Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1900, Page 17, Image 25
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PrVDAT. NOVEMBER 4, 1000. 17 SHIELDS A COSILY LUXURY Tuprcn s.trt tc 1 tot tit BO STRIKING COV.PArflSOK VTTri PREDECESSOR IihWIcm Cae Cite Where Wit rtf Are 1'ald, bat eer Called to Tetttfy t AIL It .' bt Ktt-t vitbt fttr of taocf trfal eastradirUea that jj tarnsty attorney irrarrt w pu-M baf bts tat raort portly oticrtT tre tvtr t-s lMf. Tb csaettstkrr ti;.eaM tsu3el ?ss ti LkiMytci by rtutfra oi Slatiflr" la etabeary li 4t caie2y to laceaartaty 1-eci.uM of t! laccjiktltr to ttteai pr?erly to tat esMet o! tat c-3tt fct tu ea trcn taihr atrrr ttJort rt5:rS lr tay j J all jirefleoentisrt Jtimltiac is ta itira-' tat tatftkfrt la ail ojre rj.awi.. Con- krtaf tot trut ytsr o: tkt ttra ha tref.rew.or hcari K BiWrlft. v;tfc tbtt ! an trrt ytr fr.3 JnJy to Jaat la-elaim. . rSrti tat :MeTLr 1:U Jor fcU ei;-ai- t-Otrlpe frit yetr tC.ClT IS ' aitiais atjt jtAT . tJU 41 lt.rtit cr.t rtr uao-r Falrtdf.CjaS Con ot the Ml. lit. Ttii lacrrkt ia tbt cStt tr; tafirr '' CalslSi u cous'y ittoraty u. boeTtr. oaJj j 1tl lttttt to WH. tea hae.ti. irr:Hfi ,' 11 ABri-ir t3a" 1 a bvrivrUf ia Ut txj-tsht ttiiei au bts I T ooue'r ittoraty Miy tl 1!M tccU cw' ' rakLe ti't""ri4i:-ai"ui " ifiilefl os tat tkxjitytr by rkea o! ti.ti ) Klrla, As exaaataitios c! tit cnart dotkrt be- taw of liH) ;.-( oat tpkjait tIibs: la torssktie&i -rre Lift toawrctlTtly saitr til-iii ?rtsa Mky lEW. to Tttcsiry. lWili a itrtoS fiuriar tie stifit d Ut tna. ttlrty-aJat ;Jtk4fi rnttty -ltt tit ooa.tat to ottai. of k ltitr fi-c?tt taia taoft ctxrfti ffFU)Mat ia otry rrery tartaaet U zaert jkli ;ivaliaraett iartetd o! lttEtlkry wsitsfH Or tat 1M iniorai tloai itrty-t-o tr AlE-sUi-ti. ttlrty-trt er JouaS aot mli?y. tilny-nlat jilttitS rdlty, aa out uf tbt eatlrt II bnt Jur- taea -ftrt louat rui)ty by k yory- la otber pr4. kt as rarrtaow rr-estt ta tbt ttx- aycrv klraor. it jr etat of tbt cwt broiibt by aif4( trt ttmiEK-S ta tbt Staoeri tarat Iodw, ;itr cut wtrt .sgrltte kaS 1pm tbka It' ;tr rtat coa-'1" rJclea. To Uartntt ttt latxcunblt laroa- pettary of fcke Un jMBlt if ta est- rro-rab, t Etrailir LrxJyiU vl li ros Mect)Tt iaicraktiosi oa tbt oorttt iurlac tbt terra of Xr Biiinpt. kit jn-4tM'Wur. tlfccJ ost tfty mx &irralrrfi i-trcatfta JoaaS cot rollty Jnny-oat jileki of puilty iai titrty-rtx rearlnkct. Ptrttlap It la tkbulUei forra t kirt ttt J&Us-x Ir.r etra- 1 pkrvtlrt lUteraeat Piotd rnilty Wi:ralRwa routi aot rtlry. . foaad rnilty C 1 TetUf If A hamet-il Record. li k -or4. Couaty At oraty Btltrtct. -lti a txaUler forr-t cf de;Btr. roavJctefl tawt tbka tlct k rainy offeafitri" t Sblelfik. tl3e tbt -vrrilru of atn nUlty aaSer Saitl Ttrt t-1ct Tatar k? xiaflrr BiJirlrt Ttt coIukkU burirai pUeti ajioa tbt tkx pkjen of rtn:Flkf couaty by lacorrptteary la tbt TTOherotor" oSce raiy eiilly TtrtSed by ka larj-ectloa of tb com reeori la ckhtf ijrii aire coxt tiafier hit rottrt4. Tie Cktt of tbt Etkte itUcn lack, for kiaplt. la Uek ka krctrjUil k, jTcsapUy rrtcraei. rof.t the tixjuyeri of thin couaty ot.