12 TILE OifAnA T)AILV BEE: SATURDAY, OV13MBEH 1 900. HELLEY, STICEH & CO. Special Inducements in Men'a, Women's and Ohildren'a IIonie7 and Underwear. STORE OPEN TILL 9i30 SATURDAY EVENING bnliinlnr sln.pi.rr. Will I'lnil .mini? Kierllent Miirnlii In l'H (nil Winter Welitht In '111 l fnlt. Ladles' ami children's winter hosiery and Underwear. Kor tho qualities here ottered our price are unusually low. 1'ractlcHl styles at bargain prices. Indies' full and winter weight, fast black cotton hose, fleered or untleeced, high upllcml hcol und too, double sole, best value, H5o pair. Ladlos' fast black cotton hose, extra quality, rnaro yarn, also extra lino fleeced fast black hone, double, sole, heel and toe. ladles' full fashioned blncl" cashmere hose Our throq spei lals for Saturday's sale, 33e. 8 pairs for tl.OO. Ladles' extra lino, llRhlwflRht black eash rncro hoso, for early fall wear, hlj?h spliced heel and toe. double, sole, 75c finality, Sat urday only Mr pair. Iloyj' leather hose, fast black cotton, triple, knec. hiel nnd toe; the never-wunr-out kind, nil sizes, 6 to 11. our price, only SZr, pair. Children's ribbed black cashmere hose, double knee, heel and toe, regular 35c qual ity, all sizes fi lo 3, L'Sc pair. Satisfactory underwear. Wo have it In etock. Kltfl well, looks well, feels well, wears well. LadlCH ribbed cotton vests and pants, ecru and natural color, finished scams and Trench band pants, sold regularly at 3Sc, Saturday 25c each. Ladles' extra heavy ribbed vests and pants, cream and ecru, wlntor weight, ex ceptional value; ono of our bargains Sat urday at 60c eauh. Indies' ribbed natural wool vests, but toned across bust or down front, pants, Xrench hands, made full and large, soft, nlco quality worth S.f each; our price, at CDe each. Wo are sole agents for the celebrated "Munslng" underwear for ladles' and chil dren. It combines perfection of lit and finish, with reasonableness of price. Those who wear It are always satisfied. Ladles' extra heavy fleeced "Munslng" union suits, II stylus and sizes, ecru or natural color, at St. 00 per suit. Ladles "Munslng" mixed wool and cot ton unloi. suits, natural color, only $1.10 per suit, all styles and sizes. Ladles' "Munslng" plated wool vests and pants at J 1.00 each. Ladles' "Munslng" silkatlne union suits, extra heavy weight; a beautiful silk fin ished garment. In flesh and sky. nothing to equal It for less than $4.."0; our special at $3.50 per suit. Wo havo 11 complete line of sires In the "Munslng" fleeced natural color union ult for boyn and ijlrls, only 75c per suit. Wo aro closing out an odd line of sizes Jn boys' and misses' extra quality ribbed floeced shirts, pants and drawers, all re duced to L'Sc each. KELLEV, STIGElt & CO.. Cor. loth and Knrnam Sis. If you are In doubt when to buy. read Ilayden Bros. ad on page 7 and go there. MESSENGER BOYS HAVE FUN 1 Throvr flnnlir of l.lulK Into "-elmol iliiniu I)' Mrnim of I'm'ki'l .Mirror. r t Two messenger boys, each with a "rush" telegram In his pocket to deliver, gave a Itttlo object lesson In optics yesterday t tho Franklin Bchool, Thirty-sixth nnd l'ranklln streets, and wero arrested for It. The professor said tho demonstration came In all right during tho recitation of the class In physics, but that the light flashes Wero an annoyance to the pupils In other tranches. Tho boys perched themselves upon the fenco which surrounds the campus and by means of pocket mirrors throw two power ful shafts of sunlight Into the various pchool rooms, taking pains whenever pos r'.tlo to direct the in Into tho eyes of tho