Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1900, Page 22, Image 22

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ttie (nrur t tlv nnr:: si' vd at. ocTor,7:R i-i. 1000.
ArlrrrllnrmMiti for tune rnlnirmi
'will ho laUrn until 12 in. for the
truing edition hiiiI until f !W p. n.
for illuming nud "londay edition.
Itntm. 1 1-V.o n Itnrd Hrst Inirrtlnn,
lr n word thereafter, .tothlas tnUrn
for lr tliun a.-.c for thf llmt Inser
ton. 'Ilirir nil, rrtlur men t moat be
run ciinweentlv rij.
Advertisers, by requesting- nnin
hrrnl check, run lmve nintfH fid
rfresaril to a numbered letter In cure
of 'Mm lice. V tinners nililrraacd trill
Iip delivered on ureaenliitlou of the
check only.
Mil ATIO.N1 WAM em.
Qui 'It oi Vurnun ur colleti-nr wants s'Uia
I. i rr..HMii, will acquainted with city
v it. -.1 ,Jt. Ike. A.!M-IP
W W'l LD, by a mlddleafred woman of ex
i r . nit. 11 pnsltliii ns housekci per. re-l-r.
.. . . glv-ii mil rei ilrt-'l. Inqitre at
l H j,th A vp. A .:1-H
Pi tlrst -class oh atil tiewspiilier
tn 1 1 deslris position III good ciinir.
Ii in V lira l;u or Dakota, experienced
In 'It-, .mil i . 1 1 m 1 1 nllties, single. .VI-dr-
i si Hit V M.SW 1
a.trd-mai.i:. help.
OfNTi;it NO. 1-Vo now have nlgnt
at , i four nights each week Hranoiej
tii Ki.i in the lay school uft- faugh) . ut
run' ' A new class In tMigtnphy Win or
z. i inn Mnndny Ti legrnphy will no
t n 1 1 1 in tlit- evenings, the mini- aa oth' r
bt a
I'l l NO 2-We htp now teachlnii
Ot . ,, -linrtlinnrl tiy null rtttnlents .ire
ei r i it k rapidly You t un It'iirn this
tn in this way without dlftlculty.
P i i. It No. 3- The Lit. rary niiie.y held
It i i r, n Ihhi V .lin-Mltiy mailt, it
hu in -I rt i.rgiiidceil promises bitter
w 1 1, tl. mi ever before. It will nvn't tio.t
W . in--. lay ut S o' luck. All are III
v. i
11 . n:i( Nn. 1-The attendance in tno
d ii ..I Is tllll Incr'n-tng. Several .ipa
h i iii. ii III mcok, others will
Im.m i . .nun r.iw Stud- titM imu now in'
I t. l In I'Xiillitlt udl.ll'tllge.
1.. v i i.u Nil. f- The controversy bet wen
I'i .1 M'.-Iht unil Mr A. C. Dng rcmiltmi
It. .i I iiiir ti.iiUllii mifnlii I- iif ulal.
ti r' In iil llniir reply ahr ut I'mf. '
61 i. r wliii Ii were cieiiriy lllii'iuui in
cl ii . t.r. n ml by rciix in of whli'h 'inf.
M in i Ills hiiimI Mr llnK For liliel Hint
k h . i uii.urii for I tin hiiiii ot $r..i)i. Mr.
t. it i. -i prove what h" cnPI In ti.s !
in ti. i . .inn or inuko iUih iiiIm In x .mo i
Ol ' i .i H .Ii') H
W v l l.I), wn luve steady worK for u few
lf . t li'istlern of Kouil IkiLiIIh ulul appuar
ui C. I'. AiIuiiih i-'o , lijvj lluwunl Ht.
l)AHl:i;it trade UMichl thornuijhly In short
ti n. . t'utulovuo mid purtluulurH Iruu.
Ai.n.frt Western Ilurbom' liiHtltutu,
Oiuub.i. Neb. H-71
wavtkd, tennis for It. H. work In Mts
Hi.ooppi . lieu trunapot inttuti for outlltn.
. I. iih.un, I'lielnn iV Co., Ii) Scutt utn.'ut,
' hi. II llluffs, In. H -02')
A W I l.I i, a lliHt-i lass solti ttor or runner
i r . i.iihinff Btore; ijooil p.ty. Apply it
i 1 - in I'loiieer Clothlni; Co., Z,'J N St.,
s li i niiiihn. II-MlsH
J--ri'.lili:Nri:u sullcltor. rndy employ-ii.-
' in i Ity; referuiicex icqulrtHl. i nil
mi l I.". I'lilR. II M1SG 17
AN H1TK us for stralKht
iriiimpli i'o., DiillaH, Ti'x.
snlarled Job.
It M:12 10'
U vti:i, ono com maker mid nnn pantn
mil .i maker, ni once; good wiihh
P i'i II Ka.4Mchnum, West 1'i.lnt, N, b.
U-.M!4 IP
W w i I'll, men to !earn barber'tradu. W'o
1 ... I. Hie work In Hhortest time pocxlblo
im in. it limit In term. Klvinv; roiiHtnnt
j t.l a l iilillllneil b Iret- ellnli', expert
' i'i u. H.iiih by Nkilleit Udi'kmeii and lee
ie i.u Hkln illdeiiHes b doctorH; two
.in s.iM'd; wn luriil.Hh tree traiiHporta
ti . ii in mi' ciillt'i:!' ut Chli'iii,'!!, Kt. I.tiuls
i i MlnneapollH, as Hiltllrielit pructlee eali
' t I"- h.itl here. We Kuaranleo employ-
iii lii . Ity and country whups or ti'.uol
" n wiiii our ileuiiiiiHtraturH, a method of
.ilvitiMUK that olfera itrnduateH K"d
M .ni . I'le.iMiuit work and valuable ex
j ii iii nil', make application at ouen If
v.'ii i.uii one of the positions! when rnm
i. .. in ..italoKiie and particulars mailed
fr. M iler Ilurber rollee Iteprnxentativp,
iii I '.ii 1 1. 1 in hi ,i Una ha, Neb. I'aiitlon: niir
- e . his iiiiiHed others to adopt our
ii'im I ni not confi'Hc tlio Moler
t to lih cheap Hhoim caillnR lliem-
h. , .iIIi rcs. H -MiTjU IS
J'.M'i itli:Ni'UU retail crockery Biilesman.
Ad lr.HM, with rpfi'tences, V 43, Itee.
Ii -MiS II
A I I . ablo men of unod reputation In
h i . inly to represeni larse hmiHe, po-
- hi i niiHlunt; milarv. per month and
ii . uplines; Htate reiereiuei and encloMO
i. t iililieiHcd Htamped onvelopo. i'resl-i-
ii t'a.ston liurillui;. t'hlcaco.
Il-.M:i7 14
A V I'Kl), two K'lod Jilumbcrs tor .Monday
iii iiiln l'ree .t lliack, MX Iartnim
H-L'72 14
MVV mer .1 wanted to truvul In Nebraska;
$. ninthly and all expenHes to mart;
'. iiiieiuent; position perinuneiU If Hatis-
i..r . addressed envelope for partleu-
M.initRcr Utllls, Pontine. Hldtf., t'hl
.; Ii IU7 14
A Wl l'I) Younu mail for bill clerk. Must
ti. ponmaii and ijulck at lluurcs.
I I H-2M-1I
Hi I 1 KI.K man In every town to rep-
i. hi ni .in old established mil mi flit' t urliiK
'Mii'.iiiN wlih iMpiliil uf $2iM.tV), salary
J'n'ii pit- ear and expenseH, rapid piouui-
ii. hi and permanent p. .Hilton reiiiliini; no
. iu .iMHinit; unusiiiil nppurtuiiltv. Ad-
ti'. s, P. u. Mux 117a. r'hllailel
I'ht'. I'.i Il-iSl-lP
BXI.I'.HMKN fur dun rn; new plan, quick
Lii. s , piod buslnesH, bin mont'. t'on-niiiu-rH'
I'lmir Co., tVll S. 7th Bt., t4t. l.num.
