24 TITTD OMAITA DATLY BEE: SrXDAY, OCTOBEB 14, 1000. INTRODUCES AMERICAN LAW Inhabitants of Eoutbern Luzon Guaranteed Thoir Constitutional Right?, COURT - MARTIAL SENTENCES REVOKED Trro InmirKmits Wlin Mini Hern Sen tenced to I, Iff Impi'lsi tent lti-lcnfd l.v ticliei-nl lliile. Tho flndlnr" of courU-tnartlal in iho eates of several persons trlrd in tho Department tf Southern Luzon Philippine Islands, lmvr heou received t tho headquarters of th J Imrtmenl of the. Missouri and mailo public ycBtcrdiy. These mnera I orders containing the union of ths tcvlewint officer show Hint while thu lonstlHttlon of the I'nlted Stale may not (Xteud over the islands ami their Inhabitants Central natc,J Introducing the KnglUh and American constitutional uar unties In tho trial of eases by court-martial Whore natives Hie harfctal with crime. In tht firm can eporfnl Agupltn Olorl. n native, is charg-d with corresponding lib thu enemy In violation of the lawn of war. Tho evidence hovM I thnt fllorl waa the vice president or Hie fn'inl Ipallty of Looe on the Island of Tablas. hoseh to lhat K!tlon wh'Io the iHiand was In the hands of the liic' irK'-nta ant h'-rore ihr appearance of the Ann ie an forces on ihe hland. Uhcn tho AnicrPatis api ron. icd the town for tho pur pose of einandl!'K ii surrender Olnrt com rnunnuted the ai.n.il of iho troop to the commander t in insurgent forces, thus disarranging he i la n of tho American com ruaiu'er l'or th.- lie wai arreiit'd and on trial was conWc.'ed. beleg sentenced to Im prisonment foi foi . years. In reviewing tho flndltigH of tli" cnurt-mnrtlal (iencral Hates reverses the si ntence nnd orders tho relcivae of the .r nnor. saying that while there enn be no duuM that he col responded with tho eiie.-u bo did nothlliK hut hla duly, iui ut the, time ihc letier was written ho had not surrendered and was all oltlrcr of thu Insurgent government. The next iae Is ono whore Mariano lle Itrmino, a nnilvr, wiw chargo.l wllh ns-uuilt with Intent in hill. On thu trial of the riiso ho was nentenn d to Imprisonment for life. The evidence against the prlionor was tho IcBtltnoiiy of IiIh wife nnd his fiuhcr-lh-law. dwierul Hates In revlewlrg tho case acts up tho fnei thnt the laws of the United Stales provide thai tin- wlfo eunnot testify against her hushniid and tl at the court orroil In receiving the testimony. Willi thla cvl denco stricken from th- case tho mnttur was n iiucRtlon of veracity between the prisoner and his father-in-law nnd the prisoner w.n UCqlllttCll. Tim third case Is that of Jose Androen, a natlvo whoso rotivii'ion of tho crime of highway robbery and sentence to Imprison ment is approved. A Mtronu Weitern llit. Attention Is called to itiuil Life and Trust company, wh s virnt ap- ptiira in annlher column. '1 his company tnkCB a atop In advance of all other old line life Insurance societies as a place for desirable and safe Investment. It guar antees to return to Its policy ami bond holders all premiums paid with 4 per crnt Interest per annum, nnd In addition there to, at the settlement period, their full ahnro nf all the prollts and surp'tis. Su -h Inducements will doubtless attract a largo number of large as well as small In vestors. The Mutual Life and Trust com pany Ib under the tnatmgotnent nf a Strom; nnd conservative directory and has fi r Its cifllcors some of our very best nnd ntna HUccessful business men. Dr. K. C. Spin Jioy Is president I). II. Kooker. treasurer, president (irand Avenue Savlns bank of I)cs Moines. Hon. .I0I111 D. Vail, secretary, nnd