Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1900, Page 3, Image 4

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State House Patriots Voto Ofton in the I
Qonnan Paper's Election. I
licfil FiinlinNl-i Tnki Ails untune of
Km I.iii ('KiiililloiiM mill I'ml ln-
llrjHli 11,-ltinm ( a I
rllilhll. I
LL.'COLN. Nov. 2. -I.Spcrlal.l llepuh-I
llmti workers In this county have rc-i
relvil Information from n reliable source
thai fully two-thirds of tin- llryiin ballots,
cast In the I'rrlo Pressu presidential poll
were mulled from the populist natlonnl j
headquarters In UiIh .Hy. Tim otes pre
pared by the fuslonlsts hero In Lincoln j
were dated from Illinois. Michigan. Iowa
mid other states and us then' was no Indr
ration thnl they rro not genuine they (
wore of cotirFO counted hy the proprietor
of (he Herman publication. Even with the j
luffed poll McKlnley ran ahead In many (
of the state. In Nebraska he was only i
800 votes behind Bryan. The poll shows a
majority for McKlnley In 1'tah, Nevada.
Montann and Kentucky, states tmu were
evidently overlooked by the fusion com
mittee. The ballot on which preference for presl
dc.nt was e!, pressed was arranged so that
the voter would not sign his name. In
tho upper right hand comer was a blank
lino for the name of tho state In which
he resided and then In tho center. In lurgo
letters, were tho names of the republican,
democratic, prohibition and so
clallst cundldutoa for prldont. with 11 box
after each for the voter's cross. The ballot
was not dated and theie was nothing to
show whether those that were returned to
the offlro were sent by subscribers or by
other persons, who bought sample copies
of tho paper and mailed the ballots In
this city. . .
Tho result of the Frelc Prcsso poll Is
being heralded by the populist national
committee as an Indication of the pre
vailing sentiment of the German-Amer-Icann.
From the following table an idea
may be formed as to how the populist com
mittee distributed the Ilryan ballots anions
the various states.
States. McK.
Alabama 1
Arkansas .. IX
t'lillfornlii . f
Colorado 19
Idaho I-
llllnols .... :7
Indiana 61
jnwn 27i!
Kansas .. 2t"
Kentuckv .. i
Louisiana ls
Maryland 11
Michigan .. I7t
Minnesota . '.M."
Jllssourl . .129
Montana . . 12
Mllt He
Htates. Mc l. Urn
4 Nebraska .. I"-1
:tt Nivadn 12
111 New Jersey.
75 New York..
15 N. Dakota .
HHH. Dakota...
7f.iiTeiiiiessn ..
M Washington
II Wisconsin .
I WyomlnK
y.e.w. Virginia
Totals... 3,imi 5 kill
On the' theory that the law knows no
frnetlon of a day an opinion was prepared
in the uttornev general's oltice this after
noon, declaring that persons who began
their tesldenre in a county on September
IS, or any subsequent dav, should not bo
allowed to vote at the forthcoming elec
tion. The law requites the voter to be
n resldont of the county for forty days
nnd tho Intrepretntlnn placed upon this
icctlon by Assistant Attorney i'uul rizey,
u t'as Happened
More than once, that a child lias been
earrictl off by ati cajole. When such
a thing ilocit happen the press rings
with the story. There's not a line
given by the press to the babies car
ried off daily bv disease. It isn't the
fact of the 'child being tnken away
that is startlitii: or interesting, it's
only when the method of taking off
is novel that it excites interest. How
many childtcn die who tuii;ht have
been saw! if the mother who liorc
them had been able to give them
strength and vitality. Dr. Tierce's
Favorite Prescription makes.healthy
mothers and healthy mothers have
healthy children, strong enough to
resist disease if they are attacked.
Mrs. Axel KJer. of Oordonvitle, Cape Clr
nlc.iu Co.. Mo., writes. " When t look t my
little boy I feel It my duty to write to you.
ThU Uuty fifth child ami the onlyjoc who
came to maturity the others having died
from lick of iiuurUhmetit-so the doctor
uld. Till time I just thought I would try
your ' Prescription,' I took nlnn tottle and
to my nurprlv it carried me through and
rare ut an fine a little boy at ever was.
weighed tcu and oue-half pounds. He U
now five month i old, tun never been sick a
day, and I to strong that everybody who
sen htm wondert at him."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets keep
the bowels healthy and regular.