H -I'M-! I
A Pit M'TICAI. wldo-nwnko biiHlnesH man
u.mted to rnpl'eselit us; none need iin--w
r without ncccHsnry IiiihIiii'h ex
i.r.n. ,. unil BDod refeiHMlceH. Address
'. H' c H :14-1P
!' w NT i;ood sollcltor.s to work In
i ,1., oier county, tn sell tlm best m llhiK
ii '.I, on the market; no trouble to make
J " pi r month, l.adlen and Renllemi'ii of
n ."I inldrcHa a ml references; no other
' I apply. Address, lio.s 12no, North
' tp Neb. H-27S-14
" V'i'.:i a refilstrrcd drug olcrk ut once
i Ii.ih th aliiitty to draw and retain
'i' 1 '' ' ud who is a member In Bund
' i 1 ' 1 1 f i u of some lOvanurlli al cliurch.
i. , i ,.,sitten fur Hie rlslit man. Answer
iv 1. nor to liox No .. Pcteraburn, Neb.
-'77 1 1
V AN'lIM), onciEPtlc and successful youufr
-.1 -man b Wll'iiesale cheap lew lr tlild
. v ii bouse for ri J li'emlulnv
lui t.uletr .t i'o , t'hiiagu, 111. Ii
A Vii:i. ugpnts. K"ud, reliable, etieriietlu
m. tn sell our hlrfli gradn Hue of lubrl
i in ..lis. greaHPS, paints. In ltin unil
ni' HipplUw, 'lttipr exi'luslvelj or as a
. 1 line, locally or traveling, on ,.,.
is , i Tlio IikI list rial Oil und Hu.inlv
. . xeland. Ohio. iV-
Kl i' to spII lino of iip-tn-dute
in i .i wrappliiB paper; earn 2n to
' as side line. Kenipor-Thom is
1 . p. i '.i , I'inclnuatl. O. 11
tp i l ItVMl'JNT posltiuns, thousands of np
i i. um uts to bp made, examinations
i i. m i'ur state; circular 151, htlvlnu
' pai ilculnrs, scut free; write for It
'u in National Corresp. Institute,
ebinton. D. C. 11
A WTKli, salesuuin, 75 monthly ntul ex
t " " perniiiiient. Perry Nursery Co ,
It... tL Mer. N Y. H-
V t'ToltY offer Al lino to experienced men
in mi ni civil ground. Factory. Ilox 1371,
V w " oi k. H -310 IP
wri'D. ilrst-eliisH ornnnlzir for ilrst
. i iss Illinois fraternal association; pav
' .1 i.iitiory unprecedented. Address K.
t ii.i. State OiBiuibicr, Ctuto. Neb.
11-313 IP
Tit W K LI Nil salesman of ability for hlKh
t;r id. line appropriate, to nearly every
ib i-artnieiit of trade; references; bond
'.i .ntiii' time required: commissions JM
$.it. in n il nab'. P. o. Itox Three, Do.
ti. at Mt.'h H 311 IP
TU 1-11 N'l salesmen of experience and
litlni for hlHli-uradp line, must havn a
i U u record and Klvo In. nil; tion uthor
nci.i apply? iiermuneiit po-ltten to rlK'it
par'i. Aildv'.a Hex Ml, chlcaKO.
-372 14
WANTKD everywhere, hustlers to tack
sluns, distribute circulars, t.ample&, etc.;
no canvasHtiiK, Bond pay Hun Advertis
ing liureuti, Olllcauo. IJ 379 IP
WAN'l'i:tl M.M2 uni.p.
IU!K Ilfil.DtNO.
"TIIK flriiooi. THAT MAKBd A SPKfM
Hludctit.i pnterltit nil the Urn.
New rlne (otnorrow.
COM M BltCtAt. t.AW,
Pi'KI.UN'O, "
f onnB8PoNDBNcn,
orpicn omi.t..
i noMHiEh imlivlduftl instruction in all com
tncrrlBi iiranrlips for earnet youtu? tnen
snd wnmon.
Ulnro It- orsanlzatlon UiU Thoo has on
Joyed tlio pnntldeneo of 'ho huslnnss potll
munlty, nnil In enriched that community
hy furnlMunjc ftraduate.i who ar
thorouglily competent to do that which
busliiega men require don?.
CntnloKueM rurtilahril on application.
11-SM 14
SUASONAIir.H "aldp" offered Al man on
unciivpreil Kroutnl; Hood for U Weekly
"Uiibber.'' P. o. 1.171, Mew York
It "52-IP
EMtCMdKTIt: man to trivol and appoint
Bftpntu; $H0 monthly and expenses, be
sides cmimlsHlon; pnrtnniicnt; references
rpipilred. John C'ross, .150 Dearborn,
Chlcngo. IJ-2-lP
WANTKD, at onep. for hotlday trade, an
riierBi'tlc falesman to travel In Nebraska,
tl.V) per month hIiovp exponses, position
permanctit. Address isll Maiilitittnn
lildd., fhliiigo. ll-JDti-M
SPECIALTY HiilcHiiinn wanted to place
departments of perfumes and toilet
unifies in nil classes or storus. Vurv
iitii-ai'tlvo'tt Islntr features. Hlnti
etasH coinmlslonH and liberal contract to
the rlKht man. The Klyslan Mfn Co.,
Detroit, .Mich. I1-2LI5-1P
WANT10D, nil enerKetlc ynutlK man to n.s In a retail storo ami take orders;
must lvo city references. Address Y
ll., lire. H- 291-1 P
pare for the postolllce or tiny other civil
setnlce examination without seelnn our
catalogue of lnfnrmatlnn. Sent free.
oltiinhlan Corri'Hpondt'tice Collcifc, Wash
Iniiton. D. c. H .D.I-14
512 I'M U week bona Mile: salary and -:x-penses;
cnpnblp men and women tn roprp.
sent us appointing ascnts, rapid tiroino
tlnn and Imtposp of sal.ny; new, brilliant
tint's. Hutlcr .V Alitor, Now Jlaveh, Co. in.
YOPNO man. salesmnn. etc. DnmoMlc
Mercantllo Co., 707 N. Kith. H-'WS 14
WANTKD, I a Chlcnuo shoe house, sales
men for Nenraska Colorado; nood snl
cry to rlKht man; must have trade In
thesp atates. Address Y d, Ueu OMIee.
WANTKD, a few p.xperlncod squad man
UKers to train ntul work with ciuivassers.
for a hltih class lustnllmcnt book of
proved ureal possibilities; specially at
tractive new plans. Kxtraordinnry sue
cess already demonstrated. Address, ttat
Inti experience and full particulars, (iuai
a tit cc PubllshiiiB C".. St. Louis. Mo.
n ,avt ii
SAUSSMKN wanted to Fell our rooiN bv
sample to wholesale and retail trade; we
tiro tho larKPst and on'v manufactures in
our lino In the world; llbrial salarv paid.
A.ldri'ss. CAN-DUX Mfn. Co., Sav'aiinnh,
. II-
WANTUD. cooil experienced clothlnn sales
VHU; '"Inry rlpht tuirtv. Address
C9. Hec ofllcp. II M.1D2 1J
SAI.KS.NireN-Autonintlc copylnu book. Jmt
out; sells Itself; needed by every busln.'ss
nian; a bonanza, for agents; exclnlvu ter
ritory. PcriihliiK -Mf(f. Co, S. llcnd, Ind.
-.171 IP
I I A N I ,
716, 717 and 7I N. Y. Life Hulldlnti.
A stiuare. up-to-date seh ml of shorthand.
UpII educated students may enter at any
time lnill idual Instruction.
1 lie typewriting: department Is one of the
best equipped In the west. All machine
are pew or nearly new and are eiicl'i-ie 1
In tine oak cabinets. Kneh student Is al
lowed the use of a imii lilii" for ut I -a-'t
tht hours a day The ir,ot (.atlsf irtm v
results In the lypewrltlnn department ar'o
oblalned by this uenerous iiiovl-.on.
Toueh typewrlllnu by the Van Sunt system
a specially. The fastest known mode of
operiitliiti a typewriter.