W. I). Klflnnir, vice president and goiicral manager of tho Hnwltee lnur nneo company. Is n member of Its llnnnce nnd loan committee The statement of this company is worthy of a careful read ing. EDUCATORS HOLD i MEETING J'rlueliinln mill Soiii'lnteiiiliMitK l- oeliitlon Mnl.i", iti-t'iinmu'iidnl Iiiiik for .Nei'ilcil ilii ol I.eKlsliiliiin. Tho mectlngB of the Principals' and BupcrintcndentB' assoclntlon nnd nt the Educational council held Thursday In Lin coln worn attended by about I'J.'i Nebraska educatorB. Siiierlntendent Carroll G. I'earso of the Oniaha if boots wna In nttend unc nnd took pnrt In thu work nf tho council, whl h iB n tort of elucatlonal ticniuo that ordinarily holdh Its meetings with the Stnte Teadiprft' nseocla'lon. After some discussion the coi.nrll adopted the report of the legislative committee, which recommended Hint an effort be made to secure the pastiwo of the following laws: 1. A Hiitlufaetory free High school at tendance law. 2 An ellleleiit compulsory education law. -'. A law givlir; o.inty superintendents nuthorlty to enniet institute nttendnnce. (Curative net ) 4 Hetnoviil of slx-inlle limit to school districts ami iuereaie of Miluutlon renulreil to form new uiitiriH G. Leglsliitlon pliieing history, among the rcciiilred mtbjeits for Third grail I'ertlllcates, music 11 lining subjects re uulred, after 19)1. for Iho Second grndii eertltlcates, .md mine itbr tiiluor changes in reitjIrenieiitH for eertillcntes. 6. LoglHliitluti regiilutiiig the employment of relatives of nuv.ibcr.H of school boards. 7 Provision lor reducing the number of oxnmlnntloni to be held by county KUpuriutendrntH annually. Wanted, by a Chicago shoe houso, Bales man for Nebraska nud Colorado, flood alary to right man. Must have trade In these Btatcs. Address Y CO. Ilea office. WUIlamB & Smith Co. announce th ar rival of fall and winter woolens. Ilubcrman, lewler; oat. lSGO; absolutely reliable, lowest pil "e guaranteed. 13 & Doug. Tako your luti-h at Maurer'a, 1300 Far nam St. Genuine Imported berr Ilyerson's black neckwear at Kelley & lleydens, Itith ami Chicago streets. MORE On Kncli T lies UNBON on lit ii WILL SELL TICKETS OMAHA TO 0GDHN AND SALT LAKH CITY. ONE WAV. OMAHA TO OfiDHN AM) SALT LAKI; CITV. ROUND TRIP, OMAHA TO HL'TTIi AND HliLLNA. MONT., 0NT WAY. .. 0MAIH TO BUTTl: AM) IIHI.LNA, MONT., R01M) TRIP, OMAHA TO SP0KANI: AND PORTLAND, ONI: WAY. OMAIIV TO SPOKANH AND PORTLAND. ROUND TRIP, . 0WAIIV TO TVC0MA AM) SEAT n.I':. 0M WU. OM'.II TO TAC0MA AND SI ATTLI':. ROUND TRIP, O Q Round Trip Tickets limited tltlrt) dajs from date nf sale. New City Ticket Office, 1321 Parnam St. Telephone 316. engineer needs no license I'll I mi 1st (limit) f iiiiiiiilssliiners flo ,Ol ( OtlftllllT ( onipclriHM In t'on iliirtliiu llealluii IMiiiiI. .Members of the International t'nion of Steam Hnglneers were before the ounty commissioner it(?aln yesterilay with a petition for the appointment of a licensed engineer fcr the court house and Jail nnd the same lak of success attended their effort' that has marked their petitions In the past. When the petition was read Commissioner lloctor askeil that It he re ferred to the rommlttee rn court house and Jail, f'ommlssloner Ilnrte moved that It he referred to that committee, of which 'he la chairman, with power to act. Com , mlisloner Ilootnr optioned this motion, saying that the committee from the union hod indicated n desire to present tho ramos of several competent men for ap pointment and had expressed satisfaction with a suggestion