Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1900, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Popocrata Try to Break
RooscTelt Meeting.
l.vccpt Ml Till line ."toll nt IHIll
fif nw ii llu lln tl r- Trip Across
I lirilt'l lll'I.IT MlttC HI OIK1
I on 1 1 ii II Triumph.
LOt tSVILLK, Ky., Oct. 1.1 L ulsvllle
Governor ItOOM'Vl'lt till COlhllK.ttHliC
r ctlon, the program concluding with
a iiurpil meeting at the Auditorium.
Tin. was In marked contradistinction to
t- greeting offered at Rlliabcthtown, the
1 stop beforo the special reached this
ity At that place the governor suffered
the first Indignity thrust upon litm In the
Mat", though In several places the audi
cm cs woro apathetic. Rowling Green had
tt-.-ered the governor tilt Ills eais rans
"I'M the plaudits und Munfordvlllu gath
ered at the train, where the ap nkera'
Maud wan erected, receiving him with ox
!! i Hl'tDs (if goodwill.
At i:ilial)rihtovn It waa different, though
thf republicans had done all in their pjwer
to mako the candidate's stop thero a
plcf.sajit one. No sooner tmd the gov
ii r mounted the platform with Uemral
I'n liner and other members of his purly
thun an attempt waa made to break tip
ii meeting. Small boys carried llrynn
I iniurs In the outskirts of the crowd mi l
:ity real wagons were driven at full
i il through th- Kitiarc. Tho a.oan
whistle on a mill elnso by was bkwn
h wily Htid a half hundred men or moie
thinned for Hryan when tho governor b
ran speaking. Ixspltc the fact that he
had n so'eness of his throat, which
compelled him to shorten all his earlier
iiee.iP8 during the dny, tho governor
ihnited to make himself heard In spite
of tho nolso In the crowd. Above tho
iiiri.'i, of the steam whistle rang the
words "I tall your attention to the atti
tude of Mr. Ilryan's friends on tho rub
j. 1 1 of law nnd order."
Then he waved his hand to the crowd
i h i continued. "It Is natural that tin
n. n ho hnvo tried to deprive Koniiiilty
if a freo ballot should be opposed to fre.
fpeeih. It Is not extraordinary that the
t.ien who have stolen the governorship
Mi'l who seek to steal It again shruld not
(hire hear the truth of history, but slutild
i.i lo gitg an Amerieati citl n even be
fore he had uttered one word of his optn
leiiH in a polltieul controversy."
This brought eheers and more Interrup
t n ns und the governor was urged not
fur'iier to endanger his throat, but to per
mit a substitute to finish tho program,
lie rejei ted tho suggest loll, however, and
Hl'.ilie the full fifteen minutes allotted to
l. 'ii and was escorted to his train by a
luge crowd.
.lust put up n Job to break ..p the meet
lug,' was tho Kovernor's comment when
1 returned to his ear, "but I guess 1 got
I n Ii at them."
(riinil Herein Inn it I I.iiiiIkvIIIc,
I'halrman Ilartictt and Secretary Coombs
if tho state central comuiitteo tele
graphed news of tho trouble to this city
und urK(,d a cull to republican organiza
tions to rcdouhlo their efforts In showing
Governor Housevell that Keir.ucklnns are
tint lacking in courtesy and hospitality
and when the train reached Louisville It
was stortned by nn ndmlrlng, surging mob,
whh h followed the party to tho Unit
house, where the governor was' dined as
tho fittest of tho statu executive committee.
At 8 o'clock (lovemor Koosevelt was is
corted to tho AutlltoAum.
After nn Introduction by A. K. Wilson,
cundldnto for congress, the governor spoke
In part ns follows:
Appeals nn mi American.
Mv feiinw Americana, for I Intend to
night to appeal tu ym. not ns republli ntis,
bm Atm-rli uns, H men who believe that
ml. liotii'Sty, i Ivlc righteousness und na
tioi hI Ktvntricss are iitiuve and bovoni'
1 irtv lines. iAppl.ii.te ) We nre Httil
within six veurs of ('oxey s urtnies -uid
th.i free ho ip kit. heriM. Vou can recall
these, pleasant lrmi.ini ch nnd if you wnni
t ' no inn k tu Hi-. UnieH it In your priv
ilege under th iiHt'tiitbui b do mi. I
il' M't w:iM uu tu take my utterances or
thi 'Mi of anv nn elne In th.s cnm:ut::ii.
t you to tuke Mr. Bryan's 1 Iterances
if fmir years nun Take what he then
jmiheHled und compare It with what has
3"t i iimo to pass since. (Applause.)
l ew things hne ever pl lined me mure
than this dny lo speak from tho platform
a which sits General It ickner ilmid ami
pro oiim-il nppliuiHei, who has iieiwn tlu
it i i Piles of soldiership and of stuUsmnn
hIiip and of civil manliness which we are to hold up us examples to our chll
dr. n (Applause.) He, who fought so val
iantly for he 1 1 it hum I right, he who
i' d with Die governor of this statu tu
ii ii.. th.. mate a shining example to
otters, he. who was great as soldier, grai
us statesman and greutcat ns an American
citizen. (Applause I I hnve triivt ,ed tn
da with Oenerul IIiihII Imke (a'.ilaiiS"i
and (It'iternl Hiu kner. ileneral HucUin r
un.l (!.'u. li . wore ih nniv of ih..
cnfedirao Ccmral Pranz Slgel and
Gem nil lining wore th.- hlj.. or th,. union
iirni Then, ni.ii wire ilcmoiratH until
democrncv censed to In. anwhtni; , it a
name, until tlu democrntli' party fell under
tlin control of who led It to tread
tho dark and devlo m path, mob violence
and fraud at home, and national dishonor
abroad (Applause.)