The nljiht ilIiooI opens Momlav evnlnif,
October ISth. with a full corps of com
petent teachers who are practical stenod
1'iiphers. Classes Montltiy, Wednesday and
Friday eveiunus Tuition j:iim per tiiotilh.
Jinny former students uf the night school
arc nlllnn excellent positions.
Trial week 'n day school free. Tuition f ir
unexpired time will bo refunded If stu
dents are .nit satlsllcd. May pav monthly
If more convenient. 11114 11
WANTKD - lliiptured peopln who will work
n few hours lor a free cure. Dr. Spelrs,
Itox Bin, Westluook. .Maine H
VAvn:n I' nui.p.
We teaeh the (Jickr und (Jrahani system.
- and -
$2,Wu.0u bankl'iK turnliiii'H has recently been
pl.n ed In tiie rnllciie tor the actual busl
iii ss and baukliiK departneiil. worth or Smith Premier typewrit
ers purchased this year Ten of the lnt-'st
models Is the recent mliUtloti to the tvpe
uiltlnc department Otn new machines
have the IpttcrlcsH keyboard for tho tout h
ti Pi-wrttlnw method.
With these pqulpniPlits the collego offers
eiery advantaBe for n thorough business
New ciusses are organize I every week.
A. C. ONO, A. M., LL. 11., President.
C 110 14
WANTKD. 200 Klrls. 1524 Dodge. TelTs7(i!
C B27
SO girls wonted. Canadian olllce, 1522 Douglas
CIUL for ceneral housework; must be good
cook; wnKes $1 week for compotunt g'rl.
Call nt onco 2n20 Ummett. C MMij
WANT1H), an cnergutlc, capable woman,
without family. deMrous of making a
business of taking charge of n boarding
house, can find un excellfiit opening with
a corporation. Address Y iS), 1 cv.
i.'-l67 It
WANTKD. P"od girl for general house,
work; family of three; wages $1; apply
Immediately. 2003 Poppleton ave.
ien glil
Call, 2223 Farnnm st.
WANTKD, cook, best of wages, lie So.
32d uve. C-2H
KNPKIUUNCKD china und class Miles
woman. Address, with references, Y 44,
Hue. C-M2.-.7 14
IIOPSKKLKPKU for inted couple in snull
town. lilS Paxton Hlock. C-29S-1P
LADIKS! I make big wages nt home and
want all to have the same opportunity.
The work Is very pleasant and will easily
pay 1S weekly This Is no deception. 1
want no money and will gladly send full
parllciiliirs to all sending stamp. Mrs.
II. A. WlRftlns, Uenton Harbor, Mich.
COHSliTS. Skirts. Hustles. 1 prolits.
;.'. '. i'.' '"i'i) lll'olR w allien. J. r..
Wood Co..
-vj i-4. jeiierson St., Syra-
cuse. N. Y.
C-30O IP
LADY to travel In Nebraska; SiVj mont'ilv
and all expenses to sinri , permanent po
sition If satisfactory ; se f-adiiivsed .n
velope for reply. Address Tie.isurcr .Mac.
liratly, ajtl Dearborn, Chlcngo c 303 14
WANTKD. Iiouiiekeeper fo,- aged couple In
hmsll town. 61S Paxton Hlork. nmah.i
! C-3-51 IP
PHOOFMHADINO taught by mall; paying
situations always obtalnnhle. Homo Cor
respondence School, Philadelphia
C 345 IP
W A'l'LI)-l' llM I.L III.I.P
CnOCHKTLItS wanie 1 to i r h- f r
home. Rdod pa i hi. IR" r" '.et .
Dtarborti st . hb ago. l.i c
WANTKD, ladles to do plain needlework
for us at home; we furnish materials; ti
to Jin per week. Send stamptd envelope.
Standard Co , Indiana ave., Chicago.
C-3..2 1P
OIKL wanted, good cook, washer, ironer:
(food wages; small family; at 2211 Howard
9b Col IP
111:1,1' wwiiji).
LADIKS and gentlemen to tak orders for
our Christmas sp. 1 1 titles, good p,iv,
Butnii'es free llllf it Co., Hg Wabash
Ave., Chleat'o. 3J1-I4
WANTKD. lady or Rnt1eman of good ml
tlrcst. thotoiighly iic minted with th
people of Omaha, to introduce an hor.i.i
Ulo business. Address Y 48, Care or Hep.
INTEI.LIOENT man or Woman tn every
county tny Und pleasant pmpln meut
nettltm' $lw per month. Atltlrtss l.eon ird
Co., S. Y. Station, Kansas city k mi.
it'.f-l P
l tnt itiiNT not m;s.
IF you want jour houses well rented plute
them With lieiiuwa At i u. J Uiii
CHAMPION Carpet Cleonlnu Wks.. clci'is
und lays curpits right, ".is S. II. Tel 1,6.1.
D-451 U2.
ALWAYS movltic II. H.
Ulllce, K1II4 Furnum Ht.
goods. Piunog.
Tel. 155;t or M.
D ti.,0
HOUSKS for rent In all purts of the city
Ilrennan-Lovu Co., ?io Ho 13tli St.
lloUsKS. stores. Uemls, Paxton liloclc
CIIAS. h. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm."
f-OH HKNT, house S rooms, S. W. Cur"
Park ave. und Leavenworth. Modern ax
cept furnace. Key at cottage in rear.
COAL, best cookltiK. H.26, dellvored: noth
tnc better, llarmuti & Weeth Co Tel. SIS.
D 9m7 Olu
Foil ItKNT, October 1, to small family, a
desirable seven-room ootlngo, 22nd and
California street; nuter In Kitchen; J22 p"r
month. Inquito tit t,07 N. lath street.
PAYNE, 001 N. Y. tAVK
D. Wend, 1521 Douglas.
HOUSKS, etc. F.
HOUSKS and Hats,
HIngwnlt. Harkor Hilt
D Oils
HOUSKS anil Hats. HIngwnlt, llnrker bill.
D -Sal
1217 Cl'MINC; St., a rooms; modern except
furnace. In good condition, f.' uu.
10th .c Uouslns St.
S-HOOM, modern, und barn, 24th and Har
ney; Cor. 20th and Hamilton, modern 0
room new house. F. U. Wend, ltfth and
Douglas. D MoRI
NICK 0-room modern cottage. 2110 Decntur
$22. D-Sou
1S20 N. 27th. 1 rooms, bath, J1S.C0.
1S02 Ohio, y rooms, bath. 00
l -.MOOD
FIVK-Koo.M modern cottage, barn, J1.500.
2109 N. 20th Dt4
FOK HKNT, lino 6-room modern cottages
In the Stanford circle. i;ith und Vinton
streets; cnnvenlnnt to South omnhn and
13th street car lines; $2 per month.
The Hyron Heed Co., 212 S. 14th St.
FUHNISHKD or unfurnished, my resi
dence, 2117 Wirt street. J. .1. Olbson, ton
First National bank. D M171 IS
FIVK-HOO.M cottage. 1P.13 S. 11th
D M203 17
2210 LANDON Court, 1(1 rooms, modern. In
tine condition; tent ?1.".00.
10th .t Douglas Sts.
IN KOt'N'lV.K Place, P-r., modern, paved
St.. barn. Payne-Knox Company, First
lloor, N. Y. Life nidg. D 211 1 1
FOlt HKNT, lt-room motlern house end
barn, 41st and Davenport, JSO.
Motlern ti-room furnlslicil cottngt. close
In, $35.
Foil HKNT, 8-room modern house, corner
15th ami Vinton. Inquire 1111 Vinton.
D Mi!22 18'
l-P.OOM house, modern. Monroe & Co., j
Ml .N. ICtll. D--271
C-HOOM cottage, funilshed. $20.01; untur
nUhed, $20.00. 1711 Muson St.
D-M30I 16
I'OH KENT, fine leroom modern pottuses
In tho Stanford Circle. 13th and Vinton
streets: convenient to South Omaha mid
13th street ear lines. The Hyron ilei-.l Co.,
212 S 14th st. D-3C7
2572 SPAl'LDINO St.. C roomt. city water,
I.'. hm. monger, uu I'axion uiock.