- Tbt ci-t kc-iatt Sbkaskhia. Uko Ior by tbt jjuhocaUos, cost the ttipiyrri orer , K-(0 la cott. The Ckt-ek kcklast Cc1t, Hcm kad Ser. j ea cliixptf of bribery &ad boodliac ta the arbocJ lKJirfl. ict-t tbt tkxpkytn hupt ' tvmt. la kdflmea to tbt kraousu exptajea cbilnaxa cf i coraralr.M. iot One Aotable Will letloa. The oaly coa-iittioa recordei by Couaty Alttraty Slutldi la r reilly iraparttat cit.t t-loet hit. IstrtUBt.r&ry of tbt office, la 1 j-erioi of aeirly two yeirt.. it thtt la 1 the Kerr murder trikl. is v-blrh Geatml i Cc ia m ernployei tc take eortrol cf tht I rrotfctitlca ko la vWch Sbteidt ictcd ! caly kt ia utlnttt Ja catt kftw rLtt StlfJdt hit rkllea --itatffet. hid Jurni fora kad it-ntS ia ca tritlk 6f prlhoatrt. kpilart whora kerioas rbkryet -re led -;. caly to Sad. ca raotjpt of the dtlradiai; Uv-jer. tht the ccoaty moraey bkd aot hii tbt.ra trrtlratfi, or the coraplklau vert defective md tbe rrlRB-ier hid tn . Mlw br pri-itt luMBtt.f sses la prorurias ei- tbty i thf-ory kt to tht yousf rais't pot-ri- triatt b chkrajil'T.f . iai tht NttloakJ putt! ieact- Hm a eiea protected. U- We Jkte Mekswtlit Htpmi tn irrlr- 1'?$$' aSn tbcacb iK-Iortllhe iaretucitlac coS3ittt ; ia- tttry ferr boar frora tbt bry pirrsu hta fcr -Bbtt 'bt llui 5or.t for tc-mra-S ' Htm kdrolttefl hivlEj jKictrtefl roratalt- ' it Rocklori rrrisc their t-oa, Chtrlei. to ltbsr at difi nlpo tht Alhtd printiac Truce oa Itwittf pollciex plktefl for the, -rrer e2on Ht hit placed the raitttr 1 Zlirf'xt of -J?erttVas ' rbool bokrd by iireclioa t.f hlratelf it. la tht htact cf detecutft. j b Srautm clrtr meTker Jfoha nkli. 1 . r.i. , - - - w . chirtcterf. .tbelr rtpulir vorl. Tbe report thow t Ptrhipt tbe Tortt tridtacef cf Sblelir J P"H Tiriety cf rabjerts. Art, rauiic aad ratk laeorLttenrT U in 1 'mtnl It, ..' Preach teem to In- the favorite etuile. extestitt corta charred ap.ii.ft tht ttx payert la riset vklch he hat hlrastlf eirraltitd or failed to prot-ecatt Tlit dorket ahovt thkt iE tbt caft of Jobs Rccaer after ea5paat1tai: a Jury tbe raaaty attoraty rtQuertei a dlrautKaJ the co ' EATH o thi jirms tsesRshtitth ft hnm2nity. The germs "which cause Catarrh and Ercnchitis and the Grip prepare the nray for those w hich cause Pneu monia and Con sumption. Ir Get lalnaif er'i Forrnalflebj it lal.aler fc.Hi tu thoMi rtmii rrcc tbty luit h'treC aad btr-at their vorkla tbe dr;aeU. ofi air iu.ct it lh luart tteaitelTea, Cw T Bivlef M Prolrsinr of Lett kad Tttou i'.sraM-a, Chi-ifO t -alcal S: btKj tbt li'ce4 t tu-aj S'bnol ia tbt vwld. aiyi. is T-r-jic to Dr Crto. Lealnrrr h Vera litii. Inhaler ler tatarth. Aatbau. UruncfcttU. Crh. cW and ether o and Throat aad Lunt dnrutt, I ha t inn fid It aupenor t ary reaitdj .Sr Lcr crt. CR. CtO. LDklWCU'l KI3KEY TASLCTS r.tTJ ;"?SC rUa: 1 tr- "t t-euT Ui una rrr rttrlat h-.t u Wl ' Ior vjtaertea bing ever :. aauiti e: t. ,V, 1 ) I ft. i'A A.r I it jjt cart tcusn jtan irmu.ii tas j Torn Ryts charred vitJe burtlary, tht 1 . j fiwtt tttry read, ' Jury rrtumi a . - i w nil i , .-iirt f sot nmty ' tbt reouet.i of tit 2.tprsrtit:Tsi cf Lawr Orpiriaacri jtc j ocnm:y tttpmty " Coru ever tt, x- Sent Hit CLLackrr for Grcrroea, tratat e cl tbt jury tt 114 day Is tht rw( tciinn 52 It. chtrreS vlls lnr aottMcry t ;iftJt lirrtty. witnett-, vert caliri eataihsr con ef rrr III tad i ' tbts tat caw v, etKsUi-ti without c ill Ire a yry Asotber tif-f of tbt name kind li tint Lfitifi Ltrr prin't chr-rpri wits burplary m-. far trlU March. 