THE O.MAJI.V JtAlLV UKKl t"NTA , OCroBTR II, lilOO. i nn HKI, K 4T T B. RKMIS Paxtnn Bio 'k. ne . Ha for ! a large Hs o' f"'-E. LOTS, IHN HBeS. SI BtjB fa rms. 1hactc nbss Pro i a.wd 1 M Uri'wt :3 trial itT IQPBftTTJCH. C m tn ami !r,ok over his llet of HOCSX8 a- 1 LOTS before buying. He bas. iffluat r" or otners. the tomwing: .-ottag ami lot. close in .' 3 H !' stories go tt-. oiith ohmIu ottng, ith ami Vinton f -ott.sge. Walnut Hill ?2 ottaae. N f7th Oe 8 4 r -r R-r 8 . .r f r S- t e 1' r t r -r 8-r 1 3-r cottage and lot j -mer lot. paved at J.I -'ght downtown 1 . -ir mot-r. corner lot I m. dern W Farnam t s ""."k and frame. die m J.J" ' "ir.-s and lo', clnae In .. 'K strictly modern, new W. Farnam 'frtetlr mwlm. Plaee l.r i "trietly mixlffi). Bemia nark, new 2..' troicEj nmweyE lots Kir motor line Hth at. and Am O .ly tlSO each, and only ft down ana montn. . A .. hoioe lots mir th and Miww e. vr. wlfn fine shad treei ,)nlJ and only IIO down and IlO par month SCP.CRBAN ACRES I I, ' y and .cr trt-- -mi" st ana i n r . iry limit. J! t i'" Ch. ice 3 acres, good h;w bie. rro. ' lt.u0 . 13. ; ,t.r, J-acre fruit farm. -rom nouae. ft ibl ate ., An h-r yt- acfa r. om. fruit, ate. A: l n-othr-nar " nirv """Jl Suw: 1 i r farm In- of land In rr of th r'--!tt ' ,,IJ'W,: ', iar hoo p f S room an-l miifnt. nra r. . i.. -Iar h- bar- afj iojU out "..:.'!nx. A bri"i. TV ! it it 'f fruit nntl rUn frm In ilm- -vry rounty In ,,t, vk.i "tr. " .flllr "fV'. CA' A. XD SEE ' BKroRK fTlN1 rhii'K Rt.rt-id I. j,. i,. .)-. ,i-, .h' i.- hrlrk dw. Ill.m h p b! r m fS. no to r. .' i li i'.ra In loofc ovr our Ht. I - trR fEVT M''RV TO r.rAW AVt) V. h n:ipnr P. 8KMIS. ttwtaoinnort in Pa ton Rlvt. R. rETFRS CO 17m Far nam St., Boa BWi DWELLING HOfSES ivi -Slat ariJ Spruce . 7-ronni hotiae. lodem erept furiae; ver' lrve ..'or and livlnat rooms: house finlahed .iar wofd. hand eerved- lage bam 1 :.ire shads trees; SS-foet lot Price, v ;.v:!--..rntm house, bath, marb'e wit'h- .rd. small barn, nlc fiiwn an-t shale. 1 . .1 Odewalk. Price. t.S. ' ...m housi. bath. elet. nitirbli'. .'Bh- sn.l 8 end fixture, hum nicety - ..p.. red. full lot. ti.m. N llev-jTTS Callfbmla it.. 7-rnom hou, i.tii. ciofiet. hot and co'd water. 10 id mntd cellar. JS,0. , .'IIS Jones St.. S roims. batH. cloef. 111.1 00..J watar. i?. eoixl brick c-1-wlthln wa'lrttli? dtatanre, asphnlt ...I street. 12.109. VACANT t.OTS. 1 MS4A.foot bulWlmr lot on Georitl near Mnson at.. t be sold wry hip specUl taxes ail paid. No UM 3 loa on 18th and Spruce to be ol.l ry rhenp. so 'xt lot. 23th and Emmet, for JSSfl. x-. via tan --m cmimi f AVli SI I'd t th state, fi pur cent 'n'Taat. Wi rRACT; 130 acre under eultlvat'on. I' '.ry house stable, cor.icrtb eoo wed m.d Tlndml'.l. all rich, h'ark soli sit ite.i in Cedar county, Nebraska. Prl?e iv: per acre. No 14,11 2-acr farm 'n Sar-y wuety vbrska: lino blue graaa i'otur: 9-ro-m ' o-ise. larxe barn .nd ..the- b ilMI'ttw. ill m itood state of renalr. 1i arv Hi ir-hard. iiw!.ll younB trees bearing two ynr further information write r call upon RC. PKTFRS A CO 17M Farnam St., Bet B'de RE-S77 14 GKNI'INE BARGAINS ARB HARD TO FIND LOOK AT THErtE. S-ronm cottage near 27th and Burdette .j 690 5-room cottaje. water, walking dis tance - , 7M -roam cottage city water, full lot. best repair, close ta school and 2 oar lines, only 975 5-room cottage. Al renalr. gas. water, full lot. near 2ith and Temoieton. 1.275 ( rooma. east front on Florsnce boule vard, 'lone, to Kountze park.. .. . 1.180 l-room house neac Wth and Corbv. tty wnter. sewer connection, bath room, tine brick cellar barn every thing in good shape. This property 4lould bring J2.100. hut was placed with me last week to be sold AT ONCE for l.0 7 rooms new, a beauty Ask about lt I 0-aj t rooms, modern, barn. 2mh and Pierce 2.311 i rooms, modern, barn. Franklin west of 34th. good repair, lawn, shade. A SNAP . 1.360 l-room liouae. ill modern. Just east of Uanscom park, paving paid, lot Wx '50 A line home. THE TRICE IS ONLY 2.3M l-room houff. strictly modern, good barn, lot 50x180, near Hanscom. pav ing paid . . . 3.S.X) An Investment: A double residence. In good neighborhood, walking distance, modern, always rented at W. nets l'1 per .-ent on price . . 4.W Peiiutlf il building lots In all parts of the rlty at bargain counter prices and easy 'eims. Sea me before you buy. WNKRS BRING IN YOCTt BARGAINS. 1 HAVE THE CUSTOMERS. ERNEST SWEET. 822 N. Y. L. BLDG. RE-2H0 IP HALF acre hist west of aoth St at south end of Miller park only St7S00 Bvron R. Hastings, 212 So. llth St RE 273 14 FOR convenient arrangement of the hoitae and toctttLin of orooer'y being tvttHm walking dl'tafce Mml tvivina fur tr.'et .-ar line within two b'ocks. aluo walklnic distance to Hlh 'cool and depot, front ing east on Bou'evarl. pirg a-d per manent sidewalk, concrete s'ep and wa'k In vard: also concrete cellar floor, double floors, fln'ahed floor, quarter sawed and po'lshe.1 bt of plumbing, workmanship ami mate-ll unurn" tin partially deprlbea thre ? a.nd J-roorn mcvlern house ione belnir sold during lee 'a.t week). Just compl.'td at IDth and Hurt streets, which we offer for sale d"r the next ten r.nvi at price whl"h annot b equalled In th' cpy 10 per cet es than thev can b bought wh" once reefed Thcao houses wl't be unen S'ln.lsy a-d during n-xt week We aljo have v. nl other mixlern houe in 'UlTerort fis't' of file cly (urn S o 1 room, rang-ne- pi price from I' 40 to CW. which wa w-111 be plense.1 to h'.'W H V MILTON BROS B -I'der. 2Sth and Davenport, t.i vn. RK-112 14 3REAT bargain 1-story brick hotel, steim lieat. 1 room htv mri trade. .