Mr. Hrjan hau shown some uncertalnU
The great trouble in trying
to sell what are calleii patent
medicines is that so many claims
have been made for them that
people don't or won't believe
what honest makers sr.y.
We have been telling our
tory sixty years. Did we ever
deceive you once? If we make
any statement that isn't so, we
will stand the loss. (lo to the
druggist and get your money
Here's an example. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is a good cure
for a cough that comes from a
cold. Your cough, if you have
one, may not come from a cold;
your doctor will tell you about
It is a straight medicine with
sixty years of cures back of it.
There isn't a ghost of the ordi
nary patent thing about it.
J. C. Aver Company,
Pricticil Chrmiiti, Lowell, Mm,
Aytr'i Sinapirilli
A)ri"i Pills
A)tr i Ajue Cuii
Aytt'i Hiir Vlrot
Arr'i Chrtty I'rftoral
A)ct i L'utiutcne
it '. whi' a- l. pur.ini i ii t Is.s i'i
tlits i ,it,..i!n .rid It hn li.itlg"! a little
II" has Lot stood j,ut on It 1 .UI1 tell
joU what th paramount Issue Is, It Is
tirj anlstn. ui.d Brvar.lsm maiis different
thlfixs In different states lAppause.) Hut
It hientu something bad everywhere. (Ap
plause.; In the far Islands of the sea It
means Agtilnaldolstn. There urn certain
men who are sjitldently unfortunate to
have their names typify sc lul phases of
which we, nre not proud. Mr. Altgeld has
rlfeii to that eminence In Illinois It meam
AltKeldlstn In South Dakota It means
I'cttlgrewlstn. und In m nwti slnte Croker
ism. and here It means Qoobellsm. (Iiud
applause, i , , , ,
Now think what that means, think of
the Influenced that stnnd behind Mr. llrvnn,
think of the pardomr of ntiarrblit bomb
throwers .n Iii.iiois. think of .N.-w lmK
Tiitnm.uo Hall fattenlnit on lc, i irrupt'
Ing the lt . having the Ity. and ti-w
reiicbinn out to seip the state, hoping to
do It by th- aid of Hryan. (App.ause.)
Tree Vnt eimil lliineit fount.
Think of It here In o ir state. Here Mr.
Ilrvan comes to the aid of tlnee w lei com
mit the capital crime nralnst a republic of
supprcKBlng tu- nlterlng the votes of the ma
jority uf the free men of tht.- state. (Ap
plause.) Wu have llio right to appeal to
evcrv man, republli an, demon tit, populist,
Whatsoever he be, pro Ided ho Is an honest
man. We hne a right to npp. al to him to
drop nil else until It Is sttl d once for all
that In eviry state of the union, mine or
yours, your brother, a tree man, has .i
right to cast his uli ns he pleases and
have It counted us nut. (Applause.) Unit
Is not h party question. If In this election
the Impossible MiouM occur and the tnu
jorlty of the people (U't their votes for Mr.
Iir.Miii. though I should feci that they had
ln(ll ted the great. wrong It was In their
power to Infill t on the commonwealth, I
would strain cery resource that thero Is
In the state before 1 would let a single vote
thnt wns cast tor Mr. Hryan be counted fur
nnone else. lApplnuse.i Now that should
be the uttltude id cery mall III t,i call him
self nn American citizen and when thnt In
not done. wbn a purtv grnsps the power by
n illlfylrg the will of the people eiry inrty
sboiitd cease n.t ut until that wrong wu
rlahted. If not I . lore th.- law, at b ast be
fore the bar of an aro is d popular opinion.
Mr. Hrwin is Immensely concerned fur the
right of a seir-guvetnmeiit for the Turn
ing nnd yet Mr conies down Into
Kentucky to t liiiinploii the party of fraud,
to chumi Ion Klin have disfranchised
the majority of the Inhabitants of this state
and who hnve seated u governor who wui
not l let ted. lAppllUSC.l
.11 ii si lllhf nr Pull 'I'ogelher.
Kundumeiitnlly, In this coutitrv, we slmll
all rise together .r lull together. When
hard times i ome something of those bard
times comes to each ut nn ; when pros
perity comes all of us ice! more or len uf
a Hit upward. You can benefit uny part of
our people in the lung run only by benefit
Itirf the whole. Justice, lair dealing see
lug that no muii runs another nnd that his
own rights are secured, htluilug with In
justice toward none und exacting fair treat
ment In return (hose are Hlmple but ele
mental principles of good itlzenshlp In tho
nation und In cr state In the nation,
hut, my countrymen, I appeal to you In no
mere party contest. I appeal to you In that
whli'h Ih a crusude fur all that we hold most
r'icred. I n open I to on to keep unchanged
the conditions that have told for our Well
being materially iliirln the Inst years.
