TI7E cTMArrA DAILY TJKB: " V E P X R S D AY, OCTOIVR1? IT, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MI.NOH MP.VHON. Davis mcIIm fans ' Mr lillej." o-c-ut clear. n. fixtures and globes at Hixhy'.i. J in.- A. U. C. beer. Noumayer'a 'hold. oilman. KciPtitlllf optician, 400 H'dy. If M I ."fieri, expert optician, 23j Hd.v. H hmldts photos, new and latest styles. (uh photos Jl.r.0 dor.. William. 511 My. I. llostettcr. dentist, Hnldwin block. J.omp a beer. Haetike Iltiym-ti. sole ngcnl. J & W tt'iiii Iwaril. hi. lltprt, m My. Drink Hudwelsor b-er. I.. Itn?enfe!d, ag. H K White, employment agency. 610 Hdy. Horn to Mr .mil Mr. ). P. t'lumer of H'fli'ilil. In M 'tl i-.xhlblt iiihI mil- "f fSlbsnn pictures. t.-x iiiibT tt ' . XB Hr.mdwiiy. .Mli lima Dentler left yesterday f'"' ' - . I. .... ...I- ... Ulmlhl' til Ml- i .1 Mirtlu i.f I'luilner street l vlMiiiiu friend In nriswiiu, in. i Met voiir work done lit tlie popular i.uki liiuii'lrx 7JI Hrnn.lwny. 'I'tmiic 15.. V Kiiep. undcrtnltet. 2S Pearl street. 'I 'iph..n h- Office 9T: residence, 33. Mm M It. Hue of Chicago lij Hi" of Mm H. P. I in whom of Heverth avenue. Mrs .lumen MrCube of Mnrnlngshle lef" rr.iicrdiij on h visit to frlrnds nt ! railkll'i. N l. , Mm t I'niiklln of Austin. Ill . N Win fucil ol lier .niugiuei . ii" l,r. ludge "' Wheeler went ,"' , , ' I rXrrnurt'u.e';:'" ' ' r"'l0lK,r 'Crm I " There will be a xpe. lnl meeting tlilH even- I t ,K of r.xrelflor Miisolile ln.IKe inr wnmj i Mia first .I. mec Mrs Kiniiri llolmnn lefi yestenlny rnr I Itiittle i "reek. Mleh . where she will umleri;i ironlirient .il .. nioltnrliiin. tiiMirl..V" It. ense lm been tHU-l ( Kite i '"peli. n.l. iikcI K. nml AKnc !. Mien i.kc.I 2l. both of Ibis city. i .,!,,,. I .1 .1 Steii.lninii. lerk of ,tlc i net nun es unirii'i i i .in. i- in BlIen.lliiK the fall term "f federal enuil. Mr. I". It. Mnihb- went vesierday to Tearnev Neb. to visit her "on. Charles, win. I- a Mod. nt it th" military neadetny there Mr .itnl Mi"i Ceorfie Damon of Wayne. .el .ire In lb" city, the ituests of Air", f 'anion s parents, Mr. nnd Mm. l.ouis J'.urnniHilen Mr nml Mrs Arthur .1 Mahnu. fonnir residents of Council Ulutfs. are In rtiv for a few days renewing old th. ii''- fl'iamlances. i' i: Tin ker ami K. It. IMKrlon h n e r ,ne lo Kcikuk to attend the tneetliiK the uraiil IndKO of the Independent Order of Oild I'ellivvs Mis I .a urn Wnots-cy. daughter of II. ri. Wool.. formerly of this clly. now or West IMalns. Mo. Is the uuest of Mr. and Airs Tin lor Wiinlsey. npeiili.i: sale nl Purity Ciindj Kitchen, ras llroiiiluns . ShIUI'.Iii! Ciilille at one biilf iisunl prices Itrlim litis ad and KCt a wk "f AliKi'l I'm si tlkl'v flee. Mr rfinl Mn- W. .1 lliilhuliv .nd ilatiKhtet. liweinlelln. of S' uth Plrt street left nerl.n for Shell. la. to attend the mnriliiK' !' Ml" llalladin's lirother. Tho l.iulles' Aid socletv nf St. .lohn'H F.nKllsh i.uthiniu church will meet o rii'.rrow aflernoon at 'J o'clock .it the resi oeiice of Mrs. I.leb. 1ST South First street. Sparks from a chimney set lire to "t1 root" of the Woman's Chrl.ithm assnclatl.i'i h .spllnl about H o'clock yesterdit mornl'iR and Knve the Hie .IciiartPienl a run. I In tiurnliiK of few shinnies us the only d.imaKe dune Joseph Manef of lleudeisoii. I.i . w.is hrnimht belore Culled States Commission Wrluht esterilay, chaiuid with hn.it I.'KpTlnK. He was liouti I ovtr to the fed 'ial grund Jury and his bond fixed In the sum of linn, which he furnished The memhets ol the Mount Zlon It.ipllst church hae inlsed jam, thinuKli th" efforts of their nasi. if. Itev I'l D. Wilson, nirl purchnseil a Imuse and lot on Avenue 1) nnd Klevenlh street, widen 111 v Intend to convert into a church bulldinc. A comblli.itloii of children and matches caused u blaze and Kave the tire department n run last nlKht to the cottaKe lit .911 Avenue Ci. oe.upled by Mrs Koto New enmb The contentH of one bedroom was the extent of tho damaso before the lire was extinguished. The deed from HIchAi'd W. Keelcr .f JlrldRepnrl. Conn., ihrouKh Clem l' Klm liatl of this lty. altornev In rnel. convey ItiK to N W Wells, as Iri.Mco for the ni'ilor company. elKhly aires of land mi tho south side of Lake M.i.i.iwa. was til "d In tho county recorder's ..lliee yesterday. Tim consideration mimed Is $.,filo. The police received word last evenlliK that Mlko Smith, under arrest at I'lattsmouth ami wanted by the authorities here, had Instituted habeas corpus proceedings to ae curo his liberty. Hequlsltlon inipers for the return of Smith lo this state have been ap plied for to liovirnor Hbaw. Smith Is wanted hero for alleged c.unplleit In the theft of Jewelry. He ! also out on ball on tho charge of stealing coal. A building permit was li-sued