teachers. The janitor was sent out to abate tho nulsanco, but tho boys mounted tholr v heels and easily outstripped him. only to return nnd resume operations. Finally a telcphono message was sent to tho police station. Officer Kelgleinan of thu bicycle corpo was soon upon the scene, when the rntlrn school took a roceHs "to watch the race betweon the officer and the miscreants. It was an uneven contest. Helgleuian over hauled them, stacked the throe wheels by Iho roadsldo and returned with his quarry. No complaint will be filed against th boys. At the principal's request their parents wero notified as to their conduct. .llailr Viiiiiik Again. "One of Dr. King's Now Life Tills each Wght for two weeks has put mo in my teens' again." writes D. II. Turner of Pempsoytown, Pa. They're the best In the World for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c t Kuhn & Co. 's drug store. Aiilioiiui'rnifiitM of tlii- Tliritlrrn. Tho Booond edition to Ih fcheuui colebrltlos will bo given to the women who attend the souvenir matinee today at tho Orolghton-Ornhciim. Tli thU plctuio Is thn beautiful "(Jlrl with tho AUDurn nair Tno indications are that tho biggest matinee crowd of tho season will bo present. Tin weVn rlnliehtfnt hill has been a great magnet; more peoplo navo aucnneti ttian for any single week so far this Season. This reenrrl rtrn. tint destined to last long, as favorlto Jessie iiarucu uavls anil six other iron,! net. will fco tho attraction for a week, commencing tomorrow. "At the While Ilorao Tavern," Charles nd Daniel Krohman's dainty comedy, will open at tbo Iloyd Sunday afternoon for five performances, Including a special matinee Tuosday afternoon, election day. Frederic. Jloud and thirty people arn In the company. Dniier Toitltrlit. Washington hall. Eighteenth and Harney trccis. jolly rcignt .1 lively ba 11 this even Ing, Clark's union orchestra. A grand good ximo tor you. yes. gents 2.'.e. Welcome. 69c Cramer's Kidney Cure This week only wo are rilling the above remedy at isie. Not more than hIx bot- tin to n cuHtomer See It In our window roo Hynip of FIks (Genuine) 30o r0o Illrnoy'H C'nlurrh Cure. 3o 11.00 I. Uterine (Lambert's) ric Wto Morrow s Kld-ne-r ius 200 Mo Doan'x Kidney Pills 'c fAi AJax Tablets M'o Allegrcttt A Rubel'i Chocolates Uc Ma Hay's H.ilr llenlih 4"c fAj Hloeum'M Orojell , flp Mo Coscurets 100 fA; Tarrant a Heluer Aperlfnt 40e Mo Cutlrtirii Halve oc 11.00 llovlnlne. lirtfe rtz ., T5n II 00 Falrchll l'H Pept Milk Powder tfc Mo liromo-Heitier 4(c t'V llntil' Hnaragus Pills HOc JJfrt CblehM'ter's Kntcllsh Pennyroyal Pills . . $I.J5 Write for Catal'rfii- Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co : 1 1 : it B Women's Jackets, Avitomobiles, Etc. A 1 Lot 1 Women's Juckets- Mado of heavy Oxford cheviots, kerseys, mc tons and boucles sorao of them arc heavy taffeta lined no old chestnuts, but new up-to-date garments not a Jacket In this lot worth ler.s than 7.60 and up to 110 for Saturday-only 4.90 New English Box Coats In fino kerseys heavy satin lined high storm collar, and lapels, In tan, gray, castor. red and black a very nobby gar mcnt and well worth tho money for Snturday I, LHIIIUI, 14.75 Women's Serge Dress Skirts Mndn of good all wool serge, with the new flarlne bottomtrimmed with taffeta silk strans nicely stitched new Invcrtec plait back -regular $0 skirts for Saturday 3.90 Women's Taffeta Silk Dress Skirts Made of good quality of taffeta silk cut with the proper bans Otf" new back-and trimmed with 4 rows of taffeta ruchlng J a skirt worth $12 for Saturday Children's Box coats and Automobiles- We've pome very nobby new creations in children's garments from G to 14 yrs. such as short box coats !54 lengths automobiloF, etc. made in cheviots, mel tons and kerseys, tan, blue and red for Saturday 3.90 4.90 6.90 9.75 Children's winter cLps Toques, Tarn O'Shanters, Plush Turbans, Golf, Etc. IMush Turbans 25c (toll or Urihtons 25c llo.vs' and Youth's Caps 35c NWve the largest and most complete line of boys' and youth's raps in the west up to ('" and 7."e. Toques and Tarn O'Shanters 25c, .'"x'. 