Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Kibmti Faikn Maaairtrs Ear Tier 5ted
Hii Hajenk Presence.
rnralrrllr rf Especially Dlnp
polnlrd Ileranae They Had Hoped
for the Altance of Presiden
tial Candidate 'tl Week.
LINCOLN Oct IS. (Special Fossoa
tsts here at the capital are denouncing la
unmeasured tera. the actio of the demo
tratir aattesal oomrBttt Is arranging W
J Bryaa's Itinerary hi that a- cannot re
jra to Nebraska oatil tae iT before elec
tion Tsy racognise la tats latest step aa
n. llaatloa oa tae part of ta national
eiders to sjcrtflv- party Interests la Ne
braska far tae sake ef raining a few -rotes
ia "ook county waere Mr Bryan U
scheduled to deliver a series of speeches oa
he Saturday preceding election Nebraska
f rionists were disappointed wsea tae sa-
onai committee said that three days, la-
u41nar Sunday, "ere enough or the wtnd
T of Bryaa s campaign ia this state, bat
Jen this tin was rut dowa to the oa;
da t before election they at oace became
A--ordtag to the pretent plan of the aa-
oaal committee. Mr Bryan's schedule
ends in Chicago oe the evening of the Sat-i-riay
pree-disg election, after which he Is
at liberty to do as he pleases aa4 to where
h pleases He ill remala la Chicago ua
'.1 Sunday morning when he will start for
hose oa a train which arrives la this city
a' p ra. Monday he will begin a flying
ampalga trip probably over tie eastern
pan of the state only, and will deliver his
fast speech In OmaJia. L'aa-r this arrange
merit l' Is likelv that he will hare aa op
portunity to speak ta this city.
Won't Do Mnrh Good
Fusion campaign managers are of the
oMnloa that the amount of good Bryan caa
do In that oee day Is very has! ted. One
day a week earlier would be worth much
more, because then there j-ould probably
still be a few rotert not fully determined as
it what ticket to vote.
ne democrat at the tate hoase -who re
q.ested that his aaaie be withheld, said he
saw ao good reason why Bryan should be
left la Chicago la prefereace to Nebraska.
I received a letter today from a promi-rer-
democrat la Chicago asking for my
otiaicn of the political sltuatjon here la
n .Nebraska. he said, 'lacideatally the
w-l'er said that Samuel Alsehuler was a
tn j a stronger mac In Illinois than Bryaa
and that if he was elected governor it
would not b because of the assistance of
the presidential candidate This being true,
and so far as we bare been able to learn
here I believe It la. 'why should the demo-"a-ic
committee laelst oa bRTlag Bryaa
speak there Saturday The fact Is not de
nied that here la Nebraska Bryaa Is the
etroaeest factor ia the fusion forces and
that he is better qualified than any otar
man to brine the discordant faction o
ltther aad make them vote the straieht
f islon ticket. The managers of Poyster's
ampaJcn. in fart, have relied oa Bryan to
come 1a aad help them out durlac the last
Reek before election.
I think an explanation for the peculiar
anion of the committee would be that ta
Chicago there is a rertala class of men
horn no man can successfully appeal to
but Bryan. That class Is made up of the
poorer citlieDS. which Include a vast army
of voters. Brvan Is undeniably stroa? with
the saloon men of Chicago aad also may be
rneatioaed the class of labortag men -ho
are always dissatisfied. They look upon
Bryan as a hero and It may be that there
are so many of them that the prize is
worth golac after "
.Not a Heeent Coniert.
Kn Investigation of the report prlated .1
the Omaha fusion orcaa to the effect that
A Chapman of this city, a republican for
twenty-tuo years, had left the republican
party because of the president's expaasion
policy, reveals the fact that Chapman
voted for Bryan in and also for every
fusion ticket since that time He chaaa-d
his politics before the quebtlon of expan
sion m relation to the Philippine tslsnls
was thought of by either political party.
J O. Lone accidentally shot his 4-ya--o'd
son in the Funke opera bouse last
nlcht. As he was leavlag the house after
:he evening's performance a revolver 'n hi
ivereoat pocket 'truck a projection on tne
t airway and was discharged. The I all
entered his son's right thUh aad then t!x-k
straight course upward. Inflicting a 9'iad
recovery from which Is ualikely
Governcr Poynter Issued requisition
papers today for the return of J. f Kl
ley now under arrest in Wvaadoi'e county.
Kansas, and wanted In Omaha to answer to
a harge cf 'arreny.
George Bullard of this city, a tinsmith,
vas struck and instantly killed by the en
gine of a yaaseager trali. on the Union
Pacific tracks near F street tonight. At
the inquest It developed that the maa had
been drinking heavily and was probably
under the Influence of liquor hen killed
lie -as standing on the trark. but the en
gineer did not see him In time to slacken
the speed of the train
fharles E. Ma coon, solicitor for the War
department returned to ht home la this
rtty tonight aad tv!1 remala here uatll after
asa a t nl r . I aaiai - .
Howard Johnson Die Mter Drluklna
I'ntMon In the Place of
FRANKLIN. Neb.. Oct. -fSpecial Tel
egram.) Howard Johnson, a farmer living
about ten miles south of this place in Kan
sas, was accidentally killed this morning
by taking a dose of carbolic acid by mis
take He has been taking medicine for
some time and aot feeling as well this
morning, was z-olag to take medicine the
doctor had givea him. but la error got the
if you like good music as
played by the world s greatest
bands, orchestras, soloists and
and Lincoln, Neb.
Snecevmrs to the '"oljml-ia Grarhone Co.
And 30.1 amh 17th St.