to refer It to tho com tnltleo while they were mnking tho selec tions. On the roll call Mr. Hnrte's motion wns dlealed. Th teMgimtlon of Stanley 11. Letovsky as deputy sheriff wns rtnd and Mr. lim.tor ! mined that It he accepted. Mr. llarte I thought It ought lo ho referred buck to the j sheriff, as the commissioner had nothing I to do with lite neceptalice of It. Mr. Letovsky should kpcui'o his acceptance from the sherllf ainl the latter should , notify the commissioner!!, so that 1 Letovskv's bond could bo canceled. Com missioners doctor anil Hofeldt voted to nocept the resignation and llarte and Oa trnni to the contrary, whereupon it wan referred back to the sheriff. The applications of John McCjimdo nnd Krancls Moon for admission 10 the Soldiers' homi were endorsed by the board, and Cora Tarhetl. a victim of epllepiiy. who has been living al the Old Ladles' Home, was or i dered received at the i ounty hospital. Wantrd, by u Chicago shoe home, sales man for Nebraska and Colorado. (Jood lalnrv to right innn. Must have trade In these stales. Address Y CO, lire olllce. I Wort nine provents baldness. removes dandruff. Sold at 11S Douglas street. Ik I nor tun ti Uriipi from slulit. I llnry Kluseman of SUA South l-'ourteenth street disappeared mysteriously the morn- leg hi' October 11 and his wife bus "ought the iiHBlHtiinei) nf the police department in ' locating li'in. Kliisenmii has Iiomi working I fur 11 111 111 of contractors and builders fur I ie nnl nontliH. lie win nick the morning I he dli'nppearrd and did not go to work 1 After remaining In bed for a while be dlessed and left home. Since thnt time nothing has hern heard nf him. He Ih about ,T) yr.trH old nnd Is supposed to be slUhlly demented Illank bonl; and magazine binding. A. I. Hoot, il-l-llC Hnuth Twelfth streeet. Sam'l Hums, 13IR Karnam. sells Ilavlland dinner course, $12.00. real Howling alley Ed Hevden, 1B19 Chicago. Adel Layer, mandolin, 301 Sheely block GOSPEL TRUTH "When I buv drugs I want to buy them of : n druggist, then 1 know what I nm get ting.'' said n customer of mine the other day 1 don't blame blm Your druggist s word Is the only guarantee you have of the purltv and reliability of goods purchased. Only In -"killed and experienced druggists 1 iocs sarety 110. 'niiner'B Kidney Cure ", Hood's Snrsaparlllu 75c (Jem Catarrh Powder "V Hlrnev Catarrh Cure 3.1c Sure Death, for bugs 20c Hostetter's Hitters "Se Palne's Celerv Cotnpotind 7.1e Carter's Liver PUN 13c ."'ennen's Talcum Powdrr 12c S. S. S 73c Wine nf Cnrdnl 75e PluUhntn'B Compound ".V Pyriiinld Pllu Cure 40c Mar-lien 10c AJax Tablets 4('e Scott's ICmulslon TBe Hu-Can Hair Tonic 7.1e Duff's Malt Whlskev Sle Periina 75e SCiSSEFEJl ,;L"r V'kugkist llllli mill t lileiiKo, BY USIMO GOLE'S HOT BLAST STOVE, Vnii can seo them In operation al 1218 Fartiatn Street. Under Feed Furnace Co. EXCURSION .(ay in October and November the PA o o S2J.00 40.00 2J.00 40.(10 2LQQ 45.00 2S.00 4S.00 S. W. Cor SiiVi1 lliiif your Coal Bill mm CIFSC BOARD MAY MOVE ITS SHOP Lit 7- UiiKltieer ttltes Ills J'r r nilsslon llnllilliilC Iiisiieelor Takri .Mntler I nilrr tilvlsrniriif. City Knglneer Ilosewater has consented to allow the Hoard of Education to move the carpenter shop from Nineteenth and tllfornla streets along eighteenth street to tho Lake school site, providing tho as phalt pnvlng orossed by the building Is planked. Ho uolltlcd the building In spector that the contractor who is moving the building Is willing to use planks .nd will employ rollers instead of wheels. 