45c, f0r, Ue, Soe. Infants' Toques He and 4 sir. Folks may descant upon qualities from sun-up to sun-down they may prate about prices until the millennium; but a happier combina tion of the two couldn't be struck than is that which we have hit upon this present season. Our apparel appeals are more especially directed to the shrewd and thrifty and observant buyers the buyers who are cautious and who exercise sound judgment the buyers who always know just what, they're about such is the class of customers to which we're con stantly catering. Boy's Clothing. 4fk 1 Boys' School Suits In gray checks plaids, etc 4 to 15 years at Boys' School Suits In brown Scotch mixture well made good fitting good durable school suits, at Boys' School Suits all wool stripes nnd checks In cassl meres or Scotch plaids, selling around us for 13.25 our price Boys' School Suits all wool In a dark check or plaids well made and nicely finished at 1.25 1.75 2.25 3.00 SKnaXfa1.! Ill 1UHN. I.'UJ Boys' Overcoats. Ilon' C'lilnclillln Ilerfcm Sailor Collar-nicely brulded, 4 to S years- ut only Hoys' Chliiflillln Iterfern With storm Collar well made 7 to 15 years at only l!o-' Oxford Orny llcfferw Mado with atorni collar extra good value 7 to 15 years nt only Ho)' HIiip Cliluclillln Hrefcrd Made with Btorni collar fnncy flnnnel llnlni; 7 to 13 years at only Hoy' llrnwn Irish Krlrr Ilerfpi-s Made with storm collar fancy lining good warm reefer 10 to 15 years, at only Hoys niofk All Wool Irish Krleze Iteefers serge lining made with storm collar, sl2e 10 to 15 years, nt only UoyV Oxford fSriiy Ilrrfers Single breasted box style velvet collars nobby and stylish at only Doys' Covert Overcoat In light gray single brensted velvet collar box style 7 to 13 years at only , ;iillil' Ilceferw Oxford gray sailor collar made up In pretty style I to 9 years at only Chi Ill's Ilrcfem Gray covert double brensted velvet collar a perfect little beauty 3 to 8 years at only Men's Clothirvg. Men's All Wool J-roith plnld suits-fuirtH-r'h fatln lined first clnH suit in ovury rcsjifi't, nt. 4.50 Men's Ml Wool steel k'iny cunliiirio bults, nicely lined nnd woll mntle, jiorfcct in b ylo und fit-every enro has been utilized in tholr construction ynrmonts with chur- f9 '"J SL actor nnd Individuality, mudo (oruur own trado J. M. ' Men's All Wool 1 1 nncy worsted In dnrw patterns, made with as much euro as your tailor taxes with your clothes look Just as well are Just ai good at Men's All Wool fancy worsted suits In checks, stripes, etc. correct In every respect and equal to any J15 suit shown anywhere, at Men's Fall Overcoats. made of patent beaver, velvet collar good lining, correctly constructed, for L4, Men's Fall Overcoats mado of oxford gray, newest cut nnd make farmer's satin lined satin piped seams, equal to any J10 you run across It Is yours if you buy It here, for 10.00 12.00 4.50 Men's Fall Overcoats Illack or blue all wool kersey, velvet collar- box back genteel dress overcoat at -quilted lining Men's Fall Overcoats Oxford gray velvet collar good quillty lining elegantly tailored throughout real vnluo M6.00 for 7.00 9.00 12.00 .1.00 . 