I appeal to run ulme all for that onlerly
Ilia rty under the law. that guaranty oi the
right of each man In i t 11 llfo nnd In po
lltiial life which Is the most precious heri
tage we have hundi U down to us from our
Oh. men of Kentucky, oh, men of thnt
state wbli h sent so many ten of thousands
of pertuns lo wear th, blue, so many tent
of thiuisands to W' lir the gray In the times
that tried men's .so iK. to oil, the people
uf Kentucky who have never llindieil, to
u i who have made the name of your great
und beautiful st ite a synonym fur courage
und resolution, I uppeul to you In the name
of thoso who wore the blue and gray, In the
name of the great deeds of the generation,
I nppenl In j ou, sons of cou.Vrednte soil
dlers. men whose fathers pro.l their faith,
1 appi.ll to sou to take the lead In seeing
that this nation on the threshold of the new
cei, tin v declares ome lor till in the tact.
of the people uf mankind the obi American
doctrine, thnt where the American flag has
been raised In honor it shall not bo hauled
dow ii In dishonor.
At the clono of tho address Colonel Moose
vi It spako In front of the Auditorium, a
building with a seating capacity of lO.noo, to
n crowd as largo as that which had llllcd the
structure and whi.h had lingered through
out tho main speech.
(iiniTinii' ItooNetell Appi'ills lo tin
I'lltrlullsin uf Hie ( llicns
ul Kenlncl. .
HIJNDKItSON, Ky.. Oct. 13.-fiovcrnor
Hooievelt began his campaign In Kentu-lty
at ! o'clock, making an address a this
place. Thero was u large crowd nt the
dj.ot to greet tho governor, who was
escorted from tho train bv prominent Ken
tucky politicians. Governor Roosevelt said
in part:
In this crnipalgn I feel that I hue n
right tu appeal to you on more than mi
iue. I tieieve '-inpliatli alh In sninnl
luncncy, expansion nnd tu the honorl.ig
of the flag, and tnoitt uf i ll nrdirlv llbcr.
under the law. which lb' at the fuundntl u
of our Institutions. 1 liellevo eniplmtie.
ully In a siiuare leul fo,- every man nnd
that he be allowed to hav bis Vote count 'd
ns It Ih cast. I he leve it In N-w Yu k
and 1 bo'ee It In Kentucky iA vo co: 'S
d we), and I believe tlu.i Is Ics a puny
cuntest than a cru-uoe for ireo.lmi. I
hnve stond on the plutform wPh northern
men and southern men; with men who h,-e
worn too uiue and Willi m." who h ive worn
the gray, and all uie that liberty stands
as tho basis of American rllhseiehlp 1
bellevo wo should all ,nieue the epurse
which has mateilnl prosiiorlty; but
greater thun inutorhil prosperity Is froo-
Severe hoarseness Interfered seriously
with Governor Koosevelt today ns thu re
sult of n severe cold. At Madls-nvillu he
made :i brief nddress, but could scarcely
sptak above n whisper. He auld In part:
There are many lsue.i nt stako In this
eauialgn of vital Importance to the people.
It Ih of tho utmost Imporiunce that wu
should have t-ouud eurreicy nnd that wo
should preserve the condition), lint have
told for our material welfare, but It Is of
greater Importance to keep iindlliltned til"
boner of the flag In the lures i t the na
tions uf the iiirth. und greater et to
preserve the principles Ih'it He at tlie roi:
of sound government Wo may differ "S
to ttie policies and the ni.tlon still go
ahead, but when once u considerable bndv
of our people cense to uniKr-iind thnt i'i
i" th rluht of evcrv man to east ids vnt-
is he wishes and tu have tint vote count o,j
iih cam, self-government Itself Is In duigT.
t tt eauiioi, in coiiTM r ineo, go on long UH
a republic If that right is deitl-d.
Colonel Curtis (iulld, Jr., followed with
a brief address.
M'lintor from Nebinshii I inisen ('bill-
leiiiie In lli Insiii'iI fur
.1 ol ll t Debute.
LINCOLN, Neb. Oct. 13. Tho following
challenge to Senator Ilatina on behalf of
Senator Allen of Nebraska was Issued to
night from populist national he-ulquurtcrs:
LINCOLN. Neb., Oct. 13. Senator M. A.
Hunnu. Chairman lb publican National
Committee, Chicago. 111.: Mv Pear Sir
Nothing announcement of your dates for
Nebraska 1 have arranged with Senator
William F. Alien of this state to speuk nt
tho same plucni and time uf meetings an
nounced for ot und do hereby challenge
vou to meet him In Joint debate tu discuss
the Iss ies of this campaign nnd believing
ou will not refuse this offer 1 will proceed
to advertise the debutes and will nssume
half of all expenses mado In holding the
Hoping for u fnvorablo reply, I am. very
rctipectfully, J, II. KDMISTICN,
Vice Chairman National Committee, l'eo-
plo's l'aity.
Coventor Minvv nl SI, ,lo.cili,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 13.-Ciovernor
L. M. Shaw of lowa was the principal
speaker hero tonlRht In a big republican
rally at Columbian ball. He touched on nil
phases of tho political Issues, speaking for
more than two hours. Ho laid special Btress
on tho ' piospevous condition of Anierlcnn
finances, loaning itiom y, an wo are, to for
eign countries, nnd contrasting conditions
live years ugo, when (ho government was a
Viiiues AVIII (in on iicl.rl.
ST. LOUS. Oct. 13. A special to the
Post-Dispatch from Mexico, Mo., sys
Charles H. Stokes of Dim city, tho prohibi
tion candldnto for governor of Missouri,
has secured the required number of names
to tho stuto prohibition party petition to
insure the ticket a place on tho legal bal
lot nt the coming election. The petition
Is signed by 1 Out) voters who have pledged
tUorusclYta to support the ticket.