1W Th 5 err had Siirw4 and a at w trial vai erdtrtd, only j to 1 4iesitt.ei by tbt couaty attorney viti I rti far th taxpayer to toot tpproxisstt- 1 1sF 1,rtr'-r nM ' r' " r Tetlfy. I AMtttr Mrinu.w.3 mer cuitrt lt- i v-.-l, roru rf oter . tfc. I iturn Jba Cm l&A Jo nut, rireS 1U , u.- u-.t.a , lft . . ' Here trt itj nrt .- Is cea wU I ere jinc ;c iae ijispt iret 10 iiaefrei Tit arte? reKiaec. Put Lt'at: Sea4rctrj'i:. itrttrr tit-, alc4 Vr aty tttcratr Derstr 11. i lki t hi ti tlMmt tSf Stilt kcUait Cbk.He Elllt lafi Ttttr I 0w, U-filiJit t4 'Dienor ia tat 4tT- i :a IBrV. by tfurty uat fiirnun-ci Mires kttorajT. PtHTj PttT ITi trttatt likvH E. Hta3f.-M.2. ti- un: ttivc i2i fa: ic so tiouir ityury. tHTta -Ustti rsb;.orake4. artlt rotten . 1taeti rssj'OrateJ, aollt jirottqd tatrrti by eosrty kttcrary: ca OTtr ten 1 Sat tfkisft Rr. ctkrtti ulta i.itinUat c tcUatt Btatcs, rubbist itt Js- ttat to iai4 sat -ttarf'M Ckflel. fit ftaiaat etcbkrtei ttetaM atrtr trrklpat twt artr tfC Stt'i kci-lan fr 5cttos FTkai lirttry teaty -ltatM-t cU!e4 ievrxt-vz it ttt fltrt rat st tour fiiyr. tartt it tirtt itri two it fro dxy. ssktac coiu kfimxlmf.f 117 AltrnlthtC by pMiaty ittoraty Miy Jl Sattt trtiau Sttllk Orets. Itrteay irors at oat fl.y: txnto M.y a iw. rant JTT..HK. Stitt tFiiart Htoeb-y. rot.t-ry4 fitf.ratti'f'S -.r eouaty ittoraty Miy SI lf! ; eaiu ertr ipuaM Rotatat. iboaUac 1tt la- to VU1 tvo itaew.f broucst la lai jtloti xsilM.rt lor vcsty tailti , cat-t t-naiFwfl by ooaaty ktuiracy Jsttt trt orjy i :t c: tbt taost airtat riku pickti ap it rkaacra btrt tai tbert Tat qutrtios 1 WO! tbt tLxpttert -rtat 1Kb i dma vj.0B tbt cousty to foeitsu cue trtLFcry SEARCH FOR LOST BROTHER i BridecrcMita Vt(K-ked wlii rend. Mart for WedclBS Ceretnonj. hat r) oh the Way. Cbtrlei Blrata of Victor. Crfo If 3t tbt otty loofctac for k lot brotfctr. Rty Btrara, bo !rop;ed out of eipat t vetk kpa. L.n Siiursiy tbt Utter, vilb i-treril tna- drti flnllkrf ta bii packet, Itit Virtor. Crto.. lor 1-taaoa, Wit. wbrrt be ki to 1 ratr- riefl to Vlft NelH. nn- ym t.m - riTe" it Le-nnr t-i- iVn. i- , i n . . l-00 ta- -kr no katteatic vera bit tta rtctliei tractraiac blra. Tbt rttl rsyrtery of tbt ctht. botrer biartf upoa ta taoayraoat letter Tlttts 1 ia 6raibk kafl peat to tbt yoaar sen f pireati la RocVfora, 111. kkyiac tbkt bt bki b-ta la Orakhk kafi it aow la ttlt city dtarertiut ly -x-oaafleS tut aakbU to proteee ra a4 Journty Tbt letter, k ;.oorly , BrtrUe4 WWe of oorspariUos. -.itb ky j xnr&t xniirpelled. -"rrtttea oa i trj-i -rriter iai licaea Dr Ttlt aorrraeat li aow la tbt snA. cf tbt police Siart hit irriril la tht cMt ht Btrura htt iboroucsJy hirrhtd e.rr.4- botpita.1 ia Oraxhk. Sontb Orathk tai Coaati Bltifft bnt ullbout aofliai: bit low brother Tbt j1lct of tbt-M' riuet that fir but beta kUe to r-.vt him ao kUikart aor htve MANY CHILDREN eTlinviijr O I UU T I Mb ,,. . Attendaare ".early Tire Hun. Srhnol dred Greater Than for Same -iv i ver jear. Atteaeiace rtpom of tht public rcbooli k'-'ta:tti4 to tbt suprrisltafiest kt tht thit tbt t&tkl earollraeat i H,X or ifii rrmrt pupllt tiia vert ia tht rrhooli dur lap tbt corretpoadtas