1 1
11 II I.
W? nor just to herself.
:' Do you realize all that
ju on your
v and see
for you it should.
Chicago, New York, St. Louis, Boston.
to whom the request for an opinion was
referred. Is that the, voter shall havo lived
In thn county forty days prior to election
day. This question is a novel ono and
them Is no record of it ever having been
decided In court.
Tho case brought to the attention of
tho attorney general aroso in a county In
the western part of tho state. A man
moved Into thn county on September 28, and
I'll vote has been challenged on the ground
that by election day he will not have re
sided there forty days. The question to
bo derided I whether tho day of election
can bo counted as ono of tho forty. With
out It the man's residence will count only
thirty-nine days.
.Mr. Plzey fpent several hours today
looking through law books for a decision
of this question. No parallel caso was
found, but In a decision of a case some
what similar a court held that a fraction
of a day could not be recognized under a
strict Interpretation of the law.
Smith's four ('(intliiilrri.
Hy written stipulation a hearing of the
raso of Charles U. Smith, convicted In j
Nemaha county for murdering his wife, hag
been continued In the supreme court until j
December 4.
For the third time the case of It. R.
Osgood against J. McGregor Adams of I
Omaha, Involving the. enforcement of a tax
lien held by Osgood has been appealed to
tho supreme court,
Prof. 8. Morgan Urooks of the engineer
ing department of tho university, accom
panied hy a party of engineering students,
returned today from Kansas City where
thny uttended the Amorlcan Street Rail
way convention. Tho trip was made for
purpose of studying tho latest models and
Inventions in electric railway machinery.
Albert F. Woods, formerly assistant In
tho botaulcal department of the university,
has been appointed chief of the Division
of Vegotablo Physiology and Pathology in
Washington, D. C.
Director T. I,. Lyon of the United States
experiment station has gono to Hartford,
Conn , to attend tho meeting of tho Ameri
can Association of Agricultural colleges as
a delegate from the University of Nebraska.
I'romlticn t nlilaml Man I Killed by
n I'll 1 1 from the llu
I, oft.
ASHLAND. Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special Tele
gram, i About 10:30 this morning the llfo
less body of Allam Herkhelnior was found
In his barn. Tho last seen of Mr. llerk
helmer alive was when he returned from
a rail at Dennis Dean's place. He rame
home, unhltrhed his team and went up
Into the hay mow lo throw down some
h.iy for his horses. It Is supposed that
ho lost his balance in descending, ns his
neck was broken by tho fall. Ho was first
discovered by his father. John Berkhclmcr,
In the manger, with his Ijead down and
blood gushing out of his mouth. A nearby
phytilctnu was Immediately sumomned, but
ho found life extinct, although tho body
was still warm. Coroner J. E. Lamb of
Wahoo was Immediately notified and an
Inquest will be held when he arrives and
tho cause of death ascertained.
Mr. Herkholracr was ono of the most
prominent business inen of Ashland, con
ducting an implement house here and at
Memphis, Neb. Ho leaves a wife and two
sons. His oldest son, Charles, is attending
school at Des Moines, la.
MarrlHge Hreoril Figures.
OSCKOLA, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special.) Tho
mortgago Indebtedness of Little Polk has
Increased for the month of October, for
tho reason that there are many citizens
who havo been purchasing cattle to feed
up tho surplus corn.
y Farm mortgages filed. 20, amounting to
J33,2.6,15; released, 33, amounting to $31.
276.25. City mortgages filed, 3, amounting
to $855; released, 2, amounting to $1,100.
Chattel mortgages filed, 80, amounting to
$29,299.41: released, 36, amounting to $16,
693.58. Thoro have been but two months In the
last year that the Indebtedness has In
creased In ths county and the county has
never seen more prosperous times than In
tho last year.
Illneltnf Allnekx Drcntur.
DECATUR, Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special.) A
meeting was held Wednesday nlght by the
city council for the purpose of enforcing
a quarantine to suppress the dlseaue,
Cuban measles, which has been rampant
hero for live months past. Atl political
dates havo been canceled; no dances will
be ullowcd or other public gatherings and
religions services will bo suspended. A
cltse quarantine will be enforced wherever
tho JlHcase exists In private houses. A
stale board of health representative wa
l:re to biIvIbo tho city council.
