THE OMAHA DAILY TJEE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1000. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for thesn column Trill tie taken nntll VJ m. tor the crenlni edition anil nntll H 110 p. for nidrutnc and Sunday edition. Rates, 1 Jm'in n nrd llrt Insertion, le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lens tbun 'ir,a for the first Inner tlon. These ndvertlaemeata must he run conaeontlrely. Advertisers, by requesting; a nnni tiered cheek, run have anmvers ad dressed tn a nnmhered letter In earn l The Dee. Ana ern an adilresaeil Trill be delivered oa preaeutatlua of the cheak only. WANTED MALE UELi. WASTED, wo have steady work for a tew xottl hiiMf'er of vnnfl habits and auii-rir- ante. C F. Adams Co.. 1UU5 Iluwarrl St. B 0-1 1 , RAnnprn rml, t-ntrht thnmuifhlv In ahor! time, catulutua and uurtlculars free. ' Address Western Oar bun' intitule. Omaha, N0. B 871 WANTED, teams for R. R. worlc In Mis sissippi , free transportation tor outfits. Wlokliam. l'helnn J: Co., W Si ut: street. Council Hlurfj, la. B-0 WANTED, reliable salesman to sell enm-plt-te lln of paints, lubrtcat't it oil, etc. Liberal term and good poHlu i for man of ability. Address the Atluntl" Reflnltig Co.. Cleveland. O. B 4-2 WANTED, mining pro-p-. tori for the Philippine inlands Schooner Mildred K will leave Seattle about December 1. For full particulars, addrees D. S. Andrews, manager Philippine Exploration compa.iy, basement I" T building. Second avenue and Cherry street, Scuttle, Wash.' B-M448 !! PAYING position for all unemployed main teachers. Addresn C. P. Bates, SSR. Hnmi( bldg. B-MIM 22 WANTED, two gentlemen of Rood address for mile of mw reference work. C. P. Oaten, 5 Rnmge bldg. B-M446 22 SALESMEN, to sell offln- speclnltle; Ine side line, used by all merchants: cata logue free. Model Mfg. Co., Box B, South Bend. Ind. R M 103 Novl' SALESMAN for the city. Apply before 3 a. m. The Singer Mumifacturliig Co.. 162o.622 Doulns st. B-MMl Si WANTED, mon to hnrvet simnr o't crop. Address or apply In persun to H. .Mur phy, Murphy block, South Omaha. WANTED, a jrood boy who chii -t type and wants a home and IS a wk; out if city AddresM A U. Be-. B M5IS 22 ACTIVE man for temporary local position isovonil weekx); ulnrj-. IB per day. Ad tlre.HH Olobx Co., T22 Cneatnut St., Phila delphia, Pu. D-M542 J2 WANTED, nooil all around blacksmith, who eon do liorspMhoelns. plow vorlt end Keneral ri'Oclr work; steady T.-'jrV. ,ne yr r-und ind Rood v,i: coma at oisoo. Wm. Goldner, Fa;le Clty Neb B-Ml MEN. wo tMU'll the bari)r trade In 8 weeiw. Kuanuitew posltlona tlB.W wenkly, furnish t. o"s. free transportation to Denver ilarRet collesn In the world) and work for board white learning. Bw f of fak. atnlot(U-s, mlttleadlni; olfcrs ami Omaha 5-ccnt shopH called colleger). No colored st'lilcnts numl'ted. Ladles clojiees 111 fon nectlott. Wr)ti for particulars to nt Moler s Barber t'ollcue, L'rclKbtoit block. Omaha. B-MHJ 24' WANTED, able mon of noil reputation In ach county to represent Inrp" hous, posltlun constant; salary ITS per month and all expenses; statu reference ami en close eelf-addrpfsed stamped rnvelnpe. President, 370 Cuxton Uld-., Chicago. IJ-.Mtr 22' WANTED, manager for hrnnon offlro by nltl established manufacturltii; holisi; salary J13 per month nnd extra commis sions; must furnish sntlsfactorv refer ences ami WX) cash. District Manager, 300 Johnston Bid?.. Clnctnutl, O. B-W 1 WANTED, two solicitors, men who havi had experience In life Insur ance antl bulidlng and loan preferred. AJ dross A 27. Be-. B M6S3 23 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 200 clrlu. 1124 Dodge. Tel. S76. C-C7 girls wanted. Canadian office. 1522 Douglas WANTED, cook, best ot wages. 32d avo. 116 So. C-241 GIRL wanted for general housework. 2776 California st. (.' M302 24 WANTED, a bright, middle-aged woman who will devote nil her time to a good paying bustness. Address A II, Bee. C-MKM 22 GOOD girl for general housework, family ot 3; wages 14. 2602 Poppleton ave. C M654 WANTED, girl to do general housework In family of two. Enquire 1413 North 20th street. C-060 COOIC and second girl wanted. 2214 Lai don Court, 21th. between Half-Howard and St. Mary's ave. C 502 22 WANTED, good, clean, honest girl for gen eral housework, good wages, steady Job, small family. 3114 Poppluton Ave. C-MW3-23 WANTED Girl for general housework; J3 per week for competent service. 209 3. 26th St. C MG30 25 LADY bookkeeper and stenographer- sev eral yeurs' experlenca In large wholesale house; tlrst-class references. Address, A 22. Beo. C MS23 27' WANTED, ladlen to learn halrdressing. manicuring or barber trado. positions guaranteed; free transportation to collpga at Denver: write for particulars. Address Agent Motor's Barber anil Halrdrssliiir College, Creighton block, Omaha. C-M-J4 24 FOll RENT HOUSES. IF you want your houses well rented pluce them with Beuawa & t'u. D E2 CHAMPION Carpet CleanltigWks clenns .1 I . rm d 4irUf Tl W hi 1 i ft. I .-- D ili 024 ALWAYS moving H. II. Office. lSHVx Farnam St. goods. Pianos. ToL 1553 or m D !C0 HOUSES for rent In all pwrts of tho cliy. Ercmmn-Luve Co., 320 So. 12tU St. D 31 HOUSES, stores. Bomls, Paxton block. D 633 CILV3. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam. D-tUl FOR RENT, house S rooms. S. ,V. Cur. Park ave. and Lmivenwurth. Modem s.t- cupt furnace, liey at cottage la rear. D-105 r uit iittji'v, uctouer I. to small family, a desirable seven-room catta&u. 2:nd umt California street; wuter In Kitchen; C2 pr inuuku. 4,muu vui iut sireec. D-M233 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. yTTFfE D !3 HOUSES, otc F. D. Wad. 1524 Douglaa. D-C7 FOR RENT, flna 6-room modern cottages In the Stanford clrolu, 13th and Vinton streets; convenient to South Omaha and 13tn street uar lines. Tho Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th St. D-137 NICE 6-room modern aottage. 