'a hlch have proved disastrous to streets. Permission has also been secured from the Uomd of I'ark Commissioners to cross the boulevard. Although the Hoard of lMucntlon Is con fident tht the building Inspector will grant the moving permit, the latter has stated that he will consider the matter until next Tuesday. DRIVER'S NARROW ESCAPE 'I'll rn Short to Avoid Collision ultb Car Mild Is Thro it 11 from Ills Sent. I". II. Mattox, n driver for tho M,llnrd hotel, mot with an accident yesterday from which ho narrowly escaped wllh his life. He stnrted to cross Tenth street at .laekson, not noticing a Dodge streot car appro telling from thu south until It was almost upon him. Then, making n sharp turn to avoid a collision, his wagon was tipped end ho was thrown to the ground, where the rear wheels nf his vehicle passed over his head. He uns takun to the police Rtatlnn In the jmbulnnce, whero Police Surgeon Aincs dresr.ed his wounds. Ilia principal Injury 1b a deep cut flvo Inches long across his forehead bor policies that tt.ro sight drafts nt maturity apply to H. (). Neoly, manager K-lultnble Life, rfltj null aft Heo building. 0. W. Wert-, dentist, 1611 Douglas street. O Your Boy Keep Him Off the Streets. o ! A KODAK o WILL DO U O o NothliiK more interesting, nothing 5" more Instructive, nothing 'more last- O o o r. " 20 Per Ct. Discount on all Eastman Kodaks f)ur flnlsblng department Is under Q V UK' lllilllilKt-UU'Ol III iirM-l- R.1S WOTK- q men nnd we give free Instruction to " hi 11 m l I O o The Robert Dempster Co., 1215 I'ai ntim St. O Kxeloslve Dealers In Photo Supplies Wholesale and Hetn.ll. 0000040v0000 Sold Facfs.... If you don't attend to tho broken and cracked window PAINS now you will havo other PAINS to attend to that will cost you more. Look up what you need In the way of window glass front door lights, nnd tell us. Wo will furnish tho glass at the lowest price, and also do the glazing If you wish us to. Have a competent man for that purpose. The ui.e of a little vnrnlsh brighteuR the Inside of a home wonderfully. Wo have it for FLOORS. FI'ltNITritn. AND WOODWORK. Tolophonc, 34D. J. A, DULLER & CD. Mtli nml Doiiulns Sts. WINDOW tiliASS I" I NT V HMS1I. Open All N'lKtit. "Particulars as the Goods 1 a "ig i - IS ii 1 a. II If II kl !M COfBie !il Not sick, but overstocked went her warm no re-orders and little business and badly in need of cash. That wns the condition our cloak buyer fciind th manuf jcmrer i f New York. They worn more than anxious to turn their surplus Mock Into money a id our buyer lielnit thero for that purpose was qul"k to take ndvantnRo of It. We ecu truthfully nay. with out fear of contradiction, that ho mado some of tho most marvelous pun hasea thai over camo to any houso In Indies' Jackets, Bulls, furs, wolatB, Bklrts und wrappers. Seven manufacturers' (docks at HOc on tho dollar on our counters open for your Inspection Monday. Coino and ten for yourself. Look tliiouuli tho stock and get prices. A few of tho hundreds of bargains that we have to offer In this department: IXIT ONE A miraculous offer. Your choice of R00 gar ments. In automobiles, boic'coati, Jackets made of ker seys, plushes, whipcords, moulenacs, friezes nnd a dozen other materials all lined throughout with the fntnous Skinner's satin, which Is Rtmrantetd for two years' wear all tho very newest styles garments that aro eold olsowherc In this city todnv for $17. GO your choice while this lot lasts for '. LOT TWO 37.1 Jackets the entire line of a small manu facturer we bought them at our