TUJ-: Q1MAHA DAILY KEK: SATPHDAV, OCTOl-sKR I J), 1000. SPECIAL NOTICES Ail vertlnrrnriils for these columns Trill lie InUeu until 1- m. fur llio etcliluc edition mill until h itO i. m. fur tuwriiluK nnd Sunday cillllon. Itnte. 1 J-e a Miiril Qrt Insertion. U' a nord thereafter. Xotlilnn tnUeii for less (liuu r.o fur the lltil Inser tion. These Mil vcrlltc lueiits must ho rim onnsri'ti 1 1 el 7. Advertisers, by rriintntlnir i nnm tiered check, cnn hrnc nnrurri mi dressed to n numbered letter In cure f The Hep. tnnirra set u.tdrcrd Mill be delivered on yrearutatlun of the 'buck only. M l t ATIOSS U AVIUM. SlTIAI ION wanted by I rt -class" b" keeper and expert uccouiiiMiii , ninirMi man, ry best reference. Address I' U . "42 Smith 22.1 St A-M7S2-I.P WIDOW wishes situation us h u. keep -i Address Mls Lottie Lewis, Lincoln. N-". A .U".7 I- W A YI UD-MALE HELP. WANTED, flrst-elus sewing machine sales inn 11; good rHlur. Nib. ''.! ' '" lath and Huriipy. H -I9i 12 WANTED, wo hive steady work for ft few good hustlers of good habits und appear atice,. C. F. Adams Co, la Howard bt. II ilt BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short tlniu, i.atuio'cuu und p-ftlculais tr.. AduroHu Western Barers Piftltuiu. Otnaha, Neb. ' WANTHD, trams fot It. It. work In .Mis sissippi, tin: transportation for ututll.t. Wlcknitm. I'li'iUin Co.. W Scot, utii'it, .'outivll Hlnff In. It lEJ H'A.NTKI), a nrnt-t'urs nollcltor or runnor tor I'lothliiK Mtoro, kooiI iuy. Apply .it ! onco to 1'ioncer .' otlilnR t:o., 2S.U N St , Hontli Oinuha II-.M1K) KXI'IiltlMNKD "olio: tor. ittaUy .mploy tnont In rltj , refcrentes required. ,'til fr.'l lira HIiIk H-.Ml'i 17 WHITK im for HtrulKlu salaried Job. Trtumpli t'o., D.1II11.4, Te.. II Mil? Ji' WANTKD, oit oottt tuakiT .ind flic p.hi.hI und vt'Ri maker, nt oncp; gt oil w irf- 8 paid. II. K.infiobitum. West I'l.liit. N. b. U .MSI li WANTKD, t blight U y ubout IS M-nrs i!d to learn Jewelry buHlness. Apply to O.'-'. W. tiyiin .t fn , Vti Ho. lSlli rit. H-SU 12 M'ANTi:i). men In 'eiirn biir'oer trud. V tefirh the work In .xliurtesit time puSMlbl without limit tn term. kivIiik eonnuint pr.u'tfi'i! Dbtalned by tree ellnli-, i-x:"rt liiiilriirtlonn by Hklll'd wnritnien i.nd lee. lureH on Hltln dlneii(en by dintori; two yenr-i hived; we ftirttlah tree trntuprt,i tlon to out eollegf) 11I ('IiIiuk- HI. I.nuls or MlntieulMiIlK, a Hiiflk'lent priietleo eon not be hod here. We KUi'ranlfe employ ment In elty and country nh.ipn or truvei wllh our demonHirKti.ri. a inthnil of udvertlMnK Ihut offera KiadimteM Knod waneH, plennunt work ami valuable ex perienre; makrt apphi asiiiii at onee If J 011 want 0110 of the pnoltlr.ns when enm peteni; catiuoKUi- 11110 iiu -lu- ilarn mailnl free Moler Harder CuiteKc ltepreeniat. e. IK-II 1 nan) mi., Oni.iln. Neb. Caution: Our fin reKH haH i .iuied olhet'M lo adopt nur nam. Do not 1 otiT'iie the oriKlmti M.er HHtetu with rhiati Hhopi culling tlicm nelveH cnllPKe.i. 1! .M.'.'.'i KXl'I'ftllJNiMOD retail rrorkery Miilenniiin. Ad.lresM, with refeivnoos. V 13, Hep. H MISS II W.VNTHD. ablo men of kooiI ri-ptitatlon in enih comity to represent Int'Ke House, po Hltlon constant; nullify, ITS per month and all expenses; Htate 1 . 'terra. h and enu.o" .elf-rfddreMed Htjmped envelope. i'reKl deut, n;o C.tMoii llill'dlni;. I'hleiRO. H-MM" ll w.w u:n im:mai,i: iiiii.i. WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S.ti. :7 SO glrlr. lined. Canadian olllcc. Ii?: Do.igla ' C--fUS (JIHL for general liousework: must be g.o.l cook; wages l weeit tor cuuipelent ri. "all .it once 2i0) Em rm-t t. C .Mw?l WANTED, .in energetic, callable woman, -without family, desirous of making a hiiMncss of taking cbargo ot a boarding house, can Und mi excellent opening with u corporation. Address Y 23, Hoc. c is: n WANTED, good girl fur general house work; family of three; wages (; applv immediately. 2tiT2 Popplotou ae. f'-M2l3 'ANTED."B00d girl for general hou."! w jris. small fum.ly. good wages, steudv piwltlnn. 1X05 Ho. J2d St. C-217 13 WANTED, an experienced kitchen gnl. Call. 2225 Karnam at. C- M2.il WANTED, cook, best of wages. S2 uve. (Hi .So. C-2II FA-PEUIKNCED china and glass sales woman. Address, with references, X 41 Hep. C--M2e" II roil iu: i ikm m;s. IK you want your houses well rented phuc tlieni with licuawu & Co. D-tvJI CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Wkscleutia and laja carpets light. 71s S. 1. Tel. Co, D 151 02( ALWAYS moving 11. II. goods. Pianos. Otilce. lSllli Farr.aiu St. Tel. IK or 5ti2. D-ti.10 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho div Hreniuili-Loe t.'o , 320 So. 12th St. D-C31 HOUSES, stores. Hemls, I'axton block. D CJ3 - CUAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 12V3 Farnnm D-631 ''Oil RENT, houic i rooms, S. W'. Cor. Park avo. and Leavenworth. Modem ex cept turtiace. Key at cottage in rear. D-105 COAL, best cooking, Jl.20, dellered; noth ing better. Harmon JL. W'eeth Co. Ti;l ii. IV-357 Ol'j FOR RENT, October I, to small family, a desirable seven-room cottage. 22nd and California street; water In kitchen; $22 )'! month. Inqulro at 607 N. K'th street.' D-M293 si-uiTTenry u. i'ayne, ooi n. vriiFT:" D 6j5 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Weud, 1521 Dougl.i. D-C7 HOUSES and IlaUu Rlngwalt, Barker Bil; d-g:is HOUSES und flats. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D-Vil S217 CUMINO St.. S rooms; modern except furnace. In good condition, Jio.00. OMAHA LOAN THUS!' CO.. 16th vV: Douglas St. D-5N) l-HOO.M, modern, and barn, 24th and Hur ney; Cor. 20th and Hamilton, modern s room now house. F. D. Wead, 16th and Douglas. D-M.'io3 NICE 6-room modern cottage. 2410 Docatur 2 D-.S0O im N. mil, i rooms, bath. JIS.OO 10J Ohio, 9 roomi, bath. 2fi.W. UAUVIN BROS.. 16U FARNAM. D-M3W FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, barn, Jl,?0O 2403 N. 20th D-SM- l'OR RENT, flue 6-room modern cottaei In tho Stanford circle. 