.Mull I'onrli l llltlril.
M'COOK. Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special Tele
gram. ) A mall pouch was stolen from a
transfer truck at the McCook depot this
morning shortly after the arrival of pas
sengcr train No. 3. The pouch was taken
to an electric, light In tho rear of the Na
tional hotel, cut open and rifled of Its con
tents, all tho totters but two or three
Email bundles being opened.
Knife Point In in,, i:,,.,
BEATRICE, Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special Tele,
grain. ) Wendell Oage. tho 6-year-old son
of Munuger F. Oage of the nursery com
pany located at this place, while playing
with a knife last evening ran tho point of
the btado In his eye, completely destroying
the sight, The boy was taken to Omaha
this morning for treatment, t
('niitrfiet for l.lslit I'lnut.
MADISON, Neb., Nov. 2. (8peclal.) The
city council last night awarded the con
tract for the erection of an electric light
hard worked
house wife who tries
to get along without
is neither economical
Gold Dust Washing Pow
der will do in saving hard
work? Read the directions
package TO-DAY
if it is doing all
plant to the I. I. Bennett Power and Light
ing company of Hastings for $5,100. The
specifications rail for a Westlnghouse
dynamo and an Ideal engine. When the
bonds were voted It was the Intention to
put in n street lighting plant only, but
later it was. decided to put in a general
plant, rionds were voted for $3,000. The
plant will bo Installed Inside of ninety
Tnnil Ik Crovrilcd to Itlrml llir It n II
nil l llenr Mclklrjolin
PENDER. Neb.. Nov. 2. -(Snerlnt Tele-
gram.) -One of tho largest unit most en
thusiastic rallies ever held in Pender was
held last night by the republicans. Hon.
George D. Melklejohn and W. S. Summers,
United States district attorney, spokn on
the national and stato Issues. Tho crowd
was Hlmply Immense. There were 275
torchlights In tho procession, besides vis
iting clubs from West Point and Wake
field, who brought their own torches,
making In all 400 torches In tho procession.
Fully 600 marched without torches. Al
though the streets were very muddy from
recent heavy rains, It did not detract a
particle from ttje enthusiasm of the march
ers. Tho Pender Ilepublican club had ar
ranged for an Immense display of ilreworks.
As the marchers who had no torches mado
their appearancon Main street there wero
committees stationed along to give them
Roman candles nnd they began to Are
them Into the air and the heavens wero a
blaze of fire from ono end of Main street
to tha other. It was a beautiful sight to
see. There wero fully 3,000 people In Pen
der. Tho largo opera house would not hold
one-half tho crowd nnd the court house
was used for an overflow meeting. This
has certainly strengthened tho republican
party in Thurston coenty. There .wero 500
Omaha Indians and 100 Winnebago Indiana
who attended the rally and assisted in tho
program. Tho dolegatlon from West Point
brought their six-pound cannon with them
and they began to flro It about 6:30 and
It was a signal for tho fun to begin.
Colour! Doclcli' Aetlonn viltli I'opiillntft
I'nrty CmiNrM lireut I ml lKnut hill.
WYMORK, Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special.)
Colonel J. It. Dodds of this city, who was
nominated for congress by the mld-roadurs
of this district, has admitted that ho never
was slncero In his acceptance of tho nom
ination and Hint the only reason he! took
tho pluco was to keep some ono who was
slncero out of tho ruce and thus keep tho
mld-roaders from "cutting Stark's throat,"
as , ho termed It In nn Interview today.
There Is a large number of mld-roaders
in this district who are sore on fusion and
it was their Intention to name a candidate
for congress, not that they had any hopes
of electing him, but simply to cast their
votes and thus maintain their party or
ganization. When Colonel Dodds learned
of this ho advocated It as a good Idea
through the columns of Ills paper and took
such an Interest In this party, the prin
ciples of which he had always loved, that
tho mld-roaders thought he was sincere
In his desire to help them and they agreed
upon him as tholr stnudard-bearer.