-Ity litW: tfi cash, balance 3131 ter month, no In terest f srire brlek heue and Iwen. g-vd orcHnpt. V. i. re gncr.d. a comp'ets h mie. il ml'-' from -itv Improvcmwits cost more than price KefO So- re frm. new house, stable, douh' i .r'h windmill, all fenced, to trade for gr.M-erv tack. J H. PARROTTE, Dou-'as Blk. RE 117 14 I ) V PtX ,(i- l wt'h 4 ""! w-stpp er-inf r s y V t ea 1 1524 . a f TR.' VA1F. TOTS anjiT" rt -"irS'th I'd 'rrd. 8'' in. i: ' nmr J'th and trl. f t i: tn i i l-v wo'ih. U . An I .T -irih "t .nl aoutr Brt of J ev i 'n wlio'aail. WM1WU ami I mil . if i. t irlnit J -irlrt j I OK LK KKU. KST t TE. P' 'TTER-JM'JLES BARGAINS Tel. . 310 N T Life 4-U and II Plrr- dt.. "rxK. S hons-s. uu 4 rtomi ach. lJ"- S rooms. ool r- $-nm Miami St . axis. T-raom. full S atory houn. fiata roof, not aiodrn. bm Ueid ehaap. Il In paint aad pnr .r'U maJte It jhow up In ktphI ll. claim It la a twrgwln at only Jl.. T-rwm houc. rood lot. all clear, worth U.5m ruth, to trade for nod farm within im mlln of ')maiia. and tll put in ,) or (o in cah Hltb it. What you got? JO W So. d St., T room., all modrn. hardwood ilnlah. line. tl.C'.-i. -tOBS waM St.. S room, alt modem. , barn, axod home, cheap, 1 10V7 So. Mth. 17x140 7 room;, alt tnodrn, with urne. cheap. JJ.JW. J4 Wait Pamam. moat fxellnt J-room houae. fln repair, inod furnaao, plumb ln. etc. A nrat tetir n.ip and no dla count on It, for K.Vfi. Iia-.'Slh and rnieaeo. block Jo'ly.i s fine home, S.nH, 7-room. Jtory houee, for only Jiuj. -! X. Mth. ' blot-it motor, E. front. . room, itrtrtly nwirn. oak ilnlah. a.Jfr) M-ffll So Sftth. KTlt. 7 room, irood la.-xi barn, enotimb. M1: take (rood r.eatarn atoelt land for equity. Price. U".,m. MB 1040 So th. SOfO fine home, alt mL rn. atenm heat, U.J.i. Hundreds of horeaa from to Finest eat front lot, Hansrom Place, aist. block from pwrk. for Rood farm near Otnaha. and with JtOfO to IMOO niah, for dl ft fence. 10 acres land, north Port Crook. fitr Im- RrovententB. all under cultWntlon. ai a jtrgmln; only mllei from South OmnAa. Price, m ten. Ranch of 3.C0 acre near Xcrth Ptiitte. Nab., for good home. Fine WJ-a r re farm in t)ou?Ua county for tak at a bargain: only 2 mtlea from mj.-adam road: special prlc? for cth RB-571 II 14W ACRES. 7 mile northwest of nm-M. ' under tlltlvatton. ha'anc In ha-..v timher; good atot-tc or trriin farm, price, i t'.sm. 1 165 acrea 9 mile went of Omaha, at end 1 of Dodre St. macadam, well Improved.. ante orrnjra. ran nearly an oe cnti ated. thla la a lint farm: price. Vib art acre. acre. 3 mllea north of tnington. nently roUlns: price. Mno. The Byron Rood Co., 112 So. Hth St. RE 272 II DEER PARK. ' DEER PARK. You have heard It poken of. but if yu have not seen this beautiful adrtl"oti DON'T out It off over Sf'NDAY. Take the South Omnha line to 31th ard Vln,"n ITo two blorks sou'h to ROL"LEVA'D then follow tlie majrnlsVnt d'lve rljht through the ailt'fwm. You will be ns tounded to fee the fln lots we sell v u 1 for tftfj to ftufl tn a few year-t this w tl ' be th swsllest drive In the wef. LoM 1 will sell then for Jl.flus that todav w. offer for only a sonir. Wa nould not waste time and money to tell vnu thla If we did not krow It Is to eome true. SEE THEM. Tel.. 47 POTTER-SH Life. CO. S10 N. Y. RE-275 11 GEORGE A COMPANY. 1991 Farnam St. J6.J.W. eight-room house on J8.1 St.. north of Farnam St.. recently built, modern throughout. Very attractive home. 4.3fO.OO. 33d. near Dodse St.. 7-room rottase. almost new. strictly modern, stone side walks. All permanent Improvements paid In full. Let us show vou the property K.BH0.00 for 2013 and 2"21 N. 21st St.. full lot. ore 3-roon house, one 7-room house, rent I7.i'i per month. J2.260 for W21 Franklin St . near Mtlttary road. S-room house, modern except fur nace, porcelain bath, first cla:-t repair, lory barn. Jt.M6.C0 for a neat 5-room cottage within 10 minutes' walk down town. South front and mottt desirable neighborhood. VACANT LOTS. ll.56fl.PO for tine east front lot on 37th St.. north of Farnam. on grade, one of the best and cheapest. ILK.00 for south front lot on Dodfe St., nesr 25th St.. all paving taxes paid. J1.100 ) for lot on Chicago St. between 30th and 31dt. paving taxes all paid. RE-337-14 2717 CHICAGO St.. for J1.2X Four large rooms and ha. I. rorch In front and around the house, cltv water In kitchen, lot 80x182 ft . will r-nt for U2.J , a month. i Tho Byron Reed Co.. 212 So llth St. RS-27.1 '.I j 180-ACRB farm In Pierce county. Nebraska: ! small house and grove. SI acres culti vated, six mites from Pierce Price. Jl.ttno. 248 acres, partly Improved. Dixon county. Nebraska, four mile from rilroal. U.4MI. lt acres. SO mtlea west of Sioux CII-. six miles from railroad, all under cultivation, ordinary buildings. Price. s:,.yi, one-third oaah. 130 acrca In Antelope county. Nebraatca, seven miles from three railroad towna. Clear title: JM0 cash. IIILAND P. LOCKWUOD. SIOVX CITY IOWA RE-M273-1J WE have a few pieces of Neh rnxlt.i unit South Dakota land upon which we can ' accept part cash, balance In other prop- ' ertv. If Vrttl hfivn unvthln.. .h.o vrt.. 1 would like to turn In na partial payment on land, subject to the above, condition, write us. giving full particular In first letur. Box 2W, Sioux City Iowa. RE-M2S0-14 W H. GATES. 615 N Y Life. 'Phone. 1234. 3-room.s. fully modern, hot water and fur nace heat, hard wood finish downstair.'; complete imd well built home for lea than cost of house, lot 3J.X124. 1911 Wirt street: only J. 500 00. rooms, modern except furnace. Ii23 De catur a well built house, J2.lCfl.oo. 3 rooms. cwr. bath water, barn, 2115 Grant. Jl.tXi.l). 7 rooms, wuter. east front on Boulevard, nice hade trees, let 44S140. at 2024 N. 13th. n.7)). 7 roomB. water sewer, corner, Jl.2tO.00 7 rooms, sewtr. water, barn. 10v-ft. front on Emmet it., nenr IfUh. Jl.toouo. 4 rooms, cloko In. lot 33xl. rent 110. JSOOOO. VACANT. VnZ7, aoth and Ohio, nice laving lot. 33SO.0Q. 50x127. 