own price they arc lined with silk and satin made from lereeyB every irom nereeyh cinf --$4.50 thread wool with storm or coat . collar thoy arn worth $S.00 cholco for . : LOT THIlUn U.O garmcnta mado In tho long nnd grace ful nutomoblle In tho new 26-lncu box cqat ami In the new tlht-flttlng coats collars arn mink, beaver and other furs nnd they are o,Ui $.ii,.e,u and $40.00a surprise for you nt Women's Man for Icbb money than you can buy tin. mHto rials. Come in double breasted. tlKht-flt-tlng and b ouse Htyles-ln liomespuiiB, Venetliins und broadcloths- ti n r nffota lined Jackets- with the new flare sklrt-iind they wen- nuidi- Jir IIH to Mdl for $17.M-oii Kale nt the Htartllng prluo nf HJKJ S KJ Another lot of aults mado of line Imported r.alH sinie all silk lined throughout tlin L - sultH wo ever had for Ladles' Imported .Model Suits on salo at $30.00, $10.00, jr.0 00 and $fitiM. Specials for Monday ladles' Rlack Taffeta Silk Waists- ffiO r i worth $t.(i0-tor ip.DU Ladle.i' Wool Waists elaborately trimmed with braid-both bnel: nnd Cl I on front worth $2.00 for .1 Ladles' Viir Collarettes nt i.auies it uny nay Skirts In the very nowust styles-.wlth several rows of T-1 nn st'ti hlng-other houses ask $7 50--our price Monday only . . rptJ.VU Laities' I'lanneletto Wrappers- extra wide at the hips extra waist llnln? -7 , 15-in. tloun. e trimmed with braid a rettulnr $1 M wrnpnrr on sale at ' Read Mayden's Bargains on Page YDENB IIOSTOV STOIti: III YX MTIO HTOI K. . .tn Knnterii Jnblirr ItrtlrliiK from Ituslness Hnlil Is III l,ut1re Mnidi, From an eastern Jobber no bought an entlro stock of all kinds of notions. Tho stock consists uf everything in small wares, not only such us needles, pins, threud. etc.. but also everything In the way of complete Hues of hatidken hlefi, kid gloves, dress trimming), rlbbeus. J-w-elry. stationer-., hosiery, vellltigs. laces, embroideries, etc., etc. Kor spot cash we bought this entire Block very, very cheap, nnd we will offer the stock Wednesday morning on all of our main lloor front bargain squares nt tho most ridiculously low prices that merchandise wna ever Bold fer. You all know when you buy cheap, we Roll cheap. In this circumstance wo will nearly give away tho goods. Hale begins Wcdnesdny. Watch the papcri for the prices. . 110STON 8TOKH. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. lfith and Douglas Sts. Attention. Carpenters of L. P. 127 are requested to meet nt 17th and Cuming to attend the funeral of the late Hrothrr John N-'moii. at. 2 o'clock p. 111. Hy order of txemtlve board. S. 1 Ml LLC It, Pres. K. H. HOAX, Sec. Attention. The Otnnlin Ttirnvercln will open the season with a grand ball Saturday. Octo ber 20, at Turner hall. 1818 Harney street Admission. 23c. Everybody Invited. V5)'S? (f) 0 fe5 (i it i) (. if CI (ti (! a C: ( a ; (f L 4 t'trn-'MrtVAV.l. -'v? J ' irt": Open Sanitary Plumljlntj ;;. , r Founded on Belmitll- principles, 'ins 1 conferred mi hutmmltv one of ps - greatest lde.ilnt:M Ii is the s.ifegiunl r? of health by banishing Fewer ga fr in j, your dwelling, rtsuitlpg from iid,' ti) sewn go and Imperfect drainage O'ir'7' rtfi work In this line Is above enmpetltlnii vj We lit up yinir Pome with iilumbleg In ft) ' any line, us well as btcntn and gas , i )llttlng. (iiir prices give eminent iui - I q Isfnctlon II) i l- t-ap Rljirir IMionc 10'M). . . 