vetk of 1m yetr The earollraeat it the Hick i-cbool it 14C iad Kellora t.caoo3 it aext is tire with SSI pajillt At tht reflnet-t of tht Fuj-triateadt st kll teirhtri rEbraltteS rtPOrtf It to vhat ' Archltecturt and roeatlcxlturt art be lac , parati hy a lirpt ac-sber of ttithtrt . tai the foHovtac art other r-objtcti vhlch ipptkr cs raisy cf tht report Gealocy, treet, aatart, bible, blolccy. aaechaalral Sraviac. Spaaith. Litis, EasUis, Greet. Stoddard'i lectarea, ehild rtucy Tbt teachert are uklaf thit work either ( ia claFtef or tiadrr privitt tutcrk. Tbe ptrpcfrt of the rej.ort a to iiBsortr vbe'.ber ttacbtrf. art xaaklac at effort to keep out of a rat by carrria r cs v-ork (hlch vlll take tbtlr r:ada ay trcra f.rtof.j rcctiae Mr. Ptartt txpected to ! 4...ii. ui-Brs . u. irscjrvrr xs caxe raaCT of there vert fouafl to be vltbout tpecial vcrk. but ao taary cf tht ttcbhave et-.iaiitE :or teacberi ie cat-e sctEy taken ap vork of their c-ra accord that U ik aot probablt that tbe eupertateaat at -mi . riwuiTuu courvea. I Tbt itteadtace at atcht ncboDli it i-i- crettlar rapidly and it nearly tvire at . i .. A patl veet At Cant hchool elrhty-aix pcpllf trt now enrolled and tte number ia about tbe aacr at Coraesica. WALLACE'S HANDS ARE CLEAN Detective Cox Rellt-jen Prlnoaer f nrlelca Believe He I j oa Rtsht Trail. Wiilitra Cox the dttectitt from tht prov iart of Mcaitoba who it escaped ia t.e.arsh ( Iec lor the taurierer of tvo old bachelor farsaert IjtiEr; near Whitewater Manitoba, .an September hat returned to Omaha from Ntw Mexico vbcre Uvet the tftanced bridt rl ht allered saurdertr. Valwr Gordon, Draon, i ""Hi: Wt .e the.rt be laterpepted htteral 1 wntta to her be Gordon, aad now thiaka he hat tit man located. Tbt tr-lTtl of Detective Cox txplwlef the 'keor' ihat Jobs Wallact it tht rautb vaated man. Ht kaw Waliait thit momiaj tad u once deeiared that tht rata -who vat tbpt at SbetJer ktauoa a veek apo if at Gordon ao Wallace hat lr,a diftcbarted. Tht detective Ireli that bt it ob a hot tetBt hovever. aad promlaea a aeaaatioa ' v iinia a v eck. Editor See Wonder, 11 kite la the opts ktr.' bt Etit. "but I Editor W V Berry of LerlarioR. Tens I 'hen tht trttk wat erplaintd to mt vt ar j in trMoriac Mammoib cart, contracted a ' rtxeta for a raeetinr la tht ceater .f tht t-evere as-e of 41ea Hii flutek cure 1 'wwe. A crovd of CW Hood for two boon ' thrpupt tiiiEr BDcllen t Aralra S1tc cos- b- corner aad we had a pood meetlac vlacea him it aaeber world vender ln c' te handicap The Jetllst .''urt-f pilet iE'ur'ea iaaammatjon and au tcaiatit itt 6emorrat,e commlttet It iEteaw rr.p-joaa. Oty rtc at Kufca i Cc'a, !W0RELC MEN FOR MERCER THEIR REASONS FOR 50 DOING Declare that Th e y Know a Tries and Are ot to Be ln -Cnraeed by Dia t-oiabe. Mort tiaa IK actual wUtrr, w jfttu,, jj vmiUcs 4 aekrlr Tt-r ' ca,es Ui(Br csuttiBj. is oia 1 Sowt 0xa-, txtt .tpa-i Lai rtblUt.eS 4fl4rrt., ttrvt.tiT eaicrtlat Hoa. DLrtft a Ktreej. ... -.