Colonel Dodds announced tils Intention
of withdrawing from tho ticket when It
was too late for tho mld-roaders to name
another cnndldato and In thli manner It
was expected to forco the true populists
to vote for Stark. Dodds admits that the
whole proceeding was a trick on his part
and he docs not deny that ho received a
rcspcctnblo-Blzed roll from Mr. Stark for
the manner In which ho betrayed the mld
roaders. Tho people who wert thus fooled
by Colonel Dodds Bre naturally Indignant
and many of them will work and voto for
John D. Pope, the republican candidate,
rathor than "deliver the goods" Colonel
Dodds sold.
lllk Hull)' nt Kilanr,
nnOAR. Neb., Nov. 2. (Special.) The
republican campaign In Edgar wound up
last night in a blazo of glory with tho
laBt meeting before election. The speaker
billed for the evening was E. M. Bartlett
of Omaha nnd he entertained the crowd
for two hours with ono of tho most logical
nrgumonts In favor of the policy of the
present administration that was ever lis
tened to and to those who wero open to
conviction it must have proved convincing.
There whb but one spenker down on the
bill, but Frank Kelley of Lincoln, who had
been billed for 'Lawrence, was unable to
find a place to speak thero, owing to the
fact that the (unionists had rented tho
only hall In town, and the popocratle
speaker being afraid to divide the, tlmo
with Mr. Kelley, he rame to Edgar and nt
tho close of Mr. Bartlett's speech ho madn
a rousing address of nearly an hour ami a
half, and the fact that tho cruwd re
mained till he closed Is good proof that his
talk pleased tho people. Ho devoted him
self almost exclusively to Bryan's prophe
cies of four years ugo and ho made Billy's
predictions look ridiculous, as they are to
all thinking men. Tho meeting was the
biggest kind of a success and the repub
licans await with confidence the result of
the voting on next Tuesda).
AIIInuii lit Alllllill.
ALBION. Neb.. Nov. 2. -(Speclul.) Sen
ator Allison arrived on his special car at
7'30 Wednesday evening and was con
ducted tu his hotel, where he held an In
formal reception, many citizens of all par
ties making II an occasion to shake hands
with hlru. At 8 o'clock he arrived nt the
opera house, which was so crowded that It
was hard work to get through to the
stage. Mr. Allison was Introduced hy
Chairman Lehr and spoke for nearly two
and one-half hours. He paid a very high
compliment to ex-Uoveruot Crounse. He
paid but tittle attention to the trusts,
simply c'tlng the records as to what Mr,
Ilryan and the democratic party had ever
done about them, when they had the op
portunity, then going Into the details nf the
Spanish war, citing many facts that were
now to most of the people about It, taking
up militarism and showing so plainly that
no man could fall to see It that under our
constitution such n condition cannot pos
sibly exist. Anally closing with tlm sub
ject of imperialism. This ends tho cam
paign here so far as tho speaking Is con
cerned by the republicans. W'c believe
Boone county will give McKlnley a ma
jority next Tuesday.
Itrpuhllrnns Hold n Mounter Hall; nt
t'rrntont nnil l.titf-a In
.1. I,. Wrlmtrr.
.FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special Tel
gram.) The closing republican rally of
thn rnmpalgn was held here this evening
and was a complete, success, both as to
numbers and enthusiasm A special train
over the Elkhorn brought in several hun
dred from Dodge, Scribner, Hooper and
Ntckerson, including uniformed marching
clubs fron Dodge, Scribner and Hooper.
Tho visitors were met at the depot by the
Fremont McKlnley and Roosevelt uni
formed club of 200 carrying torches and
escorted through the prinlcpat streets of
thn city to the opera house. Tho streets
wero lined with u Jostling, enthusiastic
crowd of people and the cheering was nt
most constant along tho lino of march.
('. K. Abbott, chairman of tho county com
mittee, presided and ufter a song by the
Imperial quartet of York, which brought
down the hefse and called for two encores,
introduced the sprakor of the evening, Hon.