3410 Decatur K2. u-jwo 2216 L.VNDON Court. 10 rooms, modern, In nno conumon; rem OMAHA LOAN TRUST CO.. 16th & Douglas Sts. D-216 FOR RENT, U-room modern housa and tmrn, 41t and Davenport, J30, Modern 6-room furnished cottage, closa In, VS. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. D-23S FOR RENT. 11-room steam heated rest dunce, modern, storm sunli. UuS So. 32d St. Highest residence ground In city: Just painted. Jonies Seville. u iitu - MEN for different kinds houso ropnlrs In rental den t work, part time yeur rounu. Mast rent of us. Inquire 1203 Farnum st. l-ROOM house, niodarn. till N. 16lh. Monroe .t Co. D-271 1217 rCMlNQ St.. S rooms; modern except lurnacr. in ifoou roiuiuian. m OMAHA LOAN i TRl'ST CO, 101U Douglas St D-EW FOll RENT HOI 9ES. ! near i irtlshed. new modern. m park. J0T7 Marcy street. D 4il- ! f-r.iiOM. modern, and barn. 21th and Har nev. i 'or Mth and Hamilton, modern 6 rnom new house. F. D. Weud, 16th and Douglas. D-M5W F"R RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav-Idg.- building, opposite city hall. JOHN W RuBUINS, 192 FARN AM 3T D m STEAM heat, unsurpassed, central, alt modern. 7-room house. Tlzard, 221 N. 21. D-4S4 31 HOUSES and fiats. Rlngwalt, Barkor BUI D S3 CHOICEST flat In Winona apartment house. Apply C. 3. Elgutter. J22 Bee bldg. D-M60S FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, barn. 113.09. i N. 26th. f D--W4 FOR RENT. S-room modern house, corner IStli and Vinton. Inquire 1411 Vinton. D-M31S a 6-ROOM lint. 610 S. 16th. J10 N. Y. 'Life Bid. Clark E. Powell, D-M1M 563 S. 2STH ST . 10-room modern brick. D MS 26 FOll IIE.1T FURNISHED ROOMS. STEAM heated rooms at The Thuraton. E-213 FURNISHED room. IS a month. 2M2 Har ney. E IKS MODERN, doublo parlors, for four younn men. piano, etc.; also houscke'pln rooms. 511 N: lth. E-MIM ZT NICELY furnished rooms for rent with steam heat nnd balh. 4ii N. Kith, 3d Hour. E-M672-a Fl'H.'VISIIED ROOMS ,UD HOARD. ULENCAlRN.translunts,U.2Sday. 1609 Don if. GOOD board, private family. 009 So. 23th avenue. F M63U t'TOPIA. 1721 Davenport SL F--;iiJ TO RENT. I furnished, 2 unfurnlsn-l rooms, wltlt board, In private family; unlet neighborhood, near Ilanscom park, can 2H8 Woolworth uve. F-M227 NICE warm rooms, twid board, reasonable rates. The Rose, 2U20 Harney. F-2C0-N12 DESIRABLE rooms, wltlv board; steam, reference. 202 N. ISth. F M557 22 NICE south room. The Pratt. 212 S. 2fith. F-MtSO THE MBRRIAM. anil Dodge. good winter homo. 25th F-611 FOll RENT lFLHMHIIEn I'.OO .JS. FIVE unfutnidiied chambers for housekeep ing lo man and wife. 313 N. 17th. G-M671 FOll RENT tTOUES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, storo In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., sround lloor. Bee bldz. I Id FOR RENT, the building formerly ocupled by The Beo at am Fartiam street. It hus four stories and a busemnt which was formerly used as The Beo press room. This will be rented very reasonably if Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Beo Building. .1-261 STORE for rent at 316 So. qutst. 15th St. Llnd- I 20 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, agenta In overv town and. community to sell the "Best Vapor G.i3ollno Lamps; most scientific Lamp made; two yeam on the market; abso lutely guaranteed for ano yeur. Best In candescent Light Co., 31H So. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. J M122 Oi l AGENTS Artlclo of absolute necessity In every Diiuuing; no cumpeiiiion; otg pri nts; exclusive rights; failure Impossible. Agency Dept. 312. 27 William St. N. Y. J M225 Nil A.-ONE MILLION will bo sold; agents ot generating gasoline lamps are all coming our way. no generating lnmn will U alongside of the "Perfection; It is tho only gasoline gua lamp that does not re quire generating; no torch, no alcohol, no pump, no waiting to get up steam, lights instantly. Just llko gas, can be turned up or down as desired, a brilliant 101-candlo power light at a cost of only 1c per night; this invention gives people in the country advantages of city gas at praotlcully io cost, and enables people tn cities to cut their light bills tlown tn almost nothing; live ngents wnnt-d everywhere, send for circulars. Perfection Incandescent Gaj Lamp Co., HIS Farnam st.. Omaha, N-o J MS 17 WANTED TO RENT. NEED more houses for good tenants; Hit with u. U. Wallace, lirown blk. K-M47S 2 ROOMS and board, man. wife and child. convenient to soutn umunu. Address a 24. Bee. K Mirr.-,-: WANTED, board and room in private fam- lly for young man attending Hign school, statu terms. Address A 30, Bee. K M6S6 3 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., !)12- 914 Jones, general siuraga ana forwarding. -612 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Faro. Tela. 1633 f(3 143 WANTED TO nUK. WANTED TO BUY A second hand cam era or kodak, must De in good condition and cheup. Address Y 53. Bee. N 334 ALL klnus of household goods, hotels, etc.. In large and small quantities, cnicugs Furniture Co.. 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2320. N-J43 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha savings bank accounts. iJronnan Love Co., a So. 13th. N 614 HOUSES, to be moved. George G. Wil-N-M474 lace. Brawn blk. TWO lots or one large lot with fair house I for casn. A 3, Bee. N 637 23 wvntfd to buv it oao of nmah.i Hnvinu-i A.M.t,U, lo nuy U.000 pt Utnana Saving! bank accounts for cash. Address A 16, Bee ofllce. N M543 FOll SALE HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. NEW and 2dII. vehicles at marked down prices. Harry Frost. 