. riio.M; iias.
wr-ng -"',e aal a est 'han : r' was desl
He tji a roust man well known i 'hi
pia aad marriod fat ti aoan Hi
wife (tare birth to a eblM mhy tad Is
is t critical condition
Ptirraer nperlntendent of Beatrice
Inatltnte Uow the Way Mate
Affair Ire tondncteil.
COLCMBl" Neb. Oct. il (Special 1 I
Further ioterstlai features of the way ia .
which state lastttatto&s have fcreo aiaa-
ated aad of the troubles between Governor .
Poyater aad Dr B F Lang, superintendent
of tse lastltnte for Feeble Mladed In Beat
rice are brought out by a pereual of the
letters written by Dr Laac to the parents
aad Meads af the patients under his csre.
Mrs. Nlcollcack. a widow living here, who
bu a sob who was attending the Institution,
received a letter arly la September from
Dr Lang suiting 'he situation there at that
time. He invites aa Inepectioa of the af
fairs at ta institution aad s'ates that vis
itors are welcome. Coatlauta; he says
I felt It my duty some time in Auguat to
leave the laaUtjflon, cou'.d I hve had all
matter settled up. and dropped the whole
thing, but It seemed lmpessible to do that.
Twl.-e I went t" Uncoln with the moaey 'o
' urn over in rne itai. rnceiner wim wui 11-
. ers with receipts attached for the monev
I paid out of The eierl fund for f.od
supplies i r tfle cniiure-i i aere seera. uj
be no disposition to make settlement until
lfxi,h&rnt 9ln mefd"".!
tated that I hould have the business mat-
ters closed -i- should 1 leav- 1 kept every
part of my ontract with the governor
1 hope th.t yon. father and mothers of
thse unfortunate -hi.drn. will use your
Influence in the coming eleitlon In sjch a
way that no future tr'itieie of tals kind
will ever oe ar
Ia a circular lter dated October 10.
Dr Laag states that his eiperlence aad
knowledge leads him to believe that aolhlag
caa be expected at the state institutions
"but frequent change disturbances aad
lights aaless some legislation is brought
about to make the positions ef officers aad
employes more thaa political trading stock."
Dr Laag encloses a -petition In this let
ter which he expresee a desire to submit
to the Nebraska legislature la the hope of
needed reform. The petltloa savs
We. the under!gnd citizens and tax
payers of the state of Nebraska, roost
arnetiy and rr-rfully petition your
honorable members that sou look into the
mutter of freqjent disturbances, rights and
removals of th officers of our state Ir.stltu-
prevent this unsettled condition of af
r: - ."- " Ky-?i". -''i
fair and see that the financial Interests of
the tate are protected and the comfort of
the rhlldrn cared fnr We believe that the
employes' positions should not be u.-d to
i pay political debts and ask that you
remedy the evil
' Made American Cltlsen.
' WEST POINT Neb.. Oct. IJ (Special.!
j The following persons wer- admitted to full
citizenship at the term of the district court
, just closed George Koopman. Julius West
1 erberg. Ernst Von Sergera. Dietrich Van
Mmven. Frtedrich Sdhack. lbert
Schnitzky. John Nichlba. Gustave Zellmer
Henry Timmermaa. Frederick Duemmel. A.
Schau. Carl Suhr Oscar Begaer aad Heary
Brockmaaa. These cltizeas renreseat the
Germaa. Bohemlaa. Hollaader aad Swedish
aat tonalities
ilain at Table Rock.
, TABLE ROCK. Neb . Oct. :S. Special 1
bout two or three laches of rala hav
j fallea her- slace Satuiday last aad It has
j turaed warm aad pleasaat aad makes th
i wlater wheat sowa iof which ther is quit
aa amouat i look very promlslag. Quite a
, start has been made on cora-gathertng.
, which will be delayed for a couple of days
j oa account of the condition of the fields.
I.fldse Meetlnar at Oareola.
OSCEOL... Neb.. Oct II I Special, i
Osceola Chapter No. H. Order of the East
era Star held a meeting here for the pur
pose of conferring degrees on Mrs. E. A.
Walrath. Mrs. George L. Everltt and Miss
Rasmutsea. A lari number of members
of the order were present from throughout
the county. ,
Follerton Teacher rtexlcn.
FVLLERTON. Neb.. Oct- .J. tSpenal
Miss Gertrude Morris, who has for the last
two years fceea tescher of the third grade i
In our city schools, has ;ust resigaea
a her ;
position here to accept s 'Ik hltuatlon in
the Lincoln schools.
strlkiag because of the Increase ia coa-
FORECAST OF THE WEATHER ,rlbu,l0CS ,hfr 'r"'t-
1 ctnal Figure of Inrreae.
Wedneday and Tlinrday Likely to For Tear 'lf April 1. 1S?T that
He Fair, with Warm nnth- ! ls during the year I;?; the contribution
easterly Winds. I0' the Presbyterian church of Nebraska
' i for beaevoleat purposes was 115.175 Th-
i WASHINGTON. Oct. 13 Forecast for I e ontrlbutlon for congregational purposes
I Wedacday aad Thursday I current expeases etc was Ii;;.S53. total
Nebraska Fair Wedaesday aad Thurs- contrlbutloas. J13T TJS For the ysr end
, day warmer Thursday southeasterly ls"5 April 1. 1M9 that 1. during the year
winds i 1SP5 the contribution for benevolence was
i Illinois. Iowa aad Missouri Fair aad1,19''- for ecnnrecatloaal purpose. JiSI -
cooler Wedaesday. Thursday fair; fresh t0,al' 1T5 ll For the year endlag
northwesterly winds. 'April 1. IS'11 the contribution to benvo-
Oklahoma. Indian Territory and Arkaa- j le" J21.'fi 'or congregatioaal pur
sas Fair Weda-sday aad Thursday coole- ' pose. Jlfil SiS. total. J15S.1S4 The la-
la aonhera portion Wednesday, aortheasr- 1 ereas la contribution for benevolent pur
I erly winds poses of over ISPS is J5.750. for eon-
j New Mtvico Probably rala aad cooler 1 gregattonal purposes. t35.SA6. aad la total
' ta northera portion: fair ta south'era por- j cortributloa s S45.43S. or more than one
i noa eunesaay. iaursaay fair, southeast- i
erly winds
Western Texas Fair Wednesday, with
warmer ia extreme wetern portion. Thurs
day fa'r, southeasterly winds
North Dakota Fair Wednesday aad
Thursday warmer Wednesday, southeast-
erly winds
South Dakota Fair Wedaerday aad i
Thursday, warmer in western portion i
Wednesday, southeasterly winds.
