OMAfTA DATLT BEE: t'XD AY, OCTOBETt 11. 1000. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Volume of Buticst in Pjactieally All Lines Heavier Than Last Year. MARKETS GENERALLY ABOUT STEADY Ucrclinnta 1)1 sen u n 1 1 11 k Their 1 1 1 1 1 , klinivlni; They Arc In liniiil Condition I ' I i 1 1 -dull). Thu volum? of bmlnees. in this locality continue to be exceptionally heavy for ven this season of the year. Thera has not teen any very cold weathtr. but at the Bb me time merchants are ordering their winter supplies, knowing that the first colJ snap will give them a. rushlna trade. Not vtj many buyers are coming on the mar ket, as the majority of mercnants counting on rotnlnK here this fall did ao durln oar nival week. Traveling men. however, art meeting with Rood success on the road and a a result no complainta are heard from jobbers In any line Th markets an n rule are In very much the name position they nere nt last report, nn ft- r,iini rl inae having taken liiuce. All indl" a' ..UK. though, point to anod tlrm prices tor onw time to come. 'ihe hardware miirket and dry goocis mar- kit are both verv firm with an upwarn ttndemy. ami the nan...- may be said "I a number nf Urns ..f KTo.-erles. As loniparol lth lam werk though, prlcea nre Just about steadv. with a few exception, (.ol lertloriK an '"lints In I" most s.ltlsfue tury manner tiv .n 'hat merchant are having a nli trade an. I are In good shape financially Minor Murl.iM I'll mi. There have h", ti i.o sensational Ibirtiia tlons In nugHT since report ymlati" ik remain prac'th aliy unchanged. There is. hnwe.r. gnxl tlrm feeling and an ad vance in tli- i er future would cnise no surprise coffee is also In practically the a'r.e i ultl'.r.. 'hough ui. effort was made to ml.. iiti e il.'.'ti. It was u failure and the mark-t droned back tn about whi-re It a -veta uii'i. Receipt at all porta con tinue much hiavler than .uitl. ip.iied, which duub' accounts for the uno-ruin feel ing tli" market. In Mew of the liberal r- -li ts higher prices are not lo oked for in the immediate future, but It Is thought that tli. m ist om Inlet on., an the . i"...e s,.ii j,l at the present time I approximately 1,'Mi lima lesr th.m It wan a year ago at thls tin,.- The drouth It. irirlnia, whl h in reported to have .ulti. .r'o h dlmlnlahed the out put nf neari its hi" brought annul an ad- Van. e In that line amounting to 4 cent per pout. 1 Partners are huldlng back their crop vith the ni f realTilug high, r on. and as n result tirlrcs liter in th- eeasi several of the li.iKest cleaners have been Obliged t.. close ilnttll their plants. The ..rim 1 gooi situation shows no new f.atur.s All eastern line- remain very firm with nil upward tendency. (junta tloiii, iho,ih. are 1 ! .inie a thc have been With the eMip'i"ii nf l .spot rrles. whlih have nl.irneil itrnn 14 tn I cents p r pound, tru:t also remain the same. 'Ihe arrival Idi r weathi r. how ever will undo .ilit.-dly stimulate the de mand and pos-lil.. bring about higher prices I'otliin liiiinls Adv inu'lnti. The cotton goodM eitu.itlon In at.'l n t'.ia! to both I. ii it. and sidlern. llucra are ti 't taking ho'.. I , Ith much life In c.iitrn market, a. they are apnare'itly afraid of the fit i, re treli. I of prld a. and In the I'.ime way ei,rs do not set in Inclined to push their HntH. On th ntrary, many of them have marked thtlr c o. m high (is to prai tP-ully limit snleB to the absolute necessity ot buvers. The Ih that manufac turers i.n'd their ilatlons mi from ' ci'nts to i i. .its .o t .ti, wherena the pres ent prh e is ii'iout 4 cents high. r. That being the eae either raw cotton must di rllne or the ni-.tnifactureJ product be ad-Mine.-il wi'h a shortage of about 1.50.i bales as compared with lat year It hardly Feems probable tha' cotton will decline. Taking these facts Into conMlderntlon Job bers as a rule nr.- looking for higher prlcea on the'if leti.n d ro!!!!. I.e. ullv the situation is xerv satlsfac t.'i v The demi.n.l . o.itlnueg very heavy for all seasonable lines i.lthoiigh tlie eaihor lias not been -iet'y favorable fur an ac tive trade In wl'r goods. Sales, hovvercr. ire running far ahead o Inst year, with 1 r.a'iei ta for the future more, favorable i!'an ever before. In dress grinds one of the !rlnepal features at th" present time Is tho demand for Krem h flannels That line of po. irf Is having a big run thla season end promise to ontlntir for some little tlree There Is no'hlns new to lw said in regard t i the woollen goodr market, as all lines lemnln about the same ,t thev have been for some little time past 1 1 a id vtii re etlve and I'lrni. Local Jobbers nre Mill exneri.-n. Ii a in- 1 Sidernble dllrleulty In getting goods r intllv ) fam, Jld.nirulS 50, mess. JH fliHilS u" n.eJrh to meet the requremeit ' of the r ! Rl'TTLR Klrm. creamery. KVQ22r; fac cunomers ne giite i shortage Is -I II tory. l&tiUSc. June creamer-. Iff21c; Imlta I" wire nails tin plate nnd gnlv trlged I tun cteamery. 15fll74c state dalrv. 1520c h'ets In -lew of the enormous dem.inli fRUKSK- Firm, large white. 10fflW4c; nil ..ver th- country, 'there will probi .'v s,mi white, lie. large colored. I0c; small be an nbun.binie of these lines on me ( colored, lie. market fer little time Jobbers.' t.-ni! vrm ihm nn.t Vaimiviviig However, are ooing ineir nesi in Keep ineir customers up;dl. d bnd unle-s the demfd Increases they prob ibh will b. able i meet the rtem 'nds m'ide upon them wl h lonslderable pumptness In making com parisons with '.isi vcir. li Is found th't tr ole Is much heav er and. In fact, j bheis e'e doing more business than tor bfore Ihe principal trade at the present time i u all kinds o. cold weather goods, such i.i stoves, ranges, stovebonrds. c al siui t'es and pipe Rullders' material also erui tii ues In good demand. The mark-'t continue' to show rnrs'd'-r-fcl!e urenst'.i. and while there hive been I advances as yet. the tendency Is de eiledlv upward rather than downvvar I. It v '.Id n" great surprise If high r j rtcs should nil" In the near future on s number of the staple lire. Trndo a l.lltle (Inlet. Root and shoe j. bhtrs .ire not betnc par tteiitarlv rushed with ordets at the preser.t tune The tlrt orders for full goods have nil been filled nrd stocks In the cinntrv In the majority of ruses ar' not sufficient v broken to make It necessary to buv m ' mods. Ttetnllers renort that trade thto J ir has been very satisfactory, even th hiIi the weather has not been f th" mist ti sorabletype Taklt r' ev erythlng Into vin Uderatlon. tht have dure a bin bust!.'--, nnd f.,r tha reason they look for an enormous trade latter on Jobvers d"i nre counting on having nice reorder business Ii Is. of course, rather ear'y for sprln business, nevertheless. Jobbers hive 1 inl"d i.ulte a few contr . -ts Merchants cm to 1 e) that trade In the spring Is bound to be of liberal proportions jrd for that reason ii r willing to buv now Rubber goods Jobbers also have a (ro d word to say regarding the condition of trade The for m i-klti'i h s ml nil kinds of rubber clothing Is In gol shape and sales are running beo' ler thn thev were a ago Footwear Is il- selling freely imd J.