180(1 Fiirnam. ? e v r a) (f e---e------- -o-o-o you buyJ WHEI I o you should always remember two t2l( cBBentlal thing" I'ltlCB and QUAL-j, ? ITY. T We do not handle Inferior quality TOOLS and our nrices aro right on i anything we sell you. 0 f Jas. Morton & Son Co.f i loll DOIJGK ST. i o o U K TOOLS. ' () 0------O Q- o-o-0-0--0 CO Good Set Teeth . . $5.00 Best Set Teeth . 8.00 Gold Crown 5.00 Silver Pillinjjs .... 75c Painless, Harmless and Uxpert IJxtract Ing. Ono or all your teeth removed with out any pain by VITALIZED AIH. No sore gums, no after effects. fi's ipajentai ). . aro eoui $10 urn r t n ui $20 .Vi'i yli.-V-A-I.IJ Tailored Suits Venetians and other mate niti - st varletv ut V $1.75 13. Bi? Values in Millinery. I W '0: ll.MsI:;IJlll i:ci itsio.v. tin Mlnniurl I '11 1-1 IH- ltnllmt, Tuesday, October 16th. will be the next date on which the Missouri Pacific will sell round-trip tickets at very low rates to points south. southtnt ami southwest. For further information call or address Com pany's ofllces. S. K. Cor. 14th nnd Douglas streets. T. F. OODFHKY, P. T. A. J. O. PHILLIPPI. A. O. F. & P. A. Salesmen Hy an old established Chicago tea, cigar and aplee Jobbing house, a few more f)rst-;lnss salesmen; state age, terri tory, experience, average sales, salary or commission expected Address C X 661, Tribune olllce, Chicago. luil I J'Ul II I'll, UUl HIT Vf. IH. OllllltUlk HU m,nn nhnnt n, ..t.bi- 1 nnn'l . . I I -.ft (.... n i- a V. . . 1. 1 r 316 South ldth street. I QUCa MEAL, SEE Made of extra heavj Cold Rolled ; MONITOR, : MAJESTIC, EL RANGES heavy asbestos. Gray and Malleable Iron castings. Use Less Fuel, Bake Quicker, and Last Longer tlian other kinda. Many styles and sizes, uT prices from $25.00 up. The lurgerit stock and greatest Tarlety to select from. All strictly high grade, warranted goods. Stores and Ttanges sold on payments. MILTON ROGERS i SON, Corner 14th and Surpassing Monday at Men's and Boys' New 1900 and 1901 Fall and Win ter Suits and Overcoats, at prices never be, ore equaled in the history of the Great Clothing Business. Men's S?lf).00 to $18.00 Suits and Overcoats f ff Saturday for IK.W Men's ti. 00 All-Wool Urown Melton and fancv AA Worsted Suits at ". CJ.JJ Monday, October We place on sul about 000 Suits and about 450 Men's coats, liou'lit late of such known manufacturers as Scliattner tt Marx, of Cliicago; Thick et t, Cat-hart & C!o., of Js'ew York, and I). Rothschild Ss Co., of Ho Chester, N. Y., at (10 cents on the dollar. Suits and Overcoats worth up to f?IH). 00 on sale Monday for ji2.50 and 15.00 Men's 12.00 Covert, Overcoat at .T7tee. Men's $12.00 Pure Worsted Suits at $7.50 Hoys' $S.50 All Wool Cassimero Suits, Bizes 13 lo 19, at $5.50 Hoys' Knee Pants Suits, in double-breasted style and ves.00 with knee pant!- at 95c to $5.50, worth double. Read Hayden's Bargains, Page 7. II Ml I if Is !! Selling the Most "Phenomenally Successful" that's me history of 'told in two words. Even its enemies have lo adinif llial its the best ctnil mined in Wyoming- VICTOR WHITE, ln(lm' Smoke the hest. Ask your denier for n IT COSTS YOU NO JVIOIIB THAN INFERIOR BRANDS. F. R. RICE N. C CO., Mfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE ITNUUAI, JIOTICU. The funeral of Kmest H Hchroeder will ' take place from the family tcsldence M"ti day, October 16. at 3 p. m.. 130S So.tth 2Mh street. Interment Prospect Hill Hamilton Wa ron. M. 1).. Keleclle nud magnetic physician, ofllce nt the Central Hotel, ci.rner North Fifteenth and Dodge treets, till a suitable location can be found. Special attention to all long stand ing or lingering diseases and to diseases of , womri and children. Ileyns free Souvenir Continued. ' In Ortober with rach new dur.en Platlno CablnetB or larger photos we give a beau tiful water color l'HKE. Heyn. the Pho- . tournpher, 31S-317 t-outh Fifteenth. I. I ......II. I .. 