-eCfrtloa lh ririrr ii.PL- rti- . ,pM !r toSeri-ratat. mit-taE i , ttl .,u ttlt t. biiTtM ltli iir-trt To jit Vitr tht 5-tccioS Ct-nprti-, rionU Ihrtrlrt oi Nehrki,k Tat ortiarsatn Oaaik csct k Iritai t.e kit ik.1 liirrtttal el ttvoz-K Th.r I wt it ir.Su-iiftd ty trjacoslt tt rvrrr i Jroni pcurt ?.f kctloa bk-S u:tc n",ri fr patJcli mUhc our ;iar- mty f.'t tira;r tat akiat cf pkrUsr tu-iOiat tt aitinc oott ta". t,rrtiier in tf.t ru4fc .: ikt.or by rtkliatac xp tt re:r on-iikruka is twr- hTlTf. . J1 eiT--5rPet. ..Itt-611- . "JUKtve t iui, ooi4 au-aiy fltrafcwi'J ia Ntw Tort tiitt :i a aoa- Unocln Wi4 art ' dlkia u rtrubUrhjt i an ii vu v zct&-:ikniika HLsrjt. -it-ruititl ior tat durtrt jut;iim "i a-4-TuDcir.c 'at 'tnaiiLty o; tat rautaa v tiitrt niTTif li beHTf. K"ork3cpatc who aT rt-f-ltf"-; is Onat.i 1.2 S"tta Omth. durlnr .bt T'&rt tJptt f-kr Utic- tkrte H. Wtrt;tr tb rut Dckr aomlij-t tor paaprtn. tp Ik tltt-. rt:nblf t-oayltrtitnif. ncurkteout eSclt't k'tbi initjeatitJ kni tr;frltic-ei jki'T) IJkrly atlefl Jor tat riStt huh be a?--;lref ki(S wMrh ht hkt filiffl Tntb jlptoj kbllit-1 Jnr Tifcr:T .ifh: ftrr Tirhlt-er, bt biiie fit en murtrrrt . kttta.jus to j'tVlr UTiOrf tn vhht Dtrii H. Mtrrr. :erualcia asilnte ffr cfti- i rreB bkf satat k rcM': fcr )rlf ll''.. t.w trDdr-Bi.. Wortlnpxner. rAOant L.rnrd tc '-Pt tptin tkvld K Mtn-er rtjut-tk .r rictra-tie- ;-r tacref. btkat bt bit btri triej fir elebt yir Ui nrvtr tcmaj vkatlap ') pk-Jt-fl lfcbir never kd b tKter rri--Ti ta "Itber end of tb ntUotiLl -aji)tf-1. raka rrbo ctmi hi brd ty tht fircit f bit fkf ever -rrott Dcvid H Mtrrtr Jtter resulriac x. reply vac rfu-c end no am tn tbt Seoad 'ncref.tic?.kJ dlKtrirt eer IeteS i rethntitbit rs u-n to our eiarrsrrmi iralta k i c: cit- BllJ' prorop'Jy poafsatred tirfn-t M ,u!C -lrri. He pr-ra-ktlif H -nrd knd fMtbrully jrf;irraj hit tf-'--mtatR If rererd H -Ktl: triuvzi lr tbt dlrtrM kx2 eoatklBf no -.ala t.f tnroa Mrtency or rairkf nf m-ietdt ut tlre kJtn hoaeft tad kbtt bt isitttf tbt urutiay of eatralf k rt k fntadf trifi fltfltf ktiy tnku tn potat tr i public r jirtvut kct la puek it c.2i--t or Jr burl-rx-its. wbltfc -rould tilford tbt rerablwe ot ta ruf. for rtfartr.p tr. support h.ra for onprtf, tumar klij ptrtijia refi-MlBt. Lk-)d H W.rttr hu u biil ;trdlnr is coraraitt" sov bi!b tr'.:'. ptr tbe boJt taw- frtattr. coralHac ftreet rkilwty rorc-Ik-ie of 'Wi.f.birirtaB to cdopt vertlbal'i rir for ti.t protM-tloa nf ractorratr. H? ' bL aertr turatd to uab-aiar etr to tht ' request of kij lti3rlrr rata ia."riiw.i)y , nr lkDDncr aaea nfnifa ny prrT..7;izE- tloak. Not or.Jy t . btt bt ht btl;-d t tfi forve- cf Hbar here una fa Soath in.uai ua raort taia oat ortumoa to Krapasb pur-o ottr to tblr beirtr- livetlpte his rer-nr4. JtJ- w Trort;s rnen End not Jit ftkra;--ai or ra:r)l bv tlt f-udde.n, pirkraouat lsttre-t -wbl-b kaotbtr :ta Sidai t. bo if poTrrrl for l,-ctd. ha Roarbt to irapreft up-a or-pt.alr.-3 l.bnr f.ttad by llie man -ho his tbowa bit iritnatalp by kc'.i ini v. ho hia oemoaFirkieo ais ttcarr vy ktnuk.; Km 'TSiTSiSta 'i laterett of lubor even to t-urcet tr k -uej r 1: -ovj611?" enflorMr Alf -tacWkc-r for SSoSew rttSfl aJmrt to lrrtrf-r- n-j.s tbt Fuccetf cf ltbrr UI?,,SR- --?'