Popocratic National Secretary Has Already
Elected Colonel Bryan.
Attempt to llooy (lie Lost (niifir by
II I it fT I'lireelosnre on Mules nt
WIiom- Itepiilillcntilsiii There
Is .No I )uu bl.
LINCOLN, Oct. 13 The following state
ment over tho signature of J. A. lMgerton.
the secretary, was given out this evening
by the peoplo's party national committee:
Hryan will be elected; he has lost tunic
of the support lie had In 1Wi5 except n few
sliver republicans In the mountain states,
nf these there vvIM not be enough to arret t
a single el. ctoral vote. He Will hold Ills
own weat of the Mississippi and will i.irry
very state In that region that ho curried In
l'fsl, with the possible exception nf Wyo
ming. He will gain heavily in the centrnl
Wist and eiit; he will nut only have all
tli. democrats and populists who .supported
hltll In 1NW. but milled tu these he will fe
et ivf the votes of a large number of gold
ih Minerals und former republicans who
have leit their paily on tho Issues of im
perialism and trusts.
Tho following states may be classed ns
certain to cast their electoral voto for
Alabama 11 NrbrsnkA E
Arlcnimas S NVvmla
Colornito 4 Ni rtn Carolina It
lierlita 4 Koutli Carolina D
(leoritln U Tiiiteo 12
lilaho s Texas 18
tuilnna S t'tah
MiMtiMipid Virginia 1-
M iMoiirl 17) -
Montana I Total 131
Added to these aro the following states
that will probably cast Uielr voto tor
Dr. an:
lli,ii.! N South Dakota t
ItiJiHii.i U Washington 1
Knnsa.i 10 Wett Virginia 6
Kentucky 13
Maryland S Total H
Theso added tu 153 certain give 237. ot 13
more than u majority In the col
lege, outside of these certain ittul prob
able states are tho following doubtful:
i nllfoitit.i Ninth Iakou 3
I'lmni-i'tlcut 6 Ohio SJ
lielttwiire 3 Winrotntln li
ll.-lili:un l Wyoming 3
Minnesota 9
New J.rsey 1) Total KJ
New Yoik 30
Of these, Minnesota, New York and Ohio
can all be classed as very uncertain fur the
republican candidate; In fuel, wete It not
that MeKlnley lives In Ohio that Mate
could be considered us almost n. certainty
for Hr:an
In 1M Illinois gave the republicans a ma
jority uf on v a little over 4.).im, with prnc
thall.v a breakeven In Cook county. It la
now gem rally conceded that Hryan will
carry Cook county by a good majority.
Twenty-two thousand In Chicago would
give dry an lllinoci, provided the lest nf th
state went ns It did In iK, but there Is
every Itulli atlon that wo lire making gains
in tin- country districts und that Chicago
will give mure than this majority to the
dt moerutlc candidate
Tho same conditions which prevail In Illi
nois also hold in Indiana, where thero is a
mi. eh manlier majority to overcome.
Katiint will gu for ltrvan by about the
samu minority it gave him In isw. The
repubtlcuiiH- ate making n hard light for
that state, but they will fail. Tills is a
populism' year in Kansas.
Kentucky ami Maryland nro practically
suru fur llr: an.
In Sojth Dakota our forces are splendidly
organized and aro making the best tight
ever made In tho state. They aro conll
dent of the result.
In Washington we will win with nearly
the sumo plurality as we did in 1MW. The
conditions which prevail In the other const
states do not particularly affect Washing
ton. In West Virginia we nre making rains
constantly. YVhIV MeKlnley carried that
stato b over lt.on) in 1M).;, thu republli nn
( or.gresstotial candidates only had about
2.C0 In 1S3S. The same conditions which
will give us Kentucky nnd Maryland will
also land West Vlralniii for the reform
.11 r, llr nu follows Its Trull About
Ohio nnd Minis .Viiuthf ions
nt II.
AKH0N. O . Oct. 13. - A memorable day
in tho ilrvan campaign in Ohio closed
hero tonluht with a monster meeting.
Thern were a ducti or more speeches dur
ing tho day, tho most noteworthy of which
was mude at Clriieville, Lancaster, Zancs
ville. CoRhocton and Mansfield. Tho crowds
unuearcd to Increase graduully In size
tl.roui:hout tho d.iv from thu initial mcct
lug at ChlUlcothe. a llltlo after Mtniiso
in tho morning, until tho last day meet
ing at Mansfield, lust before sunset In tho
evening. Thero were great crowds at all
tho nlares mentioned, while Mnnstlnld was
until to have contained twko ns many
neonlo as had ever before been gathered
at that nhiro to hear u political sp cell.
Tho democratic munageinent at .Mansfield
had prevailed tinon neighboring towns to
foreeo their claims to n speech from Mr.
Drvnn. so ns to allow their people to at
tend tho Mansfield meeting, and as a con
seuueni'o tho surrounding country for a
radius of thlrtv or forty miles was well
rei.roKonteil nt the Mnnslleld inciting. Tho
ston thero was for an hour and a half
and the snenklnic look place from nn
elaborately dei orated tilatform In front nf
tho court house more than a mllo dls'nnt
from the railroad station. Mr. llrynn
took occnslnn to mako response to ono of
tho points In Governor HoobovtII's reply
to one of Mr. Ilryan's speeches, but be
fore ontorlng upon tills reply ho discussed
tho trust ipiestlon at considerable length.