2'th and Miami. J3O0.00. fflxl22. cor 2Uh and Miami. ll.Cwi.OO. 50x121. nice oorner In Kountie P'nce Jl.r. RE 270 14 for" SALE, a full lot In Arlington ad lU tlon. near lth and Lako streets, for tfY Ii. D. Reed, 212 So. 14tll fet. RE-373 14 B. R. BALL. 9-H N Y Life. Phone 012. N. E. Cor 24th and Dour'a. su., two 3 room houses; lot 00x132 feet. 5-room mixlern hojs. except furnace, full lot. N 22l st. 3-room. city water, rood lot. N. 25th St. near Ames ave , $375. 3-room modern, excipt furnace. N 19th st. Farms eastern Neb and western lowa.- Slx stocks of groceries, some without coun ters and shelving. B. R. Ball. Ml X Y Life. Phone 2. RE Mi 14 BEAl'TtFI'L home. 10 rooms, all molern, hard wood finish, .large corner lot, bam, an street car line: price. $S500. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. llth St. RE 273 14 24TH. near Vinton, a fine tot with small cottage, must be anhl- pir; cash and bal anoe in payments, 7txl00 feet on car line, goid 7-R. dwg. and frame dwg: nearly nntal J264. A genulno snap at 11.5400. 2HH N. 19th St , good S-R. dwg.. fine condi tion. J1.300: part cosh. A. F Connett, 300 N. Y. Life. Phono IIS5. forTale. S-room eottane unit 3 lots. 44xiW each, on paved Htreet. good location. 7 blocks west 4 blocks south of court house, ono block from street car, J2.250. 4-room house, city wntar, lot 30x120. near 17th and Vinton Sts . W0. $-reom house, lot 80x100, near 17tU and Vinton Sts., 11.150. 4-room house, small lot, same locality. ts). 3-room house, Hrg lot, t'5. (-room houae. small lot, 1178. l-room house, city water, large lot. Jl V). Easy terms, small payment, balance monthly at 4 per cent. O. C OLSKN. 17th and Farnam Streeta. RE 280 14 4 -vv in iiajiBi lairci., on !?o. 17th and ISth streets, a few blocks south of Vinton street, lots high and alirhtiy opv water street graded prices, J2 0 '. Will e b call at om -o for pit, si' 'W g a M ! fs .1 1 . .L i' . lio. Ut St. R1C 2-3 U I K)It SALE HEAL KST ATE. "' R i .a:, b v Ri a;ns ,s ii"iK8 io-Kl i-r m h'.se. m ,Jer". for U. Slodern -room ottm oniy H An eleaant 8-roam house for M.7:. Handsome 10-room houii a.l modern. tt.Jfc). Modern 11-room hojje .'plendld luxation. E eant lo-room corner hou for M,5n. Imivml property, rental W pr annum. HICKS BOARD TRADE RE-4 If GREAT BARGAIN, full lot on Cumin 9trt. KxVtt fret. brt-n 17th and WSth 9irft, pavln taxei and permanent side walk ail paid tor, price. tS.'M.ta. The Byron Reed Company. 312 So. llth St. RE-.M9 H FOR SALE cheap, larite lot and thre cotta?ee. J. A. Loveeren, 1th iloor Pax ton block. RE MiH FOR SALE, several llt-edse cirltlei. brtnalnif pr cnt net interest. Hicks. 3JC Board of Trad- RE MB 14 RANCH AND FARM Irtnde for sale by th I.nlon Pacltlc Railroad company. B A. McAllaeter inn.1 commissioner. Union Paclltc Haadiiuirtors, Omaha, Neb. RE-7 MOCt!ES. lota, farms, land, lottos, also Art Insurance. Bemis. Pazton blk. RE st PAYNE- XNoX CO. HEADQCARTER3 for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. LoW- fSt RATES on LOANS; SuCND IN CRANCE. HOt.sES. FL-VTS. STORSH. for RENT. First floor, N. r. L BjiU sIeE HENRV B. PAYNE. M N. Y. LIFeT RE-4VS CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. I30t Farnam St RE-4H DELIGHTFfL home In Hanecom Ptace for sale at a liberal discount. M. J Kennard S Son. suttx 310-3U Brown Blk. RE IM) LANDS. C. 8. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebra.'kft. RE 400 Deo !1 FOR. SALE, elou-ant 10-room modern house on fine reslden.-H street, owner leavln etiy. will offer at A sacrifice, will rent If not sold In next few da.-i HICKS, m BOARD TRADE. LuVRGE 7-room, I-tory house, pood barn, t large lots, near paved street, school, etc . H.2PV C. F. Harrison. 313 N. Y. Ltf. RE-MlsS 17 FOR SALE. Three lots at 17th .tnd Leav enworth, at aoo) each, call t ottlce for put. H. D Reed, 212 So. llth St. RE-27I 11 1.130 ACRES of stood farm or graalns land in central Nebraska for sale cheap. Pet terson. (2 N. Wth St.. Omaha. Neb. KE-MJ88 OSS' FINE east front 'ot. thrse blocks south depots, 10th st. Inqulra 1411 Vinton. FOR SALE. S-room modern house ei-'rlc lights, east and south front, kt .itl..1 Tine shade, ltirge barn, permanent 'iR and pavement, northwest corner U'h an.l SInrtha. Just the place for South Oman v mair .). part caeh: balance 1 ng time. J H. Sherwood. '"Wpj F"P. SALE. 10 acres near Elmwood nark; """fifcKsf 'SlDahTR?vD"- agreat bvrga.ess pROpfeY Lot . block 2. Kountie & Ruth 8 addition, housa number 1712S Jackson, thta prop erty cost tS.0") bv foreclosure and must be sold at once; we are instructed M tarfe JX.M0 and let It go. WHO WILL BE THE LUCKY MAN? PAYNE-KNOX CO. Main Floor New York Life BUr RE MJu2 IS FiR SALE or exchange, lot U. near c .r Sherman ive and Locut t. Addroaa Thomas Fitzgerald. Independence, jjo. KE FOR SALE, elegant vacant lot In the best residence, district at 500 foot. 2fth ave. be tween Farnam an.l Dodge. ImiutM 23 DoIge. RE-3X.5 14 HENRY U. PAYNES SNAPS FOR yCICK BCYERS. Here's tha swell home you have been seiii-chlng for so long. rUht In the West Farnam residence district, an almost new large, east front. S-room house, with fall lot. wl'h everything heart can wish Intlde. cemented cellar divided Into four ri oms for storage, furnace, fuel, laundrv and servant closet, reception hall, parlor and dining mom finished In oak. fine mantol and grate. Inrge butlers pantry and kitchen with hot wuter conne.