D-35S IP
323S Lalk St , t-H., gootl repair, paved St. $8.
2Dth and Douglas, G-H., modern. $15
2M1 Hrlstol, 7-U., city wntw, paved St., $12.50
2M'J Pratt. 7-H., C. W. Inside, sewer, line
11 pair, $15.
HUH Cuss, ti-H., all moil., line rep'ilr. $l'i
1t'23 Wirt, ii-It . a beauty, ell 111 dern. ti
2'15 Mason. t'-P... all mod'Tli, $2"i.
Y. D-257 II
FOH HKNT, C-room cottage, pantry, closets
bath room, etc. Inqtilro nt 2002 CaP'oenlu
St. D-R25-1P
FOH KENT 202(5 Cnpllol Ave., fl-room
modern. Will be put In good repair anil
newlv papered in part, $23.
101" Mutiny, in rooms, modern, and nttlp,
with several Mulshed rooms; n good liougn
in good locution, $33.
2510 Plcrco St., S rooms, modern except una,
Park Ave. nud Leavenworth, S rooms, mod
ern except furnace. $25.
&1K B. "1st, 0 rooms, city wntor, $1S.
U'O? Plnkney, 0 rooms, modern except bob,
nice lawn, $2".
2Mb and Ii Sts., South Omaha, S rooms,
city water. $17.
33d nnd It Sts., South Omaha. 14-room
building. In excellent condition, suitable
for hoarding house, $30.
II. C. PKTKHS CO.. 1702 Farnnm Streiit.
FOH KENT, all modorn brick hous.. s
loom 314 No 23d St. D -Mil!!
FOH SALE, plepnnt 10-room modern resi
dence, owner leuvlng cltv; will offer al
a sacrifice: will rent If not sold lu next
few days. IHckti, 325 Honrd of Trade Hldg.
D H: I P
FOlt Illi.VT-l'Tll'M.SHUl) IKMni.
THHEE rooms, housekeeping; 1113 s, ipli,
IIOPSEKEEPINO, pleasant warm r,.,ms
for winter, tlnglo or eiuiulto. 'tti N i.nlt
ht- E-VJ13'
HKAt'TlFl'L modern rooms, tlrst floor,
housekeeping. 6H N. 10th. EM-ist 13
STEAM hentott rooms at 'Iho Thumon,
I pit KENT , furnished front ro-m In prl
vato family for gentleman on 25th street,
neur Fiirnnm. Address Y 41, lV e
. E-M251 15
NICELY furnished front room, with nicoveT
also smuller rooms; modern. 5lii s mu
aVl'' E-M'ia-i 10
HEAPTIFFL tnpdeni rpoms, Mrst MoorT
housekeeping. 514 N. 13th. E M30I 15
FKONT parlor, modorn. furnished, piunoT
etc.; two men; reasonable. 511 North 10th
E-J13B3 17" '
ONE large front room and one small room.
for gentleman only. 113 S. imu st
THE FAItNAM. 121 I'arnani" st.. ""just
opened; elegant rooms, everything raw,
steam heat, elrctrlc 'Ight; trans'ent. SI lo
$2 a day, Europeun pi in. Tel. 1H3
E-M420 15
FINE south front roup's, desirably fur
nlshed. steam heat, mi dern r'(?
breakfast only; leferehees &l S 27lh 't.
n-.Mllt) iS
GLENCAinN,translents,$l 25.1ay. 1603 Doug,
GOOD board, private family,
500 So 2R h
I I HMMII il KllOlli AM) lUIAItl).
i 1
.A, !... l aerpurt SI.
,IHi Men t.mi, g
I '.jdse
..J ics.trt. 2,',.h t
HooM. furnished or unfurnished, with
board. 7SO N. 23J St. F-.MlCo U'
HANDSn.MK south room, alro single room;
team, hoiiM, refprences. 202 N ISth.
F-M2.JI 14
TO "KENT,- lfuftitshcdr 2 unf urntsnel
rooms, with bnanl, In private family;
quiet nt'lglii) rhood, neflf Ilaimcetti park.
Call me Wool worth itve. F-.M227
NP'E warm rooms, pmul beard, reasonable:
rates. The Hoe, 2i2ti Harney
Foil TlBMT. furnihrd rocm, with board
210t Chliago st. F -.MKn 13
8''ITK of rooms, with or without board, for
4 KPi'llemeii; pilvite tattilly. 2fi7 Hnini'i.
F Itt 21
Pint iii:n'i-.( M'iMiMii:n hiioms.
DKC. 1, suite of rooms, modern, honse-liit-pliiK.
olti lleorglti nve. ti 4irJ IP
VKIIY dp-lrable for small family, fo ;r
rooms, intlti. si'innd tl o.', modi 111 Iinu-.,
k.ih nnin. riiiiiait', lent. -Jll win h
otintze Plaei
ll-iltl IP
If tl HUNT yi'lilllis AM) OFPIt ll'l.
FOU ItKNT. store In first-elnss location;
rent r.'usonublo Apply H. C Puiur.i &
Co., ground Hour, llee bldu. I--W4
Foil HKNT. the building former';, ocupbd
by The lice at Pit) Furnum street. It bus stories and u. bnsrmetit Which waj
liii'inerl.v useil as The lice presj room.
This will be rented vpry teasontibi). if
lntetpsteil appii at once to C. C. Hose
Wuter, spcreuiry, room in), llee Uullillng.
WANTED, agents In every town and
conmiunity to sell the "Uesf Vapor
Oat-.ilitiie Lamps; must sciintldo Lump
made; two yiurs 011 the market; abn
lutely guur.uiU'ed f.jr tio your, HCst In
iiilidescciil Light CO., Bi So. IJih ot ,
Omaha, Neb. J ML.; ' t
AOKNTK Artiel' of absolute necessity In
iver building; no cutnpei Itlnii; hm r
tits; excIu-Ue ithls, luipu sib.o
Agency Dept. 3li', 27 Willi. un st . .V. Y.
J-.MJ25 Ml
WANTKD, agents. Haves' metallic rubber
tires for rocking chairs; applied In a fpw
minutes' time and no trouble; quick sel
ler, good piollts; protects buseboai'tts und
Moors from siratehes; lnukes rockers
iioiMeleriM und comfortable. J. C. Hayes,
41S Kant Locust St., Des AtnlncH, la.
J-.M255 14
AtlKNTS on salary or eominlitMlnri; the
greatest ugents' seller over produced;
enry user of pen and Ink buys It on
' sight: 200 to MM tier cent nrollt: one
iMt nt a suIps amoulitcil to J02H In six days,
uuuther $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg.
Co.. X 10. Ii Crusse, Wis. J-.MJ..I IP
MAN oil Wo.MAN, to employ and superin
tend agents. $ per month ami ex-p.-iisos;
experieiicp not required; perman
ent. Ziegler Co., 5u9 Monon Hldii , flu. ago
At HINTS WANTKD, "Oalvcaton: Tho i
Horrors of a Stricken City," by Murnt ;
ll.ilstPitd; fully lllustrnted; fastest sell- 1
lug book ever published; only JI.Su; bi t
terms giiaranteeil; outtit free. He quick !
J. S Zelgler .V: I'o., Chicago, IL. ,
J-2sr,-ip j
AOKNTS can make $5 a day selling Won- 1
tier waterproof ..hoe polish; Hhliies Itso.f:
no brush i iiili id ; water nor mud will
affect Its luster; demonstrative sample I
n ee. Itoll'I'T l-lioe I'OllSn I II. , 1US tl'tll-
dolph St., Chicago. J-i.'OilP
AC1KNT8, "tlreat Oalveston Dlsnntnr," cilv
tifllclal iiutlit ni lc and complete book, llow
ro.idy, sells on sight, Ki" per day oisy,
pxtraiirdlniirr terms, ii-elght preptil I
credit given, don't ileiny outllts tn o,
nvitt.l hcittkus firms. Address tho old
pstiibll.-hcd, Nulloiuit Pubhililng C ..
lakeside Itldg.. Chicago. .1311 14-
"CHINA nt War with the World." com
plete story of nation und pcjp'o; bL;
book, bin seller; price $1.75; bt-t cominit
slons; credit given; freight paid; if ou
want to make money ordPr free nu ll'
by return mull. Tho publishers. 3.3
Dearborn St., Chicago. J 310 IP
AGENTS to sell riolltlcnl rlnlis AteKloIcv's
Napoleon and Teddy's Hoi'gli Itiders Iiii';
samples 15c; both 2'ie, postpHltl. Ern-t; ,
Co , 515 t-Oth St.. Now York.