yesterday to Wallace A l!rut for the erection of a two-story brick building on North .Main ftreet. to bo occupied as a laundry and to cost Jii.nmi. The old Scott house, one of the city's landmarks, which formerly occu pied thn site. Is being moved to the corner of North F.lKhth street and Avenue O In order t aceompllsh this it Is necessary to construct a trcstlewnrk across Indian ctcek near the Main street bridge. An has been the case for several months, the receipts at the i'liri"tltui Home last week were agnlu below the financial needs of tho Institution. In the general fund they wele, SldfiU, being Ml Hi below til" estimated needs for the current expenses of the week, au.l Increasing I lie delli'lruc; 111 this fund to date to 4:t7 S'.'. In the manager's 'nnd the rec Ipm were $1S being J1S.2S below the li.e.ls of ihe wrek and Increasing lb" dellclemy to date to Jl'jI M In this 1 1. ml. N. V. Plumbing Co., telephone 250. To those who think of furnishing their homes nn Invitation Is extended to visit tho store of Peterson & Schoenlng. Mer rlam block. Thoy have eerythlng you want and will soil It to you at the lowest rrlces prevailing anywhere. Davis sells paint. I'l'olilliltl.io Tl.'l.et Cited. Tho prohibitionists of I'ottawattHiule county yesterday tiled the following county tlckflt with County Auditor limes, to bo placed upon the ofllclal ballot; For clerk of district court, I,. I,. Palmer of llclkuap township; for county recorder, J. (J. Lemon of Council Illutfs; for county audltur. Hiram W. Allon of Carson, for county attorney, h. W. Tulleys of Council lllulfs; for mem bers of the board of supervisors, William Whitney of Careon and Ilenjauiln Morris o. Washington township. The petition con tained 77 signers, whereas 2.'i only were required to secure the ticket being placed on tho ballot. Il.ivo you ever looked over the good poluta of the Kadtani Home lust burner ' Is the beat heating stove made ui America Sold by Peterson & Schoenlng Merrlam block, nnd warranted noi in crack. Fleece-Lined Slipper Soles AI.I. Sl.IiS. HAMILTON'S Shoe Store. Negotiated In llastcrn Nebraska ntt.l Iowa James N. Casady, Jr., IX Main St, Cu'ruicl! llluffs. Sav Your wow fe KAVINt.N, I.O AMI IHII.UIMi ASV.V, 1U; I'vliii Street, Council HlufTa, In, -y-r,- BLUFFS. WICKIIAM ANTS CI W BONDS 1 , Paving Contractor Balks Upon the Cer tificate Idea aud Wants p. Change. AUTHORITIES DEBATE THE PROPOSITION I'orm of c('iii'iIpm Suiiutit l ItflliM' fur llriiKiTK 11111I Alli'uril I" Hi' of No Mure IJir-iiM" to 'I n lll J ei". The ill council will meet tonight for the special purpose of . ulisldi ling the up piirutlon or k. .V wicKiiam unit miiiu mint bonds be Issued to him In pltico of ccrtltlentos for the paving Hint hit been contracted for by the city. In making the liroposltlon Contractor Wirkhani 1ms In formed the aldermen that he could much mere readily dispose of the bonds th.in the certificates, as Investors lire not willing in Inveit In certificates of such and va ried HlllOlllltS. t'lty Solicitor Wadsworth, to thom the proposition has been referred, has Riven 1U opinion that the city .an legally Is- stir the bonds In plate of the cert lllcntes. 'n)(. i'y nltorticy quotes secuon 3'.. ni the code, which W iis follows I'of the purpose of prnvlillmr for the pig ment of the MVHi'iHnl .'list of nn. Mtteet Im provement or sewer which Is to be or Irii' been iiss.'Hfc.l upon the prnpfi'ty nbuttlui; (hereon. lii.-ltidtliK nillnnK unit street rail ways, liable for the payment thereof, .mil. In cane of sewers, alfo upon adjacent prop em. the council may bv ordinance or t.'so lutton ptovl.le for the execution and deliv ery of liondH for tin- amount of to much of the nsM'sanil .'ost or any part iln reor In nu ll. Ipatlun of tb deferred p-iwiient or the aaspssiucnts levied therefor, inch bonds to be tailed "Street I III ) it nvemellt liondu'' or "Sewer builds " au.l Issued In auioi.nts of $111. or miiltililex theieof not excel illnir jl.fKni, ei i pi tlmt one bond i.iav he Issued for the imio mt neeessarx- to make no the exact ii i noun i of such cik'1, which shall not exceed Jl.mio. These hontls are payable only out of tho special fund created by tho levy and col lection of the assessment against the .ibuttlnt; property, and In no other wn. The only nbllKatlon assumed by the clly Is to apply the money It shall collect as the proceedK of the special assessment to the payment of tho bonds and the same obligation deolves upon the city In tho case of certificates. Section SI" of tho code provides that such certificates, bonds and coupons shall not make the city liable In any way, ex cept for the proper application of sold apeclnl taxes. The city attorney is of the opinion that these bonds