J. I.. Webster of Omaha. He first paid tils
respects to the populist party and Its man
agement of the affairs of the state, which
ho held responsible for Its slow growth
during tho rant decade. The balance of his
speech was upon national Issues and was a
strong presentation of tho sound principles
of the republican platform. Love's opera
houso was filled from top to bottom nnd
tho audlenco was In full accord with the
I'liNlnn 1'iirtr I" tlrovrliiK I1rnirrntr In
mi Wlrnipl In Detent
WHBPINO WATER, Neb., Nov. 2. (Spe
cial.) A circular has been widely scat
tered In this county purporting to come
from tho Autl-Saloon league headquarters
at Lincoln. It Is a desperate effort to
defeat Dietrich for governor and undoubt
edly emanates from a fusion source Ono
of these circulars was sent to L. P. Lud
den, secretary of tho Autl-Saloon league at
Lincoln, by W. H. Pool of this place, and
from his answer It Is seen that the con
tents of the circular arc wholly faked.
Ludden's letter Is as follows:
LINCOLN, Oct. 31. IMD.-Wllllani II. I'ooi.
Weeping Water, Neb.: Djir Sir Referring
tn yours of the 30tli with luclosure, ho tnr
ns I know tho Anti-Saloon league bus held
no meeting nor havo they authorized the
Issuing of any letter. I have teen several
letters purporting to lie printed by the
Antl-Saloou league, but they were un-dgned
documents. This letter that you Bend me
Is a new one to me. The letterhead Is also
new In form, The naming of tho clergy
men Is not correct, that Is, some of the
men named are not pnstors of the entireties
named and with no nnmu except that i f
Ilev. Kuhns do they give any Initials. Very
respectfully, LUTHER P. LUOUHN.
Tho contents of tho circular are mado
up of bitter attacks on the republican can
didate's character and a number of fake
letters which aro signed by names with
no Initials, with ono exception, and which
aro generally fictitious.
Former Ilrynn Mnn nt Wnynr Comes
Out for McKlnley.
WAYNE, Nob.. Nov. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) The Wayno Republican club sprung
a surprise upon tho fuslonlsts tonight that
opened their eyes. Everybody had been
Invited to tho club rooms nnd a good sized
crowd turned out. Frank Fuller, who four
years ago left tho republican party be
cause of tho silver question, was Intro
duced and in ono of tho most stirring ad
dresses ever listened to in tills city an
nounced his return to the republican parly
and his Intention of supporting Presldeut
McKlnley. He was greeted with enthusias
tic applause throughout his address, as he
riddled the now Issue of Bryanocracy, Im
perialism and militarism.
Itrnrnt I'ltyiitrr'n Action.
WABASH, Neb.. Oct. 30. To tho Editor
of Tho Bee: In Tho Deo you speak of tho
murder of Matt Akeson nnd Governor
Poynter pardoning the murderer of that
old man. When the votes of Cass county
are counted the governor will realize that
the people, regardless of party, do not
uphold tho turning of this monster, Kearns,
loose. Not a.cltlzen of this county was
awaro of the pardon till long after. Some
say Poynter was Imposed on. Was ho lm-
posrd on when the Inw says two weeks
notlco shall bo published In newspapers of
said county before tho pardon Is granted?
Does not the law Bay the officer to whom
tho warrant Is given for the pardon shall
notify tho clerk of the district court
whero conviction was had? Wos that done
at tho time? No.
When the votes are counted next Tues
day Mr. Poynter will find out the verdict
of the pcoplo of Cass county on his action
tn turning Iooso ono of tho most cold
blooded murderers over known, who killed
nn old man and tried to kill his aged wife
as well as their son. MIKE CAREY.
On tlir l,nt Lap.
HOOPER. Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special.) The
Hooper McKlnley and Roosevelt club and
tho Hooper cornet band, who have been
doing excellent work during tho campaign,
started out last evening to attend the series
of final big rallies that aro to end the
campaign In Dodge county. A special train
wns run to Scribner and 100 people went
fiom here.
After the torchlight procession by the
marching clubs Governor Crounso spoke to
u crowded houso at Soli Bros, hall and tho
Fremont Gleo club rendered several
catchy campaign songs. Tonight the club
nnd band will teavo hero on a special
train for Fremont, where Hon, John L.
Webster will address the meeting.
Tomorrow evening Is Hooper's night. A
speclul train wilt be run from Fremont
and after the big parade Hon. G. M. Lam
bertson will talk to tho peoplo here.