-b'-er seem to be w -! pleased with the outlook for th" future The hide market has not changed during the last week Rei elpts are on the In crease and deniers look for an Improvement In that line from n iw on Prull nml Proillii'4'. There has bi en a good trad? th last week in both fruits and vegetihcs. The uual.ty of the appl 's urrlvlcg on the mtrket better now thin It was a short time 140 nnd the ilemmd I Increasing Bastern Bi,.c. 1 l,ul.l 11 ts ,-.. :l mi s.v.ilv., tin, U O lelllng at 12"" drapes are still In hc demand bu: iiuo'h-i ns tvive not chnneed , much since ln( report Plums and pen" "'a nre growing scarce nd prices nre a tr'll-1 higher. Cramncrrlch are in good supn v 1 un.l minted at JH so a barrel In trotdcil fruits lemons arc .ju del coiik'derably lower than the were a few weeks ago. Choi.o htock can be boui-ht for Jl and fancv ut l 5tl Mexican oranges are expected to nrrlvc within a short time and thev vvl't be followed by shipments from Florida ami lastly tha California crop will be on the market. , Thero Is nothing new to be said aboat vettrtablcs Practically all lines remain the same as they were a week ago. The egg marks', lu vvever. h.' r.ittil ift a tntle and the same Is true of both spring chl.kens and hens Putter remains prac tically unchanged. OMVIIA XVIKII.r.VM.H 1I11CL'14. iniilllloii of 'rrnde and l not ill Ion sinn'e 11 nil rnue Pi-oiliHMs. rc.i is Receipts. lUht. good stock. Oil 4 l. 'lie I.IVK POl'LTRY- liens. 6. roosters. Sff 4 spring chickens. O-ytiTi ; ducks. 4t(5c, FRKSli "dr'i:ssKD POl'LTRY-Henj jiiM. ilui-k.i and sitttse. (4? l"c". 'broilers per dc-n. S3, spring chickens, per lb, ycfvc: tuiKtys, i.-.c- -. v ii.- I'rui. le ehlckutis. per doren. 11 fO a.,.. M ., 11 1 .ineL-s te r dozen. It. t a 1' SiVWlTt: mixed. tlOMjl-75: Jacksnlpe. H Pi TTKR-""omm"n to fair, 124 cboi- V ,, separator, 21 . gauiereii crcam-sr.. : sil 11YSTFRS - First grade, s U 1 -. ! New York C"i.-ts t' t u K;ca. Civ, su' Jard-- .c n tfi'C.r.J grate tla'k ft..e1 New Vork u ' ft I a-. 3. r ex'r.v sle'.t' Jtc. n'ir d..rda, 20c I'KinoN'S I.'ve. per d jci,. s-jc V HALts Cholre fcfflOe HAY-frbe quoted bv Omaha Vhotea Hay D-alet s. j. lallon t'hcl. e upland. I5y. No 1 Lpiund M1" m-Ji im. ! an; coarse, M V) Kvestratv 16 30 These prices are for hay of good color and quality De mand fair and prit-4 Wek. Kecelpts, OATS-No .' white. Me CORN-No J. 34c. BRAN UJ.Cv VEOKTABIjKS CCCI'MnRKS -tvr dozen. StrpaSc. NEW Tl-RNIF? Ier bushil luvKct, .a NEW BEBTS Per bush-.. UnfiTSc, NEW i Ali.T.--rer )..' n oulich3. J6c. ItETTfCR-I'er doten. l"lSe. RADIf IttiS Home ?rowt pef docen. lfc BEAN5 Wax. per half bushel basket, 0c. Hrlng. St?. JOTATOES-Pr bu-hel, tWfjsOc! Stleet potat'i. per I uhl TRn'W" . CAUItAGG-ltntr.e grown. pf pound, l'ej Ho'lMnd ed. lc TOMATuPs-Home rjWti, 8f half bushel hasket. 50c. ON IONS Home t;rown. per bushel. I&3 CELEItV-Nebrnskd. 343c PRftTS I'EArHES - Callforn'a freestones. II; ..7,?..?'r' r,;h freestones, Vit VIA MS--f'al. fornla. per crate. :;.0ai.S0; P r box. & c l'EAR per hog. $J nss.fO. ORAPES uiiforrila Tokays. ( bajK-t erate. tl TS: tielawnre and Niagara, pef 6-lb. b.f.K''i J'' : .entr rn Comords. KatSj. AIEhMEI'N? -As to sue pi'tflSc each . AI'PI.ES-Ni.tiv... r&ctjjim per u j p.-r bbl t2 Ui, east. rn. Ti'uJ.'.V per bbl. , RANUEHttltB-l'er bbl.. 18.60; per crate. IS.2S. TROPICAL TRflTS. l-ElIOVS-Cullfurnla, extra fancy. II W: choire, tt , I)AN.v.SA8-Per bunch, according to gtM, KiUS '.'allfomia. new cartons, Jl; layers. &JC. MtfrEI.t-ANEOI-S Nt'TS Eng l?h r.ulnut". per lb. 126135: filberts, per it. i2c, alrrcnds, per lb.. lkc; raw ianuts. per lb, 448c; roast-.-d. 6''aTtsc Itll'KS Vn 1 (tr-cn No ; gr"n, f'-.c, N I salteu. T'jc, No S salted, 114-; No. I veil o.,if i tf, is lbs, sc, Nu. : veal calf. IJ to li lbs . Cc m:w ,oitic (ii:m:iiai, MAiticiyr. flUlltlltllllll of the liny 011 Various ('jillllilililltles NEW YoRK. tn t 11-KLoL'R Receipts, 2CCM bbl.; exports. 22. W0 bb'j. ; sales S.hKi pkgs , market inactive and coaler at the cbse. winter patents, J-l.Toftt.'; winter straights, . 66-; Minnesota patents. $1 WQl.fio, winter extras. 12. Tun ..(; Mlnne sotu tw;er8. winter low trades. n.i'4ll$K Re flour, quiet; fair to gnwi. t3 10a 39; .hulct to fancy, $;o. Buck Wheat flour, quiet at J': I1141J ). Ul't-KWIIEAT-Stead:- at &jc c. I. f Nvw York. I Ull.NM hlA t,-t i1lniu ,.iltn oo." c.ty. lie. Bnuidyw'. '$2.&ii2.0u. RYE Quiet. Ni 2 western. oic f. o. b. anoai. state. H'riVn.- e I. f. New York. HAHI.KY- Hlea.l. . feeding. 4l4Sc c. 1. f. I. iffu'o. malting. SifitSk- c. . t. Buffalo. J Alti.KY .MAI.T-Uull. Wi stern. d!4iriB WHEAT R-celpts. 2iB.7un bu. ; exports, Lu ; mlm, l,s;5,i) bu . 4.'"J bu. spot. Spot, toay: No 2 red, f. o b. alioat; No. 2 ml, Tx No. 1. Uuluth. Sc f. o. b afloat, No 1 hard. Ijuth, ',c f. o b at!. int. options steady on higher cables, but met rather liberal selling by yester dR s purchasers, who had profits on their wheat and were Intluene.-d bv prospects of barlh statistics on Monday, closed Weak at K'n'.e net dt 'lne, Mar. h, StMifjWV'. closed at Mt.e- Mav. M11) l-l4c. rinsed tit sic. iii tober, V'Ti'iic. losed at T&V; De cember el.isis ,(( itc. f'ORN -Receipts, Ii;.T79 bu , exports, lo. (Ms bu.,, bu. f.itures, 4i,0O) bu. Spot. Spot, easy, No. 2, 47ir4c elevutilr und I.Nc f. o. b afloat, options wero steady nt first with wheat, but quickly developed weakness under local r- il'z'nr ami nne weather ondltlons; closed easy at V-'c net 'ower: May. 4!llV, eiosed nt 41 V; Octobir 1 losed ut 4tSc, December, WHS 42h;.' i losed at 42Sc OATS Receipts. tt,(S0O bu. : exports, in.. 6 bu. Spot, (inlet. No. 2. 25 V: No. 3. 25c, No. 3 white. 27VU27V: No. 3 white. Mlj 2Bc; track, mixed Western. 2"'?J(tt-c; trai k. white western nnd state. 2V&tle. (iptl.ns quiet and easier. KEED Qul"t; spring bran. Jl fjfttHT.00; mlddlln-s. 17 ""iIh w. winter bran. J17 60 l CO: city jr."fi '.7.50. HAY-Qulet. shipping. Ti&Tt'tc; good to choice. WHKc. HOPS 0 j let; state, common to choice. IK9H crop. l"?13e: old. 2ft 1c; Pacific coasl. IStfl crop, liiil.'c: olds. 2'rf5c HIPKS Quiet; liulvestor,. 2') to 25 ibs.. IV: California. 21 to 25 Ibs. ISV dry. 24 to 40 lbs.. 23c Texas ; l.KATHBR-Steadv : acid. 22,,H23i'!e. WOOI. Pull; domestic fleece. 264J2SC Texas, 15fil6c. PROVISIONS Reef, nulet. family. 110. M 1:11 mess. $9.noistft.50. beef hams. Jil.fioft 21 mi, puckut, II ' im'ijil 'ii, city. Indln mess. Jtfl U0nn7.iv Cut mea's. steady, pickled bellies. $:iJ0'ull '. pickled shoulders. J') M; pickled hntns. Ju 5fi 1 1 I--rd. weak, western steamed. $7 .11, (jrtober i losed at t7 m.mlnnl ri.fl.i.ul ...uv' pnntlnanl t?'.',....i i: iiLMed ii.i, o.,ii' 21c, western, regular western. lS3 off. 20c. packing. lT'flS4i' piiTATMRS-gulet. Jerseys. Jl CTril 50, N.w York. JI.5.4J 624: Lmig Island. 1.71. Jersey sweets. 52 2.12.75. TA LLo W -Quiet , city : per pkg.). 4ic. country ipkgs freei. 