14th & Leavenworth. P 6W FOR SALE, a horse and buggy cheap. In quire at 2152 St, Mary's ave. P 317W WELL preserved phaeton for sale, Dewey Ave. P M647 i S FOll SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FINE Vose upright planoat great sacrifice; party leaving city. Address Y 36. Bee ofllce. Q-137 N3 HARD and soft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing. 301 Douglas. Q647 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc Council Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge. Q-tilS 1DHAND sato chcup. Derlght, U16 Farnam. Q 613 2DHAND wheels, 13 to 110; new wheels. Hi Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th & Chicago Sts. U-4K1 SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz. X14 So. H Q C0 SECOND-HAND Callgraph (new) for sale. Call at office clerk district court. Q 53 J DON'T mlsa the opportunity to Inspect our stock. We tarry the largest and most complete line of 2ndhand stoves In city; prices low. Don't furget the place. Enterprise Furniture Co., 102-4 So. 14th. Q-246 Nil HIGH frade piano, slightly used; private party, Kiukead, Itru Douglas. Q M459 23 FOR SALE, planer shavings for putting up sweet potatoes or ice, or for horse ced ing. Omaha Tank Mfg. Co., 7th and Doug las Sts. Q M524 25 FOR SALE, sidewalk boards. Omaha Tank Mfg. Co.. 7th and Douglas sts. Q M525 23 FO RESALE. I 150-H P Hoffman BlUlngs I'srtlss eng)n in good condition. Call ir AUdreu Son jf it te El-'c. Co, j FOll SALE MISC ELLA EOtS. A LARGE 2-door safe. Irviuirn if C "C Diets. 121 i Far-iam 9t. '1-MBW T LIGHT spring wagon canvas top, tin. :t1u N'. 17th. Q.-M715 7i JUSCEI.LA.VEOC.V NOTICE, country dealers. 2dh.and furniture and stoves nt loirest prices, carload lots or 1 less. ChlcacoFurnltura Co., 1406-10 Dcde. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 319 North lGth. S-U9 MME.GYLilEP. genuine palmist. Itr Did as S-MTn ELECTRIC TREATMENT. ELITE parlors. SIS S. 16th, second floor. T-3-1-W-5 MME, AMES. 1615 Howard, room 1. 2d floor; ilao Ednnr. asslstanr. T MSIS 25 PERSONAL DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and supe:.1u ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenscr block. U-K2 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 340 Ba blda TURKI8II baths, maseaga baths, electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women masa operators; finest etiJlpped baths in the crty. Renstrom Bath Company. Rooms 216 to 23) lie- Bldu. U 401 RLPTL'RE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger , send for circulars. Empiro Rup ture Cure. 332 N. Y. Life bide. Omaha. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 1126 N. 17. U666 PRIVATE home before and durlnc confine ment; bablea adopted. Mrs. Burxet, 263) Burdette. Ci& YOUR OLD SKIRT Can be altered to look new and stylish by using one of our beautiful FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATED FLOUNCES. Any klntl complete from J1.00 up. AL TERATION PATTERNS AND INHTRl'C TIONS FRHE. Accordion and siile Ing by the yuM. Send for circular:!. M. GOLDMAN fc CO. 200 Douglas Blk., Kth and Dodge. C-ICt SHAMPOO. 33c: halnlress, 25c; manic-ire. EOc: scalp treatment, 20c; electric m.n nago or scalp treatment. 25c F. M Schadull & Co., 1522 Douglas. U-M537 OI3 LADIES Jackets and tailor made suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. M. Fogel. 307 S. 17. U-S7S- SEWING in prlvato fumilles. 1173 I. 4o h. U 244 Nil PLEATING nnd skirts, nit kinds; buttons mnde to match. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Douglas. N 661 SEWING machines rented and repnlred. rent 12 pur month, supplies for all kinds of machines. The Singer Manufacturing Co., 1620-1622 Douglas st. Telephone 41S. U-M522 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms ut 5 per cent, borrower cnu pay JIM) or any multiple; any Interest aaie; no ueiay, iiren:iuii-Iuve uo., 309 So. ISth St.. Omaha. Neb. W 470 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Bronnan-Love Co., J03 So. 12l'i W i71 J1.000 and upward to loan on Improved e.ty property and farms. V. Farnum Smith & Co., 1220 Farnum. V t,72 WANTED, city loan, bonds and warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam St. W 673 MONEY In any amount at 5, SVj. 6 per cant. J. W. ROBUIN3 & Co., ltV2 FARNAM ST. V 674 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam. W ',73 MONEY to loan at 5 and OH per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melltle. 401 S. 15th V 676 PRrVATE money. 5. 5 6 per cent; no da- lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam, w WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C Peters Sl Co., 702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 673 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1121 Douglas. W-73 FIVE per cent money. Bemls. Paxton block. V 630 MONEY to loan on flrst-claas Improved city property or for building purpuses. Payne Knox Co., Nnw Yorlt Life. W-611 PRIVATE money to loan. 323 N. Y. Life. J. II. Sherwood, '.V-21S MONEY TO LOAN CHATTLES. MONET TO LOAN ON furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc You to keep the property. SALARY LOANS to peoplo permanently empioj'ud on their own names, without Indurser or martgas We loan from 110 up. We charge noui Ing for making papers and wo keep noth ing out of tho amount you ask fur. You may repuy the money i;i one, month, or take 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 months or more In which to repay It. Our rates aro as law as the lowest, our business la confidential and we always try to please. OMAHA IIORTGAGE LOAN CO., Established 1S32. 