1.50 .2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 3.00 3.50 Men's SKoe Men's llni Cult Mines, iloiilile milt's Men's Vlt'l Kid, inoilrnr Ttrlts .Mi-n's Wliitrr Tnns, licin soles every pair Kiiiiriintc.-il lit ttlvi- piTfrut siitls- s" y-v fMi'tlon Men's Winter Underwear. Men's I'loece Mned Shirts O and Drawers, each Ow Men's Jersey nibbed Shirts J CS -t and Drawers, each HrCV Men's Wool Finished silk faced striped shirts and drawers 50C Men's Fine Natural Wool and camel s hair, plush back shirts ' r and drawers, each A. CJw Men's Kxtra Quality shirts and drawers, extra weight A ff each I.UvJ Men's Kxtra Heavy Australian wool. fancy colors, fashioned seams, fast colors shirts and drawers, each 1.25 Men's Fine Quality camel's hair sup pcrlor finish, shirts -4 A f and drawers, each I.tA. Men's Medium Weight French rai-nr.o fashioned seams, full icgular made, shirts and drawers, each.... Men's Dalbrlggan com bination suits, per suit Men's Australian Wool cotu r f i. at. sZ.J1 2.00 1.25 blnatlon suits, ribbed, . iiMtiari-iriiTiT J J J J 5 4J J : J 1 J J 1 : j J "X J J J J 5 J 3 J X X J X J 1 J X X J J J J in V.ir.,000 UA.MAOnil CI.OTllI.VfJ. Snip IlesliiN Nntiirday .Moriilnic at 8 O'clock Miurfi In tlic; Ilaseuirnl. AT BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. Messrs. J. U. HrandoU & Sons, proprie tors of the Uoston Storo, Omnha, wish to state to the public over their own personal vlgnaturo that this sale is something en tirely out of their regular way of belling clothing that they never sell any dam aged clothing but that In this case the Btoek wus offered to them so cheap they knew they could gtvo tho public tho great est barynln in clothing It was possible to be Riven. THAT THIS STOCK WILL BH SOLD IX THK UASUMUNT ONLY. That It must bo sold at once. What 's not sold by tho end of this sain will be disposed of In lump to outsldo parties. DAMAGED 1IY WATER ONLY. Your choice of any man's suit In this stock for $5.00. Your cholco of any man's ulster In this stock for $3.'jS. Your chclce of anv man's overcoat In this stock for $5,00. Your choice of any boy's overcoat in this stock tor $1.98 Your choice of any hoy's knee pants suit for $1.25. Your choice of any young man's long pants suit for 92.50. Your cholco of any of the men's pants, In any way damaged by water, for 75e. lour cholco of all the men's pants, all sound and perfect, worth up to $.").00, for 9Sc and $1.C0. SPECIAL NOTICE. There Is absolutely no damage of any kind except that of a Itttlo wetting by water. That this wetting extends to only a small part of tho stock. What damagu thero 1b Is so slight you could hardly notice It. Hut you can't help seeing tho tremendous bnrgalns in this salo THESE ARB ON SALE ONLY IN THE BASEMENT. Signed, J. L. HRANDEIS fc SONS, Prop's. "BOSTON STORE," OMAHA. REILET, STIGElt & CO, Add New Lines of Shoes to Their Bargain List for Saturday. LADIES' $2 25 SHOES FOR $1,29 Children's 91.00 Shoes, BOc Children's Htl.MO Nrtiool Shoes, Tf!c Misses' IjiU.OO .Shoes, one Broken Lots 'of Hoys' IfU.'Jr, Shoes, M .!). LADIES $1.00 SHOES, $1.9S. Owing to the large number of these shoes sold Thursday we have added another line of extension soles for our Saturday's Bale. Theso shoes are tho best values ever of fered and Just what you want for fall and winter wear, only $1.93. Our ralsscn' nnd children's kangaroo calf shoes at $1.50 and $1.25 can't be excelled for school wear. Don't fall to sec our "Leader" In ladles' $3.15 extension solo shoe. Button