4"(ilV. Rl' li-tjjlet. domestic, lair to extra, 4s, 64''. Japan. I'i'n'V MOLASSKS -Stench ; New Orleans, open kettle, pood to i h'dce, 43f13c. MKTALS-Plg Iron, nulet; northern. S m, southern. 11.1 '4il'i "" Copper, dull, brokers. $14 is l.cad, dull; brokers. $1 Tin plates, dJll. s. I, mils lirnlii nnd I'roc Islons, ST. Lol'l.-J. Oct 13-WHRAT-LoWer. No. 2 red cash, elevator, i'3c; track. 7lfTie; October. T34'' December, 71c, Slay, 7ke; No 2 hnrd. Tl'vC. f'ORN Itovver: No. 2 cash. 3'4c; track, 4ik-. October. :s4c; December, 31c; year, 344c: May. 354c OATS Lower: No. I cash. 214c: trncK. 22'.i8234c; October. 2j4c: Decembor, 22:c; May. 214c: No. 2 white. 2Tc. RYK-full 11 54c FI OCR Stcodv . unchanged SKL'DS-Tlmothy. eay. $l.oi, flax, higher, 31.67 CORN MK A I. Steady. I2ftl2 10. RRN StcHtlv. sacked, eaat track, 6S0. II AY Firm; tlm.dhy. Ui.o0CflS.t0; prnlrlc. IM WIIISKY-Steaih', Jl.:7. IRoN COT'loNTIES-U.55. HAUOINO-l! 106S.SS. HKMP TWINK-Sc. MKTALS-Ltad, dull. H.26. Speltor, hlcher. It 00. , . POl'LTRY-Steady; chickens. 7c; youngs. 740; turkeys. 7c, younffs. Sc; clucks, Tc; gesse, 0c. KiJUS- Steadv at 144c. Ui'TTF.R -Steady ; creamery. ITOSIVjc; d.nlrv. 1Vul7c PROVISIONS-Pork firm; Jobbing. Jll'A Lard, abarplv lower. cholc J'j S7 . Mry salt meats iboxed lotai. -.'asy; estra shorts, lfi; clear ribs. Is 6.4; . l-ur sides. Is '.5 Paeon ibove.l lotsi. I wer: extru shorts, S25. 1 'ear ri'.is. JS.174; clear sides 13 50 RECEIPTS Flour. 7.Ci Ibis.; wheut, 72, itm bu . corn. '1 bu , oati, S".'u bu SH1PMKNTS Flour. SO t,b's . wheat. kS.uOO bu. ; corn. 43.'mi bu , 1 uts, Hn) bu. Kniisns City !nill And Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. - W'H EAT-De-cember. T74'l7Sc Muy. Tic; cash. No S hnrd. fiTiiTjc. No. 3. 65&t4c, No. 2 red. I TlVTpJjc io ;: ,c. lllli.l-l'i'i' ""'e, "i "t '"."i'" No 2 1 ash mixed. 764c ftsked, No. 3. 3.4c OATS No. 2 white, 26c. RYE No 2, 45c. HAY Choice timothy, HO; choice prairie, J-S in nPTTBR-Creamery, lSCCOc; dairy, fancy. 17c EQGS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas sto.-k. 144c loss off. cases returned; new whltewood cases Included, no mom. RECK I PTS- Wheat. 2tt,4CV bu.; corn. 37.50J bu. . cmts 22,on0 bu SHIPMENTS Wheat, 07,0)0 bu.; corn. 17. Svu bu. . outs. l.'UO bu. . . . n Til M. lltfuun- Toledo Vlnrl. ot. TOLF.PO, Oct 13. -WHEAT Dull and G.'tobtr, 774c. Deojmbor, 'Atc c isn Ma.. SJ,e CORN Actl-.e strong; cash and October, 43c, DecembM-. 36'vC OATS Dull, lower; cash, tic; December. 234c. SEEDS- Clover, dull, lrwer; October. $7 TO. December 56 fcS: March, ii 5 Plillnileliihlu Produce VlnrUet. PHILADELPHIA. Oct lS.-Rt'TTER-F1rm 41' higher, fancy western creamery. 2Sc fancy western prints, 2le ROUS-Firm, frish nearby and western, . . fresh southwestern. ISc; fresh south err, lc CilKESE-Quiet New York full creams, ftt-cv. 114. .New York, tlr to choice. pi'3 lPc. 1lvv nnUee firntii VlnrUet, MIUVAI'KKi: Oct 1J WHKT Lower Ve 1 ni rtht-r.i 7vi-.!i7Sc. N J n rt'n-rn. 154 ' 1 l:v 1: 1 vlt 41 (V, I w r N i: StCa.J . 1 kan.pi COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Trade in the Wheat Market ii of Small Local Character. OATS FLAT AND WEAK OUT OF SYMPATHY Corn Is lleav hlefl tin Account of the I'roipretlv e linrly Movement of the .New Crop Prilv Islons Lower lit Close. CHlt'AtlO. Oct. 13-Lak.'.g outside up port and Influar.ced by dioppolnUng Ulv.'r pool cables and the prudlctlon ot an 1,1 crease In the visible and amount en pas sage, wheat was Weak today, UCcembe. ( losing Vrlv undef yeeietday. Dccemb.-r torn and Uei'mbcr oats e.uh cosed V lower and provisions ' tttlx to 3te do- pressed. Trade in h-at was of a .'mall local atter. The tendency was weaker and d..:s were made entirely for the purpose o. standing even oVer Sunday. The nhort !'. terest waa pretty well Lllmlnatv I during yostvrday'a bulge, and the majority of ti.. crowd went home with some long stulf on thrirhanls. Today II luMation and s 11' by beats who abandoned (he short s!de ti -previous sesp.n continued in a dull iv tnot of the s salon. Liverpool closed wl i an advance, tut It Was no: tenirl d u nuraglng. especially as 1,0 export ord r- f'-ir.d their way Into this market Tie Weather Was favorab o and It pre Mi d that the visible would show an li.irea.c nf 1 lKOOftn bushels and the or-p.i.-s.ig 11 p.iiii I .f l.ff1' bushels. lJej-mbcr opened at a7iJSe and declined to . c osl.ig V'l lower ut J54,u7f,e Ntw York re ported twenty. one loads taken for export Clearances m wheat and flour 4. the e bourd were c4u.1l to 430.01" bnidifW l'ri matj reo bus were i72.ij buhtl. compire I with l,7!).tW bushels last ear. Mlnrejpo'ls a-id I'ululh rep. rted c-ir. ugamt ..71 List week and "1 a vetr ago Lorn I re celt.ts were Ji'i cars. 7 of contract grjd v Corn as heavy, chiefly on account of the prospective n-rly of the pew crop, but alo In sympathy with the down Ward tendon " In wheat and because of le highly artlfl tal thuraeter of tho prleo .t old crop deliveries, whhli the crowd ovl dertly thought could not be maintained with a continuation of condition pi .-v .lll'-g today. The Weather was excellent for th crop and loc-il rec-.lpts Were 641 at. 1'--cemher sold bttween 3SiC and 38'c, closing down ut 3iV Oats were flat and casv In s1npnthy with wheat and a larger movement because of the fine weathir. Rcce! ts hfre wre m iurs. There was a fair c.i-h .l-mutil, but some of the leading liol.Iers wer on ll. e selling side December "old b tween 23V4C and 2le. closing V lower at S'.V- . . provisions oivri d st-ndy on receipts under the estimates, but unuor tne influence of an Influ.ntlul packer the market de clined and vas weak. Ji.nuirv sold )c tween illM and $11 25 and 1 losed under yeterdny ftt I11.27W; January lard .bet ween .:7T. nnd J7."7's, and closed 12'e lower et M 57'sflW ft'; Junuiirv ribs I rtwi e:i i).12H' 15 and te. with the c:o 7'filoc down at 1 onii u:'. , Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat. Jl 1 1 ars. corn, W5 cars, oats, 2!a cars, hofi". , Wi head. . . ,, I The leading" futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. I High. Low. Close.', Ycs y. Wheat I Oct. 1 Nov. Tec. T5 T6 TIP. 414 & iftsil .MVS; 4im 3t,ftsi 3SHtH 1 smi 31S' 7SS 74H T4H T , TS T8 li'-T Corn tct. Nov. Dec Oats Oct. Nov. , Dec. Pork- OctL Nov. Jan. Lard Oct. Nov. Jan. Rlbs- Oct. Nov Jan. 41H 41 4P, lO'V ..I 2l4 2Hfla as 21 21'. J!Vi Sit 21", 21' 2241H 1fi f 11 20 f MOO , 11 20 I 11 SS 16 AO 11 00 11 75 16 00 11 00 ' 11 27si 16 00 11 30 11 474 11 W I TOTy :or,j 6T7H' T oTHi T 8TH CT2 6 To ' 6 57H ? sry 6 7l 6 60 l 7 30 . 6 45 6 024 T 124 l 7ij 8 724 T 85 fi 70 10 T 45 i 6 TO ' 6 12 l: 7 4S fi 70 0 15 T 50 6 45 6 00 No. 2. L"ash quotations were as follows: T?r nfl.O.ifBf n-lnlt.e imtents U.fiAsTt 10: straights. $S.2n4j3.0. clears. tS.VHi.Wi spring sptclals. it.aeiQfTi'; patents. i.i9u. stralchts. WPK&3.6". baker. $3 20f(3 M. WHKAT-No. 3. 704'i75ic; No. 2 red. 75fc 764c ' CORN-No 2, 41'fi414c: No. 2 yellow, 41f 41c OATP No. 2. ZH.IfKisC. No. 2 white, 214'!J M4i: No. :i. white. 23s, '9264c. RYR-No 2. 50451c HARLKY Pair to choice malting. 