-hrh taash ta--frd to t.t rnki ever ppTtd J or rorT ia Uat cf trict, bt refutes to t a prttenier for tbt fkkf ,,r x?xf' A tatf3lp'' 5'r2; ?Slr htt btCf1f"lT bVi"eJ lThed"- dpir r li Schwtltabure. clykr maKtr. Mintia rectei presKrata. u y ; Srirura. brirWiytr: Chkrlet Hoye. brlrk- lkyer: NtA. TbntupRpa. bod cirri r P. w ' K"mt bnctUyer. Fred Zptrrr.Ena. -tpVMK. r H Kcsrier T.lumir TI A . "Wllhf. pret.FmR.a- Ctwrf E. VtTl-f ' priater. A. 3 Dotchtr printer A. D Sail , rrtater. Morptn Srkrick, prir.ttr Prcd Drtxel. primer. Htrry Sldet jialr.ter. Heary JilUer ttoaecattr; Gf prte Steel , rtonerutter Williim Heaa. bkntader ' Prtak Gkrtltat. t-coper Joha I Lrrrh. pltiiabla: Joha rtC-rilt-rsU IfA-lher worker. No JI: r E 'Wttt.:.a borf.t 1 tlKK-r Joha A Keat. plaraber rrt-d Sailer. blkCkKraith, Prkak M.. Wc-olley. rkrpattr kad bullier. 3 K Br-ylt, trtttt. Tern Iearjey. le.torer. M. G Tbetitr. cirtattr iai bulid-rJ Peter Burtf a. t.tiUr ratter. Bdwird Aurut.tia- er.ctt.etr. F O Blkiier, cablat raiKer Pre G. tratnoa, laborer O 5 Tr&tsoa.. borwihoer. "rniutra Eke. cin-erter. X) "SV Erotrr clerk v BroTTsu clerk. V R. Morrlt. hort-ehboer. Otto Kederv-ler ajjj,, p. G aerraka. tinner. H. R. HrOe.. carpeater S. G Spacer, ctrjater, Scott , "acknon. latwrer. Astoa Prkacl. tailor; H. P EiUiaaaa. barber: G A Ba-janaaa. i barrxr. Catrlet Durtia. raoalBtr. Jcba ' Ererett. httkraan: C E Adarnt, Jr cjtrk. Herman Hefner, brever. Joaa L. Lyck bolra. mailer, Oraaha B- All cf . Ed la Oo;enharve, printer Omaha T-po-rraphl:al tinlca Jnha Burda. butcher. ' John C Trouton. titer. J J Daly, coa t table, Thnma C Utlitv Jiremta , "K' S. Bat;tck. bart-er. C C Goodman. l.arler. A G MUler barber. T B Sr-ctt. blaak aralth. J J Kun-hy blakErclth "V J ' Ray. biarkErnltb. J VT McFa Marktmlth. TVhalen bstcber- Jowj.h Koattky. paint company. VL Sait-ctroan. butcher. r-. i r- . i . . t . , . painter. II. J Schaber presumta. i 4ilTiI vr'vne?? . S2T. tr'.ar.. No. S: Grant E. .Ulbe.ry. pnattr. i orakba TnFrapaicaa ar.ioa c J?;1. rt ' r.a ; jn.rtii.j. ui.ivu i'n'"t" - VS"1!. Tr?v ' gg Vb i ypo STiJ'aicaj iacfraita' lea, blactrralth, Fred A Martin, boner 17W. y- taropamrt. tart--r j aor cjera. electrician: P TV lnrernrU. cjerk. N IV Weintcn. clerk. J F "EVbitelork. car-ater. N N New-ten plaMertr Peter Jt.bnspa. clerk. A C Wiloox. clerk. C A P.ft-na. .ort butcher. K. K. lMjty i . ti PavldMin. clerk J & Rldce ork butcher. K. li ZJatjty Jet: p.tcaer wax tJurt. H. Elt-feider. jitialer John S Barrett, clerk. C S Scatterrw. clerk Georre T" Dunn, pitoltr. W A Brrj . clert. F M. Bloc.lhart, birlr, H. "W TVattt, barter. F TV Hulttt d par manufacturer. Fred WUlahra, pork butcher N K Heifer painter, Cliarlef M. Clepp, jiUater All of c-outa Orctat. DEMOCI11TS TFRX M1ABBT TRICK. Pntlonlit at Colnniha ltefnr to Carry Onl Their Arretneat. "3a all my pcbilc career 1 never ie?.Ted furh treatmeot at vat accorded me at CoJ unobnt. Friday nrht " f.aii Seatier W. B Alllf ta of Iowa, "Tbt republican aad demo cratic county coarnitteet had ratti tbt opera houae Joir'Jy, tht arranrtatat bets; that tht democrat! vert to hut fret rway la tht artrraoan aad tht lepubllraat is tht cveatsc. At tht ct.Eelufioa of the after aooa affair, h&veter the fUKionirts rrfuhed to carry cat their ap-eeneai and btW pot aeraion. Is addiuos to thit breath cf faith thty rented tht JiLsatrcbor hul ta4 lotb buildiart vtrt kept lot aid au. ist dnriag- tbt ertalsc," Wn5w Oeritr 'K ilhS tcbeduled to r-IK-ak vlth Seaator Alhann aad rjfutei to 1 dinned by democratic dc;4kty 'lt va a chilly aickt tad ! had aot Pets -utti 5t kfa will lott lu ticket maay Ttra. Vxxt mvadt lu ccaiurt xot ts- Hud van Did Cost $100 00 for 50 1 1 For many years Htidyan was put up as a treatment br iht great Hud van doc tors. Hudjan did co.t $100.00 per treatment. Men and women can novr bur Hudjan in pack-ige.