should not bo considered or counted In the financial statement of the city, In fact, should be treated exactly 'is certificates would be treated. They re, he snya, really only unother form f certificates. In which tho sum to be nme duo In any one year Is bunched and put In ouo certificate or bond. They create no other or different obligation upon tho city than that resting upon it in tho pro posed issue of certificates, nor do thoy create any additional liability upon tho properly owner. In support of his opinion the city attorney quotes cases In which the Iowa supreme court hna held that thcs kind of bunds were not an obligation of tho city. Some of the city officials are opposed to the issue of such bonds, bellevitiK that they would Impair the credit of the city. Another question Is, Where Is the Interest on these bonds to come from that will accrue between tho tlmo they become duo and the lime that sullklent. of the special assessment will have been collected to pay them? In the ense of certificate.-, which are paid by the Individual property ownur. tho latter pays the interest that has ac crued when he pnys the certificate. In tho case of the bonds 'they are Issued against the entire assessment of the cost of the Improvement. A solution of this problem, city officials say. must be dis covered before tho bonds cun be Issued In phice of the customary certificates. It Is beautiful weather, but there Is no telling when the change will come. Don't let it catch you wll bout a good stove to keep ou warm. Look at the Itadlnnt Home biisoburncr or the King Pee hut blast be foro you buy. Thero Is no other mnko on tho market that equals either of thcae stoves. Peterson & .Schoonlng, Merrlam block, are general house furnishers and will give you the best In tho laud at prices that will save you money from what tho sumo goods will cost you In other stores. More Claim l-'llril. The clutms filed against thn banking firm of Ofllcer & Pusey with tho clerk of the dlBtrlct court yesterday only amounted to about $3,500. Claims aggregating severil thousand dollars were tiled against tho Ofllcer cstnte. S. (1. rndcrwood and .1. T. Oliver, cxe. tutors under the will of the lute Captain Daniel nicher, applied to tho court for an order requiring the receivers to pay tho money In the bank standing to the credit of the estate on the grounds that It con stituted a trust fund and did not form part of the assets nf the firm. The following is the property transferred to tho receivers by Charles Otlleor. admin istrator, which had stood In Ihe name of Thomus Otllcer, trustee, urn! which really belonged lo the tlrnr Tho northwest quarter and the southwest quarter of sectlou ;:4. township 2S. rnngo 1, east, Cedar county. Nebraska. Southeast quarter section 21, township 27. range, 1, west. Pierce county, Nebraska. Southwest quarter and also west half of 'ho northwest quarter section 15, township 12. range 45. nnd all east of the railroad n the southeast quarter of the northeast lunrter, and the northeast quarter of tho loutheast quarter, section 111, township S2, -imge 45. Monona county, Iowa. nicely furnished home is one of the Lssibilitles of today at a minimum cost nd at prices that are within tho range nf II The best place to go to In order to ;vt the best and the most for your money - at Peterson K- Schoenlng's, Merrlam 'Am k No Joke lor Weir. Deieitue Dan Weir was the ictlui of a ','Ltt.a! Joke yesterday morning. Ho ar- esieJ a drunk at tho corner nf Pearl street ml Hroadway and was forced to leave his i. y-Ir htundins ugiilnst the nirb while ho scoi ted iho Intoxicated Indlvldttul to Jail, omeone placed the wheel for safety liiglile o adjoining building and when the noted euii returned lo get his wheel ho could 0 find 1; and nt mice Jumped to the con- 1 isioii that It had been stolen. Those who ere In the p'a.- gave the detective n number ' tlews ami the entire police department as no' I fie I to look out for a suspicious .oiling man with a stolen blcuin. Whon "r the wheel waa returned to him. the i-ftlve was very wroth and could not ho " ee where the funny part of the Joke came In. ItnnUruiilc; Xor, One Involuntary and ihreo voluntary po - tltlons In bankruptcy were filed in tho 1,'nlted States district court here jesterday. The creditors of William K. Lewis of till city. di'Hlcr In monuments, filed ii petition nsklng that he bo doclnred k bankrupt. The claims of the petitioning creditor are for 'TmuV.'Xnisworth. farmer of Wood- bine, iisks the court to relievo him of hlj small nmnunts. ' Labilities, nnrcniilln t:,.9no ;i',. Ills nsncts ; amount 'o $l.'