J-309 IP
AGENTS, laigo profits, manifold shirt
bosom; 20 complete bosoms In one, io'
revolving: send 2.V for sumplo; f re - cir
culars: llb'-rtl terms to agents. Nutlev
.Mfg. Co. Nulley, N. J. .1307 14'
AtlENTS. men nnd woman, arc you willing
to work hmif-tlv nii'l faithfully for 2i
weeklv? If hi. virile us. our goods . r.
sold anil consumed In every f.unllv and J
11 permanent business can bp est. in IH101I.
N. w boildiiv 1 1 ti. . Dept. No. 2. Mutual
Slfg. Co., New York. J--?,i6 14
AGENTS for famous Squlor Gas mantles;
most brilliant and strongest mnnuf"p
t tired! great Inducements. II. Harrison
Mfg. I'o., Hallway. N. J. J-305 II-
THE IKioK War, Galveston storm book,
..l....u till ,v..M r.n , i,.nlll li.f.lliiifl ., ...1
i,..u i.r,,,nl,im tMi. t.'fth ni,.l, l 'wl I
book. W pK'S, credit glvpn;
Paid; general ngents waniptl on salary:
bonk outtit alone free; both book imu
premium outllts sent prepaid for 2 c;
order today Monroe Hook Co,, S20 Dear
born St , Chlrago. J-20 if
Jl'ST OPT Now Peerless gasoline lsmp:
enslcst lighted, most satisfactory, knocks
ell competition . .tgents lolnlng money.
Peerless Lamp Co., 214 Hallway Exchnruo
bldg. St. Loiils, Mo J
CortSET iiKcnts. There Is only ono best
th't'H the Hygeln. Iho stnndtirtl of the
ei uturv for service und satlsfiictlon. For
irtrtlciilurs ntl'lrcs. The Western Corset
Co.. ,i Louis. Mo. J
Sl'i'i MONTHLY, new patent metallic bnad
boards; sample free. F. L. Forsliee Co.,
Cincinnati. O. J-34S H'
EAHN $1" weekly liomo evenltiBS; no enn
vnsslns: stamp for p'nn samples. Globe
Pibllshlng Co., Station C, Phllndelnhla,
Pa. J-317 14
MAV'AGEH wanted In everv city, county,
to h i ml li best paving business known, Ic
g'tlmatp. new; exclushe control. Phoenix
Co., 114 W. 34th St N. Y J - 344 14
AGENTS for l.mhvlg .Vtfindlcpower In
enndeseent vapor gai lamps' slmpllcl'v
It-elf; mechni Iciil'y perfect, inott ec inim
ical, qulcke.-it iightprs. Ludwlg imvinri
Mt any lump 'imt we gunrnntee not to
clog. Ludwlg MI'g. Co., Kansas City, Mo.
LIVE agents to li'imllo Litpst triumph In
gasoline gas lamps, lust rut; heuts ,'veiv
tbinr: hlsr'n Mt quality; newest designs;
best coii'ilrii'tlon; guiiranteed; sIho'o
giioils; exceptioiuii intlticm nts; refer co
Corn Kxchaugp N'ttlon-il lank. Am re in
Lighting Co.. mfgrs , Chicago J-373 14'
DIG proflts hu' dllng tiitpsl Improved caso
lino lamp: '-ells nt sight; beam p'eetrlcitv ;
cbi.tper than IteroH'.-ne, irt'ill tl.uo un; .2
illffi rent styles; exol'islve te-rlt iry.
Standard Lamp Co.. mfgrs., Chlrua
Ji4il 11
UALVE8TON HOltnOH: best book; best
terms: outtit free; freprht paid; credit
glen. Ferguson. S38 Fifth St.. Cincin
nati. O. J-350 IP
AtlKNTS. "l monthly selling Improved (iaiillght H'irner; flts kertT-ene
lumps' bciiiuifiil gaollght without chlm
nei ; sttmpl" trie. Enterprise Mfg. '. a
22tl Cincinnati. O. J 313 14
AGENTS our ruth century holiday bonks
or" ready; live Imolts tn one snmple case;
hlnhest commissions; exclusive territory:
our ti outtit free. J. L. Nlcholf ,1 Co.,
Nnp.rvllle, 111. J-.M3S3 10'
OENKHAL iifjents In every locnllly
throughout tho P. S. to repiesi'llt lure
concern nnd appoint agents on a strictly
salary basis of tK5 monthly und all ex
penses. Dept. 2Mi, Park ave. and liioth n.,
New York city. J-3S7 14
OENKHAL ni. nts nnd rpprpsentntlves
wanted In oinuha nnd throughout tlio
state of Nebrn-ka and 31 other states for
our health : ml accident Insurance com
bined with rpcl4trritlnn, Identlflentlon nnd
crei'lt reterPTiei. the most popular yot;
sll take II at lghi, e'tlier eex. cost $1, $3.
ia and l'i per sii.r. C'.M or write Imperial
jtrijlHtrv Co , it Prondwny, New York
Cltv. 3-V.9 IP to itij.NT.
WANTED, to rent ono unfurnished room.
Address Y 45. Hee K M24S 15
COMFORTABLE houso if nbntlt 10 room-",
within IB blorks of postolllce; cot Use
housp preferretl; price and location tnu t
bo given, best of references furnta it-d.
Lock Box 7W, City. K M 14
w iM'iiii-to iu:m
TUn refliiej st Louis la ilet- desire roi-m
tii .1 tlrst a.-s table bnird In ein'Mei tl
r. spe. t pile nud strictly irUtite 1 unalia
fain ly tboard'ng houses Ignored iineo
lutelyi, motlern cotnenlences required;
l'-ltilty llnusiom park preferred, pleas
ant .t.irroumliiiKs requisite; continuous
hot and cold running water In rooms;
steam heat, cleanliness, good furnltute.
plenty room, warmth, light and sunshine
essential. Plt'Hso state terms and con
ditions. K-M313 IP
S Oil 9-ItoOM house for oltlc and resldenco
by physician; must be within two mile
of business center. Address Y 4!i. Hep.
K-M'12 16
1IOPSI2 wanted. Seven moms, modern,
snath or Farnnm. east of 32d; not Inter
than December IB. Will lease lr suited.
Address with tprms, S, Oin So. 30th St
' WANTKD, flee large room, also breakfuu
1 mut be will, n ilitunco of iot-
ninco. Y '.5, Use. K Us II
IlliSPL'CTAHLK yoing man tleslras room
ftinl bonrtl. central location, private Cath
olic family preferred , best reference,
state price. Y SI, llee. K I'M IP
i int. vtii:
PACIFIC Storage and Wutehouse Co., 9t
SI I Jones, general sturago and forwiirdln,;.
Om.uti Stot-rCo., 15lisi Farti. ToIs."l5D0- M
WANTKD TO HI'Y A second hand cam
era or kodak, must be In good condition
ami chi up. Address Y o.l, tteo. N -Mi
ALL klntis of household xoods, liolels, etc.
In large und small quantities. Chicago
Furtilturu Co., lRni-10 Dodgu. Tel. 2a.U
N -043
WILL purchase n limited number of
Omaha Savings bank accounts. Hieutinn
Love Co., fty So. 13lh. N Oil
OLD stamp collections bought. 210 N. Ifitli.