Mr. Hryan arrived at Akron at 7:30 and
began his speech more thnn an hour aftor
vvnrd. The Intervening time wus spent In
a parade through the streets, which wns
participated In by clubs from Akron and
surrounding cities. Tho line of uiiirch was
marked with red fire nnd tho discharge of
other ilreworks. Mr. llrynn was driven to
tho meeting in nn opi n carriage, drawn
by four mllk-whlto Tho demonstra
tion wns one of tho greatest seen during tho
campaign. Mr. llrynn was lit tine voice,
but It Is safe to say that not one-fourth of
tho peuplo ptescnt wero nble to follow the
speech, because of tho crowd and tho con
stant nolso nnd confusion. When Mr. llrynn
nro30 to speak ho wns received with gen
eral cheers. He took up the trust question
j nt tho outset nnd almost every sentenco of
tho speech devoted to this subject was
loudly nppluuded. Referring to Senator
i Datum's reported declaration that "there
aro no trusts," Mr. llrynn said. "He should
como to Akron and make thnt stntenient."
This was evidently accepted ns a rcfereti"0
! to the fact thnt n number of business com
binations have their hendnunrtors in this
city and It apparently met tho approval of
many of thoso present. He said that when
suits wero brought to dlrsolvo trusts thero
wcro generally threats of leaving tho town,
nnd concluded by saying that tho law should
bo enforced whether it uffectcd largo offend
ers or small ones.
In his discussion of the necessity for the
enforcement of the anti-trust law Mr. llrynn
spoko of tho pretence on the stand of Mayor
When Mr. llrvnn concluded Mayor Jones
was Intiolured and tpoko briefly. Mr. Hryan
will be the guest during his stay in Akron
of Judge C. It. (Irani. He will remain here
until Monday morning.
HegUtrittloii uf Greater cw YnrL
Shows II V luereiiNi Over
I'revlons Vears,
NKW YOniC, Oct. 13. -Tho first day'
registration for nil boroughs far exceeded
tho Inst presidential year. 1S98. With all
election districts In. th) total In Manhattan
anil Ilronx Is U1.3C5, ns compared with
130 In 1SS6 and 81.007 Inst year Tho
total for l'rooklyn Is 02.433. as compared
jwltb 00,155 la 1896 and 61,010 hut year,
Kbhmocil ha I a to'al of 4 compared
with 3.0.4 in IVe. nu. . tin Ii . I I" 2''? this
year, compare j wih ,'.,us; in IS".
Aillnl Tolls (In I'euple About (be
turnlnc.s of Present Phil
ippine I'ullc.
WILMINGTON, Del., Oct. 13. A large and
enthusiastic crowd greeted Hon. Adlal K
Stevenson, the democratic candidate for vb e
president, tonight al the opera house In this
city, where he made a speech in support of
tho candidates of the party represented by
hltn. Whllo adverse weather conditions ex
isted, the house was crowded nnd Mr. Stev
eUfoti wns given the utmost attention l'tiot
to his speuih tonight he made one In the
nftrrnoon at Laurel, which was practimlly
on the same lines as that delivered tonight.
lloth nt Laurel nnd on tho reutrn lo this
city Mr. Stevenvoii was enthusiastically re
ceived. He occasionally appeared on tin
platform nnd made a few remarks
In opening Mr. Stevenson snld he brought
good cheer from the state of Illinois, und
when he returned hn would carry good cheer
from thu great historic stato ot Delaware
Continuing, he said:
"We nre ut peace wllh Spain, but.
strangely enough, wo nre nt wnr with the
Filipinos, who wero our nlllos In thu Span
ish war. There nro people who deny there
Is n wnr. These nro tho people who deny
that there aro trusts. The ninn who nuolcs
from speeches of tho early fathers Is likely
lo be ncctised of making n democratic
speech. If the democrats did not twto
Abrnhnm Lincoln nt this time no one
In discussing expansion, Mr. Stevenson
snltl thnt nil the wise and profitable expan
sion haB come through tho ilemoiratlc party,
under whoso ndmlnlgtrntlon Louisiana, lior
hla nnd thu Mexican territories were se
cured. "Tho states created In this territory," h.
continued, "are sovereign. It wns not only
territorial but constitutional expansion, the
constitution following tho Hag. The result
Is millions of happy homes und prosperity
beyond the drinni uf avarice. The demo
cratic pnrty Is not opposed to that kind of
expansion, but It Is opposed to the Imperial
istic policy of making conquests In the orient."
I.ytnoti lingo In rvv Viirli.
Ni:W VOHK. Oct. 13. Lyman J. (Sage,
secretary of tho treasury, was nt the sub
treasury today. Ho tamo from llrldge
port, Conn., whero he spoko nt n repub
lican meeting Inst night. Ills vlBlt hero
has no significance, ho snld. Ho wanted
to see the plan for tho now vaults In the
basement of tho subtrensury and talk over
currency matters with Deputy Assistant
Treasuter Muhlman. Regarding tho finan
cial situation, genernlly, lie had nothing
lo say. He said there was no danger of a
money stringency and referred to the com
ing gold Imports ns proof of this state
ment. llreeblnrlilge i'nIUs I'nr Melt I iilej-.
iiowLiNu (iui:i:n. Ky., Oct. in.- At
Outhrlo, Kussi'ltvillo nnd Howling (Ireen
crowds of a considerable size were nt the
respective places of speaking. In each place
Governor Hoosi veil made an nppcnl for
nn honest count of ballot, told humorous
stories and on account of the condition
of his throat Inlrcduccd Colonel (lulld. who
was received almost as enthusiastically
as tho governor. At Howling (ireen W. C
I. Hrcckenrldge also made u speech, which
wns wildly npptauded.
nieyelr Hitlers nnd Carrier I'lucuns
Curry .Vlessuge from fiinliiii
to Vbciiln.