Kansas Fair Wednesday aad Thursday
cooler la southera aad eastern nnninni
Wednesday, warmer Thursday, aortherly i
Colorado Fair and cooler Wednesday
Thursday fair aad warmer, variable wind".
w yoming and Montana Fair and warmer
. . . .
I , ciirtuaj , iiiursuif, lair, southwesterly
winds. I
I Local RtrnH.
--'whi recora of tem-
perature and procipitat.on compared Wf, !
the rorresponiUag day of the last tare 1
IfW 1SW ISfii i:
Jl ' T
53 :t u
B Ti -U CI
Maximum temp-rature
Minimum temperatur
Average temperatur
Precipitation T 00 .( A
Record of temparaiure aad nrecni jtt.m
at Oraahn for this day and sine March 1:
Normal teraprsure
Exce for the day jj
loiai excess since 1
Normal precipitation or inch
l-aciency lor uie uar
Tata' since March
Detlclencv since March 1
Deficiency for cor per'od. 1W . s.llnenes
Denci-ncy r.-r cor period, isns j.oi Inches
Iteporta from Mnllum at r- 1. l.
- 1
i 3
r 3
5,: -I a
i: ? 3
Omaha I'lear c
i North Platte, clear j
l" H . . n .. i- . 1. . . . .J ..
....... , . ,iuwi7 -- ...... J
. Salt LaltH Cifv elnauftv
ruipiu i ny. ciowiy
Huron, clear
WUllston. clear
' part eltMhty
St Louis, clear
dt Paul, clear
DivMDon. cloudr . . .
5 on
Kansas City, cloudy
Helena, part eiaudy
Havre, cloudy
Blamarelc clear
Galveston, clear
T trace of preclplI
L. .A- WEfjsH
Local Forecast OficlaL
5ubk Isc7aae ia Um E!i3?w f 1 L-ad-isg
ThlrtyThree Per Cent More for lie
netnlent lnrtoe and C orre
spnnrllnic !norear In Contrt
button tor Other Purpose.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Oct. . .Spe
cial. 1 One of the strangest reilgtous bodies
in the UU of Nebraska is the Presartertaa
charch. It ta strong ia membarahip. strong
la ananclal standing aad strong in the
sturdy type of citlsenehip that its members
present. Ia the I'aited States the Presby
terian, church stands in the arst rank of
religious denominations. ehleSy because of
the high typ- of AaerlranUm that it rep
resent aad because 0 the mot excellent
support It has gives to eJucatloaai work
at home aad ta foreign rounttles. It is
the pride of the people of the Presbyterian
(.hurra that their ministers are the mast
k t mImai a .1... . t - 1 1 -.
"""P ' " . , V.
wfld This Is at oace the resalt
w nr ?ptrama eu.cieacy is&i
marks all schools aad colltges of the Frs-
ryz faith la the couatry
la .ebraeki this church Is not one whit
behind the church at larg-. Its member-
ship numbers the solid cttlieas of a eom
xuBlty aad la polat of substantial wealth
aad cultured laSuence It has ao peer
among the deaomloa'loas of the state '
Among Its people are men acd women ia
every walk of life, rich aad poor, artisaas
farmers, bankers professors, lawyers aad
doctors. They are thrifty, progressive and
careful of advantages. They repreeat what
might be termed the great middle class of
society They hold to the aristocracy of
character aad muid aad Jo not regard
wealth as of special advantage save as it
la used for the advancement of the race
generally For ibis reason the Presby
tertaa church aumbers among Its member
ship some of the greatest philanthropists
of the eouatry
Kelt the Effect of Ilrvnnm.
Like other church bodies the Presby-rtaa
ehurch suSered from the period of dpres-
slon four vears ars Durlaff thase trvlff
years the various boards of the ehurch were
heavily taxed to maintain the work under
way aad frequently heavy indebtedness had
to be Incurred to prevent retrenchment ia
men and 1 oca H tie occupied. In Nebraska
the effect was keealy felt. Little was done
ta the way of tmprovemeats aad building.
It was a tremeadous struggle for most of
these rhurrhes throughout the state to
maintain their various lines of work. Fre
queatly It was the case that retrenchment
was forced despite every effort to the coa
trary. But with the dawn of prosperity came
easier times for the Presbyterian church la
Nebraska Mocey became easier contrlbu-
' .1 1. 1 ' j . , . .
iiviia Amu irurij .jgu -jrpj
laa w-as rapid. A large Increase in coa-
trtbutlons indicate the prosperity of the
reoDle. Like other der.or-iiTii.tion tie
Presbyterlaa church has felt the effect of
orosoerltv aad advantage has been taken of
New churches have been built
old ones
have been Improved, debts have seen caa
celed. salaries have been raised aad coa
tr'butions for benevolence have been
larger thaa they ever were before. The
Presbyterlaa colleges of the state have
also prospered. Four years ago tare was
little or no money for eduratlng the sons
and daughters and the attendance ia these
colleges fell off. Now they have lacreased
and with the iacrease in number of pupils
has come an inarease ia gifts aad eadaw
meats. But figures go. Mere geaeral statements
do not give aa adequate idea of what pros
perity the Presbyterlaa church has en
Joyed. As in all church work, any la
crease la contributions ladicate aa lacr-ase
la the prosperity of the people who sup
port that church. Aa Iacrease la benevo-
,ent contributions more decidedlv marks ;
'be Increase cf prosperity among the neo-
pie The statistics of the Syaod .: N-.