N-910 Ol'J
WANTED to Buy, 4 or 0-room house an.l
lot. Call at once, room 4, Patti thou Ml;.,
17lh and I'nrnnm Sts. N 2..D IP
A coMHINKD burglar nnd Ilrepronf 111110
lot K sale, staling price, size, make and
eoii'tltltili. All red Christian, Yolk Nt"
brasku. N M-'ID 14
WANTKD- To buy, houses nnd lots direct
from owners. Addres.i, Jos. Wentzy, 3118
Franklin. N- iii II
Font or live-room cottage or resldenco
lot; ItiMtli liroperty pteierrcd. Adtlress,
3uO Knrbncli Mock. N- 311-14
WANTKD, seconil-hatitl phaeton or culiopv
loii surrey; must be almost now. J. I
McCiialln, South omalt.i. N -SiB IP
''Oil S A I'I' It M 'I'I' It 10.
POIt SALE, very tine .Monitor cooking
range; also huge round oak paricr st. v;.
Address Y 61, llco. 1 1- 3 'J 1 P
FL'It.VITl' III-: of a 7-riom house Monday
from Pi until 2. i.i'22 Calif, st. O J.17 11
foii .sai.i: iitiitsiis, vi:iiici,n,, urc.
NEW and 2dII. vehicles at marked down
prices. Hurry Frost, llth & Leavenwortn.
P -6W
FOlt SALE, n horse und IniBgy cheap. In
quire ai -iiM hi. .viary s ave. i' -jitjj
A U00D general purpose horse, also buggy
and harness If wanted. Inquire !U7 New
York Life. P-315-1P
I'OH SALE, n good nll-purposc hor3e
ehoap, niso buggy nnd hnrnesn If desired;
liust sell. 1'all al 210 H. 3uth.
P-33:-l P
Ioll SALE, second-hand spring wagon and
h.T'nesn, good as now; n snap. Inquire
Human's delivery stables, liith, between
Howard and Hann'. P M.0I 15
FOH SALE, horse, buggy and burners very
cheap. Inquire 241S Spencer st. P lu7 IP
11)11 SAI.i: MIM.lil.l.A.MiOl h.
FINE Vose upright plnno ut great sacrlllco;
purty leavini; citj. Address Y 20, iieo
otilce. li It)," Mi
HARD and aoft foundation piling; hog
fences nnd crlliljtng. wl Douglas. O';
Cl'TTEHS ot drug pilces. Sherman .V Mc
Conneli Drug Co., COr. lfith und Dotiue.
SDHAND snfe cheap. Derlglit. 1110 Furnum
SAFES; buy. sell, ox'go. Schwartz, 111 So 13.
2DHAND wheels, $5 to $10; new wheels, $16"
Uinuhu Mcyclo Co , Wth .t Chicago Sts.
'r "'u'l
SEiOND-HA:JD Cnllgrapli (new) for salo.
Call nt olllco clerk district court.
EliEtJANT piano. $1C1. Address Y !i, ljeo
(J -M2u9 li
ONE of the brst World-Herald routes ror
tuilo or lease. A. H. Tyler, 3i7 S. 16 h.
Q-M2J1 14
LATEST model Smith Premier typewriter;
never been unboxed. Atldress Y 40, Uee.
Q2I1 14
DON'T miss the opportunity to inspect
our stock. We carry the largest anil
most lompleti! Hue of 2udhautl stoves In
i Ity; prices low. Uun't forget the place.
Knterprlsp I''unilturo Co., 102-1 So. tlih.
o 210 Nil
FOU SALE. 3-ypnr-olil milk cow; will bo
fn sh In Jnnunry. Frnnk Fogarty, 203
lilnney. i! - M253 IP
The following list nre In gootl comlltton antl
a ro bargains for the money ;
Odell $j.0l)
2 CallKiitphs $10.00 nnd $15."0
Smith-Premier $3u.i
3 IlemlllgtotlS $15.00 to $
Item Sho $(j0.ih)
NEURASKA CYCLE CO., Corner Fifteenth
nnd Harney Streets. Q .M207-K!
PINE Decker piuno; very reasonable. 222
N. 23d St. (.J-Miin-Ki
FOH SALE, fine pedigreed riclglan harei:
i, i. ill orders promptly attended to sll
South Main St., Los Angeles, Cut. Kluwn
Habbltry. y-3lil lp
Poll SALE or trada, smnll safe, it show
wises, warehouse BC.tle, lot shelving and
table, light wu(,on. Enquire llilx Fnruum
SEWING tniichlne, White cabinet, quarter
sawed oak case, all attachments, runs
perfect; utmost now. Address Y ".". Hee.
fi -M:i3S-15
HELGIAN HAKES, pedigreed slock, for
sale, choap; score card lurnislieii v ttli
each animal. C. II. Kolerts, Holdree.
Neb, -
Foil SALE. A No. 7 nemlngton tvpewriter
marly new. only $T5. Address II. I.eFeber.
Suiicrior. Neb. Q .M342 15
REMINGTON tvpewriter No. 2: tine condi
tion, case thrown In, $30. o. Lulrd,
22" N 2mh st. 0-3!).", IP
HELGIAN hates, heavy wight heiillhv
bri piling stock, $"i n ulo; price in ,1
cnt.ilogue of mipplles free N'ct i-N.tptO
Supply Co., tits 15th st , Denver, Colo
ij- 113 II
,MIS( T.I'I. V.M'.OI s.
NOTICE, country dealers, 2tllmnd furniture
and stoves nt lowest prices, carload lots or
less. Chicago F .iridium Co., 1100-10 Dodge.
FOH HE NT, line Knaho pUno. Atldrms
Y 55 Hee. II- 370 1P
Is reputed as the loader of palmistry. Her
remarkable ability, together with' rellnn
meui arid an attractive appearance, Justly
entitles her to such a rep nation. Her
parlors are we'l euqlpped and conveni
ently arranged, iho (tpplkanti for read
ings Mnd Ii pleasant to wait, whb Ii often
occurs on account t.l th numher that
consult her However, eh" has et to tall
lo glvo entire satlHtnetlon. She guars n- I
lees insiruciions regir.ttng any nuornin
tlon re.) ilreri I'll IS W ONDEHFI'L
.lounc woman positively tells the PAST.
I REPENT and FI'TFItE If wiu have
not na yot Investigated palmistry don't
fall to sen Mme. Ovlmer, IS 16 Dodge, south
side new P, tj, Hoirs from ii to 7 it". Sun
darn, 10 to 4. S -S03J4
MRS. FRITZ, claTrvoynnt, 813 North 16th
SiiCII-TY Spirit ml Bcteti o. Mr Mas .n.
spenker Grand reopening this evei lug
Patterson hall. Seventeenth and Pitrputn
streets, elRht o clock Theme. "Onuspe. '
Sjb.lects tilcoursed upon sclentltlt all) nnd
philosophically. Sublime Insplrntlonal
speuklng, questloni annweretl. pi) chic
de "iiiMirtitlons, petsonal descriptions,
splendid music. Everybody welcome .Ad-miK-inn,
ten cents. We cordially Invite
former friends nnd patrons on this uu
splciuu& occasion. I'lllcntusen!
JI.Mn.OTL.MEll genuine palmist. ltV Dodgo
S M721
MM 13. PALMER, celebrated c'alrvoynnt
slid occult scientist, rending" dally on all
uffalrs of life, astrological charts written;
send dato of birth. itfc!3 Dodge.
. S-Ml 14
ELITE parlors. CIS S. 18th, second lloor.
.T-M8- N-3
MM 12. AMES, 1C15 Howard, toom t, 2d il-iorl
Mao Edgar, assistant. T 11.31 I'i
MME. ADAMS, magnetic treatment. 507 So.
13th, room 2, T -M.lln- 20
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu
ous hair removed by electricity. it, block. f C.S2
VIA VI, woman's way to health. 818 Hep bids
V- ii(U
TEH1CISH baths, massngo hatha, electric
baths, for ladles only; skilled women
massage operators; Mnest rq.ilpped bailx
In thu cli. Runttrotn Rath Company,
Rooms 218 to 22u lleo Hldg. U (iOI
Rl'PTFRE cureii; no knife, no pain, tin
danger, send for circulars, Empire Rup
ture Cure, 032 N. Y. Life bldg. Omaha.