55'!Oo. SLLDH- Flax. No. 1. Jl W-il 7"; northwest, i em. 11.7. fi 1.71. Prime timothy, Jl.1564.20. , Clover, contract grade, 1PV25. I'ROVISIONS-Mess pork. Ier bb!.. R6.'Q 15 art. Lard, per 10 lbs. Ifi!lf:.ii. Short I ribs sides i loose. JT.4'14i7 7". Dry salted 'shoilders iboxedi. $6.256.30. Short clear Sides ihoxeni. JS.Jtns.isi. WHISKY Hasli of high wines $1.27 Pl'OAR-Cut loaf. $6): granulated. J6.10; conffctloners' A. 6: off A. 1.1 i5. Following are the receipts and shipments for todav: Articles. Receipts. Shlpmrnts Flour, bbls 2"'lrt 15,ii Wheat, bu S1l.w- Corn, bu tw.'ton TSR.iieii I iota lei 4"li ma! !' "O" Rye. bu 13 'n 3h.ii Barley, bu l"5,'iii .U.'" On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm, croimerlep. lifiv4e; dairies. 13'iiisc. Cheese, firm at lOiUV' Lggs. tlrm; fresh. ISc. l(IVi:ili:T.s HI-' s'l'di'lis AMI IIOM). Mnrl.el Is etlvc n nil Closes Plrin lit till" Top, NEW YORK. Oct. 13. -Th' und rtone if the Mick market cmtlnues tlrm today and the appearance of the bank tateme 't wis n signal for a buying movement, which car ried prices up shurply. making the c'ol"g firm at the top Net g'l-s In a f w In- Llutifiiiii nr., .t t.olnt P.. eit..' 1 c u th feature nnd the enntlnu- d derra-d fr 'ii . ine tnnrt inieresi rarni- 1 11 11 10 ,..4, n-i 1 1 a relapse of cnlv 11 slight fraction Th lease of rail money yesterday hud pn pard i tho ptib'le for some mollfylng ficor to the heavy drnln of cah lo tho Inte'l r That movement Itself Is not fully refle'r-1 In the bank statement, as the heavy ship ments townrl the end of the weok eouute 1 for .little In making up the dallv a vera, s Add to this the heaw loaf) cmtra'tl n, which served t- bring down the reserve re. qulrements !r,.S!S thus lrdu'lli the I", road upon tho surplus to U '.7775 The roo-n trnders were disposed to disc unt at ice a favorable bank stntement for next we k, as the 13. fti In gold cming from E ripe Will figure 111 the reserves l,et week. 8 mie receipts of KlondlV-e gold nre exmetd next week and the pe"Sl..n payments bv the -.-it., treasury are looked to for sntti" re'lef. Th bullNh traders nln nrgu' I thn 'he nd vaneo In Interior exchange on N"W Vork might he the harblnrer r.f a fal'lne oft In Ihe Interior demand for currency, but tMs view did nd find countenance in banging; circles Aside from these bulletins if th' professional speculator m-re was a su slantll'l growtll or n fni m inmii n financial clri 'cs hy roi"n of the dee'ar'd policy of the P.ank of France to furn'sh eg. t.ort g dd for the re'lef of anv thre-iteer" monetary crisis The at n. urcemcrt of 1 ,'s po'lcy bv an nfflclal of the bink attract, d wider attention tn W's't street than anv I--eldent of th day Thi T nk 't France povv possesses the largest slrg'e nccumu'a tlon of eold in the world. Its ho'dlnn s'a"d at J 457.31 4.3TA the largest in Its htt tv eotroared wl'h the 1445!3!3 In the ted States treasury, which Includes reserves and trust fund held 'o redemption pur poses The French Institution has a cumu lated this vust ho'dlrg. It has beer sup posed, na a i-sfeguard ngiilnst a rene'lon following the Paris exposition arid also It was rumored to fleat a Pusslst. 1-an Th't It Is now m.i le ava'lab'e for any th'eate-ed crisis In the world's money market is a fact of wide importance. Lat Svturday's bank statement has left its Influence on the stock market thr uig'i out the week end has brought home to the financial world oner rno-e how comnlcti lv the foreign m. rk-'s' r-sourcfS and the de mands unon It had been miscalculated. The events of th" week notably the abstention of the Rank of England governors from advancing the otltdal discount rite, show that foreign monev markets have even yet failed to grasp entirely the excess of the money, reoulremer.ts In this country over th preliminary estimates last summer. From a broad viewpoint American finan ciers see a motive In s. If. Interest In re fralnlng from precli Hating a money stringency and forcing liu ildntlnn In for. elgn markets. That liquidation abroad may have a reflex action In New York Is sh iwn by the recent large sell'ng foi perlln a. count of Northern Pai lrtc. it la certain that a. wholesale recall of our foreign credits would operate to curtail our export trade verv materially If foreigners cannot obtain 1 r'-d it f"r our rrer, h.inlis. whl. h tl.e'. io'i",'. : t 1 need'tlv i-l e . . ' 01, r ! 'or O -ir. t1'.- w; ' 1 k- li". ,t r.-s .ir.J 'he ro s ii, r-vtej money f IS 11. 1 ! 1 - -nr 1 n 1 ut ' w .1 List In In n ., :i of 1 ,irr : . :r mi New Y'rK to t!i interior was due to the rnt that the bank" had met th.' latlbr demand by pit ting oil th. Ir early lvie of banknotes Put nlread.- the b-Uiks havi shipped nearly is n. n h lawful mobej this year as was hi: d up tn the first week of Decemii. r of las' ..r. The treasury hus trans trred more since the first of Oetoiier than th- total movemtnt from A :;ust 3u to thlf date last vear. The altr..t of r"ports of national banks of ?eptemb r .", Just com plitetl bv the contro.;. r of th" cum my shows th 1 1 loans on (hat d.if were 1(3.24?. 4.t:t greater than those on June 29. which furnished a clew to th.. failure of (he batiks in the interior to meet demands on them without drawing on New York, as was expected tarly In the season looking to the couri of events lust year as a galde for the remainder of this year lhse tacts are presented. Th- Interior demand for currency continued into lie. ember The ' m.ind nf the suMre.isurx upon the New York money market on aci o nu of revenues had t ieome so hiav.V befoti the middle of Novtmher that the secretary of the treas ury f-lt Impelled to nut out I.T.kB.imi of govertitr.i lit bonus at tne pri vailing market price oti.l to offer to" puyment or gowrnmei.t, Interest on bonds du up to the d or ih flsuil year t omparlng the gov ernment revenues this eur with last, the r.-i el ti thus far In the flsi , year are m..rt than I0.iii.'e In excess of those last Jiar. The Increase In expenditures lias in ceased ahotit the same amount. Hut this Is Solely duo to the -Mpirllon of the Tv,- f .ndlng l'iw, involving the puyment ol primlims on refunded bonds and the tall for ndemption of the 25,ii""i of i xt. mled 2 per cmts. The presentation for refunding o; old bonds ha now fallen to a nominal amount und less than S3, im.uiju of the ex tended tier cents remain outstanding. It l c. nr. therefore, that the taking; up of ex cess government receipts ,.vir expenditures, which Is normally greater than last eur, will make a heavy druln upon the moiuv markit unless It is checked. Hankers also U.ok for large additional demands for ni uii y after election. on tne theory that mm h bus!tiMis ts held In abeyance until I tr.ut time. On account of these conditions the demand for stocks during tho week has in en lethargic and speculation nairuvv. ii r.o pressure ot liquidation has been shown, Trading In bonds- has been small and rrlieti generally ha" m.c.d narrowlv 1. h- .,V i T . .,1. "' "" unJ 01,1 I pure.) vi h prices awe. k ieo ' i'...ln,.ri ;S:.'t.?:t'K. . eatd.gram says: The ......... . i.uimnn nnanou Stoi k nilirk-t WBJ I oiusniini uero louay. i ne expectation that the moi.ry market Will be tight causes a g. neral hesitation. An exception Is in Alien all stocks. whlih rallied on (he higher pries in New York. Tile dealings Were not large, but Issues were emoted well above pari t. v. The Northern Pacific stocks were th best fc ituro In the American department. Silv.r waa qjtet. Money ralea Wc-n unchanged The following are tiio casing prices on tr- New JTork Stock exchange. Atchison do pfd ".r..'