- for 50c per package and each and ererj package is guaranteed. Hudyan acts differently on differ ent people. Xo fwo case? are alike no fwo cases lell the same time or tale of cure. HudTgn a-ts differentlj on different people. Wcuirf Seem Too Rcmirkabli Were all the testimonials endow ing Hudjan printed the cures -would seem too remarkable to miraculous. Men and women in Mexico, in Cen tral America, in France, in Germany and in the western nates tell peculiar tales about Hudyan. Hudyan cures Pains in xhe Back, Pains in xhe Side. Pains in Shoulders, Pains up and doivn Shoulders. Running Shoulder Pains. Hudyan cures Pains in Loins. Pains in Kidneys, Pains OTer Liver. Hudyan cures pain6 in the Joints, Pains in the Face, Pains in Head. Pains in, above and over eyes. Hudyan cures men and -women who are pale, emaciated, weak. Try a package of Hudyan -just one package. You will feel so much better you will be surprised. Kudyan, for Ken and Yamtn, 50 Cents DrHBrists-Kuhn "-Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Myers-Dillon Drug Co., J. A. Fuller St Co., Chas. H Schaefer, J. H. bchtmdt. Omaha; Camp Bros., Council Bluffs; Dillon Dnig Co., South Omaha all sell and recommend Hudyan. worthy vat that the rrpubLcrst had ar-1 rasced to pay hi-.f the hall rest aad had atruvti ta .tt iK4ri'ios. Juice SclH- 1 van of tht FCpreat lack labored vitt hii J fellow derat.crau ier Jar play, but tht ' cos-nutter rtt.oJ trrs. " i HAS NO PEAKS ro CHICAGO. Editor Brneker ? the World Pair ' City I JtepnTt.lIran. J Joteph Brucker e;tor of the nilcaU Staati-Ztutnn!: aad member cf tht repub lican ttate commute ar Caictcc. btlltvttt thit Cik pcuaty J1 stand loyal to itt reonalicaaiFm with majority of tram , ftO.t to 40.W0. Tbe ihaacet vtlth jrtK.J time hate vroucbt a:na: tt farmtrf 1 Mr Bracker it ttsured. will brtac tbe t-tate up to H old repablK ta lead .of :41i.0CD Mr. Brarkcr ta a GcrmaB haa caaratfti nitaoit tboroLxhly arasas hit If'.lcWi cocairyTaea tad Ssdt thttc nndiamsyei by the bttpato of imi.trit.itaa perjured up by fiuluaif at a bid ihleSy lor German Totca. The idea took mdc bold at trt-t. ! but af the eampairn prcpreefd ju empH- . ntft wta ibovn to tbt MtiKfartios of tTtry Teuton Kr. Bructw yudcti It will have no fwet whatever amoac hl countrymen ( "1 fpokc all over the ttate and Jound , 1 1 -Govt race ARreia'r 'relitionx fttltac.- i farebodint fltmcrraur scptas. had so. prenad csceit Is hU ewn eptritcal aatttrt . " Oae of my lajce crowdJ vet tt Aurora. ' the eTf-niac vpon vhuh ooccrrod tht death , cf C H Wetrtch't. lather. A rci-olutloa of rympathy wjia pawed adreaed to tbt Nebraska candidate anJ the family ' I'ollttral te. . VTar.t H. i reput'.i'-ar: vt au et vt rcrtltth and Hamfera at f. M p m aid march to Th-rty-susth ant Parana, thesae Cents, Each Package Guaranteed. 5 3 HS3 ,cir.-?,i-vir i. to Tweaty-elphth and Parr am Tjrrhef. nriformt and tmmuaJtin w... bt fjralkafd and t wapoa via t with .he c.