braska of the Presbyterlaa church ar-
intra me mm roai.iuuiiou oi
This gain : all the mor- remarkable e F Trefz of Omaha and Hon. T P 01m
when cne considers thst the numer'cal stead of HasUags addressed Juniata people
strength la membership did no' show i on political Issues Moaday evenlac Mr
aet increase '.ike al! other enureb-s the , Olmstend spoke thirty minutes on prosperity
rresbyterian church in Nebraska Luffer-d ; for farmers and explained the Alaskan af-
a neavy loss ui memoersnip rour years
ago. when people moved out of ih- state
-r scores aad tiundrecs This loss has ,
beeen overrome. but no net increase has i
been made. Therefore, with practically t
the same membership the total contrlbu-
tians of the Presbyterian church huw i.n
Iacrease of 32H per ceat this year over
those of 1SP5 If this does aor ladicate a
real prosperity, then figures aad facts do
301 lel' ,a" tru,n
At the meeting of the syaod. recently 1
, . i - v. .v i
oem. inr rrjwi i liwui ur raurrj.'i were )
of a decidedly encouraging aature. A few I
of the testimonies of the various pastorr 1
ai t0 tfc prosperous condition of the ,
i i,nnl. re here cited to show tint th.
prosperity of the state is general and de
cidedly real.
Irnprrtty ! I'nileniable.
Rev EM win Hart Jeaks. D D.. pastor ef
the First Presbyterlaa church. Omaha,
said "That there has been a decided im
provemeat is conditions no one can decv
It requires no searcblag Investigation to
awcover eviuences oi prosperity i very-
Sere. One certainly derives great satis-
"" ( ? 12ch fa-t,oa la Tt1ac the happy, lopeftl cnun
' J iSoh i "Bancs ot people aad tae busv air
,tB,t afn nom" carry la my church we have
i had an exceptionally good year. Gains
, have been made along all liaes of financial
contributions. Our people are prospering
1 and our church work feels the beneficial
result. In Omaha I do not And any Idle
i men. There stems to be work for all to
, da. Certainly the times . ripe vrlrh.
i prosperity "
Rev William M. Hlndaian. D.D.. jasur
of the Presbyterian church, Lincoln, of
. which church T illlam J Bryan. prrsMea-
tial candidate is a member, said "l be
T lirve 'hat conditions are moat prosperous
(6 ard that the outlook is hopeful. Ia Lln
T , cola the people are recovering Tow the
'depression of four years ago nd, a)-
iBeusa away oi taem save aot as yet
fully recovered from mortgages iad bebts
incurred la years past, the outlook is most
encouraging for them as well as for ua all.
The contribution of my ehurch for all pur
poses has Increased during the last four
years about tl.400 "
Rev Harry A Caraahan, pasur of tie
Presbyterlaa ehureh In Central Ctt,. said
we have bad a most prosperous year I
4 flad the people of Central City aad Mer- j
t k busv aal oc-eae-l
--.. V
s easy 'here is pleaty f work srJ '
ers as well as merchasts speak of :
prosperous easdlttoa of things I do nut
know of any time in wale a tlaxes were bat- -u -,j r,M - ,-. p... . -,ter
we are weii .,us3,d H,lfc mi-susM File t tie City a a talse
' abuadaaee of prosperity that we now ea-1 loSOB Befors Pablift
! Joy
Unlit a eir Church.
Rev DuTid C. Montgomery, nsstor of
the charch la Wayne, said "In Wavce
, county the people are prosperous. Ta
( chnr:h ia Wayac has completed a now
buildlag worth about SU.000 aad we iMak
, It a model charch strattur our wcrk 1
I progreslag because the people re prti
! pcrtag. Farasers are roeelving a good t rice
' for all their products and consequently
the geseral condition of trade Is excel
' leat. I Snd the times most encouraging."
Rev lavid R. Kerr. Pa. t.. O D . ic one
of the moat prominent Prrabyterlane la tl
couatry He is president of Bellevue cl
lege aad a: the last meeting of the g a.
eral assembly of the Presbyteriaa h irch
his same was promlaootly mentloaed In
eonaeetloc with that of moderator of the
as-eaMy the highest honor that sn f ill
i to a Prbytriaa clergy aiaa. He s J
"Colleges :n this western ceuatry irll
cate the ccadltloa of times When ma
are prosperous they sead their chlldrea
away to chool. which they are aet likely
... .a- v. m i-it . . . .
. L . '
time. Ther-fcre we generally look for aa
larrcistj aiieacaace '
aad I Sad this year a
ml.. This year w. lae
no exception to the
ereased our ratss ?5
per cent aad aaturally we did aet look
for a verr larrelr lacreased attendance.
yet I 2ad that our college roll show? '9
per ceat more students this year thaa any
previous year We have rerted another
hall the last summer at a ost of Jll.O"".
Ia my Journeys over the state I find ev1
deace of prosperity everywhere. Ne
braska aever had better times. If as
Sood "
These are tastaaces of the testimony
offered by eara of the Presbyterlaa mlals
ters. Space only limits -ie recital of
their neou-ar!ag statemeats
slander of t harlr II. Dietrich He.
fated by HI Fellow Cltlirn
of Hasting.