A mammoth dinner pall has been pre
pared, from which the club will serve roast
beef and sandwiches. If the weather does
not fall us wo will have tho largest crowd
of peoplo seen In Hooper in a long time.
KntluiaiMmii nt lliilnptnn,
HAMPTON, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special.)
Hy far the largest and most enthusiastic
audience ever assembled In this village
appeared at the opera house, hero last
evening to llsteu to a discussion of tho
Issues of the present campaign by Robert
G. Douglas of Brodstiow and William F.
Gurley of Omaha, An excursion of 200
came from Aurora and largo dolrgatlons
from Marquetto, Bradshaw and Henderson
and the crowd was so largo that many
were unable to secure admission, This Is
without doubt tho most successful political
demonstration ever held hero and confirms
the claims of the republicans that Hamilton
county will return substantial gains for
their ticket on Tuesday next.
K. 4. I.iindhurar at Martlnahnrii,
PONCA. Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special.) A sue
cersftil republican rally was held In Mar
tlnsbtirg Thursday night. E. A. Lundburg
of Wgync( tbo speaker of the evening, was
Pertina Used in Time Saved Her Life.
All's Well That Ends Weill
Jt Is the same old story of exposure to
cold. The cctd passing down the bron
chial tubes to the lungs, the dercloptng
of a sVttled cold on the lungs, cottghtng,
expectoration. This Is a abort road to
consumption. Thousands of people have
traveled IL Thousands mure will travel
It and the coming winter will develop an
untold multitude of new rases.
In the rase of Helen Murphy, the end
ing was a hnppy one. She started on the
road to consumption after catching cold
at n reception. Instead of waiting unttt
she became incurable, Pcruna was resorted
to and her life was saved.
It Is a pity that eery one else In this
wide land could Hot know of this very
effects e remedy tn such caBes. The nows
Is spreading fast but a great many people
have not jet heard that Pcruna Is a sure
cure In these cases,
Pcruna cures acute catarrh and chronic ca
tarrh, catarrh of tho head nnd catarrh of
the lungs, catarrh of the throat and ca
tarrh of the stomach. Wherever catarrh
may have located Itself, whether In the
digestive organs, kidneys or pelvic organs,
Peruna Is sure to eradicate the disease
Another case where consumption was
cheated of Its prey occurred In tho stato
of Iowa. The report of the case created
considerable attention n' the tlmo and was
furnished us unsolicited by Mr. Henrlck
son. In a letter to Dr. Hartman he sets
forth some Interesting details of his rescue
from consumption. He made use of the fol
lowing language.
"I havo been for years a ronstnnt suf
ferer from chronic catarrh of the head nnd
throat, which dimity worked down Into the
nlr passages. In the spring of 'PS I took n
severe rold and coughed all summer, t
though I had consumption. Then I hail a bail
nttaek of la grippe. After taking a course
of Peninn I feel cured nf all these troubles.
Whenever any of our children get sick
we give them Pcruna. and it never falls to
euro them. 1 most heartily testify to the
vnlun of Peruna In cases of catarrh unit la
grippe. I hope this may be the means of
others suffering ns I did to take Peruna
and be cured. We would not bo without It
In tho house."
Henry Henrlckson.
Generally the first cold of tho scoson Is
caught In November. With some people this
lasts nil winter nnd lays the foundation of
chronic catarrh. In the beginning a few
doses of Peruna Is sufllelent to make a per
manent cure.
Send for Dr. Hnrtman's latest book on
chronic catarrh. Address The Pcruna Medl
clno Co.. Columbus, Ohio.
greeted by a good audience In Woodman's
hall nnd gave a bright, elean and con
vincing speech upon national, stute and
county Issues. Every one present consid
ered tho speech an excellent oratorical
effort. The'ctose attention with which Mr.
Lundburg's remarks were accorded by mem- '
bers of the fusion pnrtles present Indl-'
catcs an Increased trend of feeling in that
community toward tho eontlnunnco of the '
pretcnt conditions of prosperity. ,
llnllj nt Neivtiitiim tirnvp.