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before. & dur
ing confinement; b.iblcs adopted. 11M N 17
PLEATING, buttons to order; plnklp?
while ou wnlt. Omaha Pleating Co., 1621
Douglas. tt- t'OS
PRIVATE home before und during conllne
tnent; babies adopted. .Mrs. Rurget. vax
Riirdetti. t'-OGU
Cnn be nltcre.l to look new mid stylln by
using one ol our b"sunful FHIiNCIt
Any kind complele trom $1.00 up AL
Tlo.NS FREE. Accordion ntul side p'ent
tug by th" v ird Send for circulars.
200 Douglas lilk., 10th und Dodge.
LADIES will receive first-class cure before
and during conllnement; lady phvslclun.
M3 N. ad Ht. P-H3 02P
SHAMPOO, 33o; halrdres. 25c; mnnlpure,
50c; scalp treatment, 2"c; ulMotrlo mns
Migo or scalp ttcatiuent, 33c. F. M
Schadell ,t Co.. 1522 DotlSlus.
U-M537 O:o
LADIES' Jnckets snd tnPor made suits al
tuted, cleaned, repaired. M. Fogel. 3a; S. 17.
" C-.S7.1
SEWING In private" families! T C73 N. 45th.
Monday wo will sell the following second
hand machines at prices that will Interest
you. They nro genuine bargains:
t Dnvls
ii Singers
I Whl'e.. ! CHOICE. $2.00
1 New Rome
t Domestic '
., Former Price. .Monday.
Domestic- . . . $10.00 $ 5.00
Wheeler ,v: Wilson 15.0O 7.50
Singer, modern 2S.o 12.60
Household 16.) fs.ixi
Sttindard M.oo 12.00
heeler & Wilson, tailor
machine lo.oo
W e rent machines for 75 cents per week.
wo sell parts fur and repair all makes
of sewing miichlnes.
.Monday t'oicuonn wp will glvo ono-hulf
dozeti machine neeiiies to any lady who
n-ks, for them at our store.
.-Ni'.lWtA.suA CYCLE CO., Corner Fifteenth
ami Harney Streets. U 2(3 I P
LADIKS-Your bust enlarged xlx Inches;
failure Impossible; harmless; jioo ,.sh
giiurantee; proof free. Leonard Medlcltnt
o., Raiisus City, Run. 0322 14
GENTLEMAN of rellnement nntl gener
osity, $lon,mi, benutlful hume, lucrative
business, bank reference!), seeks home
Iuvlng wife. "Americun." 771 North Park
Ave.. Chicago, III. I 30 J4
St'PERFLI'ol'S hair, warts nnd moles per
manently removed by electricity;
tutlon rreo antl confidential; nil work
guaranteed. .Miss Allciulur, 1013 Douglas.
mutter how young or old you arc. we en
large It I to in Inches; no appliances; no
poison; absolutely safe; $1,000 If we can't'
home ttcutment. Sealed particulars. 4c
Iremont St.. Iloston, .Mass. P-iflS-'-lp"
MORPHINE opium. Inudnnum, Tocalno
habit; myself cured, will Inform you of
harinlnsM permnnent homo cure. .Ils.
Raid win, box 1212, Chicago. u
MARRY lovely women nnd honnrnblp" iiiivi;
many rich; send 2c tor big jlst. .Mutual
Exchango. Kansas Cl'y, .o. r
SECRETS that win. Knowledge that pays;
science thai brings business und social
success cures disease and bail habits:
wins love and friendship; gratifies am
bitions, gives wonderful power and con
trol over others. You can learn nl home
Write t nt In for our elegantly Illustrated
book, whirh rully exiiliilna n'l the hidden
mysteries of personal inaxru tlsm, llvpno
tlsm. Itmgneilc healing, etc. It's ' free
Address, New York Institute of Science.
Dept. 2.D A, Rochester, N. Y. C -
YOI'NG luily Iiiih $15,ihhi In own name nice
looking, very musical, affeptionute, prac-
. , niiiiui noon kiiiii iiiisuiinii; money
no object. Addres.s Rosnlle, Hov 07,',, Chl-
cago, III.
I'-iftS IP
MORPHINE nnd opium habits cured at
home; week's treatment tic; paln'e sand
peimaiieiil; write In confidence or ca'i
personally. T,iils-u-Poush.i Treatment
Co., 12iw W. I2il St., N Y. r
CORRESPOND for amusement or matri.
lnonv , sealed p,irlleulurs. 2c. Clunniilon
Count II H uffi. In
r .:!':i h
MO.M1Y TO l,()..X-lt); , HVI'ATI'J.
LOANS on eastern Nebratka nnd wostern
Iowa farms al 5 per lent, borrowers can
pay $10.) or any multiple; any Intoio.-t
date; no delay. Rret'twu-Love Co., 3
So. 13th St., Omaha, Neb.
MONEY to loon on Improved Omaha real
estute. llriuiiian-Lovo Co , Bo iatl
$1,000 and upward to loan on Improved c ly
jjrcjpe'-tj- and farma. W. l"anmm Smith ,i
Co., 1320 Furnum. W 071
WANTED, city louiijt, bonds and warrar.ta,
O'-'oruu & Cumpuny, lUul Fuinutn St.
MP'3Y. I" nnY.rynouiu al b, f.'va,Tper"cont"
J. W. ROUUiMS & Co., 1802 FARNAM ST.
MONE) to loan on farm nnd city prop'.-ty;
lowest rutus. O. 1''. Davis Co., isoi Furnam.
MONKV to loan nt 5 nnd 6' per cent on
Omaha property. W. H. .Mettle. 401 S. lth
PRIVATE money, 5, r!t, 0 per cent; no do-
hi-, iiarviu iiros., ihia t arniim. v f(
WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds
nnd wurinnts. R. C. i't-ters & Co., i702
I'-urimm St., Hen Hldg W-071
PRIVATE money. F. D. Weaii, 1521 Douglas",
W C70
FIVE per cent monej'. lieinls, P.ixton block!
MONEY to loan on Mrst-class Improved city '
nroperty or for building purpura Payne. I
Knox Co., New Yorl. Life. W-fiSl I
PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood,
530 N Y. Life. y nH
LOST, Elk's pin, II. P O. No. 33. Howard
for return to W. J. Slirnder. Lost-377
LOST, largo liver and Ai.ite pointer dmi-
V, a n.i unMti ...... ....... . -'
IV" " " " "o iignt rump 10 u,
ivR. N. i. '; ''?war'i If KHurrieq to 1; s
Holnrlchs, uR Hioadwny, Coaneii iluff
Lost .M350 11
FOR SALE, two pointer Jogs male ami
female, with pedigree. Atliren y 17 . u
Lost 3!i! lp
LOST, stickpin, llamond surrounded b.
pearls, nt Hnyd's thrn'er Reward If
turned to 520 S ath ave. Lot-u'J u
JIONLY TO 1,0 V:-t il.lT l LI.S.
, , TO t.l A.V ON
furniture, plan,., ,,lac!i, cons, etc. Yo'J
to keep thtf pi ope, u,
to pvopla pennaiientij emuoyed on their
own tiameji, wltheut Inloider or mortgao.
in.? foV'.'., frVm ,lw Wv charge m.!li
o, m?1 '"' 4"l,l'rs and we keep tioth
r. ti. 1 !'. umoui't ou uk for. You
au7. V' l,u" f 1:1 ,,r' month, or
Established 1W2.
"'"" .'lUIUU.UiK .OA V ,.n
l,. It'll ll hp'
No clidorser 01 mortgKgtf retiulrr.i
Room 520. tltth Moor. New vtk i,,f. m n.
