an estimate upon, but Bryan will carry the stnte. From present returns .ie will receive from 5.000 to 10,000 majority." NEBRASKA'S. -1896- McK. Bryan 2J5 276 399 163 223 174 917 910 617 134 613 SECOND WARD. -1900- -1S96- MeK. Bryan. MoK. Bryan. 1C5 325 107 148 8b mt 271 von: 11 v I'ltisciacT: Some PltoreB In Detail with and Coi parUun with JHUn. 1900. 2 COUNTIES. 3 o S 1R96. c ! I 1 THIRD WARD. McK. Bryan. iifl 326 -1896- McK. Bryan. 124 189 67 165 191 354 103 FOURTH WARD. McK. Bryan. McK. Bryan. Totals 167 267 275 155 Majority l&u 81 Country I'rerlnet. Prclnct. McK. Bryan. McK. Bryan Lnittgo ii ik Cloutnrf Douglas 81 10u Touts m i,3?o Majority 671 565 FIFTH WARD. Precinct. McK. Brvan. McK Brvan First 173 153 142 135 East Omaha , Elkhorn Florence Jefferson Mi Anile Millard Platte Valley... Union Waterloo ... .. W. Omaha, No W. Omaha. So, 121 151 St 86 131 4T 36 80 119 318 7 nr. 174 94 93 XT, U 1 21 106 40 1U7 111 to ft 123 128 133 1-.R 109 Aduma, 8 out of 20; uass. 6 out of 25... Cedar. 7 out of 21.. Clay. 11 out of 20. . Colfax, 7 out of 12 custer. 2 out of i Buffalo. 6 out of Hurt. 4 out of 17 FUlmort. 2 out 19 I Furnas. 1 out of 201 Gage, 7 out of SJ..I Garfield, I out oro Harlan. 1 out of 16 Holt. 4 out of 34 1 Howard, 8 out of 14 Lincoln, 2 out of 47 Madison. 3 out 20. . Plutte. 4 out of 20.. Thurston, 3 out 9 . Valley. 4 out of 16 Wayne, 3 out of 17 orK. 0 out of l-n. 1 Dawson. 8 out of 22' Keith. 2 out of 9 I Hamilton. 3 of 2"i Phelps. 4 out of 17 V ebster, 4 o't of IB' P'-ward, 5 out of Si' Dundy. 1 out of 16' Franklin. 1 of 17 Merrick, S out of 12; Iincnster, 22 of 61 Cuming II o't of 19 uoclce. 7 out of l Pawnee. 2 out of 14 nun 7 out or 39 1,243 673 V 944 536 307' 1,07 437 3451 1 1,074 91 1261 1391 r 38J 248! 444 294 413 16: m: 405 CANTON. O.. Nov. C. The president In person read aloud eomo of the returns, but refrained from making any comment what ever on the result and accepting with un ruffled composure the favorable reports, which began to come in -at an early hour. Secretary Cortelyou read most of the dis patches, some of the more cheering an nouncements being heartily applauded by the guests. Most ot the early advices were fragmentary and inconclusive, but the strong Indications that New York and probably Illinois hod gone for McKIn ley were received with great satisfaction. At 9 o'clock the president received a dispatch from an enthusiastic individual stating that New YorK and Illinois cameo, the day for McKInley and that he was re elected. The responsible leaders made no early claims, however, although their dispatches told of gains at many points and breathed the spirit of victory near at hand. The president's first congra'ulatlons from headquarters came from J. H. Manley. at New York, as follows: "Praise God. from whom all blessings flow. Your triumphant re-election 1b con ceded by democratic managers. I tender my earnest congratulations. We are very happy at headquarters." Up to 11 o'clock the president gave no Intimation to those nearest to him as to his own convictions on the results, although It was the general view of those at the house that his re-election was assured be yond a doubt The advices from head quarters here have been uniformly lover ably. The announcement that Croker eon csded New York and Illinois to McKInley was greeted with applause. There 1 LANCASTER SHOWS BIG GAINS' another outburst when stroug assurrances 1 Totals I 1.072, G3C 873' 759' 24V 832 2471 201' I 139,1 554 1 1 81l 148 273' 855' 24 153 I 5S8 I 274 ! 297 I 130' j 46511 iW 61 162 1 219 270 1 469 1 3 ! 581, 783i S.r'4' 41911 3,120 l.W 1,0821 1,5M' 2231 143 ' 2M' IS; 1.051' 779l 1631 198 14.02' 12.79911 H.2'2, 12.437 152 24'l 40Sl 4IT.I 1C8I 5,017 61 1.114 402 920 1 400! 225 1,012 36) 2s! 129 .'!9' 951 Ml 1041 470 167! 289' 3611 210 35! 149! 5661 3X1 46 314' 224 1 340' 3961 73 .i 475 635 983 649 273 W 295 15.' 348 VX ll 176 269 RV ft 'Hi 636 297 301 234 62B 494 2 16.1 "62 27" 4SI 42 U 7 were received that Indiana would be In ' the column. The Kentucky headquarters sent word that the contest was very close. Shortly after 11 o'clork. Judge Day who , had been doing some figuring based on the ; Itr Majorltf' nt Mate Cap. Itnl Mruclie a Maarnllleeiit 1 nrrrsur, LINCOLN Nor. 6 (Special Telegrnm.)- advlcos, stated that McKinley would have Nearly all returns from precincts tu states, with 254 electoral j caster county received up to 9 o'clock ludl vntes. This was wirh several states et , i-ate heavy gains for the renubllcan ticket 09 I Uj to be heard from with certalultv The president would authorite no statement as to his views, but It was understood he con curred in the accepted viow of a repub lican Tlctory. aud incomplete returns from other toun ties in the First congressional district are equally encouraging, The election of thu Lancaster county republican legislative ticket is aseuied. Twenty of the Cfty-Ieur