13th and Vinton streets; convenient to South Omaha and 13th street car lines; $20 per mouth. Tho Hyrou Hoed Co., 212 S. llth St. D--137 Fl'RNISIIED or unfurnished, my resi dence, 2117 Wirt street. J. J. Olbson, 5!6 First National bank. D-M171 IS FIVE-ROOM cottage. 1333 S. llth. 1-M 17 1.ANDON Court, 10 rooms, inodcTn. In line condition; rent 145.00. OMAHA LOAN A TRUST CO.. lblll Pouijlas Hts D-216 IN N KOl'NTZE Place. 9-r., modern, pavrd St . barn. Payne-Kno. Company. Flist floor. N. Y. Life Hldg. D-211 H 5 ROOM upstairs tlat for fill- water md gas in lioujc, 112 n month. Iunuii, 1M2 S. ICth St. IV-M1S3 13 FOR RENT, ll'-room modern lumso and barn, list and Davenport, 30. Modern 6-room furnished cottage, close 'Olis' w ROI1HINS, TAHNAM ST D .-S l oll HUNT HOI "EM. K''H i'i NT -ro 'ii ni'iilf-n r..us. . . ..rier 10". Mil Int'Mi )n4 lir'j Ml Vinljn D-MJ.2U" j I ot HUNT. T-rooin rolluK. 364 4 Haven I pur' Sf modern oxcopt furnace. J0. JOHN W. RoBHINS. ISO FAHNA.M ST. D-240 I'OII ltl!.VI-UI IIMMIISII IKIOM.i, THREE rooms, housekeeping; 1112 S. lttlt. 12-371 HorsEKEEPINO. plpasart warm ronm fur winter, ingle or unsulte. 816 N. loth st k wo r BEAUTIFUL moilrrn rooms, first lloor, lioiisekieplmr. U N. 13tlt. KM 1SI 11 STEAM heated rooms at The Th'irttonT H -215 I'oit ItKS'T, furnished front room In prl ntp family for gentleman on 2ith street, near t'ltriiam. Address V II, Heo. E-Slttl 1. I'I IIM.lli:i) ItOO.MS AM) IH1AHI). aLKNCAIHN,tratialohtg,Jt.25Juy. lyiftDotiK. t'-'Sid GOOD board, private fumlly. U3 Hi. 2S'h nvenuo. I' -MCSJ LTOHA. im Duvenpoit Sl7 K-jTl7" THK Merrlam, cood summer rcaot t. CStlt DoiIbo. I" &I1 ItOOM. furnished or unfurnlHhed, with bonr.. 720 N. J St. l-.M16ri 1& JlANDSn.MK rotitli room, aIo sltnfle room; atenm; board j refcrentji-H. iV2 N. ISth. l'-.M;")! H V tu;. r. 1 fiirn!fh'd, 2 unftimlur 1 roomi. with board, In private famllv; iulei r.ehb rhood. i.e ir lla'.fe.-.m ourU. Call im Woolworth live. K-MS-j" tin iti: i . iditi; and (htm i:-. Toll HKNT, toru l-i ;lr-i . Ij-.i luc.iiluii; lout reiiBotrjbU' Apply It. U. l'oters A: Co., sround floor, lira bid:. I "Ci Alill.NTS VA.TKII. iVANTIJD, accntM In ovciy tovn and community to b11 the "Hct ' Vupur UuboIIiio l..impa; most scientific l.anp made; two yenri on tlio marUet; ubic lutcly ctiaruntccid for ma yenr. Host In eatidupcem Ught Co.. SIS Ho. 13th at , Omaha, Neb. J .M132 0: 1 AdUNTS- Artlnl" of absolute necenity In ! everj building; no uompetlilou: bis ri"J llt.; pxcliiittve rlyhts; taliure linpo ftb Asei.cy Dept. 312, 2i William ft . N. Y. i J-M225 Nil 1 AtJKNTrf, streeiinen. son bookx, 41 per ! Hl; l-i tout hits; hot eel!er; d')-)!-lt "ii ! t . O. D. orders. Carter Hook Co . ."Ill 8. I Hroadway, St. l.otilf. J-.M30 Hi U'ANTi;D. agents. Ilayps' niPtalllr rubber tiles for rnrktibr clMlrs; npplled In a few minutes' lime, and no trouble, tilck hp' ler; kooiI proMts; prntetei imKeboaros and floors I nun seratrhes; makes rocker.-i nnlHoli'KH and eomfortable. ,1. C. Ilaes, 41S Kaat Locust St.. Ut-s Moines, Ja. J -M2f II' AfJKNTS on sulary or lommlsslon; the Kuatest iiRenis siller eer produced; ever' user ot pen and Ink buys It on right; 2'i to 5m i per cent protlt; one im.-nt r sales amounted to J420 In sK days; .mother $11 in two hours. Monroe Mfir. Co., X Hi. Ui Crosse. Wis. J M264 II AXTI11I T() HUNT. WANTED, t rent one unfurnished tooni. Address V IS. lie K-M21S1. VlOIl.Uil: PACIl'IC Storage and Warehouse Co., 312 311 Jones, general sloragu and forwarding. ai-' Uin. Van Sior. Co.. lillij li'afn. Tela. USP-'ii; --;t3 wa.ni iiii-i'o mi. ALL klndh uf household foods, hotels, etc., iu large uiid small quantities. Ciilcug i Furniture Co., lot;-10 Dodgo. Tel. 2)20. N 043 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Saving.) bank accounts. Ilrenuan l.ovu Co., 3t'J So. 13th. N-041 OLD stamp cullcctloiis bought. 216 N. Pith. N JW 019 WANTED to Hu. 1 or ."-room liouse airl lot. Call at once, room 4, Putteiton Hlk., 17th and Farnai. Sts. N 2II 11 A COMHINED burglar ami tlreproof time luin e.tie. suiting price, size, make and condition Airred ciirWttun, York. Ne bnisl'a. N M'.'IH II fok j i,i: iii)hm:, eiiii i,i:s. etc. NEW' nnd 2dII. vehicle at marked down prices. Hairy Fiost, 11th C Lea vein; orlii. P-0W FOH SALE, a horse and buggy cheap. In quire at 2102 CI. Mary's uve. P M735 I'uit s .i.i: Mi(.i:i.i,i;i)i . FINE Vose upright piano at gieut sacrltkc, party leaving city. Address Y 30, Uio oillee. g 19 N9 HARD and soft foundation piling; hog fences und cribbing. Wl Douglas. Q647 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc Counoil Drug Co., Cor. ICth and Dodge. Q til. 2D11AND safe cheap. Delight, 1116 Farnam. g 040 SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 So. 13! g-O50 2DIIAND wheels, to to J10; new wheels, J15. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th & Chicago Sts. 0.-60I FOR SALE, payable after received, three months' trial free; Jll.2. for a high grade. 5-drawer, drop head cabinet sewing ma chine; 111.'.'') tor a regjlaf IH.oo bicycle; J9S.60 for n Pi.00 piano; 123.73 for a J75.0J purlor organt; ila.uJ for a 5-pleco ovrr stilffed lo;ir $40 W parlor suite. All new high grade standard goods. For full par tlctiliis Ht.ite articles intcrenled III and wo will mall yoj a speclul catalogue. Scars, Roebuck & Co.. Chicago. if- jics on- SECOND-ll.:'D Callgraph mewl for sale. Call at oflico ilerl; district court. Q-0l FOR SALE. ihiMp, bllllaril lahle. balls and cuos; gooil lundltlon. Address 31S 8. 15th t. Q-M2I0 13 ELEGANT piano, $100. Addresa Y S. Ileo Q-.M2'j0 IV ONE of tho best World-Herald routes 'or h.i In or lease. A. B. Tyler, 307 S. 10 h Q-M2i 'I LATEST model Smith Premier typewriter . novel" boon unboxed. Address V 10, Bee. QUI 11 DON'T miss the opportunity to inspo 't our stock. Wo curry the largest and most complete lino of 2ndhand stoves In city; prices low. Don't forgot the plate. Enterpriso Furnlturo Co., 102-1 So. 14th. O-2!0Nir FOR SALE. 3-year-old milk cow. will bo fresh In January. Flank Fogarty, jrH Rlnney. t S1253 14 Mist i;i.i,a.m:oi s, NOTK'E, country dealers, I'dlnttid furniture md stoves nt lowest prices, carloud lots or Ibis. Chicago Furniture Co., lloO-lo Dodge. H- flvf CI.AIRVOY A.NT.