.'"0 nml are all rhilnied on , cxetn.'it. Wallet M. Palmer, n telegraph operator ' of Logan, lias debts utuoimtliig to $2.015.S3 of which he desires to be relieved. Ho has assets amounting to 2.15, all of which he claimed as exempt. Paul S. KborliRtt. a music dealer of lied Oak, owes taxes, K0.St, secured debts, $t,0."..in and titiFo.-urod liabilities. $18.0257 imiklllR a total of J2.MS.08, which ho desire lo ho quit of. Ills assets amount to only $20 and are claimed us exempt. The King lice N conceded to be Ihe hot- blast slave without nn equal nti ihn mnr- j ltd. Peterson k Schoenlng sell them. - - i iiiiiii r I'lt.vNt him: t i:mi. vott.ii. Only ,i I'eiv I'eople I list 'I'brlr llnlluls nn Hie I'l'iipusl t Inn, The proposition to grant the Muff City IJIeclrlc Light and Win company a fran chise, for a term nf twenty-tlvo years car ried nl the sperlal election held in this city yesterday. The returns from eleven precincts chowed that l.lSH ballots were nut. iS0 being in favor of the measure nml .'.09 being ngatusl It. the proposition thus currying by n majority of 171 votes in the precincts heard from. The returns front the Second precinct of tho Sixth ward (Cut-Off) were not tecelved at the clly clerk's oillce last night, but tho vote thero ciinnoi alter the result. The Mite cast was n ery light one, being barely 2u per cent of that cast at the last city election, and it wnn apparent that very little Interest was taken in tho election and very few of the buHln.sq or professional men took the trouble to ovon cast their ballot. Except for the fact that all the saloons were closed In conformity with tho law, there was Ilttlo or nothing to Indi cate tnat an election was In progress. Theero was absolutely not the slight est excitement around any of the polling places and In many of the precincts tho Judges and clerks whlled nnay tho time by play ing a friendly game of "seven up" or tell ing yarns. While thero was no organized opposition to tho measure, yet the voto In several of the precincts Indicated that there, wcro nuiuy who were not In favor of It. Mayor Jennings from the start has been opposed lo the proposition and it was exported that his ward, the l'lrst, would support him. hut lo tho surprise of many, t he measuro carried In both precincts, although In the Second precinct. It had only six votes the best of U. In the Second ward, the meas ure carried In both precincts, hut In tho Third wnrd the opponents carried tho day. In the First precinct of tho Fourth ward the ineusuro carried by thirteen voteB, but was defeated In tho Second precinct by twenty votes. The First precinct of tho Fifth ward gave the measure a majority of twenty-seven, hut In the Second pre cinct the opposition carried tho day by twenty-ono votes. Tho l'lrst precinct of the Sixth ward gave tho franchlso tho lttrgrnt majority of any precinct, 109 votei being recorded in Its favor and only twenty-live against. The vote by precincts was: For. Against. .. 1,2 .. CI III .. 87 5.1 .. M 10 First ward. First precinct. .. First ward. Second precinct... Second ward. First precinct... Second ward, Second precinct hum warn, f irst precinct Third wurd. Second precinct 47 il tl 5.1 ; 4.1 Fourth ward, l'lrst precinct. CI Fourth ward. Second precinct. Fifth ward, First lireclnct Fifth ward. Sec. mil precinct Sixth ward, First precinct Sixth ward, Second precinct..., .. 3.1 .. m .. 21 ..109 Totals ton 509 Mil Majority for 171 Anything In tho hardware line can be found at Peterson & Schoenlng's, Morrlam block. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. School llimril Meellnu, The rejection by tho board's architects, Messrs. Cox nnd Schoontgen, of two suh-cot-tractors suggested by (leorgo Hughes, icuttnctor for the new High school build ing, formed the topic for a heated and lengthy discussion nt tho meeting of thu Hoard of Kducntlon last night. I'nder the plans and specifications em bodied In the contract, tho architects hnvo the right to reject any subcontractor who In their opinion thoy deem Incompe tent. They asked the board to ratify their action in rejecting thn two subcontractors namoil by Hughe, as tho latter had refused to submit others until the matter was referred to tho board. This courso wan atrenously opposed by Member Stewart. During tho discussion and objections to tho specifications raised by Stewnrt It developed tlmt these speci fications had never boon read before the board, although accepted by It. After a discussion lusting upwards of nn hour. In which Member Swaino urged the beard to ratify tho action of the aichl- I tens, the matter whb finally disposed by being laid on the table. 