306 b. 10th 3t. X-M7tfl MO J IE Y MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RA'l'ES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 526, fifth floor. Now York Life Bldg. X6S2 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On their plain note without security. No charges fur pupers. Lower rates. Eoslur payments. Confidential treatment as sured. AVo want your trade, AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 601 Bee Bid;:. X-743 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their own names without security; easy payiutnts. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg X-J7 ! MONEY Muncd on furniture, diamonds, watches: n.ivnients confidential. (lmmi watches: payments confidential. Omana Chattle Loan Bank, 220 S. lith. upstairs. X-053 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds, watches, privately. Berger"s Loan Co., 101 Farnam St., upstairs. X 940 MONEY" loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, caws, etc, C. F. Reed, 213 3. 13. X-8S3 MONEY loaned on pianos, f-jrnlture, hordes, cows, Jewelry. Duff Greeti. U.S. Barker Blk X-S SALARY LOANS. CILVTTKL LOANS. J W. TAYLOE. 21a First Nat, Bank Bldg. X M LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. No mortgage or publicity, Papers free. LOWEST RATES. EASIEST PAYMENTS SURE. R. R. employees receive time to suit convenience. Louns of other companies taken up. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., room !03 Paxton Block. X M521 BUSINESS CHANCES. 1150 CASH or easy payments odys 23 strUtly lawful (nlckal) slot machines tor drinks, cigars or cash; will earn 12 and upward weekly each. Earl, Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, LI Y-M754 BUSINESS CHANCE BARGAIN We have bargain tn a confectionery und toba -co store und barber shop combined, together with lot and store building In a lively Ne braska town settled largely by Bohemians, wnicn can oe oougnt mr mucn less tnan It Is worth. See us. J W. Robbtns & Co,, uo. f arnam st. i i ONE new complete steam laundry and o goad cltyu to locate In. a good chanm for an experienced uunuryman. c Hchaer. Superior, Neb. Y M6G3 22 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN SANT3 SchooL 717 N. Y. Lifts. 703 BOYLES College, court reporter prlnclpaL Bee Bldg. 106 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col. lege. Boyd's Theater. 707 GREGG Shorthand. Om, C. Co' 16 & Doug. FOR I.E REAL EST VTE. I FOR SALE. : acres of ,7ar leu land with' Improvements, near .tty llmirs I n'ltr n ; ri V Jltit av RE-Msl Z' ' BC.Mia t OBiJl 1,1 f VKIV Scv ti new houses hav ben commenced 1n BEMI3 PARK within the lat m di This la the most desirable reidencs loca tion for cottage homes in the tty Sastern parties Interestejl In this addition hare Instructed us to PCSH THE d.VLE f the remaining lots now held. Juit think' Those beautiful Dta on La Fayette avenue for ffflO each, on Haw thorne nvenuo far ISOO to Cto each. No shanties permitted, nothing but FIRST CLASS dwellings will ever be put up In Bemls l'ark. . . . If you want i location for V fNE HOME at a WoNDERFt.'I BARGAIN, you mast not fall tJ in-ci.ignte the prices and character -f ti property in BEMfS PARft. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. t-i. RE mm; a GOOD opportunity for a combined farmer and stockman: laV acres In North Texas. 16 miles from town of 12,000 people; 250 acres cultivated, balance In hog and cat tle pasture, living water. ,ooil market; Brlce, J12. JO per acre; J4,ono cash. Write :. D. Gray, Gainesville. Texas. RE-323-:6 DELIGHTFUL home in Ilanscom Place for sale at a liberal discount. M. J. Kennartl & Son, suite 310-311 Brown Blk. RE ISO FOR SALE cheap, large lot and three cottages. J. A, Lovegren, 4th floor Pax ton block. RE MoiO PAYNE- XNOX CO., HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS. SOUND IN SURANCE, HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-636 RANCH AND FARM lands for salo bv the Union Pacltlc Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster. land commissioner. Union Faclfla Headquarters, Omuha, Neb. P.E-37 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also tira Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE 94 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y LIFE. RE-695 CHAS. E. WILLLVMSON. 1203 Farnam St. RE 030 L120 ACRES of good farm or graslng land In central Nebraska for sale cheap. Pet terson, 622 N. 16th SL, Omaha. Neb. RE-M30J 023 A BARGAIN IN VACANT Southwest corner 20th and Ca.itollar, lOoxSO feet, street paved and r, kvlng taxeii paid In full; water, sewer and gas; owner uska 11.600, but wnnts cash offer THE BYRON REED CO.. 2.". S. lith St. F.F -V.524 FINE east front lot, three blocks south depots. 10th st. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE-M517 25' A GOOD INVESTMENT. 3 cuttuges in South Omuha for C3X). rent ing for 137.0a) per month, will sell sep arutcly or on monthly payments; also one G-room cottage at No. 2916 Dupont street, Omaha; all In first class condition. Omaha Loan & Building association, G. M. Nattlngcr, Sec'y. Bee Building. J. II. KopluU. Agl.. South Omaha. RE --II N3 C. F. HARRISON. BARGAINS. 913 N Y L, 160-ACRE farm In Pierce county. Nebrask-y. j smalt house and grove, sr. acres cultivated. six miles from fierce; price. 240 acres, partly improved, Dixon ccuntv, Nebraska, four miles from railroad, J3,i",0. 160 acres, !0 miles west of Sioux City six miles from railroad, all under cultivation, ordinary buildings; price. !2,uOO: t, cash. 120 acres In Antelope county. Nebraska, . miles from tnree-rallrr-ad town. clar title; 1200 cush. Hlland P Lock wood, Sioux City, Iowa. RE-M531 22 FOR SALE. S-room houso and loc. 62x!2". near 25th and Cuming Sts. Inquire at N. 25th Ave. RE-MG62 22 tf-R. COTTAGE. 