CANTON, O., Oct. 13. lleaiing n letter of
greeting from l'resldent MeKlnley to the
pcoplo of West Virginia, holding a Held day
at Wheeling, two relay bicyclists left Canton
at 7 o'clock this morning nnd rndo tho
eight miles against timo. At .Mnssillon the
message was turned ovir to two other riders
who carried it on to Navarro and there turned
It. over to others. Twelve minutes later slx
tren enrrlur pigeons wero released on a simi
lar mUslon.
CANTuN, O. (let 13- My Hear Hlr: 1
have It arneil with much plenum e uf the
prut ram artauged fur today by the people
of West Ylrgtulu in the cause nf the nup
port uf honest money, a protective luiilT
and national tenor. The InurcM is
being manifested by tlie peuplo uf pvir
state cm thcF" Important iiuestliuis Ih mot
gratifying, liease cnrivev to nil assembled
ut thu exercises uf the republican Held day
my eongratulatiuns and best wiBliei- Vour
very truly. WILLIAM M'K INI.I'Y.
It. M. Archer, Wheeling. W. Vu.
Illilgrt' .Itlsejiii it.
CINCINNATI, (let II Judge Joseph Co
died tonight at the home of his son In (llen
dnle, ngi'd 7S years. During ihe hist seven
sears ho has beeeu pr.ict icnlly nn invalid
I'or forty-live years he has held olllces con
nected with the courts. Including those of
prosecuting attorney, Judge of the common
pleas court nnd Ilnnllv Judpo of the circuit
.Ill)' A, llllbbell.
HOUfillTON, Mich., Oct. U. Judge Jay
A. Hubbull, chairman of of tho national re
publican congressional committee In the
Garfield compa'gn, when lie figured nt "Two
Per Cent llubbell," nnd who was live terms
coiigreasninn from this district nnd nn hon
ored icslilcnt of Houghton for moro thnn
forty yenrs, died this nfurnoon, ngo.I "1.
Wiilker II. Major.
IiLWTItlCI'. Neb., Oct. 1.1. -(Special Tele
gram.) Wnlher H, .Mayer, n prominent cit
izen of this place nnd father of Lieutenant
Commander Mayer of the 1'nlted States
cruiser Ynscmlte, now sintloiiod nt the
Island of (iiinm, died last evening of npo
plcxy. Mr. Mayer had been In poor health
for Bomo time.
Mrs. Hurt hn Miimforil.
llL'ATItlCK, Neb., Oct. I3.-(Spocinl Tel
egram.) Mrs. Mnrtha Mumford, wlfo of a
prominent liveryman of this city nnd nn
eld resident of fjugo county, died Inst nlijht
of blood poisoning, cuused from nn Injury
to ono of her lingers several vveolis ago.
Miss I, mini Kohl.
HASTINGS, Neb., Oct. 13.-(Specliil Tel
cgratn.) Miss Lnura Kohl, the twin daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. P'red Kohl, tiled early
this morning of typhoid fever. The funeral
will bo hebl at 1 o'clock tomorrow after
noon. (buries 1'nruii.
CHICAGO, Oct. 13. -Charles Fargo, sec
ond vice president nt Wells-Knrgo 4- Co.,
and nn old resident of Chicago, died hero
I'll i- in iliillillugs Hum.
COLl'MIIl'S, Nob.. Oct. in.-(Speclnl.)
J. r. Slenis, ono of the substantial fanners
of Shell Creek township, lojt several build
ings by lire enrly this morning. Tho con
llngiitlon had gained such headway before
It was discovered that It was Impossible
to prevent tho destruction of two barns,
together with several stacks of hay In tho
rinr and mntt of tho contents, Including
about i.SOO IniBhels of grain, ten pieces of
valuable machinery and Implements nnd a
few fine chickens nnd hogs. Tin total loss
Is about $1,800, covered by Insurance.
ItnANTNKR-Th'imas llenrv, nge1 ! at
his home 'Jiiti Spruce sti.i'i. nn Saturd.i,
Octob'T 13, line.
Funeral nottrn later Interment n'
Uoonesboro. Mu,
1 fef
deal more on tho inside than on the outside of a coat.
It is customary before ordering garments to fool of tho cloth in
a knowing way in order to judge of its quality. That's all right!
Some cloths are bettor in texture than others i i finish in wear
ing quality and durability of dyes.
But the cost of that cloth however good is less than tho cost
of labor and linings. It is in what is called the tailoring- that the
real quality of a garment lies; the sowing of the seams; the stays;
jthe pocket points; the shaping; tlie finishing.
These are the points that add cost, and give quality to properly
made garments- and they are the particulars of which the average
buyer knows the least.
If you understood all these matters as well as it is our business
to know them you would appreciate more fully why garments
made by Nicoll The Tailor are far superior to the ordinary made
to order garments.
Trousers, $5, $6, $7, SB, $9. Suits, S2Q, $25, S30, $35.