MONEY loano'i on punoi, furniture in.
elry, horses, cows, etc. c. P. Recu, s.i .V j
, tM '
They conic to us. It you can do bett. r
elsewhere don t come here tbut ,ai
lun't). Come "tat lei us plow it.
that wo give REST IER.MS 111 tile . Itv
11ml mote lot Jour money than uHm's
DARE. No mortgagi', no ti,uorrer no
publicity; snnpij 11 luiittdctuiui basll,ls
Room 3'J3, 'itnrd Floor, PaU.ti Uiock
MONEY loaned 011 platins, furnfture oia
inonils, wutches, privately. Hergr 1 .11,
Co., 15o4 Fariium St., upstulrs. x Ot'
MONEY lontiod on pianos, furniture, ln,rt-s
cows, Jewelry. Dull Oree Ii, lt.i, Uai kei iq
MONEY loaned enlarled people holding per
muneiit pisitio'i with tespituslbie cum , . q
l.peli tlii'll own names without Mi nr.;
easy puytuints, Tuluiun, ilti N, Y. 1. Kilg
X t.x,
W. TAYI.OE, 21S First Nut. Hank Hldg
MONEY loamd on furniture, diamonds,
wiitchea, pu)nKiit cuuiinciniul. uin.ui
Chattle Loan Hunk, 220 ti. Llh, upht.,lis
X ti.t.i
On their plain note vwihnut seem ity. "..i
charges tot papets Lowvr rates. KuM 1
pavmeiits. 1 'onltdential Ire.iiiueiit a"
aureiL We want jour trade. AM erica. n
LOAN I'O., Huoin uUl lice Hliii:
MEAT market, yiiCludliiB Icebox, tools, it. ,
lor sale or tent cheap, llrst-class locain ii.
2U"ti N. 2'ilh si. Y 10: IP
$150 CASH or easy payments uuys 25 strl 1 v
lawful ( nickel) slot machines for drink
ctguls or cash; will earn $2 and up. mi d
weekly each. Eatl, Clark .V; Co., 1'..iii.
turu .Manufacturers, Chicago, 1)1
Y - MM
FOR RENT, best business corner In
la.: two rooms 'tumble lor dr g is
und restaurant; cheap icnt iMm-i
Van Scoy Hlos., Logun. In. Y M2n 1 7-
ONE of the In nt resluunints In the Ma to
of Nebr.i-.liii, in a town of ovei icm,
stllctly Mrnt-claHS tludo. will sell .1
bargain. Address brunch ofllce niinlu
Uee, Fremont, Neb. Y mum ;',
WANTED, responsible Mrm wants ilc-ini-ble
man with rew thoiiNand dollnis cipiial
tu estabiitih and carry oil lirai,. Ii Imsi.
ness; 1200 per month and expeii-i s. also
sppclul prolits; term of years, high I.ish
business; well known goods; r:u onsible
position; good for $3,nno per year 01 up
ward. To receive attention please nun.
tlnn umoint or culi capital 11 villi. ih'e lor
Invi'htment, ulso give rctcrciici's ainl ap.
proximate tlnanclal cinidltloii. C ll.irpei,
Itoj en Hulldlng, Chicago. y .v-li'
FOR SALE-Neat little restaurant, urn
fectlotiery nnd bakery coniliined In one of
the best towns In Nebraska; a simp tor .1
baker and wife. Good bakery trade Small
cubital required. Have other Ihimm -.s
Addiess, Lock Rox 11, Gothenburg. N. 1.,
Y-M:l.'4 ,'
FOR sale or trade. An old nnd well estab
lished livery business, with or with, it
slock Fine class of boarders. M v
maker for the right mun. Rent, $25 .1 C.
Isiiurd, 2.i25 Sherman Ave. Y- ,t::i 11
I ''oil SALE, giocery and fixtures In Suiili
Omaha; good location nnd good trade.
Address, Y 52. Hee. Y M32-' i
AMIAHLE Indy of culture, ngpil 25, incomn
J.'.'HHi. tries this melliod to Und torn ,1
hiislaiid. Miss Rn.iMi, 1617 g mi Am ,
N. Y. V 3L'I tl
NOTHING succeeds like success, tti in.
vested til Wheat or stocks bv mi j.i f
Investment plan" has nturiiitl I.u r
prolits Willi smaller element of ii k Inn
any other known method; particulars tic,
successful itisiomers .1 ti I hignei iiiii,-
elal refeieiues. Stephen A Cliu , .,
Urolter, old Colony Hldg , Chlcnuo. ill
V 2v ll
I HAVE three mnnufncturlng chnncfi for
siile ut about one-lcuth thefr lenl value,
nnyono having from jl.ntifi tn $5,iim to in
vest where they cun double their un nev
yearly write at ouen In F. J. Seildte, De
troit, Mich. V -2S7 H
LARGE boarding houne ovorrun wild
bonulcrs. tine locntton, U cash, bal on
time. Y 5(5, Hee. V- ';3fl M
FOR SALE or rent -M tiller's Itakeri 11 ml
Confectionery, 2Mb and Lenvenwoi t'h A
bargain. V Milii.", L'n
Foil SALE, ono of the Mnest 3-sltuv leli k
fin-roiim hotels In Iowa nnd vlrtt:all v
hotel In line city (county sent) ol 5. "it.
slentn heat, electric lulls; strlctlv motlip.
line business; e.pgantly fiiruislied t ir
would tako tin active paituer. Aitlr n
V 12. Hee y
ACTIVE partner In n good pitying, old es
tiiblihheil buslnesH; $3110 lequlred, putt of
which can bo paid out of prolits. Addnsi
Y 57, Hee. y. ;;,,:( 1 1.
LV I.SI IGA'I'E our plan for making mom v
In oil stocks; fnlluro ImpoRslhle under our
nystetn; one man Invested JI2 60 per tnoiuli
for eight months and cleuretl $l,lci'i, Lima,
fields the greatest In the world; best n 1
erences; particulars fiee. 1'nlon oil i'. ,
Lima, O. y .,"', 14.
WANTED, 11 good town to locate 11 padlock
factory. What Inducement have 'on'
Address Owen fc Clark, York, Neb
Y '(M if
FOR SALE, restaurant and conl'cctlont ri .
oniy tnace 111 gonil eaiterti Netiriiskn tow
win DO
sold at u iMicnin. Address Y t, ',
Y -.'IS'i IP
ON ACCOl'NT of slckniss must dispose of
gem nil stock merchandise, consisting of
shoes, furnishing goods, huts, good in,,,
wlntir underwear, clothing, etc., uilait l
for country trade, tto'-k will invoice abo 1
$2,250; business cun tie continued or mm u
removed; will accept part farm land but
liinst have about Jltiu cash to puv off In
ilebtcdiiess. s. ti. Raymond, pifitihi, u
Mo. y ,.Sl, ,,.
CHANCE of your IKo to go in Hu .lii
business; paying club In buck room
11 fixed trade. Y 01, Rfc. y m 11
JLM'Ai CASE will buy a $5,(i(K. fruit farm t.r
libit' ui rt s. Address D, Omaha Hee 1 ., u
' 1 ""tA RE M '!.. I
DINING rooms of The Farnnm to r
P' Hi" Furnam. 12I l'arnum si
421 ' I'
I'OH 11 VCII M. p
FOR EXCHANGE, residence, nice I e 1
Hon, large lot, lino shado trees uinl lnwu.
cluse to business, frainit housi , nid t
rooms ami hall, bnth, 1 Hilar eti . al o
barn ami cunt sheds, splendid rentil 'r
nlcn home; value tti.M, encumbercti,
will trade equity for fuim "r 'i' ig'
proporty or good clear lots. Addron :,i,
Ret'J , M.2. tl
FOR EXCHANGE. Bewlng machine or
bicycle for en rpf liter w ork Neb Cyclo
Co., 15th unil Hnrnej. Y. 24ii 14
TO EXCHANGE, a thoroughly modern f,
room ho. iso In best ri-'-nl' m portion of
Kenans city, ,Mn , fur well minted modern
houne In Omaha, this propertv will rent
for $!3 to $10 per month Address I'.x
ib.inge, Y 3.I. omnlri II. ' M2iill
EAGLE Loan Olllco, relliiblo. nccommodnt
I in:, uil business ctjuiuienllnl lii'l DotiglHs
LOANS, H. Mnrowltz; low rates. 413 N i
-701 tiii.Mii
IN FAMILIES. Miss Stuidy, SH So -itVx
St, -S45 NP