2Sth st near Lakp, Ji50.f0 cash and 120 monthly payments of 115 4tJ without interest. W. L. Selby B.wrl Trado bids. RE-M&J 2- FOR SALE. Installment plan, or exchaug" three large, desirably located houtli Omaha lots. Randolph Place addition, submit offer. Joseph. Hudersdorf '..Sou'h LANDS. C. B. Burrows. Norfolk. Nebraska. RE 100 Dec. VI BARGAIN Lot In Bemls Park addition. 1450, 1200 ensh. balance 110 month without interest. Address. A 6. Beg,. MEDICAL. LADIES out of health And prompt relief. Box 222, Omaha. Neb. Confidential. 702 LADIES. Golden Seal in a never falling regulator: removes Irregularities from any cause In live hours; sent secure from observation, JL Cattolu Medicine Co. St, Louis. Mo. M-uo3 Q29' LADIES, Cure for WHITES, etc.. perfect regulator; senn rsos -jo uaiaiui, u, LADIES, J1.000 for a case old Dr, Jackson's monthly regulator falls to relieve lit 24 hours, or money refunded; no ergot or tnnHy ptllu; many saved from suicide. By mall 13.00. Dr. Jacltson Remedy Co., Dept." 2, 1S2 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Ill, 366 N6 DR, LE DUE'S finale Regulator, posi tively warranieu to cure me mom. aiuu born cases of pathologicnl monthly stop pages, Irregularities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause, 12 a package, or 3 for 55, sent any where prepaid on receipt of price. The KIdd Drug Co., Elzln. III. Amurtcan of llce, retull. wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omuha, M. A Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full llnu of rubber gnods OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, ol5 N. Y. L. Bldg ; Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson. D. O.. ludles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathlat, Mgr. -703 M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O., of Still school. KlrksvUle, Mo. 604 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1387. 704 FAYETTE COLE, D. O., room 413 Bee bldg. STS N6 N. M. McMURRAY, D. O.; Mrs. J. R. Mu- sick, D. O., suite 536-Z3 Bee bldg. -1511 N7 HORSES -WINTERED. HORSES wintered at Omaha Driving park. 119 N7 WANTED, horses to winter; can take 50 head; all box stalls; two artesian wells; price, from 14 to 13 per month, will call for them and deliver In the spring. Ad dress H. & B. Stock Farm, C. C. Colo, manager. Springfield. Neb. M220 21 PAWNBROKERS. EAOLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confldentlal. 1331 Douglas -70J LOANS. IL Marowltz; low rates. 413 N. 16. -701 MUSICAL. MISS MINNIE LOVI, teacher of piano. Studio, 615 N. Kth St. M30I 23 FREE scholarships to piano students. Prof. Draun. 550 Ramge Blk. -V.37 WANTED HORSES TO BREAK. WANTED, horses to break and train: will take this work at reasonable rates, hftvo good winter quarters. Address George Davis. 226 Bee Bldg., Utnana, Neb. 165 N4 DANCING. NEW classes now forming at Morand's this week. Tuesday and Friday, i p. m.. 12 lessons, ladles 16. gentlemen IS; special prices to clubs; assemblies Wednesday. 155 Or ACCORDION PLEATING. 1 At-i-UllLuu. aim siue jur-tung, cneupesi. uesi, u.uit-iczi .in a, , jiurH, j cat- tenon Blk., 17th and Farnam Sts. 426 IIIRDS AND T.IXIDER3IY. STOCK S Bird Storo. 1SC3 Leavenworth. 717 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvcred. 70 Nlt I LOST. LOST. Elk .! pin. I'. P O No. 39. Reward for return to W J. Shrader. Lost 7T LOST, 'arge !lnck and red irli;dle c w with horns, straywl ftim pasture flttndn' morning. F ir any lmornmtlon telephoi e W II Sallsbtiry. .-are Drexel ''hoe .-, Reward. uo - IlEWt l.f HARES. WE have J'ist recelvml a fine shipment of Belgian hit res from Kansas City. Note :'; strains Briton. Dash, Fashoda, Mttl- tun jiystery -uigree. nothing nner .Ipen evenings. Phone 12M. The Royal ' Belgian Hare Co., 2SlS Dewey Ave , 4-r : - 4 ! TAILORING. HIGH class tailoring, moderate prices, lateit 1 designs. S. J. Broderlck, 1617 Farnam. M471 nov.'! BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS In bookKeeping, per.manshlp, arithmetic, day and evening. Nsb. Uus, College, Boyd's Theater. S2 PIANO TUNING. WE tune vour piano for 11.50. P.sae's Art Store. 1321 Dodge. Tel. 1915. 956 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St -713 ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES E. WALTERS. 326 Bee blilg. -M760 nov 1 STOVE REPAIRING. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections. Om. Stove Rep, Wks., 1207 Doug, Tel. 900. 714 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 617 -712 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replnted. Om. Plutlng Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2235. 716 Efii.VEs. BOILERS, ETC. L. C Sharp Mach. Wks.; motor?, dynam-s. -718 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Laku Sta. 070 TAMMERING AND STUTTERING CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Bldg. 710 TICKET IIROKEn. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phll bln. 1503 Famnm. Telephone 7S4. 703 DRESSMAKINO. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 313 So. 26t.1 SL H9 N4 RAILWAY TIME TABLES. BURLINGTON A Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Oillces, N. W C rner Tenth and Farmm Sta, Ticket Ofllce, ISO! Farnnm St, Tolhone. Ur'.ington station, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, it. eave. -vrrive. Lincoln, Hastings and McCook . a 3:40 am a 7:25 pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado, Utah. Calif'Tnla.a 4:23 im a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Rlauk Hills, a 9:.K pm a 3:oO pm Montana, l-net Sauna., a 9:30 pm a C:5 Dm Lincoln FaHt Mall u, 3:03 pm ul0:35 am Denver C.ilnndo, Utah and California a S:(5 am' a Dally KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Itnllrnnrt "Tliu T3iillr,.r- ton Route" Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam St. Tele, phone. 250. Depot. Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele phone, 121. i,eave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex . a s:30 am a 6:10 pm Kansas City Night E.r .atO.'lS pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flrer for St. Joseph and St. Louis, .a 4.55 pm all:13 am a Dally CHICAGO, BURLINGTON Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket OHlce, 15o2 Farnam SI. Telephone, 130, Depot Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 123. Leave. Arrlvn. uayngnt Chicago spe cial . .. a 7:00 am Peoria Express .... a 3:25 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex .a 4:00 pm a 7.45 am Chicago Local Express. a 3:50 am a 4:o5 pm Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm u 7:45 am Pacll'u Jjnctlon Local.. alO: 15 am Pacltlc Junction Extra.. a 7;00 pm Fast Matt a 2:13 pm a Dally. UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER, land Route" General Offices. N E. Cor. Ninth nntl Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 1221 Furnam Street, 'retention,, tin Depot. Tenth and Mason 'sts.' Tefeohane. I Leuve, Arrive, a 7;33 pm a 7:33 pm a 3.25 pm a 6:50 am a 4:35 pm bl2;23 pm a S:50 am The Overland Limited. .a 3:20 am v-nicugo-roruana Special . a 3:20 am Tho Fast Mall ..a 3:50 am The Colorado Special. . .all :35 pm The Fast Mall Llncn'n. Beatrice and Strnmsburg Express. .b 1:10 pm Tho Pacitte Express a 4:25 pm Tho Atlantic Express... uranii isianu j,ocai . b 5:30 pm b 3:30 am a Dallv b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street, Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrlvo. Chlcairo Express ,all:10 am a 4.03 Dm Chicago Limited a 7:15 pm a 3:15 am Minneapolis and St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:10 pm Minneapolis and SL Paul Limited a 7:45 pm a S:15 am Fort Dodae Local from Council Bluifs . .. b 4:30 pm bl0:15 am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and PnrtH rtll,,, ,.i "The Great Rock isl and Routo"-City Tlck- rrrjjs and Routo"-Cit UlUK et Office, 1223 I SBf, Street Telepho Depot. Tenth & Sts. Telephone, T ti i-J Farnarn Pliono. 2S. Marcy Arrive. . uc3 aminos ana uavon- port Local a 7,25 am Chicngo Express , bll lSam hi ago J)nst Express, a 8:00 pm Lincoln and iairbur ,a 3:20 am Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., bll:35 am a 8:iu am a 1:25 pm a 7:00 pm xjeiivcr, x-uenir und West . a 1:20 pm a 4:15 pm Des Moines. Rock Isl- P and and Chicago a 7.15 pm a 5:50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5:53 pm a 3:16 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Office, U04 Farnam Street. Telephone 2S4. D- ot. Tenth and Mason treets. Telephone, 623. T ........ . FilinrAiJA Chlcnirn T.lmlted Ex. a il.OO nm a ri:fl5 nm Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 715 am b 3:40 pm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL raud Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The Outncy Route" Ticket Of llce, 1415 Farnam St. Tele phono. 322. Depot. Tenth und Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 623. i,eave, aitivo. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express .. a s:s pm a s:a am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a a Dally. 7:00 am a 9:00 pm WABASH RAILROAD -Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam StreeLTelephone 895. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone, 623. Leave. Arrive. rrri St Louis "Cannon Ball" Er'iress . a 5 OS pm a J. 20 am & lis ri7f$r iiRfTIIM RVILWAY TIME TA II LE j. FREMONT. ELKHORN 1 Missouri Valiey Railroad 1 The Northwestern i I me'' General Otllces, i 'ulted States National Ra ik Bldg , 3. W Co.- -7 ' rweirm ami I itrnara ats, i I'tuci uuii-p. :i r amain at. t eiepno". 5L Depot, ;5(h and W -bster Sis. Telo Phone, 14M. Leave. Arrive, j Black Hills. Pcadwood. Hot Springs a 3.00 pm a 3:00 ptn yomlng. Caspar und trn it d 3:(0 pm e 3.00 prn Hastings, York. David It jr. superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward .. b 3:00 pm b 5:00 am Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont. b 7:20 am bl0::5 am Lincoln, anoo and Fremont . .. . . .b 7. SO am bl0.23 am Fremont Local c 7.30 am A tlnUv H I mllv nfinl Snnilrtv c fllln. duy oniy d Daily ' except Saturday- Dully except Mondjy CHICAGO A NORTH westeru Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Oinue. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone. 561. Depot, Tenth and Aiasoti MtiL -reietinano. 62J. Leave. Arrlv. I Daylight Chicago Spe- clal a 7.00 am sll:33 pm I t.uicngo t'assenger , a i.u pin a s.w am Eastern Express, Des Moines, Marshalltown, l etlur Rapids und Chi cago . al0:55 am a 4.03 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East. a I.STi pm a 1:(5 pm Fust Mail, Chicago to Omana ... a 2:43 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7;iC pm a 8:i pm Fast Mall a 3.20 ara a Dully CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omana Railway "The North western Line" Gena.-U Offices. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th antl Velmtcr Sts. Cltv Tlc' Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 3fL Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. teave. Arrive. Twin City Pisfenger . .1 0:00 am a 9il0 pm Omaha Passenger .. all:10 am Sioux tltv A east Nobrask.i 3:45 pm a Dnily b rally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad The North western Line" General Offices. United States Natlonul Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam s. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. Do pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 623. Leave. Arrlv;. T-v!n City Express a 6.35 am alO.a nm Twin CP j- Llmlto-t & 7.25 pm h i.U am Plottx fly Local .. a S.'A uU a l.r ;m a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Offices Southeast Corner 14th anit Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot, Union Station. Leave. Arrive. St. Lo il St Kansas City Express., ....al0:00am a 6:30 pm IC. C, St. L. Express. . ,al0:10 pm a 6:15 am Leave from 15th and Webster Straeta. Nebraska Loral. Via Weeping Wuter . .."J 1.15 pm al0:l5 am a Duliy. b Dally except Sunday. MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS Xerr Co nip Above Rochforil In Show. Inif 31 ii iiy Slicna of Vig orous Life. DEADWOOD. S. D., Oct. 21. (Special. i One of the liveliest mining districts this fall In tho Black Hills la west of Roch foril, abuut four miles, tn Hornblende camp. Tho first ore discovered there was about four years ago, when a Swede named Oterg discovered a chunk at rich float rock while chopping wood. The district la about four miles square and It Is cut by a great many veins of free-milling ore. During tho last year a number ot eastern companies have commenced operating some ot tho best propositions. Oeorgo F). Best of Bayfield, Wis., has banded tho Yellow Bird mlnu for J25.000 and a whtra houso and other build ings have been erected. Tho shaft Is down about thirty feet on a vertical of quarts oro about Ave feet thick. The ore aver ages across the face ot the vein about 53 per ton free milling. North of the Yellow Bint, the Victoria Mining company of Omaha has a large group of claims, which are welt developed. Tho members of the company arts mostly prominent railway of ficials. Tho Benedict mine has been bonded to Edmund Smith of Rapid City and Thomas Gallagher of Denver. A shaft is being sunk on ono of the many ore veins. Tho lessees of the mine have, erected a small mill with a dally capacity of twenty tons on Castle creek, near the mine. There aro 150,000 tons, estimated, In sight In tho mine, which will average about 15 per ton gold. Other companies have bonds on tho Black Eaglo, owned by Keystone puople, and the North Star mine, owned by miners In the camp and Chauncy L. Woods and C. M. Brown of Rapid City. Both of these mines show volns of free milling ore outcropping at the surface. James Cochran is making a fortune with a small Huntington mill on tho eastern edge of tho camp. He treats about tun tons ot ore per day and cleans up in the neighborhood of $1,000 per month. He hus a body of oro 100 feet wide, which will average 110 per ton gold. About one mile west ot Rochford W. L. Kerney of Council Bluffs, la., and his brother, L. M. Kerney, are opening up a mine on tho Mary Bell property. A steam drill has been set to work to run a 300 foot tunnel to strike a vein ot free milling ore that tt forty-six feet wide at tho sur face. Tho owners of tho Standty mine at Roch ford aro making an upraiao to the surface at the end of a 1, 400-foot tunnel. The tunnel wilt have to bo run 400 feet farther before encountering the main are vein. There are three companies with head quarters tn Michigan which ara working on copper prospects on the western bordor of tho Hornblende district. Tho Copp-r Cliff Mining company of Ironwood, Mich., has purchased tho ground formerly owii"d by Buckhold and Green. A tunnel hus opened Into a vory rich vertical of capper sulphide, which Is considered to be the richest thing yet discovered in the copper line In tho Black Hills. South ot this mine Is tho largo eatato of tho British-American Gold and Copper company of Detroit, em bracing nearly 800 acres ot ground. The company Is building a camp and a shaft will bi started the first ot tho month which wilt strike a vertical ot copper and gold aro at a depth of about 200 foet. Still farther south the Black Hilts Capper com pany Is sinking an tncllno, following a wtdo vertical of copper and gold ore. Thero aro throe separate veins Is a small space which aro believed to como together with depth. The company has bad assays on tho copper as high as 70 per cent. Formor owners shipped a carload ot copper ore to Chicago und received 18 per cent copper. The copper belt which follows along tho limestone range on the wost side of the Hills Is being opened up tn othur places. Arrangements have beon made to ship .o the smelter in this city a number at tons of fair grade ceppor ore from a mine tuut has been opened up by J, T. Gllmore ot Deailwood, The Golden Reward company Is anxious to have copper oro opened up in the Black Hills, which would cheapen the cost ot smelting ores by having copper ore nearer than Montana for fluxing pur poses. Tho Lena mine, north ot Hill City, U still attracting attention on account of the great richness ot the ore. The principal owners In the mine ara two newspaper men ot Minneapolis. Ono ot them will spend the winter at tho mine. The ore Is liter ally wired togthor with gold. Those who have seen the vein stato that it la the richest one ever uncovered in the Btack Hills. It la a true Assure 7etn, which means that tf will probaM- gi ilown a unkcown orth. with in r"asmg richness. A. D Arundel of Minneapolis is at Silver Cltr. superintending the development ork on a large group of claims owned by Steve P-rler through which there is a largo ver tical re i ii ot antimony and gold are. Tho main vein is over loO feet wide and as says ot antimony have been made as high as 70 per rent. Tho gold values accotn-pnnj-lug the antimony aro much richer thaa the aver-ago vein. Rapid City parties clso have an antimony mine Joining the Arundel property on the south. Chicago parties have about closer! a deal for the Poisoned Ox and Copper Reef mines, owned by A. D. Arundel, et Pactola. These two mines are among the oldest and richest In that part ot the II II 1 . The Cleopatra Mining company has made, a number of cleanups from the new cyanide plant