-red direct with furnaie. front and rear vestibules, front and rear stairs, four nice bed rooms with large closets also linen and storage clat-ets. nice bath room, with all three fix tures, large garret and compilation gas and electric light fixture ah through the house. Hows that" Still more Tli house has Just been newly palntr.' and wilt he .lecor.lteil with hen Itlful new paper throiuhout this week. Then there (h ot- of the bet barna in maha. elec-tr'- llvhted. three box stalls and large carriage room, all celled, city water, wash rack, sewer, etc. Fine" You bet tt Is. And It can be sold for only JS.280. thtnk of It. but it must be taken QTICK. as a fine tenant Ih wsltlng to take It and will have it on a Ion time lease if It Is not sold at once. It's your chance NOW. Don't let It slip. That tine one-acre tract In Wei Side. 53rd and Poppletan. with well built 6-room house, must be sold at onco or a tenant goes In for the winter. It's the biggest bargain in the city of Omaha toiUy for H.Ooo. It's a full acre, east front, lays fine, splendid for gardening. I havu lots of other lot. Improved and vacant .and you must come and se ma, or 'phone 1010 If you want to buy right. HENRY B. PAYNE, 001 N. Y LIFE. RE 122 14 GARVIN BROS. LIST. Near High school. 3-room house, city water, sink, good lot, price J1.2W 25th ave. near Woolworth, dwelling. S rooms, city water, sewer connections, shade and fruit trees, lot 50x127 feet, a bargain, price Ji.OiiO. On easy payments, 20th boulevard near Corby st . dwelling, s rooms, bath. "wr, city water, gas. lot 0'J-foot front, shade trees, a bargain, price J1.WJ. Near 23rd and Leavenworth, good cottage, 5 rooms, city water, prlco 11,500, In vestigate. SfilS Ames ave., 4 rooms, two lots. J530. Choice vacant 100 feet on Park ave., op posite Hanscom park, paving taxes all paid, price 13,000. Can arrange to sell 50 feat. Elegant modern dwelling of 10 rooms, east front, tall lot. paving taxes alt paid, choice locntlon In West Farnam district, prlco JB,V). Por an Investor rents J432 per annum, price 33.000. an Improved property near South Omaha car line. Investigate. GARVIN BROd.. 113 FARNAM. RE-373 14 HANDSOME 10-aere tract Just west of city, near Elmwood park, for J1..173. HICKS. 3i BOARD TRADE. RE 105 IP FOR SALE. S-room house on N. 26th St. full lot. barn, olty water, etc !1.7"O0O II. D Reed, 212 So llth St RE 273 14 GREAT bargain. 10-acro beautiful tract Just west of city, between Leaven wor'h and Center, only 11.375. Hick 32S Board Trade RE 405 14 GREAT BARGAIN IN NEBRASKA FARM Finely Improved farm iW acres eastern Nebmska. good farm buildings. 500 acre In crop, fenced, large orchard, timber water, etc . a splendid alt-round farm, only 13B an acre HICKS. 126 BOARD TRADE BLDG RE 105 14 BARGAINS IN LAND ADJOINING OMAHA. 5 ACRES on macadamized street 1727. 3 ACRES near Elmwood park 11. IT". 10 ACRES clone to Center st . 11.373. 17 ACRES, viry choice tract. 12.350 20 ACRES for suburban home. 12 ;5n HICKS. ROOM 325 BOARD TRADE RE 105 '. SHOIITHA.NU AND TYl'UWRlTJ-lG. A. C. VAN 3ANTS School 717 N. Y. LPs. -705 BOYLES Collage, court rcpurtsr Bee Bldg 70S NEBRA3KA Business and Shorthand Ol. lege. Boyd'i. Theater. 707 OREGG Shorthand' taught at the Omiha Commercial College. Uth and Douglas Si u Lessons In bookkeeping, penmanship arith metic day ev g. Rathban, 523 Bee B dg MLIIIl 1L. LAt'iKS out of hr.;h ! p.OT p' r- -f LADIE3 troubled with Irrea :lar!ii"S Walton, sttrlilt;, painful or suprmsed itxntruatlona And prompt relief and u'e. fjnlet borne before and durtnc cumin?. menu Can or wrtta -ih stamps to it Pried, aii Dodse dt, Omaha, Neb " C-MM q:j L-KDtEa, Oolden Srat Is a nvr fai.ins regulator, removes Irregularities frurr any cause In Ave hours, sent se.-ire from obeervation, II. Cattoiu Medicine Co . at. Loulj. Jlo. M-ata oa LADIES, c-ir- for WHITES, etc.; perf t resu.uioT. send box j omaha. .n-o i LADIES, tt.wo for a case old Dr Jackson s j monthly regulator falls u rlleie tn 21 ' hours, or moe-y refunded. n ergoi or unay p. is, many au irom j'iae. uy mall a.i.0. Dr. Jackson Remedy Co.. Dept. y 2, W Dearborn St.. Chtcajro. 1.. ta N V MAN S BLESSING, private prescrip tion, positive cure for !uppresB..,i . r Irreieular montraiitlon, never faila, snmpltf box free J. M. Home. M. V . Irawer W 1H. chlcao. 111. B-if L.VUIE8. safe home rsmedy. Clover Brand Russia pills, money refunded if not satts farturv By moll K. Circular free Box 3o9tl, Boston. f.-l LADIES. Madam Dreyfus' monthly n-a-j later. afe and reliable. II. X) per box. Mrs. Wilson. Flat 3. J Nlcbollh Ave Mlnna;ioll. Minn. f-U IVD1ES: Chichester t EnnllsTi t n-.roy ii PU!s aro the best. safe, r-l ai-ie nj no ether send 4c stamps for pirtlr i .r "Re'lef for Lrtdles" in Iftter bv r t n ma1-. Ask your druist. chiohesur ChemleiU Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. CANi.'ER .urd as home 'oy Internal treat ment, no knife, plaster or pain. B.k and testlmonlala m.illed fr-e Cancer In stitute. LI W 42d St . N. DR. LE DfE? "male Rerilntor. ro"' tively warranted to cure the most stub born caea of pathological monthly stop pases. Irrmilerltles. obstructions and suppressions brousht on from whatewr cm us... 12 a pacKue. or 1 for &. sent any where prepaid on receipt of price. Tli. Kldd Drua 'o. EUln. 111. American of-fl.-.t', retull. wholesale. Myer-Dliion Drue; o. Omaha, M. A. Dillon. South umaha, Davis Driitr ' 'o . Council Bluffs. Fu.l l.r.o of rubber boI. LADIES, write Dr Smith, m Dearborn ;t., Chlcaito, his m..nthl regulator nr an 1 safe: used W year In his pia'i. e. price, J3 0-j. sold n positive guarantee. 375 14 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Icstltute. SIS N. Y. L. B. IB . Tel. 1KI; Alice Johneon. D u, dept., Cld K. Johnson, Oataopathist. Mir M. E. DONOriCE. D. O.. Of St.ll ssh 0.. Ktrksvllle. Mo. 0l Paxton Blk. Toi. Iii7 'H FAYETTE IVJLE. D O.. room 413 Hoe h'rt :;! Ni' N. M. McMCRRAY. D O . Mrs. J R. M . sick. D. O.. suite U8-3S U blog -.ill N7 d;. I NEW classes now farming at Mora:- I s ! this week. ruesJa.v -nd fcrld.iy p n. . 