-.. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, SI3 North 16th. 8-'y .WSlE.CYLSinit genuine palmist. 1S05 Dodge . S-.M721 EI.i:t '1'ltlC THEA'I'.-lll.N'l'. ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, sn'ond Hot. T-SSS-N-5 MME. ADA.MS, mugtutlo treatment, r.o7 So. 13lli room 2 T.M 120 13 S1ME. AMES, 1615 Howard, room 1. 2d floor; Slaa Kdgar assistant. T MS31 IS' pi:itso.Ai.-.. DR. ROY, ohliopodlst; corns nnd supti.lu mis lialr removed by electricity. it j Frenzer block. U 6t2 VIAVl, woman's way to health. 310 Heo bldg L'-CCa Tl'HKIBH bath, massage baths, electric baths, for ladies only; skilled women masaagr operators, tlrest eqalpped baths i the city Renstrom Bath Company, Hooms .16 to 220 Bc Hldg, I 'ul I'lJItJ-OAA I.. nL l'TI'IlU . -..rid. a. . knife, no i iin. n, d.iiiKtr. send lor urcnUra. !impl;o Tluu tur Cure, Kl N. Y. 1.1 fa bluj. Omaha. I'RI VATE hospltaTfor Tad "before Jk dur tng tonflneruFnt; btiblea adopted. 11U0 N. 17. Ll'.ATINO, buttons to order; plnklnjt while you wait. Omaha 1'le.UlnB Co., 1S2I DoiiKlttS. L'-f I'HIVATK home tK-for and durlhir conllne ntent; bablss adopted. Mrs. JJurKet, 2'JJO Hurdettu. U 009 YOfK OLD HK1UT Can bo altered to look new and aiyilmt by imlng one of our beautiful FHKNCH ACCOltDION J'LBATKD I'LOCNCfSs Any kind complete from $I.co Up. .L TKUATION I'ATTKHNS AND INSTUt 1 TIONS I'ltrJU. Areordloii anil side p eat ln by thp yard. Hend for elrtular. M. OOI.DMAN & CO. iM DouKlas Uk., lCth ond Dadso. 'J-151 I.ADIUd will receive flrft-clnss care before und durlnir coniliicinent j lady pin mlilan, S13 N. 28d St. L'-Ho UA' SHAMl'Oo, sj hnlrdresx, 25c; inanlonre. Wc; sonlp treatment. 20c; elcetrlc tnaf Paso or !calp treatment, 3$o. 1 M. Hchadell & Co., 1522 Dousla.i. U-M7 Q LAD1K3' Jacltct find tnllor made rultM al tared, cleaned, repaired. M. Fusel, 307 S. 1". L-S7S- SlCU'iNa In prlutc families, nn N. 4Jtli. U-241 Nil JltlAKV It) 1,1) VN-Iti: VI, IlVl'ATtl, LOANS on eastern Nebraska and wester i lowu farms at 0 mr cunt; borrowers cm pay J1V0 or any multiple; any lntere.it date; no delay. Hru nan-Love Cu., 3j So. 13th St.. Omabu, Neb. V 'j7v MON12Y to loan on Improved Omaha r-jal estate. Hru'iiiAti-l.uVo Co., &v Sit. Ul W .71 11 A) ami ujiwurd to loan on Improved .ly property and furms. W. I'nriiam Smith .c Co.. 1320 Kai num. V 87 WANTKD, city loam, bonds and warraf.U. Gvoryo i. Company, liJl i'urium St. v U.J MONKY In any amount at b. S',i, ii per cent. J. V. ItOllLINS ic Co., 15V2 KAltNAM ST. V-o7l MONKY to loan on farm and city prop.nty; lowest rates. O. K Davit Co., 1JXj l'nrnam. W-t-j MONE to loan at f and 5V4 per cent on Om.ihu proiiert)'. V. H. .Mclkle, i S. I'.tli W i78 1'HIVATE money, 5, f4, il per cent; no d lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 t'arnam. W-M7 WANTED, city nnd farm loans; also bonds and warrants. 11. C. Peters i Co., i702 Earnum St., Heo Did-. W-e7S PKIVATE money. 1'. D. Wcad, 1D2! 1 louglas. W-U73 FIVE per cent money. Uemls, Paston block. W-cso MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city inopori- or lor uuinung puipuses. i'a.ne Knox Co., New Ycrh Life. ' W-6l Put ATK money to loan. Mil N. V. Life. J. 11. Sherwood, W - 2tS MOM1Y TO 1,1) A. CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON furniture, planus, horsrs, cows, etc. You to keep thu property. SALARY LOANS I to people pertimnently employed on their own names, wunoui injoirer or mortgage. Wo loan from 110 up. Wc charge iio'.li Ing for mailing papers and we keep both tng out uf the amount you ask for. You may repay tho inoi.cy i:i one, month, or take 2, 3, 4, S, ti months or more In which to renay It. Our rates are as low .u the i lowest, our business is eonlldentlul and wo always try 10 piease. OMAHA .MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Establlshud 1632. 200 i. 10th S'. N-.M7J1 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALAP.IED FEOPLE. No endorser or mortpnge required. LOWEST HA'. ES, EASY PAYMENTS ami STl'.ICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CltEDIT CO., Hoom 620, fifth iloor, .New lork Llfo lillg, X0S2 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jeiv elry, horses, tows, etc. C. F. Iteed, 313 a 13. X-oi3 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. FOLLOW THE CHOWD. They come to us. If you can do belter elsewhere don't come hero (but you can't;. Come and let us provo to you that we give II EST TERMS In flic ilty und mute for your money than others DARE. No mortgage, no Indorser, no publicity; simply u contldentlul business C" RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303, llnrd Floor, Paxton Block. A X-OSir MONEY loaned on planoi, furniture, dla , inonda, watches, privately, llerger's La.m I Co.. 150! Farnam St . upslalrs. X 3D I MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, iiorjcs, cow a, Jewelry. Duif Green, H.k, Barker BU X '3 MONEY loaned salaried people holding pcr ' manent position with reapunslble concoru upon their own names without security; caby payments. Tohnan, 700 N, V. L. Bldz X 07 SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LoANs"J W. TAYLOE, 21i First Nat. Bank Hldg. X-i MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds, watches, payments confidential, Om.ina Chattle Loan Bank, 2J) S. loth, upstairs. X tH3 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On their plain nolo without security. No charges toi papers. Lowir rates. Easier payments. Conlldentlal treatment us sured. Wo want your trade. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room COl Bee Bids. X -742 III SI.M'lhK CIIAM'ns. SI EAT markei. Including Iebox, tools, etc , for .vile or rent cheap, first-class locution. 26 N 26th St. Y 192 14 $150 CASH or easy payments ouys 23 strictly lawful Milckol) slot machines for drinks, cigars or oath; will earn $2 and upwind weekly each. Earl, Clark it Co., Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, 111 Y-SI7S4 FOR SALE or rent, .Midler's Bakery and Confectionery, 28th and Leavenworth. A bargain. Y-5S7 12 FOR RENT, best business corner In Logan. In.; two rooms suitable for dry goods ami restaurant; cheap rtnt. Address Van Scoy Bros., Ltnfun. la. Y SI203 17 ONE of the best testaurants in the statu of Nebraska. In n town of over low; strictly itrst-olass trude; will -ell at u bargain. Address branch office Omaha Heo. Fremont. Neb. Y MSOo 16 1'Olt ILM IIAMSE. FOR EXCHANGE, residence, nice h ci tlon, large lot, tlnn shado trees und lawu, closo to buMWiss, f l';i nic house, eight rooms and hall, bath, lellar. etc, also barn and coal sheds; splendid rental or nlco home; value $i.i), encumbered $.'" will trade iqulty for laim or acroigo property or good clear lots. Address Y :i4. Dec. .-M.2i 1! FOR E.N'i'HANCiE. hiWlng machine or blijole for carpenter worn. Nob. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. iC-213 14 TO EXCHANOE. a thoroughly modern T room house In best residence portion of Kansas City, Sin., for well located modern house in omaha; this property will mm for $35 to $10 per month. Address Ex change. Y 'A Omaha Bee, Si sac 14 I'Olt S Vl.E llEAI, CSTATE. Treat haroain, fun loToir cuIninB Ftreet, 66x132 teet, between 17th and 1Mb streets; paving taxes and ponninent side walk all p.ld lor, price, $3,,co.ix. The Byron Retd Compar.j, 212 Ho. llth St. RE-S1335 11 FOR SALE cheap, large lot and three" cottages. J. A. Lovegran, Hh floor Pax ton block. RK-M316 "nANCH AND FA RSI lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company, il. a. MeAllaster. land oommlesioner, Union Pacific Headquarters, omuha, Neb. tE-637 HOUSES, lots, farms, landstoans; aUo flro Insurunce. Bemls, Paxtoji blk. RE 634 PAYNE XNOX CO . HEADGUART EltR for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS, LOW. EfiT RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE, HOUSES, FLATS, HTOREO, for RENT. First Itjor, N Y Life Bldg RE W ri)lt SAI.K-I1KM, USTITII. SEE HENltY 11 I'AYNE, 01 N. Y Llt'K UK- a CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON, If Farnam St. l(K-j UELHJHTFfL home In Uanscom I'l.ice for sale at a liberal discount. M. J Kennard Sun, suite 31tKIU llrown lllK. HK-1S0 LANDS. C. B. Durrows, Norfolk, Nebraska KE 100 Dec. m 1,1 ACHES of pood farm or grazing laud In central Nebraska for nle eheap. l'et terson, 022 N. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. HE-M3W 023' aLAHOE 7-rooni, 3-atory house, good barn, 3 larsa lots, near pnved street, school, etc., ,M0. C. 1. Harrison, 913 N. Y. Life. m:-mw w TINE oast front 'ot, tlirre blocks soUt't UeiHJts, loth st. Inquire Hll Vinton. UB-M.'J 1 l-'OU SALE, S-roo'n modern houap, electric llgbts. cast and Muth fpn.t, lot 7'st:'.l. tlnn shade, lar?a barn, lermanent w t k and pavement, northwest corner 31th und Martha. Just the place for South Om.ih.t man. I'rlro, J3,0"u, part cash; balance U iiir time. J. II. Sherwood, W N. Y Ltf.;. , HE-M221 13 A QUE AT IIAHUAIN IN HfSlNESS l'HOI'EHTY. Lot . block 2, Kountze & Uuth's n ldltton, house number 1712V4 Jackson; this prop erty cost Jj.qoo by foreclosure nnd must be sold nt once; we are Instructed to take M.OOdaud let it go. WHO WILL HK THE I.fCKY MAN? PAYNE-KNOX Co. Main Floor New York Life llldr HK-MioJ IS A NICE bultdlnc corner, lots 2h nnd 20. I'alrmouut Place, on ease terms. Write to V. II. Kappen, Mllwatikce, Wis. HE MEDICAL. LADIES out of health tllul prompt relief. liox 222, Omuha, Neb. Confidential. -701 LADIES troubled with ItreKUlarltles. whites, sterility, painful or suppressed monelnuitlutiK llnd prompt relief und cure; quiet Lome before und durliiR coi'Hue. mont. Call or wrlto with stumps to Dr. I'rles, 1S13 Dodgo St., Omahu. Neb U-M..63 OI.I LADIES, Golden Seal la a never fixllliitf regulator; removes Irregularities from a:iy lause In live hours; sent securo from ol'wratl,in, Jl. Cutlol'i Medicine Co.. St. LuiU, .Mo. M-M3 02U LADIKH, Cure or Leucorrhoea, etc.; perfect regulator; send liox 2P6 Omuha, Neb. "SI NO' LADIES, $1,000 for n ca.e old Dr. Jackson's monthly regulator falls to relievo In 24 hours, or money refunded; no ergot or tansy pills; many saed from suicide. Hy mall Ww. Dr. Jackso'i ltemody Co., Dopt. ti 2, 182 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. MO Nii VIRTL'AMA cures nnpoteiu.v vcsultlng from indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitious, aspirations of youth, health, fitting for success, happiness In business; profos tlunal, social, married life; or 3 for 13. Sent anywhere prepaid 011 receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug Co . Elgin, 111. American Oflico. retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line rubber goods. OSTEUPATIIl. JOHNSON Institute, E15 N. Y. L. Hldg ; Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladies' dept.; Uld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 7'JJ M. E. DONOMUE, D. O., of Htlll school Kirksvllle, Mo. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1S67. -701 FAYETTE COLE, D. O., room 413 Bee hid?. 074 NO" N. M. McMURRAY, D. O.; Mrs. J. R. Mu stek, D. V., sulto Ki'i-Kj Bee bldg. -1511 N7 LOST. LOST, Elk's pin, B. P. O. No. 23. Reward for return to V. J. Shrader. Lost 377 LOST, black shawl, between Capitol avo and Dodge, on loth., return to MB Dodge and receive reward Lost M211 12 LOST, large liver and white pointer do1;; has an open sore on right rump bo.ie, tag No. 463, reward if leturned to tins llclnriclis, 631 Bioudwa, Council Hlvifts. Lost SI 259 11 iia.mi.m;, NEW classes now forming at Morand's this week, Tuesday and 1-rlday, a p. m.; 12 lessons, ladies 6, gentlemen IS; special prices to Muds; usbcinbllc W ednesduy. 