In the Squtw creek district and the management has pronounced it en tirely satisfactory P. N. Hansen of Minneapolis, who 'was severely Injured tn a collision on the Bur lington routo near his city, hi able to be out again. He manager of the Squaw Creek Mining company of Minneapolis, which owns tho Manchester mine, at the head of Sqtrw creek. The company will resume wor!t soon. Considerable ore has been found in the mine. The Gladiator Mining company of Des Moines has decided to erect a 100-ton cyanide plant In tho near future. The de velopment of the Murray group of clitlmi in Deodwood gulch la being pushed. The Imperial Mining company Is nego tiating for a mill slto In this city for a 100-ton eyanlde-chtorlnatlng plant, which is to cost about 1100,000. OMAHA SUBURBS. Flnrrner, Mr. James Wilson and wife of Omaha, spent Sunday with hU parents. John Tuttle- went to HUnnd Monday, when hn will husk corn during tho fall. The members of the Presbyterian church, gavo au oyster supper at tho church Friday night. Mrs. Andrew Anderson, and daughter Eolla. wont to Blair, and spent Suturday and Sdnday. Miss Helon Reynolds, who Is attending 3nhool at Brownell Hall, Omaha, spent Sun day with, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Pultr, went tn Blair. Wednesday to attend the wedding of Mr. Antone Pulte, a brother. Miss Bertie Wilson, who la teaching term of school at Elkhorn, Neb., Bpent Sat urday and Sunday with her parents. Gannet and Robb, owners of the chicken, 'ranch north of town, had a tiro in their bouses Frtdaj'. destroying ono of tho houses and a brooder. Miss Moore, a formor teacher tn tho public schools bore, now at Omaha, spent a couplo of days of this week hero visit ing frtpnds. Mrs. William Beebe of Brooklyn, N. Y, who has been spending tho summer here visiting her slBter and daughter, left for her home Wednesday. Mr. Fred Zlegler and family, left Tues day for Portland Oregon, where they will make their future home, Mr Zlegler has lived here for tho past twenty years. Mrs. Brooks and dr.ughter, who have been here the past month visiting Mrs. Brooks parents, Mr. and Mrs. Flnkenkellar, left far her home, at Madison. S. D Thursday. The Klerlo Ice company, have purchased several carloads of Ice at Sioux City, and am storing It In their houses hero, having sold what they had stared early In tho sea son. Dundee. Mr. James W. Hamilton was In Lincoln on business last week. Mr. S. R. Rush was la Lincoln on busi ness for the United States district court Inst week. Mr. Johnson, a cousin of Mr. D. L. John son. Is at present making his Soma with, tho latter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Emburgh of Plilnflold, N. J . are tho guests of Mrs. W. L. Selbj. Mr. Palmer has been making some ad ditions to his homo on Davenport street, near Forty-ninth. Tho mother of Mrs. A. L. Stonecypher, formerly of Dundee, died after a brief ill ness last week at her home In Peru, Neb. Mr. Carmlchael's attractive homo has had a new coat at paint and his fine trees, which made so dense a shade, have been thinned out somewhat. The changes made on the home recently bought by Rev. Mr. Lempo, on Davenport street, aro completed and the place now presents a handsome appearance. The roadway between Fortieth and Forty-ninth streets, on Dodge, has been put In thorough repair and the drive from West Farnam through Dundee to the Coun try club Is new an assured success. Invitations are out tor a large card party to be given on Friday. October 26, by Mrs. James H, Parrotto, Mrs. Eva Parrotto Sweeney nnd Mrs. Clayton H. Goodrich at their homo on Forty-eighth and Davenport streets. The Dundee Woman's club met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. P. J. Barr, Mrs. Johnson officiating. "The Rise and Fall of Feudalism" was the subject dls ctiBscd and an intereuting report at tho state federation meeting at Lincoln wou given by tho Dundeo club's representative. Mrs. Henry I. Loavltt. Briiaiin, James A. Howard la having bis grocery storo repainted. Mrs, Harvey Grove spent a day of the) past week In Vlrdlgrla, Neb. Mrs. Herman Pcrcells of South Omaha, was a visitor In Benson during the last week. Miss Flora McDowell visited a few days at the home ot her friend, Miss Mattta Nevtns. Mrs. Dr. Fanny Leo of Chicago, arrivatl In Benson last Sunday and Is at tho horn of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ilorten. Miss Zella and Lottie Smith ot Platts mouth, come up on lant Friday evening to spend a tew daya visiting with frienda In Benson. Miss Laura Horten of South Omaha, spent a faw days at last week visiting as tho homo of her aunt antl uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Horten. Tho Methodist Episcopal Sunday school wilt have rally day oxerclBcs at tho church this morning at 11 o'clock, which, will take the placo ot the regular morn ing exercises. Llttto Margaret Anderson, who has been sick tor some time, died at her parents' home on last Friday noon. Many flowers were sent by bur echoolmates and Sun day school class, A number of the members of the Metho dist church of this place went to Monmouth, park last Friday evening, to attend tho reception given at the Methodist church there, which was given for the new paator, Rev. A. J. Markley. Don't be deceived or humbugged hj peo plo who claim the discovery of some hith erto unknown herb or root tn swamps, or on iome mountain or prairie, tor the cura ot kidney and bladder troubles. Any doctor or druggist will tell you that such clalma aro fraudulenL Foley's Kidney Cure sim ply contains remedies that are recognized by the raottt skilful physicians as best for these complaints, so don't be credulous or foolish. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Qmahs.