12 lessons, ladtea JS, jent.emeu In. stectai v 4. O j lllll. lil t.N II W1K" FANCY BELGIAN HARKS. arg a. agjrugatlon in se.. ct st. . it fr m 1j rauldrrvs. Doe. m up. in.. -4. U Scored bv Mrs. H 0.1 and .1 . guar anteed In every paru. uU.r If s. m lUr Breoilers' Protect!-e Ansot 1 ttlvii. ton Lankarslitm Los fa. 321-14 I101l-t:s WIATUUKIL HORSES wintered at Omaha Dr1 lng part. Ii3 N7 W VNTED, horses to winter, oa-i take 30 head, all h-.x sta! s. Wj a.'tslan we.i price, from $ tu J per mjnm, will cad for them nnd de.i' r In tm- .iprli if. A i dresB H. A B Stjca Firm. C. i. manager. Springfield. Nb. Mj30 31 FLRMTLHB RBI" VIIll.Mi. TEL. 1331 M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St - ri . ACCOl rA.N-l". CHARLES E. WALTERS. X.ti Bee bli.g -M.8j nov . IIIRKOR FACTOIt. Damaged looking glats.H resllvcreu. N l! sTOH UUl' VIIUM.. STOVE, f lrnace. ring" repir . water con nectlur.s om Sioe Kcp. U ka . D . Tel 3 711 WA.Vl'KD HOll'KS TO UllKAK. WANTED, horses to breuk and train, wll. taka this work at reasunable ratss havj good winter quartern. Addraas George Davis. 22 Bee Bids., Omaha. Neb. -45j Nl MCIiEL PLATING. 3TOVE8. lamps and chandeliers replated. Om. Plating Co , Ucu Bldg. Tel. 2SJ6 -T13 M13ICAL. INSTRI'CTION In piano or organ freo to a limited number of students, .new plan: see me. Prof. Braun. Uo lUmge B1K 540-O15 TAILOUl.NO. HIGH class tailoring, moderate prices, latest dtjslgnu 5 J. Broderlck, 13:7 Farnam HIIIDS A.N D TUIDEIIMV. STOCK S Bird Stora. 10u3 Leavenworth. -717 C.UU'LWTERS A.ND JOIIIICR.S. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly atisuded to. J. T uchilirse. 2ith and Lake St.. 370 PIANO TtVIN'fi. WE tune your piano for 11 30 Ross's Ar Sture. 1521 Dodue Tel 191.V J.4 ACETYLENE. MONARCH Generator are bent, c.irblrta 14.60 per 1"0 lbs Agents wanted. M A G. Co.. 1022 Douglas St -T7 OU e.n'i;im-:s. noii.F.its. btc. L. C Sharp Mach. Wks. . motors, dynamos -7li LAIN DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundrv: snirt. Tc; codar. 2c, cuffs. 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. St7 -7U STAMMERING AND S'l'LTTERIN'O CURED. Julia Vaughan. 430 Ramge Bldg -Tin TICKET IlItOKEIt. CUT rate tickets everywhere p H. Phll bln. 1506 Fsmam Telepnone TS4. 700 ELOCLTION tNIJ OUVTOUV. ELL.V DAY 204 Ramce 'o'dg . reading, elo cution, oratory. Th irsday night school. -M7IW ulS RAII.W K TIM I! TIUI.RS. 1 f M A 1 1 A ike T LOI'IS RAIL-I . ).i ' imulw Kans-s 1 itv 1 A Eastern 1UI rn.l"Th pjio-.e. uopoi, xantn an.l Marcy htraeLs. Tl pnone, O Leave. Arrive. St I Cannna Ba.l Kxcreaa 1 J' pm a 8.20 am . Ka aa "lfy and t y am il fl rm I a Dailr. - LIN 3 ATK.V; R.iiro,i.i i lt T.iku u-B-e. 14t Farnam Street. 24. tepot. I Tt-nth an 1 Marcy "tr-ext ' .Arrive. . .all. W am a 4 u pm .a :. pm a 3 M am Ch. ajfo EXfrf- Chi. (t L.m.ted 11 ir .: in and I'll i. F.xprea MS: eai-.i h and ra i . uniie'l St b :.'.) am b 14 pm , St. ... .... I a i.m pm a a.ia am , f ,r ti. I , al front :. ii. i; H'-.iT' . b 4 pm a Diuly b uallf ea.ept ai4a: blO'15 am ' FRKMONT. ELK.HORX A Miesuurl S'ai.ey Railroad 'T li e Northweetera Lis ' - Oeuerul tjtaoes. I nited States Natunal Bank Blda . 8. W Cor Twelftn and Farnam S;s. 401 Farnam St. Telephone, h and W lister Sta. Tele Leave. Arrive. L'eadn'Ood. H .t St.r';:ifj 1 2:M sm 1 l.M DM I W :n n. t"n.'par and 1 L.' .gl.ia d ,i.(4) pm e J 00 pm H.i.-t...d-. v .1 k. David . Suti-nor. Geneva, I Exeter a.i.I seward... b 3.M pm b SsCO om I Nortola. Verditrro and 1 Fremont b 7.39 am bt0:;. am I Lincoln, V ahoo and Fremont b " JO am bW 25 am J Fremont Local e 7-J am a Dail.. Li Dally except Sunday e Sun day . -.,. J I'aily excapt Saturday. Da:l c e,it Monday. smrxViTY 4k pacif: : Ral road The North western Line" uener 1 (imces. L'nlinl Slate Natl. nai Bank Btill!!n;i. S W Corner Twlft.j and Sta. Ticket irrim at. Telephone Ml. -e-. . Mason Sts. Telephone JJ. Lnave Arrt. -x; ress 1 4 S3 am 10.Jt pm 1 nif-d . ..a t.jS pm n s l am L. .1 1 i.i.0 am a 4 ) pm CHICAGO NORTH wentern Railway Tn N .rthwestern Line" ' City Ticket OCice. IM J Faraam at. Telephone. 6t. Depot, Tenth and Manon t. Telephone, 1 Leave. aitivj. , c ai igo Spo- a 7.-03 am all:33 pm ras. -ser .. ..a I II pm-4 i:Rl im Exreae, Des v i.-snaiitown. cedar Kaulus and Chi- caa. aIC':3S am a 4.0 pm a l:(5 pm J: pm a 3;i, pm a S.JV am Kastern Limited. . caso and E.i-:.. . chi- .a 1.3 pm raat Man. f'mana Om.inn-i :-i. Fast M.ul a Lii!! '-li.earfo to igo Special a 7.48 pm CHii.'AUO, ST. PALL, Minneapolis i uma.ia Railway - "The North western Line 'General t.'m.'ee. Nebraska D.vl lon, 13th and Webs cr Sts. City Tlcliat nftlce . ar.ini St l'alephone, hi. Depot, i . . uner Sta. Leave. Arric. 1 1 j P;- -:er . .a .D0 am a 9:U pm :!i.i li--ei 4. r ail:l0 am ik I'v .v North- i.r..l.i 3:!8 pm I'.-i. y o 1 illy except Sunday. BIRLINGTON A Mis souri River Ral'road Tho Burlington P.oue" Ooneral OBIces. N. W C rner Teuth and Farn m h-.-. Ticket O&lce. jjij Farnam St. Te.ephane -1. it ion. Tenth and .Mawn 1 Leava. H.ivings and ...a 3:40 am I er. Co'o ih i.ifornia a 4.26 pm iil.i. Hills a J .10 pm Houna a :) pm a: .Mali a 3 91 pm "' r ul". I'tah . . Arrlva. a 7:CS rm a 3.00 pm a 3:uo om al.51 am aiO.35 am a 8 13 am 1 KANSAS CITY. ST Jo seph Council Bluff . Raliroad-The Bur ln.j- 1 ton Route' Ticket O'tlce, 1&2 Farnam St. Tele- phone, 250. Depot. Tei h and Mason Sts Tele phone. 121. I Leave. Arrive. ! Kara. " lt 1 ay Ex ..a 1:30 am a 0:10 pm Kar s.. . Night Ex. alo 15 pm a 6:15 am 5: I F'ver for Si. J. hi" nj St Loul.'.. 1.3 pm allila am a I .i .-. CrllCAGO. BfRLINGTON a: uutney Railroad 'Tee Burlington Route 'Ticket i .-nee. mu; t arnam Veiepnone. 260. Depot Tenth and Mason sts Te cphono. lis. Leave. Arrive. ;u-0 Spe- .. 7:W am t 9 26 rm i.l Rt h l 11.1 nm a i b am .i. express. a t.5i am a 4 'fi om Li:, .'.-l ..a. -45 pm a 7 am June ion Loca. . .al0.46 am J .-ii. tlon Extra.. a 7.CO pm a 2:1S pm .