455 O.J isllOIlTHA.M) AM) T l'l:WlllTin(S. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Lite. 105 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. -'i06 NEBRASKA Business und Shorthand Col. lege. Boyd's Theater. 707 GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commercial College, 16th and Douglas St.s. -V0i , Lessons In bookkecprTig. penmanship, arith metic; duy & cv'g. Rath'iuii, 523 Bee Bldg. iioR.sijs wiNtinti:i). HORSES wintered ut Omaha Driving park. 163 N7 WANTED, hotses to winter; ca-i take t liead; all box stalls; tw-i artesian welL; price, troin M to ti r month; will call for them nnd d.'llvir In the spring. Ad dress 11. & B. Stock F.nm, C. C. Cole manager, Springfield. Neb. S1230 pt ca w.mihoki;h. EAOLE Loan Otilce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business conlldentlal. 13j1 Dougl is -70J LOANS, II. Siarowltz; low tntes. 41S N. 16. -701 'l IIMTCUE HEI'AIIHMi. TEL. 1331. Si. S. Wulklin, 2111 Cuming St. -713 ACCOl TA.NT. CHARLES E. WALTERS. 326 Bee bldg. --S17G0 nov 1 JllllltOll l'MrTOH. Damaged looking glasses rcllvered. 70S N W 711 STOVE lllil'AIIUMS. STOVE, furnace, range repairs, water con nections. Om. Stove Rep. W'kv, 1207 Drug. Tel. 900 -714 WATi:n-noiisi:s to hhkak. WANTED, horses to break and train; will take this work at reasonable rates; havv good winter quarters. Addre-s George Davis, 226 Leo Bldg., Omuha, Neb. 55 SI MCKEL Pl.ATI.Mi. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers repl.ucl. out. Plating Co., Heo Bldg. Tel. 22.'. MCSICAI.. INSTRUCTION in ptuho or organ free to a limited numoer ot siuuenis; new plan, seu nm. Prof. Bruuu, I'jt Ramgi Hliv vio-oi:.- 1 AH.OHI.Mi. HIGH class tailoring, n.oiierata prices, latest designs S J. Brodcrkk, 161 Farnam 016 CAUPIVNTEIIS AM) JOIIHCHS. ALL klndr of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, .nth und Laku Sts, .-370 acetylem: MONARCH Generators ore beat. Carblds 14. V) per 100 lbs, Agent wanted, M A O. Co., 1022 Douglas St. -6,7 013 IIIHD.s AM) T IMDI'.lt.M . STOCKS Bird Store 190J Lea. "iiw rth -717 DHOSMAKIMI. E. G. McDoNALP, 1612 Capitol aenuc. M (W7 or IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy.313 So. "Ki St. M) Nl pi AM) n mm;. WE tune our plann for f 1.50 Rose's Art Store, rn'l Dooge. Tel 115. 9:.!- i:;im:s, iioii,i:iti, lyre, L. C Sharp .M.uh. Wks. ; motors, d . unmos -71'. LA I Milt V, t-'MAH A Steam Laundry: shirts, 7c; roil.it-. 2c; cuffs, 4c. 17.i') Leavenworth. Tel. ..tr 71.' I'AM-IEHIM! AM) Vl'LTTHIU MS CL'HLD. Jillu Vauglmn. 42) Rnmee Hldg. -71" TICKET HltOKKII. Ct'T rate tickets everywhere. P. H. l'lill- 0111, 1 y.'o l' ariiaiii. Telephone Tit. c l'.I.IICLTION AM) OlltKIIU. ELLA DAY. 204 Rainge b'dg. ; reading, elo cution, oratory; Thursday nigh, sthom. - .M7VS ol. From Our Wlnerv to CoiiMinicrs IJircct. W, w , nd our case containing i; bot tles assorted with excellent Cal'forn.t Wines ... I Brandies. Including 1 bottle '"uckeiilielhi' r lo-jeo.r-nld Rje, onlv $3.."u, iNprcss h.i rf.es piepaid. Buy from ilrst hands, especially when buying ti" essltles of life, whore ptirltv Is essential for our health. SA. .I05.E WIMCllY A IMVI'1 1.1,1 MS CO. Ciutral olllces, 121 W". tith St, Kansas City, Mo. Ref.: Nation il Hank of Commerce ond all express companies. I'osToi'Fici: Mtrit'i. tShould be icad DAILY by till Interest..!, us ihuliKO" may occur st unv tlni" i Foreign innlls lor the week tinting n.-tolxr 13. IS.", will close (I'HoMPll.V In nil cai.eF) at tile Oeueial Post oillee an fn. lows: PARCELS POST SI A 1 1 S . lose one hour eat Her than closiim time shown he low. Parcels post SIulls for ilerm.inv . V.i . ut 5 p. in. Slondav, Wedliesdn j nnd Til da . 'I'm ii s n 1 1 1 n I In VlnlN. SATURDAY At 1:30 a. in. for HI ROPE, per s. s. Etrurla. via gueenrtonu inuul for Gormutiy, Denmark. Sweden. Norwuv ('hrtstianlaj and Rusatu must be directed "per s. p. Etrurla"i; at ii:j a. m. for GER.MANY, DENMARK. SWEDEN. .NORWAY fCIIRLSTlANlAi anil RUSSIA, per s. s. Trave, via Southatnitoii and Hie men (mall lor other parts of Europe must be directed 'per s s. Trup"i; at a a. m. lor NETHERLANDS direct, per s. -Slaasdam imuil must be directed "per s s. Slaasdam' , al pi a. m. for SCOT LAND, per s. s. City of Rome (.mall m ist bo directed "per s. s. City of Rome ; PRINTED SIATTER. ETC.-Thls steam, r takes Printed .Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for (iermany only. 'l he same vlasa of mull matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent bv this ship unless specially directed bv lief. After the closing of ihe Supplementary I rans-Atlaiitlc .Mails named above nihil tlonal supplementary mulls ure opened on tho piers of the American, English Trench and German steamers and remain open until within Ten .Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mull fur South nnd Coutrnl America, M'est Indies, l'te, SATURDAY-At s a. m. for BER.MUDA. per s. s. Pretoria; at in a m. isupple mentarv pi:3o a. m.i for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILI.A CAHTHAfiENA and OREYTOW N, per s s. Aleii" (tnall for Costa Rita must be dltocted "per s. s. Aleno"i; at in a. ni. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. San Juan. . la San Juun; at in a, m. (supplementary pi ,n a. m. for CURACAO and VENEZUELA per s. s Hlldur (mail for Savaiillla nnd CarthagertH must be directed "per s Hlldur"); at 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s llitvuna, via Havana. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail t.. North Sidney, and thenco by steamer, dose nt this oflico dally at s;3u p. m. (connecting close hero every .Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). .Mulls for Sllqueioii, bv rail t.. Boston, and thence by steamer, close at tills otilce dally at a:30 p. in. .Mails for l.ubu, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., and thenco by steamer, clotsi at this olllr-f dally at n. in. (Hie connect lug cloi.es ara on Sunday. Wednesday and Frldav i. dalls for .Mexico City, overland, unless specially addtessed for dispatch by stcumer. dose at this oflbe dally nt 2-:i a. in. and 2:30 p. in. Slalls lor Bellrc. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence bv steamer ilouo nt tills ollico daily at "3 p. m. (con IKcting closes heie .Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala). Mails for Costa Rica, by tall to Mobile, Ala., and thenco ny steamer, dose at this office dally nt 3 lfc m, (connecting closes here pynry luesday) "Hi glsttred mall closes at 6 p. in. previous day. Trimspiiellli' .Mulls, Malls for Chlnu. Japan and Philippine Islands, via Tacoma. close here daily at o:3'J p. in. ny lo Ottober "10. for dispatch per s. s. olympla. Slalls for Ilnwall, China. Japan and Philippine Islands, via ban I ranclseo. close here daih at 6:;io o III. up to October "12, Incite lvc. for dis patch pvr s. s. America Slant. .Mails for Hawaii, via San Fruni-lsio, close hero dally at 0.30 p. m. up to October MS in x !n V f,"'''sl':1l,i'li Per m. Australia. Mai s for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which uoeii via Europe, and Now Zealand, vvh ch goes via San Franclscoi. and I' 111 Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 6:20 p. m. p,i to October "It inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Slloiyer; (supplementary malls, via Sf utile, olotu nt fl:-0 p. m. October 14). Slalls for Hawaii Japan, l hlim and Philippine Islands, via San iTiinclsco, closo hero dallv at 6:3m n m. October "21. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. 8. City of Pekln. Stalls for Aus tralia (except West Australia i, New Zea land, Haw nil. FIJI nnd Samo..n IsMtids via San Franilrco, close heie dallv at fiin n ".'.',. "'"r octobor "II and up to October - Incluslvp, or on duy of ai rival of s s. atnpanla, duo at New York October "27 for dispatch per r. s. Alameda. m11,i f.n l Ulna nnd Japan, via Vancouver. toie hero dally at 0:30 n. m. uji to Octouer InclUKlve. for dispatch per s. s. Emprers of Ja nan i (registered mall must be directed via ancouver j. Trrn-HH.riflS "''" ?"I forwarded lo port at ealllng dally and tho sdiedule of clos iiig In arianged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit "Registered mall closes at 6 in prey I ous dn.v . ' " ' 1 CORNELIUS VAN COTT Pniton.ie.. Post Oflico. New YoV) .' 'y. "JV-lU. lit)Vi;ns.MF.ST .MMICK. "ntJl -,.'l';,-k I' . central time, Nov" ,u her a, ':r,o. for toiistriicilon of a vvnrd vv'i ,;,'hus;:,& heating, plumhlng and Ki plph.g Vtm '''V'.'ll 'V.ft".n.1ilJ.?n "'nilshed upu'n'ip-nlitVuin, ' WLZll, "rJi KieSter For? .nay i,o s,.; n .1 ' r't'rofk f BlA'.1.'"""' Hi.HPafkM 1 ..it t look. eb nnd addressed to tlcj i.h.!ir-'.:ii'.l. F. H HATIIVSVaY. C o M , o 10-11-12-13 N jj-ij It VII.W YTisnTT WILIS',. ".MAIIA it ST. LOUIS RAItf. i i n Omaha, Kansas city haatorn Rat road "Th0 liilney R )tite"Tickct of bio, Ulj Farnam Sf. Tele phono. 322. Dcpol, Tenth i.nd .Marc." Strots Te.- phone, 621'. Leave. Arrlvo. Si Louis Canuoii Ball ISxpress . ........ a 6:05 pm a S.20 nm Kan..s city und vjulncy ' u Dully. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of llce, 1402 Fanuiin Street. Telephone, 215. Dapot,. Tenth ami Slarcy Hlreetu. Leave. Arrive. all:10 am a 1.0.'. nm I I I t l i I I I I At. (lllcago Exprii . C'ltcag.) Limited SB tieapolls und Paul Lxpress Sllnnepolls ami Paul I Imlted Fcrt I laden local CourMl Bluffs a Dili b I Hilly ti 7:15 pm a s:15 am St. , . b 7.00 am b S:!! .pm St . ..a 7.45 pm a S 13 am from . b 4 ?A pm blf 16 m c. ep f"i,d i It VII, WW IIME I MILLS, HLMoS 1 . I'.i.hHoIlN , MW. ull V.iui v Hullro id ' The Northwestern ' tne ' (leneral olllces. 1 mud Mates National 1 nk Hldg . S. W Co.- rweirto nnd F.imam s;s. I'm nam St. I'eleulio'o . I TlekMi 1 oil. .401 I 561. 1 ep.it, Phone. 1 1 n ill .iiiU W.-lMtcr ?ts. Tele 1 ..... . Aril i Black III.) De.idwootl, Dot Sttln 11 ."IRl tiro A 5;Oo inn vv vomiiig, Caspar ami Douglas r-r ibo:0 pin f 5:M Pin Hastings, Y01K, David City. Superior. Oencva, Exeter and Seward.... b 3;W put o Si(0 ant Norfolk. Vcrdtgrc and Fremont b 7:90 am blf:I5 .1111 Lincoln, Sahoo a..d Fremont l7:S0am bl0.2i a in Fretnont Lui .U ... . u 7.3' tint a D.ill; b Dull exetpt .Slltlilay. P Sun d.i.v oni: .1 Dallv ixcepi Saturday, e !' 1 1 t ' f .( Mo.id.o. MMfX i ;TY PACIFIC Hal ro.id The: North western Line" ucner.il otlbes. United States A.ut mul Hack llitlldlbil. S W. Corner Twelfth and 1'iiriuim SK Ticket 'nil St TaIi oil.,,.. HAI '. in. .md Miuui; Sts Telephone. fi.V Leave. Arriv .-. Expiess ...a 0 55 am nl",25 pm Limited ... .n .'..is pm n s h ant L cal a S:W um il 4:20 pm CIIICA'IO & NORTI1-W'e-ter i llsllw.n 'T m N.irt hu iistrn IJtii ' lliy UcKot Otilce. IM l'.jr.i.itu t. .V.l. Depot. Al:i!i' i Sl. 'IV.eob.oiD Tenth ami 1 ol plinne, Atriv '. 1 O I 1 1.' ; iigh . i in i Chii-ngu 1 Eastirii I.ee. ".c mo Spe- ...,a 7:t) am '.i-'. gei . . .a 4:15 im nil :3 pm a :l" am iwprcss, lies Sloir.i - M .ishalltovv n. Cedar It udds and 1 1 - ..'ago dlSl'S Ml B 1.06 pill Lastern Limited, Chi cago and East a ;5fi pm A L'5 pin I nst .Mull, Chlcaijo to "malia a 2;W pm Omahu-Clili' in Siii clul a 7: IS pm n moj p.n I ast .Mall u 5:0 nhl a I'alh. ?n;3Jiv----Sj '"HICAGO. ST. PA UK SrJt'JgvjWI Sllnneupolls .t oma.ia JtlWbu Hallway -"The North rrfffifllilirJ' western Line "-Hener U I Illi-TrT' "m "H Xibraska Divl. VizWtfp' -Ion. I..th and Wobsur 7T77 y1 St". City Ticket Oillee. IM1 !i ,'i, TiUplijiie. od !, pot, ' . ... Lea vp, ArilM'. I win it. I i mjer . a j:k) am a 9:1' I'm omul.. Paaser gel alLII.iMI ! SI . . i j ,v ,n. east NebmsKit .; 13 pm a liai v b Iniilj ex. opt Sunday I I'RLIN'ITON & .Mis souri River Railroad ' The Burlington Route Oeneral otlicos, N W. Comer Tenth nnd F.iru itn Sts Ticket Otilce. l.