1 1 . H I I t, Llnditieafa. tailor. 310 K. 16th. Bessemer Steel Plate, lined with Far1m.11 Streets. P5T. 15, f g Men's mvY ' Over t.iA well v-tiXy1 Hart, V1"-;! Clothing in Omaha. No One Need Suffer From Toothache It all comes from neglecting tho teidh. If persons ronsulted their den tist and lot him attend to their teeth In good time, there would be no trouble. It's never too late to tin some gend If your teeth need pulling, It's better to have It don than to neglect it. BAILEY, the Dentist lliiniim !t i il-:t I ,'t I'mlim llloek. 1'lKiiie llisfi. I.mly Altriiilnnt. COAL A nice ansorttnent of fall wuolcn at Have Hoot print It. u w I L LP lit J? Eli mm a tiiri ji. i'l sv "'.nMi,H . rtucr -1uJ' OUR LEADER IN LADIES' SHOES Is the high-grade l.alrd Scheber A Co. Shoe, than which ttcre i no bei ter made in the world; In fa.-t. iherx la tionu so good, r.s lias Jun bren demonstrated at the PAIHS KXPtist Th'.N. win re Jjtlrd, .'-'chobrr & Co s I.adier' Shoes liae been awarded i'.i "Orand Prix"- the highest award, f. r the finest and best shoes made f r women They rurpass all others in faihlonalle stUe, high quality. fln finish and perfection uf fit. They Cost No More $5.00 and $6.00 Than many otherr ef much lrs Atorfh nnd It will tnteren ru to ttiaprct the new fall Btyler.. V. E. Cor. teth & 1 Faisnt I We are J isl li receipt of a ahlpment nf Aluminum Paint, 'nils is something thu I ran be used to great ndia.nuge In tin , home. The expense is trilling nnd the rl i feel vnry pleasing l!xws-d pluirbtnr rndiators, gratinini. rntllngs. wnter tanlti screens. Iron rtand. binl cages, (Imi-.r pots, gas flttlnur, ornutnentB. bnicJcrts, tlre Iron.v iHilleie. wavh sihiiiIk. furnai r trout blejiles and blcvcle parts, newing nv.k ehlii -s, Iron tovs. Iannis, steam p!pe. rer? IsterB ami on nil artlelpii mmli nf imial plaBter. canvas, leatlicr or wnod. Iiidm n and oiiMenr: Ko'd in following r.Ircs: 15e tiottles 40r cans one-lmlf pint. Tue cans one pint. $1.35 cans one uuart. One-gallon cans for painting store fronts Sherman & McGonnoll Drug Go Dealurs In Fine Prepared l'alntn Cor. Ifitb anil Dudsc. 0 For That Tired Feeling t'aused by voiir i ffirtH to "put ir tin old stove (lie i e is nr. reined) ci pt tn banish Hi" "Ul wreck an. 1 BUY m ACORN If the old stove did not lient the house comfortably ltit yimr It nurely will not do bo (hit jeur. lit Iter avoid i-vi-enslve fuel bllbi nnd doctor'H tdllH cau&ed by ttmdcijciatid. hi .lied nil inn In iihIiii; an Acorn Han' Ilurner. They ,'lve more beat and .ir. nun .- ulfIIn eoiiltii.led than nnj otlu r Vi' b.ive thoiihUti'lH r,f ut tten ii- ui- uii iln ft-iitn Om.ilia iiM'ir. I'rl. , s J.' I 00 to $00.00. John Hussia Hardware Go, 2407-9 Cuming Streot. "If You Uuy It of llussie It's Rhrht." HU CAN Is the u-ad'ng preparation made for the hair 1'roiiintfn tin' growth of hair cures liotflrnrr and ail f'calp Troubles.- flrcular priie $i 00- our price 75c. Cramer' Kidney Cure Tic I'ei in. i "' S S -i ' ( hi ' 1 t t-r I'llls 1 c ICki 1 1 u l.itti rs I ir .. i.e ItrMie.rtlrs ' Ve-iii f. Ctiviirtie I're."Hrirtton " - tidi 1. 1 11 T a - I I r .1 n- tpec nr;uit Kilmer'.- :-'v..ri.p llnr.t Inrii.iii Sufin ' Hlg Hr CVitilo Siwip ' I l fjr iiaailKri.1 iuU t n. utitat- Of Ml tl riinptm 1 mw:' & IJItllUJM pmi TORE fixV DRUG PWT. P8ffg r ti nt (i ,tai vrtfrt. ; mo. ur I tjuw f-' tl JMr MJ.II mi IMAJUyt. !