1 The architects suggested the aubstitu- 1 Hon of mottled brick In place of tho pressed brick specified In the plans and I they wero glcn full latitude to use their I own discretion in tho matter. Tho mot-1 tied brick cost $2 per 1,000 more than tho I pressed aud will Involve au extra outlay I of about 3300 If used. I It was decided to close the schools on Friday, November 2, to afford the teachers an opportunity to attend thn sessions of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers' associa tion. Superintendent Clln'otd was granted permission to organize a class to study methods of tcnchlug. He explained that the class is to be for the benerit of aspir ing teachers and those who are at present acting In tho capacity of substitute teachers. Tho superintendent of buildings and grouuda reported that the Literary so ciety, which had been given tho use of tho Clark school house, hud used all the fuel belonging to tho district and the matter was referred to the committee of thn whole lo lnestlRale. A meeting lo approve Contractor Hughes' bond Is to bo cnllr.l by tho presl. dent as soon as the bond, which Is being furnished by a guaranty compart), is re ceived here. The report nf Superintendent Clifford for tho first month of the school year, ending Ortober 5. gives tho following stiUlstlcs: Total number of pupils euiolled 4,D7ii Hoys ;,si9 lllrls y.jsii Average dally attendance 4,l07.n7 Per . cut of ntleiidanco fCi.72 Number of cases of tnidiuess 107 Number neither absent nor tardy 2,21 "I huvo always usod J'aiey r. Ilonr.y and Tar cough medicine nnd think It the host In the world," sh's Chns. (lender, a news dealer of Uric. I'a. Take no substitute. Myers-Dillon Pi u Co.. Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store. Soui h Omaha 1 Don't burn vour old wool mattress, 1 Morgan C- Klein will do thim nvnr hv thn inew process better than new -112 South Main street. DECISION FAVORS PRISONER Theodore Bertorli, Now in Iowa Peniten tiary, Will Be Sot Free. CASE HAS BEEN STRANGELY INVOLVED .Iter from Ihe Philippines Mnivih Hint Hie Iiiottruc til I"' I'IkIiHiir nnd Ivllllim Aiiii'rlcniiw In Hope of llr.iiin Ili-lnn lllei'te.l. DKS MOINliS, Oct 111. iSpechll Tele Krnni.i Ily decision of the uprenie coutt this morning Theodore Henoch, who for motii thuti two years has been nn Inmate of the state penitentiary nml whose sentence was for life, will be cd t llbert). Fate Iiiis been playing a peculiar game with Henoch since September 12. 1S97. Ills strangely In volved ease has twice demanded the consid eration of the supreme court. A year ago last April It reversed the decision or the district court because Henoch had been convicted of second Instead of first degree murder, but u petition for n rehearing was immediately filed by tho state and for an other year and a half Henoch has been awaiting thn werd from tho court of last report. It enine this Morning In Henoch's faor again, but for a different reason. Tho pica or Ihe state that the Instructions to Ihe Jury were not prejudicial to tho de fendant und that the supreme court should not hnvo reversed the ensn on the gtounds has equally dliided thn court. Justice Wat erman. Irfidd and Pherwln ilNscntltig, and so under the law It stands affirmed as with out prejudice to the defendant, although thn court Is united that thn Instructions wero erroneous. The ense was reversed this morning on grounds of Insutllrletiry of evi dence, something that was not even consid ered In the former opinion. Tho opinions handed down were- Stale ngnliist Theodoro Hertoch, Clinton district; reversed W. li. Hiu'.iii, trustee' of Ksttiv X- Ciimii, agnliisl W ,1. Curr and Charles S. Iliad mIihw. Polk district: iilllrtned liimes K. Hook ngHlnst the flarlleld Coal enmnnnv. Mahnska count v; reversed 1 tan llornk against Lewis II. Thompson. Poweshiek district, nfllrnied le Molue Pnllee Itrenril. It has been a long tlmt since one day's criminal record assumed such large pro portions ns that of today. The safo In the ofllce of the Chicago Lumber company was blown open, the proprietor of Ilorg's gro cery store was held up while his money drawer was robbed; J. W. (Ircager was held up, beaten Insensible nnd robbed on the Walnut street bridge und divers other crimes of lesser nature wcro reported to the police within the last twenty-four hours. Nono of the robberies were of any groat Blze. Tho republican Btntn central committee today received a letter from the Philip pines which will surely be In evidence In Iowa nnd the entire country during the remainder of tho campaign. The letter was written by Sergeant Coorgo W. Wllklns of Company O, Thirty-ninth regiment, V. S. V., and was directed to his father, W. L. Wllklns. who Is general manager of the Sioux City Plow company. It Is dated nt San Pablo, province of I.agunn, Luzon, P. I. After describing the enndtttotis of weather aud location of the troops, etc., tho letter says: Scleral official puperK