NEWMANS (JROVE, Neb., Nov. 2. (Spe
clal Tolegram.) A rousing republican rally
was held here last night. W. W. Young,
candidate tor stato senator, nnd Senator I
Van Duscn from South Omaha poured forth
argument after argument tn a most cto
qutnt nnd convincing manner, free from ,
nil nbuse. Both speakers were frequetly
applnuded nnd hold tho close attention of
tho packed house during the entire even
ing. The meeting closed by the singing
of "America" hy tho vast audience, after
which three rousing clicers were given for
McKlnley. This meeting was In marked
contrast to ono hold hero nbnut a week
ago by the fuslonlsts.
Tho fuslonlsts had a man booked to 1
speak last night, but when he arrived they
could not muster any ono to listen to him,
so the spenker went to the hotel. j
Crri-tlim for IIIniiii.
DAVID CITY. Neb.. Nov. 2. - (Special.)
At hnlf past 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon
Apent Snow of tho Union Paclllc received
a telegrnm that a special train carrying
Scnntor Allison of Iowa would pass through
nt. 4 o'clock. The nnwH spread rapidly and
when tho train pulled Into the suit Inn i'OO
How Mrs, Bougher's Lifo
was Saved by Lydla E,
Plnkham's Vegetable
"l.ydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound saved my life and gavo back
a loving mother to eleven children,
which was mor than any doctor could
have done or nny other medicine in
the wide world. My trouble was child
bed fover. The third day after my
babe, was lwirn I took a chill, which
was followed 1y a high fever. I would
perspire until my elothes were ns wet
as though dipped in a tub of water.
The chills njul fever kept up for tlireo
days. My da-lighter got me a bottle of
your Compound- Tho fourth dose
stopped Hie chills, and the fever also
dlsappenied. My life was saved. My
age at this critical time wns forty
aine." Lydla 12. Hougher, Rtna, Pa.
Mo moillclne In the world ham m groator rooordofourmm for femmle III then
1S v1' 1 I
Oslikosli. Wis.
Miss Helen Murphy, a popular society woman of Oshkosh, Wis., Is nn ardent frlenit
to Peruna. Tho following Is a letter written by Miss Murphy, nnd gives her opinion
of Peruna as a preventlvo as well as cure for catarrhal ailments.
( Tho Peruna Medicine Company. Columbus, Oliloi
Gentlemen About throe months ago 1 contracted n severe cold nt
I an cveiiinu reception, which settled on inv I tilths and threatened to be
very serious, as my motiicr nas tiscii I'crtinu wnn goon results, sue
sent for a bottle for me and I found that it gave me blessed relief. He
fore the second bottle was consumed I was well.
"We keep a bottle of it on hand all the time and when I have been
out in inclement weather, I t.ike a dose or two of I'crtinu and it prevents
my taking any cold and keeps mc perfectly well." Yours very trulv,
people were nt the depot and called for a
speech. Tho senator spoke for about fifteen
minutes from his car. He assured tils
hearers that McKlnley would bo elected
without any doubt, whatever. Ills speech
was received with lound after round of
applause. He was euroute to Athlon, where
he spoke last night.
Itriitllciin Hull t'p Slnjnrlty.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special.)
One of tho largest and most enthusiastic
republican rallies ever hold In this plnce
occurred Inst night, the speakers being
Congressman E. J. Burkctt nnd Judge J.
B. Strode of Lincoln. All tho marching
clubs wero out In force, utso tlio f!un club"
nnd the display of fireworks by the Flam
beau club hns never before been equaled
In this locality. The music was furnished
by tho Elk Creek band and tho Table Rock
Main quaret. Both speeches wero highly
complimented and liberally applauded. It
Is confidently expected that the republican
majority In this county will approximate
Itnlly ill Florence.
FLORENCE. Neb., Nov. 2. (Special Tel
egram.) The city hall hero was crowded
tonight by nn enlhuslustlc nudience. Tin;
address of the evening was mado by W. I.
Klerstend of Omaha, who dewit especlallj-.
on local Issues and tho worth of Candidate
Parish. Judge Baxter nnd II. H. Bnldrl;?c
mado short addresses
Fiivlon lliillj- nt Sr-irnnl.
SEWARD, Neb.. Nov. 2 (Special.) The
lrng-lonked-for fusion rally came off yes
terday nnd the day being perfect a good
crowd was In town to hear the orntory.