....":4 in bf l 7IH Wstaih J 1j pfl i;, Mj Wheel. U tl c- luitlmire A Ohio, lanallan 1'aMilc . Canada Mo ns. 4k Ohio w I do Id pM 231, ... 4 Wis ivntral in, ... 2" Third Avenue lli ...1VI Adatns EX 125 c'M ao O W. r.U 0 i hi. liill. ft L. '' American Kx l.'l .1) pfd V f Lx ti itlca.-o B. 111.. 'hicjo Ik H. W.. '.) i'. li. 1. at P M 'Wells Fargo Bs.. 'Amt-r Cot. Oil . 121 4C, , n , 3-H , v, i 1 , 17 U4 I7", . J?'. . 7:. . Sl. . . !!! .IW . 41 . S . :i . 2''S . 1.14 . ft .14V4 . 11 . sc, . 17', . H4 . sc. . 124 . tl . : . . i; t .in . r. . i . 14 . 4 . 3 ! i i . It. . v Uo c f l t, L... t'4 Amer. Malting i- ira'l. So.. ! do pfd 514 Anitr. s & U l4 do pfd ,.. ....UI Am.-r Spirits to 1st pfd ii - I pfd I'.i Hudson ... Pel. U W L nver & II. O... do pfd Ere du 1st pfd in do i,.M U't Am-i. .i H'op ... " do pfd ll'j A-m. r. g. i XT do p:i ...1.14 Anvr Tin Plat.. ... 144 do vti ... J Amer. Totiacoo ... Ot. Nor pfd... inkiM 'nl . Ms. king alley . l;;.r..iii I'miral . I.m Ontral .... do pfd Lake IMe & W.. do pfu Lake !nor L ft N Manhattan L.... Met. at. Hy Minn. & 8t. L... ,io pfd ilo. Paettlc Mobile & Ohio .. M.. K. & T do pfJ N. J Central ... N Y. Central ... Norfolk W .... do pfd No Pa. I tic do pfd Ontario 4lr W ere. Ry. & Nav. do pft Pennsv Ivanla rtmdltig do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hlo tl. W do pfl gt I. & . v.... An lut pfd do 2d pfd gt. U Houttiw... do pfd l. Paul a pf.i .. rit. P. & Omaha fr.. Pacific ... gu. Rallnrsy . do pfl . Texas & Picin.? fnlen PacllV 1114 do pfd . II . 40 Ana,' Mlninff Co. B cskin R. T.... iMo. Fuel St 1... Cun. T hacco .... . 34 K4 .J.t.'4 lo pfl i. Federal Steel . .4 do pfd .!, ilen. Klcrtric .... . IsW Cllucose flugar .... . ' I d.. pfd . t)t Inter Paper .55 do pfd . Laclede Qad . : National Biscuit .lit ' do pM .Ii4 National Lead ... . Si' do pfd . 7iV National Bteel ... . Sl, do pfd . 71 N. V. Air Drake. . !4i No. American .. . . 42 Pacific Coast .Til I do 1st pfd .13. V do 2d pfd . I Pacific Mall . Mi's Uas . !'4 1'resse.l s. Car ... . 4J , pfd 76 Car....!-'4 14 1174 . i Pullnvan P. . 1"4 H. It & T . . '' Susar . M4 do pf l. . .. . K'i Tenn. Coal 4i .115 . 57 . Vi rn, 24 . 94 7i . 1! . ssi; li I . n f. ti leather .l!!V do pfd I",i I'. S Rubber .... .pis d . pfd . 3.HJ Vtm t'nlon . . .14 Rpubltc I A: S . i'., rt pfd V C. C J. St. L Offered. .Now orl; Vlniie VlnrUet. I -v.-t.-ci- vonu- o, t is. MONEY On call. 1 i,min,il: nrhiie mercantllo puper. 608 peri cent. 8TKRL1NO EN' 'HANGE Steady, with actual business in nunKers uuia bi m b.i's for demand und at $4 vi$.!.S4 for tiMy days, posted rates $4.81'ii4 lv. and M.SJO 4.8.I4 commercial bills. S4.74h.T9i. SILVER Certlllcatea, (K4lj6lc; bar. 624c; Mexican dollars, 4K4c. UoNDS State, steady: railroad. Heady: government, steady: refunding 2s. rcg. and coupon, Ps4; V. rcg.. lii: coupon. ltt4; new 4s. reg. and coupon, 131: old 4s, reg. and coupon. 1144: 5s. reg. nnd coupon, 1134. The 1 losing prices on bonds today aro as follows: ref. reg .'"144 N. Y. C. Is Iu4 ! 3 N J. i'. gsn. Ss....i::i I' No ratiflc Is 4, ....i".'4 .10 it i"ii. t!o i oupon do Ss. reg, do out on .. d i new 4. reg d ci, upon .. d i i l.l 4, reg. d coupon C i (, r'g do ioclD',11 .l.4 N Y. C & St I. 4..l' It, .134 N. & W. eonfOi 11. 97 U44 Ore. Nitv is 101 .!-.4' do 4s tCJ'i .'1.4 Oresen 8 L. te ...12;v, .llJ'i do cn Ss 113 D nf C. 1 at ...ill Heading itn. 4s.... Atchln gen. 4. du all 4a farads go. Is.... C. O. 44s do Ss CAN. W. e. t ; RU O. W. Is '.' Ht L A I M c. ts.. !04 1't 4t It A 8 1 g CS..U24 s44t. Paul consols... l'S4 lis Ht P . c. St P. Is.. 1174 IO do Ss 11S4 do H. P. d'b. 6S.IT Bo. Chk-ago Tr. 4s 140. Pacino is 714 Railway ts 14 Colo. rtn. 4s n. & u. o. is.. t g. R. & T. ft e4 34 Texts Sc Pae. do i do is f. Krt general 4 4 Union Pacific 44....M44 V W. A I C. Is.. T14 Wabash Is IK'l Oen BltK-trle &s....'l do la '., Iowa Central ts....1lt'4 West Hhors 4i HI f, A N. unl !.... f' j Wis Csntral Is.... t'4 M . K- A T. Ss ... t'4 Vs. Centuries 91 do 4i 4 . When Issued. "Offered- Hdslon stiipU (tiutnllnns, BOSTON. Oct. .-CalI loans. 36414 per cent; time loans. 546 per cent. Olllclul closing: . A.. T A B.F t'S Unlin La"nd t's do pfd .14 W.-st End il Amer. gugsr H"4 Atchlscn 4s 4 do pfd H"4 N K & C, ts . il Amtr Telephone ..141 Artvrnture 44 Boston A Albany.. '. All' uts Mln. Co.. 14 Coiton Elevated ..144 Amal. Cupper 7 flon n i U t7 Atlantic s: C. li A O 14 Bo-ton Si Mnrt. S21 Demlnlon Coal . do pfd Perte'sl Bt l . do pfd Pltehburg P'd Osii. Klnrle do pfd K I Electric til nuns ooston .. i'-'X ...111 'al. A llecla ... 713 ... 314 Centennial U4 . . . ."4 mnklln 114 .. lavs jiumnoidt ...'.404 oscso'.a . ..! Parrot .. 6f 43 1IJ 4 :j j. 1, 74 4 . . .3 Vulliry Mexfcan fsntral M 'h. TeUih jiw N K O. A C... 01 1 Colony ,. . . I'd Dominion I'nmn Pacino . !14nU V tapper ismsrsts . 13 uuh Mining ..201 Winnj . t'S Woiverlnea ! 4 ovv YorU lllnliit; sinnlcs, NEW YORK. Oct 13 -The following are the dosing quotations for mining sniris today i'jo lar i,wn point . I', n 1 ft Va IleBOWe 1 il mid & Currl Hl A N-nr.. H mrs'.ikc. Ircn S Ur IUxUaii Cm irlo "fhir r.m mil V(ui k-'.ver ... 1 pfl 'rt sada Ctar ,1 . . In n i-,.n It) w JlKlcH 73 . 1? Ill ve . 31 if) il II1111U Miiti'inent, NEW Y'ORK. Ort IS - The weekly state mei.t of averages ,,f the associated banks slims s, T ,. crease, is V& " n, d. 0. s:-s jst'-cs-., J re-cse, 311,622'." drc. ! n IS" .s.' 1 11 reu-e j:" '. 1' It - 'ti"' i ' ' ' dtiie-.s. $. ." t' specie, JIj,..', i. -r. a-e I '.IIIm. t"te! 1 rtser-. 1 I. ' er e re 4 ,r- U i : - r; P. 777 1 I.onilou Tl.CNtoN, Oct Cuiiwi, ri ny . . le aiwjr'. , .'! A' 1 'its. ui I'siisdisn l-;rt.- sl. Pj1 I'lin j - i'Alral U i.svtlle t ni n I'nine pfi N V. ontnil itit-k M - i ihiuiuiiuiis. P m Teit.f . K'.. is ... lt pM ' peeno Minis ' Hi . t.n . . . N.1 I'n Iflc fil 7M v. HI ill... . M n t lv. RAR SILVER imi at :!'d l" r ounce. MONEY! t per i-tit. the rate ol dis count In the open m.irk-t for sh 'rt oiiis, 3''(j4 per iiit; for thro months' bills, 4 4'i ier cent. PfirelBli I'lllnliPlltl. RBRt.tN. Oct u. lijslncss ..peiud on the bourse tod.o with a Itinfi h. ert 1 feeling prcv .tiling, owing t tic. ur ig 's New York advices Ann man and 1 ,i- .