of Insurgent origin coming from Generals Molrnl nnd Callles have gotten Into the bands of the Ameri cans here, C-i plain Kreoier having copies In Ktlgllsli of several which not onli state tlmt their friends,- the ilenincruts, wl'l tak cure of them after November, but ten Ikov every American's death decreases AleKln ley's voto one nnd Increases the light nhenil. This Is no lie, either. I hnve rent th papers. It seems pretty tough to think that a rebellion should be stlrted tip .mil kent allvo hy our own people. Organization Is the keynote of the twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Iowa Kqual Suffrage association which met here this morning. Mrs. Kvelyu Helden of Sioux City. prestdenL of the State assoclatlou, called tho meeting to ordor. .Miss Hay, the national orgnnlzer. was Introduced. Stic said: "Kqual suffrage can never bo de feated. It has never been defeated and It never will be. We need better organ ization with which to carry forward tho work. Personally 1 do not bellovo that wo can succeed until wo hnvo every woman who believes In equal suffrage actively In terested In tho work. Then and not until then will wo be ahlo to make a showing that canuot be resisted or that will not suffer longer postponement." Tho convention oponed with a very small attendance, not more than fifty being pres ent, but tho majority of theso were from out of tho city nnd the state officers de clnred the showing to be us good as could bo expected for tho first session. Com mittees were named. Tomorrow the con vention takes up the reports of the officers from overy county in the state. From one to a half-dozen carloads of new furniture received every week at the store of Petefaon & Schoenlnp, Merrlam block. Itfilul fin- "linn City. SIOL'X CITY, la., Oct 10.-( Special. 1 Charles N. Hunt, tho "lawyer ovango 11st." has been engaged to conduct a pro- Pain in the Back O.VR Oir T1IIJ FIHNT lUICTIO.V.S OP KIUM3V IHSK.tttK. Hundreds of mnn nnd womnii have brrn urrf hr that crratrnt f n remedies, ''lll'UV.W MANT I'KUHONH AK13 VICTIMS TO KIDXIJV DIHKAKi; H"OR MONTHS biforo thoy realize h. Symptoms may bo prt nnt that aii meioly annoying- at first symptoniH thai do not crunta a great amount ot stiff ei Ing- and onn Is apt to pa) but little attention to them until the .l case Is far advunoud. Itlght hera Is when peoplo make .1 great, fjreat error. Orjanln lestoiis do not cuio tuemuclves, and whui. destructive j. meets hsu ono bet In it jirogrei'sen 111 in serious roiults talis pinto If peoplo would pay more attention to the premonitory sjmptoms. and provide them selves with treatment then, there would fcn but few fuuhtlcn from organic: kldunv dl eaBo. rhtr it a remedy that never fall In sueh disorders, and that rumedy u 1J I'D 1 AN' HUDYAN crrestn the destructive proriss. It prnvanu the kidney structure fr,m breaking down and wanting- away coll by cell. Itl'DYAN promptly relieves puln. In the back. If .orrectf Inability to hold urini and tho H. aiding upon p-imjIiik It IU'DyAX cnrrrctii unj Irritation of the kidneys or bladder. Itl'DYAN has cured many er ouhea of Dlnbtten and JJrluhfi D: ease. It wIM do c again IM'DYAN strengthens tr.o kidneys If they are wrik If your kidneys are affrctud you jurxly want the beM remedy obtainable HtM't. AN Is that remedy, for Hl'DYAN bus W.-'i'"1 " othor remedies have failed Hl.nTAN has established the conll.lenc and pralie of a multitude of people for It has restored health to a multitude of pej. pie. Ht'DYAN Is for sals by dniKlsts-EOo a packaae. or tlx paokng-es for Jl.M. If your druggist .lot not keep Ht'DYAN, tend direct to the IIl'DYAN KEMRDV COMPANY, San Francisco, California. You may consult the Hi'DYAN Doctors about your rase FIIRIC of UHAnOB, WHITE. Druggists Kuhn & Co Sherman & Mc Connell Drut Co,, Myers-Dillon Drug- Co., J. A, KulUr 1 Co., Chan. H Hchanfer, J H, Schmidt, Omaha. Camp Uros, Council Blurts. Dillon Drug "o . South Omaha aii ll aud recommend Kudyan. traded series of revival meetings in Sioux City tinder the auspices of the Sioux City Ministerial association, which believes .the town Is in need of a religious awakening. INDICTMENT AGAINSTi WILCOX Ihmh Mnn Is Held li Hie Urn nil Au-f Cor Killing His I "utile I'. HOCKWKLL CITY, la . Oct. 1G -Itfpe-ilal i Tho grHinl Jury, which has been In session since List Monday, returned alt Indictment against Henry Wilcox, yuuiig man about 20 years of ago. resldltiK about four "nlles south of Lake City, for murder In the first degree, i hnt'gltiK him with kill ing A. J. Wilcox, the defendant's father, on tho 3oth day of last April. Judgo Church refused the defendant ball and ordered htm Incarcerated In the county Jail. Tho case will probably bo tried at this (October) term