-Ni. N PACIFIC-"THE OVER land Route 'General Offices. N K Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 1324 F irnani Street. Telephone. 31i5 I -uot. Tenth and Mason sts. Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrive The ijw-rlari.l Limited a S. am a 7 35 pm Thu Chicu.-o-Portland Special .1 S.20 am Th.- Fast M i., . a 3:60 am The. Co', ralo Special... all :35 pm Th Fas; Mali L.r-.- n. h. a'rlct. and S'romii.urg Sxpress .b t.10 pm" Th P- - TV.; reus . a 1.25 pm a 7.35 pm n 3 25 pm a e-.xi am a 4.22 pm ul2:23 pm T'v At.. i." c Express... a 5:50 am vr.i lil i una i.oui. . oj:ji pn D 3.38 am Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWACKES f. St Paul Railway City Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone 2S4. Do pot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 423. Leave. Arrive. igo L. iii. 'el Ex . a s.J1! pm a s:j om aii" k n i.'-.a Ex. b 7:18 am b 3:40 pm isui. - o dal.v except Sunday. ch: a CHICAGO. ROCK ISL. and Jfc Pactrtc Railroad The Great Rock Isl and Route." City Tick et OtMce, 132S Farnam Street. Ttlephore. j2J. Depot. Tenth A Mirer bta. Telephone, 3. De, Moln-s and Daven- Arnve' port L.x-ai .a 7 23 am bll:35 am In. ago .xpr-ea t,li 13 am a 8.10 am ' I. a(f. Kih Lxpress a .i. iO pm a 1 23 pm L.-c ,:i a -d F.i.rb,.ry a i 30 am a 7:0) pm Llr.. -. i ) Spgs , 1 . er P .etuo and DeV:3M.,,-e. R,ck Isl-al3Pra aM3pm'. ,i0 a 7 15 pm a 5.10 pm ' o it4 v Tex-is Hyer-.i 5 56 pm a 3:lS am a Caii.' o ualiy excent Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL-r-iad General unices and Ticket Offlceo Southeast '"rner llth and Douslas 3ts. Telephone. 104. Depot L'mon Station. I.e.-i ve 1 Sr Lo i'. & Kansas city Expres ..alo oo am a :3ii pm K. '- St. L Exprds ..aio.10 pm a 4.15 am Leave from 15th and t eoetir fiiraets. Nebraska Locai. Via Weeping Water a $:15 pm alO:i am a Dall', b Dat'.y except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD -Ticket Office, 144 Farnam Street. Telephone jj) De pot, TSnth and Marcy Streets. Telnpiiune. 32S. Leave. Arrive. St Lo .lri Cannon Ball" Exnr- a 5 1 pm a 3.20 am a Dally CITY OFFICIAL .NOTICES. NOTICB TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Scaool Dlatrlrt of Omaha. Office of the Secretary. Oct. loth. IVM. Sealed propo.sala will be received at this olftca till eignt o'cloi k p. m October Uth for newer construction on High school gronniie. n accordance with plans and spacirlCHllon.i on file In this ottlce and the office of ,iohi I-alenjiT, architect. 422-424 Be building Said propoaala must be submitted on bltMika ureoarwd by the architect, must t e uielaai In konlaii envwloees marked "wer Proooanls for High School." and must be illvered In secretary'! office. No 301 city had. tiot Inter than eight o clock p m on .ber 5th By order "f Board or Edu. atl.'ti. J F B'RGESS (.CL lO-dSt-a-u-ii Secretary It AILH VY TI.Mli rVUtL.. l.oa.'t ijrr. 4'-. i," till .''tf, t kift '.'!!... .. . . Tw'n . I a . , 23 ay .li elm t'li.cago L'aettm Mulriei mmm L ii .ig' . hi l.i P..r i .- ' .id Cl-. if 1J-V I'.i -I:;.- Fat Mali a Dal.v a luiiv b 1 2, i fhwrAaiiZtJ st j OMAHA YOUTH IX THh ORIENT Troop Mk Short Work of Pkia Wall jad Fortiaetl PafwLu. SEVENTEEN FOLLOW TITUS UP THE WALL llile' liuu Force the Lock of 1'iU'i du nud Imlsnnlnl K Coiiipnny Dft'he Thronitli I'uMiur, Urlt I n if lint the M11n4.1l. v story of adventure more intensely la terestib than any ever contained within 1 the pa4e. of yellow bucks la told In a let-! tar from Corporal W. Storrs Bow so, Four i Corporal W. Storrs Bow en. Four-' tnfan-.ry. Just received by friends ! city. Corporal Bowen haa been tcenth m this la the forefront of the Chinese campaign from the firing ot the first gtm and "as otto of the eighteen man of Company K who followed Busier Tltua up the wall which guarded the capital city He has engaged in countless desperate encounters and Mth one other volunteered to 30 back into the artillery Are to warn the British commander that he waj firing into Ameri can soldier. Corporal Bowen Is the son of W. R. Bowen. for many years grand secretary of the Masonic lodge in Nebraska. ana grew- to manaooa in in city. ,u is- .e.ier. u..ieu Au5uot i " Corporal Bowan writes "The Indiana dropped anchor off. Taku June 27 amid the most representative neet mat aa Been got together lately and the International lltua- f tloa lay open like a book in the grouping of the vessels Russia. Germany. Italy. Austria. France, England, Tatted Statea 1 the Brooklyn) and Japan. The day after entering the harbor we came ashore, loaded ' into railroad cars and ran up to Tlan . Tsia and that burg was in the very worst way. Every house la the outer native city was wrecked and thousands of Chinese had tied. Uavlnjr hundreda of others un- burled in the streets. We camped at the American mission fcr a week and made the arqtmiutance of the Welsh Fusilier ' and Royal Artillery. Then we pullet! out ! on the relief for the capital. I Jupaurae tile Siiilllnu. 1 The next day the allies met the first trouble, but we just dabbled tu It, being badly; they were too anxlou.i to get at m-,. n .v.. .