-.i.' l''nrnnni rtt 'Ctlnohnn.. 2.VI Sts Hurllug-.on station, Tenth and Staso.i letepnone, i2b. Lcnve. Arrive. in. Hastings and Lin SLCook a .smo am a .:ro pm Lincoln. Denver. I.OIO rudo I tali. Ciiilfornla u 4:25 pm a 3:( pm I .im ..In Black Hilts.. a 9. .i) pm a ft:no 1 ni Moutaii .. Puget Sound a ti:3o pm a i:43 am l.iu.'oln Fast Mall . . u f.Di pm al0:3i um Denver Colorad. ., 1 tall and Calif.. r-iij a 6:43 um a Dallv KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council Bluffs I!oil!Ond"The Hur'Iin oi Route" Ticket Oflico, 13. Farnam St. Tele phono, 2T.0. Depot, Tin:h i. nd Slason Sts. Tele linn". 12i. i.cavc. Arrive. Kansas d'y Day Ex . a s:M nm a 0:10 ptn Kansas (ii. Night Ex alO.15 pm a 6:15 um St Lulds FUtr for Si. .losepli and St Louis, a 4:55 pm nll:ir, am CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & quint'' Railroad "Tno Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllec, 1502 Farnam SI. 'I elephotio. l'B, Depot Tenth and .Mason Sts Telephone, 12. Leave. Arrive. 'S SP'' . lhiyligbt clal Cb. ... a civ am Pp-r.n Express .. a 9.25 rm ('ill' ago Nest'holed Fx a 4:0) pm a 7:15 am Chicago Local Express. a s:50 am a l-a'. pm Chicago I.lnutel ...a 7:45 pin a 7:15 am Pacific Junction Local .al":l5 am Padtlc Junction Extra . a 7:f0 pm Fast Stall a 2:15 pm a Dally. I NIO.N PACIFIC- Till: OVER, land Route" General Ofllces N E. Cor. NMith and Farnam Stteets. t'lty Ticket Oflico, 1321 I'.irnain Street. Telephone, 310 Depot, Tenth nnd Slasou His. . Kphoue, U'.l). Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited, a a.2u am a 7:35 pm Tho chic.igo-portlniul Spec'al . a S:20 nm a 7:33 pm The Fast Mall a a:50 nm u 3.25 pm Tim Colorado Special. . .all :33 pm a i7:50 am Tho Fast Mail a l;33 pm l.lhco'n. Beatrice und Str.iinsburg Uxoii-s, .b 4.10 pm bl2:23 tun I The Piiollit' Kxurcss ...a 1:25 nm I The Vtlaiitlc Express .. Ilr:.n.l IhId.I l .tenl .1. ?.:?A ton a 0:50 nm b 0:30 am u Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ROCK isl and A Puelilo Railroad -"The Gleat Rook Isl and Route"-City Tick et Otilce. 132-1 Farnam Street. Tilephone, O. Depot Tenth tc Slap y .Tin. i t'lt'j.iioue, L.jtve. Arrive. Dos Moines and Da veil. port l.h ni n 7:23 am I'hleago Express bll'.lS am ci.lcugo Fast Express, .n 5:tW pin Lincoln and Fnirbury...a 8:30 am Lincoln, Colorado Spks.. bil:3i am a 8:10 utn a 1:23 pm a 7:') pm Denver, Pueblo und , West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Do. .Moines. Rock 1st- : and and Chicago a 7:13 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5:53 nm a r.:50 pm a 3:lG am a Daily b Dally except Sunday -t, ,IISSO,'ra I-AUIFIC RAIL- .-.,.'1 ..imini unices nun 'rleket Offices Southeast 'orner lltli nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone, lot. Depot, Union Station. Leave. Arrive. ! Sf Louis A- Kansas ' ( 'IU Express al0:00 am a 6:30 pm K i , it i, i.xprcfs...upi:in pm a 6:13 am Leave fioni 13th WVbst-.r Streets: Nebraska Local, Weeping Wuter.. a Daily 1. Dally a nd Via Ii 4:13 pm al0:l"i am except .Sunday. CHICAGO, SIILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rallwnv-Cltv Ticket Ofllce, 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone 24. D -pot, Tenth and Stnson Strectn. Tclepliune. 6;'fl Leave Arrive Milwaukee, Chicago Limited Ex.... a G;00 pm a h if. am I, L ,..,.nl... Iv 1. ?'ir. ...r. 1. ":lil Ion a Dall.i. I. Dully except' Sunday. feXTM IT WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office, if., t Farnam Street. Telephone n9 i. De pot, 'Inth and Slarcy Streets Telcplione. C2!. i-avc. .rrive. Cuunon Ball" . i 0 1 pm a 8:20 am St l.o'lis Exj.ri-ss n I'.UI.. Y. M. C. A. HOLDS RECEPTION Officers mill Members (ile Enjoyable I'liiictlon im n Stiirlrr for (lie ear's Wurk. The Young Men'a Christian association opened Ita year's work last night with an enjoyable reception. Tho olllccrs mid members ot the association v. ore nmlMed in receiving by a number of young women, the bars having been thrown dotvn und a general Invitation extended to women. The largo parlors woro decorated with potted plants and cut (lower.: nd Potter's orches tra played throughout tho ovenlng. Early In tho evening t lie nssotlatlon quartet, i (imposed of F. L. Willis, W. J. Slovens, W. 0. Overton and W. Ernnst Johnson, sang m-vorul iielectlons. Tho courses ot study which lmvo been planued for tho year were brlelly outllnod by Dr W. O. Henry, J. M. (Jlllun. I. W. Carpenter. C E. SInrgan and Dr. E I". Worm,8Uy After tho rrrvlng of light re freahmentf. Hie guests worn escorted to the gymnasium, where an athletb, exhibition waa etyeo. ! PhJUP niiuv nil pot, "li nth Twin I i I 'I win i v I Sioux i Ut.v a imil' . a I'ary si I 0 MEET GREAT NORTHERN KATE Pa-seiiger Tariffs to Notthwost Points Mntcnally Retlured. (NO fURTHER SLASHING ANTICIPATED PresMiro Will lie IL'oiiKbt tin lle ciitcllrunt lloiiils In Force Them In Restore the lU'ttiilnr I'nrc. ltrfusal uu the part of the Great Nor h cm and tbc ChUago Great Wcstrru to re scind the low rates announced from cti iiigo, St. Paul and Missouri river polius to the northweet hits forced all other lines updating in that territory to make rcrrr spoiidlnK i eductions. A lurotltig vt tho executive olllcvra uf lints belonging to tlio Wietern Passenger msoclaticit was held u Chicago Thursday, with tho Intent of per suading the withdrawal of these rates, tut tho effort wkh unavailing nnd, as a rotise qutneo, the enure rate fabric tn tbc north west hut) been badly demoralized. There Is no likelihood, wtll lnformc I uesrugcr men nnort. ot a rate war being precipitated, Inasmuch as tho rates lmvo been torccd down to a point where any further reductions would be disastrous. Any changes that may bo made will, in all probability, bo tn flic nature of a re sumption of normal tariffs, us to this end every energy will bo dlroilcd by ofllctsls of Interested Unci", and tho