- dlan Pacifies madi a good r'-eovrrv. I.i 1 opened heavy, bit r i 1 r d or. roi'17: and cloSeil weak en Lon 1 .1 Mil 47p,'g for checks Discount rates. Hli bills, :i per cent. lhr-s nvntns' bills IV per cent. PAR1H, Oct -.:! -Three per cult r-nte. fl'f S2'sc for th- .fin ir.t; est hinge on 1.1 n don, 2.f ISH11 for chk. Hpanl'h 4s c osid at 71 17i. llasliiess on the bourse today had a more satisfactory tend. mi. Indus ir.als rsiovrtnl. Kaffirs were i.i'm an I to ward the close thev Were generally e.ukr. parquet stacks closed easier and w.ik London, oct. 12Mpunish t dosed at 74s,. bar gold. 77s ',d rlilliill'llil Votfs. CHICAGO tut 13 -Clearings. $; I sVf'. balances. fl.'Ks.n::, posted exihange. $ (!.'. New ork exchange, ..e dlsco'itit ST Lot IS. Oct 13 -Clearings. $4.i'ir:. baiirees. monev, 4 i7 pr cent, N w Yrrk ex. hange, c discount bid. 23v dis count ask.d. i: si 'IN ATI. o, 13 -clearing. HaVJ, i'O; New Y. rk ex. h.itige, 2mf20c discount; mone, tja t r cent. Tlr. .v- . .... . . i t. . ... ivb. hJf''" "V, ,- '- '. -.... I'll I I.ADKI.III I A, oi t 13. Clearings. J14 7'ti4. balaf.. . ST."- UAI.TIMoKK o. t. U-t barings. I3S44 3?.'. 1 il in. es',.141. NKVv YoRK. o t 13. -Clearings, $U15.47'V 72. balances. $9.1:i.:'7!i 'vr r- llMt'irls and liniOPIs NEW YORK. o. t u-The exports if 'specie from thl- pert to ,.!! ro. i , . v.i. . n. -m n... i.. a. at.. I ,..ln ..1.1 l!"ll .1.1 Tl... l..,...t-j . specie were !2o.s r. Id and 131.1 Id I1m r rbe imports of drv goals aid merchanJl e were valued at :. ;nS. Condition of tlio 'rrensiir'.v, WASHINOToN. Oct. 13 Today's state ment of the treasure- balances u. the gen eral fund, exclusive of the iiVi."".ii gold reserve In th" dlls. n if reib mntton. i shons' Avi'l ib'e iash balance, tm.iVU C.e . Bold. tSS.661.3"J. Cotton MnrLoi. NKW YORK Oct n -COTTON -Th market open "i i.y, with prh i s tin ' d to C point lower .i-d was unusually lrr "t ular all the short stsli.n aa n result of . liter-, ato va-s nf buyi' e nnd selling of u Week-end settlement nature. Th ear;-.- Re cline was a re-p, ik-c to weak I.lVcipoil cables and a beavl. r crop m"Vcmei t tlan ' originally estimoied. on tin .1 wiiwiiid ' turn nervous shorts hurrb dly t irucd for profits and soon after the c ill theri was a marked change for the better In f'eling. du mainly to this support. A b ili'sh revi-w of the week'.i deveiopnn n' s uth by 'he Chronicle and ,i n. vernmi nt chart i-ln wli g continued rains of th.- Mis-mirl v i'1-y wire factors which the le.irs wen lohth t. overlook, considering that pikes we-e d wn pearly T5 points from the tup nn l tha'. the lone Interest had been greatly redn .-I. Light buying for the acc.i tnt of Mall -tr et turtles bei am.' som. thing of n feature .is the session progre.-s' d eculic'l ui wv nut of n vigorous character at any time in tho forenoon Th market i! sol w a' with net 4'nl" points lower Spot closed quilt: middling '.ptands. lOT.p'e; middling Btilf. lnil-lOc. sal -s. r") hal. s Fu ture3 closed weak, oaob.-r 9 Tin :, 65ic; IVcmb. r and Januiry. Vie; February, .5le; March. April and Mi..'. 0.52c June, S.Li : July, : 111 . Auirut. S.: c. NKW ORLKAN3 O, t. 13 - ' TT N Easv and nominal: sabs. 2.i Pais, crdi- nary. s4e: S""d ordinary, i-1!': lav m l dllnc, 4c: middling. i'4c; g"'d. mel tiling. UlS-lCo; middling ftlr. l"3-lo; n relpts. ! i.f.79 b..les; st. ck, 1" 4!s bales Fu lures, steady: October, 41'-. Novem ber. i 2ViJ! 2f" : le mber :' 21 ! 25c: F-bru.irv. ?.27"f S'c; March,,y.31c: April. ?317p.U2c; May. 9 12'u.i.3..c, June. 9.33f9.3te. ST. Lot IS. ru t 13 COTTON-1-K! lower; middling. 10c, sas. 500 bales; re ceipts r..7; l.ales. shipments, 4 3 Hi bales, stock, 17,723 bales. 1,1 1 erpool i;rnln it nil Prov Islmis, Liverpool, oit i.i -wheat-No. 2 red western winter, dull. 6s2-sil; No. 1 northern spring unlit. t fel; N' 1 Cill fornla, i'.s 641 1. Futures, firm; Decemb.T. 6s24d; February, 63d- CORN-Spoi tirm: Amerl r.n mixed. nw. I.i64il; Amerl' an mixed, old nominal Fu tures tlrm; November. 4ss4'l, Dcccmlei. 4' 24l: January. 3 114d. FI.Ol'R-St Louis fan.'.' winter, stcadv. f 61. . , 1 PROVISIONS Reef, extra twill. tnss. steady. 70s. prime mess, sti.idy. 65. Pur'c. ! nrlme mess, wtstern. tlrm. 72s. Iird. Arce"- lean refined. It. pails, stcudy. 4M .Id; prime Western. In tierces, dull, 3s 3d. Huno. I short cut. Htiia lbs., nrm, 4i.s. jia.-nti. I Cumberland cut. 2S to 3u lbs, Irtrt. je -d: I short ribs. IS to 22 Ibr., frm. 5'sd: tl a mlil'lles. light. 3fi to 35 Ibs. firm. 4-isid. long clear middles, heavy. X, to 4'i lbs., firm. I 47,s. short clenr backs, 16 n lv ibs. strong. 1 446d: clenr bellies. 14 to hi ibs . strong. . s I Iki. Shoulders, square, 12 to 14 lbs , tlrm. ell KISSU Amerb an Iir.e-l v nice. qoic,. 1 52s till. American ntic-.-t lot - d. iiulet, 63 6l. Prime luminal; Aus- trallan In Lou i..i . tlrm. 2 ROSI N 4 'o'.nm. n. t'rm . . . IiopSAt London ipailrl.- coasO, sWudy, c 5si 3 5a "rU'TTKR- I 'nlted States f nest, quiet. 96s; United Sta(es good, ca-y. d. siimir Miu-l.el. NEW YORK. Oct. 13. - St OAR - Raw, steady, fair retlnlng. 44' : centrifugal. 96 test. Ic; molasses sugar. 4c; refined, steady; No. fi. $3.2o; No. 7. 5 1"; N". . $5; No. 11. JISi'j; No. V. 4iv5; No Jl. $4 hi,; No 12. 14 ..,; No 1 Jt 7S; No. 14. 11.7". S'andnrd A. IV.i5; confectioners' A, 15 55. mould A. $8; cut loaf. $H15; crushed. $615: powder-.-d, I5s5; granu lated. $5.75: cubes. .V. NKW ORLKANS, Oct 13 - BI OAR -Steady; new crop open k' ttle, notte; opt;n kettle, centrifugal. 1 -c cenirlfugnl yellow, 14'flCissc; seconds, J'.j t 9-1-. Molasses, quiet; centrifugal, 34c Now orli Dry tioods. NEW Y'ORK. "ct 1.1 DRY OO0D8 The market o!u"a the week without ma'enal changu In tho demand for erown sheetlnge nnd drll's. with firm b.islness doing Hlrached. In fair request and very nrm. Denims, ticks nnd oth"r ir color d cot tons continue scarce, print cloths are firm but buslmss limited. No hunge In print or ginghams. Cotton yarns are In good de Ttian.t nt full nrlcea for weaving purposes but hosiery varus are Irregular. Woolen 1 and worstefl yarns dull and easy. Ciillfnrnln llrletl PfiiIIs, NEW YORK. on. H -PVLIFORNIV DRIED FRi'lTS -yub t and noml .alle qin nd on the of :,i,fcv per lb ' r prunes, .' to stxe nnl quality; Acrlcm. Rovnl. IUiMc Moor Park, 15'oli.c. peach ' peeled, lfjs'. unpel. d "iijc. A- us iil for a 8aturd.1v half ho'ld.iv session tl"; m'irket for .v.irorat.d anplea was slo'v, but SteadllV hell ut f Ir prkes: st .te. e on nvn. quoted rt 4. prime, t'!iS4 , ch, i - . 54fi6c; fancy. fi64c I iineo llirli't. NEW YoRK. Oi t. 13. - COFFEE Spot, Rio. quiet. No 7 Invoice. 74c; Cordov.i quiet nt 9". Futures opened with Mar' h easier nt 5 points hlghir and nth r months unchanged: ruled quiet and fentarelem In tho absence of returns from Rio and San tos, while slightly hlehcr European cables checked Belling Closed unsteady. Total sales, I.Cnu bats, Including November at $7.20; March. ,715; May, 37.51. Oil MnrUet. LIVERPOOL. Oct. H. OILS - Linseed. Hull refined, spot, In barrels, steady at 23e id. Tumentliif spirits, .lull at 29s Id. NEW YORK. Oct. 13 -oir.fl-Cottonseed, dull; prime yellow, 37c. Petroleum, qulel; refined New York. $7.41; Philadelphia and rtaltlmore. 