HASTINGS Neb . Oct. Si. A circular let
ter has be-a issue-! aad circulated through
out the state of Nebraska by the ati-Ss.-looa
league of this state, which states that
the republican nominee for governor pulled
off a prize 2ght la the city of Hastings dur
ing the month of September lstSs. during
the street fair carnival. The facu are aa
The Street Fair association by William
Duttoa. its presideat. Fred Renner secre
tary. William Brach. treasurer and the
committee oa miscellaneous sports, of which
Mr Dietrich was only a member decided
to have a sparring and wrestling contest. A
contract wat enteivd into for a sparring con
test with six ouace gloves aad for points
oaly. The mlaisters of the city, having tea
mlsiaformed. understood that -here a to
be a prize fight. A committee of ministers
called upon the officers of the association
j 3d v'th tSe ayor of the city lavestigated.
, aad tae coatract was saow-a taem aad taey.
themselves, approved it. provided the con
tract was lived up to. It was a matter ea
1 1 I w wt Ka.H. rf til a.inrliHin n .
nothing that could be charged up to Mr. Dle-
tnch personally
WILL M. DUTTON. President.
FRED RENNER. Jr . Secretary
Secretary Miscellaneous Sports.
I have read the above statement and vouch
for the correctness of the statement and
positively asert that there waa ao prize
ght held, but a sparring coatast was held
I under the terms of the contract.
Mayor City of Hastlags
I William Dutton Is oae of the most sub
stantial business men of Hattlags. also a
partner of J H Halney i- Co. i large
wholesale eaddlerv hardware business at )
Omaha aad Is also a m-mber of Governor i
Poyater-s stiff William Brach Is a d-ao- !
crat, a member of the firm of Tsolbach & i
orica. wnicn is one or tae largest business 1
! houses In the city of Hastings. Mr J
Mlaet is now aad has been city treasurer
Hastings for several terms.
Mr. Lene at he!trn.
SHELTON. Neb.. Oct. :S. . Special i-
Mrs. Mary E Lease of Kansas gave one of
: her characteristic speech- to a full house
' here yesterday afternoon. She was mtro
I duced to the audience by N. P McDonald.
ncmlnee for county attorney After
music by the male quartet. Mrs. Lease took
' the platform and for wo and a half hours
i gav such a exposure to Eryan and Tam
1 many as was never beard In Shelton be
; fore She wa frequently Interrupted by
deafening applause aad hearty approval
1 She was given the closest atteatioa through
out aad her pointed remarks were so truth
ful aad convincing that republicans in this
section feel highly favored by having had
, her here.
Rev. Trefi at Jnninta.
JVNIATA. Neb Oct :S.i Special. iR-v
fklr Rev Trefx then followed with one of
the most eloquent aad pleasant addresses
ever made here. For one aad one-half
hours he held the audleace with his talk on
catrlotlsm. Imnertallsm trusts and fr-e sll-
ver. thoroughly e-xposlng fusion fallacies
and scoring the trust of pious Bryaa and
ccrrupt Croker
Plattamonth Political Dates.
PLATTSMOLTH. Neb Oct. 22. (Spe-
f,a' Ex-Congressman Walter C. Butler
nf Tav nrA IMnM.r CVeneral r- T Cnvth .
w " - - .j ...
'Peak oa the polt'ical issues of the i
campaign in this city Thursday. October
-s- congressman t.. j ourgen wm speak
oa tne issues or tae campaign in water
man's hall in this city Saturday evening.
October IT.
Repnbllrnn Rally at York.
YORK. Neb, Oct. 3 (Special.) Those
who attended last night's republtcaa meet
ing at the court house claim that It was
one of the best meetings and the best
speeches they have ever had the pleasure
of listening to at York. The speaker was
J. Warren Kelfer of Ohio.
Ilepnbltcnn Clnb Meetlnc
HEBRON Neb.. Oct. S3 (Spe-ial. t Last
night at a meeting of the McKlaley aad
Roosevelt club at the upera house Judge
Ben S. Baker of Omshv who chanced to b
ln the city was called noon and responded
with an interesting talk on the political
questlcns of the hour
Deny Story of Loan.
ST. PETERSBURG. Oct 28 The mtalster
of finance. M Dewttte. authorizes a denial
oi iae siory taat nussia Dcgaa negctlatims
In New York for a new'K) loaa.
List of Kactnrle thnt ever Hv!ted
or Uldn't Hnn Paraded to Glte j
Color to n tor Ahoat j
KKARNST. Nefc. Oct. t tSpoctal.'
Tac Omaha World-Herald receatly prlatod
an article ponaiaiag to the domoraliaatlon
of Kearney by the traau. The article
dwells upon the aad fate of Koaraey and
tells at groat length of the demoralisation
of the city's irduetMe by the giant ortopl.
the trust The article said that the paper,
erscher. plow factories, cereal, cotton aad
woolen mill, electric supply works aad
packing houses at one time built la Kear
ney bid bees ruined Most of these enter
prises were built en wind aad Kearaey sub
sidy dudig the palmy boom days "f the
city The plow factory was a scheme
- - - -
I realised lr. phaatom. there sever was
- Keara-y
woolen mills was contained is a small
wooden house and aerer operated because
the proprietor had ao mosey the pack
j lag house was destroyed by 2re the elec
', supply house had ao money aor sup
I plies aad It quit buelatss before it ever sal
asy business for the reason that the house
, had ao ld to operate ia aad for Saaaclsl
I reasons.
j The article said the bicycle factory had
j been ruined by the trusts. The proprietors
j of the bicycle factory hiw a better location
j la the city of Heaver and aaoted thi-re.
The art'ele further stated that the eot
' toa mills ran spasmodically owing to trusts
I The truth of the matter is the mills have
been idle oaly six months during the six
) year of their exlsteaee. Three months of
that time was occasioned by shortage of
! water In oae instance Tsnly. the cracker
j fsctory. Is there any troth. It was built
j to be sold out.