and lace. Sella anywhere for $3.50. Tho "Automobile" wine shoe, an exclu- Elvo advnnce style of ladles' walking shoe, extension nolo, Cuban heel and shank, Is selling rapidly. Your outDt is not complete without a pair. Price, $4.00. Tho shoe for tender fcot Is our exten sion salo with a cushion tnsolo, soft and pliable as a handturn shoe; only $3.35. KELLEY, STIOER && CO., Corner 15th and Farnam Sts. The big bargain store Is Ilayden Bros. Look over tholr ad on page 7. .Notice to Truvrltiiff Men, Thero will a meeting of the McKlnley- Roosovelt Traveling Men's club at tbo Her Oraud Saturday evening, November 3, at 7:30 o'clock to make arrangements to par ticipate in Monday night's parade and other Important business will come before the club. J. L. HOUSTON, President. J. M. BUCK, Secretary. Ilayden Bros.' ad Is right on pago 7. Head It. for Ladies Only $1.00 Pierce's Prescription 75c $1.00 Win of Cardul 75c $1,00 rinkham's Compound 76c 25c Pinkbam's Wauh :oc $1.00 Mothers' Friend 75c 25a Ilurkbart's Tablets 20c 25o Hooper's Pills 20c $1.00 Pennyroyal rills 75c $2.00 Tansy Pills t, $1.75 $2.00 Marbel's French Pills $1.75 $1.00 Clark's Female Pills 75c $1.00 Kilmer's Femalo Remedy 75c Ooddyear's Lady Syringe $2.60 Lady's Suction Syrlngo $2.00 Oood Breast Pump 25c Good Fountain Syringe COc J. A. FULLER & GO CUT PRICE DRUGGISTS, llth arf HongUs Hit, Opea 111 MhIU. HOSTOX STOIli: 1II.YS IIAI.K HULLS. At l.enH Thnu 25c on thr Ilollnr AVr IloiiKht u Cnr Loud of Curort. ON SALE MONDAY. From an important New York carpot manufacturer wo bought tho entire stock of what are called half rolls of all kinds of brussels velvet and moquetto enrpct. ThcBe are lengths running from 15 to 30 yards nnd they come in all tho newest pat terns and are not sold by tho manufacturer until the end of tho season. When a loom Is set running It always weaves moru or less remnants, that Is, less than a full piece, which Is generally 45 yards. At the end of the season the manufacturer sells tho entire accumulation of half rolls. This year we captured tho lot and Monday we will begin the biggest salo of carpets ever held In Omaha. From an eastern cut-order carpet depart ment wo bought tho entire lot of mlBtlts, that Is, when an order Is taken for a car pet to be sent out of town, tho carpet Is mado up and sent, but If It docs not (It It Is returned and tlicsa aro placed In tho misfit lot. They como mostly with bor ders, but there aro about 100 of them straight carpets without border, and wo will sell them tomorrow at really about U their regular worth. Bring tho measurements of your room Monday and securo an immenso bargain. Watch Sunday's papers for the announce ment of the prices. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. Nothing succeeds in drawing customers like low prices for good qualities. Ilayden Bros., with an ad on pago 7. Seeks Lost Husband. Mrs. Mary Darr of Syracuse, N. T., hns written to C'lty Clerk Kllnurn for lnform.i tlon concerning her inlsxlng husband, Wil liam Darr, wnom Bhe has pot beard of for two years. In her letter she stated that John Darr, the father of her husband, is supposed to be living In Omaha. The name Darr docs not appear In the city directory. A Sure, Purr Cure. Purely vegetable, without mercurial orj other mlnoral poisons, enscarets candy Cathartic cure chronic constipation. All druggists. 