17 4": 1 hlladelDhia and Haiti- more, tn bulk. H y Rosin, quiet: strained, common to good, jl. 4741 5ft. Turptmtine, easy at 41442c. II ii I tit It llnrliol. IH'Ll'TH. Jllnn . Oct. H -WHEAT- No 1 hard cash to ,f 've ; October. SO 40; rf k.11.1 S'o 1 north, rn rush. 7S- lie- tofcer, 7c; puim'sT. 7k -.e. Miy. "14c; No. 3 nrthrn 74,- no. 3 spring. OATS-2Sy.c. COnN-4)o5C. I'eo.-ln Jlnrlvi'l. Oct. 13.-CORN-Btad) PEORIA, No. : C'lC CIA TS Steady ; 3 wblte, 2242; S' billed thrnutin W:iI?KY-On lehtsl goods. the baaia of 1177 for fit Vllnneiipolls W belli MINNI7 VP' 'LIS let 1' I., r 7iA. Dt,.m!"r 7iV lluritel. W 1 1 HAT ' 1, V 1 it tr i V ' r 77'.. N 2 r ' nr.. n. . j OMAHA l.lH STOCK M RKET 1 Shetp Rrreipti Uat ?Mrl the Million 1 U..V f. 1 v.. v.. eiAi& iui cur HOGS SO.O JUST ABOUT STEADY" Reef initio for iiie w eel. llnvi' Not illOttfl IlllPli t lllillttl' nnd U I I'piMtpfs re Iso liiiut I lie Minie. fsoVTH OMAHA. Oct. 11 Ooi m otti !! ; w re. C.ttt'e Mm 1 1.- y.7 lil Ii,. i.t.o It' ..t I.MJ .? i U . .1. . . IV? siiS Ofti. ial Thursday ..,'.'.'. -43 Oiln ial Krid i A 6,i l ill SbTu . 4.!2 ti.wl last oib i.i I m.i 4.'1 ..'oil il Week . I til . lk ..f..l .4.;;i i.W. .:4..' .;.l.2s 2H.31& 4..V 3s,u2 3J.I.W t.vw U. V4 f.r tic ui g Oi t e v ei k i lull 4 fept. Je. k en i,n DP,,t. a. veek ending Sept. li. v eeg ending Sept. 8 Average price paid for hot sevti'u. a.s, ita i-.uiipari-, ui I Ut. 13.,tl.,l&; ,l$rC.lSt Sept, Sept. ept. 4 Ui 3 O 3 Ti 3 a 2 TO I 'X 2 7i 4 11 m 2 tt, 4 W, S V t 71. I Ol I CI '(12 44! i t IJ', I 6 13 I '.i ii i 'I, 3 VI. I Sept. ept- ! 3;i; 1 2"l" ' Sept. ! Sept. . 8' I't Sept. I Sept , Hi pt. , let Oct. 4 32 I 133 4 wi ( 31 4 . 2 SI l HI nil, ;K It' , i .4 2 . 2 W 2 SI, 2 K 7! 4 vl . ti 3 7C 1 Mt 3 . J SI 3 hi .1 i ! 4 41 s :r 4 CO 1 Mi . .1 t I S3 4 Si, ill J- & "$ o b I 6 2) ! 17 a it 4 41 I 4 J! .! :i I 2C, 3 72 4 4t 4 4 4 37 3 4, 4 i&, 3 67 14 3 5 2v .1(1 1. 2 s. 29 39. 1 . N i" 11 12 . 1J.. 2 2 .1 It's' il? 4-5 , ol 4-1 3-5 SIC 2-Si ole 4-.v ' 1 5 mi ! it el's 4 H.'S 4 !i -V .' i vf . 4 W, 3 V 9 1 S 4 4. 4 37 4 31 4 M 4 36 4 3.1 ' 4 33 4 " 4 S3 4 20 3 7K 3 vii 3 K 5 2 u si Ml. f. ( ' I " li 3 64 3 il .! II 3 S 3 59, 3 'il 3 r7 3 U 3 .19 ' ict. Oct. Oct. 3 at. 3 73 3 71, 3 74 3 K4 3 &2 .1 .o vt s : 3 66 3 v.. 3 H i 5 s 3 VS J v 3 lit 3 79 Itl 2 ?S 3 04, 3 W 3 13 .1 l 3 It 3 IS 3 3v l 3 t'lC 4 V, 4 M 4 !1 4 ''I I Oi I, 1 Oct. Oct. ' 'Ct. let ct. , Oct. , Oi t. 8 1 4 :o Indicates funday. , The oflicii-1 number of enrs of stock brought In today by each rond was: Cattle. Hogs. Sli p, u r s. i'.. m & Bt. p. n 0 St. L. Ry Mtseourl Pacific Ry .. 1 nlon Pacific system.. iV A N. W. Bv 1 a 26 20 11 100 K. & M V. R. R. .. fit. P . M & O. ny. ft M. R. R. R U. & y. Ry c.. II. c. Total receipts ... The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows i in r. nuyer uurcnasniK " uuiu- Per of bead Indicated: Htiyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. ,. ... 312 ,. ... 1.111 1417 . 34 2.2t ,. , . 1,674 . 120 . . fl .02 ... 221 , . 6.745 221 (imnira Packing Co.. O. II. Hammond Co.. Swift and Company,. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour et en. i Omaha Paik. Co. K. C Hamilton & Rothschild. , a H. Mawhlnney ! uthc-r bujers Total CATTLE -There were only a few loads ot cuttle on sale today and not muih change was noticeable In the prices paid, though the market waa In better shape today than Is usj&lly the case on Saturday. The receipts for the week show a sllplit di rcac- 0. ei lust weeks figures and. as compared with the same week Inst year, ther Is ,1 decrease amount. ng to about 4." "i hoid. Taking everv thing Into con sideration (he market has been In good shape. Prices wont olf a little the first few i:ts let llrnicl up the latter part of the Wei k Cornfed call'-' have been In very good supply unci. ,,s ih" demand waa good prices h.'ive not shown much change. The handy weight cattle of good quality aro perhaps 1 shade str uigT In some cases, but tho l.oivy or half-fat stuff Is no better The cow murk' t broke bad!) the first half of the week, but as th supply has been light for the last few days tile mar kit In most coses regained about all that U lost. Chi Ice tows or heifers mny he culled about steady for the week. Ciui-iii-rs are fully steady as compared with the close of last week. The demund for that class of stuff has been In good eh.nie and puckers have been obliged to t ike some of the better grades for canncre 1 hat fact has helped out the trade on the t"WS to some extent, but still prices are Weak to a dime lower than they Wero at the close of lust Week The feeder market has been In much the same condition ,ts the cow market. Prices declined th- first few davs and Improved the last few. lood heavyweight cattle mav be called dose to Bteady for tho week, while yearlings of good duality aro stronger. Sellers In some cae. nre calling i t H much as , n.ek on Btrlc a dime or iso rusher for (he fancy stuff. I'ntll recently there haa not r n much demand for that class or st ,fT. lu 1 trodc s now picking up on it rapidly. The medium kind of feeders are probablv not quite us hleh ns they Were (he Inst of the week, but the decline In most cases wojld be covered by bio or lie. Owing lo short sjpply stock calves are selling a llttlu better. The bulk of the receipts continue to be made up of wt-sirrn rangers and nearly all of those ere either cow stuff or feeders Vi ry few beef catt'e have been coming forward, but the better grades that huvt arrived have nv t with ready sale at steady to stronger iiic s all the w. uk. The o tn moii kinds, how, vT, are no morn than steady. Choice cows may be quoted ubojt steady for (he week and c-anners perhaps n dime lower. Good heavy feeders nre Ji'St about steady and yearlings of good onnlltv are higher, but the common kinds nre si w and 10c or 15c lower. Representative St.ia: BULLS. No. 1... 1 .. p.... A v. Pr. .... 1119 I J8TOCK COWS 14 I 40 BI 3 ' cai ; r. No. AND 1 1 1 .. . Av. Pr, HEIFERS. . . . l(tl S ') 1134 3 10 . . . 7u j :o ui -i v 1 ioi'i j r STOC'KERS AND FEEDERS. iM 3 MO 3 ' . . sl j 8 25 O'Kare Neb. 3 cows S-63 2 feeders. . 56 1 2o feelers.. 950 1 ww loit 1 bull U2u ii cows. 1 cow 64 feeders 4Ii feeders 6 cows. . . 52) 745 '.'31 :i2 2 75 3 25 3 Mi 2 Ml 2 hi 2 So 2 50 bulls 15u6 HOOaV-There wns a fairly liberal run of hogs here today tor a Saturday, but the in.irki t held Just ubnut stead). In a f v cases It looked a trifle stronger, but as a general thing the strength was duo to the tact that the quality of the hog here to lay was much better than It vestcr.lw l'he top was bim, i,r 24c higher than jie I ttrday's best prh es, but the quality I counted for the The pud; of th 'hogs ihang-d hands at practical. yist r 1 day's prtit s and It was not long bet " : the tirst seventy-five luuds had bei n sod ; The laat end of the market was . llt'l" iiislc-r in view of the fact that CM ig" 1 ume slow and 5o lower, und .is It w.n Saturday sellers wire .101 In a position (' hold .n for better prlc-s I The supply of hogs the Isn w-ek h n I been rather light. 1 dicreae m 4"-5 he 1 1 I I" Ing reported, as (onipur" l with week hot there Is tin tin reuse nf . 