The poople of Xearae are indlgaaat
about the trtlrle aad people of all politi
cal belief denounce the article as abso
lutely false asd at the coming election
there w!" be a good indlcitlon that they
have read asd pondered well. The Kear
ney Dally Hub has called the attention c'
W. D. Oldham of this city, deputy trust
smasher and fusion candidate for attor
ney general, to the article -asd demanded
that he s'and up for Kewraey aad by the
truth. This the present deputy attorney
general bar igncred.
This Is oalv part of the story Letters
have bees received frtm Saliaa. Kan., and
Maasaihutttts by Kearaey people with a
clipptnir of a dispatch purporting to have
b-en sent from Kearaey The stuat la the
dispatch las been revamped from the
World-Hersld article Vpon its face is
evideacj that It was prcoacelved at deno
cratlc headquarters and has been gener
ally used as campaign thunder. The differ
eare of distances hetwe-n these two state
.s great, .he dispatches have been printed
I dipped aad sent to Kearaey within tea dy
after the same th'ag had appeared la tlie
1 World-Hersid aad it Is evident that the
1 whole thlsg was a forgery aad sent out to
deliberately deceive the people of the
I I'nlted State. Furthermore, It was
i done slmultaaeouslv aad proved a politi
cal fake sent out by the democratic literary
! ro,-osnL noun WILL BE OV TICKET
ropnllt Candidate turrr.d tn lia
lnr HI Annie Filed at Lincoln.
WTMORE. Neb Oct- i:. tSpeolal. t
Colonel J. R. Dodds of this city, who v
named as the middle-of-the-road candidal.
for roagreas ta this district at tae Seward
coaveation aad laier renominated by the
same pa.-tv at the Crete lunveatioc. but
who failed to p-r his name on the oSrla!
ballot because his nomination was protested
by Congressman Stark s private serr-tarv
U home from Liacoln where he went to
ale his petition as an ladependeat eaadt-
date When be arrlv
ed In Lincoln Saturday
afternoon the of2ce of Secretary Porter was
closed, whereupon Mr Dodds went to Por
ter's home where he was told that Mr Por
ter was not In the city Mr. Dodds began
to think it was a plan to keep him from
aiisg his papers, a he ksew Mr Porter
was in Lincoln. He. however, went to the
home of the assistant secretary aad found
that gentleman before he had time to
elope aad his papers were Sled. His name
will be an the ticket, notwithstanding
Mr Stark s efforts to keep It off. aad he
w ill have a large foilowiag among the true
populists of the district. His caadldacy has
somewhat alarmed Mr. Stark, who was
elected two vears ago by a terr small mar
gin. There is no doubt but what Hon. John D
Pope of Friend will rcprer eat this district
ta the next congresn and Mr Stars, wnn
took ao interest whatever la the ;etUem-n
of the Otoe reservation lands, will b- re
tired to private life. Congressman Stark n
billed to speak here tomorrow sirst. at
which time he will be giv-n an opportunity
to explain his Indifference la the Ot,e latid
affair, as well as the part he took la trying
to pass a "postoCc. bill' for Wymor
Lara-e Crowd Tnrna Ont to Keanh.
llcnn llnllj- at l.rllnctnn.
LEXINGTr.N Neb. Oct :S -Special
Telegram ' -Smith's opera house was filled
to its utmost capacity tonight by an -n
thuslastic audience to listen to Mrs. Ma.-v
Elisabeth Leae deliver one of her char
acterlstlr talks against Bryaalsm sad "
favor of sound government. K committee
of women consisting of Mr. G B Darr
Mrs. A. r Banks and Mrs. A. E. Cole met
w . .... . . w . . , . .
mi i.rrr v iar uepui ana esccnea aer
t0 the Coralaad hotel and theace to the
opera house Her address was replete with
unanswerable argument, showing up the
fallacies asd sophistry that the Bryan
forces are making use of. clinching every
polat with an earnestness that had a eon
vlaclng effect upon every auditor presea
and bringing out round after round cf
tumultous applause. The Ladles' RepuK
llran Glee club of Lexiafrtan furnished t
number of campaign songs that thrilled the
hearts of republicans with a rai real
for the success of McKlaley and prosperity
In Nebraska
Lincoln Speaks In Vebraakn.
WTMORE. Neb.. Oct. ;i fSpecial. i Col
onel Charles P Lincoln of Washington. D
C. arrived tn Nebraska yesterday fer a
week's campaigning. He left here for Guide
Rock, where he spoke last night. Next
Saturday he ls to speak In nine Springs.
He has been speaking in Indiana for two
weeks past and he says there Is no question
but what McKlaley will carrv that state b
a safe majority The question of Mck'ln-
hys election is an assured fact ' said "ol-
--nel Lincoln to Tin Bee correspondent, -and
tie only reason the national committee Is
iei ;g S'- aas if ;he - . g t,eac-s
Vebraska s j keep Mr P-ii- w
' -.te-1 Sta'es senate The ia, -e t
out worried about Bryan s caac, - f ele
'lot) ' Colonel L.ncom Is an oii :.-r
and a splendid talker He -h.aa Vew
Tor state will rlv McKlnley at ieas; "
"00 plurality
Andre- Anionic Friend.