pressure will bo brought to bear on I ho Great Northern, nnd Chicago Great Wostirn. These low rnf-s will lu operative on Tuesday of each wick, beginning October 16, (aud continu ing until November 27. Hu II rood Men Are lloiroscd. Tlio effect Will bo to concentrate all busi ness enrouto for the northwest ou tho days when the reduced tariffs will bo ef fective and between times there will b little travel to that territory. For this reason tho railroads that have been forced to reduco their tariffs for self-protection i are much depressed, but as long ns. th I condition exists tho traveler bound fop I tho northwest will bo nble to save a con , .,'derable amount In Ihe price of lilts ticket. Hath the Burlington nud the Union. Pa j I'lfle will be purtlculiuly affected by these. low rates. To .Montana common points tho ono wuy rate on each Tuesday will bo 23. and for tho round trip, $40; to Spokane and points west, including north Pacific i oast forrlloi' , Portland. Seattle, Vic toria and Intermediate points, the one way . rate will bo $28, and for tho round trip. $45. I Those rates npply entirely to second-class j business", there being no change In tho I Prat-class tariffs. The one-way tickets will bo limited to continuous pnssago nnd tho roum! trip tickets will have a limit ot thirty days. As an Indication of the re ductions made from tho regular tariffs tho rate to Spokane may be cited. Tho regu lar socond-Phiss rate from Omaha is $36 and tho round trip rate Is $70. To Pnri lund the ono way rate, normally, is $40 nnd for the round trip, $90. (Si'oi-ko Morion In I'roluof cd. 'ieorg6 Morton, son of Jnmes .Morton of this city, lias boon appointed assistant general frcjght agent of the "Q," with beadqiiartars In Chicago. Sir. Siorton is nn old-time Omaha boy and for many years was connected with tho general freight de partment of tho Burlington In this city. Ho has been In Chlrago for tho last olghf or ten yours and hln promotion comes at a reward for long and faithful service. Ono thing that Is particularly gratifying fo Mr. Morton's friends In this city is that his ad- ! vancement hns mme in splto of the fact 1 that ho Is comparatively a young man i nd It Is believed that upon assuming tho du ! lies of tho Important position for which hn j has botn selected ho will he ono of tho I youngest executive officers connected with I any of the general freight departments of ! tho larger railway systems. I Itocl. Island Completes Ui tension. ! The last, snlko In tho Rock Istnnd'A ex tension of 123 miles from Gowrro to Sib ley, la., has been driven and tho line In Ita entirety will bo In operation the first of next week. Since tho beginning of work on fills now lino and as fast ns portions of the extension wore completed regular trulns wero placed In operation as tho build ing was dono through n tlch nud populous) section of Iowa. Ono of tho towns through which tho now line runs is Pornhontas and until this extension was built Poia hotitas boro the distinction, if such It 'riiy bo called, of being the only county seat in Iowa without a railroad. The lengthening; out of schedules and running distances to conform with the entire completion of tho lino will bo accomplished without dldkoitt. IIlK Contract fur Steel Units. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 12. President Cassatt of the. Pennsylvania railroad today awarded contracts for U0.000 tons of steel rails for which tho company will pny $20 a, ton, or a total of $3,900,000 for tho cntlrn order. Tho contract, It Is understood, la divided among tho Federal. Carnegie, Cambria, Pennsylvania and National Stpl companies. Kpltvvny Mites mill I'ersonuls. E. H. Rowland, travellnp iiiksi nger i,g nt of the Grank Trunk, i in town front Chicago. C. II. Welier of Kiiioii" CM', lino' g passenger agent of ti:' Lehigh Vati - s in tho city. Georgo SI. Entrlkln and Charles F Rogers nre out in the siuie IroUIng ufter freight business for their lines. W. H. Wlsliart of Chicago, general im migration agent of the Rock Is'and, stopned In the cllv for a brief time wh'lo enroute west. Oenoriil Pussoiger Agent Francis Is tint author of a handsome little publication Just Issued by the Burlington pn-songrr department entitled "The Valley of tl.n Platte in Northwest Nebraska." It rlei.lH with the advantages of that parLciiar section of Nebraska for the rutt'o raiser and ngrlculiurt.it and will be wldelv . tr u liited In tho euHt, tho expectation l.rl.ir thit It will do m ull toward directing tno attention of prospective homi'seeker ' t western Nebraska. SHOP MAY HAVE TO REMAIN Iloniil of Cducnllou Hcfiiscd Penult In Move It Carpen ter Minp. The Hoard of Education 1. 1-. do Idrd to movo tho rarpeiitcr shop, whhh now stancl! at Nineteenth and California streets, lo Lakn Hclii.pl. Application was made for a permit to move tho building along Eighteenth street, but it was refused by tho city build ing Inspector, who declares that ho will not allow such a heavy building to bo moved over asphalt pavement. Nineteenth ttrceu In cored for by iho Hoard of Park Commission -ors nnd tho boatd doos not core to huvo buildings moved along the boulevard. Ail avall.-blc ntrrets have asphalt pavement along rami) soctlou Hint miibt bo crosecl m reselling tho Laim i.ctioot site. City Engineer llosovv liter Ik much opposed lo allowing heavy buildings to pass ovrr as phalt streets and contendH that many streets are ruined In this manner. Tho building Inspector has adopted tho uniform rulo that no moving permits will be f ranted unl"fs ho deaii-nntrfc the routp. Any route tm would approve must not Ineltido asphalt streots und would be so roundabout that it is doubtful whether the heavy iliup could ho moved over It- .VI II i l l n U'C Licenses, The following marriage licences h r.. , -o. Name and Address 1 ew J 1 lmcr New Yoil. Ltia H hols (" IcugA Siii.ta HenrpH'o, Omaha Slinnlv Cardartnnit Omuhu Age. 15