-w. . , , ' . -,u , , , 1 Into a re-entrant angle. The wounded Japs were brought back our way aad not one of them who had his face left but smiled as he was carried puat. "The next morning we marched thirteen mites, deployed in a cornfield under ar- tlllery fire and advanced two miles further "mZ I9 ; i- Can",t1er- s011",1 ahot and rifle lire from thirteen Imperial rsgi- m o infantry to the town at Yang Tsun. We ook I quickly, but couldn't get at the ar llery In a fort beyond. As wo , Me n 1 llllld fSliartl.k hH .U arfllae..J a c . V ' laiirunu a shell from an English battery in the rear burst against the bank, then another and another. Onu dropped In the temporary dressing room the surgeons had established and then I asked the adjutant to let me , ' ui" ' eauery. ue nan , stranga and unusual death recently. She just asked Sergeant Hansen and we both , literally talked herself Into the grave. For went so that If one got it the message ten years her vocal effusions have been con would go through. The EngllHh officer ( atant. no matter what time of day or night commanding the battery cried like a child it wns. A stream of words constantly came when we told him and the Fourteenth j from her mouth, and her shoutings bocamH lost seven killed and fifty-eight wounded , so disagreeable to her hearers that she was In tho Bloody Pen. placed in a padded cell, where they could not "Then there waa nothing but hard mnrch- l be heard. Aj tho woman grew older the ing on a hot, duaty road until we bumped j hnblt seemed to grow on her and her up against the walls of Pekin. We were , system gradually weakened. Even in heT first for the order waa 'Go ahead until aids j sleep the habit continued. Yesterday after directs you to stop.' and we missed the aide, noon she had a more violent talking St So presently we found ourselves at the wall . than ever. The over-used vocal organs re and we crept along thu biue so close, the j fused to perform their work, and alia d.eti Chinos couldn't bit us much till we came to i in a ipasm trying to articulate. the angle of a bastion. We crawled up the 1 face of the wall in the angle and the first A remarkable state of affairs was dis man up. Titus tha bugler, lowered a rope , covered In New Jerrey by n;cans of the for equipment and we managed to reach the I spelling bee held in Trenton to raise a fund top ono at a time. We kept hid till there ' complete the free baths at the Home for were eighteen of us aad thu wily Chlco was I Tramps tn Terradelphla. Tin competitors highly indignant that anybody should havo ' wre state officials, college professors, law taken advantage of that little piece of wall ! 'ers and other professional men. and ther that ho had left unprotected pro tern. went down befaro .surprisingly easy words Krunp Gun ire silenced A P"o'M"r of the Slate Normal school "Th , rv.i-.,.i .u ., . transposed the 1 and a In "raGlan. ' the state foe JtZll 5 xtv rt f , b. h ,t,'ny'0 br"ln "P"1" ' t9"" ' rtri , norM'eve'. J . , Smkea i Prominent Inventor got all mixed up oa Inowll L ,7r , , nB P3rapet- "omelette." the president of the Board of aintsTlli it. rVh R anhV'; madB , Education missed "tingling. a htstor-an ft u tlrv" ..-""bad silenced of nQte talIw, at . emilamtKr an ia on a battery of Krupp guns that had been keep- untU ,b contt narrowC(, (lown t0 Prof ing us from ennui and had made a sizable Nor,lor am, Colonel gcnoonover. wBen ttt, pllo of goo, chlnos-thelr goodness is like ,aUer weakened on "ecstacy " Can thera the Indians Then H company, which had , b a spo,ilnK ,mt )n Nw jT trom scaled tho wall about an hour after us. coma ! wll,,.u thwe eminent Sentlemen have been along and we Jumped Into a treetop aad . excluded clambered down on tho Inside Into the city I " Once among the houses we were all right, PRANKS OF, except at times. Then we took squads upon I the roofj and fired at Chinos on tho wall ' Pri-ullur Ilxperlence ot n Trolley and the Russians were doing the same thine on the autJide. so we had them both ways. The Chinos stuck to it well, but it was the allied army they wera speaking with. The Ruaslana got lt pretty hard, as they did the lc'o. but Friday night a most unusual occur next day for they havo to fight close to- i rence was caused by tha heavenly electric gcther or they won't fight at all. fluid. At about 11 o'clock a Sixty-third "Well, wa got tho American column to- ( street electric car was passing JUi trmii gether. E company itili in the lead, as it , "hen a bolt of lightning struck the trollev had been all day. thanks to nothing but E Pol- Instantly the fluid encircled the car company, and marched Into the legations, j twice and cauaud the passengers to almost It was well worth tho march and the killed ta Into hysterics. Fortunately tho car was and wounded men to get there In time, crowded to lu full capacity aad many of There were so many women. I talked with I tn persons were so hemmed In that ther some of them and not onco did they mention I could mt escape If they wanted to. Nobody Urnir terrible experience but it wis, 'What 1 coald determine the cause of the vlvld you have suffered to come to us," etc. One i Hgbt. as lt had not been raining, and thera woman of refined appearance who ought to ! o no Indication of a storm. have teen attending an afternoon tea made mo a CU3 or hot coffee with sugar. She rcado lt herself right there and it didn't taste llko army coffee. She had been living on a half-pound of horso flesh per diem for fifty-four dayi. Soldier In Close luart-r. "We camped under the big wall and rumor sntd we. were going Into quarter we did. Into the closest quarters Iv ever met Tho Ninth and Fourteenth marched under a big pagoda on tho wall surrounding the Imperial olty and .1 gun of Rlleys battery was upon tha pagoda firing at another a half mile down the wall. We halted and formed tn mass and tho Ninth came through thn gate and followed suit. Then an announcement f,Z made to us from beyond a bl gate to our front nnd it came from about 3.000 Cblno Mannhcher rifles, plus a couple of machine, guns. Ws had halted because only one narrow gato was open and Com pany M was marching through In columns ot fours when the crash came. It was all the demons In hell turned loose. "Rtley's gun swung around ninety degrees and fired over our heads. Our men clam- hered to the tops of houses and walls with nover an order and opened firs. A regl- ment of Slkha camo down the wall