1J1 leal a" I compared with the c. rre-quu ding we. ' 1 f lust year. The g-r -rul t. i.d-n ' 1 prio-s 1 has been downwaril The wok sturtnl 11 , with a de 'l if of o. r 2c 0.1 M nd.i ic. kept on goli.g down until Tl!..-"liy. vvhn I the nverage price wis jH4. whp-h wis 1 the low poln' "f the week und also ths I lowest point reached sin July is win n I the Vftrane rout W.iS 1 1 S.7. On I' V.J.1V (he market regilued about 24c and nbout muln talned It on Saturday, but still the w k closed will, prices ab ut ISc lower tb.n at the clost of the precodlng week. Ropro. sentative saies No. Av. h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr M M ... S . JlS M 4 S24 f,t ... SH Tl M tn 4 4 IS.... . S & 141 Jo) 4 V.-, 14 7 ... S Tl t'J 301 4 K'i r, HA 4-) 4 75 M WJ . . 4 :, (4 114 ... 4 T4 l " 4i) 4 4 Ct It ID 456 241 Vj 4 ''Fi S 254 1) 4 V) IT 'JW . 4 W4 48 V A 4 :D V) 4 S:4 t sy wi 4 tn i'.i :' 4 1 ', 11 . . : . 4 vi n na: 4,1 4 ti . 5TT ' 4 'i t'l ... S4I M 4 -.- It .. . M4 -4 ' 1.7 Sf,J i20 4 ,! M CD JT7 4 ''-, 4 ... 4 4 T2 ro U' 4 : , 00 YOU SPECULATE ? i 4S 4, 4 1. t tl ft 4 4 4 .' . 4 V. , t ." I 4", :vj TA ! T.X ?tl lit 301 r. it it Vm lis S41 HI 7 IN ::.4 m a . Ut rt X '. l " l va 4i 4 tl It lii 4 :i.i it 4" W ttt 4 4 4 . i 4 I 41 , it t I I 4 , I i !. . s . t 4 I I t I 14 4 ' 4 4 4 I I ' 4 Q I s 4 n 1 'f 4 V-i 40 e W 4 1 t I .1 I ti' tJ'H 4 JtH I t .'H 1 it ki M ItV) t fi'i 4 : .'t I K , 4 i .;, ll 40 4 ' 4 4 1, IM to 1 vi 4" I . 4 . i 4 3 ID 4 1 4 l I i. 4 .' i 4 : t.l ( V 0 4 'S Tin r. v .. on the n- SIIIIPP of foeders 1 it. In i U ' I V brojght t h This has bei w.iy of sh" p " '; the week foots up .14 heaviest run i-. 1 r , 1 In one Week T'l" s ' ' now passed the ml I, - last i .ir the ri 1 ii Were inlv 1 S6.3' 1 , o 'lOi-ril rv-celi i this v .11 hi- In good shape 1 -' off. red was so d and ' forwarded to nnv nth. Vet w ,is acth " 1 vi r si ' I about a rnpldtv ' ''1 t r-, Up. Feeders lllsu Wr ti l tl, it tin murk"! c. .1 ' i 1 -In l Iter condition Th. market on w etb. u h' Week mav snfeh n 1 hiehtr Lnmbs have ,- bi'- and are t-ow ellln-t 1 m to 2f.e h h r than tb- "f I .1 l,k Pi ol- ! - 1 1 . tnut h 1 )l lllg" the lb m. "I , I Ing 1 ii,' etio.igh togethi ; 1 pr 11 tli al'v stel.'v Quotations' Choice western vv ers, MT.Miiov; .holes grass yean. i tflOft. eholc. ewes $.1 25113 W . ftlr 10 ewes 33 n'.12.1: ciill ewes. fltntfLOV: spring lambs. 54 7MiirO: fair to g, ed ' lambs. $I5c4 7S feeder w. thers. 11 3.1 feeder Iamb'. !1.0u4 41. sales: No. 83 feeding wi th- rs 149 feeding weth-rs . Represen: Av. ! I CIIICAliO MM! TOt Is. VIAIIUI.I Cuttle, Mirtqi 11I11I I. mulls Noiill null Menil v llous I, inter. CHICAHO, Oi t II' - I'ATTI.i: Rec 2eo head: ncmlr.ilh si, .i, . natives . to prima stet rs. 51 P'ii.1 M 1 oor to m- 1 HMtyi.X. Sf'clted f'.ders, tit. 7 nilxed slock. r. 12 "a ' 1.1 cows, . 4 25; heifers, 52 75614 75. tanners. tJ il bulls. $2 7."sti4 :: calves, 14 ;.,, i . f'-d steers. 34 nti4 !': Texas aras-s so S!.2r,1i4 1U. Texas bulls. J2 eKi - HOOS-Recelpts tcl Monday. 35,. left ov Iwc lower, top, t.1.274; n. 14 !09-".274.; good to eboi 6.25: rough heavy. $4 T.'.1i4. 5 2T'-.. bilk of sales, T. unflV SHEEP Receipts. l.t) hens lambs, steady; good tit chol 13 1Vii4 10; fair to choice mixed, western slietq,. f. KVjj4 If. Texas t (f3 ii'; native limbs, 4. 25(5 6d; 'lin . k. It ' i $1 ep ,- 1 ) 4" 1-1 (V i". ' lambs. II 7ivs i.3o. Receipts tbts week: Cattle. 56 7"0 b hogs. Its ' head, sheep. TT head I week: Cattle. i.7's hea l; hogs. K5.9CO l sheep, 5l,uuu head. Kmiisus ct- Live s-ut, KANSAS CITY. Oct 13-CA'ITI.l. celpts, todnv, 55n head: for the weik head, same vvtsk lost veir. Tl i head liberal supply this week on ised a mod. decline on slaughtering grades and In: Blockers and feeders, while good, vvel I , feeders sold active at st. i.dv value movement to the country of feeding gr i ' was f cars, the third largest in tb 1 tory of the yards Native steers br. i tod-iy; Blockers und feeder- -64 75; butch'-r cows and heifers, l.'l" . cannera, 34113 v; fed wt-merns. S3 wintered Texans. 3 4533. Tu; grass s 12 3 3.1 ; calves. 34 ""uu.nn. HOOS -Reci lpts, 2,f) head: market s v nnd stoidy to 2jc lower, re, elpts for week, 5' ifl h'-ud. Allhough the supple very light th" market was lower, tie ill in- amounting to about Ps-. le,iv nixed sdil today ut 35.0'tlMut light. pigs, y ti -ml s,i. SHEEP AND LAMIlrf Receipts. Sue , prices utn li.iiigcl, ri i dptu for the Jl", 5ii head, s ll.ply Ins JtTlt'letit to satlsl . ,1 mund un.l prh es ulvnnced IVii.'k . l.o. 14 4 "S6 11. muttons, tl .IcfH Oti; feeding 1 ,-,t S3.75ft I 35: fctwllng wethers. J3.5oaJ7j. st i era, l3.25'ij4.oi, culls. 2.fX(l3 25. St. I.oills Live Mock MurLet. PT. LOCItl. Oct 13 -CATTLE R" SC) head, mirket stead), nullve sh'i i and export steers, tlrinfisvl.,! ) nnd butcher steers. 11 Oru.1 11, steers 1, lbs.. I3 5m'5 2.1: stocker.s and 12 350160. cows and hilftrs. J2 'W'u5 I" . n-rs. 1251i2sj, bulls 12:i4i'; Tex.i Indian steers, J3CciM3o, cows and In ' U SiKiS I'J Hons Rei lpt. 1 5on lv-1 I. market w. 5c lower, pigs nnd lights 31 ',5ii5o0; pa. '. (1 !ti5 10, butchers, H". H5.J.1 HHEEP AND LA.MI'-i-ltecr lpts. n market nominal, pr! -es nomine 1. muttons, 53 ;iii 4 ': laino- $4.2"5 1". , und bu ks. 12 5 14 i0. s(. 1 kers. 32 7l. ev I'ork l.lvo stool.-. NEW YORK, Oct. 13 REEVES Itt celpts, 15ft In ml. ca'v. s slow, lilpnn 1,' 711 eattl and 2.1m quarters of beef CALVES-Rei elpts, k? head, no trade Irrportatpe: feeling steady; city eals. S'i124e ptr lb hllEEP AND LAMIIS-Reeelpts. f ' head: sheep, steady to u shade high' 1 $3 "03 10; culls. 3:: lambs, 55. 00(46 1.,. adn lambs, J6.Mja 11. HOaS-RecelpU. 'i 272 head; dull; no s 1- Sl Joseph Live MOOL. SOirTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo, Oct. 13 - e clal.) The Journal uuoti - CATTLE-Hei elpts. p l ead; n ..'. 1 steady demand str u g IIOOS Ree.'lpts. 4 o litad M.u'i 1 mostiy 5c lower, ah grj,'. s, $.pf;--,,; bulk of sties. 15 lift SHEEP AND LAMi. 11 c.-jiis. 3fn I f market steady; lambs, Il "m o ' . sh' ep 1.10. Much In sinbl. Following am th" n "i,i.s nt tin tii tob. r : nrlnclDBl western markets fr C.itll HoifS :- South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis T'Ka's . 4:1 6 7.1 lfl.lHtl Mo 2,""" Son l.Mm 1.471 26.J.M Omaliii Loan & Trust Co. Stock For Sale. For sale, five hundred shares o' tho Omabn Loan & Trust Company stock Olds for all or any part of samo lnvr 1 by 111(11 till) s, UOUriiN. vltoriiei. First National Hank lliilMiug 'JAMES E- BOYD & CO., Telephone lUJ'J. Oinnl).t, Net COMMISSION, GRAIN, l'HOVlblt)N4 and b TOLK3 BOAllU OK lit A UK. Correspocdence. Join A Warren A Ce tnrtsot wuas to Chicaga and Nw Tart; HDDFNNFYft CO. SlTlT.KfsiiTNS BO0H4MYLirCBUl. BfWICH lOStrUit oruitA ni 'jnccLn htct 'P sr, sper llutr. fi -1- - f 1 1 1 1 v rid r , order' to a reliable house h:c 1 1. bt pl d In th'- 1. pi n i,srAt We u make for ou In o-.r rnor. h rn&re lt,irit , on your s,("ie- tlur: isnk will piiy , In a year. er 1 for ,, ,r t, 1 in i-pcc iU ' 1 I It U fre. J. K. Comstock & Go- I j Room '-';! I riiilrrs' IIIUk.. IIiIcbko,