rTUND Neb.. Oct. Ti - Spe. ,1 .-L-
Congroaamaa W E. tadrews uf 'it;'.n-:
Ne.i . addreed the 3ple cf I'll ,late
last night oa the laiuot of the ar :r-m
the standpoint of a r-tpubllcnn. Although
tLe woather wae very uafavorabv -here ,
having been a henvy rail! the day before the rusde to lad that not many
-ould get la from the ro-ia;ry and the r:n
of last night tsaalajt it very unpleasan' '
for th tcw-n people to get out never ii
lest tire was a large audta e on band
to greet Mr. Andrews. no la ell 1
favorably knt-wn to many of our people
His spee-h drait with the question of
trusts, unpertallam. the Julu 'jue-i'.on ai.d
alto the absurdity of tb l"altd ;te.
eotabllthlng a protectorate over the Phil
ippine Islands
Music- was furnlahed by Prof Parks Im-pe-lal
quartet of York and was highly ap
preciated by the audience This was ooe
of the beat meeting we have bad 18 Friend
for many years and to Judge from t!-e fr--quat
tursts of applause and the earnes
atteation givea by the audience the peorie
la this part of the couatry are '
la sympathy with the policy of Presiie--McK'.nlev
aad cau be relied oa to n!"
up a good big vate for the eatlre republican
ticket ob November .
Mr. lene at tillibon.
GIBBON. Neb. Oet 3 - Sp-wai -Mary
E. Lease spoke to a crowded roo-n
In the opera heuse here last night al
though the roads were had and 'h- -.lght
dark, yet all the seats were takea and
doteas of people standing up 7b- rrowd
was appreciative and cheered the s-aker
to the echo especially when the d
'Nebraska is ao longer tn thr L.uffa:
column, hut is assuredly for M-Kialev '
She implored the populists to stand frm
for the republican party aad lefat fi
attempt to saddle upon this natHa as ad
mtnlstrit.on of Tammany, crofcer ?eMa
son and Bryaalsm that would se a
disgrace In the history of -iur c un-rv
She defended McKlaley s -oirte la 'he 1
lpptaes aad said it wat directly snr'b-r-able
to W. J Bryaa that the S,."i-h-American
treaty was made
llen nt llehntri.
HEBRON. Neb.. Oct. A - 3vn) -Ves-terday
afteraoon Seeator V. Mien oone
fcr a couple of hours at the opera house on
the political Issues of the lav He 'emed
the republican claims &f present pr.-s.H-r'v
aad said that a full dinner ri.1 "is r
ladl.-atl&n that a men as - ir... j. h
spoke at some Ur.gth f t r3c a. ;
la opposition to the administration la s
recent wars aad Its resultant cua-p1 n-
royTill.t Rally nt dam.
ADAMJ. Neb.. Oct. IS. (Special Tele
gram. I Tie populists of this vicinity he'd
a rally at this place last Bight '"encress
maa Stark aad F M. Davis of Beatrne
were th- speakers of the even'ag The
-weather was damp aad rainy and 'here
was a fair-sized attendance
J I' Pcpe of Friend republican candi
date for oarress will speak are next
Among the First Symptoms ot Ner
vous Decline.
A Terrible Affliction ThHt Ia
Averted and Cured by
THAT MEN and women of UlU busy see
mjet -iifijr'e rrtk-s :"e.: manifest in wear
nd war .pur. the nervous sys;eai Men
nd women ;rtw o.d long before Cielr time
a a resjlt ot this over-strain upon the
r.rrvs Bahastion and weakness r-u.t
The organs t njtrltion mud suffer from
lack ot nrn-v- contrc 1. there is lot . f appe
tite, aerag-d digestion, eoetlveneej xad
emaclatlor. and pileawa follow TVe - ood
becomse 'tin anl w t-ry It b-lrg -fl.ion'
in those elements that nupport the tr- ..n
of the cJy Headache, slee- .nee
mer.ta'. ccr.fastor. pir niemor- are
loms that .vn follow Oor-iet- prostra
tion nil be th- R.:l reau'
There is r.r. rmed- or earth that -e,"-s
Ht'UYAN iti It curat- e p..w rr for Such
dieorders Hi'DYAN st-r.u at 'he head
for it is a ta'.t.vr cure all nervous
diseased If ,uu irfer with sr.-- of th--ibni?
yar,ptoma it jnj feei that yv it
nerve are weak .nm any cause whatfer
by ai: aveans tae HrDTAN It will
cure : . Htur . r. we.L ;i DTAN w..:
W o-i the r-nirh you tw.: t -tUl over
come that t:r d an-i woraout f-ehng HI'D-Y.s-N
ail .rich your b'ood. it w'.li gl
you a spit idtd appetite, it w iaprov
yeur e.'ge' t.n If thai is at f i.t
HI'DTa has sed thoasj.nls ot men
aad worn r. from becoming neroas wrecks
Hl'liT.' . :s si.fe. sure and eur-s p-rma-stniii
HTD N Is for sale by all drjgrists oi
a pacjt 4re ..r six packages for
If v jr druggist die-s not keep HL'DYAN
s-nd llrect to the HT'DYAN KEMEI'Y
COM 'ANT San Frnnciaco Callfurnj.
Yo mai cor.silt the Hl'DYAN ,ni-ir
sbo ' fir cse FREE of '"haRiE
T Jiylsts Kuha . cc, Sherman & M
Co .neii Drug c- M. er-Di;.on Drug
J A i Co Chia. H Schaefer J H
S' cnudt. Omaha. ci!np Bros
H -ffs Ol.lon Vr-.s Cc ScatJi maha--.,
s U aad recommend HiJdyva.
Keeping Up
Katnptrs an.
Waiti Baskets
Elegant new stock the
largest and finest assort
meat w have shown. They
are passed along at sulck
moving prices
Rlegaat assortment of
waste taper baskets, loval
des.gss as
I8c 35c SOe 90c to 3.00
PAPER RACK3, aubrtaatlal.
pretty designs
WORK BASKZJTS, fancy silk
The loxgsst asaort
meat always the
lowest prlc,
Sldebsard m4e of
salld oak, full swell
top and top drawers,
oae drawer lined for
silverware top Is iS
liS tnobaa & aad
top ars rlctly era
men tM with carving
has large ove.1
rreneh bevel mirnsr
fancy bracket shelves
price thia
weak , . .