10c, 25c, 50c. PLAIN FACTS In tills enlightened ago of progress, science, iih well us buslnofs, Is making rapid strides. Especially Is this true in tho drug business, We are befor tho peoplo with plutn facts as to our price, nur goods uiut our cuurteous attention to tho Interest of each and e'very customer. Though the amount bought may be smuil, our motto Ih to plense the people. By giving a call In all that's necessary to convince you of this fnct. Cramer'B Kidney Curo 75c l'eruna 5a Carter's Liver Iills 15o Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 40a Wine of Cardul "&c Duffy's Malt Whiskey tta I'lerco'H Prescription 75c Dr. Karl Kramer's Pennyroyal Pills, .$1.00 Syrup of Figs Wc H. S. S "5c l'ond'H Kxtract 40c Ilu-Can Hair Tonic 75c AVer's Hair Ylgor 75c Ilar-Ileu 40c AJax Tablets Oc Vino Kolafra Mo Scott's Emulsion 75c Miles' Nervine 75c Oem Catarrh Powder .15c Hlriioy Catnrrn j'uwner sic CUT PRICE SCHAEFER TAX RETURNS SHOW INCREASE St'hnlnlrs Nov In Commissioner's Hands Contain 1'rrsonnl Prop rrty .Not Previously Listed. Deputy tax commissioners who were em ployed to assist the commissioner In mak ing asiessnuntH on personal property can sorve only forty days and many of them have completed thlH tlmo and turned in their schedules. Whcnover It was posslblo all schedules left with Individuals to be filled out were collected, but many of them .AitM nn, I,. . ........ n .? M M I.'l nml.i. I r- V U . U U b li;bUICI1 ..... A .UU.lMft ID I anxious that taxpayers turn In such schedules without delay. Unless tho schedule are put In tho commissioner's hands he will be compelled to mako assess ments on last year's returns. The returns In tho tax commissioner's hands show that the Indlvdual returns are much larger than they were last year and unless the number of reporta should be less than last year the commissioner la confident that the amount of personal property listed for assessment will be much greater. Largo taxpayers havo listed more securities than In fottcer years and much Jewelry nnd other personal property which ordinarily Is not given In shows up on the records. Tor h Cold In the Head. LAXATIVE UROMO-QU1NINE TABLETS, Low Rates Tuesday Tbo Burlington offers the fol lowing low rates for Tuesday next: Ogdcn nnd Salt Lake City, ono way, $23, round trip, $40. Ilntto und Helena, one way, $23, round trip, $40. Seattle and Portland, one way, $28; round trip, $45. Spokano and Tacoma, one way. $2S; round trip, $45. Vlvtrla and Vancouver, one way, $28; round trip, $45. Round trip tickets good for 30 days. TICK13T OFFICE, 1502 FARNAM STREET. Tin., -r.o. IlimiilNOTOX STATIO., IOTH AND MASON STS. ti:l. ih. r TALES Of THE INSURANCE MAN The Wlnninir of Sandy JlrTahTiir. Sandy McTague, contractor and civil engineer, bad been caught In tho wreck of falling bridge timbers and was winding up the affairs of hln life In short order. Ho had been a fairly successful man, a money maker and a money spender and this latter quality had brought up tho subject of his worldly goods, for McTague was a man of family. "Nlver molnd, byes." ho said, "this old world hasn't used mo so bad afther all. I've had mo ups and downs un' In wan of tho tips I had mo Itfo Insured In a good ould complny that has stood tho tlst of tolrao an' paid dollar for dollar on lvery claim. I've klpt mo policy throo thick an' thin an' this day It's as good as ould wheat In tho mill. It'll kapo the wife and babies from tho poor house whin I am gone, Byes, It's tho biggest wlnnln' I Ivcr made." And with a Boft smllo upon his rugged face old Bandy McTague had crossed over to tho other side. Only another ono of life's lessons, but some of ub are slow to learn. The Equitable offers a splendid investment while you llvo and safe protection to those you leave behind. Better let us tell