All our garments
1 SO. 15th St,
(ierinim llrprmentntlvr lit Wnliln
liiii Advlnen tho Sfnle Ilrpurt
inent of III. Triiimfrr.
i WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. Ilaron Stern
berg, the Ctcrmau charge d'affaires, will
sail next Tuesday on the stcumer I) utsch
liind for Gormany. whence ho goes to tits
now post us consul general to Calcutta,
ono of the four Important stutlons of tho
German foreign serviro, combining both
.diplomatic nnd consular functions. Ilaron
i von Sternberg called at tho Statu depart
i nient to day to ndvlso Secretary Hay of
his trnnsfcr and also to present Csunt
do Quadl. the new (list secretary of the
Herman embassy, who will serve, ns charge
d'affaires until the return of tho German
i umbashndor, Von llollebeu, tho latter part
I of November.
Secretary Hay expressed sincere regret
'ut tho departure of llarou Sternberg, who
1 baa been In charge, of German nffnlrs for
a considerable tune during llio most event
, fill peiiuds of the Spanish war, the Sa
, moan imbroglio und tho present Chinese
complications. This has brought him into
rulntiona with Amer-
iii.ttimivj -
lean olllclals during times of rather ncutu
moments of diplomatic procedure and hut
course nt nil times has received tho
warmest commundatiuns of tho nuthorltles
huro, as calculated to maintain a satis
factory status of Germun-Auicrlcan afialrs.
I'li.tsiov poirw r.vrmtx vivh:iiaxm.
W ar .snrvlv in s It iihrrcd Ity tin
(icnel lil (iov eciiinelil.
WASHINGTON. Oct. l;l -(Special. )-Tl)o
lolluvving pensions liave bueii tnititeu.
Issue uf September 27:
Nebraska: original - Ooorgo Craig.
Soldiers' Home, lirnml Island, t'l. Inerea-j
--.etuis K. Ilcgut!, iJunbur, Jl; lii.irlt i
I ,i .ii 1 1 b I.i h Vuw'it, St..;ll.uig. $V (irle.ln.ii
widows. etc-Siirub II. t uLIiih, Ono. ih.
ispeclal nicrutd. September ii) ltebccct
Msrls, Albion, Ji
lowa: Original -Jhn O Jlrovvn. Mar
hhalltovvb. $11. Michael 1 Mack. Clinton.
.Tames llarrlsmi. ()sl'ulo"sa. b; John U
He btirt. l?Js $H Charles I. Hacktt
fireenlleld. iii: Isaac larisnclt (dead), lfS
Moll.'H Ji2 r.dwin H Mill. Atllilltle,
Dnrtnnn A. Miner. Dubiuiue, Js; Hiram .
Maokev I'liyette, 'i 1 ncruase Charles W.
Frost IViry, 10 Chnrlei Medlmrst. Cedar
1'niild's. : (special, t-'nptcinhei 29 1 John It.
lirnden. Medbipidls. JS. Orlglnnl vvldowi.
etc --Sarnlt llart-oek, Pes M'ulie.s J; isp
tlal nccrucd. September "Ji Hebecca n.
ltoiintree, Tipton. v .
Iiiileiiinlly Will Ite mid.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. Tho president
will reioinmind to s ongrcss the payment
of nn Indemnity to thn families of tho four
Italians who woro the victims of a mob nt
Tallaluy, La., about two years ago. A ro
port from a special ngent of tho Depart
ment of Justice clearly established the
fact that tho men were killed by tho mob
and that none of the pnrpetrntors of the
crime was ever punished by the state au
thorities, notwithstanding tho representa
tions of the national government. Tho
governor of Louisiana mused an Investiga
tion und there wero some proceeding! Hi-
fore n grand Jury, but tho result wns tho
national government found Itself hound to
mako some sort of reparation In answer to
tho Italian eoverntnent s representation
made by the best skilled
and this will take the form of nn Indomnlty
far cm h of the four persons killed, who
were Itnllun citizens at the time of their
l)tiiirtiiirii(Hl .otrs.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Caleb A. Mllo, William F. Frank.
Ifiiac N. Ovi rturf and Wllber C. Honk hnvo
been appointed cnrrlcrs In tho Oinnhn poM
olllce. Wllber F. Drown, rarrler at Hod
Oak, In., has been reinstated. George Gul
liver has been appointed rural freo delivery
carrier ut Osage, In., and Hen M. llolaney
at Illnlr, Neb.
Hiitcrvt' agents for national hanks were
appointed today as follows: Ilea Moines Na
tional bank und National Hank of thu Hu
publlc of Chicago, for First Natlonnl bank
of (Inrdcn Grove, In.; Uck Moines National
bank, Continental Nntlnnnl bank of Chi
cago nnd Fourth National bank of New
York, for K.chango Natlonnl bank ot Leon,
Jir. G. II. Illldc brand Is nppolnted pension
examining surgron nt Nrllgh, Neb.
Hural free delivery has been ordered es
tablished al Cozud, Unwsou county, Neb.
Service will embruco nn nrcn of forty-two
square miles with u population of 7Ii. O. J.
Hleckiiiun Is nppnlnted carrier.
Frnnlt G. Hawaii Is appointed a carrier In
the South Omnha pustoillcc.
Imnbd w. Mny of Charles City, la., is
appointed nsslstnnt In tho experiment bu
reau of tho Agricultural department.
I'iiIIn Millie on President.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. Tho members of
tho 1'nlted States supremo court called
us u body on the president today, ts Is
usual on thu annual reassembling of tho
court, to pay their respects. They were
accompanied by the oltlrers of tbo court.