Ma!S tneafca, also
tlo.M vilua, our
lii.ta, IIS.M, I1T IB,
Others at !.,
nn.M. tiLte ui up
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co.
1414-1416-14 i8 Dguj.lna Street
Duffy's Pure Matt Whiskey
Auicrlrm Orratett 3.rlUinr.
Absolutely pare ; contaioi do Fusel 01 ,
UUrnet I isj t rj( '. - .. ee tmv eSrr
f P sad act ie. jig v it r mjS la
Ar . . tecaae . m .ikhf :u wvtk. I
itf tatarl b i nlw Wl tie t d
b-sacainv 1 . " ik 1 e rt Cuflt
Pare Mitt nlise n 1 ". e c '
kej ktl I avt 'ieiu tj Art ' !'J
gue fr mi be until o get l"i i. el
eev "it dlCcuitv Tr-y m I t: tBit I
eoaid nt iie a. iurgte. t ur v yb,V.t
&r. r Cass-. .4 Cl e.-ys, . ' . !.& r v
liar. td se ike ght ee was r-y t- d il j
eft e but a letJer. b t rbat I 1 ' t .
ItMf mt la i' fowl .r r- if 1 iklu Uif
plry at OulS'- is Uart Wthsket. an 1 Uir t
r-rolarv B l . -ate I w Bteg ta tu c
Urtng for re'lef So :e 6f al mtu,
'. wsi.ker dMtf. ili-ert tee to W 6 it
aof. wH t wo tar,i,efTS m a due fw o
Ua-, dar aad " gat T r . and lmairdutelr
bwA ta 'Sitrr. ard -iei. ix f-ri liat
ttine. 1 ca NreaiV (. e m Iff tii.
tod T ' t irr iti ar uiff-d. i-et' re
?Ue a tar i .sr. at' 'b '.Dec' 'Jr are
I u 1 know te- -oi is going let rce
rt of bci, bat I bua-.lsv ri.t He i 4 I
-! Umu aiKler (Vl. 'nir ' ker Net tl
ray 1 f tli far. ana f I k.-) bgm a jr ago I
won Id hntr ti car4 b ' Mm
Kf.pectftlJr. M . H R. Wli! Zero. S C
tn tbtaliitstT urt StLtiulant aid Taoic
tiftiy hi.kev uxed ih ' firminmt j. vM
tcae. vji drerV"'-iH g-c- r. i- illmct fi ; .. s
fe. kage 1 1 a . hntUe netllnC Rral seal 're
llaSy Jlait U'hlakry Ca .. Rarbeeirr. . V
A Pyramid
of Strength
i Mtaaa .aaaa "m
. 4 M.m.o )
JVJ B.TVn- dl nn ititttl,
Ittft iT ni m vOkL Ont &
fc-rt lyat MvOMta8
N-a FOR :EBnSK i
OMMiA. .
Reliable ageats can find profl a: e
empioymen" w;h this company !n Ne
braska. Pol. les written Iraa ll.KO
to JIW ' Thrr is no be'ter laves
men' than a Go)1 Debenture Endow
mea' n the Equitable
If aot, you have mlsseii a good thlag.
This exquisite malt beverage staada oa a
salqus bans. I: sells lUfX lu fame aad
reiutat.os la the envy of many. The pa.ate,
the beae-clal r-sulta achieved "wttt a" tat
inner man are the oaly and real Judges of
.Is merits. Approved of oy them. It tri
umphantly enters lanumrrahle households.
rthers Caai-t enters, ioctors aad dru
Clijk exit.
r.tow irn n v
fhi:d iviut. :iii.-imm; cn .
I'hcnr 43n. M VIlA. UI)
" a
v a
I'm -in
:r'J ;t.yi.
nVi. ilIt L.IIi I Nt.LI'H
s'i " ii. thr nri-
,"jtr1 -ah.' and lnll.
I j CT " 4- i
I J 'ft l'tnt T-tlmlfel
Vf - i. - " t. 'Uf c.,r dirs'Mif:'' "e.
'i-i 'Jal: l.i mm i-til. ...4j
a. . j.. il -r c..
the Interest
the Week.
Pantasoia Leather Couch
Sever ws-s sa mu-h gtodar& crowded iate
a cott-h for the moaey as we have put
into our Paataaota special. It s a very
pretty design wl'h rescue on ea-h s!d
cf head, fancy design frame, manogany
finish, IK inches wide., ( feet t Inches loni
a couch that is sold everywhere at HZ
has T rows deep tufted top made up w.'f;
best sprint edge aad end Ic any color 3l
Paataaote leather, special. .
ach 15.00
Bex GoHch
Made with full pnag edge and enda; hat
d p bcx lined Inside, n-oucted on beat
caatera, double stnBrd
top. thU week at IZlUU
Ckif feniers
Carload Just arrived tbey constat of th
Bvvrevt designs tn mahogany, curley birch,
tlrdrw y maple aad oak.
Very pretty oak chlffonlor with frary
pattern thspe top. aeatly earred and
highly flBJbrd ia tho new
gojden oas. ark, caly.. 0.75
lllegwnt oak chiffonier with largv bsyrel
talr rue, nw gnlilu uak, wry
pretty dej-a, prK oaly,. . Q jQ
Pr-rlty maple -hfnnaler, Kjujir sad
om.1 mirror. .
- l45.C$-l5aOO
Lars eJegant B.ahMMy tat3uiiUra.
vitia Wrte ovtil a- Al mt
'a. fT dDv
' - N