you about our Gold DJbenturo Endowment Policy in this strong, old company. It has stood the tett of time and "time at last makes all things even." 1 The Equitable Assurance Society II. I). Nccly, Mtiv. for Neb. 200.208 Dec HiilltlliiR, Omaha. J HAYDENs Cloak Sale "WE HAVE TRIED EVERYWHERE AND COME BACK." Expressions like- this are frequent in our Cloak department and are one of the best proofs that our stock Is the largest and our values the best. Wo will submit gar ments to your house; get some other firm to do the same; buy from tho house that sells you tho best goods for the least money. We defy competition. Wo guarantee a saving of 25 to SO per cent. A Few Plums for Saturday's Selling. LADIES' BLACK CHEVIOT SUITS Lined with Wlnslow taffota; they aro mado in thft very newest styles; a suit worth In this market $25.00 a til C f f world beater at Saturday's price u5lOJvl LADIES' SUITS Made from fine Venetians, trimmed with satin straps; other houses ndvertlso tbem na a wonderful bargain at d? - $12.60, our price JpViO LADIES' Sl'lTS-Mado up in the newest style, sizes 32, 34 and 36. In heavy mixed goods; sleeves, edges and collars bound with four rows of stitched satin' Jacket lined with Romalno silk; they aro worth $15.00 ni J- fcn on sale Saturday 3)030 200 LADIES' JACKETS Made from the very best Washington Mills kerseys, in all tho now shades aud black, silk lined throughout; coat or storm collar, nd- ip fC vertisul by other houses for $10.50 Saturdays price UpOyO LADIES' GRACEFUL BOX COATS-Wlth tbo now back, strapped seams, Sklnner'H satlu lined throughout, velvet collar, other houses advertlso them ty g- s- at $15.00 our prlco only iD-oC) 300 LADIES' JACKETS Medium welahts, Ol4 f0 ,t, worth $0 to $10-on sale at Jbl.yO fUlfl fl.Qft t-" $7.50 MISSES' BOX COATS Silk lined throughout, 20 Inches long, each MOTHERS AND CHILDREN MADE HAPPY TOMORROW. We havo mado preparations for tho little ones exceeding any thing wo over attempted before. LOT ONE Children's Jackets, nges rt to 14, on sale at "6r. LOT TWO-Chlldron'H Jncketa. In bonrles, meltons and broad cloths, worth up to $1.00 your cholco of tho lot for $1.H8. LOT THREE Chlldren'n Jackets, In browns, blues, taim, reds and greons, In heavy mellonH nnd boucles, trimmed with braid, deep collar; box back and tight fitting Jackets worth up lo $6.50 your cholco for $2.!l8. LOT FOUR Chlldren'H Coats, mado of best kerseyH and Imported Persian cloths, fur trimmed on collur and cape, with the new box back; they urn worth $750, ut $3.08. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. LADIES' DRESSINO SACQl'ES In red, pink, gray nnd blue, Ihey are worth $100 ot Saturday 4!)c. LADIES' SILK UNDERSKIRTS, accordeonpleateil. wortli $7 00, for $3.00. LADIES' WAISTS Mado of all wool flannel, nicely trimmed with braid 7!)r LADIES' OOLF SKIRTS, with 16 rows of stitching, on salo at $2.50. ' ladies' Astrakhan Collarettes $3.98. HAYDEN BRO mm Thin Is the season of roughs and cold.i. Antl-nnwT curun . ll,Hi,r.lutu unit I I Gold Crowns, $5.00. Gold Fillings, $1.50 up Silver Fillings, 75c. A JOY FOREVER. Llfo Is crowned with comfort nnd a bun dred pleasures lo tho posseKSor of HtnuiH ond beautiful teeth. Consult a dontlst and avoid poor teeth. Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, inn OiiiikIiib nt. Dr. Kay's Renovator UiiaruiKcu lu euro uiu vcl wur.i cae. of u niieMiU. constipation, bllloua bead. c5e'.,"Vor kidneys. Al druggists, itc and 1 Sena for Free Hahip'.s, tree Book 1 DRUGGIST infill, i'luiitti.ia nvit it. In Uff UUf l Hilt and Oods. fc, V. Cor. lUth mm Culcag.