of court. County Attorney W. F.. (J ray will prosecute the case and MrCrary brothers of Lake City will defend. A. J. Wilcox, tho miirdeied man, was a tenant and for sixteen years prior to his death lived on what Is known as the Stewart farm. He was the father of eleven chil dren, most of whom are grown, three of the el. lest daughters being married. Mr. Wilcox was known to his neighbors to be nn excessive drinker, and as a man who was at nit times cruel, unjust and very profane, and who seemed to delight III making those arouud him unhappy, and In thin ho seemed to bo very HUccessfuI. He Is said to have resorted to physical violence at times upon both Ins wife and children. The elrcumstatices leading up to the killing are said by members of tho family to bo In substance as follows. Monday. April 30. A J. Wilcox got up about t o'clock and began the tlnv by swearlnv el. his wife. After breakfast he began to abuse the children and picked up a thair und :itarted to strike tho dofen.lHnl. but was prevented from doing so by Mrs Wll cox, who seized the chair. The defend ant und his brother then started out t do the chores, and as soon us be lfi tin house Wilcox began to abuse his wife for Interfering when he went to strike the defendant, striking her in tho fine and otherwio ill-treating her. The testimony of Sidney Wilcox at the coroners iuqu. " was that about ll o'cln.-k he nnd bis fmh. r went Into the Held lo harrmi nnd lb about nn hour afterward the ilefen.b.in eamo Into the field with a gun nnd beg." to shoot squirrels around the llebl T defendant stopped and talked to sidm who left his team and together lite sur. across tho field In the .llreiiion ol He . father, who saw them coming nnd stopped his team and came to meet them. flounn lug nn open pocketknlfe and telling 'b defendant, that he would disembowel bun If ho did not nt once get nut of the field The defendant warned him lo stop, but b. continued to advance with his tight hnnd raised and ready to strike, mid when within about ten feet of him the boy fired the Jlrst shot, which took elfeet beneath the right arm. but did not cut the muscles of tho side and arm nulllcleut lo cau.e him to relax his grip of the knife. He continued to pursue the defendant, swear ing he would kill li I m. nnd the defendant then fired the second shot, the entire charge striking his father on tho right side of the face and passing through the left eye, carrying the cje with It and causing instant dentil. III7AIL CASH MiAIVI.ini V CITY. OH Vlckory Will rriilinlily Win Out III the I'liuil Decision. SIOUX CITY. la.. Od. !. (Special Tele gram. I Judge Shlrus of the federal court hatt made a decision in the ease of Otis Vlokery et al against tho clly of Sioux City et al. which gives promise of a nnal decision in tho same case which would rost the city of Sioux City between J50.000 nnd $100,000. Vlckery brought action on tho grounds that money which should have been applied In taking up Improvement bonds held by him hnd been used to take up other Improvement bonds. Acting under Instructions the city treas urer lias maintained only three district Improvement bond funds and has taken up bonds without such reference as to whnt property had paid In the money. In the ruling Just received Judge Shirks overrules the demurrer of the city, nnd In his opinion seems to make It plain what his final de cision will he. There Is another case pending, Parson Leach & Co. against the city of Sioux City, la which tho same Issues aro involved. II Id Itlver lit IJiiliuntir. nCDUQUK. la.. Oct. 16. The Mississippi river Is within eight Indies of the danger lino tonight, nn extraordinary height for this time of year. 1 will guarantee that my Kidney Cura will cur P0 per cent. Cf all forms of kidney ooiuplatnt nnd In many instances tht moat otrlouii formi ot llrir.bt s disease. If the distune Is cota. pllontrd cnd a four nunco Tlul of urine. Wo will analyze It and urivlso you frta what to do. I It all -nrH.I. I.Vl Till. finl.l4 ta Ildltb arfl uuiltMl ailTlo rr. 1000 jirra .. rung. BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Olnine Gar Seiviea 'BLACKHEADS' ZJv ''"''"'K0'! Jinrcs, jimiples J i?'tIU' a" ulieciiiinK nt tin (tjj -jjk xifii si; 111 speedily .'itnl pernt.v 1 - jncntly rtired at yutir -va. y1 'u,nit' l- utl information kt ' wilh hook iiuiiled fruo. JUHS II. NO0DHLRV, 101 SIAU St., CHICAGO RHEUMATISM I eo Hells Hheumntn '. " si.re .iml promiit remed Mr 1 lie'nu.i 1 1 iii neuralgia. SClutlMi lumbago. KO.il II.... iiire.l ihoiis-i ands- will cute vou I'rlce '". a box "mull . sue 2l at drugg's's or m ill I 1 KING DRUG COMPANY, Council llluff", loitll, AKriila. tinuim.ni r u.,ni.l.Wll nwM Those who subscribe now for tho 1901 volume of Youth's Companion Sendlnc $1.75. a year's sub scrlptlon price, with thl slip or thn name of this publica tion, will receive, TFT-ntfaiO all the remain X JL C7Ca Inn 1900 Issues from the tlmo of subscription T January 1. 