-b Tt band vU Mart from W air at K : ilembtri art reguerted to brine tbotpurif. Mr Jacob Keaiif, caaaidate i r atenor lc the Second ward hat rtimzvi ic ".nt pr,r. ta of th cty contlauouKr f r t:.t Itst aeventeen year, tad la, ia ccnMS,ti veil cuaified tc perform the dutitt oi the ofhet in eeat cf alt ciec!:r.. Mr Ktridu It a practical budnera man and nai a vide acqualrtanre tn the ward Ht wUi clrt the wort hit jersoniJ ttteatl r. vaicB t a raartnty that it wm l. we'l done in every r-rpen Mr Kendl rcfi.6f a.t 1SS South Thirteenth, tad It the manarer t the Chifap. Pirsuturc ctmptcy :-4JJb Dodpe tret ALTGELD ELUDES COMMITTEE Gentlemen Appointed to Greet Ea Governor of Illlnol Go on Prmltlr Qartt to Drp.1. Ex-Governor Altcbld of IJiinoit. iaMead of trrtvltc la Omaha vpoa t'it m.aolt Cen tral yeMtrday at i o'clock at Kcheduled came is ob tht BurliarU'S aimoat ta hour earlier tad tbe rtult vaa that tbt rcsep- ' uea committee vhleh wat to have met hits j at tbt depot failed in had him duritr tht day. He pat up tt a PamaiD B-.rert hotel bat 1 did not repirter. vhich Inn adde4 tc the committee rmharrtttmeat Tbt ftntltmca comprif4nf It trt voadtrinr nw if tin "Una Stir' wtt not carefully plaactS by vbe tii-povemor tad vhetber or aot it abould 1 (ntu6red tt a muh. . Itetroy and Drive Off Moral, If tbtrt are vormt or pi rat ,et p atr kind 5n the human body Airart f.aat!T Cathartic W.J tai, k,. i r 2 etp. tbta aU trurpini, itt, tic, liu You Can Now BEFORE DURING La Grippe TRY CM immediate lasting At Drvggids Everywhere- "MaSFSSaTPnPt If?t ?6" 1x1 ,h-a- naw Oocft Pucbw TabwiU ar- aor ;ntully rW?K 1 lnfiT 3, tra t:"ac oet Pan tiwS n.oaUili I' wr: JOiii" la&M. mor. aralrill ! axi-kiwi ta..i t i KrrTS iiJt fi T PrVJ t.Mpf kjtt'See yojr Crs- I M - s w ,;aV . r. IIUt. Kl rbatmimmmmm W- lit w It 'w osaba h? aUta X. It a Boar tt fiet Hudvati Hudyan cures, never doubt it. Hud yan cure all disorders arising from Weak erres or Impoverished Blood. Hudyan cures Nervousness, Tremblings, Weakness, Irinrineas, All-gone Feeling. Hudyan cures Sleeplefisnctt, Despondency. ilental Depression. Hudya cures Indigestion. Bloating of Stomach, Palpi tation of the Heart, Pale or Sallow Complex ions, Hudyan cures Clouded Memory, Head aches. Costiveness, Torpid Liver. Hudyan cures Pain in Back, Pain in Side, Pain in IimbF. Weak Back, Sediment in Urine, Ringing in Ears, Dots before Eyes, Hudyan cures Lose of Flesh, Loss of Appetite, Haggard Appearance, Lack of Energy. Hudyan gives one Energy, Vigor, Vim, makes one Robust and Strong. Hud yan creates bright, rosy completions, becaus-e it insures perfect activity of all organs of tb body. Women who suffer with painful or ir regular periods, leucorrboea, bearing-down pains, chronic inflammations and ulcerations find absolute comfort in Hudyan. It cure. Hudyan makes rich blood, promotes sound sleep, creates a healthy appetite. Hudyan's cures are permanent and lasting. Consult the Great Hudyan Doctors Free, They Adris Free. Call or write. Hudyan, 50 eta. a pack age, 6 packages 2.50. For Bale by all drug gist or s-end direct to HUDTA2" REIG5DY CO., Saa Francisco, California, AFTER Vtcrld fEraoDS Marlznl TrC, FOR BODY AND BRAIN Laos 1S63 EiaorM,a by Medica-l P.-oJesdoa ka. efficacious agreeable Itufuse Substitute