All tho world knows of tho wonderful
euros which have boon mado by Lydla Em
Flnkham's Vegetable Compound, yet some
women do not roalizo that all that Is
claimed for It is absolutely true.
If all suffering women could bo mado to
Utellovo that Mrs, Pinkham can do all she
says sho can, their suffering would bo at
an end, for they would at once profit by
her advico and bo cured.
To nil doubters Mrs. Pinkham can furnish the moht positive
nnd convincing proof of these facts.
First Lydia K. 1'inUham's Vegetable Compound holds the record
for the largest number of absolute cures of tiny remedy for female
ills ever known in tills country.
Second Mrs. I'inlcham
who have been restored to heal!., by the use of her Compound, and all
that she claims can lie verified hy an examination of her records.
Third All letters addressed to her at Lynn, Mass., are received, opened
read, nnd answered by women only. Tills is a snercd confidence never violated.
No testimonial ever published without the writer's full nnd free consent in writing.
Pacts About Lydia E,
Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound In Cases of
Change of Life, Bearing
Down Pains, Etc,
" 1 had falling, inflammation and
ulceration of the womb; backache,
bearing-down pains; was so weak
and nervous that I could not do my
own work; had sick hendaehe, no
appetite, nuinb spells, hands and feet
cold all the time. I had good doctors,
but none of them did me any good.
Through the advice of a lady friend
1 began the use of Lydla I), l'inkham's
Vegetable Compound, and after taking
one bottle 1 felt greatly relieved, and
by the time I had used severnl bottles
was completely cured, so that I could
do my work again. I am now passing
through the el i tinge of life and using
your Compound. It helps me wonder
fully. I want every suffering woman
to know what your medlclnn has dono
for mc." Mrs. W. M. Bull, New
Palestine, Mo.
I I " 1 Ml
Senator Wellington wns not ablo to bo
present and his place was filled by Mr
Shepard of Lincoln. In the evening tbey
had a parade with all the boys they could
find that would carry a torch. Mr. Hitch
cock addressed tho people at tho opera
I house In thn evening. Four years ago
! thorn would havo been at least twice as
1 nuuij- people out as there were yesterdaj-.
Npnrlock Speii Lk nt Murrny.
; MURRAY. Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special Tele
gram. ) Judgo Ocorgo W. Spurlock of
l'lattsmnutli spokn to n large audience hero
tonight on the Issues of the day from a
republican standpoint. Tho l'lattsmouth
tnnlo quartet furnished the music. Cnndl
dato for Representative Wilkinson also
mntlen short address. Thoaudlenco was
I enthusiastic.
Itepulilleniin MuUlnit 1 1 en il it a
WOLIIACH, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special.) P.
E. Taylor of Wlsner t.ddrcsscd a good sized
nudletico hero last night. Ho discussed
trusts, Imperialism and the other Issues
for nbout un hour and a half nnd his nd
dress wns frequently applnuded. Tho re
publlcanu nro making gains hero every
F. J. l'o ut l)r Wilt.
1)K WITT. Nell.. NViv 2 IRnoolnl ll
F. J. Foss of Creto spoko hero for two
hours to an audience of 400 people last
night. He discussed the Issues of the cam
paign In a elenr and convincing manner.
The Creto Gleo club nnd Dc Witt Drum
,corp furnished excellent music.
For n Colli In the llrml.
bason file millions of letters from women
Still More Facts Showing
Irregularity is Overcome
by Lydia E, Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound,
"DkauMiss, I 'ink iiam I am troubled
with irregular menstruation, and have
begun the use of hydla E. l'inkham's
Vegetable Compound. Would like
your advice." Cora L. Payton, May
19, 1898.
"Dr.Ait Mns. Pinkham I have taken
three, bottles of Lydia H. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, but I have a bai
discharge and write to ask if I had
better not use. your Kanntlre Wash
also? Your medicine is helping me,v
Cora L. Payton, Ogontz, Pa., July 1.
"niiAii Mns, Pinkham I write to
tell you of the benefit I have received
f rom the use of your remedies. Heore
using them I was feeling very bad. I
used to go to the hospital, but it did
mi" no good. Your remedies have
done wonders for me." Cora L. Pay
ton, Ogontz, Pa. Feb. 25. 8P9.