They were received In tho blno room. Tho
members of the Cnrllslo Indian school foot
ball tenm wero nlso received and shook
tho hands of thn president.
llnlllllld I'laccd In ( tiiilllllssloii.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. Tho submarlno
boat Holland was placed In commission
yesterday. It Is to bn rent to the naval
academy nt Annapolis, so that the cadets
may become thoroughly familiar with this
modern weapon of warfare.
Trnimiiorls Null for America,
WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. General Mac
Arthur has notified tho Wnr department that
the transport Ilelirlnn King sailed from Ms
nlla today for Ran Francisco, and Hint thn
trunsptirt Aztec unllcd on the 10th Instant.
New ( hlef of Forestry III v Ulnii,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. Albert It. (inon
of the general land office hns been selected
nB (hlef of tho new division of forestry of
tho Interior department, apthnrlzed by the
last congress.
More Kntiel.s for I'linrll.
ST. LOI'IH, f)cl 13 -Titlavs schsIhii of
the convention of tlie Order of ftallwav
Telegraphers wo th voted principally to
routine buslnc The iietbui ut frirrner
President I'livvi ll In d( posing .1 J Duoti,
nsibtnnt general chairman of the Cnii.idlm
il'ntltlc iiivlBl'in, wns rest Intletl ami that
I rentb tnan restnred to his position Messrs,
A Stlllwell nnd A I. Tn b r, second and
I third vico president-, of tin rrder, were r -Imrvnd
fr un t fllen on the gro , d that Hi.r
appointment had not bctn muau bj fotm r
Oil, yes; you soo NicoH's
prices all around town; hut
t bore's a decided dillerenoe in
tbo meaning wben Xicoll's iiiime
is tbere to back tbem up.
Tho price alone has no si
nilicat ion.
It's necessary to compare
the quality of ihe material the
trimmings - the workmanship
- the style tlie tilting.
You'd hardly think it ! Hut
the fact is, that there is a ijood
tailors of Omaha.
Frejlrtent Towrll within the limit prescribed
by the constitution of tlie organlzutl m
Their successor!! have not been appointed an
Authorities nt Summit nnd ."ferr rrovl
tlenen Klioir .Votbliiur nt
Ilia C'nplurr.
NEW VOUK, Oct. 13. Inquiries at Sum
mit nnd New I'rovidcnce, N. J., st eking
conflrmatlou of tho reported capture of Wil
liam Schrelher, thu defaulting bank clerk
of i:ilznbothport. N. J., elicited denials of
the report from tho town tnurshnls of thoso
places. At New Provlduncu a rumor was
heard to tho effect that Schrelber had been
captured at Providence, H. I.
At Kllzabethport, N. J., tho city authori
ties claimed to know nothing of Schrolbcr'i
cupture. They stated that If ho had beon
arrested tlwv would have been Informed
ot It. nnd that If ho had been taken either
at Summit or Now rrovidcnro he would by
this timo have been lodged In tho Elizabeth
Notwithstanding the denials that Schrel
ber had been found at New Providence, N.
J., two directors of tho Kllznbeth Hanking
company started for that place this after
noon for tho purpose, It Is believed, of
identifying a mnn tnken Into custody there
In tho belief that ho Is tho defaulter.
Tin Miiuiiutr Killed.
PITTBIU'HO. litt. la.-Jnmes I, Itnnkln.
piomlnetit In the American iinplute com
pany, wns Instantly killed tonight while
riding his lion ulong Forbes avenue. It
iippeurs that ho wns rblltiK on the wrong
side of tho street nnd was caught between
llio far nnd sidewalk. Thn horse barked In
front of the rapidly moving car and both
horso und rider were killed Instantly.
Jnnlln Printers llrtiim lo Work.
JOI'I.IN, Mo , Oei 13. The Mrlko nf the
printers In Typogrnphlral union, No. 2M.
tills city, which was declared two .lavs ng '.
wus nmlcably settled today. The printers
dnrnanded higher wnges nnd shorter h"in"'
but returned to work today on the old stale,
v.ith tho msurunco thnt tho union would be
Ilrpiitr Mnrslinl Killed hr Dexperntlo.
OrTIIItlK. O T.. Oct. 13-Thnmns T.iy
lor. one of tho oldest nnd bst known deputy
tnurshnls In OklnluuilK. was shut and killed
by ri desperado named Ueb'-'s. whom n'
hud urrenied Ir. the Osage Nailoti nt Paw
nee this afternoon. The murderer wns 'e
captured. run .m niKirr.
1NSTHCMF.NTS filed for record Saturday.
October 13,
Wnrrniily Meeds.
I. II I.ellang ond husband to K M I
Lerlaiig. w :i feet bu ,3 .," 1 lot j
nntl t. 17 feet lot J. 'julnit s
mid .
Hnnii Nelson nnd wife to John Larson,
nVi lot 0, block 10, Itr'twii park........
Sumo to ItnsmuH l.iusen. H',i lot 6,
block 10. same .............
fi A. LlnibiuiMt and wlfo to A. J.
Love, block . Hose 1 1 1 ' I .............
M A. UllJot et nl to, I enry I ruilk-
fuit, nr., lot 3, bloik H, flhtlll's 2d
Christina '('oibert to Miiry iiurhtic, lot
17, bloik I, Hverctl Place
Hhirlff to Peter New, w CO acres nw
s" 0-15-12 (except 2 a res)
2, 1 Of i
Total amaurt ef trunsfcrs