1901. In- A O eluding the Holiday U.miiiv and Thn Companion's "Puritan Girl " Jl y J it Calendar, lltho. ernphrd in twolre colors, a vilt Illustrated Announcement and Sample Copies FREE on Request. M 0 IS Before you ears Good Property Is a Good Investment Fifteen lots In a body for sale at a rnrj reasonable price. Thus loin aro located In Omaha addition nnd He high and dr. Thoy will make a splendid location for soma factory. Several other lots sultabla for building purposes one of tbem especially will m.ikn n fine location for a home, being within one blook of the motor line and within two blooks of a school houca aad church located In the western part nf the city. Apply nt Bee Office, Council Bluffs. S3: IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY & HESS, HO Po Hnve for Niile 11 lnruf list of Improved f-Kct'tlilc- lilli.lnl nlxo rrnldriice it n.l nml O11111I111. .lOMK FA U.MS 1 IliO acres Hazel Dell twp., 11 miles ne C. good buildings, $15 per aero. SO acres near Crescent, well Improved, $45 pur acio. CO nctea 5 mllc3 east, good bulldlngH and fruit, $r0 pn: acre. C0-acro fruit farm, near city, good Improve ments, $1.10 per acre. 30-acrt fruit frm adjoining city, ?6,000. The iiIiiim" In only 11 mimpli- tif r 5 per cent Interest, Tr li-ilionc It 1-1. What's Your Hair Worth? Is It worth taking caro of now? Do you want to prevent Its got tlng thin, grny and falling out? Tuke caro of It now so that when you nro older you will not regret tho neglect. If your hair has been nig lected tho halr-folllcles become diseased. ("runltonlo Hair Food Is the re sult ot years of scientific Inves tigation. It cures dandruff and prevents falling hair and bald ness. If you would test It take ad vautago of this offer ot FREE HAIR FOOD To convlnro every render of this paper that Craultonlo Hair Food will atop falling hair, make hair grow, euro daudrult and Itching scalp and that It la the only hair proparntlou lit to put on thn human head, we will send by mall, prepaid, to all who will Kond their nnnio nnd nddrcsa to tho Craultonlo Hair Food Co., 1 10 Temple Court, Now York t'lty, a sample bottle of Cranl tonlo Hair Fowl ami a sample aku of Bcnlp tioap, FOR SALE Huiim' of 'o looms, cellar, city water and bHtb. 4 bloilis ftoin I. (., 1.400. ti loom house on Mynster Ht , $1,600. S-ioom house, panlry. closnls, city water, .einetited lollar. nico lot, fruit and shade irees, ' blocks from I'. O., $1,000. (lood D-room hoiiso, with hath and closet, cellar, city water, clstorn, good barn; only $l.r.oo. Hmwo of 4 rooms, pantry, cellar, coal house, city r.ator; $8.MI. $r.O down, balance muiiHily. .-room house and room to lliilah two more 1001D8, city water, good repair; $1,100. $100 down, balance monthly. line house of lo rooms besides basement, bath. rloBct. pus, furnace, laundry room, water on three floors, cholre locution. 100-acre farm, nearly all In cultivation, kout-e, bum well, etc, J2.' 00 per acre. Johnston & Kerr (15 Hroadway, Co Bluffs. The Youth's Companion," Bo.iton, Mass. JIavo your teeth attcndctl to call Jinrl got our pricos and soo for yournolves how very roaeonable thoy aro. Wcinoin ber it copts no more lo'havo gnotl work tlinn il does to have poor. . , . Telephone 115 I. A. Woodbury, D. D. Go unci I Bluffs. n 0& n Nnvt t -tt arl St., Council HI nil's, furm, clileUt'ii riliielie, fruit anil Illinium iro,ierl. In Con licit lit 11 If lfiO-ncres Missouri bottom land, 8 miles si city, $10 per acre. 600 aero mock farm near Karllng. Selby Co., cheap S20 acres In Silver Creek twp., $0 per ncre; well Improved. 213 acres lino bottom land In Itockford twp., $42.50 pai acio; well Improvod. list. JIO.M'.Y 1.0AM1I) ON l'AIIMS AT DEALERS SELL THEM Charter Oak Stove & Range Co MAKE THEM. ST. LOUIS. "Krug Cabinet" If not, you have mlsicu a good thing. This exquisite malt brveriigi) Btauda on a unique btuln. It sells Itself. Its fame and reputation la the enry ot many. The palata, the buaeflclal resultu achieved "wltbln" tho Inner man are the oul; and real Judgis of Its merits. Approved of uy them, It tri umphantly enters Innumerable household. Whom Cabinet cnteu, doctors and dru tills exit. iiHrvi:n 11 v I'ltui) kii 1. (i iwiHU'iXf; c.o I'Iiii'ik 4"-U. .1.11 A tl A. .; Dr. Kay's Renovator Uiiurantrcd to curs tin vtuy worse caNi of UyrbCbuU, . oiib ipatlon, bilious hea.ii ache, liver and kldneyt At ilruvvlsts. 'fHj and $1 Band for lTt Hutu;. -', Free Hoata and I'rc Au.ic. Dr, li. J, Kay, Hi.rs.toga,, . o , 1-0AKJ Buyer fipiPE, WIN NEARLY tVEM ',fjOVt- 5V