and fired volleys over our heads at the Cblno position. And still the Chlno fire was heavier than ours. M company came tumb ling back through the gate, another com pany dashed through and In two minutes they were driven out and still a third. E company was called, but Instead of going through the gate wo went out to tho right. I up a side passage and flanked tho beggars. The Chlno fire slackened, a company went' through the original gate and the combina- I tlon wan too much for human beings to stand. So tho first pagoda or fortification protecting the avenue leading to the pal- aces was taken. , "Thla move gave R company the lead ' again and we had it all day. There were I five of those pagodas and we took them one I after another, though each one should bavs ! stood off a small army for a week We' would run ono of R,,ey a guns up aga nst 'ha great'.ng door pu cl;1 shot after ( sg 1 through 'He UkR I m,s liarge of an.ster tarougli 'he : . , .ise a ad 'bra the cdmiany woul I m.te .1 Jash. de ploy any old way and n ihrm hot tho' in the next pagoda. A; noon n had an tshed the last pagoda and t hate lis &M la my aaversacK. We gate three ehseri and a draaon aad the work was done. Ul U.vr FUkVTl HH. OF LII'U. ltteri from two subscribers were r elvtd by a Kansas editor on the same day one rwreepoqd.Bt asking for advice In the matter of raising twins aad the other re qurstlnc advice as to how he should rid his orchard of Rraeehoppers. Th editor for warded the answers by mall, but mixed thf envelopes. As n result the proud father of twins received this answer- "Cover them "l""" ' """ .lflrn' "? tlT' "l V Z 'L' m , . ii. Z v ZJn .... llT , UB ,vl,a W ' to "give them meter oil sad rub their turns with .1 bene.'' A unake came near breaking up the prarer meeting in the Flemtngtoa (N. J 1 Baptist church. While the meeting was la progress a woman suddenly discovered the snake wriggling down the aisle Others saw t about the nme time, and there came near being a pantc. The cooler heads averted ibis, however, and one of the male siemUf mU(m1 lmiUr M aCOBIiniJ(. the Mrrlcc anM, Be j,nil kllj the reptp u 40on dispatched and the meetina a resumed it va Just an Isowsot little garter awke, f()n, iOBK bu MQ1e o( tir om,n WM wmilu t0 er thut lt wa a ((.n.foot , a were e wlts ,igi,,y.Wven rattles and a button A farmer from the neighborhood of Lisbon Howard county. lad., reported in Ellio" City the killing of a mammoth eagle there which developed surprising Sgtttng qualities The other morala one of the aona of the late David Warthan went out squirrel hunt int?. The greatest game he saw was a big bird soaring above the trees, and a sno' brought him down with a slightly cripple! wing. He saw at once that what he had wtaged was an eagle, and a blgser one than any ho had ever encountered la these parts tn all his rambles of the forest The eagle was full of fight and succeeded tn keeping off the hunter for a long time, but finally a ,va'' "id and Mr warthan took him . "-u seven lert oe- w rr-u fcUf- mm Ol WIHKB. - c..,,, ,. " . . . . , s'npra FaI,s' N- Y- Bttve b"n Imposed on 'luring the last week by a slick stranger who had what he called an electric belt which was guaranteed to cure any number of dlaeaies by simply wearing tt. Those who have done so say that they could feel a tllt-nlHir dilMulflnn Ki.t tfcn .11.1 M . ., nrnn,iJa,i rJ, ,.,.,' " . 8Wtel, whea u wai( , , b "electrn tty" wa, generated from a strip of mu,tan, plaar unuer a c0Verta)C ot tnln cwh. ,t , not kMwn Q0W ma tahM ,n Dy lhu Mfk lmllTl(Jual. J vnvlm ag a , lhl Jo not 0.n belOK fooled, but it Is believed he did a good business. Mr. Lucy A Reeves, colored, aged 41. who was sent to the insane asylum at Kalamazoo. Mich., ten yeurs ago from Lansing, died a , rr aa1 a Hoc The reraorkablo pranks that lightning often plays has frequently been the subject of much comment, says the Chicago Chron- I After striking the trolley polo ami enlr cling the i:ar the lightning disappeared into thu ground. The car was lifted off the ground by tho severe shock. Although none of the passengers was seriously Injured, many women, ami even somo of tha men. fainted The trolley pole was damaged 'o such an extent that lt was of no further use Had not the car been so Jammed somebody would certainly have been hurt, for as al ways is the case in affairs of this kind ,-71 Jumped. Luckily no I .,. mv.. ... .? 7. I 7" ' " it,; .1"" .i . ' . , form at tho time of the accident and that arcounta for no personal Injuries. The motorman was greatly stunnrd for the time being, having temporarily lost the use of his right hand, with which he held the con troller. A peculiar accident happened to a small dog on the west side during a thunder storm. The dog was standing tn the street at Desplalnes street and Washington boulevard. Suddenly a flash of lightning lighted up the heavens. In an Instant a bolt In a linn i lrom lao ,Ky '"emeu to strue me earth wnur1 tne ao standing. The animal , avu a ylp and ran Dor'n nt0 r,P:Unes ,r8et- "fore it was captured by a police tEaa- 0a Investigating as to what caused thn dog's yelping It was found that tho end of his tail had been burned off and on toon tng over tho spot where tha animal bad been standing a bole tn the ground was '0llnJ whers the bolt of lightning bad 'iruou. it is suppote-i mat tno dog's ta.i ,aa la tnn Pathway of tha bolt of electricity -Mlnlit Have lleen Far Worse, "What"' exclaimed his entourage. "V : j vou majesty fiddle while Romit buras" A 1": ' Pain filtted across Nero 1 clasalo visage. "I hope you do not think so 111 of me as to Imagine that I would sing Irish ballads In sueh a sad conjuncture!" the Caesar expostulated. . It la but Just to the memory of this in terest ng monar h that these facts nsw be maie p ibils.